latly _arnnnVoL XIIL No. 34. Price Piv" centsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914.Il FRENCH CLUB TO AIDJ RED CROSS soclm'. � Raise Contribution for Freach" and Belgian Refugees-WillI Send Money to Ambassdor.I.1 · ,Preliminary plans for a campaign� 1 to support the work of the French,. : and Belgian Red Cross and other re-,; lief associations were begun at a meet­,'i ing of the French club yesterday in•. Lexington, The club will select a castt:' for the production of a play during the.,' present quarter, and will probably as-" .�. sociate with the Chicago Alliance. Francaise in a course of entertain-.. . .ments.� The contributions raised from the. : refforts of the club members will be1- turned over to the Hon. James Jus-:/ / serand, the French ambassador to the-;. United States. M. Jusserand broughtto the attention of the University or­ganization their ability to take partin the work of caring for the refugees, tJ' and wounded. President Parker, ofM the French club, yesterday received a, -�"", letter urging the Chicago club to take� part in a systematic campaign for the�� •. benefit of the French and Belgians,'which is being organized in the larger,. universities and colleges of the coun­try.WOMEN TO HELP BY SEWINGHundred Yards of Material in Neigh­borhood Room to Be MadeInto Clothes.Club to Aid Relief Fund." �. The University French club will�-prn. the -Ameriean student reF'" !::.nd..04 \ J :a branch of the French relief fund,• and will make its contributions to the. 'of hninister at Washington.\ uThe American Relief fund was.�.I·started by Mme. Jusserand, wife ofI the ambassador of France," says th'eletter received by Park.. "It will. �IJ' offer to the students of American in-stitutions a special opportunity to, � contribute to the relief of the inno-I, cent and helpless victims of the war:, j f; the women and children of France, and Belgium. The resources of the�.. French government have been taxedto the utmost by the expenses of the\ ' war and only scant relief can be given)} to the 37,000,000 people at home."� \.. "The Belgian government, now al.fn refugee in France, is absolutely unable( to aid its sueffrers, a great majorityI.: of whom are dependent on the gener­-osity of the already overburdened• French people. The approach of win­ter makes the need imperative."Sew for Refugees. .One hundred yards of. material\ !bave been placed in the neighbor-(' .\ (Continued on page 4)i. BULLETIN• I. tTODAY.Massmeeting, 10:15, Kent theater.Juni�r Finance committee, 10:15,.Cobb 10 B.( Sophomore Ezecutive committee,t}10:15, Cobb 12 A.I .German Conversation club, 5, Lex­ington 14.Cosmopolitan club, 8, Ellis 18.TOMORROW.ulccti"t;:t uf Uiii.i;r�ity a.. nni bed­ies.Divinity faculty, 9, HaskellLibrary board, 9:30, Harper.Faculty of the Colleges of Art, Lit­erature, and Science, 10, Harper'M 2&.Faculty of the Graduate schools ofArt, Literature, and Science, 11, Har­perM2&. ILLINOIS IS PREP ABEDEnd Scrimmace Wednesday-ZuppkeWithholds Lineup-Macomber IsFormidable Illinois Factor-Popeand Schobinger Ezpecteci to Star.CHAM�AIGN, Nov. 12.�Scrim­mage on Illinois field ended Wed­nesday and the loyal rooters breath­ed a sigh of relief when thCi. last playhad been completed, and it wasfound that the hospital list was stilla minus quantity. Zuppke has in-'sis ted on hard scrimmage work dur­ing the first part of the week, and themotto of the team has been, "Wewon't get burt.". Although Zuppke has not givenany intimation as to what his lineupwill be, there is practically no doubtas to the personnel of the backfield.The combination of lllini whirlwindsis too well known. Clark at quar­ter, Macomber and Pogue at halvesand Schobinger at full, form what ex­perts maintain is the best combina­tion in the West at the present time.Clark, playing his first year of Con­ference football, has displayed re­markable ability in handling theteam. In open field running he is oneof- the best in the West. Althoughnot as fast as Russell, of Chicago, hisdodging is said to be more effective,and his work in the line is one of themain reliances of the I1Uni.Macomber to Be Feared.Bart Macomber, the former OakPark star, is also playing againstChicago for the first time. Macomb­er has shown mainly as a kicker thisyear and his ability in this depart­ment forms one of the big cogs in thedefense. __ He_ should easily outpuntthe Chicago kickers, and his abilityat field goals makes him a big factorin the scoring. Pogue, at the otherhalf, has been shifted from quarter,where he played last year. His openfield running ranks. with Clark's, andthe pair form a remarkable combina­tion. It was Pogue who ran throughthe whole Chicago team for Illinois'sole score last year.Gene Schobinger at fullback: is asteady plunger and is regarded as al­ways being good for three yards. Heis heavy and fast and is playing histhird year of Conference football.According to Zuppke, he is one of(he most reliable fullbacks in the\Vest. NEW DEBATING CLUBWILL BE ORGANIZEDLocal Chapter of Delta SigmaRho to Form Society at Meet­ing Thursday.TO HOLD FINALS TOMORROW REPORT ELEVENTH· HOUR CHANGESIN LINEUP FOR ILLINOIS BATTLEKlxmlller Is Named As Likely Candidate For PositionAt Guard--McConn�1I and AlbertsStill On Sick ListWILL HOLD GIANT IN KENT TODAYMASSMEETINGSignal Drill Features VarsityPractice-Russell and Deslardien Practice Kicking.