•:rI'",aroon• .,J, .tiNxVBasrrt'.OF CBICAOO� 'SATURDAY, 'DECEMBER IS, 1907.'.. ;. . .... .... .:... ; � '. Price Five Cents•ANNUAL CLUB BOWLINGSCHEDULE ANNOUNCED PARKIN WILL DEUVER\..FIFTH OF WAR TAJ.KS .lHURSDAY IN MANDEL'...•( .."lIJ''.. 'A.,A'J. S. Dickerson, Tomorrow.'Secretary of the Board of Trustees Convocation Prayer services, 10 :30.. "This does not JIlean that the sal(' Reynolds elab theater.of .• 11 �hings will cease," said Harey Convoeation Religious service, 11English. "Cigars, peanuts, raisins Mandeland other non-sugar articles will eon- V • I. 30 Idespera servlee, women..:, atinue to be' sold. It is probable that Noyes ha",several new liDes will be added to reoI' �:Tb�; ��ieal.elub met 'yesterday� to place ,those which will be dlsc:ontinued MoDday.1Io1d.. ���."-for. the following year. The elimination of the �dy will rep. Fial ehapel, Jallior colleg� men• The, results 'ot the balloting wet'e� resent a real service to the govem� aDd women, 10:15, Mandel., �fd�t;. 1t�� Jeffrey; Vice': mente . As much' as twenty dollars r Beta of lIliDois ,ehapter or Phi Betapi'eSi�ent; Rutli Genzber4fe!,; Seat!) day is spent here for eandy, most of K.p� C:30, Barper� Ell.ulj�, <: "EliZabeth 'Nichols; Treasurer which' is Spent just because the eand� New TestaJnent elab, 7, residence of, '. <. dft;it'ord' ,'�ansardt; Manager,' Ralph is convenient.;· n9t becaUse the met Prof. E� �Drton, 5525 WoodlawnI":' . Sinfora: :i'';# .' : • "• 'have aueh a eraving fo!"It." . avene.� .. -' �. : : � �.���::; ;';i'!':, ':-,�",.:' .:,�. .. . �' . ," .': � � ,,' '.' : .: .. �. "\� ����,��ii;J�r��··;j::;n.:��:�� .:-,./.;::�: :.�: J�.�"!'::�> >s.:;.;./ :/�.!.::, ;!;j�;i �:< .: . : � .; .. : ,'.,:: .:_i:' ·��"1-f·."$..,.��t7�,;r�·'L!} ... �-t!"""""",� ... �·-!.�,:��,4.(y.,,��f:.: .. t: ... :;;�;.:.:..:.::; """<�: :-:..·.;_k··:.!1.� ... :._. �",;� ·(:;.;_.c:-�'...."<"l \�.'. ,_.�: ��pany.:� of the Fourth InfantrymmolS, �e'· Militia,' will give lMilitaey baD, Friday evening, Deeem­ber 21st, ill )Iartlet. G:ymnasium, .theproc:eeds of <which are for the eom­pany's' equipment fUnd. Governo!Lowden, Adjutant General Dickerson.The "Campus Follies" are no more General Edward C. Young, and Sena:They made their final appearance at tors Laurence Y. Sherman and J�the University last yea!'. Now we Hamiltcm Lewis have been.invited t< •" are to have With us their suecessor� attend. .-_'. 'WEA� ,.POBECAsT the' "W.A.A. Portfolio," which will be Among the 'patrons- and patrones&e!-------.----------- produced February 15 in Mandel. are President and Mrs. Harry Prat1Unsettled. ::Iaturday, with probably The W.A.A. has giVeD these enter- J�dson, Major and Mrs. John S. Gri�light. IID�; :COD�ued coJd;' light to tainments bienniallv sin ...... 1905 wh' en s8rd, and, Cap.in Henry T. ChaceliaocIerate, �bJe winds. the association n�ed� fund; with Jr.,. a f�rmer football player of th�.which to purchase emblems and 'tro. �n�verslty and a veteran of the Sr an:pbies. A part 'of the money wa! raise<' lSh war.by giving a vaudeville pert'onnan«and folk --eamival 'in Lexington. Ow· GOVERNMENT ASKS CI1'IZENSing to the success of this entertain- FOR THEIR CAMERA LENSESment, six similar, although much more '.elaborate ones have been given since On aeount of the urgent need o�that time. On the alternate years the lenses for the equipment of its avia.W.A.A. has given a "Cir-cus." Ac· tion corps, the government is caUinr.cording to a tacit understanding the upon the citizens to turn in their cam.Circus should' be given this year, but era lenses. Students who have lensesinstead it is .planned to present the of speed F:5 or better, or long foea::'Portfolio," /the "Follies" renamed lenses of focal lengths between seventhe proceeds to go, in all probability and twenty-fo�r inches have beento some war benefit. urged to tum them in to Mr. Dins.Dorothy Lardner, the general chair- more, Purchasing Agent of the Uni­man, has issued a call for suggestions versity, ..Room 2, Press Building. l,for skits for the entertainment. Thes� receipt will be given, indicating thoshould be sent to her in Foster hall owner of the lense, its make, speed,before the end of this quarter. and value. ."Much good material has alreadybeen sug�sted," said Miss Lardneryesterday, "but we want still more.'r e are confident that there is a great The Christian Science society willdeal of local. _lent and we intend 1<' meet Tuesday at 7 :45 in HaskelI As-uncover it." sembly hall.: f \• I... �..' ;... .. -. ...