..... ".• r -r( �. 0, Jo , -'"•..'0 I aro,I ,atil VOL. XVI. NO. 34. . UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 16, 1917. Price Five CentsBRELOS WINS CONTEST BY ONE VOTE., . ..-..�' .ADAMS AND JUUA RlCKETfS LOSEIN_RACE FOR SENIOR PRESIDENCY,CheerJeaderHenryUrgesLarge A D f � .-Delegation of chicago Stu- mes e eats McCosh. by Two Ballots] for Junior.drnts to Make Trip.. Office-Hutchinson and McWilliams Are the. \' '·1 Successful Candidates in Lower College.PARADE ON GOPHERS' CAMPUSTHREE WOMEN'S CLUBS GIVE WILL Ol\UT CONVOCATIONADDRESS AND RECEPTION _ ....AT DECEMBER �XERCISES FRESHMAN SQUAD ANDS'UJQ�lqS'TO rouowMAROONS NOREmWARD.\ NEED MORE INTEREST'IN Y.M.C.A. FUND TO'REACH $15,000 GOALYesterday's Contribution toStudents/War Work FundOnly' Reaches $350. . President Harry Pratt Judson hasannounced that as a result of the warsituation the convocation ceremonyfor December will be greatly simpli­fied. The usual convocation addresswill be omitted and the President'sreception will not be held. The pres­ident will make a brief statement andconfer degrees. The usual prayerservice and religious' exercises will "beheld on convocation Sunday. Many of the student body and fif- COULTERiDECLARES ELECTION WAS ,AUSCJ�UTELY FAIR'Today is the closing day for thet, campaign being fought by the local DRAMATIC CLUB SELE' CTS' teen members of the Freshman foot­branches of the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.- ball squad will follow the varsity ag-W.C.A. to 'collect $15,000 for the war PLAYSFORP�ODUCTIONS gregation to Minnesota headquarters Following is the list of candidateswork of the Y.M.C.A.· The slogan --- ton. ight. Cheerleader William Henry and the number of votes received byeach. The first name for every office'. • "See a Sammy Through the Season," Works by Stanley Houghton, Bernard will .make the trip and will be on hand indicates the person elected for thatwhich the Y.M.C.A. adopted for the Shaw and Hermann Sudermann to extract the proper amount of noise office.drive, can beIived up to by the con- Picked (or Performances on Nov. from the Chicago rooters who aceom- SENIOR. tribution of a ten dollar' bill, the cost ,28 and 30. paity the t�am. ,The· party, which For President, 143-of providing a soldier with ¥.M.C.A. will include any students who wish to Carl Brelos, 58facilities for a year. Although it is go, ,\'ill leave the Illinois Central sta- Carleton Adams, 57At a meeting of the Dramatic clubrealized that many students can not h ld da tion at 5:57 and will leave the loop Julia- Ricketts, 28e yesterday the fololwing selectionafford to give that amount, it is hoped of plays was made for producticn: on the C.·B. and Q. shortly after 6.- No previous arrangements are neces-that the University will contribute to "Fancy Free" by Stanley Houghton,."The Dark Lady of the Sonnets" by sary for students wishing to go withBernard Shaw, and "Fritzchen" by the' party.Hermann Sudermann. The plays will Fifteen of Freshman Squad Gobe given on ,Wednesday and Friday The Athletic department reversednights, November 28th and 30th in its decision about leaving the fresh­Mandel hall. .,��, admission charge of men j:n_,Chic�g�_�!l� decided to taketwenty-five cents will be made: thirteen of the best regUlar membersThere area f�w parts still left open of the team and two members qf theand associate members who desire to squad who will be chosen by lot.play them 'should confer with the When it was announced that no fresh­play committee today at 3 :30 in Cobb men would be taken to Minnesota the8B. Casts will be announced in a squad threatened to have" a walk out.later edition and rehearsals will be- Plans for a spe cial celebration for. . medi tel For President, 8g_;_gm rm ra y. tomorrow morning are. 'Yell under Van Meter Ames, 45way and all the Chicago rooters will Harry McCosh, 43meet at the Minnes6ta athletic club.The students "ill see the campus and For Vice-president, 86--will parade. Dorothy Miller, 52"It's going to be some game," pre- Carroll. !\Jason, 34dieted Cheerleader Henry last night. For Secretary, 84-Invite Seventy-five l\len From Great 'Th' e team is going to have to fight Helen Driver, 45Lakes 'rraining Station-To to the best of its· ability.: The more Gladys Gordon, 39pep we show and the' more students For Treasurer, 83-come up to show the. pep the betterchance the team will have for success. David Annan, 83There' ought to be a big crowd out tosupport the' team, which will play itsonly game away from home tomor- For President, 86-Buel Hutchinson, 72Alva 'Frederick, 14(IFor Vice-president. 