Vol XV.'' .No: 135.-' . a"'''''':. 'r:'-'�'''- ,_..- .:,"- T",: ... :_ �J •��': •I '0' on·.....:. .��.. , . ..,,' ' ",,".. - .,_. ,.,'.1",.' : •• 1UNIVERSITY 'OF cmCAGO, _fRIDAY, .MAY 4, ·1�17.·.I'Price . 5 Cea�.' -" .", ... 1':':.. ', �, t : : »:' \. .•• �. :r '• c. •. -. ., f •. �President And. ��d_9( ,�. -. "Wisconsin's 'withdrawal' from Con-ference athletics bas robbed the Ma­roons of tomorrow's date which was� scheduled with the Cardinals. CoachPage apparently does not believe inrest -for his team and has framed' agame with the alumni as a substituteattraction for the Wisconsin fl1ly.This afternoon the Y. M. C. A. teamwill form the opposition and a victoryseems almost certain for the V arsity�_ Tlie annual alumni game will seeJ!lany former Maroon diamond stars·again. in action and the younger. setwill bavefe-step if they are to win."Pat" or "Spike" 'Shull will grace'the hill for the- graduates and Stein­brecker will be on the' receiving end."Bill" McConnell; last yeal-'s starfirst sacker will work at bis old po-I sition with Boyle at second and "Ed­die" Cole at the far comer.To Play� Iowa �ol\(lay.The neXt Conference gam.e· is sche­duled ·with.__I�wlt" 'Mo.hday:·�at IowaCity. Coa� ·P&ge.a'nd·bis�.sqUad will· leave Sunday,-night for· the· fo�igncamp. Chica'go looked' weak 'at Ibat in.the last game,�t)1·· NoMw�stern but· may' have a. goOd 'day' agai�st: Gillis,�fte .French mission .will arrive in who won .hl�:gam�·;1iennn::the firstChi�ago today about noon, a't.d· will contest of the seas�n by a. score of' 9be entertained by various .. organiza- . to -7 e , ·Neitlier,team could be' ciassed .tions during .rhe day .. They will 'come as",a bard'hitting a�' , 'ti�J{ �mi the·to*the·.Urii�rsi� on-Saturday follow- . re��lt �ll..:..rest.,·for-··1: 'molit partjng a .parade tl\rough the loop district .with the�·pitiehers. :. :Larkin'� nick";ac��.'", p. �n.· ��� .. "_-. :: {-.Ul1.·.-lii�� ·�.,c_·O.·.�L.;';" .. A.,.. f:: - ed. �� _�1� :bingles'7 �by tOe 'Purple- - � h � - . �'Tu_:.1�·��·"'i1r.,�l·-;� Start'.ter:..lundteon in- HptcliinSQJl','.the.. party .�,. u,uil! : •. ' . : �� ,r ... wilt" tour' t'be s'outlr� 'and ' west '-"side �nst:tIi� lU.W�Ye8.: liJUess Ma�bo�e�aid sy�fe�� a�d._�.ili. �the� :�o!'to : sho�.d. ��:::��� w�.� b��ro�e .game�the Dexter Park p�vilion .at· the"StackWILL ' R�..-;pp"" F_H POETRYy�s:��. w�e�,e,. a 'Public reception wilJ ..... A'Jhe' 'beld.':·: ::.',' :' .-.':, " . .' .... , . '. ", :':- :",j�.; '- ,. _.' �.�- .J� .. ttre--Stotk ,Yaids--l.-.rcm,"600 Assistant Prof. David To PresentrC\;Cpl . P.;gr;�' �f' ROm-a�tic -Po.;�' � ..se�s�-wi!i�'�e���'iffed':for me�bef.s of. :!�>�··:r:. "th� .. �����"O.ff'�r_� .. Tr��ning �?rp�... The Ft:enc�' �,*,'WiIl ����!ldayTh�1.Slt .. �!.�.��sslon:�"'dl .termmat.e. at 4. in 1ib...-e.":'library;��Icfa:�� �.�11.1Sa�l'�y nlgRr;.!\!1\c:� 'It· lea.v�.s � 911- . ASSlstal'-� hof�' Henn '��DavId,cagd�.; : '.�. � .. tl: "_;:,l<' .: '- : ..... :of th�l��encn::'::Qep�rimw.:-win �ilive.� - " ----.- •• ,., -- _._..!_: _-=- - a recitition .. ¥ ·trei�h:·tfiD;ia�ti(r'po-J�e Addams Will S�k.. ems. �ll·.}Vho. .. are ,:lr¥.re$ted,�:have� ... � . �n� ':.:: .1: .� been :ntitea �;;atte.B� .. :The.�pioriamMiss Jane Addams of the Houll is as follows{' .. �'" . ", �.'<' , {House, wiIi5'j);mlC:on:�atnoti#Jm and Vido! .. Hugo-U:' �ori..·�. �P 'fi n t ubI' . . <':--1� : 'A 'qu' 'oi songea' ient les fdeuXaCI � a. a p. IC �eetll!g.� � ..held M.ogday at 7 in Mandel hail u.fi.-· ' "":cavalierS :dans' ia' foret(der ,�e"A6spices af the ·Women��.Atl. "" 2. \reiii; v_idf, -V!�r. ' ,.��.: ':"�"ministrative Council. All ,members .3:; '1\ ·VJD�i�r. . .. :<"';' j;or-tlie�UniverSity -are inYited.·:� - ":". A 'de' Musset--:r.a·· Soli6ide:<-.� I'.:(�r4. NUi.t -de :DeCeinbri:":, �::�martine-�amour. idylliquei et,,�>'l'.elegie •. _, .. � :.' ,"Le dernier regret" -(extracts).· 'A,de ..Musset-"Le.dandysme . .,.."Uune soires perdue" .. ' ,Th. Gautier�L.'oubli_ _. "Elegie . IV" .(J,ees�es completes)�:., ...... .., ..Miss Mary E. McDowell, head resi-· dent of .. the University settlemen.�· has ooen appointed a member of the"Women fn Industries" committeewhich, is a part of the council forToday. . nationaf de�ense. The committee isDivinity chapel, 10:10, H�ke)l made �p 'of' prominent women fromGerman Conversation club, 4, all parts of the country under th�_r GcI'��. club, 8, 1228. � 5.6t� chairmanship of Mrs. Harriman, whotstr�l. ": : .. \ .;. .... '. " .... hasi��l.l� .t��li��t �ee�in� f�t ��i!it. In�mational and Cosmopolitan mornin� in WashmgtOn, D. C".to a�'c1u�� "".: , .. '.:. '�p ." �h.�d.. Cf.. �.t�.c�.,.. :: M_.����.� ..... ,�.. �.���.,,�el.l t �a� }eft• __ IWnQ ....... orrow. ',�.� �.:. .' . -, :, .: ..... Meetings'iGff the:--iJmftndty ruling··: ,-,., "l �:': � .;. .;.:. ", .• _·: ... ·L��� bodies, ,E41�, ,;,: �� . .'_�1 �.: .. ,' :,,� :-.. � ,. "J��!��:e. �r-P�ff:.�' Meeting._t Board or Admi_OJIS, 9. ,t Board of S'�. �giti�_ -;:·:'ftie'.�g"'M'=lBfPsichord whichfPublieatiODB and Edaib� �10. " ':�s:;wch!duted for today bas be�� Boa_ or the JlIIliOl"" UcI "siaiOr "pOstl;one"d'\ tm Wednesday at '4 i'{� ... ' 11.. < •• ,_:-.-:-",_ ••• rT._""" ... -.,', � . GRMtR bp)) ._ ... -.........._.,.,��:!,. JUDSON:foHONOit,. 'JOFFRE PARTY �N.CAMPUS tOMORRo.W.)tees To Entertain EnvoysAt Luncheon.