_1!IiII'.��if .. "f'�"'i""tW"''Z\j{+ .. '���_��lf.�if-ltf.f:*'a.'i{�f�t:.�$��1\'i�.t.lib:**:�';'�''�:.���·J:�,:�""':����� ... ,���rt-" �:', :, -: •• '. '�.�.,.' .'.,...... _:�_,.�':' � ...... ,' '..�1. ,;.:: j 4, ,'f!"':.I_�' ;'�I�: '\, '&".�:�����) ,,_ . "'�: �.-. � �J •\.'.1 _. ,,at aroon. Vol. XV. No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917. Price 5 CentsROBERT FROST WILLTALK ON SINCERITYIN CAMPUS LECTUREProminent New England Poet toSpeak Wednesday Afternoonin :tWandel Hall.WILL READ FROM OWN POEMSIs Professor of Poetry at AmherstCollege-Received Education atDartmouth and Hmrd.Robert Frost, American poet, willlecture on "The .Technique of Sincer­ity" Wednesday at 4:30 in Mandel.His lecture will be illustrated byreadings from 'his ow'n poems. Mr.Frost is now interim Professor ofPoetry at Amherst college, and hiswestern trip will include but two orthree lectures in .' Chicago, one ofwhich will be giVen before the Chi­cago Woman's club. His lecture atthe University will be ope n to. thepublic.Mr. Frost lived in England from1912 to 1915, during which time hebecame very intimate with WilfridGibson, the celebrated English poetwho spoke at the Vniversity recently.Resemblances in style between thework of the two poets has been as­scribed to this intimacy. ·lfr. Frost­is American norn, :lis home being inFranconia, New Hampshire.Author of Three Books..'.... ,., .. ',.Among the works of the poet are"North of Boston," "A Boy's Will"and "A Mountain Interval," the lat­ter being his latest volume. He was.educated at Dartmouth, and Harvrad,and from 1900 ·to 1905, after complet­�. ing .his studies, he followed the oc.cupation of a farmer in New England."Frost is one of the best of themodern American poets," said DeanRobert Lovett yesterday. "His po­. ems bear a. resemblance to those ofGibson. the Engliso poet, and· theirgnatest charm lies in their sinceri­ty."ISEVEN LEAVE FOR MADISONII .. ; Helen DriYer is Oradal De!epte toWOIIlea'. A"letie Aa8oc:l-atioll Coafereace.I ,�. .He]en Driver, official delegate ofthe W. A. A. to the conference ofWomen's Athletic assooiations, which. is to be held in Madison tomorrowand Saturday, win be accompanied byMiss Katherine Cronin, faculty rep­resentative of the department of.Phy�ca] Education, and Pauline Levi,·Esther !Beller, Bula Burke, LlI�anCondit and Florence Owens, Unofficialdelegates.Miss Driver will present a paper on"Point S"ystem' and Awards," one ofthe six papers to be read. In addi­tion to several meetings, elaborateplans for the entertainment of thevisitors have been made at Madoison.These plans include a sightseeingtrip, a banquet and a series of ath­letic events.Seniors to Dance Tomorrow.,IThe Senior cIas will give an infor­mal dance tomorrow at 3:30 In IdaNoyes assembly room. Music will be,furnished by Wll1illm Murphy andI. .' James C. Hemphill.\... �. ;, ... , .� J" _""" ..., - 74 "" ••••• _ HLACKFRIARS "CONTESTWON BY RONALD M'LEODSophomore Submits Best Poster forMusical Score Cover', and Advertis­Ing .t:'lacards-- Judges Declare De-cision Was Close.Ronald McLeod. ex-'19. has won.thc Black friars po s tcr contest. GcorgeLyman, '15, was the only other manto submit a drawing and his posterwas .50 good that the official judge,'Prof. Walter Sargent, of the Art Ed­ucation department, .was unable to ar­rive at a decision satisfactory to hisown conscience and was constrainedto refer the difficulty to the coach ofthe production, Jlr. Hamilton Cole­man. Mr. Coleman decided thatwhile, as Mr. Sargent had pointedout, the posters were of nearly equalmerit 'from an artistic point of view,'McLeod's was better for the purposefor which it was made."For a poster to advertise a ·theat­rical production, it is a very estim­able piece of work," he said yester­day, "and indicates the spirit of theplay better than Lyman's. But, bothof the posters are exceptionally. mer­itor.ious.'Kewpie Is Pictured.McLeod's poster was found to bemore to the point than the other. Itrepresents a scene from the secondact of "A Jlyth in Mandel" whereKewpie, the hero, refuses Psyche'soffer of a drink of poison, which �m.:mediately afterwards, 'ls accidentally.spilled on the ftoor, w1l�re it ·crigag.:!(the' attention of the c��'ious Cheshirecat. The rejected drawing, whichwas of a more elaborate character,pictured a thoughtful Grecian, seated..:rhe figure was surrounded by a Gre­cian border in 'black .. ALUMNI MAGAZINECONTAINS ARTICLEBY PROF. VINCENT. President of University of Min­nesota Favors Higher Salar- .ies for Instructors.CONTRIBUTION BY ALUMNAMyra Reed Advises Beginners inMagazine Work-Gives Scholar­ship Standing of Club.The salaries of college professorsshould be considerably higher thanthey are now if the college professor'scareer is to be a desired one, accord­ing to President 'George E. Vincent,of the University of Minnesota andchairman-elect of the Rockefeller. Foundation, in the article "Alumniandthe Professors' Salaries" contain­ed in the March number of the Alum­ni magazine, which appears on thecampus today.. Alumni must be the means of mak­ing the change, according to Presi­dent Vincent, -He cites Yale alumnias the best example of what alumrncan do for their university. Dr. Vin­cent's article is reprinted from theYale Alumni Weekly, in which it was. captionen "Some Remarks on Pro-�., ... ..,Should Increase Salaries."Ten years ago, a professional sal­ary of $5,000 was exceptional," Dr.Vincent states. "Today,' in leadinginstitutions it is assumed as a desir-" (Cantimced an page 3)ing will be used as advertising post­ers and as covers for the scores.Much of McLeod's work will appearin this year's Cap and Gown. Ly-Reproductions of, Mc'Leod's draw­ . AMBULAN¢E COMPANY.WILL-BE �SED·FORSERVICE IN AMERICA Although only a fifth of the onehundred and ten students who en­gaged in Tuesday's campaiagn forsubscriptions to the fund which willbe used to buy an ambulance forservice on the French front, have re­turned their subscription sheets, theindications are that the response tothe one-day appeal has .been very gen­erous. Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, act­ing chairman of the movement, ex- The performance of ".'(he Greatpressed a wish yesterday that all whohave a page of signatures to turn in . Adventure' by 'Arnold Bennett,do .so as soon as possible. which was to have beer! presented byTen signatures on. each sheet used. the Dramatic club Sa�rday night inin the campaign would more than Mandel, has been postponed becausecover the price of the ambulance, but of the Quarantine of several of theamong the twenty which have been .pr incipa l actors who were exposed toreturned some have more than ten scarlet fever. According to the pres-names. Robert Mathews, of the Law ent pfans of the managers, the pro-school, secured the signatures, of. duction will be staged during thetwenty persons, each of which wassubscribed to a dollar, the popular . first week of the Spring Quarter.amount which it is the purpose of Leon 'Gendron, president of thethe committee in charge to secure club, Charles Breasted. business man­from a thousand students. Buell' ager of the play, and Morton HowardHutchinson's sheet contained pledges . have been place d under the ban ofamounting to sixteen dollm; JeromeFisher'S, twelve dollars;, and Don-'ald Harper's, thirteen dollars.Biis to Drive Car.Harold Hiis, who is going to Europe. to drive an ambulance, though prob­ably not "the "University.of ChicagoCar", left last night for New York,where he will board ship in a fewdays. Walter Foster left Chicago lastSatUrday' and will sail neXt Satur­day from New York lor France with,the same end in view.MAKE PARTI�REPORTON DOLLAR-;CAMP AIGN.'l\lo\'ement to Raise Funds With Whichto Purchase Ambulance is Success­ful-Hiis and Foster Leave forEurope. POSTPONE PLAY OFCLUB UNTIL FIRSTOF SPRING. QUARTERDefer Production of DramaticOrganization Because ofQuarantine of Actors.MANAGER TO REFUND MONEYBreasted Will Make Satisfactory Ar­rangements with Ticket-holders­May LOSe Miss Bauman.man has done work in former yeaTSfor both the Blackfriars and the yearbook.JUNIOR WOMEN WIN CONTESTDefeat Senior Basketball Team b!"Score of 14 to 7.--- .The Junior Women's IbasketbalIteam defeated the Senior quintet yes­terday by the score of 14 to 7. Thenext games Qf cthe' series will beplayed Wednesday. The lineup fol-lows: "• Semol'1l (7).Stires _ Left ForwardWeiss, Mullen : Right ForwardGriffin _ CelaterCallen Left GuardMorgan, Southers Right GuanI.JuPn (14.)Leopold ��.............. Left ForwardSulzberger Right ForwardGlaser Center�lver Left GuardSmith Right GuardBaskets-o-Stires, 3; .Leopold, 3';Sulzberger, 3. Free throws--Stires,1; Leopold, 1; Sulzberger, 1.BLACK BONNET WILLGIVE DANCE MONDAYBlack Bonnet has invited the mem­.bers of Yellow Jacket and Blue Bot­�tle to a tea dance Monday from 3:30.to 6 in Ida Noyes assembly 'hall. Re­,freshments will be served. All thosewho wish 'to attend the dance havebeen reques�ed to sign the posters in. Ida Noy� or those in Lexington. Corps of Ninety-one. Men to Be Or.ganized and Equipped Dur- 'ing Spring. Quarter.An ambulance company of ninety­one men is to be organized, equippedand drilled during the Spring quarterby the University and the Amerlcar·Red· Cross society. The corps wHIwork absolutely independently of tileservice in France. It5 existence istor service in . America in case ofhostilities here. The bureau of Medi- .cal Service of the Department of'MUiCary Relief is in charge of thecorpe and its equipment. This samedepartment, is in charge of the basehospitals of the Red Cross societyPre-medieal and medical .studentswho will be in residence next year arceligible for membership �n the com­pany. The limit of membership hasbeen set at ninety-one men. Of these,five will be officers, from the facultyof the medical school and the gradu­ate physicians. '!he work of thecorps win consist 01 �nstruction incamp sanitation, personal hygiene,first-aid methods, and ambulance drill.The equipment, consisting of two mo­tor ambulances, tents, medical kitsand uniforms for the ,men will be fur­n:lshed by the American Red Cross so­ciety.Give Credit for Work.The course of instruction, whichwill last for three quarters, will. be­gin with the Spring quarter. Creditto the extent of onc-ha]f major perquarter will be given by the Univer­sit]c. Members of the company willbe excused from gymnasium. Ser­geant Leahey, formerly of' the Unit­ed States army hospital service, willbe in eharge of the drill •. BONDY LEAVEs FORWORK IN COLUMBUSEarl Bondy, '1-7, left last night for_Columbus, 0., to take a position in theSocial : Service department of theChamber of Commerce in that city.Bondy played on the basketball teannthis winteT, was the manager 'of Inter­class athletics, and a former memberof the 'Staff of The Daily Maroon./ .Give Class Dance Friday.The Freshman class will give itslast informal' dance of the Winter. .quarter FridQy at 3:30 in the Rey-nolds dub.W�THER FORECAST.IUnsettled and colder. Fresh tostrong shifting wind&THE DAlY MAROONBULLETIN.Chapel. college of Commerce andAdministration, college of Education,10:10 Mandel.Divinity chapel, 10:10, HaskelLY. W. C. L"7 10:10, Lexington 14.Faculty of the college of Education,3:30, Blaine 205.Public lecture, Dr. Alejandro Alvar-ez, Law schooLInternational club, 4 :35, Harper.