139-Marion' Palmer, 80Rosemary Carr, 32Marjorie Mahurin, 27as great an extent as possible. Sev­eral gifts of a hundred dollars eachhave been received.With the goal set by the managersof the drive still about $5,000 distant,'r only $350 was' collected yesterday;In order to hav� the agreed amountsubscribed by tonight the studentbody will have to work nearly twentytimes as hard today as it did yester-day. If all the pledges signed areturned in and all the members of theY.M.C.A. committees see the studentswhom they were to canvass the man­agers of the drive see no reason whyevery person of the campus shoulddf not be wearing a Y.M.C.A. button. to-, night. '.t·" Expect Freshmen to Donate.Three 'Women'� clubs subscribed."') $f·O each to the fund yesterday. Their1 ( I g,fts were what swelled y�terday's�. ,collection to $350. The clubs who,made' gifts were Mortar Board, Wy-vern, and the Quadranglers. Sub- On Saturday afternoon, from 3 to 6, scriptions from the freshmen are ex- in Ida, Noyes hall, will occur the first� peeted to follow a speech by Associ- bf a series of parties to be �ven ,by�, ate �f. Solomon Clark, of the Pub- the women' of the,- University to,. Iic Speaking" department, 'at, the groups of men from the Great Lakesl � Freshman luncheon which will be held Naval Training station: It will be, today at 12:50 in Hutchinson cafe. under the �uspices of the Women'sAssociate Prof. Clark will speak- on Administrative COUltCn; in conjunction"Patiretism," with the committee on War Activi-EmphaSis has been laid on the ne- ties of -Wome� Students. Seventy-, ,t cessity that the members of the com- five jackies have been invited, and a\ I' mittees get their pledges in early to- group .of campus men, under theI I: 1 day. Cards should be handed in and chairmanship of Clarence Brown, will- � t"pledges paid at window 7 in the cash- assist the hostesses. The womenr l' ier's office today between 9 and 12 guests invited, to the number of one"I and 2 and 3. Members of the com- hundred, have been chosen by a com­(, mittee �ave been asked to see the mittee of women students, who -arechairmen. The, chairmen 'are the fol- selecting among others at least onelowing:' Marjorie Mahurin, Francis representative from each woman's or­Henderson,' May Allen, Elinor Castle ganization on the campus. For theFlorence KUvary, Ruth Huey, Marian other parties in the series, other wo­Llewellyn,' Barbara Miller, Marian men guests will be selected in thePalmer, Katherine Clark, WilleneBaker, Sterling Bushnell, Joseph Hil­lard, Frank' Priebe, Arthur Baer, Eu­gene Rouse, George Otis, Oliver John­son. Grant Timmons, Goodell Craw­ford, Edwin Sackett, Bradley Han,Roland Holloway, Carter Harmon �ndElmen Donahue. For Secretary. 139-Barbara Miller, 56Beatrice Weil, 53Frances Beckus, 30'F6i- 'Treasurer; '140-' .',.,HaroM Fishbein, 54Donald Skinner, 46Carl Helgeson, 41JUNIORUNIVERSITY WOMEN WILLGIVE PARTY TO JACKIESTO�ORROW IN IDA NOYES�ance and �wl.SOPHOMOREFor Vi�e-president, 86-­Frances Henderson, 51Dorothe Scholle, 35For Secretary, 84-Josephine Gamble, 84For Treasurer, 86- IBrook Ballard, 44Bradley Hall, 42Freshman Commission MeetsThe Freshman comrmssion willmeet Monday at 5, on the- third flOOTof Ida Noyes. An· inembers havebeen requested to' be present.WEATHER FORECASTCloudy today; not much change intemperature; moderate westerlywinds. FRESHMANFor President, 268-Chalmer McWilliams, 116John W. Fulton, Jr., 64'LeRoy 'Owen. 44Howard Beale. 37Otis Handley, 7For Vice-president, 26g_;_ElIcn Gleason, 88Georgene Burtis, 71Carol Smith, 61Frank Schncberge� 31Edgar Palmer, 17For Secretary, 261-Enid Townley, 124Mary Seymour, 84Ruby Womer, 53For Treasurer, 266--Roger Combs, 82Theodore Helmholz, 73Carlin Crandall, 40Carl Hiss, 35Geo;ge Armstrong, 29Theodore Lee, 7.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINIII· �,II: II·\ (i· Ir( Todaysame way. .The entertainment will consist of Chapel. Divinity po:hool, 10 :15 Has-kell.dancing bowling and games. MarianHicks is. chairman of committee onentertainment, and Florence Kilyaryof the committee on food. Volun­teers from the University band willfurnish the music. German Conversation club, 4:30,Cobb 12A.International and Cosmopolitanclubs. S. Ida Noyes hall.TomorrowMeetings of University Rulingbodies, Harper E41:General Administrative board. 9.Board of University Press. 10.Board of the Christian Union, 11.Faculties of the Graduate schoolsof Arts, Literature and Science, 11.HarPer MIt.Southern Club Gives Dance Women Asked for ArticlesThe Southern �lub win give a dancetoday from 4:30 to 6, in Ida Noyesassembly hall. All Southerners havebeen invited to attend.1,/ Subscribe for the Daily "Maroon.�I "L_�_lL .... All women who wish to makemoney by providing articles to be soldat the Christmas bazaar of the Y. W.c. L. have. been asked to speak toMiss Taylor, secretary of the League:as soon as possible.:t'_, •• _ ;.. ........... �_ ... 1 _' ... ' Carl Brelos was elected presidentof the Senior class yesterday, win­ning by one vote. from CarletonAdams and by thirty votes from JuliaRicketts. Other class presidents el­ected were: Van Meter Ames in theJunior class, Buel Hutchinson in theSophomore class, and Chalmee Mc­WiIJiams in the Freshman class.. In regard to the elections, MiltonCoulter, chairman of elections, repre­senting the Undergraduate council inthis matter, said last night: "Thiselection was absolutely fair through­out. In every single case the counttallied absolutely. There may havebeen a political machine operating be­fore the election but neither that ma­chine nor any other organization had.anythingvto do with the, results. Mar­shals and aides were the tellers dur­ing the time the polls were open andno one besides members of the coun­cil were allowed in' the hall save vot­ers, who were carefully watched.From the time the doors were lockedat 4 no one but council members werein the room. This new election sys­tem allowed no graft anywhere," .Marion Palmer Vice-PresidentBrelos is a University marshal, cap­tain of the Varsity football team, amember of the Iron Mask and theDelta Upsilon fraternity. The othersuccessful candidates were MarionPalmer, vice-president; Barbara Mil­ler, secretary; and Harold Fishbein,treasurer. Marion Palmer, who-Is thevice-president of the Senior class, isthe chairman of the Entertainmentcommittee for the Settlemnt dance, amember of the Dramatic club andof Morter Board.Barbara Miller, who was electedsecretary of the Senior class, is re­porting secretary of the W.A.A. anda member of the Executive committeeof the W. A. C. Harold Fishbein hasinterested himself in .debating activi-ties. 