�O REVIEW. OFFICERS CORPS'To Tour South Side Boulevards In AI-ternoon-Missiol\ To End Tomor­row Ni,ht After,Receptio�-Members of the' French ·mfssi6ri.· in'-'cl,\ding Marshal Joffre, Minister ofJustice Rene Viviani, and others willbe �tertained by President Harry\Pratt Judson and the University board, -of Trustees at a luncheon tomorrow. \.at noon in Hutchinson hall. Membersof: the faculties will also be guests at'the IUD.cheon.l1ef9're going. to Hutchinson," thecommission will review the Reserve.offi�ers" Training corps o� the Uni­versity grounds. . The:� )i�_e of marchfor the-review will-be .announced later..'(. , ' \'". .• ,.... • � •; 11Qelfy· Women,!I'o �H).e- Ch�rge.; ,�:"V ··,·,I'�'····'····:·:I·'iThe womcri"'�r Keily iiall will hav;' .charge of �Ei: iregnlat;.suhday·.-mghi .'SuppeT' in Ida' -Noyes haiL -kll' w0-men who wish to' attend .·have· .beenrequested ·to : leave their names 'in:Mrs, Goodspeed's office in Ida Noyes.: .-.:' J .. ;.. .(. ''- 'I' :' ........ ')1, WEATHEIf"FOREcAST." �:',:.�,:RaiL' --; Fresh northeast to east'winds.:' "THE DAILY' MAROONBULLETIN.. ,. COACH PAGE'S NINE TO. PLAY �LUMNI TO�O�OWSchedule Game Beeause : of Withdrawal of WiscoDBiD From Confer�eDCe' Athletics-:.Will Meet Hawk­eye Team Monday A� Iowa Cit,..':�iiss'·�:pQWEtL·TO GO:�:' �'j., :.' TO ·.'WASIl'INGTON� D. C�", To Substitute Ten Hours a Week ForAcademic Course-Divi� Students.Into Three Groups. Continuation,New :r.,en and Intensification.�ERTS AMQlCANS. ARE. NOT. ENTERING .FIGHT FROM HA TIED MAY"DROP MAJOR FORMO�E MILITARY �TUDYShorey Says Condition Is Simi­lar To .That Of NorthIn Civil War. The University authorities an­nounced' yesterday an intensificationof the drill' and lecture work for stu­dents who wish to register for anothermajor of military study. Male stu­dents will' be allowed to drop a ma­jor of academic work and substitutefor it, a .major of Military Science often hours Iper week. The offer is the r e­su!t of the activity of the Undergrad­uate . council and the University or­ganizations, who petitioned the Uni­versity authorities for such a measure.Detailed blanks may he obtained. to­day' at 10:10 at the Information .deskin Cobb.CONDEMNS P.ACI�IST IDEASRidicules Plans for Worlel Peace­Declares Theol')t Is Rank Foolish­ness And Approaches Treason.We are not entering into the warwith . .hate. in our" hearts for Ger.many -, or. -:the .. Ge.l'manS� according toPaul Shorey; head' of� the' Greek de­partment, who delivered the sixthand Iast of: the series of lectures on"Why :the United' States is in the " .War," before a public meeting held . The �tudent� .are ,t.o be divided intolast night at 7 in Mandel hall. The tIa-ec groups. The' first- division willsubject of his address was "Civilisa- 'be composed of students who will con­tion's StaKe in the War." .I tinue their present amount of study"We shall not get into this great i� military work.' This continuati�nfight at the beginning in the heat· of gr�up �vi1l consist of students now reg­pasaion," declared Prof. Shorey .. "We istered for physical culture 'credit andshall not 'have to have hate in our those: enrolled for the credit' of ahearts at the start. We may;be sure major .and physical culture.that the' first million: of English: sol-diers who went 'into the trenches The second group will be composedagalns» Germany had no hate intheir of 'students- taking military 'scienceheads. I: am certain' in saying that for' the' first time, Students will bewe fought the 'SPaniBh-American war permitted to drop a' major iit aca­with little hate for' the Spaniards. J�rhic . work arid' substitute thereforDuring the. Civil War, we of the . ten :.bours. per ,veek' of Militar'y Sci­north. did-net at t}le .. s.tart·tfegard the erice ic!,r"th'e' second t�rm �f ,the pres­struggie as one C?fpl!·Ssion. The North ent Quarter. Credit of one major and. in_, ��; �l?e��ing, w� ,IJ?:u� Jike· we on�-half: quarter cTedir.in �ph)�i;al cul­:�. ��O�T ��� -..����.�:�� "-.ll�" . i'tre'; -if t1t� latter',:i,5 �e�red; Wili.�be.·,�a���_.;an�· �� l�n� gV:l�.;,� 'gi�en .. : .':' .! .; r��.e-..:.o��y .�rg�g�i��P�� ..... �nd .so Students who' wi�h- to be examined\Ve��� not expect � develop any�real'. . ., '. ..., .. ... ,. . for wOrk 'Covered 'in the-academiC- sub-'-. �it��d;:;fg�.t!r��� .. ��.jed ,'to' be" dTowed,'mai"'do"s() :with. Shorey_�nde�!l.Ii�' f�cifists. permission bf the ·l�strud:O�. If'theProf. � ��l.!�r.ey ':'�" �cularly exa'�jfi�don is' ,p'assed arid the' dailystrong in "fiis· cfOiideriulation of the rec:?rd"f�·.· �¥fficientiy goOd,:'�hey wntcourse of the pacifists, in' comment- be" give� ... �� half. !D?-jc?r. ,c�edh, in. th.efu�f'6� th�� t1ieoi.:leston;;o�(i pea��. subject: . 'In thi� l'Vay students �ho·-�'TheSfmmtani'· i;hdi\se: of "tdday' is �'�� . �0\V .. c��ryin� • t�r�e m�i�'rs, . wiija chimera 'with whom reason is helP-'less to deat"-A"acifiJt"s�ems to rea- J>t:. i'b�t; .to ,.se.�ur:t}..th.re� ���, ��.,��Jon best jn"liiB::own�'y.:-·�Tbe paci- majois..a.t.,thse.:end of ther.Q�arter.;.': Men ,wll011a[� not now, .. r.egisteredfiSt now declares· that . patriotism ofa -n:atiorial�b'arader�is' U:hfJPeless"ob- f�-.Alilitar:rtSci.ence, mar also' enroll-. sOItitism;: 'He"shuts\llis{eYE!!' to' actu· for 'fit�en �hours per u'eek for th� ',sec-al'facts and-declares' that:an intimate orad ttm.