=DAMES TO MEET SATURDAY. MARTIN TAKEN TO HOSPITAL.aroon,atVol. XIV. No. 8. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915.WOMEN'S COUNCIL PLANSDISPOSITION OF ROOMS Price Five CentLDiscusses at lUeeting Yesterday Ar­rangement of Interior of Ida NoyesCoulter, Parker and Other Prom- Hall-Chairmen of Committees Are__ , inent Men Will Speak at Appointed.John D. Rockefeller, ,jr., son of the Dinner. Plans for the disposition of the,founder of the Uni"erslty, wa� • vis- rooms in Ida Noyes hall were dis-itor on the campus yesterday. His GO�L SET AT 500 l\IEMBERS cussed at the meeting of the Women's4.GAR PROVES STAR OF visit was in the nature of a' social"" G Al\IE -- Administrative council yesterday af�call on President Judson and did not 100 Students Will Conduct Work on emoon, Chairmen of the committees WILL FORM VOLUNTEER CORPSconcern any official business of the Campus-Is Part of City-Wide for the year were appointed. -Line. Holds Purple to Short Gai"';� - UniV"enIty.- Elf rto s. Alma Parmelee was made chairmanMr Rockefell er h' � t t ed Similar Organizations Being 0' r'g' an-Scanlon Out With Knee . '-' as JUS re urn of the administrative committee offrom Colorado. where he has spent The University Y. M. C. A. mem- the council, which now has charge of • i,zed Throughout the Country-� last month in studying the labor bership campaign, organized in con- the administration in Lexington andconditions in the mines controlled by nection with the city-wide campaign which will have charge in addition ofthe Rockefeller interests. Mr. Rock- for a membership of 20000 WI·II beWith a good idea of certain defects " the administration in Ida Noyes hall.in the worl[ of the Varsity eleven as efeller's visit to the mines was aetu- given an impetus by a membership � Sharpe was appointed chair- A demonstration of American Reddisclosed by the game "with North- ated by his desire to find out whether rally to be held Thursday night at - 6 man of the social calendar commit- Cross methods of life saving will best S t rda C h the allegations made by _the labor in Hutchinson cafe. The local offi- tee, which regulates the social activi- held by Wibert E, Longfellow, fieldwe ern a u y, oac Stagg will union officials were correct. h . d . 1 1 ttput his men through a week of hard cers ave Issue a circu ar. e er urg- ties of the women's organizations. representative of the American Redwork in preparation for the Indiana In order to actually study the con- ing workers and others interested to Pauline Levi was selected to act as Cross Live Saving corps, tomorrowcontest. The Hoosiers are much ditions, Mr. Rockefeller lived in the, attend the meeting. chairman of the social needs commit- at 4:90 in Bartlett natatorium. Mr.stronger than last year and the "old various mining camps, and took quar- Dr. John H. Coulter, he�d of the tee. Miss Agnes K. Hanna, instructor Longfellow will be assisted by mem­man" feels that his men will have to ters in the miners' homes, He at- Botany department and president of in :S;ome Economics, was appointed bers of the University swimmingImprove greatly in onier to,give their tended their dances, - took part ill the Administrative council of the Y. both�. the faculty member from the team.�'pt»onents a good battle. -, their home life, and discussed the M. C. A., will be one of the speakers School of Education and as the chair- This will be the first of a series ofAlthough Saturday's work was situation with men representinc at the rally. William J. Parker, busi- man of the membership committee. meetings looking forward towardgged I ._ C eh Sta every 'walk of life, from the highly- ness secretary of the Chicago Y. M. To S b • He the formation of a Ioca I volunteerra n_ spo..., oa gg telt Paid e�gineer in' charge to the lowly C. A., will also talk. Among the oth- 'u mit' ports.tntirely satisfied with his team's per- mule driver:---- _ er speakers will be several business Reports of the new committees will life- saving corps of ten men SiDli��rormanee, The line worked well and be submitted at the next regular to those now being formed lii diversTalks t M tie f M· men from .the downtown district andheld the Purple backs to short gal·". a ee ng 0 Iners. in . social centers, municipal parks, .l.th-- �__ 0' th - several prominent students. eeting of the Women's Administra- AJack Agar did the best work of ,anj n, e'last night ot his visit, Mr. ave council, which will be held on the letic Clubs and universities through-,,( the new men, playing a fi�;'pme' Rockefeller addressed a meeting of Wuit at'LeaSt 508 Memher&. second Wednesday of November. out the country. Eaeh �iJ. who 10lnsfrom the start until he was taken out all the miners. In his address he �e .�im ot the local branch is to The council by a vote of' approval the corps must pass a prescribed setin the last quarter ;:a' FUllt . of urged their co-operation and declared _ at Ieast : 500 membera thia commended the clean elections cam- of elrJd."ey tests In life ... vin&, andslight mjuries. His' "test aehieve- that if perfect unity were establish- year: Instead of.baying anelaborate pai� now being ctirrie<i on by 'the pay a small initiation fee, afte.nlent was when he elud8d three Pur- eel between labor and capital, better system of eommittees the ,offjce� in- Senior class. wIlfch he is' given a Reci',Oross ba�'pIe tacklers and plaeed: the' ball co��i�ions could be secured. By tend to conduct the campaign with and an - emblem offic�l1y rec:ognizect:;quarely behind t�e goaI::pO�ts for the sh�wmg a reco� of the dividend_s the aid of one hundred workers. many ,'FIRST amJTAL IS 'GIVEN� by_ the �erican':Rec:t" Cro�� -, Ionly touehdo� oft�, :: .. � .. <,��,�!�! .�lI�e!- M�.����e1!�_ � . .'!,ho�}i�!��aay :peen, ��, .. 4 _ ' , �.'_ :Dr. �!lsepb H. White, b;l�etot'-ofPurple ,Threatens to Kick: Wt � , aemon�ted-.tbat>.:.aie. men, �"ae---. -"Bef� tJIi�rid "ori1i-;{'Weer�llb 'Ccb��Gben uI.I. Diridio.- � swimmiJlg','.:."wiJl.;��': - - -�... -The Purple never had a chanCe to - ,�:)l1Y, paid better than the - stock- , hundred will be - at work about the:- ' of, �rt - W. Ste.ens--OrPn' fOrmatio� aad JJi&iniena�e�' � a -I.�erees Chicago's line. Twice they ho ders. campus. ,sel�iolUJ Next TuHday. :� chapter, Field Representative <lAng:..threatened it by the ae,w route • ..c,nee "Our raliy - TlitirSday :nigbt' will be A recital ye8te'rilay ·afternoon � at fellow will be present at only 'thein the first quarter,:f�' the thirty-, McDOWELL TO PREACH SUNDAY. given with the· purpose of arousing "':30 in Mandel was'the'first of a ser- initial meeting" and, will demonstrateftTe -yard line and apin' at the start extra en&gy 'and:.· effort among our ies to be given by Director Robert W. the various holds and' methods usedof the tourth quarter - -from the ,,�ishop William F. McDowell of rkers," - aid S'eeretal')' Bickham stevens on' Monday aftemoons. The by life savers. The Boy Scoutmas:-twenty-yard line. 'rime cheated- the Evanston, Ill., will deliver the sermon yem.erd&y�' ,iThe speakers wi11�:at- Chicago Symphony orchestra will ters training class will attend theNorthwestern eleven from sc:orine Sunday morning in Mandel. tempt to inStIll - enthusiasm in the open the University Orchestra Asso- demonstration. Dr. White has urg�three �b:ats, for after kicking the workers for the good :cause of this ciation's 'season with a concert next all students interested in - the move-�all directly between the goal posts 270 l\IKN HA V.I!: H.I!:KN !!,�!!,'No,""hi!, C"Jlmpai�; f. With a hun- Tuesday afternoon in Mandel. ment for a local corps to be present,"i the end of the third quarter, it was EXAMINED BY REED dred men active about t;be campus in . The program yesterday was given Many Chapters FonnetLdlsc:overed that the quarter bad securing - members, " e �,'ght easUy _to as follows:h . f bersh· of COIn speaking of the demonstration,elapsed before the ball was in the Physical examinations for men en- reac our aim 0 a m IP oncert verture. __ . .. __ ._ .. � Holland- . th Ernest Morris of the Y. M. C. A. offi-air. .ten,·ng the University -for the first 500. The meeting; to civen m e Vorspiel to Lohengrin --_. Wagne!I f d· ill 1a from 6 Sel ces said yesterday: "This movementChicago started out fast and time will be completed by Fridav. .Lonn 0 a mner, w st - action from Suite "Les Erynnes"#' ' ' ' has the hearty endorsement of Presi-reached their opi)()nent's five-yard Two hundred and seventy men have to 8." I- •• _ •••• --.-_.--.� ••• :.. •• _ •• -.--...... Massenet/ ' dent Judson. It is, in . progresstine in the first few minutes of play. been examined up to date. Organ selections from the Chicago .,throughout the country, a number ofHere, however, the heavy Purple line Freshman gym classes. will bemn MAN' DOLIN CLUB TO' " ,Symphony orCbestra prognlm for nexto. To chapters having already been formedheld and Flood was unable to push next Tuesday. Failure to attend the esday will Constitute next Mon-MEET ON fURSD,A Y in 'colleges and social centers. Giventhe ball over on the last down. From first class will mean four cuts. day's recital.then antU the start of the fourth quar '. Among those who will contribute to as it is under the surveyance of thetSr,' 'the Maroons were never within Several Concerts Pla�� f�. ,.AlIt- coming programs are: Mrs. Joseph B. American Red· Cro� it ought to.prov�WEATHER FORECAS umn Quarter-Guitar D Guar- attractive to a great number of stu-.trlking distance ot the goal. After T. anteed 'DI:"_ Lyding, soprano; Miss Grace Page,rUl� dents interested in the subject. Meet-blocking an attempt at goal on the Uasettled weather, probabl- fol- contralto; Miss Dean Newcomb, BO-, # ings will be held weekI,-.'"part of Northwestern at the start of lowed by rain; colder; fresh southerly , Officers for the year W1�·1 be elect- pra�o; Mr. M. James Brines, tenor;'the last period, Chicago took the ball winds, becomintP northerl- late toda,. Mr. Julian Worthington, bass; Misso # ed at the first meeting 0 t.he Man-and rushed it down the field for the dolin club to be held ThurSday night Norma Houghteling, pianoist; Miss ISSUES CALL FOR SWIMMERS.only score of the day. BULLETIN at 7:15 in the Reynolds club theater. Helene Houghteling" violinist; Mr.Captain Russell's work was bril- Robert W. Stevens, musical director, Raymond A. Smith, pianoist, and the White Enthusiastic <ner Proepect.liant as usual, the fast Maroon quar- TODAY. Northwestern university "A Cappella" 'or the Y-·.will have charge of the preliminary .' �.ter making the greater part of his Chapel, junior colleges, women, tryouts of the club. ' All odd members choir. The University choirs, bothteam's gains. The �O\ly fault to be 10:15, Mandel. I men and women, wm also take part inand candidates have been 'asked tofound in his play was the dropping ot Chapel, the Chicago Theological bring their instruments to the meet- several programs.two punts, but as he recovered both seminary, 10:15, Haskell. ing. l ------of them no disastrous results fol- Harpsiellord tryouts, 3, Foster. "As we are planning sev'ral con- ZuebHn Lectures Tonight.lowed. 'The new backs did not give Glee dub meetinc, 4, Reynolds dub. certs for the Autumn quarter, it ishim the right kind of interference at Frenell club, 4, Lexington 14. imperative that an early organizationall times and for this reason his work Botanical club, 4:30, Botany 13. be �ffec:ted," said Arthur W� Haupt,,va. much harder than last year. TOMORROW. director of the club, yesterday. "WeSchafer at full also played a good Chapel, the Senior colleges and the want all men in school who play the�me, bein� good for a few prds college of Commerce and Administra- mandolin or guitar to come