... I ...... � .. I' ... :,oj '" �. • 1'1) .... ; �....• 4!'• ,", .. '" , .. 0: :. ,",.,.' �.. �./.• ,I I'j" i., ":-:" .. 'I 1 �" VOL. XVI. No. 97 e \aroon,atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918 :" ,.' ', '. .» i � : ....... .'." .,\ ,.�� .... ,.�,:.'.:�;", PRICE FIVE CENTSThe "Ten .Minute" lectures are givenMr. Martinek was in Russia for to supplement the other war work ofmore' than six months, where he came the University. While they are in­into intimate relations with the lead- tended for all men, a special invitationeta of the BOlsheviki party His asso- is issued to medical, law and divinityciations with the revolutionists give students whose programs preventhim a peculiar qualification to discuss them from attending afternoon andthe aims and the desires of the Bol- evening lectures by the lecture com­sheviki, and the reasons why they mittee. The subjects of the talks arefailed to materialize. • specially planned by the Y.M.C.A. withthe idea of giving as near a completegrasp of current war problems as canbe given in the shoM time allotted tothem. The lectures hav.e been verypopular and well attended in the past.JOSEPH MARTINEK TOSPEAK TOMORROW ONRUSSIAN EXPERIENCESEditor of Bohemian Paper inCleveland, 0., Comes WithMessage to AmericansSIGNER OF PATRIOTIC PETITION--Mr. Joseph Martinek, editor of theDelniske Listy of Cleveland, Ohio,who has just returned from Russia,will lecture on "My ExperiencesAmong the Bolsheviki," tomorrow at4:35 in Harper assembly hall.Elemnts of Propaganda Here DEAN LINN TO TALK ATNEXT Y.M.C.A. MEETING"What Is Loyalty in Time of War?"Is Subject of Address-Meet at10:10 in Cobb 12A on Friday"What Is Loyalty in Time of War?"is the subject of the next of theY.M.C.A.'s "Ten Minute" war lecturesfor University men. Dean Linn, ofthe English department, will deliverthe talk which will be given in Cobb12A on Friday, March 8, at 10:10. TheY.M.C.A. plans to give these talksfrom now on every two weeks regu­larly till the end of the school year.While in Rusisa, he was in a posi­tion to see the mechanics of the Ger­man propagandists and the powerfulinfluence of the German-paid agita-tors, who finally caused the 'downfall Loyalty From. Students' Viewof the new republic. He' returns to "The subject selected for our nextthe United States with the warning 'Ten Minute' lecture," said Clarencethat elements of propaganda which F. G. Brown, secretary of the campuscaused the' undermining of Russia's Y.M.C.A., yesterday, "is specially per­unity, are to be found at work in tinent to an auddience of UniversityAmerica. me�. :rhere is comparatively IittleM M rt· k' f th 1 d social intercourse between membersr. a me IS one 0 e ea ers f th d·ff t bols I th U .of the Bohemian Socialist group in' o. e I er�n sc 0 s m e mver-A· d hi th fi t Slty, and consequently the men oftenmenca, an IS name was e rs.that was signed to the appeal of the (Contmu�. on page 3.)Bohemians to the American Socialistparty, to support the American gov-ernment in the war. MADRAS PLEDGES EQUALONE'HUNDREDAND SIXTY--FIVE DOLLARS TO DATEThe League will give another teatoday at 3 :45 in the League room forthe Madras campaign. All women'students have been'Invited, Mrs. Pun­WOMEN WILL SWIM IN MEET dita Davie, who is a practicing physi-cian in Chicago, �1l speak on the edu­Senior and Junior College Teams Con- cation of Hindu women with partieu-test '1;'uesday at 3:30 lar reference to the women of Madras.Mrs. Davie, who was born at CalcuttaThe teams have been announced. for and educated in northwestern India, isthe big swimming meet which is to an Indian princess and has devotedtake place next· Tuesday at 3 :30 in herself to work among the women ofthe Ida Noyes swimming pool. �e India. Miss Harriett Taylor will alsomeet is the first to be held this year speak:and will feature many new events .. A -Miss Anne Elizabeth Taylor, secre­special feature will be the contests tary of the League, said yesterday:in life saving, which are being trled "This will be one of the most import-ou't this quarter . f h N U . . WEA TBER FORECAST JUN! lOR COLLEGE QUINTET• ant meetmgs 0 t e year. 0 mver- _Th tea h· h h afte Colder today;' winds becoming DEFEATS SENIOR WOMENe ms w IC were e osen r sity women should miss the chance ofI d ' try ts .I 11 ws h Da • northerly. 18-1 � IN IDA NOYESsevera ays ou are as .LO 0 : earing· Mrs. VIe." ..Senior college-Mary Ingals, Ruth Pauline Louderbach, general chair-: Unsettled today; cloudyLippert, Margaret Long, Margaret man of the Madras campaign, has an- so.theast Winds.Wallerstein, Beatrice Wei! and Dor- nounced that the pledges on Mondayothy' . White. Junior coUege-Jan� amounted to one hundred and sixty-fiveDavenport, Esther Greenac:re, Franees dollars and that Katherine Blodgett'sRosenberg, Priscilla Sanbrin, Margery committee is a head, with Anna Bar­Winslow and :Margaret Yates. boura' Gray's second. Any women"We expect the meet to be very who have not been asked to pledgeclose," said Miss Ackerman. "As ·far and are interested in the campaignas I can see, the teams are very evenly