�TIlE DAILY' MAROON,'BULl.ETIN..-"· : . Today.Meetinp of. University Raline bod·Ies, Harper EU.' 'GeDeraI Administrative board, 9.Board of University press, 10.Board of Christian anion. 11.�. MUsic:a1 �ab .Names 08iee ....� l. - -Christian Scientists to Meet.-" .I,.'.'I! Iu:it',:, � ..,�; -, .,,, 'II{ ,,I)11I': iIIf II'II:1 j'I!ti..�,l!j,:", '(, 1.1 14 iIo �. �.' ', ',J. " . .....",,-. .. ! ".' .' .�. .,:,; > �;_ '": :',... ...... f �.- .All women who have not alreadyWade Bender -"--'--- Basin .. Mananr done so have been requested .to sign In order to obtain refunds on their'l"',nn the bulletin boards In Ida Noyes 'gymnasium' lockers, all women �wir,, Entered as second el .... mail at the ChiC&KO 'l...tl" -'-t" . k h 'Postoffiee, Chlcaeo. Illinoia. March 13. 1906. � .I.0� � we. �um w_o_r.: ave, to proeure . locker cards. frotrDttder' the act of Karch 3. 18130 . next quarter. Registration �s �ot ��c· either' Mrs. Rumsey or Mrs. Gerhar\essary for re� �i� �o�JL to present at the Cashier's office. AUBy Carrier. $3.00 a )'ear: $1.26 a quarter' lockers .In the" D'V'r\'\nasium must bE',By Mail. $3.50 • )'ear: $1.60 • quarter e.I �Black Bonnet Pledges Freshmen. emptied �:y; Wednesday, ��ch will beEditorial Room. ' .Eilts 12' '--- the last day on which it will be pos-Telephone Mldwq 800 • .Loc:al,I62.:'. 'DIed' f BI k B twill tak sible to g'et' I 'k' d' 'Th 'h .Hours: 10:1&';10:45: 1:3O-C: 7-9:30 -4- gmg tor ac onne e oc er �AT s. e ip YSI':Businea Office _ .. :.... .. ._' _. Ellia 14 place Monday from 3:30 to 5�0 on cal education work for women ended. TeJepbone Mldwa)' 800. Loeal lU. .f Ida N h 11 ' ' terda" d '11' be' '. 'th fi' t dHours: 10:1&.;10:45: 1:30-& the third floor 0 oyes a. !;�n�xt ���� , . �� e � al':Arthur Baer _. ... _ ... _ .. _�-- Pretli\JentCharles Greene _:..:.... ... ._ SecretaryWade .Bender ... ..., .... __ ._ ... __ ... _ .•• Treasurer, . EDITORI�-:- �EPART!(ENT11IE STAFFArthur Baer _" ': . .:...Kanqlne EdItorCharles Greene New. EditorRoland Hollow.,. Nlcht EditorLewis Fisher .. _.;..... __ .__ � EdltotJohn Josepb .________ D.,. EditorHarold Stansbu1'7 D.,. EditorStanley Roth ........ '__ Athletics EditorRuth Falkenau Women'. EditorRuth Genzberger.--Aaaistant Women'. EditorASSOCIATES 'Helen RavitehLeona Baehmeb!:JustNESS DEPARTMENTSATURDAY, DECEMBER 15,' i917.THE GREAT QUESTION. ,, .: .� 1• -' � ... ',.• �:- J "w.",. ' fMen a� s�P.I!�g, �� o� �d�r��- Blue Bottle will hold its initiationof new .members Monday from � to 5on the third floor of Ida Noyes bal�All Freshman women whose namesappeared in the'Maroon or oli'the noterack in Ida Noyes hall and those whcare not pledges of Yellow Jacket orBlack Bonnet, have been requested tc�come and bring money for dues andpius.WOl\IEN TO REGISTER FORELECTIVE GYMNASIUM'WORKN�S OF THE·COLLEGEs CROSS coum. BY RA�'OF" ,,.:�:::;:. .. :, '<:I;�t,:�\��';"��;�'�'� . - .. -� -, .,� , A.A.U. IS.FO�ErfBD TO _.' ';':_.1 '. • �,- .i The:::��l'B!��:A:3, _" ,I?:;: , Wh,,·c.,",�y' ",1':,: ",,!�which' was ,schedUi� tot' today li2t: '�. ': ": r ',; " .. ,been '-forfeited to the 'Unive,;;,ity '''0, " '" . , . " <If \" ,!t�:r::�:;?:�i�Et:�! J��a�y ::!Iabr " In��t�the meet dacided last night to call' tlir" , ' , 'race off, since'there WiIS only one nn .'.'-:)'" W.'henattached man entered beside the Ma· nroon teain�' The Chicago .·team wonthe meet last season, and would probably ha�e repeated again this yearas Eck's runnuers had defeated r.picked team from various clubs of thecity earlier in the year.Give Leeker- Regulatjons.The daily paper of Cornell Univer­sity, the Cornell, Daily Sun, this yearfor the first' time appointed � womana� wo�an's �r o� the paper.The students at .the University. 01Wisconsiit - have ·deeided: t() '''replaCetheir senior" 'prom 'With' .: Lilie'i-ty­Bond dance this year. The:,proceeds ===============� b(nnves� in �� �on��. ;: Classified Ads... The qu�tion. �hether or' n�t to en�gage'" in "intercorr�giate athletics fulsagain 'been decided in the negative atMcGill. 'in �1915 it. waS' deciiied ,thatathletic 'contests With' other collegeswould be given up - until a' retUrn t jan�be11um' cOnditions, but a'ift;atior;this- faIl- brought 'the· qUestion up/. ..,gam. 