Vol. XIV, N. '11.j ILUNI BREAK TIEFOR FIRST PLACE BY}; DEFEATING BADGERS---f Record Crowd Witnesses Con-.I test in Which Ralph Woodsis Star. r;1 ---GOPHERS AND BUCKEYE WIN aroon,at'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916. Price FiYe Cea&a.Change in Tactics in Second HalfGiTeS Purple First VictOryOYer Chicago.---, 4, Coaference Stuuliilc.� Won Lost Pct.�: Dlinois 3 0 1.000�'·I",. :=�rn: ! :=Minnesota 1 1 .500Iowa 1 2 .333Ohio 1 2 .333, ';: I Purdue 1 3 .250t Indiana 0 1 .000\ J Chicago 0 2 .000i�1 'Dlinois broke the tie for first placein the Conferenee Saturday nightwhen the downstate men defeatedi Wisconsin" 2'1 to 20, before .the larg-est crowd that ever witnessed an in­tercollegiate basketball game. TheI ,II I . I Dlini started to pile up a big lead1(1, .. ,' ',', just after the opening whistle and'at the end of the first half they led,18 to 9. Ralph Woods was the sen­sation of the contest, scoring nine-I ", !teen points on seven baskets and,. five free �ws. Wis¢onsin cameback strong in. the second half andwere on17. four points behin4 whenCaptain . Woods' men strted another�".. �.' _.- :- ;;;;."'_ _ _-- �.. ,_ ..(Continued on page 4.)j{ DRAl\IATIC CLUB HOLDSPRELIMINARIES TODAYHowland and O'Hara to Judge--Suc­cessful Candidates will AppearBefore Members Tomorrow�[I\�, Associate Prof. George � CarterHowland, of the department of Gen­eral Literature, and Frank HurburtO'Hara" instructor in English 1, wilfbe the faculty judges at the prelimi­.n nary tryouts for associate member­\ t ship in the Dramatic club to be heldthis afternoon at 3 in the Harperassembly room. The final tryouts willbe held tomorrow afternoon beforethe members of the club.Contestants will be given threeminutes each for recitation and willbe judged on stage presence, vocalqualities and general histrionic abil­ity. Dialect selections will not beaeeepced, Students who pass the pre­liminaries will appear at the finaltryouts. Contestants who are suc-cessful at both automatically aremade associate members of the organ-ization. \Candidates have been requested tosend in their names and the playsfrom which selections have been chos­en to box 236, Faculty exchange. Thenames of the candidates who areaccepted at the tryouts this after­noon will be published in The DailyMaroon tomorrow,The list of plays from which �e­lcctions can be made follows: Shake­spcarc--"Julius Caesar," "As YouLke It"; Moliere-"Precieuses Ridi-cules," "The Miser," "Bourgeois Gen­tilhomme"; Goldsmith-"She Stoopsto Conquer"; Sheridan-"The Riv­als," "The School for Scandal"; Ib-/Sen-"An Enemy of the People";Shaw-"You Never Can Tell";Jones�"The Liars," "Dolly ReformingHerself"; Pinero--''The Magistrate";Wilde-"The Importance of Being. Eamest"; Gilbe�"Engaged"; Gals­worthy--rThe Silver Box"; and Ros­tand-''The Romancers.'"I I I'/t'1• I,I . �n, II\'I) � SEVEN �VENTS PLANNEDBY COSMOPOLITAN CLUBAssistant Prof. Harper Will SpeakMoaday Night-President JudsoDto Address Final Meeting of Win­ter Quarter March 6.Seven events are included in thesocial schedule of the Cosmopolitanclub for the remainder of the year,as announced yesterday by PresidentNelson. The first affair will be a lec­ture by Assistant Prof. Harper, ofthe department of Russian languages,to be given Monday night in the clubrooms in Ellis.The. organization will hold a jointmeeting with the International clubFebruary 12. A special program willbe arranged later for the- affair� Therewill be a social hour February 25.President Judson will speak at thefinal meting of the Winter quarteron March 6.Various members of the club willentertain at the Musical Night, April27. Arrangements already are be­ng made for the annual Cosmopoli­tan Night to be held May 5. . Theclub banquet will be given May 19in Hutchinson cafe.Invites Foreign Students."The Cosmopolitan' club hopes tomake the remainder 'Of the year oneof the most active and successful inits history," said - President Nelsonyesterday. "'With this purpose �bas arranged for a series of meetingsof a varied nature so that all mayfind something of interest for them­selves. We wish to extend a specialinvitation .to all foreign ,students.".' �.BOLBOilN- TO-GIVELECrURE TONIGHTProf. I. B. Stoughton Holbom, ofOxford, will talk. on "The ArtisticArrangement of Our Homes," tonightat 8 in the Lincoln center, Oakwoodboulevard and Langley avenue.Thursday at the same time, Dr. Stan­ton Coit, of London, will lecture on,"Galsworthy," at the Rogers ParkCongregational church Ashland andMorse avenues. "Germany and theWorld's Alarm," is the topic onwhich Dr. Coit will talk Saturdaynight at 8 at the Warren AvenueCongregational church, Warren andAlbany avenues. .Holds Discussion Class.Mr. Fred Merrifield will hold hisdiscussion class today at 2 :30 in theLeague-committee room.WEATHER FORECAST.Increasing cloudiness and srome­what warmer this morning followedby rain and colder this afternoon;moderate to brisk southerly winds.WNinesday fair and colder.BULLETINTODAY.Chapel, the Junior college, women,10:15, Mandel. •Interfraternity council, 2:30, Rey­nolds dub.Botanical club, -1 :30. Botany 13.Classical club, 8, Classic's men'scorn mon room.Romance club, 8, Lexington 2-TOMORROW.Chapel, the Senior colleges and thecollege of Com rnercc and Adminis­tration, 10:15, �Iandel.Devotional service, the ChicagoTheological 'Seminary, 10:15, Haskell.Mathematical club, 4:15, Ryerson37.. Religious Eudcation club, 8, Prof.Soares' residence, 5541 Universityavenue.Senior women, 10:15, Lexington U. GROWTH OF INDUSTRYAND DEMOCRACY LEADNEW PLAY -ATTITUDESpecializati� B�gs Need forRelief From Monotomy;Modem Ideals,700 CITIES START MOVEMENTMillions are Being Expended