,at aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916Vol XIV No. 58PLA YERS .... TELL STORY OFBASEBALL TRIP TO JAPAN Price Five Cent ..A complete account of the baseballtrip to Japan was given in a seriesof speeches by the team members at ALUMNI INCLUDED IN CASTSthe homecoming mass meeting heldWISTER'S CHARGE EXPLAINED last night in Kent theater. Edward Ralph Beuzies, '11, Has Leading PartKixmiller, with his little diary, op- in "Soldiers"-Several Under-ened the program with a description � �graduates to Take Part.Prof. Charles Sarolea Thought to Be of the trip from Chicago to SanSavant Novelist Re- Francisco, including a description ofthe points of interest en route. All tickets have already' been soldDirector Stagg in his official ad- for the Twelfth Night supper to bedress of welcome commended the held tonight at 7 in Hutchinson com-In a recent volume, "The Pente- team on its Spleridfti shoWing, and mons in conjunction with the revivalcost of Calamity," Owen Wister expressed the gratitude of the Uni- of the Twelfth Night festivity, ac­charged that "the University of Cbi- versity for the hospitality sho� by cording to the statement made yes­cago stopped the mouth of a Belgian the Japanese People. Japanese Con- terday by Mrs. Charles Hubbardprofessor who was going to present sul Kurusu traced the history of base- Judd, who is in charge of the supperBelgium;s case." At that time, it was ball in the Orient and predicted that. arrangements. Mrs. Judd declaredgenerally supposed that Prof. Van del' the Japanese viill turn the tables yesterday that a large number of," Essen, a member ' of the faculty 01 when they invade Chieago next June. people had been turned away withoutthe University of Louvain, was the The japanese Club of the University reservations.man referred. to. The Daily Maroon presented tWo of its members in the. The two plays that will be pre-prints herewith a complete denial of KenjitsU, a sword dance. sented at 8:30 in Mandel hall follow-the charge as it might be 'related to Roland George introduced several ing the supper have been' written ex-him from Prof. Van der Essen. native Hawaiian songs on his ukelele. pJ1esSly �or the occasion- �by DeanIt was learned yesterday from a Norman Hart, who was billed to as- Wallace. The programs- are beingpource ,which cannot be questioned sist Rolly, did not appear. Other given under the auspices of the U ni­that the statement in Wister's book �embers of the team described the versity of Chicago, Settlement league,• : originated through the folloWing cir- various side trips taken in Japan, of which' Miss Wallace is president,cumstanees: Honolulu, China arid Missoula, Mon- for the benefit of the University set-� to Speak Here. tana; Rudolph narrated the incidents tlement. The proceeds. of the per-Application was made to the Uni- . which occurred during, t�e passa�e �ormancs.-in Ma�del and the sti�perit . behalf f rtain Prof across tlie China sea In a sm8l1 In Hutehinson wil be devoted entirelyveral y m 0 a ce ." -. - d 1";'''''::..J • h . 'Charles, Sarolea Bel . d steamer. Captain Gray ee � In to canty. . 1her of the �ch d ::man t ; f his comparison of baseball in the The parts in both plays will be. mEde;nnbYn'CPh univ .. .....; .... ,toe _:: 1..:- O��t �t the Japanese are � ,� bl!:.!'!�J·�.4-:}�·;fe1lf·;mideT-I ' -&.. �_-. .. J, ����_ J�jiaf��1ffi1i-:-�· �uates conneCted with the Dra-L·r_.:to .. ·.,..t-.oR-the .-mpus·OD� the I� - -. • -. - I •• •• - -� th: aituatiOD.:The member of the faeultY �e�tion :of ppetice they. wID be matIc ,_club and b� �em�rs of e: .' Who reeeived the �__ ecmaulted abl�, f:O . combat_ sil�ullY with �y facn!t�_. Ralp� �nzl�S, ,�, has the'b.-I V . de � __ .:... ,,_� Amencan college team. leadmg part In Soldiers, the firstr -C.l'UI.. an. r �n �ar IlUv£ee on play. Dean Wallace bas a prominent, th;_m:r.�. s'::1 der �: CONVENTiON caoosss part i� the second play, "Culture C.P• .., ea .... m PROF. COOK PRESIDENT· o. D." Frank O'Hara is coachinghabit taofti makithanCt 8uc:hth eu�datedbe OF LAW AssoCIATION ,iSoldiers" and Ph�be Bell Terry, '10,presen ons ey wvu£ .' - hin th tb 1-likely to 'harm rather than aid the " IS eoae �ng e 0 er pay.': ' .... � Belgian cause. Tbereupon, the matter Prof. Walter W. Cook, of the Law Casts for Two Plap.,- Was aha1ldoned: �baequentJJ, in the school, was elected president of the The casts for the two plays aseourse of a publle leeture, Prof. Association of American Law schools announced yesterday follows:Sarolea _id, ''The mouth of a Bel- " at its meeting held during the holi- "soldiers."II gian professor has been stopped' bv days in CbieagO; Prof. Cook was S, ,- - ':i of th Maggie Baily .. _ _Beatrice tewartan AmeriCan iiilivelirity." Mr. Wister; .Lormer.y seeretary-treasurer e F, . .' ti '0_. tatl- of Gertie _ _ Margaret entonat tIi� eone1usion of the lec:ture, organiZ8 on. � ..... .t'reaen aves Y M·lk·tch';.rt' • st·tut· f·· II parts of Mrs. Mullen. _ etta I ewIpreSSed tie &peaker for tile name of £v y In 1 Ions rom a. th' u' .&.-.1 States . . t t' Sam Baily .Ralph Benziesthe "Ameriean univnity." Reluc- e Dla.cu were preaen athe . ti . Henry Baily Stellan Windrowtantly, PrOf. Sarolea is said to have cooven on. Griffiths � ; Vernon Browndesignated tIie University of Clriea- ( Policeman Milton Frank. � go.-The Editor. Coancil Meets Today. "Culture C. O. D."Van del- Eaea'. Deaial. Jack, office boY.:. • .Lander MaeClintockProf. Van der Essen's com- The NeighborHood council Will meet Paul Danforth _ Wilbur L. Carrr' munication which has just today at 1 in the Neighborhood room Mr. Lestinard Badger Francis Abbottreached Chicago, was printed to discuss plans for the coming elec... ..