�ysics club, 4:35� Ryerson 32.Religious Education club, 8, Has-kellTomorrow.Divinity chapel, 10:10, Haskell.Ge�n Conversation club, 4, IdaNoyes.Political Economy seminar, 4:45�Harper.,Education club, 7 :30, Belfiel� 159.Germanic club, a. 5407 Greenwoodavenue. the University medical authorities .. Gendron and Howard are Quarantinedin the Alpha Delta Phi house be­cause of the illness' of Hamilton Wal­ters, who yesterday contracted alight case of scarlet fever and wasremoved 'to his home in Evanston.Breasted 'is refused access to the.. ". -.�.cafDPus.;.j tog�t1ter.: _ wilp. ·tlt� ·.lother._;- � �,�-::�members of Phi Gamma Delta, on ac- , .... :,�; .count ofthe illness of Joseph Wiheel- .. ;.er.;.__- .... �:-.:...-.:..-. _'--- '..--__.-------�. Impossible to Stage Play.Gendron had the leading: male rolein the play, that of Jlam Carve. Ho-'ward was playing John .. Shawn, and _lBreasted the part of Lord LeonardAlvar. The loss of these men at so.shorr a time before the productionpf the play, precludes all possibilityof staging the comedy.A further complication in the sit­uation. arises from the fact that theleading lady, Nellie Bauman, may notbe able to assume her part. when theplay . is produced in April. She hasmade arrangements to take a positionin New York City 'before that time.Miss Bauman is, however, makingstrenuous efforts to j rearrange herplans so that she may remain in Chi­cago to fill her role in' the belatedplay ..Manager MakeS Announcement.The business manager of the club.announces that .tic!kets for the playwill be exchanged for the- later date,or money refunded. This will not bedone, however, until Breast�d and, Howard, who are in charge, havebeen released from quarantine.Committee Gives Dinner.The Geneva commit!ee of theLeague will give a supper tonight at6 in the League Toom for those whohave attended the Geneva conierenceand for those who expect to go thisyear.�rmanic Club to Meet.The Germanic club will meet to­morrow at 8 at the home .of Prof.Francis A: �Wood,. 5407 Greenwoo�avenue. Hans Kurath will speak on"Herders Prds.schrift, Uber den Ur­sprung der Spracl1e."�f�'.�-���._--.-----------------r--------------��--.---�_'.�¢�· �A�',,-._.��_����_�/�.• ��,.. T.'�_��.. _,_��'��.!�),f.!�f�:��.�%�}t�_�-'�.�ft*�:�r.;�I.�/4K�>,�r,��Q�;",�"�n_.�!��... �;.To'��:�����'�i��,�:���F-�.J7�7�_-',_�V�.�,��-'��'�F�"�'�l��.��---_�f. ',;\I.��4(r rim DAILY IIAAOON. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917.IlJf laUg _aroon'!'1M St •••• t Ne ... lp.per ell The UDlTenltrof CbINCo.P.�ll.Jatd laornlDl'I, u:oept 8UDd.,. aDdMMd." darlnc the .�Qtumn, Winter aDdItprl.c 41.artera b1 Tbe D.U, AlarooD.... P.D1·Ne:'. Department.A. A. Baer _._ .......• _ .. _ .. _... EditorC. C. Greene •... _ .. _ _ NiCht EditorS. S. Bushnell _ _ .. _ Day EdittorB. E. Newman _ ••. AthletH:a EditorW. S. Bender Asat. Athletica EditorV. K. Edwardsen. .. _ ... Women'l EditorBusiness Department.:F. C. Maxwell ..... _ .. _._ .. _ ... ManaeerEnte�d all lleCond cl .. , mall at the Chi·'-. P .. tolnce. eIlleaco, lllinoli. KareJa 11..:.t08. •• der .l«!'t ell )(.�b a, trrn!.Subscription Rates,B1 Carrier. $2.00 • 1ear: $1 a quarter.B1 KaU. � • lear; �� • Quarter.Editorial Rooml ...........•..•.... EUl. 12Telephone Kldwa1 800. Local .182Bas'lDelS Olflee .•....•••...••....... EllI, 14Telel1boDe Blackstone 2:Kll"'2."7THURSDAY, ·MARCH 8, 1917.'_ COLLEGE TALK.The poverty of subjects for con­versation among college students wascommented UpOIl recently in an arti­cle quoted from a prominent West­ern college daily. It is a lack whichreflects seriously upon our habits ofthought and upon the narrowness ofour interests. There are, to be sure,certain groups of students "Whose in­terests are more 'Or less diversified,but for the great mass there is butone ,topic, one universal themewhioh' never ceases to afford oppor­tunir f for endless discussion, day aft­er day, night after night; and that isoV{ course sport.On street cars and trains, about.card and dinner tables, at dances andtheaters along the campus walks andin the halls between das.ses, the' si�­dent goes on ceaselessly about hISone favored topic. Introduce some­thing else in sheer weariness, divert, khis as you may, presently the tallanguishes, and revives only whenhis life is' returned to, These stu­dents are doing various sorts of work,they are intelligent, fairly well read,have traveled more or less, know.for their. many people; but as sourcesconversation all such things are asthough they did not exist. On theone subject of sport will they speak. I e en-fluently, debate earnest y, argu..b' . . II "d" WIthoutt usiastica s, quote opeend.Is it any' wonder that when a man. he cantravels, the only conversationshare in smoking cOlllpartment orchair car relates to business or base­ball? And if he happens to be inter·d .' . h .h peculiarlyeste m neit er or t ese.American topics what is left to him,. orbut to bury himself in a magazine ?go to sleep to while away the hours.-Ohio State Lantern."I,J.".,'','.... '(I,r:NO GAIN?. . . ., Jider?The mqurry, H\Vhy be a soYou have nothing to gain and yourlife to lose," which was printed oncards recently distributed on thecampus, raises a question worthy ofconsideration from the viewpoint ofthe university student. \Vould thecolleg-c man's enlistment as a soldierbring no gain?.Thc Dail\" Kansan. while non-com-mita l conce-rnin� prepareclncss. firmlybelieves the college man has a worthyreward in ,"lorc. if he is forced t(')take up arms. Thc yont�l who hasundcrR'one an intellcctnal traininR'.cannot fail to he repaid in whatcverfield he sfeks or hy cirel1m�ta!1cc i�forccci tl) operate, whether it he !'ci­encc. hi.::!' hu�ine .. ". litera ttlre ()r theordinary nnocrtakil1t!'