" \� .• 7,. ,\'. 'j/.,- \Vol XV. No. 132. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917. Price 5 Calta" ARRANGE PROGRAM FORPARENTS' DAY MAY 18MAROON TEAM WILLPLAY NORTHWESTERNTODAY AT EVANSTON -- IPlans For Entertainment Include,Dramatic Production BlackfrialHits And Music By Band-Fol­lowed By Reception In ReynoldsCWb. t WILL HOLD FIRSTDRESS REHEARSALFOR FRIARS SHOW MAROON TRACK TEAM TOM�ET PURP,<E TOMORROW. --- SELECTS MORGAN TOOFFICE OF COLONEL. IN TRAINING CORPSMidway Nine To Attempt Rep.aration For Loss To OhioSaturday. The Rrst Parents' Day at the Uni"versity will be held May 181 underthe supervision of the Women's Ad-;ministrative council. The councilplans to make this an annual event,­to the end that ·parents of' U niver-,sity students may become better ac­quainted with the aims and methodsof the University as well as with.its external featUJr�s._The council, .in co-operation: withthe, President's office, the Super-.intendent of Buildings and Grounds,the League, Y. M. C. A.� and ath,letic departments, has formed exten-,sive plans for the day's entertairr;ment, which will-be concluded by tht;Parents' Day meeting at 7:45 in Man­'<ltl, where Dean Talbot and DeanAngell will give addresses of wel.come.Dramatic Club To Give. PJq.The program fex. the Mandel meet­ing includes the presentation of Ar­nold �ennett's "The Stepmother" by(� Oft ,.,. 4) Coleman !Wakes F¥W Prepara­tions For Presentation Of ' ."A Myth In Mind�L" To Hold Contest, Originally Scheduled-:, For 8aturdayp 'lbree Days Earlier InOrder That Northwestern StarsMay Leave For France. or· Maj�. Bell Announces P�rma-The Maroon track team will meetthe Northwestern squad tomorrowaf':'ternoon on Northwestern field •. TheMUST HAVE TICKET' TONIGHT meet, originally scheduled for Satur- NAMES ONLY THREE CAPTAINSday, will 'be held t�morro,! at the re-_Scenery Arrives ADd Costumes To Be quest 'Of the Purple authorities in or- Templeton, Schafer 'And Gaee AroDelivered This Morning-�n der that Captain Barker and several Appointed-Setzer, Loehwing AndWork Night ADd pay. of his teammates may compete before Parker To Head BattalioDs.they sail for Franee to take up their. -- -ITh Y. M. C . .A. work in the prison casnps, Leland B. Morgan, a member ofe first dress rehearsal for "AM ...... l. • ,. The'Varsity defeated Omer's men. ·in Delta U!I)silon, was yesterday ap-J"'" m Mandel,' the 1917 Blackfri- pointed by Maj· or Bell to the officerod cti ·11 tak la . h the annual .indoor dual meet andars p u on, WI' e p ce tomg: t of colonel for th� University unitth . ,,-- .should repeat tomorrow.on e stage m .maudel hall, in prep- of the Reserve Officers' Trainingti Northwestern will score most of theara on for presentation on May 4, corps. 'Morgan ,has been serving the,50, 11 and 12. Another dress rehearsar . points in the dashes and' in the hur- corps for some time as actin�-majOf'.will take place on every night until dIes Ibut after these' events are run His.position will be the highest stu-Friday. ' 011 Coaeh Stagg's �en should pile up dent office, and will be directly underAll is re8dya for tonight's rehearsal .� lead. Captain.Barker, of Northwest- that of Major Bell in point ocf a.u-ern, andhis nmniJig-mate. Brigbtmire, thority. ..Cox·s Studio delivered .the sceoeryy� . are' slated for the first two plaeee .in Officerships for the battalions and .. �tetday and the men will set it up to- the dash, with Feuerstein and Brink- companies were also announced yes- J.day, The New York Costume com- terday_.: They follow: Majora, ., !�pany has promised to deliver the cos- man, ·OfBen�iandcagoG' p�g �:m �_� George Setzer, 1st !battalion; WaJ- -Jtumes this mQrning. Both cast and wrq. -" uenn are &.iIIe.D.UUVVll ter Loehwing, 2ncl battalion; and >�chorus have been working day and, entrieS in .. tl"!t�hurd1es but they are not Leslie. Parker, 3rd' battalion. Regi� .......). nia'ht to periect the show. and have good for bett£ th&n-.seeoDd and thUd mental adjutant, RotM:n Merrill; bat- - Jvery. nearly approached that mark.. �gainst sMart. . ....., talion adjutants, John Steiner, ist; .;�'Mr. Hamilton Coleman, .,.the coach, Purple To W"m Quarter.Mile.. Abba Lipman, 2nd; and R. T. Walker '-:-1admitted yesterday that he was very.' Duk�, '. Jrd. -'�.'. . In the ftft ......... :.., No-rib' �.-40- must' -:-,.well pleaJed. 'tWCWoM<04 ..... �UI::'.I.'ll .Name ,Company A·a Ofiscera. . �Coleman Praises Stw.r. be .eoneeded firirt but. tae.lIaroon run- : The officers for. Company .A arp: �"Mr A"""':"£._":' 1..;___':_ �. .. of ·th ners will garner. tha:'re.st. of the points wa1�ee. Gage, captain; ,George N<>:-. ':l• • ."WA�.� �� �.: o�e e. The half. mile and .:tw. 0 mile. with.• mi,., . 'JIbest to work Wlth that the � ha' ... jak,�:2Dd' HeUtenant; Walter--Bow��.: .�'M�� Martin H. BicJc?a.m, executive '. ,.. ._ .. _._ ... �.:� ·-·Teime'y�: Clark;' Swett.:, ;.pOWers :and lsf sergean�:' Harry McGaughy: &Del AHere.,. of the Unift.rsity Y. M. C.j ever bad, he said.. ,"Although, it :is. .loDes to uPhOld the- Ibroon end. Fred Bro�1 sergeants; iTohn Seeri 'JA .. and four stutfents of the Univer- intel1!gi�le 'and �ntrtaining _t� every agaiDat Deswart;_Ferries,' Bell aid ley aDd EdWard Ma"!m. corporals. .i ,��ity' will leav� this .week :to take Up' �ne, 1� .lB also I� �d pArtieula:rly W'� looks like a repetition Of the Coq;any B's officeD follow: FQJl- : Jjth� duties of secretaries in the Y. .¥1teresting to UmverSJty .Pe?