TODAY.DiviDit� _mee, 10:15, Haskell.Fresh .. aD Finanee committee, 10:15,Cobb 12A.Junior pidure, 10:15, Walker stepa.German CoDversation club, ", Lex­ingtoa -14.Orchestra rehearsal, .. :15, Belfield159.GermaDic club, 8, Prof. Cutting'sresidence.TOMORROW.Meetings of the Universit� RuHngbodies:General Administrative Board, 9,Harper M28.Board of the University Press, 10,Harper M28.Boanl of the Christian union, 11,Harper M28.Football game, Chicago va. minois,2, Stagg field. amenVol XIV. No. 36. ,atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEM�ER 19, 1915. Price Five CeDts.The University orchestra bas madealliances with fourteen of the musi­cal conservatories and colleges in Chi­cago. Each school will send delegatesto the regular Friday rehearsals.The combination with the conserva­tories is the culmination of the desireto augment the membership of theorchestra. During past seasons, themembership has averaged forty. Out­siders, both amateur and professional,had to be taken into the organizationin order to insure the success of publicconcerts. The hiring of professionalsfurnished a drain upon the meagre re­sources of the orchestra, which wasbarely met.According to Director J. BeachCragun, despite the abundance of ma­terial among the student body, thereCoach Stagg and Dean Linn will be has always been a difficulty in gettingthe principal speakers at the cl\)sing the musicians out. The students, hemass meeting of the year to be held avers, have always shoWn a reluctancetonight at 7:30 in Bartlett. All the to play. Even after promising to en­seniors on the team will be called on ter the organization, they have notfor short talks and indications point to kept faith in the matter of attendancethe biggest pep session of the year. at rehearsals.Both of the Glee clubs will be on Quality Before QuaDtit,..hand to lead the rooters through the Last year, the board of .managers,songs and the band will be out to fur- consisting of Director Cragun, Presi­nish the music. The Score club has had dent William Weiser and Managerseveral of the old Chicago songs ar- Fortunato G�lano, adopted a policyranged into band music and the Ma- of quality rather than quantity. Pref­roon suPPOrters will be giVeJl a chance erence was shown for a small num­to bocome aequalnted with them. her of exceptionally' good muSiciansNew·aaeer to·. �"'"'" r; "rather-thim'-a �mJIIlber..-�-av�As an additional attractioD the age players.· "ch� IRlbmittecl in the recent eon- The board of managers this year,test for a_De'vr_��goJ�_1rin be which is made up' of DUeetor CragUn,voted .on_ aDd. � ailver cup awarded-President Gualano and Manager .JIil­to the. author of the beSt yen: Over ton Herzog,' decided' .upon a: polleytw_t)'-fiv. 7811a. were submitted to which. they. terin--"bigger and be�the committee 'and the beat twelve will �han eVer�" � A C8uipUgit·Was oroPn­be brought up tonight for the rooters ized to 'get Ii lUge" m8mberahip Of mu-to tI7 out.. siei&ns who could hold their own.The rain yesterday interfered some- First .ReIaearaa1 Toda�.what with the practice for Saturday's The first· rehearSal with the repre-pme, but as the acrimmages for the sentatives of the Chicago COD8e1'ft­year are now over it.waa not as great tories will' be held today at 4:15 inan inconvenience as it might have Belfield· 159. The bOard of mana­been earlier in ·the 18UOn. The main gers has sent out requests among thepart of the aftemooa was devoted to student body for a large number ofpracticing up on the plays to be used students to join the orchestza to off- .against Dlinois. _set the influx of cit)' players.'!be fteld was not injured much bythe downfall, for Jilnmy. Twohig hasc:overed every foot of it with a b�:-(Continued on pace I.)STAGG AND LINN TOSPEAK TONIGHT AT7:30 IN BARTLETTPlan to Make the Final MassMeeting the Best ofthe Year.RAIN SLOWS UP PRACTICEDOWD8taters Will Have StrongestLiDeup-Coach Zuppke Fears Re­sults of OverconfideDce of Men.000000000000000o 0o MASS MEETING TONIGHT 0o AT 7:30 0o IN BARTLETT GYM. 0o 0000000000000000lIWEATHER FORECAST.ProbabI� Jlaowen this .. ondng, fol­lowed b�· fair aDd cooler weather thiaaftemoGll; Upt westerl)- wiDda abift·iDe to tile eoatheaat. Satarda� fairaDel c:oIder; moderate TUiabIe wiBd&BULLETINis­:a­:1yasis�a:aes,�v­lergg'en:-0-as�ryin- Three hundred women will attendthe dinner tonight at 5:30 in Lexing­JUNIOR LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY ton which will open the program ofthe annual Chicago Night for Chi- SPEND MILLIONS IN CHINATickets on Sale Toclay-Sophomores cago Women. A program will fol-low the dinner, after which the wom-en will march to the masS meeting in European War Places BardeD OnBartlett, where 300 seats will be re-served. U. S.