�·· :Credit o'f one and' one-haHbrotherhood of· all tlae.:nations is the rilajors ,n' :Military Scienc� will he.!J!lJy s,�iu�ion_.:.t_o, the ·.P.�_S�!1� pr�b- given. for this amount .of work.. Phys',lems. .. _.P-atriotism,.and ..thtLem.o.UQJlS._ . ca�ltur-e-cr-cdtt-·"wm-· also,·'he· given.;of pat,potism no _longer exist, accor�- ';It ';5 -nor, however,'possibte' .to 'obtainIng·:to· h4s way' of- ·ieasoning. • . � -.' ': . r '... more: than' four major credits durtng .. Would Destroy'Nationality. ""... ".the prese'nt Quarter.'i "No .reader of pacifist litel1Lture 'land listener to pacifist discussion of: . Th.c third group· will be compo,sed'the present day�can,·fail to .. see that .. of men who are now. carrying �Iili­:the id.eal 'pacifism -; .h�ns . only one ·:t�r.Y �Scieri'ce for-- a-:m�j�r and'phy�icai'thing for Te'alizatiori; itnd that is th'e ·'-cutiute·: credit. Students' in this in-:unrestricted mixing o� races and the tensification dh'ision will be permttcd'jnterbre�ing of p1ces.;,�It .m�a�s fin- to. 9-rop an. acade��;�r��';'1nd sub-,lally, t¥'e" total' loss . of all : national stJtute for It ten m.ore:.h9Urs� work per;identity. Any·.natidn ·on the earth, k f �' ':'" \. '.. � �f'l'we.e· or....• ; .•. �c.co.. �(I,-:terJ1� :t.n_... "_., I Jtar.rwhether it is fighting 'at the present S ._lime or DQt would be ,.wil,ling to_4;�ht clence�.: :' -:.; : J �< 1 ..� �Iem. r... �'-o. f � tJ1e (Re.sat�cl. '·:0" flicrsto the' last drop of bloOd to' re:�irt ',J --'its national identity; , . Train�g .cO'1's'.·,wil1' me�'�Jtiworrow: .'The "problems oI'the pte sent 'day at 12f39I,�9i a �ev.�e�,: bY:,Mcrf�al Jof-�are here�:" And they "mlist· be" f'S(!ed. fre �(1d )afs, p'��ty .. 'Battalion drill will�Instinctive. national patriD�ism js the he l�ld :lIoncfay, from 7:45\ to 9:05 and:only' force' that holds the. �l1egi�nc:e a�ci� �n iW��inesd�y at' 8:10 to 9:15:,;ot the 'rank and file of the peOple.' De- N<\.�las�:��· will meet ,at. -,these hours,husi�:!6t� llTt�'rlitfo*'''broihe� T�a..�oye�nmental �nS�e�ion will he�;11 noS:M>t4(l �;��tfm1ftu�."aci- heldfon-._!;r�\lr.sdal': fr:om 4:45 to 6.'fi� �pn:r81o� th�t �tri�ti�rn;� c:o�o- ,: .. The "9Cliedul� for .. differ.ent '-groupspoI��ra an,a Jn�.�.r_na,�i�n.a! � � foolish /ol1Q��:;St�d�nts reg,stered: i��: phys.,strMMnFi�ect::'}.�.!rl.�,l.t"lle·'W�(lot '. -:-<: '1,'. ,', .. _.\p, ••...... - oM �ical.'cu1t\zre >cre'dit! . only:;:" . .1 uesday,.,othfe.�,.p.a.�_1.·fi!l1.�. ��:il�Ss.. Pmr:�.a::.;:... ,.�• .;....�:lr��dn�!.tnB·_�._.e., '. ,,'. '. ,,' , .. ' _ ''_:'. ". ,�. m-II_, ;� 8�" •. �! Y\o :W�4�.es��·y .;and .. �tt·ttt§���,:-,;.one hout, imt h i'p'er;.'cf�.:dli1t:·�"rh05e: enroned. for �;to a�mpt t. _ft�ow � t e j! .. "," ,,:':.,c· • • '.-, t' .. ' •� 0"0 ftliad..alxed �w."ori;¢r�.it&:.!!.J,ondaY;�.14.. ec:till:e:;'.Tues�1mo.,,, c ,p:r :":c'-"V.,. - .�7w.!:.br.� \ "�iM,. .'. -:id.)��: .. "arill;(up, the � n.tlnation.... .. � q: 1.)� .. ;I), . �:as far_as.opinUms go,.Js,a.nnk fook ... and. Fridayp written wor14 instead.of afish.( ��� .,.,P8;$F81 ��te .. '":ik,:.tfto".&IQDitl wjj�'_)r�"!g!h�:_ ......... �_-.., _ ..........,-.,-(c.lUtxcc' ........ .ab. .J. i I � ,. ill . DESCRIBt:�v FRIARS.:PLAY TO BE GIVEN':':...: ... ''·tONIGHT IN.MANDELDeclares Historical' . !'QueStioDConcerning Helen Of TroyWill Be Settled.ORIGINALITY FEATURES PLAY. I -, :Will Giye P.ro�ts 1;0 Red. C�� .. So-'.. ciety.-;.Announces Ush'ers··F�!C 'Toriigh� and Tom_orr�w� �' ... :By 'Frank Br�ckenridg�.All the g<>{s and goddesses in thedeck-incluqing. the famous .Cheshirecat-will frolic tonight when theBlackfriars present uA. Myth.I,n Ma�-'del," . their fourteenth annual musicalcomedy, 'at '8;15 in ·"'Maiidet{halt�· 't1Iys':!ie's' wilt corit�st' wftli 'SOcTAtes'i�� a ,foxtrot with Ci�b'e, Ha�nrDai'will ap�pear 'as; valet �to 'I. 'Ca'e'sa�, whil� :tii�Question which 'has oeen woreyin�dlisit<iri�ris 'throilgh'outJ:the .'age�___:a� , : f�.whether' 'i-leferi''-cif :Troy w�S=;'a 'injitllor a reality-will be settied" for" 'al1time: by 'b'e'r �ppe�rarice"iri 250 pou'Jdsof flesh' and 'hrood and' a 'reel \V'rg.. ·t· 'I.. 'The en·�i�. �l�� -�as. ·.'�n . � thyo?:�� .last evening ,with. musi�ia.ns" �jg�t�e'!rand. ri,ak�-up . men' c·o-operating.' .. ·'lA-,-. .... ..... � I Ihand-picked audience-consisti"ng' ,o�, . .... . -. : . �, -.,seasoned reporters-actually wept'�'he�-' the' immbrta1 Helen�n .' 'themidst of a gra�eful G��ci�n 'iriterpre":tative dance-oegan:.�to· waltz- up the .­train of her:-pwn rohe and ended {>Totreupon the - back. Costumer Adamsbounced out of· his-;seat with a wildlook upon :'his' 'face 'but mvi�tigatfOnfound the: garme'nt uninjured. -: -: T�LC\'in actually· blushed �'hen hc �ap�pearoo� befMe' the·.footl-ights'in a·rag....time hridaF �o"'n' (an ()rigiriai: cre!l�tion' for th� .tGraus·tai:'k arid RobernV�Chamhers" TlUmbcr)� .while·�Buel1 Pai�te�'�h, majc,�i'ic: in :(n�\\: t�ga� \v�ntarotind �eg-ging '-pit�6u'sly' 'for: a �'de�y�phi_" . --: . .. � . . .. ..'The :keynot�' of 'this ;:�ar's pr<?d\lc.ti��. �� .�r_i�ina,lity-in, �us.�c, 'sct':nery�st·agecraft. �I.�ncin�, costumes, hook,everything, .A Chc"hire cat t�al�.�o��SC�l'c�. a<���pdqty for .b<l·�a(la;s as" wella�"; g�in' is as .�l�W to the AmaicanS��e)� �� ��_nf{,;:"Wh:cn: �h�,,�.