-' in The London Times of De- tions. •.. cember 22. It follows: ---------------------------------------"I have just read in 'The Timesthe protest issued by Prof. James R.Angell, of the· University of Chicago,against the assertion of Mr. Own Wis-I'I PRESENT TWO PLAYSBY DEAN WALLACETONIGHT IN MANDELBELGIAN PROFESSORDENIES UNIVERSITYGAGGED UTTERANCES Coach Stagg Welco�es Team atHomecoming Massmeeting LastNight in Kent�eorge PlaysHawaiian Songs on Ukelele. Twelfth Night Supper in Hutch­inson to Precede-AllTickets are Sold.Van der Essen, in Letter toLondon Times,. PraisesChicago's Liberality.I.ferred to.(Con!inued on page 4.) NOYES WILL ARRIVE-: IN CHICAGO TOMORROWOth� Arrangements Prevent PoetFrom Accepting Invitation to Stayin Hitchcock-WiU Read His OwnPoetry After Lecture.Alfred Noyes, who vdll deliverthe lecture Saturday night at 8 on"The Optimism in the Poetry of theFuture," .will arrive in Chicago to­morrow from Omaha and will makehis residence at the Blackstone hotelwhile in the city. Plans had beenmade by the Senior committee on ar­rangements to have Mr. Noyes stay inHitchcock, but other engagementsprevented him from accepting tfheroom.The proceeds of the lecture, whichis being given under the auspices ofthe Senior Glass, will be devoted to aALFRED NOYES.cl8Ss gift to be �ted to 'theUniverSity iater in the year. PaulRussell is general chairmaii at the2ft'air., Harold Moore is- chaiiman ofthe arrangements committee, LaWr­enee MeGregor of the publicity com­mittee, and Gifford Plume of theticket committee. Tickets can be se­cured from members of the ticketeommittee and at the box office 'illCObb., Mter Mr. Noyes has completed hislecture Saturday night he wiil gjvea number of readings from his ownpoetry. The- readings tobe presentedwill be eapeciany reIited 'to tHe - war,and Will be- taken fioDi· the recentworks that he has- written pertainingto the general subject of war. Mr .Noyes bas had a superb athletic andphYsical training and is able to tadpoetry. with force and vigor and feel­ing. He is- one of the few modem(Continued on page 4.)DEAN WALLACEAuthor of the Two Plays Which Will be Presented TQriight in Mandel" (Continued on pace 3.)WEATHER FORECAST.Fair and colder today, aCcompan­ied by moderate westerly winds; Fri­day fair and continued cold, withgentle variable winds.BULLETINTODAY.Chapel, �c Divinity school, 10:15,MandelY. w. C. L., 10:15, Lexington 14.International club, 4, Lezincton 14.TOMORROW.Senior Pinaace committee, lo.t5,Cobb 12A.DeVotional service, tbe DivinitylChool, 10:15, Hute11.German Conversation dub, 4:30,Lezington 14 •. -- DAN BROWN LEADEROF RIGHT WING ATWASHINGTON PROMCouncil Will Choose Head ofLeft Division at SpecialMeeting.CHANGE DATE OF FUNCTIONElsie Johns Is Faculty Dinner Cbair­maD-Committ� to Work Up� Enthusiasm . for Debate.Dan Brown will lead the right 'wingat the annual Washington promenadewhich will be held next moitth inBartlett. Brown was elected at themeeting of the Undergraduate councilhId yesterday afternoon in the C01ID�cil chamber in Harper. Only Seniorcouncil members voted for this p0-sition.The leader of the left wing will be. selected at a special meeting of theCouncil to be held tomorrow at 12:45in Harper. Inability to arrive at adecision for the selection of the see­ond leader yesterday neCessitated anextra meeting .The date fOI": the promenade hasbeen changed to Friday night, Febru­ary 25, instead of Monday, February21, which was the time set by theCouncil last quarter. Conflict withother University activities and re-� ·ip1esta: hom seDim caused theehange •.To Manage Amingements.According to previous eustom,Brown, as leader of the' right wing,will act as chairman of the ArraDge­ments committee. The· leader at theleft wing, who will be chosen tomor�row, will h�d the Finance .coJDDiittee.'!'lie other c:cmunittee chairman .andthe eomDiittee DlemberS wili be �lected by the leaders and the CouncilArrangments will be made thisyear to spend no more money f6rtile. promenide thaD is SilbsCribed for,the sale elf tickets gauging the ex­penditures. This has been decided up­on in order to jJrevent a repetition ofiast' year's deficit. A1t1tmtgh' theCouncll feels that there is little dan­ger of a deficit this year, precautionwas deemed advisable.Hanisch to ASsist.Elsie J olins, secretarY of the CouD­cll, was appointed chairman of theannual faculty dinner, which wm beheld Friday, March 3, in the Hulcbin-'lson commons: Arthur Hanisch, ajunior representative, will assist MissJohns in making the arrangements.The Council is making plans forthe students' part in the quarter cen­tennial celebration of the Universitywhich will be held during Convocationweek in June. Preparations are un­der way to have the students makesome tagible contribution to the pro­gram for the occasion. Dramatic per­formances, pageants and exhibitshave been suggested. Students whohave any ideas or suggestions con­cerning the students· part in the cel­eb�ation have heen requestd to tumthem in to the Undergraduate council,faculty exchange.Arouse Enthusiasm.Craig. Redmon, Arthur Hanisch andBruce Martin were appointed as acommittee to work up enthusiasm forthe intereollegiate debate which winbe held Friday night, January 21, inMandel.A decision on the question of send­ing a delegate to the Student .Coun­cil convention which will be held at(Continued on Pace a.)-----. ,)..'.'