outl�ro\1gh the line at every attempt. tion, 10:15, Mandel. Thursday in order to secure places int 'Baddield Still Undecided. Chapel, the college of Education, the club. AU new guitar men who ap--'A.etcmlin� to Coach Stagg, the 10:15, Blaine 214. pear promptly will be guaranteed,�1dleld problem is still as und�dat Devotional service, the Chicago places. Freshmen are eligibie tor,Jlever• None of the new candidates Theological __ nary, 10:15, Haskell membership."stood forth fnml the rest, and it ,is Yellow Jacket, 10:15, Lexington 14.the "old man's" intention to keep lifelg!aboThood Coundl, 1:30, Lex-them all working on the first team ingtcm.uatD tbq 'ave had' more trials. W. A. A. .eettDc, S:SO, Lniait-wUl ha U. The University Dames club will ,Brace Martin, '16, was taken to theThere .e-to be a change in the lIatheinatical dub, 4:15, � meet Saturday ,at S in the Neighbor- Mere)' hospital Sunday sutrering from(OoDtlnued OD Paie t, 37. hoOd i'Oomt in LexingtGn. -an attack of malaria fever.Saturday. Y. M. C. A. TO HOLDCAMPAIGN RALLY,THURSDAY NIGHTSTAGG WILL PUT!\lEN THROUGH WEEKOF HARD PRACTICE. '- JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. JR.,VISITOR ON THE cAMPuslias Itt-turned From Colorado. Where- He Lived in Mining Camps toStudy Living Conditions of Em-1)lo�'«"8.�aroons Will Have to ImproveGreatly for 'indiana ContestInjury.r.;.Be­I-ll-ss.stie:I�ksd-N­DeIe-e&at:'heI)n­rid- .16,ED'ity.IT­DONYwill Mr. Charles Zueblin ot Boston wmdeliver one of a series ot lectures on"American Municipal Progress" to­night at 8 at the Abraham Lincolncenter, Oakwood boulevard and Lang­ley avenue. The subject will be "TheMind of the City." He will speakThursday night at the Congregationalchurch. Ashland and Morse avenues,on "American National Faith; Eeo-)M­torills;ant!!tl;=e';n,', nomic Justice."JLE�inc�TeL�) TO, DEMONSTRATERED CROSS LIFESAVING METHODSField Representative and Swim­ming Team Will Give Exhi­bition in Bartlett.Dr. White to Be in Charge.Coach White bas issued the officialcall for candidates for the Universi�swimming team. Practice will startimmediatel,-.With the loss of only one man oflast year's team, Gardner, CoachWhite is enthusiastic over the pros­pects for the year. The men who re­turned are: Captain Pavlicek, Red­mon, Harper, Windrow, Shirley, Gen­dreau, Murdock, O'Connor and Meine.Earle, winner of the 1915 swimmingchampionship, and Loeb, are sopho­mores who may make the team.Chicago's schedule will not be de­clcIed upon· until the meeting of theConference coaches late in the quar­ter. Mr. Wbite expects to book meetswith minois, Wiaeonsin, NOl'tbwestemand seftial loeal e1ub8. ' 4ft1. R8IDDwm etoee with tile annual o-t�rneemeet.•THE DAILY MAROON, TITFSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915.m�r maily !BarnnnOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago.Puhllsb�c1 mornlnus. ('leN.'pt �Ulldl\Y and'Monday. ,Iurlll;: tilt' .\ lit 11111 II. \\'llIt('r andSpring quarters hy The Htllly lIaroollat a ff. -F. R. Kuh Managing EditorH. R. Swanson News EditorJ. J. Donahoe Athletics EditorB. E. Newman } DEditA. A. Baer . . . . . . . ay oraH. Cohn Night EditorR. A. Keating Woman's EditorBusiness Managers.C. A. BirdsalL ...... R. P. MatthewsEntered ns second-elnss Ulall at the Chl­�go Postotttee, Chtcazo, illinois. l1archIS. 1908. under Act or �lllrch :t, l!'7:tSubscription Rates.By Carrier, $2..:;0 a yenr: $1 a quarter.By Mnll. $3 a year, $l� a quarter.IDdltorlai Rooms .•.••••.••.•..•.