' ....... "��'.. i\. �-'_' : ..... ,. .. �:..". "f.�......... : . ";: "' ...... ,.,; ..... ' .: .... ,..j:iB'AD'GER' GA'ME' CLOSES SEASO.N .TOO·AY.. ? '��., 'lv : � I'aroon• VOL. XVI� NO._40. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 24, 1917. Price Five Cents•GROUP MEETING HELD MO?llD� Y. CArT. BRELOS AND BONDZINSKI IN LAST�GAMETO GIVE THANKSGIVlNGSPREAD· IN NOYES HAll SIXTY,' JACKIES atOMTllAINING STATION ,TO., ':A1TENI>'�GAW::�iODAY CARDINALS HOPE TO ELIMINATESTAGGMEN FROM SECOND PLACEFIVE CROSS coUNtRyTEAMS WILL� COMPETE, , -:iIfCONFERENCE MEET --U·I ••�i . ,\ , Ames, Ohio State," Wisco� Min-. � . -, �*,ola and Chicago, Fightfor Ho�ors . Today. W. A. A. To Entertain Campus Wo- __.men at ·Annual A tfair......:..change .. . .' .. .Menu .This, Y�&r: ·to/.Conform to WiD Witness Cardinal- MaroonFOod Administrator's Idea. StruIgie as Guests of Uni-versity 'y �M.C.A� ------_- -.., ----. - -- .-- .... �-"� It • Necessity of Using Substitutes' Weakens MaroonChances of Victory - Wisconsin ElevenPractices on Field After Arrival,': A Thanksgiving -spread will begiven Wednesday, at 7, 'in Ida NoyesOTIS OR MC'COSH SHOULD WIN hall by, the Woman's Administrative_'__ Council. ' .. Every University womanhas been aSked' to 'come,' especially'five cross country teams. will face th dents '11 be bl TIle sixty jackies from the Greate stu ents who WI not a e to Lakes' station who are to attend th'the tape in Wasllirigton' Park this get home' for the holidays. The ' eJiictnUng at 10:80 in the- annual COD- spread is an annual affair, but has Wisconsin game this afternoon asJerence meet .. The colleges which been changed this year somewhat to the guests of the Y.M.C.A. have beenWill be represented are: Ames, Ohio conform to Hooverism, quality of instructed to report at 1:30 today �tState W· . M' ta d Chi the' Hyd.e Park Baptist church. The're Brelos (Capt) ·.. __ . . __ . __ ._. ._.l.e. Kelley -------------- .. r.e., isconsm, mneso , an - entertainment being substituted forcago -, The University of Purdue was quan'tity of food. they will receive their tickets to the Jackson --.-.---.---.--.-.---�.- I.t. Hancock (Capt) ._. __ . ._._._.r.t.entered, but dropped out when At- 'A feature of the party' will be. the game and introductory cards di�ct Bondainski ' --_:._�-.-.:---.-.-.-----. I.g. Ki�Ckbefer .. ----.:-.-.-.--- r.g.klns, the star of the team: was de- presence of the guests 'in costume. ing ' each'· to the residence of his host Go�·' _. . .. -.: Carpenter ,__ ,_,_. __ �_., _' _'_' ._., ., .__ c.dared ineligible. The war has de- Every' figure from .. POcahontas to for supper, night's lodging. and M � ... ,• K I ., Ipleted the Michigtin,' Northwe&teM; breakfast- These fraternities e - .-.---.--.-.----.. r.g. ravo ec .. ' - ..----- .g.. Martha Washington is expected to be Delta' Upsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta K�' ._. _,' :_�_- _._. �_ r.t. Scott, ._._._� . :.,. Lt.Illinois, and Indiana teams, so DO represented. 'Prizes will be given for .squad was entlered. ' �.�. the most'ingenious costume, the' pret- Sigma Phi, Psi' Upsilon Chi Psi, Del- Hinkle' . ..;:...-.-.:-�-.---' ---.. __ .. _:._. r.e. Keyes ._---_._-_._-----_-. _ .... _-- I.e.Ames and Wisconsin seem to ha-,:e tiest and the cleverest." . ComPebmt ta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Bloeki -----.-.�.----.--.-. ._.q.b. Simpson -----.----- q.b.the best chance of rnnning off with judges have been' selectd '. to confer Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi and Tau Rouse ._:_-.-- . ._. __ ._____ I.h.b. Davy ._. __ . __ . . .__ r.h.b.the meet, with Ohio State looming up the .honors. The Ukulele club will Kappa Epsilon. In order not to in- Elton .. __ . . __ ._.:. . r.h.b. Bondi . . __ ._._._. .. l.h.b.as the dark horse. Chicago has lit- entertain at various intervals during tethrfe e:':e"tht:ehe 'afraki�SrniWI�llteas �tear Higgi�s .. _._ ..... _._._. __ .-:- __ ._ .... _. . .. f.b. Jacobi .. _._. __ ._._._ .. _. ._._._. f.h.tIe chance, since Eck bas only five the evening. There will be' dancing b-::;· , J c e go Inmen capable of going the route, while on the, third floor, for which-Miss Taf- body. tg-,,3 the Re�ol?s .c�ub, to. be en Umpire-Knight (Dartmouth)six men are pennittect·, Minneso� ,�� i�"�r.nishing the musi�ians� ::' .tertal�1l" there until dinner-time,Referee-Birch (Earlham)'I�- has &.weak team, and was �y bea� Cider aiI .... Dou_c..ltnuts ��.. __ ,::WP':'�o J!.e��� �-!';'�ker, "-"'�-<2';,:""It- _�ield Jud�W)rlte. (I!linois). ,,'.en �o weeks ago by the Wlsconsm The refreshments will consist of Those jackiea who stay at the . Head 'Linesman- Wh,yte _(Cornell)harners. cider, doughnutq and popcorn with fraternity houses will be taken to the- � Ohio State 'Runners Arrive the usual Thanksgiving' accessories. Reynolds club smoker after the meal The last game of the season-thisOhJo State arrived yesterday morn- Katherine Greene is �e chai�n .of '!he clu� has arranged a� especially afternoon at 2 o'clock on Stagg