lailyVoL XIII. No. sz. Price Five CeDta.BLAC� CHOOSEOFFICIALS FOR SHOWSlifer, McLeod, Seott, Wiley,Broomell, Bois, Newmanand Kiag Are Named.TO ANNOUNCE PLAYS SOONSevq. Manuscripts Are Submitted­Abbot Henderaon Says Success­ful Season Is Assured.John Slifer, '17, was elected assist­ant manager' of the 1915 Blackfriarshow at a' meeting of the Executivecommittee of the organization yes­terday. Other officials chosen wereNorman McLeod, '17, costumer;Chauncey Scott, '17, assistant cos­tumer; William Wiley, '17, propertyman; Francis Broomell, 17, assist­ant property man; Harold Huls, '17,score; Bernard Newman, '17, pub­licity manager; Bruce King, '17, as-sistant publicity manager.Slifer is a member of the Scoreclub, the Three Quarters club, and ofthe Chi Psi fraternity, He' was in. the football chorus of "The StudentSuperior" last season.McLeod is a member of Skull andCrescent, the Three Quarters club,and of the Delta Upsilon fraternity.He had a minor part in the play lastMay.Wiley Not in. Residence.Chauncey Scott is a member ofScore club and of Sigma . Alpha Ep­silon, and took part in the footballchorus -of last year's production. Wi­ley belongs to Skull and Crescent,Three Quarters club and the PhiGamma� fiaternity:- "He WaS in··one of the _ choruses last seasoa, Wi­ley is not i� iesidenfe at $lreKnt�owing to illnesS. but he will re�1lInext quarter.Broomell is a Three Quarters �l�bman and i� a meD.1�er ()f i:>e�� upSi�Ion fraternity. Huls belongs to Scoreclub' the Tlaree Quarters club, andKapka srgm,a. B�th Br�o�e�lwa�dHuls were members of the fairy eho-.,,.,..�'\ �.� .r-goarside.liveiSOn. ruseBernard Newman is a member ofScore club, the Three Quarters club,;. and of the Psi Upsilon fraternity.�i. j, Newman was in the fairy chorus in"The Student Superior." Bruce Kingis a' member of Sigma Alpha .Epsilonand had a part in one of the choruseslast ,year.� $eVen Plays..Seven manuscripts have been turn­ed in for the Blackfriar play contestand th-e judges expect to report thewinner in a few days."The unusual number of plays turn­ed in and the excellent - matenal, promised for next years show makes" a wonderful season seem assured,"• said Abbot John Henderson yester-• day. ,cAs �oon as the annonncement, of the winning play is received, ac-• tive work on the production will be-f)' ::T LAKE �REST TODAY. Varsity ScriIDlD&geS Freshmen-Prac­tice Basket Sbootinc..I'ing"�­lor�e:DS..,DII.inityning­'ash­'e hehewsfirst Lake Forest college's basketballfive will meet the Varsity in Bartletttonight at 7:30. As was evidenced byWednesday's game' with the West SideBrowns, the Varsity is far from ap-proaching mid-season form, and it isprobable that the north shore teamwill put up a stiff fighLCoach Page put his men through' acomparatively light workout yester­day, emphasizing particularly the bas­ket shooting, which, in the majorityof cases, has been extremely poor.A short scrimmage with the freshmenwas held.IKa-;'t 6:15ay belJIl.J UNIVERSITY OF �HICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914.OPENING m POSTPONEDWill Hold Formal Dedication Cere­monies of Reynolds Club LibraryNext Quarter-Room to Be in UseNext Week.The Reynolds club library will notbe formally opened until the begin­ning of the Winter quarter, accord­ing to the decision reached at a meet­ing of the club officers yesterday.The delay in the delivery of the fur­niture for the library was given asthe reason for the postponement ofthe opening ceremonies.-The doors of the library will beth;own -open as soon as' the furni�ture is installed, which, according tothe Executive committee, will benext week. Chairs and a table havebeen ordered from a Mil\\"aukee firm.Announce Program.Dates for the club activities nextquarter were set. An informal danc�will be given January IS, and an­other February 19. The President'sreception' ",iIi be heiel February 5,. and the smoker March 5.WILLIAMS AFFIRMSTHAT TENDENCY IS-_ - - _ TO D�STORT B-ELIEFSThat the tendency of many peopleis to make Christ fit into their schemeof life, instead of adapting their re-.ligion to Him, was the statement ofBishop Williams at the Senior col­lege chapel yesterday morning. Dr.Williams stated that the same errorhad been made when the old philoso­phers tried to devise a theory of theuniverse, and then mold the facts ac­cording to the theory.- -. - . W"ill-SiD�"Uui R�te.Margaret Middleton �11 sin,. andrecite at the meeting of the Frenchclub this afternoon at 4 in Lexington:Miss Elizabeth Wallace, who was tohave been the speaker at the meeting,will be absent on account of anotherimpor�nt engagement,Divinity Women are Guests.The women's club of the Divinityschool will give a tea to all wome� iqthe department and to the wives of allmarried students Saturday at � illHaskell museum.. Brownson Club to GiYI� Dance.The. Brownson clab will give adance Saturday night in Calumet hall,1935 Mich�gan ave�ue.TODAY.Chapel. Divinity school, 10:15, Bu-keD.Y. W. C. L., 10:15, Lezinctcm 14-French dab, 4, LeDngtOD 10.Pab6c: '1ectare. "The Present Baro-pean War, II, Pan . Germanism andCbaDiDism, ., by AaistaDt Prof.Hath, 4:30, MandeLGlee dab, special rebeanal. 