_aroonVoL XIIL No. 33. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914.LIVELY SENDOFF FOR TEAM WILLBE GIVEN IN KENT IASSIEETINGBiggest Pep Seaton Of The Year I. Planned To-morrow Mornlng--Players ToDI.cuss Big Game'jELEVEN WILL Mm IWNOIS PRIMm FOR FIGHTPreparations for ChampaignContest Expected to DrawCrowd to Cheer Men Off.The biggest, snappiest pep sessionof the year will be held tomorrowmorning at 10:15 in Kent. All Var­sity men will give their opinion ofthe outcome of the game."The team is going down to Cham­paign to fight an uphill game," said awell-known alumnus yesterday. Prom­inent critics in the West have pre-, �' dieted an I11inois victory and- it is up� to the students to storm the college; town and help the team fight for an-[jl other Conference championship. TheA! Ittini have not won the game yet, andJ no amount of newspaper talk will in-)] fluence the result. Tomorrow'sl.,': massmeeting wi11 go a long way to-'i ward making thle team fight theiri(Jll � hardest."'�i f Ward Maka S�t.',5J'fl' "You can't tell me that there is no� why or wherefore of a massmeeting,"said Cheerleader Ward, yesterday..i ..... "The pel? aroused last year. a�_ the fa­" "t"l � mous 'Mmnesota massmee�ng lasted· t throughout the whole trip. ,Now.. v there's a chance to help the team.\ 1 The players are gloomy and it is up\ �'! to us to cheer tbem np. Let us show0-=, � them that we are back of them and; they will do the rest."�: - Five -hundred megaphones have,'I been ordered for Satumy's game,)� A and will' be distributed among theWJ rooiers---on' 'the -train. A collectionI t. will be taken up at the massmeeting. () ... � to pay for them. With the aid of: the3e megaphones. the two,thousand� Chicago rooters ought to be able tooutcheer the vast stands of Illinois\, supporters, according to Cheerleader�f:a{I-') Warcl, \ \ . WiD Carr)' Bumen..Huge banners have been preparedI to be carried in the parade at Cham-l paign before the game. On each ofthese banners is the slogan of thecontest, "Chicago's Game." The lineof march wiU be conducted from the} 'I depot through the streets of Cham-� paign to the university campus, andr' I ). thence to !he field. The �icago con-: .... tingent wdl be grouped In the west I'stand, directly opposite the main.:' � body of Iltini supporters. .," Two thousand Chicago students andalumni wiU be on the specials leavingfor the game at Champaign Satur­day. The representative of the illi­nois Central, who was in Cobb yes­terday with the round trip excursiontickets, disposed of 650 fares duringhis brief stay. The great demand fortransportation made necessary therunning of another special train.which will leave five minutes after thefirst one. Rooters From Home for incur­ables Join in SupportingTeam-Victory Foretold.Everyone who has attended theUniversity football games at Staggfield with any regularity has noticeda number of wheelchairs drawn upbeside the fence surrounding thefield. The inquisitive _ ones haveprobably learned that the occupantsof these invalid chairs are from theChicago Home for Incurables, onFifty-sixth street and Ellis avenue.Director Stagg has always allowedthe invalids from the Home, who arephysicany able to ,to attend all ath­letic contests on Stagg field free ofcharge. AU Jmen at the Home who'had wheel chairs quickly eespondedto this offer. Severa: of the inmatesat the Home boast that thiey havenever missed an athletic contest un­der favorable weather conditions.Holds Endurance Record.Thomas Falahee holds the endur­ance record. He has been attendingthe football games for fifteen years;is a constant reader, of all articles inthe downtown papers dealing withConference athletics, and is thorough­ly conversant with the history andpredictions for the future of the Con­ference contests."I hope that Chicago will defeat theillinois team in the game this Satur­day," said Falahee yesterday. �Idon't see how 111inois can win. OurDownstaters to go up apinst. Theonly possible way for the I1lini toscore on us is by forward passes."We will all be anxious to hear theresults of the game at the Home,There are a number ,of men there whofollow the progress of the Conferencerace with much interest. The major- ,ity 'of them are strong for Chicago.One man in particular is rabidly pro­Chicago. Whenever the game hap­pens to be going against the Ma­roons his despondency is felt by allthose about him. When they win heis in the best of spirits.Voices Appreciation."I have been attending the gamesfor fifteen years and hope to see theMaroons play many more times. TheUniversity authorities have always.treated me in the best way possibleand I appreciate it."Superintendent Mitchell, of theHome, has always allowed \hose whowanted to see the game from theSouth building to be taken there bythe attendants. Mr. Mitchell's secre­tary, Hany B. Smith, stated yester­day that the majority of the men inthe Home are enthusiastic rootballfans. He said that they are almostinvari�bly supporters of the Ma-roons.Ten" nf Men'" Enthuld,ltan."We try to give the men as muchof a chance to see the game as wecan," said Yr. Smith yesterday.One of their main topics of conver­sation during the :week is footballnews. The result of the game isbeing eagerly awaited." ANGELL ASKED TO BEHEAD OF WASHINGTONDean James Rowland Angell hasbeen offered the presidency of theUniversity of Washington, Seattle,Washington, according to a state­ment made by President Judson lastnight. Fol1owing the offer of theWashington presidency, Dean Angellleft for Seattle last week to considerthe proposal at first hand. A tele­gram received last night by TheChicago Herald stated that he hadrefused the offer. No corroborationof this declaration was given out byUniversity authorities.After his trip to