'e[�!\f." f ..... \.f" '}'. , ,', VoL XV. No. 100. Price 5 CentSW. A. A. TO PRESENTSEVENTH ANNUAL"FOLLIES" TONIGHTFour Ads Included In ProgramTo Be Presented By WomenIn MandelFEATURE "THE SOLDIER MAN"Theo Griffith Stages "The Little Re­view"-Performance Will CloseWith Grand "Carnival."The Campus Follies, the seventhbiennial vaudeville production of theW. A. A., will be presented tonightat 8:15 in Mandel. The program iscomposed of Ifour .acts-"The LittleReview," "La Revuette," "The SoldierMan:' and "Carnival.""The Soldier Man," a sketch writ­ten by Elizabeth Brown, is to be thefeature act. The story is of an elo.pe­ment, .the plans of which are frus­trated by the discovery of the factthat the lover is the man of mother'schoice.The cast follows:v ; Jane •.•.....••... Elizabeth GrimsleyNatalie ...•............• Ruth MountGloria ..............• Marion PalmerM�s. Argyle Katherine FrostThe Soldier ....•...... Pauline Callen.Dinner guests and Red Cross choru.sIncidental dances-Spanish .. Elizabeth MacClintockand Bernice HogueChinese ••.....•....• Margaret CookIrfsh ••............ Mildred ·GordonHawaiian .••.... Marjorie MahurinSongs-"I Want to be a Red Cross Nurse,"Gloria and chorus"Come Away to Hawaii," The Sol­dier and GloriaFinale' -<iloria."Will Have Curtain Raiser ..The following numbers will be pre­sented in "The Little Review," whichhas been arranged by Theo Griffithas the "curtain raiser."Ukulele chorus Hawaiian songsSolo Dorothy BoydenDance .. Katherine Llewellyn andFlorence Lamb.Song, "I Cannot-Linger Longer" ..· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lois HostetterSong, "Old Man Noah,"- _.Theo Griffith, ,.-Dorothy LaTdner,.Lois Hostetter and chorusUkulele chorusUnique duet .Theo Griffith and Dorothy LardnerSong, "If I Were the 'Only Girl in the, World" .... Theo Griffith and chorusWashington Proma la Lindsay ....· . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :Marion LlewellynLittle Jiggers from Alabarn .....•..Dorothy Hough a,nd Helen Thomp­sonFinale .· . Ukulele and College Girl chorusesElizabeth Bell To Appear.Elizabeth Dyer Bell will he assist­t·d by Ethel Bishop in "La Revuctte,"(Continued on page 2);,\�,IHold Informal For Women.An informal dance for women, theJast of the quarter, will be held Tues­day from 3:30 to 5:30 in the IdaNoyes assembly room. Frappe wi11he served. Mildred Gordon is in• Icharge of refreshments, and BarbaraMiller of dancing. James Hemphillwill pla� the piano.Spanish Club to �Ieet.The Spanish club will meet Mon­day at ":30 in Ida Noyes._/. ,at I •aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FltIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917.WILL HOLD ANNUALFACULTY DINNER INHUTCHINSON TONIGHTReception At 5 :30 In ReynoldsCub To Precede FunctionIn Commons. •TO HOLD CAMPAIGN FORAMBULANCE IN FRANCEHanisch is Chairman of CommitteeWhich Will Start Work Tuesday­Other Universities Send Cars andMen to Europe.A campaign to raise funds for anambulance for the Aaneriean Fieldservice in France will be started onthe campus Tuesday. The campaignwill be managed by Arthur Hanisch,who will act as general chairman. As­sociate Prof. Robertson, Prof. Good­speed, Paul Harper, Mr. Bickham,William Templeton, Roy Munger, Ag­nes Hall, Marjorie Coonley, Jo­seph Coleman, and William Hun­ter are backing the plan, accordingto the chairman.Subscription blanks will t>e dis­tributed among the workers Tuesday.It is expected that $1600 wi11 be rais­ed, this being the cost .of the car.equipment and tnaintenance for aperiod of one year.More than one hundred and twen­ty-fhre men of Harvard have left forFranee to serve in the AmbulanceField service. It is said -thatLeland Stanford, Jr.,. recentlysent a contingent of twentymen with twenty cars. The moneyfor the cars was raised by the stu­dents and faculty. Dartmouth, Yale,Princton, Pennsylvania;. Michigan, andsecondary schools have sent cars andmen. It'1s reported that a movementis in progress at the University ofWisconsin to raise money for twentycars. Similar steps are being takenat Minnesota and Michigan.Yel10w Jacket Gives Party.-.Yellow Jacket will give its first par­ty Monday from '3:45 to 6 in the IdaNoyes reception rooms. AU mem­bers have been invited to be present.Blue Bottle Holds Dance.BIlle Bottle has invited all of it�members to an informal dance whichwill be held Monday from 3 :30 to5:30 in Green hall.WEATJ!ER FORECAST.Fair. Not much change in tem­perature, Moderate variable winds.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETIN.Today.Divinity chapel, 10:10, HaskellIf.!norah picture, 10:10, 'Haskell,German Conversation club, 4, Noyes.Woman's' Glee Club, 4:30, Belfield159.Divinity council,. 4:30, Baskel1.Faculty- dinner, 6, Hutchinson.International and Cosmopolitandubs, 7:15, Kent 20.Swimming meet, Chicago ·VB. Wis·consin. 8, Bartlett.Campus Follies, 8:15, Mandel.Tomo�.Mp.etings of the University rulingbodies:Board of Admissions, 9, Harper Et 1.Board of Student Organizations.Publications and Exhibitions, 10, Har­per En.Boards of the Junior and Seniorcolleges. 11, Harper En.University Senate, 1�, Harper as·sembly.Basketball, Chicago VB. Wisconsin,8, Bartlett. ASQUITH RESEMBLESWILSON, IS OPINIONOF LONDON SPEAKERMr. S. K. Ratcliffe DiscussesProminent English Men Be­fore University Forum.LAUDS LLOYD GEORGE'S WORKSays Present Prime Minister HasBrought About Political RevolutionWith Govenuilent Reforms.People in England have been par­ticularly interested in the writingsand public utterances of WoodrowWilson, because he resembles formerPrime Minister Asquith, according to!