field.ing and immediately went out to in- the refreshment comittee, which m- interesting program In VIew of the Wisconsin fonns the opposition andt � • apeet the course. Coach Castleman eludes Helen Martin, Charity Bnding- jackies' visit. Afte r the �oker they looks strang.oi the Buekeyes was not �e!'y �pti- er, Helen Driver, Florence Falkenau, will be lodged f�r the night and given Bring your third overcoat. It willmistic over the chances of his team, Josephine Moore, Alice Campbell, and breakfast, be pow'ful cold� Cold means pepbut declared he had a fair chance to E1eanor Atkins. �s much -"eats" At 10:45 the jackies wi\l meet' at to the players, The game will pro­win. The Ohio conference cross eoun- will be provided as is consistent with the Hyde Park .Baptist church. After bably be fightful, even though a snowtry was won hy the state team last Hooverism. . I the serviee they will be 'taken to the covered field may make high �peedSaturday, with 12 points to their Invitations have been sent out homes of various church members impossible.� nearest opponents SO. The only other under direction of Florence Kilvary, for Sunday dinner. At 3:15 they'meet of .the year was with Indiana, president of the Neighborhood clubs, will meet again at 'the church and beand Ohio took the 'first three places. to all off-campus women. Tickets are taken for an automobile tour of theThe Buckeye teain is fairly well bal- now on sale in_ Ida' Noyes foyer dur- city parks, They will be served sup­anced and is experienced. Roach, ing the moming hours, at a price of per in the parlors of the Hyde Parkten cents each.who won "first place in both races, isa sophomore, as is Augustus, who israted as the equal of Roach. Stein­hilber, Hammond and Oman are jun­iors, while Barnett is a senior. Ohio Mostly cloudy and unsettled today;hopes to win_ hy taking a bunch of not much change in temperaturemoderate north' to northeast winds. ..\HOW THEY LINE UP •«',MAROONS WISCONSIN,�t.f �.I .. :..THE DAILY MAROON·BULLETINTolay Captain Brelos and Bondzinski aredefinitely due to perform in theirlast game this afternoon. . It is' hard­ly calling too strenuously upon theimagination to state that every oneof' ·the other men in the contest thisafternoon will also be playing his lastgame of football for a long while.It is a grim thought, this-some­thing that WI11 probably eat into thechests and throats of the rootersdeeper than anything has ever eatenConcerning the :Maroons there is in the past. Those men will be fight­little optimism. Higgins has been ing their last football game in allsick all week. McDonald got out in probability-not their last battle.a suit for the first time Thursday and That means. Chicago and Wisconsin \is not counted on to start. Cochran alike, for patriotism has no local re-will not play and neither will Moul- sidence.SMOKER TONIGHT AT 7:30 ton. It is difficult to rebuild the mor-IN REYNOLDS CLUB FOR ale ,of a team after a smashing such Fight as Soldiers ,Fight .. MEMBERS AND VISITORS as was met with at Minneapolis. It is a grim thought, too, but aWhen sickness makes matters worse. more 'thrilling one, that those menthe task is serious. -'who will grit their teeth and fightWisConsin Rooters and Jackies Invit- ' Hinkle will probably start at right for victory today will have as an es-ed to Informal Entertainment- end, although McDonald may feel sential part of their equipment theCompile List of Pledges. well enough after. he gets his knee driving sp�rit, the tre�endous, cleanbraced to get into the fracas. Gor- energy which have made other foot­gas is shifted back to center, where ball players from everywhere in thehe can do a great deal more good country greater players in the great.than at guard. Reber is out-his tern"le game in which they are nowMinnesota �howing � none too participating.promising. After all, in the present swirl of'Changes Made. in Lineup circumstances, it matters little whoMellin is pulled back to guanL wins today •• We hope !or and willHe knows too little about the tackle roo! for �Icago. to. WID. But thejob to be a fixture there. Kann will malor conSIderatIon �8 deeper. Itstart at right tackl Afte h' makes the contest thIS afternoon ane. r avmg xhibti f eli • l' hich hasplayed almost all of the positions on e I o� 0 SCIP me wthe team (excepting center and quar- proved Its enonn.ous value. already.ter) Lou finally winds up at the place It makes it a subject of setiou.s won­left vacant by Stew Cochran. This der and of grave hope concernmg themeans another new combination in future contests of football men.the line. Its successful operation isproblematical. �:"The right end proposition is none W. A. C. WILL GIVE SUPPERtoo bright. McDonald can 'never be TOMORROW IN NOYES HALLrated as a genius, but he has had adeal more of experience than Hinkle M' H I H d' L_ h ad £ISS e en en ncJL:S, e 0and knows far more about the game. Drexel house '11 L.': th t fTh hI' ht 'd f h 1" ,WI � e gues 0e woe. ng 51 e 0 t e me 18 honor at the Woman's