.A..,j. THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 1916WQr iaaUy :tIaroonOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago.Published mornings. except Sundayand Monday, during the Autumn. Wtn­ter and 8pring quarters by The DailyMaroon starr:F. R. Kuh Managing EditorH. R. Swanson. .. _ News EditorB. E. Newman Athletics EditorA. A. Baer Day EditorR. Cohn Night EditorR. A. Keating _ Woman's EditorAssociate EditorsWade Bender .. __ Mary KnightBusiness ManagersC. A. Birdsall.._ _ R. P. MatthewsEntered as second-class mail at theChicago Post office. "''-lcago. Illinois,March 13. 1908. under ..r .. et of March 3.1813.Subscription RatesBy Carrier. $2.50 a year: $1 a quarter.By Mail. $3 a year, $1.25 a quarter.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephones {HYde Park 5391:\lidway 800Business Office Ellis 14'telephone. Blackstone 2591.THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916READ THIS MONTH'S ISSUE.The current and most ambitiousissue of the University of Chicagomagazine is the type of publicationwhich will interest undergraduates aswell as alumni and faculty. Suchnumbers strengthen the attachmentof the undergraduate to the Univer­sity and make him a more loyal alum­nus in later years..0 ALFRED NOYES. .It bas been the good fortune of theUniv�rsity during recent years to beable to entertain and be entertainedby Jtlany distinguished mUSICUlns.ScbuJtl8nn-Heink, Gogorza, Bloom­fi IO_Zeisler, Spalding, Bonci, Bachaus,N�elsen, Y saye, the Kneisel �tte,Gatlz, Powell, Culp and Bauer areong the notables who have gracedam platform of Mandel hall. And ,t;lle tltese must be added the many de­t� tftd concerts otrered by the Chi­hgIJ Symphony orchestra during theeJJ.gD seven years. Within the Uni­pa�t; itY's later history, innumerableV'et�nent speakers have been beardpro t;IJe campus; the more illustriouson oflS Whose names occur to us ODpet� SpilT of the moment are Theodoretlte ��e1t, William Howard Taft, Ly­BoO ft.hbott, John Spargo, Hamilton� \\,illiam McKinley, Franklin Mc­golt:1}1, Walter Fisher, George Ma­V#tJ'1 Trevelyan, Johann von Bern­cjl"j� and J. J. J usserand. Manysto(·�! letters have been the guests ofrJle'P t]niversity, among them beingtlte tle Brieux, John GalS\Vorthy,E:U�iltOn Mabie, Hamlin Garland,g;J�_rtl Vaughn Moody and a host of�;jJ�s. And while the lecture pro­ot��s have not been devoid of poets'� s, it is several years since thenat1'�tlflity has had the opportunitycott' elcome bards of note. RabiDdra­to � 'tagore is the poet who prob­natP �sited the University most Te­abjil)" And our own Martin SchutzecetJt offered to the community muchha� .t1ltion of a poetical nature.ifl�f;!red Noyes, whom the Senior} 5 }las felicitously secured to Iec­c19-� Saturday night in Mandel, istu,.c of those who are playing an im­one ot role in shaping the poeticpO�ards of today and of the future. Ist9'1' done who is interested in the cul- iEve 1 aspect of life should look for­tll,-tlcJ to Mr. Noyes' appearance with'V9.Jity. It should not be necessary, avl �oticit the support of the studentsto an occasion which is indeed sof�t 1 to those earnestly seeking anvtt9. M N .d catIon. r r. oyes represents n�he. tJp�rson "the virility and refinementIS l' , 1 Sf �nJ.r rsn cu ture." aturday's lee-;ure.�Il be a chance for the students,faclllty and others interested in thehomanities to pay tribute to the ere-I­;r•t(.!..-,.:" Preliminary instruction will begiven and assignment of parts madeat the meeting to be held this after­noon at 4 in Harper assembly roomfor men students interested in takingpart in the plays to be given underthe auspices of the English depart­ment. Parts will be assigned for"Second Shepherd's Play" and "TheNice Wanton." Only men wilt becandidates, owing to the fact that nowomen took parts in the miracleplays of the Middle Ages.Students who will be unable to re­port this afternoon have been re­quested to send their names and pre­ferred roles to Associate Prof. Rob­ertson. The competition will be fortwo plays since the first and fourthparts of the program are already inpreparation. Rehearsals for "Shep­herd's Second Play" and "The NiceWanton" will be held soon after thefirst assignment of parts.week and contests will start immedi- Present Four Plays.atelY. The four undergraduate classes These four Mediaeval and Renais-will be the only members of the sance -productions will be producedleague, the professional schools be- about the first of March in Mandeling omitted. Managers of the class hall as a contribution to the nationteams will be elected this week by the wide celebration 'of the three hun­class Athletic committees. If the pro- dreth anniversary of the birth offessional and graduate schools form Shakespeare.a league of their own, the winners Members of the English departmentof the tournaments in the two asso- have declared that the revival of theciations will play a post season game plays will attract wide attention.for the University championship. "Sponsus," the first play, is a litur-,gical drama of the twelfth century.ADD COURSES TO SCHEDULE The action takes place in a church ofthe Middle Ages between choir boysFour New Subjects Offered-An- and young clergymen. It is writtennounce C�ges in Rooms. in Latin. The music will be given by.Dr. J. Lewis Brown, organist of OurThe following courses have been Lady of the Sorrows church and theadded to the schedule for the Winter actors will be the choir boys of thatquarter: Greek 1 under Mr. Atwater institution.at 10:15 in Classics 10; Physics 3 Second Is Mystery Play.under Mr. Koppius, fellow in Physic�, The second part on the programin Ryerson 41 at 10:45; History 1 I will be "Second Shepherd's Play," aunder Mr. �oranson 'at .10:45 in Har- mystery play in which Mak, the sheepper Memonal M14; HIstory of Art stealer appears in his comic episodes.28a at 3:30 in Classics 10 under Mr. The