���o:nt indoor m�t' when' the Varsity runners cis BroomeH, 1st lieutenant; H_� ,;,�!t .. C. A. headquarters being erected. ,80� than. any other �lacJdriars-.1iJ.cnq .scored '-a' slam in 'the mil� and took mond Birks, 1st' selpaDt;" � . '("vat the Great Lakes Navz1 Training have been. The cut IS larg'6r this year two pIaeea in ;both the· half and two Bernstein' and Porter Burleigh, � � ;':�station at Lake Bluff, Ill. They' wt11 and the parts .��ted and. well- mile events. The ftlay race will prob- ;geants; Robert Redfield, Wrlsle,. Ole:. .�,' -�.':�.':have. charge of the first of two build.: ta.ken.. • The l�cs. are clever and. • the .... ""_ go to the NorthSide �"""r. BU- ,sOD, Stellari Windrow, Otto Doeder- ;;ings to be erected at the station by d I r' if � ��..... . lein and Paul Birmingham, corporals. ,_ ·1musac,ls as goo as ast yea• s,_ . not ker •. ·Bn·gh·tm;-., WI·IIt· ... .....;.. and C't-.-.-£. ..,the--assOciation to provide facilities bette Th ..L.-.M ... _ • - ... 'W - � App�t TempletOn Captaia. ; '. . ':'1)r. ere are more � num- ," __ '- n"_,, _�.,;:.a'. < ._11 k" ' ..for the entertainme.nt of 21,000 men .' '. � V.l.'� S '"i'-- 18 wvc:.&.uuy wea William Templeton is captain of· .....: .._ �,'�;jbers than usual. �t8Cn)y a good .' : ".' , . -' �who are soon to be qU:K-tered at the choraS." .' . (�OII pag. 4). Company' C. The other' officeQ are!: .. ; -.,�.camp. Yr. Bickham, who will serve Leon Gendron,' John stapler � .. _.; i �\�::as executive secretary of the a.ssoei- Nobody willibe admitted to the re- MAJOR BELL TO GIVE Frank Oliver. sergeants; Arthur Ha-' '., I :.�r�ation 'at the station,..is supervising eharsal tonight without a. pass, issued ��RESS' A� I.mYNOLDS nisch, Percy Dake, John Bryan and'� " �.the erection of the first glUt· haD either by Manager Sherman Cooper 01" 'CLUB SIIO.�R TONIGHT Jay Chappell, cOTpOrals. . .... "�where the sailon' win ·be aI10wed to by'Frank Breckenridge, publicity man- - ., .' The. officers ·for Company D are� �i':read, write letters and give - enter- age. The small audience will consist PrOgram To Include MUsical SeJec:- ,Robert' iDunlap, 1st· lieutenant: F�. > 'i"tainments. He expects it' to be' chiefly of representa_tivea of the' inet- tiODs, Dances And Recitations- Leeming, 2nd lieutenant; Hany ltor.- '.'�readw for occupation by Saturday' of - To. � C· i-- I': ..... .-.-s gan. 1st se�eant·, GustaVe Lan .... • �;;jJ ropblitan Pl"eSs. and superiors of the D-� -'"6CU�� ·e '6.... '-iIthis week. The second·.hall will 'be order, and ...... r. Percy H •• Boynton,' And Refreshments. �rgeant4_ Frederick Wheeler, Don- ". . ... �.In.__ aid Bra.dford and 'John.. Tinker, cor- . ra.finished within thirty days. Mr. representing the faculty. ". .p9t'&ls. �,Bickham will 'continue his work at Major Bell will give an addres.s "..the University for the present. • - Win Use New Costumes. on' '''Interior Economy and Oom- Lindauer Is Made Serpat.., .::�Give Names of Three Stadenta. The costumes will be new, not stoc:k - pany Administration," at the Rey� Company E's officers are: Albert '�T,he four University students who' material belonging to the' costumers. 'nolds club smek�r' to�ght at 7:45. Lin.dauer, Alked Link, Eugene Carl- . _'_��will serve as unclerseeretaries to Yr.'/ (ConIim&ecf.OII page 3) Bed, write and blue flAgs and banners .son, and DaVid Harris, sergeants;. �Bickham are: Feed Wise, an A. T. --=========-=---=======-- -suitable fo th . 'n d !William Hunter, Lowen Duo. Lea- �, • r e OCcasIOn, WI 'ec:or- ter Die. k' a. nd William W"aJey corpor- .....O. senior; Fran1c Torell, a junior;' WEATHER FORECASI'. ' a� the upper floor of the club.Edwin B. Chappell, a graduate .stU-· Som�what colder. NOI't!:eut wWa . In addition' to ;the address, a vaude- als.. } '�...ldent in the Chicago Theological sem- beeomiD. _.__. ... vrille performance, which will sur- The officeI'! of Company F follow: .��inary; and a fourth man to J)e se1ect- • -&VM6 pass any previous bilI ,both in the Walter Schafer, C81Ptain; Fn.ncis. �.�eel from amoag twenty-se.ven volun- length of the program and the talent Townley, 1st 'lieutenant; Howard '..:�teers, Their work will be. �ntirely' THE DAILY IIAiwoN'. of the members represented, win Copley, 1st sergeant; Austin Carlt_ -:'�at the station, and will require aii BULLETIN. fol1ow the address of Major Bel!. Ci- and .James Masteston, .sergeaDts; �of their time. , ---, prs, eogarettes and ·refreshment. wlil . Clark' and Samuel Shambaugh, COC''': "iiTwenty-seven students have volun- <laapel, Junior' � w--. be' serVed. porals. , �teered to serve in the other buildings 10:10, MadeL • Select Ott As. Sercemt. .�Di_.:-�. _La--l, 10 •• 10. U __ L..:1l Give List of Nambers. . -Company G's officers are: H2.- - .�to be erected at the naval station nlU"" QI r- • .DAIIIa� •• J �and at the. other mobilization camps Botanical clab, 4:35, BotaII7 13. Mr. Francis Abbott, Norman Hart, Ott, l'St sergeant; Morris TunnicUff� ."t-I·n the s.tate. They are.. Walter R. ,..__ of sodal _--- �- 1'1 Stellan Windrow, and (James Hemp- Charles Young and Sterling 10hanig- _�4:it.lia.._.. WQIIIl& --"" a, hilt' who have performed in past man, sergeants; Royal Montgome- T::.'�Bimson, Walter A. Bowers, Dwight . ar- .J1UU7'1.._ '&Le U.J,&� 8ta6- z_ iD ... Le events will contribute to the pro" and Stuart Cochran, cON\orals. .j "••R. Powers, David E, SonQuist, Claude n aq WI IUIoCQ ..... .. U1 .'