Administrativenew. Mel�lD. played guard hefore- council supper to be given tomorrowin the nhnols game-but has been at 6 in Ida Noyes 'hall. Tickets willbe on sale at 20 cents apiece today atnoon in the foyer of Ida Noyes ban.Maroons on Sick ListI"(Continued on page 2.) .WEATHER FORECAST(Continued on page 4.).1 FIRST GAME OF WOMEN'SROCKEY SERIES IS TODAYAGAINST WISCONSIN TEAMII' __ Meetings of University. R�liDgbodies; Harper En: "I The Wisconsin smoker to be givenInter-Class and College Matches are tonight by the Reynolds club is sched-Scheduled for Rest of Quarter, - Board of Physical Culture and uled for 7:30 sharp. All members of-Teams Announced. Athletics, 9. the' club have been invited and espe-Board of the school of Commerce cially urged to come. The guests ofand Administration, 10. the club will be the Wisconsin rootersThe University Senate, 11, Harper and fifty jackies from Great Lakes.assembly. The latter will be entertained by theUniversity football game: Chicago Y. M .. C. A. during the day.va. Wisconsin 2, Stagg field. William Henry promises a program. University Dames, 3, Ida Noyes full of pep and interest. It will behall. _ furnished mainly by campus talentand will include a number of features,Tomorrow am'ong them being a Swedish mono-University' Religious servi� 11, logue, acco'rdion harmonies, several.Mandel hall. quartettes, a banjo quartette, Ha­waiian band, a Chinese song, and aboxing match. The latter is a "comeon�, come all" affair, freshman Pur­year being the challenger.The first hockey game of the sea­son will be played between the Wis­consin team' and the University wo­men today. The second match of thequarter will end the class. series andthe rest of the contests win be thecollege matches. All of the gamesWill be played o!'\ Greenwood field and,with the exception of the Wisconsingame, will be in' the afternoon.·sThe game with Wisconsin 'Will beplayed this morning at 10. In orderto make' the game unofficial, someof our women win play on' the Wis­·consin side, while part of their teamwill play'" on our side. The followingwomen will play: reguhlrs-EdnaClark, Helen Driver, Elizabeth Flack,Violet Fairchild, Sarah Griffin, Dor- 'MondayChapel, Junior college, men� 10:15,Mandel., "T··1. •, 1-t \rr fl' Botanical club, 4:35, BOtany 13. Want Boxer to Meet FreshmanPublic Lecture, The Rev. Mr. "It is up to the higher classes toDwight Goddard, 7, Haskell assembly. get busy," said William Henry, "andPatriotic club, 7, 5706 Woodlawn provide a taker for the challenge, so(Continued on page 3.) avenue.Romance club, 8, Classics 21. (Continued on page 2.) (Continued on page 3.)• J �I • '. If!I ITHE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY, .NOvEMBER 24, 1917.'n.Tbew�Sbat4laamt Na�il.l1l' :!I.",n..arUalD. .,DeftI&Jo.. ".. l. , -.',.; 4� ...... !£ .: �., J SIXTY JACKIES ,FROMCOL LEG. lATE muEFa:: .... TRAINING STATio.'N· TO.I , .. ':, ','. l\Tf�D. GAME TODl\Y.� ,. , .- . : .. ' , " .' . .01 Chlcqo �-- .... ------:� ..< --� :-' ---f,: Ohio State-The fratem.it� andsorori�� are n()t onl� ���yin.gservice flags, but nearly all have foodconservation signs in their windows.Some houses are having. two meat­less days a week. (ContinaOO'��m �ge 1.) .Publl.ahed momln ..... x� Su� and ....dQ. durinsr the Amumn. WiDter ud Sprm.Quarters by the Daily JrIarooD comp&D7. I,Baptist church by the Young Peo­ples s�iety of that church.Pleased With, HelpActing .Secretarx Clarence F. G.Brown said yesterday concerning thevisit of the jackies: "We are verypleased '�th the way everybody hashelped the Y.M.CA. in this plan. Weare going to have a nice crowd offine young men, many of them formercollege men, at the game. Most ofthem have been personally chosen byWalter Bowers,'ex-'18, who will bringthe men down here from the Great •Artlnlr Baer _,:,._._. __ ._.__ Pre&1delltCbarls Greene .. _ Sec:retar7Wade Bader ' Treasurer.---Drake-A manunoth service flag tofly from the campus flag pole with astar for every Drake man in serviceis being- subscribed for by membersof the University.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFF· II;�· .--�• r 1 ",· j: '\· -' '.I• j ::'\ 'I.,,.,Arthur B.er Venaltiq Editor'Charl_ GreeDe __ News EditorRoland Holloway ,NlPt EditorLeww Flaher D&J' EditotJOhD Joseph D&J' EditorHarold StaD.abW7 __ . __ D&J' E4itorStanley Rdth !-_ .. Athletics EditorRuth Falkenau .. WomeD·. EditorRuth GeDz.bereer .. _..Aaawtant WomeD·. Editor.,. .Note that' this three­piece aluminum bodybolts directly to theten�iIich-deep frame.That is a master stroke inmotor car design.Drake-Women students have madeboxes of candy which will be sent tofonner students in service. EveryReleD Ravitch Drake man will receive them.ASSOCIATESLeona BachrachLakes station," ,BUSINESS I?��RTHENT Minnesota-Over two hundred dol- At the last of the Freshman lunch-Wade Bender BuaiD_ llananr lars have been raised to' send the eons yesterday, at which the Rev .