sketch shows the 'shepherds atOffner. the manger of Christ. The third playThe following classes will meet in will be "The Nice Wanton," a schoolithe future in the !oom indicated: sketch which dramatizes the text,Political Economy 2d moved to Har- "Spare the rod and spoil the child"per M13; Home Economics 71 will The fourth will be an Elizabethianmeet in Lexington 7; Mathematics 3 Jig with parts of singing and dan­moved to Cobb llB; C. and' A. 71 cing,moved to CQbb nn, English 40d willmeet in Lexington 5; and PoliticalScience la moved to Cobb Sb.ative ability and interpretative pow­ers of a contemporary poet: an op­portunity which, in the years to come,will be remembered as of the varietywhich knocks at the door but seldom.SUPERSTITIOUS?Although the production of MissWallace's plays tonight is called theTwelfth Night festival, the perform­ance tomorrow night is left witho-u�a title. Why not the Thirteenth Nightcelebration? Or are the promotersfearful lest the association of 13 withFriday result in the caving in of theroof of Mandel or the sudden illnessof the leading character?ELECT DUNLAP PRESIDENTInterclass Athletic Association toBegin Activities..---Robert Dunlap has been chosenpresident of the Interclass Athleticassociation. The class presidents willact as an advisory board to aid Dun­lap in: conducting the business of theorganization.The schedule of games for thebasketball season will be issued nextSEC�TY LEAGUE TOAWARD PRIZE OF tzsoA prize of $250 is otrered by theNational Security league to the au­thor of the best essay on the subject"National Security as It Involves thePreparation and Use of the Citzenry."The competition is open to all stu-­dents.Essays must be not less than 4,000and not more than 5,000 words inlength. Three typewritten or printedcopies must be sent to the League ina seald envelope marked "Militia Es­say" before February 1. The essaymust be anonymous and the authormust adopt some nom de plume on theoutside and enclose fun name and ad­dress in a separate envelope.DRAMATIC CLUB HOLDSBUSINESS MEETINGThe Dramatic club win hold a bus­iness meeting today at 10:15 in Cobb12A to elect new members and d'scussinitiation. All associate and activemembers have been requested to bepresent. Posters concerning the clubtryouts to be held January 25 inHarper MIl have been placed on thevarious bulletin boards.Senior Committee Meets.The Senior Finance committee winmeet tomorrow at 10:15 in Cobb 12A. MEN RECEIVE PARTSIN MEDIAEVAL PLAYS'AT MEETING TODAYTwo Productions in Preparation forShakespearean Celebration-Dr.Brown to Furnish Music.Announce Play Next Week.The winning manuscript in theBlackfriar play competition will beannounced next week. Copies of thelyrics will be submitted to the can­testants in the music competition atonce. Tryouts for the cast and chor­uses will be held next month. Atheater party will be held by theactive Blackfriars February 1.ANNOUNCE PROGRAMOF REYNOLDS CLUBFOR WINTER QUARTERThe social ProgJ.1UIl of the Reynolda'club fop the Winter-quarter wDI open­with the president's reception Friday,January 14. The first informal daneewill be held the following Friday. OnFriday night, January 28, a smoker'will be given. A se...'"ODd wcrmsldance will be held Friday, February11 and a formal dance wll be hedFriday, March 10.25 in Military Class.Twenty-five men are enrolled in themilitary training class under Assis­tant Prof. von Noc this quarter. Themen drill on Stagg field when the'weather permits,Fees Due by Tomorrow.Fees for the Winter quarter mustbe paid before tomorrow at 3, orcharge will be made for late pay­ment. �:. MANY a mountain 0'trouble turns out to bea mole hill after all, whenviewed ca'mly through thehaze o' pipe smOk�f"rMAT MEN �TART TRAININGNetherton Arranges Schedule 01Matches With Park Teams.Active work started yesterday inall the wrestling classes and CoachNatherton hopes to have the squadin condition for regular work by theend of the week. During the Christ­mas vacation Coach Netherton ar­ranged a number of meets with parkteams throughout the city, as practicematches for the squad before the firstConference meets. Arrangements are.also being made for another trip to 'Gary where the Maroon wrestlerswill meet the Gary Public NightSchool and the Y. M. C. A. squads.Purdue will corne here for the firstConference meet of the season onFebruary 5. Purdue has always givenwrestling a prominent place among'the minor sports and may be countedupon to send a strong team againstthe Maroon grapplers. The secondConference match wiH be held Bebru­ary 19 when Indiana, last year's Con­ference champions, meet the Varsity�Although weakened by the loss ofDemmon, last years' champion in the145 pound class, the Hoosiers still ap­pear to be' the favorites for the titleagain this year.- -- .. �To Lecture on Art.Under the auspices of the Univer­sity Lecture association, I. B. Stough­ton Holborn of Oxford Universitywill give a series of lectures on "Artin Daily Life" at Abraham Lincolncenter, corner of Oakwood boulevardand Langley. avenue, Tuesday eve­nings at S.Form Machine Gun Troop.A machine gun troop composed ofUniversity men has been organized'by the First Infantry regiment. PaulO'Donnell, '17, is in charge of the;squad. Men interested in joining thetroop have been requested to commun- 'icate with O'Donnell through theFirst Regiment armory, 1327 NorthClark street.Soares to Address League.IDr. Theodore Gerald Soares, headof the department of Practical The­ology, will speak on "Time-What ItTakes and What It Gives," at themeeting of the League today at 10:15in Lexington 14.Will Give Tea Saturday.The Chicago Alumnae club will givea tea Saturday afternoon at the Pres­idents' house.To Attend Debate in Body.Members of Chideb will attend theintercollegiate debate Friday, Janu­ary 21, in �andel in a body. CORONA"The Univenity M.chiDe"We might also say the universalmachine, since it is in daily usein scores of colleges and univer,:sities throughout the world.Why is the Corona particularlyadapted, to the work of the col­lege man? BecauseIt weighs only six pounds.It is a visible writer.It has two color ribbon.It can be folded up in a carry­ing case no larger than a goodsized camera, and will do anywriting that the average student'may have.Don't take our word for all this,but ask. for booklet, "Proof of the . 