.1',W. Warren, Lester F. Dibble. Roy War," IV, 7, MaDdeL gram tonight. The program is as The officers of Company H are: �Preston, Clay E. Palmer, Clarence Patristic club, 7, 5706 Woodlawn fol1�ws: Goodell Crawford and John !John Slifer, 1st Lieutenant; James �\Voolsted, Clifford Manshardt, John avenue. Banister will offer popular selections. Nicely, 2nd lieutenant; Joseph Lau- �L, Lobinger, Walter Krupke, Arthur LeChristiXl.ngt·o·nanl�.Science society, 7:45, �:gthaent����,.L:�����d Ta�;ja:�I!. gr::�t�s��f�::n��!�h, �a�::e��ff::;: '·'lo..'I...:,·.JlB, George, John Nuveen, Ernest· -Hemphill at the pia�o; ragtime mu- Charles 'Galloway and Julius Kahn,,:Morris, Ward R. Miles and Harrison Tomorrow.Ryan. - .sic will be play�d by the University cOf1)orals., Caapel, Senior coIIegee, 10:10, Man·'· Saxaphonc trio; Richard Atwater will Gift Norgren Office. ;Continue Liat of Volunteers. del .'present a . sketch' Written especially' Hans 'Norgren' is 1St lieutenant ofHerrin R. Entenburger, William Divinity chapel, 10:10, Ha:ablL lor this event; Norman Hart will Compank K. The other officers are: . :iR. Hu'tton, Thomas' A. Goodwin, Mathematical dub, 3:30, Ryenoa amuse with a few- '''rags''; Mr. Fran- Bat'tl�tt Cormack, 2nd lieutenant; AI- '�lGeorge W. Turner,' August L Sund- 37. ·;cis Abbot ·will give several of ,his fa- .bert � De Groat, 1st; sergeant; Harry •. �vall, Reuben Seitner, John H: Green. "Why the United. States 'is iD· the ·m.o.us French and negro melodies;'and Swan·soDy. sergeant; Will� Boa1,Ernest H. Shideler, H. H. George ·War," V. 7, MaDdeL. ''. . .Floyd· Angle�ey� will complete the George' Traver,. teo Brnndes. Fran-aD4l' A.. H. . .And�s. . \ Bio1ogieal e1a� 7:45, Botan7. entertainment .with choke se.le":_tiOnL cis Conroy. ·c()fporal�,. .nent Officerships For Uni­versity BattaHoos.II I PITCmNG TO DECIDE CONTEST"Cri.-man, Star Purple Pitcher, Is Sick-Doable Plays Were Factors InDefeat At Columbus.i J,\{ IIIe") '. Coach Page's ball team will ma�another attempt to win a ball ga��I, . 'today when they play Northwesternat Evanston, although chances are sUmfor a vietory over the P1lrple. TheOhio came OIl Saturday went the wayGf all the others thia spring· and the:, Karoons lost 8 to 6 becauae of inef-fective pitching. It was a wild after­DOOD of ball with about every eonceiv­__ �ppeniDg taking pJ8.c:e befOre the� slugged out their victo�_If adc:a1'O bas even fair pi�thie afternOon, there is • chance of •1Ilct.o!y over McGill'a team, for Cri8s­man, who was too aiclt to piteh against0Ueaa0 tat Wednesday, baa been inbed 0ftI" the week ezid aDd there ia nt;:.tie dlaDee that � will be able to COOIl the mound. Patti. DriacoU willl �. twirl apjn aDd the Chicago boys aft... pefuJ to· ... '. � to··finW1 tM. .,'DD7 ftieh Wu .PPecl by rain in the.l' eichth iDDID&' of the lad Pup1e ..-.LaridD wm probabJT pitch tar the Ifa- .. ..;..BICKHAM AND' FOURSTYDENTS TO. LEAVEFOR NAVAL STATIONWill Take Up Duti� Of SecretariesIn Y. II. C. A. Headquarters­To Erect Two Buildinga., , IQCIM; --'l"Iaue wen t ... errors m the 'Ohio(I pme, in .,ite of tile aise of the aeoze,­� tMre were 'enough hHa 011' hotIlaIdee to Win • couple of ball Pm-.JIarum -worked on the slab for ad­sao aDd was pounded almost �-'f faJb" at'tbe start. � in the Pmehe aeWecl down, but Wright and Nor­ton elammed. out drives that rolled'f over tile bald outfield to the concrete1feDce tor home rans, giving Ohio atwo-nm margin.aDeago Diigbt have :won the' gamebut for a couple of weird double playaby the Ohio team. In the third in ..Ding home runs by Bart and RudolphaDd & lot of other offensive firewoibI' .� only four runs because Staudtrobbed Curtiss of a hit by trapping hisliner in left aDd forcing two qhicago.: ranners who dared not leave theirbases, fearing • safe catch. Again intile tdsth (2deago Md a golden chanee.If Buae,. started badly by passing twomea Del was replaeed by Patuam. CUr­tiss INfIlt a high .POPUP to Nortem aDdI�was out auto�tica1ly on the iD1leldfty rule, but .lohJUlon got tangled and. t was doubled at thhd when be· startedto run as Norton mded the catch.Umpire BarIl Ohio )fea.In sliding home in the seventh, Nor·Icm boc:bd the ball out of Hart'.hands and was called out for Interfer·ence iby Umpire Goockle. The Ohio(Cowtmued 071 pag. 2)'WILL DISCUSS WARAT SENIOR SMOKER"Snior men will discuss the war,Interclass Hop, brands of cigarettesand ever)'1hjng else at a smokcr tobe held tomorrow night. at the PhiGamma Delta ·house, 975 East Six-tieth street. Army officers will bepresent to ten the interating and� sides.of army life.i .:." IlIA' f" • •.. '.11.:I .,;..:., '.I �",: .. -'(mIJt llai4J '��rliP�\,�� BladeDt Ne •• pa.,.. of The 17ial ....... t;i··of Cbl�o� ,._ "�,?-"".�.' 'Publlshed mornlnJ:lI.. except Sunday andMonday, durtux the Autuuiu, Winter andBpriag quarters by The Dally .. llarootl,company.Harry IR. swaason, '17 ••••.•...• l'resldentArthur A. Baer, '18 Seeretar,.F. Claire lJaxwell, '19 TreasurerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTBarry R. SwansOn, '17 ..• Manaaclng EditorArthur A. Baer, '18 New. EditorCharles C. Greene, '19 NIght EditorSterUng S. Bushnell, '19 Day EditorVera K. Edwardsen, '17 •• Women's EditorBUSINESS DI·}P.\UTl(E�"!l" ..F. Clalre Maxwell, 'ltI .. Bustness lianagerIII! 'I,I ..i \! �. .\s8oclate EditorsGeorge Barclay, '19. Wade Bender, '18Reporters.Leona Bachrach. '20 Ruth Geasberger, '19Robert Cameron, '�o Roland Holloway, "..mJiorothy Dorsett, 19 John Josepb, '20"ath Falk�ullu. '18 tIden Ravltcb, '20..... 