latiy _arnon ) JVOL. XIII. No. 115. Price Five c...------ - -_._---------UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1915.What Next Week Can AccomplishFREUND WILL SAIL FOREUROPE THIS MORNINGVARSITY NINE TOMEET BELOIT ONSTAGG FIELD TODAY PERONNEL OF THEVARSITY DEBATINGTEAM IS CHANGEDTo Take Pleasure Trip Through HoI­land and Germany-Coleman isOnly Other Instructor Who WillGo Abroad this SprinC' Sherman Conrad Will SupplantClifford Browder On Affirma­tive DelegAtion.Wisronsin Men Have DefeatedUniversity of IllinoisSecond Team. • Ernst Freund, professor 'of Juris­prudence and Public Law, will sailfrom New York this morning on thesteamer Potsdam bound for Europe.He will. land in Holland and aftera short visit in that country will pro­ceed to Germany. He expects to re­turn in June to take up his work inthe University.The trip will be a pleasure tourwhich Dr. Freund has been planningfor some time. Several of his rela­tives live in Germany, two sisters re­siding in Frankfort,' and cousins,nephews and nieces are scattered invarious parts of the country. Prof.Freund has already been across theAtlantic sixteen times. Formerly hewent every summer to visit his par­ents, hut since their death he has notbeen in the Fatherland.Coleman Goes to France.Algernon Coleman. examiner of theRomance department, is the onlyother member of the faculty who wiltbe in Europe. He sailed for Francerecently. Edgar J. Goodspeed, asso­ciate professor of Biblical Greek, wittbe in Pasadena, Cal, during theSpring quarter.Other professors out of residencethis quarter are: Benjamin A.Green, professorial -Iecturer of Prac­tical Theology ; Joseph W .• Hayes, in­struetor' in Psychology; William A.Nitze, head of tile Romance Depart­ment; Henry W. Prescott. professorof Practical Philology; Robert Her­rick, professor of English; Alonzo K. IParker, professorial lecturer of·Modern Missions and University re­corder; James H. Breasted, professorof Egyptology; Solomn H. Clark,head of Public Speaking department;Benjamin Bills, instructor of PublicSpeaking; and Daniel D. Luckenbill,instructor of Semities. - AI1UIUli Conclude Arrancements.Arrangements for the duel debateare being consummated by coopera­Ibn between tlhe Dartmouth Alumniassociation of Chicago, the Dan-,mouth Alumni Ieague at Hanover, andthe Dartmouth Forensic union. Presi­dent Chester B. JOT'dan, of the union,and Chairman Macormaclc, of theleague are in charge.The members of the Dartmouthteam wilt be chosen at trials today.The Forensic union will send in sev­eral candidates and the debatersagainst Williams and Brown will alsotry out again. The judges will beProf. Shaw, Prof. Dixon. W. Rick­<Us. and ft. Mest'rvey. Six men will-- --(Conttnued on Pace I)FOUR JUDGES ANNOUNCEDROSELAND DEFEATS MAROONSHard Hittinc is Responsible for Vic­tory-Chicaco Wins Game'With Lewis Institute. Dartmouth Will Pick Declaimers atTrials Today-To S elect FourRegulars and Two Alternates.Sherman Conrad will supplant Clif­ford Browder as a member of the de­bating team which will meet Dart­mouth college Friday night, April 23,in Mandel. Because of heavy workin the Law department, Browder wasforced to withdraw.Conrad was a member of theVaraity debating team two years ago.He, together with King Cook andWilbur Hammon, represented Chi­cago against the University of Mich­igan at Ann Arbor on the negative of'�he question of the adoption of theAldrich currency bill. He is a formerColgate declaimer; having been adelegate for ·that institution againstBate's' college, Lewiston, Me.; andUnion and Hamilton colleges, N. Y.Conrad will couple with Harry.Rosen bug as the affirmative team atChicago, and Ray Weaver and JohnMe Donald will contend against Dart­mouth on the negative at Hanover,N. H. The subject for debate wilt be:"Resolved, That the Standing Armyof ,,,�. t.'nrt1:d-SUfts Should' Ire Im­mediately Increased to at LeastTwice its Present Size." The East­cners -debated on this question last\\�eek· in 'the New England league,winning against Williams college onthe negative, and losing to Brownuniversity on the affirmative.' RolandMcLaughlin, son of Prof, McLaugh­lin of the department of History, wasa member of the successful Brownteam.Chicago wilt meet the Beloit col­lege baseball team today on Staggfield in the fin,'. collegiate game ofthe season, and Coach Page and hisfollowers are out to make a clean'sweep of all contests from now on.Thursday the Varsity will play theNorthwestern College of Napervillenine, and on Monday will meet theChicago "Cubs" at the We� Side ballpark. It is probable that a semi­pr� team will be. carded Saturday.Last Saturday Beloit downed the.University of l11inois second nine 8-6 score. 