� oj a�'er�ge c;!­izen'. �rental f:lenltics. :lftcr :111 thepower responsible ior thc world's greatest achievements, are highly de­veloped in the college student. Aboveall per.sons he is the man who re­sponds to inspiration. On the otherhand, political and social historyproves beyond a doubt that no force,intellectual or otherwise, ·has furnish­ed such unlimited inspiration andmaterial for reform and advancementas has military conflict, Thus if warcame it would .urnish the raw mater­ial from which constructive resultswould be worked out by men of abil­ity-among them the college men otthe country. \Vould not suchachievement offer gain for collegemen?But this is not all! Service as asoldier for one's country arouses dor­mant spirit and understanding; opensavenues of thought previously with­out appeal Or attraction; brings the.individual face lo face with problemsordinarily overlooked: and in short,compels serious consideration of ev­eryday affairs. The man who hasserved for his country does not severactive connection with his country'saffairs when he discards the musket.Then, more than under any circum­stances, he realizes his responsibilityas a citizen. He has fought for hiscountry; has sacrificed his time; and,when the conflict ceases, he returnsto his position as a citizen, not to for­get the institution !he has been fight­ing fo·r, but determined to participatein matters affecting his country�swelfare which previously he has beensatisfied to let the politician andschemer handle. He comes back totake his p�oper place in a wide a wakecitizen body, a responsible electorate,a highly inspired society. Wouldthis not be a gain ?-Daily Kansan.THE MAROON SECURESA GRAVE INTERVIEWKaiser's Namesake Commends Wil­son-"lWixt Scylla and Charyb-dis, but Succumbs to Pecunia.Sh! President Wilson is to becommended for his plans for sea'power in the face of the war agita-. tion. This is the enormous militarysecre·t which The Daily Maroon has-bee n able through extremely diplo­matic reporting to extract from the...... 'Teuton head's campus namesake,Kaiser Bill, proprietor of the Lieblichcafe. Pleas from gray-haired paterand mater have not been sufficientlypowerful to draw the commissaryKaiser back to fight for his Father­land. Lieblich declares that the.pleas are hard to resist, but certainlucrative considerations are moreconvinving. �Ioney talks, and it saysin siren voice, "Bill, stay here."Nota bene-=This is a beat.MRS. SKEFFINGTON TOGIVE LECTURE TODAYMrs. Francis Skeffington will givea lecture this -afternoon at 4:30 inHarper assembly room on "Condi­tions in Ireland." �Irs. Skeffington isan Irish woman who has come here in, the thope of interesting Americans inIreland's struggle for self-govern­ment. The lecture wilt he given un­der the auspices of the Internationalcluh, and is open to members of theUniversity, and all other persons In­terested.German Club to Meet.Thc German Con vc rs at ion club willm,cct toromrow at 4:·15 in I da � oyesha!l. Assistant Prof. �I art in Spreng,ling will addre5s t'!lC cluh.Husbands to Have f'arty.Thc Dames club will give a hus­hano's party Friday from 7 to 10 inthe a�scmbly hall of Jda Noyes. GORGAS LEADS FIELD 'IN BASKET CONTESTPage is Conducting Free Throw Tour­nament-Bloeki aDd McGaughyAre Tied for Second.\-\-i11iam Gorgas, '19, is leading withthirty-four baskets out of or possiblefifty, in the free throw contest whichis being conducted by Coach Page.Twenty men competed in the first·preliminary and fourteen made thequalifying number of baskets for thesecond round.Each candidate was given fiftyshots, and was compelled to maketwenty baskets to qualify. GaleBlocki, a freshman and former mem­ber of the championship Hyde "Parkfive, was close behind Gorgas, hav­ing a score of thirty-three. McGaughy,'17, also threw thirty-three baskets.Tatge, '20, was next with thirty-one,while Bent, forward on the Varsityfive, had thirty to his credit.Two .more preliminaries will Ibeheld before the contest is finally de­cided. A gold medal will be awardedthe winner of first, the second manwill receive a silver prize, and thethird and fourth men will be givenbronze medals. Gorgas and Blocki arethe favorites in the contest."Free throwing is one of the mostimportant points in basketball, saidCoach Page. "A good free throwermeans the difference between a vic­tory or a defeat in many cases. Bythis method I hope to find a fewy;ood men who can put the ballthrough on a free throw when a pointmeans a game. The contest has beenused for several years, and some goodtossers are always uncovered.REHEARSE FRENCH PLAYSWill Present Two Dramas=RrankAbbot Is Coach.Rehearsals are in progress for theannual French ciub plays which willbe g�ve� Saturday,: ::\Iarch p, at ,3:30.­'in I da Noyes. ,Th�' plays are"L'Etincelle," by Edouard Pailleron,and "Les Deux T'imides," by LaBiehe. "L'Etincelle" is � comedyand "Les Deux Timides" is a farce, ,concerning the predicaments of twotimid men, the .father and lover of.the heroine. The plays are beinggiven for tihe benefit of the Frenchwar orphans and are coached byFrank Abbot, of the French depart­ment. _Tickets can be bought for fif­ty cents from members of the Frenchclub. The cast for "L'Etincelle" isas follows:Mme. de Renat , Elinor CastleRaoul de Geran � J ohn N eftAntoinette , Isabel Fin!tThose taking part in �'Les DeuxTimides are:Cecile Blanche FirthAnette .