'Pudding."Demonstrations to suit yourconvenience.CORONA TYPEWRITERSALES COMPANY -12 SO. LA SALLE STREETTelephone, Franklin 4992�Jobn J •• ,cCormlcll Jaa.s A. L,ueGlee Club to Rehearse.The Glee club win hold its first re--hearSal of the quarter Tuesday at "on the third floor of the Reynoldsclub. Plans are being made for sev­eral short trips to be taken duringthe quarter. Arrangements have al­ready been made for concerts at Cul­ver, Ind., and Kankakee.SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONLIBRARIAN RESIGNSMiss Irene Warren, who has beenlibrarian of the school of educationsince its founding in 1901, has re­signed her position to take up a lit­erary career. She has been succeededby Miss Ruth Abbott, who has beenMiss Warren's assistant. Miss War­ren has gone to California where shewill lecture and write.Take Part in Peace Services.Several members of the Divinityschool are taking part in the nationalpeace services this week in localchurches. The services are under theauspics of the Federal council ofChristian churches.Mathews' Is Chapel Speaker.Dean Mathews will speak at thechapel exercises of, the Divinity schoolthis morning at 10:15 in the Haskellassembly room. ,1.n...f-, ='., SBEYClj�alwltheone.,.nChitWE�YOGO:TO"terstop.tI fessgiUlin t:addius-,fessUni'mig:plaitheI docanhimmadof tMof tahalverstionfesapatltheSUP]mol'lter :.'man".I,� in Idiennev«" witl1versto nrebllies- " "]f �'. ask«Pre!lie,nowfewver-" give.- plet,the" • ticlEPub.: utedGraDAthebusuntsomsenrpen:TCouI 4 irt·, "II .) -. -1.n...[1-: STUDENTS!You Need a TypewriterThe MultiplexHammond is theTypewriter es­p�cially" adaptedfor college work.TflJo DifferentStyles 0/ Type orLanguages arealways III rhe machine. "Just Turnthe Knob" and change in .tantly fromone to the other..,.. Write lor Catalo. anJSpec",l PrOIlO.itionThe Hammond Typewriter Co.NEW YORKChicago Branch-189 W. Madison St.WHEN YOU FINDNOBODY HOMEYOU'LL KNOW THEY'VE ALLGONE TO THEPRINCESSTO SEE THE MUSICAL COMEDYSUCCESS OF THE YEARPOP. MAT. THURS.BEST, SEATS $1.00BELGIAN PROFESSORDENIES UNIVERSITYGAGGED UTrERANCES(Continued from page 1)'II ter that "the University of Chicagostopped the mouth of a Belgian pro­fessor who was going to state Bel­gium's case." As my name is givenin the letter, I think it is my duty toadd some explanation of the righte­ius protest of Prof. AngelL"As I was the only Belgian pro­fessor who was giving lectures at the_ University of Chicago in 1914-15, onemight imagint that I myself com­plained to Mr. Owen Wister aboutthe facts he alleges. Unfortunately,I do not know the sympathetic Ameri­can friend of the allies. I never methim and certainly never could havemade in his presence any complaintof the kind.Denies Making Statement.Moreover, I never stated anythingof the sort. I have always told andshall continue to tell, that the Uni­versity .of Chicago-with the 'excep­tion, of course, of some German pro­fesSO'l's--!howed an unlimited sym-pathy to the Belgian cause and thatthe professors proved to be strongsupporters of the allies. This -is themore striking, as Chicago is the cen-ter and meeting place of all the Ger­., man eon spira tors."All the time I was busy stating, ,� in many clubs and before many au­diences the case of Belgium, I wasnever in the slightest way interferedj with by the authorities of the Uni�versity. Many professors expressedto me their sincere joy at "seeing merebuking the arguments and forger­ies of the German propagandists."University Was Cordialr: ') "Finally, before leaving, I was�', asked by the University of ChicagoPress to write, for the American pub­lic, a 'History of Belgium,' whieh isnow ready to be circulated within afew weeks. Better proofs of the Uni­versity's attitude could hardly begiven. Therefore, I wrote, with com-, r plete liberty of judgment and action,the tribute which appears in my ar-" r ticle, 'The Sufferings of Belgium andPublic Opinion in America,' contrib­uted by me to the 'Book of Belgium'sGratitude,' just published by Lane."DAN BROWN LEADEROF RIGHT WING ATWASHINGTON PROM(Continued from page 1)the Ohio State university at Colum­bus February 18 and 19 was deferreduntil a future meeting. There issome doubt as, to the advisability ofsending a delegate, owing to the ex-pense involved. ,The next regular meeting of theCouncil will be held Wednesday at4 in Harper. THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916DIVINITY STUDENTARRANGES EXHIBITOF JAPANESE CURIOSExhibits Collected by Elmer ZauggDuring His School' Careerin the Orient.Elmer Zaugg, a student takingspecial work in the New Testamentat the Divinity school, has arrangedan exhibit of Japanese curios in Has-'kell museum. They were collectedduring the past eight years, in whichMr. Zuagg spent as an instructor inthe North Japan college at Sendai,Japan.One of the most interesting thingsin the showing is a set of picturesshowing the contrast between the ap­pearances of pupils in the collegethirty years ago and the same