111inois has the bestbaseball prospects of any team in theConference. and this indicates that'the Beloit 'team wilt display a highclass brand of ball. Coach Page willprobably use Des Jardien or Shullin the box, and from now on this pair'will do the bulk of the pitching work.Due to the unusually small numberof first class ban players available,Coach Page will have to rely on alimited squad throughout the season,and as a result the majority of po­.itions on the, regular nine are fairT:rwen settled. Of the veterans CaptainGray 'has shown to advantage in cen­ter field, where he should uphold hisreputation as one of the surest field­ers at Chicago in years. Doc Mc­Connell at t11ird 'base, KixmiUer atshort stop and "F:adie' Cole -at sec­ond base are practically certain oftheir. jobs. Bill McConnell has beenshowin� well on first' base - and ap­pears to have beaten out the rest ofthe candidates.Ernie Cavin, utility man on lastyear's nine, is being used regularlyin the outfield and bas' shown up well.He is one of the surest batters on theteam. Hart, a sophomore doing tbe receiving. He has hadplenty of experience behind tfle batand hits fairly welt The remaiftingoutfield position is still unsettled, andCoach : Page has been trying out anumber 0(. men ia hopes of develop­ing a good hitter. Flood, Chang andGeorge are the foremost candidatesfor this place.Th� . Varsity split even in twogames played Saturday. In the morn­ing Lewis Institute was defeated by a6-0 score. Shull and Patterson heldt'be. academy men to three hits andreceived good support. Heavy bat­:ing by Gray, Kixmiller and Bill Mc­Coriell gave Chicago its runs.Hard hitting by the RoselandEclipse team that resulted in the re­tirement of Des Jardien and Shullwas responsible for Chicago's defeatin the afternoon, by a 10-8 score.Box score:Roseland Eclipse.R H P AGrimes. rf 0 1 I 0Bradshaw, cf 1 0 2 0Schick. If 0 3 2 0Sullivan, Jb 3 0 0 IGanzer, c 0 0 2 1Didcson, c 2 3 6 0Bally, Ib 1 2 10 IMautin, ss 0 0 0 IDuffy, 2b 2 2 3 3Taylor, p 0 0 0 2Bracken, p 1 1 0 2Ryan, p 0 0 0 0Totais 10 12 27 10(CoDUnue4 OD Pap 4) TODAY.Chapel, Junior coDece womea,10:1�, MandelImerfratemity indoor baseball, Sic­a. Nu vs. Kappa Sicma. 1:30 Bart­lett.Leape membership committee,2:30 Laiqton.Dramatic Club, 2:30, Cobb 12A.Interfraternity coaDCil, 2:30, Rey­nold. club.Bible .md� class, 2:30, J.aiDctoa.'. Sophomore Social and Ezecatiftcommittees, 3:30. Cobb lZA.Leape lIiaaioouy cOlDlllittee, 3;30.Laiqton.BrDWllSOn club social. 4, LezinctOa15.Leape first cabinet. 4:30, Laine­ton.Botanical dub, 4:30, Botany 13.La� .chool lecture, "Trade Marb,"4:30, Law school, nonb room.Classical club, 8, Claasic:a.TOMORROW.Chapel, Senior colleces and thecollege of Commerce and Admims­(ration, 10:15, MandelFreshman cIa.. medin" 10:15,Kent..Senior luncheon, 12:45, HutchinaoD.Mathematical club, 4, R,enoa 37.'Graduate Women'. club, 4:30,Green.Mmonh aociet7, 4:30. Cobb 12A.OI'cbeatra meetin" 7:30, Belfield159.Gradaate H� cIuh, 1:45, �.Sche'rilr. raidence, 5745 BlKbtoae.venae.,.. {RUT"LETTN'11,:v'.I .,;i'\ The conditions existing In theworld today are unparalleled in his­tory. Ninteen centuries of civilizationin chaos and conflict; the complexproblems of cities unsolved, eventhough men give their lives to thework; people waiting to be led butstrong leaders wanting; docs not thiscondition challenge rthe attention ofevery thinking college man andwoman? Where can we throw ourstrength? I n all this strength whatare the real things, the first things?Have we the ability 10 perceive Ulereal values-s-ean we put first thingsfirst?Can't we all of us find answers tosome of these questions in 'the seriesof meetings that the University hasarranged for the coming week, underI DAKE AND BLAZER TOMANAGE 1916 ANNUAL:";ap and Gown Board Elects BusinessMan�� ers for Next Year-1915Boc k Will Appear About May 15.Percy Dake and Paul Blazer wereelected business managers of the 1916Cap and Gown at an executive·meet­ing of ·the annual board yesterday.The choice from the field of candi­dates. was determined by the amountof advertising obtained by the con­testants. Competition for the posi­tions closed Sunday evening."Owing to. the depression of busi­ness, it has been extremely hard tosell advertising this year." said' Man­ager Benson yesterday, 'and the con­testarrts have been forced to offerliberal trade propositions to adver­tisers. I n order to' help out the candi­dates, the Cap and Gown will publisha classified list of advertisers to guidestudents in their purchases."The last forms for the 1915 annualwill be sent