-....... Bernice HogueGaradoux Barrett StaChFremissan Donald PeattieThebandie � Robert ConnelleyFORMER FOOTBALL MANSUCCUMBS TO INJURIESRECEIVED IN ACCIDENTWalter J. Cavanaugh, the- Universi­ty'S first all-American football star,died Sunday near Fremont, Ohio,from injuries received in an autorno­bile accident there. Cavanaugh play­ed football throughout his collegecareer and was for three years amember of the regular varsity squad .Twice he was chosen for a positionon the atl- \V estern e!even and onceon the all-American.The hody has been taken to Cava­naugh's former home in Kenosha.\Vi.,:, where his father, James Ca\'a·nau�h, is a prominen� lawyer, andwhere ,the foothall man recei\'ed' hiselcmentary and secondary schoo!iJlg.A t the time 'Of his deat11, Cavanaughwas general manager of the TolecioCoil \Vir(' Products company. TR�UBLES and mosquitos n\ are a lot alike. Neither UIJ one stays 'round a place whar C� tbar's plenty. 0' good tEne. �pipe smoke. "�tJ.,-Y�LVET Isagoodplpesmt'ke II�·n -� .---.',nL.::I.' ------ ..... [I .... i.C ... .._1:.I\You'll wear a Jerrems Suittwice as long as ordinaryclothes--- because' you'Il-en­joy-its comfortable fit andgood style.That's what makes ourclothes so desirable and soeconomical.Suits, $30 to $60Tailor lor YOUII6 Men_ .7 North La sane StreetThree Stores: 314 South Michigan Ave.71 East Monroe ·StreetPROTECT YOURSELF!Why accept cheap substitutes at fountains when the origi·nal Malted Milk costs you no more?Ask for and see that you get "HORLICK'S"the Original. Take a package home with you.Write for samples. Horlick, Dept. He," Racine, WisconsinPowder and Tablet Form.I a�. piCla::::Ii-..."4'E.gtCDl(JB.... ....-Jl.II SanuePRIbymetl)n........gTOroblro60WAldIeitJDE,{ FOfla(fmD<16WAY'fotabi$3!aftFORedlight(3).\.CHICAGO THEATRE I Seats Now(Formerly American Music Hall)Be�ng Wed. Nipt. Feb, " �8 ,''1' H E K N I F E".By Eugene WaltersWith ORRIN JOHNSONand LILLIAN ALBERTSONWILLIAM HODGEIn FIX.ING SISTERPRINCSasPhone Central 1240Satvday IlatiDM B_ ..... ,1.11Special Rates to StudentLM. J. CONER.Cor. Ellis Ave. aDd 55th St·Frolic Theatre Oro, StorePRIVATE DANCING LESSON�by appointment a 'quick and easymethod of lurning the danca oftoday.MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOT1541 E. 57th StreetClassified Ads.TO OUTSIDERENT�LARGEroom, bay window, single or dou­ble, elee, lts.; also single frontroom, $8 per mo., well furnished.6020 Ingleside Ave., 2nd apt.WANTED-A STUDENT TO BAN­dle quick selling article. No cap­ital needed. Phone Harrison 2227,Dept. a, between 2 and " P. M.FOR RENT-ROO�f FOR YOUNG,lady, bright, comfortable and wellfurnished. Modern house. 5643Dorchester Ave. Phone Midway1617.WANTED-TEN COLLEGE MENfor the coming summer. Must haveability and a willingness to work.$:l5 per week. Phone Went. 6395after 6 P. M.FOR RENT-NEWLY FURNISH·ed two-room suite: suitable forlight housekeeping ; 6026 Ellis Ave.(3). . After 'the present proofreader gets':through reading tha t, he will get a,club and wait for me in the morning..But I will fool him. For he can not ' Assistant P-rof. Storrs B. Barrett,find me. Can you, Harry secretary and librarian of the Yerkes!Observatory, has returned a copy ofDyonisius's "De Situ Orbis" to HaT­per li¥ary, to be placed in the RareBook r?om. This volume was amongthose bpoks from the Burnharm �l-'Iection w'hich were purchased lastSummer. "De Situ Orbis" was print­edl at Venice, Italy, in 14n.CLASS DAY SELECTIONS.Most 'handsome man-Handsome­over P. Dake'.Most handsome woman-(Whoa!Diplomacy! Diplomacy lj-s-tie he-. tween all campus women.Best musician-Frand Roddy.Best dancer-Philbrick Jackson.Best athlete-Albert ·Pick, Jr.Would like to be-Harry McCosh.Most stylish man-Arthur Hanisch.Chief fusser-B. A. P. (No compe-tition; only one cntray,Best .student-·Edward Marum.Funniest-:-Everybody.Biggest eater--t\Valter Earle.Largest feet-\Valter Earle.Best prevar-icator-c-Hill Boal.Best bowler-Bernard Newman,Least on his -mind-e-Donald Sells.Fastest runner-Captain Strong.(To be continued.)PROOFREADERS.I magine a sleepy-looking individu;lwearing a pair of fathers trousers, anantique sweater, :\ pair of ice man'sshoes, and a dirty tattered hat. Alsoimagine an individual who cares notwhether your 'Dame appears in th� pa­per as H uey OT Hewey, Dake orDrake, 'Tiechggraebeber or Teich­graeber, etc. Also imagine an indI­vidual who figures that biwlingscores of 92, 106, 89, 94 and 123 (Betascores make a total of 910. Also im­agine an individual who desn't carewhat column a story appears in evenif the head is in a different column.Imagine all of these things and some,.'JTM)re. -:rhen you h�ve a' fairly goodidea of a proofreader. ,Proofreaders should not 'be permit­ted to live more than a week. Theyget you into trouble all of the time,and have new alibiS all of the time.They need a quiet resting place inKankakee. They are terrible. Theyare awful. 