•.. Ellis I!!Telephones { Hyde Park G391lllllwa::r SOOBusiness Office Ellis UTelephone Blackstone 2591.TUESDA Y, OCTOBER 12, 1915.AUTOCRATIC ACTION.A baseball team, ostensibly repre­senting the University, is now tour­ing the Orient where games at:ebeiDg played with the leading' uni­versities. It is composed of two mem­bers of the class of 1918, one of)917,four .of 1916, three of 1915, and onemember of the Law school. It is ap­parently a. representative team; andone well prepared, undoubtedly, . tomeet the best the Orient has. to of,..fer.But . what do we consider: an ac­credited University of Chicago team?One which has been selected not ac­cording to. hte rules of the Conferencecolleges, but in conformity to neces­sity, which knows no' law? Whenany of our athletic or debating teamsparticipates in intersectional con­tests with Eastern schools, a strictobservance of the rules and regula­tions governing those teams at homeis maintained. We have, until lastyear allowed graduates to, engage- ininter-collegiate debating. This prac­tise has been the exception; and iteven now has been modified. In ath­letics only undergraduates, abiding byConference and University rulingshave been allowed to participate.They, and they alone, have represent­ed tho 'Uiii.-ci"aity ia�i..1 !&aye &i.eii ii.whatever name it has received in itsintercollegiate activities.But this year the department ofPhysical Culture and Athletics hasseen fit to disregard these Conferencerules and customs and has selected agraduate student, a member of theLaw school ,as one of the members ofthe Oriental baseball team. This ac­tion has been taken with the consentof the Japanese universities con­cerned; but entirely without regard tothe wishes or sentiments of the stu­dent body here. Such a move is ob­viously an open departure from theletter and spirit of the rules whichhave always been in force. It seemsto be an admission either that thepresent Conference rules are inade­quate, that the coaches have not beenable to cope with the situation effica­ciously, or that a gross piece of fav­oritism has been perpetrated. Thedepartment of Physical Culture andAthletics expects support from thestudent body, but it most certainlywill not receive backing if such apalpable injustice to the student bodyand those eligible for inter-collegiateathletic competition is allowed to oc­cur again. Student opinion willeventually prevail over any plea ofnecessity which claims to be a lawunto itself.tIip'!�.•II , FIRE ESCAPES COSSTRUCTED.. New fire escapes have been erectedon the west end of the Anatomybuilding and the east end of the Zool­ogy building. Snell hall has a newfire escape on the south wall. CHIDEB HAS SESSIONTO PREP ARE l\IE�IBERSFOR VARSITY DEBATESociety Will Discuss ImmigrationQUl"sticn-Hold MembershipTryouts After Drill.Chideb will hold a special meetingThursday night at 7:30 in Cobb 12Ain order to prepare the members onthe subject to be discussed at theVarsity debate tryouts Friday night,October 29. The society will havespecial sessions every week until thetryouts have been held.A regular debate will take up thetopic: "Resolved, That CongressShould Provide a Literacy Test forAll Immigrants." Then all the mem­bers will discuss the question infor­mally. Coach Moulton, Maurice VanHecke, president of Delta Sigma Rho,and Homer Hoyt, delegate from the'15 Varsity team, will act as critics.Isaac Carter of the Law schoolwill lead a parliamentary drill. Car­ter was a student in this field at theUniversity of Illinois. During thedrill members make imaginary mo­tions. These are amended and thenother motions are made i� rapid-firesuccession. The point of the drill isnot only to familiarize the membersof Chideb with the rules of parlia­mentary order, but in so doing toplace the chairman of proceedings ina muddle by firing questions andcross-questions.Hold Membership Tryouts:- .Tryouts for membership to Chidebwill be held at the meeting. Candi­dates will be assigned subjects twen­ty-four hours in advance upon whichthey are to make five minute speechesbefore the members of the society. Atwo-thirds vote of the' membershippresent is necessary . to insure elec­tion to the organization. Any under.graduate is eligible to try out for as­sociate membership to Chideb. Par­ticipation in one regularly scheduledprogram is sufficient