to the printers this week.The Cr sflc-Picrcc company of Osh­kosh, Wis , is doin r the printing anaJ .. hn and Oliver are handling the en­gravings. The book will appear onthe carnr us about May 15. The "Rapand Pound" section will be twice aslarge as 1<'5t year and many more in­c'ivic1u:"l1 ri::tures will appear in thevolume.Will Award Prizes.I n order that the demand may meetthe supply, the managers Ihave urgedstudents to subscribe for a volumeimmediately. Last year many stu­dcn;s were unable to obtain booksbecause they had failed to sign forthem early in the year. Several prizeswill be awarded to holders of lucky'numbers.NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBCOUNCIL WILL MEETTO ARRANGE PROGRAMMembers of the Neighborhood' clubcouncil will meet today at 1:30 in theNeighborhood room to discuss plansfor the party to be given Thursday at4 by women of the N ortbwest club.Phoebe Baker, Eugenia Hall, andElizabeth Ber6.der will have chargeof the party. The council will alsoconsider arrangements for the annua1picnic. and the entertainment of stu­dents from the secondary sdlools.who will come to the campus for thecompetitive examinations.Newsb07s Create Diatarbance.Two small newsboys became soenthusiastic over the defeat of JackJohnson by Jess Willard yesterdayafternoon that they created a smalldisturbance on the campus trying todispose of their 'extras." The campuspolicerna n removed the offenders.the leadership of the Rev. FatherHarvey Officer. He is a man wittla message: a man who has faced the"main issues of life:' and who.through his personality, has aidedothers to face them. His life is count­ing because he is using his everypower to the utmost. At Princeton,Pennsylvania and Williams, the en­tire student body are with him. Lettlhe men and women of Chicagorealize their privilege in having himhere for a week. Let us cooperatewith the plans and attend the meet­ings. Upon each student will comea higher and bigger vision of hispossibilities; and to the University'will come a blessing in the guise o�students awakened to their best inservice and loyalty.Katherine Covert. BLACKFRIARS GETPERMIT TO GIVEPLAY IN MANDELMunicipal Huilding DepartmentGrants Privilege ProvidingSteel Scenery is Used.PRDUCTION COST IS HIGH'Seat Sale Will Open On April 30-Organization Will MakeReservations Early.Permission has been granted theBlackfriars to give their twelfth an­nual production in Mandel hall, April30, May I, 7 and 8. The permit wasapproved Saturday by the city Build­ing department when the Friarsagreed to employ steel scenery. Thecost of the steel scenery will greatlyexceed that of the old canvas sceneryof past years; but according to Ab­bott Henderson, the Executive staffbelieved the additional expense justi­fied in order ·to maintain the traditionof �iving the Friars show on thecampus,The seat sale for the production�.i11 open Tuesday. April 20 in thecorridor of Mandel. Fraternities, clubs1':nd other campus organizations havebeen granted the privilege of reservjng ,�hei�. seats from April 12 untiApril 20 when all reservations notpaid for win be sold to the generalpublic, The prices will be the same asin past years. The main floor centerwill be, $1.50, main floor. right andieft, $i.oo;� the first three rows inthe balcony, $1.50; 'the next three$1.00; the following three, seventyfive cents, and. the remaining seatsfifty cents.All 'arrangements for the produc;'tion will be completed by the end ofthis week. Rayner, Dalheim andcompany, who printed the scores forthe Haresfoot club, of the Universityof'W;s�onsin, will print the score andPosters: .The posters will be dis­tributed by Wednesday, April 14.The poster was designed by GeorgeLyman. �lS, and shows Dick Turner,the author, in the monastery of theBlackfriars. , n the background areseen Lady Ruth and the Friars. Thesame drawing will be used for thec�ver of the score.ISSUE SPRING NUMBEROF LITERARY MONTHLYSix Stories and Two Poems AreIndaded-Ricb Writes TNeStory of Unemployed.Six stories and two poems are in­eluded in the Spring issue of the Lit­erary Monthly which was placed ontale �sterday. Walter Snyder, '18and Arthur Baer, '18 are the. authorsof the poems."Bum' and Superbum" is a truestory by John K. Rich. '16, dealingwit'h his adventures among the unem­ployed; "Read 'Paradise Lost'!", byElizabeth Crowe, '17, gives a synopsisof epic poem by Milton, pointingout the many interesting details gen­erally overlook by the casual reader.The tragic tale of two musiciaasemployed in French's cafeteria onSixty-third street is the subject mat­ter of "The Lute ;1., 1 the Rift:' byRaymond Anderson. 