Annu­ally-President Appoints Fed­eral Commission.The following article on "PublicRecreation: A Municipal Responsi­bility," is written by Clarence E.Rainwater, an assistant in the Sociol­ogy department, who is giving acourse in playground methods. Mr.Rainwater is at present director ofHamilton park, one of the recreationcenters conducted by the South Parkcommissioners. He has been &dimyengaged in planning and improvingthe playground system of Chicago.By Clarence E. Rainwater.Governmental provision of playarid recreation facilities is not of re­cent origin. Every age has paid at­tention to leisure time, pursuits, Playhas always been used in the trainingof the young, the perfonnance of re­ligious rites, the celebration of vic­tories . and the coronation of kingsand emperors and' on many othersimilar occasions; these uses are old­'er t.h8n history. Primitive societiesemployed them. But the . major partof _:.p.rovisioD .. fAr.-:p1ay�·� recreative·p.irs"iliiS� :"durlng civilized tiDies, hasbeen made in the interests of 'royal­ty; the nobility or the military class.The common people .have been ig­nored or exploited. Not until theopening of the twentieth century has.the provision, out of the public treas­ury and by the will of' the people, offacilities for the use of leisure timeby all grades of a nation's popula­tion been accepted as a responsibilityof government.Two Forces Lead Movement.This new attitude toward play andrecreation is occasioned largely bytwo forces: the growth of democracyand the developments in industry.Concomitant with the specializationsof machine-production, the daily toil.of large numbers of people becamemonotonous, lacking in individualityand, hence, less satisfying than ithad been in the days of handicraft;while, ,simultaneously,' the rise ofdemocratic ideals and institutionsbrought a more equitable considera­tion for all classes of society. Hence,with present industrial methods uponus, where is self-expression, art andcontentment to be gained if not in theleisure period and occupations of thepeople; and with \ government by thepcople, what will become of our dem­ocratic ideals and institutions if theleisure pursuits of the people arenot conducive to good citizenship?"A nation's use of its leisure time,"said Percy MacKay, "is the test ofits civilizaton." Thereiore, is it nott he duty of the government to knowwhere the children arc playing, andhow; wh(':.J� the young people areseeking relaxation, adventure, andsocial pleasure, and what they arefinding; and whether the maturemembers of society have both recrea­tional facilities and opportunity forthe discussion of social and civic po­litical questions upon which they are'" so frequently required to register de­cisions-at the polls-that concernreational institutions? But they wereis not public provision, as well ascensorship, of play and recreation fa­cilities the one adequate solution of(Continued on Page 3) ;WOMEN WILL CONTEST INBASKETBALL GAME TODAYClubs Compete for Majority atFreshman-Sophomore Match-AnnKennedy, Alma Parmele and AgnesSharp are Cheer Leaders.Ann Kennedy will act as cheerleader for the Freshman women, andAlma Parmele and Agnes Sharp forthe sophomores at the Freshman­Sophomore women's basketball gametoday at 4 in Lexington gymnasium.Members of the Freshman classwomen's clubs and residents of wom­en's halls will attend the game ina - body. Organizations will contestfor the honor of bringing out thelargest crowd. Spirited competitionhas been going on for several weeksfor places on the teams._ The line up for today's game fol- FIFTEEN STUDENTSON COMMITTEE FORQUARTER CENTENNIALMurdock and Parker are Chairmen of Group on StudentParticipation.MAY l\IAKE THREE DIVISIONSTo Hold Exhibition in ConjunetiooWith Exercises-Will AnnouncePlans in Two Weeks.Fifteen' students have been placedon the Student Participation commit­tee for the quarter centennial eelebration which will be held from June8 to 12. Oliver Murdock, presidentof t}i! Undergraduate council, andLeslie Parker, president of the Reynolds club, will act as chairmen ofthis committee.The other members of the commit-.tee are:Craig Redmon, president of theSenior class; Roy Knipscbild, president of the Junior class; Robert Dunlap, president of the Sophomoreclass; Thomas Gentles, president of·the Freshman class; Mary Prince,president of the Women's Adminis­trative council; Alma Parmele, presi­dent of the W. A. A.;. mid represent-:'ing also the school of Eciueation.BROWN SELECTS SLOGAN - . Pauline Levi-- of -the' Honor com-FOR ANNUAL PROMEN�E. __mission;.:_�arraY, of tJie�sec-.. .: . -,. .-.-� -'� .. �.- -_. __ -ond cabinet of the Y. W� C. L.;Hope to Pass Mark of 155 Attained Frederick Burcky of the Medicalby Class of 'l4-Put Up school; Paul Mcclintock and FrankPosters. O'Hara of the GnUIu.te schools; Har---- old Moore of the Senior class and.... Two hundred couples for the prom_' John Guerin of the Sophomore class.enade. May Be Divided.This slogan, invented by the Classof '14, has been imported by Dan This list probably will be dividedBrown, leader of the' right wing, for up into three groups; one to conductuse this year. According to Brown, the the class exercises, one to make ar­adoption of the phrase is justified by rangements for the University sing ,the failure of the previous holders and one to supervise plans for the.to reach higher than the 155 mark. proposed pageant.Finance Chairman Benson has ap- Plans now are being made for thepointed several representatives exhibition which will be held in con­among various groups on the campus junction with the anniversary exer­to work up interest in 'the acair, cses. Full details of the exhibit