.dl' ..... -�arnnnVol. XIII. No. 71. Price Five Cents.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1915.Chicago swimmers will open theirconference season Saturday night,when they meet the Northwesternnatators in the Bartlett natatorium.In view of past performances the Pur­ple are slightly favorites over Coach\Vhite's men, but all indications pointto a close score, with a chance for, Chicago. to capture first honors. M. Eugene Brieux, author of "La-Tbe only method of comparison be-. Robe Rouge," "Damaged Gods," andtween the two squads is by-their per- many other famous dramatic works,formances against the Hamilton club. was the guest of honor at a luncheonand the Purple 'held the club swim- tendered yesterday noon at the Quad-mers to a slightly' lower score than rangle club. Yesterday was M. Bri-Coach White's men. The Hamilton eux's birthday anniversary, and heclub men, however, made better time was kept busy receiving eongratula­in practically every event at Bartlett tions from all sides. .In a shortthan they did against the Methodist speech, he complimented Pro. Nitzesquall. But inasmuch as the PUl-ple and Prof. Tufts, arid expressed hiswere the Conference winners last delight with the University and itsyear. and .have 'practically, the same environment.team back and, in addition, ,a new ,phe-' Monsieur Brieux, was asked hisnom, by the name of Johnson, Chi- opinion concerning the advantage orcago will have to do much better harm of coeducation, as practiced in,work,than they have during the prac- American, colleges and universities... tice tI!t:��_s ,in �r�e_r �o. �p�roa�.h .first : He stated that, as this system was UD-position. heard . of .in, France, and as .he had,Varsity Sti'�C in Plunge. : made. no detailed study of the inethod, :. The ,Maroon swimmers ���d out he would not eommit bimself.------President Admits Rumor. . strong in 'the plunge� and bade stroke Fights Shy of. War "Talk.,. and have to be conceded at least 'six In his adclress dUring the luncheon, .President Judson admitted there p' oints in each event, Redmon de-. M. Brieux' avoided the nbjeet of thehad been some talk about this re- feated Prin .... ll and' Cox, star plungers--. war, and failed to mention the Sexquirement, but stated. that no definite from the Hamilton club and should. evils, a study of which be asertecl to.��tio.n'. had y�t. �et;n taken. '.��: .;,���v.el!.�:-�ulJle !y';�pj.�� '-"��-.rk. ..:_.:- •• • .- -Jontani'Of the department of Bactcn-- Dest :or'tlie "Methodists 'in this even;;;;;ot.- ....h-e""'�truated Ameri�'8,�Dt o��; ;ology;_ ��nd-�of. _ :B.��sl�Yd�f_:-.�e:·c!� �e.r-or::�Lyman·' have:·�·· good - �haDce -',question of maintaining·striet Deutra­pa�tment o!. Anatomb s. declinedthto to take second position away' from. �.voice any oplDl�n on t e lIIatter, � er Anderson. The fOrty yarcf sWim win , Prof. Tufts, head of the department .than an affirmation of the report that be a close fight·· between Johnson 'I of.Philosophy, made a brief. introduc­the' Medical. school faculty was con- and Pavlicek,. with' the Pnrple ma-;' a' tory speec:h. He said that K. Brieuxside�ng the ,f�sibi1itf of the plan.. slight favorite.' Nelson, of the vislt- stood for the IiigJaest iclaala in theThe advantage to th'e' �dent of· ors, and Neff or Meine, for Chicago, drama, and ,that he repr� thesuch a change in requirement would. ·will fight ij out for third place. most skilled art in putting mannersbe twofold, according' to Dr: CaTlson, . Scoles should have no trouble in and c:ustoms upon, ,the '. Stage. ,Mr.asseciate. pro�essor of Physiology. capturing first place in the breast Tufts likened M. Brieux to· Moliere.First, the' new ngulation would per- stroke,: and, Murdoch, of Chicago, can Prof. Nitze, bead of the Born-nee de­mit of three years' wor� in' ChemistrY be counted npon for second. Lima· is partment, delivered· an address,. eoIIl­and Biol�gy,.;wbere 'only two yean' the other Pnrple entrant in this event plimenting � _French dramatist,work is posSible at present. The new and h'as an even chance against Sbir- dwelling particularly upon his works.prcwisioll :Would abo··� �...:. ley or Gendreau. Jobpson.and Pavli- One hundred·'and fifty IDembera ofdergradaate work. cek will again fight it out in the hun- the faculty.attended tbe.luneheon. K.dred yard s·ttm,. with third place to BrieU% Was eondueted �ut the eam­either Meine or Wood. No one can pus later in the afternoon.touch Pavifcek in the back stroke. and�;a.. CA�AlGN Scoles will _ pr.obably be a poor ·sec-WILL BND,TONIGHT Olld, ,with- third' ,gomg to SIihtq.-10hnson, W ood� anct N elf are. almoste�enly matcbed iu the 220 yard' swim,and' it' is probable that' this race will-co a long Way toward deciding' tbeRUSH PREREQUISITETO BE'INCREASED,TO THREE YEARS?• Appoint Committee to Consider. 'Change in Begulation-To Be"Referred to Faculties.WILL' DECIDE ISSUE SOONPresident Judson and Dean WellsAdmit Possibility, But Ven­ture No Predictions.'A body, consisting of members ofthe University Curriculum commit- ,tee, has been appointed to considerthe feasibility of raising the pre­requisite for Rush Medical schoolwork from two to three years ofscientific and other academic study,according to Prof. Welts, dean in _medical work. The matter probablywill be decided in a few �eeks, whenA. it witt be brought up before the fac-'� I.. ulties. ' ........ II'/' \ '. .. It is diiffcult to say whether the41�. measure 'will pass," said Dean \Vells.....--,.ycsterday .. "After the committee has'-� .. thoroughly considered the proposi­tion, its report will be referred tothe University ,facUlties, ,the, . .Rush,,Medical school f�culty, and the Uni-•, versit;- truste�s before it can become-' r�: regulation.'"r". ,10'."LAST CALL PO," C)LD, fIhi, �.,:I� ". ,;• ('"f I,h, {t.. \f,'I -, -" ..... � .. _.,_.B�.�·" DeB,� to sOatbOf__., �I.a CoDect-··��.��Week• Last caD for old clotbes.�e' dam -18· campaign for theeooectiOa of'dotbillg for poor fam­ilies .of the South Chicago mill dis­trict' wiD, 'come to' an end tonight..All CORtn"bations should be given torepreselitatiYes of (be' Campaign com­mittee whO have been appointed inthe different hans and dormitoriesand in the fraternities, clubs, and so­cieties.Persons who are unabl� to find on�of these representatives should l�avetheir bundles in Lexington or in �11is9. The garments will be, taken to the,South Chicago .office of the UnitedCharitie's tomorrow, wh�re the offi­cials in $harge will care for the dis­trihution of the clothes.C�flections 'of �oney wilt be takento the South Chicago office of thel�nited Charities tomorrow. where'" tb� officials in charge will tak� care.11. �,1 V .:"' . Collections of money will be takennext W'CCk� Fraternities. clubs, andother· organiations will be asked toa>ntribute lump sum� Boxes will beJllac�d in several places on the cam­Jl"� 'in .' which individuals may- dr:op:(,ontributions.I •• SWIMMERS WILL OPENCONFERENCE SEASON BRIEUX IS GUESTON ANNIVERSARYOF HIS BIRTHDAYTo Meet Stronc 'Northwestern Teamin Bartlett Saturday Nicht�Metho­dists Are Favorites' iii 'View of, PastPerform:ancea. Is Entertained at QuadrangleClub LUDcheon�Remains Si­lent on Co-education.AVOIDS WAR AND SEX TAI,-{Smiles at Suggestion of Coeducationin French Schools- Tufts Com­pares Dramatist to Moliere.meet. :Relay May' Decide lleet.Coach Robinson's men are the fa­vorites in the .relay, and if this decidestbe' contest, the Northwestern swim­m�i-� sbould win. Captain Neft's IDeahavt� been' swimming in fast time 1ate­ly and may spring a surprise and takethe Purple off their feet. But takingall of the above points into �onsidera­tioD. it is difficult to see where Chi�ago can hope for more than an evenbreak in points and, in' order to ob­tain this, they must show up betterthan ever before.A wat�r basketball contest will bestaged immediat�ly after the meet isfini�hed, and Coach White expectsthat his men will come out of thisgame winners. The Chicago six has,been p�rforming well an season andunless they show an extreme re­versal in form, th�y can be countedupon to outscore their opponents. BULLETIN•Will Hold Tea �o-liorrow'AII University woDien have beeninvited by the LeagUe to meet thewomen wbo bold positiOns in the Uni­versity at a tea which will be liventomOrrow from " to 6 in·the I..eaperoom. An attractive program is pnm­i8ed by the commttiee whieh .Is illch:-rge.TODAY.Cbapel, Senior colJe8b aDd the CoI­Jeae of ComIDefte .. Ad. i i .... _tiOD. 10:15, llaadelUllitecl Charities Campailll com­IIIlttee, 10:15, ,Cobb 12 A..IIuqaen, 3:30-5:30, LalactOil 1 ...JDDior Mathematical club. 4, R,er­son 37.Public Iectue, �Rats and Houin,in Chicaco"" by IIr. C. B. BaD. 4:30,Rickett. 1ectare haD.: Sicma Xi, 6:15, Qaadran,le club.\1 SociololY club, 8, Harper aaembl1room. .I TOMORROW.r.h.�l n;..m;." arhnnl 10:15. Has-, .. - . -; kell .Y. W.·C_ L., 10:15, Lexi!liton 14.French club, 4; Lexiqton 8.Public 1ectare,."The Pramt Euro­pean Wax," VI., -Modem Govem­; ment and Pomp Poliq," by Prof.: IIcLalllhlin, 4�, MandelYale FootbaD . Men Train.Coach Hinkey and-Captain Wilson: are outlining plans for winter train­ing of Yale's football candidat�s. Thesquads will begin to train the latterpart of the mOIl'" "All of 'the candidates chosen are eyes are practically completed, al-above the general standard maintain- though the final word has not beened by the Dramatic club," said Pres i- heard from Columbus.dent Sherwin yesterday. "We expect Coach Page will open the activitiestosecurevery good material from the of the indoor season with a meetingWinter play from" .those selected by of. all. Varsity. candidates -totIIo.rtQ:trJrL _. -.:mntUb-mem6ers--rouiorrow:-:--A"R-:cjF ;�:30::-- Plans"ior �th;�sea;;n,�wm'- be- .the suc�essful ones: will be given' a outlined and a definite practice pro­chance to fill places in the Cast." gram' arranged.: "Pat" bas one of theThe Winter. quarter play. will be largest trade squads in years workinggiven February Zl in Mandel Th'e out daily and looks for a .Iarge gather­play to be accepted by the cinb will ing. a_t to�otrow's. meeting._be announced tbis week. A .well- BJect: a... JIaaaceR.known dramatic critic and coach has At this .meeting traCk: class Dmfl-been engaged to coach the east, agers will be select�d, who �I hav�.Take Pictara SaDday. charge of the teams competiBc in theThe Dramatic club pictures for The annual int�rcIass' meet OQ. Friday,. Cap and Gown "!ill. be taken Sunday JaD�ary' 29. This will be tb� firSt op-.at 2:15 at the Sykes sh1dio, 140 North portunity for competition tha�. tlae-:State street. Va�sity athletes