VoL XV. No.. 90. ,at aroonUNIVBB81TY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1917..37S'�167 1t1J'm CIA Night of Knights," Black-7 .friars, 1915, ,,(Fox trot), Fuiks..16 8. Go Get 'Em (One step) ... Ohio State 0 6 .000The Conference basketball race hassettled 'into a three cornered fight be-tween Purdue, ,�[innosota and Illi­nois with the odds favoring 1he lat­ter. The Boilermakers suffered theironly defeat of the season at the handsof th Illini, and the outcome �f theirsecond contest Saturday night at Ur­bana will eliminate one of theseteams, and it probably will be Pur­due. This will t'eave the Gophers and.1he IUini in the race and since th�se'teams will not meet ag�in this season,. the downstate hopes inust be based'on a Minnesota defeat in one of theChicago contests or the ,W,isconsingame.Coach 'Page's much battered quin­tet Milt 'meet M1�nesota Saturday in. Bartlett. Ihis oontest will be thelast Conference appearance of the.l{aroon Iteam until the Wisconsingame March 3 which will ring downthe curtain on ·the 1917 season. Thevarsity �11 oppose the'Detroit Y. M.C. A. in a return kame in BartlettSaturday, February 24. The Y. M. C.A.' squad were defeated at Detroit 'Onthe Christmas bamsforming trip.Coach Page Has Cripples.PURDUE,NUNNESOTAAND ILLINOIS WILLC:ONTEST FOR TITLERace for Conference Champion­ship Settles into TriangularFight, Illinois Favorite.MAROONS TO PLAY GOPHERSGame with Wisconsin March 3 WillRing Down Curta.in in 1917 Bas­ketball Season for Chicago.• IConference Standing.\Von Lost Pet.-Purdue 6 1 .857Minnesota 5 .833.Hlinoi s i 2Wisconsin 4Indiana 2Chicago 3 225Northwestern .Iowa . 55i·\I·I.IThe outcome of the Minnesotagame depends ahnost entirely uponwhether the cripples are in shape to• emr th fray. Bent was kept out . ofthe Purdue contest because of a boilon his cheek, Ibut �t is probable thathe wt11 be fit for the Gophers. Clarksuffered an injured knee in ,pl'3.�ee:Monda� afternoon, hut ·he played inthe Boilermaker game without ill ef­fect and' be will be ready to take hisplace. With Bent and Clark back inthe game, the full offensive strength,which was decidedly lacking Tuesdaynight, 'Will be available.Ralph Woods of Ilinois has cinchedthe premier scoring honors with a to­. tal of 105 points to Smith's, his near­est competitor, 63. Alwood of Illi­nois, has a ItIotal of 60. Und�rhi1l ofN'OTthwestern, 47; Bannick, Iowa, 41;and Bent, of Chicago, 40.Y�ow Jacket Meets.Members of YeHow 1Qcket wili­meet tom'Orrow at 10:10 in Lexington14. .i22,667.500. Chapel, ecllege of Commerce andAdministration, college o� Education,10:10, MandelDivinity chapel, 10:10, Haskell.garden scene. A new canvas canopybo h h lk Y. W. C. L., 10:10, Lexington 14.has been ug t to cover ,t e wafrom the curb to the door I()jf the gym_ Faculty of the college of Education,nasium and from Bartlett to Hutchin- 3 :30, Blaine 205.Public lecture, Dr. Ulrich, 4:35,.. Noyes.Physics club, 4 :35, Ryerson 32.Ec�ogical seminar, 4:40, Botany23.University band, 5, Mandel.Class in modem methods of relief. work, 7, Ellis 3.Kent Chemical society, 7:15, Kent .Sociology club, 7 :45, Classics 21.Disciples' club, 8, Haskell 26 •Tomorrow.Divinity chapel, 10:10,' Haskell.Three Quarters club dance, 3 :45,Reynolds club.Political Economy seminar, 4, Har­per E 41.Track meet, Chicago vs. OhioState, 7 :45, Bartlett.T.WENTY-FOUR NUMBERSON PROMENADE PROdRAMCope Harvey's Orchestra Will PlayDuring Festivity Wednesday Nightin Bartlett-Decorations Will Rep­resent Garden Scene.Twenty-four numbers will be onthe program of dances and music atthe Washington Promenade, whichwill he held Wednesday nightin Bartlett. The program whichwas announced yesterday by Bu­ell Patterson, chairman of, thePublicity committee, wilt consist ofthe Iollowing :1. Prepared (March-One Step).2. A Broken Doll-e-from "LondonTaps" (Fox. trot).� ,:\Iy Skating Girl-from "TheBig Show" (One step).4. Allah's Holiday-from "Katiri­ka" (Fox trot).5. Auf \Vieder.sehn-from "TheBlue Paradise" (Waltz).6. 0 Love Sand (One step).7. Back to My Sunny Honolulu-=9. Darktown Strutters' Ball (Foxtrot).10. Hello Dorothy May-from "MyHome Town Giri" (One step),11. 'Po:lr Butterfly-s-frorn "The BigShow' (Fox trot).12. Honkey Tonkey (One step).Supper. �.-13. Pray for the Lis-ii to Go Out(Eox trot).14. Oh, You Lovely Ladies-from'''The Girl from Brazil" (One step):15. Hits from "Princess Pa1" and"Katlnka" ·(Waltz).•.Wonderland-e-from·16. Alice in"The {Century Girl" (Fox trot).17 •. Teasing the Cat (One. step).18. It's the Only One for Me-from. "The Am'ber Princess" (Fox trot),19. Hello, I've Been Docking for"-ou (One step), '.20. Weary Blues (Fox trot).21. Out of the Cradl� (One step.)22. Naughty, Naughty-from "The'Big Show" (Fox trot).23 .. I've. Got ·the Army Blues (Onestep).24. National Emblem' (Fox trot).,Chpe Harvey's twelve-piece orches­tra will play throughout the aboveprogram, including the supper -inHutchinson commons. Arrangementslor. the Prom are nearing completion,The decorations, involving the hang­ing of ,fourteen drop curtains used atthe Allied Bazaar, will represent ason commons.Dr. and Mrs. Butler Are Guests.The fifth of the informal Sundaynight suppers which are !being givenin Ida Noyes for off-campus women,. will be ,in charge of 'Women of theJunior class. Dr. Nathaniel Butler,. dean of the University ,College, andMrs. Butler will be guests of honor.Hold Supper Tomorrow.The Social Servicc department 01the League will gi\"e a supper tomor�row at 5:30 in ¢he League room. WILL NOT PERMITELECTIONEE.RINGTODAY AT POLLSHanisch Issues Customary De­cree. ,in Regard t«t Solicitingof Votes.JUNIOR TELLERS ARE NAMEDVera Donecker, Eleanor Atkins andJohn Guerin Withdraw as Candi­dates for Honor