the University ofWashington, Dean Angell passedthrough Chicago en route to Cam­bridge, Mass., where he is now visit­ing his father, Dr. James Burrill An­gell, president- emeritus of theUniversity of Michigan.Came Here in 1894.Dean Angel1 came to the Univer­sity in 1894. He was dean of theSenior colleges from 1908 to 1911,when he was made dean of the facul­ties. He received his education atMichigan" Harvard, and, Berlin, andaccepted 'an -instructorship in Psy­chology, at" the University of Minne­sota in 1893. In 1894 he respondedto a call of the -University of Chicagofaculty, and has since taught and heldexecutive positions at the Univer­sity. He has writteu a standard text­book on-Psychology, iWhich is now inits- sixth edition. .F"mance Committee to .eet.The Finance' committee of the jnn­ior class will meet tomorrow at 10:15in Cobb 10 B •.Ask Friars to Make Deposit.All Blackfriars at the Universityhave been asked to deposit one dol­lar with Fred Griffiths by Monday,as a guarantee of attendance at theBlackfriar dinner and theater partyto be given on December 1. The de­posit will be refunded on the night ofthe entertainment.BULLETINTODAY.Chapel, Divinity school, 10:15, Has­kell uaembly room.Y. W. c, L. meetiDc, 10:15, Lesinc-tOIl 14.Ohio dab, 10:15, tcC" beach.lIenonh aociety, 10 :15, Cobb 8 A.Settlement Dance committee tea, 4,at lin. L. A. Walton'. residence, 5737Woodlawn &vem1e.French c:lnb, 4, LaiDcton a.BrOWllSOll club cJinDer, 6, Hatchin-80Il care.JUDior lIIloiter, 7:30, Delta KappaEpsilon fraternity house, 5754 Wood­lawn avenue.Disciples club, 8, Haskell 26-Scandinavian clnb, 8, Mr. Raad'sresidence, 6103 Ingleside avenue.TOMORROW.MusmeetiDg, 10:15, Kent theater.German Conversation club, 5, Lex­iDctOD 14. ILLINOIS IS FAVORITE FOR TITLECONTEST AT CHAMPAIGN SATURDAYBeneath ,Gloom At Chicago There Is Confidence ThatMa100ns Will Continu� Winning StreakOver IlIInl PlayersINCREASED SPIRIT TO, URGE ON VARSITYZuppke's Men Go Through theFiercest Serimmage of Sea­son Yesta-day.(By Harry'S. Gorgas.)Ittinois still continues to be the fa­vorite for the big title contest atChampaign Saturday, but on the Mid­way beneath' the gloom, there is 'aquiet confidence that Chicago alwayshas beaten die IlIini and will be ableto keep up the pace Saturday. In 1911and 1912 the Orange and Blue werefreely picked as almost sure winners,but each time the Varsity camethrough and the Old Man had the'plays to win.In 1911 I11inois had, the 'best teamin history' and came out on MarshallField wondering how big a score th'eywere going to pile up. Few, how­ever, who sat through the cold rainstorm, will forget how helpless theIttini provedand how Sauer, Norgrenand Pierce smashed through the linefor twenty-four points. In 1912 IIti­nois again had visions of win�ngfrom th'e Maroons but as usual sue­cumber after a hard game by a 10-0score.The spirit that Chicago always hashad something on Iltinois and always,will, the spirit evidenced by the factthat a Chicago basketbol1 team hasnever been defeated on the Cham­paign floor is deeply instilled into thealumni as evidenced by the opinionof a prominent alumnus, who starredon the athletic field several years' ago.SaJII Odds Favor �ackeI'8.",He said, "From all, sides the oddsgreatly favor the "Suckers" in thiscoming game at Urbana. .The criticshave given 111inois the champiouship.Realty, they have a wonderful team;stonewall line which Withstood Min­nesota's powerful attack by Solon,Hamilton and others, clever gang ofspeed men in the backfield who rolledup three touch'downs in' the final' quar­ter against the Gophers and justmissed scoring on previous occasions."This same team rolled up fivetouchdowns against Ohio State whilethe best Wisconsin could do was aneven score against Ohio, 7-0. Surely,they have a great team and I guessChicago will have to be content withher championship laurels won lastyear. At any rate, Western football'would be boomed by new blood com­ing to the front as th'e downstate menare certainly overdue,ChicaCO Looks Good."Yes, Chicago is the under dog, yetthe team's perionnel looks good tome--Des Jardien, Shull, Stegemanand Huntington were fighting in theline last year, while Gray and Russellwere tearing through the holes, no­body could stop those fellows very of­ten. Oi course, Gray has been injuredand we are up against it in that posi­tion. Show me the fellows who canoutgame our new line men-Albert,Jackson, Sparks, White, Fisher andMcConnell. Who's going to stop'(Continued on page 2)1 � ,�:,w{ :'\ \ � B�:;i::.�,;,; !!;.::.;.g-c:" �!c:"rl;.... rc-o \1 l ported at 6 last night that six hun­) ... dred student tickets had been sold,I' I" :while practically the entire allotment• � ,of alumni tickets have been disposed41 r Ol�",There' are two hundred student�' p § (Continued on page 4) ,�: GET· SET FOR ILLINI! ATTEND THE PEP SESSION!Telegram Says He Refuses Of­fer-Authorities FaD to Cor­roborate S�temeat.IS NOW IN CAMBRIDGE, MASS.Came to Chicaco From University of EXPECTMinnesota in 1894-Has Writ-ten Text: Book.Prominent Alumnus Says OddsFavor "Suckers," But Ma­roons Look Good to Him.