1. Fisher, '20 Hal't!ld Stansbury, '20-Entered 38 second class matl at the Chi­eaeo Postotrtee, Chicago, Itltnols, March 13,1906, under Act ot March 3, 1�.By Cnrrler. $2.�.o a year: $1 :i quarter.By Yall. $3 a year: $1.25 a quart.er.Edltorlnl Rooms EllIs 12Telephone Midway BOO. Local 'lreBusiness o trice ..•....••..••• '•...•. Ellls 14T�lephone Blackstone 2:;91.... 2.7TUFSDAY� l\1.� Y 1, 1917.{f,.,(BLACK BONNET WlLLGIVE HOUSE PARTYI The Black Bonnet house party �llbe held May 6 and 6 at the homeof Eleanor O'COnnor, LaTceside, Mien.All ,those intending to go haVe �nu'bd to give their names to HelenThoinp� in- Eleanor O�O�� The)���t att��d a meetiiig Th'ursday at1:30 in Ida Noyes. Thifi being Dewey Day, every manshould dew his little bit for the coun­try-here's ours:Patriotic Ven..e (or the Day.Men of Yale and men of Harvard,,Men.l()f e�ery 'Varsity, .' _Men _of Brown and men of Princeton,All shoulder arms' the world to f�e;Vassar Girls and Wesley co-eds-«Red Cross nurses they will be,But all will pay true homage to yon.Loyal men and women of the "C."(The above, should make good en ..listment propaganda. It you don� goto the front at once, I threaten to spieloff some more.)<,Some More Patri�tic Hints..The big league ball players drillevery day before the game., Why notextend the idea to the various campus·activities? Why not, we say, why ....," And a Greek prof whowrit�s!'inDi:., t>columns. ' :-- . .'"' ) .• ..;- ... I -'1',J f ,.,��,' •• ;" '?', And a music prof who dote,s o��t-:·time. � �: .. " ,J.�', .,�..;.i... .The next thing yo'u know one of ourdignifled deans will be e:cting for the· mOvies. Aild you will see in big elec­tric lights: "Teddy the. Tumble Tack-les a Taxi. Special comedy feature­bring the children-let 'em laUgh at .. ..... _.I.I i.�C��pt:=�-------,��, ---------�jr,�-_-_- --:3��'K EEPIN' cool under fireshows a good soldier-an'good tobacco. . �'VELVET'S smoothness ' ' ,-and,cooIDes..-is Jarae- .I,. the result of It" two 11 �. years' Natural AKelD1:. g� jItWe. students all economizeOur time, as you can see;To save all moments possibleMakes for efficiency.We eat our lunch in Po1,. Econ.,Write home in Botany,We trim our nails in PhySics Six,And sleep in English Three!Did you ever bear of a newspaper.editor who was a �usieal comedy �tat-?No, but we've h�rd ot a bustDessmanager who was • poet.. .-1. __ADd a football captain who aporteda Phi Beta Kappa kq. :Ana � Ebglisb pi"Of �6 Wore 8iis-� . � the funny man.". And who could have �unk o! a staidsenior like Luke Levin becoming apony in the chVUs!Stem says that as a pony, Luke isa horse! Or was it a bear? Maybe 8goat.But wait till you see Stellan Wind.triill.Query: If Helen of Troy were' anegg, would the Blackfry-er?,-.--.Next Friday. eve, the Blackfriars. will take you all the way to Greeceand' 'return for the modest sum of$1..50. And yet people will talk aboutthe high cost of living! And you won'tbe torpedoed on the way,. either.. . .And who could imagine such mu­sical lawyers as Herzog and Gnalano!. Invitation.Believing that it will strengthen ·in­ternational relations, the Law Schoolladdies ·(not J3dies),' invite the' fairdames of the other side of the water,i, e., Harper-to cross over and studyin the Law Library. It's terrible lone-· some over here! C'me over and saygoo-bye,' ��re we enlist.'strong' Arg:ament. for the' Draft.The' �iga�ated Order of LoopH��d� !kal 999, say they will not�clist, unless th�y are allowed to fox�t to th� 'froht, fight to the ��e of��k�iel�s, .a�d �at m·a�aroon.s b�t��enaita�b ... . --' __ ',. �e you ,th�� th�se pri�iess �eg-• eb�le�, �e�emb�h-this i,S m�.fir�t of.:'.fenc�� . Mort Weis&" :.OFFER TH�EE WAR LECTURES".� A - .., - .' \�, ••f -:• _.. .•Bramhall To Speak. Tonight At 7 InM&Dd�l, "'. TJie last �bree""", of ,the lectures. on��why the:·.U�ted StateS is i� -theWar" "nlljbe del�vered, tonight, tolOOr,.,/OW night and Th�ay night.. ·Mr.Fn:terick D. Bramhall, instructor inthe departm�nt of Political Science, -�ll deliver the l�� tonight. . inssubject �il be, "D��racy the Baslllof a World Order.". .Mr. Bramhall received.bis degree of.bachelor .of.Pbi�osophy from the Uni­versity in 1902. . During 1907 and' �8he oceupied the. position of legiala·tive rd-��C;e lib��� in the.. Ne�York State Library. He returned tothe University as an instructor in Po­litiea1 Science in 1908.Dean Shaner Mathews, of the Di­vinity s�hool, will deliver the lectureon Wed�sday night. He will .talk�n "AmeriCan Democrac� and WorldPolities." . The last lecture .will begiven by Prof. Paw Shorey� head ofthe Greek departm�nt, on "Civiliza·tion's Stake in the War."These lectures bave been arrangedto offer students an oPportUnity to· hear the most intimate views of someof the taculty melil�:n ·c,n t.h� "arand the participation of the UnitedStaie� in the m., The;'.� ��iinedespecially for students, though all m­te� have ·hen· inVIted to .• ueoo.The lectures will tie Jiveb at '1 in ·Mah-del. ".� . .. IfGREATEST BARGAINS IN HistORY OF TYPEWRITERS ·tUnderwoods j ••••••• $30 to $5'0'·OHYers � 2S to 45L. C. Smith 27 to . «)Rerningtons ••••..•.•• IS.SO to 65Smith-Premiers 16.50 to 45and other makes $lQ and up. . Ex­pert repairing and rebuilding. Ey­ery machine in: perfect condition'and guaranteed two years. We·sell to students on ca.sy paymenu.Write for our liberal free trial of-• 'fer and cut-rate prices.• 0 • • • , ,.All Makes Typewriter Co •• 162 N. Dearborn st .