7:30,Reynolds club.Disciples' club, 8, HaskelLGraduate History club, 8, residenceof Assistant Prof. Read, 5317 Green­wood avenue.Scandinavian club, 8, Cobb 12 A.TOMORROW.University Dames, 3, Blaine.Senior party, 3:30, Delta KappaEpsilon fraternity bouse, 5754 Wood-lawn aveaae. .Ghd-.ate Women'. dub, 4:30, Bot­aDY 13.German CoDwell.tioD club, 4:45,LainctOD 14-IlUOD1c: dab dinner, 6:15, Hatcbin­SOIl cafe.CoamopoUtan dab, I, EDia lL That the Jews were in reality nointegral part of the medieval Spanishpopulation was the contention of Dr.PLAYED FOR OAK PARK HIGH A. A. Neuman, of Dropsie college,Philadelphia, in his lecture on "J ew­Is Member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, ish Social Life in Medieval Spain"Score Club, and Iroa& before the Menorah society yester-Mask. day at 4 in Harper assembly room.Dr. Neuman is recognized as an au-Paul S. Russell, star quarterback on thority on Spanish-Jewish history.the Varsity team for the past two He received his M. A. degree fromyears, was chosen to lead the 1915 Columbia at the age of team at a meeting of the "C" "In no sense," said Dr. Neuman,men yesterday. Eighteen men were "were the Jews a part of the generalincluded in the official picture and Spawsh population. They mightcast a vote for captain. have- mingled with the other people;Russell has been rated by many crit-• they might have been the king's min­ics as the best quarterback in the con- isters; they might have been lawyersference and in one selection was for the people; but the king andnamed captain of the all conference every phase of the soeiety was Span­team. His spectacular runs and good ish. The Jews learned the Spanishgeneralship were feature� of the Chi- language, but they did not adopt thecago team's during the past season. national spirit; they could assimilateCoach Stagg has declared him to be the prevalent culture, but not thein a class with Eckersall and Steffen, people. They - �eTe really foreign­two of the greatest generals that the ers in the country, inasmuch as theywest has ever possessed. were never an integral part of theComes From Oak �ark. population."The new leader comes from Oak Excluded From Government."The jews," continued Mr. Neu­Park high school where he starred athalfback for three years on national man, "had to remain entirely out of. the governmental system. T. heychampionship eleven. When. Russell .could as little have be. en part of theentered Chicago he was put at thequarter position on the freshman var- government as they could have beensity squad and was responsible for the part of the church, The king deter-mined their status and their exist­majority of scores againt the Varsitymen. His long end runs and forward ence depended upon his good-will,However, they had to have somepassing ability marked him as a man form of government. It would haveof Varsit>: calibre.. been too extravagant and over-.. Russell is a member of Delta Kappa elab h' divid '1Epsilon -and hasbeen elected t��- --'"+"" Ota��.J�_ .!!£2!1_.!...� .� __ �lst�:I£.�:_.The best �y was f()� tt.e ] e�s toretain their autonomy, while the kingcould make his exactions. Widepowers of. initiative were d�.�gate<\to the ��cial$. Freedom � givento �e ���h��tie� to meet rising ex­i�en��$. I � w�s a b�rrie4ly con-strueted o�izatiQn, the parts Ioose­WiLLIAMS TQ B.� PREAC�ER ly joined, and depending upon theCOIl��io�� w�ich' caused i� rise toBishop of Michigali Will DeHftI' hold it t�gether�"�on Sunday. In �is preliminary remarks, Dr'.Neuman stated that Spain was thehome of Jewish science, medicine,mathematics, poetry, and otherbranches of learning. "Th� Sp�nish­jewish philosophers furnished thematerials for, and were the teachersof, the present European philoso­phers.· In tbe astron�mical field, theSpanish Jews were extremely h�lpfulto Columbus in his discoveries. In­deed, the question has been raisedwhether Columbns might have beena Jew. Royal deCrees, but no deci­sions of the courts were consideredlegal. Th� J �s believed that lawsbelonged to the king and not to thenation. The nation, in their opinion,was a third party."LaDda H"l8toriaD.Dr. Neuman lauded Graetz for hishistorical wpr1c, but lamented his ab­sence of treatment of the social life.He is himself 'the author of a volumeon the social life of the medievalSpanish-Jew. This book will soonbe published. Dr. Neuman is ma1dnga tour of Western colleges. His iten­erary includes the Universities ofMichigan, 111inois, Minnesota, andMissouri.RUSSELL TO CAPTAIN1915 FOOTBALL TEAMStar Quarterbaek Is Chosen toLead Eleven-Was PickedOn All-Conference and Iron Mask. the sophoalOreapel juwor class societies. He playeda prominent part in the Blackhiarproductions for the past two :Jarsand is a' member of the UniversityGlee club. •.Dr. Charles David Williams, DD.,LLD., Bishop of Michigan, will bethe preacher Sunday morning in Man­del. Bishop Williams was the Uni­versity preacher last Sunday and hasaddressed the students at chapel ex­ercises during the past week.'Dr. Williams is a member of thestanding committee of the Ohio dio­cese and was chaplain of the OhioNational Guard from 1�3 to 1896.He is a member of the board of di­rectors of the library of Cleveland,Bishop Williams is also the author of"A Sta�di�g Cb�stianity for Today.""En Wagon," tlie play recentrypresented at a French club meeting,�n be given before the Ffench clubof the Hyde Park high school today.The cast consis't� of Elsa Freeman,Cedric Strohm, and Stellan Windrow.Gilkey to Ad� League.Rev. Dr. Charles W. Gilkey willspeak on "Col1ege Women in Reli­gion" at the regular meeting of theLeague today at 10:15 in Lexing­ton 14 ..WU1 Enter West Polat.Thoma. Kern, '18, has received anappointment from Representativ�Manll to atteud West Point, the gOv­emmellt military .