will have. .AD· caD.:.,.didates for, the class teams a�e work-·COPY-BOY WILL BE �EREE ing out at 4 daily under, the supcrvi-'sion of Coach P:ag�. '. .'The third annnal series of 101lC':'distance cup races will begin Friday,february 5, at 4:30.' The' �;'e mOeevent .wJ1l be. held on this cbte �.the two mile run about a week bier.. These races were instituted iia�years ago to en'cC)urage lOng ciis_�running at the· UlliteuitJ'�' ·F_· .. ,nnmber of yean - 'Chicago bad been, weak in these events, aDd the cupraces were held to attempt to bringout new' 'and undeveloped materialThe events proved 'a grat . RCcesS;and' over' a huuclfta contatantS baft'competed annnally. .Raft 8eftIl 0-.111' .The tunnen are diYided into sevell'classes and 'cups are awarded for thefirst three placeS in each event.' Theclasses are:Wrestlers and fencers. ., Gydlnasium classes (two nce.).. Varsity track men.­Freshman track men .Baseball, basketball, and handball'THIRTEEN CANDIDATESPASS INITIAL TRYOUTEight Men and Five Women Will Ap­pear at Final Teat Today-Presi­dent Says Contestants Are AboveStandard .Eight men and five women passedthe first tryout for membership in theDramatic club yesterday. Twenty­one candidates presented themselvesbefore the judges. The women whowill appear before the members ofthe Dramatic club for the final tryouttoday at 3 in Cobb 12 A are: Lo­raine Lenz, Jessie McDonald, Doro­thy Fay, Rose, Libman, and JeanetteRegent. The men are ; Stellan Win­drow. Stanley Roth, Charles Stern.Denton Sparks, Davis Edwards,' Ar­thur Baer, and Henry Burgee.The judges_repre�c:nting_.1he facultywere Associate Prof. George CarterI Howland,· of the General Literaturedepartment; Prof. Frank Bigelow Tar­I bell, and Mr. Theodore Ballou Hinck-ley, of the School of Education. Mr .Hinckley stated after the tryouts thatalthough he had not been the judgeof any candidates .for . the Qramatic'clubin recent ,years, he considered thegeneral standard of the candidates to.be above what he had generallyjudged. 'Caiuiidates Above standard.Frank Ruches. Is Chosen to Refereeat CoDteatFrank Hughes, copy-boy of TheDaily Maroon, will act as. referee Inthe game between The Maroon andThe Cap and Gown for the literaryhasketball championship of the Uni­versity. He was unanimously electedat a, meeting of the managers of . thetwo teams yesterday afternoon.On' account of the difficulty of set­ting a date which will be convenientfor all of the players, no definite datehas Men determined for the contest.It ,wJ1l probably be played the latterpart of the mouth.Several changes have been made inthe prospective lineups. Cavin andPlume will play the forward postttonsfor the annual team, Oark will jumpat center, and Benson and Tnfts willplay guard positions.Kuh and Swanson will be forwardsfor The Maroon. with Bondy at ce,n�ter and ponaho� and lfatth�ws. atguards.Brooklyn Pastor to Preac"., Th� .Rev. DT. Nehemiah Roynton,� pastor of the Clinton Avenue churchI of Brooklyn, will b� the preacher atI the Univ�rsitv services Sunday in! 'Mandel. �fr. -Rovnton has had a lonsrcareer jl!i a preacher .and �ducator .H� was lecturer of the Oberlin Th�o­logical academy and ,,-as the moder­ator of the National Council of theChurches of th� United States fromlQlO to 1913_ He is the ;ruthor of"R�al PrcachinC1;.'� INTERCLASS MEETTO START INDOORTRACK ACTIVITIESVarsity Candidates Will GatherTomorrow to Pick Managersfor Class Teams.SET DATE FOR DISTANCE RUNTo Compete in Cup Races on Febru­ary 5-Carry on Negotiations'for Two Contests.Indoor Track Schedule.January 29, 3 p. m.-Annual inter­class meet.February 5, 4:30 p. m.-Third An­nual Cup races.Field events with I. A. C. (indef-inite). ,February 13-Chicago vs. Purdueat Lafayette,February 20-First Regiment meet.March 19 and 2O-Indoor Confer­ence at Evanston..Although negotiations for two ad­ditional dua'- meets are still being car­ried on, it is probable that Ohio State, will come to Bartlett in the latter partof February and a proposition ,for ameet with Northwestern at Evanstonis still hanging fire. The arrange­ments for the meet with the Buck-men.Swimmers.The method' of . scoring will be thes:lme ·as that used' in croU<01l1ltryevents. First place count! one pOint."second place two, dc. The 'mali get-�I ting the lowest number of points inIi the ,two_ races wi�s. ��t_ .�la_c.'� .in hisI division.: I n order to crive his. hurdlers.. field; event and dash men eomp,ctitiOll on: this �a.te •. Coach Pag�. exnects to. in:­: ,'-ite the Illinois Athlctic. club to send.:out a t�am in these' eve�:i; .. ,' Il,'��c.,J. A. C. agrecs. an informa-lrw,'et,�m.be, held in connection wi,th .. ��!e. :cu�,race!il. � ':, � ..- - . - - - - -- - -._ - __ -- - -�.ICRIGAN �na CLUB :WANTS 'ItO PJ.,A Yr .R.REi___:__ r-, �\,' !Pl'esideDt Gontoil 'bf LocallQrPmaJbOD Receiyes. J,.itter-mtercoUe­ciate T01ll'D&lDellt Is Planned.UJltrr DaUtt _arD-. n f ��o�rcl::'by'��ct'�+d:�o����sat :J rr � � e?r�papcrs; 10 b,ti�o � and Ielse... - II :'�.��c; �v�;. �:agFd ,,�r �n' �;J.