willPosters have been placed in the Rey- be announced within the next twonolds club, Cobb hall and the dorm i- weeks, after the committe in chargetories, awating signatures of the men has had an opportunity to completewho will attend the function. plans.lows:Margery Leopold and Carroll Ma­son, forwards; Marion Glaser, center;Helen Driver (captain and manager),Helen Branneman and JosephineMoore, guards; Ann Windmiller andAlice Johnstone. substitutes.Sophomores.Erma "Kahn . and Barbara Miller,forwards; Ethel Fikany (manager)center; Elizabeth Newman (captain)Mary Brown and Constance Mc­Laughlin, guards; Eva Richolse�Margaret Hayes and Esther BeUer,substitutes.MAROON MAT MEN AREWINNERS OVER PURPLEMcFarland, Jeschke and Mahannah�ake Bouts in Exhibition BeforeBasketball Game.Maroon wrestlers defeated North­western Saturday night in a prelimi­nary bout before the basketballgame. The match was not a Con­ference clash and wiI not count in thefinal standing. In the 125 poundclass Rosenbarrrer foucht Heflev toa draw in five minutes, althought thelatter was about eight pounds over.weight.In the 133 pound class McFarlandpinned Kraft to the mat in 2:16 witha bar ann and chancery. Jeschkeand Vernon, in the 145 pound class,battled even for four minutes, whenJeschke got the advantage near theend and was given the decision overthe Purple man. Mahannah, wrest­ling in the 158 'Pound class, thirteenpounds abcve his weight, secured thedecision over Willis of the NorthShore team in a five minute bout.Bondzinski and Gra�s, of theheavyweight division, gave an exhi­bition bout. Hill, former memberof the Univettsity of Pennsylvaniawrestling squad refereed the match. TRACli PROSPECTS GIVENSETBACK AS STOUT ISDECLARED INELIGIBLEProspects for a Maroon victoryFriday night in the dual meet withPurdue at LaFayette were given asevere setback when it was announc­ed yesterday that Captain Stout hadbeen declared ineligible by the fac­ulty. Stout had been counted to cap­ture firsts in the half and mile runs.It is probable that he will be restoredto good scholastic standing beforethe indoor Conference meet in March.NORGREN RF.,SIG�SAS COACH AT UTAHSALT LAKE CITY, Utah, January24.-Nelson Norgren, Chicago, '14.has resigned h is position as coach ofthe University of Utah athleticteams. Lack of spirit on the partof candidates for the teams was givenas the cause.Women's Jociety Meets Tonight.The Undergraduate Women's Chem­ical society will meet tonight at 6:45in Lexington 15. All undergraduatewomen interested in chemical, medi­cal and bacteriological laboratorywork have been invited to attend.COMMUNICATIONS TBB DAILY IUltOOM, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916. I sI YeIm�t iailg _arDonOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago.PubUshed mornings, except Sundayand Monday, during the Autumn, Wm­ter and Spring- Quarters b:>' The DailyMaroon starr.F. R. Kuh l\Ianaging EditorB. It. SwansolL .. _ Ne1l"s EditorB. E. Newman. Athleties EditorA. A. Baer Day EditcrR. Cohn Night EditorWade Bender Associate EditorBusiness ManagersC. A. BirdsalL. R. P. Matthew.Entered as second-class mail at theChicago Post office, C'''-icag-o, Illinois,Karch 13. 1908. under Act of March 3.1173.Subscription RatesBy Carrier. $:!.EO a year; $1 a Quarter.By Mail. $3 a year. $1.25 a quarter. .Editorinl Rooms Ellis 12T I h {HVde Park 5391e ep ones Midway 800Business Office .........•...... Ellis 14Telephone. Blackstone 2591.• TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916.AN AFTERl\IATH."Maroon.-To put a person on adesolate island or coast and leave himto his fate."The foregoing definition is takenfrom Webster's New Internationaldictionary. But now "Maroon" hasacqured a new meaning, signifyng avictorious athletic team. In a letterreceived from the assistant directoref Education i? the Phillipine islands,the following parag-raph appears:"1 managed to see only one of theMaroon games. The Maroon team isaltogether too much for our localplayers. Mr. Magee (the first assis­tant director of Education) statesthat in one of his trips to Laguma,he found ''tllaroon'' teams scatteredthroughout the province."To the many who have consideredthe baseball team's recent journeymerely in the light of a "joy ride,"these few words should bring a sig­nificant message. Laguma is a prov­nce not far distant from Manila to­ward the interior of the island; itis, indeed, a cause for satisfactionthat the Varsity's achievements onforeign soil should have permeatedthe innermost regions- of the Pacificislands. The brief statements quot­ed above testify to the service whichCoach Page and his man have ren­dered the University.SERVICE.Every student thinks of the Uni­versity of Chicago Settlement at thetime of the annual dance. This isone day out of 365; are you one of.those who forg)!t the existence ofthe Settlement during the remaining364 ? Are you the sort whose charit­able work is limited to dropping pen­nies in hats? Are .you the studentwho learns the theory of civics incollege, and then assumes either asuperior or a bored air when the op­portunity arrives to practice yourknowledge by contributing materialhelp to your fellow citizens?Money alone cannot cure poverty,misery. disease and ignorance. Theact ive and intelligent assistance ofmen and women at the undergradu­ate age may do much to mitigatethese ills. The University Settlementneeds aiel not only of a financial na­ture, but of a more personal variety.There is a demand for Chicago stu­dents, who are willing to sacrificean hour and a half once each week,either in the afternoon or evening.There is room for unselfish labor inteaching the population "back of theyards" manual