��l at W�tPoi�t, N. Y. He win euter the instl­tudo� in June. DESCRIBES SPANISH JEW TELLS OF DISCOVERYOF NINTH SATELUTEDr. Ni,*eJson Describes Photo­graphing of SecondaryPlanet of Jupiter.OTHER SCIENTISTS LECTUREDiscuss Research Work in Fields ofBotany, Chemistry, Bacteriol­ogy, and Mathematics.The discovery of a ninth satelliteof Jupiter was discussed by Dr. S. B.Nicholson, of the University of Cali­fornia, in a lecture yesterday morn­ing at lO:30 in' Botany 13 at the finalsession of the National Academy ofSciences. The satellite was discov­ered by means of photographs madewith the Crossley reflector of theLick observatory on July 21 and 22of this year. These photographswere secured in order to determinepositions of the eighth. satellite."The ninth satellite was found inthe same photographic field as theeighth," said Mr. Nicholson. "How­ever, the new object is much fainterthan the eighth, being estimated atabout the nineteenth magniture. Ad­ditional observations were secured inAugust and September. The prelim­inary orbit, computed under Mr.Leuschner's direction, shows that theorbital motion is retrogade, that thefirst estimate of the period is .approx­imately three years, and that theother elements of the orbit are simi­lar to those of the eighth satellite." •D� Radial Velocities..-:rr��. J. c, Kapteyn, of the Uni­versity of Groningeri, and Prof. W .S� Adams, of Mount Wilson .Solar.o'bs��tory, �. 'di�coursed" on' . "Rela-l���� B,etWeen Proper ¥�C:)D� andRadial. Velocities of Stars of VariousSpeci�l TyPes." They 'declared thatradial velocities furnish ';i' thoroughtest of the stal" stream theory, andthat the radial velocities of the starsof the smaliest proper motions showthe effects of the two star streamsWi'�h �h� �e certainty as ��ose ofthe other stars; They asserted thatfor �il '�e ·sp��tral classes, the aver­age radial velocities show a regularincrease V(ith the proper proportion,but that such a change of radial ve­locity: is a necessary consequence ofa velocity distribution' diff�rent fromthat given by Maxwell's law: It' wasalso stated that some positive Indi­Cation's of a change of radial velocitywith absolute magniture have beenfound, the brighter stars movingmore slowly than the fainter stars.Prof. Frank Rattray Lillie, Chi­cago, presented a paper on "The Fer­tiHziDg Power of Sperm Dilutions.""Spermatozoa," he declared, "may beperfectly mobile after 1059 of fertil­izing power. Their iIleffec:tiveuess istherefore due to loss of a necessarysubstance. This is a confirmation ofthe postulate, for which all experi­mental proof has hitherto been lack­ing� that the .fertilizing power of�permatozoa is due to a definite sub­stance. The spermatic substance inquestion represents the 'sperma-re­ceptors' of my theory of fertiliza­tion."BJiss and Moulton Speak."A Theorem Concerning GeodesicTriangles" was discussed by Prof.Gilbert Ames Bliss, of the Univer­sity. He gene�lized upon a theoremof Gauss concerning such triangles.His paper was concerned with tbedescription of the invariants and de­duction of a theorem correspondingto that of Gauss. Prof. Forest RayMoulton, Chicago, read "An Exten­sion of the Process of Successive�pproximations for the Solutio" of� Continued OD pace 4)Dr. Neuman Tells Position of Racein Medi� Spain-Saya JewsWer� Not Integrai Part of Popu­lation.WiDiams is Chapel Speaker. .Bishop Williams, of Detroit, willspeak at the Divinity school chapeltoday in �as�ell 'at �O:I?A� Board �sD lleet.The Advisory board cf the W. A.A. will meet today at 3 iq th"e Neigh-borhoOd roo�. .�1Jr Daily Slaronn -1Official Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished morninca. except Sunday_d Konday. during the Autumn. Win­ter and Spring quarters. by The DallyKaroon ata1L• I: .. G. W. Cottingham., •. Mana�ng EditorC. A. Birdsall and R. P. Ma.tthews........................ Business Managers;. !�. ,. F. R. Kuh, night editor; E. Retick­er and H. R. Swanson, day editors;J. J. Donahoe, athletics editor.Associate EditorsEarl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deutsch Nicholas LentzAlta Fisher Bernard NewmanEntered sa second-ctasa mall at theChicago Postotfice. Chicago. IlL. Karch13, 1908. under Aet of March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES$2 a year, if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter;by mail, $3 a year; $125 a quarter..i,·1,!d• II: IA'-;·i!. tIt; CONGRATULATIONS TORUSSELL.The Daily Maroon wishes to con­gratulate Paul Russell on his electionas captain of the 1915 football team.For. two years Russeli has directedthe Varsity, last year to a Conferencechampionship, and this year througha disastrous season, when there wasevery chance in the world for a manto lose his nerve and enthusiasm andgive up. In his Freshman year hewas one of the star members of theFreshman squad. To a man who hasworked as hard and as consistentlyand who has shown as much deter­mination, grit and good judgment ashe has, all praise is due. DirectorStagg has declared that Russell rankswith Eckersall and Steffen as one ofthe three great Chicago quarterbacks.The men on the team have selectedhim their leader. Both honors aregrea tly deserved.