�i� ,Official Student N • ...,..... t#. the forms of quackery. .U niv .... ity of Chicag.'Clarke':KcE1roy Publt..hlhC "COmpanycUt Coltqe Omye A'Yeo M14wa7 lUI 'Day after! day, day 'after day,'. ··We stuck, nor breath. nor motion,.WEDNESDAY, )ANUARY·�/1915. Without a<vestige of a' thoughtNor :e!en- a 'Witty' DOHo",Publt..hetl morniDp. except Sun4ay.. II.c)n.'ui. du.rtnc tbe A.ut1llDD. Wln­,_ and.,1:;princ quarte .... by The DaIl7IIaroon ataJr.G. W. Cottincbam .. Vanacinc EditorF. R. KGb", Nicht EditotH. R.. Swanson '.. '. Dq EditorJ .. J. DoDahoe Athletics' EditorBusiDeu Manacen.C.: A., Bimsall .a, P. MatthewSI.tered .. JIeCODd .. cI&a mall at �t 'hicaco Poa�lce. C� . .w... IIarcb11. no •. under .Act of Marcil I. 1..,1. 1- SUBSCRIPTION RATE.Ry carrier, $2�50 a year; $1 a quarter. H��' .mail, 13 a year; $1.25 a quarter.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12,Telephone Blackstone 2591.. . ·GO INTO. THE GARRET.I. An appeal is being made' this week· by the United Charities' Campaigncommittee to' the students' to con­tribute clothing to' the' needy of Chi­cago. Collections of these offerings· will: be made; today. '. Next week a-campaip :, for' money subscriptionswill, be' opened. ..'T�is '. week's appeal particularly'should ·interest -the students ... Most· of ns' a�e 'well clothed, well fed, andlead 'comfortable, secure' lives; wlth­.out 'the' '�onstant -dread' of othe wolf at'the:;d�r"hangi�g over ·us. 'As fa­vorites' of society we must feel it nec­essary to contribute 'something to the'Support of 'those' persons-;-and �hereare so 'many 'this year-who have notfartd:as 'welrjn'�he' strUggle against1he inardships 'of- the world. \) Por 's(jbie: it: is .a::Pta�tiC:al UDpOS­'!;ibility to coturlbu'te mbney�_'�cily .ast'h�y' 'would, wi�h' to' !do" �o. ���t � �tseems � th;it I the '. tfi'Ort' to . obtain oldclotheS, sdtf 'in ';�oOd �'e�cjitkh' co.tifi­tion to:-be��hni, :'bin otifgrown orcaSt.: off . by :the' o�n'ers:; �hould . ineet�lh a' 'quick' and 'che!!rfiJl' response.nere .is�·h.itd)y a single. 'one who�.liasnot':in oid. suit, a lit.t1e. out of' stYle,maybe, but .C?ne· which \\�oul.d bethankfully rccci\"�d' by so�e. youngboy i� the South Chicago "mill dis­trict, 'a. p�.ir of' �hoes, c�11ars,' shirts,an 'old ma-ckinaw, or some' article' ofclothing which is: Iy�ng : i<i1e in' thegarret.'The student who wj)1 t�ke, even amoment�s l:me to' realize' what goodh� . a'n 'do by such a 'Iit�e thing astaking'.these artiCles out of his cedarchest, .W'J1I. not be .slow to .step . for­�rd' .,ivith ',his . �Jferin_gs..: ��"! . .: J •ALLTHE'�ADd .,.et we :�hou1d 'remember thatthe OPPOft1Ulity :to 1Pve, to 'help ·the�. is·�:_.atways. This weekand next we are ha.YiDg 'a 'campaign­"niversities ftII :to 'caDipaigDS-to caUthe atteDtiob Of the students to ·them.gntZfai .... d disheartening concH­tidfts in :ChiaIgo, to interest them iDthe United Charities, and �o secaretheir help, Bat tire matter sb<;ald notcease -bert'. The � shoaldcease as a campaign� 'or it wi8 � en­tirely, iileffective 21Id merely a waSteof .�. 'bat we Can' and sblould re­member that our �ocial responsibilityremains the same throughout tbe�ir' and oar hdp should be givri attimu othn than when we are urgedOil 1)y die. artificial atmosphere cre­a�d 61' thc campaign.i'Il.PATRII'i' DDIcnma.T.:ic �r;jnb vi -patCDt m�ciicine.;tnd1 different forms of qtiackery, ortt!ctnr years, have attr.acted much at�fttnion' ditoughOat the cOuntry.Newtp:lper, and mapzines havepriftttcf atfiCTes condemning certainmedidnes and drinks, the COUTts havehad JibeI' !Iuit after libel suit brought The subject is a "live" one, one ofintense interest to almost every mem­ber of the community. and one whichadmits, possibly, of debate. Theopportunity to' secure some definiteaccurate information, presented withthe sanction of such an organiz ..arionas the Sociology dub. should be· greeted with enthusiasm byfhe cam­pus.Such an opportunity is given in thetalk 'to 'be delivered 'at the open meet­ing of the' club tonight at 8 in' Har-'per M 11.. This soul-stirring, and yet withal,prosaically' true, contribution wasturned in· by the other memberof our staff, who is studyingRomantic poetry. The influflenceof' some of the modern schools hascreeped· in," but' ,the ensemble ex-· presses our thoughts entirely:Our old- friend, E, Reticker, from· Rock Island, blew in to see us yes­terday. '\Vhen asked': how' he likedour column, he said verymuchbutwhy­nothepersonal, and we replied we-shall.The. Reynolds -club library will bethe ruination i of the editorial columnyet,,With ·that excessive modesty' whichhas: al,,-ays . chat'acterized its ·ttC!at­ment of matters relatiTe'to itself,-The·Da�ly· MaToonl prints' the "following,ftom 'The ;'X-Ray of the' East"highsChool '4£. Columbns,: Ohio: "The,Daily MaToon,'���r-·�nly. daily: papc�;and ':we '. certainly: enoy : you' to allextents."Y C ; :G�ds. 1 a , Divinity, school. 'ma55-meeting! .As we" 'i:Qsh to press� for�the 'lirstfr!a�li�g . �ct.iio�, a' 'prayer .' meet�ng, isbeing .lield' :to' r�c:iuest' Immunity' from.a conventional: Cbi�llo soowstonn.. We show' ilit" . (:'i)jJy: lor' this columnto: bur 'o'1r1ce !boy 1 every niiIit j,�forewe havc the nerve "to foist it on theeager-rec(ciing'ltt�i\'etsity :·P��1ic. .Heis anxious to �lce�p' 'his' position, and"'(". would not Clare -to publish any­thing 'wliich \vould not 'throw 'himinto fits <>f:laugJiter,Mr. �H. L. 