to entitle an as­sociate to become a regular member.Those who wish to contest forplaces on "the Varsity team should seeCoach Moulton any. day, from. .lO:1�_to 11 :15 in Cobb 6B,. Those who have�·not announced their side of the -immi-'gration issue can send a notice toMr. Moulton at the Faculty exchange.TO HOLD TOURNAMENTIF ENOUGH ENTRIESARE MADE THIS WEEKA tennis tournament will be heldthis fall if enough entries are receivedthis week.Captain Gross, Micluiel arid MaeNeal of last year's Varsity team willform the nucleus of the Varsity teamfor next year. Several 'members: ofthe freshman squad of last year haveshown up well and a hot fight. may beexpected for the fourth position onthe Varsity.PLAN JOINT CONCERT.Arrangements have been completedfor a concert by the combined gleeclubs of the University of Minnesotaand the' University' of 'Chicago to begiven November 12, the night beforethe Chieago-Minnesota football gamein 'Minrieapolis� The glee club' willhold a inee�ng today at 4 in theReynolds dub .WILL· PROVIDE COUNSEI�LORS.Freshmen women who have not yetmet or been assigned upperclasscounsellors will be provided for at theLeague room today and tomorrow at10:15 and from 11:45 to 2.7S W02\f� A TrEND SI�G.Seventy-five women attended thesing in Kent yesterday.HOLD GLEE CLUB TRYOUTS.Tryouts for the Women's Glee clubwill be held today and tomorrow from4 to 5:30, and on Thursday at 3:30 inBelfield Hall 159. • It ••• � ••••••••••••••••••••••••• It •••••• It •••• It •• It.. �i TYPF.WRITF.RS � � � --- ANY MAKF. tCOLLEGE WOMEN. I - - - - . - - -- - -��nt� - 0: sold - -- - - _--- ----W. A. A. TO l'IEET TOMORROW.�Several ,Members of Adrisory BoardWill Speak on Adirities ofOrganization.The Women's Athletic associationwill hold its quarterly meeting tomor­row at 3:30 in Lexington 14. Thenew women as well as the membersof the W. A. A. have been invited toattend this meeting.Several members of the Advisoryboard will speak of the activities ofthe association. Mary Allen will ex­plain the unit system of membership.Pauline Levi will talk about organ­ized sports, :Mary Ingals about swim­ming, Florence Owen about thespring festival and the "hokes" andBarbara Miller concerning the recep­tion and dinners.The most convenient day and hourfor the quarterly meeting will be dis­cussed.PLAN SOCIAL SERViCE TEA.Dean Breckenridge will speak at thetea to be given by the Social Servicecommittee of the Y. W. C. L. for allwomen interested in social workThursday at 3:30 in the League room.NO PARTY_THIS WEEK.No party will be held by the. Neigh.borhood. clubs this week, but here­after. a party will be. given on ,Thurs­aay of each week •. The' Neighborhoodcouncil will meet �y a� 1 :30 inLexington •._ . Postpone Class �nt�The water-basketball games sched­uled for tomorrow afternoon betweenclass teams, the' juniors vs. the fresh­men and the seniors vs. the sopbo­mores, have , been postponed untilThursday afternoon by Coach White.An exhibition of life-saving methodswill be held in BarUett Wednesda,'afternoon.4 .�. • .. s :.�EN0RAl'S ;ttEET'MONDAY.';.';, ,-;'-- � -,-,-- -,The ExecUtive committee, of theMenorBh society wm make a reportof the program for the coming quar­ter at a meeting of the club nextMonday nipt.� .; A de��te' deelara­tion'· of the P1lg)Oses .. Of th� club willbe drawn up, according to PresidentHarrison.ENTERTAINMrs. R. A. Mmikan, 5607 Wood­lawn avenue, wm hold a party onFriday from 3 to 5 for all women,who have entered the University fromother colleges.LEAGUE DEPARTMENT MEETS.The Voluntary Study departmentof the LeagUe will meet today at 3:30in the League room.CHESS CLUB TO ORGANIZE.The Chess and Checker club willmeet tomorrow at 2:30 on the thirdfloor of the Reynolds club.TRAINING CLASS WILL MEET.The Boy Scoutmasters Trainingclass will hold its first session Wed­nesday aftemoon at 4 :30 in conjunc­tion with the demonstration of Ameri­can Red Cross methods of