�lea.re ·Cal!crdl?y . .the. Cud(�:: 4qO A�er­i.cpJl· �QJlg' writers.: The: sccner}, .is. de�sign'ed by. the ·author 'of: th�:play fOf'tIft:: first' time ·:in Blaekfri:tfs :11'lst(,'1'­""bil'e . Coach: C6!-eman';:naK 'providedn�w "'cTeatioii� � tit �: t_:· ":�'Y -of'� d:ttt'cesthitf p�bMfs�bfo C'�b-ai'1t1'e"rtit::te';5"�£��1;Ii<jf,H�;'�e .; 1�� Y�f: : i;��;.t ':..1�!9tJ J!¥.·b,� :·.'.!.;i�. 'l 'DBAN GRAY SmlvBYS'SCHOOL OF ED .0_'1� , . HALF OF PaociaF.DsFRO. A!tHUAL F&TETO GO TO RED cROSSWrit_ FGr.Ai.uD Mapmie· __Toda,.-F�ieaaiIIl'8 Article OIlWar Is Coacladed.'Dean William Scott Gray, of thecollege of Education, gives a surveyof the work of the college of Eduea­tion in his articl� "The Departmentof Edacation" contributed to the Maynumber of the Alumni magazIne,which will appea; on the campus "to­day. The department of Educationoriginated in a laboratory experi­ment, Prof. Gray states. He sIlowsthe deveiopment of the departmentand a�o says:"With this enlargement of the or­iginal idea' of working' on educationalproblems in a practical Way, the- school of Education is able to de­monstrate not only the possibilities ofa scientific study of education butalso applicability of results :thus se­cured to practical situations through­out the country."The frontispiece picture this monthis of Dr. Charles Hubbard Judd, headof the department of Education,· andthe article by Prof. Gray containsilluStrations of the school of Educa­tion building, Another picture isthat of Marjorie Benton Cooke, '99,drawn -.oy James MOntgomery Flagg.Miss":Cooke is a successful authoress,her novel "Bambi" beblg among the.list of best sellers, .• -----QudraDgJe Fete ft .. Belli. At J'IntBlackfriara: PerfOl'lllallCe To­Dight--Ereet Bootba TocIa7.PabUabed morulop' eseept SUD� .. 4Mooda,. clarloe the AatalDll. Wiater aDd_rIDe quarten b1 T�e Dal1, KarooDeompa01·The lights', fimvers and refresh­ments of the annual Y. w. C. LQuadrangle 'Fete will be in evideDcetonight and again hext Friday Digtit,during the presentation of "A Mythin Mandel.» General Chairman TheoGriffith has announc:ett tliat half ofthe proceeds will. be given to theAmerican Red Cross. .Japanese lanterns wUl be strung inHutchinson quadrangle where the fourclass booths are -being erected. Theseniors' and juniors' booths will havepatriotic decor.o,tions, representingthe spirit of 191 �r and the spirit of. '76. The sophomeres are planning asummer garden, and the freshmanbooth wiD. represent a' circus.Will SeD Refreshmmts.The booths will be open betweenthe first and second acts of the playfor the sale Of flowers and numer­ous varieties of solid and liquid: re­fresbmenta. SeveDty�five 'Women. wil'be in charge of. the booths' each night.The flowers' will be arranged' in bou­quets for women and' boutonnieresfor men. The refreshments will in­elude- ice eream eones, hot choeolate,lemonade; eandy, sandwiches and redhots.: I .The proceeds :fi.om· the fete, whichhas' been given yearly by·tlie league,have been used· heretofore; to seDddelegates to �� lAlke Geneva eonfer­eaee. Class' ehsirmen for -tlte feteare: Mildred�""Morgan and Dorothy'Mullen for ·the· seniOl'fJ; Margaret'Bowel'S' and Marjorie Mahurin· forthe juniori; Marion Glazer and' ,Mari-. on' LleweU� for the- aophomores;: and. Ruth Huey 4'nd Ruth Mallory fot thefreshmen. �Barr1 til. Swanaon. "11 •••••.• ·••• PresidentArtbur A. Baer. "18 •••••••••••••. 8eeretaIT1'. Claire Maxwell. ·19 •••••••••• TreasurerEDITORIAL DP!PARTHENTBarr,. R. 8wao800. '11 ..• Maoa.:IDC melltorArtbur A. Raer. '18 .•••.•.••. Me," BclltorCharles c. GI'M�. ·l, .•••••. Nlxbt E41tor8t8rllD� 8. Bualmell, "11 ••••••• 0.,. :BcI1torBenard E. NewmaD. '11 •.. Atbletlc:a EdkOl'Vera It. RdwarclaeD, '11 •• WomeD·. E4ltorBUSINESS DEPARTHEN!r.1'. Claire )IIaswell, '19 •• BuslDe811 MaDaprAssociate EdltoraGeorp Ba�la1, '19. Wade Bender, "18Reporten.WoDa Bachraeh. "20 Ruth Geozberger. '19ROMrt Cameron, "20 Roland Hollo"",. '20t.rotb,. Dorwtt. 19 .Iohn .lOBeI'll, '20, ... FalkeDau. '18 J:leleo RaTtteb, '20-..sa naber. '20 Barold StanaburJ, '20:J. • Entered as second class mall at the Chl­nJfO Poatofrlee, Chl�o, IJUnol". Ha�b 13.1908. under Ad of Marcb a. 1B13.�.�..'�;f B1 Carrlel',L_ $%.50 a ,.ear; $1 a quarter.B,. lIall, � a 1ear; $1.25 a qua"!'".Editorial Rooms ..••..•••.••••••••• ZIlla 12Telepbooe Mldw81 800. Loeal 182. BUllJnHs Offlce ..•.•.••••••••••••••• ltIlla 14Telepbone BlaetaoDe B1FRIDAY, MAY 4. 1917.WE WANT A TRAINING' CAMP.There is some talk of opening anofficers' training camp at the Univer­sity .early in the summer. : .Such aplan. deserves the hearty support ofthe entire University community, forthe benefits of a training camp at thepres�nt time cannot I?e overestimatedThe Federal camps .havethousands ofapplications which can not. be ac­cepted 'because of lack of facilities,and many University. men w·ho desireto attend such amps are. unable torealize their h�es' -b�ause there' is'no 'Pl�ce for them.Th openin, of. a 'camp on, the cam-, pUS would' have ,�Y ad�antage$ notsessetl. by tb,e !pederaJ �, , It� Id ,Pennit Voiversity men to train. ,. - .­'WOfJ."" .... in contedia} company and in . 'SIX, lIEN ·.�TBD- TO! ..loge IP�' ". . 