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12.Telephone Midway 800.Clarke- McElroy Publishing Compa.D71%19 Cottage Grove Ave. lllc1way 3i36THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914.(IIl,:, ;i:In11 :I', �,�� ,II,I.I:t:I.iIIIitiIll Newsboys leave their papers un­watched for hours and never lose acent. No one would .think of stealingan apple when passing a fruit standsimply because the vendor has step­ped away for a moment or so. TheDaily Maroon cannot leave its paperson a table in the office without : thirtyor more copies being stolen everyday. The Daily Maroon cannot leaveits "copy paper" lying loose in theoffice without a large supply beingtaken by outsiders.Subscribers of The Maroon com­plained that when they came to callfor their papers at the office therewere no copies left. One morningthe circulation manager asked eachperson who came to take a paper ifhe had subscribed. Thirty admittedthat th�y had not. .It is inconceivable that the level ofhonesty among students' at the Uni­versity is lower than among the gen­eral public. And yet some reasonmust be offered for this thievery-asit actually is-of the papers. Theonly way we can salve our studentbody concsicncc is to assume thatthese persons do not realize the seri­ousness of their offense. The Ma­roon is a business pr oposi tion run bystudents :,0<1 any losses 111\1St he de­irayed by these students. If someof their fellows persist in taking- thepapers which do not belong to them,they deprive the ri�htful owners oftheir papers, force The Maroon tohave more papers than necessaryprinted-at an increased expense­and also help to give the paper a"black eye" among the subscribers.\Vith these serious results, it is ap­parent immediately that the offenseSTUDENT HONESTY.. \. THE DAlLY.IlAJtOON. THURSDAY. DBCEIIBU 10. 1114.also becomes serious. If the steal­ing continues, it can only be assumedthat the student body is harboringsome individuals of such a low stan­dard of honesty that police methodsalone will cope with them.COMMUNICATION.To Graduate Students.To the Editor:-:-In view of the fact that successfulgraduate gatherings were held lastyear, many desires have been ex­pressed that arrangements be madeto continue such functions.Therefore, the Y. W. C. L. and Y.M. C. A. suggest that the membersof each department choose a repre­sentative who shall act on a socialcommittee, representing all graduatedepartments. This committee will ar­range for a party for graduate stu­dents in the Winter quarter, and abeach party in the Spring, or suchother activities as the committee maydesire.The Y. W. C. L. invites these rep­resentatives to meet Thursday, Dec.17, at 5 in the League room, to be­come acquainted and make plans.We hope that every department willbe represented in this movement to­ward good spirit and sociabilityamong graduate men and women.Kate F. Scott.Frederick B. Plummer.SECOND WAR LECTURESCHEDULED FOR TODAY"Pan-Germanism and Chauvinism" toBe Discussed By Huth-WillDefine Terms."Pan-Germanism and Chauvinism"will be the subject of a lecture by IAssistant Prof. Huth, of the Historydepartment, today at 4:30 in Mandel. .This will be the second lecture of theseries to be presented by the facul­ties of the Social Science departmentconcerning the causes, elements, andprobable results of the Europeanwar.Mr. Huth will define and distin­guish between the legitimate and im­perialistic policy of the German gov­ernment and extreme radical and irre­sponsible "Pan-Germanism" whichdoes not reflect the spirit of the Ger­man people;Will Explain Mutual Jealousy.He will also point out, that whilethere are a few smalf societies inGermany that profess moderate doc­trines of German expansion, thegreat majority of outspoken utter­ances of unattached 'radicals, un­guarded and irresponsible as theyare, arouse' the suspicions of othernations, and lead to high tension andmutual jealousy,The last lecture of the series tobe given this quarter will be deliv­ered next Thursday by AssistantProf. Read, who will speak on "TheTriple Alliance and the Triple En­tente.-WILL ENTERTAIN CHILDRENLeague and Neighborhood Clubs toGive Christmas· Party.I ris Spohn and Emily Bury of theLeague and Florence Heacock andMarion Hicks of the Neighborhoodclubs will have charge of the League­Neighborhood Christmas party whichwill he given December 16 in theN cighborhood rooms.Fifty children from the settlement'will be guests of the organizations.A ten-foot Christmas tree will be pur­chased for the affair. Helen Adamswill be Santa Claus. The Euka lalicclub will give a vaudeville sketch with:-peci:d features includ in c a jurnpinjr­.i;�ck dance by Marrrar ct Killen.Ca n d y and toys will he distributedamong- the children.To Speak on "The Critic."Mr. Karleton Hackett will speak on"The Critic" at the second meetingof the Home and Education depart­ment of the University High SchoolParents' association today at 3 inEmmons Blaine 214. Tea will beserved after the lecture. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM# PLANNED FOR PARTYSo Says HelcD Ricketts-Rumor Baait That Opera Star WinSine.Dean and Mrs. Boynton, MissElizabeth Wallace, and Miss Ger­trude Dudley will be the guests ofhonor at the Senior party to be 'heldtomorrow at 3:30 at the Delta KappaEpsilon fraternity house, 5754 Wood ..lawn avenue.According to Helen Ricketts, whohas charge of the entertainment, avery attractive program has beenplanned. The feature, it is rumored,will be a selection by one of the starsof the Century Grand Opera com­pany, now at the Auditorium.Then there will be readings byFrank O'Hara and Yetta Milkewitch,a xylophone exhibition by ReginaldCastleman. and several solos by Wil­liam \Viser.Keep List Secret.The list of refreshments has notbeen made public. Margaret Fentonis caring for that end of the affairand promises some good "eats."Someone has whispered that therewill be taffy apples on the table. Atany rate, one can rest assured thatthey will have plenty of good thingsto masticate. Raymond Bohnen andHilda MacClinaock, who have gen­eral charge of the party, say so. Andthey also promise a good time foreverybody that comes.BEGIN PRACTICE FORINTERCLASS SEASONGames Will Start First Week of Win­ter Quarter-Will Decide TwoChampionships.Many basketball players are outdaily practicing for the interclass sea­son which will begin the first week ofthe Winter quarter. So great is theinterest displayed by the players inthe coming series that one of the mostsuccessful years in the interclass sportis predicted by Coach Page.The first Freshman team, winnersof last year's championship; will notbe in the race this year as most ofthe men are out for the Varsity squad,thus becoming ineligible for the inter­class league. This year's freshmenare regarded as strong contenders inview of Coach Page's statement thatthey have one of the strongest squadsthat ever entered .the institution .. TheLaw school team, runners-up in lastyear's games, will also have a strongaggregation, a majority of their oldmen being back.Rules for the play will be practical­ly the same as last year, No manwho is a member of the Varsity squador who has won his numerals in bas­ketball \\;11 be eligible for the league.Two championships will be decided:class and University. Only the fourclass teams will contest for the firstprize 'while all teams from any of theUniversity branches will compete forthe University championship. Teamswill be entered by the Law, Divinity,and Medical schools and by the fourclasses."ILLEGAL MINSTRELS"FE�TURE LAW SMOKERSerious. Part qf PrOIRlD IncludesCourt Trial-Professors GiveArguments of CouncilThe "Illegal Minstrels," written byA mold Bliss and Robert Guenther.was the feature of the twelfth an­nual Law school smoker held lastnight in the Reynolds club. O. A.Sinkie entertained the embryo law­::crs with a colored preacher sermon.\Villian; Wise gave a vocal selectionand J. H. S. Harris rendered an ex­l.ihit ion of quick cartooning,The serious part of the' programW;1S arranged in the form of a courttrial, Ralph Swanson, president ofthe Law School council, presentingthe opening statement. The exam­ination of witnesses was carried onby George Morris, William Butler,and Fisher Harris. Dean Hall andProfessors Mechem. Hinton, Bigelow,Moore, Freund,' Cook, and Oliphantgave the argument of the council. WILLARD THEATRE51st and Calumet Avenue, Opposite"51st "L" StationGrace Hayward Stock Co.ALL TH IS WEEK S�::��d��:htTense and Exciting Play I"THEDEEP PURPLE"There is a punch to it you cannot escape.Every Night 8.15 P. M .• 25-35-500Mat., Thurs. Sat. &: Sun.; 10 - 25c•Just the richestand purest of chocolateWilburbudsMade to meltIn themouth-and do!The buds are crudely imitated, hutthe Wilbur way cannot be dupli­cated. For convenience AS\( for"Wilburbuds" - the fu 11 na m e is"Wilbur's Chocolate Buds" (trade-mark registered U. S. Patent Office).Ten .DeS twent,.·ft'\'e cent poc:klltpackaares: lorty and ch:hty Ct:ntfancy !;:):::!S. Sav them whne-ner eood candy fa soJd.H. O. Wilbar & SoDS I8corponleIlPlWadelplU, ra...,-FILBEY AND LEAVITTATI'END SESSION INRICHMOND TOMORROW TIIlt DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1914. .. !",'" ..Emery Filbey, instructor in Shop­work at the University High School.and Frank Mitchell Leavitt. associateprofessor of Industrial Education,will attend the convention of the Na­tional Society for the Promotion ofI ndustrial Education, to be held to­morrow at 'Richmond, Va.. r-· IARRow'I TANGOII SHIRTS---------------------------are an evening dressnecessity.The bosoms aretucked I puffed, plea­ted or "mushroom."$2.00 and upCluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. MakersPRINCESS Lb.Thn.I:Sat.THE SUCCESS OFALL SUCCESSFULSUCCESSESKITTY MACKAYwithMOLLY MciNTYREAND ENTIRE ORIGINAL CAST$1.00 MAT. THURS.QUARTERBACKI. dieFOOTBALL GAME FOR THEHOME .Play Quarterback aDdBoost FootbaDAt, your cIeaIen orOLYMPIA GAMES COMPANYOIICAGO. UJ..BEST HAND LAUNDRY1"' E. U'" Sbwt.. TeL JI74e Park 1715Special priee arrangementsmay be made for houseaccounts.Wagon Calls EverywhereSTETSON UNIVERSITY.DelaDd, Florida.Pres. Lincoln Hullev •. A. B .• Harvard;Ph. D .. Univ. of Chi� Four c:ol­� five sehools, 17 bui1� 60 infaculty. 15 Can!egie units required toenter colleRe of Literal Art&. Land ofblue skies. summer weather-. out ofdoors recreation all winter· 10ft windsfrom the sea; music of dae �birds in the orange grove.. HigheStcollege standards. A � plaCe tostudy the winter term. send forcatalogue.JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery. Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies.956 E. 55th St., Chicago, mImported and Domesticline ofCIGARS and CIGARETTESBUY YOUR SMOKESan"G EN T S· FUR N' S H IN G SatCOWHEY'SS. E. Cor. 55th St. and Elli. Ay ••..t Several members of the Universityfaculties will continue their series oflectures being given under the aus­pices of the University Lecture associ­ation next week in the different cen­ters of the city.Assistant Prof. Read will continuehis series on "The Historical Develop­ment of France" with a lecture en­titled "Napoleon." Monday night inthe Fullerton avenue Presbyterianchurch, Ful1erton avenue and Hamil­ton court. The same night in Scovilleinstitute, comer Lake street andGrove avenue, Oak Park, Associate'Prof. Goode will lecture on "Whenthe Coal is Gone; What Then?" in hisseries on "Our Natural Resources."Mr. Edward Howard Griggs of NewYork will deliver a lecture on "TheProtest Against Yielding to Fate;Calderon's Life is a Dream" in the"Dramas of Protest" series on Tues­day at 4 in the Fne Arts theater, 410So. Michigan avenue. Associate Prof.Cowles' will continue his course on"Our Native Landscapes and TheirMeaning" with a lecture entitled "TheMountains" on Tuesday night at theAbraham Lincoln center, Langley ave­nue and Oakwood boulevard. Prof.Forest Ray Moulton will give an il­lustrated lecture on "The SiderealUniverse" Saturday night at the West. End Woman's club, 37 So. Ashlandboulevard.CONTINUE SERIES OF DRAMATIC CLUB WILLLECTURES NEXT WEEK PRESENT THREE PLAYSRead Will Gift Talk OD "Napoleon"-eo.les to Speak on -rileMountaina."DEMOCRACY TO BE FEATUREWells Says Flowers and Carriagesare not Necessary. Will Giev Short Sketches DealingWith Present Day ProblemsSaturday Night."Rada" by Alfred 'Noyes, and "Justas Well" and "Happiness" by J. Hart­Icy Manners, three short plays deal­ing with present day problems, wiltbe presented by the Dramatic clubSaturday night at 8:30 in the Rey­nolds club theater. "Rada" shows thetragedies which war brings to wo­men; "Happiness" treats of the com­prehensive happiness of rich andpoor; and "Just as Well" comprisesa series of amusing adventures of anengaged couple.Admission to the plays will be byinvitation only. The managementhas requested that bouquets for theparticipants be omitted.The cast of characters follows:"Rada."Rada Yetto MilkewitchSuhka, 11�" daughter .................. Treva MatthewsNanko Frank O'HaraSoldiers .......................•... Dunlap Clark, Frederick Byerly"Happiness."Philip Chandos Leon GendronFritz Scowcraft "Francis SherwinMrs. Chrystal-Pole Louise MickJenny Dorothy Fenton"Just as Well"Doleen Sweetmarch Phyllis FayMrs. Carfex Iris SpohnMaid Margaret HessCaptain Trawbridge ................. James Dyrenforth -"Rah!F or the Bradley"-the college man's sweater. Thiek, heavy and.warm-smart, snug fitting and well tailored. Willoutlast the college course.The Bradley Sweater as lllustrated-a fine, all arounddependable sweater that will stand all you can give it. andmore. Th� Bradley Navajo Shaker has a Navajo borderdeftly knitted in collar and around bottom In your collegecolors.If your dealer doesn't sell Bradley Sweaters.write us for the names of dealers who do. Make astand for a "Braclley";_it will pay you.FLOWERS FOR THE FORMALWe suggest one of our new FanArrangements to replacethe timeworn corsages.57 EAST MONROE STREETPHONES:Randolph 1799 and 6696YOUR TELEPHONE WILL BRING YOU THE BEST OF SERVICEAND FLOWERS.C[ The idea of arrang­ing a few choice flow­ers with an open fan,originated with us andhas proven very popu­lar.BOHANNON·FLORAL<D�paign, Saturday evening. Pleasereturn to Mrs. Marifield, 5626 Kim­bark Ave.LOST-IN HARPER LIBRARY,a black and white silk muffler. Re­turn to Maroon office and receivereward. .. ...A spirit of democracy wilt pervadethe Reynolds club formal dance to­morrow night. This was the state­ment of President Sam Wells, who an­nounced that men attending the dance.need not .send flowers or supply car­riages for their partners. .Lewis Fuick's orchestra will- fur­nish the music, which will beginpromptly at 8:30. The chaperoneswill be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brokaw,Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Millikan, Mr.and Mrs. Dudley B. Reed, Mr. andMrs. Trevor Arnett, Mr. and Mrs.Conyers Reed, Mr. and Mrs. RobertMorse Lovett, and Mr . and Mrs. Gil­bert A. Bliss. Entertain Neighborhood Women.The Northeast Neighborhood clubwill give a party to all Neighborhoodwomen today at 4 in the Neighbor­hood rooms. Helen Johnson �1DdDorothy Davis witl give severalHawaiian songs. Refreshments willbe served.STUDENT REBATE TICKETSfor "Kitty MacKay," now playingat the Princess Theater, may be ob­tained in halls and dormitories.LOST - BRACELET, CAMEO,between Cottage Grove and Ken­wood Aves., Sunday, Dec. 6th.. Keepsake. Reward, Room 54,Greenwood Hatl.JEWELRY MAKING-A COURSEof instruction . especially adaptedfor teachers--five mornings a week-for information and terms ad­dress Idelle Kidder, 1029 Fine ArtsBld�. Phone Wabash 8054.FOR SALE - UNDERWOODtypewriter No.4, in best condition.Howard Ellis, 5125 Kimbark Ave.WANTED-TWO CHICAGO SYM­phony Orchestra season tickets per­manently for Friday afternoons.Witl pay the subscriber sufficientamount to replace with two seasontickets for Saturday evening con­certs and such premium as may bemutually agreed upon. Answer byletter or telephone, stating pricedesired and location of seats. E.R. Goble, 1500 Hayworth Bldg.Phone Randolph 160.LOST-A GOLD WATCH IN BIO­lovical Library, Cobb Hall, or be­tween the two bnildincs. Finderr-lcasc notify R. Friant. 