· to LIMIT ATIENDANCE SET"DATES�OF: �TBLIlTIC : D�.:MBION .W� sMAIi � ;TJnR#OVERCOATS GONE; MAROONaiAli 'BEFORE: .·At-ALL FUTURE-cLAss·' C�NFERENCE'JfOR WOMEN � TO �P��Q�.�CA'S" .. �STERY. SHROUDS C�E!, EXC� TEAMWoRKDANCES IS D.EAN'S PLAN .rle�tea from �:r� Colleges to ,POsm9IflN .GREAT. W.AR Wb���J:D8 NS::';:o;!: � �y, :, OF. WEST SIDE BROWNS.,»• -H�1d, .�.ting. ,at· University on' •. �_ �. . . -.. " . FinallY' Finds 'Tha�h,' . :;��:' '.'. .; __ . :Suggests .. ,' to "Undergraduate .':: April, .: 12 .and. I�A�Point Arline 'say� W�rid Will' Be 'Intolerable ' - Read, It Y.o�elf. .4 � :praCii�e:. Contest 30-24 toCo.uDell That S�tem of "" Fa�enall General' C�&D. . U' til 'G' :'.' R tS··· -'. .. .. ' ..1 ..... � ._ .' '�p�r 12 and. 13 have' been set as' .. ,In .� e��, '.�' .. T�irty times -did the telephone bell Experienced Fiv�GorgasCheek Be. Ad(.lpt�. .. . . . Kultur Heresy_ '. . .c�g .in th�· slll"?Ptuous �torial. of-. '''."' . $� �or Chicago •. '. '. -.. ; =; . ..-;';� ":,' .: I. ..i __ .. :,. 'th .,ul.l·.· .: - . .:. �: �::;/ ;' .: .�'3�:. �ft���.·��i}.y·:�aroo�� ,-.1:�� �: . .'-,; ,.. ..' » .= :: .. � .'\ '." _"��,,,,:_�-.r_,,-:,.-?:.;� ��..-Ioor__ e.a.w.letic,.Q:,��e·�·����£-��':�i���:· ,- �!Ldt��.Jr�!,bQuHi.r�� am-I' - ..'. -.-.-.-"_" ->,>. ".tf ::NOMINATE' t.EADBRs OF' .·PROM. o� \�eric;an ·Co�eg�;:�omen, which IS AUTHOR.OF SEVERA:i BoOKS �Ie � the m�ble 'phone boothln 'EI-' '. :�':--':7�;. '" . _.TO M'EN.' � • . ,>,'. • • Will � he1d:at,.�e UnlV�ty. Deleo: � ... ; .. '� .. . 1$.; . Thirty times did·' mysterious UNIFORMS PUZZLINGgates from a large number ofunlver- \ voices.' inquire, ''Has. any· news been , ',' '.,. With the. beginning of the. Winter sities and women' •. : coUeg�8 through-:- : A public lecture' .on, "Why 'Ameri- re�eived .of my lost, overcoat.?" (Is. . . : ". "...quarter ·a. change' Will be instituted out �e country . are expeCted tO�_a� ·cans. 14tist Fight" will be given·.to- this !story di�torted? No; it's dis'. T�e Umversity Of. Chlca�o basket-hi:; the method 'Of giving infomiaJ tend.. '.... .' ...,,. .. "� .:night; at 8 in Mandel by; Dean Albion sta�d.), . '. _..' . -. bal!' .five f�ll ,.to. t�e .. supenor u:am-danCes for the undergraduate stu- . The. �onfe�ence 18. the: �ond of W .. Small $)f the Graduate schools of: 'E�tor Ba�� .�lled the t� edi- work of the West SIde', Browns m a,dents .. The reforms planned. concern' athletic �eet�gs �hicb WIll ,probably; Arts, Literature and, Science. Dean ton:' mto the ·thirty-by-thirty office to practf� game jn BaitIett gyinnasi�'the regulation_ of attendance. at � the be held trit!nmaUy m the fU_ture.-�· .'Rh�. ;Small· has made' the: study· of the' so- decide who was to. be the lucky reo last night, the score being 30-24. 'The.functions •. They were fonnUbted by �t .�e m.et last. year:at the Yniv:a.-�.�_· .;.CUL.. ·· I relations of .the Germans and porter to: "cover" the .big .sto.ry- .' ,. .,. .. . 81ty f W Tw ty tw t· THIRTY OVE visitors showed the results: of ".l.oilg·the Unde�uate. eouneil at the sUg� I . 0. ��m.'. en. - � co � �eir 'effects "on .the govermnent.;_his· . .. '. .RCOA:S .. STO�N! trainm'" g' , their.. p'i1aving" bein g supeno· rgestion of Dean Marion Talbot. eges of the west and !pIddle west .specialJield of' investigation and�'has After thirty mmutes It was decided .I�. Dean Talbot's su�tionS refer .. tc �� represented, :�ut this .�. mat:l� ;caref1l:lly- analyzed the 'conditions"and that the man on the paWnshop beat to the eir�rtS of th� . il:ldividual: 118:.::the failure of the. dances that- have �o�e women are �.ected to attend: cbaDge&;':;in the '-people beginnig .with should, get- the news that ,was to' roODS. The b�ks of the .game· wentbeen gt�� d�g the past-few'"years as�a � n��.:of/the �tern.col- '1555:'.:;;''.-. . -,' .I startle the whole-campus.. to the Browns, who scored b8sketsto �� .th� �s� f� 'whic� the�' leges have slgnifi� a desIre to �d. The. lec�e 18 one of a serIes of war -: �j)Orter �ves Doggedly. from freakish :�gles. .time after tim�were gIVen, namely to enable a stu- delega�. Exaetly :�ow .�any· .col� lectures bemg a�nged by Dean Na- Ba�g. and� �nifIin�, the .repo� .. ' Gorgas piled up a lead of two bas� "dent to become acquainted Mth hir leges wlll be ·rep�nted' 18 �ot·· yet thaniel Butler, of the University col- three-q�red une�gly. to. a fum- kets· in the fimt feW' miriutes 'of play: ..�mates •... �� �. been�, �peated!y �o�. .... .' � '.. _,. ; .' . lege ... ,�rge 'R. Par�,. �onqra? mage. �e ·.m the ��e. room� The b� � Y.M.·Ptet knotted· the seO�. �:.pomted .out·that a' danee .. given bY'8 ,,' ,;.WDI. S�.A�tiC8� .. D.C.� �m Oxford �versity, � .most na� �lace for.