'BEAR'Sbehind the race." ,An editorial in the Queen's Silk Skirts $2.25 up.University Journal answers Sir S T H '1312-14E.SSth t. tI .. P.5�9Hearst in this fashion: "Thisis a call to us. We must take up thethinkin� attitude towards the warWe must realize and assume the reospo!fsibility of our privileges. W (must prepare to take our place in th£I 'developm�nt of the nation, and to ful·fill the duties of that place; 'vorthil�-in a manner worthy of those whc.have tossed their flaming torch of na'tional devotion and patriotic ideals uus, from those sodden fields out thereand secondly, in a manner worthy ofour own years' spent in peace ancpeaceful ,pursuit; while the worlc'fought and suffered." Five 'cents per line. : No adVertise':'ments ' for .- less 'than" 25 cents. Allciwiled advertiSements must bepaicl in a�vance.. .',' : 'FOR RENT�House k�eping sUitesteam" heated', With private porehAlso '8 single room at $8" per monthFirSt' Apt, 5832' Blackstone Ave. 'FOR RENT - Two "housekeepingrooms, 5624 Ellis· Ave., Apartment�.FOR RENT�NlCely, furnished 2".nd,3 room house'k�ping suites, steam:hot. water, etC.';·. $20, . $25, $35, monthMrS. Fritz,· 583Z BlackStone ave., 3rdApt. ' . "!,,'" r,;-f. *Wa'r Belfefif�' Dance. ·mtl 'rabn J�ttt .Thursday, December 27th" sub�CriptiO�. $1 �r C��pl� ,',; .',. �.: r� .• "'· -.. :buiili.".�· 1890����S ��O��RS ,Dff � and ,Men's ��imshiogs63rd St. and University Ave.RiPt CoeciS I � Prices RiPt Tratmea,', .- ... . ,EnAravers • Printers • Linotypers, Binders. Die Stampers• •The Ingleside PressProduces printing thatc'onveys a pleasing im-,pression and imp'elsclose consideration ofits contents. .. :: ..6233 Cottage Grove A-venue. '.�>nel:! a:d Soc:iety Work a SpecialtyPrinters of The Daily Maroon,/ •, __... � - .II" <�� �-:�� � �",� � .-'. ��r� ?t ��rt��:.����:\;.�.J'uate ranks every week.:. 'They aregoing' quietly and '&oIiestly mto the . >The �ome� of, the Vniversity ofserviee of th�' sPirit :of � deDioe� Washington are really �in�g� �ey, . .;. ''_:'.. '1��_'!'_:_ ':;,' ',,;". ,.,::,.,«:,·,-'.turn out for. target practice ever)racy. They are �" up nfles �� .... ' .. , .... .b�yonets �'.th�' ��;, �����,�� :t�� ::r;:::e:: �=Jy�I�n� atheir ultimate dll� toward the w.orld· .w�ch �s ev�l�� th�� �ut. ·of. ' 'c��- Cigarettes have been banned at theturies of 'struggles lies in the fieldS University Of'LOuismna. 'The sChoi>�of France� , , "is run" on . a' military" basis,;_' 'an'd arBut there are" man� ,who cannot ju:nior' and 'senior'" battalion officersreconcile' their' f.eeiin'g·"'of;· d�ty' :with.' were put 'on: their �honor to repol1all violations of the' order. Pipes '�ilitheir feeling thai' too' :��ch '·b�.� cigars a�: pe�isslble.·being' spiII'ed" � "mu�h, po��rty' 'is 1 .'heing 'caused, too much miSerY' 'is' Four war pledges have been framedbeing forCed 'uP�n' the' peopl�:'�f the by &I'committee:' of the Economy clubworld. Shall th�;' ��tP��':' hi _ih� at 'DePauw arid a campaign to S�(: •. '_ "' '�I� _• 'II ':.- A� __ ..... � 1_#1.1. _. .,_I increase of that miSery!". shan Uley. s�atureS will soon � ·�de� way�ho want so ;��' � b�ip, d� n�ihiiig The pledges i��" �bst��,e�ee fromb t : ... ;,;. �0. d ' �..d.' .., Sha"n food waste, non-lndul�nce, m clo�·u ass....,,, 4U WM:' esw u\;"lon .' u. f 'ds 'd h . to d'" . - - ", '. mg a , 'an .' t e promlSe lSCOur.,. those college men i>f �enca who (eel ap ebbOrate social 'functions f�r th(this �i' ��t I � the' �ilita� �ie� duiatio� of the war_ " "" ' "of demOcracy That is �� great'q�- . . '_tion.,The United States may look to Can;.ada for guidance -in this connection.Canada is deeply' invplved' in the -waJiby this time_ 'The' heroie Canadianvictories in France are already im­mortal. The, str�ts of Toronto anfUll of wounded ��d erippied_ 'Butthe C�nadian universities are still con:dricting courses 'and Canadian men ar...; . Vacations at Cornell have been rna,, . ,, ,_ '." __ ., . ..,' . .a�n�ng co�& The;· � '�¥.� teriall�. sJ:lorten� � allow the term HERE',� .. -IS AN OPPORTuNri'Yaged to d , .. 'S' William B . l' to end May 22 instead of June 19. ,',_ ..... '., ' "' ",,, . 0 so.. � "" " � I The faculty votea to cut down each .", , '__"_ ', ..has said to them: ",When peace comeE . 'I' I d' I .vacation this �ea� severa . ays .S? For �v,e� maD aDd woman on.::����;:lideX1s!tenus't·cebe' �_rne�dt t�t �en can· � released for sel'Vlce the eampuS 'who' em. quality, toII:C;:'"" early m the spnng. _, .. ,...... .,. ,_ .. ,... '_ .