Commission,Electioneering will not be tolerat­ed at the polls in Cobb in the elec­tion for Undergraduate Council andthe Honor Commission today, accord­ing to a statemeht made �esterdayby Arthur Hanisch, president of theCouncil, who has assumed the dutiesof Milton Coulter, chairman of Elec­tions, who is ill.. The polls will beclosed at 4:30.Vera Donecker, Eleanor Atkins andJohn Guerin withdrew as candidatesfor the Honor Commission. The listfollows:Undergraduate Council.Juniors.Margaret Cook, Barbara Miller,Donald Skinner, Eva Richolson, Stan­ley Roth, Walter Bowers.'Sophomores.Frank Breckenridge, Loretta Lamb,Marian Llewellyn.. Freshmen.Dunlap 'Castle, Mary - Fake, RolandHolloway, Erwin May, William Phen­ey, Frank.Priebe, John Stapler, .E&iiibWest. .Honor Commission.Juniors.Carleton Adams, ,Garrett Larkin,Marjorie :\iahurin, Agnes Murray,Eloise Smith, Sumner Veazey.Sophomores.Van Meter Ames, Helen Driver,Norma Edmonds, Raymer Tift'any,Clarence Brown.Freshmen..Brook Ballard, Katherine Clark,Barrett Spach, Helen Thompson.(Continued on page 3)WEATHER FO�ECAST.Somewhat warmer. Moderate var­iable winds. Partly cloudy.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETIN.Today. PRESIDENT'S RECEPTIONWILL BE HELD TOMORROW'Committee Promises Diversified En­tertainment-Program Includes Se­lections by Band, Ukulele Club andSaxaphone Quartette, Dancing andBowling.Diversified entertainment to suit alltastes and fancies wilt he provided atthe President's reception 'to be heldromorrow night from 8:30 to 10:30in Ida Noyes 'hall. �lusical selec­tions by the University band, theUkulele chub and the Saxophone,Quartette, bowling, dancing andgames are listed on the 'program ar­ranged by the committee in charge .Persons .wh o do not care to indulgein any 'Of the above-mentioned apas­times will have an opportunity todiscuss the foreign situation withother students and instructors, or towager predictions on the chal�ce5 ofthe football 'team next fall.To Play on First Floor;An orchestra will be situated on thefirst floor, refreshments will be serv­-ed on -rhe .second, and dancing willbe 'held on the third. The receivingline will greet the guests on the firstfloor •.SELL 1916 YEARBOOKAT REDUCED PRICEPlac Seventy-Five Copies of Cap andGown on Sale at Pressfor $1.50.Seventy-five 'copies of the 1916 �aJPand Gown were aYlaced 011 sale a t aspecial reduced rate of $1.50 yester­day at the University Press. Thesale is being promoted 'by the busi­ness management of last year's an­nual, and is designed to enai>le stu­dents who did riot ootain year books,last spring to get them now at a lowprice in order to close out the' stock.�. number -of the copies. were notdispised 'Of last spring because of the.Iate appearance of the book. When'it did come out tthe Quarter-Centen-'Dial celebration' was on, and exami­nations followed immediately, SOthat the sale of annuals suffered as aresult. The price of $1.50 is far lessthan the original selling price of $3,and the latter does not even coverthe .-:tual coot of printing the book,which was over $4.The 'books cintain a history of theUniversity up to 1916, 1400 illustra­tions, paintings of campus views re­.produced in four colors, and 5i6pages oi other material, .SENIOR WOMEN WILLHOLD PARTY TOMORROWSenior women will hold a party to­morrow afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30on ,the second floor -of Ida Noyes.Games and refreshments will be onthe program. Lydia Raymond is incharge of the party.Jenkin Lloyd Jones Speaks.Dr. IJenkin Lloyd ]I()nes will speak'Ibeiore the "'eekly League meeti11g to­day at 10:10 in Lexin.gton 14. Hissubject is "International Love." Themeeting is in charge of the financecommittee. TAU KAPPA EPSILONGRANTS CHARTER TOLOCAL FRATERNITY,Installation Exercises Will BeHeld . Saturday Afternoon;Banquet to Follow.THIRTEEN TO BE INITIATEDNational Organization Has Chaptersat University of Illinois, Millikin,W esleyan and Knox Colleges.A chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilonfraternity will be installed in theUniversity Saturday. The petition;ing local organization to receive thecharter is Eta Tau ·Epsilon. The in­stallation exercises will take placeSaturday afternoon at the fraternity­house and the installation banquetwill be held that night. Eta Tau Ep­silon was organized last spring.Thirteen active members of the lo­cal orzaniaation will be' initiated.They are William Appel, Jules Avner,Dean Burns, Lyman Cook, Neal Craw­ford, Ralph Doner, Ralph Evans, Carl ..Helgesori, Arnold Hoffman, RupertLewis, Walter Oehmig, Horace Rogersand Earl Thompson. Two pledgesHarold TJing an� Edward Maitler,will be initiated at the end of theWinter quarter.Cannon Secures Charter.Paul Cannon, aT. K. E. from Milli-kin college, Decatur, Ill., has beenlargely instrumental in obtaining thecharter for Eta Tau Epsilon. Mr� Can-: . ,::, .Cannon, who is' taking post gradu­ate work in the University bas beenassocia ted with the local fraternitysince its organization . last spriIig. Atpr�ent Tau Kappa Epsilon bas eha� .ters at the University of iIltinois; .' ;,JMillikin college, Decatur, Dl.;:Iilinois ..... l· :', ,:-Wesleyan college, Bloomington,' DI.; .and at Knox college, Galesburg, Ill,INNOCULATE AGAINST TYPHOID---'Students May Receive Treatment Up­on Appbcation ·at Dr Reed's OfficeInnoculation against ty!phoid fever, wi11 ibe given at the office of 1he med­ical examiner from 2 :30 to 4, every. day of the week except Saturday. Thepractice of offering free inoculationagainst typhoid, begun last year, wasso successful that it was decided togive it again.The typhus ,treatment is the sameas that used in the' American army:It will give absolute pritectiin for twoyears, according to Dr. Reed. Dr.Reed is prepared to ,treat everyonewho applies during the Winter quar­ter.Treatment will consist of three inoc­ulations, given a week apart. The in-'jection witt be given in the afternoon,in order that any reaction ·t'hat -oe­curs will take place at night. Therewere no cases ()f bad reaction in the200 men treated last year., '.Dr. Ulrich Gives Lecture.Thc third of the series of lecturesfor the women of the University on"Youth and Society" by Dr. Mabel S.Ulrich, of �l1nneapolis, will be deliv-cred this aftert:'loon a;t 4:35 in the as- ;-scmbly hall Qf Ida Noyes. The re­maining lectuTes will be given Mon­day, Tuesday and Wednesday.fte Student Newlpaper of The UnITera1t,.of Chicago.PubUehed mornlnPo except Sunda,. andIIoada,.. durlDg the Autum�. Wlnter and_rlDI' quarters �,. The Dan,. Karooncompan,..I,',I, , News Department.A.. � Baer _ _ .. _ ..