. ,\ENT,tOTJESe ofring :�i(' .-. '".' �� ..Vol XIII. No. 53. Price Five �tLe:_urnn"lIutlySAYS PAN-GERMANISMIS NOT TEUTON POUCYHuth Outlines History of League-Declares Germany Brands.Society as Idlotie, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914.TO OPEN NEW BUILDINGS ALL CLASSES ARRANGERosenwald Hall and Ricketts Labor­atory Will Be Used By ClassesN ext Quarter-Details ConcerningConvocation Are Announced. FOR ENTERTAINMENTS VARSITY M"INS, 35 TO 19Brilliant Basket Shooting of Page'sFive Defeats Lake Forest Team­N orthwestem College of Naper­ville 'Is Next Opponent.Lake Forest college was no matchfor Page's aggregation of basketshooters last night in Bartlett, drop­IJlng a one-sided game by a 35 to 19score. Inability to shoot basketswhen the chance was given to themwas responsible for the defeat of thenorth shore men.Aided by the brilliant shooting ofStegeman, Coach Page's men tookthe lead at the start. Steve"<;onshowed good form in free throwing,failing 10 make but one of his ninechances. Gray and Stokes played thebest for the losers.Meet Naperville Team Monday.:N orthwestern college of Napervillewill oppose Chicago in the next game,Monday afternoon. The Napervillesquad comes with a good reputationand is expected to give the Varsitya stiff, contest. The lineupCHICAGO (35).Stevenson, Gorgas .•• Right ForwardTownley, George Left ForwardStegeman, Bent CenterKixmiller, Bondy Right GuardSchafer Left GuardLAKE FOREST (19).Kruger Right ForwardMcFaren Left ForwardStokes • . . . . . . • .. CenterGray Right GuardDunsmore Left Guard REVISE POINT SYSTEMAT COUNCIL MEETINGY. w. C. L., W. A. A., Dramaticand Glee Clubs Are Af­fected By RulingNAME TWO CHEERLEADERSGeorge. and Cornwell Will AssistWard-Stephenson Is Chair­man of Charities Body.Dedication exercises for the newRosenwald hall will not be held untilthe Winter quarter convocation inMarch. The hall will, however. beopened for class usc in the winterquarter, as will the new Howard Tay­lor Ricketts laboratory. \Vork on theClassics building has not progressedfar enough to insure its opening be-That "Pan-Germanism" is an irre- fore the Spring quarter, Class parties are all the rage. Sen-sponsible growth not indicative of The President's reception to the iors will hold one this afternoon,the policy of the German govern- candidates for degrees and titles at freshmen will have a smoker to­rnent, and that all countries have a the ninety-third convocation will be night, juniors will dance at a Christ­type of "Pan-Germanism" was the held Monday, Dec. 21, from 8:30 to mas party tomorrow afternoon, andcontention of Assistant Prof. Huth, 10:30 in Hutchinson hall. Each can- sophomores will wind up the seriesof the History department, in his lee- didate for a degree or title may invite with a 'lea Sunday. Now for the de­ture on "Pan-Germanism and Chau- five guests. With each of these invi- tails.vinism" yesterday at 4:30 in Mandel. tations a preliminary Convocation The senior class will give an enter-This talk was the second of a series program will be sent. The invitations tainment at the Delta Kappa Epsilonto be presented by the faculties of will be sent to those friends whose fraternity house, 5754- Woodlawnthe Social Science department con- names the candidates write on blank avenue, today at 3:30. Helen Rick­cerning the causes, elements and pos- cards provided for that purpose at the etts, who is handling the plans forsible results of the present European President's office. the afternoon, says that the programwar. Admission to the Convocation exer- is unsurpassable and that a galaxy ofIn reviewing the compoaent ele- cises to be held Tuesday, December star numbers will be presented.ments, aims, and ideas of the Pan- 22, at 3 :45 in Mandel, will be by Opera Star to Sing.Germanic league, Mr. Huth said: ticket. The President's office is· re- The feature will be a selection by"The Pan-Gennanic league is a pro- serving four tickets for each candi- a noted singer of the Century Grandduct of the nationality and unity felt date for a degree and two for each Opera company, now at the Auditor­following the war of 1871. Its incep- candidate for the title of Associate. ium. Yetta Milkewitch and Franktion was forwarded by Bismarck's All candidates have been requested to O'Hara, two well known members ofcolonial policy of 1873 and 1874. A secure their invitations and tickets the Dramatic club, will give readings.league was founded in 1886, but it early. as they will be presented to the Harry Hammer will show what candied a natural death. A revival a few, general public later. be done whir a xylophone when ayears later was ineffective. A really Van Rise Is Orator. talented player. commands it. Regi-active organization was established in ld C I '11 1 h . 'na ast eman WI p ay t e plano, HOLD REH, EARSAL .FOR.1194. The motto of this order was President Charles Richard Van and William Wise will offer several DRAMATIC CLUB PLAYdeclared to be that famous statement Hise, of the University of Wiscon- solos.__ by Frederick William: "Remember .' ·tt b � h ti -. ::-ou �are----.·Ge'· �--;'��;' The' 'Leagu-.e'· ,.S1�_ WI. e_ t.� con:?ca on '..;���' .. --�::_-P�!L!Llld :-��;_..!!.?