�,sto.�n over· when Hom·tossed two ringers in a, ehUts,. �peCWly··the· :FreshDlm1"and, ; �,e:�hief.b�� .�t�e:�o�er� d�liv6r.:� lasHecture of the quarter co�t was· at a rumJD&ge_.�.�· �In row. :. The ,'read' �ltemated be'tween_ . SOphc)�o�.�; is-'usuaUy mono� �ce :WiJl.� the p�.otiqn .��a mov� in .tJiiS·· serieS a week from tOrught: ��:' s�oves;, he .�: .�¥:. the, Page's ,'team taiid ···the:. visiU;rs, wholizecfby upper elassmen to sitch a de';' men,t.� standard�:��eti�.�or :,,!o.: when.;he.:WilI:speilk on',"The ReIations ;�.�.o�d � who:''W�e' �� finally· gailied·la. sii::Point'lead- ·A·. J�;. that it loses �its Charaeter -as-'8 men., -.one· of . �e �+��¥�ntages of, the·�BmftoCDcies,-of' J:..lI1erica 'and mg.� �.���g .for �d'g� Christ- :basket by:BarbOrka pUt.Chicago with;� .1· cJ:&Ss.·fUD�on: .. Deat:l.TaIbO,·hopes.tc o�.the co��eet·_h��.�r;.� �'.� B�� to!tbe ... World War." .·Mt� Par- m�,p�t. !::. . .in .�g ciisti6D� just as the hali, ,,'· �m���this. condition�by .iDatitutiJ.\g �rmg the:�omen .of.����·���es kin.is the'organizing � of. the " "Ha�e you'�y overcoats f?r �e!'t en�ed..·:". '/ �f, '. ''an.. )�nClacl' rule. �t attendane�{�bE to�ther on.� ��� '��.� w.ell as a Rhodes. Scholarship trust. T. P. '. No,. ,.but we:. have. some nIce what: .' :-.' BrO� Score 'QiucJd •... . - /'liinited ·to hol�ers . of' a ·tiCket' .issued �u:m� bas�. '.:� • '.' '. •.• O'Conn.or, Dr.' ·.Frarik-:Billings, .and .cb:macallelllS for· thirty cents." ... -. ..' .'.. �' .' .. � - -y : ..' by'the elass giving the dance. .' ',' As. �e eon!�ee .. � � IJ:OmetJiing llalph. Adams, . Cram have already. _'�ell� you see, � ,am from the. Dally • C�s wa� .�ected mto the fray.. i" : .:: : "', • r •• " .. ' .' .'• �e:w �e are.. particuwl:v: _�ous. to spoken.-· .':.' '". . M�D. .. �e. h� .. �t � stU:. ·m.�.sec:o�d,mplaee�f.���er: ��. '.." . __ ,,' :C1aues:StiD to Ea� __" mak�.lt.a .blg .811eee88," said .Pauline '" . dentS had lost theIr overcoats·. so we Browns started o� with a rush � the .;-: �.':. ." 'TIie'p1an:of'Umiang,attAmdanee:wni Callen,,'p�d�t of:'W�, :w�.is ; Wrote �General ���gy-" 'thought tb;Bt:they might'be h��'t- ... first f�.'min�tes of' .plaY,'and sco;recf .'��'��:):" ��t:in�ere'#th.the:.�: of',one �� AO.1::.:.',the :m�.�".�:.''We. /Dea�' S!Da1l is: t�� author of:.''Th� . � �y,'I didn't know that there were ��. basket& In a �w.·:In the last ten.· .;f. �,::-(,;,�.-:�·,·en��.t��'iODb< �. ·.:��;!.iinprove "liPOn·.�.tbe·�::Oiie· :Ca��riaija..t8,'�.��il!"�·;wa.s published in ,tbirty.students�onthe eamPlU$ . , . "',� ��:p�r.;�e.M.�D:S hit �� .. ; �i.� :it� '·�.i.uit'_'__--.:_.-.. n··· .• ··.·· ." '.' """.�� ._�I'_L"""" "'.�;"I. ..1 .�.·�.I· .. �-..,;·-·.'and· ·.';__1.;:.··l909. ·.. :.:...··' J:hi··..:;:� ·' tJie·"'IiD··4.- - •. ' : ..• '.. , ,'.,./ "'�'."" '�.·I 'nAM.·.ft:·� '--�-.'+.'-.-kept.:tbe·'l.-u.-.a... .�._.' ._ 'Ulllerenee w&U·be··tliitl»oth�� ailct ... u.u;u·· .... ::.�:.,- .. ;8_::-· ':UlAAS' , ·"ID':.·" �--:uG ·8UJDJI1artzeS'. g ;overcoatL . "-".':' '. " "".,,:.--.,� �·�'.""'UDIoIW&"'.Yl.. " ... JRU&-.U--., ...:� .. -r.'.�:�:.:.'.�"!bbe����..,!:�}!�ottr���������;m;tb ,'����teyEiiia��'·�=��·:tt.;:r:2.;t .. :'.\:�:.:.,�.' :th�:. �ita�:.of�>the· .. en�g p�n,,0r� '!1nlV�i�and_itri�.� � lB' tJ:l� a�� � ��� So- .:.�O�:.�o'�e ��U1d·1ake and GOrgas,add� .. �o'i�ore; .�.�e·,;:� ,>\:". � . �.'_ Thus" only Sophomores' and pitality.. �.� ... � .., .•.. '_., _;;:' :., �logy. Adam.:.�mlth and .. Modem offhisovercoatm·EIlismtbis&ortot Bro�.kepttheIl'. �,���,,�;:: ...... ,.,'.:�, '��m . holding' .� tiekeb:.wilJ .', Na�e .PauliDe· CaIle�"BOetess.' ",' Socio�gy,"· . "Meaning 'of \ Social �eather.�· " :'.: ';' .... ,' . _'. r .. brace,of lo�.�u.s.·: ".' .. �. > .:. ,;' ::� .�.��: :-.t(.... :-·:a»e�admit;te([ � �!�Sopbomore..FreSh- '.� Arline Falkenau haS .1H!en:.c:h� �encea,'� �d ��Be�� E� from '�.�. Rouse, inlpemitendent of -.. The···l��a.�.�,,·.�d ·.��'.bO�:,. � ·.;N'. ,_.Dian daIlee aD� ·ohlY. ��en;"�Di geil�··.:���_�",the· Coufe� ��!fa1is� to Democrae_Y-".·S'"mce 189� �dingS: 'and �rouil(Js."� , ..... :".' � o� � �th-: .�.me' .!!Olo�:::. ·.:t.:·�·::,,:� �'��o�·tO,a"FreshiDan-.TuDior 'dance .��e,eape�n�iU.�" ho.�,.� ��Small � � .��r.of �e .' ,�orb'WaY:��h:,��' .' .�, �dthe.��th���e·,:; �a�" :. '.Tlie,.�orm.: as' �ggested -�. D.ear t�� ;foll�wmg l,VO�en have .�' ap-' AmerIcan Jo� of �ology.. . . So the reporte� sOon found himSelf �go .five .eo�I��b1y. �e. vIm: , ""). '�.�d wo.�ked ��. by the:co�ci1 pomted ��mittee/cha�en;"" Con� . In an ad�' �e�ered J�e �7; in' .�.; .