============.:_::..::_::..::_:..::_=.:'= Freshmen players. to -:the Illinois Mr. Charles W. Gilkey, spoke, it wasEntered � aecoDd' claaa mail at the Cbleuo game today. The campus thinks that decided to hold again this year thePoatoffice. Cble&i:O. IlliDOia. March 13. 1906. by giving the money for that pur- Freshman group meeting. It hasunder the act or March 3. 1813. ...pose it is helping the Red Cross, since been the custom for a number of- next years' receipts, which will be years to hold these meetings for theBy Carrier. $3.00 a :yQr: '1.25 • quarter· h . '1By Mail. $3.50 a ::rear: ,1.50 a Quarter given to t at orgamzation, WI I be incoming men in order that they mayincreased if the Freshmen are satis- 'have the opportunity to discuss vari­fied and ream to play better football. ous questions that arise. It is aclearing house for ideas, and takesthe place of the upperclassmen honorsocieties. Any Freshman may attend...� Ii Editorial Rooms Ellis 12TelephoDe Midw&J' 800. Local 162.Hours: 10 :15-10 :45: 1 :3().6: 7-9 :30 Minnesota-Sigma Nu won in' theBusiness omce , E1Us 14 contest for haying the best decoratedT�lephoDe Midway 800. Local '162. house at the competition last week.Hours: 10 :15-10 :45: 1 :3o.G Phi Kappa Psi received honoroble several Im po rtun tfeatures-one' ofwhich is Lynite alu­m inum pistons­marks' a distinctadvance in construc­tion. One has notseen the strictly.modern .automobileuntil he has seen theMarmon 34.1 t does away withwood sills. Permitsthe floor of the bodvto be eight inches. lower than you'llfind it in most cars,That means a lowcenter of gravity­an � riding andsmartly stylish car.The Marmon 34 inII( .t First Group Meeting MondayThe first meeting will be held Mon­day night, from 7 to 8 in Harper E41.Elmer Donahue was elected chairmanof the committee to take charge ofthe meetings at the luncheon. He haschosen to assist him Chalmer Mc­Williams, Howard Beale, J�hn Pres­ser and William Ducker Six moremen will be. chosen at the meetingMonday.At certain meetings faculty mem­bers will probably speak. A, few daysbefore examinations the freshmenwill try to have some speaker fromthe department of Psychology speakon the way to study for examinationsin a practical way. I,.,mention.· ."472 Columbia-Freshmen will be allow-ed to swim on the varsity team. ThisSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 191'7. has been adopted as a war measure.� II, �. Lawrence--- The college is consider­ing the plan of changing the academ­ic year from the tenn of two semest­ers of 18 weeks each to four .semes­ters of 12 weeks each, following theplan in operation at the Universityof Chicago.THE POWER OF YOUR NAMEThe committee on the Cap andGO\\'ttl, appointed from the Board ofStudent Orga�zations, have refusedto consider practicalities in theirjudgment on the immediate future ofthe university annual. It .has been Iowa-The Daily Iowan advocatesthe policy of giving letters to thepointed out, in the editorial columns cheerleaders. NORDYKE & 'l\1ARMON COMPANY·... ",.-W 1851 • INDIANAPOUS -I, 1• iof the Daily Maroon and by the mem­bers of the Cap and Gown staff, thatthe suggestions of the committee. areimpossible-cas � practical matter. It. has been shown that cutting the vol- Washington-Military training isSMOKER 'TONIGHT AT 7:30so popular that over 100 women are 'attending drill, IN REYNQLDS CLUB FOll..' � MEM�ERS. AND VISrrORS TYPEWRITING OFFICERoom 2, Lexington. Hall. (StenographyExpert (Copying(Mimeographing. Prices 'NominalMidway 800Loeal 214Classified Ads. • !�. !'__ 4' ...Five cents per line. . No &d"eitise­Iq��' fe»f Jess t� -:' �.' c:ea�. �IIc)�fi� ad,��ent8· lIlut 1»epaid � ad�!,�cer .Harvard-A gift of $50,000 fromume of the book in half can not pes- Mrs. Samuel Parkman "for the 'caresibly effect a proportional cut in the of the Yard or other grounds of theprice. ' University" creates the only endow- that the boxing championship Qf theThe University has never and will ment possessed by Harvard for the campus does not go to the Freshman 1============;::==:f th ds class." ,not now as�� any of the financial care 0 e groun , , .__ . � list has been compiled by theresponsibility accrued by publication Wisconsin-Instead of a Junior club, showmg' the .numbers . of· Fresh­of the Cap and Gown. If the ��1f Prom, the junior class' is, to hold an man fra�ty -pledgea . who , -haveshould undertake to publish the an- inexpensive Liberty Dance, investing joined the', club, Of the ).56. Fresh­nual according' to the suggestions of the proceeds in Liberty Bonds. In a man pledges, 105 have joine4 thethe committee, it would 'be accepting' large mass meeting, the women 'stu- club, making' a record �f better t� FOR RENT-71 Hitchcock. Reply toa business propOsition which was dents voted to oppose all formal par- 6& ��ent w-ho have joined., L., • �o��!�, 71,' HiiehcOck. (411m'" '"'. .