laily _aruuuVol. XIII. No. 13. Price Five Cents·UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1914.SOPHOMORES WINW.A.A.TUG OF W AI CONTESTPrsve Victorious Over FreshmenIn Strength Trial--Three Hun­dred Women Join MarchDISTRIBUTE NEW BOOKLETSPub!ication Describes MembershipBasis of Association-Blue Bot­tle Wins Competition.Sophomores won the -interclass tug­of war at the annual \V. A. A. recep­tion yesterday from 4 to 6 in Lexing­ton gymnasium. Mrs. Charles R.Henderson presented the victoriousclass with a trophy: Three hundredwomen joined in the grand marcharound the gymnasium.An obstacle race, representing thehurrv involved in making a 9:15 classon the fourth floor of Cobb aftergymnasium, was won by Mary Allen.Katherine Sllroehnle, Beulah Burke,and �[argaret Conley followed MissAllen in Quick succession. Moderndance steps were illustrated by Lil­lian Bissel, Virginia Titus, and Dor­othy Dorsey.�lue Bottle Wins Contest.Blue Bottle was successful in win­ning the greatest number of fresh­man women for their society in thefreshman club contest. Hadie Bros­seit represented Blue Bottle. HelenAdams Yellow Jacket, and MargaretLauder Black Bonnet. Books ex­plaining the new point system of the\V. A. A. membership basis were dis­tributed among the new women.In addition to a history of the as­soci�tion's constitution, the bookletcontains Chicago songs and a list of.former W. A:'�A: presidents.Th e basis of membership to theW. A. A., as explained by the newbook rests on the number of gradepoin;s received for �thleti�s, parti�i­pation in sports, and In taking part Inthe play given annually by the or­ganization. One hundred points arenecessary for membership accordingto the revised system of membershiplimitations.F:-ench Club Meets Friday.President \Villiam Shirley will pre­side at the opening meeting of theFrench club today at 4 in Lexington.The program for the quarter will bearranged. Students somewhat ad­vanced in French have been invitedby the club to join in weekly socialmeetings.BULLETINTODAY.Chapel, Divinity school, 10:15, Has­kell assembly room.Y. W. C. L., 10:15, Lexincton 14.Chess club meetinc, 2, Reynoldsclub.Glee club rehearsal, 3:30, Reynoldsclub.French club, 4, Lexington 8.Undercradaate council, 4, Harper14 10.Southern club, 4. Cobb 8 B.Christian Science society, 4:30,Cobb 12 A.Conference of women's orcaniza-tions, 4:30, Lexington 15.Y. W. C. L. cabinets, Lexington 14.TOMORROW.Nomination for class officers, 10:15.Blue Bottle, Black Bonnett, andYeDow Jacket parties; Foster, GreeD,and Greenwood baDLInformal dance, 8, Reynolds club.SATURDAY.lleetinp of UDinnity ndiDc bod-ies. 4Football, Chic:aco VB. Iowa, 3, StacCField. house. Stagg Opposed to Plan.Election of new members, which In speaking of Chicago's stand, Di-had been set for last night, was, in rector Stagg said, "\Ve are stronglyview of the proposed reorganization, o?�osed to the two sport rule prop�­.postponed until the·� "���!�' !_o-f... s�v��l_!'��_o�s.=_ I!t_C? _pl'_1-.of the club on a new footing. .1 mary objection IS that no sound ar-guments have been given by the menwho proposed it for its adoption. NoTO GIVE TEAS FOR LEAGUE. investigation has been made to prove--- that one man's participation in fourMrs. Lyndon and Mrs. Robertson branches of athletics is detrimentalWill Be Hostesaes. to his physical condition or that such--- participation '. is detrimental to hisMrs. George Lyndon will be hos- scholastic work. It may be that intess at a tea given by the Intercolle- some of the Conference institutions agiate committee of the League to aItUniversity women who come fromother colleges, tomorrow from 3 to S.The tea will be given at the borne of:Mrs. Lyndon, '5737 University avenue.Ethel Russell is chairman of thisnew committee, which is a branch" ofthe upperclass counsellor committee.Helen Beckley, Dorothy Edwards,Ethel Young, Katherine Hattendorf,Ruth Prosser, and Rosalind Keatingwill assist.Mrs. David Allan Robertson wiltbe hostess at a reception given to alimembers of "League committees inHitchcock library Sunday at 4. TheFirst Cabinet of the League will re-WILL ISSUE QUARTERLYTHREE NEW FRESHMANWOMEN'S CLUBS SENDPARTY INVITATIONSPen Club Members Plan New Maca­zine Venture at Meeting-Commit­tee Appointed to Make Recommen­dations for Reorganization.Plans for publishing the initialnumber of a quarterly -uagaz ine toappear during the autumn werelaunched last night at a dinner oi thePen cluL. Hermann Deutsch wasauthorized to proceed with prelim­inary