'IS. The other.stories are boy Jennie Ten Cate, '17,�Mo11ie Neuman. '17 and EstherHomer, '17.Chemists Plan Meetin,.The Kent Chemical soceity willmeet . .Thnrsday at 7:45 in Kent 14.;·LJtm�el. G. Raiford, instructor .,of. �stry, will speak on "Some Re­'cent Views of Sterie Hindrance."THE DAILY IlAltOO�t TUESDAY t APRIL 6. 1915.Iltt Baily _aroon0Ifidal Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicaeoPublished mornings, except SundayUld Monday, during the AutumnWi�ter and Spring quarters, by Th�Dally Maroon Staff.G. W. Cottingham .. Manacinc EditorP. R. Kuh News EditorH. R. Swanson Day EditorJ. J. Donahoe Athletics EditorBusiness llaDacenc. A. Birdsall .... .. R. P. MattbcwaBat.ered .. aecond-clua mail at the Olica·.. Poatolfiee, Chic:qo. UliDoia. llareb IS. 1108.ader Act of March I. 1813.SUBSCRIPTION RATESBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter.By Mail, $3 a year; $l.25 a quarter.'Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800,Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Blackstone 2591,Clarke - McElroy Publishing Company�1t Cottaae GroTe AYe. Tel lIidWQ 1115TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1915.RELATIONS WITHDARTMOUTH.An event which is not too far inthe future to command the attentionof University students and membersof the faculty is the debate with Dart­mouth college which is to be heldin Mandel Friday night, April 23.This is the first time in some fifteenyears that a University forensic teamhas been pitted against a team f.,mthe eastern coast, and while the con­test will not decide anything as tothe relative merits of the two schools,it will reveal <to a large extent justhow far advanced in the art of de­bating--one aspect of college trainingwhich is of real significance as far asfuture results are concemed-is eachof the two colleges.Also it will signalize intercollegiaterelationships of a healthy sort' with -a section of the United States entire­ly different from that in which Chi­cago is situated, and, if it meets- withthe support it deserves, it doubtlesswill presage future contests of thesame sort, as well as the possibilityof increased relationships betweeneastern and western universities, whichcan riot fail to be of far-reaching, im-portance.SCHUTZE SAYS GREYFALSIFIED,DATESAttacks Statement in Regard toPrevious Mobilization ofRussian Army.That Sir Edward Grey' falsifieddates in the white book of Englandin order to deceive the world con­cerning the previous mobilization ofthe Russiam army, wrote MartinSchutze, associate professor of Ger­man Literature, in a communicationprinted in the Chicago Tribune ofApril 5. Mr. Schutze based his asser­tion on Prof. Thompson's documen­tary study, "Russian Diplomacy andthe War."Prof. Shutze attacked the statementmade hy Sir Edward Grey and Mr.Asquith in an interview with RobertR. McCormi("k, which said that Russiadid not mobilize until Germany, byher own mobilization, had forced herto do so. Prof. Thompson's paper isbeing sold at present hy the Ger­manistic society.Schaub Speaks Thursday •.Prof. E. L. Schaub, of North­western university, will give a talkon 'The Lease of Responsibility" ata meeting of the Philosophical clubThursday at 7:30 in Lexington 15.Will Discuss Rabine Rulea.The Interfraternity council'· willmeet today at 2.30 in the Reynolcl.dub to discuss the proposed amend­ments to the rushing rules. CHINESE CLUB TO GIVETHREE ACT PLAY ON"INTERNATIONAL NIGHT"Fifteen. Men and Three WOme1l WillTake Part-Lochner toGive Address.A three act play by members ofthe Chinese club will be the mainattraction on the program of "Inter­national Night" to be presented bythe Cosmopolitan club Saturdaynight, April 24. Fifteen Chinese menand three Chinese women will haveparts in the play, which will (have forits theme universalism, past, presentand future.The tentative program includes se­lections by a Polish choir from theUniversity settlement; solos by JoseCarrillo, a Philipino sfudent; selec­tions by Miss Ogura, a Japanesepianist, who has studied in Berlin;Swedish dancers from Davis square;Spanish dancers from the West SideY. M. C. A.; and atlhletic exhibitionsby Japanese students. .Louis P. Lochner, secretary of theChicago Peace sodety and formerpresident of the Associated Cosmo­politan clubs will give a fifteen min­ute speech on "The Effect of the Waron the Cosmopolitan Idea." It isplanned to have President Judsongive' the address of welcome, if it ispossible '10 obtain him that evening,Consuls to Occupy Boxes.Consuls from all of the principalnations of the world, excepting thoseengaged in the war, will occupy theboxes in Mandel. The hall will bedecorated