'The ra·ce for president of the Jun­ior class was also a close one. VanMetcr Ames won from Harry Mc­Cosh by a vote of 45 to 43. Ames isa member of the Honor commission,is on the track team, is secretary ofthe Interfraternity council and amember of the Beta Theta Pi Frat­crnity. Dorothy Miller was electedvice-president of the class of 1919.She was a member of the Undergra­duate council, is on the Ad v isoryboard of the W. A. C. and is a mem­ber of the Sigma club. Helen Driver.who was elected secretary of theJunior class, is a member of theHonor commission, the secretary­treasurer of the W.A.C., a member ofthe hockev team and a member ofEsoteric. '·David Annan was the onlvcandidate for Junior treasurer. Hehas recently returned from sixmonths in the American field servicein France, is playing Varsity football •(Continued on page 3.), " '-' -e , ,("'. ,'-, ,.: r" .. - ,. ".' " .....,,". \ ...... ..;.. .._ <r :» /.:' ••; ....... .' I'w�� ially �arnnnThe Stadeat Newspaper of Tbe Ualnnltyof ChicapPublished morninp. except Sunda7 and .on­day, during the Autumn. Winter and Spr'lqquarters by the Daily Maroon company.=====:..'=--=' ------_-_.-==-_---_- _- _-Arthur Raer PresidentCharle. Greene_ _........................... SecretaryWade Bender Treasurer=======.:.....:.::....:=-_-:= ..... - -EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFArthur Bur .... _ _ ••. _.Managing EditorCharles Greene _ __ .... _. News EditorRoland Holloway Night EditorLewis Fisher _ __ Da,. EditotJohn Josepb _ .. __ D.,. Editor·Harold Stansbuey _ _ .. _ Day EditorStanley Roth Athletics EditorRuth Falkenau _ Women'. EditorRuth Gen&berger Aasistant Women'. EditorASSOCIATESLeona Bachrach Hele� RavitchEditorial Rooms __ • __ Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800. Local 162.Hours: 10 :15-10 :45: 1 :30-6: 7-9 :30Bnalness Office _ _ .• __ Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800. Local 162.Hours: 10 :15-10 :45: 1 :30-5..... 472FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1917.absolutely prevented any possible at­tempt at ballot-stuffing. There wasnot a single hitch in the entire sys-tern. .The council is to be congratu­lated. Those men who evolved theplan of the system are to be offeredparticular thanks. The system willno doubt be. established as a- tradition.THE DRAMATIC CLUBThe choice of the Dramatic club iscommendable. Plays by StanleyHoughton, Bernard Shaw, and Her­mann Sudermann were selected, andthe choice is wise. It is to be hopedthat the quality of the performancewill come up to the quality of theselected plays. There is no reasonwhy the Dramatic .c1ub should notforge' to the front with an excellentand educative presentation.•STUDENTS' WAR WORK FUNDThe men of the University have notbeen sufficiently interested in the Stu"dents' War Work fund. Two systemsof committees were devised and car"ried into execution by. the men illcharge at the cost of almost unreason"able effort, and the results have oeellnothing at all. The cause is a goodone, and the men of the Universityshould not fail to recognize this.Funds are needed badly. Universitymen all over the country are doing'their part in this manner. Will Chi"cago men be backward?A THOUGHTThere was a great battle.Knight Election Excitement put to .. ' THE DAILY MAROON, FRI DAY, NOYEMBER' 16, 1917. •fore entering the first camp at Ft.Sheridan.) .. - - - _1- __ • - - -,.+to defend the prisoner involved and I 'C' - -was given a half hour notice, in whichtime I was supposed to prepare adefense. The prisoner 'was, a "hardegg" from Chicago; he was up forhis third escape from- the guard house-he couldri't get booze in the pen sohe always escaped in order to get it.I made him sign a pledge so that thecourt would be lenjent. Six hours .after court closed the cuss escapedagain and got drunk-and he comesfrom Chicago.It is remarkable how well Chicagois represented in the guard house. Iexamined the addresses on letters' ar­riving for prisoners and over halfwere from my home town.I am still enduring a painful courseof lessons in 'horseback riding. Fo�one hour per day, five days a week.the young officers have . to poundaround the riding hall. The most en­joyable (?) feature is what is termed'slow trotting." We remove our stir­rups and make our horses trot aroundthe hall for about tyenty to thirtyminutes. The "slow" has a technicalme·aning: it refers to thr fact thatwe are not allowed to post and doesnot mean that our horses go slowly.The last week has been ideal forriding. Saturday and Sunday after­noons of last week I had the bestrides