• I ••,and the economic loss, which the ;�;li Easter vacation has been entirel) earn moSt of the tuition for nextwt1I Jiave �u1fered, must be m�de up ,abolished, Christmas' cut' to ele�r. qQarte�' 'bY'���ki�� d�g the.. . . ,, " days, three days taken' from Block• . •. • . There will be a great deman<" week, and several single day vacatlon�' Chnstmas �t1OD. ,for leaders in every' department of eliminated.science, medical a�d applied, and � CALL HARRI$ON 1097 •.the other professions, teacherS inschool and c�llege; for we must have "educa� people, if we are ,not to fal! �: I�'s ad Weirs's Fll'liUp.: . '"SPECIAL THIS WEEK-Lidiet'. I .' ....."you can buy it suit from us that·is made 'for yqu, from a selec­tion of over 500 patterns, notwo alike, for about" the SAME., ,peice that y�u MUST ·PA Y for�eady-��de' clothes?Ask the boys; they will tell yOU._o •• ,.· what kind of clothes we make.FOSTER (5 ODWARD ::''. 'J' . .Correct. Dressers of Men I .'7� Fl�r, ��p��1ie Buildin� S��e and �damS,$����:::,::.. , \ .', ..CHICAGO#---------------------------------------------------------�' --,'A·Message �nd.·an A�eal. .- .., -THE MESSAGE:�IS THIS: . ' ',_.,4'''..�,�.--' ,� ,,'"The �clto�i� of'th� c�untrY 8�'in urgent need off���ft_.��rm.-,.cies are constantly oc·curing.· The. sbonqe is· serious and dasinll aux- :-:,iety.- It is bOund under' ttie verY nature of condition. to �w.wOne;) "':beeause of the next ·dt8ft which promises to Come some time In JanuarY� ��,�: )i<The troubles will then'beeome aeute., - -, ". . "'.::. ',�."',-£._��.. "; •. , � ... �, .. .:., ...J.:-'. 1:;�f�'THE'APPEAL IS THIS:, "', , .... :�'�: '." 4That y�u cOnsi'der ��i-j seriouSly the' queStion of teacldul for.,���:':?' ? ': ,at least The'schools must 'be kept goiol[ .OD. They'a��jm�t',',line of- defellSe and to those who c:annot take,up the senous busanHS'of,, 'figh�ng, this f�eld' of work. � � the ��iri� of patri�t�m., ".. ,;It is not a question of salary. Board� of Education',are bt-ginning torealize that they must have, teacherS' at all'eostS and 'are payine in- ,creas�� salari� '. ' �' i': -�. " -: . ,', -, ': �. ,We invite your regis!raiion with u� that in co-operation we may})e ":able to help where heTp 15 badly needed. " Forget abOut the �tiOb :fee un� w� sec�re 'a positi�n for yo�. .' .' - . ',' ,J Il'.'. Qf t. ... -.,', ..,Sllbscribe today forThe Daily MaroonHighest QualityJohn T. McCutcheonClear Havana CigarGUSTAVE A. MUELLER� Maker...... f .f, ,. , • ',,. �,1.., ,. "Oil'," !!.�, i ':. r� ._.,I'. ""c]:uwar, moei't" on),'[" _. ha;be. .tWtothE, .COl\ ,� cIa1�cag,;;A" tet'.,1tivRodnhiibesitth«eatbtgrltio, .,tosalthltalonPo�se]• .t'.\.. :.,..�... :'-, '..FJ " -l•)I� i .,1.'I, I' "4 \ "I "· , . ,],• j'.. �.":�i'\!':\' H; :,�{ ���.�;�!-�:;'i"·:'·�·�?}� '1' ',"$.,.\ �:.�;;'��' ," :��\/ ... "��{.�·i<yft:.:� � ,:' ·I�,.:. {-\�.-.\�; .. �'.: ��_t.?::I:: .."r,�'."',:,�.;,".·.·'.\, ::,'Y,:.·�"�' �','�7;-�: �':� "_.. · �.:" ':,j.,":�',� :���,:.,.�,;:l '... '/. ',;�:"'" ':: � '.:� �:'/".. ::-:':.';:t:.·:�'," ,;';:. ' :�'.' ,"'�. �• ': _ :," • l�' •• '� '. , •• : ,," '/" r _:: ••., "'_, ��. � I.' '.,'; ... .6�.. '. ': � I• ; � ••.,.' ,','" .,_" ....'�r '"" #,/!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!B!!!I!I!!������������.�,r��"'�'P.���;'i;l,��·��,,��,:�. �,'��', ,�.34�'?;!j·,y�,�����,,'�(���,�"'�·8�,.,��::-��,��.,��.�,JJ.�,•. �'''�!!!!!��,�.. �.. _�,,�.�. �,.,,�.�.. !!!,�, ������7 ":: ;'""":--'�:.=:��-::��,-':�' �p�;����.�- �tD�.!"r.��ujJ��.�I' i.'.'�' .,_ ',' : ".-. , ."". _.- __ ..f' '.' . . '.'.. ) ��, :Ii%!4 ,,��e�o� b��!! ��cb lDSti�� 1,., f�� ���. m� · fD.� < govel?lDlent ., , .. ' .. � � �,:." ,� I ,,'t' C(),�LE�J��, �JUE�, .� ti��� �.o,nneCtion/witht�ei:r.medica' service m this bne.�f.work,'halfmad(" J, • ,':;;. ,,'," .- SChoolS.,. .,', . ",! I it necessary to begin work �t once. _ � .. ft,." ,. 4..,: ',9�l'li�"l'lie stu4eri�' ��� e�� ,.PrinCeioii2T�ec;d·or�' R60sevelt· re-' � .. A�V� �,. "WISco��The 'bouse of t.be lo� p;re��ed ,tbe�elves as. aga�� �� viewed the PrlJ)ceton. �.O.T . .c ... bat. �_ 7'chapter of Ule �si' tipsilon 'fraterriiiY, present ,�:vpboten'� agaU?st, �nc!ng talion recently', ana' rouse� . the s�dentWaJf. destrOyed in a, fire yester�y and in favor of a�li,s1ili.1g o�.,amend. Dody' to a high .. pitC� . oi, enthusiasm, ' mornmg. �',Tfie. bo�e � the prop- ing the present rules rep,rding. con" With an acfdr�ss' on "National SitengH'erty of' �e fraternity 'and had been duct on Sunday. . � "and International. Duty:"', .,. only recent1y' eons�ructe.�. ,·WashiDgton·..;...... University 'women, Wis��in � "Enlistments in the_' ,WiSepnain-�res�en wpmen: ,!