arrangements as editor of thepaper. According to first plans, themagazine will be off the press in No­vember. General plans look to theproduction of a periodical unlike any­thing that has appeared at the Uni- Iversity as regards physical appear­ance, subject matter and literary"tone."Efforts were made to issue a similarmagazine during the last Springquarter, but a late start with the workmade their carrying out irnpractic­able, The club intends to limit cir­culation of copies to members of thecluh and their friends, without seek­ing general sale.To Reorganize CI�b.Thorough reorganization of the Penclub on a basis that will eliminate"dead timber" from its membershipwill be undertaken during the presentquarter. Hayes McFarland was ap­pointed cllairnAn of a committee in­cluding .Harry Gorgas and KentSykes, to draw up plans for a reor­ganization. The plans will be pre­sented at a meeting \Vednesday night,October 28, at the Phi Kappa Psiceive.JUNIORS AT DENTALSCHOOL ARE WARNEDCONCERNING HAZINGPresident Harris of NorthwesternUniversity has �,"arned the juniors atthe Dental school that anyone start­ing a hazing fight will be expelled.It has heen a custom at the North­western University dental school tohold an annual hazing fight betweenthe juniors and freshmen. A battlewas averted last week by the inter­vention of the police.Enlarce Indiana Campus.Bloomington, Ind.,. Oct. 12.- Twen- .ty-six acres have been added to theUniversity of Indiana campus. Theaddition of this land will make thetotal area of the campus 120 acres.The purchase price was ,",0,000, theamount to be paid within the nextyear. Part of the property will beused for additional athletic grounds.CHICAGO WILL OPPOSEPROPOSED SPORT RULE MISS MELCHER IS l\IOVED DELAY NOMINATIONSTO AID MASSMEETINGLeague's Student Secretary In IndiaGoes From Calcutta to MadrasStation-Chance Announced atCabinet Sessions Yesterday. Chairman Bureky PostponesClass Gathering Becauseof "Pep" SessionDirector Stagg and Dean SmaULook Upon Athletic Restric­tion With Much Disfavor Miss Melcher, the University wo­men's student secretary of the Y. \V.C. A. in Calcutta, has been transferredirom Calcutta to Madras, as the needof a student secretary in �ladras isI considered more pressing than in Cal­cutta. The news of Miss }'lelcher'sshift was announced at a joint meet-ing of the tirst and second cabinetsyesterday in the Neighborhoodrooms.Extracts from letters by Miss Mel­cher. and by others of the Y. \V. C.A. workers in India, commenting onthe change, were read at the meet­ing. Part of a letter by Miss Melcher,dated from Calcutta, July 8, and ad­dressed to the League women, fol­lows:Miss Melcher Tells Change."A detailed letter will goo to youfrom the· Indian national committeetelling you the reasons why the stu­dent situation in Madras seems moreimmediately urgent and critical thanin Calcutta, and why they have voted,at the request of the Student depart-ment, to transfer me to Madras."As you can imagine, it is not easyto leave Calcutta, because even innine months one gets attached to thework and to the place. I f one thingdoes make an overweigh t on the sideof Madras, it is the prospect of livingin a hostel with 27 Indian girls allmy own, and of course one of thecauses of the transfer is the necessityfor opening a second student hostel. for medical students, a thing justmade possible by the government's"g;����\lS �tier to pa·y the full rent."I was asked if my constituencywould object, and I said, 'No, I amsure the girls of Chicago will under­stand and will not be disturbed atthe change, even if "Chicago in Ma­dras" is not so euphonious as "Chi­cago in Calcutta.' As for comparingthe need and opportunity in the twocities, that is futile, beca�se every po- That llinnesota. will be representedby a large delegation of rooters at thefootball game here November 21 isevident by the formation of a Root­ers' club. The slogan adopted by theclub is "Every man to Chicago."The requisites for membership tothe club are a chest like a barrel anda mouth like a bucket, according toan announcement in the MinnesotaDaily. Eighty men have alreadyQualified for membership by showingtheir rooting prowess. The clubmade its first appearance Saturday atthe North Dakota game.NO HARM IN PRESENT SYSTEM PAINE AND PAGE TO SPEAKQuestion Will Be Submitted BeforeRepresentatives at Next Meetingof Conference Board. Coaches Will Discuss Hawkeye'sStyle of Play-Members ofTeam Are on Program.Chicago will decidedly oppose anyruling in favor