• .. ties during the year. Wl!ham He� declared hll�self. OWJJ. to entail finanCIal loss. The pl� with �e' rePort 'but thinks 1==============staff' cannot be expec� tQ sactifice Syracuse-In addition to contribut- �t still more' Freslrme� should join. Md· Ch.its own funds in ord�� that the Uni- ing toward the financial support of "Every Fresh� should get started. a e 10 .Icagoversity . may continue to have its the Syracuse University Ambulance right" 'said Henry,; ''by joining thecustomary year book. Unit, the University women are lmit- club in his first quarter and making Automobile JacksTh ting sweaters, preparing Christmas the acq��n�ce of his ����s. de S�tuatiQD, '�en, come$ to this. an Accesso ·boxes for the Unit, and saving news- The f���io/ me� sh�ul� � that .'.... . nesIf the Board 9f Stud�t Organiza- papers which are later to be made their :Rl�� join �e cl�b. 't is the .tions insists u�n· the �p�ce by into trench candles. only place where all the fraternity Jacb for Every Parpotethe Cap and Gown .staff of the sug- and non-fraternity inen can get to- Lamp Backet.. gether." EDd W�.:hagestlons of the committee, the 1918 . �p�� ptu, WrCllchaCap and Gown wUl probably never PhyJlis; Palmer Cheerleader .Valve Littensee the ligh� of day. . The staff will . Tail Backet., Phyllis Palmer was chosen women'srighteously decline to �0lJ}�� pii�- cheerleader last night at the Chicago PM.1a Bracket.ate financl'al loss �t o�e N· di Poot Pedal.AMI _ Ight 'nner. Pauline Callen, Helemloophole has been offered. If six h�- Driver .and Josephine Moore acted as Tire I�. Etc., d� members of the studenf body judges. W. IIGve em attrtJctiN JIf'OJ'Nition far, lob-- cmd DMln-a. Wriu.,.will sign statements agreeing to pur- lor JHJTtkulanchase copies of the annual 'if author- PhOllcS1apcr:ior 1�55 PANCY CARDSized at' the old size and' pri�, the Hi,h Grad. CaDdia aDeI Ci,.r.petition thus made may inftuence the Pugh & Bemhl·setBoard to pennit publication of theannual, alter certain legitimate com- Continu� ,fr:om page 1.)'&�269Fae. Exch.W ANTED-Comfortable room, nearI. C. in which one, ean work severalhours a day 'with9Ut .,.llil •. d�­.,' pressed. Use of piano desiied.· Re-,ply Box 268 Fae. EL' . .1IIrltAMU�EMENTSSTUDEBAKERMatinees Wed. and Sat.. .Arthur Hopkins PraeDtsMr. William GilletteIn Clare Kummer's Comedl'.._A SUCCESSFUl: CALAlIITYA comed,.. Seats ftft7 cents totwo dol� 8:31 t�niaht.PRINCESS Pop. Mal Thurs.TpeMan WhoCame Back M�;N;�h_',,'J!".1t.l�.r :-I� l'"I, /. .i� l-It'�""' ..•TO-NIGHTat 8 SHARPFIRST "POPULAR" MATINEE TO-MORROWWorld·. Gratat EDtertaiDlDeDtMessn. Lee.t: J. J. Shubert Present.WINTER GARDEN'S GORGEOUS REVUEPassing Show 1:�2"'-to SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF I -. STARS ENOUGH FOR "SHOWSGARRICK'JINational Jack and' Mfg. Co..Jlshby�LexiCon�ARRowCOLLARSII 1'0-1'", South CIiDtoD StreetPhOllC Pnakli. 119�, ,.•.'.I.1. ,..I•. I-<.'Developinlt and PrintingArt MaterialsKodakspromises.The student body has always want­ed a record of the University year,and continues to want it. The stu­dents should use the power of their co WELL wml BOW OR FOUR­I�-IJASD I5cta.each,6for90cta.ClUETt. PEABODY & co. INC-MAKeRS601 North State St. Chic�foindivirlual namescommon desire. to express their Phon: OaklaDd 3996Re..: Drexel 8997 Read The Daily MaroonFor Campus News ONE or THE-BESTDr. J. C. MackinsonA THOUGHTExcluding Thanksgiving, wheT)cramming is of a different variety, Dentistthere are but twenty-five days left tocram for finals. .654 Coua,e Grove Ave. .,Foster &: Odward, Correct Dressersof Men, 7th Floor Republic bldg ..Chicafo State and Adams streets. THE INK WITHOUTTHE' INKY SMELL, ., .... .." •.. tt ...;', --• All women who are interested in Ch_et, Wright and Clara Barton The Rev. Mr:'Dwight Goddard, mis-taking some part in providiligt � bl- .r�lebrate Wedding at Bride's sionary and' �r8.:v!!ler� : will speak onfonnal en�iunent for the inma� '. 'Home. "The Divine' Urge . to Missionary.of the Home for Incurables, 56th Service" Monday at· 7 . in 'HaSkell 35-street and. Ellis aveeue on Thanks- ., sembly. Mr.' Goddard' has been agiv!n� �ve �. �quested to see ,!onight.at 8� in .t!te ho��. o�.;tlte missionary i� rOC) ,C�QW,., China, He�ne She1don� ��.nope .Hale or Dan� b���! ,�7"-7 University a�n¥�: �o- has also made extensive trips to SouthEnloe or j;O leave their names in the ciate-Prof, Chester A. Wnght of the America and the 'Philippines in the in­League room. ��a�_I!l�n� of Political Economy, will terest of misslons. '. Although thisbe' mamed to Miss Clara Barton, lecture has been arranged 'especiallyMEMBERS OF FRESHMAN da1l&"hter of Enos M. Barton.. former for members' of the Student VolunteerCLASS A 'M'EN� TEA TODAY trustee of the University. band, anyone interested has been in-. Miss Ruth Bomer, �cousin of vited to attend •.All men and 'women of the Fresh- Miss Barton, from New York, is to beman class have been invited to at- the maid of honor, and Prof. C�nyers REV. MYRQN ..... ADAl\IS TALKStend a tea today after the game in Reed of the department of HIStory, �..the Leagu� room ,in Ida Noyes hall. the best man. The bride's two young- ON WAR RECREATION TUESDAYThe tea will be given by the Fresh- er brothers will stretch the ribons and ,man commission. her little nieces,Bargar a and Bennit The Rev .. Mr. Myron· E. Adam�, di-Ch· 'Ids '11 .t flow 'I A rector of Morale at Fort Sheridan,1 WI ac as, ower glr. r- rill ale ,,' " .thur P. Scott instructor of History W" ape. on War ¥ecreatlon and:and Walter i. Clark, of the depart- �e De�men� o� l\_Io�le" Tues"da�,ment 'of Semitic' ianguafes will offi- at 4:3� m Harper assembly. . TIps isciate as ushers. ' �he' seventh. I�cture' i� th� seriesOnly the immediate friends of the Types of .0Sclal Work �hich h� =5:::!bride and groom have been invited. bee� ar��d,· by the Philanthropic. Review division of the school of Com-merce and Administration." 