may obtain blanks �t the League of­matched. As they have been "carefully fice.chosen, the. match should prove anexciting one. The life saving contestswill be instructive as ell as interest-Well Known in GermaniaHe is a friend of the celebratedProf. Massaryk of the University ofPrague, who was exiled by his govern­ment, through German influence, be­cause of his anti-German sentiments.He is also well known to the Socialistgroup in the Central Empires..'in g."DR. TOMKINS WILL ADDRESSEPISCOPALIANS TOMORROWDr. Floyd J. Tomkins, rector of HolyTrinity Church, Philadelphia, will ad­dress the Episcopal club tomorrow at4:16 in the League room of Ida Noyeshall. When interviewed Miss Olson,president of the club, said: "The op­portunity to hear Dr. T0t:nkins, whois one of the speakers at the Lentenservices at the Majestic Theater, isone which no church-woman should al­loy to pass by." All women interestedhave been invited. Katherine Blodgett's cOmmittee TIII'ILfiin Largest Sum-Anna Gray's·Team Is Second�IISS TAYLOR TO SPEAK ATINTERCOLLEGIATE DINNERThe Intercollegiate committee ofthe League will give a dinner tonightfor all women who have entered theUniversity from other colleges. MissHarriet Taylor, of the National Boardof the Y.W.C.A., is to talk on the Mad­ras campaign which is now being con­ducted by the League. The guests ofhonor are Mrs. George S. Goodspeed,Mrs. R. A. Millikan and Dean Flint.All those who wish to come have beenurged to purchase their tickets beforenoon today of a member of the Inter­collegiate committee. The dinner willbegin promptly at 6 in the sun par­lors of Ida Noyes hall. N orthwestem's schedule will beshortened by two games as a result,and if W!sconsin is defeated, and thePurple wins its remaining games thelatter will probably claim the title.and colder; There will be little chance of theHelen Sulzberger Stars for Winners other leaders coneeding the champioD-in Rard Fought Basket- ship to Evanston, however, as theirTHE DAILY MAROON ball Game schedule has been too sbort for con-BULLETIN . sideration.Today The Junior college team defeatedChapel, . Senior colleg� men and the Seniors in a closely played matchwomen. 10:15, Mandel. yesterday at 4 in the gymnasium of ANNOUNCE NEW APPOINTMENTSChapel, Divinity school, 10:15, Ras- Ida Noyes hall. The contest was con-kell. sidered by the large crowd as the most Four Instructorships Granted, OneMathematical club. .. :30. Ryerson exciting which has ever been played 'Promotion aDd ODe Addition37. in Ida Noyes hall. Both teams playedPhilosophy club. 7:45. Classics 21. well, some of the players outdoingPhilological society, �, at residence themselves and giving an exhibitionof Assistant Prof. Coleman. 5706 of some really excellent basketball.Blackstone avenue, In the first half the Junior teamTomorrow piled up the score and not until theChapel,' college of Commerce and second half did the Seniors creep up.Administration and college of Eduea- In the last quarter, however, the Sen­tiou, 10:15, Mandel. ior team almost tied the score. TheChapel, Divinity school. 10:15, Has: final score was decided in the last fewkelt I minutes of play and was 14 to 18. TheY.W.C.L. Chapel hour meeting, feature of the game was the good10:15. Cobb 12A. passing of both teams. Helen Sulz-Episcopal elub, 4:15, League room, berger starred for the Juniors, makingIda Noyes hall. \ many baskets by her long, daringUniversity War lecture, "My Ex- shots.perienees Among the 8oIsh�viki," Mr. The second game of the series wiJIJoseph Martinek, 4:35, Harper assem- take place March 13 at 4:15 and thebly. third March 15 at 4. The second gameDisciple's club, 8, at residence of will be the largest and a large au­Prof. Willet, 6119 Woodlawn avenue. dience is expected out.TO GRANT 209 DEGREES,TITLES AND CERTIFICATESHISTORICAL INTERESTMOTIVATES "FASHION,"BY ANNA C. MOWATT Set March'19 as Date of 106th Con­"ocation Exercises-Archbishop ofYork Will Be Orator for the Oc­casionPlay First ��Odueed' in 1845Being Revived By Dra­matic Club Two hundred and nine candidateswill receive degrees, titles and certifi­DRAMATIS PERSONAE.OF TYPES cates on March 19, at the one hundredand sixth convocation of the Univer-One of the-chief reasons for the pro- sity of Chicago, according to a state­duction of "Fashion," the play to be ment recently issued. -Of this num­presented this week by the Dramatic ber, sixty-nine will be given the titleclub of the University, is that of his- of Associate, and eight the certificatetorical interest. It is a perfect exam- of the college of Education.ple of the early art of the American In the colleg of Arts, Literaturetheater, and from it many conclusions and Science sixty-nine students willmay be drawn as to the. development receive the Bachelor's degree, two inof play-Writing in this country. the college of Commerce and Admin-Anna Cora Mowatt, the author, was istration, and twelve inthe college ofgreatly interested in the conventional Education, a total of' eighty-three intype characters of literature, and es- the colleges.pecially of the drama. In "Fashion" Grant