(By Harry S. Gorgas.)Rumors of eleventh hour changesin the Varsity lineup escaped from thedense cloud of secrecy which envel­oped Stagg field yesterday. DirectorStagg is still casting about to find acapable substitute for the place atguard vacated by McConnell's injuryand Albert's sickness, and Kixrnillerwho has been a utility man for two.years, appears to have been selectedfor the position at the last minute.The "Old Man" is also uncertainabout at least one of his tackle posi­tions and has had substitutes workinghere all week.Kixrniller seems to have the facultyof breaking into a position at the finalhour after working elsewhere all sea­son. For two years he was a changepitcher on the Varsity nine, but lastyear, before the Illinois game, :whenCole hurt his knee and was unable toplay, "Kix" was put in the vacant po­sition and conducted himself in vet­eran style. He has been an all-aroundsubstitute man on the .Varsity foot­ball squad and the Illinois contest willbe his first Varsity game.Uncertain About Tackles.Although there seems to be no rea­son why Director Stagg should re­place either Shull or Jackson, he hasbeen hinting to the reporters latelyto watch the tackle positions, and hasbeen working a number of substituteshere during the signal sessions. BigBob White, who started at guardagainst Wisconsin, appears to be thelogical first substitute, while Fisher,who worked in some of the earliergames, also is a strong candidate.Thus, while the lineup, of the for­ward wall, which was thought to bepractically certain, has apparentlyshifted, the backfield is graduallyrounding into its former appearance.Gray, Flood, Schafer, and Russell, theveteran combinations, have beenworking together regularly in prac­tice, and there seems to be no reasonto believe that the lineup will bechanged again. Gray, of course, maynot last the entire game and, in theopinion of most experts, is certain notto do so. Berger, Coutchie, and Gor­don are all in line for the vacant posi­tion, while Acker is first substitutefullback, although Schafer may bemoved over here if Flood is forced toretire. Members of Team Will Speak­To Try Out New Yell andFootball Song.Pep sessions for the Chicago-Illi­nois game will be started with a bigmassmeeting this morning at 10:15 inKent. "Shorty," "Pete," "Dolly" andall the rest of the Varsity men willbe on hand with individual "dope"about the coming contest.Director Stagg will be unable to at­tend, but he has delegated AssistantCoach Page to take his place. "Pat"saw the Illini play Minnesota, and iswell qualified to tell about the kind ofa team they have. Page also playswith the freshmen against the Var­sity in every scrimmage and knowstheir weak points.To Practice New YelLThe new "U Chicago" yell will bepracticed, as well as all of the oldercheers and songs. Frank Ward has anew song to give to the rooters forthe Illinois game, which will be in­troduced at the meeting. The nameof the song is "Chicago Honor," and itis predicted that it will be adopted asthe regular football tune.Banners have been prepared andwill be carried in the big parade atChampaign. Fifteen hundred paste­board tags will also be distributedamong the rooters. On each side ofthe cards is the slogan of the contest."Chicago's Game." Complete plans, for the parade will be announced atthe massmeeting today. Thle courseof the parade will lead through allthe principal streets of the collegecity.SeD 1,800 Tickets.Only two hundred tickets of thetwo thousand sent up from Cham­paign remain unsold. These will beplaced on public sale this morning.For the benefit of those rooters who'have not yet purchased their railroadtickets, the Illinois Central has an­nounced that excursion rate ticketswill be on sale at the Twelfth streetstation Saturday morning before thespecial starts.Have Veteran Line.\Vith five veterans in the line andtwo newcomers who have shown re­markable ability, the Illini are strong­ly fortified in this department. Cap­tain Chapman is rated as one of theforemost guards in this section, andhis side partner, Watson, at center isalso a good man. Armstrong at­tackle, and Derby and Graves at endcomplete the list of veterans.Graves, who came out late, has boost­ed the Orange and Blue stock in hisdepartment.The new men in the line are Squire,who alternates at end, Stuart at rightguard, and Petty and Nelson, whoare used at left tackle. Besides hisregular quartet in the backfield,Zuppke has a second combination ofWagner, Pethybridge, Rue, and Beal,who form a speedy combination.Miss Che Chi Wang spoke on thework of the Y. \V. C. A. in China yes­terday afternoon in Lexington. MissWang is at present a graduate studentin the University. This talk was thelast of the series given this week onthe work of the Y. W. C. A. in theOrient. Twelve Candidates Will Contest forPlaces on Debating Teams­Have Four Squads.A new University debating societywill be organized next week under theauspices of the local chapter of DeltaSigma Rho, the' national honorarydebating fraternity. This decision wasreached at the weekly meeting ofDelta Sigma Rho yesterday morningin the court room of the Law build­ing.The new society will be open to allundergraduates in the University.Pow Wow, the old freshman debatingclub, has gone out of existence, andFencibles, the sophomore society, hasdecided not to reorganize this year.The organization to be formed nextweek will not be based on classes.The meeting for organizing the newsociety will be held Thursday at 10:15in the court .room of the Law build­ing. All students interested havebeen invited to