·�use's ofti� after !j»8ssmg � � .had :.theu-, plays;:fa�ly w� :, wiD lieeessitate the employment of aD ference arrangements, Barbara . .IMil1� 1917, Dean Small.sald: �ew native. through 'an oUtpost -of thirty fair perfected. � ;W� :n��_�ubled, .J>�. �.' imp8rtfa1"dpOrkeePer' who_Will 'admit er;.· Speeial .. ;._en�enis;-· Lillian �erieiiia have more o�, weightier maidens. '.. '. �. '." :' �� �d ��r?F� re��y �. DO one withOut-the proper ticket. The Richards; . Banquet; Marian GlaZer; reasona, for gratitude to Germany "There are .rio groUnds f�r.this reo to� �e ba� .to. on� .of, th� .. oppo-:'· - '. ',.detaDs of this task have Dot. beet; �licit7;:-. pauline. Lauderblich; Infot- than I uve been 'aeeumulating for port," . said.. Mr.. RouSe:. ."You. hav� n��. m �e' beli�.· �t '. �ey were': . .::.. ;.f��ulated,.d�te1y, but bve;.beetl mati�,: Flo�� QweBS; 'and 'CorTe- �e&rly,forty y� �oQe � be more been building a story' out' of nothing. Chiea� meD.··::�.� were put " .... ���referred .to,"the···soeial iouiinittees': of ���enee,' .Agnes'Pjtmti� '" . Willbig in' every JJOS!!ibl.e way to ac- The number of ove"reOats lbst amountS o,!Hi� the mter�lJs8l0�'by the Vu-'- : -. ::.':. the ,classeS. for �tions.: These' :�, {,','.. : ',: ;. � �. ... .: . .... knowl� ·.the debt whieh can never to about twenty-Dine' less than alI� s�ty, but �e: �ge � been �0!1e. \'. _.�1IlIIl_i� �.·meet With :K�-TaI- yY�B VBSP� ON.SUNDAy be.� ".And yet! And yet! � ev�.'? . . '. . .'. .Vict.U, �onaer ChampiollS. .. " ,> .. � '. bo� ,:to �ge for �. supervision. . : ' . This .wiUbe an mtolerabl�< �orld ,untIl . Ah! .his· �p � .�. to . earth. '.Last �.ni&ht� " victOrs, are rated :.aii _. C i .. ,._'.' ' Pnhleal':of lIoDey ... .-1aat-- . '. '. . ,,' tbe � '·have: �n�.;�_;f�r.all No..w for the reward. .' ":: among �:� in ,the city, and h� ._;. _ �'.'� •• ' '_".L •. " Arraace,��.�as�Ia�¥�Wl�.aD.it.m�f!S,.�t �umph," grunted n� editolthed.um:a�of�goJast� .'.� �':m�' questio� of oyerero�- . '. for Af�.'� �' most hellisb heresy that has �ver men- Greene, "as a. reporter you are worth They have;·beeu>workiDg. for' a eOn- :tDIg eea.8I!d m��po1iza�n.bJ ". _' __ ._'. aced �tio�: There is. n� ... � ,about thirty eents.'·· . , sideftb]e'� of. time tids:Bea80n; �<.�. UPW c:Jaasmen,·· the problem. .of " '. . '. .: .' 'T � ..,..., • and � 'uVe" �y .' perleetecl . theh ' ;. r .'�: -' � .�··into the, question. of. V�.� Suncra� will be � (CoIlt:mu� on ��)._': P�.F� ERNEST D. BURTON,: teamwork.�·tHorn and .. H8sJdDS� .the '.".t. '._'. �Orm.,.,UD�er,�e present .. tu,.8)'8� D,leated �tbe a�osp�of�t- . . .. �'Tq:SPBAK AT LAST W�. .. two·.Brvwn�. � the.:atan· ....}.l .... ,'. � � �.tic;t� 18 �t nece&lai1'fol mu,.8D� exp�n:wiD be.gIVeD.to .. WEATHER FORECAST " ... IIBB'l'DlG OF. FALL' .. TBIlM of ·the·' . test, ·'·tedl·mAkin& .' .' � .'. :' a�ee �t a Cldi fdDc:tio1i. 'Uenee' that spirit-by meaDS of speeial muaic.. " .'. . '--' .. ''. '.: .1aeta tzOeoD ;." t =. �. :.' ;::-: �'.� :It. !aI. �t :f� � ticke�,·� �� �� men _aDd women are � take Part Unse�� �Ursday,. �t 'much MI8a .Margaret.IIau,' 'iz, 'wm o,Deet �t'''':':�oWe(f:-fairly 'welI 1 ::'" �'_ :, ����.�is.��, WiI1 � JD ��g�e�Id,-:nthems &Del carols change �'. temperature; . moderate . �h.Recmda.Today lot .. ,.�_·,bDt the men have nOt: _ thiS JCOn4it!o� �, *:hudIt. � whieJi �� :a. pro�t. p1aee. O�t � souther� wmd •. ·.. Great ,Labs Jaekies.. '.' been working .. tQgetlla. long eDoap' r .,._:;' .. �,.����. �':lhouIa � �� � ��. ��tbe��·wiD.·, '. �. .. . ". . <.".• '." ., ..•. '. 'to � .. weD vened�in·�work.� :. .';.\. : $'� ; •• ���f. a: � while � .� �. �;�.4���)(�b� roo��. ;:;� . THE DAILY 'MAROON' . .Prot Ernest DeW:itt �, of.the were. their" opponeDts.. .� �go ��� :._. , . ·.�ent. �y-�,a!J0wed ���� . < .. , ���;., .,' ; � .. M�:.,Lo1S ..... _ . i- BULLETIN' department of New:.Testament and team· did -bot· appear··very ·p»d·:de.··· . ::,,'".f:...... �,� �e entertainment-··tt is qmtt: ���'�_.� ���mted. to·:� � - ',:, ': , .... " .: .' Early ChristiaD Literature and bead fenaiftly, as one of the BrOwns Wai '-"':;I F�t .- ��1e. tJ.� the first. dance or.. an. w�e llle fUsf ea�� of, the �e •" . Today.. of the University libnmes, will speak 1JSaally aneovered. Gorgas played th�'• ga�. �: .. Quarter, UDder the. � wDl serve tea. The. pro�m'18 as , Chape� college of Commerce aad on "�bnas and the ·War" at the best . game "for the' Varsity, seorin&�g Will be UDdera�ded, because fon�WII:. .. Administration aad.college of Edaea- University> :Y.M.C.A. clulpel hour lleVen ·baskets.Of �e fo�ess of tiekt-holden ProcessIonal. doD, 10:15, MandeL I meeting'this morning at 10:10 in Cobbl�vmg theIr .paste�ards at .hom�, but Prayer.. .Chapel, Divinity schoo� 10:15, Haa� 12A. This is the third of this series �1IP:�ral neb expenenees WID ehange Hymit. ken. of meetings and the last to be heW CHICAGO (24).this a�d tend to give the ,reform opo. Violin, solo MirWn Witru-�w Y.M.C.A. "Chapel hour" meeting, this quarter. Barborka, . Curtiss :-..r.f.po-z:n.'ty to � its purpose. Cbristmaa atory Mary Lois Brown 10:15, Cobb 12A. Contrary to the announcement in Long _ _ _.Lf.Its meetIng yesterday the Un· Selections by men's quartette............ .• I b C1. 21 yesterday's issue of the Daily Maroon. Gorgas _ .. � _._ __ e.dergraduate cou�cil nominated mem- Orvan Cohee, Maurice Bene, Dudley Soci�logy c u , 7:45, USlCS.. the Y.M.C.A. Freshman Group meet'� Hinkle _ _ : .r.g.�rs o� the SenIO� class to lead tbr Lyndon and.Judson Taylor. Publie. �ure, "Wh! Amencans ing will not be. held next Monday Vollmer _ lg.ngh\ and bl�� WI�gs of the grand Harp solo .......•......... : Helen Sheldon Mu.� Fight, Dean Albion W. Small, night. These meetings will be con- BROWNS -(30).;::g �: ptece:��=���r,;�� Hymn. 8, .:�=:�. Education clu� 8, HaskeD �::; h:�::;: at the opening of the Love : .J.g.women were nominated as well as'·the �::s- .. � Mrs. Gilkeyrece tioD room. The conection of hono h rec- Russell .- � .. .r.g_men. The nominees will be voted on Kathe qua�t j _............... p.ords for the jackie! at �p Great Corbl! _ _ .. e..t th first ·1 tin f .tli ryn lew lyn, Janet Casto, Dud· TomorroW'· Haskins _ _ •..... _ _ L .. .l.f.;.. tee �unet mee g 0 e· ley .Lyndon �d JUdson' Taylor. Ch � DiviDity ��. 10.15 Has- Lakes �tion WIll end today' at 2:30� Butzow, -Hom _ __ ._ _ .. _ r.f.. m r •. Vocal solo � .. : .. _.. "Milch-ed Shrader Y.: 1L ape 8C ., when. MISS Margaret Haas, '12, WIll Bask ts Go 7 Ba bo k 2Recessional. ae . take, them for the Recreation commit- . e: �gas,; r r a, ;German. Conversation club, 4:35, tee of the Council of National De- �mkle, 1; Curtiss, 1; Hon:" 6; Hu-No, Ordtestra Meetinc_ Ida Noyes halL fense. Faculty members . have· been kms, 5; Corbly, 2; Russell, 1 •. :Tbe meeting of the Religious Edu- Germanic club, 8, residence of Prof. �ntributin� records, one man hav- Free throws: Barborka, 2; Corbly,e8� elub, which waS'seheduled for �ere WIl1 J>e no orchestra Jl(eeting S. W. Catting, 1128 East Fifty-sixth lng brought thirty records to the Y.M 2.. �ig�t·�· been pOstponecJ. tO�igbt as p�nnecJ.. . _t./. . C.A. 0111 ... yesterday. Referee-KixmiUer.l-.�· :;., �:� .:,: i�'��·:; "'.:':- < '.'. <_ •• ':c JI - .. � ). -- .. } . ..".� ,..;"'1., ••. ,.' , ' ,.. •. ." , , • ., -' �.. .• . •.... �� .. ..; ;._.._ :.:t.""* ./.- _, .. .;:(-;.� •• �.; ,."';,- -. r�' .# _. 4 "'_ ; , -:: f1:·.:,,� '.�;;,": .. r�:: � <:>_ ;. _��: .. '��. '. � �. �."' -- �.��_�< 4 '.,.• VOL. X'Vi. No.· 51.-r ••• , UNIVERsIT! OF CmCAGO,. TBURS�AY, DECEMBER :-'ia� 1917.. 'J...'"•. '$., Postpon, Religious Meeting., ..•,., 4. ..-'" �.. -= .. �, ' .:� ,_,:"'.:''i ,�;. ,:, �',::i,':: �:::';�;J> :�\��'",".. � '" I.._ l"", , ....... � ...... _ '. j.'; I� �•• �!��.�'.'�,,� ��;':������V�����������i��:���.1'\',', • '<;: :; '�'.;" �:? . _' .: .} : ,�'i} y��? ::;;:�:�!;,::. '.: ?,:'�{:;�� X�; >�':': �� �:�� ,;: ,:.��. \:::: ,�./;:�� i: ,:: ����, \ri.�;':.'i!{{��{�:��::��r1�:: ·� , ,TII&·;DAILY, MAROON, -", TBUBSDAT, .DBCBMBBR. 1�.191'1� , •...•.•. 'J - J,. j. .,. /', ' :.(�. " ::'#,< -.,., '\' :.' ,/'.,., :• ',"" '.<# '". '...• '" ,,,..._�-- •• )��,.'"�'r ,n. StaMat N ...... �' .. U ..... �,� th� � of �'�, U»bersity of'�hi�. ,'�d� Dlerj '- :J �:.<� .. ,; - ':,: ... of �� '," - ".. aCtiye �:e� .�f � m;# �.,r selected .by the� ��om�? �or � :,. :_. I:' .. J.:_' _".',�, -- ,�PDbllahed momlD�'�eePt 5�'aDd IIoi.- .en aa . PosaijJ}e. � prelimfDarjt cieti� would. have' �meJdea 91 .t . . .�* ::: ��:n���� membership, when assembled, !Should � honor society ��� be and shouldgather at a smoker for the purpose do. - ..� �r:.. ------ .'== of' thu�l �cq�b.n� �d 'i�; :�oft--. -- .Wade Seader _. Traaurer sideration of its program. A� THOUGHT.. .. .A ,habituaJ· greetiDg.-among the lit-The� activities of the club are thenext things' to be considered. First erati � ,come t.o he: "1Jo:w f� ha,..€TIlE' ftAW sho�d be arranged a's�rie8 of weekly yo,:, proceeded ��th ,J�n-Cbri8tOphe!"Arthar Baer • M.n .... c Edltor .Char_ CreeDe Newa Editor smckers a� various fra�mity bousesRolaDc! 80110-&7 HJcht J:d1tor ' ual' •Lewis Flaher DQ Edital for the plll'PQse of mut, aequain-John Joseph DQ' Editor • be h'Harold Stanabul7 DQ Editor tance illl, the prelimmary mem rs IP'��:hlel-a=u �=� ==� .Next should be arranged a series ofRuth Genzboraer----Auir..