Seven Law Degreesshe tried her skill at making novel In the Law school 'there will be foursituations as a background for· the candidates for the degree of Bachelortraditional types of people she por- of' Law. and three for the degree oftrayed. She took all the stock char- Doctor of Law (J.D.), a total of seven.acters which have since become per- in the Divinity school there will be sixmanent in American drama, and built candidates. for the degree of Master ofa play around them, motivating, with Arts, three for that of Bachelor of Di-great skill, the use of each character. vinity, and one for that of Doctor ofRole of Characters Varied . Philosophy, aJ . total of ten. In theThere is the foreign impositor, in liraduate schools of Arts, Literature,the person of Count Jolimaitre; the and Scienceseventeen candidates willoppressed heroine, who turns o�t to be receive the degree of Master of Arts,the daughter of ,a rich old man and two that of Master of Science, andan heiress; the French maid; the noble zhirteen that of Doctor of Philosophy,army officer who marries the heiress; a total of thirty-two in the Graduatethe unscrupulous clerk, an imitation schools.of Uriah Heep; the social climber, The whole number receiving degreesMrs. Tiffany; the prying old maid; is 132. Of this number, one js a Jap­the good old man from the countryanese, who will receive the degree ofwho brings happiness to everybody Bachelor of Divinity, and .one a Chi­concerned; the tired. business mannese, who will receive the degree ofwhose wife' is driving him to bank- Master of Arts. _.ruptcy; and the drawing room. poet.These typical stage personages arebrought together in one plot in an ex­tremely skillful' manner.The humor of "Fashion" is' variedand brilliant. It ranges froni thehorse play obtained from' a' drunkencharacter to the witty dialogues andburlesqued pronunciation of Mrs. Tif­fany. t The very contrasts betweenthe personages heighten the humorouseffects.Costumes of Pre-Bellum DaysThe production to be presented bythe Dramatic club Friday and Satur­day evenings will be elaborate,. Thecostuming will be that of pre-Civilwar 'times-hoop-skirts, gay colorsand large fans. The scenery is beingespecially painted for the dub by Eu­gene Cox, who was engaged to providethe settings used in Blackfriars lastSpring\ , . Nine Recipients in ServiceAmong the list of graduates will benine men who are in the service of thenation, or about to enter the service.The Convocation Orator will be theArchbishop of York, Most ReverendCosmo. Gordon Lang, D.D., D.C.L.,LL.D., Litt.D., Fellow of All Souls'College, Oxford. Archbishop Lang,who was educated at Glasgow Uni­versity and BalIiol College, Oxford,was for six years a student of the In­ner Temple, London, and Dean of Di­vinity at Magdalen College, Oxford.He became Vicar of St. Mary's, theUniversity church at Oxford, in 1894,Bishop of Stepney in 1901, Canon ofPaul's the same year, and was Hon.Chaplain to Queen VictQria. He hasbeen Archbisbop of York since 1908.The subject of his address will be an­nounced shortly.\ DRANGE AND BLUEMEET CHICAGO TODAYON CHAMPAIGN FLOORReturn Game With Downstatersto Be Clo.seiy Matehed andHard FoughtGOPHERS AND PURPLE QUARRELPat Page and bis mIl hopeful crewleave this morning for Urbana, wherethey will meet the slipping Illinoisfive. The Orange and Blue squad isout of the race, but is' still capable ofgiving the Maroons a real game. Avictory for the lOcal team tonigbt willkeep alive the fading championshipaspirations, and at least would insurea good place in the final standing.On paper the Maroons look to bethe best team. They beat Michiganlast week in an uphill fight, and unlessthat game dulled the teamwork of thesquad they should be in good form to­night. Illinois has been meeting withsome keen competition in the last few'weeks, and has been steadily droppingbehind.Home Games Favors miniThe fact t�t :the nlmi play on theirhome floor will be a big factor in theirfavor. On tbeir own floor Jones'squad is almost invincible in ordinarytimes, and although their record so faris nothing to boast of, .the Dlini havea good combination. The traditionalrivalry between the two schools andthe earlier defeat of Dlinois will bebehind the downstater's desire to win.Johnny Bryan 'is in shape to go afull game if need be, but Coach Pagemay not start him, as both Long andBlocki are going well. I A defense forTaylor, center on the Dlinois team,has :been provided ,nd the Maroonswill also be able to take care of An­derson, the 'troublesome forward.With these two taken care of and Hin­kle and Gorgas ringing the ball fromall 'angles a Chicago victory is likely.Purple Breaks With MinnesotaThe final conference results willprobably be more muddled than wasfirst thought, because of the breakyesterday between Minnesota andNorthwestern. These two had a pairof games scheduled, but the historicblizzard of two· months ago preventedMinnesota's playing the Purple. TheGophers asked that the Evanston teamplay the ,postpOned game off after thegame scheduled for Minneapolis wasplayed. Northwestern