51College games will begin Monday, The League vesper. services to be Accounts of Faculty aU:dDec. 4. The teams �which haYe been held S�day at 4:15 in the. Lpgue S�dents Invited'�ully �l� from class players, .-odin wiU.'_be ,collducted.by member&I==============were announced' last 'night at the ot'ihe Jwiior claSs.-" .' .. ".'�cago �ight. '4i�r� .� ��o�� NI$S LUCIA HENDERSHOT �,!� .• ��.�typersspecial positions wMl � �i&t:l� at GreeJ;l lIal.l Will Serye Tea "', . " � .·Die. Stampersth th I· " _I . �pecializes' in .• •e games e me up in PJle�'iW is -_ -, .-.. -.as follows: Seni�i coU�ge.._:.EsibeJ;' Miss Talbot 'and the women of P�VATE DANCING LESSONS Th In� 1 ·d PBeller, &met �Curry, AJj� eamp- Green. hall wni "serve tea, ;d-ter the In a course of six iessons one can '. e..., �eSl e reM·bell, G�ys Gordo�,. Margar,et lfaYll, Pme' this af���. . acquire the steps of the Waltz, One-Sarah Griffin,' Ethel FilCany, Alice . _. '.'" ". ,step, and Fox' trot. Produces. printins thatJohnstone, Marion Lane, Marjori_e ----- Studi� 154��. &7th st. H. P. 2314 C9�:veys a ple�jns.im-Mahurin, 'Josephine Moore, Florence BADGER GAME CLOSES p�o� and". impelsOwens, Doro�y Jo"'�n, Apes Pren- ." ., SEASON TODA Y BEGIN SCHOOL RIGHT· clQ� .. �nsid�ration . oftiee and Juiia Ricketts; Jwiipr college . . . . 'Go' the . , •�Rose ABrOn, Edna Clarrk, Helen (Continued from page 1.) Fashion Restaurant :. �ts ��tents. :: :: �: .Driver, Elizabeth Flack, Violet Fair:' ___,.._...,..___________ We serve the �eat of roGa at prices - 6233 CotttaAe Grove Avenue·child, ��ic:.e Hogue, Lucille Kan�� shifted around since Kahn will' start you caD afford.. A good clean .' ..Iy, .• Dorothy !i�en��,.' �nie for' the first time thiS year and' so . - pla�� Try us.' . ..' • .• . 'KrockeJ;'� �e� Moffett, Janet �� will Hinkle, who has not broken into .1Ot L 55da $treeL PIIoae'Midway 7162 CoI)eAe and Society Work • SpecialtyKatherine. SefIDour, Beth Upha�, a single game previouS to this. time. . .'PriDters of The Daily MaroonI Isabelle Watson, and Margaret WinS- '. . .'. . -.'low. /.'. '. Wisconsin U� Substitutes..The hockey �pt:ead, wbic:h has been � �chards cI� three sub-postponed Until' �ter th� college stitute.S �� I�t tackle;, Key­games, will �e pJ8ce. the seecind es, left �nd �d DavY' or Stark, rightweek in �m�r�, 't!e�Us �l be�. W�ton,' � regular end, ma¥ 130tL�t?:atJ!!!!ttreet________________ _' announcd ... ter, as they,·:',vill a1sq for get into the game. Gould, who has ..' .the captain ban sl?read.' �n first strin� _1!Wl f�r rig:h��, Meals 29c, 25c and up============================ Will D�t be aJ>� to play. �e � �n Soap. Coffee. Breaclaod Batt... '�e fi�d yeste�y. �te�n 'Yi� IDd� wtt_b � M_Orden.tile reIf� 01 the teaJn but not. in uni- Meal Tickets $3.30 for $3.00.--------------------------- ... fOIm � �u�po� b�:'� •. '.F .. ...:.. toSna4eat Who Secana New. The �rs. gQ�' u.to towa yeste� .. . . Meal Ticket Caitomel'day moming a.nd. proceeded.· to theDel Prado Hotei. • Abo.ut 4' o,'clockthey got out' on' the field' for' light I�===========================praCtice session... They' had .a .greatde�i of pep and looked just about 'asheavy as the' M.a��' .Simpson and � Fea�SimPB!,On �s th� ma� whom CoachSta� will watch tod.&y. Eber i� a�ut;the best quarter back in the con­ference and is considered the mo:;tdangerous man so far as scroing i�concerned. He drop·kicks, punts,throw passes, runs brilliantly, receivespunts, 1Jlanages a team with abilityand experienced judgment.Captain Hancock will also receivea large quo� of attention. He is abig man with a great deal of power .It will probably take two Maroonsto stop him. If he gets through withbig holes, the story will be a sad one."Red" Kelley, playing end besidehim, will be competing in his lastgame and will porbably try to bumthings up.'n.1(", .• i• !I· �. __ ....-'· r,·1-....,-• 1jfit',r'Jf;,.1'.I�-/I . ./• t _ ......· ,.1 The CorsetIs the FoundationYour coUege outfit starts• with a.Je�. ."Your'figure wiD be gracefuL.and you will have �style. irrespective of simplicityin dress. and your heahh as ...sured.McRover, a 'RedfernModel is so iJeaO" cOm ..foftable, fitting so' natur ...aDy that its wearer maydo.Any athletic stunt aseasily as she. dances,'rides 'or' walles, in herc:ors:et.Be sure 10 have )'C?UI' RedfernCorset properly fitted before� . chOOSe' � suds andfrOdcs-then their correct&ppearance is �$3.50 up • THE ·DAILY .MAROON, SATtJ8DAY NOVEMBER 24 1917.r- :- ': , � r:' "' ..... ,' ... �.;": ..._ .