&llt Womc·. Bdlter weekly' meetings, similar to the Y.M'Leona Bachrach ASSOCIATESH�leD Rariteb C.A. m�gs for F�slinian men, a�==========='====' = which the .l1_len mig� be addressed byBUSINESS DEP.ARntENT prominent undergraduates" alumni;Wade Bender ��, � and fac�ty ;members. Att:e�danc� atthese two kinds of meetings should «,- .. EDlTOlUAL DEP.&R:rIIElIrI'I,II,!• I• I!-I:"· r'l' . EXA�ATIONS 'IO BE GIVENON FOUR ·DAYS NEXT WEEK. You'. Have.�Jse .... #�..��� of It�o��tlf you look a1��,�t.at au tuna.' wben yoUr clothu are tallcwC4 the, uJerrems lYa�:· � '. ':, .. ','Prices •• 35 and upwards,"" ,�T�'9r. for' yo� .M�to, {r }If. LA SALLE' STREeTThree stori. � 14 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE'. r 1 'E. MONR.OE STllBET,',Arrange CIaaa Pictures..�The, .CoTSet!s"·�.F,,·up4(l#Op '.Your figure wi( be graceful, .and .' wi! 'have disdnctstYle. you , ',. 'cl· '. .'. :.J.�ea.:�!�rUl Q� ana your IJgUUJ as,··sured.' .! '. ( ;' 'MoreoWr. a" RedfernModel is so iJeDlIg com ...forta� 6tting so natur ...allydo", � its �."Yany athIeUc stunt as�'N.__ �.�.rickS· � ,'YY� " .... - .ccrset. '$3.50 upSPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTSCors�ges a Specialty\ )11nratrt tlnnrt !BUtfS)T�tnrr &ltnp1371 E. 55tJi StreetThe enminations for the; autumnquarter will be held' as follows: '3:40 classes, Monday, 'D�.··l'T, 2-5.8:10 classes, "Wednesd&y, Dec. 19,8 :30-11 :30.9:15 classes, Thursday, Dec. 21,8:30-11 :30.'" .10:45 classes, Friday, Dec, 21, 8:30-11:30. ' -11:50 classes, Wednesday, pee. 19,2�. ,�==============================�==============�1:30 c�,T�y,DeC.20,2�. ==========================================================2:35 classes, Friday, Dec. 21, 2-5.rI'Ij'I 1, Entered as second elua mall at the Cbleaao required, But the activities ought not; I Poatoffice. Cblc:aao. IUiDoi8. Kardl 11. 1106.: t under the act of March a. -lI'Tl. ' 'cease with these self-centered, meas-; urea. 'Freshman lun�h�ons, Fre�h-: J I B� Carrier. S3.0O .. :rear: sui a' quarter � p:a�es, fre�� ,dan� and�' B� �al1. $3.69 a ;rear: 1:1.60 .a �r the' like s;hould :he' plajmed and exe-·,. ElUa'lZ cuted by the efforts of this' prelimi-I . Editorial Rooms _: ! Telephone JIblW'Q 800. Local lIZ. nary. :rnembe�hip, assis�d 1>y t�e, l, Hours: �:�19,:'Ii: l:�: 7-9:10 Three Quarters 'club officers. ThesE' All members of the Law s�l whoI 'f. Buainess Office ElUII 1, . �d.' .to . t to rd th mu expect to graduate at the end of 'thisTelephone Midwa:i' 800. Local II%.; , WO.,· serv� .. asSlS ,W� - .. e _.Quarter are requested to see Mr. Pa�I Hours: . 10:16-10:": 1:� tual acquaintanc.eship of the entire terson in regard � the class pictureft class, with the' preliminary member- for the Cap. and Gown.';,.� _ 472 ship as-� nucle�. " ..i i . The thiJ'd p��� i� t�.a� .���s,� �e�,r; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1917. democratiC:aIl;y c�o�n: fo� t� 'pr��-�, i inary " memberShip,: s�ould. �m�� 1 0 versed in' the, liistory, . traditiops, and�l CONSTRUci'"E, wE TJJ.IN�- customs of the·University.· 'A metho4r. '. '. � The. point �ich is �waY8 e�pb�- �f �w>mp,liSlilng thi� ,'� �!1' ����� s� m a �efe�e �f � � Quar- gested. In the first pl&ee' �t. tJ:le week.- ') ters club 18 that It serves to· make I +: ... ,..,_ f th- 1: ..... :_.. - I�� • .I '. : Y. meeW0A06� � � preHAl.UUary mem-, certam men m�mbers of the Fresh- be h'· the peak d""";'..1 te. ,� .- ".' . rs IP, s ers, un erl5l& ..... ua :�I� �t cledassf ��tuallY acquainted. H alumni, or faculty, should inStr1:tet the1• ' 1 serv l'1io+'her tQ organize the an '. . .I '." ';. ' -� . ...., . � - freshmen ;n the history, traditions.! . tire Freshm� � d -�'l .� ... , :-- .. . .'.' .i. ',' part 'f.h· A ,_ �S ,e .� y customs and ideals �f the P�V.et:Slty,I -: 0 .. e � quarter by Uleor- rial hese' Ha'PCO[ .... })Orating in its .. Moreov�, ·JlJa�. QJ) t mJl�!", '. . Pl'Ogram more sOcia) ld ell be '- ted' .1.._ n-ij U ': � ,.",'. �cti'Vities to' ·be1f'· .. .'_ cou w: prm m ��. y �!1',�. , . t I and more to whld!' .' .. al .'I .� , : ' all 'of the � .. �:.:_' . .-: l'i' �" roon.� After . these �8�ction pre:..".r,. ' "!'t�&,UIlan � -'1.1 ", . '.' ,'�: ;:.i.,'__ if it �_..J 'f'�-:;':� ...,.� ��'_t �� liminaries, the candidates·' 'could ',be, .• ..,' » jI;U. � .... er � ftOII .. 1,.· . ..• " " .,,� '. •: r:�';�: ... :ben' the·· ." �e .J� ��- expect.e4 to Jmo� a' ce�in--ainoUnt Dft';�:"�" . -..._.83 JUldqs Df.the F� ". ' .. , ..... ", .'.'. '."fA 7} \ �,. weU ,WtUai!lted .� th . ,,�� � ¥. � �J4.-. � ��. n: .... 't�.._ • tiona histo ''!'"''WI. e tradi- f __ 1.. __ hip _1.:_..J.JI ,�,oLL.e _L..:1: ....:],:;":" � ,� ,.' . .. l:¥, and �mS of' the Uni- 0 m�. �.� .�. � .. �::::'.'., �,'.' .' "-��. and "if �.. . '.!. �:r to pass a wntten exammatIon on-wuf;� .. ,. J 1I}ak' !.. .. � �ed further to .'