�c. are'taking'part in a para�e, 'of Seati1r army and navY have' taktm sixty-sixhave fall�n below in t��ir studies wi�l women wbicJi is being held' today tc Dien from' tlie teams of the '!our leadbe'tutored by' th,�ir junior advisors advertise a: citY bazaar to be held next lng' athletiC' sPorts' at:" Wisconsi'n'jUnior women' who have �ol�teer� week. ' " 'Tw'enii-thl-ee' iretld:ns 6f 'Ute' i9Hto spend a certain amount of ttme m Wuhington-Owing to -1the pres- footban squad. were sent into war sertheir instruction. ense of six womell iii the Law schooi viee' and four "W." men of last year'!· V aaderbn�In spite of"e fact complications' has arisen as 'to wh�theI baake1iball' five h�ve also: gone. " ,'�t ,S? per cent of the fres?men were or nQt the, a�ual smoker' ought' to be ::;Gri�elt.....::&:·ott ��Ea�hr�n': '09, for.conditioned, the scholarship of the a "pink tea. '. mer, basketball star and assistant'i·\..: class,� above tba� of former yea�.,. Miehigan-T�e Freshman class took coach for' th.{past' t�o years 'at "G;'fli�IJuIiaua-The women ,have maile< the annual bag rush from the, sopho- nell, has been chosen to-- coach thhoVer three �undred Chnstmas pack, mores by the score of 9 to 4 recently year's 1>asket tosserg. l{is prevbu�'._ ages to fo�� .students who have en- The ��e:s .. ,,:,ere accounte? su�essfu� work ,has 'been 'effective in buildin:. :te� the �� .' and no mJunes w�_re received... up a, powerful defensive ,te�� and it';. �arvar��ce�g the prospee- Drake-A serVIce flag contammg is hoped that he will be able to de,tive lowermg of the clra:.ft age Prof 303 stars will fly from a flagpole or, velop a gingery .ggregation this year. 'Robert Johnson has said: "If th( the ciunpus at Drake within the next•. , ' "draft 'age were lowered to 19 it seems I d . Columbia-Fifty candidates for bas-, .lew ays. h t' . d 'Ihighly probable tha� Harvard would Ka�A senior "ste'w," designed ketba:Il ono:s �e prac IClD� al :Ibe overtaken by the same �rt o( �' along the, lineS 'of new and original �der the d�ection of �ap�m-elec!,situation as has developed, d�g entertainment for university students Latour,.pendmg the selectIOn of a reg :these last three years a� OrloI'd al1d is to be'" given before the holidays, � coach. T�e squad has ��ep.,Cambridge. t, have, heen told �t The', only information given out so fal strengthened recentl'y, by the addltIoJ! lthere are no 'more than' 120' under· is that it will be a�.d'ateless: affair. of five football me� who were no. !graduates at ei�er of thes� insiitu· MeG'ilI-The, first match on the �b�e; to �ome out untll the end.of thr,,tiona. ,'....hOckey calendar is sehed�ed for De, gndll'OD: sea��n._ ,· "RadiCal measures should be takel be 18 Th has bee '" Colgate--The tentative basketbarcem l' • ere n a goo,' ed M M't-',to �eg:aard.the'university and at �h( showfDg\made 'at praetiee,"which ba! sched�e announc bY/. �a�er I,same' time h�p' the country. I think bee'" "I '.' � -.I " ,- '!l'th - ';'." chell mcludes Yale, Wllbams, Penn. . n gom6 on '£01' a mo . now, anuthat the, re might be formed a mill, M Gill h to th l' State, Syracuse, and Cornell amoni' ,, c opes sweep e eague. -. I d'tary college with a three years' course , ", h the bst of �enty games to be p aye ''th '1-1' West Yale--A Y" was voted eac mem- EI'ght of the twenty are home gameson e same genera, ,mes as be f th la . . team hi b ' '., :",Point." ,", l' 0 ere y swunmm� ," w c Pro�p�'{for a. willning �m are n01 :0" �The campus may be recently': ��k� the ,!o�ld s reco� �01'l•. bright, as the ,Maroon has suffered F 'seleC6e(f 'ij'_':aF piaie� 't�r a hOBl»ital for the 200. j'ard �lay ,I? the �eet, 'WIt}); �t los's of a9tletic stars since April ,, '- - .,,: .... :,' . ', ,CqlumblL, As a ��Jo� lett4tt. canno1 ., .' , ' . .:::;:============== be awarded' members of the swimmingSteam, special action by the athletic,board of control was necessary.PenDiJ,.lvaliia-TJie honor systemresolution, ,under discussion for. sev-,, era1 weeks at Pennsylvania, was ap-,, proved at a meeting of the undergrad-SU' -GGESTIONS uateS:, An ,that is needed now to put� :,' the system Uito use is the 'approva�of the faculty, which there is everyreason to believe"wiiI:be forthcoming AMUSEMENTS' - .. -�;>':----�_' .. ���'_\ .;..�:�n��'co�n��h um " ",-, '==�=�=�===#==============�=Battalion were presented. last Sunda31to the' Uriiv�itY 'as' a �war relic.' Th(i48th; the mother battalion of the Ca·'�adian Offic�' Training Corps, W8!'formed' at McGill 'The colors wer£'brought back from' overseas in Octo­ber 'and, will be bpt hei-ea:fter in theRedpath Liorary. " ',': ,,', ", , TO-NIGHTMichigau-A legal- advisory' boare GARRICK at 8 SHARPfor' 'students subjeCt. to c:all in th.; FIRSr "POPUl.AR" MATINEE TO-1I0RROWcindt has been' form'ed at Ann,Arbor.,'. Aid will IM!" given' iii filling 'Out ,th(.; Felt-�illo�8 , questionaires which the govemmen;� -. � Lea' h·· .. PI!.1 " - is to. send out, 'inasmuch as there an:':. ,,' ,', ;. t er II ows . some: matters' which will be difticul1• l�: '. i ... '. V �ivet Pi11�Ws. !';-..:en:., �";'rta"d but whicliW"�11 H .