����� M�� .. -Wllk�Tbree� Tomor-..I HIS subject wall be Federal Anti- Ehabeth Wallace, and Miss. Gertrude � Ni"-'h't· -. - ··-R· - 'Ids' .:': '- '_ ,never had a large membership. Even T' L . l' " Pre id V . row IC m eynorust egis anon, rest ent an Dudley will be -the guests of honor. Clnb Tbeatin 1913, its total membership was Hise is widely known not only for Hilda MacClintock and Raymond ereonly about thirty th'ouAnd. In a h' f I k d • . B h h I ch f th ' -, IS success u wor as an a mIDlS- 0 nen ave genera arge 0 e The first dress rehearsal for thelarge country this is a very small b r. hi • tifi h 'trator, ut ror IS scren I c researc - party and Margaret Fenton will take Dramatic club' plays was held last,number. The constituents were rep- es. He was for a number of years care of the eating question. Whattat' f b th th N tie 1 night. "Rada" by Alf. red Noyes, andresen rves 0 0 e a ona professor of minerology at the Uni- will there be to eat? you say, Well,Liberal and National Conservative "Happiness" and "Just As Well" byversity of WISconsin and later profes- come and see, for the committee re- J. Hartley. Manners will be mven to-parties. The purposes were to sor of geology, being called to the fuses to disclose the menu until 3:30 D"• k th t' l� • morrow night at 8:30 in the. Rey-qusc en e na rve se r-coaseiousness, presidency of the university in 1903. this afternoon.to solve the questions regarding 1 .' noIds club theater.He has been consu tmg' geologist of JUDiOlB /ire Next. "This is the club's first effort in ahigher education, to support move- the United States Geological SurveymeDts in which Germany struggled, since 1909, is chairman of th'e Wis­and to promote an active Gennan cousin Conservation commission, andpolicy in Europe and across the sea, trustee of the Carnegie FoundationThis campaign was carried on for the Advancement of Teaching.through mediocre newspapers, kin- Dr. Van Hise has been the presidentdred organizations. schools, teachers, of the Geological Society of Americamoney, pamp��J.:ts, stump speakers, and of the Wisconsin Academy ofand sometimes even by pastors," Sciences, Arts, and Letters, and is a, Germany Disapproves of League. member of many other scientific as-"But Germany itself," continued sociations in this country and abroad.Mr. Huth, "does not agree with the Some of his best known works arepurposes and certainly does not con- "The Conservation of the Natural Re­sent to the methods of such a society. sources of the Unted States," "Con­The government has branded the centration and Control:' and "A' 50-league as idiotic and harmless. Pan-: lution of the Trust Problem in theGermanism is tolerated, nevertheless, United States." He has been the re­because it has a certain value. The cipient of many honors from otherleague supports the German against institutions, the honorary' degree ofthe Slav in Bohemia. Economically, Doctor of Laws having been confer­Holland is dependent upon Germany, red on him by the Universities ofbecause sixty per cent of her ship- Chicago, Yale, Harvard, and Dart­pitig interests are under German con- mouth.trol, and the league forwards thiscommercial expansion. Colonialgrowth is also an ideal of the league,a nd such expansion is vitally neces­sary to Germany. As a side issue,Holland may some day unite withGermany to protect herself fromEngland. Ethnologically, the Dutchare German. The Pan-Germanistsclaim -that their military tendenciesare only defensive.""Pan-Germanism," stated Mr. Huth,is a type of general disease. Eng­land has her imeprialists, and she hasserved as a tutor to Germany; Francehas her Nationalists and she still re­members Alsace-Lorraine; Italy hasher Irreconciliables; Russia has herPan-Slavs, and she is still lookingfor 'Peter's window,' and we, Amer­ica, have our Monroe doctrine. We(Continued on page 3)\•CALLS U. S. IMPERIALISTICThere Are 168 Candidates.There will be 168 candidates fortitles, certificates and degrees at theninety-third Convocation. This num­her includes sixty-seven associates,ninety-five candidates for degrees andsix candidates for certificates. Thefifty-eight bachelors in the Seniorcolleges include a Filipino and a, Ja­panese woman, the first from that na­tionality.Hold InterfraterDity Smoker.The Interfraternity smoker will beheld Monday night at 8 in the Rey­nolds club. Owing to the secrecy ofthose in charge, the program has notbeen made public. All fraternity menin the University have been invited tothe atrair. Seniors Will Hold Class PartyThis Afternoon at DeltaKappa Epsilon House.JUNIORS DANCE TOMORROWSophomores Will Have Tea Sundayat Delta Upsilon-FreshmenHold Smoker Tonight.Now for the juniors. They willgather 'tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 atthe Delta Upsilon house, 5400 Ellisavenue, and wait for the arrival ofSanta. Claus-a real Santy. One guess'as to who he is. Craig Redmon, yousay. Correct. Craig, after much dif­ficulty, has secured a suit and largesack in which to store his gifts, andwill appear on the scene with greatpomp and splendor.Each junior is requested to bring apresent with him which can be pre­sented to some other member of theclass. These will be exchangedthrough the medium of Santa Claus.Lasts All Afternoon.The party will last from 2 :30 till7:30, with intervals of dancing, games,presentation of gifts and supper. Thegames and charades will furnish agreat deal of amusement, accordingto the committee in charge. Fuikswill render the music.Miss Eliabeth Wallace, Mrs.Brown, and Mrs. Manniere will bethe guests of honor. Refreshmentswill be attractive, say the officers.The happiest person present' will re­ceive a special prize.We forgot to mention the detailedlist of the "cats." Hot chocolate,sandwiches, three or more to a per­son-big, fat marshmallows. andplenty of ice cream and cake will beserved. Striped candy canes will behung on the monster Christmas tree,which will be decorated by membersof the committee.Sophomores Plan Tea.Following right on the heels of theseniors and juniors, the sophomoreswill hold a class tea Sunday after-(Continued on page Z) new field of work," said PresidentFrancis Sherwin. "\Ve are makingan attempt to depart from the ideaof mere objective acting, and to en­ter into preparation for creative work.Admission' will be by invitationonly. The management has request­ed that bouquets for the participantsbe omitted. No flowers will be pre- 'sen ted across the footlights or be­hind the scenes.Alumnus to Be Speaker.George Ade, Purdue, 'tl, will be theConvocation speaker at Purdue to­morrow. His topic will be "Lessonsof Trave1."BULLETINTODAY. 