'Smith lJin"give 'a t�ik on"Indefinite lr>eterminants" at a meet­ing of the Junior 'Mathematical clubtoday at 4.in RyersOn 37. Jle willdeal' with the v�rious proofs and con­.e'fti()� .,f die iiifinite . �eteniiinant,which had 'itS birth in ,lie remit de­velopments in mathematiCs and as­tronomy.The Red 'Cross committee 'at Har­\'a�d has. purchased. a'nd fully 'equip­ped five Fo�d tn'�tor a�b,�lance5 withthe. money wlllcb Was raised by sub­scription '(in "Tag nay." The autO.­mobiles will be sent to the war �one.The Graduate committee wDt meettomorrow at 5 in the Y. W. C. A.roo�!' to (U!cUss' a definite proRTamfor die quarter.'ftier'. Had ii.ets ToafSlat.riger's Head. win hoici a dinner ,to­night at 6. in Hutchinson cafe. 'Thiswill be f�nowed by a businm meet­ing, at which plans for the year'. ac-1ivities win be laid. �1he Men �"'kP._ .'I'heF.1nto Your Daily LifeWITS well sharpened and mindsin good humor. The man whobas these generally know. what heiualkiog about. Read the testimoni- T. A. DOltG4N r'�ad")al 1..:. 'H f ··T __ eca·,6eeqaalnl. s-on tll18 page., .ere .are some 0 "�.telr Jaln19uall•the greatest cartoomsts 10 the coun-' ... I,. ..atlnaa Inam'lItry .. They all smoke. and endorse ,/:,:::t;.:o�:;':..... _.President Elias Gordon of the Uni­versitY Chess club, bas received aletter from. the University of,-Kichi­gan Chess club, offering to pIty berefrom April 9 to 19. The Wolverinesare willing to send a four-man teamto Chicago for a tournament.Attempts -are being made by the lo­cal club to have. an intereoUegiatechess �ent., To this.end. manyinstitutions, including" Armour, insti­tute;' the' UniVerSity of Illinois andWasbingtoni'Uliiversity, of, St. Louis.have been asked to 'send delegations tothe tournament-to be held ··here·earlyin April. If none 'of these clubs re-. spond, a dual-ebess ·match will be heldwith tbecUniversity:of!Michigan Chessclub. I' PreSident· Gordon expects theReynolds club to put up prizes tor the ne Pcr/ed To6occo for 1'11- _�/�"Theywouldn't smoke : Tuxedo if'it d�dn,'t.�eep 'their �ind� ale� 'andcheerfulall day long, : day 10 and dayout. A tobacco that can do thatstands in a class, by -itself. ,)'T do i d f th .. hi h ..... -.a. L.-GOLDBERG .': ��.� 0 JIS �a � 0 every ,Ig - :�tt!:...�t;t��a�c�'!,est:. g��de. p£, choice, mellow, sweet �·Ifini In Tuze/o II po:}'-. Kentucky. Burley Ieaf-e-treated by IoIHxco,., ,II. JrtIpIItCe an1:·the: oriainol '�Tu:xedo' Process" .,!.aoorarefiM. 1".lIte-• 6 -• '. '6iJar'g r. ntl enJor.e Illu,hh'whlch' removes' the' snng so ·that 'It: 1111111 rr.iJ/rl:.h.·· :'.annat) lite.: your, tongue -granulat- . 4..J'• �:: ed; 'so'. tha�)it slPo�es �e�ly a�dJ�ni- ·It.·«· :--�7�,. .._fo�m1y--:-packed ·40. °plpefuJs' .to' 'the,lOe tin.Winner.. The correspondence matehes withI the" 0 Washington univen.'ity,. ,of - St.Louis are progressing slowly:'NeitberI ���:·a!nYext���, matches will be finisb� �1 Jun� 1 .�. BEGIN .w·RES";rL�NG T9URNEY. El�tion Contest" Will. Eventual1y; 'Decide UniversitY Champion. .: Tuxedo deserves' everything that'.. has ever been laid ofit=-and to-prove!'ii .Tuxedo .sells« by the, .,n;llians tJJ>on",;llion,' of tins. annually.'You' CAtC B1JY� TuXEoo_ 'EVEitftHtrt£ '�jDOOR'WITH6UT'. .'t.... .!.: i .... r-If. �8OLT'��!d_.II� C. D.. . Killtt' '�reHed thePhysics club on -nae 'PrOcliICtiiM oJX .. Rays by PositiVe Primary Raji"A.Bisla .. t Prof. LUi. faYe Ii i-epGn ..the Philadelphia meeting of tM Phy_!"ical soCi�ty and seCtion B. Win U. ,Sodd Cal'endar.Cillb to .� �.Tile tosriioP;;iita� �tur) �i1t hold a" .informal meeting Friday at 8 iii �­Ii!' 18. A. � .ealendar, em wfdcli' WO�ll'�a)' sigD ,lIP, the .8Odal ine1lt8' Gf. tJi«fquarter,,� ben � GIl' tilJlial1'.at-­aide "f u... �_ naIL Tk obJett'of tlli". Ml�" ;111 t... !'� �. ��.e� of 18'ftI'&I .. atn-_ttia· .....after'llOC'lLNew W�,� .. 1iprAll undeqnd�t� nm� .� fane·e.riterri; 'be. "(,Jnivemij. ihi� q;mrter"'Jdi �dvanced stan('� f� anotflerinstitution. h�!�, . �� ���¢I to!"iga th� balletin in Lnii.cto- today. _--Eatle. Shiltoa. '14. ..110 ,is .no 'tile Law school, has:,telllrJlel die'ca� after a ...-eft ...... .[1). . l: f'I• : IIi• , ., , .� '.".. ".4II'to• .'1• �.f 4:''f�r IJ•'\ . .f4 II.. 'I.- ,- .•----_'"- -- .. - --- -_._--- .. --'J' \ 1\�JilCi·�: -----'To SP��ON,iAT-QUESTiON-- -H •••••••• ·._---------. - U"' .. ls�rr��! .� '_'_"_' '_ " ... : .;'{' •-...-",.o...;..;:..1OJ'.:�_�.A4 �!.I 'SociolOU.C""'-·-.-� .. �,,- CbarIes ���_��_:�iD_.. � Today I MIDWAY WU��.TER �RDENS!·lJ��Dto'o���.·.;.:y Charles B «, ,1�all, chief sanitary in- =. Cottage Gro�� Aye., N� Sistieth Street :--..-- I. spector of th'e ',C.hica,· g' 0 department of • - •Dr." 1.,each. ". u' " . .v .: I� .. health"will speak on.r'Rats and Hous- • •,'i",g in -�hi�ago" at the Uni�ersity : DINE DANCE -. BE ENTERTAINED :public lecture today at 4:30 in Rick- : ::'eji's assembly hall. Mr. Ball. bas • Restaurant a Ia carte'; DooB, to 1 a. m. :: charge ,o( the plumbiDg and' general ! . ." · � :.sanitation in the. buildings' of Chi-. TetJ dances Tuesdays, ThundGy� .aM SatKnlaY8 " to 6 -:.:.. eago, and will sho�"" how and .why.: P. M. � the di�ection of Mrs. �ha.s�: I!)£f .. nmg Coaetu, :· the, increase in the rat population. compli�tary ���ions in tIt.e ltJtut. Baa Room &wee8. oQo" .�Ould be. stopped if the public health : ." , :is to be guarded. i Table d� Hote nm.n�. WedDesdays, .. �days and Holidays:.. 