1 ORDER OF THE COIF.bit. surt'O$IdiDgs. �t woa d pe-fa.v� -•• -.z. •.:.. «i a -lItfftt1ftUtlt amellli t 0/ lftC()ft�.c- e 1 on' the· part of ·th�' .studentV� Jt. "ouId aid· i� developingsoldieU• nersity'5 Training:. CorpS;h n -� e bOPe,' will be .a' permanmt.bi�; ti:: 011 our' campus- It � �ou1�'jrJ5tlbS iss tile. men seve� qualitiesd�etoP- ht out in' the. ordinary aea.oo:t brogg .�. � .·c .",or '. .'deJJ'l. ers;ty:- meDr should ��. fall. totJ� oPel1in� .of sueh .a··camp.. Col­urge the.... u.st be leaders in war asen • ., .le,e tJl• 41eace, and ev�y po. ssibJe -_c 111 r . ... _ell - b01l1d .b�: t2k�� t�, _ t� .stu-Dl�n' ,.S ,- etfj�e�t i� mili�� .affairs.dents t�. �iJl{ camp is o�e of .t�� bestTbt 't-p._ in�11S- W c yant. a Trainiagof ,hese. " Vnlversity.at .theca�P ��==========� .. rt' cWS'WILL.-o�S:� �lJPPER .. TUBSDAYtfl1SOD chtb, will bold •P Bro J' Tuesday afterDOO1t at�( Jle".,e 'sun parlor of Ida5:30' in';', t;iekets for the· �'N� Ai'Ve cen� aDd are' OD ale­.se tlJ�tet the supper, tJaose· pre­�. •. 0 in a. body. to. hear these'" .,11101' tbe Pauliat eboir in Man ..cD� bJDCl'- ot sea_ta for the con­del- }.. � reserved, and melD­ee�"'s ,et thei� tickets at thebel" fIlA! .office. in Harper. ThesePfe5jdefJ�. J,e obtained right away.UCfcetf •__..... ----Iff 'J'lCKETS FORGIl'E 0 p",Jt� DAY MEETING. _. ;bari00 o! .. �t. for the eve-J)rStfJ� of Parents' Daynj� h eWJ1J'be _�Id in Mandel. will be­�j,C tDda and . Will continue' dailyIP;J·.t1 �e tieketa have � givenugt. n.ree deb" will be gjftn each:tudeut upoD .,plicatioD at ODe ofthe foU�' plaee8: Ida No� bfD,from 2 to .&; Q,bb. from 10:10 II'10:.; .. JrepoWa dH,. aD ..,.8Mta wiD DOt·.be 1'eIerfticJ dt. .. Giy-e' RemdOll PIaDs. •The· plAns of the June reunion aregiven, although the plans have notbeen definitely decided. Another ar­ticle is "The Ubiversity and the War",a resume of the war work· of theUniversity up tn tlie present' tizmr.Herbert' s� Foreman's- artiC:te;"Somewhere in France" is eonelndedin: this issUe., The. magazine' con­tains, .the-, �ual articles· of "EveDtsand Discussion;" "On the Quad­rangles" by .Frederick Kuh, aDd"Atbleiies." . ':The' number also . con- -tains the conStitution Of - the �UegeAlumni asSoeiation-' hi fulL',--'The German Conver8atiGn clu1) willmeet .todAy'tK 4:30. jft ltJie·�14a Noyesree.ptiOD·iOcfm. Ttie-',- �ftrsatiolleiaSses wifl" .��: at . .t. .AsaistaDtProf. H8Ds, Po' .(1I'CJD01ir� of· the Gel'·Mm:de�entj· ::Wttt, address thecloh .._ .�: .�::. - ft.Gnie"'_·�:AnDOWlce�eots ofr the- electioDS� tothe .. Ordel',·of.,the Coif" the ·honorarysociety for . .st�denu, of ·the.· Lawschool. Jar, th� period from last. OCto:­her to next' ;,sePte�be.r,. have. beeninad�.· The choice � students wasmade n�m' th'e men of· the schoolwho have donIe the" most brilliantwork:' sir· mei .... werc' 'adDlitted : �o meorder� witli·. rescrvation for one mari� -to -be' eJected' iii tbe: Summer. The,new inembef's':art CbY'Jadson, A. B.Willad, Leroy' Kiug. PIr.· B:, RalphDeWitt Lucas; S. B.,. Sidney· 'Pedott,Ph. B .... :Ems. W.ilfred IPottkamer, A�B:, and· Thomas Francis' Ry2Jl, pn. B. . The FnshIaan daU> will give atea. danee ·tomorrow at.2 hi lela. N�ball .. -..,IPOIItpeae c.te.t.'DIe-:. :Lcnftr- senior- PubIie: Speakinl'.� wbic:h- waa to 'JMnIe been theWtodast'at 8:ae··in KeDt;·'Iiu·been post.�1IDWDed:�•I .YOUR SUlT'S: WE.AR-:--"RICH".Spri .. £I.Tailoretl. to .........tIIIil. CornCtlyr ,1fte4;$18.00 to $35.08lU'I'&I\ PADt w I'II01JDIaof ...... ' ..... ·•· ....A.SOLUTELY FREE'with. ..,.,_.8ait ............. � ...... IiaI&A. 'D. "IICH' COIIPAIY....... iiiIr·'tt�l� wr.uti�'. �a: .... .-:"-,- ECJ[� WINS R1CK� - PBlZ& 0JteD to· an; stodent in tile Univer­, .tty, who is.,able to present the bestMeei.tr .. Ii";" .lraaWle Of � HsuIts in .teseareh work in Pathol-� ia ReuudL. OU �d BaetA!riology.'. .To Exaae Cuaes For DriB.Enrique E. Ecicer, a, grad�te stu­dent, was announced as tbe winner of, the Taylor Ricketts prize for the ex­. eellenee. of his work in reaea�h inPatbo19n: and BacteriolOttY. THeaward' is alWays made' oft the thirdday of May each year', in honoringthe anniversary' of tHe death of How­ard Taylor' lUeketa.The' amount of tlie' prize is about$2'S&, the net annual· incdMe of$5',00i0� COmpetitioft' for the prize is' All . 9:16 e1&aaes will be excUSedon Monday becau.e:e- of· battalion driltEn .... �. 8:10 on· Wedneeclay will be'excused for the aame raacm.No Jaiar Daaee.. The J1IDior dau !Ias-. aDDounce .� t1iere. wiD' be . no Junior danee\ today as was stated in yesterday'sMaroon. F..r-...AIl_ftSl IMIIAIIS·.III IISTORY OF TYPEWRIIERSUlldenrooda •... � .••...• ' to' ,..,Oli�et. . .••...••• :..... 25 10' . G .L C. 'Smitlr, . . . . . • . . • • •• 27'... ..Imniiactoaa 15.5D . t;; 6S. Salitb-Ptearieta, �.; z.. •• IUO to 4'Iand otDer' make. $10' ud�. 2*­pert RPairiftc .1I'd .. chaiN.... a�.:trj IIDIddae; ,ill' perlect( eaiMidcaaaeS- par&Dtcc •. two JUra.:,' . w.self �� �tad�Dh oli C�_7 ,.,...&8.. Wntc- for otar JiWtaI ".. ·tri8J of.� Iet:-.� c'Wt ..nte·· ......Au .... ·''''.',11i( c..� 1� •• _1.'" It.. ... c... .....'1 '. �' ,.. , '.. �. .'. • 't �..... • '. ..'in wr WOBB IN-KlNGIIl1'I1IIIz .. fiil-..... ISC..�ir&Jrr' ".,....... .,';. --..,-- -E_.: PIpe 8 .. �"B-tJI .. iaatlc Alloat ,It........'u. tia�· 'QneliE_ .Horlick'sn. �. intIl. ,.Malted Milk •BB -:SA Y8 oIBortick'.� ia the �eal, Jipt, -.tiIdaIac. hmeII· bet ..... Jetie � ad tile � beftrace art. � or .'