(By O. R. Clements).CHAMPAIGN, ILL., Nov. '1. (Spe­cial to Daily Maroon). Illinois :wentthrough the fiercest scrimage of theseason today. So much pep has notbeen shown on the I11inois field inmany a year. The freshmen playedwell but could not score, though givenpermanent possession of the ballWhen the Varsity got the oval theymade one steady march down th'efield. The freshmen fought like tigers,but the Varsity took a lion's part. Thepractice last week was rather listlessand was interspersed with long lec­tures . by Coach Zuppke,As the next game will be playedaway from home at Madison, this:willbe the last appearance on l11inois·gridiron for Captain Chapman, Scho­binger, Armstrong, Rue, Derby, Sie­bens, Seneff and Graves. These menare all going ,in to make a mark onthe hearts of the thousands of alumniwho win be here for the Homecom­ing. They all express sorrow thatthere is doubt of Albert, Flood andGray being in the game., They wantChicago's best this year.The seating capacity of Dlinois fieldwill be inadequate for the first time inhistory. New bleachers Dave beenbuilt to accommodate six thousandpeople _Md the in4iaed stAudiugplatform has been shipped down fro�the University of Chicago. Manyor­ders for seats have been turned down.The campus is aquiver with the ap­proach of the big game, and the homecoming. Everyone figures: that Illi­nois will have the best chanee in yearsto :win." lDiDi Are ConfideIlt.The I11ini 'are confident, perhapsoverconfident. Every man who hasseen the present team in action knowsit is the greatest scoring machine-Illi­nois has' ever developed, and is per­pectly balanced in every departmentof the game. There are few, if any,individual stars on the team;' no manoutshines his teamates. Last year Illi­nois had Harold Pogue. This yearthere are ten otber men who give buna run for his money.Stagg's bear stories are so old thatlittle stock is taken in them here. Fewwill be surprised if Gray, Flood andAlbert are in the lineup when thewhistle blows. Evert mini' knowsthat aDY team which beats Chicagohas a mighty big task on its hands.but all concede that the ch2nces arebetter than any time since 1910.Hail James' ProposaLThe proposal of President Jameslor a post-season game with thechampions of the East, or with Michi­gan, if the East refuses, is hailed withdelight. This is a big drawing cardfor Saturday's game, for the winnerof that contest will likely be the teamto represent the West in the big gamefor the American championship,THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY. NOVBMBER 12, 1914.m�r laily SlarnonOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPubllahed mornings, except Sundayand Monday, during the Autumn. Win­ter and Spring quarters, by The DallyMaroon sta1f.G. W. Cottingham Mana�ing EditorG. K. Shaffer N ews EditorC. A. Birdsall and R. P. Matthews.....•.................. Business ManagersF. R. Kuh, night editor ; E. Rdick­er and H. R. Swanson, day editors;J. ]. Donahee, athletics editor."ssociat. EditoraEarl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deutsch Nicholas LentzAlta Fisher Bernard NewmanEntered as second-class mall at theChicago Postotfice, Chicago. IlL, March13, 1908, under Act ot March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES$2 a year, if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter';by mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a quarter.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12.Telephone Midway BOO.Clarke-McElroy Publlshing Company'219 Cottage Grove Ave. Midway 3935THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1914.BETTING.Much has been said within the past. few days concerning the question ofbetting on the coming--or for thatmatter, any-football game. Justwhat the results of the argument as .at present generally presented will be.it is very hard to say. Theoretically,of course, the practice is a bad oneand (theoretically) it should be stop­ped. We are inclined very strongly toagree with. our friends, the Socialists,in the dictum that betting-gettingsomething without returning an econ­omic equivalent therefor, in otherwords-is an economic immorality,and more' deserving of suppressionthan many an ethical transgression.In practice, however, the case pre­sents a vastly different aspect. Ju�twhere' are we to stop? Or, .what IS___ � to the point, just where a.c we;�"��rt? Let us say, for instance.that the Chicago chapter of �l:Nuts sends a letter to t�e .l1bnchapter of the same organizauon andPoses that the chapter of thepro 11 • tohool whose team loses sha grvesc o. . lor andthie other a pennant, s.lze, co. u-material specified on which are Inscndd the names of the two sch�ols, aOI1 fe ? B ttUJg?the score of the ga�e'h' \ s�rt ofcourse it is! But IS t IS t eh. g that has aroused the recent-t In b t at leastJ1 perhaps not storm, Ut?'�:�er-the recent shower of prhote�n:s hardl Or take al101 er IWell, J hY' G Smith. of Olhum�astance. 0 n.. HISty is a student at ChIcago, dTcoun , GeOrge "Y.On and bosom enemy,eousi also of Othumpa county, goesJones!. D' surner vacationto Ilhnols. urmg 'JJl-h have done their level best to Ibotupon Othumpa county the su­pre�s 'ty of their respective institGu-perlon . John'. of higher education. .uons " t and WIresborroWS thirty-five ccn s ,s :G ge W. approximately as f�llow .";'�l be in Urbana Saturday, NoveW-113 Loser buys dinner and the�­ber. k ts" Is there anything in thISt er tiC C •I ah -of wager to evoke t IC -')sort . 1 above.h cr oi protest JnenllOnc<s oW be• 1 t The worst that canCertam Y no .CI' go. d against it is that the ncasal�c "'I ".1r- !C' t-�!�i!'!