-England to Be Forced toA luncheon and a dance will be Candidates for the position of offi-given by the Senior class today. As- cial W. A. A. cheerleader will try outsociate Prof. Shepardson will be the after the' dinner and a committeespeaker at the luncheon at 12:45 in will select the winner. Ruth Prosser, Education in non-Christian lands isHutchinson cafe. Lewis Fuiks will Ruth Sandberg and Jeannette Regent a natural by-product: of missionary ef­furnish the music for the dance, which will be the judges. The successful fort, in the opinion of Ernest C. Bur­will be held at 4 in the Reynolds club. candidate will be awarded a Maroon ton, director of the University libra-"Since these affairs will open the 80- coat and will act as cheerleader at ries, who spoke yesterday in Mandel,cial progl-aIn for'the quarter, all of the all functions of the association under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.class who can should attend," said throughout the year. Those who will "Evangelism is an educational pro­Chairman Benson of the social com- contest are Marie Rees, Constance cess," said Dr. Burton, "and salva­mittee, yesterday. "I have arranged MacLaughlin, Bula Burke; Dorothy t��n:by evangelism. is In reality salva-for an attendance of one hundred pea- Mullen .and Agnes Sharp. tion by education. The schools en-pIe at the luncheon and there ought to .: To Sing Medley. abie th�' �ssionaries to reach thebe twice that many at the dance." most suse'eptible of the people, theThe Junior class will give a lunch- . A medley of hits from the Black- children.: A young man educated ineon Wednesday at 12:45 in Hutehin- friars show of last May composed by such a school may not become a Chris­son cafe. 'Treasurer Chauncey Scott J. Beach Cragun will be sung by a tian, but he at least will be an in1lu­announced yesterday that tickets will double quartet. The singers will be ence for Christianity in the com­be on sale today at 10:15 in front of Reba McKinnon, Dorothy Fay, Greta munity.,Walker, where the class picture will :c�:������r;::ou���::t = . . ;�ntinue to taken for the Cap and Gown. and Margaret Lauder. "Wlll these (.;hr:�:tian schools con-A women's party, two dances, a tinue to develop? It can not besmoker and a luncheon are included in The program will be completed by d bted th th will Within thshort talks by Alma Parmele, .Jose- ou at ey • 1 ethe Sophomore class social program. phine Starr and Constance MaeLaugh- last two years the John D. RockefellerThe program follows: foundation has decided to spend. mil-..... _J)ance--:-Wednesday, November 24, lin.. lions in medical scheols in China alone.3:30: .... Re��ldi C:1�O:.--- .--.:.' -:,..-,7 -.:._::� .:.:_ . : __ 1": ::It is �e to predict that millions ofWomen's�arty-Thursday, Decem- WILL TRI.-n.D"'·YEI.iI.S-- .,---- - -A:m�m� __ .�,���......� __ber �,,2, Foster. TONIGHT IN BARTLETl' :velopment of these schools in ,the -fa- ..' Smoker:-ThUraday, December 2, 2, ---' tule.. 'Chi Psi lodge. W'lDDer, SeJeded· B� Eliminatiaa, to : "It is eaming to be clearly recognizedSophomore-�� � - Sa� Get-Silver Ca�g1IIl Writes that it is not oUr buSiness to rePro-urday, December 11, Bartlett. New Scmg. dnee the American school in th88e� LUncheon-TJiurSday, Deeember 16, . �--- . Iands; but . � :find out wh8.t: kind .of12, Hutchinson cafe. Ten new yells' will be tried out at 8cb601 Is best' adapted to the condi-the mass meeting tonight in Bartlett. tioni' Education is to be' renatural­. The cheers have been submitted in the iZed in its tzansference from one landSENIOR PIcrtJBBS TO cO,ntest conducted under- the auspicesBE TAKEN BY SYKES to another.of the 'Undergraduate council. The u. S. to Bear of the winning yell will receivea silver eup.The winni'ng cheer will be decidedby a process of elimination, the ODebringing out the greatest volume ofnoise being declared the victor. A newsong, written by J. Beach Cragun, willalso be tried out tonight. CheerleaderComwell has 1'eQUeSted students to clipthe song and bring it with them to themeetm. in Bartlett.The aoac entitled "Chicago Loy-alt)'," folloWs: <l� /)Chicago we're true to you,· �CL­Our Alma Mater ever d�,)Chicago we're true to you,That we are loyal never fear.Rah Bah (yeU).ORCHESTRA ALLIES WITH14 MUSICAL COLLEGES SENIOR CLASS TOGIVE DANCE ANDLUNCHEON TODAYEach InstitutiOll Will Send Delegatesto Regular Rehearsahl- Combina­tion Is Besult of Desire to AugmentMembership. Associate Prof. Shepardson wmSpeak at Funetion-Fuiksto Furnish Music.Schedule Women's Party, Dances,Smoker and Luncheon.Seniors have been requested by theCap and Gown board to