'University Dames, 3, Blaine.Senior party, 3:30, Delta Kappa Ep­silon fraternity houe. 5754' Wood­lawn avenue.Graduate Women's dub, 4� Bot­any 13.Gennan Conversation club, 4:45,Lexington 14.Masonic club dinner, 6:15, Hutch­inson cafe..Freshman smokier, 7:30, Sigma Al­pha Epsilon fraternity bouse, 5817Kenwood avenue.Cosmopolitan club, 8, Ellis 18-TOIIORROW.Meetinp of University ruliDc bodies:Divinity achan!, 9, Dean'. otIice.Colleen of Ana, Literatare. _dScieace, 10, Harpel' II 21.Graduate schools, II, Barper II 21.Dramatic club play, 1:30, Repoldaclub theater. Additions and revisions of thepoint system were made at a meetingof the Undergraduate council yester­day afternoon at 4 in Harper M 10,Organizations affected by the changesarc the Y. W. C. L., the W. A. A.,the Dramatic club, and the Glee club.Alterations enacted at yesterday'smeeting of the council will go intoeffect at the beginning of next: quar­ter.Points added to the system or re­vised are:Aut- W"m-umn. ter. Spring.Treasurer of the Y.W. C. L ....... 5 5 5Coach of the W. A.A. play ......... 0 5 0Manager of the W.A. A. play ...... 0 7 0Members of thecast of the W. A.A.. play ......... 0 5 . 0Members of onech'orus of the W.A. A. play ...... 0 3 0Members of twoor' more choruses,of the w. A.. A.play ..•..•...... 0 5 0W. A. A. Financechairman ....... 0 5 0CostUmer ......... 0 5 0Property man •.... 0 5 0Program chairman 0 3 0Publicity chairman 0 3 0W. A. A. president 5 5 5'W. A. A. vice-presi-dent ............ 1 1 1W. A. A. secretary-treasurer 3 3 .......... �W. A. A. recordingsecretary ........ 3 3 3Board members ... 1 1 1Chairman of Inter-club ............ 2 4 2Dramatic club win-ter play cast . ... 0 6 0Glee club members 2 2 2Name Assistant Cheerleaders.Rowland George '16, and MaxCornwell, '16, were elected assistantcheerleaders at the meeting of thecouncil. These men will carry outtheir duties under the supervision ofCheerleader Ward, until the end ofthe Spring quarter, when one of themwill be chosen to act as next year'sleader.Five hundred copies of the Chicagosong book will be issued soon, as theresult of a motion passed by thecouncil. Several minor revisions willbe made in the text of the book.Dorothy Llewellyn will have chargeof the editing.Cowan Stephenson was appointedchairman of the committee which willconduct the United Charities' cam­paign on the campus. Sam \Vells wasnamed as sub-chainnan. Other mem­bers of the committee are HelenCarnes, Margaret Green, MargaretHancock, Mary Allen, Jnlia Ricketts,Constance McLaughlin, CharlesGrimes, Max Miller, Marshall Hall,Ralph Davis, William Templeton,Ted Byerly, and Harry Huber. TheCharities committee will meet TlIe�day morning at iO:1S in Cobb 12 A.Affirms Nation Is Ashamed to Ad­mit Course-Assails NewspaperReports as False.I"DI& DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY� DECEIIBER 11, 1914..mitt laily _aronalOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPubllshed mornings. except Sundayad Monday. during the Autumn \Vin­tel" and Sprin� quarters. by Th; DallyKaroon sta1f.G. W. Cottingham .... Managing EditorC. A. Birdsall and R. P. Matthews........................ Business ManagersF. R. Kuh. night editor; E. Retick­er and H. R. Swanson, day editors;J. J. Donahoe, athletics editor.Associate Editors,Earl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deutsch Nicholas' LentzAlta Fisher Bernard Newman��tcred as second-class matl at theChtcago Postorrtce, Chicngo, Ill., :March13. 1908. under Act or March 3. 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESS2 a year. if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter;by mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a Quarter.Editorial-business office. Ellis 12.Telephone Midway 800.Clarke-l\fcElroy Publishing Company6%19 Cottage Grove Ave. Midway 3936FRIDAY, DECEMBER l1, 1914.USELESS FORMALITY.The announcement has been madethat the Reynolds club library will beopened as soon as the new furnitureis installed, in about a week. In otherwords the library will be useless asfar as this quarter is concerned. Itwas opened last Spring with the fur­niture then in the room and the stu­dents were able to get the advan­tages from their library. But, actingunder some impulse hard to deter­mine: it was necessary to have thefurniture ready before any openingwas made. As a, result, the bookshave been on the shelves untouchedand the members of the club have hadto wait for one-third of the year be­fore they win be allowed the privi­lege of reading their books. It looksas though' the desire for formality hasso shadowed the vision of ih� offic�sthat they did Dot realize how impor­tant is three months in the short lireof the Undergraduate, that they di'dnot see how useful the library couldbe, wh'ether the room had leatherconches or wooden chairs.NO INSTRUCT��S P�SENT.The Honor commission is consider­ing a moral propositi6n in rega�d tofinal exa:''ininations. Each 'class willchoose three of its members to takecharge of the examination; the in­structor :..,111 stay for a few minutesto answer questions and wili thenleave. The students in charge, thecommission asserts, will not be Perlicemen, but will be expected to re­port anyone they see cheating. Atthe end of the hour they will collecttlie books and tum them in to theinstructor.It is argued that this system willmake the students feel more on theirhonor than when an instructor is"watching" them; that is is a naturaldevelopment of the "honor" idea tohave t'te examinations conducted bythe students, and that the instructorwill not be forced to sit throughthree dreary hours, when he might beemploying his time more valuably., The Daily Maroon does not thinkthat these arguments wilt hold waterand it believes that the argument�which may be advanced on the otherside of the Question arc moreweighty. The student"!' relation tothe course is with the instructor (thisdoes not deny his relationship to hisfenow students when he hurts themby cheating), Such being the casehe has the right to have his exam�ination