0 any. .:Magis."Pr to." .es?, saId Dake, approach.ln&-A. Student. Five dollars came out ofthe student's pocket.It may .have been fifty cents.For Percy always gets away witb it.I can't think of.ianything clever 'tosay today.My ,mind must be inalso. quarantine,YOUTS from disinfectedT. E. H.JUNIORS POSTPONECHOCOLATE PARTY.The Junior chocolate party sc'hed­uled for tomorrow at 3 at the AlphaTau Omega fraternity house, has beenpo.stponed until the fir,st part of theSpring quarter. The move was tak­en, because of the dcsire of the Pres­ident and the social committee to helpco-operate with the med.ical authori­ties in fhe scarlet fever attack. TheNeighborhood club and the St.' Pat­rick's parties scheduled for this weekhave also been postponed. .Spanish Club Meets Monday.The Spanish club �'i1J meet �fonday.at 4 in Ida Noyes ball. . ..The lower a nd upper Junior conegecontests in extemporaneous speakingwill be' held.,next week in Kent the­ater. The"l��er' Junior' contests areopen to all members of thejunior col­leges who have not more than twelve. 'majors, and who are eligible for pub­lic appearance. Candidates must reg­ister withthe Dean of t'he Junior col­leges before Monday at 12.Subjects will 'be assigned Tuesdayat 1 in Kent theater. .The prelimin­aries will commence Tuesday at 2 inKent 16. The finals will take placeWednesday morning at 10:10 in Kent116. The prize will consist of a schol­arship for one quarter.The upper Junior contest is open tomembers of the Junior College whohan! more than nine majors and lessthan seventeen and one-half, and whoare eligible for public appearance.Any person who has won the prize'for the upper Junior contest in the.previous year is not eligible.Registration for contestants willtake place Monday at 12 in the officesof the Dean of the Junior colleges.Subjects will be assigned Tuesday at1, in Kent 16. .The preliminaries willbegin Wednesday at 1:30 in Kent 16,and the finals will be held Friday at1 :30 in Kent 16. A scholarship fortwo quarters and one for one quarterwill be awarded to the winners of firstand second places respectively.Give Ninth Informal Supper.An informal supper for women.Sunday night will be given under thedirection of the Gradu�t� Women'sclub. This is the ninth of the seriesof suppers which have 'been plannedby the Women's Administrative coun­cil for off-campus women not livingat home. Women who expect to at­tend have been asked to leave their.names at Mrs. Goodspeed's office or.In 'box 88, faculty exchange ..Add to Rare Book Collection.Y. M. C. A. Man to Speak.Mr. George Sherwood Eddy, of the, International Committee of the Y. M.C. A., .will speak tomorrow at 4:30 in.Mandel. �r. Eddy's topic will benChristianity during the World,War." His speech will be based onhis recent experience in prisoncamps. Prof. Edgar J. Goodspeedwil! preside at the meeting. The lec­ture is' open to all members of theUniversity.Graduate Wome� Give Dinner.The Graduate \Vomen's club willg!ve a -suppcr for all graduate wo­men Friday at 6 in the Ida Noyessun parlors. The women who wish toattend have been asked 1.0 notify ClaraDavidson in Green ball before GThursday. The price of the supperwill be thirty-five cents.Hold Joint Party.The Social and Social Sen-icc de­partments of the League will hold ajoint party today at 3:30 in theLeague room. The Wise ManRESER,VEShis 1917 Cap and GownNOWIncreasing cost of materials forces an editionlimited to the number subscribed for in advance .CAMPAIGN NOW' ONiOffice Ellis 17GREATEST BARGAINS IN HISTORY OF TYPEWRITERSUnderwoods $30 to $5'0Olivers 25 to 4'5L. C. Smith 27 to 40Remingtons 15.50 to 65Smith-Premiers 16.50 to 45and other makes $10 and up. Ex­pert repairing and rebuilding. Ev­ery machine in perfect conditionand guaranteed two years. Wesell to students on easy payments.Write for our liberal free trial of­fer and cut-rate prices.All Makls IYillwriter Ca •• 162 N. Dlarborn St.. Phone Cent. 6035Initiate Florence Webster.Through an oversight, the name ofFlorence Webster was omitted fromthe list of the women who were ini­tiated into the ·W. A. A. Tuesdaynight. Teachers Wanted,Boards are electing teachers everyday for next year. If you are notyet located register at once. We cov­er all the Central and Western States.Only 3 1-2 per cent c�mmission,­$1.00 registration fee. Commissionpayable in fall of year. Write todayfor blanks. 'Sophomore Women Dance.The Sign of the Sickle, Sophomorewomen's honorary society, will give adance for all Sophomore women Fri­day fro� 3:.30 to 5:30 in the IdaNoyesassembly -room. . Jeachen Employment BureauL I. DEUER. MaDac.rZ28 Cellar Rapid, Sana,. &au BaiLliacCEDAR RAPIDS. IOWAUNIVERSITY HAIRDRESSING• PARLOR1309 E. 57thManicuring, Shampooing, Facial Mas­sage, Toilet Preparations.' HairGoods Made to OrderFrances Simmons Tel. H. P. 7904Education Club to ·Meet.The Education club will meet, morrow at 7:30 in Belfield 159.I W. S. Gray, assistant Dean' in, College of Education, wili giveaddress. to­Dr.thethe, write easily, clearly, and accurately ashuman beings can, and be �f thesort that' have ideas.For those at the �ry beginning,Miss Reed advises that they take ev­ery bit of free lance work offeredthem, no matter'ho� insignificent orpoorly paid. She also advises themto learn typewriting, and to stick' to'the work until satisfactory results-areobtained.The issue contains two "very de­lectable photographs," as the 'Mag­azine puts it, of night scenes takenon the campus .... One is of the Westg':tte of Hull court, the other thesoutheast COTner of Kent P. Roun­sevelle, ex-'18, last year's official pho­tographer of the Alumni magazine,took these views early in February.Among the other articles in theMarch issue is "Rush Medical Col­lege," a review 'of the founding andupbuilding of the institution; reportsof the recent alumni affairs, especial­ly concerning the alumni club din­ners, and the monthly departmentconducted by Frederick Kuh, "On,the Quadrangles," in which he re­. cords the more important of' c'-npushappenings. The "Events and Dis­cuss ion' also occupies its usual posi­tion.To Addr�ss League.Dr. Ozora Davis of the Chicago'.Theological seminary, will addressthe weekly League meeting today at10:10 in' Lexington 14.ALUMNI· MAG�ECONTAINS ARTICLEBY PROF. VINCENT(COfttimud from Page 1)able minimum for men of the firstrank. It will not do to rely upon amyth 'which seeks to beguile men byfine phrases and to exact of themsacrifices which they have no rightto make. Yale advances steadily,adding to a fine tradition newachievements in scholarship. Alma.Mater summons her sons ,to her aid',reminding them ·that not bulidingsand books and equipment make a un­iversity great, 'but that men of schol­arship. of imagination, of contagiousideals, and of kindling enthusiasmarc the true sources of institutiona ..leadership and power."