\Ir. S. K. Ratcliffe, of London, Eng­land, lecturer in the University ofLondon, who spoke on "Men of theHour in England, Their Personalities·and Aims," before a public meetingheld under the auspices of the Uni­versity Forum yesterday at 4:30 inMandel."Asquith, like Wilson, has a won­derful power of speech," declared Mr.Ratcliffe. "He is an orator of greatdignity. He has great power of com.pression, brevity and condensation inall nis public utterances which re­mind us strangely of your presidentLike Wilson, too, he has been care­continually criticised him, because hebelieved in a "watch and see" policy.This "watch and see" policy remindsus also 'of -the policy of Wilson, pop­ularly called "watchful waiting."Asquith is Foremost man."AsquitJ:l I should say, is one ofthe foremost men of the world today.Of course, he is aging. Now he is'sixty-four, and his age was one ofthe reasons, very probably, why hewas defeated by !Joyd George lastDecember, During his entire careeras Prime Minister, Asquith was ableto control Parliament. He continu­ally held the House of Commons inthe palm of his hand. As an ora­tor, Asquith has never been emo­tional, or picturesque. He has con­tinually been able \00 express themiddle mind of England, the mindof the people who really do the think­ing in England.."Throughout his, career as PrimeMinister, Asquith has been able towithstand all the criticiSm of his an-.tagonists. He has been able to guid€'the interests of the liberal partythrough innumerable: crises. It waaonly a combination of extraordinarycircumstances which defeated him lastDecember.• Formed Coalition Cabinet.It was in May, 1915, nine monthsafter the outbreak of the war, thatAsquith was .. forced to abandon hisLiberal Cabinet, and organize a Cabi­net on a totally new basis. What heformed . was a coalition cabinet, madeup of the leaders of the three par­ties, Liberal, Conservative and La­bor. Events proved yery stron�y!that while theoretically a. coalitiongovernment, in place of a party gov­ernment, should receive the backingof the entire country, practically, itdid not work 'at all. Wherever in­terests, or party principles appeared,trouble arose. This fact should beor great interest to you people herein America, for it is a pretty well(Continued on page 3) WILL ELECT REYNOLDSCLUB OFFICERS TODAYPolls to Open at 9 and Close at 5-N ewman Selects Hours DuringWhich Election Commissioners WillOfficiate.tOfficers of the Reynolds club fo�. the coming year will be chosen today.The po1ls will open at 9, and closeat 5. The club membership for thisquarter is 710 men. This exceeds theenrollment of last quarter by ninetyand far surpasses the membership ofany previous quarter.The polls will be in complete chargeof an election commission appointedby the executive council. BernardNewman, chairman of the commis­sion, has selected the following .mem­bers to officiate at the polls at thehours designated. Chairs and tablesin the periodical room will be remov­ed and booths installed. No loiteringwi1l be allowed at 1!te club from 9to 5.N arne Hours of Commissioner&., (The men and the hours in whichthey will officiate are:9:00-10:45-Ha1l Jeschke, JohnSlifer.10:45-11:45--Ha,1l Jeschke, Robert,Willett.11:45-12:45 - Bernard Newman,William Boal.12:45-1:3O---t-Arthur Hanisch. RobertWillett.1:30-2:30-Arbhur Hanisch, RobertWillett.2:30-3:30-Bernard Newman, Wil­liam Boal.The naime of the candidat;es willappear on the ballot in the fo1lowingorder:President--Hans Norgren.Vice-p�eDt-Otto Teichgraeber,Arthur Colwell.Secretary-William Henry, WilliamWhyte.Treasurer-John Banister,- JohnSeerley, Joseph Day.Librarian-William Bausch, ThomasGentles, Andrew Sullivan.WILL PRESENT PUPPETPLAY OF DR. FAUSTUSA puppet play of "Dr. lJohannesFaustus" will be given this afternoonat 4 in -the Ida Noyes assembly hallunder the auspices of the Gennanconversation club. The play followsclosely the Marlowe dramatization ofthe Faust legends. The' whole per­formance will be given in German bymembers of the club. All membersof the club interested in the play havebeen invited to attend.·MENORAH MEMBERSTO POSE FOR CAPAND GOWN TODAYEvery member of the Menorah so­.ciety will be eligible for the pictureto be taken for the Cap and Gownthis morning at 10:10 in front of Has­kell. T. B. iLipson, of the Chicago bar,wilJ address a meeting of the organiza­tion Wednesday night at i:30 in IdaXoyc. s.Hold �femorial Services.Vesper services in the memory ofMargaret Green will be held Sundaynight in the Ida Noyes assemb­ly room. Julia Rickets who will. be in charge, will read some p0-ems, composed by �J iss Green, andLois Hostetter will sing. All mem­bers of the University have been in­vited to attend. PRESIDENT JUDSON TO SPEAKProf. McLaughlin Will Deliver Ad­dress-Chorus From Campus Fol­lies Will Present Selections.Final preparations have been com­pleted for the annual Faculty dinnerfor members of the faculty and stu­dents tonight at 6 in Hutchinson com­mons. The dinner will be preceded bya. reception a. t 5:30 1n the Reynoldsclub, at which the guests will be di­vided according to their departments.The general heads under which thedepartments will be grouped are So­cial Sciences, Foreign 'Languages, Nat­ural Sciences, English, History, Ge-.ology and Geography and Graduate.Colored badges will distinguish mem­bers of rhe various divisions.Arrange Special Prt.graJD.Following the dinne-; PresidentHarry Pratt Judson will give an ad­dress greeting the guesi s, and Prof.Andrew McLaughlin, head of the His­'tory department, will speak, A featureof. the entertainment will be, selectionsby a chorus from the Campus Follies,presesnted between courses at the din­ner. The chorus will have a Ukuleleaccompaniment, and will be led byDorothy Boyden.