conducted by the instructorwho is giving him the course. The,presence of the instructor, who, inth'e mind of the instructed, is the em­bodiment of the course, lends that re­la�ionship to the subject at hand andthat inspiration which is desirable. ALL CLASSES� AltRANGB.. FOR ENTERTAINMBN'1'SQuestions may come' up, at� an)':' timeduring the test which, if there' were. an. instructor' on. hand to' answel\, •would' settle many' a sma1l'difficulty ': (Continued from page 1)and save many wrong answers. ------------=--..:_--Moreover, if we believe that weshould be more "on our honor" whenthe instructor is· not present, we arelaboring under a delusion, and thecorrectness of our standards of hon­esty can be questioned. Yet it isonly ca tering to this impression toset up such a system as the one pro­posed: Again, it is stated, and therehave been some examples to provethis, that at examinations at whichthe instructor is not present, there isa tendency toward disorder, and theman who wishes to think is disturbedby his neighbors.It appears that the comrmssronwill be defeating its own end ratherthan attaining it, by taking the stepunder consideration. It can hardlyadd to the general sentiment of hon­esty while, at the same time, it intro­duces undesirable clements. WILLARD THEATREnoon at 4 at the Delta Upsilon fra­ternity house.The Social committee, which metWednesday in Cobb and plannedseveral original stunts to be kept se­cret until the day of the gathering.promises to present the best programpossible. One of the things to bedone leaked ,out by mistake last night.when an eavesdropper discoveredthat a guessing game of some varietywill be played, and that real prizeswill be given to the winners.Will Sing and Play.Mrs. Hall, �tr5. Brown. and �!rs.Sheehy will be the guests of honorand will act' as chaperones. Mrs.Hall and Frederick Ridgeway willsing and Josephine Rogers will playthe piano. Other details will be an­nounced later."This will be the last class functionof the quarter," said President Gam­ble last night, "and we wa nt everysophomore to be present. Comeearly and have a good time." HenryMacFartand, chairman of the Social.committee, will have charge of -thearrangements.Freshmen Have Smoker.Last, but not least, comes thesmoker for freshmen, which will beheld tonight at 7:30 at the Sigma Al­pha Epsilon house, 5817 Kenwoodavenue. The program has not beenannounced, but a good time is prom­ised by President Guerin.Senior women' will meet tOmOTrOWat 3:30 in Foster, to attend the seniorparty in a body. 5tst and Calumet A�enue; Opposite' 5tst "L ft· StationGrace Hayward Stock Co.ALL THIS WEEK' includingSunday nightTense and Exciting Play IDEEP PURPLEThere is a, punch to it you cannot escape.AIMS CARRIED OUT.Will Give Toy Shower.A loy shower win be the feature ofthe childnn's day meeting of theUniversity of, Chicago Dames todayat 3 in Emmons Blaine.This year's Settlement dance net­ted $687, about fifty dollars less thanwas made last year. But this yearthe dance was held on' a night inwhich the weather was bad enoughto discourage almost everyone fromattending; tbis year is a bad year, fi­nancially, and the dance was givenafter fewer weeks of preparation thanwas had the year before. Yet theshowing is very good, and win rna te­rially help the settlement.General Chairman Burtt and thecommittees in charge deserve to becongratulated on ,their good work.The dance was a success from everypoint of view. And particularly is itnoticeable that it was a success fromth'e point of view of sheer enjoy­ment. Those persons who attendedhad a good time, as far as indicationsgo. The object of the dance is togive those present a good time, aswen as' to raise money for the Set­tlement. Both aims were carried out. "SENIOR COMMITTEESANNOUNCED YESTERDAY Every Night 8.15 P. M.,. 25-35-50�Mat., Thurs. Sat. &, $un., 10 .. 2E)cSelect Seven Chairmen to SuperviseFeatures of C1ass-Seventy- TwoAre Named.Additional senior class committeeswere announced yesterday. The ma­jor committees were appointed earli­er in the year. The membership ofthe new committees:Class Gift�Frederick Croll, chair­man; Edith Smith, Katherine Big­gins, Dorothy Higgs, Frances Rosen­thal, Ruth Allen, Everett Rogerson,William Chapman, Francis Harris,Frederick Griffiths, Harry Hammer.Class Day-John Burtt, chairman;Mary MacDonaid, Katherine Sproehn­Ie, Dorothy Washburne,' KatherineCovert, H.Mriet Jo.�, Samuel Wens,Hugo 'Swan, Thomas Hollingsworth,David Murray. Max Sickle.Class Song-R. W. Stevens, chair­man; Ireue Tufts, Louise Mick, Doro­. thy Strachan, Seymour Frank, Hol­ger Lollesgard, Frederick Wise, Wil­liain Weiser.Program-lderwyn Palmer" chair­man; I rene Pitt. Edith UDderwood,Rosalie Amory. Mabel O'Connor,Lydia Quinlan, Joseph' Augustus, Le­roy Campbell, George Eckles, HaroldMoore, R. A. JohDson.Athletic-EdlQrd Kixmil1er, chair­man; John Breathed, Samuel Beck­with, George Lyman, Harry HammerPaul Des Jarelien, Lauriston Gray:Francis Ward, Joshua Stevenson.Class Play-Frank O'Hara, chair­man; Dorothy Llewellyn, Louise MickMargaret Fenton, Treva MatthewsYetta Milkewitch, Theodore Allen'Francis Sherwin, Sol Harrison, VemiBlackett. .Class Pin-Grace Hotchkiss andIra Russ, joint ch'airmen; MerwynPalmer, Leo C. Hupp, Franklin B.Evans, Leipert Bower, Mabel Becker,Genevieve Edmonds, Emily Burry,Carol Kuhns, Katherine Hattendorf. Since the victory of the Universityof Utah over the Utah Aggies, CoachNelson Norgren is the biggest manaround the Mormon institution. Mostof the credit for the victory has beengiven to the former Maroon star, whostarted the season with a verY medi­ocre squad. After the big game Nor­gren was carried about on the shoul­ders of the stu�ents and cheer aftercheer was given for their coach.Norgren's team started out at thebeginning of t�e, season in poorshape, but came Into form during thelatter part and were victorious in thelast thre� pllles. The game againstthe Aggles was the big game of theyear, the University of Utah havillg .......J,u.t tlt� richestand p.