� '-Be. e.pedaItJ COIIIIicha. til. COON taYVnci IIaIW IIilk TABLJ:III.appnpriate for .. "e' maD' in � Ut. aIMl' 11 ...... _ ...� '_'cas 1- •• - ... , .. _ "J ........ ..,. pal' FTI: __ ............................... �:'ASK: KtM:t 4. 'JV�Ift.QI.., . c:::pU.du�*==ANefciss:gtiE. ,DlAcLO!1c., )--WI!. .. e:•D, I aD(! t (i-I.' DI, I EThtbeCaethelYet.is �COlhav-ionevelput1bee:tiollthefOUlpanSytISt.ro51IIten,NItum. . "� ,I' ,., mo!gre:stOItheaml'IAIHt'vidRielnJIII.����g�����������----�I . . '. ... ,�' , .. ': '�- --'.' �- .'� .. �, . -.\ ... :. ',:', : ... :_, I,:' , ". � • ,',' '•• � �:., -. - " ...... -� '., ."..�' • - • • I -, -, ', " "!, TIll: DAILY' iiA�!f" FRIJ)AY, �y �. 1917..,' . .. .. ..... ..Send laer-A Iantastic tale ofj newspaper' life'· called "After '30''' by Herman B.'Deutsch is the principal' fiction con-:friDution to the Alumni' number of the'Chicalo Literary Magazine, which': will be published, next week. Deutsch,- who was an associate editor of The:Daily Maroon in' 1915. and who is now·news editor of the Civil Service News,.'has developed a story of the city-room"of '3 gre'at daily, His method of pre­senting his .story is quite unusual, sincehe has combined the' material essence'of journalism with the supernatural; effects of fa'iry-land� The plot is in-:,troduced by the reporters, and devel-, oped by the typewriters, telegraph'keys, and' the' staft... phctographee's­camera, who hold _ a midnight revel;when the force is out for a short lunchhour."Lectures," a treatise on the habitof Americans' of imbibing information'from a speaker's lip, that 'they would!not stop to learn in ihy other manner,.was contributed by another alumnus;· Dean Jame.s W. Linn, '97. Mr. Linn!disiusses the various types of Iectur-:ers, the- pr�fessional who speaks on'anYthing and everything, but withi,ability. for example, Mr. John Ken-:drick Bangs; the newly,-popularized:freak of nature, who has nothing but:his name and past to draw his audi-:ence; and the speaker who�has ��ither', �ame nor extreme ability, 'Out' a sub-'.. jed to propound. v • ....' - ',a.- .. Two poems' are inchtdect:-ar the- cur­Pw. � ,rerit edition of tbe paper •.. One '!. 'by"LO--ST-!_(;--E-NTLEJIAH----'S-ltIN--G-W-r-m-' Harold Vait-'Kitk;'16, a' f�nn� asso-'19B16 eqn.Yint. �. od date editor of, the -m�gazi�� ·,It is'campa �',w..�, to entitled '·Aft;r. ,R�diftg froJll Mar-� o� ',.c: ..... :. :.. ".: •. ;-�,,_ , lowe ���'����j.,.el}¥;_�, BaUk-=;;;.( · bage, It\. has'cODtributed'a four stanza'WE HAW AN OPJ2fING', 'FOR' . lyric OD aD"�'Jd;�ci�t�',s 're'ftection'-l ,"city salembn �:uU'·Foid·rcIeIilOUJit.; . , •• - Sable wheel ' aDd BUKOrtruCk atfac1l. � Of �lIegi "ne� Siinpli'·P.ro�e·5.s of Imeat to ttade. Prefer eon. man . .Beconrlng . ad: orcr·:Grad:.' 'bY: Robert'_ ""---'" oc. -Jd. T n.. __ 1 B�rtOD, is the title of another article.-.uuu.' 4OU.,_,.an 0 ,�� com-mission. 'ltto'" _mea. G'oliat:ti The� are rlo�' editOriali 'i�: the new'CoJDDi�ia1 . � Co •• �.� People'''' .iMiJe.Gas Bldg., Phone 'W-..n 1".:t � : '. .', JWlda cw...o colon ... �and.bed cil .. for CbicapaDd for you!$'j tlae .,eaad atVAN ,D •• OGERT a· RO ..K.at 11 .. , It. and Lak. Park A... .R.M.GRAY1140 Eaat 11th .t .....GLENN .ROTHER.t141 Ea. ani atreetAMPHLEff .• "OTHE".aGO ltofty lalanll Av ......Class(fled Ads." AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAYearn $100 monthly correspondingfor newspapers; $40 to $SO'monthlyin spare time; CJCI)crieuc:e uaaeees­sary; DO e&nvassing; subjects lug­gested. Send for particulars. Na­tional Pre'l Bureau,' R.ooth· �S,Buffalo, N. Y.f I· ....1 DEScRIBES FRIARSPLAY TO BE GIVEN'TONIGHT IN 'MANDa(c.itlIIH .. ·�.�.l) .f"",; ..•• .; ..'! · BBiPPSeil � eN .JOURNALISTIC LIFE'FOR LIT MAGAZINE;Limi Also Contributes Articles On'!Lecture Diseases To AlumDi N1IIIl-'ber Of UDiv!._rsity Publication.SUPEltlNTEND_ OF ". ', >- .-. ,� "._, BRlDEWB�' 'TO SP.&\K:M'r� ;J ohn L. �itinan, �periDtend�· ent� at the, Bridewell" wiD_ apeak at: the ftiIper aernces Sunday at 4:sd, in MarideL His subjeet 'Will be "Thtf, Spirit· of the Law."' Whitman, who:wu formerly a guard, aDd later be­�e held of. a Q.iieaeo. j� is said"to be U1'iusualIy sucee-tul in his �with the priaolle� ,:.ODg whom II�. bU' estahUahed the -wetfue League,.1an o�� ... wWda·� to'p�mote- their· �, "..-reduce as, far a-�poDibJe'1ile oh� :1ft..- tares of prDon- Iif�· • A Most Excep.tional 'SellingMisses' Smart Spring Coats·$23�7S. Several of which we .have had in our owns� at much higher pri.ces-othersare 1il�e1s offered for the 'first tillie •The mult of a Ii bera! price conces­sion fronf the manufacturer ,who wished .to use. aIr this season's fabrics..In addition we; have marked theseCoats very' closely-aifording., ,. I A�MOST INTERESmG-OPPoR'fUN:'� TO PURC�E'A SPRING COAT.The fabrics are small eheeked-. andplain wool velours, in the lovely bright, colorings so much favo�pple treen,- - blues and grays. One model' is lined . I" .throughout with:t$cellent quant)' novelty silk; the oth�y ttesirablefOr Sp�:and SUJl1m�, wear-are satiIi lined to the yokes. Stitehitig� rows of buttons and manyother modish. touches proclaim, thew 'good �tyle.· '-..SiX' stjles-jUst 340 Coafs,....;..f.he:. value is so .Misse�( Coa� Sectionexeeptioaal maRY wiD be ehosea the first ..J-'V. Sixth Floor. ,North Room��. VVabash.; I � •. ' '._r.. �, ,Sizes:14-. 