pe0-ple today. The first picture showsa gathering of rather unkempt look­ing men and women seated before asmall wooden building. The secondradiates an atmosphere of civilizationand intelligence, showing a vast im­provement in every detail over thefirst.Another section of the exhibit isdevoted to Oriental idols, including asmall wooden Buddha which had beenworshiped for several generations byone family. The image was given toMr. Zuagg when the family becameChristianized.Many other gods and articles ofdaily life of the Japanese are shown,including tea canisters. ink brushes, ahymn book in Japanese script, and aBible in Japanese written in Romancharacters. A sword of mediaevaltimes with an ebony handle and pol­ished steel blade. A dagger for de­capitating the fallen enemy and com­mitting harikari is stuck in the sheath.The exhibit will continue until Mr.Zuagg leaves Chicago in June, whenhe expects to finish his course. Im­mediately afterward he will returnto Japan to continue his work atthe North Japan college.REQUEST SENIORS TO •.HAVE PICTURES TAKENSchedule for Campus OrpniZatioDSWill Be Announced Next .w cU'-Hold Buaineaa Competition.• Seniors have been requested by theCap. and Gown editors to have theirpictures taken for the 1916 annualas soon as possible.Melvin Sykes, 16 North Wabashavenue is the official photographer forthe Cap and Gown, 'Appointmentsfor sittings should be made with hiDi.Pictures of fraternities, clubs andother organizations will be takenthis quarter. The schedule will be'announced by the editors next, week.The 1916 Cap and Gown is sched­uled to appear on the campus thefirst week in May. It will give spe­cial space and attention to the twenty­fifth anniversary of the University.'Competition for the business man­agership is now on. Candidates havebeen requested to report to the Bus­iness Manager Dake, in the office inEllIS 1'/ as soon as possible.COURSE BOOKS TO BEOUT IN THREE WEEKSCourse books containing the gradesfor the Autumn quarter will be readyfor distribution in three weeks. Here­after no notice cards will be sent outconcerning physical culture. Studentswill learn from their course bookswhether credit due them has beenreported. If it is not recorded inthe book, application should be madeto the Physical Culture departmentand not to the bureau of Records.MATHEWS PUBLISHESTEXTBOOK AND MANUALProf. Albert Prescott Mathews,chairman of the department of Physi­ology, has published a textbook andmanual for students under the titleof "Physiological Chemistry." Thebook contains over a thousand pages.In the first part it deals with the JAPANESE STUDENTSISSUE PUBLICATIONVolume Contains Both English andOriental Division-JitsutaroTakatani Is Editor.Members of the Japanese club havepublished a small volume called 4'TheJapanese Students' Review" whichcontains articles in English by theJapanese consul and by Oriental stu­dents and a special section devotedto articles printed in Japanese.In the section in English, ConsulSuburo Kurusu contributes 4'The TrueUnderstanding of International Re­lationship." Yoshia Ishida writes on"Some Functions ')f X-Ray" and Jit­sutari Takatani has an article on"Historical and Methodological As­pects in the Psychology of Religion."The Japanese division has ten articles.Jitsutaro Takatani is editor of thepublication.SETTLEMENT DANCEPROFITS ARE $1130.88General Chairman Moore AnnouncesFinal Report-Mrs. WaltonMakes Donation of $10.Eleven, hundred and thirty dollarsand eighty-eight cents have been turn­ed over to the University settlementas a result of the annual Settlementdance held last month in' Bartlett.The final report was announced yes­terday by General Chainnan HaroldMoore.The report follows:Income.Ticket sale $905.00Entertainment 109.35Refreshments 193.77Donation by Mrs:. Walton._..... 10.00Check from fees _ __ _ 19.55. Total _ _ $1,237.67Expenses :....... 106.79Net Profits . ..: _ $1,130.88The donation by Mrs. Walton wasthe result of a promise to contributeten dollars if the net procedes wereover $�.PLACE MANY VOLUMESON NEW BOOK SHELFList Indades Several Doemaeuts Per­taiDing to Civil War-NewEditi0D8 of Hawtbome.Several hundred books newly ac­quired by the University librarieshave been placed on the shelf fornew books in Harper reading room.The list includes a large number ofvolumes and documents pertaining tothe Civil war that were presented to Ithe libraries recently and have beenin transit in the cataloguing and class­ifying rooms.Several new sets are among thevolumes added. Thirteen volumes ofthe University edition of the completeworks of Nathaniel Hawthorne havebeen placed on the shelf. Other setsare "Early 'English Literature," inten volumes, edited by Edward Arber,of King's college, and printed inLondon in 1869, and a set of sevenvolumes of the Abbotsford series ofthe Scottish poets, edited by GeorgeEyre-Todd, and printed by WilliamHodge and company, of Glasgow.Others among the interesting vol­umes are "The Gentlest Art," by E.V. Lucas, a collection of letters, "TheAmerican," by Henry James, "EvanHarrington," by George Meredith,"Short Story Writing," by Walter B.Pitkin, professor of Journalism at'Columbia university. and "The Idiot"and "The House of the Dead," by'Fyodor Dostoevsky.chemistry of protoplasm and the cell;in the second with the mammaliambody considered as a machine - itsgrowth, maintenance. energy trans­formation, and waste substances; andin the third part with practical workand methods. , OFF for a hike in the woods-or just en­joying a loaf in your room-anywhereyou'll find your Bradley sweater the best kindof company.The Ionger and harder you wear your Bradley, the moreyou appreciate its fine making, sturdy shape and style,and warm, companionable comfort. It's the sweateryou'11 cherish through college and thereafter as yourfondest possession. All styles, all weights, all prices.See them at your local dealerBRADLEY KNITTING CO_, Delavan, Wis."Gllmpse" Our New WoolensTHEY'RE pleasingly different fromthe commonplace- and you'll havethe fun of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you. for 'we carry but one length of each. .Prices Range fromFoster & OdwardTailors lor You .... Me ..Seventh Floor Republic Building, State and AdamsT elephoDe Harri.OD 8216Classified Ads. furnished ten-room house in 8'lSVwalking distance of the UnI .... t,.2 baths; for iDdefinite time. iU.Kenwood avenue. H. P. 6266.FlTe ft1It. per Jlne. So .dftrtlsemf'D'.