with flags of all nationsand foreign students in costume willusher.The committee in charge of the en­tertainment consists of George, Cald­well, chairman; R. C. Johnson, pub­licity; S. Hattori, tickets, and WalterSnyder, posters. Tickets wm beplaced on sale the latter part of thisweek.Freshman Class to Meet.Plans for the social schedule of theFreshman class will be discussed atme class meeting tomorrow at 10:15in Kent. other class matters will al­so be taken u_p.. -,Auto Blaze is Extinguished.An automobile, stationed in frontof the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity,house, caught fire last night, and wasonly saved when several members of<the fraternityl extinguished the blaze.The car is the property of John Don­ahoe, '16. The damage was slight.Beeson Speaks Tonight.Charles ,H. Beeson, associate pro­fessor of Latin, will speak on 'Th.Ars Grammatica of Donatus" at a :meeting of the Classical club tonightat 8 in the Classics building.,To Address Mathematicians.Miss Gillie A. Larew will give atalk on 'A Case of Costrained Mo­tion on a Right Circular Cone" at ameeting of -the Junior Mathematical·club tomorrow at 4 in Ryerson 37.First Cabinet Meets Today.The First cabinet of thc Leaguewill meet today at 4:30 in the Leaguecommittee room.Will Give I1lustra�ed Lecture.Arthur G. Vestal will give a lec­ture on "Plant-Geography in theEastern Moumain-Front Area of Col­orado" today at 4:30 in Botany 13.The lecture will he illustrated.Missionary Committee Meets.The Missionary committee of theLeague will meet today at 3:30 in theLeague committee room.Bible Class Will Meet.Miss Mollie Carroll will hold herBible Study class 0:1 "The Life ofJesus" at 2:30 today in Green. DELTA SIGMA PHI WINS GAIIBDefeats Beta NiDe· by SeftDteeIlto SixteenScore.Saturday morning, the Delta SigmaPhi indoor baseball team nosed out!.he Beta Theta Pi squad in the firstgame of the season by a 17 to 16score. Both pitchers were hit hard,the Delta Sigma Phi men combingthirteen hits from Gates, while theBetas pounded Hayford for elevenbingles. In tlhe fifth inning, Gatesregistered a homer scoring two runs.Both' teams were tied in the first halfof the ninth but the Delta Sigma Phisqueezed in the winning run in thelast half. Gates and McGregor led inthe hitting with three hits each.The score:Beta Theta Pi.Runs Hits P. O.McGregor, c. 3 I 5Gates, P ..............•. 3 2 1Frazer, 1st B. 2 2 8Bushnell, 2nd B l 1 2Fisher, 3rd B l I 1Black, L S 2 2 2Larson, L F 2 1 1Miller, R. F 2 1 1Delta Sicma Pbi.Frank, C , 3 1 4Banks, 3rd' B 2 3 2Supple, L. S : ..•.... 3 4 3lIayford, P 2 2 2Fekete, 1st B I 1 8Hurwitz, 2nd B 2 1 1Schaller, R. S 2 1 0Pick, L F 1 0 1Zoline, R. F l 0 0JUDiors to Give Smoker.Members of the class of '16 willhold a smoker Thursday night at 7:30at the Kappa Sigma fraternitY house:5820 Woodlawn avenue.PHI KAPPA PSI TAKESINDOOR GAJlE FROMPHI DELTA THETAThe Phi Psi indoor baseball teamwon their first game­ing by trouncing the Phi Delts, 15to O. In the first inning the Phi Psistucked the game away with a ninerun lead. Gorgas, working with thislead, pitched air-tight ball through­out the game striking out 12 men andallowing but J hits. In the ninth in­ning the Phi Delts threatened t�score with' a man on third and oneout. but Gorgas whiffed the next twobatters. The Phi Psi batsmengathered sixteen hits from Libonati,while the Phi Delts were able to con­nect safely but three times. Whitingled in tlhe hitting with four hits.Committee Schedules Jieeting.The Membership committee of theLeague will meet today at 2:30 in theLeague committee room.To Speak On Citizenship.Associate Prof. Allan Hoben willspeak on "Training for Citizenship,"tonight at the \Voodlawn Baptistchurch, Sixty-second street and Uni­versity avenue.Dodd to Address Historians.The Graduate History club willmeet tomorrow night at 7 :45 at theresidence of Prof. Schevill, 5745Blackstone avenue. William E. Dodd,professor of American History, willaddress the mceting.Hold Peace Meeting Tomorrow.The Graduate \Vomen's club willhold a peace meeting tomorrow at4:30 in Green hall. Mrs. Thomas willaddress the organization.Plan Open Medinl.Tile Sociology club will hold anopen meeting Thursday at 8 inHarper assembly room. ClarenceRainwater, director of HamiltonPark, will speak on "A Study in Pop­ular Recreation." The lecture will beillustrated. TAKE ELEVATOR-SAVE .10Isn't It Worth YOUR Time to Come to ThisTIIIRD F�OOR SHOP to save $10 Getting aGuaranteed$25 Suitor OvercoatFORThey are· just what we say they are.'The only "reason why" we can seD them for$10 is: We don't have to tack on an extra$10 for a big ground floo'r rent Come upto see and save that $10.Monroe Clothes ShopELMER E. MARDEN, President3'd F- NOI'tIa· �caD IhIiWiqloor N. w. Cor. Slate aDd Moaroe Street.Ope .. SotanIIq Nip, Tall 10 o·OocIt••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The Leonard- WilsonSchool of Music and ExpressionTel. Hyde Park 2885 6255 Kimbark AvenuePIANO VOICE VIOLINGUITAR VIOLlNCELLO PIPE ORGANWHISTLINGHARMONY BANJO MANDOLINDRAMATICS STAGE TECHNICMODERN DANCING FA.......All '_lei-==WAsumlA.111FO)fQ57HWA-GsctilrewP;stTEle<�taalbiCd:GEcot(tDr.C, JIYOUR FOOD cooked as you had it athomeEat your three "Squares" at theMEN'S COMMONSThe Home Made Maffia, Pies, Puddinp, Etc.