attend.Hold Finals Tomorrow.Final tryouts for places on theUniversity debating teams will beh�ld tomorrow night at 7:30 in theHarper assembly room. The twelvemen who were selected at the prelim­inaries two weeks ago have been di­vided into four teams, which will de­bate each other at the finals tomor­row .The first contest will be betweenW. H. Veatch, J. G. MacDonald, andHarry Rosenberg, affirmatives, andHomer Hoyt, Frances Boutell, and R.B. Weaver, negatives. The seconddebate will be contested by O. B. An­derson, Reno Reeves, and ChesterDunham, affirmatives, and CliffordBrowder, O. B. Beebe, and M. T. VanHeeke, negatives. The men who willtake part in the second contest willnot be permitted to listen to the firstdebate.Speak Eight Minutes.Each candidate will be allowedeight minutes for constructive ar�-.ment and four minutes for rebuttal.Men will be chosen according to theirindividual ability and merit and notby teams.Six men will be chosen for t�e Var­sity teams, three for the negativesquad and three for the affirmative.Two candidates:will be selected to actas alternates in case of inability ofany of the regulars to appear.To Emphasize Teamwork."It has been my object to make theconditions of the tryout as nearly likethose of the debate as possible," saidCoach Moulton yesterday. "The menwill be given a chance to demon­strate their adaptability to teamwork."The subject for debate is: "Re­solved, That the Monroe Doctrine, asapplied by the United States, shouldhe abandoned as a part of our foreignpolicy."Gronow to Conduct Vespers.Assistant Prof. Hans E. Gronow, ofthe German department, will conductthe student vespers Sunday at 4.Louise Mick will give a responsivereading. Mr. Irving Lamson will g;.JC.a violin cello solo. Have Easy Practice.Yesterday's practice session 'onStagg field progressed smoothly, ac­cording to the methods generally usedon the Thursday before a big game.,:,cnmmagc has been discardedthroughout the week, but even theslightest forms of rough work werecarefully dropped. The freshmenwere kept out until six, illustratingplays, and the Varsity went through .a long signal' drill under the arclights. The new plays came in for the(Continued on page 3) TWENTY-FIVE WOMENNEEDED BY SOCIALSERVICE COMMITTEETwenty-five women are needed bythe Social Service committee for Set­tlement work. The vacancies are insuch subjects as weaving, sewing, andall kinds of hand work, as well .aswomen to direct games and to playfor social dancing. Charts showingthe different vacancies at the settle­ments are posted in Lexington. Any­one interested may apply to HelenCarnes, chairman of the Social Serv-next week from 10:15 to 10:45 in theLeague room,Roth Allen Addresses League.Ruth Allen spoke on "Ethics ofCampus Life" at the weekly meetingof the League yesterday morning inLexington 14.'CHICAGO'S GAME' TO BE SLOGAN AT CHAMPAIGN.:t.'\ " ).�)', ...!fa ....THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1914..mltr Dailg _arDon C(Official Student Newspaper of theUnivenity of ChicagoPubllahed mornlnp. except SundayaDd Monday. durlnc the Autumn. Win­ter and Spring quarters. by The Da.ll7Maroon .ta1LG. W. Cottingham .... ManaiPng EditorG. K. Shaffer ... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... News EditorC. A. Birdsall and R. P. Matthews........................ Business ManagersF. R. Kuh, night editor; E. Reticle­er and H. R. Swanson, day editors;J. J. Donahoe, athletics editor.Assoc:iate EditorsEarl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deutsch Nicholas LentzAlta Fisher Bernard NewmanEntered as second-class mall at theChicago PostotIlce, Chicago, Ill .• March13. 1908, under Act of March 3. 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES$2 a year, if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter;by mail, $3 a year; $125 a quarter.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12.Telephone Midway 800.Clarke- McElroy Publlshlng CompaD71219 Cottage Grove Ave. :Midway 3935FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914.THE ALUMNI DINNEROn Wednesday evening of nextweek the Chicago Alumni club of theUniversity will give its annual foot­ball dinner. The attendance of allmen of the senior class is desired.Last year there were fifty-three sen­iors present. This dinner presents awonderful opportunity for the menof the graduating class to become ac­quainted with a large number (atleast .a representative number) of theformer students of the University,who are still backing. Chicago and areanxious to see her succeed at every­thing. In less than a year the menof the senior class will become a partof this body of alumni, and now is afine chance for them to meet and toappreciate those men with �homthey will be joined. The dinnermeans, also, a lot of "pep" and a de­cidedly good time.THE REINGER INCIDENT.Not more than a dozen studentswere implicated in the serious part ofthe disturbance on State street Mon­day night. This misconduct on thepart of, say, one three-hundredth ofthe male portion of the student body. II . ifi t. It is theis not especia y srgm can.old case of the mucker element tak­ing advantage of a critical time, andperforming misdeeds- under the coverof hard feelings.The unfortunate part of it is thatthe incident -is attributed to thewhole student element, by inferencein the outside press, and consequent­ly by a busy, headline-scanning se�­timent typical of the general pubhc.If one-half, or even one-tenth, of themen on the Michigan campus wereresponsible for such a demonstra­tion, it might fairly be imputed thatthe action was representative of stu­dent spirit. And even in this e�tremecase, considerable deduction wouldhave to be made to account for thethoughtless participation of the kindof men who gather pell-mell at thesmell of trouble.But this week's disorder was notrepresentative. Given the facts:=���i��' ��� �a��;��!