-'. Colgate-Gillo, who will be rem�-, ',.-au " �nf�r� .� for the manner in which be tore p" • 5" d., "B" ....p. up'tfle Dlini line'-w�en Colgate plAyed' ,eretra', ,tu, 10ar �S the orange 'and Blue here in 1916�'has ., '. ',�, '1S· ..., RinJ �n' elected ,to captain the �918 93" � 6�rd �, T�l Mi�� 3,628'. .ilver, ,.8 e1eVen_- He' has done·consistent work Our Special Champion FOlderSilver Spoons' .. f,1S·Oi':tb,thee po'MaroOpUIa�Dsch,�:e�tS;:SOpo�-::, '3: f�r'$1�5�2-j;�fs12 for $5.0O:-in �·SePia"Ptft ' Fobs' as welfu the.ehofc:e of his �m�u:s. ' .s Proo&wida,tlUUzca ' ;:''�S� ,'... , - 'WiseoJlSiD-;-Presldent Van HISe, m =========:::;:::::::::;::==Bro� 'Shields a ��. a��s to the studen�' �� t; ,, ' ',.• , ., .', "" r ;" ',MadISOn, urged. upon the men, -espec:- CD �' � QT· H Id r8 'lab- iii" t� 'dpper , classes, ,the neees-.:a c= t ='le- 0, e sitY for remaining in college-and c�m. CD·: ..... Wl': c=�h ,.6: 0 u .. 5.: QU. C. Pennants pleting thei.r ���ve courses ra�· , ......_cn." ......,i J! = >'� i � ,.' \ , " er tlUan enlisting tikause they do not t, 0 � 8 <W 001 Sweater� �e:! :a�:!����nt;:e��:t!r:\:; =- '; ::. r � � i - �;is: :: .!, \,J ..-Hockey Caps YO�g� .men' a.re '�o�ing a highl� c: ,.Q '"; =- � =," " . . patriotic servtce, an mdlSpensable ser- -;:; � C? Q) e'� � �, Wool ··C"· �1�k�t8, �: �n�c:�rti� ��:trni;:u:�!- i � a! 1 ZCornell-As a means of raising --=. O!: �scholarShip at' Cornell, a committee -= =: 8from the faculty has proposed an "ori, t- centation" course, which probably wirbe added to the curriculum ne�-t semes,' MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOTter, The subject takes up the natureof the university, the study and history of the various colleges, and gen·eral information which a graduateshould have, The collrse also wouldtreat personal problems of the studenfsuch as how to study.l\lassachusetts' Tech-CharJes ItPratt, s" wealthy Boston lawyer,' de,ceased, bequeathed the majority of hbestate for the erection of a bui1din�;for the New School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Ofaccount of the high c�st of material.. it was at first planned to defer th(.� (,,� �1331 East 57th Street construction until a later date, but the Local 214,.' �. ,- " '• l · ,- I,".•W orIel·. Greatat Entertainment .',, 'MeSsrs. Lee I;.T • .T. Shubert PreSent. WINTER GARDEN'S GORGEOUS REVUE'p.sing .. ShQ�1:�7-' -10 SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 -ST� ENOUGH ,,"OR 7,'SBOWS,.. ,',f 'Sorority girls of Oregon Universit!1refused to listen to addresses on woman suffrage attempted by 'two'- o�their members at a banquet recentlyThe harangues were seditious �nd un­patriotic� 'according to the OregorEmerald..'.'..�PRINCESS.-Pop. Mat Thurs.Th� Man WftoCa,iDe' Back M��h!I� i.0.'. ", .1Standard 'Goods at�Lowest ',Prices specializes inPRIVATE DANCING LESSONS4 \ .,I .,. " .' In a course of six lessons one callacquire the steps of the Waltz, One,step, and Fox trot.�tudio 1541 E. 57th St. H. P. 2314The W.e.KernCompany Room 2, Le�ington Hall( StenographyExpert (Copying• (MimeographingPrices Nominalmrlway 800TYPEWRITING OFFICEESTABLISHED 1897B.lx 269Fae. Exch,, "- '-_ "'.� .- ·t··· '. . , .. r '. .. �\', w·· .., j ""'., =:»: '';':::'/ :�:r�:l;'�S• ')0 .... f,',','. " I _,,!".r---- •• - •• -- •• -- ... f'� ��i!.. 1;.;:����rr:���Note that this three-piece aluminum bodybolts directly to theten-inch-deep frame�That is a mastet stroke in,! ".o . . ---.'. • •• "••q1Qtq� �ar �es1gQ.It does �way wi.thwood sills.' Permitsth� floor �(the h'od",'to. bf? eight iricJ:l�low_�� 't'han you'.l!nnd, it in' most cars. -That' diems a lowcen�� :�f 'g'ravity­an easy riditig I andsmart.y sty�is� car.The Marmon 34 in. several importantfeittures-' o'ne of�ill�h i� Lyniie 'alll�minum pistons­marks ,a disdnct. ',advance in construc-tion. One has notseen tJ;{�L st'�'ictiymodern automobileuntifhe has s'eeri' 'the-. ' ,Marmon 34.Nd�DYKE & MARMON COMPAN¥\Established ISSI : !NDIANAPOLIS, ,• ":'jAlways Drink�vo CoI!:lYou'll 'Playa Better Game, \." d-if your bc:vcrn:e is the �-year- rounrt drink" who�- cerem nutritiousness an�:ngy Saazer ho;>"; impart t.'1e "$:lap" t�t ISn1 another name for healthy nervo� Vlb(>r.