• PhOnI Cant. A3'What You Give For Any Present ShoWs Your Taste.Why Not Give a Box ofG�iiuiDe oia FashiOned Candy. ." Pur�, .Praetic81 .. and Pleasing.N'ow Exclusively ,on sale at 55th 'and Uruversity Aveilu�,. .Dellverles. made in all parts ot the clty.; It �ts WUllame. Its pure! ! !. ." .ANINOUNCES CONTESTSFOR SPRING QUARTERAssi�tant .Prof. Nelson Gives Infor-'matioa Concerning PublicSpeaking Prizes. .Announcements ,have been :madeby Assistant PJ'of. Bertram:G. Ne�sonof the department of Public Speak·ing, concorning. the. three prize speak­ing 'contests which will take place,during the Spring , quarter. The, �on­te.st� are the Lower Senior one inEXtc�po�aneous . Speaking, the pre­luninar,. trials of, which, take !placeFlfiday; the Florence Adams Read·ing Prize contest, and the Julius Ro­senwald Ora�rical, Cont�st, rwhichtake place during the last week orten days of the. quarter., :Those 'who are interested in the.Lower Senior contest have been re·quested to meet tomorrow at 1�:10in Kent 16. T�e question this yearis toncerning the single tax, and itwill be tomorrow that the separate:t>Pics will be <lis�sed. with thecontestants. Three 'Prizes are offer­ed: the first a· tbree-quarters' scholar-ship, the ��nd a two-quarters' sch�l­arship and the' third a one quarterscholarship. .Those interested in the ot�er twocontests are to meet Thursday at10:10 m Kent 16, when preliminarydetails Will be explained. Lower orupper seniors are eligibue. - The se-lections 'may be made from ,eitherPoetry or prose articles. These a.renot to exceed ten minutes in length.Preliminaries will take �lace in twoor three weeks. The first prize forthe Rosenwald contest is $100 in cash,and .the second is $50. The fi.rst prizefor the Adams contest is $75 and thesecond is $25. \P.trl�� bub To keet.�The patriotic elub :Wih meet. tonightat 7 at the b�e .of Pioi. EdPr Good­speed, 6706 WoodtaWli .ven�. _ 't., I',.., I ...,.... �r," f" FjYe: ..ceflts per.:1iDe. '; No ,W"'". tisemeu.ta for 1_ tIum. J5 �. ADeJa88ified. �yenuements must . be·. paid in MY&Dce.· . \ . 'fnot?ANSWER THE QUESTIONS; Thus, the Maroon Staff, before en':The Undergraduate council is mak- tering upon the day's tasks (1), couiding a very worthy attempt' to' 'gather gather befoie Ellis,' and execute for-.statistics and infonnation concerning mations under the generalship of thatthe ,���irities 'andplans �f University Terrible Titiln-Teh: ·(T. ·E. H.! notmen . .in .regard to preparedness .. Men Tee-Hee-Hee.]hav�.. been .requested to fill ouOt the At the Reynolds Club· dances theCards -passed out Bt the chapel assem- couples C'Ould forin left, arid right· col:'bliesarrd to turn them in before leav- umns and charge on th� ,'frapPe bowling. 'The �ol1�wing questions appear . in double-quick time.' I;: on the cards: ' , If all the "colyum"' writers were to.3: 1 Ar' il�' th R . ' enlist, it would, he w.ell-nigh universal'I��� , . e you now enro ID.e� .., service, there are � many of them.· .� serve Officers! Training Corps? , '. '. . c. .: .•.. '. .' . ,•,; A .... ,_ �:;;. .i\nd their ba�!!e hymn would be; .�' �!,'< ,2. If not, why not? '... I ,,-, s- - Hal( a JOKe,·• ' '3 ... Are you taking it as, a, '�jor? Half- 'il joke, ..� t:. As Pbysi��i cultut-e credit �nly?" " , ,._:··Italfa joke, onwa�!) � 4. . W ��ld . you :be. willing to drop,. .•tv. withn{ the' next few cU{y� _&: major .Mter noticing ,th.e long line of lov�-o,�;'� f'\ 0 of academic work and substitute tlu!re- sick _slack�rs ,b�re thf!: !Darriage; li'7 .�I� f�� �; .��jo�. ?� :Mili�rY .. �i�n��;,.� cense �n�ow"lVe,a� fi1;"Dlly convinced�- ... �: _, consist of ten . hours per. week of such that eventually w� must be' deelared� "/, work.as the. Department �f 14iukry on Dan Cupid!. (Hooray!). ,�i�: .' Scienc� and. Taci.i�s �ight'.d� nee- Dan .Cupid, stands for a�tocracy. in; ��r �8ry? <TIiis wO�d:be.iD �d��o�. to love!, .We' stand for Democracy!� �; work now prescribed if you � already. ('Ray!) ,: t-�. �.-. carrying the course.) . Dan Cupid ba$, interffi!� :with many: [:.: : '�:.., . 5. If the UniversitY should � a man's constitutionai 'right to love and�: f" '�� i .. :, every male �tud�nt to (ii-'op iLll &ea- be loved! .. .r",,:··· '-(. " d9ik work and substitUte ih�refo� Without .warning, be lias b>tpedoed� ��:.� . triilitacy training fo.r. fuh,ciedit, �tll� our fondest dteam$,ka us .�ropPed• ',� y�u be willing to JQin a bcl�mity �f deadly bombs 1i})Oii otii- ail· castles!'.y chlQgo . Training .Camp �hlcli �oUJd 'Qan �upid is a crufi!l tyrant, and, �t probably � from the.fi�t of Jun� to rer�es ,� i�� ,�s ���n�:,.�,�� i;�,��b\:. .J the end of AugUst, with .the aSsurance a "place In the son" or th�aughter,; f;'" ., tba� exp�n��s for. board ancll��g he wants t1e �li�i�. stage fo� liiznself.i !-:' would not fall·upon you? (This woula Therefore, .we now an'! here declare�.'oll.� not ,in any way obligate you to further war on him! ,(Nine rahs!)..\ service.) . And all iove notes, lilac wa'ters tal-;'. .i' . 6. If it ;"er� necessary for YQu to cums, flowers, and bon-bOns are placed:- ��� cover these expenses yourself, wOuld on the �nt�d list..·.� �:�. y�u. then be able to attend Such a And the hours of spooning must now�. {{ camp? be regUlated by the government!f t 7. Ar you expecting to enrolfor the Couples may stroll only alon� certain': ( Ofticers' Training Camp 'at Fort Sher- debite ianes,.and anyone caught fuss-� t';: idan which begins on May 8? �ng aftez:o tWilight will be considered:.l .8. Have you enrolled for this an alien and shot at sunrise!, •. camp?:'�:.'