-. of. �ocoI&te"� to ���.� ��qlq�th.�·dol '� bad:a are � � bat,. � """7 � '� '�9_pu.:CIIIeCt Pow CODY.DleDce'" for�·-tbe fall Dam'.'.�� � ........ (tfIMIe;.IDIUk r .... _ u. S. �� ��T_ ... l.WI» he cwt pocbIl.... ..-: � ... �ti- eea'f.� 'bo=-. .. � tbIaa �.... pod caad�'. ��:MILLI�N TO SP�� SUNDAYRuth Prosser Will Read at StudentVesper Services.Prof. Millikan, of .the Physics de­partment, will speak at the StudentVesper services Sunday at 4 in Man­del." Ruth Prosser' �lt giVe th� �re­sponsive readings. The musical' pro­gram follows:pjrin�'s ) Chorus from Tann­hauser : ... :. • • . . . . . • . . . .. Wagner"Oh Rest in the Lord," Bass Soloby ':Mr. D. S. 'Whittlesey . � . � .•••••••• z • • • • • • • • • • •• MendelssohnConsolation ,.......... Mendelssohn"In : 'H��v�nly Love Abi�,"Bass Solo by Mr. D. S. Whit-tlesey :,. BondETegie :...... Nevin"Die' Lorelei" � . . . .. LisztConsolation LisztWill Be ��es at Dance.Judge and 'Mrs. John P. McGoortywill be the chaperones at the Brown­son club dance which ,,;11 be h�ld inCalumet hall tomorrow night. Thiswill be the first club dance of the yearand is being given far both activemembers and alumni of the Catholicorganization. 11.0 ....... s- I! .. ,..".." .,,,'I,t.NORGREWS T� ENDSSEASON SUCCESSPULLYWOMEN'S COUNCIL TOPOST CALENDAR OFSOCtAL ACTIV1TIES Swampa Utah Aepes in BiC Game ofYear-Newtapaper PraUeaChic:aco Man.The Administrative council has de­cided to post a weekly calendar of allthe social events and rncctincs inwhich women are interested, in Cobb,Lcxinzton and the school of Educa­tion. Directories of the women's or­�anizations with the name and addressof the presiding officers and the termsof membership, will also he distrih­uted. Students to Present Scenes.Jnnior college students will presentscenes from Moser's "Der Bibliothe­kar" at the German club meeting to­day at 4:45 in Lexington 14. Conver­sation classes wilt meet in rooms 4and 5 at 4:15.Elect Rutherford Captain.Richard Rutherford, foT' two yearsleft halfback on the Varsity eleven,was elected to captain the 1915 Ne­braska team Monday. uN" sweaterswere award(d to eighten players.I, �Ji\ lost the last two gameS to tbeserivals. Norgren's men swam�their opponents by a 29 to 2 score.In speaking of Norgren, The SaltLake Tribune says:"Coach Norgren h:ls made a won­derful machine out of hi' material.The boys played together in perfectharmony, and under the leadership ofLove, dazzled the Aggies. CoachNorgren clearly demonstrated whateffective coaching can do and nd. ' 0cree It can be to high for him. TheChicagoan has won his home in thehear�s of t�e Utah fans, who areunammous In their belief that he isthe great�st football coach that hasever worked in Utah."Classes Wiq Start January 4.All undergraduate classes will meeton Monday, Jan. 4, and an graduatecourse� scheduled to mc�t on Mon­day, will meet that day. ;.pT:,,..-c LYM�'],.'Roll.,. prof. ilege 0, his leiat the,. Wed»Blaine'J.logica:the pcf value-, of efIi'''CORN."t, Capite:�,SurphUndivEmes� CharhChaurJ. D.A.B. C._jFrank,..J. Ed,tJ.am��.neWlSI -ilUwn10 Crmrl,son, ,,., ButleiF. !1Chart, EdwitErna.t Forei,._-, ;)'..rrf. <Ii .M$1J'• QF(lJ;I01f1s, \: '1 Pres.P..II: It"l�·�ta�entet" bluedoonfrom, birdscolletstud]eatall81" 9!11C.,C' 'J..=� .,.. : . B'�, GII���s.j '�-l�I,VIOLIN· RECITALTH& DAILY- IMROON; FRIDAY; DBCB�BBIH1,·1914.C LYMAN-OIVES THIRDTALK ON; "EFFICIE�TTHINKING� AT CHAPEL . Albert. Spaldiq, Noted American,Musician, Will Play Tuesday in.Mandel-Performances Are Hi,h-11 Endorsed· By. Foreipl Press.,.'Rollo La Verne Lyman, associate., prof. in the teaching of English, col­lege of Education, gave the third ofI his lectures on "Efficient Thinking"at the School of Education chapel,. Wednesday at 10:15 in EmmonsBlaine 214. He outlined the psycho­'J. logical effects of the development ofthe power of concentration and thef value accruing from the effective use. , of efficient mentality.THE. "CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANKof Chicago._"Capital ... ,.,',"""'" $3,000,000.00". Surplus ,., .... ,.,.,",.. 5,000,000.00Undivided profits " .. ,.. 1,500,000.00OFFICERSErnest A. Hamill, Pres.� Charles L. Hutchinson, Vice-Pres.Chauncey J. Blair, Vice-Pres,D. A. Moulton, Vice-Pres.J. B. C. Sammons, Vice-Pres.�Frank \V. Smith, Sec'y.J. Edward Maass, Cashier.',J.ames G" Wakefield, Ass't Cashier..Bewis E. Gary, Ass't Cashier.If.:lward F. Schoeneck, Ass't Cashier.Directors,. Charles H. Wacker, Martin A. Ryer­son, Chauncey J .. Blair, Edward B.t· Butler, Benjamin Carpenter, WatsonF. !31air, Charles L. Hutchinson,Charles H. Hulburd, Clyde M. Carr,e Edwin G. Foreman, Edward A. Shedd,Ern .. A. HamilLt Foreign Exchange.Letters of Credit.Cable Transfers..• PRINCESS Mats.. Than. I: Sat.THE SUCCESS OF·ALL SUCCESSFUL. SUCCESSES..KITTY MACKAY. . with' " '.MOLLY MciNTYREAND ENTIRE ORlC� CAS�$1.00 MAT. THURS.QU A�TER"4CK.Is theF�. GAIlE FOR THE.Ollt:�� �baek� .l'ootbaD. aDd.�,At�o.t ---_OL.U.� �mClllCAc;o. ILL'tl"" JOSEPH SCHMIDTStatiODery, Toilet ArtIclesFine Line of Candies.956 E. 55th St., Chimp, m.Imported and Domesticline ofCIGARS and CIGARETTES,4C' 'J..� .,.. ! �... '.