� tickles the �bte wi�h a d��"htrulflavor you 'WOuld neve: think of loo;a.."lg forin any strictly sort drink.•Try it by itself"""':"" then , see how fine It goeswith a bite to eat or a full meal.Served everywhere/' Families supplied by' grocerManuf'� and bottled csdulivdy by�}\eUSer-DU5Ch. St. Louis. U. S. A.., . (,"•-.•,:. �•• .I., JIo. �;1"1"i _-.�,! jI �it"IIifiq,, �f1,-{H,�jI'\II",I"ii'I,.�t' �-',' <':,'�� ........... : . j IT. r ..... '..�. -,\ . I .' >;.' :�.:, :',' .�� :;. ,:' f} !:: .,? , ';<'. <.:,.� T: :�>��S?-'��':;T.�?tr:���::�j��(J ·, )•r , : .. "', _. ..... !.,f.tl � ... ���.."-:��.' ��::;.�:?::.�r.:; �Anon.vens wants to know under whosetootelage the Whistle is now. "Et HAPPY CHILDREN RAISEtoot, Brute!" ROOF OF NO_YES PARTY_", ..... I�,+" ',. ,'�'"THE DAILY MAROON. 'SATJIJtDAY DECEMBER � 1917.. ..� ..... _ ,. '. '\[: THE· CAIP:!,WIIlSTlE ]We hate to try to be wittyAnd answer the 'phone to boot­But we hate worst of all the dittyFor the Whistle's starting toot.WHICH reminds -use Helena Ste- ,.. .Epsilon, VB. Sigma Chi; tenth. :Alpha Phi; twenty-third., Phi Kappa SigmaDelta Phi va. Alpha Tau Omega; elev· VB. Alpha Tau ODl'C!ga;-:tWen�':fOiUtb,enth, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Xap. Beta Theta Pi v';' �.;Kappa Psi;WE SOON must close. The tim( ., : , pa Epsilon; twelfth" Sigma Chi -vs twenty-fifth, Phi '!Uippa SigDia·v.-Phiapprcaehes when the Staff will ad- . (Continued from page 1.) Beta Theta Pi; thirteenth, Sigma Al- Gamma Delta; tweniy�.��:,�1Pbajourn to the freshman dance. . vs. Delta Sigma, Phi; 'twenty-eighth, pha Epsilon vs. Phi Gamma Delta] Delta Phi VB. Sigma Chi;: tweDti�y�fourteenth, Beta Theta Pi, va. Alpha enth, Phi Kappa Psi vs: Delta, KapPaPsi' Upsilon vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon Delta Phi; fifteenth, Phi Kappa Psi Epsilon; twenty-eighth, Sig1ita -Chi.-'Vs.The second League sehednlee First vs, Sigma Chi. ' Alpha Tau Omega; tWerity-ninth� :sii.game, Alpha: Delta fhi vs. Phi Kappa ' , 'P . d n Ita Ka E it S:-4- __ th; S' Al h 'E'I ma ... Alpha Epsilon VB. Beta Theta"Pi;SI; seeon , ....,e ppa pS' on vs. ixteentn, rgma p a PSI on vs thirti th S' Ch 0' '"Phi - Ka: �Alpha Tau Omega; third, Sigma AI- Alpha Tau Omega; seventeenth, At· S· ,e. ih:: t ��sha D Ita ��pha Epsilon vs. Phi Kappa Sigm� pha Delta Phi VB. Phi Kappa Sigma7 . 19mpahi,· G - rsD'lta.pthirtye 'd.I urth S· Ch' D Ita K .' htee th S· 'AI ha: E il vs. amma e, -secon ..LO , 19ma 1 VB. e appa elg n, l�a p , ps on vs' S· Al ha E iI Ph' K& .Epsilon; fifth, Beta Theta Pi va. Phi Delta Kappa Epsilon; nineteenth, Ph' pl� P ps on vs. 1 ppa,Gamma Delta; sixth, Alpha Delta' Phi Kappa Pal vs. Alpha Tau Omega; 51.vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; seventh twentieth, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. BetaPhi Kappa Psi va: jthi Pappa Sigma; Theta Pi; twenty-first, Sigma Chi vs: Foster & Odward, Correct Dressexseighth, Alpha Ta� Omega va. Phi Phi Gamma pelta; twenty-second� of Men, 7th Floor Republic bldg.,Gamma Delta;.· ninth, Sigma Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon, vs, 'Alpha Delta State and Adams streets.-Put your, bit in the left-band drawer ANNVAL CLUB BOWLINGof the desk." . -SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED,.BUT, HO! We are .in desperateneed of a space filler.Boy, page T. E. H.SANTA CLAUS LETTERS.(Be • Good FelloW'.)Dear Santa Claus:Please bring me some more letters ceived a bag of candy and a gift. Thefor my name. gifts made the sensation of the afterClarence F. G. Brown, noon, for what could be more dear tlAlpha Beta House. the hearts of "settlement hood" than, red, white and blue horns that pos­sessed a real and tangible sound? Th'Please bring me a thought. dignified "vistas" of the hall rang withEd. the celebration.Big mugs of chocolate and ginge'Mr. Whistler: cookies were "participated in wiU'Why is it that the newsp.aper that huge enjoyment" in the sun parlors,makes itself the special supptrt for The refreshments were donated b�the S.P.U.G. also announces the num- Miss Coburn and her kindness wouk'ber of days left for Christmas shop- have been fully repaid could she havrping? X.Y.Z. seen how voraciously and eagerly theyDear X.Y.Z.: were eaten.We don't know, but here is our bit: Mr. Noyes not only provided a bm"Do your Christmas inviting early- for the use of the committee, but cameonly four more days left in which himself to see this Christmas partyto invite professors home before Mrs. Philip Brand, Mrs. Edward Til,exams." den, Miss Bettie Dodson, Miss Don-, - nelley and several others donated theirPO ME-Stone age stuff, but it ex- cars for the afternoon.presses our feelings:Dear Santa Claus:Oh, no. He did 110t hurry,Nor sit up late to cram­Nor get the blues, nor worry­BUT he failed in his exam. (Continued from 'page 1.)The following women received nn­merals for playing on class hockeyteams: Arline -Falkenau, Helen Max-A DRAYMAH. well, Beatrice Weil, Winifred FranzAct. 