• _... EditorC. C. Greene _._ _ ... Night EditorS. S. Bushnell •... _. __ ._ ... Day EdittorB. E. Newman ••.. _ ... Athletiea EditorW. S. Bender ... .Asst. Athletics EditorV. K. Edwardsen. Women·s EditorBusiness Department.F. C. Maxwell •.. _ .. _ _ ManagerEntered as second class mall at the Cht·ago Poetofflce. Cblcago. Illlnois. March 13.JI08. aDder Act of Karch S. 1813.I. Subscription Rates,B,. Carrier. $21)0 a year; $1 a Quarter.B,. lIalJ. t3 a ,.ear; �.2S a Quarter.Editorial Rooms ...........••...... Ell 18 12- Telephone 3l1dway 800. Local 162II__ :.;;i� -f'( :, �,:r.:"'. H !:,;.j! I- 'I{{i- .' Buainess Offlce Ellls 14Telepbone Blackstone 2591�2.". THURSDAY FEBRUARY IS, 1917...... , !.. ,.l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1917."POLITICS" VS. MERIT.In the election'S today we will oncemore witness the usual conflict be­tween "politics" and merit. The ave­rage student voter casts his ballotfor. ce�tain carrdidat es because he isCon��cted directly or indirectly wnthine of the cliques that wishes to gaincontrol of <the campus pork barrel, orbecaues he has promised to vote forSmith or Jones, -or because he thinksthat Smith is a better "sport" than. . idJones. 0Very little attenbon IS. palto the relative merits or dements .oJthe nominees who are on t�e polit-ical market.In a university community high�r, ... th nare found JDtandards of pohtlcs a; . t Althoughthe City hall 5hould eXIS ... f dministratlOnour student OffIcers 0 a• •0 ormnt placesdo not till extremely lmp., .. h work whIChin . the institutIon, t e , h.h ds vi of en'OugJalls into their 'an 1.5._,.. 1 • and iD'tellltgent sup. n ue 'to corom '. f the stu-,port The representatives 0.'dent hody shouM 'be the mostb �'P­-a.ble' _1.. rs of that student 0 y,lllenwe ....."liticians,and DOt the most clever y-rn�nipuJators of votes.., candidates whose, Vote �nly for those Gi\"e thelrletits �re known and .pro\"en. HonorVJ1det'�raduate counCIl and the.comm' . n the ,best that the camp�l�SJOh organ 1-can oft r in 'Order rha1 t ese0. e,. vou the bestza.tions may in tum gIVe � ,,that th�y can offc;r.4 ',.�)CPERIENCE COUN�- b • t ervJce onAeQit'ements for efficlen sth� b cornm-ission differ fromQOllor ,thl()s� sential to wor,thy work onth� b�ergraduate council .. In t�ef01"nl�r organization, expenence .ISone � the most valuable !p-rereqUt.S­jtes th",t a candid'3lte can offer, and acandi<lO\te '\'\�ith eX'Perience and aver­�ge ab'lity i.s better than one withflO e�p�rience and extraordinary ahil­it1· Consequently, the students are�d.\Ti��(} to \'"Ote for those members ofthe li()llor commission who are againcandi<l�tes for election. Their WOrkon the commission during the pastyear i� ·the best prO'Of of their abil­ity to no justice to their posjtion�.Jn�xJ)('(ience on the Honor com mis­ion is one of the greatest lohstac1es to:th;).t ot�anization. Vote for thosern�t1)ib�rs who seek re-election.Ecological Seminar Meets.Ann Tayler will review Chodat andVi scher's recent article on the "Vege­tation of Paraguay" at a meeting ofthe Ecological seminar today at 4:40in Botany 23. ·_._w I'�" _ -. . .I'; � :. ':, '. ... ..... ,- .,'rBB -: DAILY IlAlt09N. THU:RSJ;)AY �.EBRUARY \ 15, '1�!.." ..., • f' or � ,� ... \ " fI:LIBRARY RECEIVES B,OOKS it is absolutely and entirely fiIse.:,The'.�9Pege man of �1' ',like �e eo�Volumes by Tarkington and Ros- man of every an; with Socrates, ,Huss and Luth�r ol other times; ju�tas with RGlland, Liebknieht and Rus­sen of the present; does not care arap how he is "classed." The worldhas long since passed that, early �e­diaeval Period which knew no cour­age beside selfish ,physical protection;the college man possesses a moralcourage whieh tranSeends the more"How to Read." M!'. Kerfoor con--' superficial things, and guides his lifeducts -the book reviews in "Life."unswervingly by the fundamentals ofMrs. Paget Toynbee has compiled truth and justice. On him falls thea set of the letters of Mme. Du Def- task of interpreting to the blood-mad­fand 10 Horace Walpole. .This set, dened peoples'of the world the signifl­which si now -on the shelves, is in cance of modern civilization, the ar-'French, Rosseau's Political writings, tificiality of national political divi;edited 'by Prof .. C. E. Vaughan, of ehe sions in a unified economic world-or­University of Leeds, is another re- ganism. The challenge is for himcent audition to the new-book sec- alone, and today-facing .. anathemaas usual-the college man must meetand accomplish the task. And theway will not be. made straight beforehim by a commercialized press-a cowcan follow that path; the eollege manmust break his own trail, though hewill assuredle "be classed a cheapcoward" while doing it.