life savingat Bartlett natatorium.DEAN MATHEWS WILL SPEAK.Dr. Shailer Mathews will speak on"Essentials of Religion" at the meet­ing of the league Thursday morningat 10:15 in Lexington 14.FREENCH CLUB MEETS TODAY.The French club will meet todayat 4 in Lexington 14.GRADUATE WOMEN PLAN TEA.Graduate women -will hold a teaThuBay at 4:30 in the League room. n SOME men change theirU tobacco brands as regular�i:J. 8S a woman changes her mind.An' others smoke VELVET. n.,�U[b[1 �==:=;;::::Ii[lCJI'�-=;;':- ����::::JiEJI .t:!].................................................... ItThe New CampusTheatre Sixty-First StreetBetween Kimbai-k addKenwood Avenues/TUESDAY, OCTOBER ,12,TH-- .rPARAMOUN'T DAY-' _ . ./The Oliver Morosco Photo Play Co., h' assocl.­tlon ""ith Bosworth, Inc., PresentsFRITZI SCHEFF in Pretty Mrs. SmithPathe NewsCATERING ESPECIAL�Y ,TO lffllVERSITY STUDENTS.Paramount Pictures Shown............................. It •••••••••••••••• It It It.� to Y2 MANUFACTURERS' PRICES'You may rent a typewriter foras. long as you desire andwe wiD ,apply six month'srental on the purchase priceshould you decide to buy.If you do not find it conven­ient to caD at our sales­rooms, telephone or writeMr. Geisser our City SalesManager, who wiD be gladto select and send a type­writer to you promptly.Nie sell to students on easy pa yments. Write for oar termsand eata log 179.The Dall,.. JI.roe. .He It .f .... t, ,ITYPEWRITER EMPORIUMN. E. Comer Lake and Dearbora, St., Second FloorTelephones Randolph 1648-1649-1650 I.......................................................IIDUES MUST BE PAID TODAY. , i'Reynolds club dues' must be paid 1today. Only members will be admit. ' I;. ted to the' infonnal dance Fridaynight..YELLOW JACKET TO MEET.The Second cabinet of the Leaguewill meet on Wednesday at 4:30 inthe League committee room.Yellow Jacket will hold a meetingtomorrow at 10:15 in Lexington 14.ISSUE CALL FOR CANDIDATES.SECOND CABINET TO MEET.All candidates for positions on theCap and Gown staff have been re­quested to report tomorrow at 2:45in Ellis 17.,... I. ,1 tI I. tII, ! I ,I .'L, I; ,I .I •• • TID; DAILY MAROON, TUES�AY, OCTOBER 12, 1915.. �.---HALL· HELD s COMPANY� AN NEX-� The Store fgr Men .. \. ; ..... , ·Here ·is tao ReaJ"·"Value in Sniart··: 4' �'... ... . . .·:Neckwear at 75c·.... ,: We· kriow that college men will appreciate an oppor-·tunity to purchase really good Neckwear at this price. We·bought up a lot. of sample silks---silks that ordinarily. would. be found in Cravats selling at niuch higher prices-s-and had,them made into the newest correct shapes for fall wear. Theyate stitched so that there will be a minimum of wrinkling.and pulling out of shape-and they will give unusually long. service. Exclu-·sive too, for there are only two or three Cravats to each pattern.If you prefer Oriental and Persian effects they are here-as well ashundreds of satins and brocades in practically any combination of colorings... ..You Will Find It Well Worth Your While To Look Over These Smart Cravats-Seldom Indeed Are Such Values Offered.First Floor•·,� .THB DAILY ·MAROONr TUF..8DAY. OCTOBBR 12, 191i.-------O&H------trIt,I,,I'tItttt..,t�. GOVERCOATSOur Overcoat Stockis now corn pleteOvercoats as low as.$25.00MENS�STOREOgilvie &Henea�e18-2.0 East Jackson Boulevardc I c AHStart Now! Play Billiards!Indoor Days Have Come Again,Balls racked, cues chalked, bright eyes and eager hands ready-the wholegay family gathered around the billlard table. "Start them off, mother, butplease leave a few for the rest of us to shoot at."So it begins again in the homes of thousands who now hav� BrunswickCarom and Pocket Billiard Tables. Every day brightened witn mirth andWlUli7 :spucu, tiua.i.. zsti'"b "i.e i.,,;uvU i&iii:. �W;;. v:-: _i. -� ;. :!::=:::::!Our bandsome billlard book. sent free, reveals how billiards will fill yourhome with enchantment-win the grown-up� boys and gir:1s