make ap­pointments for their individual pic­tures as soon as pOSSible. MelvinSykes, 16 North Wabash avenue, hasbeen named as the official photog­rapher this year. Students desiringto get their pictures by Christmasmust 8rrange for sittings within thenext ten days. A special rate wiD bemade to seniors by the photographer.KING DODO MABCII AT SPREAD.CboI'll8 to Preaeat Tarke� TntWeDeada�.A . King DOdo Jilareh and .a: TurkeyTrot by the tUrkey chorus will formthe introduction and the conclusion of"Fowl Play," by,Elsie Johns, '16, whichwiU be presented at the ThanksgivingSpread to be held Wednesday in Lex­ingtOn gymnasium.The Turkey chorus. is composed ofMarjorie Mahurin, Margaret Conley,Florence Lamb, Helen Johnstone, Dor­othy Weinfield, Dorothy Mullen andIrene Fishbeck. Several specialdances, originated by Miss DorothYStiles, will be given by the chorus,which will appear in turkey costumes·designed by Elinor Doty.Prizes will be given for the pretti­est, the wittiest and the most uniquecostumes worn by the women. Sugges­tions for costumes have been put on aposter in the corridor of Lexington.Women not wishing to come in cos­tume need not do so.The entire cast and choruses willrehearse today at 3:30 in the gym­nasium. GOE'lTSCB ADDRESSES.ANNUAL CONFERENCECharles Goettach, assistant profes­sor of Germanic Philology, will offi­cially represent the Modern Languagedepartment of the UDiversit)' at theannual educational conference heldthis week at the University of Dlinoia.Dr. Goettsch will speak this afternoonon the subject, "College Entrance Re­quirements in the Modern ForeignLanguages."A CORRECTION.A news story, appearing in TheDaily Maroon yesterday, stated thatplans were on foot to secure Presi­dent Woodrow Wilson as a speakerat the commemoration of the twenty­fifth anniversary of the University.The statements, as printed by TheMaroon, were derived from a reportread in the Undergraduate council.There has been no official announce­ment of plans for the celebration. It�s hoped by many members of theUniversity that the principal addresswill be by a speaker of national im­portance.Council l\feets Monday.The Undergraduate council willmeet Monday at 1:30 in Harper. 300 WOMEN TO ATTENDCHICAGO NIGHT AFFAIRWill Proceed in Body Lo Dlini HUllMeeting After Dinner and Program.Select Official W. A. A. CheerLeader.'Chicago we're true to you,We greet you now with cheer andlOng,With deeds of worth and tested cour-age strong.Chicago we're true to you.Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Go.Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, Go.The team, the team, the team, yea.(Yell.)Dean to Meet Seminar.Dean Mathews of the Divinityschool will meet his seminar todayat 3:30 in Haskell.Bible Class to l\leet.Miss Helen Johnston will hold herbible study class on "The Meaning ofPrayer" today at 3 :30 in the Leaguecommittee room. SAYS MISSIONARYEFFORTS EDUCATENON-CHRISTIANSDr. Burton, Library Director, inLecture, Calls Evangelism AnEducational Process.Internal Reconstruction."When the present European war faover, for it must be over sometime, itis OD the United States that thegreater part of' the foreign mission� .ary work wiD fall. England, whichbas been with the United States, for&­most in the missionary work, will betaxed to her utmost at home.""Christianit)' in India and ChiDa"will be discussed by Dr. Alonzo 1LParker of the department of CbllfthHistory, at the next Y. M. C. A. lec­ture sclleduled for Deeember 2 at 4:30in Mandel.MOULDS SAVES FORMERSTUDENT PATROL RIDEIN DRIZZLING RAINA young man, who declared thatbe was a student in the Universit)',was caught lu�Jring about RyersonIaboratcrles yesteroay afternooe andwas unable to give a satisfactory ac-.count of himself. A faculty memberor rhe Physics department held himdcsp.te his protests until the policeJln\r,,� from tht" Woodlawn station ar­rived. However, the captive was notarrested, as John F. Moulds, cashierof the University, identified him as aformer student.Geneva Reunion Planned.All women who have been to Ge­neva, or are interested in Geneva, wmhold a reunion Sunday afternoon at 4in the League room. Miss Elsie Grif­fin of Sidney, Australia, will talkon Y. W. C. A. work in Australia.Tea will be served.=\;I w"",.0:.J:;( .;;.� !''',..i ...:.;.1�,....! .f �,.".'.-, "-;:: .. � -c.'".:. ...�" \.....,:,._."�.