16,-18, 20 FIEIDtJCOFor Friday and Saturday., ..�oul, 'Charl� "Dake, ��_t'",�hn' NuYeen, IWYId" Aftfta�;:'D.aocanAftftaD; Ra�' Davit; UoftVcf Ta:;lor,Ba-nard .lI'aeDOliaTd: Pa8l GrvpaiDaa.Tfie �itheri"wiit' ftport t6. Bat61d H8Ieat 7:30 ill Kaaciei. ',.......... .,/ .� .:' , , FACULTY MEN APP.LY. 'FOIl GABDBN: PLaI'S�, B1IIM1red' U.mnlt, -MembenDesire To c.ltift&e-Two B�tMd ADIl Fift,. Plot. , ReIIcb.The J1� pubIi�. iucludingfaC:ul�, alumni and emploYees, baa. risen- to: • JUn' to eombat· the food�o� by makinc a,pplieatfoDS forPlots' of· cro'lJlld for gardeniDC. Sofar; dter three'lMmdred u·nrappUed,aDd·: there' ate pl. �. for tWOb·ridrecf· and: fiftY. There, "are' oyer250,000 IICJ1I&ft feet of 1aDd 1Dl4tercuJtintion.· This' makes a total ofovet"� 5· � aereJL � plotS are' ap­proximately 2S' by 60.. ���'the ���l'S of the ���Who. �� � far been· UaigDed plotsof gTOaDd f�r PMening, are the fOl­loWing: �r:, ... J� Westfan'nIo��.n, of the, History. depart.ment; A8Socia�.. Prof: OI&rlea R..Baskel'Ville of, the English depart..ment; AAistant PrOf: Alternon Cole­man.; of' the. Freneli' department· �,iStAnt PrOf. R�d ,�Glenn J(o�n,of the P�lit1eal' __ Eeonom.,. dep.n.ment; � ��� Prof: c&r1 F. Huth,of tlae JIi*tt .�cre�t;. .Auo­eiate �,willi ...· S. T� of the��':d�;__.,�Prot.: .. Iiarcu W. 'Jeri .... _; of ..SWOi7 d�' .� ,, �._," , ; 1Ir. Daiicl B'.�.w. of.a:� - ��111.� , .' .�� ... ; ;,�""': a:.a5 .... II·�nt;.. JIr:- Wiluaia B: 1'--';' i';·::;"'L..;..!...II.;" ,"0 ••• ', ..,._�.. u.w-u.:wr intM��'�;XL.' - .� '. t .' ':.-, �inents :have' -aMiIr .1I\adethis 1MW at the'mons e/ii.jie1 0-eiciaef' 6at aU stDdents wi6� ..rouldDOrma1!t' �)n J�' d whoenter �·'ttdiftd Slates: Am;;; Navy,or the t1i!1ii�-' eamp at Po'rt Sheri­dan, will �"'_l a JJiIcllelor'. de­�at the Sprliig eonwea&r.T1Cii1- � l� Jial- �uate inJUDe, aDd Who" tea" - iIle'" UniiirsitJ'on May 5 01' . later , 'Will b"i given ..,eredit in ali a&iem1e"cObiMs not·ft­ported belof7'gnde, � will...,. giventwo: additiouJ m850'h of UelIit inMiltw_.y . �ehee, . if' th'eit .�erigeg'I'ade is nOt� mon? tlld tWo graaePofnfr:���.·' Th'e ealie of' anynadent whose, a�erage grade'is'twoor more eraa�.-.�Mti· Wow-ucn"willreceive indivickMil .... ration bythe eommittee. .The UniftraitY will expec:t to' N­eeive formal DOtification harD theco' , .!kIne-- . �. of � .�tthat be !aU joiDecl. the,.Army, N&'97or the Fort SberidaD' amp..... � . .,o.n-.A .eizaJar., eOUl" aDd iDfonaa- • The Germanic cJub will meet .• :night' at' 8 at- tile I-esfdenee' 4'/6' ".,�Stal'I'· W. &miDI', '1128' Eat·!J!.'!:l':' '­sixth street., , Prof., ()attiD(� ,', ...,at on die writings of RcItiert �,.�':seIhoef:t. .' .-:�. "".--". Sophonsor«' ... we .".. . .-infGl'lUl daDe!e �'at J:IO ·Ie �.BeJDoIda ehib�But most oriCioal of an. is the plot.Tbe hero is kille�'_ in' tb� m-st· act; yethe appears' iii'. tlie seCOftd - to Ja1t offCaesar and Mu�hnaen who· never­theless returD later 'in t�e' saUle act.Y-et it is aH·I�l·a1ld.realistic.· "It·,is entirel,.:· difFe�enti" declared CoacbCOleman, "from anything the ,Fnarshave. ever doDe bdor� and i� my opin­. ion· itl _. Of: t-':'_,��: f b.ft,ever ha� �e pteasian oflleIPin-g tTiem' : -"AT DRoP' itA:JOit :POIpat oft.'.' IIORB IIILlTARY SfttDy� orchestra :wbic� . Ii» always ..�ed:� feature of lkadCfn�.p�- (eM'iI." fnI- "...1).�tion .. · *i1I include five" pI�. from . ,tbe Anlericatr �may:, -otdtestra, .. !aceordiDl'- to··tbe felloWing �m.four) (n)m �'e tJjicago O'Pera com; St1idenll tati«g (eft flou'rs of= lfork:Pln;; atld one each fki�m 'th!-Cb�to" '''-fombY,' l�;e' and drill; 1'iiaclay,Sympfidny, Minnea�l� S'yM�hi\)�' ,J Wecfn�day ana' Thursday. drill;' Fri­St. Pal SYmpoonY'and' Walier� tJim.. day; writt'eri work· afi�ftJrm: 'tiiose inrosh'ji-orchestra 'in New YOlk.·. this division taking 6fteen boars ofIn' Sll>ite of increas, in prices of' nia� 'WOrk per week. same as tbosf takingterial'i no expense I.-as been spate'd' to� .: te�· hO\Jt�· of' .6r� and -also extramAke: the show ;l success. The' CM· ,stu"dy- on" manual of -. arms prattice,tumt�;, the scenery, t'he publiclty�l� ,:M-orse cod�' attcf:Semaphore dnll.i ele'mos� : e�erytltins--h&s' been upon a mentary minor tactics, map mating,great� scale: than ever before and no etc. Students in die third"gr6i1p; willstone has'been left anttlr1l�d to mak� 'alj()' work' ae�ir11t' too this' laterthe donation.,to tJi�. ,Red .Cross. � .: �e��le. -..- i. '.areat as possible •.Tli'e ashea' fOr tonigilt: CharlesDab!,- 2I.lf _ScJrODt, . Fredblck Kub.H'tniltorl' Wa1tm� j:c>i'rt �n, Da�Yid AIiDn�, Dltfttall AnDn; Curti.Ri�� PiauI- Gn�ri a8d Je­rome- ,..,. fin-' t"lto .. ,: Earl/:Lighten the daily routine of the: ;","rookie camp" by wearing a pair .. �of Military WALK-OVERS. You:mu.t first fit 'your feet for serviceiand then demand service from your!. �hoes •. The ,WALK-OVER militaryboot..' with' the broad tread. com­fortable heel and snug fitting archwill put you on the offensive.'.:.;. - )·Yf$S .• OO to $8.00SEE OUR WINDOWSYou'll be glad you did'Walk-.Ov,er Shoe StoreMEifi;'s. �D WOMEN'S STORE131 . South State', Street. . ..i .:..! ;':.; � .Exclu�iv� Women'. ShQP'.�PEN EVENINGS .4700 Sheridan Roadj-.:a •� MAROON TEAMS USE..� .! .SP�ORTING .G.OODS·an:d';ATHI>ETIC 'C�LOTHING'·BACKED BY AN UNCONDiTIONAL GUARANTEE,.t • . The.Ashla�dStore14 S.