and guests.SUPERB BRUNSWICK,HoOle Billiard Tables"GRAND" N $27 U - d "CONVERTIBLES""BABY GRAND" ow pwar • "DEMOUNTABLES""BABY GRAND"Combination Carom and Pocket StyleBrunswick carom and Poclret BUIld TableS are made of rare and beautlfulwoods in sizes to fit all homes. Scientific accuracy, life! speed! and action!that are unexcelled. Yet our prices are low-due to mammoth output-now$27. upward..PLAYING O'UTFIT FREEBalls, Cues, Cue Clamps, Tips, Brush, Cover, Rack. Markers, Spirit Level,expert book on ·'How to Play," etc., all included wltbout extra charge.30 DAYS' TRIAL, THEN 1b CENTS A DAYOur plan leta you try any Brunswick right in your own home 30 days free.You can pay monthly as you play-terms as low as $5 down and 10 centsa. day.Our famous book-··Billiards-The Home Magnet"-shows these tables Inall their handsome colors, Itfles hln detafts. bHoes. etc. Send for it today.The Brunswick-Baike-CoUender Co.623 Se. W."'h Ave., ChicaaoMAROON ADSBRING RESULTSFOR DANDRUFF,SCALPTREAT­"llEHTS and PACIAL MASSAGEC/ossifled Ads.Flye ftIIt. per 11-. No ." .. Itt ..... t.1"fft1ft4 lor I.. tbaII 21 � All ea..­•• "ftrtlaeme1tt. m.wt be ..... I. ..-MEN'S FURNISHINGSBats. Cap. and NeekwearJ AS. E. COWHBY1001-1003 E. 55th St.s. E. Cor. mu. ATe.BILLIARD BALLagaretta aad OpnBunaU lteturus by 111IltngB STRICTLY HOME COOKING, $4.20per week. 5702 Drexel, 2nd Apt. o"GOTHIC" 0f\RRbWCOLLARFaGNT FIlS a1AYAT ...SL&LClLY. '2 SCCLUETT. PEABODY .. CO •• 1IIe.. •• all ..try our new Violet Ray High Fre­quency. We specialize in SHAM­POOING. Reduced prices to stu­dents. "Lockwood Parlors." MissFlorence Lockwood, 1438 East57th St., 2nd floor. Phone HydePark 6772.FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISH­ed room, two and one half blocksfrom the University. Phone Mid­way 8546.LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOMfor one or two. No other roomers.5548 Drexel Ave., 1st floor.For Rent-Large well furnished,stearn-heated front room, electriclight and gas; $3 for one person and$3.75 for two; smaller room, $2. 5739Drexel Ave., 1st flat.HOLD TRYOUTS TODAY.Tryouts for membeTShip in Harpsi­chord will be held today and Mondayat 3 in Foster. Women who sing orplay some musical instrument are eli­gible. A party w111 be given for thesuccessful tancHdates Wednesday,October 26, at the home of LouiseSten'bouse, 0S58 Drexel avenue. ..PENNANTS PINS -4APILLOWS FOBS 1EMBLEMS BELTSROOTERS' HATS "C' JEWELRY\'COMPLETE REGULATIONGYM O'UTFITS.$2.25Full Line of Athletic GoodsSweaters-JerseysLadies' Gymnasi� SuitsTHE W. C. KERN CO ..1331 -East -57th sc.2 Blocks 'East of Campus.Teresa S. DolanDoncingEvery SATURDAY Evening atCALUMET HALL63rd Street and Stony Island AvenueClasses 8 to 9 Dancing 9 to 12Admission SO CentsHotel Strand StudioCottaae Grove A Yenue and 63rd StreetCtnss Every Friday Afternoon 3-:i. Admission:iO Cen�.Class EYer,. Tuesda,. ETenlng, 8:30. .\ddmlulon$1.00. Six Lessons for 85.00Private Lessons any time day or eveningbyappoiatment.PHONE MIDW�Y 820Trustee Internationa. ABsoelation Masters of Danclug. Member Cble�u:o .\ .. 0'clatlon )(asters of Danelng. Pupil Vernon Castle Normal School of Danelng, NewYork. Chicago Delegate to 191:' Congress Dancing Societies of America.............................................. �.� ......�Self-�lingFountain PenNON-lEAKA8LEThe origirtal and by far thesimplest. Over a million, inuse. Peculiarly adapted forstudents use. All sizesand Points $2.SOand up. . .-I, ,f.', \I,".STAGG WILL PUTMEN THROUGH WEEKOF HARD PRACTICE(ConUnued from pap L) probably be in shape by that time arid -. •will take' "Butch's" place against theHoosiers. Scanlon's injury is notll- .ing serious, but Coach Stagg believe. tothat a week's rest will do his Jmeagood. The rest of the squad all �ported on tlte lelcl yesteMaY -Iri goodcondition.line due to Scanlon's injury whichwill probably keep him out of theIndiana game. Bill McConnell wiil.' .