.._�.',', The Junior college men have already_ isPvaq ;l!3l11 uc) .su!ptre1s awP3. passed out the cards. Many of the ptni 9!lf.uv nq .:i:9lU!-ld atiJ. iB.tO;UO�questions were .left unanswer� and _some eards were never returned. It is El'ideoney With a Capital "F."hoped that the senior college men willrealize the value of this plan and ciotheir duty. Answer every questIon andanswer it accurately. It wiil help theUniversity and will help you. kN iNtELL·Ic;.£�T PERSON MAYearn ��l� nio�thiy corre.spondin�for newsPapers; $40 to $50 montldy'in s'pare' tilne; eXlperience unneces­sary� no canvassing; subjects sug­gested., Send. for, particulars. Na-. tiona I Press Bureau, Room 251'5,Buffalo, N. Y.. ,ATTRACTIVE SUITE OF ROOMSwill rent single. or together •. Bathand lavatory adjoining. 6749 .Dor-. clJester. ,H. P. 4296. Opportunity 01for French conversation.TYPEWRITING OFFICERoom 2,' Lexington HaDI {Staogra�Expert {Copying. {MimeographingPrices NominalMidway 800Local 214 • 0"..EASY TO 'SAVEAND WORTH aAVING.GET ON£ OF' OUR POCKET .ANKIAND SAVE A DIM. A DAY..start a .avln" .:Count wltIl Us .. oN.. tabllabed nat:onat baDk. The .... -iii... department occupI� conY.DI_tquarterw on the .'t!'eet leftl et 0_butldtne. The �nc boun � �are trom 10 a. m. to , p. m., aatur­clay. from I a. m. to I p. m.'CORN EXCHANGENATION AL BANKC�.'tal, lurplul an. ProtIte,10,000,000 •It. tw. Cor. t& � � � �. ""Elect Net To Vacancy.� ..John Nd bas ·been elected to theHonor Commission to. fill the vacancY •left by Brook .)Jallatd. I. J.I., I.' . -�,- ....... .,",CEDARWOODNeW'!.. 'f't..I'At Hig" CIaJ S6na... , .. ����:, ,"Do:�You Enjoy.:()jlt4o�� Sports) .:." ,.'f ," "'f... " ..nleet :ii_,�� requiJ:��b.·�:are modelS �made (or ··sports":��. arideach rriOcteI is a �"'.;.�. ,::.s.""tII'.g corset./• ,t, Be ji&j to yo;"Ret/fern Corel.$3 and up.1.tWOMEN HOLD MEETINGTODAY TO PLAN FORANNUAL SPRING FETEv ," The Advisory board. has decidedto give a 'May day fete in place ofthe usual Spring Festival, which has'been canceled because of the war.All women who are interestd in theKay day fete have been asked tomeet today at 1 :10 in the Ida Noyesassembly room. Pauline Callen andElizabeth Edwards will' speak aboufthe arrangements. Present plans callfor a May-pote for each class witttnD'bons of the class colors. Preced­ing the May-po1e dances �here wiDbe groups of English folk dances to� given by the Various dancing clas-ses. (Contimud /"om page i) ,team argued for 'te� 'J�utes untii the.official pulled his watch. Third' base­man Skelly and a couple of substi­tutes were sent to the dressing room.Today's lineup: .Chicago.Giles :.� ShortstopCurtiss _ First baseCalm Center fieldRudolph Second baseHart : Catch'Marum Right fieldLarkin PitchMaxwell_ Left fi�lrlWiedemann Third baseNorthwestern.Hogue Center fieldEllingwood First baseLynch Third base.Driscoll PitchNorman . Left fieldKoehler CatchPoyer _ Second base,�i1ler or Rose Right field·.Ellis _ ShortstopPostpone Beach Party.,'The Freshman Commission Beach •party for tomorrow, has been post­poned indefinitely. .THE DAILr, MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917... '.,. I',I-­\ ,.Circe.· 'Windrow ;18 a senior. He:tOo'k. t· • � 'I' 1 d 'part .11l.!:'WIe'.:,.,UftlDr rcve an ·· ... on ,aminor '�:.'at -lvite'r .. h�sketbai·fY·:\�rwhich he �ned a place on the 411-conf-erence team. He has had thea't­rical experience in. the motion pictu*as well as t.in previous Blackfri'�shows. He i� a member of the AlphaTau Omega fraternity,James Hemphill is a sophomore. Heled the Freshman whig of the' Inter­class Hop last' year. He is the com­;po.ser of "The Ukelele "Sernade," a'so�g that he. will sing himself in .theplay. He is a member of Delta KappaEpsilon fraternity. ' ..............'." • I':'''J�i�Jb4oto9rapn�-C!JThe Pictures for Publication' inCap and Gown 117Are now finished. There will be more - and better ones than .during any previous year. ;,.,J'.. ')\---------------------------------------------------------------------------- �, ..... r .•• , ��-1'1n, ,'1.,!I 'J�.�SOFiIOMORE WOMEN WiN,IN GYIUNASTIC CONTEST The Special Ratesfor All Unioersity StudentsAre Still in ForceSenior College Women· Take SecondPlace-Individual Honors GoTo Helen FranlL·and the discount of 33 1-3 per cent will be given on ali gradesof photographs during this entire college y� •.The finals of the first· Ida Noyesgymnastic contest were held Fridayafternoon at 2:30.. The first placewas won by,the sophomores, the Sen­ior college team winning secondplace. Helen Frank carried, off 'th-eindi�dua1.:�onors. . '. ; - �The competing teams .were, �he � :30sophomoree;' .lead by,' Do�tliy L4rd­ner, the 11:45 fr<?,shmen� under RuthStein, and' a" Senior' college ,te��' of .which Esther Beller was captain.: Inteam competitibnconaisfing; �f march­ing, free-standing, 'exer'Cises, ,work on• the ,horse, ,�m .' and, balance, beam, . .DAGUERRE STUDIO"The official photographer for Cap and Gown, -'17TOP' FLOOR McCLURG BUILDING218 SOUTH WABASH AVE.Phone Harrison 7684 for appointment.TWO BLACKFRTARS STARS: JAMES·'.HEMPHiLL"AS' CIRCE; STELLAN WINDROW' AS �.'K�\VPIE" DURHAM; INTHE' 1,9,1" ,PRODUCTION, UA MYTH IN MANDEL."'. '. ','I.•WILL HOLD FIRSTDRESS REHEARSALFOR FRIARS SHOW, (Ccmtimud from page 1)They will include, among other things,Hawaiian dresses. 