. ',J '.�' .' - �., .'.. • ,'.' •. �;',�:..,tr..' � � �� , .. , .. '•• m�terial,wh��o�d'f?er�k��1:J, \:.�J"._\'" Of � ��.�, �R��:v� quesp'0ns �: �r � �� .��_' �� ".,�,·:-r·!>�. �,,,,,;� � x:-� than fJt the GoWJl! Wjite tbe"� stanzaS of the, or' '>. - • ""UiOIIlent lD the .' (','" ... ... rt<:.;'· �to�CO�nLtelri.; �-'� ��;,_w��.�'-�t���.:· �::,', �� 4e���" ld ,thin �lf Il!-�re of dent ot the University:!' Dame .some'.· ! �,.', �.co��'� �,'"-t,'r: 8�;�� '¥ ��o:: 0' �� 11��- ofth� most importan�'bui1dings of��e �:F. . .. � � �ecl �. P�: �ore ���. eam?u� ��!l �� �eir lo¢al�tY� e�.�:� '. ' . .;;: �ty.. Ii' it an �:� lloil� ���er erjt:eP��'. o� m��rs��'� .. �i·.�·. eli:ati?1t fat.th�l", to�· 1�' o�- �bo� be atteD�� �� �e ��Y'\. h lnating tbe tlle })Oint of SIIlOkera and meetings JIlentiOned.'. onseplay treater fte_ f· .' '· ',�:'. .' thC)llgh ��lng ella �"o Its .a��e.' .These �o co� �raeticall�;�.�- . th� firiat ���� �e, Pel ho�, ale monoPObz� . the qualifica�o� fOI�.��'. it �ouI t�� ���o� a� ��m�h�p, and ��h of �e �to-';"': 'a_ '. � d PtoV:e it.�_'IA . �t �� �n; � favorm.m could be eliminated.-�. �r� ·'�tobe· " .. , ..... ,- ,.�.,;:�:: .��ity . Wi� � id '.: wh.o� bl This pIaD suggeSts, mo�ver •. tb£.:�. '.,., I 1'be Of ��. � of the Ulli� complete elimination' of the chape·',;�', ,'-. �e� f::lI��� �. .hour h��Y; al�ou�h �b� p�(:' :, Ilt�tbod a ��w 'nd��ns are of.. �t tJ:-e.fi1iaJ �� ��� :srould anc! �.. tb� first o� C::ll� ��� ������' shouid' be, retain�_' If all these' sug-.....• � J)� .. � Dl�nJ.�rship •. -, Iii gestions �re C&JTi� out the results. �.< -. sboUld emberabj ,- �. . .�;,:. til, W· � el� 01" � c:o�� �ould prove �t the Three �rs",, Po�ed �� 01" S�rh._ appolDted 11: club has a definite place at the Uni-t � '.. .0 - 'h-... L -� �. COIft' - f' �:- Th w·e: l"ep't'esen: :-'?�ID�r ()f' " ' � . � . :' .v�� �,. ,�I��' ; }�"!. ,"'. ��'. ,�, •• ,' 4..i�� � In t\e ��,fra��� prove" �1:U'ther,. that the h��p��:.o�!A Lin�l the �eb'8 ,re��_ the ��tes is u�ly unn��t '. f� n � \V 1l3� balla end hom, to carry out the aims of· the organiza-i tha tnt all ot.her lJ�9 ib�l b�usea, &lad tion. The ;activities of the club wou�<it . ba\Te 91 e or"""'· t· , . . ,1 f �1l� tn �-nlza lOllS- continue after initiation, dunng the� / re�hmen • eatul of se d- ..'I t. . . ��f the A n Ing out Winter and Spring quarters. By thE\ lVitles f lltumn rte . ..h 0 UU� cI�b . qua r ac· end of the Spnng. quarter the Fresh·. s ould tn�t . This commissior. man class would be a unit, and thet quarter to heat'ly in the Autunntc 00 emetnbershit> of t S the preliminary .b(!rship sh I he club. This mel'n'; lJl1;)11 d Con' ,members Of th Slst of: first, any � ... --_,ternity pI�<i � Freshman c1as, fra,either de' ges Or otherwise, who art�l' h' Sll"C)US of Competing for mem-S Ip or Who could be urged to des(); second, � S})ecified number of merfrom the tnen's halls and from Lin­C()1!l and Washington houses- and'third, a SPecified number, say ;our 011fi-ve, of men from each of the campu�fratemities. This commission shouleattend to advertising the club and i� R. L. Nelson, Prop. Phone H. P. 38E.t@Jj,Ja.d J 890JENKINS �ROTHERSDry Goods and. Men's Furnishings63rd St. and University Ave.I Ilirht Good. ' llicht Pric:a. "t··,... I ... .....'. � ..... ... ... ·A Messa(e'�d'an AppealTJfB M�SSAQE, 1.� TffIS:The scbools of the country are in urgent need of teachers.- .¥ac:an-� des are ,eODstaDtly'«eilriJig: The fhortqe is' serious and c:ausin� �­iety. It is bourld under the very' natu� �f conditiona to grow worSebecause of the next draft which promises to c�e .s!)me tilDe ,m January.me troubles )rill �eD become acute.),' ".. ''._J·1. ":.: .... .. :. . .;:_ '•. :' . :- • i':N Qt�. that' thi�. three: ''�. " '. I •••, ,.' '_.' ..••,pt¢ce aiumUll}m,bQqyJ,Pit$ . d�ie�tJy 'to, th�.t�n_-i.n�h "4c:�p fnmi��.-,. Tllat-is"a maskr·stroke·in �...._ "';'_�.:-_ ...... _:_ _'" ;..., .. - -. -,.;:. ... (·l-� ....motQr" .ca.r-d��ign;,:· �.. :,:-<-;.'.It does away' with�ood sills. Permits'the floor of the bodvfO be eight incheslower than you'llfind it in most cars.That means' a lowcenter of gravity­an easy riding ands�artly stylish car ..The Marm�>n 34 in . u'lJ�ral importantfeatures-,,-one ofwhich is Lynite .alu�min-um pistons­marks a distinctadvance in construc­tion. One has notseen the strictlymodern automobileuntil he has seen theMarmon 34.NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANYEltablisbed lSS1 : INDIANAPOUS'" f _-'-:;"J ,..,.. ��, "... ..... -lit, . ,:', ...," ��...• _ ..:rr.! .." ...... !.. . .� •., !" •I •• '.: A. � - .•� ..... J \':. � ':: .., :" �:,a_" , .., r . � Th-�e.girls.l' ���! ,mem1l .. r: COJMl, nJem,-. �D;l��.