•Thornton U. Rollins.seau Are Among New AdditionsAmong the new books receivedin Harper is a set of BoothTarkington, among which are"Penrod," "Monsieur Beauciare,""The Flirt" and others. Another-popular volume is John B. Kerfoot'stion.Dean Gray to SpeakAssistant Dean William S. Gray, ofthe school of Education, will talk on"Scaling Reading Ability" at the Na­tional council of Teachers of EnglisbMarch 2 at Kansas City, Mo,The Fraternity Standing.To the Editor of The Daily �Iaroon:I observe the areicle on the schol­astic standings of' the fraternities in -the Maroon for F�niary 9. In jus­tice to these societies rt would be bet­ter to publish also the number of stu­dents graded in each case. Beta Phihad only two members in residence.in -the Autumn quarter, a fact whichshould be taken into consideration inanouncing this fraternity as first inthe list. In Delta Chi there were on­ly seven members graded. The num­bers in the other fraternities varyfrom fourteen to0 thirty-four; detailsare given in the table issued by this of­fice to the Maroon and to the fraterni­ties. Let me suggest that in futurequarters the number of men graded ineach fraternity be published in the listof standings.I remain, Yours sincerely,F. J. GURNEY,Assistant Recorder.\COMMUNIC,ATIONS(Ill �ew of the fact that the com­munication �bllnll of the Daily �I'OOD is maintained as a deariq hoaaefor' student aDd facult7 � 'DaeMaroon 0 accept. no reapouibillq f.the 8eI1timentB thereiD upn.ed.Communications � welcomed b,. theeditor, aDd shoold be Biped .. � eri­dence of good faith. althoqll tilell&IDe willllOt be pubJiBhe.. without til.writer's coasent.)Eccentricity's Product.Editor of The -Maroone-e-When I first read the editorial inThe Maroon of February 7th, sub­ject "Eccentricity's Product," I wasde.eply amused. I visualized a col­lege class a generation or so hence,and imagined the professor saying,"'This little article, pitiful as it mayseem. presents the state of mind ofa number of the people; it was pub­lished in the daily sheet of the larg­est Middle Western University." Butupon second thought I recognized theweight 9f the paper has with manystudents, who read no other; and, alsothe impression given· to the outsidepublic and press. The purpose of thi�, letter is to' advance the perSonal op­inion, backed by many contacts, thatthe sentiments of this editorial, farfrom representing the unanimous at- .titude of the University, are repudiat­ed by the great body of the studentsand faculty. Particularly is the re·version of our civilization and thelowering of our standards to th, levelof compulsory military training ab­solutely oppOsed' to the democraticideals expressed everywhere on ourUniversity campus.This letter's purpose then is not arefutal of the editorial. That wouldbe superfluous; the editorial' is allinvective, and there is only one meth­od of treating invective, ·beside ig­noring it. It is that of the little dar­ky who was ,being thoroughly "cussedout" by an angry neighbor. He wait­ed very patiently until the irate one'sbreath and attributive adjectives wereexhausted, then he responded slowly,'Evuh thing wut you-all say I is, youis-twice." The same applies here,the article is its own refutation.Two things from the article par­ticularly struck my attention; thetitle and the final sentence. The title"Eccentricity's Product" is too goodto be true. Evidently someone is aslave to that rule of journalism,"Summarize your article in a brief,concise headline."At the risk of repetition, I quote thelast sentence, presenting the basicidea of the whole article. "The col­lege man does not want to be dassedas a cheap coward." Tbat is not true, HODor Commission Elections.It has 'been a custom in the past to,express the attitude of the Honorcommission -in regard to the election'of its members. The point ha,s beenbrought up that the Honor commis­sion must have eXiperienced people tocarryon its 'wtork, and it is to empha­size this tlhat the present communi­cation is written. The writer feels, that in Honor commission electiomsthere should 'be absolutely no elec­tioneering. He ,feels !that the onlything tID, do is pick pople for the com­mission on a basis of merit. Th�precedent has ibeen estalblished that�he Junior memberS of the Honorcormnission sh'Ould he ,re-elected tocarryon the wor:k which they 'havestarted, and in oorder that the upperclass membens -who hold the execu­ti�'e posGtions may 'be experienced. Itwould 'be an injustice to the studenthody to place an incxperienced per­son at the head of such an imRortantbod;" and it would be an injustice 00the individual. �th this in mind thecommission recommends that thepresent members of the comm�ssionbe returned to office as a result' ofthe elections. At ;present t,here is agrat deal 'Of wtOrk which is being sys­tematized so that in the future theHonor sentiment may be spread withthe greatest possible ease and effi­ciency. To take the important cogsfrom the machinery which i.s workingout the big problems which the Hon­or commission has to face would beddrimental to the advancement ofthe standard of our university honor..The Honor Commi5(Sion,Buell Patterson, President. , i' __.�------------- NATURE never starts any-thing she can't finish. To-n ;;;;:;;y e;.�p nU artlRclal methodL 1I,evvv- . U(b"1 ----'e ..' ---- ..'0 ..' ----:J.. d]GREATEST BARGAINS IN ,HISTORY OF TYPEWRITERSu........ .. ..OUy.. • .L. C'-.... ., .-.....e- , .s .... PIud .. __t oM...... __ n ...--' 211r'riq ... �. -.­fIrI .ei.eMwe fa � ...uti.aDd �teecl two,.... w..... 1 5 $ _ ... .., eWrite for 01Ir w..l fne trial .t-fer and cut-rate priceL .All Makis, Typewriter Co •• 162 N. Dearborn St •• Phone Ceot. 1035what You GI�e for Any Present Shows Y �nr Taste�y not give a box of 'Genuine Old Fashioned CandyPure, Practical and PleasingNow Exclusively 08 sale at 55th and University AveaueDeliverieS made In all parts OIl the clty. If Its Wllllam' .. Its pure ! I rDance Aft;r the M�esota Game/0 • I 'In the moSt attractive place near the caqapu.: :..