'The rat .question is important in • ���.!,:,� '�1 �:��.,P�_�_at �$1.50 :.,11 cities at present on account of the i +connection .of rat ·'a·rid plague,". said. Weather: .Pe�ttiDg, Ice:SkatiDg Daily. fro •. NOOD :Prof. Jordan, .of the department of • +hygiene and bacteriology. "The truth : PUBLIC. DANCING E�Y. 'EVENING. FROM 7 P.· .M. iof this was confirmed by the plagues • . '; " ' .' :'.", ' '. '-: �. :.' : � .. - :.:. :. � ,.that swept over New. Orleans. and ..... +.+++Gt .... +.tHo++:t'"��,�:o�.o: •••••. �� ....... � .. � ...· San .Francisco, for it .has been proven.. that, the' rats were+infected with the; disease in these, .cities and did muchI to spread the plague .. Any conditionof housing in which rats have a.chance to breed and multiply is dan­. gerous to the community.":�f. :Subscribe•••• .'.•Ii •, ., I.'"•f, ...... , ..• "• .'1, �.•'\ ..•· - , ..I. Lecture Follows InvcstipnoD.Following' lh�'investigation, the Iec­ture tomorrow wilt be delivered on"Patent Medicines and �oblic •.Health." "The' address, 'w�ich wili be· illu�trated' �ith. ,.public �::siides� -liasbeen delivered in 'many cities,' andI was given last Saturday. at the City'club. It is given under the auspicesI ,'O�. the American. Medical association,which ,has taken up,.as a specialty, thestudy' of . patent medicines and theirrelation to the general public' wd­'. fare."The work of the association in ex­posing frauds and' quacks is wellknown," said Prof. Bedford yestcr:-· cby. "It fumish!cd' the informationfor the recent eXposure of qUacks: in!Chieago by The Tribune. The lecture··Wilb originally to be presented: tomembers .of the\,5ociology club only,but 00 account 0'( its general interest1I{-e\Jaave.\��cieali� open it to all who :. Dr:. R()dney, H. :�rue" chier'. of; thear'e''''1iti:W!ried.�·-Sdni� cards giving the .�P;hy�oJ9.��l:: ;a}ld . �fe���,\3.�i�F��n-'chemical composition of the � ,,-,estiptiOD: of the. bureau. Of Plant.ln­will be on exbibitionP.ftcrl:the Iec:- I{���ey'- s�ke:�D:�o�.e� o(�h�' p�ses�, • I ture." " " ._:. :. . 1 of�.:thfl·:w()rkl O�(��'il»�eau ye��r�y, .. at �:� in r�m, 13., �pta.ny ���Id!ng.... ��.. ._:� ·t_'SAY��"'Q�.. T';;·I�· "_::n. �, ,-, .'. ,_ .JnTB.Ms.AR� .01' 115 , ",,", � "��''''. .....�.: ., --. ··Prof.; �Juaaclis:,."Ch:a�bn."Bole ... orFifteen dollars --'�i •. is the max� ,.�It4tta, \'�adia� ,WllL "'cak� ort; 'fElant': imimi aaI&r7: that 'aIIIIdd be, ,.w-to- ��t,()gripltS and Their' ReYebtloii� at• ; eeDege maDjmmWlllaiy;after;...... ;othe:�11' dinner or Sigul2 Xi;', lhe:duatiOa; aeeordiJii':to,Ptftsideti��ic:IIJ 1��entifi.c·.hoDOrary fraternity, tOlii�1It . .'_ ..... �e_1!.!'..i]_ so iDng delerreJiI��ia�Of'�ath eoDige.r.:'l'his.� 'Cl1 6:151 at:·th.d.lrladrangle club. . -.' -�'T_!Je ki""ffiiS .. )'t1-i",.g.z�!d_"f illent Wall <macIfJ r8eently in·.D:..wre.a . 4. ..;.;...._ ........ _-- -;WOft':tbe'DeDver Cb8mber or Cam- t� AmiOllllCe&'Pleclce "It is �tlltr to. buy a small BDUquet. '\T�givt to. YD��lhis very day;"iia� , �,'A�" ... Delta.... :Pbi:' ann-- .. n, the TIia" a btUhel Qfroses, wlNt�Dr red.�:r�rf=r..:�·=:� l�:�.or ,lIaftj,��. of o. :.'.,��'tay Dft/heir dY.,!�,.whfttt�y are dead. .WiJpgrasp: the BltuatioJi aud iiIl� � 'CitY;, KiIiDarL . .. Telepho�e ����'"... , .tone-JMo." I IlAenough-:in-.:Year to earn that:amomit. ;"'�['rt:��'� C)" . \, •• ,;" • • F al _.i W dd·' �':...n ".������:.::...�.� ���I�ij)Rid :At/S... ;, __1l_2_1_E._ ..�_ty Fif_.,_;_�_s_t.,_a_�_t--'!.�t._�_r_�..�....�....:_;._l ...;..._tJt_.. I_O Ui_�_�_·�_er&I_·_ty_A_"_e&.....�_·:I-II:$3,000,000' �:� 'To: 01IerIia•, , .• : 1, .. - '.. ,_. :; A:beqUest! 01·· ....,000· to 0bidD·· ... 1l1ft·._ -Iby'� IL �: ...• 1uml:"u2 _pate 'WhO' died .: short· , , .time ago i�f �- .... anncnmeed WANTED-LIVE WIRES FORrec:elltfj1;y:� King:' 'The lift �ummer or. pehmanem woR; cstab-Is ill die fonia _ or • $2,000,000 eaah lished line. ;' ��ate . ;,-naIb.·��doWnient.:tO-:lM!: aiea' ,or' an,.' par- MrOlle', Midway �,betlr'eew 8 and:. -, L"i6GO 000 tO�b1e:1J8eIlI ill tile' eree- IO:.� a:- m;;· �r' H.' P.· .. t.f06 between· .:�:'�ot .:!new :�aditoriUm; ,100,000 1 and Z p� m. for. appointmcut.9 for' (:..., iidft rrliriD' •. _interiaDee··$400,- ;;;� i."I&dPi·� * '}VX�t��s�b� TO CALLon bUsiness .p.lace� in Chicago. ."-: Sqod;·:oppominitY·· to. �akc some--.1 qliictC'. )retum money.' .For mnlter'. iri����io� 'Can at' .T,h�� �arOon, of-. �ce ana leave your' name and ad-� �ress ..In order to obtain a definite knowl­.l'dge of. the lecture t� .bC,lPresented'before th� SO�iology" club tonight at"8 ·in· tile Harp�r'� assembly room' by· Dr.: Paul; N�' Leach, ;or the American.:M.edical aSSQ�tion, a ,se� of. four:�u���ons . �nce�ing. pa1.�nt ��cl1-cines was recently .asked ,of: studentsin the Sociologly classes 'ofDr, Hen-· derson and I\�s��t� Rro�.,,�edford... ,1;be '.\ a��ers .. to• the ... \questionsagreed' in the fact, that l.,Y.dia Pink­ham's Pills, Castoria and Sanatogen· were the most efficacious" of the .50-called patent medicines The other'tluemions were: ,What medicine. .ad­vertised to the public, do' ·You consider· most widely known? What medi-cine do you consider most non-effica­cious? What medicine have yon ti�ed· the most?"Il'�.f'.� �/I m e'.? '. (.;0<») �.!.t:: S7 f,!.e \l':�!.i .. <>4'JProf, .Iohn Matthews, ¥�,nley, head. �tt1iJ; '�il'�!�b·. �ep�lr�ent, is at pres­ent lectilnng at : Amherst college,�.mherst, Mass. 