� .fipt�. 'tUelJin' h,:, elati4=\ .., . is INare l'siX 0to' ..f�rmgirlsuals� Ptef'S4-Weal�ir.w.ay:, dresl"own." *inJ.1 Capt'�eE,;, t#leiDem!.l4". :,.id_l90k� �tltJle'" time. fOr•• j •.l eve!],fresl, .. and.SiDi;1__thiiicom'',' -Stall, was", ':0£ t�.::�D.W,J'.ware'ean�t';'�:aba1.l.f. " ... , ,�, � . hoUl.. ',,' ia:·1J,. ' ... '�._. �Ol. ,f. 'I'+ if': sup'��r ,':�4.� I,,· berl. ' ... � -!'bra'fendreHOlon.'. of,Su-,_.' mecia<OJ' . J)ai.....FO, 4. After tne. Workoutcomes the tall glass.But what is in the glass isof even more importance todaythan it has been heretofore.., noW.�swers the old question of the,drink to choose, in, or out of train­ing. Jt is the strictly soft cerealbeverage-cll wholesome grains andpPpo� Saazer hOP3_;.healthful aswell as peligbtful-unlike �y soft Idrink' you eyer tasted. -'Served' at first-class restaurants, ho­tels, Cafes' and soda fountains ev,ery­where. ,F�� �l1��ed by grocer.MaDuf'ac:turcd.llDd bottled ezdUlliftbr b7mpiiiiiij : Anb�;atuc;b, .'1:. �u.b_ 11" s • ..,..'\-t. Drink Bevo coI#f ,-·The all-year-,-round ae,ft dr,lD,k--, ", " ./• ','J,: ,; :'F\(�"O'F FV"', �':_''''',H,I T"E,�··.,Qlg ,"W�sh'-;'N�' ���'���9.�,'�����:" '" ," '. " , ' ,'_, .. ,'��""��N�', Dear :M:adam:-',':' You' undoubtedly haven f ten 'wondered why:,:'scientis1:$ " have,' not' , de-, voted m�re time towards'',.de�BOme,manD.er:or: : • .l:'!!ll"iill'a..:-'means _ for ,easily and. ;,�plt cleansing clothes •. �e, 'there are �y"�plpounds ' 8.!ld t "devi� ,, 'for '. performmg t hISI work, but,. we believe we, ,can'''ho�esijy ': �te tIui�'we are the .oilly Concern" '�t�' ,�.;!::� ",,,_:,,.�--., manufactUring' a> prQd':", " .. ::,�u� for'�g:,�lotheS that:dOOs"liot ���'iy,�.�tAsh�thi� oJ :the 'other harmf� ��� _� 9� �, �9.r·purpose, " ", -.: , J.Iluffy White is guaranteed .t,o �ely �h �� ,��of fab��, qqj.�y and with:praeti�y .no �bo�, '�9 :f#.,�urse Wlll cleanse the coarsest of garmenj;s as w�., '"" ',', YoUr' clothes, will. never "y�ow'� when: .these px_o_ductsare used, they will be clean, pure �C;I swee� �sm�g ,.d irjllwear much, longer than when washed by ,any oijier '�'':�," I� trying this sample; be car�ul tQ'f9llow �� 'Wl.��eetions. You will be, pleased witll tlte results, Your wash­It:lg. �1 be done in �h the time, andwe are �fiden�' �t ''ydU' wp1 not only continue. to, use' these 'px.oducts, but :will'reeommendthem to your neigJ;d�rs. ',,'" , '.:. '_ "': -, .. ';� -POLI.OW, TRESB'SIMPLB DIRBcrlOHS cAUFUuy =:::..., First P1It Soiled clotheS In eold Water; -Sba"-tbie· en.e-IWf bar Or 'w Pod la= soapand one amall cake of ",.,,., White. • Dissolve'in • quart of bolli_ water.·, Poar Into)"ourelotbn boUer baH fuU of bot..-ort water." WriAIr eIodleS fl'oafeold waler_.:ftt-tbelD!n. youl'-,boUer and boil tbem20 mlll1ltes .orrinti fr�� Tbeu:rinH dIciIa:-diIroIr9Tt17'" hoc tNtcr. Do not put too many clothes In boDer at one time.' Forextra larIre ..shiuc'Put blln �p and Pluf,., White 19 proportion to·water added. bani water sboald be tbor­�cr_ 'I softened befot'e 1ISiq. Little if any robblnc Is Jl�bJ7 bard bema,,"aut bands 01' neck bands. , � and dUn .....,. .hiM Iaoc. .BORAX OR SODA WILL SOFTEN WATER ', MRS. WafllE'S IRONING' COMPOUND:t'he greatest aid to the housewife in ironing since the invention of fiatIrons. \'.11 This compound is of the purest ingredients, combining the best ofa known harmless chemicals. The results were' obtained in 'ourlaborntoric:; by <?ur chemists after years of study and experimenting •.You mIX It In the starch-It makes the clothes smoother, brighter. and helps to keep them stiff in warm or damp weather.It helps. the clothes to wear longer and ,,;11 strengthen and bringout the color;;- Docs away with ironing .pads,Mrs. White's Ironing Compound is equally as effective in all gradesof starch. , . 'Make:; the iron run smoother, faster and easier. '1 boy our rromng will be completed in half the time and with much Iessa � ., DIRECTIONS����l!:Jab� �o each Quart of hot s�rch a(t� removlnsr from flre-Sttr until thorou$Z'hlyKeep ;weh ....!!!.. dt°'Wnbtaln'lli dbes°ally WIth warm water to �uit purpose. stlrrlnar viIlOI'OUsls'.......... 00 n t results. �110" dlt'eCtions accurately.• .Surpri.se your, !,ei�hbors by sleeping an hot!!' later and finishing� our ,�hmg and lromng an hour earlier, they wJl notice the clean,pure whIte look of your clothes. 'B�y a package today_ Your neighbor W11Iaak: "HoW' .do fou do it?"..•",'Produces printing thatconveys a pleasing im­pression and impelsclose consideration ofits contents. ':: '!: ::• •TIle Ingleside PressPop. MaCThurs.PRINCESSThe'Man WhoCame B�c,k' M;;N;�hFoster & Odward, Correct Dressersof Men, 7th Floor __ Republic bldg.,. State and Adams streets., 'I· :1 \ Classified' Ads..: t: I )l. ...