refused, andthe break resulted. ..Among the new appointments tothe faculties recently announced bythe Board of Trustees at the Univer­sity are. the following:To instructorships: Charles Drakeand Carlos Castillo, in the departmentof Romance Languages and Litera­tures; J .0. McKinsey, in the Schoolof Commerce and Administration; andR. C. Gunning, in the department ofPhysiology.Dr. Harvey B. Lemon, an instructorin the department of Physics, has beenpromoted to an assistant professor­ship; and Dr. A. L. Tatum, Professorof Pharmacology in the University ofSouth Dakota, has been made an As­sistant Professor in Pharmacologyand Physiology. .rf"'�\...... "; .I '-II. I,i1}$ ,..I'f,"� , It J�'�L'i.f,i .. t'.' •. � ;4THB DAILr MAROON, WBDNESDAY, MARCH" 1118 "", - '.._l " '.' ,.,.. :; .. �.� .. �;,(�� �',�; '���:�"",'�}"" 'UTAaLI.NED ••••Entered as second elau mail at the Cblc:aaoP06toffice. Chieago. Illinois. March 13. 1906.under the aet of March a. 1873.witt lai1y' _arnon regime of the women's clubs in a PROF. TARBBLL RBTIRBSdemocratic institution. There are ,AFTER Z5 YEARS' SERVICBmany more. There are'tens and twen­ties more. And they all belong to this Announeemnt, is just made thatProf. Frank Bigelow Tarbell, of thedepartment of the Hi8eory of Art, af­ter 'twenty-five years of service in theUniversity, has" at his own requestbeen retired, his retirement to takeeffect on April 1. Prof. Tarbell, whowas the annual director of the Ameri­can School of Classical Studies atAthens in 1888-89 and alter its secre­tary, became Associate Professor ofGreek at the University of Chicagoin 1892, and Professor of ClassicalArchaeology in 1894. He was fortwelve years one of the board of edi­tors of Studies in Classical Philology,and has been an editor of ClassicalPhilology for the same length of time.Among his publications have been AHistory of Greek Art and a Catalogueof Bronzes, etc., in the F'ield Museumof Natural History.TIM St.Hat Newapaper of Tbe UDlyen1t7of Chlcapsecond type of tradition, the traditionPubUabed morniDD. exeept S0Dda7 and MoD- that had its birth in a passing fashiond�. duriDc the Autumn. WiDter aDd Sprlqquarters by tbe Daily MarooD companJ'. now obsolete.Since what gave rise to these vari­Arthur Bur -- .. - .. ------- Pr.identcus traditions was a fashion or super­('barl_ Greene .________ Secretar7Wade Bender -.----r-- Traaurer ficial something now obsolete, the tra¥ditions themselves should be recog-EDITORIAL DEP ARTIIENTnized as obsolete, and placed without•regret in the archives of the past.They no longer reflect University life;because they do not, and because theypersist in attaching to the advancedpresent a character that is essentiallyof the out-of-date past, they have be­come inane and in some cases evenharmful. They should be discarded.But those other traditions,' thosethat are beautiful and meaningful,should be distinguished from them.They are significant. They uplift in­stead of degrade. . . . And theonly way to distinguish them is toprobe into the origins and the mean­ing of our traditions, to determine bythis process in which type they belong.Undergraduates-and people in gen­eral, for that matter-too often acceptthe traditions which have been givenunto them without questioning. Theyare quite willing to take without res­ervations what their predecessorshave given them: This is wrong. This FiYe cents per line. No advertise-ments for less than 25' cents. Allis their Chinese habit of mind. classified advertisements must bepaid ia advance.THE STAFFArthur Bur ._�q EditorChari.. Greene New. EditorRoland BollowQ Nlaht EditorJohn Joeepb .__ D� EditorWilliam M.oraenatem .•• .AAt. Athletlca BditorItutb Falkenau Women·. EditorItutb Genzberpr_Aaiatant WomeD·. EditorLeona Baebraeb. .. _._ .. _ . ..Aaaoc:iate EditorHelen Raviteb. .. _ . ..Aaaoc:iate EditorBUSlN� DEPARTMENTWade 8eDder Claren� NeffDancing Party FridayBy Carrier.' sa.OO • ,-ear: 11.26 • quarterBy MalL sa.5O a )'ear: $1.60 a quarter On Friday, March 8, from 3:30 to5 :30, the Social Dancing class willgive a party in Ida Noyes, as its lastmeeting before it disbands. All ofthe members of the class who wish toattend the party must check off theirnames on the list in the basement of"Ida Noyes some time on Wednesday. .,�@tt��� �misltm,90"il;..AD •• O. AV •• U. CO •• pditn.POUaTH 5 ... RIEU.awYOUTelephone Murray Hill 8800Our Representative will be at 'theHotel La Salle'Today, March 6thwith Samples of Ready-made ClothingFurnishings, Hats and ShoesSend for Illustrated Cata_logueUniforms for Officers in the serviceor the United StatesBOSTON SAL£S-O�CEST.aIOIITcolt. BoYWTOtl STllCCT NEWPORT SALES-O",CES220 BCLLCYUC Ayc •••Editorial Rooma Ellia 12Telephone IlldwQ 800. Loeal 162-Hours: 10 :16-10 :46: 1 :30-6: 7-9 :10Business OtBc:e _ Elila UTelephone Michra7 800. Local 162-Hours: 10:16-10:46: 1:30-6 M. SHINDERMAN.TAILOR1114 East 55th St. Phone Mid. 6958·a SUITS TO ORDER $18472Classified Ads. We make Suits from your material atreasonable . pricesBest of Fit and Workmanship....WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918THE