··We are very anxious to have aslarger an attendance as possible," saidGeneral Chairman Helen Adams yes­terday. "This i.s really the only op-'portunity that is planned especiallyfor the informal meeting' of fa.eultyand students. It is designed partic­ularly to aid members of the same de-'partments in becoming acquainted,The ticket sale so far has not been aslarge as we had hoped and I wish tourge everyone to buy his ticketprom.;>11y in order that the necessaryreservations may be made."Sell Tickets Today.Tickets, which are 'fifty cents. maybe obtained from members of the tick­et committee, and will be on sale to­day' at 10:10 in Cobb. The Order ofthe Iron Mask is in charge of the sale.Helen Adams, general chairman ofthe office, is being assisted by the fol­lowing committees:Reception-Arthur Hanisch, chair­man; Norman HaTt, Buell Patterson,Joseph Levin, Jerome Fisher, FrancisTownley, Dunlap Clark, Mac BrayerSell er.s , Robert Dunlap, CatherineChamberlain, Miriam Libby, �larjorieCoonley, Lucy Williams, Ruth Sheehy,Josephine Starr, Pauline Levi, Mar-garet Lauder. 'Entertainment-:\fargaret MacDon­ald and Mr. �forgan.Decoration-Eloise Smith, chair­man: Rosemary Carr, Lillian Rich­ards, Gertrude :'\Iako",:-.ki, FrankBreckenridge.Publicity-Stanley Roth. chairman::\Tary Lois Brown, Eva Richolson, Lil­lian Richards, Agnes �rurray, HedwigSteiglitz, William Boal, Adam Paku­loz, Moffatt Elton, Henry Chatroop.Edwin Moritz. .';t/Volunteer Band to Meet.:Mr. II. F. Gilbert, of the Congo.will talk at the meeting of the Stu­de�t Volunteer 'band Monday nightat i in Lexington 14.#. "�'"'' ,'¥ _ ... \t ........ -l'RB DAlLY MAROON. ,FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1917.IlJr lailg _arDOltTke �tlld.nt S."Sltaller of The Uol,. .. lt7of Clll!'aCo. 'Pub ltshed mornlnp. �x(.�l't Suoda7 andWODtlllr. <iul'lll;': the Aut uuiu, \\'Iut�r aut!�I,rln. quarter-s h� Tilt" Vaily l.Iarooueouipa nj'.News Department.A. A. Baer _......... EditorC. C. Greene : Night EditorS. S. Bushnell Day EdittorB. E. Newman Athletics EditorW. S. Bender Asst. Athletics EditorV. K. Edwardsen Women's EditorBusiness Department.1". C. Maxwell Manager• Eutt"rell 1I� SI;"'OIlt) t'IIl�� ma] l at t he Cht­.,�. l·"toalc�. Cblca;.:o, 11111101", Mareb 1::..�, nnder .\("t of M:'Ir('h �. 11'7:tSubscription Rar es,BT Carr lor, $�.:o(l :1 r en r : $1 a 'I'!:,rtt·r.B;- lil!\", $3 • 1ur: �l.�:; a quarter.P:.lltorlai ROOUl!'; ...•..••..••..•..•. Ellis l�Tt:'I"l'tlOl1l' �1i,1\.-�� �(,O. !'()(":'II IG::Buslllrs!' orn,"e 1-:1110. aTt'lellhou,. Bi:td.;!'toIlP :!:i91FRIDA Y, MARCH 2. 1917.FOR A NEW ELECTION..' �. �:.. rf�l:', " At the recent election oi m e mb e r sni the L7nJcr�r:lduate council and theHonor commission, severai irrvzular­it ie s occurred in the ballo:in� machin­ery which deserve the serious atten�tion and consideration on the part o r• 1 t' ltv mcmhers.the student- ant acu- 'It weThe facts in the case arc no1 .It . -much a.,;; t reknown genera y, mas• dr radua,e coun-members of the l'n t r� .. felt•> .: 1 the electIon.ci! who superv 15C( r"ther• ra\'atc .,that publicity would agg-. . n Hut'. , tab-Ie 51:U:1tlO',than :11I1 the 1.'J11e.n d in the rl-many of those tnterest1e t there \\'as. know .. t la. �u-cent C:ll11palg'fl . the lrre.- I Inllot-ho:x. . thestllff11l!! o: � ". � thCl115eh,es IIIItlarities exlllb:ttn� la -s candid:1;es;ltf111of JunIor c :'l'f the (loti -ecount . hat e\'en 10 ch:tf)1!_SO l1ap,pcncd t nted. f). 1'.;;1' 011 en coll hc 1-battots ha'd)C lted in t... not inh resu . dOL!> ,·ewould ave but this. or lc�elected. (fair, 1<1 a11-pl'rf'ons . lise the ato hO ter5tHe least e:"ef failure thC vads or .;; toany groUIl. 'n fairncs- � tion1 tIOn I cleeother e eC didateS. a nC\OV" flted toand thc can sking- for presc t�rflcdl. 'on a as ut . �� petl11 la'S ,,, '1 I) hfl1c,, 'or C ncl' tCC tl1ein the Junl .,dt!ate coll .;Ofl1C atittS' 11i:;d r�r·· 11' rC tthe lIn CI at hod�' � flOt tIf bY sitt1-down by t 1 councI11S j1.1st t!'le �fld. The I' lateS tIl' CC, ldpomt. d c;!fl( I( elc;!r ..:cic(l ,}10� r\'oterS an ordcr to. cOfl jOfl J�It11�. fl. J fl "one 5 1cct .. c tltlS,actio e,·er. \",' e t!' C5 �et'on case II a f1C'(I ftlS.f t�a I, a' ts 1• rt 11"t f3-jr to ..,JiatC ell. ll-aC . 11 fll � Co1.111 J11he held 11'f the fer�nd 1 tei'class.' 5110Uthe facultYactioo. MAROONS SEEK SECONDVICTORY OVER BADGERSLarge Following of Rooters Will Ac­'company Wisconsin Team To Chi­cago For Contest Tomorrow NightIn Bartlett Gymnasium.The �Iaroon basketba ll squad willattempt to make it two straight overt lie B�l(lg-er live w he n the two teamsmeet t o mor ro w nig h t in Bartlett. Th'i-,feat has not been acco mplixhed by aL'hil'ago ha sk ct ha ll team for a goodnianv Years. but Coach Page's menfigure they have the chance of a lifetime tomorrow night. Before the firstg-ame, t hey were no: e ve n �onsidereuto have a chance. and the same situa­tion is true f or tomorrow night. but'he nla vvr s have t lia t tirst victor y we l l.ill m ind a nd arc r ca d y to f o llow upt heir advaut.rce ior a v ict or y in :hcri na l g-alllc (,i the seas o n.The Badgers will be accompa nie dhy a large Iol lo winu oi r oot er s fromXl a dis o n who wil l ht• aug m e ntcd hytill' local aluml1i� 1 t is the first ap­pearance 01 a \\'iscol1sin .s qua d in Chi­ca�o this Sl'a�l111 and the alumni asso­ciation has scheduled a luncheon to­morrow 110011 which will DC followed[Jy a theater par ty, The pr a ise s of theBadger school will !..>C �c1I1� at a din­ner in the e vcn in g and according t(the annnnncc mc nt s sent out hy the as­socia t ion. "Chic:lgO will t hcu ' bel 'ac e d." •Varsity Will Not Concede.It i:-- admitted hy t h e Xl aroo n io!low­cr s that the Cardinal rooter . .; have ane x ccl lc nt program for the af tcr no onhut they arc not willing to concedethat the evening exercises can be car­ried through without any hitches .As it ha- lined up in the last iewga rues. Coach .M can well' � squad hasbeen a iorruidab le outfit. Chandler.:\Ieyel's and Olsen are the main cogsill the machine al1(l they arc mightyhard men to stop. T'h ey possess thcideal comhination of speed and wc ic h tand dll�y arc working the �hort pa�s­il:g. game like \\'isconsin teams oi thepa'st� However, with Rothermel ane!Captain Townley putting- up theirtl!'ual superb dcfen�c. the o.fTensi,·estr�ngth oi the Badgers ca�1 he dis­CC'tlllted, ii the :\farooll forwards dotheir ,share.Hold Cheerleader Tryouts.The finals in the comp'c�ition iorhead