'bridal gowns, cu­pids' dresses, Athenian robes, and sol­dier suits. Shoes are being purchasedfrom Marsb&l1 Field and company. Ithas been only during the last weekthat Mr. Coleman bas rehearsed castand chorus together. The musicalnumbers have been found to fit wellinto the lines, occtrrring at long enoughintervals to give time for changes thatare not more than hasty, at least.The management announced a satis­factory sale of tickets to date butadded that it was not too late to re...serve desirable seats, particularly forthe last three nights of performance,May 6, 11 and 12-To Use Cats 01 Stan..The aeeompanying eut8 are photo­«r*pha of Stellan W'mctrOw, as "Kew:.pie" Durham, aDd.J&mei BemphflI, as J�J',:"�.,.., ..". ��� ���.�,�''1',11��.��;'.¥.> •.. �.. ��',�:i:.''J.. ��j,];�, ,.,_;�-'1'·1",,;i�.,..::!� :�,:�.....$':.I::Michigan, �ajorGeneral Lecniarii·· E. ,_ :�Wood deelare� that university students ,"]sltould not enlist, until the plans Of .. �the government with regard to 1i8iDg : :'�university students are known. He �- '" �vises all who are eligible to go to tile �tarining camps for reserve officers. .. '�Fifty-two men' students from the ��college of Agriculture at OJUo S�f:9 :�.�left last Wednesday to eri� in eel.:. : jentific farming, to help increase fOoa .�production dUrihg the War. ''';M"nnic war battles are now cons a- ji :.'4 fe� 2 inches won the high jumpMrs. Joseph Wright, Miss Preston,Miss Ortmayer, Miss Philbrick, MissPalmer and ¥iss Parma lee were thejudges�Reserve Training Corps receive.Eight hundred engineers at the Uni­versity of 'Michigan turned out for thefirst drill of the engineering collegewhich was held last Friday.Over 150 men at Minnesota bave en­listed in the various branches Of �vice. The marme eerps has elamied :the largest percentage of them. .Change Time Of TryoUtS.The first swimming tryoutS lim.bt!tn changed wom' tCjday to tblii�I'OW at 4:30 in Ida Noyes. )clu b-swinging and a relay race thesophomores won 34.67 points; Seniorcollege women, 30.43, a�d f�sbn1en,30.399. ,The match was decided bythe relay race.The points from individual eventswhich we� open to all students, wereadded together for class totals in aUevents in wbieh at least four personseoiDpeted. The freshmen secured 30points, the sophomores 27, the sen­ior 12._ The greatest number of in­dividual .points w;ent to H-elen Frank,a sophomore, who lWn first place inexhi-bition on the horse, second onthe ladder, flying rings and teamwork en the horse. Marjorie Koch­ersberger, a freshman, won secondplace in the individual events with13 points, by making first place ontraveling rings and in team work onthe horse.Pauline Calien of the Senior col­iege team, by winning first place onthe ladder, secOnd in balance beamsand third in ftying rings, sec1iredthird place in the iDdividual 1fteet.'Violet Falre:hDd 'tioJl am plaee inbasketball :throw, witll a distance· of62 feet; Mignon Cordill by jumping COLLEGES AND THE WAR.The 'Interfraternity Council atNorthwestern has been disbanded forthe rest 'Of the .year. The councilcame to. its decision on account of theunsettled condition ainong the frater­nities, due to the war.The wireless station at Kansas uni­versity has been dismantled to complywith gov-ernment orders.Cornell is leading in the number ofmen who have enlisted for service inthe Mosquito Fleet of SubmarineChasers among the eastern universi­ties. Up to the present time about.600 men have reported from five uni­!ersities. ,Of. t.bis number about 2��re �rom Cornei1"l00 from �aDd the reniaining 200 from Harvard,W'illiams and Brown.In. a letter to �ent Hutcluns of tuting part of the military trainingwhich Purdue cadets in the Oft'"Jeers't,,I,'I -I'\ ITHE DAILY MAROON� TUESDAY, MAY I, 191!.MAROON TENNIS MENDEFEAT OHIO STATECaptain Lindauer Wins Two StraightSets From Buekeye Star­Littman Loses To Zack.Chicago tennis men defeated OhioState at Columbus Saturday, takingone of the singles matches and thedoubles contest. Captain Lindauer wonJ tWI() straight sets from Captain Max-on of the Buckeye college, 6-3 and 6-2.Littman, the second member of theMaroon team, lost an uphill strugglewith Zach of Ohio, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. Thedoubles went to the Maroons, 4-6, 6-4,6-1. .,.Captain Lindauer played mid-seasontennis and easily defeated his, oppo­nent in straight sets. Littman wonthe first match from his opponent, whothen came back and took two straightsets. Littman played an erratic game,putting many of his shots into the net.The Chicago men lost the first set inthe doubles because of unfamiliaritywith each other's play. �od indi­vidual playing by both gave the matchto Chicago.Two Games Caneelled.The original schedule for the tripcalled for games with three seaools of .the Buckeye state, but two were can­celled. Ohio Wesleyan and Kenyonwere to have been played, but at thelast minute the matches were' calledoff because of lack of time. The twomen IOn the team were not to have re ..turned until today, bad the originalplan been carried out.Results of the meet entitle Chicagoto consideration as a repeater in thethe Dramatic club, renditions ofB1aclcfriars song and dance numbersby members of the cast and chorusof CIA Myth in Mandel," and selee- .Uons by the University band. Themeeting will be followed by a re­ception in· the Reynolds club underthe direction of William Henry,chairman of the Reception committee,Tickets for the meeting and recep­tion will be free. . Each student will ebampionahip. Lindauer played finereceive three upon application. Tick- I tennis, and by the time the Confer­eta will � distributed daily from 2 ence 'season opens, he should be able10 -4 at �da Noyes hall, from 10:10 to win the title again. Littman, whoto 10:45 m Cobb, or at the Reynolds was picked to be the second man ondab, W'hi� �11 issue tickets, all day. the Ohio trip, did not play up to hisKandel WIn be OIPened at 8 to fhose usual standard.who have no tickets. The ticket di."tribution will begin Friday. auk To Compete Sooa.The following cast has been an- Clark; who was a member of theaoancecl by the Dramatic dub for doubles team last Je&l', was unable to 'ita production of "The Stepmother": compete beeause of a sprained ankle.Olristine ..