training, gymnastics,the three "R's," and in directinggames. Does your altruism stop atsoiled hands? Or are you willing toabjure a bit of pleasure for the sakeof some effective civic work? (In view of the fact that the com­munication column of The Dailyl\laroon is maintained as a clearing­house for student opinion, Thel'lnroon accepts no responsibility forthe sentiments therein expressed. Com­munieations must be signed as an evi­dence of good faith, although thename will not be published withoutthe writer's consent.)Prof. Herrick and Journalism. er, but a reporter-who is overpaid,or who, on pay day, is drawing anytruly soft money, I should like toknow it, because I want my name togo on the waiting list for his posi­tion.This. is not intended to be a re­buttal of what Prof. Herrick wrote.Personally, I do not think he meantall that he said-he was only "in­terviewing" himself. I should termthe result an honest, but unsuccess­ful, attempt to be Shavian.Hermann B. Deutsch.SESIOR FIVE FAIL TO APPEAR1\Iay Arrange Basketball Schedule forGraduate Schools.Interclass Standings.Won Lost Pet.Sophomores 4. 0 1.000Seniors 2 1 .667Freshmen III 1 2 .333Juniors 1 3 .250Freshmen II 0 2 .00'0Owing to the failure of the Seniorteam to appear yesterday afternoonthe game scheduled between thefourth year men and the FreshmenII has been forfeited to the latter.Coach Des Jardien announced lastnight that all possible efforts wouldbe made to arrange a suitable sched­ule for the graduate schools provid­ing they wished to compete. As yetthe Law school is the only one tohave entered the race.Schedule for Remainder of Week.Today-Law vs. Freshmen III.Tomorrow-Juniors vs. FreshmenII.Thursday-Sophomores vs. FIlCSh­men III.Friday-Seniors vs. Sophomores.Classical Club .Meets."Certain Stylistic Peculiarities ofOvid" will be discussed by Prof.Frank Miller, of the. department ofLatin, at the meeting of the _Classi­cal club tonight at 8 in the men'scommon room of the Classics build­ing. Prof. Robert Bonner of the de­partment of Greek will talk on "TheInstitution of Athenian Arbitration."Nitze to Address Club.Prof. William Nitz, head of the de­partment of French, will discuss"Some Questions in French Gram­mar" at the meetng of the Romanceclub today at 8 in Lexington 2. As­sstant Prof. Edwin Dargan, of thesame department, will talk on "Lan­son's Edition of Lamartine's Medita­tions."Decorations Committee to Meet.The Decorations committee of theWashington Promenade will meet to­morrow at 2:30 in Cobb 12A. Themembers of the commttee are DentonSparks, chairman, Laurens Shull,Ernest Cavin, Leon -Cohen, JamesTufts, Victor Gutwillig, FrederickBurcky, Thomas Goodwin, PercyWagner, Raymond Wilson, IsabelMacMurray, Regis Lavery, AgnesSharp, Helen Timberlake and Mar­garet Hancock.Postpone Condons' Talk.To the Editor:Concerning newspaper men, Prof.Robert Herrick, writing in the Trib­une of last Sunday, says the follow­ing:"The young man complacentlydraws a salary for sticking my brainsand distorting the product, while Ibear ithe odium attached to the pro­cess-for nothing. A cheap and easyway of earning one's bread at anoth­ers's expense. I take it."I hold no brief to defend news­paper people against the statementsof Prof. Herrick, but I should liketo point out one or two inconsisten­cies in the professor's statement. Letus see what this cheap and easy wayof earning one's money, as pointedout by, Prof. Herrick himself in thesame article, really is.The "parasite," is the generic nameapplied to the disciples of the FourthEstate in the article-and we shallstick to it. The "parasite" has tele­phoned from the newspaper office,and his courteously phrased requesthas been met by "jamming the tele­phone receiver down with a curse."He has had no chance to resent 'the"curse," firstly because the receiverhas been, with forethought, jammeddown, and secondly because, in spiteof the subject's manners he mustget the interview which has been as­signed to him.Next tH.e parasite has presentedhimself at the interviewee's study;. here he has been "busily occupied tak­ing notes of, your golden words" en-.couraging "you to run on freely, tosay more than -you meant, to commitall kinds of follies and imprudences."He has laboriously untangled thesefollies and imprudences, and has sub­mitted to the subject a typewrittencopy, whose- abysmal foUy causes himto "drop the pen and stare in stupidamazement." It is useless to quotemor� of the professor's phrases-theyare all patterned after those setdown above ..I should like to leave to any un­biased jury whether or not this isa . "cheap and easy way of earningone's bread at another's expense." Ihave at one time or another inter­viewed various of the great and near­great college professors, divorcees,statesmen, girl forgers, press agentsand murderers. I have yet to hereproached with misquoting anyone.More than this, I have yet to reproachmyself for not having earned whatI was paid for getting the interviews.Prof. Herrick rails at the inter­viewer and calls him a "parasite" be­cause, among other things, the inter­viewer has misquoted him. I wouldbe rat .... r-r interested to know howcorrectly Prof. Herrick would statemy own views on, let us say, "TheEssential Femininity of Woman," or"The Aesthetic Place of the Sex Mr. James G. Condon's lecture onNovel," provided I answered his tel- "Jury Trials." scheduled to be heldephone calls with a curse and treated last night in the south room of thehim, when he called for a personal Law building, has been postponedInterview, as though I suspected him until Monday. The next of the seriesof designs on my silverware. of law lactures will be "ChanceryIs it parasitic to gather