CHINESE HABITThere are two types of universitytradition. The legitimate type is that A THOUGHTof Dr. Lewis' Alma Mater, a traditiondignified by years of respectable ac­ceptance. This type includes the tra­dition of the Daily Maroon for honestrecording of university events, withan absolute ban on scandal The evo­lution of this tradition can be tracedfl'Qm the first volume of the Daily Ma- ==============ro�n. This type includes the ringingof the Mitchell chimes at ten o'clockat night; it includes the respect paid. the memory of President Harper; itincludes the Spring festivals, which,alas, is a tradition observed not �gof­OUSly enough; it includes certain ofthe CUStoltlS of certain of the honorarysocieties of the UniversitY. A_!l th�se'traditions are beautiful })ecause theyOligilJs.ll�,\ sprang Rom a resp� andlOve fot the UniversitY of Cb��goand a des� to express those e;ot;_ns,and beCaUse they have})eelJ Igtl edb tabl acceptallce.y y� of respec.... e�e of tradi-But there is anotber ".1':-te betion. The fi� � is legitiroat ha­. bet'en <: r-CaUSe it ts, based on the In 1. '. and as Ongacter, of t}1e UnlvetS1tt. t +.1'r.e f. es tba ".It' 0as that <:�racter �v �ve. Thistt-adi'ti�� �]lou�d and will� founded onseconJ �, however, of the Uni­the ��pel1icial cha�cter was al>pro­versit1; aomething th_t use ft Was. tOme beC8Pria� _t 4 cettaln 1 erfici�l thar-in hafl'lnl\1 �th the slJPt that time.. ·tt ��ctcr of t}1e UD1�el'Sl _ lownish habitSUCh _ t�didon IS the c cl1lb, �hiehOf the -rnree QtJ9.rteJ'S "ndet�d-� . e wbendate� ).c�� a tIro hmen h%d to�te� believed tbAt freseS9 of de�_he 1J]9de hum�tl bY' a PrOC'nfortn9l ini-b r is the J• t·datiotl· J\not eh hollot soCle lestiati�fl Of sorJle of t e mities, 'Vhich:l.nd fUO�t of the frate thOUght thatdates to 3 time when lJ]enthe abiHty tothe test of m�tlhO� W�:hOUt. flinChing.hh 'cal pam WI �_endorC•· ySI llc charac�r ofAnot}1el' is the baby-ta. which mUstd in June,Senior <:lass ay. . n in tile tickle• had ." .. inspIl'atlo ..nave I� • ded m�hvid_f feeble-J1'Unbrain 0 some bit of pr�sent-'la1. ,Another is the ha. in bubl.- . and prIzes ICing schOlarshiPS. two worthy� king and debatmg, .. pen. . zenIth yearsarts that have seen theIr. hAther )s t e Per-and years a�o. no. . ffen·ng certain worthlesssistance In 0. the curriculum that lostccurses :n.their value sometime in the distantAn�ther is the aristocraticpast. Speaking of Hard William (who dis­tributes exclamation points in TheNew Republic) reminds/a; of the timewhen Stem Charles wrote dramatic NOTICE-Will the finder of the bagof knitting lost last Wednesday (seeyesterday's Maroon) please return itto Cobb information desk if he or shedoes not know either Margaret De­laney or Helena Stevens.criticisms for the Daily Maroon with apen dipped in caustic-oh pshaw! callthe punster-Whistler. AMUSEMENTSPRINCESSArthur Hammerfitein PresentsTHE MYSTERY DRAMADe. Luxe Annie Three or four live menwanted. A good op­portunity to clean upsome money.Inquire at theWith Violet Heming & Vincent SeJano"Will outstay 'The Man Who Came�ack.'. "-Amy Leslie, News.Pop. Mats. Today, Fri" Sat. & Sun."JUMP'JIM CRO'W"Learn It-Dance It·"MA YTIME"With John-'Charles Thomas and 'John,T.' MurrayWhistling-Humming-Laughing Hit!Pop. Mat. WedDesctay-Be8t Seats $1With ;Plenty Good Ones for 75e and 50c*�E ST'UDEBAKERThe CorsetIs the FoundationYour college outfit Startswith a GARRICKM��. Shubert PresentClifton Crawfordin an Utterly Unique Musical Play"FANCY FREE"With Marilynn Miller and RayRaymondYour figure wiD be gracefuLand you wi have disbnctstyle, iI respeaive of simplicityin dress, and your health as ..sured.Moreover, a RedfernModel is so ideally com ..fortable, fitting so natur,ally that its wearer maydo any athletic stunt aseasily as she dances.rides or walks, in hercorset.Be sure to have your RedfernCorset properly fitted beforeyou choose your suits andfrocks-then their correctappearance is assured. OLYMPIC Ri'f·M��tv�t.COHAN & HARRIS presntCHAUNCEYOLCOTTIn "ONCE UPON A TIME"MR. OLCOTT WILT. SING FOURNEW SONGS.C Jonn. Lino & Schaefe-r"I8est Seats. $1.50OLONIAL Ey�1'J Nipt, A. H. Woods Continues"CheatingCheaters"$3.50·upAt alllu,h dew $/oruHoliday Matinee Friday,Popular Mat. San., Wed., " Sat., ,1I •.AIUlON'84----.- -----._- .... ,! �; i//;"".-t'��Note that this three-, "piece aluminum bodybolts directly to theten-inch-deep frame.That is a· master·stroke inmotor car design.It does laway withwood sills. Permitsthe floor of the bodvto be eigh t inches-lower than you'llfind it in most cars.That means a lowcenter of gravity­an easy riding andsmartly stylish car.The Marmon 34 in uverai'imponan tfeatures-one ofwhich is Lynitc alu- _minum pistons­marks a distinctadvance in construc­tion. One has not'seen the strictlymodern automobileuntil he has seen theMarmon 34.NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANYEstablished ISSl : INDIANAPOLIS.. ,, .to.. 4 •. .. � I,- !!(" ,", A ,::r.. It;..... \�Joil q\ittes}Sc84maJst1Mre", f(laJ1�BlQG:MMSIABB:QE,GG'HHJcKKt.'.'1�,,�.�II • wn.fc,WCIB,BB'EFHoo·r.:..I\" ..� .'