I've experienced out here. For �----------�----------�------------------------------------�four hours each day a group of peo-ple from my regiment rode straight'cross country. All you need in or­der to keep gQing is to hunt holes intne wire fences that: separate theranches. It's hard to believe thatterrible things are happening in Eu­rope while everything around hqeis so open and free.The fort had a celebration in honorof the Liberty Loan. The three regi­ments held a field day and put onsome of our army's famo� cavalrystunts. I't is marvelous how some ofthe men can ride. The� were"Roman races" (each man rides twohorses, one foot on the back of each'one), mounted gymnastics, mountedwrestling, etc. The stunt that tookthe prize was to gallop up to a hur­dle, dismount and mount while thehorse was jumping. The 3:500 menat Fort Russell sbscribed about $240,- Foster & Odward, Correct DressersqoO to the Liberty Loan. of Men, 7th Floor :Republic. bldg..State and Adams streets.AMUSEMENTSSTUDEBAKERMatinees Wed •. and Sat.Arthur Hopkins PresentsMr. William GilletteIn Clare Kummer's ComedyA SUCCESSFUL CALAMITYAlvin Theatre860 East 63rd Street:1 to II p. m. daily Price IOc aDd 5cTODAYDorothy Dalton in"WILD WINSHIP'S .WIDOW"Additional Features at All Perfonn'sPRINCES Pop .. Mal Thurs.The weather here has been so glor­ious that a person fond of the openair has had .on excuse for staying in­doors. It amuses me to read of snowflurries in Cleveland and frosts inChicago while at 'Cheyenne in the im­mediate neighborhood of the moun­tains, we have had only one cold day.Daytime is as balmy as June in Chi­cago. Nevertheless, the natives tellus that cold weather is coming thatwill make us think we are at the northpole. There is a rumor circulatingthat my regiment is to be sent toPolo Alto, Cal., for the winter. Atone time this rumor was so strongthat we thought it surely time. Now,however, we merely have, stronggrour.i's for hoping that it will be-BUSINESS DEPARTMENTcome true.Wade Bender ..; Business ManagerI now feel like an old experiencedEntered as second class mail at the Chicago hand at the game. When I came, IPostoffice. Chicago, Illinois. March 13. 1906. couldn't tell whether a horse wasunder the act of March 3. 1873.good, bad or indifferent; now I'm ableBy Carrier. $3.00 a year: $1.25 a quarter +to distinguish a thoroughbred from'By Mail. $3.50 a year: $1.50 a quarter (a truck horse. I know a lot abouthorse diseases; in fact I can tell whena horse has a cold-if he coughs loudenough.The "officer of the day" job, whichI have had three times, was not avery strenuous one until lately. Myregiment has about 1,200 men andfifty of them are in the guard houseat present. The O. D. has a 24 hourtour of duty. Besides attending tothe posting of guards around the fort.the 0.0. supervises the ground house.THE SUCCESS .OF THE COUNCIL Today I am O. D. and, by orders, I'mThe efficiency of the election ar- feeding the prisoners bread and wa-ter .as apunishment. for somethingrangements at the polls yesterday is they did yesterday. The prisonersa credit to the Undergraduate coun- wouldn't eat breakfast and, when theycil. The excellent system of checks saw bread and water at noon, Ithought there was going to be trou­ble. I had so many armed guardsaround, however, that nothing hap­pened: The fools contented them­selves with refusing to eat. In thearmy a man can't be forced to eat.I'll bet that the bread and water to­night will be eaten.Just to show how everything in the'army is done 'by' order let: me quote:"By order of the commanding officer,there will be a dance .every Saturdayevening for the post officers." I guesswe'll all have to go. There are about120 officers here and our hops arequite imposing affairs.The Man WhoHomelRestaurant qame Back M�-;;N;�hland Lunch GARRICK ..... L�WEEK-.Mats. Wednesday &: Saturday1304 E. Sixty-First Street•�t. Kimbark •• nd Kenwood ""The 13th Chair"Meals 20c, 25c and up With ANNIE RUSSELLSouP. Coffee. Bread :and Butter' LAST PERFORMANCE SUNDAY EVE.Included with All Meat Orders.When I wrote last, I had visions ofgoing to California. Alas! Thosevisions are no more. One regimentleft· here for Houston but my regi­ment and the 1st cavalry remain herofor the winter . There are good warmquarters for officers, men,. and hors­es, and so the prospects are not ·scuninteresting as they mihgt be. Twoweeks ago we had a sample of realwinter weather; three or four bliz­zards, a steady gale for almost aweek, and .a temperature 'rangingaround zero showed us what thiscountry can dish up in the way of acold climate. We ride for an houror so, even in bad weather and, I'lladmit that there are 11'\0re comfort­able occupations.I had my first sample of court-mar­tial the other day. It was my turnSitrout Sit Knight Editorial Inspiration, Meal Tickets $3.30 for $3.00 HARPER .THEATRE, 53Hr:rpaenrd"'ve.who fled irrevocably. At any rate, the F 1\1 S d W N .nree e:a��al �ick'!� Cu��o���� ew .BILLIE BURKEsuccessful candidates are hereby con'gratulated by the Daily Maroon, andwished a very successful year.all over, so cheer up, my heartics!r �IAROON WAR tEITERS J'-----.