��. BU.Y YOUR SMOKES.,,-G E N T s· FUR N ISH I N G SatCOWME¥·Ss. E. Ceto. S5t11, St. ."d £lfIs 1\", •• ( GIVESAlbert Spalding, the noted Ameri­can violinist, will give a violin recital.under the auspices of the UniversityOrchestral association Tuesday at4:15 in Mandel, .Mr. Spalding comes.with the emphatic endorsement ofthe press in all the cities that he hasappeared in, both 'at home and abroad .The Orchestral association is makinga reduced price of fifty cents to stu­dents.Albert Spalding's pre-eminence asa violin virtuoso has been attributednot. only to his powers as a performerof wonderful technic, but also to CIabeautiful tone, sincerity, innate intel­ligence, and a God-given sympathyand understanding." He has enjoyedevery artistic advantage and educa-• tional privilege. At the age of four­teen he received in a test eighteenmarks more than the necessaryamount for the professorship at theConservatoire in. Bologna, Italy.During the last four or five yearshe has been making extended toursthrough England, France, Germany,Italy, the Netherlands, Scandinavia.Egypt, and Russia, as well as Amer­ica. The following notices in severalof the papers of -the European citiesin which he performed signify the re­markable manner in which he was re­ceived.What the Press Says.Hamburger Correspondent:"Mr. Albert Spalding is an artist'von rasse' of the finest culture ofstyle and of a sovereign technic. Incharacter, as well as in programme,the young violinist showed intellec­tual kinship to the art of Kreisler, es­pecially in the music of the seven­teenth and eighteenth centuries." rialism and Russian aggrandizement.'We fear Germany because it seems,nearest to us. We fear for the down­fall of democracy and the advent ofimperialism and militarism. TheGermans feel that militarism is doingthem good. They cannot take spon­taneous action. They must· be pre­pared. Realizing their weakness,they are prepared. \Ve fear the Ger­man empire, because we see a cer­tain German intellectual arrogance,but if we should study the Germanattitude we should find that this isnot of the type of arrogance."Mr. Huth attacked the idea. thatBernhardi's literary works are re­sponsible for the war. "Bcrnhardi,"he said, "wrote candidly, as an armygeneral is likely to do. The govern­ment did not take action accordingto his plans, however. There aresome coincidences, but they are natu­ral results of 'strategy. Cram, Rob­erts, Lee, and many other writerspresented the militaristic ideas justas well as Bernhardi."Classified Ads.Five cents per line. No advertise­ments received fcr less than 25 cents.All classified advertisements must bepaid in advance.TO RENT - LARGE FRONT FLOWERS FOR THE FORMAl.We suggest one of our new.FanArrangements to replacethe timeworn corsage.'II The idea of arrang­ing a few choice flO.�­ers with an open fan,originated with us andhas proven very popu­lar.<IT See them in our dis­play windows, at57 EASt M�ROE STR�ETPHONES:Randolph 179� ��I:l,4 669Q,YOUR TELEPHONE WILL BRING YOU THE BEST OF SERVICE- -- -- ' -, AND FLOWERS.It I, .. II. It I • II II, • I .• t. I II .. II II II • I It It II I .... I II I I I t. I I • It.DO WEe SELL· HABERDASHERY?C'ERT AINLY !ta __ .,r· O-IUDlaAllU .. UU......-g11 I�!� �.�. -�: 1_-_ f=, ,c--- 1ln. ... 1CJ ". __ ..... (.� Besides our exclusivepatterns In .SlJITS & OVERCOA'l5which seD fromWe carry a disj;inctive.•• - - • _t· i .' =- . -_ (' - - _. �:..line ofNECKWEARGLO��QS���BASSETT & BASSETTI .MEN'S S�O�• FACT � IN "$ �q Afr_..- (�� �_ aII4 8J;toeI.), I , , I I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I H I I I, I I I U t tf t t tt t, t t, t .• :... "' .. , •. .'" . ! .. 1 �th Floor Republic Blda.DO YOUR BANKING IN HYDE PARKAT'THEHYDE PARK STATE BANK.COf:.lNER Of" �3-� ST, cs- LAME AVEHIGH GRADE HAND WORK FREE MENDING1546 E. 53rd Street.,BEST HAND LAU�I)RYTel. Hyde �ark 3705Special price arrangementa ma,. be made for house account ..W.go" oalls .".��,. �PATRONIZE MAROON AD�RTlSERSRoteerdam Courant:"It is difficult- to speak of. 'thegreatest violinist.' One man calIsKreisler . the greatest; 'a�other. de­clares him to be Y saye; a third saysit is' Carl Flesch, a.l\� � fo�� . thinksof Marteau. But who is really great ..est ,ft would be impossible fO.I:. us todecide.· Yet, cer�iDly, we thQught� Yester.day evening.. whi1� lisieDiDg toAlbert Spalding. that i� �im is s:�ch­ed the utmost possibility. The. ab­sOlute ·tranqtlllity with whi,� �� ar-· � list plays makes one appr��t_e.· how· • supreme. is. 'his mastery. Spalding• p.rod_uce� a noble tone from his in­stRlllleDt and plays with notable pur­ity ,�orks �� -varied styles." WANTED-TWO CHICAGO SYY·­phony Os:-ch�s,tra sea;on tick�ts pe�­manently . for Friday af#.rD_<?on�Will 'pay the subscriber sUfficientam�t to ·rePlace ·with two sea�ntickets for Saturday eveDing· con­certs· and ��"pr�iu� �. may b�St. Petersburg N ovoe Viema: muttiaHy· agreed' u�n. Answer by"Albert Spalding, an American, is . 'I�tter' oi- telephone, . stali�g pricean artist of serious ideals, who is not desired· and location q_( � �ts.,' .�only a virtuoso, but to whom art is an R Goble, 1500. Hayworth' �Idli.honored goddesS. The programme :ph��e R.a�dol�h I�. . "-itself was �dent t�. SIl0�. 't,trat theartist was one of th� ge�iia� kind. ! LOST-A GOLD WATCH IN.'BIG-S'tE'lSON UNIVERSITY. The 6rst part· began. with tll� ��nata logical Library; Cobb Hall, or be-. "� FIorYa.... in A major by �nd.el, and the· per- tweeD. the two bw'dings.' Finder.'I . f�nce was not only an auspicious. � please notify R. Friant, S630 Wood-Pres. Lincoln Hull�._A. B .. Harvard: �.. ning, but �voked . the heartiest I lawn. Ave. Phone H. P. WI.P.II: Dow UDiv. of· Chi�_ Four _ -t:l� five achools. 1'1 btriJdjDPt &0 ill applause." .I STUDENTS' REBATE TICKETS.# :=����:;. Tickets Are On � may DOW be ·obtained for "Under" blue aJdea, summer weather, oat � Tickets for the Spalding concert Cover," playing at Geo. M. Cohan'sdoors recreation all wiDtet:i 110ft wiDd8 :may be secured at the University Grand Opera House.�� � =�= ::0: �. Orchestral association's" office inc:oll� standards. A' Iood � to Cobb t� A. Students may secure the TO RENT-ONE ROO� WELLstud�� winter term. 8eDd tor., reduced prices at that office only. heated and lighted, $8 per month.cata . One hundred and· fifty seats will be Also large front room suitable forplaced on the �tage in Mandel to. ac- two; 3 windows. House; board op-commodate the large auddience that tional. 