�..";--4'"�.i'�,'"... s ,;; � • • I " '.' TR� DAILY MAR��, FRID.4Y, Nf:)VEMBER 19, 1915. ._',., '.. ,-r-w:-broad-minded citizens of' the UnitedStates. r. � ,. ,,;' " i -;,,.:====== .THE STUDENT'S SHARE.The Undergraduate council. has ae­quiesced to the suggestion made re­cently in the editorial columns 'ofThe Maroon, to the effeCt that the stu­dents should contribute their share tothe, commemoration of the Univer­sity's twenty-fifth anniversary next1. une. . The Maroon has presented ascheme .for consideration, which is inthe .nature of :1 U;th,.crsity. of ChicagoExposition-a comprehensive surveyof the past progress and present activ­ity of the University. The Councilhas' wisely appointed a' committee toinvestigate the feasibility of such anenterprise, and is communicating withthe general manager of a similar ex­position held at the University ofWisconsin 'last year. While it is wellto give mature consideration to thepracticability of a University Expo­sition, it must be remembered that theundertaking would be one which de­mands extensive and thorough prep­aration, and that a delay in launchingplans .for the �xposition will meanhaste and confusion in completing thefinal arrangements, .',Departments which submitted largequantities of material for exhibition atthe U riiversi�y of Wisconsin Exposi­tion were the Engineering and ·Agri­cultural colleges, Upon superficialobservation, the lack of such collegesat the University of Chicago mayseem to be-an obstaele to an exposi­tion. i But J careful stUdy of the condi­tions, will, show ,that this deficiency: isamply.made.up by other. departmentsat the University, such as Rush medi­cal school, the: Law school and the col­lege i of Education�' � .t : J �<STAGE SEATS ON SALE'FOR BAUER,RECITAL. "- � .. .ft.: J «. � � .. ""t l'" If"'! �.,.. .... . I·,: •••All Other TIckets Have Been m.-posed Of-Pianist Makes Sixth -Officia! Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago .PubU"bt>d morutnxs, except Sunda,. andMonday. durtne the Autumn. Winter and.pring quarter. bT Tbe DaU'" liaroon"fr. . J1": R. Kuh Managing EditorH. R. Swanson News EditorJ. J. Donahoe Athletics EditorB. E. Newman } DEditA. A. Baer . . . . . . . ay onH. Cohn Night EditorR. A. Keating Woman'. EditorAssociate Editors.Wade I:Jender _ Mary KnightBusiness Managers.C. A. Birdsall .... � .. R. P. MatthewsEntered as second-class mall at tue Chl­ea�o Poatoft'lce. Cblcaleo. Illloois. llarcb11. 1908, under .o\ct or Yarcb 3, 1873.. , Subscription Rates.By Carrier, $2JiO a year; $1 a quarter,By Matl. $3 • :rear, $1� a quarter.4..It' !i-f.!) \.1 :":r---:-:--T��.::TStage seats for. the piano recital tobe 1i.�I,'l;p"y�n�� �ll'��old �1J��I�«»�� ��thertickets have �;�� � the Univer­sity Orchestral' �tion. One hUD-�_��t�tl,�.pJe�� oo. .. ��dated on the;'l.4���:J�! "IC!: I � :By Howard Mumford, JQIle8. ;.:,i:I,: .. , ,MARIE-QDILLEl. �;. : '7A· ,Three-Act Drama By Edward Kno­blauch-Presented By David Be-lasco. J t) � I,' : I: � _" L':. : _, : 1,:. � : I :� I i1.; .• :.: .� -, -.. --,',';�:Now'and thenjt happens ,that thereis 'produced:; a .play, .which is not .. aplay, . nor a thing of:.the theater, nora piece of construction : by a cleverw:orkman in.· dramatic" material,. i butdrama itself. Now and,:then it hap­pens that. men: have: Jwritten playswhich are; drama; ,.and: sometimes oneman who .has .worked along· with thestage,: writes a play like ,this. Some­times he writes three, or two, moreusually only one. Such a play is Ma­rie-Odile; it is not a thing of the thea­ter, but dram. . itself. ,SomehowKnoblauch has put under his feet allhe knows ahQut' exits and entrances,the canvas� :�d ropes, . and grease­paint, the t.rit:� of lighting and sil­ence. and c1utbed an idea in a livinggarment which, could not be otherwiseshaped than as it is.I do not know clearly what beautyis , but I know there is on1y one wordfor this play, and that is "beautiful."If to make us see the infinite litt1e­ness of men and women, and the in­finite pity and terror of life, if thesehave anything to do with the strange­ness that is beauty, Marie-Odile is abeautifu1 thing. Before it questionsof criticism are impertinent: I knowdimly there were flaws in the construc­tion here and there-not many; thatnow and then some line or piece ofacting did not quite fit into the pic­ture, but about these things I do notgreat1y care. What is important is;. IIdltorlal Room8� •• """ • � : • � � •..•• Ellis 12Telepbones { Hyde Part 1SII1Yldway 800. - - ---�- -BaMess Oft'lce ••••••••••••••••••• Ellls 14Telephone Blackstone �1.FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1.915.t, ; ' ...UNDERGRADUATES ANDSOCIALISM.In the desert' of intellectual inertia,which covers such a �t' expanse in� 1 I , ''. .."