�ryra Reed. '11, editor of :\IcCall's.magazine, g ivcs .sornc advice concern­ing the woman in mag-azine work inher article "Collccc "'omen in !\{ag­azinc Work." :\rrs, Reed 5ta tcs thatin picking- out a woman fOT a posi­tion. the applicant must have hadsorne experience in reading- proof,the poise to meet and handle people.and finally, a co llcgr education. Aperson in such a position must begood-tempered. have the ahility to Gives Scholarship Report.In the scholar ship report, amongthe results it was shown that thegrand average of the Three Quarte rsclub was less than C. that out oftwenty-five listed, seven were put onprobation, one warned and one dis­missed. :inel that the president andtreasurer were ineligible for frater­nity initiation.1.4 : ; ,� ... '. Up! At � .: _ .Itoes....P, " oW' .i,PIIJ'r.�"t,,'I'A ,r/('�'1!!""*t!'J-rR�!,,"'�¥,")h«!'l"'¢'f.j i.»'hU .. ».JjI{i1t>!.>,4J¥.;?)4!'SZ{ V4 .... ;Su;oocSsa;r:.Qf.ci .. .sUt· .'#'o,2!i!i ,;�.'?:�;:;c.:r;s?'!;.{·J>vl:x2f7QZ·i4i!dfo:' J ����:J'i�� �'�.. ,,' -��:;_. ',�:: ',-. r>: .. ".r� .: .�.r .,....i�' ;-:� :.:'.:�,;::- �- .. --:-"(-' .: - i ""'. ",. """:�' :. ',''. " '., .: ,.:,_ -/.. '.t.:'S,THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. MARCH 8, 1917.MISS MARY BARTELMELECTURES IN HARPERDeclares Lack of Proper Care,. En­vironment and Opportunity AreCauses of Delinquency.Lack of proper care, cuv ir onme ntand o ppo r tu nity wert: ascribed as' thechid �auscs of delinquency of g-irlsby �1 iss �l�ry Barte lme, assistant tothe judge of the iJu\'cnile court, inher lecture on "The Delinquent Girl"Tuesday afternoon in Harper."The chid work to be d o ne,' ac­cording to �riss Bar te lme, "must beas far as possible the r. 1110\'al of thecauses. The first effor t is not, as isusually believed. the commitment ofthe child to an institution, but theplacing of the �lrl first in a small clubwhere . she can assimilate some of thecustoms oi proper home life. beforeshe is sent to live in a private farn­ily."These private homes arc of twotypes, the 'working home'. and the'school home.' In the former' thegirl does domestic service for whichshe is paid three dollars or more a'week, but care is taken to see that thegirl will be given more interest andattention than is commonly accordedthe domestic servant. In the othertype of home the girl is allowed toattend school and do .her work afterschool hours. For the work she re­ceives a small salary also. that shemay feel that she is self-supporting."The girls must report to theirprobation officers and are found otherpositions if they are dissastisfied.'Statistics show that of two hundredand eighty-three girls who have beenplaced in private homes, one hundredand fourteen, besides buying theirown' clothing. have opened savingsaccounts. In some cases girls areplaced in institutions such as the.state training schools, detention'homes and private institutions."•VOLUMES ON HISTORYADDED TO 'NEW BOOKSECTION OF LIBRARYPEARCE WILL SPEAKTONIGHT IX HASKELLMr. William Clift' Pearce, field sec-'retary of the International SundaySchool association, will talk on "TheOpportunities of Inter-Denomination­al Leadership in Religious Education:'before the Religious Education club atits 1l1eetjn� tonight I at 8 in Haskell.A general discussion will follow thetalk. Prof. Theodore Gerald Soaresof the Divinity school, will gi'ie �report of the convention of the Re­ligiou� Education association, whichmet recently at Boston, Mass.Freshman Plan Dinner.o,The Freshman commiSSIon willmeet �fon<tay at 4:30 in Ida X oycs.�, 34 -g �ns for the League Friendship din-=: to: iteT will be discussed.� � ... �.� o"·Z"� � ·!:'·5... g �.�= .. � CJ I HOLD W. A. A. ELECTIONSTUESDAY IN IDA NOYESFlorence Fake Withdraws as . Candi��te-To Install Officers After .Game Next Friday.Annual elections will, be held Tues­day at 3:30 in the trophy room in IdaNoyes hall. Florence' Fake's' with-'drawal as candidate for secretary­treasure r has been accepted . by theAdvisory board, Installation of offi­cers will take ,place immediately fol­lowing the final basketball game IlextFriday. The list of 'nominees fol-Library -oiiicfs have placed on thenew book shelves two volumes onN OTway, printed in Norwegian andpublished' in Christiana, Norway.These two books are to' be placed inthe Rare Book room after they havebeen on the shelves for a time. They .are richly bound in green and gold.printed on expensive paper, and. con­tain many photographs andimaps.Another valuable purchase is the"Memoirs" of Saint-Simon. in twr n­ty-eight volumes. Of interest to His­tory' students is a twelve-volume setof "The Confederate �[ilitary His­tory." edited by Gen .. ' Clement A.Evans, of Georgia, which is now in -lows:the new book section in Harper. President=-Paalin- Callen,"The Life of John Marshall" by ex- garet Hayes, Florence Owens.Senator Albert J. Beveridge is among Vice-president-s-Esther Bel1e�, Har-the more recent publications on these riet Curry. 