. .t-:'l�. ..of II. .. .' �,.,..'" -• � ,I".- .. � ... WalAABBB... .1Il.,-niERJ.l.. : .. 'I,Joj_,, r �,.It.. I,� "-" ." 4 A ,::1.. It;..... \�J"".,"" ,"',.,.., ":'-'"" ;�l"':'� ..,,': � -.' " .... '�� •,.... i i"tr' "',.,." ,"-e, > I, "'.. 7 l ..... ".'.:' .. " � ,:"'" .." '" " :;-:':�?;���,4 '.,�"""TBB DAILY 'MAROON. WEDNESDAY • .MARCR 6. 1918•[ �_O_.T_._C_. _N_OTI_CBS H.. I... ==W=O=M=EN="S=W=A=R=W=O=IU[==':!)� DEAN L�:X� Y��;A..A�BETING- - - . (Continue!! from page 1)R.O.T.C. NOTICES1. tThe time schedule for the Springquarter announces ,that the, prerequis­ite for Military Science 1 is two quar­ters of Military Science O. Thisshould read" one quarter of MilitaryScience O. A new section of MilitaryScience 0 is being offered so that drillmay be taken Tuesday, Wednesdayand Thursday afternoons at 3 :40 in­stead of Saturday mornings.2. The Military French class willbe organized only if twelve or moreregister for it. •3. The following men will reportfor make-up drill 'Saturday, March 9and Saturday, March 16, from 10 to12:Bushnell, S. S.Combs,J. F.Grossman, E. B.Martin, G. F.MooreK. W. 'Smith, C. R.Anderson, C. E.Baird, A. M.Bradley, L. P.Center, A. H.Edgers, N. W.Glass, W. E.Green, S. R.Hales, 'J. H.Huse, E. W.Johnson, J._O.Karstens, H. H.Keller, G. J.4. The following named .men arewarned that they have five cuts. Asno further opportunity will be offeredfor make-up drill� an additional cut.will mean the loss of one-half P.C.credit:Bartle, J. S.Bartlit, F. H.Buchanan, R. D:Ebert, E. II.Fishbein, W.Huml, R. J.Owen, A. A­Owen, 1,. D.0\�,,�,�1°,r:..t\" ..� "rl:\of 'II• 4.·�...... ,-'�- ... ,� """ ..".,-J.)I,J Knepper, F. F.Krueger, W. A­Lee, A.Mulroy, J. W.McWilliams, C. E.Newhall, R. It.Nicely, H. E.Peattie, D. C.Rieger, J.Sherman, H. N.Shull, J. W.Ziedman, L.Ducker, W. H.McLean, E. P.J;tockwood, S. W.Dumont, N. A- "Wasserstrom, S.Pernokis, E. W.Sandwick, L M.Sippy, H. 1,.Springer, C. W.Volk, J. F.Wind, M. M.Monaco, R. E.Philosophers Meet TonightPledges Lucile FosterPi Delta Phi announces the pledgiJ\gof Lucile Foster of Salida, Cal.Yellow Jackets Meets_, The Yellow Jacket club will meettoday at 10:10 in Lexington 14., I"�( t' tODAY IN HARPER W 31AMERICAN - OPINIONSVan Dyke. Henry: Fighting forPeace.Call No. 0640 V25.Reesevelt, Theodore: The Foesof Our Own Households.Can No. D619 R64.Gleason. Arthur: Our Part in theGreat War.Can No. D640 G5S.In the vertical file:Houston, D.' F.: Why WeAre at War; SubmarineWarfare and Prussian l'tlil­itarism. (23 pp.)American Loyalty. 'by Citi­zens of German Descent. '(24 pp.)Advertise in the Daily Maroon. .The Entertainment sub-committee lack a co-ordination of ideas on anyone subject which they should have asof the League Social Service commit- students here. Dean Linn will repre-tee has made 300 surgical dressings sent what loyalty means from theat its �eetings recently. The com- viewpoint of the University of Chi­mittee is composed of women who cago and how we should regard it ashave volunteered their services for students.monthly programs at nearby charit- "I would not be surprised if Deanable institutions, including the Church Linn would give a definition of 'pat­JIome for the Aged and the Home for riotism' to students who are in doubtIncurables, where afternoons have as to the couree they are pursuing.been given. Those serving on the Just as Dean Butler's talk on the prob­committee are: Leona Bachrach, lem of the undrafted men in collegeCharlotte Beard, Isadore Bennett, settled some difficulties in the mindsMaxine Davis, _ Edythe Flack, Myra of the men, so will this lecture settleKimball, Lois Hostetter, Marion problems of a different nature .Meanor, Mary Jane Perkins, Martha '" . . ..Parsons, Mildred Powlison, Evelyn Dean Linn Is Logical ManStem, �elen Sheldon, Rachel Sheldon, I "D�an Li�n is just the �an to .s�e.akchairman, and Miriam Withrow. on thls subject because hIS activItiesoutside the University give him abroad 'grasp on current problems fromthe world's point of,view:�while at,thesame time his activities as a Dean ofthe Junior college' give him the stu­dents' attitude."I""To meet the National emergencyin military and public health nursingby recruiting college women, who areespecially wanted because their pre­vious educatJon facilitates intensivetraining and rapid advancement toposts of urgent need, there has beenestablished at Vassar college a newsummer school, known �s the Trainingcamp for Nurses, which will openJune 24 and continue until Sept. 13,under the auspices of the NationalCouncil of Defense and the Red Cross.T� Camp provides an opportunityfor college graduates to fit themselvesfor the nursing profession in theshortest p'ossible time. It is compar­able in sc�pe to Plattsburgh. Ariyonewishing information is asked to com­municate with the Recruiting Commit­tee, 106 East 52d street, New YorkCity, or Dean Mills, Vassar college.Central Student Committee on•Increase War Class'The registration for Political Econ­omy 140, the new course in secretarialwar work for women, has been solarge that a new section has beenformed. The section will meet Jlt2 :35. The course, is open to womenhaving twenty-four majors of creditand' to those who obtain special per­mission from Miss Reticker, the in­structor .. Those women who consultedDean Linn last quarter in regard tothis course are not insured' of a placein the sections thereby.Junior Class to Give DanceWomen's War Activities.The Junior class will give a danceFriday afternoon from 3 :30 to 6 inthe Reynolds club.Advertise in the Daily Maroon. Why1!