-are wbat yo. like·The Cub Breakfub, Cafeteria Luaebeons and a la carte Dinaer. areKim.. ntiafactioa.TIm DAILY IIdOoN. TUESDAY, APRIL" 1915.Classifled Ads •. SENIOR NATATORSANIIBX CBAllPIONSHIP'. � ,",8WI1011HG CONTESTFive oenta ..... line. No aclvwtlM­meat .... ivecI for a... than 25 centa.All oluaifiecl acivertiMmenta muat be"ici In aelva .... JUDior CoUece' Womea LotIe. AfterScore is Tied-FiDal Coantis 38 to 30.WANTED-FIVE MEN FORsummer camp counsellors. Suremoney returns for men with pep.Address, W. H. Macpherson, Joliet,III Senior college women won the sec­ond swimming meet held yesterdayat 3:30 in Bartlett by a score of 38 to30. The contest was close and beforetlhe two final events the score was atie, ?:i to 'Zl.Line-up of the teams:Juni(l(s-Mary Ingals, AngelaMoulton, Margaret Kerr, Edith Thor­en, Constance McLaughlin. Seniors­Dorothy Llewellyn, Ruth Swan,Gladys Sidway, Edna Kantrowitz,Hazel Furchgott, Esther Sutcliffe.Seniors JuniorsPlunge 3 640 yard race 6 3Disc diving 4 520 yard backstroke 4 520 yard breaststroke 4 5100 yard race 6 3Relay 5Fancy diving 6 3FOR RENT-A SMALL SUNNYroom, $1.50 a week. Miss Cornell,57th street and Blackstone avenue.H. P. 530.WANTED-S P E C I A L REPRE­serrtatives for high grade proposi­tion; all students interested. Goodremuneration. Will not interferewith curriculum work. Apply HydePark studio, 1426 E. Fifty-fifthstreet, comer Blackstone.TEN COPIES OF VOL I., ESTERedition of Heine wanted at once.Will pay 75 cents a copy. Impor­tant, as the book cannot be foundat any store in Chicago. Pleasebring copies to German office inCobb hall during recess-hour anyday next week, P. S. Allen. 38 30Plunge-Ingals, 48' feet; Llewellyn,40 feet; Moulton, 39 feet.40 yard race-Swan, 35 2/5 sec­onds; Kerr, Sidway.Disc diving-Moulton, 27 seconds;Kantrowitz, Furchgott.20 yard backstroke-Ingals, 18 2/5seconds, Llewellyn, Sidway.20 yard breast stroke-Moulton,17 3/5 seconds, Swan, Kantrowitz.Candle race-Moulton, Furchgott.100 yard race-Llewellyn, 2 min­utes; Ingals, Kantrowitz.Relay race-Seniors-l minute, 14, seconds.Fancy diving-Llewellyn, Mq.Laughlin, Sutcliffe.GENERAL AGENT-WANTED. Acapable, experienced gener21 agent,to appoint 30 agents from ChicagoUniversity for this Summer. Bigmoney to the right man. Statereferences and experience. Silver-l Chamber-lain Co., Clayton, New\ ,J e�ey. Box 158."STOP AT THE STUDENTS' FA-t yorite hotel. frontine Washington'Park, at 5721-5723 Cottage GroveAve. Oub rooms, Pool room,.1' bowling alleys. cpr stand, barbershop, free baths, and all eonvee-I ienees, Rates only $1.50 per week, each person. Is a special rate to'I male students,' Close to Univer­sity and car lines. 5721 CottageGove Ave. Hyde Park 4747. Form-.erly known as Florida Hotel. Discuss ReunioD Plans.Plans for the Alumni association re­union, to be held June 10 and 11, werediscussed at a meeting of .the Alumnicommittee last night. " Dockstader and SandbergThe Eighth FloorRepublic BuildingDou ble - BreastedSuitsFor Early SpringWear\�� .The blue coat, worn withc�1white trousers, make averr snappy mid-summercombination.Skeleton silk trimmed$25.00<.WHO IS VELVET JOEl' DIVINITY STUDl!:NTSTO GIVE DINNER INDR. MATHEWS' HONOR= Hbe You Made YoUr Guea as to theIdeDtit7 of the Geaial KentuckJ'Philosopberl Students and faculty members otthe Divinity school will unite in giv­ing a reception and banquet in honorof Dean Shailer Mathews on ThursdayApril 15, in Hutchinson-cafe, Ticketsmay be purchased from members ofthe Divinity council for sixty cents."Who is' Velvet Joe?"That is a question which bids fairto rank with the historic ones con­cerning the exact age of Ann and"Who struck Billy Patterson "Since the philosophical sayines andverse from the pen of the sunny to­bacco grower and thinker from Ken­tucky· first appeared in the news­papers and magazines, rumors havebeen rife as to his 'identity. Severalprofessional humorists have alreadypleaded "not guilty" to the chargeof being "alias Velvet Joe." Andstill, from