of the establishmentof the two sport Conference restric­tion at the next Conference meetingto be held the latter part of Novern­her. This information was given outyesterday by Dr. Small, Chicago rep­resentative on the Conference board,and Director Stagg. President Fred Burd:y of the Junior class, chairman of the Electionscommittee of the Undergraduatecouncil, announced yesterday thaclass nominations will not be held tomorrow. The meetings, which wereoriginally scheduled for tomorrow a�10:15, have been postponed until nexweek in order to prevent a conflictwith the massmeeting for the Iowagame.As now planned. upper and lowersenior officers will be nominated atmeetings on Tuesday and upper andlower junior officers will be nom­inated next Thursday. Candidateswill speak the following Thursdayand the elections v::!! be held October30. Changes in registration must bemade October 28 and 29 at the bureau01" Records.Will Speak on Prospects.Pat Page, Red Paine, and ShortyDes Jardian will be the principalspeakers at the massmeeting aroundthe "C" bench tomorrow at 10:15.Members of the team will be on handand several versions of the Saturdaygame will be heard. Page and Painehave a little "dops" on the Iowa team,which is considered a dark-horse con­tender for the Conference title.Cheerleader;. Ward will conduct a.class in cheering for freshmen andothers. The vendors. of Maroon hatswill be on hand.This question, which was firstbrought before the Conference rulingbody at its last meeting, proposesthat all athietes be restricted from iIengaging in more than two branches Iof athletic activity in one year. Atfirst a restriction to one sport was Isuggested, but opinion seemed to beso strong against this plan that itwas changed to two sports. No votewas taken on the matter, but in allprobability the Question will be sub­mitted to the board at their next ses­sion. Even then it can not be de­cided finally, because the vote of eachrepresentative must go before the fac­ulty of the different institutions forratification.(Continued on page 4) GOPHERS TO HAVE SUPPORT.Eigbty Rooters Form Club Pledgedfor Chicago Trip.(Continued on page 4)VARSITY PRACI1CES UNDER ARC UGItTSIN DRIZZLE ON STAGG FIELD YESTERDAY(By Harry S. Gorgas) and Sparks played opposite him. TheGhost ball and arc light made their center of the line seems fairly wellfirst appearance of the season on settled, with Shull and Albert at theStagg Field yesterday, and the Var- tackles, Stegeman and Jackson atsity was sent through the longest guards, and Des Jardien at center.practice of the year. The drizzle • The backs on the second squadproved excellent drill for wet field lined up as follows: Schafer at full,football, and Director Stagg improv- Coutchie and Agar at half; and Gor­ed this opportunity to remove all don at Quarter. Gowens and \Vhitingtendencies toward fumbling. The were used at end. Flood is still dis-. freshmen, instructed by Coaches Page abled and will be out of the Iowaand Paine, exhibited Iowa formations contest. Other men on the secondin a dummy scrimmage. A long sig- . squad who probably will be used Sat­nal drill lasting ontil nearly seven urday are Redmon, Fisher, White, ando'clock wound up the day's work. "lHardinger.A new system of powerful arc Elimination Battle at Madison.lights has been installed on the field 0 t id f .. L ". I ,! t D• • U SI e 0 .Ie la e- .. ,o re arneand Director Sta�g will. be able �o contest at New Haven the battle thathold longer practice sessions than In will most interest western footballformer years. Three big globes have fans will be the annual Purdue-Wis­been put up, providing a powerfullight. The lamps cost seven dollarsapiece, and Director Stagg made it apoint to warn the men against kick­in� the ball wildly. The Athletic De­partrncnt is wiUing to he reasonable,hut it prefers to keep its seven dollarglohes intact as far as possible.