��v���:; t�:U�� Icampus opinion was righteously bit­ter. as it is, against a miserable, plun­dering scheme. Thinking studentswitl not only refuse to take part insimilar rioting, but they will also tryto discourage it openly and actively.-Michigan Daily.iILaw Juniors to Give Dbmer.The Junior Law class WIll hold adinner Monday at 6 :15 in Hutchin­son cafe. COMMUNICATION� DISCUSS DEFECTS INTEACHING OF CLASSICS --A Tr&itor to �cti.tion.To the Editor:-Ii a man wants to be a tool, societywill usually let him so long as hisfoolishness does r.ot degrade anyone,and so long as his foUy does not hurtanyone else. I t is my opinion thatthe Three Quarters club can thankthis leniency for its continued exist­ence 'in a University which boaststhat it has outgrown the "rah, rahstuff." But if yesterday's exhibitionis a fair example, some one outsideis likely to be hurt, and then troubleseems ahead.They tell me that the Ultra Nuts,as a friend of mine has aptly calledthe organization, have always had arule that no freshman other than an"it" may witness the daily ceremoniesin the Circle. If so, it has neverbeen enforced. When I was a fresh­man I watched every performancethat was given, and if there is onething more than another in my Fresh­man year that I am ashamed of, it isthe fact that I wished I were one ofthem. One is even willing to De afool in a society where strange stand­ards have made folly popular.The attempts to enforce this rulewhich, of course, is quite beyond theauthority of the club to make, shouldlead to trouble. So long as the ThreeQuarters club cares to hold its child­ish parties in the Circle, we at leastmay expect that it be willing to co­operate with the University in theeducation of other freshmen to theextent of showing them "what fools·these mortals be," particularly whenthese mortals are youthful freshmen,protected offspring _ of prominent cit­izens, who have never done any think­ing, and who can be leu into anythingwhich a fraternity brother mayprompt. It is an essential part of theeducation of the other freshmen thatthey see demonstrated the fact thatsuch persons do exist so close athand. It may perhaps make the out­side freshman conceited; but we musttake a chance on that. ,�Writers in ClasSical Journal SqpatNew Methods for 1DstructiODof Greek and Latin. ,�_. -, -.aEAT-AT THEMaryland m1Atgearl- El0'Defects in the method of teachingclassics in high school and college arediscussed in articles in the N'Jvem­ber issue of the Classical Journalpublished by the .University press.H .V. Canter, an instructor in theUniversity of Iltinois, is the author ofan article on "The College Course inthe Classics." H. M. Bisbee, of Rob­inson seminary, New Hampshire, isthe writer of an article on "LatinWithout Tears."As proof of the existence of flaws,Mr. Bisbee states that many pupilsdrop out of the Latin department inhigh school after their first and sec­ond year classes; that a high' percent­age fail to pass college entrance ex­aminations and that others show atendency to dishonesty, He describesa method which has been in success­ful operation in several schools.The main feature of the system isa "quick-perception" card method, ac­cording to the instructor. The Latinform of the word to be studied isprinted on a card in an inch hightype. This is used for vocabulary in­struction, pronunciation and conju­gation and declension work. Thecards. are used to help the pupil gainthe ability to extract the sense fromthe printed page. Cafe sogr514ofprneA place different from tlte rest cie. Home CookingI IIFide minute. ",,,lit from tlae Univeraity m:PIal'lthinhaasthiscoioccbear:Miner=fevj! l'Mr. Canter in his article empha­sizes the inadequate way in whichLatin and Greek are taught in highschools in the United States. Heenumerates various deficiencies in thesystem. Luncheon twenty-five cents, dinner thirty-fiveCents. Special chicken dU;tner with home-madepies and cakes on ThurSdays. SpeclaI Sundaydinner sixty cents.BAR GRADUATES FROMDEBATES AT HARVARD The Maryland CafeLaw School Men Are Hard Hit byNew. Ruling-Will HelpUndergraduates. Maryland Avenue and Sixty-third Street. ."f ! itp:e'e:8]p:nIrb0:e0:f�Da-,Seriously, however, it is not a par­ticularly edifying sight to an up­per class man or woman to see ascore of those weak-minded youthsattack a single freshman, drag himinto the Circle and' "play football"with him, merely because he wasteshis time watching them.' It shouldbe remembered that he at least show­ed judgment in not being a candi­date for the organization. By Jackson E •. Towne(Maroon Staff Correspondent)CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Nov. 11.