out behind impenetrablemystery flashes Velvet Joe's cheerywit and tender sentiment, singingthe praises of the good tobacco hegrows in old "'Kaintucky."But what matter who Joe is, aswe open our morning papers, as lonias his cheery "Good Evenin'" i. afeatnre of the evening editions?Who is Velvet Joe?Why, don't you know? He's thepatron saint of Ilipe smokers. Hetakes the place of old Santa Clausfor those of us who have put on longI pants and have to shave.He's the friend who visits us byour firesides, rin our shops and of­fices, telling us to light up' our pipes) and remember that clouds have sil.I ver linings, and that if it didn'", rainI there'd never be any rainbows withpots of gold at the end o( them.He is the sort of optimist you findf so often among men who love theirpipes, and draw (rom them theI! sunny contentment that Nature in-I .ills !into the mellow Burie,. leatI Who is Velvet Ioe?Ask .the �an who runs the cigarl stand on the comer. He will say:"Oh, he's a friend of mine tbat'sI helping me lell Velvet Smokinl To-bacco. He's one of those cheerfulfellows that always bas time to bekind and courteous and smiling, "CD when he's talking business."I wish there were more like him."So what does it m�ter what Vel­vet Joe's last name is \Ve knowhis face and we know l1'is senti­ments, but still--Now this is merely a suggestion:If there are any Sherlock Holmesesof an investigating turn of mind inthe vicinity of Lexington, in the BlueGrass Country, suh--And if these inquisitive onesshould run across a gentleman witha cheery disposition and a droopingwhi�e mustache who showed amarked preference for a tobaccocalled "Velvet," perhaps---They micht "have the goods" onVelvet I oe himself.Be that as it may, we are glad tosay that Velvet Joe will continue tobe . a regular contn"butor to oar columns.-Advertisement.PERSONNEL OF THEVARSITY DEBATINGTEAM IS CHANGED(ConUnued from page 1)be selected, four regulars arid twoalternates."Conrad," said Mr. Moulton yester­day, "is an experienced and able de­bater. He has stood the. test already,having represented his Alma Materat Michigan in 1913. Then, his earlytraining in the public speaking fieldat Colgate will materially assist him.Although the men have just begunto practice (or the coming' event, Ifeel sure tlhat they' will make a fineshowing."==e .A ,'.,To Talk On Subnormal&.The Religious Education club wiltmeet Thursday at 7:45 at the resi-.dence of Associate Prof. Hoben, 5738Blackstone avenue. Dr. D. P. Mc­Millan, head of the Child Study de­partment of the Chicago Publicschools will give a lecture on "Sub­normals and Religious Education."NORMAN-the newARRowCOLLARFw��&ahodvIil�Inc.�lEW YORK to SAN FRANC I seer:�. .�• ".;J: ·,,!f �;;.qJ � I.ea.n... ......ef ... i ......En. cNllle aut-f.,....Rilm.e-ZSc .-..w.Curaat_.HOTEL SERVICE co.2222 E. 100 St. CI.w.l.nd O.BEST I:_UN IN THIS OR ANYOTHER TOWNTOO MANY COOKSby and withFRANK CRAVENPRINCESSNiahta at Satarday Mat., SOc to '1.50Pint Mat. TInIn. Best Seats It. The 'DeWRoyalPrice fl00tl."c...IaTN the arena of "Big Bmineaa" hIlS appeared.L • DeW steel-braiDed champion, the Master­Modeloftbe Royal-tbe nw:binewitb the rapid­&. KtioD; the typewliter that fires )etten _an automatic gun �ts buIleta IUate. JOG are "RopJised,-7OQ are �tbe price� the Royal withm!t koowhc it-Wla IMl ./ JIfIfI' olJ...,.. ..Jti. in the bieber c:oetol� bu.iD ..........." ,.. nBw .. in_·· .,." AI'JJQ''' Eq.rt � .....Tbia maater-nwchine doee the work of eenral t7Pe­Wilta. in..-it writes, typea cards and billa I The onegw:hi,. ctoee any ".peciar attacbaw .. t ..eet ,,,. Fact. JTHE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1915.O&HSPRING STYLES.A Notable Selection ofSpring Suits and Overcoatsat $25.00MEN·S � STOREOgilvie &Heneaee18-'20 East Jackson Boulevardc A G oESTABLISHED 18eeOur Representative, Mr. Walker, will be at theLA SALLE HOTELTODAY, TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAYwithSAMPLES OF READY MADE·GARMENTS. FURNISHINGSHATS AND SHOES (ConUnaed trOm Pace 1)'====::::;::===::;:::=======Iv ARSITY NINE TOMEET BELOIT ONSTAGG FIELD TODAY..:iI..l•..........• •: .IH cCbicaco.R. McConnell, 3b ..•. 2 0 1 1Cole, 21> •. '" ., .... 2 0 4 2Kixmiller, ss '" .... 0 0 5 5Cavin, cf ........... 0 1 0 0Hart. c ............ 1 1 8 1Des Jardien, p ...... 0 1 0 1sseu, p ........... . 0 1 0 2Page. p ............ 0 0 0 0George, rf ......... 0 0 0 0I Bondy, rf ., ........ 1 1 0 0I F. McConnell. Ib .... 1 0 9 1Flood, If ........... 1 2 0 0-Chang ............ 