the views Cases," by the Hon. Jacob 1\1. Dick­of the world's great and near-great, inson, Thursday night. Mr. Dickin­and give them to the people to whom ' son, now a member of the Chicagothey would otherwise be inaccessable,. bar, was secretary of War under thethrough the medium of the daily Taft administration.press?No. The newspaper man does notearn his daily bread and roses in acheap and easy way at another'sexpense. In my humble but sincereopinion, the labor of saying in twocolumns that literature c�n only bedefined as the undefinable is not aparticularly onerous and mind-and­body-racking equivalent for a stipendin real money either. If there is anewspaper man-not a feature writ- rCHOOSE a friend like youwould yo' smokin' to­bacco. Don't hav- one thatain't worth keepiu' always.an' that you won't grow tolike better ev'ry 1fII�6t--.day. 'I/P"'- ,,- aJwtileoneThFOR HEAL"rH AND STRENGTHStudents ask forH 0 R LICK'S, the Original Malted Milk� n�urishing and digestible food drink, sustaining and iuvigornring,m�JIltams health, s.trcngth and fitness. A complete food composed of cleanmilk, cOf!1b!ned With the extracts of wheat and malted barley. Splendidfor upbuilding the system.Also in Lunch Tablet form. p�ain or with cocoa flavor, ready to eat. Atall dealers and fountains. Specify ""OR LI CK'S" and avoid substitutes.for free sample address HORLICK, (Dept. 18,) RACINE, WIS.,COUNCIL. ����"�� PETITION I .Document Presented to Interclub or­fieials Yesterday-Helen PerryResigns From Sigma.Following the resignation of Mar­garet Green, Julia Ricketts and MaryPrince from their respective clubs,Helen Perry has resigned from Sig­ma. No action has been taken onthe_petition which was presented tothe names of twenty-four women, andthe Interc1ub council yesterday, bear­ing the names of twenty-four women,and asking that a vote be taken ineach club on the subject of their im­mediate dissolution.DEAN WRITES ON WAR TRADEProf. Mathews Contributes Article toPolitical Economy Journal. -Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Di­vinity schoo.l has contributed an ar­ticle on "Aspects of the Trade in WarMaterials" to the January numberof the Journal of Political Economy.In Dean Mathews' opinion, the topicsuggests questions rather than con­clusions and so he has discussed theanswers to four groups of questionswhich he believes naturally arise indiscussion of the situation., "The first group of questions whichthe situation suggests centers aroundthis: does this present developmentof the manufacture of war materialmake permanent such manufactureas a private. rather than a govern­mental undertaking?"This suggests a second group ofquestions as to how concerns engagedin the manufacture of war materialscan expect to maintain their market.A third group of questions concernsthe financial outcome of the presentdevelopment of manufacture of warmaterials."A fourth gr.oup of questions con­cerns the effect of our present pol­icy upon the future of our interna­tional commerce."To Read Reports -at Meeting.Reports by members and studentsof the Botany department on "Bot­any at the Columbus Meeting" willbe given at the meeting of the Botan­ical club today at 4:30 in Botany 13.Examinations on Saturday.Examinations for the students whoreceived conditions last quarter willbe held Saturday from 9 to 12 and� to 5 in Cobb· 8B and 98.Council :Meets Today.The Interfraternity council willmeet this afternoon at 2:30 in theReynolds club.Chideb Committee �leet9.The Program committee of Chi debwill meet today at 10:15 in Cobb12A. ChiPIvA�MAThis compact writing machinewill handle all your notes, themesand records as weU as your cor­respondence. You know thattypewritten work recelves high­er marks than llIegtble pen writ­ten sheets. And remember. theCorona will stand up under theabuse of the "strong men" of theUnlverslty. as well as under thedainty touch of the CO-ed&PrIce $50.0G-extracted In paln­less monthly payments.Join the Fraternity ofCorona UsersNo one investment duringyour college course will beof greater service than thepurchase of a·CORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITERIt is no toy, althoughit weigh. only6 poundsCAP AND GOWN SCHEDULE.Group pictures for the Cap andGown will be taken this week end,according to the following schedule:_ Saturday.10. Beta Phi.11. Phi Alpha Delta.3. Delta Chi.Sunday.10. Phi Beta Phi.10:30. Delta Sigma Rho.11. Phi Chi.11 :30. Alpha Phi Sigma.. 12 Score club1. Washington house2. Phi Gamma Delta.2:30. Iron Mask.3. Tiger's HeadMust Register With Dean.Students desiring to take part inthe Upper Junior extemporaneouspublic speaking contest must regis­ter with the dean of the Junior col­leges before noon Wednesday, Feb-ruary 9. ' I:r .t .� -r: (FII'eeItiedTaD-FO: lI �. Q\orvI�. DOJlI-LOUl'.UntiOj'� der� letiS2\!i mebeEmeofdir·"TbejUrnocr . 1! . of..-I STUDENTS!! You Need a Typewriter& The Mulliplex; Hammond is theTypewriter es­peciaUy adaptedfor eotlege work.TU10 DifferentStyles of Type orLlInguages arealways in the machine. "Just Turnlite Knob" and change in'tonlly fromone to the other.Write For Calalo. antiS/lMCud Propo.ilionThe Hammond Typewriter Co.NEW YORKChicago Branch-189 W. Madison St.PRINCESS I Now PlayingWinthrop Am�s Pres�nts the 'Three-ActComedyA Pair of Silk Stockings0riIiul Cut ad 'rHactiea HeM� � SAIl SOTIlEUMATINEES THURSDAY and SATURDAYShows over the coat in back;low sharp. smart curveawayfront; good knotandslidespace'lfurSScCLUETT. PLlBODY' A CO .• Ine, •• &1 .... TaOT. 1'1. T)',\..