­While the immediate effect on Har­vard is not likely to be beneficial it isalmost certain that the action of thedebating council in barring graduatestudents from the Varsity debatingteams wilt ultimately help this activ­ity at the University. It ought to benoted in passing that now at lastHarvard is on an even footing withits two great rivals, Yale and Prince­ton, as both these institutions sometime ago put debating' on the sameplane with athletics.As far as Harvard is concerned, the'Law school men are hardest hit bythis new ruling, as students in thisdepartment have for years been ac­tive members of the debating teams.But if the results at Princeton andYale an any basis for comparisonthere should be henceforth a moregeneral interest in debating at Har­vard. It is quite likely that largenumbers of undergraduates who havehitherto hesitated to enter into com­petition with much older and moreexperienced men, wilt now see fit toparticipate in debating.Taft to Lecture. APPOINT SUCCESSFULHOCKEY CANDIDATESThirty-Three Women Are Picked asMembers of Senior andJUDior Teams.Successful candidates for the sen­ior and junior women's hockey squadswere named by Coach Agnes Way­man yesterday. Virginia Folkes waselected captain of the senior team,and Dorothy Collins manager. AlmaPa�alee was chosen captain of thejunior squad and Mary Allen man­ager.Seventeen women wilt compete forplaces on the final senior team. Theyare Loraine Kitch, Dorothy Collins,Grace Hotchkiss, Julia Dodge, EvaHulson, Margaret Walker, VirginiaFolkes, Louise Yick, Mary Prince,Dorothy Llewellyn, Dorothea Bunge,Hasel Furchgott., Grace Nairin, EdithSmith, Helen Timberlake, Irene Tay­lor, and Florence Bradley.The Junior women who have beenchosen are: Alma Parmalee, Philo­mena Becker, Gladys Greenman, Hel­en Adams, Dorothy Edwards, BeulahBurke, Julia Ricketts, Laura Walter,Jeanette Regent, Isabel MacMurray,Hedwig Brosseit, Pauline Levi, WillaSultzer, Isabel Sullivan, Ethel Gold­man, Mary Allen and Dorothy Whe­don.One was pleased to note the spir­ited resistance that some of theoutsiders offered this morning. Per­sonally I could have wished thatsome of the pushes in the face 'ad­mniistered to the "its" could haveerased the childish smiles of !t esophomores who conducted thefarce, or on second thought I mighthave been willing to pass them backto the physiognomies of those monu­mental fools who created the -or­ganization.At any rate, it offered a sugges­tion. 'the outsider was vanquishedby strength of numbers. Now, for­tunately for the University, and for­tunately for the freshman class, if itwishes to have a considerable num­ber of men left in residence after theclose of this quarter, there are morefreshmen outside of Three Quartersthan in. If half of the outsiderscould be organized into a defendingarmy to gather about the circle somefair morning and protect the first oftheir number to be attacked, it islikely that they might have a merryfootball game of their own with theThree Quarters club, freshmen andsophomores both.I realize that this performance,also, would be unedifying. But itmight he excusable if it establishedthe fact that the Ultra Nuts mustkeep their foolishness to themselves.And it would be commendable if per­chance it should call our attention tothe cheapness and vulgarity of thewhole organization, and lead, not toits reform, but to its abolition.I awail, Mr. Editor, execution asa traitor to tradition, and one whodared to speak the forbidden word,I ''Why?" Arrangements have been made bythe Law school faculty by which ex­President William Howard Taft willcome to Cambridge to deliver a seriesof lectures on constitutional law atthe Law school. The lectures will begiven Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri­day of next week. While the coursewill probably not take the place ofany lectures usuaiiy given in the Lawschool by members of the regularstaff, it will be particularly supple­mentary to Prof. Wambaugh's workin constitutional law, a third yearcourse. No doubt Prof. Taft's lec­tures wilt be attended also by themen in the two lower classes.This will not be Prof. Taft's firstvisit to Cambridge, for he was aguest of the third year class in theLaw school two years ago, speakingat a dinner. in the Union. But it willbe the first time that he has come asa visitin&; lecturer. Poster Competition Closes.Comvdiiioll lor iile 'Thanksgivingspread poster will close tomorrow.Many posters have already been sub­mitted, according to Nina O'Neill,chairman of the - Publicity committee..Meet to Make Costumes.New members of MasQuers wiltmeet this afternoon from 1 to 6 inGreen 3J to make eostnmes for theplay, "Thanksgiving Magic," to bepresented on Novernter 28. The re­hearsal announced for today has beenpostpo,,�d unbl Monday at 4:30.Traitor. LIBRARIAN COMPILESINDEX WHICH SHOWSSTUDENTS'LOCATION IMr. Walter Runyan, director of theDivinity school library, has organizedan index which shows the position ofthe University graduates in the Ori- 'ent, By means of President Judson'sinvestigations .while in the East andthrough supplementary work by Mr.Runyan', many former University stu­dents who are now in China, India,Japan, Africa, and the Indies, havebeen located. Mr. Runyan made acard index of his information, giv­ing each graduate a number; he thenplaced pins with numbers correspond­ing to those in the card index on themaps of the different countries at theplace; in which the men are situated. � ht1e2I:EXHIBIT VIEWS OFARCHITECTURE FROMIMPORTANT CITIESA colfection of illustrations ofAmerican and European cities, gath­ered by Assistant Prof. Bedford, isnow being exhibited in Haskell mu­seum. Pictures of San Francisco fairbuildings, views of universities, operahouses, banks, arches, hotels, govern­ment buildings, castles, and monu­ments are included in the collection. :::IFI.fe:bJ dfb'tJ cse,.'