••....•... MaI'ion Palmer He will be in shape in another weekUn. Prout •••••••••••••• Emily Taft and his Mturn will greatly strengthenAdrian .•..••.•. ":' Bartlett Cormad the Maroon team. Clarit aDd CaptainIX. Gardner ..••.•...•.• Lad Abbott Lindauer are an ubeatable c:oJid,ina-Dr. H. L Harley, State Psychologist,and member of the board of Adminis�,tration of Springfield, will deliver aIec:ture on "The Mentally DefectiveaDd the State," before a public meet-<, iDa' to be held under'the auspices of-'the Philanthropic Service division ofthe -eoDege of Commerce and Admin­idration today at 4:35 in Harper as-.�biy Dr. Barley will !1lustrate bie The Botanical club will meet today-.ctdftaa with a number of stereoptican at 4:35 in Botany 13. Research re­alides, indicating conditions under ports will M ciftD.which the mental defectives, who are .,.UDder the jurisdiction of the state, live., According to D1'� H. D. Singer, of the Philanthropic Service division ofthe State Psychopathic Institute, who the college of Commerce and Admin­d8livered an' address on "lDaanity as istration.• Social Problem" last Wednesday, Dr.BArley is one of the best informed MAROON TRACK TEAM TOIIMID m the Uni� States on the sub.. MEET PURPLE TOMORROWjeet of the relation of the state to itscitizens who are mentaily defective.Be has studied for years the problems in the field events. James took sec­of treating insane patients, and being ond against Captain Fisher in the win­• psychologist, he has studied ques- ter meet, and tomorrow he will betiona involving the care of the in- , aided by Smart who will likely addane from a psychological point of another point to the Northwestern to­view. His lecture, according to Dr. tal. Fisher and Graham are ·booked toSinger, should be one of the best take the first two places in the polewhich has yet been given in the field vault with Folse of Northwestern,of 'social service. third. Higgins, Gorgas and FisherThis lecture win be the twenty- are more than good enough to annuMCond of a series of lectures on a slam in � shot, Brelos is far bet­"Types of Social' Work," whieh are ter than the Northside entries in thesiva weekly under the auspices of hannner, and Higgins and Gorgas willT".. c.....,. AII ........ _ ...........THe HAIIUO.D TYPEWRITER COI"�W. Ma ••• St. C.u ....MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOTbaa returned from New York with\ • new step for spring and summer.<3aaa e'f'ery Monday enning at8 o'clock.l"rivat8 lessons by appointment.1641 East 57� Hyde Park 2304PRINCESSllatinee Thursday. $1.00, Saturday, best seats, $1.50ToDight-- The Parisian Pantomime"PIERROT THE PRODIGAL"The Ilu.sical Event of the SeasonARRANGE PROGRAM FORPARENTS' DAY MAY 18(Continued from peJl, 1)-:, The play will be given under the.direction of Lee Ettel.son. ':PSYCHOLOGIST WILL LECI'URE,'To Speak On Duty Of State To MentalDefedins.", )'t,.,.%.• �� oJ tion in the doubles, and the formerwas playing a better game in singlesthan Littman.Ten Appear In Chorua.The Daily Maroon wishes to correctthe list of the people who sang in thechorus of the Undergraduate Classicalclub Saturday night. The names are:De Ette Abernathy, Edith Abernathy,Eleanor Clouti�r, Ruth Genzberger,Irene Okeberg, Grace W oolwortb, Wil­liam Emerson, Frederick Huebenthaf,Paul Merebant and Jacob Sietaem,-Botuists To Meet.(Continued from page 1) f �.I A "#"J,,,'" ,\If this advertisementwere a mile square,jammed with words-It wouldn·t he-it couldn·t be-half.,convincing as smoking a Mund.,WALTER H. ECKERSALL(Former All-A.mMiean Quarter Baek and Uni­versity of CJieago football and traek hero.)USES RECOMMENDSHorlick'sTIae OriginalMalted MilkTrR.ONE-�in.�O�·form1itCOLLARHE SAYS "Horliek's" is the ideal, light, sustaining lunc:h before ath­letic coz:rtests, and the refreshing bevoerage aCter physical or mentalexercise.rors AND BANDS ARE cUB.v"& CUTro FIT TUR SHOULDERS. 2/_ .lOeCI.UETT.PE:ABODr&co.(t¥'� He especially considers the cocoa flavored Malted Milk TABLETSappropriate for the adhe man in college life and athletics:. and as thedependable, convenient sustena.nce far the teams when traveling."'Wallie" always producerl... Reeults COUDt with him.He's now writing athletic articles tor the Tribune.take eight points in the discus.Return With Many Trophies.The victorious Maroon relay teamsarrived yesterday morning from Phil­adelphia where they captured two settof watches, a cup and two team ban­ners in the annual Penn games. Themedley distance quartet won theirevent from Penn, Friday, and later'inthe afternoon the sprint med�y teamlost a close race to the Quakers: The AS K HIM'four mile team captured their event cial events, Higgins won third in thein easy fashion Saturday afternoon' 5 pound weight throw, and second inbut the two mile team had to be sat- the shot. Graham tied, for secoDd �isfied with a third place. In the spe- the pole vault. dII!J Jr3e".>,