�RRowCOLLARClassified Ads..Fly� ceDt. pel' Ilae. No adTertlaemeDt.nc:elyed fol' lea. tluua U eeJlta. All claal­tied adyertlaeRMIDt. mDet be paid la M­YIIDC'e.FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOMwith light housekeeping privilege;low price;three minutes walk fromcampus; phone Midway 8003.'4\OOMS FOR RENT-TWO SINGLErooms and one suite of two roomswith kitchenette. Miss Hill. 5830Blackstone avenue.�1 DO YOU WISH TO EARN BIGmoney in your spare time? Penn­anent employment oflered to a lim­ited number of men and women.Call at 4521 St. Lawrence after 7p. m. Permanent profits.LOST-A CIRCLET PIN SET WITHsaphire and pearls. Lost on 57thstreet between Kimbark avenueand the University or in Hutchin­son hall. Please return to 5646Kimbark avenue. Liberal reward.UNIVERSITY HEAD TORUN FOR NOMINATIONAS U. S. PRESIDENT (1)�E.andend,ule: President Edmund J. James, of the. University of Illinois, has been men­tioned' as a candidate for the presi­dential nomination, according to bul­letins which have been sent out byseveral press associations. The move-i:" ment in favor of Prof. James hasbeen launched by a number of collegemen all over the country. L. S. Roew,of the University of Pennsylvania, isdirecting the campaign.. in-ousgis­col­;'eb- Delta Chi Pledges.College Journalism is Subject.Frederick Kuh, '17, will speak on. "Two phases of College Journalism"before the Henry Clay club of theUniversity high school this afater­noon .Delta Chi announces the pledgingI . of William Hodges, of Winfield, Xan •.. THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. JANUARY 25. 1916.GROWTH OF INDUSTRYAND DEMOCRACY LEADNEW PLAY A'lTITUDE(Continued from Page 1)the leisure proble� of our nation?Where Can People Go!Whither may the people go? InChicago for example, for the subjectof this article suggsts only municipalgovernment. To commercialized rec­reational nstitutions? But they werebuilt for pecuniary profit and not thedevelopment of citizenship; they of­ten consort with vice and feed uponthe gullibility of the masses; theylevy an enormous tax upon our pop­ulation and rarely offer opportunityfor participation in developmental ac­tivities; they exploit the legitimateplay impulses and have never glimps­ed the idealism that should charac­terize the leisure time pursuits of afree and happy' people like our own.Yet, upon commercialized recrea­tion, in the city of Chicago, alone,$200,000,000 is spent annually by herpeople, seeking in vain the satisfac­tions which daily toil, alone, does notoffer. This amount is fifty times thatexpended at present upon public rec­reation. Among the accounts are suchenormous sums as these: on saloons,$144,000,000; on motion picturehouses, $12,000,000; on professionalbaseball, $10.000,000; not to mentionthe receipts of vaudevilles, burles­ques, cabarets, dime museums, dancehalls, amusements parks and otherequally vicious and non-constructiveinstitutions. Surely, then. our peo­ple may not look to commercializedrecreations for adequate opportuni­ties for developmental use of the lei­sure period! But what about the rec­reational provisions of the respectivephilanthropic agencies of. our city?Are not social settlements, churches,off-the-street clubs, etc., offering thepublic necessary opportunities? Theirmotives are preferable to those ofcommercialized recreations, to besure; but our present philanthropicagencies are quite insufficient for thedemands, and, after all, is not theirmethod undemocratic-they are main-. taned by one element, of the popula­tion, to lknefit another, not by alland for all-and, moreover, recrea­tion is an auxiliary, not the funda­mental, function with most of them.No Comprehensive Scheme.There is no comprehensive, coordi­nated scheme of philanthropic provi­sion for the leisure period; but onlyisolated and incoherent efforts ofvarying efficiency. Well, perhaps,the people may provide privately, asnobility has done, since all have beenenriched by more leisure and higherstandards of living; but this is ob­viously impossible and contrary tothe. necessities of democracy. Provi­sion by all and for all; with whole­some participation in developmentalpursuits. not maintained for profit,not limited by lack of funds or un­correlated administration, and not re­stricted to any age or class is theinevitable solution of the leisureproblem in America.Already about 700 cities in the Un­ited States have begun provision;over 7,000 trained play and recrea­tion directors are employed; and mil­lions are being expended annually.In Chicago there are about seventypublic play or recreation centers;twenty-four equipped with fieldhouses; and an increasing number ofsocial centers in public schools. Theday is not far distant when everycity and state will have its superin­tendent or commissioner of recreationas of education; and already Mr. E,j. Ward of Madison, Wisconsin, hasbeen appointed Federal Commission­er of Recreation by President Wil­son, beginning his work on January 1,1916. "Thus the o'ld order chang­eth, yelding place to the new."The Flonzaley quartet will give thethird concert scheduled for the Win­ter quarter by the University Or­chestral ' association. The concertwill be given February 8 at 4 inMandel hall.Give' Concert February 8. FACULTY MEMBERS TOVISIT HIGH SCHOOLSWill Conduct Inspection of institu­tions as l\laterial for Associa­tion Report.Seven members of the Universityfaculty will participate in the inspec­tion of Chicago high schools for theNorth Central association of Collegeand Secondary Schools, which willoccur in February. This inspectionwill fonn the basis for a report tothe board of inspectors' of the NorthCentral association to hold its annualmeeting March 19 in Chicago.Prof. Nathaniel Butler. of the de­partment of Education, WalterPayne, University examiner, Associ­ate Prof. EI� Downing, dean ofthe college o�ducation, AssistantProf. Rolla Tryon. of the' departmentof History, Prof. Frank Miller, of thedepartment of Latin, Prof .