{tnby-:!Inbt (1nnt�t!iWhenyou can buy a suit from us thatis made for YOU; from 11. selec­tion of over 500 patterns. notwo alike. for about the SAMEprice that you MUST PAYfor 'ready-made clothes?Ask the boys: they will tell youwhat kind of clothes we. make.Correct Dresser of Men.7th Floor, Republic Building State and Adams StreetCHICAGOTlmKISH- GiUl\RETTESARE MADE ESPECtALLY FOR THE­DISCRIMINATING AND EXPERIENCEDSMOKER OF HIGH GRADETURKISH ClGARE1TESThe blendingis ex�ept�ont\l 18cents''. , ....... "'Z'.ST GRADE TURKISH AnO'MAKERS Of THGE"G'!�:�ES 'NTHE WORLDEGYPTIAN"5. The range assignments for nextweek, . Monday, Thursday.and Fridayare as follows: '2:35.< 3:40Anderson, C. E. Batcheller, D. G.Andes, C. S. Bauer, M.Bancroft, H. D. Baum, A.Bartl';' J. S. Beddees, M. T.Bartlett, F. H. Binswanger. H.By DirectiOn of the' ComamndaJtt.Frank J. Madden, Bn. Adjutant.The Philosophy club wiIl meet to­night at 7:45 in Classics 21.' MissEdith Ayres wiIl talk on "Boodin's 'ARealistic Universe.''''I ,I' .. ' REMEMBER- There areno others like Murad..�.: .. ;:II.:I' \,< •\ "'I" • A' ". � . .. �, �'. , .. ,', .THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6. UISOUR R.O.T.C.i.j' .>(. ,r",�.lt�------ ( . COMMUNICATIONTHE CAMPUS WHISTLEMotto: You toot the line.It is the aim of the local unit of theR.O.T.C. to secure a membership sev­eral times as great as that now main­tained, according to the statement ofCaptain McAndrews, the commandant.The members of the unit can under-spats stand the advantages that will accruefrom a corps of sufficient size to carryout battalion and regiment move­ments.It is impossible during the wintermonths to carry on training on anyextensive scale, but during the com­ing quarter, there \fill be opportunityDRAMAH for road marches, field maneuvers,(H F h f II . I ) aad battle maneuvers, such as wereow a res man a s In ove. . . .PROLOGUE: The action takes I carried on duzing the Spring quarterI f th bezmni f th fIla year ago. But practice on a largep ace rom e. gmmng 0 e a scale cannot be carried on if the num-quarter and continues through a sun- her f . too II to .I to men IS sma rorm any day on March 6, 1918. It· t f th battali. eas a regimen 0 ree Ions.CAST: A F�eshman youth, various The�e must be at least six hundredfresh�an mal�ens, the freshman men in the corps to form a unit that'yo�th s. fratemlt! brothers and the will be capable of the big er under-University of Chicago and a hambur- takings gger sandwich from Cormany's res- .taurant. P. S.-The sandwich is the There are at present about two hun-silent partner. dred men in the R.O.T.C. I If they wishACTION: to do worth-while things duimg thenext quarter, to get beyond the rou­tine work of column right and columnleft, and secure experience in the tac-tics that an officer in the Reservesmust know, it is up to them to raisethe membership of the unit to the re­quired number. If each member ofthe unit will just prove to two of hisfriends the necessity of taking' themilitary work the coming quarter, andhave them register with him for thework, the problem will be' solved.The membership of the unit will beincreased as a matter of, course, dur­. OH, yes� we musn't forget to men- ing the Spring quarter. 'But what istion dimples again. the use of having a unit that is toounwieldly for a battalion and is toosmall for real work 1 It is, therefore,up to the R.O.T.C. to raise the neces­sary men. Every cadet, as he 'readsthis article, should make a mentalnote of his share in the work andshould begin today to get his twomembers. Only in that way can theUniversity of Chicago secure an Of­ficer's Trainfng Corps unit that willbe capable of doing 100 per cent ofthe work of which it is capable.Harry M. Shulman.A SPRING POEl\1Cough drops.Dimples.An overshoe stuck in the mud.Turtle doves.Apples and peanut bars andand fancy vests and bow ties."Fashion."News hounds and gambling.Matching pennies on Harper steps.Hoop skirts and taxicabs.Sighs!IMPERSONAL MENTION1921 C..ommission MeetTHE ACTION WAS DELETEDBY THE CENSOR. NEVERTHE­LESS, WE ARE ALLOWED TOTELL YOU THAT IT CERTAINLYWOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD IF WEHAD PUT IT IN. EVEN SAMMYSAYS SO. --AND HE IS ANAUTHORITY ON THIS KIND OFDRAMAHS.The Betas' newest song is entitled,"Oh, hellobellow who saved the cello 1"Harry English, the well knownDean of the Reynolds club pool roomhad Doc. Brattish, �he well known Eaud'quinin dispenser trim his queue theother day. It would have been - allright had not Doc. given him a chalk­shampoo.Jane Delaney says the taxis must beFords or they could never get themin that little garage by the powerhouse.We found out why they call thosecandy bars with no nuts in them Wal­nut Bars. They are stained a beau­tiful shade of walnut.We hear. that the costumes foruFashion" are to be historical andfrom what we have seen of the rehear­sals we would like to add that the act­ors and actresses are hysterical.