and assistant chcerleader will heI:clcl elurin� the game. :\Iilton Coulterhas been appointed to handle the con­test for the UIHler�raduatc council:lIlcl he will receive 110mination� up togame time. He has announced that anew candida�e will rccei"e the samel'onsieleration as those who have rc­.ported I at )lreyious �al11es. The ap­pointmcnt oi the leaders for next year":ill he made next week:Black Bonnet Meets Monday.:Vembers of Elack Bonnet will meet:\!nnday :1t 10:10 in Lcxin�ton l·tw. A. A. TO PRESENTSEVENTH ANNUAL'·FOLLIESn TONIGHT(C011tinllCd from pa,qc 1)the second llul11her on t�le pro�ram.The l'Ilaracter of this act i . .; unknown."The CarnivaJ." \\"hicll c! ,�('s the;'('rio�Tl1:tncc, consi:-ts oi dan.:e .. hy tll ... ·Domino. Little l!uttertly a11el :\! oc\l'rnButterfly Choruses. The jcatlire 0:'thi .. ac: will hc a "ierrot and I':l'r­:-l'tte da:1(,c. which 1\ ill hl' l'l'"c:-clltcdhy J)ornthy :\lll1�cl1 anc! I.Mett,L111I11.!l.hrgaret Monroe Is Chairman.::argarrt \!()�r(J('. a-' c:. 11::-;L} .-11:li:--11::'11. iia . .; :�arl ... h:tr�'t' oj th(' l;c:-;",,;-:l>i ;:l:U·. I)"rnth� \1 ll1t.-:1 i-. 'I:t:..�l' 1,1;1::-:'�'C:-. :\::':-�ar("t \iacl)ol1:lir! l!:l:-:11"�' I1'1:111:1:_:er, ! 11(,y \\·ili::lil1' Ch;l;�111al1 ' .-miltec. FIVE TEAMS TO FIGHTFOR PREMIER HONORSChicago, Illinois. Michigan. IowaState and Notre Dame are Favoritesin Relay Races Tomorrow at Ur­bana.Chicag-o, I lliuo i-, �I ichig an, Iowaan d Xotr e Dame will fig ht it out forfirst honors tomorrow at Urbana inthe annual Illinois relay games andindoor .meet, Coach Stagg has a fleetsquad of middle distance runners whobid fai;' to capture the one mile re­lay, and with a fiir chance at thetwo and four mile contests. The Ma­roon quartet in the mile composedof Clark, Feuerstein, Curtiss and Dis­mond is probably the fastest collegi­ate- team in the West and should du­plicate their performance of last Sat­urday when they clipped one and one­fifth seconds off the Central A. A.U. record of 3: 28 1-5.The four mile team which showedits heels to Purdue in the SecondRegiment meet has been shattered bythe loss of Snyder; the diminutivemiler, who is laid up with a lamefoot. Otis, another member of theteam has been suffering with a pairof bad legs and may not be able todo his best. For the four mile relayStagg will select three men fromSwett, Jones, Otis, Angier and Pow­ers to run with Tenney, who has beenrunninz strongly..Michigan Has Strong Team.The two mile squad will probablybe composed of Clark, Jones, Tenney,and one of the following, Angier,Otis, Greene and. Hinkamp. TheMichigan team, composed of CaptainCarroll, Sedgwick. Bouma and Foxappear- the favorites in this event,although Notre Dame, Purdue and TI­linois are expected to have strongteams. The four mile race looks likea fight between Chicago, Iowa Stateand Purdue.\Hthigan will be represented withsixteen men who, in view of their ViC-Itory over Notre Dame and their ticwith th� Syracuse speeders, shoulc�.make the' Conference teams step ifany of the Big Nine are to take firsthonors. In Captain Carroll, CoachFarr�ll has one of the fastest milers. in the West. Cross has been tossingthe shot 46 feet which in the probableabsenc� of �lueks, of Wisconsin.should win first place. Simmons andHaigh will compete for the Blue aridthe Maize in the high jump, Kesslerin the pole vault, and O'Bric:n andScofiel-l in the 75-yard dash.)Iany Enter in Dash. The WindsorModelA straight last boot Good in a"p. h'"IDC s :Plac e W A L KOVERS In"pinch" and anytheywill "deliver thegoods"-that's whythey are the choiceof" live" collegemen and women­they come" through"wit hall req urre­ments of up-to-the­minute s t yl e andhard service. ,.RGAE.•IT<iayeerOr$1pa(01with character in everyline.' Made in Blackand Russia Calf leathers.SEE OUR WINDOWSYou'll be glad you did$5 to $10Walk-Over Shoe Store1 Walk - Over Shoes for the 4.'College "Lad" and "Lassie"131 South State StreetI GREATEST BARGAINS IN HISTORY OF ,TYPEWRITERSUndcrwoods $30 to $50Oliver:; 25 to 45L. C. Smith 27 to 40Rcmingtons 15.50 to 65Smith-Premiers 16.50 to 45and other makes $10 and u;>. Ex­pert repairing and rebuilding. Ev­I!ry machine in pcricct conditionand guaranteed two years. \Vesell to students on casy payments.Write ior our liberal free trial oi­fer and cut-rate prices. ...EAD.R:F(�\ , ."'.�,I �tl �1 lf �1:FrCIAll Makes Typewriter Co •• 162 N. Dearborn St .• Phone Cent. 6035Fisher, capt.ain of the Maroons, wi11The �cor(' c1\lh 11:1" nfTeiclI it� :I".attcrn;1t to capture the all-arour.d. ;"t:lflCC ane! \\":11 :-('11 t:ckcts toch:: 'event. Fisher is doin� six feet con­;·;lljlJ 11 :--l.� to f) and aiter t;'e F:lclIllydin11er at thc hn:'\ office in Hl1lchin- !';i:;ten�ly in the hi�h jump and can"on c()rridor. Tickets m�y k 011- vault t.welve _feet. The Maroon cap-':Iinerl also during' the ('ha.;)el pcrioe! t�in i� a J!'ood an-around ,man in theill Cohh. d��he5, hurdles, weights and halfThe dash will see some of the fast-et sprinters in the country in. ac ..tion. Smith, o� Wisconsin, who wonthe outdoor <Anference last year, IBergman, the Notre Dame whirlwindwho has twice defeated J 0 Loomis. to be contenders. The meet will seeBarker and BrighUnire, of Northwest .. Iern a:1d Ballentine and Kelly, of Min­nesota, are all entered in this event. IChicago is unusually weak in the dash ..es an� hurdles with Feuerstein the Iohiy possibiEty· in the fonner and IIVan Kirk in the latter.Granam, crack pole vaulter, a1- l'thoug-h not yet in form because 0:the operation on his knee, should �n-lln�x a first for Chicago, Kessner of:\ti�hig-an, Edgren, of Notre Dame, iWilkiJl. of Ames, prob�hly \\":11 nfll· I The Fre::�lman class will give a teado better than eleven feet and six ! Sunday from 4 to 6 at the Chi Ps:inches while the Maroon marvel ha$ I House, :)735 University avenue.rlearcll the hal' at twelve fect an(:· 1ten inches, Graham will also be C'n- I . _. • _:(·rcd in the broad jump. Higgin� i: II' Special Price to Studentsis :11mcst certa;n to place in the shot•. •1 . t.' I �ow is the time to have yourput since, he has Icen putt1J1g' n:> I ! I �(';:lD treateci if you have dan·".e' pr�F�:tll1 l""�111l1iltt'('. and H1it�l! reli(?