-Where you will meet a congenial University crowd.SHOTWELL HALL·55th and Blackstone. Subscription One DollarYou tried it because WI1 toldgem how good and deliciousit 'W8S.But gOUT (ril1nd. �� itbecau8e ]7OU told tMmhow goOd it 'WU. This ia the end­less chain of enthusiasm that hasmade Coco-CoICI tho bevense ofthe �tion. 'THE CocA-COLA CO ..ATLANTA. GA..DANCE PROGRAMS ARE OUR SPECIAL TYColonial Press1510 East 56th StreetMeu Harper AftOaeTen minute. walk from Cam.,.. -==:IIPrinters, Publishers, EnllrooersWE PRINT IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES PhoDe Midwa, 884Jo f'" � .. , .•I ' ../� .. " ..... -.... "·V·"" ,THE DAlLY MAROON; -THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1917.Do You EnjoyOutdoor Sports �.. If so, you like skating, andto thoroughly enjoy thishealthful exercise you mustbe correctly corsetted.You must be comfortable.and still you want your figuretobe trim.Jmeet all these requirements.There are models distinctlymade for "sports" wear, andeach model is a fashionableshaping corset.Be fitteJ to -yowReJfern CODet.$3 and upAt High Citus Slota. _.CHICAGO THEATREWabash and 8th St.(FonnerTy American Music Hall)KATINKAWith T. ROY BARNESAnd the same Garrick Theatre CastBranch Box Otrices:-Garriek, The­atre Lobby, and LyOD &: Dealy.WILLIAM HODGEIn FIXING SISTERPRINCESSPhone Central 8240lat1ll'd&y Matinee B_ Seatll '1.50 MISS A,NGLIN IS A LIONESS.' ... ' " �Y <;�les\.S.tem., ..Although !��i1iar: :�.th, �h�r,�or� repository of theatrical affectations.of neither of the two authors of "The When Miss Anglin returns from herLioness," I nevertheless entered the cultural, mission to Europe, 'uponBlackstone last Tuesday evening buoy- whose arm does she lean when sheed up iJy the knowledge that Rupert comes upon the stage?: Upon the armHughes, who made a drama from the of a Russian prince, of course, Princenovel "Perch of the Devil," i�, a �ic- Zagoski, in this instance played bytloneer of some note, and that Miss James Connery. And what languageGertrude Atherton, who wrote the is the erstwhile illiterate Ida usingnovel is a fictioneer of even more when she thus enters upon the armnote. I considered also that Mr. of Prince Zagoski? You have guessedGeorge C. Tyler, the producer of "The it. The language of the highest so­Lioness," is a gentleman of taste and cial and diplomatic circles, of coursediscretion, and that Miss Anglin is -the French language. And so on,an actress for whose talents I have and on, and on.great respect, Altogether,:l took One expects to find Miss Anglinmy seat with the more or less clear- surrounded by more genuine material.ly articulated hope that "The Lioness" However, taking "The Lioness" for'would prove an approximation at what its authors evidently intendedleast to the long-awaited great Ameri- it to be, a dramatic best-seller, I seecan play. Hence, I was destined to no reason why, with the excision of asome measure of disappointment large number of speeches which servefrom the outset. The measure was only to dilute the already weak dra­heaping. matic interest of the fable, especially"The Lioness" is about as near an the interminable one about the cigar,approximation to a good playas was a general tightening-up of the plotElsie Ferguson's eccentric document, together with a clarification of the"Shirley Kaye," produced at the mine-epj!.'tode, a firmer grip on theBlackstone earlier in the season-a characters of Mrs. Blake and Gregoryplay to which, Incidentally, it bears Compton, a shorter fourth ace, and �some resemblance. Both are really less expository second, "'The Lioness"narratives of the best-seller variety, should not earn its authors muchpossessing not the inevitability weas- money.sociate with drama, but that other in- To Miss Anglin I extend my sym­evitability which we associate with pathy. She is as fine and brave anAmerican plays, and which is usually actress as we have on the American�lled obviousness. A more obvious stage. She has both brains and ideals�and stagey contraption than that de- Her work in "The Lioness" is as 'goodrived from Miss Atherton's novel it and as true as the art of acting canwould be difficult to find anywhere make nn essentially false character.off the native boards. She negotiates the transition fromFrom the opening of the play, when Butte and vulgarity to Europe and'the plot is set jogging along, its leis- an Eastern accent with .as much graceurely pace by an artful piece of expo- and credibility as is humanly possible.sition delivered by a comic Irish house- Although the net result of her effortsmaid and two catty gossip-mongers is an heroic striving against the in­to the final curtain, when Miss 'An- eptitudes surrounding her, her pres­glin and' �r. Sidney Booth engage ence in "The Lioness" gives the .playin silent embrace, Mr. Hughes has, a dignity it would not otherwise pos­shown himself a subservient follow- sess.er of the uninspired tradition of na- The very ungrateful role of Greg­tive play-writing. "The Lioness" re-! ory Compton, the vacillating husband,lares how Ida Compton, an uncouth is played by Sydney Booth, who actsresident of .Butte, Montana, discovers as well as can be expected in the cir­that Gregory, her brainy, mining bus- cumstances. The character ,S notband, has been attracted from the clearly established in the writing,conjugal hearth by the highly literate leaving Mr. Booth the difficult task'Mrs. Blake. To administer first"aid of creating something out of less thanto his plot, Mr. Hug1i� calls upon nothing. Gregory is negative, pas­Ida to indulge in, eavesdropping, sive, and as