• GeorgeMyers, of the department of Mathe·matics, and Assistant Prof. CharlesGoettsch, of the department of Ger­man, will engage in the investigat/on,which will also include faculty mem­bers from the University of Illinoisand Northwestern university.The aim of the North Central asso­ciation of college and secondaryschools is to bring about a .heartierco-operation between the colleges andsecondary schools within its territory,to consider common educational prob­lems and devise ways for solvingthem, and to promote the physical,moral and intellectual welfare of thestudent by urging sanitary, modernschool buildings. A list of accreditedschools is published by the associ-.ation.The points considered in inspectionare: size of classes, number of reci­tations per week, teacher's successas shown by control of the situation,method of handling material, andcharacter of reaction of the pupils,and general spirit of the school ascalculated to determine the efficiencyo£ the work. -Clubs Schedule Joint Meeting.Prof. James H. Tufts, head of thePhilosophy department, Prof. CharlesH. Judd, director of the school of Ed­ucation, Assistant Prof. Carr, of thePsychology department, and Dr. Kit­son, of the Psychology department.will speak at a joint meeting of thePhilosophical, Educational, and Jour­nal clubs Thursday night at 7 :30 inClassics 21.Oregon Plans New Building.Regents at the University of Ore­gon have authorized the erection ofa $40,000 building for the school ofEducation and the Law department.Have $70,000 for Dormitory.Appropriations for the proposedAlumni dormitory at Princeton havenow reached $70,000, according toa conservative estimate made by H,G. Murray, secretary of the Graduatecouncil at that institution.Badgers Lose Track Stars.The track team at the Universityof Wisconsin loses the services of twoof their best men this season. PhilipStiles, holder of the Conference broadjump record, has accepted a positionin a bank at Des Moines, Iowa. Car­men Smith star dash man will goback to Michigan where he attendedtwo years ago.Club Will Meet Today.The Three Quarters club will meettoday at 10:15 in Cobb lOB.Senior Women Hold Meet.Senior women will meet today at10:15 in Lexington 14 to discussplans for the Leap Year party to beheld March 4.Physics .Club to Meet.The Physics club will meet Thurs­day at 4:30 in Ryerson 32. Start- Now! Play Billiards!Indoor Days Have Come AgainBalls racked, cues chalked, bright eyes a nd eager hands ready-the wbolecay famlly gathered around the billiard table. "Start them orr. mother, butplease leave a few for the rest of us to shoot at."So It begins again in the homes of thousands who now have BruQ8wlckCarom and Pocket Billiard Tables. Every day brightened with mirth andmanly sports that stirs the blood and keeps old age at a distance!Our handsome bllliard book. sent free, reveals how billiards will fill yourhome with enchantment-win the grown-ups, boys and girls and gucsta.SUPERB BRUNSWICKHome Billiar.d Tables-MGRANO" N $27 U d "CONVERTIBLES""BABY GRAND" ow pwar S "DEMOUNT ABLES""BABY GRAND"Combination Carom and Pocket StyleBrunswick Carom and Pocket Bllliard Tables are made of rare and beautifulwooda In sizes to l1t all homes. Scientific. accuracy, lite! speed! and action!that are unexcelled. Yet our prices are low--due to mammoth output-now'%7 upward.PLAYING OUTFIT FREEBalls, Cues. Cue Clamps, Tips. Brush, Cover, Rack, Markers. Spirit Level,expert book on "How to Play," etc., all Included without extra charge.30 DAYS' TRIAL, THEN 10 CENTS A DAY,Our plan lets you try nny Brunswick right in your own home 30 days fre ..You can pay monthly as you play-terms as 19w as $5 down and 10 centsada,... . .Our famous book-"BUliards-The Home Magnet"-shows these tables Inall their handsome colors, gives full detatls. prices. etc. Send for it today.The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co .623 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoThe Pen with the"Crescent - Filler"The "Crescent-Filler" is all onthe outside. No hidden mechan­ism-no possibilities of internaltrouble withNON-lEAKABlEThe Conklin is filled in " secondsby a dip in ink and a thumb-pressurethe "Crescent - Filler," $2.50.$3.00, $4.00, $5.00and up.lhe Conklin Pen Mfg. Co.Conklin Bldg.T .... ObIo. D. s. &. JastDip.anClPressl"Glimpse" Our New WoolensTHEY'RE 'pleasfngly different fromthe commonplace- and you'll havethe fun of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you. forwe carry but one length of each.Prices Range from$3500Foster & Odward, Toilor. lor Yoanw MenSeventh Floor Republic Building, State and AdamsTelepho�e H.rriaoD S216TIIB DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916.ILLINI BREAK TIEFOR FIRST PLACE BYDEFEATING BADGERSThe lecture to have been given byDr. C. D. Williamson last night on"The Grand Canyons of Colorado andthe Indians of the: Painted Desert"has been postponed indefinitely.ATHLETICS BREVITIES.