�, (jround 42 feet.�hn'hy cjlairl1l�:l oj th,.' I,uhiici:y C01l1- Fisher Has Good Chanc�. ! drult or falling hair. 'Ve giveonly .�ermicidal treatment.!'>�.\rr.ination or advice given frc('whether or not you contemplatemile. :\Iinnesota has two likely can­didates for this honor in .Murray andMoersi1. Bachman of Notre Dame andDinart of Northwestern are likelythe best track athletes of the Westin action and a close fight for firstplace :s bound to result.Pr'!ss Issues Journal.T!w January numher of thc Astro ..Jlhy�i('al Journal was issued by thel·ni1;· . .:rsity . Press �·esterclay.Freshmen Give Tea.otrice or home treatment.Lockwood Parlors1438 E. 57th St. Phone H. p. 6772 .:=======---=�. -. _.The CIGARE1"'fE jA Wonderful Blend That WillPlease You20 for 20c·ASK VOUR DEhLERGINITA CIGARSPRIVATE DANCING LESSONSby nppointment a quick and eac;ymethod of learning the dances oftoday.MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOT1541 E. 57th Street .1,\ j\ "I ''r }" Sa, -• c: '''1' "�--"t.;vr�"�"""�"'''r.-I:!':'.'''"V''� '.""""";, . •0" '".�."'\. � , .. -.�.- --� ....THE DAILY M�OON: .FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917.Worthyto$1 the pound atVAN Do BOGERT &. HOSSEast 51st S1. and Lake Park Ave.R.M.GRAY1340 East 55th StroetGLENN BROTHERS1145 East 63rd StreotAMPHLETT BROTHERS6300 Stony Island Avenue ISp_urwooaJUSt. out!.:t.Teachers Wanted., Boards are electing teachers- everyday for next year. If you are notyet located register, �t once. We cov­er all the Central and Western States;Only 3 1-2 per cent commission,­$1.00 registration fee. Commissionpayable in fall of year. Write todayCor blanks.1 'Teachers Employment Bureau.. E. I. DEUER. MalUlKer228 Cedar Rapid._ Sari.,. �:aDk B.iJdiD,CEDAR RAPIDS. IOWA_ .BILLIARDSADELIGHTFUL 'Iy�����a.RECREATIO�FOR THE�'\ , ."TUDEXTCIGARS, CIGARETTES &TOBACCOS.�, Special rates for club smokersFRED FRANKELJ .202 East Fi fty- Fi fth StreetJust East or-WoodlawnI �:J UNIVERSITY HAIRDRESSINGI PARLOR1309 E. 57th� �lanicurin�. S��aTllpOOilig. Facial ::'vlas­sagc. Toilet Preparatiol1.s. HairC;oo<ls �tadc to OrderFrance .. S:n:mon� Tel. H. P. 7904CIIICAGO THEATI�E ! Seats Now(Formerly American )Iusic Hall)nc�inning Wed. Xight. Feb. 28"T II E I� X I F E"By Bug-ene WaltersWith ORRIN JOHNSON. ,:ld LILLIAN ALBERTSONt.1,\ j\ IT, ,'1'" } WILLIAM HODGEIn FI XTXG �ISTERPRINCESSr�nc Centr:\l 8240�t1lrday Matinee B4est Se.ats $1.50 Phthisis, 7 ea Leaves and Vivisection---By Charles Stern."The Knife," a modern play by Eu- "work': he has yet to perform to bene­gene Walter presented at ,th� Chicago fit suffering mankind.Theatre. The cast: At this suggestion, Dr. ManninnKate Tarleton __ Miss Lillian Albertson pricks up his ears. Why kill theseDr. Robert Manning _ __ two human beings '! Why not vis.t.... __ __ Mr. Orrin Johnson a juster retribution upon them byA Negro Mammy : _..... using them as subjects of . scientific__ .. __ Miss Caroline Newcombe experiment, vivisection, inoculat�,Willlam Meredith............................ and what not, instead of lower ani-.. _ .. __ :\1 r. Lowell Sherman. mals ? This is exactly the o�por-. Dr. Louise Meredith........................ tunity he has been longing for. Yes,................... _);1 iss Beatrice' Beckley these two wretches must elxpiateGeor-re Scott, Jr �lr. Gordon' Burby their crime in his laboratory. TheJames Bristol. Mr. Cyrus Wood great "serum" upon which Dr. Man-ning is fervidly engaged will at lastbe perfected. (Hence, a thesis: WhyWednesday evening, when the cur-tain fell on the second act of Mr.Eugene Walter's latest drama, "The.Knife," a prodigious outburst of ap­plause filled the Chicago Theatre.�Iany times the curtain rose and fell.At last some fervid gentlemen in therear began to call "Author, author."But �Ir. Walter refused to acknow­ledge the plaudits of those assembled.:\Ir. Walter's ungracious attitudewas quite explicable. He wished tospare himself further humiliation atthe hands of an audience which hadtittered loudly during the most seri­ous mcments of his drama, a typicafirst-night audience blithely exercis­in� its prerogntive of specious ap-plause. .While �lr. Walter's aloof attitudewas explicable, the carefree attitude .of the audience toward the dramatist'searnest opus was equally so.' "The'Knife," I imagine, was� written be­fore. the author was old enough tovote. The crude mechanism of its. .building, the hysterical key in whichit is pitched, the' palpable strainingafter effects, and, above all, its deadly. "earnestness, and consequently equal."ly deadly unconscious humor, all pointto an early manuscript fished out ofMr. Walter's trunk, or to an unac­countable retrogression of his talent._The bizarre ingredients which makeup "'rhe Knife" are phthisis, tealeaves. and vivisection. The lastctwoare spoken of very freely throughoutthe play, but the first is always re�ferred to as a "terrible malady," "anawful disease," and so forth. WhenceI conclude -, that Mr. Walter. means'ccnsumption. The tea leaves of thepiece are manipulated by a "negromammy," who, observing them at theend of the prologue, assures the hero-ine that "something calamitous'; isgo:ng to happen to her (the heroine).The phthisis and the vivisection aremanipulated by Mr.' Orrin Johnson,who as Dr. Manning, is fiercely ex­perimenting with many vague serums,and cutting up many criminals with aview to ridding mankind of Mr. Wal­ter's naively nameless malady. Hav-\r.g in the prologue engaged himselfto marry the herOIne, Mr. Johnsoncomes upon the stage -in the_ first act.with many gasps, sniffles, snarls, andsnort. He stamps about, he clasps hisforehead, he pulls back his chill, hesets !lis teeth, he cienches his fists,hd weeps. In short he manifestseyery sign of ha�ing for a protractedperiod served in the movi�s. . Hisfriend, .a, business-like lawyer, wellplayed hy Mr. LOwell Sherman, amaz­ed at Mr. Johnson's b'Chavior, makes.investigation-of, his cause for grief.:'Ilr. Johnson's fiancee, .it transpires,is the motive. Having journeyed toNew York from her little Southernvillage, she has strangely disappear­e 1. The �ir!'s fondness for delvinginto the future hy means of tealeav�s, and !