5630 Wood­lawn Avc. Phnnc H. P. 267�. q See them in our dis­play windows, atFOR RENT - PLEASANT OUT­side furnished rooms. Young menpreferred. Ncar the surface cars,elevated, and I. C. 6126 .Dorches­ter Ave. Phone Blackstone 2035. chester. Phone Hyde Park 69�0.Fourth apartment.SUITE FOR RENT - SITTINGroom and hedroom facing NormalPark. Private family; adjoiningbath. private entrance. One or twogentlemen preferred. Newly deco­rated and furnished. Inquire Man­chester. 354 Normal Parkway.LOST-SILVER BAR PIN WITHletters of Delta Gamma in center.Return to M. C. Moses, Informa­tion office.FOR RENT-TWO FRONT STUDENT REBATE· TICKETSrooms. Two gentlemen or couple.$4 week, $15 month. Steam heataDd hot water. Apply 5717 Dor-CLOSE CONTEST FOR�'CAMPUS FOLLIES" .LIBRETTOS TOMORROWThe contest for librettos for the"Campus Follies," to be. presented bythe \V. A. A., wi11 close tomorrownight. Contestants have been askedto submit all manuscripts to DorothyLlewellyn. Skits and vaudeville num­bers will be solicited later. The lyricsand music will be written after theplay has been selected. Mrs. FlintMiss Wayman, and Mr. Boynton wil1judge the manuscripts.STliDE�TS' REBA TF. TICK ETSmay now he obtained for "UnderCOWf." nlavir.rr at Geo. �{. Cohan'sGT:l!lri Opera HOt1�e.for "Kitty MacKay.", now playingat the Princess Theater, may be ob­tained in halls and dormitories.Freshmen Wall Give Smom.Freshmen will hold their first smok­er of the quarter tomorrow night atthe Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternityhouse, 5817 Kenwood avenue.Florence Heacock is Chairman.Florence Heacock was chosen chair­man of the Entertainment committeeappointed Tuesday at a business meet­ing of Harpsichord. Th c committee.which is to arrange a program forn cx t quarter, consists of MarionHicks, Helen Johnstone. BlancheFurth, and Florence Thayer.Shepardson to Address Club.Prof. F. \V. Shepardson will he thespeaker at the meeting of the Gradu­ate History club tonight at 8 at thehome of Assistant Prof. Reed, 5317Greenwood avenue. He witt tell ofhis recent experiences in the Philip­pines. TO RENT-ONE ROOM, WELLheated and lighted, $8 per month.A 1�0 larez'e front room suitable fortwo; 3 windows. House; board op­tional. 5759 Dorchester Ave.LOST - A BLACK MARTENneckpiece, on special from Cham-.{.1;� II, II: ;" � :. !, .: I.... ': � ,.... :" !irf:.IIIr .,�i, Jttti!j1I...�. T,,_. p�I�'( �AROO�. THURSDAY, DBCBllBBR 10. 1914.Tee Up! Smoke Up!4 S satisfying as the soundio.� smack of the perfect drive, ISthe open-air relish of the perfectsmoke-Tuxedo. Both go together!too.. When �ou grab your bag andstart for the links, grab up your tin N.fso�-&���oa.f T d d k . 1 1911 to 1913o uxe 0 an ta e It a ong. .-PlII« Srnoltln. ,loa"Follow through" the snapPf after- eJJeJpleaure to a �er. h T d . .Men lite pipe LJ fiUeJ riJitAnoon Wit uxe o. Put uxedo TcaeJo. TuXedo PftICitlain your pipe and you will "put" the DIOIC ltecn enjoyment thanbest. And at "the nineteenth hole" .. other IoIJacco IltnocD."rest up and relax with a good, solid (j/a,�smoke of Tuxedo. That's the ad- r� .vice of good golfers everywhere.Tuxedo positively cannot hite-noteven If you smoke pipeful afterpipeful, as many as you can crowdmto a day or a week.Tuxedo is made of only the finestchoicest, selected leaves of perfectlyaged Burley tobacco. It is made bythe original" Tuxedo Process"which removes �very trace of bite andsting and develops all the wonderfulmildness, fragrance and flavor of theBurley Leaf in a way that 00 otherbrand of tobacco has ever success­fully imitated.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO poach. 5 Famoaa creen tin. 10in'!.r-li".d with C willa .roW Mtt-a.c. Cat It o-paoafpaper aDYed to rat pocketIn CiGA Humidor.. SOc and 90cFREE Send us 2 cents in stamps for post­age and 'We will mail you a souvenir. tin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the United States. Addres. .THE AMERICAN TQBACCQ COMPANYRoom 1299 III Fifth Avenue New York ALEX CAMPBELLCoantry Club.Brookline. Mass.• -I am alrJJaYs .latl to� a gooJ IDOrtl for T fa­do tobacco. Corulanl rueof II only SffV� to m� if6dler lilcetl. lis fragrant.soothing Jlooor m� it thecItoice of many pJers •••0Lr*Do You Think You Will Ever Look Back onCoUege Days?BOUND VOLUMEOF THEDAILY MAROONIt fo�ms a "�ay to day" recordof what is happening; it gives youin a permanent form a completeresume of your own activities.You can obtain this invaluable record forthe bare cost of the Maroon and binding.Three Reasons WHiAi°l'T Stw�D Men's Commons1st. Good Food PrGpedy Ceeked.·2ad. 0- .. _ 0. Motto. I-.-t tile KIteIa ..Int. �� .. � , .. ilia. 