• _�' J =fl, -....... l._; -Settlement Dance Committees Meet.Settlement Dance committees - metyesterday at 4 at the residence of Mrs.T, _" W�H�!!. 5737 Wccd!�" .. c.Yi;­nue. Plans for the affair were dis­cussed. The chairmen of the variouscommittees instructed their aids andapportioned the work to be doneCLUB TO CHOOSE FORTY MENNew members to the Three Quar­ters club will be elected Monday,November 23. The neophytes will beinitiated the following Wednesday atthe annual banquet at the Universityclub. It is planned to elect aboutforty men from the freshmen. candi­dates according to President Apr.FA�ULTY MEN TO LECTURE.. THE DAILY ,IIAItOON,' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13; 1914.COMPETITION BECOIlES KEENSyka, LoU�&ard, and MacFarlandAre Leadinc the Field.Competition in the senior men'smustache race is becoming; very keen.At the present time, Kent Sykes, Hol­ger Lollesgard, and Hays MacFarlandare leading' the field, with Alfred- Eldy, Seymour Frank, and FrankO'Hara close behind.Frederick Byerly, John Hender­son, and Harry. Gorgas are havinggreat difficulty in getting their cropsstarted. Doc Brattish is taking careof the three unfortunate seniors andpredicts success for the men in thenear future.Winners of the contest will be de­cided by a committee of senior wo­men at a class party next month.Prizes will be given for the best all­around mustache, the best brunette,the most promising blond, the largestin area, and the booby. A petitionhas been submitted by Alfred Eddyasking that a prize be awarded forthle best crimson crop. The requestis being considered by the Vigilancecommittee.The committee reports that the sen­iors are living up to the rules of thecontest and that no penalties havebeen warranted yet.Adopt New Constitution.A new constitution was presentedand adopted at the meeting of theMenorah society yesterday morning'in Cobb. Fifty students were pres­ent.A FEAST. �"f ! in he can see and examine .im­plements and accessories forevery known athletic sport. Anexpert will take pleasure inehowing .him what the cham­pions use' in their respectivelines. He can .wield a racket,swing a golf club or a base ballbat, punch a bag or "do a stunt"on the gym apparatus; he caneven take an imaginary row onone of. the rowing machines; infact, he can go through themaneuvers of every form ofathletic sport right in our store.If you cannot call at a Spald­ing store, then the. next bestthing ie to send for a Spaldingeatalogue...A.. G. SPALDING & naoa,� So. iWabash Ave., Chicago, mBUY YOUR SMOKESand .G E N T S· FUR N ISH I N G SatCO-WHEY'SS. E. Car. 86th St. and Elli. A ..... .-'STETSON UNIVERSITY.Deland. Florida.Pres, Un coIn Bulley, A. B., Hanard;Ph. D., Univ. of Chieago. Four cOl­leges, five schools, 17 buildings, 60 infaculty, 16 Carnegie units required toenter college of· Liberal Arts. Land ofblue skies, summer weather, out ofdoors recreation all winter; soft windsfrom the sea; music of the mockingbirds in the orange grove. Highest•• ,� ... ",.' .. ''''�.&-COllege �nanuaru�. A �uuu I:"� "'"study the winter term. send forcatalogue.JOSEPH SCHMlDTSlatlOaery, ToUet ArtleleeFiDe Line of Candies.956 B. 5�tb S� C�cago, m.Imported and Domestic' ... line of'­CIGARS aDd CIGARETrES Instructors Will Deliyer Addresaes atClub. and Centers.Assistant Prof. Conyers Read willbegin a series of lectures on the "His­torical Development of France," inthe Fullerton Avenue Presbyterianchurch, and Assistant Prof. J. PaulGoode will lecture on on "Our Obli­gation to the Forest," in Scoville cen­ter Monday, in courses given underthe auspices of the University Lectureassociation.Mrs. Edward H. Griggs, of NewYork, will speak on "The ProtestAgainst Social Injustice," and Assist­ant P4rof. Henry C. Cowles will lec­ture on "Our Evergreen Forests" inthe Abraham Lincoln' center Tuesdaynight. On Thursday Dr. Cowles :willgive an illustrated lecture on "Pondsand Swamps" in the Congregationalchurch in Rogers Park. Prof. F. R.Moulton will speak on "The 'Earth­like Planets-Mercury, Venus, andMars", Saturday at a meeting of theWest End Woman's club. Deltbo AmloaDces Pledce.Deltho announces the pledging ofHelen Carnes, of Chicago.Classi/led Ads�Five centa per line'. No adverti .. -menta received for I ... than 25 cent&.All cl ... ified adverti .. menla mud bepaid in advance.WANTED-PUPILS IN OIL, WA­.er color or china painting. Privateor class lessons. Address, Mrs. J.Cooke Frazier, 6322 Ingleside Ave.Phone Hyde Park 3068.ROOM TO RENT - LARGE,light, cozy room in private home;two women students or married cou­ple. Electric light, steam heat;good opportunity. Mrs. A.. 1345 E.62nd St., 3rd apt.TO RENT-ONE ROOM, WELLheated and light, $8 per month.Also large front room suitable fortwo. House; board optional. 5759Dorchester Ave.FURNISHED ROOMS-TWO .AT­tractively furnished outside rooms inmodern apartment. 5519 Kimbark. avenue. Phone Midway 1306.ROOMS-PLEASANT, ATTRAC­tive froot rooms, Three blocksfrom Tower. Board if wished. 5618Drexel avenue, 2nd Boor. Phone ...2294 Blackstone.FOR RENT-TWO NICE ROOMS,first Boor., ¥ou�g, m.c:�" preferred.Call '. in .. the: ' . afternoons. - PhoneBlackstone 1010. 