� c� a !;!!!"C"", �"� :�hicl; "',��� u�dcrstand. is a thing'tune" .." �cntlcman should do.no .toTherefore, we ask, where arc we1· '1'" Thatt rt in rooting out t us eVI .:h:r� is a good deal of so-called "b�t-. .» which is absolutely harmless IS,tInts b . Ifin our opinion, fairly 0 Vl0US. , onthe other hand, there is anyth�ng ap­proaching organized book-making go­ing on at the games-in othefr :o�dS,if there is any of that sort 0 ernnghich it is agreed should be suppress­ed, it is of the variety which is suffi­ciently open and easy to detect to make suppression fairly easy. Be­tween the two extremes there lies, orcourse. the customary twilight zone.And the decision on questions fallingwithin this zone must be left here, aseverywhere. to the individual. It isfor the individual student to saywhether or not he is demeaning him­self, his team, and his Alma Mater, tosay nothing of intercollegiate athlet­ics in general. when he makes the sortof bet which is neither flesh, fish, norfowl, nor even good red herring. Andwe think that in matters of this sortthe average student is abundantly tobe trusted.COMMUNICATIONTo the Editor:I have been astonished at theamount of fooling in this part of thecountry resulting from the expose ofReininger, the Ann Arbor gambler.You can have no idea of the resent­ment felt by the admirers of a cleansport and of such sterling sportsmenas Maulbetsch and Hughitt, of Michi-�� .It struck me that- you might takecognizance of the affair in an editorialexpressing confidence in Michiganand her representatives. I know thatwhen I was in college we should haveresented such insinuations against onewho was then 'our rival, though atpresent only our friend..Harvey Meagher. '09.To the Editor:I have been placed in a very amus­ing and annoying position by the pub­licity given me by the Herald of No-.vember 11. It surely is my intentionto help in the work for the Belgianwomen, but not_ my intention toeclipse the work of those girls incharge, as might be indicated by thelarge snapshot shown there. Thenewspapers can and do make variousmistakes, but it is not Neighborboodspirit to indulge in misrepresenta�ion.Virgini'L V. Clark.ILLINI FAVORITES INBIG TITLE CONTEST(Continued from page 1) ISSUE CALL FOR ARTISTS.Mana,ers of Cap and Gown Req1leStCartoonists to Report.Students interested in art work andcartooning have been requested bythe managers of The Cap and Gownto report at the office in Ellis and seethe editors concerning work for theannual. The Art department has notenough help, considering the amountof art work to be done this year. ac­cording to the announcement by theeditors, Class pictures taken lastweek will be on sale at the officeMonday."We are planning to include sev­eral new art features in the 1915 an­nual." said Business Manager Ben­son yesterday. "Some new campusviews will be run in sepia tints andthe ultra conservative tone of TheCap and Gown will be lessened thisyear,"Class pictures will be placed onsale at the annual office next week.The group photographs of the fresh­man, sophomore. and junior classeswere taken last week. Proofs of thepictures have been received at TheCap and Gown office, where they maybe seen.Acker. Berger, Flood and Schafer?"Illinois has fourteen old men ontheir squad. along with a coach whohas profited by the examples set lastyear by Andy Smith at r-Ilrdui;, Dr.Williams. of Minnesota, and others.Of the veterans, nine are regulars thisyear-Captain Chapman, left guard;Watson, center; Armstrong. lefttackle; Derby. end: and Graves, rightend, making five "I" winners in theline. Pogue, left halfback; Rue. full­back; Schobinger, fullback, and Wag­ner, halfback, are all veterans whoplay in this year's backfield. Thesesame men were beaten by the Ma-, roons last year. Critics say that Chi­cago deserved more than four touch­downs against the veterans mention­ed. Of course. Pogue ran back apunt for a single score. Otherwise,Zuppke's 1913 squad failed to impressand were easily defeated, 28-7.Critics Laud Illini Line."The critics say the new line mendown state far outshine last year'sbest, namely Lansche and Wilson.Surely Clark and Macomber areclever men, and have improved theirhackfield. Critics say that the latteris a wonderful kicker. How does hework under fire? What will thatclever bunch of backfield men do withthe ban when they are tackled likethey never have been before? At Min­nesota, last week, they fumbled oftenand almost gave the game away."Gray, Albert and Flood are on the1 ;t;II\,X )'�� Ch;�;.p;v • .;.:!! ;:!�j. b�!t�:" �!l11ino'is than anywhere else."PRESIDENT JUDSONTO ADDRESS MEETINGOF CLUB TOMORROWPresident Judson will speak at theregular bi-weekly meeting of. theCosmopolitan club tomorrow nightat 8 in Ellis 18. The program will bein charge of the Chinese members ofthe organization. Songs, dances,acrobatic feats, and short talks wilthe featured. GORDON IS DEFEATEDIN CHESS TOURNAMENTRosenberg Springs Surprise Yester­day by W'm.ninc Game FromChampion.Rosenberg, a dark horse in the Uni­versity chess tournament, sprang asurprise yesterday by defeating EliasGordon. the University champion.Rosenberg and Gordon played twocontests, the first of �"hich Gordoncarried off handily. The second game,took three and a half hours ofstraight strategic moves and desper­ate play. This was Gordon's firstdefeat by a University player. .Gordon still leads the race for thechampionship,SAYS ARMAMENT CAUSES WARDean Butler Assails Militarism atChapel Services Yesteniay.That wars will continue as long asthe idea exists that national safetyand international prosperity dependupon armament in peace, was theopinion of Dr. Butler, in an addressat the College of Education chapelservices yesterday morning. Dr. But­ler. explained the farcicality of eachcountry asserting that it is fightingagainst militarism, and claiming thatif it wins, 'wars -will cease."A universal cry has arisen thatcivilization is gone." said Dean But­ler. "This very outcry is a protestof civilization against war. The re­lief ship which is now preparing toleave Brooklyn is substantial evi­dence of civilizaton."OFFICIAL LECTURERDELIVERS TALK ONPANAMA EXPOSITIONJohn P. Clum delivered a lecture on"The Panama-Pacific Exposition"yesterday afternoon in Mandel. Mr.Clum is an official lecturer for theexposition. He said the expositionwould not be postponed on accountof the war, and characterized the fairas an attempt not only to exhibit thecivilization and achievements of to­dav but also to prepare for the civ­i1i�tion and achievements of tom or-row,ATHLETICS BREViTiES.The University of Nebraska elevenlooks like a winner in the MissouriValley Conference championship.The race has narrowed down betweenNebraska and Kansas. with the for­mer best on paper.Northwestern basketball playershave already' started practice for the1915 season. Coach Murphy hasgreat hopes ·for a Conference cham­pionship at the Methodist universitythis year. IT'S a ill wind that blowsnobody good, butit's a better that blowsnobody ill. Thar ain'tnotlain' but good inVELVET.Those world famous pipe smoking qualities that Natureputs into Kentucky'S Bu,ley de Luxe are brought out tofull . aged-in-the-wood, mellow perfection in VELVET,�h� Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. lOc tins and Sc metal-ln.cd bags. .&rtt�� cm&CAN YOU DANCE TH E FOX TROT?FROM EIGHT O'CLOCK TO NINE THIS EVENING ISHALL TEACH THIS VERY POPULAR DANCE AT MYREGULAR THURSDAY EVENING CLASS. DANCINGAFTERWARD UNTIL TWELVE. TICKETS 60 CENTS.TERESA S. DOLANVice-President of the International Association Mastersof Dancing.?t1ember Chicago Dancing Masters' .Association.Pupil of Vernon Castle, Normal School, New York.Chicago Delegate to Congress of Dancing Societies ofAmerica for Standardization of the Modern Dance, held inNew York, September 6th. 'Class-Monday evenings. Dancing-Thursday and Saturdayevenings. Private lessons by appointment. Phone Ken. 6147HALL MAY BE RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES.DOLAN DANCING ACADEMYN. E. Cor. 40th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue......................................... � .Rooters' Hats40 cents eachGET ONE ·FORSATURDAY'S GAMEATTHE UNIVERSITY OF CmCAGO PRESS5758 Ellis Avenue or Room 105 � :B1aiuc HanHARVARD ROOTERS USE 5 5NOVEL COLOR DISPLAY FOR YOUR DENCrimson Handkerchief. Are Wavedat Tf'.am-Lepl Obstacle Re­moved by Novel Scheme.During the Harvard-Princetongame, the Cambridge students, wish­ing to make their emotions visible aswell as audible, drew crimson "hand­kerchiefs from their pockets andwaved them at their team. An inter­esting incident occurred :with the dis­play.As the laws of the state of Massa­chusetts prohibit the carrying of redflags, some means had to be devisedby ,the originators of the colorscheme used by the Harvard rootersto make the act legal. Therefore,when they raised their handkerchiefsto wave at the team, a pretense wasmade to put them to use in the ordi­nary manner or. as The ChicagoTribune editorial on the 'affair readyesterday, "When they wished to sa­lute their football players they had tohl ow their noses."The editorial pokes fun at the�{assachusetts legislature in connec­tion with the red flag law, characteriz­in� it as "believing in goblins, insigns, and in malignant portents."Mathews Opens Lecture Course.Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Di­vinity school, opened a lecture courseat La Crosse, Wis., Monday night.His subject was "Militant Idealism."Dean Mathews preached, Sunday tothe stedents of the Agricultt1ral col­lege at Ames, Iowa. Beautiful College PenDantsYALE AND HARVARDEach 9 in. x 24 in.PRINCETON. CORNELL,MICHIGANEach 7 in. x 21 in.4--PENNANTS. Size 12x30--4Any Leading Colleges ofYour SelectionAll of our best quality, in theirproper colors, with colored emblems.Either assortment. for limited time,sent postpaid for 50 cents and fivestamps to cover shipping costs.Write us for prices before placingorders ior felt novelties of all kinds.THE GEM NOVELTY CO.2456 Bittner St. DA YTON. OHIOForm Dancing Classes.Pl��� :e: ';i.'yclai dancing classesare being arranged by women livingin Foster and Green. Miss Pearce,the director of the class in Green­wood, has been asked to take theclasses.Sevent, Attend LuncheonSeventy senior women attended aclass luncheon yesterday in Lexing­ton. Dean Wallace, Miss Dudley,and Helen Ricketts were the speak­ers. Nina O'Neill, secretary of thesenior class, presided. 1.A. in hE• plem�f� eVel"l�expel8how'piOn!lines.swinlbat, ]on tlevenone «fact,• 9ls·11:�\. C, I,., PLA'. . \l "• r 'POI, largtalurrnesddisciSociDellcomncrrowmeneonHutiors.4'II-)1._<fa.-OF COURSETHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914.Water Basketball Games Are Playedin Bartlett-O'CoDDor and Pav­licek Are Stars.'_Juniors defeated the sophomoresand freshmen won from the seniorsin the water basketball games inBartlett yesterday afternoon. O'Con­nor and Pavlicek, of the juniors,were responsible for the victory ofthe third year men, their guardingpreventing the sophomores frommaking any headway with the ball.The freshman-senior contest Was asee-saw affair, the former finally nos­ing out the upperclassmen by onepoint. The lineup follows:Juniors (6). Sophomores (1).Murdock R. F PritzkerShirley L. F,. . . .. GendreauO'Connor C. F ., . . . . .. MeinePavlicek C. G ., WindrowTempletonWhite L. G....... MidkiffBUl"cky R. F.Clark, Ingw'snBaskets-Murdock, 1; Pavlicek, 1.Free throws-O'Connor, 1! Midkiff,LCluett, Peabody&Co.,I�c. MakemA FEASTfor the devotee of athletics is avisit to a Spalding store. There-�� in he can see and examine im-J plements and accessories fori � every known athletic sport. AnIi, l' expert will take pleasure int ' showing him what the cham-.s : pioJl8 use in their respective'lines. He can wield a racket,swing a golf club or a base ballbat, punch a bag or "do a stunt"on the gym apparatus; he caneven take an imaginary row onone of the rowing machines; in';. fact" he can go through thel maneuvers of every form ofathletic sport right in our store., If you cannot call at a Spald-I ,: ing store, then the next best, thing i� to send for a Spalding�i catalogue.A. G. SPALDING & aaos;� rs So. ;Wabash AVe.,. Chicago. m1 :�:T:���::'�����.. 1 ati COWHEY'S, } 1 s. Eo C=ol5l!t!! St. ,,1M! I:!II. A_oII ISTETSON UNIVERSITY.I ' 'De1aDd, FlOrida.? Pres. Liucom Balley, A. B .. 1Ianud:Ph. D., Univ. of Chieago. Four col­leges, five schools, 17 buildinPt 50 infaculty, 15 Carnegie units � toenter 'college of Liberal Arts. Land ofblue cddes, summer weather, out ofdoers ! ��tion all winter; soft windsfrom tile sea; music of, the mockingbirds in th_e oran� grove. HighestI college standards. A good place tostudy the winter term. send for� catal:�EPH SCHMIDTh DRUGGIST)' StatiODery, ToUet ArtIclesFiDe Line of Candies.956 E. 55th St., Chicago, m.Imported and Domestic\ line of,CIGARS and CIGARE'ITES. ( .PLAN PROGRAM FORSENIOR ACTIVITIES! .. '. IN AUTUMN QUARTER, .I • Palus fer a campaign to have alarge representation of seniors at thealumni football banquet next Wed-nesday at the Hotel La Salle, wereI r discussed at a meeting of the Senior, I J . Social committee last night at the;- Delta Upsilon fraternity house. TheJ'. committee decided that a class din­" ncr will be held a week from tomor­row at 6 in Hutchinson cafe. Seniormen and women will attend a lunch-"eon on November 24, at 12:45 inHutchinson cafe. A tea for all sen­;" , iors win be given on December 11.'jf, I'.' ,,<,' ... JUNIOR AND FRESH� •••••••••••••• w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••TEAMS WIN YESTERDAYFdeshmen (7).Tolman ........ R. F ........ GuerinByerly, S'lfridge L. F.......... LoebGray C. F.......... EarleGorgas C. G CrawfordLyman � L. G......... GatesFishman ., ' R. G.......... CohnBaskets-Tolman, 2; Gorgas, 1;Loeb, 3. Free throws-Loeb, 1.ECONOMICS SOCIETY TO MEET"American Railway Problems" to BeDiscussed at Meetings.Students in the department of Poli­tical Economy have been invited toattend the sessions of the eighth con­ference of the Western Economic so­ciety Friday and Saturday at the Ho­tel Sherman. :' The subject of the con­ference is "American Railway Prob­lems." Mr. H. G. Moulton, of thedepartment of Political Economy. issecretary of the society, and DeanShailer Mathews is president., Sessions of tJte conference will beheld tomorrow afternoon and even­ing and Saturday morning. Amongthe speakers scheduled are Prof. W.Z. Ripley, prcfessor of Political Eeon­omY at licarvard; Samuel O. Dunn,editor of the "R:ailway Age Gazette,"and Prof. John Gray; of the Univer­sity of Minnesota.READ SECRETARY'S LE'M'ERSWomCD From India Discuss Workof Miss Melcher. 'Mrs. E. C. Fleming and Miss Har­vey, from Madras, India, discussedthe work of Miss Marjorie Melcher,student secretary of the Y. W. C. A.in Madras and Calcutta, yesterday .at1 :15 in the League room. Lettersfrom Miss Melcher and from some ofher pupils were read and her workdiscussed.Miss M. Corbett, general secretaryof the Y. W. C. A. in the Easternstates; Mrs. Bullock, of the Fieldcommittee, and Mrs. L. Wilson, orEvanston, discussed League workyesterday afternoon at a joint meet­ing of the First and Second cabinets,the Advisory board, and the Fieldcommittee. Reports from all thecommittees were read, and plans forthe year discussed.Aged Student Dies.�.!rs, �!:>!'!' c, Mf':lrt: who entered aNew York school at the age of 8&, tostudy Greek four years ago, died atBattle Creek, Michigan, Tuesday.Classi/led �dSeFive centa per lin.. No advart'''­menta received for I ... than 25 cent..All cla .. ified advertiHment. mud bepaid in advance.WANTED-PUPILS IN OIL, WA­ter color or china painting. Privateor class lessons. Address, Mrs. J. want to send your Dry Cleaningand Pressing where you can getthe best work for the least money.Our regular laundry service in­cludes the mendi�g of your socks.,yoUI IDEAL LAUNDRY CLEANERPHONES:Douglas 1965 Auto 71-250I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Cooke Frazier, 6322 Ingleside Ave.Phone Hyde Park 3068 ..TO REN�-ONE ROOM. WELLheated and lighted, $8 per month:Also large front room suitable fortwo. House; board optional. 5759Dorchester Ave.'FURNISHED ROOMS-TWO AT­tractively fu�sbed outside rooms inmodem apartment. 5519 Kimbarkavenue. Phone Midway 1306.ROOM5�PLEASANT, ATTRAC­tive froot rooms, .Three blocksfrom Tower. Board if wished. 5618Drexel avenue, 2Dd floor. Pbone2294 Blackstone.FOR RENT-TWO NICE ROOMS,first floor. Young men preferred.Call in the afternoons. PhoneBlackstone 1010. 5720 KenwoodAve.FOR RENT - PLEASANT OUT­side furnished rooms. Young menpreferred. N ear the surface cars,elevated, . and I. C. 6126 Dorches­ter Ave. Phone Blackstone 2035.FOR RENT-TWO FRONTrooms. Two gentlemen or couple,$4 week, $15, month. Steam heatand hot water. Apply 5717 Dor­chester. Phone Hyde Park 6940.Fourth apartment.WANTED - STUDENT REPRE­sentative for College Specialty firm,Programs, j ewelry, leather goods.Apply at Business Office, Maroon.SUITE FOR RENT - SITTINGroom and bedroom facing NormalPark. Private family; adjoining Ibath� private e�tran�t ....On� or. twogentlemen prercrreu, J."ewIY ueco- Irated and furnished. Inquire Man-chester, 354 Normal Parkway. IFOR RENT-SPLENDID OUT­side room, very light and quiet, 3rdapartment; no other roomers, nearI. C. $3.50 per week. 5553 Black­stone Ave.ROOM TO RENT - LARGE,light, cozy room in private home;two women students or married cou­ple. Electric light, steam heat;good opportunity. Mrs. A., 1345 E.62nd St., 3rd apt. "Rah !For the Bradley"-the college man's .sweater, Thick, heavy andwarm-smart, snug fitting and well tailored. Willoutlast the college course .The Bradley Sweater as illustrated-a fine. all arounddependable sweater that wtll stand all you can give it. andmore. The Bradley Navajo Shaker has a Navajo borderdeftly knitted In collar and around bottom in your collegecolors.If your dealer doesn't sell Bradley Sweaters.write us for the names of dealers who do. Make astand ror n "Bradley"-it will pay you.Three Reasons WHiAiofT S¥3�LD Men's Commons1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2Dd. Cleanliness Our Motto. IDSpect the Kitc:bea.3m. A Minimum Prke for High Qaa6ty Food.Club Breakfast, 15c up.Dinner A La Carte MUSIC Cafeteria at LunchCome In.THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12,1914.Scenario ContestTRADE MARKl10III111' a &i.oon...$100.00. Cash PrizetITHOMAS A. EDISON, Inc:., offer$100.00 for the best motion picturescenario submitted by a student inany department of thia University.-'tIlD addition, aD scenarios auitableto the requirements of the �m­pan,. wiD be purchased and paidfor immediately upon acceptance.Contest Closes Dec. 1, 1914Far' further particulara see huD� hoard.All scenarios must be aublDltteciby above elate toThe College Prize Contest Dept.®�. THOMAS A. EDISON. loe. @2826 DECATUR AVENUE "•BEDFORD pAJUC. M. Y.·r···R�·�t;·;;;····H·;t;·····140 cents eachGET ONE FORSATURDAY'S GAMEATTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS5758 Ellis Avenue or Room 106 Emmons Blaine HaD••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••What College Editors Think."The Handwriting on the WalLThe days of the high school fra­ternity seem to be numbered. A rul­ing was recently made by collegefraternities in the state of New Yorkto exclude members of high schoolfraternities after a certain date in thenear future. Within the last three orfour years the majority of the nationalcollege fraternities have adoptedmeasures against admitting highschool fraternity men to membership.A certain fraternity represented atIndian University joined the generalmovement only last June by passinga constitutional amendment prohibit­ing the initiation of members of highschool Greek letter organizations af­ter 1918. The college sororities haveeven taken a more positive stand onthis question than the fraternities.At a recent conference of the Nation­al Pan-Hellenic in New York City aresolution was adopted barring highschool girls who are members of aGreek letter sorority unless they re­sign before Nov. 15, 1914.This undoubtedly presaies the earlypassing of the high school sorority.In justifying its attitude, the congressexpressed the opinion that high schoolgirls are too young to belong to suchsecret organizations, and that theirconduct as members often leads tothe formation of undesirable cliquesthat foster snobbishness in manycases.College fraternities probably haveeven a stronger case against the highschool "frats," Those who are fam­iliar with the status of Greek lettersocieties in this country claim that theresponsibility for much of the anti­fraternity agitation of recent yearsmay be laid at the door of the highschool fraternity. To many peoplewho are unfamiliar with the frater­nity question there is no distinctionbetween Greek letter organizations,although the college fraternity is a 'radically different thing from the highschool secret organization. As a con­sequence of tihs general view the col­lege fraternities are agreed that manyindictments which are largely unde­served have been hurled at them.­Indiana Daily Student.The Harvard 'Man.Several hundred men among the stu­dent body learned last week-end thatthe average Harvard. man is, not somuch different from the average Mich­igan man. Those of the invaders whohad preconceived, critical .notions re­garding the Cambridge type were dis­illusioned. Aside from a habit of pro­nunciation which jars a bit on thewestern ear, and a trifle of aloofnessin his nature, the Harvard man wouldseem to be as tobllly unlike his cari­catures as is possible.The Harvard union and the Harvardclub were thrown open to the Michi­gan visitors, together with the inci­dental hospitality of other clubhouses.This was the more formal part of thewelcome, and it was appreciated.Perhaps the friendly and cordial atti­tude of the individual students on theCambridge campus was more liked,however, because it demonstrated gen­uine feeling in an indisputable manner.Michigan students return the ex­pressions of god will manifested byHarvard students. They hope thattheir respective teams will play regu­?lar games. They also look, forwardto zreetlna a Crimson eleven with itsfollowers in Ann Arbor.-MichiganDaily.German Club to Meet.The German Conversation club willmeet tomorrow at 5 in Lexington 14.Classes in conversation will be heldat 4 :15 in Lexington 4 and S.Sabsaibe formE DAILY MAROON SQUAD WILL PRACTICEON ROADS IN COUNTRYEi,ht Crosa-C-oUDlry Men to RunOver Five-Mile Rural CourseToday.Preparations for the annual Confer­ence cross-country run will be startedtoday by Coach Lightbody's squad oflong distance runners. A team ofeight men will leave the Englewoodstation at 3:20 aud will go .over .theRock Island to the country for prac­tice over the country roads.The Conference meet will be heldat Lafayette on Friday, November21. All the schools in the Confer­ence and a few outside institutionswill be represented in the run. Thecourse will be five miles in lengthand will take the runners over coun­try roads. Chicago men have not hadany practice over this kind of acourse and Coach Lightbody intendsto prepare his men by today's trip.Captain Stout, Campbell, Goodwin,Bacon, Teninga, Wilson, Powers, andColwell are the squad selected to runthrough the practice this afternoon.All of the men are ill the best of con­dition after their run against the Pur­ple Saturday and are determined tofinish ahead of Northwestern in theConference run. Coach Lightbody isconfident that his men can run amuch better race than they did Sat­urday, and expects them to be amongthe first at the finish of the race.WILL GIVE TEAM BIGSENDOFF AT MEETING(Continued from page I,seats left, whose sale has been ex­tended until tonight.Gray and Flood Are on Field.Chicago stock went up yesterday,when Dolly Gray and Flood madetheir first appearance in active for­mations since the Wisconsin game.However, Director Stagg refused tochange his statement, made early inthe week, to the effect that Gray andFlood will not enter the Illinois game.N either of the stars were allowed totake any active' part in the, scnim­mage, but watched the method ofbreaking up the Illini plays.The freshmen ran off a vaned as­sortment of Coach Zuppke's puzzlers,and some of them were good forsubstantial gains before the ball wasdowned. Many plays of the compli­cated forward pass variety were tried.Every member of the regular Varsityeleven, with the exception of JohnAlbert, was in the lineup. Kixmill erfilled Albert's place at right guard.Try Out I11ini Plays.The line men were instructed asto how to break in and halt the in­tricate plays of the Illini. Pat Pageand Norman Paine appeared in thefreshman lineup and executed theplays as they had seen them in all ofthe games which Zuppke's men haveplayed this year.CHOOSE MEMBERS OF CHORUSNine Woemn Selected to Dance inMuquers Play.Members of the Cranberry chorusof "Thanksgiving Magic," the playwhich Masquers will present at theThanksgiving spread the night of No­vember 25, were announced yester­day. They are Mary Evans, HedwigStieglitz, Lillace Montgomery, ZoeWinn, Mabel O'Connor, Alice Mc­Elin, Priscilla Nyberte, Helen Jamie­son, and Edna Bonheim. The dancesto be exhibited by the chorus havebeen composed by Charlotte Palm­quist ami Esther Homer.A rehearsal of cast and chorus willbe held today at 4:30 in LexingtonIS. All members of Masquers whoare not in the play have been asked tomeet tomorrow afternoon between1:00 and 6:00 in Green han.Discusses Theory of Statistics.Assistant Prof. Lunn, of the de­partment of Mathematics, discussed"Notes on the Theory of Statistics"at a meeting of the Mathematicalclub yesterday at 4:15 in Ryerson 37. "SPEED UP!"to 60 minute. em Iaoar, by taking"_ c'grind"'V?' out of typeuJritinsll,/ AND amile! For here at last is the mastermachine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum out MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary working day. The new'Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays I"Just tum the knob" and get the "penonal touch ..that fits YOURSELF I Write with the fast, Royal roller­trip escapement-the heart 0/ the typewriter I"UIU wuboal effort.Built for UBig Bu.meau and itaGreat A�y of Expert ()peTatoraThese new features of the Royal add to the aenaitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter subtracts-.peed !The speed with brains behind it-the all-day speed ofthe expert tYPist in the day's work. E.l1Otlea speedis the kind of spee4 that counts. Commonsense baapunctured the illusion of the other" kind.Get the Faet.lScad for the· Royal Priee $100man" and uk for. 'DEIiONSTRATlON.Or write US ctirectfor _ oar new bro­cImre,-" B.tt.rScnNce.�' aDd bookof lact8 OD T0ae6COMMITTEES TO MEET TODAYMrs. Walton Will Entertain AUMembers at Tea.All committees of the .Settlementdance will be entertained at a tea to­day at 4 at the home of Mrs. LymanA. Walton, 5737 Woodlawn avenue.Dean Wallace, Mrs. Lovett, Mrs.Judson, and Mrs. Terry will pour.. Each committee will be given a sepa­rate room in which to discuss theirplans.As this will be the only generalmeeting of the committees, ChairmanJohn Burtt has urged that everymember of the different groups bepresent.Law Coanci1 WaD Meet..The Law School council will meettoday at 10:15 in the court room ofthe Law building.Entertain Green Freshmen.Harriet Jones, Mary Sturges, IrmaGross, 'and Lillian Houghton enter­tained the freshman women at a teain Green yesterday afternoon.Elect Ei,ht to Harpsichord.Lois Kantzlor, Marion Hicks, Mar­garet Hess, Reba McKinnon, EdithAbernathy, Rosalie Barnard, Kather­ine Frost, and Marjorie Rohan wereelected to Harv�idlonl, a\:\:UI Jing toan announcement yeMerday. Addi­tional tryouts will be held next week.Club Pled&es Three.Chi Rho Sigma yesterday announc­ed the ptedging of Dorothy Wilson,Gertrude Chamberlin, and ElizabethSherwood, an of Chicago.Press Issues JnomaLThe Astrophysical Journal was is­sued yesterday by the Press. • �' �. Til� \1 :�oi��, and,�'" tmini,. -r'Il��:�Five Notre Dame upperclassmen,w. #,' �e���financially embarrassed because' of .j stituYale's victorY,' are going 'to' walk to' � contChicago to see the Carlisle game at /, centComiskey park Saturday. The dis- , J � the'tance is 102 miles and the hikers have and-their work cut out for them. Coach'J�sse Harper h�s given them lettersto Harry Grabiner, secretary of thepark, so that they may gain free ad­mission to the game. The boys will"hobo" their way through the COUD­try.NOTRE DAME MEN TOWALK INSTEAD OFRIDE TO BIG GAMEPLEDGING OF WOllENTO FRESHMAN CLUBSTAKES PLACE TODAYPledging of Freshman women tothe three societies, Blue Bottle.Black Bonnet, and Yellow Jacket,will take place this afternoon. BlueBottle will pledge at the home ofMartha Barker, S485 Gree�wood ave­nue, from 1 :30 to 3. Group one will •be pledged at 1 :30, group two at 2,and group 3 at 2:30. Black Bonnet •will pledge in Foster, and YellowJacket at the home of Judith Cattell, 15474 East End avenue, at the sam�-\ 'time, with the groups in the same or­der.Staft' to Hold Luncheon.The Daiiy Maroon staff will hold aluncheon today at 12:45 in Hutchin­son cafe.Committee Will Meet.The Sophomore class Executive •committee will meet tomorrow morn­ing at 10:15 in Cobb 12 A.Niue Will Address Club.Prof. Nitze, head of the French •department, will speak to the Frenchclub today at 4 in Lexington 8. VoLRaisandSeWOIHund1serarUnit.to tilgani:.oin tilandthe 1lette:univti'try.Frerto tlwarto tl-osit�• Fretter 1lJJJt.ces(. S4� \'10:1I ,GingtC: j "'.u;• ies,DLF'I