a human figure altogetherwhereby she learns that Gregory has negligible. He apparently cares forstruck it rich, but is keeping his se- neither his wife nor his mistress, iscret from his wife, fearing the disas- not, rejoiced at regaining the formertrous effect of riches upon her vulgar nor touched at losing the latter. Anature •. Hurt, and humiliated, Ida' more .slovenly piece of characteraccepts the offer of' a woman friend drawing it would be difficult Ito un­of a trip to the East, and a teacher earth. Mr. Booth plays very wellto inculcate into her rude boso� the indeed.elements of English diction, tea-pour- Lester Lonergan acts with author­ing, and so forth. The original trip itll: as a Machiavelli,n raisonneur,to our eastern baven of culture is pro-: the head of a corporation, called­longed into an European �oyage� 'When ,inevitahly---:-"Tbe Consolidated," 'and'Ida is given proof 'of her husband's" 'the rival for Miss. Anglin's newly­indifference to her absence. After a' 'cultured hand. J. M. Kerrigan ap,year's polishing abroad, she comes pears for a few moments in the lastback to reclalim her husband only to' aet to play a comic Irishman withfind him more deeply entangled than much unction. Ernita Laseelles isever in the snares of- the channing pretty, and as the siren of the fable,�rs. Blake, who is now a divorcee. wears charming clothes, and acts withBut Ida's primitive instincts reassert fine reserve. Jane Eustace, as athemselves. She takes her husband kindly old friend of Ida, plays ex­back-scarlet though be is with sin. pertly, as do all the women of theThe plot as I have related it is di- large cast.versified by the presence of J. Q. A.Robinson-the initials that he is aplutocrat-who, together with a Mrs. HARVARD MAN CALLSCameron, pilots the culture-seeking MEMORY USE A CURSEIda about Europe, discovers her hus-band's infidelity to her, and proposesto marry her himself. J. Q. A. isalso concerned with tlte insidious Mrs.Blake in a somewhat murky transac­tion-technically as well as morally-to win Gregory's newly discoveredmine frl)m him. The air is heavy withconversation about this incident, thesignificance .of which is not made al­together clear.It is regrettable that our play­wrights are not as proficient as ourplayers. It is almost. pathetic to seean artist of 'Miss Anglin's sincerityand temperament summoning to heraid all her personal channs and tech-.nical resources in·a vain struggle withthe staginess and shallowness of "TheLioness." For ''The Lioness," in ad­dition to .being badly plotted, need­lessly long and wordy, is a veritable .That memory is a curse when themechanical exercise .of memory issubstituted for "orderly and consecu­tive thinking, viViid and lively imag­ining and clear and .significant expres­sion" is the basis f.or "The Curse of'-femof'Y" contributed by W. A. Neil­son, of Harvard, to the Februarynumber ,of the English J.ournal issuedby thc Press ycsterday.The grcatest danger .of thi! �urse,Prof. Neilson .states, is in oral andreading work, althbugh it may evencrep out in written composition. Aclese, . unflagging following 'Of an 'aU­theT's though� and the fitting of thist'heught into the werld fOT the tPupil'sprevious thought and obsen'Ution isone of the author',s suggestions as acure for the curse. UNIVERSITY BAND TOGIVE CONCERT SERIES Call for Cheerleaders.Manager Harold Huls, of the cheer­leader competition, has requested thatall men who wish to tryout (or theposition of cheerleader at the Minne­sota game Saturday report to h-im.Only two men tried ou:t at the l�stgame and as tWQ leaders are to : �chosen any new aspirants will havea good chance for the position,Offer Fibt of Popuiar Programs To­day hi Mandel-Members of Uni­versity to Hear Band asConcert Organization.The first of a proposed serie.s ofconcerts wilt be given by the Univer­sity Band this afternoon at 5 in Man­del. The program offered is a shortone, composed of popular selections,and has been arranged especially fer, a University audience.This is the first time. that the stu­dent body has hadrhe opportunity .tohear the 'band as a concert organiza­tion. If the program meets with thesuccess that is expected, similar con­certs 'will be given later en, and theseconcerts witt ,beceme a regular fea­ture 'Of the Winter quarter plans ofthe band. The program announcedis:March-'�Cat1 er America," Meh­den .Overture-"Betrothed," Bagley.Baritone solo-"The Voice ofLove," Schuman.\V'taltz-"Enchan tress," Blanke.Intermezzo-e-t'j ust a 'Gem," Tobani,�larch-"The Ensign," Bennett. Miss McDowell Is Guest.The Chicago Alumnae Club of theUniversity ·has anounced that MissMary .'-lcDowell, head resident 'Of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement,will be a guest lof honor a:t its inter­collegiate "at home" February 24 inIda Noyes.Teachers Wantedevery Department of school work.Boards will soon commence toelect teachers for next year. REG­ISTER NOW and get in one of thefirst vacancies. Write today forblanks. Only 3�% Com. PayableNov. 1st. Territory; Iowa, WIS.,, Min., Neb. Dakotas and the -West.Don't delay.Teachers Employment BureauE. I. DEUER. ManaKer%28-230 C. R. s. Bank, Cedar RapidIOWA '.,-1:;1'i�,-j'I'i"".')\ ."'...;-. !_,'�.�I,'����--2.�.��'�'J.�'j1",��II-J��....���1J,��JIl��1i1".11�;,:.��, '�Post Material for Debaters.'