5720 K�n�ood. Ave.LOST - ,BLACK LEATHERhand-bag containing k�y� and, tick­ets, in Harper reading room Wed­nesday, Nov. 11. �inder please .ee­turn to Information. office in Cobb.LOST-IN HARPER LIBRARY,a black and white silk muffler. Re­turn to Maroon office and receive.....reward. _ _"-' -.,FOR RENT - PLEASANT OUT­side furnished rooms. Young men. preferred. N'ear the surface cars,elevated, and i. C. 6126 Dorches­. ter Ave. Phone Blackstone 2035 ..FOR RENT-TWO FRONT I TAKE ELEVATOR-SAVE $10SIGNAL DRILL FEATURESVARSITY PRACTICE(Continued from page 1)rooms.. Two gentlemen or couple,$4 week, $15 month. Steam heatand hot water. Apply 5717 Dor­chester. Phone Hyde Parle 6940.Fourth apartment.WANTED - STUDENT REPRE­sentative for College Specialty finn.Programs, j ewelry, leather goods.Apply at Business Office, Maroon .SUITE FOR RENT - SITTINGroom and bedroom facing N onnalPark. Private family; adjoiningbath, private entrance, One or twogentlemen preferred. Newly deco­rated and furnished. Inquire Man­chester, 354· Normal Parkway. You Can All Wear $25 SuitS·And OvercoatsDon't pay S25 for thevery clothes you can getin tbis third floor shop for$15. If we bad to pay foran enormous rent, an officeforce, and auto delivery, we .would have to get S25 forour garments, but we havecut out these expenses.That's why you can savethat S10. So take theelevat­or and save it!big share of attention, and if the back­field is in any shape Saturday, thefans will see some spectacular work.Pete Russell and Shorty gave theirkicking legs a thorough. ,workout,testing them for the coming duel withMacomber. A large share of respon­sibility will rest on this pair, and ifthey are able to hold the sturdy Illi­nois man even in this department ofthe game, Chicago's chances will begreatly improved.PRESIDENT JUDSON TO SPEAKChinese Prograpl Will be Given byCosmopolitan Club.President Judson will address theCosmopolitan club' at the regular bi­weekly meeting tonight at 8 in Ellis18. The program for the eveningwilI be in charge of the Chinese mem­bers of th'e organization and the ses­sion. will be known as "ChineseNight."Dances, songs, acrobatic feats, andshort talks. wilt be staged. Chinesefood will be served. Chang Lok Tanis chairman. of the committee incharge, with Wen Tsan Yu andChung Mo as his assistants. All for­eign students in the University havebeen urged by the officers of theclub to attend.PROF .. ASADA, FIRSTSTUDENT TO RECEIVEPH. p. DEGREE, DIESDr. Eiji Asada, a professor lD theTokio School of Foreign Languages,died Tuesday at his 'home in the sub­urbs of Tokio, according to a dispatchto Chicago.. Prof. Asada, who wasone of the best known Japanese edu­cators, was the first graduate studentto receive the degree Ph. D. from theUniversity. He was granted his doc­torate in June, 1893, in the Semiticdepartfnent, shortly after the openingof the University. Dr. Asada wasagraduate of Northwestern.. He was49 years old. FOR· RENT-SPLENDID OUT­side room, very light and quiet, 3rdapartment; no other roomers, nearI •. C. $3.50 per week. 5553 Black­stone Ave. Monroe Clothes ShopELMER E. MARDEN, President3�'r""'d; F�� '1' 00' r l'4orth American Building. N. W.COR. STATE AND MONROE STREETSOPEN SATUimAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK-UNFAILINGLY CORRECTYou have the satisfaction of knowing you look altogetherright at a11 times, when your clothes are tailored the "Jer-rems way." :J errems tailored clothes represent true economy; not onlybecause of the low price, but because the tailoring is socorrect, so individual that they keep their style and canbe worn long after ordinary clothes are hopelessly out ofdate.You will make sure of seeing what is correct and authori­tative in fall and winter fabrics by coming into any of oarthree stores.Prices-Suits and Overcoats $30, $85, 40 .._JLhA_A-. _• .r_._,TAlLORr� "__ Y�MenThree Stores:�25 E. JatbOD Blvd. 7 N. La Sane St.71E.M�:SL "Rah !'For' the Bradley"-t�e college mali's sweater. Thick, heavy andwarm-s-smart, snug fitting and well tailored. Willoutlast the college course.The Bradley Sweater as llIustrated-o. fine, all arounddependable sweater that will 'stand all you can give It, andmore. The Bradley Navajo Shaker has a Navajo borderdeftly knitted in collar and around bottom In your collegecolors.If your dealer doesn't scll Bradley Sweaters,write us for the names ot dealers who do. Make astand for a UBradley"-lt wlll pay you.SUBSCRmE FORTHE DAILY IIAilooNTHE DAILY ilAROON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1914.GOVE'RCOATSFABRICFOR THE GAMECOATS OF EVERY STYLEAND WEIGHTAS LOW AS $25MEMOS � STOREOgilvie &Heneage18-2.0 East Jackson Boulevardc c A oH I••••••••••••••••• It ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It ••••To Those Students WhoGood ChocolateCONFECTIONSHer e are Delightfully DeliciousMorsels-made to melt in the mouth-perfect all the time-loved by allwho try themWILBURBUDSThe BUD S are crudely imitated,but the WILBUR WAY cannot beduplicated. Be sure that you getWilbur's Chocolate BudsAt all Confectioners and Druggistsin your neighborhood .:H. O. WILBUR & SONS(Incorporated)PHILADELPHIA PA.DO YOUR BANKING IN HYDE PARKAT THEHYDE PARK STATE BANKCOFINEA o,r &3 � ST. � LAt<E AVETo Pick Dramatic: Club Cuts. for parts. They will be chosen from Ithe lists of associates and members.The entire casts will be announcedMonday, and rehearsals commencedimmediately.Tryouts to pick the casts for thetwo Dramatic club plays will be heldtoday at 2:30 in Cobb 12 A. Fivemen and three women win be chosen FOUR MOVES MADE INCORRESPONDENCE GAMEOne Play Is :Made Each Day-Expectto F'mish Contestby May.Four moves have been made in thecorrespondence chess matc� betweenthe University team and the Wash­ington university of St. Louis squad.One move is made each day and :� isexpected that the contest will be fin­ished by May.The recent defeat of Elias Gordon,University champion, by Magnus Ro­senberg, has tightened the race in thelocal tournament. The standings areas fol1ows:Elias Gordon .Robert Stevens .Magnus Rosenberg ..Merlin Paine .Charles Pavlicek ..•..Clarence Ohlendorf ..Floyd Hogan ...•....James Monroe .George 'Cramer .....• Won Lost Pct.'I 1 .8755 1 .8337� 2� .7503 4 .4293 4 .4291� 4� .250� 2 .200� 4 .111o 4 .000Tickets Are Going Rapidly.Tickets for the Taft lectures, to beheld Wednesday, Thursday and Fri­day at 4 in Mandel, are going rapidly,according to an announcement madeby the President's office yesterday.Students may secure extra tickets atthe President's office free of charge.FRENCH CLUB TO AIDRED CROSS SOCIETY(Continued from page 1)hood rooms to be made into clothesfor sufferers in the war zone. WOemen interested in relief work willmeet this afternoon at 2:30 in theNeighborhood rooms to complete thegarments.Miss Farr, who is directing thework at the University in behalf ofthe Red Cross society, wi11 send the "SPEED UP!"to 60 minutes an hoarby taking the '.grintl HV?' out of typeuniting I�/ AND amite! For here at last is the master/' machine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum out MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's. work and sets the pace that pays I"Just tum the knob" and get the "penonal touch "that fits YOURSELF I Write with the fast, Royal roller­trip escapement-the heart 0/ the typewriter TUIU without ejfort.Built for ��Big Busineas" and it.Great Army of Expert Operato",These new features of the Royal add to the sensitft�.fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter subtracts-.peecl !The speed with brains behind it-the all-dslY speed ofthe expert typist in the day's work.. Errorlf!33 speedis the kind of speetl that counts. Commonsense haspunctured the illusion of the other kincLGet the Facts!Send fOr the" Royalman" and ask for aDBIiONSTRATlON.Or write tIS directfor our n.. bro­chure,-·· •• and bookor facta on ToadTypin..--nt free to17pewdter aaera.$125ill Cmtu:IG.ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY,58 E. Monroe St., Chicago, Wesley A.Stanger, Mgr .•SWIMMERS TO COMPETEIN BARTLETT TODAYfirst box of clothing and provisionsshortly after Thanksgiving, T-he boxwill be sent through the Marsha11Field Red Cross station. Womendoing relief work wiU meet Thursdaysat the home of :Miss Farr, 5757 Uni­versity avenue, to sew and knit forthe sufferers.Contribute Provisions.Canned fruit, meat, and financialco�tributions are being solicited bycommittees in charge of the aid torefugees and soldiers. Mufflers andPhyllis Fay has been appotntedchairman of the relief work at theUniversity, and Elsie Johns has beennamed to head this work in theNeighborhood club.socks will be knitted and skirts anddresses made by those attending thesewing parties. Vanity will Meet Freshmen and Inel­igibles-Arrange Aquatic: ContestWith Hamilton Club.Varsity swimmers will meet fresh­men and ineligibles in the first swim­ming contest of the year this after­noon at 4 in' Bartlett, A relay racewill be the final event of the meet.The freshmen and ineligibles havea strong team, including such men asWhite, O'Connor, Earle, Crawford,and Loeb. Loeb and Murdoch willparticipate in the breast stroke, whileWhite will plunge against Lyman,Gardner, and O'Connor. Pavlicek,Gendreau and Shirle)" will be the maincontenders for lOO-yard back strokehonors.Class water basketball captainswere elected 'Vednesd.y after thefirst game of the series. George Graywas elected to lead the senior team;Edward O'Connor, the junior; Frank­lin Meine, the sophomores, and Ed­ward Earle, the freshmen.To Swim at Hamilton Club.Coach White has arranged twomeets to be held with the Hamiltondub of Chicago. The first game isscheduled for Saturday, January 16,in Bartlett, and the return contestwi11 be held at the Hamilton club­Thursday, February 18.FORM WRESTLING CLASSES.Thirty-Eight Men Report Daily forMat Work.Thirty-eight men are reportingdaily at the wrestling classes, andmore candidates wiU be out after theclose of the footbal1 season, accordingto Coach Netherton. "The men aredoin� well and working hard, butthere is sti11 much room for improve­ment," said Netherton yesterday."We hope to get some of the footballmen on the squad after Than'ksgiving,and they will strengthen us greatly."A series of interclass meets will beheld during the week followingThanksgiving. Champions of the va­rious classes will be decided by elim­ination matches. Teams from theTurners, Hu11 house, Palmer park, andthe Gary Y. M. C. A. are mentionedby Coach Netherton as prospectiveopponents for the Varsity. COUNCIL HEARS DR.HENDERSON AND SAMWELLS AT MEETINGThe regular meeting of the Under­graduate council yesterday was ad­journed early to permit the attendanceof the council at the tea for Settle­ment committees. Before adjourning,the council heard Dr. Charles R. Hen­derson and Sam Wells on behalf ofplans for an all-University campaignfor the support of the United Chari­ties. Action on' all matters pendingin the council was postponed untilnext week.WiD· Play Game Today.The freshman women's basketballteam "in play the sophomore squadtoday at 1:30 in Lexington gymna­sium. , ... � Vo:� -'E' �, :� Nell1I�, I,�. ROCAdoh te\,� C.--_ � newmsttheTbtmee'. thisree-, I, 'Wa, foo'• 1, FlyriEI(J,- sit)Un- .'�', sio:cau-, ··Tl• ),pr80. dO'!in.. ,. be.. rcI"�Ir.�., i() F...... \ - �I.�:,d=� .»jr....t, -•"