___Lineup Still Uncertain.The "Old Man" sprang a numberof shifts in the lineup, and it is evidentthat he has not yet picked the mento start the Hawkeye contest. Thebackfield on the first learn in signalpractice yesterday consisted of Rus­sell at quarter, Gray at left half, Ackerat full, and Berger at. right half.Huntington was back at right end WORLD PURDUE DAY ISPLANNED BY ALUMNIOF LAFAYETTE SCHOOLLafayette, Indiana, October 13-Theidea of a World Purdue Day to beheld in the latter part of the winter isbeing started by the "Purdue Alum­nus." With the co-operation of alum­ni all over the world it is planned toset a day on which every Purdue manmay find another Purdue man to eatdinner with, every local associationmay have a reunion, and all may joinin making the Purdue yell heardaround the world.consin clash at Madison. Last sea­son Purdue held Wisconsin to a 7-7tie in a thrilling struggle. Oliphantran thirty yards for the tying scorein the Iast minutes of play. Both theBadgers and the Boilermakers are\rated as strong championship con­tenders this year, and the contest willbe the first big elimination' battle ofthe season. Coaches Page and Can­ning will go to Madison for the game. Invitations to the first set of rush­ing parties of the freshman women'ssocieties, Blue Bottle, Black Bonnet,and Yellow Jacket, were mailed yes­terday to all freshman women. Thecommittee in charge have asked anywoman who may not have receivedan invitation to sign up on the posterI 10 Lexington at once.The first bear story emerged fromthe Iowa camp when it was reportedthat Barron, star left tackle, hadbroken his W1;St and would be out ofthe Chicago game. According to Pat(Continued on page 4)USE P AP�RS AS MOnSLsTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBFjR 15, 1914.m�t Baily _aroon IrflC ...· ___.'Cc::I C c:JCI ...' ___..ct;lOfficial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPubltshed morntnsrs. except Sundayand Monday. durtng' the Autumn. Win­ter an� Spring quarters. by The DailyMaroon sta1r. .G. \V. Cot tingham 1Iana�ing EditorG. K. Shaffer News EditorC. A . Birdsall and R. P. Matthews........................ Business llanagersr. R. Kuh, night editor; E. Retick­er and H. R. Swanson, day editors;J. j. Donahoe, athletics editor.Associate EditorsEarl Bondy Samuel KaplanHermann Deutsch Xicholas LentzAlta Fisher Bernard � ewrnanEntered as second-class mail at theChicago Postotrtce. Chicago, Ill., March13, 1908, under Act of March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATES$2 a year, if paid before October 20;by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter;by mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a Quarter.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12.Telephone Midway 800.Clarke-McElroy Publishing Company'219 Cottage Grove Ave. Midway 3935THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1914.AN IMPORTANT EVENT.Tryouts for the Varsity debatingteams are announced for October 30'.Preliminaries in the Lower Juniorspeaking contest wilt be held N ovem­her 10_ These events represent animportant side of University life, andone that is apt to be slighted by theaverage undergraduate.Debating is peculiarly an activitywhich should appeal to college men.All through high school he has be­longed generally to some debating-club, which was usually the biggest.activity in the school outside of the.athletic teams. The Maroon's east­ern correspondent, in his letter inyesterday's paper, speaks of the prac­tice in debating required of studentsOat Ha�ard in the early days.There has been a tendency in thepast at Chicago for undergraduatesto leave these activities alone, eitherfrom fear of graduate competition orfrom apathy. Graduate competitionshould not particularly he [eared. Thework necessary for a J.::ood brief canbe done as easily hy a conscientioussophomore, junior or senior as by agraduate. There have been under­graduates on Chicago teams, some­times the best men on the teams. Thework required to build up an ade­quate argument will not take over­much time, and will give the studentvaluable training in research work.and useful information in the particu­lar matter under discussion, thetheory of the, �Ionroe Doctrine, a livequestion in American politics today.Aside from the mental training se­cured by competing for a Varsityteam, there arc financial compensa­tions to those successful. A scholar­ship is given to each member of thetwo teams.Freshmen arc not clijriblc to tryfor the Varsity team, hut freshmenand sophomores can gain training,and incidentally scholarships, if theyare successful enough to make theirclass teams. The winning team getsscholar shins for each of its members.Tryouts for these teams will he an­nounced later.The winners in the pnhlic spcakinccontests held throughout the year arcgiven scholarships for their success.Tfi'e freshmen arc given a special op­portunity to compete a��inst no moreexperienced talent than their class­matt's in the pre liminarics to he heldNovember 10.'_f tJIfINOMENCLATURE.