5iS9 Dorchester Ave.is expected by the association. Thefull program will be annonncel later.SAYS PAN-GERMANISl\1IS NOT TEUTON POLICY(Conlinucd from page 1)have all imperialism, thouFth we donot likt- to confess it. We showed itin the Mcixcan situation and in themovement for·a ·South Americancon f e(leration."Attacks Newspaper Reports.1 n ('xphl.ining our attitude, Mr .Htt:th said t�at we have been misledhy cxa�gcrated newspaper accountsand misrepresented reports. In an­alyzing our fear of Pan-Germanism,hc declared: "We feat' Pan-Getman­ism, but we also fear Japa�e impe- room, ·3 windows, $12.00; outsidesingle room, $6,00; two rooms forlight housekeeping, board optional.House. 5759 Dorchester. PhoneMidway 2168.STUDENT· REBATE TICKETSfor "Kitty Mac Kay,' now playingat the Princess Theater, may be ob­tained in halls and dormitories.LOST - BRACELET, CAMEO,between Cottage Grove and Ken­wood Aves., Sunday, Dec.· 6th.Keepsake. Reward. Room 54,Greenwood Hall.JEWELRY MA�l.N.G-A COURSEof ins��tion. e�l?e�ll.y �dfl�t��for .te:lchers.-£ive mornings a week�for 'iIifonnation aad term-s ad­dress Idelle· Xi.d..d.C(, 1029 Fine Arts�ldg. p'�on� Wa�a.� �.?4.FOR SALE . .:,._' UNDERWOOD. ·�,pe_�t�t: �� r, 4 •. ·ip· �est:'�QD�jtj��:Howard Ellis, S12S. Kimbark Ave.," .. _ .�'.... � �, . - .. .. . ..FOR RENT - PLEASANT OUT­side furnished rooms. Young menpreferr.ed. Near the surface cars,elevated, and I. C. 6126 Dordae.ter An. Phone Blacbtolle 203S.FOR RENT-TWO FRONTrooms. Two gentlemen or couple.$4 week. $15 month. Steam heatand hot water. Apply 57\7 Dor·chester. Phone Hyde Park 6940.Fourth apartment.LOST-SILVER BAR PIN: WITHletters of Delta Gamma in center.Return to M. C. Moses, I nforma­tion office.STUDENT REBATE TICKETSfor ·'Kitty MacKay," now playingat the Princess Theater, may be ob:­tained in halls and dormitories." .. THB DAILY IlAROON. PRIDAY. DECEMBER 11.1914.NEW MAGAZINE IS FOUNDED I COWLES WILL GIVEILLUSTRATED TALK"Midland" to be Devoted to Middle ON BRITISH ISLES. Water-Basketball Contest is Forfeit-weSt Liten.ture. ed to Sophomores.A new monthly literary magazine,The Midland, to be devoted to thelife and literature of the Middle West,has been established at Iowa city.I ts purpose is to provide a medium ofliterary expression for the states ofthe Middle \Vest, since at presentthere is no general magazine of highliterary standards specially devoted tothe interests of this region.Several prominent mid-westernwriters will contribute to the maga­zine, among them Keene Abbott,dramatic critic of the Omaha World­Herald, Johnson Brigham oi DesMoines, A. Jerrold Tierje, an essay­ist, poet, and short story writer ofMinneapolis, and Se1uon L. Whitcombof Lawrence, Kansas, author of "Au­tumn Notes in Iowa." The editorialwork will be supervised by the con­sulting editor, C. F. Ansley, head ofthe department of English in the Un­iversity of Iowa.A free copy will be mailed uponrequest.MINNESOTA Y. M. C. A.ISSUES STATEMENTFOR PAST QUARTERThe Y. M. C. A. of the Universityof Minnesota has issued a statementof the work accomplished by the as­sociation during the past three'months. Their housing bureau hassecured rooms for more than threehundred and fifty students; handbookshave been distributed among the stu­dents of the institution; six classes inEnglish have been organized for thebenefit of the foreigners of northMinneapolis. Several of the associa­tion men are doing work in the dif­ferent settlements about the city andothers are caring for sick students.Will Not Reorpnize.The Freshman Dramatic club wiltnot be organized this year, owing tothe formation of the new Freshman'women's societies which �ill replaceall former organizations of freshmanwomen.TWenty-One Receive Letters.Twenty-one members of the North­western football squad were awardedletters by Coach Murphy Monday.Ex-Captain Hightower, Iddings, War­rick and Marquardt will be lost to theteam next year because of graduation.Notices Are on Racks.Notices are on the bulletin board ofthe Senior colleges for the following:L Kingdou, E. McCann, G. Wilson,E. Evans, J. Wander, GeraldyneHodges. On the Junior rack for:Phoebe White, Beatrice Weil, Doro­thy Wickett, Lois Weidmer, A. Mc­Bain, Julia Wagner, Nettie Willetts,M. Silverman, P. Orzesynski, H. Rub­ikam, J. L Reed, W. Anderson, T.Bradel, C. Ford, E. Coppinger, R. Ul­man. On the-board of the College ofCommerce and Administration for:B. R Allen, Edith Bett, N. C. Brern,Jeanette Jacobs, J. M. Ratcliffe. Associate Prof. Henry ChandlerCowles will give an illustrated lectureon "Unfamiliar Pathways in the Brit­ish Isles" at the meeting of the Grad­uate \Vomen's club today at 4:30 inBotany 13. Tea will be served afterthe lecture. The women of the.Science department will act as hos­tesses. All graduate women havebeen invited.WILL PLAN .SOCIAL PROGRAMRepresentatives of Graduate Depart­ments to Meet Thursday.Representatives of the different de­partments in the graduate schools willmeet Thursday in the League room toarrange a program of social activities� for graduate students during the Win­ter and Sprng quarters.The delega tes will be chosen bythe various departments at the sug­gestion of the Y. \V. C. L. and theY. M. C. A., which organizations aresponsoring the movement for moregraduate gatherings and social affairs.COSMOPOLITAN CLUB MEETSHolds Last Session of Quarter To­night in Ellis.The Cosmopolitan club wi'll hold itslast meeting of the quarter tonightat 8 in the club room in Ellis 18.Short talks by members of the cluband of the faculty, songs and gameswill feature the program.Th'e first gathering of the organiza­tion in the Winter quarter :will beheld January 8, when Louis P. Loch­ner, secretary of the Chicago andAmerican Peace societies, will deliveran address. Mr. Lochner was an ac­tive worker in the Cosmopolitan clubwhile attending college.Three Quarters Club Meets.President Holton, of the ThreeQuarters club, has called a meeting ofthe 1918 members for today at 10:15in Cobb 10 B. The purpose of thismeeting is to select committees which'will plan the program of the club fornext quarter.'COACH HAUGHTON OFHARVARD WILL SPEAK;AT LA SALLE HOTELMembers of the National Collegiateassociation will meet. at the La Salle'hotel Tuesday, Dec. 29. Reports ofthe year concerning various branchesof collegiate sport will be read.