(The following excerpts were takenfrom letters written hy Roy Hart, '10.a second lieutenant in the 83rd artil­lery (formerly the 25th cavalry), whois in service at Fort D, A. Russell inWyoming. Hart took his master'sand Ph. D. degrees at the Universityand taught last year .t Harvard be-It'� Home Cooking "ARMS AND THE GIRL"Also a Rex Beach Travel PictureTypewriters Rented The KIMBARK THEATREAt Special Rates 6141 Kimbark Ave. Continuous 2·11 p.m.TO STUDENTS TODA�Bargains inREBUILTTYPEWRITBRSof ALL KINDS BILLIE BURKE"ARMS AND THE GIRL"Curernt Events and a Clever ComcdyCall! Wrile� Phone! Plaisance TheaneAMERICANWRITING MACHINE CO.329 S. Dearborn St.. Harrison 1368 6Sl E. 6,;rd StrHiCharles Rae in "SUDDEN JIM"Marjorie Rambeau in"Dazzling l\-Irs. Davidson" .'Ascher's Frolic Theatre55th Street and Ellis AvenueSUNDAY, NOV�MBER 18thContinuous from 2 to 11 P. M.Paramount Artcraft PicturePresenting .GERALDINE FARRAR......... IN .."The Woman God Forgot"S, REELSA Big Smashing Production that will awe every.observer. A stupendous undertaking and a, mostpretensious background.ONE. DAY ONLYEnAravers • Printers. LinotypersBinders. Die Stampers• •The Ingleside PressCoJleAe and Society Work. SpeclaltyPrinters of The Dally Maroon, .Produces printing that.conveys a pleasing im­pression ·and impelsclose consideration- ofits contents.CO W�L WITII BOW OR FOUR- �I:"Il-IIA�"D I:; ers, each. 6 f� 9:» ets,CWETl� PEABOOy.&Ca INC.AClfIaRS 6233 Cotta�e Grove Avenue• • ",'" '.14'.i t1 ,,II· 4 IJI t, 'jI I.� ."df:tl.'·� 1"1C�f r.• ·a01.'DI, "� p:·'" I t e1D � Br ui ;. s)" h:�)a.:_,l'mcJ.p;T�F4I' ·w6. '1{� f� It W(:gi'W,';_, ij) - .j � �. ".' .,--.. --: ..... \.' .... ;,.. .." ..... - ,,�� .... :.. '.,THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEtlBER 16, 1917.MAX BROOKLADIES' .ND GENTS' TAILORr- m CAMPUS WIIISTLE "L�E5' =,i5!l5555J - , ' _jl.OTS OF SUSPENSE L1FE ON THE PLAINSQuoting from war' letter in today'sMaroon (see Maroon, Chicago' Daily,Vol. XVI, No. 34, Friday, Nov. 16,1917), "It's 'hard to believe that ter­rible things are happening in Europewhile evreything -around here is soopen and free." treasurer from Bradley Hall who rana ciose second, the vote being 44 to42. Ballard � working on the F ublic­ity committee of the Settlement danceand .on the Y.M.C.A. committes andis a member of the Score club and,of the Kappa Sigma fraternity.The biggest vote' was in the Fresh­man class. In the balloting for pres­ident 268 votes were cast. ChalmerMcWilliams was an easy victor inthe race ,for the presidency. He re­ceived 116 votes, his nearest compet­itor being John, W. Fulton, Jr., whoreceived 64 votes. McWilliams is apledge of Phi Kappa Psi.Ellen Gleason is Vice-PresidentEllen Gleason was elected vice­president of the class of 1921. Geor­gene. Burtis ran a close second �ith71 votes. Enid Townley was elected:secretary of the Freshamn class andRoger' Combs treasurer, Combs' if:a pledge of Delta Tau Delta.The new' election system proved avery successful one. This system wasworked up last year for the Under­graduate council by Milton· Coulterand Walter Bowers. Each vote wascounted two times and in no case didthe totals disagree. The actual timeof counting votes was a little overfour hours. Hitherto the count hasbeen a very difficult thing to manageand the time of counting considerablymroe than four hours.',IOr Waiting in Ellis Corridol'B for' theElection Returns� IIt f), ..t,".if:;. �JIr �.�,I, By One Who Was There If you and I had only voted for-­Just think. "Oh! "Well!IF-� Act I.Anon.Scene: The North corridor of Ellis(also the South corridor).'Characters: Prominent seniors, jun­iors, sophomores, a freshman, Marooncopy }>Pys,> and Burdette Ford (thelatter on a beam from which he couldlook through a transom down on theheads of the councilors within).All: What are�they do�g?,Ford: I dunno, I can't see.All: Gee, I wonder who'll get it. BRELOS WINS CONTESTBY ONE VOtE(Continued from page 1.)and is a member of the Delta Kappa�Epsilon frateinit� ',:. ,Hutchinson an Easy Vidor'Buel Hutchinson won an easy vic­tory over Alva Frederick for presi­dent of the Sophomore class, the votebeing 72 to 14. Hutchinson also re­cently returned from six months workfor the allies in Erance, is a memberof the Varsity football team, is work­ing on the Y.M.C.A. committees forthe Students' War fund and is a mem­ber of Delta Kappa Epsilon. FrancesHenderson was elected as the vice­president of the Sophomore class. Sheis vice-president of Black Bonnet anda member' of the' Quadranglers. Jo­sephine Gamble had no opposition forsecretaryship of the Sophomore class.She is secretary o'f Black Bonnet and The ticket committee of "Chicagoa member of the Sigma club: Brook -Night" will meet today at 1 in theBallard won the office of Sophomore trophy room of Ida Noyes hall.Act II.Same as above, Ford still on thebeam. Copy boys there too.Ail: What are they doing?Ford: I dunno, I can't see.All: Gee, I wonder who'll get it.'jAct III.I,I �?\'I ,;I JiI ,II Same as above. Copy boys in pos­session of the beam.