'He will return to· Ith� . campus in the' middle. oLFebru-ary. ......,� : '.' .' .'.Manley Lec:turing at Amherst.. . . � .-... Gr�wood Holds � At-Home. ", . " - 'I., f"",'. �reenwood. hall held the first of its. �e�es of, �·at.:ho�eS:'. fOl' .:��m�r�: of:; H��.J��!t�tt�n� studeri� .bod�,; :yester­'ldayA1'OiU .. 'to (j .. lOthers .. are sched­!�e4'i for: �he first_' .TUesctays i� }4'eb­-:�ry.: �arch, :Ap�, :��:. May ..TheMa�oni. . . . � ) .SAL�SMEN� WANTED' -� POPU­Jar loop. tailOring firm ·wants· one ort.o '1hell,' s-OOd drHstts of large ac­quaintallft; to-work .. ",ong student."Profitable', . p'iOposition ; ,for rightman. Inquire at . Maroon office 01'. . �diess N '21, 'Box 0,: FacultY' Ex­. � �ehuaae."TWO ROOMS FOR 'RENT-SUlT­able, fo�-dirft' or )our young men.Nor"the ·Un�enity .. , Price .cry. l.��.nable. ·-P.h'on�,.R � .. m2.. FOR ·�RENT _. �INE LARGE1 � rnoms in a prmte rami11� smgle• _ ....... � fara_ed.: Hot'. -fllis 12.' HICH CltAD� �D WORK . �. � MENDINeBEST HAND LAUNDRY1546 E. 53rd Street.,..�. '--, ... s� .... Jjc�: .an&��e�ta ,�, be mad!! for .1a00Ae aecoatiat.•• _ .... ", • '" • � ....,_ ... ". I _ .. l' .. ". � �.. .. Wagon 0.11 •• vel7Wh ....... -'':- � -: �_'_: ... ; -_-_'.: .. eo' ;,.. � .... 4• __ .;----. �----- ...... - "� ...' .. .. ',- .--. ,.- ...'...., IH. C. MULDER . SAPBBONA DYE ;, .- !�tbe �"Universi.ty!;�"'::: i.... �f�O�J� __ ... _�_��jBlooming:E ... ·-:�J��vePlants ._ .... _ ... -.-I: _.0_. _ .. _ ......H<trE�\-o\��l!M.�R�ND! Bro&4hra \: it sidn!beet .j', '1 • .M_r � Stnet���l�tio(o. aac(1btStreet EIeft.... . i'�Br0actW8yw. �1'8.: t ..... Grad: :�.�,,,,Seventh Avenue Can �. PeDn�.-. ,:.!:I'StittIon •. ".. ,kEPT-:B.t �fl!O£iBG. "-AN <lJHEAbqUA�.RS.FOIrCOU8GB JIBN't�SPBqlAL BA�� rp �li£BGi..'fBAIIS;:-:JTen' lIiDate&" :WaIk. tOt 'l'hirt.,.� . ·1�ARRT P.: STiKSON;' "a�.· , ,�.', Headquarters for Cbieap.- � np_,.l�oderrt au Fm,woof.Rooms with Bat&; $2.50, and.. up., _- ' ..� ... TBB DAILY,. MAROON, '. _viEDNE8DAY,_JAN.�ARY 20. 19l5..Price $100$125 iac...-" -The- Herald of Better· . ServiceTN the arena of "Big Business'" has appeared.L a new steel-brained champion, the Master­Model of the Royal-the machine with the rapid- "fireaction ; the ��te(.-�t fires I��rs-ijS'an automatic gun spits bullets IUnless you are "RoYalized," you are Pa� the priceof tbe:Royal without knowing it-hesida Ihal 0/ yOur old­. . $lyle machine-� the � amofyaur businessletters., Built lor ·�Big B..m...u and it.Great Army 01 Expert Opera""'" ":'�master-macb���,�or�_Wliters inone-itwrites,=type�n:Brds and'bills I·The one=. macbiDe' doeS' it �t' any -"sPecial" attidurientS.:-.Get the Fact.!8eDd iJr the -Royal man �.aDd.�.:or a. DEMONSTRATION.�. the new machine that iaba t�:: .. grind ". out of type­writing. Or 71'ite us direct for '�ur nct7 bra. �hure,' •• lI£TT£RSERVICE.'" and book offacts on Touch Typing -with. handsomeCoIor-Photograph.of the·new � MG8l""f!.�"'el.l0" Mnt freeto tJpewriter a8en. "Write uow-iight mH·1 , .ROYAL TYPEWRITER .COMPANY, lac.Vo;lq . ·Wriaht. .....-�:;�': '�'�HmE' pARK·PRINTING-·-CO:-·--··----, .. \ DESIGNERS and PRINT,ERS.��� E.', 55th·St.' ', " 'TeI"p��:Hyde Park �sew SpecUJ "" ... tion ,o,� �rltoi .. STUDENT ORGANl�,!I0!'!s'.. . • '!, ,... �" . ." .,.: .�",... " . . . ". -,.- � . . .."L----------;Th�e�$SOO Prize:. Thi� .ad., �ub­::' ; lisbed in the $500,., Fatima Advertis-ing�.tbeWOI'kof�Weinstein, C«-" nell' UDivUsitY�· ,..,.". , � .. ,., . ..::.�;. ':': .• ,� .": i.. ( .-. , WILL GIVE CONCERT •LECTURE ON OPERA ;Dr. Parker, W"1DIleI' of'Grand PriR.to Present "FairJ'-LaDd"'in llaadeLThe University win hold the onlyChicago presentation of the $10,000grand prize opera, "Fairyland," in a ;concert-lecture. by the composer, Bor- :atio Parker, of Yale, university. Dr.Parker will be heard Tuesday night,Feb. 2, in Mandel ball, under theauspices of the University c:hoira,according to Musical Director Stev­ens."Fairy-Land was the winner oversixty operas in.�petition for thegrand prize given by the Federationof Musical clubs. This is the secondtime that an opera by Dr. Parker basbeen declared the grand prize opera.The lecture bas already arousedkeen interest in university and dubfederation circles, and the leadingChicago musicians have shown aneagerness to hear. this first presenta­tion of Fairy-Land." FrederickStock, Harrison Wild and othernoted leaders have expressed theil:desire to hear the composer in per­son.WAR IN.EUROPE ISOBSTACLE TO PLANSOF THE ORCHESTRADirector Cragun Unable to SecureMusic Listed on Pro�W� Is. C?PtiJ:nistlc.On 'account of the EuroPean war,which makes it impossible to obtainsome of the neCessary music, Direc­tor Cragun has been' ,forced to changehis plans in regard to one n�ber:G�the' program to' be given by. the or­chestra .and wOman's Glee club onFebruary 26 in 'Mandel. The '"Elek­tra" of Sophocles will not be givenas previously announced,' as a abortopera.Because of .the European hostili­tie� none of the music for thiS nUm�her' can be obtained. ' The- . seleC:tionsfrom Sophocles" "Elektra'" Will 'begiven as a reading by Assistant Prof�Blanch8.rd, of the departinent' ofPublic Speaking, with choruses 81IDgby the women's Glee dUb. '.Director Cragun said yesterday:"The "prospects' 'for the' Concen:!.aMpromising. We bave very guod ma­terial,; and there is' DO doubt in, m,mind that' this . concert will be themost suCcessful'" ever Undertaken.However, it is unfortunate that moreUniversity .. material dOes not comeout, for,. the ,work. is iD8trudive adinteresting." ,, President Weiser. of the on:he'stra,,also was optimistic in regard' f.t) thecoming affair. He said:" "Undo�;edly.t!rls �l be the.best performance,of the orchestra ever given by theUni�-t,... iIoWe�, 1IDIeia'more,University men" and' Women avan·tlieuiaelVes. of the! opportunity 'of;ptajiDg at �thia 0ceasi0n, maeh of the;credit will' go '. to' o1It8iden, ·for. 8CIIIl�of. the neighborhood talent has· COII-,sented to Wp oat in lieu of· Uaiver-;Sity ,material." .'