�Iftd lor lell. thaa U «!eat.. All .. I_t·lied adftrtlHlDeat. maat be paid ID a4l- 'I_D�.FOR RENT-5761 Dorchester avenue,two rooms for housekeeping; frontroom and southern exposed kitchen.Steam; $5 week. Phone H. P. 6940.FOR RENT TO LADY-BRIGHT,pleasant room, three windows, largecloset. 5705 Kimbark avenue, sec­ond apartment.Freshman Commission Meets.FURNISHED ROOMS - STEAMheat, electric light; also two roomsfor light housekeeping. 6716 Kim­bark avenue. Members of the Freshman commis­sion of the League will meet todayat 10:15 in the League committeeroom.TO RENT - LARGE CHEERFULfront room; large closet; modemconveniences; no other roomers; totwo students or young couple,Housekeeping privileges; reason­able. Midway 8573. 1345 E. 62ndSt., 3rd a'J)Slrtment. Will Assign Counsellors.Women entering the University thisquarter will be given upperclasscounsellors on application at theLeague desk.TO RENT-A COMFORTABLB"TBB DAlLY MAROON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916,.:' "BABY GRAND"Combination Carom and Pocket StyleBrunswick Carom and Pocket Billiard Tables are made of rare and beautifulwoods in sizes to tit all homes. Scientific accuracy. Ufe! speed! and acUon!that are unexcelled. Yet our prices are low-due to mammoth output-now$:!7 upward.PLAYING OUTFIT FREEBalls. Cues. Cue Clamps. Tips. Brush. Cover, Rack, Markers. Spirit Level.expert book on "How to Play." ete., all included without extra charge.30 DAYS' TRIAL. THEN 10 CENTS A DAY .Our plan lets you try any Brunswick right in your own home 30 days f .....You can pay monthly as you play-terms as low as $5 down and 10 centsa day.Our famous book-"Billiards-The Home Magnet"-shows these tables Inall their handsome colors. gives full details. prices. etc. Send for it today.The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.623 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoStart Now! Play Billiards!Indoor Days Have Come . AgainBalls racked. cues chalked. bright eyes and eager hands ready-the wholegay family �athered around the billlard table. "Start them ott. mother, butplease leave a few for the rest of us to shoot at."So It begtna agntn in the homes of thousands who now have BrunswickCarom and Pocket Billiard Tables. E"ery day brightened with mirth andmanly sports that stirs the blood and keeps old age at a distance!Our handsome bUllard book. sent free, reveals how billiards will fill yourhome with enchantment-win the �own-ups. boys and �irls and guests.SUPERB BRUNSWICKHOlDe .Billiard Tables"GRAND" N $27 U d' "CONVERTIBLES""BABY GRAND" ow pwar S uOEMOUNTABLES"It.Positively NO CHILDREN will be AdmittedComing Monday, January 10Mary Pickford in "Madame Butterfly"- 'ASCH ER'S---FROLIC THEATRE55th STREET AND ELLIS AVE.. ' ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY!Tomorrow, Friday', Ja�uary 1t�One Day Only lOne Day Only ITHE SENSATION OF THE HOUR 1-"For The Sins Which Ye Do By Two and Two,Ye Must Answer For One By One.""Damaged Goods",: Interpreted by the Celebrated Stage' StarRICHARD BENNETT7 Awe-Inspiring Acts An Appeal to Moral Cleanliness" DAMAGED GOODS- Portrays vividly the a wful results of moral impurity.-Portrays graphically the physical ruin that follows inthe wake of those who tread the flowery path ofworld pleasures.-Sheds a great a wakening light on the human race.MATINEE AND EVENINGMatinee, aU Seats10c Evening, .11 Seat.15c_.II.i.·, NOYES WILL ARRIVEIN CHICAGO TOMORROW thirty-four years old, but his workhas been generally known in Eng­land for a decade.Alfred Noyes is primarily knownas a singer of melodious lyrics, buthe is rea11y one of the most versatilepoets of the present day. From thevery first he easily proved himself'a master of all the traditional formsof English verse, and instituted sev­eral new swinging metrical syBtemsthat are peculiarly and individuallyhis own.(Continued from page 1)I. Great Sportsman.Besides being a poet, he is one ofthe most virile men ever known in thepoets who can read their own poetryeffectively.Has Achieved Fame.As a poet, moreover, Noyes has al­ready achieved a considerable amountof fame although still a very youngman. Sach eminent poets and crit­ies as Swinburne, Rudyard Kipling,Theodore Watts-Dunton and EdmundGosse have hailed him as the great­est English poet since the death ofTennyson. He is at present only -Seven Darling Darlings DorothyCollins, Louise Agar, Dorothy Dor­sey, Bernice Hogue. Elizabeth Bell,Carol Mason, Marjorie SchneringPianist :.. Morton HowardIs Tragic War Play."Soldiers" is a tragic war play thathinges on the sacrifice of a physicallyweak man for his brother who hasproved his worth in the trenches.Sam Baily, who is left at home, is as­signed the care of Maggie, his brotherHenry's wife. Henry returns; how­ever, to find that his wife has beenuntrue to him and in a fury he killsher. Sam gives himself up to thepolice. saying