'Marian Glaser.shelves. Secretary-treasurer-Pauline Davis,Helen Driver.Recording secretary-e-Helr n 'Bren­neman, Viclet Fairchild, Barbara Mil­ler.At the election a constitutionalamendment is, to he voted upon. Tl'I1Samendment concerns a. change in theby-Jaws a.s follows: ."The Advisory rboard, upon rccorn­mcndation of the department of Phy­sical Education. shall award all em­l>1ems of honor to ·members and allprizes and trophies to the teams."To Take Picture Tomorrow.The Student Volunteer hand willmeet tomorrow at 10:10 at the East­ern entrance of !Haskell to have' apicturc 'taken 'for the C,ap and Gown.Returned missionaries are requestedto join in the picture. '., 1her vividly expressive pantomime, he.. ,Ihighly in�el1igent p.ointing -. ht.:� ,speeches, IS a comedienne to be rec;k-, �BY. CHARLES ,STERN. . oned with. .-Wilhur, j ennings .... 'Edward Douglas at a New York hotel minus funds. Miss �[ay Vokes, long addicted toG .W· bl' d E slavey roles 'in musical comedy. has in ...eorge rm e on . , dwin -Nicander Here she encounters four moneylessAnnabelle Leigh Lola Fisher friends of both sexes. Upon a .suffi- "Good Gracious; Annabelle" the best '.J ohn Rawson 'Walter Harnpdc n ciently plausible pretext Annabelle part of her carer r. As Lottie. an un-Ldttie �Iay' Vokes conceives the bright idea of hiring out der-cook given to unremitting pota-. I 'Strongly suspect that "Good Gra- herself and' ,her friends as servants in tion, she creates a good part of thecious, . Annabelle," Clare Kummer's the :home of, a Long Island millionaire. laughter in the piece, Her employer.new farce, which trailed into the Cart Here the fir-st act 'ends, the remainder George Wimbledon, a young idler,late last Sunday night, is better enter- of the ,play, 'having to' do with the at- who, like his menial, dwells in a state- tainrnent than �Ir. Belasco's "Toe tent ions paid to Annabelle b;r a high- of uninterrupted inebriety. is acted byBoomerang." This opinion, however, ly pecunious western miner, whom we Edwin Nicander, who gets a goodis heretical. Hence I shall' not avow immediately divine to be the lady's· deal of fun out of a rich part. Wai-tt, but invite you rather to attend a husband deprived of his hirsute adorn- 'ter Hampden, returned from the effec-performance and judge for yourself. ment, and with Annabelle's success- tual seclusion of the repertory com-To t1!,..-mind "Annabelle" is quite ful attempt to regain from her habit- panies, acts the redoubtable miningthe' best <?f the farces of which we 11 f ddl d 1 . h . husband with his huge voice Ikept in.• • ua y u . e emp oyer some s. aresof stock. which havc come mte his leash. His part offers less opportun-But-smoking one Murad is "what holdsyou. "And your first box of Murad "keeps youheld."!udge for yourself-compare MuradWIth any 25 Cent cigarette, .Murad-the T tirkish cigarette of 17 varietiesof pure T ur�h tobaccos.rcooo GRACIOUS" ANNABELLE!"have in recent years. been having anepidemic, It presumes an elastic ere;'dnlity on the part of its spectators;and' presumes r.ightly. I t is no causefor unrest that nothing' that comes topass in the course of the play coulnpossibly nav·e come to pass withoutMiss Kummer's fiat, The author uses,her dramatic license with skill. tyingthe farcical knot tightly fOT two actsand a half and, untying it with greatdeftness in the last few minutes of thepiece. .Thc situations in which thecharacters find themselvcs, and thelincs w.hieh they utter' in those situa­,tions are 'blithely unamenable to lawsother than those of �liss Kummer's possession.This hasty summa" can suggest toyou neither the fresl1ness with whichthe incidents are conceived and han­dled, nor the verve and originality ofthe fun. Like all farces "Good Gra­cious, Annabelle" is a play of situa­tion, hut unlike most. this one has anabundance of witty lines runningsteadily from curtain to curtain.Moreover. differing from most Arne r:,.iean farces, :\t any rate, the humor of"Annahelle" i, dependent neither up­on heeLs nor hedrooms ..The cast fits into the play with asmuch distinction as that of "TheBoomerang" fits into that ,piece. MissLola Fisher, whom a few of us re­memhe� as the tcaiful �heroine of the.s-hort-lived "Rio Grande," is the AIfI­nahel1e 'of the title, playing that lit­eral�ind('d young person with a de­lightful !C11Se of come.dy values. MissFisher is good to look at, and withfacile imagination.Annabelle is a young worn;>:; ;Y;:lOse.�ustenance is provided by the hus­band from whom she fled immediatelyafter her marriage, w'h.ich event oc­curred .under duress, the bride havingbeen kidnapped by a shaggy miner.,When the play opens she is stranded ity to it'S player than almost' any otherin the play,. hut �Ir. Hampden alwaysacts interestingly. • Edward Douglasas a ncedy but natty vers librist per­forms with much delicacy.The play is attractively mounted byRobert Edmond Jones. w.l'Ose_ threesets are as cooly refreshing as arethe lines of the piece.Robertson to Go East.Associate Prof. Da\'icJ Allan Roh­erts·nn, sccretary to President Judson,will visit Xcw York and Washin�ton,D. c., during his vacation, which he­gan th.is wcekGlee Club to Sing Tonight.The University of Chicago Glt'edub will sing tonight at 8:15 at theUnion League club.. A dance willfollow the program., -=IntBeRucoltoag:�(ofrobydalocorfo:tillIe-, .sadela:s�- hiw;ellpc:�nsiVhe1.4tllscS'Cl�t:ttI