'QaaIlQ "-I.C1�.::-rL!' �uP. MUSIC Cafe=:t�UllCh TELLS' OF DISCOVBRYOF NINTII SATELLITE(Coatbuaecl from pace I,Differential Equations." The pro­cesses defined in his paper apply to avery general class of differentialequations; they are convenient inpractice and they furnish the solu­tion with any prescribed accuracy inan arbitrary part of the domain of itsexistence. "With the exception,"said Mr. Moulton, "of the Cauchypolygon process, which is not ofpractical value, the existing methodsof solving differential equations have,in general, only 'a limited domain ofapplicability. The range of the in­dependent variable for which the so­lution exists is not known in advance.but the process enables one to deter­mine when he is safely within thatrange."Julius Stieglitz, director of labora­tories, Chicago, read "Molecular Re­arrangements of TriphenylmethylDerivatives." He stated that studyof these derivatives has been plannedto shed light on the classical rear­rangement of oximes, alkyl azids, andalkyl halogen amides. He outlinedthe four directions into which theinvestigation has developed. Assist­ant Prof. William Crocker and J. F.Groves, of Chicago, explained "AMethod of Determining the Life Du­ration of Seeds." They offered sev­eral reasons for the loss of viabilityin seeds and told their method oftesting the hypothesis that such lOISof viability is due to a slow coagula­tion of cell protein of the embryo.They stated that two points of tech­nique deserve special mention, themethod of maintaining the constanthigh temperature and the method ofsterilizing the seeds for germination."If the hypothesis and methodprove tenable they will be of greateconomic significance in making pos­sible a quantitative statement of long­evity as influenced by the factors ofmoisture content and temperature,"was the idea advanced by these men.Lcc�es �� �acterla.Prof. Edwi� Oakes Jordan, Chi­cago. gave "Variation in Bacteria."He distinguished between true muta­tions and the more or less permanentadaptive modifications evoked inbacteria by definite environmentalstimuli. He told the effects of theacclimatization upon bacteria andbrought out specific instances of theextent of variation in a given direc­tion and of the plasticity of a pureline strain."The Nature of Nerve Impulse"was the subject of a paper by ShiroTashiro, instructor at Chicago. H�gave several prevalent theories of thenature of nerve impulse. He saidthat' the nerve impulse was probablya propagated chemical change, thepropogation being due to restoringthe equilibrium which was disturbedfirst at the point of stimulus.�zp1ains Classic Problem..Prof. Moore, head of the Mathe­matics department, read "The Inte­gration by Successive Approxima­tions." He spoke on the classicproblem of integration of a simulta­neous system. His general treatmentcovered the classical case and, for ex­ample, certain types of infinite simul­taneous systems of differential and ofintegro-differential equations.The business session of .the Aced­emy was held at 9:30 in Botany 23.The Academy closed its conventionwith a luncheon at the Quadrangleclub at 1.Install W. A. A. Officers.New officers of the W. A. A. wereinstalled at a meeting Tuesday after­noon in Lexington. A report of theactivities of the Association for theactivities of the Assoication for thepast year was read.To Giye Dlustrated Lecture.Mme. Carlet Bnanting will give an il­lustrated lecture in Norwegian at 'themeeting of the Scalldiaavian dub to­night at 8 in Cobb 12 A. Her subjectject will be "Norwegian Antiquitiesand Old Cas�� 1 The DeWRoyalPrice $100,125_c.-.Ia ..\The Herald of Better ServiceTN the arena of "Big Business" has appeared.J.. a new steel-brained champion, the Master­�elofthe Royal-the machine with the rapid­fire action; the typewriter that fires letters asan automatic gun spits bullets IUnless you are "Royalized, • you are paying the priceof the Royal withOut knoWinI it-besicle3 that 0/ JIOut old­""As aaacAine-in the higher cOst of your business letters.Bqilt lor ..... .meau w �Great AnJU' of &p.t ()per�This master-� does the work of several type­wlima in one-it writes, types cards and bills I The onemac:bine does it crll-without any "special" attachments.Get tile Faetal-SeaclIor the -Ro,al man" an� ask :or. DEMONSTRATION... ,0 ... �e oew machine that �kea CJe "erind·' oat of type­writing. Or -write us dinict for our now brochure, •• BETT£.R... � "and book of facts on Touch Typing -with. handaomo�ph of the new Royal Maatc:r-�, -:del 10, aent freetolJpewdta aeera. "Write n�ht r.It',":aOY�� TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Ilte-c 8 Ii. - Monroe St. Vorley Wricht. Macr.�... ..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• � •••• � •• 4.� ••• ' •••••••• t.. TEREsA S. DOLAN . ii'Vlce-Prealdent of the InternaUonal 4UOClaUOil IIutenI of DaDcIaS.Member Chicago Dancing KaaW. AuoclaU�D. • . ':"{ ;: .Pupil of Vernon Cnetle. Nonna! School. New York.Chlcag Delegate to Congreu of �cl� SocleUea o� Am--"�' �Standardization of the 'Modern Dance. b�14 m N,w T�r� �2�� �th.DANQINGPRiV ATE OR CLASS LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT·REGULAR CLASSES8:15, Thursday Evening 8:15, SaturdayMtemoon 3 :30, Saturoay Evening 8 to 9Daadae 9 to 12-CANTER FOXTROTStudio, 5361 Cottage Grove AvenueAeademy, 40th Street and Cottage Grove Avea_ tPhone' Kenwood 6147 i"l.... , ...........................................•..•..NOWJlE� ELSE WILL YO\) FIND I VA"UESEQUAL TO OUR ONCE-A-YEAR OFFER.For a limited time we say.-THE P�ICE OF A SUIT INCLUDES AN EXTRA PAIROF TROUSERSThe extra trousers to match the suit or of differentmaterial.We make a special point of offering this extreme ofvalbe in order to flood our work room with orders duringthe between season dull period.We advise your coming in early..LAA�hHA- TAILORr� For Youna MeDThree Stores:-as E. �aeboa Blvd. 7 N. La aa.SL71 Be SI.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVBRTI8BR8..•