�erican ,undergradua� colleges, wemay perceive an occasional oasis ofliberal advancement. As such maywe regard the Socialist society at theUniversity, founded within the pastfew years as a chapter of the intercol­legiate o�nization of that name..How many, or rather how few, stu­dents have the remotest idea of the�e' significance of socialism, �hat itsaims. are,' what it has accomplished,or what its scope is! It is a politicalpte�ry. which is continually abused bythose' .Ignorant of its meaning; it is� .movement condemned or disregard,ed' contemptuously as a substitutef.�r, . anarehy by those unacquaintedWith its. object. I t is fretplently re­�ed by the' undergraduate _' as 'an� ,too. pre��itious � paii8cea, or it isV?;�, as ,pcrsOnified by tli� day' ia­�rer carrying a six shooter in hiship' ,�ket. apd waving a I:ed ftagaloft.' r ''',' ·T. ,. ,_ .," ",-Every col,lege student is �ff�d' thepP�Jl;tu��y, to: pOsse� � und�d­ing o� socialism. It behooves the un­dergradua� whO d� to I �eiv�� :well-:-��e4 ���tio� to,�lti��a knf?wledge QC the great:est politiCalorganuation not on�y. in the'_ worldtoday,_but in, the annals. of ,wo,rld,.bis­tory. It is.a {I��ty w.ith over 2,700.-000 member.i, ueglectlng, i't� unaffil!­ated. fono�ers; and its vote totalsvery close to the. 12,000�OOO m8r�,.' The purpose of the' Socialist .societyIS not to make cQnverts to the causeo� socialism. It merely attempts tocreate a fair and intelligent under­standing of socialism's principles. Atits meetings, men of scho�ly type,men who, have, devoted their lives tothe study and advancement of social­ism, may be heard. The society is. byno means for socialists alone; it isfor non-socialists and anti-social_sas well. . .Socialism has produced a vast num­ber of thinkers-writers, lecturers andteachers-of world-wide reputation. Ithas produced hosts of men and womenwho have devoted their lives, heartand soul, to the furtherance of itsideals. With its phenomenal growthduring the past score of years, itsfollowers amount to some 30,000000distributed from Finland to Ar�en­tina, and from the United States toSweden.It is a movement which can boast ofmiraculous accomplishments and im­measurable opportunities. No stu­dent can afford to be ignorant of thework of socialism, whethe'r he intendsto become a member of the party or� Socia1ist society isors to University men"0 wish to become Harold Bauer i8:te�ed •. '�'pianist" in the. world :� mumc,,.,ac- :cor_ding to the buUew. "sent ou(b,.the Orchestral association. This nameis" .said . to have, been �pplied to himby-' one of America's foremost enticswhen Bauer visited this country sev­eral years ago.Studies Violin First •.Bauer was born in England and atan early age .teok up the study ofthe violliL Paderewski persuaded himthat his greater taient was for the.,iano. and after studying in France,�uer. started on his, first tour, whichproved ',an. ..eJJOrmous. success. He hasvisited this, country six times.The p'ro�m to be presented byBauer Tuesday follows:1. Sonata in C minor, op. 111 .................. .' ... _ .... _........... Beethoven. '" ,., All6gro con brio.� con variazione •2. Fant�iestucke..� SchumannDes Abends.Aufschwung •,Warum.Grillen.In der Nacht.Fabel.Araumeswirren .. r ", :Ende vom Lied.3. .Barcarolle· � Ch9pinScherzo in B flat minor Chopin4. Impromptu in A ftat. .... _ SchubertEtude en forme de Valse. _ .,.. � � .. _ .. _........... Saint Sae�.,·r l\IERRIAl\1 TRACES 300. SCALPERS'TICKETS, .Three. hundred tickets for the Illi­nois g�lme sold to Norman, D. Bassett,Wi�onsin "14 and a clothing dealerih the Republic building, for disposalto me'�bers 'of the Wisconsin Alumniclub have been' turned over to ticketbrokers at 'the downtown hotels, ac­cording, 'to David S. Merriam of theAthletic" department 'Mr. "Merriam' states' that Bassetthad charge pf' th�' 'WisCq�sin alu�is"eatS at" the, .B&dger-Maroon game;b,�� that he Irefu�es to tum over a .listof" the purchasers . of the .Dlini tick­ets. 'fl\e Alumni club officers havehad' no notice or' the latter sale, ae-co?P!1g���_.::¥.r�.��··;,:::!: ir� ,',1' ,�U��'I�'Pzi� �m��e�e':t! ������}� �Ja " •_ ; _.: "th.t'··, seeing Marle-odile we leftthe tJi�ater wiser' and humbler mena�d wo��n�:'; ,: ' .,In ·this pl�y Frances Starr does notportray 'a .��l "dj�neiy' innocent, or'impersonate a: soul so' pure that itdoes wr�ng �nd by doing it, wipesthe wrong away� N�ither' of thesestatements �re true� Frances Starris other than theSe; she is innocenceitSelf-radi�nt, wide-eyed, helplessinnocence. How she' does' it I do notknow; I do not think' she knows' her­self.' So�etimes she:" is .improbable,I suppose, but it· doesn't matter;sometimes she tre�bles on the vergeof' something , ludicrous, and welaugh, but. we n�er laugh at Marie­Odile, we were really laughing at our­selves, with 'a certain tenderness be­side.I have read that Some churches andone or two hyphenated societies havebanned this play. Tbey are both stu­pid and blind.I· have read somewhere, too, thatthe cast is almost flawless-and it is-but that the Mother Superior is tooinflexible for any human being to be.That is not quite right, because itdoes not allow for the disciplined fan­aticism in which she lives, nor doesit take into consideration the factthat she does not see Marie-Odile aswe see her. If then is any fault, itis in Mr. Patrick's voice as Meissner;the voice is too virtuous to belong toa young man who tries desperatelyto put temptation behind him andfails.If I had my way I would send thewhole University of Chicago to seeMarie-OdHe. . ��� , • \11 '� � ..... __ .;..._.