· Coach'Percy Haughton of Harvard will de­liver an address on "Mental Trainingin Football." Dr. Williams of Min­nesota, chairman of the Football com­mittee, will report on the past grid­iron season.IAssigns Papers on Diplomacy.Assistant Prof. Conyers Read hasassigned to his class in History 3 forbrief outline papers, the general sub­ject "European Diplomacy."NOWHERE ELSE WILL YOU FIND VALUESEQUAL TO OUR ONCE·A.;YEAR OFFER.For a limited time we say-'mE PRICE OF A SUIT INCLUDES AN EXTRA PAmOF TROUSERSThe extra trousers to match the suit or of differentmaterial..We make a special point of offering this extreme ofvalue In order to flood our work room with orders duringthe between season dull period.We advise your coming in early../L,AA�NMA-.. TAILORtI"'� For Yoana MeaThree Stores:-25 E. Jaeksoa BmL 7 N. La Salle St.n B. Mcm"Oe st. JUNIORS SWAMP FRESHMENFreshmen were no match for thefast junior water basketball teamWednesday, and the third year menannexed the contest by the one-sidedscore of 16 to 1. The seniors did nothave enough men out to play theirscheduled game fith the Sophomoresand forfeited the contest to the secondyear men.O'Connor and White were the bas­ket shooting stars for the winners,while Shirley and Whiting showedability as guards, preventing their op­ponents from· scoring. The onlyfreshman ta lly was made on a freethrow by Gates. Tuesday, the sopho­mores will play the juniors and thefreshmen will meet the seniors in theclosing games of the series. Wednes­day, the juniors will Iine up against anall star team picked from the otherclasses,The score:JUNlURS.O'Connor Right ForwardMurdoch Left ForwardPavlicek Center ForwardWhite Center GuardWhiting Right GuardShirley Left GuardFRESHMEN.Earle Right ForwardCrawford Left ·ForwardLoeb, Kern Center ForwardMason, Harper Center GuardGates .•........ Right GuardGuerin ............•.... Left GuardBaskets: O'Connor 5, White 3.Free Throws: Gates.Ezecutive Staff Will Meet.The Blackfriar executive staff willmeet Monday at 4 in the Reynoldsclub.SEWING FOR BELGIANSTO BE SHIPPED TODAYUIIC Four Hundred Yards of F1anne1iR UDiversity Women's Re -'lief Work.The first box of sewing done by theUniversity women for the Belgianswas packed last .night and wtll besent to the Red Cross center at Mar­shall Field & Co. today. The boxincludes sewing done by the womenfrom Green, Foster, Kelly, Beecher,Greenwood, the Neighborhood clubs,the Y. W. C. L. and League commit­tees, as well as work done by privateindividuals.Four hundred yards of flannel andforty skeins of woolen yarns havebeen used by the women of the Uni­versity wh'o have been sewing for theBelgians. This material has beenpurchased by contributions of womenwho were unable to assist with thesewing.SING AT ARMOUR TONIGHTUniversity Glee Club and MandolinClub Will Give Concert..The combined Glee and Mandolinclubs of the University and of ArmourI nstitute will give a joint concert to­night at 8:15 at the Annour Missionauditorium, Thirty-third and Federalstreets. Tickets will be on sale inCobb at 10:15, at fifty cents each."The Glee club," said Manager Hay,"has improved materially during thelast week and will offer an attractiveprogram tonight. All the membershave worked hard and I am sure thatthey will show up to advantage evenagainst the splendidly trained Armourmusicians."CHESS PLAYERS TOVISIT KENWOOD CLUBTOMORROW EVENINGMembers of the University Chessclub will visit the Kenwood Chessclub, 4654 Cottage Grove avenue, to­morrow night. Edward Lasker, thecelebrated international chess player,will talk on various phases of thegame. He will also give an exhibi-. tion of blindfolded or simultaneouschess • ................................................ \ ;TAKE ELEVATOR-' SAVE $10,You can be There in a $25Overcoat or Suit andpay only$15Thousands of men whoused to pay $25 are nowcoming to this third floorshop and are paying $15for the very same qualitysuits and overcoats. Theycan save this $10 becausewe have no enonnous ex­penses, such as high rent,large office force, etc. Wedon't have to tack on that$10 to make a profit on ourgarments, and for thatreason our customers don�have to pay that extra $10.So come up and save it..r �'.::"'.:". If 70U ean duplicate theM �, eIeIwbere for lea thaD IU �--come t.ek aDd aet 701Ir 1DODeJ'.Monroe. Clothes ShopELMER E. MARDEN, Presideat3rd Floor �orth American BuildinaN. W.COR. STA.TE AND 110 ... 0£ STREETSOPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK '� ,'" i· .• �.-v�4'\... \, 5JFi�:," R'� \" .. (.' "'C ,... �.�.: thbeCl1ntsbhOItbto,stS1]f j \\...............................\ The newRoyalPrice. $100$t251ac.-IaThe . Herald of Better ServiceTN the arena of "Big Business" has appeared.L a new steel-brained champion, the Master­M9delofthe Royal-the machine with the rapid­fire action; the typewriter that fires letters as. an automatic gun spits bullets IUnless you are "Roya1ized," you are paying the priceor the Royal without knowing it-hesi:le3 that 0/ your old-61gie maclJine-in the higher cost or your business letters.Bailt lor ��Big Bruinaau and it.Great Army 01 Expert Operatora'Ibis master-machine does the work or several type­writers in one-it writes, typeS cards and bills I The one'D8fi1ine does it Gll-witboot any "speciaI" auachments.Get tAe Fact.;SeDClror the • RoyallDJUl " and ask _Or :1 DEMONSTRA TIor· •� the new machine that ukes t�� .. grind" out of_�wridDtr. Or write as direct for our new brochure, •• BE7T£R.s£RVlC!:;, "and book of facts on Touch Typing .. -with a hancbomeCoIor-Pbotograpb of tho n:w Royol MGatn-l:'..ocJ.II0, 8eDt flee1OtJpewdter1l88rll. "Write now-rigbt mJIJ)' :.ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY, lac.5& E:itomoe S1. Vorley Wricbt. _.... "., "." .. , .. ,',." , .. , ".,"",."., .. : I�0,� ..aJEH.- N"I.t ",., N,JiiI • JJlL!�t tI!�" i,' ,., ,-1,""Ii.'"',.,'ta1el54s�bCtl"� 14.. A• ga'Ft=t�JIi