·Seniors pacing nervously up' anddown, Juniors, sophomores, and- thefreshman doing likewise.All: What are th--Voic� from within: Call Joseph ofthe Maroon..,All: JOSEPH, Oh!, JOSEPH!Act IV. ·eTIcket Committee Will Meet. ,Joseph'arrives on the scene on therun, a pencil behind his ear and somecopy-paper on which. to record thereturns. He crouches at the keyhole,'and a weak voice from within callsout:,,"Telephone Dad T'll be late to din-ner."The curtain lowers on the Seniorspacing nervously up and down, etc.'Tmlor for Young Men' �. { 7' N. LA SALLE STREETThree Stora 314 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE-71 E. MONROE STREETA Man, Instinctivelystiffens his s'houlders and feels at ease-when he iscOfi'scious that his .cloehes are absolutely correct­t.ilored in t�e skillful len-eros· way. ITuxedo. especiaJly' selected -for school andcoDege wear. $35 and upHIGGINS WAS RIGHTThe team is going to fight like­everything, an dso are we if Clarence.B�wn 'comes in. again with anythinglik'e the one !Ie just spru-- no,sprang. He said the Council shouldhave provided soap, water, and tow­els for the voters in order to' insurea clean ballot. - �"Classified Ads.Five cents per line. No advertise­ments for less than 25 cents. Allclassified advertisements must be. paid in advance.TO RENT-.Room suitable for one' ortwo persons. Welcome to use ofparlor ana piano. 6203 W 00018"\\,112nd apt.' MAROON - BUSINESS DIRECTORYPhone Midway 4208 BEGIN SCHOOL RIGHT'S. NIDITCH . Go co the.. ".. Fashion RestaurantF�st-Class Shoe R:epatrUlg We serve the best:of food at prices, WHILE YOU wA\T you can afford¥A good�clean1312 East 61 st Street, .place., Try us.1004 E. 55th Street. Phone Midwa, 7262FO� RENT-Large front room withfire place and lavatory. Opportunityto speak' French. Price 'reasonable.Phone Hyde, Park 4296. Address5749 Dorchester Avenue. SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS.Corsages a Specialty, Jrtllrrnct .OOfr -UrrS,Jflnmrf &1Jop'1377 E.' 55th Street'R. L. Nelson, Prop. Phone H. P. 38 "Better,Work for La. Monq"The,MidwayCleaners : 'Dy�rs : Tailors. 6249 Cottafe'Grove Avenue,, Tclepbouc Midway �8'�Prariu, &ad Rcpairiu,. Ra, Clcania, a SpecialtyWANTED-Four live young men towork evenings and Saturday after­noons. Those having' experience insaleswork preferred. Moore MotorVehicle Co. 37 S. Wabash Ave.Ask for Mr. Coats.TYPEWRITING OFFICERoom 2, Lexington Hall( StenographyExpert (Copying.(MimeographingPrices NominalMidway 800 B.>x 269Local 214 Fac. Exch.FOR RENT-Two Rurnished Rooms,steam heat. A home for men stu­dents, $6 and $7 per month. Uni­versity neighborhood. Tel. HydePark 7872. Le-Fevour Restaurant114& East 63rd2St. ,I JII Neat. Clean and Quick, W ANTED-eo-cd who must lcavccollege to earn funds. Personalityand ambition chief requirements.Gfve phone number to arrange forpersonal interview. Reply Box 0,Faculty Ex. MILLER BRqS.EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS"]"My KnolO �0tD"1 03 7 East Sixty-Third StreetNcar Greenwood Ave. .;'bJ) .; ud" ::s...... �.; c=u .. ;.; u.... :: .. c .....O cg�v '"-s <-0 Q:_t.) • ..- c._ II. C; = �Q) v�' �e E v5�zo ��::c "8oI'Phone Hyde Park 0439 Auto Serviceit W ANTED-Student to act as collegemanager for reliable firm. On"who has had selling experiencegiven preference. Give references,address and phone number. W. A.P. clo Thc Daily Maroon. Phone Midway un Call aad DeliverW ANTED __ Girl Student' Roommatef', in attractive family hotel. Ten min- Suit. MNC co Orcl ...AlIO Remocldin, aad Clcanin,utes walk from campus. TelephoneMiss Seabury. Midway. 1624. 100'7 Ea.. Sixty - FI ... t Street, NcarEJlu AvnucI '\ I� •� ••• Ka.MON B'4.--.--.- •••••••••• ,� ."iII!i i1.(;;.._:._�'·1:�t:�:�I •Note that this three­piece aluminum bodybolts directly to theten-inch-deep frame.That is a master stroke inmotor car design.It does a�ay withwood sills. Permitsthe floor of the bodvto be eight incheslower than you'llfind it in most cars.'That means a lowcenter of gravity-'an easy riding and'smartly stylish car.The-Marmon 34 in" several importantfeatures-c=one ofwhich is Lynite alu­minum pistons­marks a distinctadvance in construe-. tion. One has notseen the strictly'. modern automobile, until he has seen theMarmon 34.NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANYEatablishcd 1851 : INDIANAPOLISFLUFFY ""HIT�Big. Wash - No Rub - 20 MinutesDear Madam:-You undoubtedly haveoft en wondered whyscientists have not de­voted more time towards,devising some manner ormeans for easily and�heaply cleansing clothes.True, there are manycompounds and devicesfor performing' t hiswork, but, we believe wecan honestly state thatwe are the only Concern.. manufacturing a prod-uct for washing' clothes that does not contain lye, potash,or any or-the other harmful' ingredients so often used forthis purpose.,,/ Fluffy White is guaranteed to safely wash the daintiestof fabrics, quickly and with practically no labor, and Ofcourse will cleanse the coarsest of garments as well.Your clothes will never "yellow" when these productsare used, they will be clean, pure and sweet smelling and willwear much longer than when washed by any' other process.In trying this sample, be careful to follow the simpledirections. You wiII be pleased with the results. Your wash­ing will be done in 112 the time, and we are confident thatyou will not only continue to use these products, but willrecommend them to your neighbors.• FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLYFirst put soiled clothes in cold water. Shave fine one-balf bar of any srood bundry soapand one small cake of Fluffy Whiu., Dissolve in a Quut of bollinsr water. Pour thlS intoyour clothes boiler half full of hot sort water. Wrinsr clotaes from cold water. put themin your boiler and boil them 20 minutes .tirri1l{1 fr�q,""dy. Then rinu chDn thoroughlyin hot Il'CICer. Do not put 100 many clothes in boiler at one time. For extra lalllC ",uhinsrput in soap and Fluffy White in proportion to water added. hard water should be thor.OUllhly softened before usinR". Little if any rubhinR" is nece5Saey-POssibly bard hems,wrist bands or neck bands. Empty and dean boi1n- ""1I1� h,t. ..BORAX OR SODA WILL SOFTEN WATERMRS. WHITE'S IRONING COMPOUNDTIle greatest aid to the housewife in ironing since the invention of flatirons.This compound is of the purest ingredients, combining the best ofall known harmless chemicals, The results were obtained in ourlaboratories by our chemists after years of study and experimenting,You mix it in the starch-It makes the clothes smoother brighterand helps to keep them stiff in warm or damp weather. 'It helps the clothes to wear longer and will strengthen and bringout the colors- Docs awa�· with ironing pads. .Mrs, White's Ironing Compound is equally as effective in all gradesof starch.Makcs·the iron run smoother, faster and easier, 'Your ironing will be completed in half the time and with much lesslabor.DIRECTIONSA�d one tablet to each Quart of hot starch after remo\"inll rrom fire-Stir until thoroulrhlydKI�solved. Thin down Ir_T:ldually with warm wat€'r to suit PUrpose, stirrinlr vilrorouslyeep starch warm to o�am best results. Follow dIrections accurately. 'Surprise your neighbors by sleeping an ,hour later and finishinyour wa:;hmg and ironing an hour earlier, they ,v:11 notice the clea;pure white look of your clothes. 'Buy a package today. Your neighbor will uk: "How do you do it?"7!;--::- .-. -.�---�-.--,,,.f ." .... " �=.. � �� .t f'" , J\' ... �,.... � . -". �' ." '.' ....THE DAILY MAROON, FRI ..DA Y, NOVEMBER 16. 191'1. . ..FOOTBALL VETERANS, WILL BAND GIVES CONCERT SERIES'ADD TO SWIMl\lING CHANCES .Moulton. Reber aid Others to Swim­.Earle and Goldman GettingInto Shape.I!r1Il.i·I!iIIIIliI Much needed re-enforcement is ex­pected to rally to the support of theswimming squad at the close of' thefootball season, when Moulton, Reber,and probably several others will beable to join the pool team. At pres­ent oniy half a dozen men are work­ing who show any pronounced ability.Capt. Walter Earle' is working in the40, 100 and 220 yard swims, and willbe one of Coach White's few reallydependable men. -Ben Goldman isworking in the fancy dives again thisyear.Three new men, Joe 'Vhite, FrankBreckinridge, and Ruthven Pike areeligible and developing in this branch.Emil Ries is practising in the back­stroke division, and Irving Miller willprobably be a good man on the breaststroke. Outside of these men the1918 swimming team is a doubtfulquantity as yet. Sam Williston isgood in several departments, and n;ayswim in some of them in the futuremeets.Northwestern Has Good TeamChicago's most powerful opponentin the swimming conference of 1918will be Northwestern, more men re­turning to the Purple aquatic squadthan any other. Coach White is notoptimistic, and is unwilling to floatany hopes of another championshipteam at this time .. Dates have notbeen definitely set for either dual orconference meets as yet, but it is pro­bable that the first meet will. be withCincinnati.. ti,i.!WOMEN SHARPSHOOTERS TOJfAV� JUFLE PRACTICE INST,:\NDS THRICE WEEKLYThe women members of the' Ri6eclub will be allowed to shoot on threedays of the week hereafter. The wo-\. men on .!he campus will be allowed toshoot on Mondays and Thursdays:while off-campus women will continuetheir Wednesday night practice. Thecoaches express great satisfactionwith the marksmanship of the womenand' with their interest in the work.'The women are' requested to enterthe field through Bartlett gymnasiumin the future, instead of waiting atthe Bllis avenue gate, which is Iikelyto be locked.W. A. A. WILL CONDUcr HIKETO SAND DUNES TOMORROW\The W. A. A. will conduct· an allday trip to the sand dunes Saturday.All women who wish to go will meet.. at 9:15 at Sixty-third street station ofthe Illinois Central. The price will be$1.15 if more than twenty-five 'takethe trip and slightly more' if fewerwomen go. A ten mile hike ",,11 betaken for which the women will re­ceive thirty points toward member­ship in the W. A. A •. Every one has� been requested to bring lunch..: - - - - - - - '_Take it or send it. but besure she gets it!ff1I Bound with tlu colon.Stamped with the ua1.$1 the pound atVAN De BOGART & ROSSEa.t Slat St. rand Lake Park A va.R. M. GRAY, 1348 East 55th StreetGLENN BROTHERS. 1145 E. 63rd St.AMPHUn BlOmERSI 6300 Stony ' .. rand A Tena. j.�.----- --- ... I+-E::T -Y;A:S-A:O�;D:Y-I'AT THE UNIVERSITY'-------- --_.>, f.Blackfriars Selection by Cragun In­cluded in Program. The committees' as finally selected; -SOPHOMORES' BEAT' FRESHMENtogether with the teams, team cap-tains, and chairmen,' will be' enter-tained at a tea by Mrs. �. A. W�lton, Heekey Matches Start With Victory5737 W oodlawn avenue, at her home of Three to. One.next week, the date to be announcedlater. November 16. 