-..;.JRoll Yout" Favorite-Tobacco inRiz r.a' Croix: Paper I .., "l: v,and you' will' get a better fUlv�r,' �elish 'and' enjoy­ment fr9ni your cigarettethan ever before, Becauseyo� � will ,g�tl . only:, the pure, fresh fragrance of the... tobacco-which explains the universal preference for.Riz ·L,a-Croix Papers. among smokers of experience.II : ') ; , ., : t � ; • .) �They,are,.so"FREE" "TWo IntH"t­., Inc; llIusHated Book­, "Ieta-one aboat RIZ LA.. : l CROIXCiRarettePapen.;th.other showinR how to"Roll YourOwo" claarettea-aeot anywhere in.U.8.on reqa"t. AddrnaTheAmerica"Tobacco eo.. Room 1401.111 Fifth Ave.. N.Y2& -.. ,.)!�.�J ' .. , ")"l'�·_' ., f ,1 1. 1 �enty-qne,,�ve ,&fllled.·UP . for . the�tary training class under AdolfVon Noe, �t professor of Ger-man., �tf� ."'_ '.;i".1�llf-�. !,. .STAGG ANJ),JLINN 'Int):' . .r. r )SPEAK TONIGHT ATt(· r1� INI BUTLE'M':�.'(C���;��_ ���e;:�),.! 'J',ket of hay. ,i So' unless' ihe rain con­tinues until Saturday the field will bein a dry condition-and will permit theexeCution, of the!:fast and : tricky :playsthat the "old man'! .. has been teach­ing: his team. If 1 the field is wet· andslippery at game, time, Chicago will 'be at a great disadvantage, for theyhave-not.had much drill in the smash­ing: variety of game that ,is requiredon wet fields..; To Have FaD St1'en� in Field_.'" minois will be able to put in thestrongest eleven of the year againstCoach Stagg's men tomorrow, forthere is', not a man on the squad whois suffering from any injury. Thecondition 'of the· mini is a great con­trast to that of the Chicago team, forseveral of ·the Maroon stars will notbe. able to get into the contest.Reports from Dlinois seem to indi­cate that the mini followers are con­fident of victory over Chicago and areeven offering as large as two to oneodds on the outcome of the contest.There have also been many one to twooffers that Illinois wins by more thantwenty and there is a report thatsome Illinois men have offered evenmoney on the last proposition.Zuppke Fears Overconfidence.While the students are so confident,Coach Zuppke is doing his best to dis­i11usion his players so as to prohibitany overconfidence. He has a whole­some respect for Coach Stagg's abilityto spring surprises and fears thatoverconfidence on the part of his play­ers may encounV!r a sad awakeningwhen the game is played . N : .c.: .. r? r-. I r, IwiTlAlMStotF1GlGEt-·READtto' � I'� f� ·the·� ,',j J( "-/�:8 i g�' �)G-a m e�� D " 'J.' ,-,) MHi .!.��_.)RenDaD.t8j�� ;�Arm BandsandRooter'Hats� ,.at the', _,.. - ... • •• - & - ...UNIVERSITY 'OFr:cHi���o'�:PRESS 'S7SO Ellis Aveaae ', ,ORRoom 106 Em.ODI Blame Hall, ...."GOTHIC" 0f\Rf(owCOLLARRtONT FITS CRAVAT KNOTI PEIIft:<TLY. 2.or2SCCLUETT. PEABODY .. CO •• ,.,C ••••• E".l\IAROON ADSBRING RESULTS1III�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1J -----------�.-THE DAILY MABOON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915.-.... ,. '., JHALL FIELDt1·COMR... " 1 ' '.IFrom the. Women's Coat .Section,Si'xth Fl�or, North Roo'tit. " . , t-. _- _,Great Cozy. Coats of,i:. ,. A I. t' ( � t .fDonegal ItiigCloth $18.50".. � , : P:·.' " r .J. .� § 1For the-big 'wrap-to- slip 'everone's suit at theChicago-Illinoisgame, : for .. cam pus dlrldl streetwear, it. would be, difficult tofind more style. and warmththan', these, .Coats afford. The­price is modest., .��erbeauty-'otthis wariilth�with�ut", �eight --.. '!Oole�, ..and the charming design andtailoring enable .one �to ,wearthis:Coat Over the afternoonfrock, as well.:,� .... :.).t. It�>EVERY ARTICLE'"OFapparel for ithe class­room, for travel -and dresswear, can' 'be chosen econ­omically -and with assur­ance in this Store.1.1. .. : ... i • �. � ,. Executive Committee Meets.FOR SALE-LATE BAUSCH AND.Classified Ads .The freshman executive committee. will meet today at 10:15 in Cobb 8B.The members of the committee areAlfred Carr, Lillian Richards, AlfredMacGregor, James Hemphill, -JuliaStcbbens, Harriet Buckingham, Dor­othy Clifford, Elizabeth Bell, AlvaFredericks, Dorothy Hough, ClaireGurney and Lyle Fisher. n"e �nt. per line. So adTertl�meDt"r�I"ed for leu thaD U ceDt.. All c""_lied adnrtleemellt. ma.t be paid ID ad-Senior Committee Mccts.The Senior class finance committeewill meet today at 10:15 in Cobb 12A. -----_"•and kitchenette, steam heated, ele­vator service, private family. PhoneMidway 2168. 