\Vhy not standardize our nomen­clature? Could not the Undergradu­ate council brine about some system Contributor' to EDellah Jouraal Ad­vocates Adoption of Daily News:­papers by Colleees for TeachincTechnique of WritingThe adoption of newspaper modelsfor use in English courses instead ofselections from classical Iiterature oreven from authors of the first rankis advocated by �I r. George K. Pat­tee of the Pennsylvania State collegein an article on "Some Neglected�Iodels" in the October number ofthe English Journal, issued by theUniversity Press. He states that itis useless to ask a student to patternhis work after some masterpiecewhich he knows that neither he norhis instructor can successfully irni­ta te."What can be more absurd inthe teaching of rhetoric than toask a student who requires in­struction in thinking, who needsdrill in the clear, forceful andalas, grammatical expression of evensimple thoughts, to model a themeafter "The Fall of the House ofUsher," or "The �lan \Vho \Vas"? thearticle states. "With what henefitcan one who has done little investi­gating and is not sufficiently matureto do much real thinking pattern afterthe writings of Darwin or HenryGeorge? Such models have time andagain been found too vague, too ad­vanccd for college men."Affords Concrete Model."Newspaper writing on the otherhand, as exemplified by the best rep­resentatives of the metropolitan press,affords models that are concrete.definite, and not beyorid the powersof ordinary freshmen and sophomoresto imitate with a fair degree of suc­cess. College men are interested innewspaper wrrtmg, Only a few ofthem, perhaps, care to take up jour­nalism as a profession, but every manat some time or other has a longingto see work of his own in print, andhe is eager to learn the art of writ­ing for the papers. The romance ofthe press thus becomes a tangible as­set in the course."The writing of headlines teachesconciseness and emphasis as does noother kind of composition, Mr. Pat­tee asserts. The main idea must benot only expressed emphatically inthe "head," but also so compactlythat it is necessary to count even theletters.The use of the "lead" or the para­graph at the very beginning of thestory which summarizes in brief,pithy form the entire incident to berelated is given as an exceltent meansof teaching what material to use andthe outline form in which it shall bearranged. I t further states that, liasa training in the principles of empha­sis the writing of 'leads' is unsur­passed."Forces Writer to Think.The arrangement of ideas in thestory proper, though not difficult, issuch .\S to cause the writer to .exer­cisc considerable ingenuity. Fromthis fact arises one of the greatestbenefits of the newspaper style as amodel: it forces the writer to think,to weigh the value of his facts, and toestimate their importance to thegreatest number of people.""Doubtless many blue-stockingedcritics will object to the newspapermodel on the ground that it is essen­tially practical, that itt does not re­flect the 'sweetness and light' ofancient classic culture. This objcc­tion ought not to hold. Thousands ofpeople at the present time are earningtheir livelihood lry writing for thepapers. Comparatively speaking, veryrcw writers gain a competence in anyother way. The fact in itself shouldwhereby we would all, Annual Regis­ter and student paper as well, call theentering class either "lower juniors"or "freshmen," and the same with allclasses? Personally, we prefer thetitle "10,\ cr juniors" to "freshmen,"as it indicates better the senior andjunior college system at Chicago, andas it was the name originalty adoptedhy the L'nive rsity. give the newspaper models wideprestige. Although it is not to be ex­� pected that a required, undergraduatecourse in composition will to any ap-.preciable extent fit students for theprofession of writing, yet if in rare in­stances such proves to be the casethe newspaper model should not bescorned on that account. Many col­leges have done far more foolishthings than to attempt the refutationof Horace Greeley's scathing arraign­ment: 'Of all horned cattle, the col­lege man in the newspaper office isthe biggest nuisance.'''Periodicals for Text.I n an article. by Harry R. O'Brienof the Oklahoma Agricultural and�[echanical school on "AgriculturalEnglish" the use of some good maga­zine is advocated for the teaching ofEnglish to Freshman ag riculturalstudents.A class in practical writing startedyesterday at the Englewood highschool has adopted as text-books theChicago dailies. Stories were takenfrom the