-10 forth enables the law­yer to trace her to the den of a fakeclairvoyant, where she is found ra­visheu, her memory a blank. The en­raged lover is about to kill the manand woman who are found in the placewhen his hand is stayed by 'a womandocto!', who reminds him of the �t waste perfectly good criminal [hu-:man beings upon prisons and gallows,when they might be utilized in the ... • Three d(::,; Ly canal bout but our 1105t provided everyrequisite, not ullliltilig t1 plenteous supply vj" Virginia cigarettes:'Y ou'Il find it pleasant to renew your acquaintance with"Richmond Straight Cuts:' You may have forgotten thequaint cham of their fine old .. bright" Virginia tobacco.There has been no change through all these years. Theyhave the scme delicate and appealing taste that has made themesteemed for. more than two generations.a (RnCHMOND SrlifAllGHT 0i (���gawe!!�)<c�� )PLAIN OR CORK TIPThese cigarettes eire also pack�d in attractive tins, 50 for40 cents; 100 for 75 cents. These brger 'packages wiIl._besent, postage prepaid, on receipt of p:1CC if vour dealer cannotsupply you. .' . .:.-",_ • I') :� .;_ RlCHMOND.'.IIRGINIA,USA.c..nuc7��,� �llifttItS llUtD!;II.suaw;II.., .You ana Your Frienas-'. anases, up until' last December, whenpopular sentiment began to feel thathe was getting too' old. Con­ditions on the .Western f'ront, and thefacts that peace. overtures were ru­mored, and a new submarine cam­paign threatened caused the peopleto want. a . change, and so LloydGeorge was elected�. I, "Lloyd . George ts ProminenL.. "Perhaps 'no man in' any countryhas 'been so much in the public eyein the- last . ten � years, as LloydGeorgc� As- an orator he h�s alwaysbeen able to stir up his audiences.He ,has a wonderful enthusiasm and·a picturesquness about his diction.Up to the time of the war he wasprobably the worst hated man inEngland, although he was universal­ly respected. In controversies he wasalways so caustic tfat he made morepeople hate him than perhaps anyother mil1ister. It is a strange factthat with the outbrcak of thc war,Lloyd Geor,l:re became the most popu­lar man in Eng-land. He has been.for some time hailed as the saviourof England."It is what he has done since tak­ing office, however, which is of suchsingular importanoo.. Veritably 'hehas brought about a political revolu'­tion in England. The movement whichcauae of science ? ) In the last act, afatal result in his experiments upon.the ,feninle criminal brings Dr. Man­ning- into collision with the district.MAROON .ADS8RING RESULTS attorney, who, upon being told ofthe circumstances of the case, decidesto wink at this somewhat novel prac­tice.This incomparably preposterousnar rat ive, which is material for anArgosy novelette, and not for adrama, )Ir. Walter spins out at �eatlength, and with ,iln ineptness of tech­nique which is nothing short of Iud i-crous -. A' futile prologue whose' omis.-sion would in no way disturb suchc�herence as the play possesses isprefixed to thc composition: There arcIong> stretches of dialogue in' whichthe' characters rehearse what theywill �ay to a third person, rind when'that third persons arrives, the dialogue.is duly repeated. Much of the playis �ivt:n over to tedious discussionsbearing upon the behavior of thespeakers in a� impending crisis. Theair fairly buzzes with plans for get- Itinr into and out of trouble,Miss Lillian Albertson, as the hero-ine, �i'les a good performance- of a ...difficult part. .Her bi� .opportunitycernes in the last act, when, her mem­ory restored by the S!g�t of one ofher captors, she wrenches f�om 'her­self the 'Story of her i: .dnapping" andShe beautifully suggestsher tlt:l'r blamelessness. her flamingshame, her instinctive. shrinking fromher, unalienated lover. Miss BeatriceBeckley, who acts a female doctorenjo+s the disr'nction of bearing thecrnjnzal relation t-: Mr. James K.Hackett. She abo enjoys the dis­'jnction of having acted at least asbadly as Mr. Hackett. Cyrus 'Woodis noisy as :t COWCi,;,(J!y dope fiend, aradW. A. Norton acts stiffly as tfie dis­.trlct a ttcrriey.Sigma» Give r.nefit Monday.A benefit for the Trade School atthe University settlement_ will _ begiven by the Sigma club Monday atthe Kimbark theater. Two perform­ances will be held, the first' at 2:15'and the second at 4. The program offilms will include the pictures taken .at the Quarter-Cen.tennial celebrationlast June. Admission -,vill be twenty-five cents.}o'reshman Commission Meets.The , Freshman· commIssIon willmeet Tuesday at 4:30 in Ida NoyesLeague room.ASQUITH REREMRLESWILSON. IS OPINION.OF LONDON SPEAI(ER(Continued from page 1)establi�hed fact that the Cabinetof the United States will try a coali-· Ition form, r:ither than a party fonn Iif eventualities arise."As(juith was able to withstand all Iadv�rs(' criticisms, struggles and eri.;: Yau tried it because We toldtJou how good. and deliciousit was.'But tJOUT friends began. drinlUn8 jtbecause'l)ou "told themhow good it wns. This is the end­less chain of enthusiasm that hasmade Coco-COla the beverage ofthe nation. .,'__ ." ,-\ .... ..A lAundry For Univeraity Men. And WomenAutomobile Serrlee Eve�hent . � '. :WeDarn Socks,Sew on Bpttons,and Do Men�ingFREE OF CHARGEMetrop�le Laundry1219 East 55th Streetrer- H�de Park 3190he has started is !i§0 great and !'wcep­ing; that even ndw the masscs canscarcely realize or comprehend it. Hehas created a new cabinet. and analtogether new cabinet system. Hith­erto, ;t