---has a new pair of soft shellglasses.Helena Stevens has found the firstfour leafed clover on the campus. MacDOWELL CLUB WILLMEET TONIGHT AT 7:30The MacDowell club will. meet todayat 7:30 at the home of J. Beach Cra­gun, 6120 University avenue. The -following program will be given:1. Mary Knapp _ _.... ReadingBerlioz. .2. Clifford Manshardt. ReadingChopin.3. Grace Hennis ...... Waltz in G MinorChopin.4. Lyman -Cbalkley.................. ReadingLiszt.5. I1ma Bayle Vocal soloLiszt.Simpson ...... ;.I2tb RhapsodyLiszt.Campus Vamp: Let's get an appleat-the Press. 6. NellieBe: My dear, you don't get applesat the press. You get cider.The Phi Gams are peeved becausethey didn't think of having a fire be­fore the Betas did. But anyway, theysay the synthetic weenies they serveought to make the Whistle. CHARLES BREASTED RETURNSAFTER 3 MONTHS ILLNESSAsk Carlin about his mingles. Charles Breasted, ex-'19, of the En­gineer Corps, arrived yesterday fromWorcester, Mass. On account of athree months' illness he has been hon­orably discharged from service withthe privilege of. re-enlistment. He in­tends to re-enlist after six months ifhis health will permit. .The reason George Barclay don'tsmoke cigars is that he can't figureany way to keep the 1it end fromdragging on the ground. Women Register for GymCharley is some litt1e censor.even makes us sign this --- Registration for' physical educationbegins today in Ida Noyes hall. Any­one desiring information has been re­quested to consult the bulletin for theannouncements posted there. All wo­men who have not completed theirgymnasium requirements have beenasked to read the announcements.Registration is required of all womenwho have not completed this require­ment.HeAnon.1921 COMMISSION TO SELLFRIENDSHIP DINNER TICKETSThe Freshman commission will bein charge of the sale of tickets for theFriendship dinner to be given by theLeague Friday at 5:30 in Ida Noyeshall. Tickets, which are priced atforty cents, may be obtained every dayat the noon hour in the foyer of IdaNoyes hall. The Freshman commission will meettomorrow at 3 :30 in the League roomof Ida N6Yes hall. ) FR.EE TRIALWe ship' the famous Oliver Type­writer-brand new-direct from thefactory to you for free trial.If you want to own it. pay u. at tM rateof $3 per month. Or mum It. You areyour own saleam;n and save $51 this newway. Before our direet-to-,.ou plan theOliver price wu $100. now it fa $49. Allthe savinsr comes from our economical d�tribuUon. Write for details of plan and�:� ::; h:!:lC:ri 011'v:tor 5 daya· free trial.Write today for· �u..r The Ollnr Typewriter Co.. Pboae Raaclolph '"CIlIcqo. IlLWoodlawn Trllst.... vlngs Bank1204 EAST SIXTY-THIRD STREETlEINEAREST BANKtoThe University of Chicafo153Resources $3.000.000An Old. Stronf BanklEIAccounts of Faculty andStudents Invitedatet/""'��lWz 4ueeitU.?Here ia Y'OU1' opportunity' to insureepjDst embamlssiDc errora in 8Pd1iDc.IJI'ODUDCiatiOQ and poet choice 01worda. KDowthemeaninc of�war � bc:reae your efficicnc::Y.wbic:b realiJt:a ill power aad aaccea.i WEBSTER'S _; flEW INTERNATIONAL §= =.. DtcrtONARY is an all-know- ==§:.. ing teacher, a universal questionanswerer" made to meet yourneeds, It is in daily usc byhundreds ofthous:mds of sue- ::eessful men and women the world over.400.000 Word&. 2700 PaIlN. 6000 Q­lustratlons. 12,000 BI�phlcal En­tries. 30,000 Geoanapll1c:a1Sub,Jecta.a.&Jm RID. (lI4!hest Award)PADaIDa-Pacifio ExpositiO!1. .DGIJU& .... 1lIDll.pJPllt ........WRITE for Spedmca � FREEPoc:IDct loIape if )'011 Dame thi. papu.a. a c. IlERllIAM co.,SJIdDafieId. Ma... u, S. A.�>. It��.� has thebetterflavor-Swift'sPremiumOleomargarineDelicious on bread,excellent for cookingand baking. Packedin sanitary, one poandcartons.SWift & Companyu. s. A.L1 Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK CITY.Broadway at Pifty-fourth Street··Broadway"Cars from GrandCentral DepotKept by a Colle,e ManHeadquarters for StudentsTen Minute." Walk. from 40 Theatre.R.oom •• wit�h Bath. '2.00 aDel upSpecial Rates for CollefeTeams and StudentsHARRY P. STiMPSONThe Cumberland does more School and COU. busineas than any otherhotel in New York. HEADQUARTBRS FOR CHICA�O• •Bos 269Fae. 'Esch.EnAravers . Printers . LinotypersBinders. Die StampersThe Ingleside PressProduces printing thatconveys a pleasing im­pression and i m pe fsclose consideration of CLARIDGElJ1J:!FdllO-W-LAR'its contents, ........ ....6233 Cotta�e Grove Avenue\ • •Collate and Society Work a SpecialtyPrinters of The Daily Maroon TYPEWRITING OFFICERoom 2, Lexington Han( StenographyExpert i COpyingt 1\limeographingPrices Normal\tid",ay 800..ocal 214LobsterPiclUeaOysters SpaghettiSwiss CheeseGoulash RaviolaChile-Con-CarneJ5L •of,. l .:tt · ,il.. I •;. - �;. ts: ;4.·1' �I�··..•.'. �.�l",;,r.. .""At�..'.. �1