�IFive cents. per line. No advertise- GARRICK rf8N1;�pmen� for less than 25 .:cents. All FIRST "POPULAR" MATINEE TO·MORROW 6233 Cotta�e �ve Avenueclassified . advertisements mUst be � orld" Grcatat Entertainment�'. paid. in advance. .• • ,\...... "to,-:,,:'". :'"'1-C\,:-.,'c', '�;'. "..." �:;,T:�-.: �:. '-',l :::, ..-, : ... --: ...... :....---�- �'.::- '",___ ." -�� - ��.:_;�J_. ,.:::_)'-=:-'�.��_���� .. �;;_��i�,-?-.��.EDITORIALS. .'LIGHT occupation: watching peo­ple trip up 'the aisle (on the tom Car-pet) . in Harper. \ADD: observing the gent count theparticles of dust in the air there.Thirty coatS swiped yesterday,Forty more tod�y.Don't you love to buy new coatsAnd make your Papa pay? 'The-'Walk·Over­Stores -.. .'In 'Chicago ,­Specialize.·in styles of '­Walk.Ove:.;-· ShoesThat appeal to College Man and Wom�­See our windows- oj. ,!..;..4 .. ,,. .., ..,.. oocco co or '.•• 0 o·. ctUCAGO" - . .1/Jal'k·/(()tJe,p., Slwe J�o:r�T""'" - ....... a -. - � . I. ';'EN'S AND WOMfN'S SHOES . • ', "0 13] , '. S'1:WOMEN'S sHOES EXCLUsIvELY; , �·S· STA'{l:. •Mr;N'S SHOES DCCLUSIVELY _4100 SHERiDAN ,RD. 14 SOUTH D�ORN ; ",: .. :.... '. I ,• .� ,'(...• \ "" r \"• t-,<: ""',, '-: .,,r !" ...• e: e-,• 'I '.'. �I: ,.�� .. �...;� : ,'�'".' "Lets get:"- a Iitle German efficiency,Why does ev�ryone waiting for theHarper elevator have to stand so thatpersons leaving said ear have to walkall" the way around him? Why doesa man have to w�t in the front· of theear and be in t'&e way while all thewomen squeeze' pilat' him before' hecan disembark? 0__�t, .f:·fr'i '. Mr. Carl Huth, assistant Prof. oft' ' History, will address the Czech club,1 �. " which wfll meet tomorrow afternoon,""� from 4 to 6 in Ida .Noyes.jliliiLii�ii�'iii.:�iii.._-iii<-iliiililiilliiiliilillili __ iiiliIiI __ liiiiililiiilliiilliiilililiiiiliiiiliililliillliliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiii.��OiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;�===a·�·..-_.. -_.. t,.�.&;,.i,� ..·iii.,.;.::...;,>�t>'�Oli..o. ,�,-.���<' . ..i.:.;,;�-;;.I;;�;� ..;.;�.;)...,JIoIiI':.;;'1:.:..<:'_:;..;..;:....:.,�;,;;.,�..;,,�..;.,,:.;;,.��.:...-�..;,�;,;;,:.;,.,��}.:..::'��..:.:,..,:;J. ..;.,. .:.:-:_·-,;,.;', .... ...;.;:�!.*J/·:!.�J..;;L�::...\_.;.JJ�....--�;'I;:.(·:·::t '((i IIENTER John Joseph shouting thathe has a new joke for the WhistleGosh, we' need a new one..- NOW that Harold has left 'the officewe< will have to be satisfied with asm8ll 'amount _ofl qwmtity and lessquality. '.• rAnon.Alice Rowell, Head of Bohemian Set­tleiaeat House, Is Bride. .. ... I'Mr� 'Edward Zbitovsky, Ph.B., '15:.A.JrL' '16. is to be maIrled December26 to Aliee Marion Rowell, . A.B. Mr.Zbftovsky is -now president of theCzech Society and is wOrking for thedegree . of . Ph.D.' Last year; besidesbeing president of the' Divinity coun­cil and by virtue - of hiS office of theDivinity StUdent's association, he wassecretary of his fraternity, the DeltaTheta· Chi, and editor of its annual'Miss 0Rowell is a gradUate of MountHolyoke college and head resident ofo the' BoheDiian SeUlement house, ofwhich . Mr. 0 Zbitovsky is the· Superin.,tendent of religious work. (You mayguesS how the romanae began).. The wedding will take place at theSettlemeDt:.�.use, 1831' South R8dn£avenue. .�!. B.' Bun:.eIl of -Brooklynwill oftl�JUld I,: u.: Sta1ford,_ MA.D.B., fellow in the department of NewTestament and Early. Christian Lit­erature, will be the best· man. Thebridesmaid will be Miss Rowell's siS­ter, a student in WeUsley college.,i; '0s.:\.- ,•,r . .-.'•� POST BULLETIN CONCERNING'FELWWSRIPS FOR WOMENThe" bulletin of the Association ofCollegiate Alumr.ole .giving details inregard to the fellowships for womenfor the years 1918-'19 has been postedon the bulletin board in the middlecorridor of Harper. AU applicationsfor thoese fellowships must be madebefore January 1.Ruth Addresses Czeehs. / Subscribe to�y forThe 'Daily Maroon.";- "---:.�,� !, J •••� ..... & .. :. ---7"" ....... _-... j��,< 1<o ".: , . ,'\. "',,'lit "';: -, ";. -I. �. '(, .... .:. . --..... 'J_ :.::-' •� ..... .. ':�:" �;..� .t�' t:j� .",'The blending" is 'exGeptio�1." :�ST' eRAoe TURKISOH AltOMAKERS Of THE _HIGH � WORLD, <,, ' EGYPTIAN GIG"R�1fES 't:tTHE. . .I ',0 ':�.,.: ,-. ,�.:."'; ........ : ....;:"; �:!�� ;.;�, �;./t. -.,\ .(t. .. ._�). .'-.".:, ";�• .'.".... "'�rle� :�. '". ,25Gc , , I. 'REMEMBER - Tarki.1a to.bacco i. tlae world'. mostfamo". tobacco for CillaTette*i:, - \'. �'. . I....: ':s " _ �, \i- - \..... ..I .... ,._.. -�: .... �... --, '�'''-..::., � . --.,_-: ,,- �'I_'