(Continued from page 1) Harry Tuthill, trainer of the De­troit American league baseball team,has been signed to act in a similarcapacity for the Michigan footballteam next season. For four years beconducted the welfare of the Armycleven.For the first time since 1905, aColumbia baseball team will take atrip after commencement. Six gamesave been scheduled for the tripthrough New York and New Eng­land.Fifteen men received varsity let­ters at Brown university last week.The letters were not awarded untilthe men returned from Pasadena, Cal.,where they met defeat at the bandsof the Washington eleven on NewYear's day. F. D. Pollard, the col­ored half back from the Lane Tech­nical high school of Chicago, wasone of· the three freshmen who re­ceived the coveted insignia.The Illinois rifte team is now en­gaged in dual meets with the Navalacademy and the University of Cali­f ornia. The scores are exchanged bytelegraph.There will probably be a new ath­letic director at the University ofWisconsin after today. The alumniand regent's committee will meet,and it is rumored that Ehler, thepresent director, will be discharged.It is not often that any college teamis forced to compete without a captain,but this year the Wisconsin swimmingteam finds itself in such a situation.There is not a "W" man on the squadand according to the custom at theBadger institution the captain mustbe a letter man.· .The students at the Phillips Andov­er academy have voted in favor of re­viving basketball. There will be noacademy team this year but candi­dates for next year will be developedin an intramural series. Andover hasnot been represented in this branch ofsport for five years.Trinity college has adopted a newset of eligibility rules which will pre­vent a recurrence of the incidencewhich arose last fan when several col­leges refused to meet Trinity on thegridiron because of the presence ofGeorge Brickley, the former profes­sional baseball player on the team.rally and made the game safe. Inthe other games played, Minnesotasprung a surprise by defeating Iowa,26 to 11, and Ohio State won fromPurdue, 24 to 19.A change in tactics in the secondhalf gave Northwestern its first vic­tory over Chicago in basketball. Witha patched up team, the Varsity gotthe jump on the Purple and withinten minutes they had a ten pointlead. Chicago started: off with a rushwhen Schafer scored a basket on theopening play. N orthwestem thenscored on a free throw and CaptainGeorge began the rally with a fieldgoal from the middle of the floor.Baskets by Schafer and Clark ranthe count up to eleven. Northwesterncame right back and the ·end of thefirst half found the Maroons clingingto a 15 to 11 lead. .Shull Appears on Floor.Spike Shull made his first appear­ance on the basketball floor since1914 when he took Clark's place atcenter in the second half. But eventhe rangy tackle could not stop thespeedy Underhill, playing guard in­stead of Captain Patterson, who isill, and his team mates in their sen­sational dribbles" down the floor forbaskets. The feature of the gamefrom the Maroon standpoint was thedefensive work of the team. Parkerbroke up play after play while hewas in the game, and Captain Georgedid not allow Whittle a basket untilthe last few minutes when the pacebegan to tell on "Rolly." The finalscore was 26 to 18.The team will be seriously handi­capped in its preparation for the Wis­consin game, Saturday night, by theIllness of Conch Page. "Pat" hasbeen in bed since Friday night andfor a while his physician feared hewas threatened with pneumonia. Mr."'Stagg, and Assistant Coach Des Jar-dien will direct the practice untilPage is able to resume his task.Parker Has Regular Berth.In all probabilities Townley andShull \\;11 be alternated at centerand Clark and Schafer will be usedat the other forward with Parkerholding down a regular berth.SALISBLRY LECTURF..S FUlDA Y Jenkins Speaks Today.Five Events Are Planned by Quad­ranzle Club. The Rev. Mr. Burris A. Jenkins,oi the Linwood· Boulevard Christianchurch of Kansas City, 1\10., willspeak at chapel for Junior collegewomen today at 10:15 in Mandel.Prof. Rollin D. Salisbury, head ofthe department of Geography, willgive an illustrated lecture on "PortoRico" Friday night at 8 at the Quad­rangle club. A musicale has beenscheduled for Saturday night, Feb­duary 4, at 8:3. The club will givea dinner dance Thursday night, l'"eb­ruary 10, at 7. Other events plan­ned are a Valentine party for chil­dren and a Leap Year party. Williamson Unable to Lecture. -------O&H-------25 % Semi - Annual DiscountOn our complete stock of YoungMen's- Clothing is now in pro­gress. This includes an unusualSelection. Many of the Suitsand Overcoats are suitable for•spring wear.MENS � STOREOgilvie &Heneaee18-2.0 East Jackson Boulevard-C AI c G oHDISCUSSION GROUPS TOHOLD MEETINGS TODAYMorris to Lead Y. M. C. A. Immigra­tion Study-Warner and Gus­tafson Schedule Gathering.I WAG�ER MAKES SCORE OF 193fI Phi Delta Thcta Bowlers Win TwoStraight Gamcs.The First cabinet of the Leaguewill meet tomorrow at 3:80 In theLeague committee room.Fletcher Catron, '13, Engaged to l\lissCarolyn Updike. President and Mrs .. Judson leftyesterday for a short visit to NewYork. They will return to the cam­pus Sunday morning.Cupid scored again on the campusyesterday. Mrs. Grenville Stratton,of 5402 Woodlawn avenue, announc­ed the engagement of her daughter,Carolyn Mabbatt Updike, to FletcherCatron, '13.Catron returned recently with thebaseball team after its long tour ofthe Orient. He is now registered inthe Law school, Miss Updike is agraduate of the Hyde Park highschool. Catron hails from Santa Fe,N. M., and is the son of Senator T.B. Catron of that state.Phi Delta Theta defeated Phi Kap­pa Sigma in the interfraternity bowl­ng matches yesterday. Wagner star­red for the victors with a high scoreof 193. Hibbert bowled well for thePhi Kappa Sigma team. The ChIPsi-Sigma Nu contest was forfeitedto Chi Psi.The score:Phi Delta Theta V8.- Phi Kappa Sigma675 First game 534704 Second game 486 Second Cabinet- Meets.The Second cabinet of the Leaguewill meet today at 3 :30 in the Leaguecommittee room.First Cabinet to Meet. jIIiil.1I v51•t, p�CIVIfutobaPI.illStrevielltacateatC8teC101dt- ..atfrteltv1MSIintllb4a'tlboaiJanh11bffiati14rt1(t]fI'\ t.i,