- .. � 1 .�r ..... -;0 t.:';' t ... ! ..... I • ., _. �. ; �'. .. ! � � ;• t -'.. ..: " '1r..m.;iDeFl'eDchB r i &1' A"R __ ' .Pipe'lorCoDege.-\Mennae-Ue'iwo';'of th24 �pular aMp" illwhiCh you caD � theStratltml_, $LOG aac1 ap"WD C �tiiiJ MaJ. ..t.so�ap·'Each 'It .... fiDe pipe,with aterljng aiIver �'aDd 'lVulcanite biL'Leading" dealers in���-a fulI,-'"Sorbiient.{·�SeJ�t yourfavorite style. .\vl.f:DEMUTH &:CO ..N ... yOl'kNorM·.lAr..u p;,. Mil _�!!*'''.IIINEAREST BANK. .WOMEN URGED TO UNDERGO MAAOON BUSlNESS DIRECTORYTYPHOID FEVER INOCULATION ����==�����==�====================�==�FiRST GAME OF WOMEN'SHOCKEY SERIES IS TODAYAGAINST WISCONSlN TEAM. .Woodl�wn Trust Typewriters Rented.. Savings BaRk At Speoial �tq fAtTO STUJ;>ENTSMiss Katherine Cronin, director Qfthe department of Physical Educationhas urged all women to be inoculatedothy Jobson, Alice Johnstone, Helen for typhoid fever as soon as possible.Moffett, Josephine Moore, Julia Rick- Dr. Reed will be in the medical of­etts and Margaret Winslow; substl- fice on the second floor of Ida Noyestutes--Esther Beller, Alice Campbell, hall every" day from 1 to 2.. ':Arline ,Falkenau, . Gladys Go�on,Margaret Hays, Lucille Kannally,Marion Lane, Janet Purvin and BethUphans,The finals in the class series will beplayed off Monday at 3:50. The sen­Iors will play the freshmen and jun­Iors will be pitted against the soph­omores. The games should prove ex­citing, as all teams have been prac­ticing hard.College Games Start Dec. 4(Continued from page 1.)120" EAS'l" SIXTY-THIRD STREETBargains inREBUILT"TYPEWRITBRSof ALL KINDS .Call! ,rite!· Pbo .. !AMERICANWRITING MACHINE CO.Botanists Will Hold Meeting toProf. Coulter will give a report of ..the session of the National Academy 'I heof Sciences at a meeting .of the Bot-anical �Iub M�nday at 4 :35 in Botany13. Tea will be Served at 4 in room23. University of Chicafoea 329 S. Dearborn St. Hanisoa 1368Resources $3.000.000An Old. Stron, Bank .. B.uer W OJ'k IOJ' L« .. Monq"The MidwayCleaners : Dyers : Tailor� ,6249 Cotta,e Gr�'Ve Avenue: ",: . ..k,'Telephone 1-iidway 9.�9· .... :::-.PraIiD,utl �,. RUf ClcaaiA, • Specialty. Juniors Will Conduct Vespers''- Home Cookin�Hom� Restaurantand Lunch·"·The­Walk-Over­Stores- 'In Chicago-Specialize in styles of­Walk-Over Shoesnat appeal to College Man and Woman­See our windows -.-""' oau:o eo or :CtllCAGO .,0UJ.«tk.,,: ()tJ� 5lwe St-o:r�• I..) MOB AND WOMEJ(S staS � •WOMEN's SttOU txCWSIVtLY 1· S • 'STA rtf,· 5 MEJrS SHOU EXcWSIVCLY4700 SHER.IDAN RD. �4 SOUTH Dl�. . ,-<.'� .. Subscribe today for,The Daily. �aroon:\. �.=....."J ......._' ........··':l..........-IL-· .....:, .....> .....: .......� .........7 .. =;, .....- •. =,-:;;..,.� .....-,..:.;, ..... :;..;..-.,;;;... -....;:"i.:....��.__;"" ..... '.-.;.,j.·e:...;;;;-'.;..:... ,.:-.....c..'...;.,...;;;._·..:.,;•. ;;.;;... ...;.:...:......;.;..,..,;· f;.;.::·'....::·.;;.....�:;.;.:;"'O';"';�".- .... -��-'-.·.:;.·-�.I.:.:........:.:··��c.:...:...�..:..:_,__;Lw ..... _ ...... __ ._ � ��_l_' �_�:_" ... • ,� 4....... �,... '• .tIt ..•I 1!5iii!iJ' , FIVE CROSS COUNTRYL m CAMPUS .WBIS11.E � TEAMS WILL· COMPETE: :=! IN CONFERENCE MEETplaces well 'up in the list, and notbecause of the superiiority of any twoor three runners. Either Capt. Otis or McCosh is ex-pected 'to take first place this mom-Golden Leads Badgers Today , .ing. Both these men have traveledCOACH Betty Newman of the All- • Wisconsin has an inexperienced the five mile course in 26:52 and areAmerican eleven yesterday gave out team, but there are several fast men 'capable of better time if they arethe high dope on today's game be- on the squad. The Cardinals took all pushed. ,Angier is a reliable man, andtween th Cards from the North and six places in a dual meet with Min- has the most experience. of the lot.the Chicago Amazons. She said she nesota, but the time of the first man If Otis and McCosh can take first andexpected the visitors to be carried was not very .fast. Golden, captain third, and Angier can 'finish aroundaway. The line-up will be as fol- of the Badger harriers is a senior, tenth place, there is a chance thatlows: and was a member of the team whieh Chicago will 'win. Lewis is puttingHelen Handy .. _ _._ _._.. le won. the 1914 championship. .Dayton in his first year, and is doing averageMarian Creyts __ ._ _._ .. __ . It has h,. cl a year's experience, while work. The standing of the team willCaroli�e Peck .. _._ _ _ �.... 19 O'Donnell,' \Elsqm, Ramsey an� �� 'be determ�ed largel.y b� th� o.�po�il:ionDorothe Scholle .��._._ _._ .. :._ .. 'c are all new men. .... "',";-, won by:' either Shamb�ugn or _�mes,Marjorie Mahurin _ _ .. rg Ames won the Missour Valley cham- as. last place or anything in thatFrances Roberts .. _. ._ .. rt pionship a few days ago, going the neighborhood would wreck the chanc-Helena Stevens .. _ _ _._.