has been the system in ourcountry to select the c.'1biet from thehe.ads of the various offices of stat(' .But now the cabinet consists of fivemen, and of these five, only one, thePrime Minister, has a portfolio. Theheads of the various departmcnts havenothing to do 'with' the cabin�t. Stu­dents ;n political science of America'should keep this fact in mind, andsh�uld be particularly interested inwatching the future workings of thisnew policy."Tim DAILY II.AltOON. �RlDAY, -M.AKCH 2, 1917.WILL START CAMPAIGNFOR SALE OF ANNUALS.Mana;ers Expect to Sen at LeastTwelve Hundred Copies-Set Dateof Publication for May 15.A subscription campaign for theCap and Gown will be � Tues­day and during the three weeks fol­lowing that date the managers hopeto sell at least twelve hundred an­nuals. Books of subscription blankswill be given out to students who de­sire to sell the annual. A commis­sion of ten cents will be paid foreach of the first twenty copies to besold by these agents. For every copyover twenty sold a 'commission of fif­teen cents \\;11 be allowed. This maybe exchanged for a copy of the an­nual of the agent desires it. Abonus of one dollar will be paid forevery thirty-five copies sold. Theagent selling the most copies of thebook will receive a cash prize of fivedollars.Subscriptions sold to seniors willnot count in this campaign, owing tothe fact that they have already madea part payment on the book. Studentsselling for the candidates for nextyear's positions will not be allowedthe fifteen cent commission givenfor sales over the irutial twenty. Ow­ing to the advance of manufacturingcosts and the uncertainties of publi­cation the management has decide,to order only enough books this yeat:to fill the advance' sales. For- thisreason, students desiring to own acopy of the book, seniors excepted,,must subscribe during the campaignto be begun next week. In order :thateveryone may have an. opportunity tosubscribe an effort will be made tointerview every member of the Uni­�rsity during the next three weeks.To Issue' Annual May 15.The Cap and Gown will be issuedon May 15 this year. This early pub- 'lication date has been decided on' toallow subscribers to call for theircopies some time previous to the closeof school in June. This was foundto be impossible in many cases lastyear because the book., appeared. atsuch a Iate date. The choice of ma­terial and workmanship 'has beenguaranteed to be of first-class order.The engraving work will be done byJrum and Ollier Co., a Chicago finn,and the printing and binding will bedone ,by the Castle Pierce Co., o..f.Oshkosh, Wis. The Daguerre s�dioof this city has handled the photogra-phic work of the book. �,�.ALPHA DELTA PHIBOWLER� WIN FROMDELTA SIGMA PHISPlay Final Match Of InterfraternityContest-Willett Rolls ,.HighScore of Tournament. .man for the series wilt receive a bowl­ing ball and bag as a prize.Chi Psi bowled the highest s ingle�ame of the series with a score 'of<)12. The hig h average for three �ames;.;oes to Phi Gamma Delta, whichbowled a match with the scores 861.828, and 851. Robert Willett bowledthe highest individual score,;258. Thewinner of the high individual average ,score has not been determined.Give Results of' Match.The scores of yesterday's match fol­low:Alpha Delta Phi.'Edmonds ............. 182 16i, 220Larkin ............... 106 142 186Bell ................ .. 157 157 136Tefft ................. ',146 197 140Strong •••••• eo ••••••• 139 131 156Team score ......... 730 794 838Delta Sigma Phi.Van Kirk ............ 147 116 124Schaller .............. 159 131 171Banks ................ 172 146 138Davis ................ '136 151 141Pick ................. 143 170 155Team score 757 714 729Alpha Delta Phi won the champion­ship -of the interfraternity howling man with a sweetcdisposition neededfor this part. C. and �.' student. pre-'contest yesterday by defeating DeltaSigma Phi by 162 pins. 'The total, ferred. Must''throw a cruel line andscore of t!le match was 2,362 to 2.200.The victory entitles A l.pha Delta Phito the banner offered annually by j heT nterfraternity council as_a prize tothe winning team. .An additional prize of a quarter'smembership to the Reynolds club isoffered by the cluh' to each man onthe team that wins the banner, Themen entitled to the membership areDennett Bell, Hobart Edmonds. Gar­rett Larkin, A l ircd Strong- ann LionelT efTt.Club Gives Many Prizes.Other prize- offered hy the Reyn­olds club arc a box of cicar s to theteam bowling the h ig hcs t sinclc score,and one to the te-am with the highaverage .. core for a match of threezame s. The club also oficr s a quar­ter�s membership to the man with thehighest individual score for one gameand to the rna nwith the hig-hcst av­erage in a match. The high average WHISTLE FRIARS GIVE PLAY. ''To Present·'He Lit A Camel" :MAROONS AND BADGERSIWILL COMPETE TONIGHTWill Hold Annual .Swimming Contestin Bartlett-Chicago Should HaTeLittle Difficulty in Winning SixFirsts.Chicago and Wisconsin swimmerswill meet tonight at 8 in Bartlebt, intheir annual clash, with the oddsgreatly favoring 'the Maroon nata­tors. Wisconsin was easy prey forChicago last season and indicationsshow that the Cardinals have improv­ed but very little, while Coach White'ssquad is nearly as good as last year's •Northwestern which stands out asChicago's chief rival for the Confer­ence championship, handed the Bad­gers a 44 to 15 defeat. In view ofthis un easy victory is practicallyassured for the Varsity. However,the loss of Rubinkam, expert fancydiver and Vaein, breast stroke mar­vel, has considerably weakened' �theMaroons in exactly the events inwhich the Badgers stack up strong­est. Coach White has been forced touse Crawford, an inexperienced man,in the dive and this event will prob­ably go to Elder, ell the visitors.'Wtih the exception of the fancydive and 200-yard breast stroke, theMa�ns should take first in everyevent. Bowers, a recruit from