0 0 0 0Totals ......... :.8 7 27 13-Batted for George in seventh.I Roseland O 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 4-10I Clicac-o 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 0- 8Errors=-Maulin, Duffy. Kixmiller.I F. McConnell, Shull. Tdo base hits-'Schick. Ganzer, Flood, Shull. Three���������������������������� ��hlts-�ff�Brn��,Ball�D�I Iardien, Home run-Dickson. Stolenbases-s-Sullivan, Cavin Cole. Hit byprtcher-c-Grimes, Sullivan, R. McC<>n­nel, Harr., Struck out-By Bracken,5; by Taylor, 2; by Ryan, 1; by Shull.4; hy Des Jardien, 3. Bases on balls-Off Bracken, 3; off Taylor, 1; offRyan, 1; off Shull, 3; off Des JaT'dien.. l Double plays-Duffy-Bally; DesJardien-R. McConnel-F. McConnell.Boston Branch149 TREMONT ST. :-\ ewpurt Ilranch220 nEi..I .. EVUE :\ VEeI\LUMNAE CLUB WILLHOLD ANNUAL ELECTIONI•••••••4 Election of officers for the ChicagoA lnmn�e club will take place at the;'I "nu:\l mt"eting of the club Saturday;It 1he Chicago College club, Stevenshnildin�, 16 North Wabash avenoe.� ominations made by the committeeare Jessie Heclcman, "to, for presi-I rlent; Margam Rhodes;"4. Rcretary;�frs. Ethel Remiek McDowell, ·OZ.I ;md Mary Phister, 'II, directors. I1-\�(Sixla'........................................................THE QUIET VOICE OF TAILORED CORRECTNESS ISHEARD IN NOISIEST CROWDSOur New Tweeds - Glell Urquhart plaids, Shadow Checks.,raint over plaids in maay shades of grey, blue grey and softtones of brown are quietly uneommOll. OF THEHyde Park State BankCor. 53rd St. & Lake Park Av. (Near I. C. Depot)are well known to the women as well as to themen of the SiXth Ward.YOU ARE INVITED TO_STUDY THE NAMESDIRECTORSCHARLES R. HORRlE, FRANK W. HOWES.President Randolph Market. Pres.' Howes Lumber Co.HENRY L. STOUT, JAMES J. CARROLL. .V -Pres. Missouri Southern Ry. Jno. A.. Carroll 6 Bro., Real Ba.DANIEL F. BURKE, THOMAS A. COLLINS,Wholesale and Retail Meats. ,Collins &: Morris, BuDden.WI LLIAM J. PRINGLE, Attorney DANIEL A. PEIRCE, Vic:e-PreLJOHN A. CARROLL, PresidentOFFICERS.John A. Cairroll _ President Matthew A. BarmoD. .. _ .. _ •. _CaahierDaniel A. Peirce Vice-President OUver B. Trambl.,. ... .Asst. Cashier$50.00 Opens a Checking t Account-Sl.OO a Sa'riDp Aceoaat.I 3 PER CEN� 0r:'SAVl!JGS SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTSI"'.�- -·,.-:··:·-:··:-·:··:··:-·:-·20�)tQoo)tQo.c·+++ •• ·lo+.+oQo·�<-<-·:··:·<·.:. 0)+<--:' oQt++++++oDo ..� . .., .: Good Things to Eat-As Mother Made Them t� .0·· . . •+ •: Such goOO.tasting.· well-rookE'd. clean, pure food. liberal :... helping&-daintily served with harmonious table settings in •.: homey surroundin� at such moderate prices, will make you :.: happy away from home. ::+ ..• I d ,& a Nne tMee Bn.UMt lie .. lie •.+ .h .. n t •• � T_ � L .. u.... lie •: aPlN'lld .. ' ,.- , f DIa.. He ...It.. reel wMcII I few: .... � �nn .., J . auMDAY :-• •• edt tIw .I'e_'-Ua , eMIl � I�.' lie ..an4 all •• -.ftII II .. I �•+ •• i. J_t ·rI ..... 'a" * .. ....• 1nN'.1 � 8abt7 Ge.k. A' ....... T__ •: .... LL..... ........_._.. ::i " KOZY KORNER TEA ROOM ::• ' f: . Btodt West .f I. e. 1451 E .. 57th St. .... Blacbt_e 517.' '.- . .. .•••. � •.••••••••••••••• u ••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• WHA Large range speciany priced at530THREE STORES:7 N. La SaI1e It.Z5 It. J8Cbon Bmt. Blackstone Cafe DEUCIOUS HOME COOKING4 rooms to rent in thehome of the owner.T elepbone BJack.tone"'S7.1,-" ...... Que,Siingfrat4noo:thepr01beerSectconitionsub,Utt�" 1451 E. 53rd St., Chicago marhe ]fratas 1tontheoneothpre:bewhlcousig:andIIrulltomatW4cluaglore!an:tioC04inwada:Tavs,vspaD4EHYDE pARK PRINTING CO.OESn;NERS and PRINTERS..1 �23 F. 55th St. T el pbOD� ��e P�rk 3551." IL j iJtilC'n4wtiaIesiC..cil•NEW RAILING AROUSESIRE OF LAW STUDENTSConsj derable indignation has beenaroused in the Law school by theerection of an iron railing in the cen­rer of the main stairway to comply",:th the city fire ordinance. The pre­vailing opinion is that it will spoilthe appearance of me building andthat a stone railin� should be sub­stituted."The students and the faculty are\ cry much wrought up over this,"s:'lirl George Morris. president of theSenior law class, yesterday. "Therule that students going upstairs mustpass on one side and vice versa is2lhsurd. In case of a fire or panic thecongestion caused by the railingwould be a disadvantage. Besides itsP()ils 1he beauty and consistency ofthe architecture of the building." .t..t'_'-.e.U • .\D8 ftr3..,..t ..... YGtIIerl5eTuld ••, d.-ntte In theworW.. '.15e�Mchn eftA. P;g!·... Gn,,'. ' .... liM"TJ:;"wPtia.CI •• r.1 c •••• fl...........Gremwood Entertains Today.R!'ocidcnts of Greenwood hall wi11�ntt"rtain their friends at a tea partyfrom 4 to 6. PATRONIZE OURADVERTISERS