· WabashAnnue: =.·The·: '..� ,�:5Sth:·.Sb-�et:!'�: .: ":Store' .: :: � �. :.. . . . . .'.: .:-:��iL�S ;"'�;;�;'J� �, .DELIGHTFUL.. ,\-r-....,__��CREA.TIQN. IJI."FOR-.THE '.' .. ' .. VJ :::S-TUDENT ... CIGARS;' C1GA RETTES &.: ,.� ': : 'TOBACCOS ..•• "'. '. ' •• t " .� �. . •.»Special-rates- for club smoke is .:" .. - "':FRED' FRANKEL� . I���:::i.;st.· Fi(ty:Fifth_ 'StreetJust East of Woodlawn--------. ::', .' :. ..R�����;; Ie�: .�9��1'16 So,., � i�h.ig:tn A vc.··1!riel :'paekQ'e':l'MaimFon: Ret.,.H :-.; �t-: :: teipf{'b'''J 2Sc�:i!: ;�:':\:" ti •.: . ;!. .• :·I'� .. , � --: ", �-1 �. 'Ad�rtise in The 'Daily ':Mal'OOll.. ....... 'ct"'; .\.:�!:.�:. , .� ;i.� -.-:,) -:f '! '!. : r;· " .. . ,... •.. .. "... :' �.� Richard IX, like a shoemaker, sticks- to the . last. He turns in his "obit,"and then comes 'back the next day'with more rhymes. Richard, Richard,thou art dead insofar as this columnis concerned. 'Good bye.('N ote: J f. you are not dead now,you will be after the show tonight.)'. Try Your Luck.Tl!cc whist hull witchIre head two DeyDeem hands' reap lie..Four bids deal hay •.Ewe Knead knots endEwer sold years serer :Hide wrath �erh he ...If all ant ear.Hand sew height ache 'Ape hen inn andTooze hay eye yarn .Hat chewer come and.Ewer !P':1P lick cooHalve red these tough: By rich hard -eel heavenArk goo dean. huff�f ice tough tour heed: .Butt wen there threwEwer read her swillBeam add hat"che\vBeak caws there knotReap aide abe' bit.Four- awl there panesInn reed ding bit. You'll wear a J errems suittwice as long as ordinary.clothes=because you'll en­joy its comfortable fit andgood style.That's what makes ourclothes so desirable and so,economical.Suits, $30 to $60.-�Tailor lor Yoa,... MenThree Store.: 7 North La SaDt! Street314 South Micbiaan A..a.71 East Monroe Streeti. -, .. D •• O •• n.u. COR. FORTY.FOURTH ST.":- . ..aw YO.K .'Telephone Murray Hill 8800 .'Our representative, MR. H. C. WALKER, wiii be at. the, . - , '. '. --HOTEL P SALLETo-day and Tomorrow .'May 4th: and' 5th . .., . ( .': ': . ".With Samples of :Ready made' Clothing �. " , -: , : . IFurnishings, Hats and Shoesfor Spring and Summer. '. . A copy. �f ou�'N C1!J Illustrated Catal��e..· : ". .Containing more than One Hundred Photogr(S/Jhie; Plates -,.. will be' mailed to a"YOlle mentioninq. .I ..,:.: ..The DAILY 1\1 4ROON. '. .".; �.. : .BOSTON � SALES - OFWICES. TIIC.ONTCOII. BoYLSTON STRUT NEWPORT SALES-OFF1CES.·220 B£I:-L£VUE AveNUE ". , -; .,.; .. \... -, ) .,.. " .. .-1I j..�;,,: V�l :-u:i':j JIr. , ST�p;'1... .:SettiEV4• IIS."tPenet '.1- ,naremigtJpour. , logichead'; ,; . he sbretiA.. �"S.Me.'n de�iring excellent training intrack work, particularly 'Jong distancerunning': kind'ly report: to\Coach Page.He wilt ;put you in: his oritfield. . I.. :; ....� i: i -.-t...Me�;�-k-h� ',_c}aLm th�:� �[arum has noeye better thin� again. Did you eversee a man afty� ,rilpre accurate when itcom�s t:O ·.hiit.nJ�· bats? . '" . I·.· -:- ...... ::'1!IDllUUIDlIIDlDllDllDllnnnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIDUDllIlIlDlIlllIIUlDllIllllDlDlIIlDlDlIImmlllll1lJDIIIIJIt!: ,I·L N:K��1;cK,S.§ �. C� DOt cou� � be rep� ir lost. ' �_§ Convenie1t for the college man trav- ConsIdering the protec:tioo aBonled.DI.a-;".tiMJeeof'IO.S20.$SO':�:�:�=��' '. I'. ..00 � Inmc:Ind cIoUan' wwth.. �:====__====:=_• GeHIInra/rom 7OfI'1oeol belli M 1DriU/M /.u '4Tt�.s�" ,J. Knaitt��NadJob &Ku�nt .. ·.tQUIT ABLE Bun.DINC NEW YORK crt l'51lllUffllllJIIIUIIIllUUUIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIllHIIlJIIIII1I1IIIUI1II1IUlllllIIIII1l1I1lIIIUllllUi1I1l1UIlIUJJ11II1J1J1l1ll1UlU� ,': ��. :'. , -, encudoW]befowillterbpectM�:�No, and who did? .-_....What'I started out to 98y was this:If Patterson 'is bold' is R1:Jth Sheehy?Or is Helen Handy?-.--.Aw, don't.· See: you : tonight.'; Be sure and applaud for me._'-T. E. H.Southern Club-To Meet. ..,) , Thwwhi4thecamliahebodjchatfolkopa1:MUse'the!:auoamrtheto ·1."., .I p� r ,tem· The, Southern club will hold its firstmeeting of the Spring quarter- thisafternoon at 4:30 in Ida Noyes. Ashort business session will be heldto arrange for the club's quarterlydance.. A dance will follow the meet­ing -.·. Whitman To. Speak At Ve��rs..l\[ r .. Charles Whitman, head of theHouse of Correction, .will speak on"The Spirit of the Law" at thevesperservice Sunday at 4 :30 in Man.deLWill Give Din';er � Tonight.'. University of' Kansas' alumni will�ive a dinner t01ugnt at 6 �t Ho�lne� PrilPO: Rev .. M�. Noble' Elder�.in.,�f '��K P�r�; .��l.�· ��ak. .· .. ' :,ChOoS�':'C1as8 Day OlfiCia� :,...... ...:.- ... � ... 'c.� ��h�4re{ �C?��.':� .elected i� � 're:­��iv�.-the . c�i.( ·:and":.��.: fr.Pm;��'h�S�'ni�� .c;1as� .. 9n ��!.11�r, qa��-��1!, 'at· me tin : e! th'e ;JuJiiot-:·claSs··tes-'.� ,_ -�.t';� •...... ' •• _.4 .'. • ..... _ ...tentay:'" ohri .l"ni#e1),"\VaS�cb»Jen:"��/c�tve�1_�v!��ncf�.. ����to rec�ive"'"tht·<4senrof�en.� •... , f.' ,;-r I"'IIStaj�ies,IlEPutEleiltDr.l.W1.!.' � , . (11]�tor.�ad4II�....PRINCESS. I $1.00 :MAT '1'00.,. t: .... ;� .. �UAST WEEK� ..... ;,:'. PIERROT;�THE. PRODIGAL:.;·!'.I;wo. 'Y'�S ' tsS��I\�. ��lay,. ���. �ea now on sa e. �', ALL-:STAR 'COHMNATIONf:t(.... j:F_..\VERS.H.AM'h�O�.• � . ..;;;;.r IJ,. _ '.: CHWl-RY aDd SPON� .IJl: "'Shaw"s' -GETT1N"G �AlIRlEtJft·'t