1379 E. 57th St.' WANTED - TO COMPLETE THEfiles of the Reynolds Club; copiesof the Cap and Gown for the years1901 and 1912. Will be willing topay for them. See Mr. English inthe Reynolds Club. FIVE-ROOM FLAT FOR RENTextra large rooms, superior finish.Dining room finished in white en­amel and mahognay, walls can­vassed; private rear porch oft' din­ing room. Steam heat, hot water.Splendid transportation. Reducedto $45.00. G. W. LeGard, 6409Drexel Ave. Telephone, Oakland814.FOR DANDRUFF, SCALP TREAT­MENTS and FACIAL l\IASSAGEtry our new Violet Ray High Fre­quency. We specialize in SHAl\I­POOING. Reduced prices to stu­dents. "Lockwood Parlors." MissFlorence Lockwood, 1438 East57th St., 2nd floor. Phone HydePark 6772.STUDENTS-WE CAN USE SEV­eral young men or women to dowork for us during spare hours.Can earn $4 to $10 per week andmore. Write or call, The Subscrip-Lomb microscope, in perfect condi- tion Co., 220 S. Michigan Ave. Ition, two objectives; price reason-able; can be seen at 3939 Michigan STUDENTS-CAN USE SEVERAL ,A ve. during the day or on appolnt- Young men or women during spare Imont, Douglas 1759. P. A. Shon- hours. You can earn from four tofeld. ten dollars per week or more. Write I\ or call. The Subscription Co., 220FOR RENT-TWO FRONT ROOMS .• S. Michigan Blvd.• FOR RENT-A LARGE DOUBLEroom in new apartmpnt, with ex­clusive use of kitchen. Ready fornext quarter. Call at 6052 Ingle­side Ave., between four and five.L,.i •. �,,;; ,:��;tft:J', ·tJr '.:'..:',.j oJ;:I -;,�·�c·flo,".,:_;''S'""", I..•..:.: \.-�: !�.'i', ,�.#...... ;".,""v,�;;::�(!i";'1"� ': •t01THE DAILY MAROON. FBlDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915.Two walls of the new warehousefor the department of Buildings andGrounds have been completed. Thebuilding will be finished by Christ­mas.Disca88e8 Paul'.·as purposes in his Epistle to theHebrews was discussed by Prof. Ern­est F. Scott of Queen's college, Kings..ton, Canada, yesterday afternoon at8 :30 in Haskell.Kelly Ban to Entertain.Kelly Hall has invited the residentsof Hitchcock hall to a tea Saturday,following the football game.FULL OF LAUGHTERAND TEARS.SINNERSAT THEPRINCESSFriday and Saturday, Nov. 19-20, Matinee and EveningJesse L. Lasky presents Amer­ica's most popular photo­play star-BLANCHE SWEETin"SECRET SIN"in 5 acts, by Margaret TurnbullAlso-By Special RequestSaturday Matinee only-forthe childrenMARY PICKFORD in"CINDERELLA"A novel and 'original version ofthe century-old class. In 5 actsDREXEL. THEATRE63RD ST. &: DREXEl. AVE. ILLINI BOWLERS MEEl'REYNOLDS CLUB TEAMMatch Will Be Held Tomght in aubAlIeye-Award Balmer toW"umers.Bowling teams of the Dlini club andthe Reynolds club will hold a matchtonight .at 8:30 in the Reynolds cluballeys. The Reynolds club team, ofwhich Omer Supple is captain, wasselected Monday night at the finaltryouts. Robert Willett, Lewis Fixen,Paul Hunter and Albert Pick are theother members of the team. ,Edward Hannan, former Dlini foot­ball player, is captain of the Dlini clubteam. The team is composed of oldfootball and baseball stars of the Uni­versity of Illinois, A large bannerwill be awarded to the winning team.The admission to the contest will befree and men and women have beeninvited.Phillipson to Speak.Paul H. Phillipson, instructor inGerman, will discuss "Bei Kaisers"at a meeting of the German Conver-'sation club today at 4:80 in Lexing­ton 14.Build Two Walls.Stud t. Try 3. glassful of "HORLICK'S," the Original MALT­en s. ED MILK. alter a "'grind" in the Gym or Study. De­Ucious. Invigorating. For refreshing sleep take 3. glassful hot upon retir­ing. Used by world renowned athletes at the training table and for anourishing lunch after 3.' "spin:' The powder dissolves in water instantly.Keep 3. package in your room.Also in Lunch Tal;>let fonn. plain or with cocoa flavor. ready to eat.At all dealers and fountains.For free sample address HORLICK, (Dept. 18), RACIN� WIS.Unless you say "HORLICK'S" you may get a substitute.EMMA GOLDMANAuthor "Anardusm and Other Essays," "The Social Siguifieaueeof the ModeI'D Drama," Publisher Mother Eanh MagaziDeWill Deliver Six Important LecturesAT THE FINE ARTS THEATER410 SOUTH :MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGONOVEMBER 21, TO DECEMBER 5, 1915S1JlfDAY. NOV. !1. 1:15 P. lII.