___ re distance well under 27 minutes. There es of the Maroons.Ethel Bishop .. _ .. __ ._ _ 'qb are three veterans on the team, t,�o The start of the race' will be in onPauline Callen .. _ _ _ __ .. lh pormising sophomores and one jun- the football field of WashingtonRtuh Huey .. _ .... _. __ ._ _._._._._ .. rh iot. The Iowa team is well balanced, Park. The contestants will be shownSarah Griffin, capt _._. __ .... _ . .fb and all the men are speedy. . The over the track early this morning.Madeline Lyndon, trainer. Joseph- Missouri valley champions are The finish of the course has' beenine Brooks, water girl. thought to have the best chance for staked off to keep back the crowd, and"W taking the race. a detail of police will patrol the dis-.e are fortunate this season,"(I id C. tance.· After the race the contest-sal oach Newman yesterday, drop- Minnesota Has Poor Team ants will be taken to see the Wiscon-ping two lumps into her tea, "in hav- The Minnesota team has made a . Chic �SlD- icago football tam.ing a very strong team. 1 am disap- very poor showing this year. It haspointed, though, in' having to put competed only once and then it wasRoberts to tackle. She would make completely outclassed. The Gophersa better half. We'had to make Grif- have had two weeks of practi to' _ ffin captain or ,s,?e wouldn't pIa!. Bi�h- pro�, and may do a little :tter 1:­op, at quarter, IS good at making sig- 'day, Capt. :Swanson and Steve1lB arenals. :r?e food at F�ster may affect the only two men' on the team ofMahunn � work at nght guard, but known ability, as the other runners.1 doubt It. We expect some handywork from our left end. The wealthof football material among the Uni­versity women this fall assured abrilliant season at the start and vic­tory today is certain."JULIAThere was a young lady named JuliaWho just had a birthday-to fool you;We send her .best wishesBecause she's delicious,That's aU we can say about Julia.. L. S.-;:­• . War Correspondence ��. : Dear Mr. Whistlez:: Two weeks agbI was in a tobacco shop in St. Thom­as, Virgin Islands of the U. S. I askedfor some cigarettes. The clerk show­ed me a package of forty pills Called"Old Abe"s." The price for' all theSewas three cents. Evidently' Hanischis donating to the world, his eonsci-.ence hurting him. .T. E. H.""�:: ',.MARIAN Amy threatens to sue theWhi$tle because it broke its promiseto tell the world yesterday that some­body said she looked like RosieQuinn. We hope this will make itall right.CLARENCE Alphabet Brown prac­ticed with the Varsity basketballsquad Thursday night. In a way, onemight say he was in the way.WE expected the printer to makethe headline "Maroons Seping UpGloom" in yesterday's paper, but· we �see he took it· out on the word: "Badg­ers"instead.THA TS the fascinating I'art ofthis college newspaper business: younever know what is going to appearthe next day.Sodal CalendarThe Whistle recommends the fol-:lowing events for persons who wishto be considered members of th� Uni­versity. Advertising rates �ason­able.Mortar Board dance .. _._._._. __ ._. __ .. $l.ooSettlement dance .. _._. __ ._. .. .50Junior 'dance (Wednesday) .. -.--..; .00Dramatic club plays .. __ ._- .... _ ... _- .60Tetal _ _ _.- _ _-_._._.$30.06If you don't believe that's the wayit figures out, just try it.LET us hope the game today willnot be-A CARDINAL crime.Anon.,Iu.�Ushers Meet at 12.:30 TodayUshers for the Chicago-Wisconsinfootball game this afternoon are re­quested to meet Mr. Jordan, headusher, at 12:30 instead of 1, as an­nounced. i ·i.. :,,1. ,.J.. �, - 4.'� ... �.j.1..<! I,",,� .»....... e :t., •.t.1r /:;)1"t l, ,.,(Continued from page 1.)Chicago Should Win First. ' "ior, was the only man left, and he·.hasbeen in traiJ:rlng only a 'short time.Van Meter Aems wohse event is usu­ally the hurdles, has been workingfor the last fortnight, but neither .henor Shambaugh are expected to fin­ish very close to the leaders. .....Why�raby-�abt mlntqt5Whenyou can ,buy a suit from us thatis made for YOU, from a selec­tion of 'over 500 patterns, no. two alike, for about- the -·SAMEprice that you MUST PAY forready-made clothes?•Ask the boys; they will tell youwhat kind of clothes we make.Freshman' Women Attend Game .FOSTER £4 ODW ARDAll Freshman women who are go­ing to the football game today havebeen asked to meet at 1 :45 in theLeague room in Ida Noyes .hall. COTTect Dressers of Menare new men.Coach Eck of Chicago is out to winfirst and second places, as he has lit­tle hope of taking the meet. Untiltwo weeks ago Long and Cox, twogood Sophomore distance men werecounted on to run, but were then de­clared ineligible. Shani'kaugh, a, jun- Kelly Ball Bolds Tea Today7th Floor, Republic Buildi�� State and Adams Streets_ 'CHICAGOKelly' hall will hold a tea today af­ter the game. AU' residents of thehall and their guests have been in­vited.Pac/uzgq01Ten. antiTwentiq...'.6''"'''' .,........ ��--------..;__---_:__�........;> '���I.� ��.._ ��.. , r, ��� .. ,- , I!'.• , ...... _ ......, --'jt., '1>.. ··It., �.�.. ,"_f' or ;� l�:�. ,_... '� ..· �l.. ." .,4.1.·r