. McLAUGHLiN WILL', . SPBAK"ON WAR AND: '1I0DERN GOVERNMENT.' � '..--'Prof. A:.C. '"McLaughliil, of tbe' de�partment of History, will lecture I:>­morrow on "Modem Government andForeign Policy" in the sixth of theseries of war lectures. 'at Mandel hall.Prof. McLaughlin will. discuss theburdens brought upon the foreign of-:lias of a 'government and the rela�tion of diplomacy to the policy of �government, espeCially one of demo­cratic ot republican form of rule. :Commiaioa Meets Today.The Divinity school ·Y. M: 'c. A!commission will meet today at'10:151ft Lobb IU J\�T.1b 0':1 "Celestial 1l1IIic..". "Celestial Music" was.the'subject ofCr, Hend�rson's addnss at Junior\�'om"n's ,chapel ye;i�1day at 10�f5 in�fand�t,· .., .,." ..• , For'.a limited time we say­, THE' PRICE OF A SUIT INCLUDES AN 'EXTRA P AJRr '" --') ",OF TROUSERS /'i. The extra· trousers to match the suit �� of different tmaterial. .f J � .. , (. :. We make. a special point of offering this extreme of ' tvalue in order ·to flood our work room with orders during'" t' " .r: ·1the between season dull-period. ,_" -: + .:- ._'. -y:We advise your coming in early. �;\� F_T:!� M_ !. .., '• l!Tilree Stores:...... 7 N. La Salle SL". •25 B. Jacboa BlYd. 71 ....... SL t #r ".' .. : . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••H. o. W"dbar a: Sou, IDe.. PIWadeIphia. P ..ExdIufN maMra 01 the on,., Wilbarbacfa..."But the crowningtouch wasWilbur Cocoa'"THE luncheon, the chD­dren's party, the reception,formal or informal functionhas an added touch of gentlehospitality when you serve wn­bur Cocoa, ,.AD lovers of cocoa detect itshigh quality and exquisite flavorinstantly.The Wilbur way of producingcocoa retains all the exceUencenature gives it,''Coo ••• T OUTI Throat" WilbaT·land" ,cll.s manu waus to 11MWilhar Cocoa. Yoar fJ'OUr willfiN uou a co1>ll. or we will mailit, Ir-. on request. COCOAHot .... Cocoa f.-erUaiQTbia recipe makes •gallon 0{ very richVVllbur�OL Reduceor incr .... _ nquindin PfOIIOrtion.2 cupe WDbar Cocoa2 cupe sup!'2 cups 'Water1 teaspoonful saltIIlx the Wilbur Cocoa •.. ar aad water �er.PUt over &re aad boO &".mlDuta; add the uJt. Add"slit CUDe bot mUk aad"slit cupe bol1lq watertu Ut ..... '1:�r Cc.c� ;:�mhr welL Sen •• lamp 01aultar-wlth ladlYidual CDD8NOWHERE ELSE WILL YOU FIND VALUES,'EQUAL TO,OUR.ONC��A-Y�AR qFFER .YB WHO WOULD BB'" UNDKRTAXBRS HOI�OO8T CREMATION':� .. _--- ��.·f ..... •,:.';" ."Ye . undertakers in embryo, beholdyour opportunityl 'Ye who uphold thedoctrine of cremation and aclmoDillatall to refrain from resti ... ·the' bocIieaof their near and clal' in ordinary.baria!" now is" your, chance! TIle'Cremation Association of Americaappreciates· your marvelous aes�eti�sense and is willinc to . gift- threemedals for �xampl�. of y01ll' stroqcremative adherence .. These -medal.:will be awarded for the three belt1,000 word papers 0. "Reuo ... WIa,.Crtmation is Superior to Burial, froID. lUI Aesthetic PoiDt of view." Spirit-:aal aad ghostl,. aid iJ prohibited. AD: sad 'maD1ISCripb shoald be seat, be­(ore ,JUD� 1. 1915. 'to III'. ROller D ..Swain, '16 Central .tftet, BostoL' Gor�:":'• ;.. •,# AARRowCo'ftiIeSHIRTof6ne .hite �� .,weIl-....te, good-fttiDg .ofteollaralid 1Oft�.ttIdaed.It's tbem..e oftbe Campus.Aak your habeIdasber '1.00CLUBTT, PBABODY & CO., be...... ofA� TBOY.ILY.'A. Dick, 1302 a.tDlII'-L. F. ShaDe, 816 E .. 63d St.c. B. Phillip, 1.s6 E •• S5fh St.H. J. Huem & Co., 1111 East I3cI St.R. T. Durrell. 1351 Eut 55th St.Cornell Furaiaber, 1503 Eut 55th St.. lI,eniIl Is CoIatribatar •Prof.· Elmer T. 'Merri11 has coatri"":ated aD article to the '-Classical Plait­ology" quarterly, jUlt issued by "e'Press.. . "The Traditions of Pliay'.Letten" is the title of the article.MARGARET RHODES. '14, TO SPEAK'ON "'PLAY"Margaret Rhodes, '14, will talk on"PlaT' at the regular weekly meetingof the League tomorroW at 10:15 inLexington 14. This is the second ofa series of talks on' the book, "WhatMen Live By,'" which' will be givenat the next three League meetings onThursday mornings. The neXt talkwill be by Cary Cody on ··Love," andthe fourth by Miss Helen Johnstonon ::Woranip.- I i.inc Addreaa C� �b.I' Prof. Gordon Jenning!' Laing lcd,'� thc (Ii�cu�sion at thc meeting of the,I da�sical club last ni�ht at 8 in thcI A ifrcd Shruhb: English long.(dis'; i Lincoln house in Ellis, The �ubj(ctt31TC� nn�ner. has been re-engaJ('cd: as I for the evening was "The Dedicantscoach 'of '·Harvard·s cros�-coontT); II' of the Sacre� Insc�pt�ons iJl,thc Ci�� 4team, of R0111C," .• •:Re-cnpce Harnrd Coach. 5vI Il�" .. ccII,Il', ..,.l� 1\·.. :,\ ., II1(.... .,..." ","I•...... ,.p, , �I , ::�- .1'.."f