---EASY TO SAVEA bibliography of debate material, has been posted in Harper for the useof aspirants fur -the freshman debat­ing team in the debate with the GET ONE OF OUR POCKET BANK8AND SAVE'A DIME A DAY.N orthwestern freshmen. First try- -,Start a savings a.ccount with this 014outs for lPo.sititons en the team are to ·e.tabllshed national bank. The saT-be 'held February 20. lngs depart6tent occupies convenientquarters on the stzeet level of our'bull ding . The banking hours dan.,.are from 10 a. m. to I p. m ,; Satur-day. trom 9 a. m. to & p. m.,AND WORTH SAVING.Socialists to MeetCORN EXCHANGENATIONAL BANK"Does Socialism Stand for the' C.on­fiscation of 'Property" will be discuss­ed at the Intercollegiate Socialist so­ciety meeting today at 4:30 inCobb 12 A. Capitaf, 8urplu. and Profita,10,000,000 •N. W.' Cor. La Salle and Adams BU. '\:r:p��i:!":' THE MULTIPLEX�WILL NOT, PERMITELECTIONEERINGTODAY AT POLLS(Continued /-rom page 1)Tellers.Juni.ors.8:10-9:15--Florence Kilvary, Flor­ence Woods.. 9:15-10:15--Helen Souther, JohnNuveen.10:15-11 :45-F1orence Lamb, Sig­mund Cohen. '.11:45-12:45-Beatrice Weil, JosephDay.12:45-1:30-Dorothy Hay" GretaHoaglund. '�1 :30-2 :30-Margaret Hayes, GeorgeMacDonald.2:30-3:30-Ethel Bishop, Madeline'-{cManus.. Sophomores.8:10_9-15--Elizabeth Walker, DavidAnnan.9:15-10:15-Dorothy Lardner, Mil­ford Desenburg.16:15-10:45--Dorothy Cliff.ord, Har­ry McC.osh.10:45-11 :45-Carroll -Mason, Bern­ard Nath.11:45-12:45--Ann Kennedy, PercyGraham.12:45-1 :30-Evelyn Boyer, ChaTlesO'Conner.1 :30-2:30-Eugene Carlson, Flor­ence Fake.2:30-!l:30 - Gertrude Makowsky,Charles Bean.Freshmen.8:10-9:15-Jean Zahringer, DorothyVan Pelt. -9:15-10:40-Harold Stansbury, Mir-iam Burkitt. •10 :45-11 :45-- Bernard MacDonald,Helen Morrell.11 :45-1 :�Henry Kennedy, Pris­cilla Bradshaw.1 :00-2:30- Harold Hoven, RuthGinzberg.2:30-3:_3O-Bradley Hall, EstherRoth�in. T".. fer�. 'An IatIpaps ......, THE HAMMOIID TYPEWRITER co.'189 w� M.diaoD St. CWcqePRIVATE DANCING LESSONSby appoi�tment a' qu'ick "and easymethod of learning the dances oftoday.MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOT,1541 :so 57th St. Tel. H. P. 2314Classi.f/ed Ads.'lift Jf. �....... ,_ All.....uw .t .. I II ....w�FOR RENT-ROOMS WITH SLEEP­ing porch, for one or two persons.Modern house. 5643 ,lDorchester.Phone :\Iidway 1617. .FOR SALE-DRESS SUIT ONLYworn a few times. Trousers 30"x30"; suit built iQr man about130 Ibs. A real bargain. Box X,Maroon.FOR SALE - HAMMOND TYPE­writer practically new with Enc­lish type. A bargain for foreignstudent. Call at Ellis 14, between10:15 and 10:45.FOR SALE - TWO ROLL TOPdesks with chairs. Saeriflced tom3ke room for new equipment. B.English, Reynolds club.r.f ii·/v, i I.··1 ;., 'II(. ' THE DAILY 1lAR00N� THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1917�BUCKEYE TRACK MEN TOMEET VARSITY TOMORROWCoach Castleman Will Bring Inex­perienced Squad to Bartlett-Dis­MOndo Greene and Curtiss Doped forPlaces in 440With a team made up largely of in­experienced men, the Ohio State track�m will open its season against theMaroons tomorrow night in Bartlett.This is the only home meet on theChicago schedule, the remaining dualmeet being scheduled with Northwest­ern at Evanston. Coach Stagg's menscored a one-sided victory over Pur­due two weeks ago, and according tothe comparative strength of the twoteams, should not find a very formid­able foe in the Buckeyes. The realstrength of the Ohio squad is un­known, but a poorly balanced aggre­gation is to be expected.Coach Castleman, of the visitorssuffered a severe set-back at the op­ening of the season when three of hisod men failed to reurn to school andas a result has been forced to relyon a number of new men to completehis list of entries. The Buckeyesmade only a mediocre showing againstthe Varsity last year, losing by ascore of 55 1-2 to 30 1-2. The addedstrength of the Maroons this seasonin the distance runs places their op­ponents on the short end of the odds.Dash Men Have Chance.Chicago's quartet of dash men, Feu­erstein, Van Kirk, Gemmill and Brink­man, while not up to the standard oflast year's sprinters, should stand aneven chance to win from the OhioState' men. Davies, Hill and Wag­ner will run the hurdles for the vis­itors, with Guerin as Chicago's bestbet. Dismond, of national fame inthe 440, can take his time in the quar­ter, with Greene and Curtiss likelycontenders for second and. third.Clark is a certain winner in thehalf unless Coach Castleman has beenkeeping a two minute man under cov­er. Ohio has its best array of spikedshoe athletes in the mile and twomile events with Ferguson, the negropacer in the former, and CaptainNevin in the latter event. The Buck­eye captain has been going under tenminutes in the two mile. Tenney andOts, of Chicago, should . take a firstand second, however, in the mile., Rankin and Poe, weight men of nomean ability, will be pitted againstHiggins iii the shot with the odds fa­voring the Maroon. Captain Fisher. can be counted upon to annex tenmore points with firsts in the polevault and high jump.CHOOSE MEMBERS ANDCHAIRMEN OF BLACKBONNET COMMITTEESChairmen and members of fiveBlack Bonnet committees have beenchosen. They are: Publicity commit­tee-Ruth' Huey, chairman; DorothyScholle, Elizabeth Ford, and MarthaBehrendt; Entertainment committee-Eleanor O'COnDoT, chairman; Ber­nice Fisher, Mildred Gordon, Eliza­beth Shutter, Julia Kritzer, and MayCornwail; Refreshment committee-­Louise Swank, chairman; Lucile Kan­nally, Nira Cowen, Margaret Scae­vitt, Dorol4hy Van Pelt; House com­mittee-Katherine �Iagill, chairman;Ruth Braucher; �fembenship commit-,tee-Edith West, chairman: Helen)forrel1, Helen Hummel, and Eliza­beth .Townsend.ADD TO COLLECTJON OFAUTOGRAPHED LETI'ERSDr. Frank Gtmsaulus has given fivemore autozraphed letters for the But­ler-Gunsaulus collection of autograph­ed letters owned by the Universityand placed in the reading-room ofHarpe!'