1, Scene 1, etc. R.O.T.C. bat- Dorothy Jobson, Ethel Richardstallion shivering 'On the Midway. Eleanor Atkins, Katherine ,Seymour(Temp. 17 below.) Marion Vodges, Irma Zickler, FlorenceMajor (not tenderly): '.'You men Weber, Rose Aaron, Edith Flack, Eliz­are at attention. Stand still! If you abeth 'Stone, Janet Purvin, Ruth Steinwere .in the army you couldn't even Marion Meanor, Coventry Platt; an�ri!.�our hand to wipe the sweat off Dorothy Lyndon. '", y_fQ.ce. " Finis.· ', '_ ";>. •• .', ' ' ,�;.)'" e ., , •; IF we adopt Saxaphone -Stan:s sug­�tiO!l and let a woman rmi the .whis­tle. � we call it the S��!• STEWARD at the S.A.E. house:"We are conserving meat, flour andsugar. 'I wish, we could figure outsome plan to conserve 'beverages."Leave out the "t" shrieks, the nighteditor.THE cub beamed into the office.,"Is German 15 a snap course!"r.e&ve out 'the' "s" ululates the officeboy. 'AIN'T it a grand and glorious feel­ing, about this time of year to hearone of your profs. tell another thathe's not going to have the examscount more than five per cent on thefinal grade! Ask us! Ask us!Dear Whistler:I agree with you; this little news­paper of ours is not a yellow journal:but seeing that it is named the DailyMaroon, don't you think it could becalled a pink sheet! 'Yours in agony,John.AHA! A soldier in' our midst!Ruth Falkenau baa just pasted thisnotice on the bulletin board. "Tinfoilfor our soldier's teeth is, beini saved....Woodlawn Trusta •• "Ings aank1204 EAST SIXTY - THllll> STREETe:JNEAREST BANKtoThe University of Chica�oe:JResources $3.000.000An Old. Stron� Ban� ,_,eJAcoounts of Faculty andStudents Invited TWENTY NUMERALS' GIVENTO CLASS HOCKEY PLA YER�.r>:- ,-" 'The CorsetIs the FoundationYour cOllege outfit' startswith ayour figure wi! be' �c:efu� ,and you will have cfasbnctStyle. iI I espedive of simplicityin dress. and your health as ..sured. 'Moreover. -a RedfernModd it � iJetJlg com ..fortable, fining so natur,aUy that its wearer maydo any athletic stunt 'aseasily as she dances;rides or walks, in hercorset.Be sure to have your RedfernCorset properly fitted beforeyou choose your suits andfroc:ks-then their correctappearance is assured.$3.?O UpA I all hiih c1Q� ,tom... - ,. \iJ FairTreatmem lC-'1.RES wear out INSIDE-not OUTSIDE�/ T'hey are burned' out by internal rnctj.bnalheat, rubbed, up between the plies of the 'tire,,) _'.4:., .11,Every extra pIYn1ean$�}{�tra ' wearing 'out of the, -tir�. .. Nbte ·�he two-ply .. :$tt#ci�: :ture inthe rubber satUtated�' �:�" ' , ": ,- - ',' _. �. ., - .' .cable-cord'. body of>tlie";Si1� ,1-vertown : tire here laid bare ... \'TenSilvertown�rd' I., X-Cela � ��uld_'you thus .1OOk,����AiLtires; you would find three types:,Cotton' "fabri.c, willi we to sevenswatlies;Thread-web, ·tt five,"to seven ply" '�'ofstrings;, cGble-corCi, the unique patent-pro­, ,teet-eel, two-ply structure, foundQNL Y :,in Sil_yertown,-the 0rigi­nal Cord Tires.1. lacre. aed eD- , 'ala. power.2. Smoother rid-lae.3. P .. eI .... OCO... Speedier.� Coaat (artber... �,q .. ic:ker.7. Euler to pld... 01 •• trr •• termileatr .., 9. lIore rHlatl ..a.alaatpuac­tare.10. Repaired .....aad�m'T"'&b., .: _' "It stands,to reason that Silv�-�'tbWlfiires�trade-tilarked Witli�eRED'� D.OUBLE- DIAMOND,witli but two" plies \ Will outlastmany-ply tires with their multi-,plied heat."You cannot afford to be without theirsmart appearance, smoother-riding ele­gance, and their gasoline-saving economy., . � You See This SI�Goodrich nl'el are Stocked "'THE B.F. GOODRICH COMPANYAKRON, OHIOAlso cakers of the famous fabric tires.G··odrich Black Safety Treads Ask YoUr Dea1er ror'The!ii:J::" :.:.�- : .. �;. ... � .. '..., t11nctil&Jviac9�b• "lel�pi-. cc.A.' Rl!" ��: 81'1 �'. b:•!'. <. 'II'111.. '-tI" j-i .I�I ,',- �•d1.­tI",I,i•••I 1" ]�.i:14if.';.. 'I)f'� �• r"-• � ''<. , , � i �,�,.' ' , 1'", ," ""J 1 It .\,,., �,' � .� .. �.. d4;' �.... ",