that he committed themurder, and thus saves one soldi�rfor the nation.The second play deals with the at­tempt of a social promoter to pro­vide the newly-rich with distinguishedand learned guests of a literary andscientific sort. The daughter of theowner of the agency suspects thatthe office is being conducted for theunlawful practice of child labor andcalls the police. The feature of theplay' is the brilliancy and wit of thedialogues between the social pro­moter and his prospective customers.Tickets on Sale in Cobb.Tickets for the plays will be sold'at the box office in Hutchinson cor­ridor tonight and tomorrow nights.They will also be sold this morningand tomorrow morning at the chapelhour in Cobb hall. Reservations forboxes can be made to Mrs. AndrewC. McLaughlin, 5609 Woodlawn ave­nue, and tickets for reserved seatsto Mrs. Edgar J � Goodspeed, 5706Woodlawn avenue. All student tick­ets sell at half priee. "Bull" Durham, the Smo�e of HospitalityAt fashionable house-parties, gay week-end gath­erings, wherever smart American men assemble forrecreation, mellow "Bull" Durham tobacco adds totheir enjoyment, It is correct, up-to-date, notablystylish to "roll your own tt cigarettes with "Bull··Durham-stamps you as a smoker of experienc6-and that delicate. distinctive "Bull" Durham fragranceis always very agreeable to the ladies of the party.GENUINEHBULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO"Bull·' Durham is unique among the world' s high-classsmoking tobacc:os-and has been for generations. Millions .of smokers find in the fresh cigarettes they fashion to theirown liking from this deliciously mild, fragrant tobacco.supreme enjoyment and satisfac­tion obtainable in no other way.Roll a cigarette with "Bull"Durham today. Learn that orig­inal. exquisite aroma - the re­fleshing smoothnese and mellow­ness - the irresistible appeal ofthis world-famous tobacco.FREE An I!luatrated Booklet..howlng correct'Way to "Rnll YourOWn" Ci�.rettM. and a Pacbsreof cillarelte. p.pe.... will both'be mailed./ree, to any address ..... .1:1 ..... ,in U. S. ('n rt'qu""t. Adche .."Bull" Durham. Durham. N. C.Room 1400 •THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J ••••••••• ' ••••• i •••••••••TYPEWRITERS! n --- ANY MAKE·RENTEl) OR SOLD� tei � MANUFACTURERS' PRICESYou may rent a typewriter foras iong as you desire andwe wiD apply sis month's.rental on the purchase priceshould you decide to buy·If you do Dot fiDd it conven-ient to cali at our sales-� rooms, telephoae or writet Mr. Geisser· oar City SalesI· weManasen gerto s't"UdhenO tswiDonbeeasygladpayments.to select and sead a type;-writer to you promptly.! N.................... , , , .E. Corner Lake and Dearborn, St., Second FloorTelephones Randolph 1648-164 )·l ; ; )TO ISSUE BELGIAN HISTORY I the book indirectly gives the reasons---I I for the stand Belgium took in thePress Will Soon Publish Volume by past present war.Prof. Van der Essen. A bulletin sent out by the Press"A Short History of Belgium" bv I sa:.� historical scholar of recognizedLeon Van der Essen, professor :f . ability, �ro�. Van d�r Es�n hashistory in the University of Louvain, �reated. hl� mt�nsel.y mterestmg sub­will be published in the near future Ject WIth �magmatlon and sympat?yby the University Press. Prof. Van and yet WIth a careful sense of hIS­der Essen gave a course of lectures torical values and aims."on the history of Belgium at the Uni-versity last year. Dean ADgeD Returns.The history is objective and givessimply an account of the past activ­ities of the Belgian people, leavingentirely out of consideration theirpresent deeds and suffering. However, Dean Angell will reurn to the cam­pus this morning, after a short tripto Washington to attend a meetingof the Iowa Survey commission.PRESENT Two PLAYSBY DEAN WALLACETONIGHT IN MANDEL(Continued from page 1)Mrs. Hicks-Johnstone ........................ � E1izabeth WallaceM. Fromentin Gruyere .... Henri DavidMr. Riley Paxton J. Gordon WilsonMr. Anglesea Theodore G. SoaresAl Kefner Mr. ButterickMargaret Badger Jessie HeckmanHirschIDetectives ..... _._ .... Schuyler Terry, PaulHarperReporters Thomas Gentles, BennettBellLECTtiRgs ARE ANNOUNcEDProf. Holbom to Speak on Art Mon­day NighLThe University Lecture associationoffers the following lectures for thecoming week: Monday night at 8,Prof. I. B. Stoughton Holborn winspeak on, "Art in the Daily Life ofthe Past," at the Fullerton AvenuePresbyterian church, Fullerton ave­nue and Hamilton court. At the sametime, Stanton Coit, of London, willtalk on, ·'England's Record and HerPresent Predicament," at the Scovilleinstitute, Lake street and Grove ave­nue.Tuesday night at 8 Mr. Holbom willrepeat his lecture on "Art in thePast" at Lincoln center, Oakwoodboulevard and Langley avenue. "Whit­man," is the topic on which Mr. Coit. will speak Thursday night at 8 atthe Rogers Park Congregationalchurch, Ashland and Morse avenues;and Saturday at the same time; hewill repeat his lecture on "England"at the Warren Avenue Congregationalchurch, Warren and Albany avenues.field of literature. He was an oars­man in his Oxford days and continu- I. ally keeps up his love for outdoorsports. He is a great swimmer andnever passes a day at his quiet coun­try home without taking a goodplunge. He Iives a quiet Englishhome life in a alarming little co�tage at Rottlngdean, Sussex, with hisbooks and his wife. He is one outof the possible six men in the worldwho have succeeded in making aliving out �f poetry and poetry alone. I� ;•• IuH �:It �• I I�Ii ,I i.1" 1II ·�lII J\ \ JIIl�1\1 1l. ) I',1'IiI r)\I' I'�I fj!\1 It .,\ II 11!, I ; �,, 1, If' )I'II'II .II,, 1J\,II'" '"