. The new letters are as fol­lows: Charles W. Elliott to JosephLeverin, August, 15, 1831; James D.Dana to Gardner, January 4, 1872;George Bancroft to M. de Bacourt,January 14, 1870; James Paxton to"editor unknown," November 12,1888; Joseph H. Ch0'8tes to the Rt.Rev. W. C. Donne, September 15, 1894. ALL WROXG..Week after week Mr. Soares closedthe -chapel exercises with "Let ussing the second stanza -of the, AlmaMater." Why he should specializeon the second .stanza was Ci. mysteryfor some time, until we \\'�re told thereason. He does nat believe in "R's."But then he fooled us yesterday. Youwere all wrong, Slifer, all wrong."OH, LET �lE NOT BE :\IAD,NOT �IAD, SWEET HEAVEN!"To S. C.care of T. E. H.,Daily Maroon.Dear S. C.:-You are quite correct in statingthat A. Baer is one of the fine Arts,but you know, S. C. the nude in arthas been severely censored by all thesky-pilots and the women's clubs, andit has been g ivcn the n. g. akmg with::\1 rs. Sanger.Whistlingly,J. E. J.P. S. Good Heavens! Is it notstrong enough; and I even culled thehead from "King Lear."Getting Serious.1. J. E. J. iwrites: S. C, care T.E. H. '2. S. C. sends me a Valentine.PHI DELTA THETA.No �sooner do you hear the words"Phi Delta Theta" uttered than ytouare reminded of the bowling alleys;for this squad possesses a trop of ath­letes who 'bring joy into the heartsof the Reynolds club .pin boys. T'helast game in which they participatedwas stopped by Manager English, - inorder that carpenters might erect fivefoot fences on booth sides of the aI­leys, thus saving the walls of the clubbasement .from injury. For a whilePh-i Delta Theta and Alpha Delta Phihad a monopoly on Reynolds clubpresidencies, but since Lirrronati,elected ·the most handsome man inhis class, has left the institution, pol­itics on the part of Phi Delta Thetahas ceased. .The Phi Delts o-wn avery capable ladies' man in 'the per­son of Volini; ask the Press girl�They also have a gentleman who isbeing sought by three rnernbens ofPhi Gamma Delta, said gentlemanhaving played a bad trick on thethree Fijis in December. H this per­son wHI call at 97� East Sixtiethstreet any -day at lunch he will betreated royally. No 'Pains will bespared in attempting to amuse him,and no pains will be spared in the at­tempt to amuse the Phi Gams afterthe tub is filled. The Phi Delts haveone thing against them; they live toonear the red-headed flute player, oneof the three men on the campus 'who�ever buys any cigarettes, but is al­ways ready t'O smoke yours and mine.The other two men are Hanisch andI guess there are only two;but Art makes up for the thirdone.FRO�{ THE GY:\I RECORD.February 13. H. :\1 cCosh, 1 mile,9:27. / -,", ).1� .. .I'::�•• .J•••••••••••••......•••••t:.:. N..... p..•• 1 ••••::&..' ...•.. :..t ..• •••••••••••••••••".- .•• • ••.••.. �.tIt •••••••••:t ••••.f' •......• •••:: ..••••.'.e::••••t··••'0 ••: .•.•••••••• e..::.: -, ,• ••••••t, '.:,..':' ...' ... �• ••••••· .. �,.••.. "•••••••.' ...::.:�:•••••••··1····t •••" ••...• ••••.:- .. :.• •••••• ••••••s •• :.:••••••••••••••� ••...�' ...: ••....... : ...., •.. :.••.. :........•••••••••••.. :. iI ·0II'I"�-,0'vcs�.1J.. fla(The principal difference be­tween Murad a."!d most 25 -Centcigarettes is Quality-I!! favor .2!Murad.••'.jr.,'\, 1CFbd<, .Jr,,/ if.,I •tl-, e:I d:I elIsceigl;,.- d,wr.- Ttib.1 erTiiII a! �iclqtmGood gracious, the women's editorC'Ould walk a mile ,faster than tha'!.The Ohio State Lantern speal:s of"Ohio State Tracksters" in its f!I!WScolumns. Vve offer "Maroon Team-5ters." Right away you would t'hink This fact has given Murad a stan�in Society, in Business, in Clubs. amongCOnnoisseurs, such -as no cigarette ever hadbefore.Th� greatest selIing high-grade cigaretteib the world-because_itisso EuD 01 goodness......"u-"..,....... ,,. 1M .or,,_,..., ,...,.. ,....".--of Willett, Boal, Vogtel� Lyndon andMac)Iiflan. Don't ask me what kindof a team' they' would make. W-hoknows? Willert can't even bowl anymore, if ms exhibition �Ionday is tobe taken as a criterion. .MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS NEWS OF THE ·COLLEGES.the Blackfriars squad. The latter, abunch of quitters, refused to pay forthe games of the victors after the­contest. Such a despicable trick hasnever before appeared in the annalsof the Varsity sports. Inasmuch 3'�I am imbued with a deep spirit of al­truism and do' not wish to see myfellow students caught by a bunch of, pickpockets, I volunteer this informa­tion for your consideration.F. C. )IAXWELL. Western students are' far more in­terested in their w.ork than easternstudents,' according to Prof. CharlesBundy Wilson, of Iowa. He declaresthat eastern students do not care fpracademic work, or for scholarship tothe same degree that western studentsdo. '4,692 students have registered forthe second semester ill the Universityof Ininoi5. Of these. 4,442 arc under­graduates, while 250 arc graduate stu­dents.The average age )f first 'year menattending the University of Oregon .isnineteen year� and ehdlt m<>nths. Thety,pical Oregon freshman is a �plendidspecimen, weighing 142¥.: pounds, and.standing five feet, nine and one-h-alfinches in height.Gabriel L. Denis, a student in thecollege of agriculture at Syracuse uni­versity, comes 4,000 miles, from Mon­rovia, Liberia, an the coatst of Afri�to go to school.HERE! HO�OR COMrMJSSION.Whenever you are in doubt as towhat method of punishment to, useon Q guilty student, take your pickof the following:Force him to write up the Prom­enade for fifteen consecutive days,every write-up to contain some newIstuff.�r ake them lis,ten to Roddy's sing­ing for ten minutes.\VlJ"ite the W;})istle for one day. ADVERTISING.Do not fail to attend the President'sreception.Senior women: your presence atthe party tomorrow afternoon in IdaNoyes is required.Bunny Newman recommendsT. E. H.BUSINESS NOTICE.To whom it may concern:M'Onday morning The Daily Ma­roon team stepped on the neck of