lastyear's freshman team, has been fill­ing the shoes of Vacin in creditablefashion since the 1086 of the latter but ,he can hardly hope to win fromSchmidt, Who has been covering thebreast stroke in 2 :53..The annual play of the Whistlefri- Chicago's relay team, composed ofars, 'the :Varsity dramatic team, will Crawford, Earle, Main, and Collinsbe held next quarter, probably .on a will have litUe difficulty annexingTwosday night, inasmuch as we ex- this event. Earle, who is one of thepect the audience to come in couples. foremost swimmers in the Confer­The title of the tender skit will be .ence, Can be counted upon to pile up"He Lit & Camel," by Omar ches-I ten points with first in the fortY andterfield and his wife, Fatima.. The �20-yard swim.characters are as follows: ===============1. PAT-A tyPical .romantic 'col- 'leg-ian with hatr � la Bratfish andnumber twelve shoes, Has a localline and cannot sing.. 2. ABE-A slouchy villain with aSigma Chi accent and street-cleaner's �uniform. Must be fast man on' hisfeet. A good-looking man not neededfor this part. No songs. Lots oftalk.3. DURHAM LINDAUER - AFin am. "" II-.. N. a6hw.tIMI. ... fer I .. tIaata ....... AIeta.lfIed. ...ert........ __ ...be ferocious at times. I ... id iaadnMe.7. FLUTE-PLA Y.ER_..;_Red beaded I. WANTED-A STUDENT TO HAM-man with-a peculiar appearance want-, dle quick selling' article. No eap-ed here, Must be heavy on his feet ital need�. Phone Hani�n .2227,and light on his bead. Dept. H, between 2 �n� 4 P. M.I Tryouts for these parts wiD be heldMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday at110:10 in the basement of Cobb, Camelparlors. Omar. Banister is in chargeI· of the production.=rr:Track Team. Please Note.I A. Hanisch covered two. hundred' WANTED-TEN COLLEGE MEN. for the coming summer. Must haveand twenty yards in sixteen flat the ability and a wil'lingness to work.I other night. With a little trainine $35 per week. Phone Wen .. 6395he should be able to beat any other after 6 P. M.I man in the country, with the excep­i lions of Eddie Cole and Cap Strong.II typical college boy with rakish hat,flannel shirt, sweater and Iong' cig­arette holder, Must be noisy andeareless in his chatter. Two songs, ifthe' audience will stand for the sec­ond.4. ENGUSHMAN-A manager ofa club, Good friend of Durham- anda good athlete,5. GlMME CAMEL-The hero. Awell-known. leooer in the east. Ispresident of his class, and has largefeet. A mediocre sort of a chap, whoseems to get by somehow or .othm-.6. PROF. BARiIED-':;A bald hea"dec1SEND FLOWERS EARLY.Corporal Murray, the specimenwho makes up The Maroon everynight, has been sentenced to be hung tomorrow afternoon by the grandjury. The- sentence is the result ofhis murder of the front page yester­day morning..a;From the U. High Daily Proofs."Relay I team beaten by five .miles,'"I almost got a cigar for you to-day," says the news editor. 1"Did somebody step on it before yougot to it," answers Bunny.Showing the wit of the office.Today the women cannot vote.T. E. H.To Can For Tickets.Members of Black Bonnet who haveordered tickets for the Campus Fol­lies from. Helen Thompson have been:requested to call for them today at10:10 in Lexington.Classified Ads"FOR RENT-ROO�{ FOR YOUNGlady, bright, comfortable and well Ifurnished. Modern house.' 5643Dorchester Ave. Phone Midway1617.FOR .REN.T -NEWL Y FURNISH-ed two-room suitc; suitable forlight housekeeping: 6026 Ellis Ave.13) .ROOM TO RENT IN AN AT­tractive home 5609 Kenwood Ave.Call �id. 7842. You'll wear a Jerrems Suittwice as long as ordinaryclothes---because you'll en­joy its comfortable fit andgood style.That's what makes ourclothes so desirable and soeconomical.Suits, $30 to $60Tai/or for YoaRg Men7 North La Salle StreetThree Stores: 314 South Michigan 'Ave.71 East Monroe StreetQuali.tySPO.RTING GOODS·AND'ATHLETIC CLOTHINGBacked by anJeffers .. 'Sporting. GoodsStore Unconditional GuaranteeAshlandSportingGoodsStore1211 E.SSdI 14 S. W.bu.Street A YeDueWhy the 1917 CAP AND GOWN Muat BeSubscribed For In "Advance.Some vears the edition of the Cap and Gown runs short bya hundred -or more copies; other years the managers have four orfive hundred dollars' worth of books left on hand. as was the caseeach of the last two years. Due to such uncertainties the busi­ness managers have lost money (more years than they have mademoney-one unlucky manager had to pay over two hundred dol­lars out of his own pocket. With manufacturing cOStS almost athird more than ever before we can't afford to take any chances;so. all copies of. the 1917 book, except those for Seniors, must besubscribed for in advance.Each copy of the 1917 Cap and Gown is going to cost us over$5.00, although they wilt he sold for $3.00. After counting allsources of income, we still lack almost $900.00 oi selling enoughadvertising to make up this difference. Our only, hope of success­fully mcctin� this situation il by an unusually large sale of thebook. To accomplish this result and also to make certain thatno one will be' kept from getting a Cap and Gown on account ofthe re-quirement that copies he suhscribed for in advance, we are�oing to conduct a more extensive subscription selling campaignthan ever before. It will start s orne day next week. \Ve musthave and· will pay liberally for the assistance of students whothink they can help us in this campaign.Office of Cap and "Gown, Paul Heilman.Room 11, Ellis Hall. Harold Uehling.PROTECT YOURSELF!Why accept cheap substitutes at fountains when tile origi­nal Malted Milk costs you no more?Ask for and see that you get "HORLICK'S"the Original. Take a package home with you.«Write for samples Horlick, Dept. "C," Racine. WisconsinPowder and Tablet Form.PAT,RONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS .'-#-AF(BeCIl&lToRof ChI M.HE't oiCa,4, emW. to!�l � ge:.at, .. M." ,edI . Iel, �o, stl:. ,.... mtfir:¥.t.' faIfpc�.'T(�, ':i\� � �I1\ �.'�" allvet/edtilatSEin