-PrepuedDe.. (The __ d Ie Wan aDd Dlaeter)TUaDAY. NOV. !So 1:115 P. IL-TIIe ...... t 'of tbe CIlDd Net to Be BonaTII11JUIDAY. NOV. !G. 1:15 P. lIL-Tbe 1II8DP of AaaftIaIa_SAT1JBDAY. 'NOV. n. 8:15 P. lII.-8ex. the Great Elemeat of Creative ArtSUNDAY. . NOV.!S •• :15 P. 1II.-Tbe PhDotJoPN- of Atlael8mTUESDAY. NOV. SO. 1:15 P. III.-VIeUma of 1II0nlltT.QUEST�ONS AND DISCUSSION .- DB. BBN L. BEITIIAN. CIaaInDaaADHlSSION 25 AND m �NTSTbeee Ied1Iree !laTe p ...... oked a peat deal of dI8ea_IOD throapo.t the co_�_d If 70. are lateft8ted Ia .... W 1AIbJed8 _d beIIne III for 70U'Mlf..... GoIa- .... ......., for 70"BONWIT TELLER. theo.f7k c5pcda1f};6Izopf'/OWUlQ�FIfTH AVEN,UE AT S8nt STREETNEW YORK"JeunesFUZes"Fashions Exclusive auUnusual Typesin Dress [or theCollege Mis sThe modes presented express youth, and its symbolsimplicity in every motif and line. Sophisticationand maturity are absent, verve and esprit ever pres­ent in accord with the ideas and ideals establishedby the celebrated couturiers to the "J eune Fille."Everything in apparel for College, Sportsand Formal Wear from Hats to Bootsfrom Undergarment to Outer garmentYOH are cordially invited to 'Visit theBomcit Teller & Co. shop when in New• York and to correspond on matters of Fashion. -------O&H----�OVERCOATSShowing a notable anddistinctive selection ofnew and tasteful coatsfor everyMEN·S � STOREOgilvie &Henea�e18-20 East Jackson Boulevard"Concerning Berthold Von Regen­burg" will be the subject of a talk byJohn Bachmann, fellow in the depart­ment of Germanic Languages andLiteratures, at the meeting of theGermanic club tonight at 8 at Prot.Cutting's residence, 1228 East 56thstreet. --BAMuPL� �ens.wil]dayeepJiavdayoneehaseeiEID8lof IDwattlper• IItimhisI },malIrop-,�t:pia;traICoatsc as low $25.00asH I oA GCROSS COUNTRY TEAM IN MEET. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Jhi.Six Rmmers Enter Coaference Raceat Madison.Six members of the Universitycross country team-Captain Powers,Angier, Mathews, McVey, Wagnerand Tufts, will leave today at " forMadison, Wia.,. where the Big N"memeet Will be held tomorrow afternoon.The race will start from the playingfield and finish in the same place justbefore the WisconaiD-Minnesota game.Ames is the favorite as it won theMissouri valley meet in eleee to t:eC­onl time. Watson of Minnesota andMason of Dlinois are speedy men andshould place their teams high in thelist. The local _runners have beengiven hard workouts, following theirvictory over Northwestem last week. TYPEWRITERS! !! --- ANY MAKE. RENTED OR 'SOLD.%: to'% MANUFAc�; _'RlCESYou may rent a typewilter, foras long' as yoU deSire' BDdwe wiD apply sis lDoath'S.rental on the purehase priceshould you dedde to bay·If, you do not find it eoavea­leat to ean- at oar sa1e&­rooms, telephoae or writeMr. Geisser our City SalesManager, who wID � gladto seleet and sead a type­writer to )'011 promptly.�e seD to students OIl easy payments.&ad eata log 179. IIt:piEv4foIlf C4Richards Gina Leeture.TIle func:tion of municipal reerea­tion is to solve the problem of the lei­sure time period; according to John R.Richards, superintendent of the play­grounds of the South Park system,who spoke yesterday morning at10:45 in Cobb on, "Municipal Recrea­tion." TYPEWRITER EMPORIUMN. E. Comer Lake and Dearbom, St., Second FloorTelephones Randolph 1648-1649-1650......................... � It It ..HOCKEY CAPTAINS NAMED. Margaret F. Meyers, Pauline CaUeIlpGrace Greenman, Julia Ricketts, I_-Alma Parmele and Julia Ricketts bel Sullivan, Belrniee Bogue, ElsaStengel, Cara Brenton, FlorenceSelected. 'Haviland, Helen Driver, MildredGraettinger, Helen Barsick, ConstanceAlma Pannele was elected captain McLaughlin, Dorothy Middleton, Es­and Jeanette Regent manager of the ther Carr, Florence Owens, IreneSenior college hockey team at a meet- l'tlarsh, Ethel Fikany, Inez of the squads yesterday. Julia I The Senior college players are: Al­Ricketts was chosen captain and Jose- ice Adams, Helen Adams, Dorothyphine Moore manager ot the Junior Collin, Margaret Conley, Gladyscollege team. Greenman, Alma Parmele, JeanetteThe first game of the championship Regent, Helen Timberlake, Mildredwill be played Tuesday, November 80, Clark, Esther Franz, Eva Stenhouse,at 2:80. The other games will be Dorothy M. Wing, Dorothy Edwards,staged December 3 and 9. Isabel MacMurray, Mildred Morgan,The members of the Junior squad Mary Prince, Waldine Schneider, Ce­are: Harriet Curry, Josephine Moore, lest Post, Pauline Levi, Bula Burke. th4Reaenes Seat By Cable.CAMBRIDGE, Mass., November 18.-Frederick R. Wilson, Harvard '18,has reserved a seat for the Yale-Har­vard game by cable from Madagas­car. It cost him $46.80 to make thereservation.FeDow Will Talk. ]1,1II.1Us4�O: