l:.. "'r -} -T" , -, -, � � -, ..., J. '\ • ...CLASS OFFICER�TODAY IN COBB.; , -iii m "'�'l" "'m'-�,' t fDat· :'!J'''''' ': maroou. ELEC'TION' o-p­CLASS OFFICE� �,TODAY IN COBB.'Price Five Cent.Vol XIIL No� 24. ,UNIVERSITY ,OF' CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914.LIST OF THE NOMINEES.BRAHMS SYMPHONY IS, FEATURE' OF CONCERTProgram Includes Overture ByMozart, and "Meditation"From Thais.COMPOSITION IS CRITICISED ..Hanslick Praises Energy of Will'Dit;played-Stevens Will GiveLecture Recital Monday.Brahm's Symphony No, 1, C Mi­nor. Opus 68," will be the featurenumber on the program to be givenby the Chicago Symphony orchestraTuesday at 4 in Mandel. ,"The Over­ture to 'Magic Flute'" by Mozart;"Liebestraum," by Liszt-Stock:"Meditation from Thais," by Massen­ct, and "The Bambule," by ColeridgeTaylor will complete' the program,Brahm's first symphony was com­plete in 1876 and was first presentedin the same year at Carlsruhe afterthe author had spent twelve 'years in, its composition, His choice of thiscomparatively obscure musical cen­ter for the first presentation wasI probably made in order to test the,sYmphony for his own satisfactionbefore submitting it to an audience\ in one of the great musical centers..' Performances at Munich, Breslau,Vienna, and Leipzig followed"The new symphony displays anenergy of will, a logic of musicalthought. a greatness of structuralpower and a mastery of techniquesuch as are possessed by no otherlivin� composer," said Hansliek, .oneof the first critics of the 'symphony."Jt �o�ld- be 'a' sorry mista"e to;;1t-:_.���...to...aitj?,,:., 'Ii:_" r" �'.'�'f "�r�. :�­" aria difficult of comprehenslOn"�-mediately after heaiiDit ,��it,:,,:,ror';'::the:first time. Various, listeners �y'hive found the' music more 'or lessclear, more or JeS8"sympath�tic; theone thing that we 'may speak' of as 'asimple fact, accepted by, friend, and'foe. is that no. composer has yet a�,pro�ched_'so'-lIearly t�," the ,.;'tP,'eatwoib'�:of :�:seethoven as:,:,:BrahDiS inthe 60aJe of the C )(inor'. symphony.".' ":;-:'-�" ,':- i ;' '� �, . ,.,''. _,.• �:.IIOart' •. J.ut �ork..I� • � T ��. � �,i ..... " � .. "", _... _ •"The '"l{agJc :Fiate" was: the bstwork that Mozart- ., cotDposed. Hewas ,int�pted �t 'seVeral ti�es d�7lng its, Composition;: bUt �nany pre-sented it to_ the public in 1791 'atVien� Schi1caneder;_ manager, _ �orMozart, by' astute management . wasable 10 secUre most of the- proceeds.It is 'Said that ,Yozart never receivedany �terial r�Ward for his worle.Coleridge- Tayl�r, the, author of-rile' Bambula," - a - rhapsodic, ' dance, .'WaS the sOD of a 'Degro physicianwho had been born ill Sierra Leoneof 'an English mother. He rec:dVedthe greater part' of his education atthe 'Royal College of Music in Lon-t 'don. At the age of twenty he com-� posed a symphony in A minor, and�. a string quartet. "The Bambula" �sheard for the first time in public in1910 at Norfolk, Conn. Coleridge­Taylor composed his rhapsodicdance for that occasion ar.d was theconductor of it.�,�I\-"Liebestraum" is the third andone of the most popular of Uszt'sproductions. It was originally com­posed as a piano piece and wastaken from the poem, "0 Love" byF. Freiligrath.WiD Gift Lectan Recital.A lecture recital on the programwiD be given by Musical DirectorSteftllS Monday at .. iD KandelTickets" for the concert are now onsale at tbe ". Orchestral associatioD·.o .. 1ce in Cobb 16 A. Only fortysats were left aaae;14. PREUMINARY TRYOUTSTO BE HElD TONIGHT CmCAGO AND WISCONSIN, FINISH'PREPARATIONS FOR CRUCIAL GAMEFifty-Four Students Seek Class Of­fices at Annual Elections Today­pons . in Cobb Open From Eightto Four-Thirty. ' Twenty-One Candidates for De­. bating 'Teams Have SigitedUp With Coach Moulton. Badgers Make Strenuous Efforts To Reduce Long Hos­pital List- Director Stagg Polishes New F orm-ations In Light Drill YesterdayThe candidates for office as theirnames appear, in order upon the bal­lots today arc as' follows :SEXIORS.For President-s- TO PICK TWELVE. FOR FINALSContestants Will Have Five Minutesfor Constructive Argument andThree for Rebuttal. HOLD BIG RALLY ON STAGG FIELD TODAY AT 4:30For Stanwood Baumgartner,Le Roy Campbell,HUJ!o Swan."ice-President­H('len Ricketts.Hilda :\IacClintock. Wisconsin Rooters Express Con- 'I Rooters wm Cheer Team at BigPreliminary tryouts for positions fidence in Spite of Claims of. Sendoff-Special Leaves'on the University debating teams Injured Veterans. I Tomorrow at 7 :25.will' be held tonight at 7:30 in the IHarper assembly room. Twenty-one (By J. Willard F. Moore) , (By Harry S. Gorgas.)candidates have signed. up with IMADISON, Wise., Oct. 29 (Special This afternoon at 4:30 the biggestCoach Moulton, who expects one ofto The Daily Maroon).-A final and massrneeting of the year will be heldthe hardest fights for places that has Ivain attempt to secure Eddie Galein, on Stagg fie\d.. The students wilt beoccurred in years. I'14, veteran linesman of three sea- admitted to the field and the VarsityThose who wi11 defend the negative Isons. to bolster up the line for the I squad will engage in a short signalside of the question at the preliminar- Chicago game Saturday, was made I' drill for the benefit of the fans. Im­ies tonight are: E. M. Aaron. C.\if-Tuesday afternoon, when Director of mediately after this the team will beford Browder, James Burke, EarlAthletics George W. Ehler confer- taken over to the 57th street stationCox, J.' B. Foth. Homer Hoyt, J. T. V H' I II" C 1 ' II hBruce Martin, red with President an rse and .of the. linois cntra 1D a ta y- o.Painter. Walter Phipps, Harry Ro-Phillip Miller. Dean Birge in an attempt to re move I Cheerleader Ward promises to makesen, M. T. Van Heeke. and R. B. Th' h h fFor Vice-President- Weaver. The students who wi11 take Eddie's scholastic difficulties. e (his affair even greater t an t at 0Helen .Timbeelake, only satisfact.ion that could be gained last year, which was the biggestth'e affirmative are: O. B. Ander-B ., h'-Eugenie Williston, was the statement of Dean irge footfall demonstration 1D the IS-, son, O. B. Beebe. J. R. Carter, Ches- Id b 'd' d I 'f U' .For Secretary- 'E tha. t the matter wou. e Iscusse. tory. 0 the mversity,ter Dunham, Fay Graybill. Ilen. Olive Greensfelder, Markley" J. G. MacDonald. Reno at the next faculty meetmg Monday. The squad will lead the paradeHelen Hunt. The Badger squad is seriously down 57th street, followed by theReeve, Herbert Schoening" and \V.For Treasurer- , crippled and Wisconsin's hopes for a men dragging the tally-ho, At. theRalph Davis. H, Veatch. victory have been slowly fading. Un- station a short .ye ll session will beLaurence Salisbury, Contestants will be allowed five less some of the men on the hospital, held. Ward and his �3Slstants wiDSOPHOMORES. -minutes Cor constructive argument' list are able to' resume training this lead songs and cheers, and Director• For President- and three minutes f�r rebuttal.· week the situation here- is truly seri-· Stagg will 'be called upon to speak.Dunlap Clark, Twelve debaters win be picked from' ous. The .squad will leave downtownRichard Gamble, the ca�didates to compete in the final Cum::nlugs is Hurt. about 6:30' and will go to Milwaukee,Robert Wlllett, tryouts which Will be held some ' stel- where th�y' \�ill "spend. the night.- Jack Cummings, \Visconsin's 'For Vice-President- , time next month.' lar. 'halfback, who has been the main- :,�h�y WI�r arrive in .M:adiso�:3: shortAlice Rockwell, Name Five Judges. , stay � of, the backfield and the, princi- ,�me, before �e Ma�oon Special. pullsTheo Griffith-· " .,'- "1 d' '\I'. th� _.B;ul Into, the, Badger, stronghold. The, . "-�" � «:-" �S�Jl.GA-Chad"'�c;EJmx,J. ,pa gr.9_UD " ,.ncr �..;;.__� .... �fe�:f�Ii:.�Dt:.to t:tiei;·�iioteJ�-_,For Secr-e'ta'ry"'::' ' ' �-".� presldeDr6t"ettii�lgma.;iii;XiSo- · ' : - rslv .e • aSdt-:WO-hseasOh�s;S'-watats: .bu.t th. e 'rooters Will parade. t1i�6ugh·.-' -, .' -, '-: ' ": so_ senous y Injure an t, e 10. . e_, "" ' ,.Orville Wetmore eiate- Prof. Lyman, of the department] ' .. ,') f: . -e , &i' da ha h .Ibili the town around the square and outElizabeth MacClinh"k of English; S .. M. Hamilton, of the: ����fah� tur s. \ t t ,e ;�SSl.I. - 'to th=e fi;ld. .! •. .• \, .department, of Political Science, and tl� 0, IS �eturn to t e squa �� �une., _ "For v'Treasurer-e- -A·-' ta t P f NI-' f tll Publie. for the Chicago game are very slight,' Special�vesat'7:25.Jam,es Bredin, SISS. n roo e son, 0. e I . I'd und 'd duri he Th "11.1' S· I" '11 1..S . � "lei d rtn . 't' ·11 t ,An 0 woun was opene .. urmg tee, .a&aroon peaa WI eave',.Jldnan ;MacFarland. pea ng epa men, WI ac as ,. , ,,' ". d f th JIll •�• d . Buckeye game- and became infected, the Woodlawn station 0 e. nOISFRESHMAN. JU ges. The arm was l�nced by-Dr. Middle- Central railroad tomorrow, morningFor President - The twelve students selected at the: .ton after it had swol1e';� far beyond at 7:25. The band win be there, thepreliminaries 'tonight will be divided normal propo�tions. and with favor-. freshman team will be there, ane! ap­into four teams. which· win debate able, reSultS it :may be possible, for ,"proximately five hundred loyal Chi­'each other at the finals. Eight de- Cummi�gs to be back in form for the ccigo r�ters win go to the Badgerbaters. three for each team and two game Saturday. capitalalternates, will '6e chosen at the last Arlie Mucks, the Ha'dger 260-pound Although the advance sale of tick-tryonts to represent the University in guard, who �is still. limping about thr ets has hardly been up to· expecta­the .' :angular . contest in JanuarY.' 'campus anl has not 'been in nni- tion�' about 200 tickets have beenMC:u.>ers of the,teams.will be chosen form for over' a ��ek. The knee is s'old to the students. Today is ex­according to individual merit and not. being. given careful attention, but pected to, be th=e big day for theby teams. Tuition for two quarters should he be �ble to get in the game ticket se11ing department, and the.will be awarded to thos� who appear he win be in poor condition to meet management has· predicted that be­in the contest with Northwestern the Maroons. Bill Breckenridge's fore eveni�g the 500 mark will beand Michigan. loss to the squad on account of paren- reached.tal objections came as a blow to An indications point to a greaterSwanson ,wnt Jiot Try Out. nu-mb' er of students making the tn-p, coaches and fans alike. Brecken-�lph Swanson, one of the mem- ridge and Kreuz have been solving .this season than tWo years ago. ThebefS of last year's' negative team, the fu11back position since Oayton's Athletic department is issuing pur-wiit not, try out this year, as was K c' base' ·sll·ps'· "o'n' the' special for scats' injury early in the season, and reoz,preriously . hoped. Swanson wi11 be who wiII be forced to the fullback at the game. These slips are sold totoo. pressed with other work to per- position, is 'hardly in condition to the students for the reduced price 01mit time for debating wor�. Coach play a full game. fifty cents. An outsiders must payM�UJton is moul"lliDg the loss of ADother Cripple On List. twO· dollars for the same tickets.Swanson, whom he says was a good \Vonderful entertainment is prom-,' • 1 b h d Clayton's dislocated arm is improv-man and 'whose place wll e ar iscd for all who make the trip. Riv-.• ing.'nieely, but is not yet in conditionto fill alrv has sprung np between thefor' football. and it is hardly prob- ',Jable that he win be able to appear band and the freshman team as towhich is of the most service to theon the field again during the presentseason. "Boots" Weimer's broken Varsity, and it is planned to hold acontest to determine the winner.finger is slowly healing, and shouldhe be able to get back into form be.. The band has also promised to prac-fore the game he will be a great aid lice aIt the way up.to the Bad�er squad. Varsity Has Light· DrillGeorge Booth may he used at full Director Stagg put the regularsin the Chicago game for at least a through a light drill yesterday. Aquarter. Booth showed up well last short practice in throwing and kick­year at quarter, but was shifted to the ing the pigskin was followed by' anbackfield this year on account of his hour and a half lecture in the train­weight and speed. Ward Freeman ing quarters on the final details ofhas been injured again and there is formations that wilt be used Satur­little possibility of his being in Sat- day. The Vanity was then seaturday's game. through a long signal drill under theFootball is the aU-absorbing topic arc lights. ,on the' campus, and that WisconsiD That WISConsin by no means dh-TOMORROW. has a fighting chance to win is the played its full power against OhioIIarooa 8I*ia1 ..... WoocIIawD....... Lc..':a:For Secretary­Margaret Fenton,Emily Burry,Nina O'Neill.For Treasurer-Thomas Hollingsworth,Max Sickle,George Lyman ..,JUNIORS.For President-s-Homer Ring,Louis Balsam,lfax Lambert;Jack Gueri�., ,:' .DenslOw: Trumbun,'(Continued' OD pace 2)Arthur Peterson.For Vice-President­\Vells Martin,Hans Norgren,Allan Loeb.·Margaret Cook,Marshal1 Hull,Amy Firth.For Secretary-B. Forth,Dorothy Fay,Irene Marsh,Frances Roberts,jean Barker,Eva Richolson,Elizabeth Dodson.For Treasurer":'"Harold Uehling,Wade Bender,Leland Weers,Orrin Zoline,John Nnveen.Simpson Burke.Cast Finit BaDots..First baItots in the 1914-15 class At the weekly meeting of DeltaSigina Rho yesterday moming aresolution was passed endorsing themovement to form a new league withChicago, Tulane, and Pennsylvaniaas members.elections were cast yesterday after­noon by mC'mbers of the Glee andMandolin clubs, who leave for Madi­son this morning at' 8:30 from theNorthwestern depot. The ballotswere cast at the rehearsal in the Rey­nolds club in the pr�ence of Chair­man Fred Burcky and K�nt Sykes. ofthe Elections committee of the Un­dergraduate council They werethen placed in, ibled· e1lft1opes,where they wiD remain ullbl tlaey areopened for the count.The pons in Cobb Wll1 be opea Itt··clay from 8 antil 4:30. Studnts Wi'll(CoatiD1led OD paae 4) BULLETINTODAY.Election. claa otracen, a to 4:30,Cobb, 8 A, 9 A.German CoinenatiOD c:1ab, 5, Lez­iDctoa 14.:Home CD min, recepdOil of Prai­deat ad lin. J .... I, BatcbiDaoDIIaIL(Continued on page 3)TIIB ·DAlLY IlAROON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER.,,, lilA.OS", Baily _aruonOfficial 8tudent N....,.per of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings. except Sundayand Monday. durlnc the AutUJDD. Win­ter and Spring quarters. by The DallyMaroon ata1LG. W. Cottingham Managing EditorG. K. Shaffer News EditorC. A. Birdsall and R. P. Matthews........................ Business ManagersF. R. Kuh, night editor; E. Retick­er and H. 1<. Swanson, day editors:J. J. Donahoe, athletics editor.: ,! I, � Associate EditoraEarl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deut sch Nicholas LentzAlta Fisher . Bernard Newman.:gntered as second-class mall at the(. �hiengo Postotrlce. Chicago, IlL. March13. 1908. under Act of March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES$2 a year, if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter;by mail, $3 a year; $1.2� a Quarter.Edito�ial-business office, Ellis 12.T elephorie Midway 800.d! II � Clnr·n.c- "\t eEl rov Publir.hing Company6219 Cottage Grove Avo, Midway 3935'FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914.A BROAD"C:R FIELD.The' debating authorities of theUniversity are now considering achallenge to a debate from the Uni­versity of Nebraska, and a proposi­tion to form a triple league with Tu-·lane and the University of Pennsyl­vania. Both propositions seem highlydesirable, and The Maroon believesthat, if at all possible, they shouldbe accepted in time to be worked intothe debating program for the year.It is obvious that the more. debateswe have, the more we broaden thefield of debating at the University in· general It is also obvious that de-·bating is one of the best· extra-air­ricular activities in which a :stud�nt.can engage. So at first glance, we.see.that accepting both propositions more· than doubles the opportunity for men·to engage in first-class debating com-· petition.I!III IIII!i1iI ..But far beyond that, accr pting bothpropositions at once gives' the stu-· dents of the University new andfreshening contact with universitymen from other parts of the country.Nebraska represents a .section of theWest sufficiently different in charac­ter from the Mississippi Valley re­gion about us to be worth while; andcertainly Tulane, in the heart of theFrench South, and Pennsylvania. ofthe older Eastern colleges, offers sti11more variety in student contact.'This contact with students fromdifferent sections of the country.limited though it would be by the. small number of men participating inthe debates ·is most desirable. Wenow have associations innumerablefor the purpose of bringing facultymembers from all over the countrytogether for more or less intimate. as­sociation and if this idea be worthwhile, it certainly deserves extensionto students, so far as possible. .In view of these benefits. The Ma­roon believes that the objections tothe proposition should be weighty be­fore they should be allowed to prevailThe objections offered that occur offhand certainly are not of this charac·ter. Th�y are two in number; one,that not enoug-h men would he inter­('sted to enable the l7nivcrsity to pro-vide the proper numher of teams, andthe other is the ,old hn�ahoo of ex­pens:.The first objection, when ur;edagainst these two propositions, con­founds cause and effect. It is tmethat few men have come out for de­hating in the past; but this is prob­ahly true, not because interest hi de­bating is lacking. but rather hecausein the past there have been hot fewplaces 0f,en to competitors. In all prpb&bilit7, openiq the 6cld .0ui4prOvide its own eere for tlsis co.4li-Hon. .' '. .The second objection offered in thisconnection has even less merit thantile first. Ot:.!.· athletic teams are pro­vided with trips costing enormoussums, and not one of the authoritieshesitates for an instant, To raise theobjection of expense against a trip(or debaters, in view of our policy inregard to athletics shows, to say theleast. a touch of the distorted senseof values usually imput-ed to the grace­less - undergraduate. And the justifi­cation offered for the trips of ath­letic teams, namely, that they pay forthemselves, is perfectly available indefense of th'e proposed debatingtrips. Such trips certainly pay forthemselves in broadening views andadded experience for the mer partici­pating, if not in actual cash receipts.And, after all, is not this the great'!stgood,-tbe good for which the Uni­versity is supposed to exist?COMMUNICATIONTo the Senior Class:To the Editor:-That letters from the class of 1914,as an official group or as separate in­dividua ls, were sent to different socialorganizations and individuals askingfor the support of a certain candi­date for president of 1915 and ask­ing the united support of these so­cial organizations on the campusagainst certain other elements of theclass of 1915, I wish to brand as ab­solutely without the slightest foun­dation of truth.That a committee, supposedly ap-"pointed and directed by the president.of 1914 to see that certain individualswere elected to office this fall in theclass of 1915 is anything more than amalicious falsehood,· I challenge any­one to prove.Such a statement as this is madeonly because, ·from what I learned,'the above stated falsehoods have beencirculated among the majority of the­seniors. I sincerely trust that 1915win aid 1914. in running down thepeople who started . these untruths,and,' in the meantime, turn a deaf ear'to any more such bare-faced deceit,any my attitude to the whole mass of·despicable ·... eports, as I believe is':e�eryone's whose class or name wasever slandered by such scandal; isthat I realize full well that only inthe excitement of a class electionwould anyone listen to such mud­slinging, let"alone believe it.Rt.TDY D. MATTHEWS,President Class of 1914.GIVE HALLOWE'EN PARTIES.Greenwood and Fostu Make Merry;Other Entertainments Tonight.Original sketches and special Hal­lowe'en gam::s formed the entertain­merit of the Hallowe'en parties atGreenwood and Foster last night."Perils of a Freshman," a shadowplay by Mildred Schroeder, and "AChinese Sketch" by Helen Drew werepresented by' new Greenwood resi­dents at the party in the Greenwoodparlors.Other features of the entertain­ment were dances by Helen Dunwalt­er+and Anna Meyer, and songs by achorus of twenty women. Old Fosterhouse members gave the sketch."Class Day at a Country School" forne w members. Fortune telline andHallowe'en. �ame!' followed thesketch.Beecher and Green will �ve Hal­lowe'en parties tonight, and Kdly willentertain tomorrow.Pen Club Chooses Officers.Pen duh members elect.:d officersat a meetin!: \Vednesday night at thePhi Kappa Psi house. Hays Mac­Farland was chosen president, Ray­mond A nderl'on secretary, and GeorgeSchafft'r treasur-cr .. Some changes inthe constitution were made, and acommittee was appointed to investi­�te the Qualifications of :)ro�pectivem('mhers. MANy GRADUATBI·AitEwoRKING IN CHICAGOSome lien Haye Goae to DiataDtPlaces. But Majority Obtain Po­aitioaa Bere.Several men who graduated lastyear are DOW working in Chicago orvicinity, while others are employedin all sections which are scattered allover the United States. Robert Mil­ler is president of the Perley Chemi­cal company; Fletcher Catron is sec­retary-treasurer of the Elephant­Butte irrigation project; Darwin Far­singer is social secretary of the vicecommission of Baton Rouge.Arthur Goodman is working in theclassified department of The ChicagoTribune; John Boyle is vice-presidentof the Setinbrecher Realty company;Clark Sauer is treasurer of the Peo­ria Distilling company, and EllidorLibonati is taking a pre-medicalcourse at Chicago.\Villiam Stanley is local attorneyfor the Santa Fe railroad at WichitaKans.; Mercer Francisco is out-of­town sales manager for the NorthernRank Note-company: Charles CushingI is general manager for the GardnerWeigh t-rcducing company; MatthiasHosely is a theatrical producer; Har­old Axelson is with the Citizens'Street Cleaning bureau, and BurdetteMast is with the :\[utual Casualtycompany,Hartwell Johnston is third vice­president of the \Vri!{ley ChewingGum company; Howell Murray . iswith the Tobey Furniture company;Charles Axelson is the Illinois man-. agel' of the Northwestern Life In­surance company; George Parkinsonis practicing law in Salt Lake City.Roger Deering is departmental ex­aminer at Brown university; JohriCurtis is assistant principal of theShare ton high school; Thomas Cole­man is with -the Madison-Kipp Lubri­cating company; Lane Rehm is with"Hibard, Spencer. Bartlett and Com­pany. and Duane Munn is salesmanfor the George P. Bent Piano com­pany.ROO'l'lms WILL :COO·. ·TEAM AT BIG SENOOFF(Continued from page J)State is the opinion of the "Old Man."He said yesterday, "The score of theWisconsin-Ohio game does· not inany way indicate the relative strengthof the two teams. The Badgers wereworking with the Chicago game Inmind and did not disclose their fullstrength." According to the Ohiopaper, however. tile Buckeyes out­played the Badgers in the first fraUand held them even in the second.Preshmen to Go.Pat Page put in a busy afternoontrying' his freshmen out for the Wis­consjn trip.' Only a limited numberof the yearlings will be taken on thetrip and the names will not' be an­nounced until late this afternoon.Every man on the squad must be outin a uniform today.Rooters' hats will be on sale on thetrain by members of the junior class.Plans have been made by the Athleticdepartment to equip every man in therooters' section with a maroon hatand a megaphone,ONE HUNDRED AND TENSENIORS GATHER ATLUNCHEON YESTERDAYOne hundred and ten seniors at­tended the first luncheon of the classyesterday in Comons cafe. Associate. Prof. Allen, of the German depart­ment, addressed the gathering, andwas follo\\'ed by Kent Sykes, presl­('ent of the class last year. Sykesthanked the students for th�ir heartysupport of tbe class during his ad­mini!'tralion.Club to Admit Members Onl,..Starting Monday thc. Reynolds clubwill' allow privil�ges of the club tome:.nbers only. Men Wl11 be requiredto sholV' their cards upon enterin�. UNFAILINGLY CORRECTYou have the satisfaction of knowing you look alt;oaetherright at all times, when your clothes are tailored the "ler­rems way."Jerrcms tailored clothes represent true economy; not onlybecause of the low' price, but because the tailoring is 80correct, so individual that they keep their style and eaIlbe worn long after ordinary clothes are hopelessly "out ofdate. 'You will make sure of seeing' what is correct and authori­tative in fall and winter fabrics by coming into any of ourthree stores .Prices-Suits and Overcoats $30. $35, 40.TAILOR�or Young MenThree Stores:-25 E. Jackson Blvd. 7 N. La Salle St.71 E. MOIlI'Oe SLTHE CONKLIN PENMFG. CO.:rOLEOO.o. u.s.A. JastDip.alidn .. ,rreBS.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.$5 fore • ., .. ,.waLed$500 for the. Bestlbeadvertisingprofession lsnttraet­tag many college men. �jc\"cl':lluniversities recognising th::; ten­dency have jn."1�gurnted specialeourses in the science of advertising.Here is a chance for you to provewhether YOU have talent for thencw profession-with a possibilityof earning �500 towanl your nextyear's expenses.Forthe best original Fatima ad. sub­!:Jitted by a college man before JuneI, 1915, ,,·c will pay �OO in gold.The first inmeDmeDt of studenb' ada.will � � nest moDthEach mooth. beginnlDlf DeSt month. some of the ads.submitted will be published in eoIlcge papers andmagadnes. With each ad. 80 published. if the writerwill permit � we win publish his name. year andpboto&'I8pb.Every ad. published will be paid for at the rate of esnplece, It must be understood however, that tho �kc­lion of an ad. for publication does not siR'lllfy that itbas any better cbanee to win the 8500 tbrm the ads.not 10 ehoseD. FatimaFada"''Na.«o.w •• _ .._. ... tIi.a ...F�_SlID&*.��n.e blft"t wm.1Sc:aI dca.I'dM la -'-'ca...... -b)'�--.n.e TlI11thll � awd I.PIIt_ Is ac-Wly � lITrnidnll Nliore .... Jft'oal �1II1ri.CnaI1a. s.- ... s.,nu..s-brs ere III", � dp._ ..... nMh. w. pack.::."!t;e:.:� -Or -f'_ � ....dO,. ,hah._IM' ............ 20farllcThere arc no restricUons whatever as to the methodyou shan employ or the 'W'D)" you sh... ll approach the11Ibject--a:cept that the ad. mU!it be truthfuLIt has been our esperiCflCe that no mnn can strikc thefire of conviction in any kind of salesmauship-writtenor personal-unless he believes in· what he is eelllng.Tbat·s only" hint, however.THK TURKISB,BLIHD . CIGAR ETTEI) .i Til£.. DAUJ· .IIAROON, .�Y, OCTO.BIIR." lIM.SAYS 8RAP COVR8B8'. ARB BAlfE OF COLLEGE. Scenario Contest Deu JoimstOIl, of Vi .......Blames Buy Smdies for P"_ares iD Life.Traffic in snap courses in college ismuch like the traffic: in alcohol andother injurious drugs, according toa statement made by Dean Johnston.of the University of Minnesota, in arecent address."The snap course hurts him whogiws and him who takes." said Mr.Johnston. "It produces weakness andindolence in the student. The stu­dent becomes dependent on his snapcourse and �oes out from college un­fit to meet the problems of life and tocope with his fellow men. He willbe a 'bluffer' al1 his life. The depart­ment which offers snap courses sur­fers, too, because it not only becomesthe rendezvous of all weak and lazystudents, but also soon loses the re­spect of other departments."The duty of the student to him­self is the most serious' phase of easystudies. The student who is not ac­curate and who .slips over f.his or thattopic because he thinks �t will pasethe instructor's eye, is cultivating inhimself habits of carelessness that willalways make it more difficult' for himI to do anything well, and always more. easy for him to do his work slovenly.I The .mere ability to pass a course isnothing." .$100.00 Cash PrizeflnlOMAS A. EDISON, IDe., offer$100.00 for the � motioa· picture8Ce'Y'rio aubmitfed by a atudeot inallY �eat Of. thia Um_.,.,III �ditioa, ail � aaitahleto the requirements of the C0m­pany will be. purchased aDd paidfor immediately upon acceptaDCe.Contest Closes Dec. 1, 1914 .F_ further particubn see buitetin hoard.AD ecenario. mUlt be submittedby above elate toThe College Prize' Contest Dept.® THOMAS A. EDISON •. InC. @28�6 . DECATUR AVENUE . ". ••BEDFORD PARK. N. Y.PhotoCRPhs for Ammal To BeTaken Nest Week.WOMEN·S GLEE CLUB ELECTS.DO ,YOUR BANKING 'Il'l-HYDE PARKAT :�HE Dorothy Strachan Is President andBeth Nicol Vice-President.HYDE PARKSTATE BANKCONNIE". Oil' :S3� :S.T. & LAKE· AVE Dorothy Strachan was electedpresident of the Women's Glee clubyesterday, Beth Nicol vice-president,Reba Mac1cinson secretary and treas­urer, and -Louise Miles librarian. Mr .J. Beach Cragun will direct the clubthroughout th.e year.The complete list' of Glee club.members, including those chosen fromthis quarter's tryout. follows: Eliza­beth Nicolo., Katherine" Hattenclorf,.. Edith Al?er!iatby s . Phyllis Far. E�elynHartis, Norma Bogarth, Elba Forbe,Mildred 5chroede'r, Isabelle Sullivan,Dorothy Strachan, Ludne Bates,Reba Mackinson, Miriam Rickel', AdaHuelstcr, Marie Goodcnough, IreneMcKean, Edna. Schucll, . Evaugeline'. Stenhaus, Louise Miles. Elsa Harjes,.Jennie Klausner, Ora . Haan, MarjorieRohan, Edna Smith, Maude Aber-­nathy •. Helene Cadmus, -Ada Wallace,Gertrude Richter,. and MargaretLauder...... _-- ... -i'.. '!�._ ..�" \NO-MA'ITER HOW. CAREFULLY··YOU 'MAYKEEP. �'YOUB ·JmMoil1" BOOK, -IT -WILL NOT,PCORD AS FAITHFULLY THE YEAR'S 'COLLEGE'ACl'IVITIES IN WHICH YOU PARTICIPATE AS���A '. ..- WISCONSIN CONFIDENTOF VICTORY TOMORROWBOUND FILE (Continued from page 1)'DAILY OF TIlEMA'ROON' Secret practice prevails at CampRandall this week and among the oldboys who are assisting Coaches Ju­neau, Driver, and Wilson are "Coots"'Cunningham. "Biddy" Rogers, "Jim­my" Bush; Walter Sheldon, and"Slam" Anderson.A �. NUMBER OF DAILY MAROONFILES FOR THE �RESENT COLLEGE YEAR WILLBE HELD FOR BJNPING. THE PRICE WILLVARY FROM FOUR TO SIX DOLLARS, DEPEND­ING lJJ?QN THE GRADE OF, BINDING DEsIRED.ORDER AT ONCE IF YOU CARE FOR ONE OFTRESE VOLUMES WILL TAKE CLASS PICTURES.Class pictures for the 1915 CaP andGown will be taken next Thursdayand Friday on the steps in front or\Vaiker. Juniors wiJ1 have theirphotograph taken Thursday at 10:15;sophomores, Thursday at 10:25, andfreshmci" Friday at 10:15. Pictureswill be put on sale at the Cap andGown office as soon as they are fin­ished.The annual staff has started prelim­inary work on the publication. TheI office in Ellis 17 is open Tuesdays,Wedncsdays. and Thursdays from Zto 5. Associate editors and sopbo-I mores interested in tt,e Cap and Gownhave been requestcd to report as soon'SUBSCRIBE FOR as' possib1e. Frcshmen desiring toTHE DAILY MAROON . come oat (or the annual shOllIcl seeAD the Campus News the editors during office ho1J1'S. .======================================================� . SERVICES ARB p&JtI!IAXDIT .Vesper Scniccs ill IIaDdel UDderChristiaa UDioa SapenisIoD.Sunday afternoon _spu scrvices iD •Mandel wjJI hereafter be a PC�.Iinstitution conducted under thc aus­pices of the Christian unioD. accord- ,ing to an announcement made by theunion board yesterday. Dean Math­ews will speak ten minute. al SaD­cb.y's services, and Caryl Cody willlead the responsive reading. The mu­sieal program for the services Iol­lows:Overture, ·:Hebrides·' MendelssohnAndantino LemareViolin Solo William Weis.rr"To a Water Lily" .. ,.,. M8d)ow�1I"In a Persian Garden" LeinDaaD"Myself When Young" Lehmann"As Then the Tulip" LehmannTHECORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANKor Chicago.Capital $3,000.000.00Surplus 5,000,000.00Undivided profits 1,500,000.00OFFICERSErnest A. Hamill, Pres.Charles L. Hutchinson. Vice-Pres.Chauncey J. Blair, 'Vice-Pres.D. A. Moulton, Viee-Preoi.B. C. Sammons, Viee-Pres .Frank \V. Smith, Sec'y.J. Edward Maass, Cashier.James G. Wakefield, Ass't Cashier.Lewis E. Gary, �f;s't Cashier.Edward F. Schoeneck, Ass't Cashier.Directors .Charles H. Wacker, Marf.;in A. Ryer­son, Chauncey J. Blair, Edward B.Butler, Benjamin Carpenter, WatsonF. Blair, Charles L. Hutchinson,Charles H. Hulburd, Clyde II. Carr,Edwin G. Foreman, Edward A. Shedd,ErDest A. Hamill.Foreign Exchange.Letters of Credit.Cable TransferS.Classified- �d.s..Five cents per line.. No advert�­_ menta· reeeived for' Ie. iIl"'n 25' �nta..·: All classified advertisements must bepaid in. advance.. 'r QUARTERBACKA SCientific and accuratereproduction of the. GAIIB ·OF FOOTBALLInstruetive and Exciting.Bunt by college men for, college men.Reeommended by CAaebts.A fonner famous Chic.go player writes: . "I 'lapparticularly Irapressed bythe detail and minute ac­curacy that you have at­tained in reproducing thegreat American game:"PRICE $2.00.Ask Your DealerOlympia Games CompanyChicago, I!LQUARTER BACKFOR SALE ATWOODWORTH'SBOOK STORE.--1,.1311 E. 57th S1., near KimbarkUNIVERSITY STATIONERYEngraved and Coat of' .Anns.BBRNHARDI'SGermany and The Next War, 25c-RECENT BOO�... 4 <I. .. oj � •• _••WANTED. - GENTLEMAN· OR' ·.for the devotee of athletics is ahusband and .wife to occupy part of . Visit"tO a 8palding store. There-an apartment within ten - minutes; . .'walk of Harper Library. If mutu­ally agreeable will . divide exPeriSes.Reasonable rates. Chicago LawSchool, 64 \V. Randolph St. Phone'Central 3438.ROOMS-PLEASANT, ATTRAC­:tive front rooms, Three blocksfrom Tower, Board if wished. 5618Drexel avenue. 2nd floor. Phone2294 . Blackstone.FOR RENT -,THREE NICErooms, first ftoor. Young men pre­perred, . Call in the afternoons.Phone Blackstone 1010. 5720 KCD-'wood Ave.FOR RENT - PLEASANT OUT­sid(' furnished r00111S. Young menpreferred. Near the surface cars.elevated, and I. C. 6126 Dorches­ter A,,(·. Phone Blackstone 2035_FRONTFORrooms. Two gentlemen or couple,$4 week, $15 month. Steam heatand hot water. Apply 5717 Do�-'chester. Phone Hyde Park 6940. "Fourth apartment.FOR RENT - SINGLE ROOM,.third ftoor. Sacrifice. Apply Mrs.Bailey,6035 El1is Ave. Phoee Mid­way 2295.FOR SALE-A LIBRARY OF 60volumes of' classical literature ingood condition. Price reasonable.Also a dress suit and Tuxedo coatin good condition. J. P. Barthlow,Phone Doug. 1328.WANTED - STUDENT REPRE­sea tame for College Specialty.firm.Programs, jewelry, leather goods.Apply at Basiness Office, Maroon.WANTED EXPERIENCEDsalesman who wI'l . seriousl,. con­aider selliDg clothes 011 campa� forreputable firm. Jlal'OOll BaaiaasOffice. in he can see and examine im­plements and accessories forevery known athletic sport. Anexpert will take pleasure inshowing him what the cham­pions use in their respectivetines. He ean wield a racket,swing a golf club or a base ballbat, punch a bag or "do a stunt"on the gym. apparatus;' he caneven take an imaginary row on.one of the rowing machines; infact, he can go through themaooeuvres. of. every form ofathletie sport right in our store.If you cannot eaIl at a Spald­ing store, then the next bestthing is to send for a Spaldingcatalogue.A. G. SPALDING & aaos,28 So. iWabash Ave., � mJOSEPH SCHMIDT.DRUGGISTStatioDery, Toilet ArtIclesFiae Liae of CaDdies.956 Be 55th SL, Chimp, m.Imported and Domesticline ofCIGARS aDd CIGARETrESBUY YOUR SMOKES, .alMl .GENTS· FURNISHINGSatCOWHEY'S.. 1:. c... as. St. .... EIIi. Awe...... -.'�� . 'THE :DAK.Y-'-KAROON",FIUDAY.:'OCTOBU' 3O .. �1914•. "�'SPEED ,UP!"" to 60 mmiia an Aour, :'. by iakingtlae C'grind". �//, -: " : .' "�� 01 eypewriting! .V/ ,;,.,,/ AND.".� 1.: ;J;4'o� here at last is the master/' machine that .makes it easy for any stenog- _rapber to tum" .cut MORE letters with LESS I.effort in the ordinary .working day. The new •Royal Master-Model �'lO" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays I"Just tum the knob;', and get the "personal touch" Ithat fits YOURSELF! Write. wi� the fast, Royc1l roller­trip escapement-the hearl9f.the typewriter 1ll1U wilhout effort.Built lor cc Big 'Business" and itsGreat Army of Expert' OperatorsThese new features of the Royal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter su�peed! '."".The speed with br8ins behind it�the all-day speed ofthe expert typist in" the day's work. ErrerleJ:S speedis the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense bas� the illusion of the other kind.Get the FaCts !SeDd fOr the" Royal . Price $100" 'man" aDd ask for aD BIiONSTRATlON.Or write us directfor oar new !no­chnre,-·· BetferSerrIice. •• RDd bookof facta on T0ac6.$125ia CanadaROYAL TyPEWRITER: COMP ANY. .280 E..MOiUOe s� Chi';'go, Wesley A. Stan�er�,M�.·. '.. ..-iiiji.gjj---................ � � ... � .• � ...•...... � .....•..•...... �.� ..Teresa:� S:::Doian ;,i::. ",.: ,;.:::: . '... - H��:,DANCING ". ACA�EMY. . ,.r�Cor. 40th St. and 'Cottage Gr���. �vl!�!�L_Form.,I,. O_I.ncI Masic H.IIMonday Evening, Class: only, 8:15-11 :15.. Saturday Evening, Advanced Class, 8:15to 9:00. Reception, "9:00-12:00. .Thursday Evening, A�vanced. CI8SS,-8.:1�'�· �to 9:00. Reception, ·9:00-12:00.PRIV ATE LESSQNS anytime by appointment, $2.00 half­hour. 3 lessons, $5.00.- Monday night class, Modern Dances,3 hours in�truction� $1.00 'each at door or' in advance, 6 les­sons for $5.00." TwQ' or more in �amily, 6 l�ns for $4.00each. Thursday 'and Saturday, mght Beeeptlons, 50e each,$1.00 per couple. Wardrobe Free..SPECIAL RATES fo� � Private Classes; formed anytime.-No additional charge for advaneed class instruction.HALL MAY BE RENTED for Dances, Entertainments,etc. at reasonable rates. "Seating capacity, 600. Pay us avisit, you will be pl�.. "N TELEPHONETERESA s. OOLA Kenwood 6147Vice-Pres. InternaUonal,As8n.. Masters of Dancing. Member DancingKasters Assn. Graduate Vernon Castle Scbool of Dancing. New York.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Prof. Cutting, head of the Germandepa�nt, will address the Ger­man Conversation club this after­noon at 5 in Lexington 14.MaudoHn Club Elects Ten." DANCE PROGRAMS Ten men were elected to member­ship in the Mandolin club. The menchosen are Arthur Haupt, HugoSwan, George Lyman, Roland Daly,Carl Hofmeister, George Stewart,Laurence Swan, William Hunter,Norman Hart, and Floyd Weakly.For new and !l0vel ideas indance programs get our: sug­gestions. Oar prices ar6 right..� ... ., - - . .We alw carry a completeline 0'- favors, mounted jewelry,�� - leather goods and stationery.. Let's get' ac:quainted. Can or.:. write for. oar little booklet.The ,CoUege Shop:····900 MarhaII F.w Alma � WiD Speak. . : . .' NAME BURTT '-CHAIRMAN .. ,. '1: OF SETTl.EMENT DANCE: Su"essor" to Evans Appointed at: \ ..Council Meeting' Yesterday�.·,Glee Club· Casts Ballots.·---;John Burtt, ·14. ;"\\,as appointedchairman of the 'Sct tle ment Dancecommittee at a mec tirur of the Under­g-raduatc council yesterday arrcrnoon,to take the place oi Franklyn Evans,who was chosen ior the position lastweek but resigned.The dub men who are leaving forl\l�dison this morning were allowedto cast their ballots for today's classelection yesterday afternoon, as theresult of a motion passed by thecouncil. The council :i1so decidedthat three candidates for cheerleaderwill be chosen at the end of theirsophomore year. '1'1: I: Y will assist thecheerleader during their junior year.Marshals and aides will be asked toassist freshmen to register on thefirst day of every autumn quarter.JOINT Y. W. C. L. ANDY.M.C.A.RECEPTIONTO BE HELD TONIGHTPresident and Mrs. Judson will bethe guests of honor at a receptiongiven by the Y. W. C. L. and the Y.M. c. A. in Hutchinson hall and theReynolds club tonight at 8. The re­ceiving line will consist of the Presi­dent and Mrs. Judson, Dean Talbot,Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goodspeed, Prof.and Mrs. Coulter. Caryl Cody, MissGeraldine Brown, Miss Iris Spohn,and Mr. and Mrs, Bickham. TheUniversity orchestra will furnish mu­sic.GIVE NEIGHBORHOOD P.ARTY.Northwest Club Entertains City Wo­men-Committee Will Meet.Members of the Northwestet Neigh­borhood club were hostesses at aparty given for Neighborhood wo­men yesterday afternoon in the clubroom. Sixty women played games,.Vera Donecker winning the prize.R'efr�shments were served followingthe' ga�e"s. �. ., 'The " Membership - committee willmeet. tomorrow at the home of Flor­ence Heacock," 'presi�ence of theSoutheast . club. Personal invitationsto joi� the· ·�l�b will be sent to alloff-campus women."CHRYSANTHEMUMS AREBEING EXHIBITED INBOTANY GREENHOUSESTwelve hundred chrysanthemumsare being displayed in the Universitygreenhouses next to Ellis hall. Theexhibition contains two hundred spe­cies which have been collected byHead Florist O'Carroll. Groups ofdomestic plants, from which many ofthe common household materials,such as oils and dyes are made, arealso being shown.FRESHMAN SOCIETIESASK WOMEN TO NAMEPREFERENCE OF CLUBFreshman societies,' Blue Bottle,Black Bonnet, and Yellow Jacket,have requested freshman women in­terested in the clubs to state theirpreference for one of the three or­ganizations by Monday. Boxes havebeen put up in Lexington to receivethe slips, on which each woman is re­quested to write her name, address,and the names of the three clubs inthe order of her preference. Theseslips will be submitted to the Sign ofthe Sickle and will be compared withthe list of women desired : by eachclub. Pledges of each club wilt beannounced next Wednesday.Elect Club Officers.Scandinavian club members electedofficers at a meeting last night at 8in Cobb 12 A. Martin Rund waschosen president and Carl Nelson sec­retary. The next meeting of the clubwill be held Thursday, November 12,at the home of the president, Martin. Rund. .. ...To�' T'hose Students Who-'LoveGood· Chocolate. CONFECTIONSHer e are Delightfully DeliciousMorsels-made to melt in the mouth-perfect all the time-loved by all.who try them .WILBURBUDSThe BUD S are crudely imitated,but the WILBUR WAY cannot beduplicated. Be sure that you getWilbUr's Chocolate B�diAt all Confectioners and Druggists... in your neighborhood ...,�...·j�'H� O. WILBUR & SONsE,�. �: � '(m��rated) : :. �. .. PHILADELPHIA PA.:; t t t't t • t t t t • t t t ••••••• t t ••••••••••••• t ••• t •• t • t • '••••• ';Sabaerlbe ,.THE DAILY IIAROONLIST OF THE NOMINEES- HOBEN EMPHASIZESTHE IMPORTANCE OilIDEALS IN ADDRESS(Continued from page 1,have to vote with the classes in whichthey are now classified, as reclassifica­tions will not be permitted today,Students have been' urged to use pen­cils in marking the ballots, as ink­sometimes blots a cross in -anothersquare, and makes it necessary to'dis­card the vote for the office in which'two selections are indicated. Thetellers will be instructed not to giveout any ballot until the name of thevoter has been scratched from thelist.Under the usual council rules, novote solicitation will be permitted in.Cobb hall during the hours otelec­tion, The ballots will be counted by: the council immediately after the.'polls are closed. . The European conflict was cited asa typical example of. how men arewilling to suffer and lay down theirlives for an ideal, by Associate Prof.Hoben at the Divinity chapel senieeayesterday morning. Mr. Hoben cOm­pared the hardships endured by mem­bers of the ministry to the sufferingof the soldiers, emphasizing the im­portance of ideals in life.To Select IIasqaera' Cut.Parts in the cast of the Masquers·play, "Thanksgiving Magic;" wiD lieassigned and rehearsals begun _ earlynext week··for the performance. �nighi before Thanksgiving. Ei�Homer and Pauline Levi, the authonof the play, completed their writinglast night.·FACULTY MEMBERS TOGIVE ,� ADDRES�BS.Will SpeaIi in Chicago HaDs at Meet­ings Under Direction of Lec-.tare Association. TO HOLD SPEAKING CONTEST.,ILower J11Diora WiD Compete Wecl-.Desday i:i& Kaat Theater.Associate Prof, Solomon H. Clark,Mr. Charles Zueblin, Yr. KarletonHackett,' and Associate" Prof. HenryC. Cowles will give lectUres about"lite city, under the University Lec­ture association, next week. Mondayeverrlng, in the Fullerton AvenuePresbyterian church, Mr. Hack-ett, will give an address on "Verdi andthe Opera of Italy," illustrating hislecture by the use of musical in.stm­ments -,Mr. Zueblin wilt" lecture Monday inthe Scoville Institute on "Howells,Critic and Socialist." Associate Prof .Clark will give an' interpretative reo:eital of Brieux's "The Red Robe" atthe Berwyn House club Mondaynight.Mr. Zueblin will continue his courseon "Social Prophets" at the AbrahamLincoln center Tuesday with an ad­dress on "H. G. Wells." Thur�yevening, in the Congregationalchurch, Associate Prof. Cowles winbegin his course on "Our NativeLandscapes and Their Meaning" withan illustrated lecture on "Our Hard­wood Forests." Associate Prof.Clark will give the sixth of his re­citals on the "Wagnerian OperaPoems" with an interpretative re­cital of "Lohengrin" at the West EndWoman's club, 37 Soutll Ashlandboulevard. Preliminary tryouts in the. lowerjunior extemporaneous public: �­ing contest will be held W edneS.!�f..at 4 in Kent theater. Students desir­ing to enter the contest must regis­ter with the- dean of the Junior col­leges before noon Monday. The af­fair is open to both men and womeawho have not more than twelve ma­jors of credit, and who are eligiblefor pubHc appearanCe.Subjects will be given -out at KeD�theater "wVednesday at 3. Four speak­-ers "ill, be chosen at the preliminar­ies to compete in the final contest,which will be held two weeks later.The winner wiil be awarded tuitif).for one quarter.I. Christian Scientiata to Meet.The Christian Science Society testi­monial meeting will be held Tuesdaynight at 7:45 in Lexington IS.Will Hold Business Meeting.The Cosmopolitan club will hold ashort business meeting tonight at '"8in Ellis 18. Following the sessionthe members will attend the Y. VI.C. L- Y. M. C. A. reception to thepresident iii' a' body. !Semitic Club to Meet.The Semitic club will meet Mondaynight at 8 in. Haskell 26, in memoryof Prof. Robert Harper, who diedlast summer, Th-e subject for discus­sion will be "The Project of the ScI­enee of Assyriology." ,�,�.