1917Sophomores won, from the Fresh- University prepares for enthusS-1\IISS HENDRICKS TO TALK men by a score of 3 to \ in the first astic mass 'meeting for WisconsinAT JOINT MEETING TODAY hockey match' yesterday at 3:45 on game Saturday.Greenwood field. MemL-rs of the ..team F h �W t 10 Settlement dance workers decide tos were: res men- a son, . .Spu . K· h b L' d M' . tag women m order to raise moneyrgm, ire en aum, yon,. ea- f . .nor W· I . A Platt FI k or annual chanty event., Ins ow, aron, , ac,Stone, Stein and Purvin. Sophomores W. A. A. members plan royal wel­-�rocker, � Clark, Seyomur, Atkins, come for Wisconsin women who ae­Uphouse, Moffett, Vogdes, Kannally, co�pany the Badger football team trClark, Fairchild and Zickler. Chicago Saturday.The second series in the Class ' Cap and Gown appoints Williammatch games will be played off Tues- Kuh member of the athletic commlt­day at 3 :45 on Greenwood field. This tee of 1910 annual.will be between the freshmen ,and Students submit seven songs forjuniors and between the sophomores The Daily Maroon prize. Judging---- I . and seniors. Members of the various committee consists of five members.The publicity committee ot "Chi-. classes have been urged to come out Public Speaking finals in the Jun-cago Night" will meet Monday at �d cheer. ior college are held in Kent theater.3:45 in the trophy room of Ida Noyes Purdue and Indiana universitieshall. FRESHMAN WOMEN TO SEW charge each other with having pro-FOR RED CROSS MONDAYS fessional players.Two compositions by J. Beach Cra­gun, a march "The Request" and aselection from the 1917 Blackfriarsshow, "A Myth In Mandel," will fea­ture next Tuesday's band program inMandel, which is to be given by theUniversity military band of fiftyplayers. The concert will be held at4 :30 and will, be the first of a seriesof popular .programs given by theUniversity band or orchestra.Following is the program for nextTuesday, Nov. 20:ProgramJ. Beach Cragun, Conductor1. March "The Request" .. _ _ ... ,Cragun2. Overture "Raymond" __ .Thomas3. "Entre Acte" from "Mignon" .... Thomas4. Second Hungarian Rhapsody ... Liszt5. Selection from the Comic The monthly joint meeting of theInternational and Cosmopolitan clubswill be held today in Ida Noyes hallon the second floor. Miss Hendrickswill talk on "Schools in China," andGladys Titsworth will give a violinsolo. Refreshments will be served.All men and women who are Interest-ed are invited.Publicity Committee MeetsAt Ukulele club try-outs held yes­terday, the' following women,' all ofwhom play ukuleles unless otherwisespecified, were. elected to member­ship: Catherine Dorran, Alice John­stone, Margaret Haggott, steel guJitar; ,Marion Robinson, mandolin;Margaret Long, Marie Hall, MarionSmith, Margaret Robinson and Mar­tha Behrandt, mandolin.The next meeting will be held Tu­esday at 3:30 in Ida Noyes sun par­lors. All members have been re­quested to attend.German Club Holds 1\IeetingNINE WOMEN SELECfED FOR·UKULELE CLUB 1\IEl\IBERSHIP. Opera" A Myth in Mandel" ... Cragun6. Sextette from "Lucia".", Donizetti The German Conversation club will7. "Serenade" Herbert meet today �t 4:30 P. M. in Cobb8. "March Slave" Tschaikowski 12A. The general topic will be: "AusThe second' program will be given meinen Leben: Allerhand Streiche."on Tuesday, Dec. 11, by the orchestra. The Freshman commission has in­vited all Freshman women who eatluncheon at Ida Noyes hall to sit atthe Freshman table. It also announ­ced that all Freshman women willmeet every Monday from 2 to 5 in IdaNoyes hall to sew for the Red Cross.Atheltie Association to l\leetSubscribe for the Daily Maroon.WILL HAND IN NAMES TODAYAU members of the W. A. A. have MISS GRACE COULTER WILLbeen requested to come to a 'meeting SPEAK AT COUNCIL SUPPERDance Workers to Select Committee- today at 10:10 in Co?b 12A.men and Team Workers. Miss Grace Coulter, secretary ofthe Elean�r club will be guest of hon­or' at the' supper to 'be given by theWomen's Administratlve council Sun­day at 6 iii 'Ida' Noyes hall. Ticketsmay be procurred in the main hall ofIda Noyes club house at noon' today ===============and tomorrow, , .University Dames EntertainCommittee chairmen and team cap­tains for the' Settlement dance arerequested to' select committeemen andteam members at once and turn thenames, in order of selection, in toWade Bender sometime today. Teamcaptains are to select fifteen studentsfor each team, . The University Dames will give a"husbands' party" today from 6 to10 in the Ida Noyes assembly hall.Foster & Odward.. Correct Dressersof Men, 7th Floor Republic bldg.,State and Adams streets. Read TIle Daily )faroon .. For' Campus. News' -TURKISH CIGARETTESARE r:JADE ESPECIA�L'{.:F�R THEDISCRIMINATING AND �XPI=RIENCEDSMOKER OF HIGH �RADETURKISH CIGARETIESThe blending'is exceptionalj :t' GRADE TUR.KISH A"O"MAKERS Of THE G��:':� ,NTHE WoRLD -. 'EGYPT'AN G1·_ ."... _",.. � �Package. ofTau cuUl· Twenfia;.25 GMtREMEMIlER.- Tarki./a to­bacco i. t1a_e world'. mostlamoUa tobacco for cigarettes. . �� A� I ,IdI.\ � t.1!� �J, �'.!:.'"=�,,. (".)'.�:1" S"-n,DIiEWc(glJ ( , 31..-.; w�:� t • hl� stIi') 1Min11· ' dVJ:, : .,. e�10Iii;. totoitbe•"',') . SllIe:.'<�t8he'inwloffrwlhmJ)(liv,uJthmshantic"IanN •efttb�M;aJ)illisolhitW(ltit •F1:Chandelvelofa�1. pelofpreda:fOIgirth�whenBl<ca�wil. tea:b. 'jfJ:, 1:I� fr'\t. •n, I