papers and used as models.ATHLETIC BREVITIES.The University of Princeton hasadopted the system of numberingtheir football players.Arangements are being made tostage an exhibition game between theUniver sity of Kansas and the HaskellI ndian football team. The game wrllbe given for the benefit of the Ameri­can Red Cross Society.Ohio State University has set Octo­ber 24th, the day of the Ohio- Wiscon­sin football game, for its annual alum­ni reunion. The advance seat sale forthe game has already started.The Ohio athletes are disappointedwith the spirit displayed by the stu­dents before the big games, Only 500tuned out for the mass meeting beforethe game last Saturday.The University of Indiana finds thatbaseball and track are losing sportsas far as finances are concerned. TheHoosiers depend on the receipts ofthe football. season to balance theaccounts.The Illini are greatly pleased overthe showing of their team in the Indi­ana game Saturday. The most notice­able improvement was in the forwardpassing of the down staters. Out of26 attempted passes 15 were successfuland netted long gains.The 111ini .suspect 'that Indiana'sslow shift in the game Saturday wasused as a defensive tactic to prevent'Coach Zuppkc's men from rolling upa higher score."Stubb" Barron, star guard on theUniversity of Iowa football team, willhe out of the game for a month,owing to a broken wrist sustained inthe Iowa-Cornell game Saturday.The University of Iowa has formeda Varsjty soccer team. Two gameshave been scheduled with Grinnelcollege.Van Aken, a new man on the Pur­due foot hall team, is proving to be astar. In the game Saturday he gotaway for several long runs, showinghrilliant open field work.Five dollars has been offered to anyUniversity of Nebraska student whocomposes a new yell that will be ac­cepted by a board of judges.�[innesota already reports a largeadvance sale of tickets for the Tlli­nois and Wisconsin football games.All efforts arc being made at Min­nesota to arouse spirit for the Chi­cago-Minnesota game. The Gophersare planning to have a larger delega­tion present than the crowd of Chi­cago men that invaded the North­erners' camp last year.Southern Club Meets.The Southern club will meet todayat 4 in Cobb 8 B. ,'T'ain't the grinds or.I. the sports that of­tenest get into "Who'sWho." It's the all roundshore nuff men. An'th' secret 0' VELVET'S .success is its "all-round-�r [JC[J[JC[J ness. "YELYET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, has the ntJI­ural mildness and tobacco fragrance of Kentucky'S BurlegJeLuxe with that exclusive a.).!"cd-in-the-wood mellowness. !Octins and 5c metal-lined bags.��,�cma.IbCl"" - ....U::::Jc=J C c:::JClI u=:][:!l"SPEED UP!"to 60 minutu an hoar/"': by taking the "grind"v7 out 01 typewriting!/' ./ �.",i/e! For here at last is the mastermachine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum out MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary wor!:ing day. The new·Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays!"J ust tum the knob" and get the "personal touch"�t �ts YOURSELF! Write with the fast, Royal roller­trip escapement--the heart 0/ the IypeuJritu runs wilhout effon.Built lor uBig Buiness" and itsGreat Army of Expert OperatorsThese new features of the ROyal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter subtracts-1peecl !The speed with brains behind it-the all-day speed ofthe expert typist in the day's work. &rorle3S speedis the kind "'of speed that counts. ComlQOD8POse haspunctured the iDusion of the other kind.G.t f_ Fad. !--Price $100&eDCl for the .. Royalman" and uk for •D ... ONSTRATIOM.Or write as ctirectfor oar DeW bro­chure,_ •• S.".r�"aDdbooltof ... on ToadBusiness ·Meetinc Today.RARE BLOCK PRINTSPLACED ON EXHIBITAll undergraduate women whohave entered the University with 'ad­vanced standing from other collegeshave been invited by the League' toattend an Intercollegiate party whichwill be given at the home of Mrs.George Lyndon, 5737 University ave­nue, on Friday, October 16, from 3 to5:30. This is the first affair given bythe new Intercollegiate committee.The Christian Science society willhold a business meeting this after­noon at 4:30 in Cobb 12 A.Japanese Collection Is Now in Has­kell-Women, Homes, and Scen­ery Are Portrayed.UNDERGRADUATE WOMENWITH ADVANCED CREDITWILL BE ENTERTAINEDRare japanese wood block print!'have been placed on exhibit on thethird floor of Haskell. The prints area part of a collection of T. T. Kita­gawa and A. S. Kusama, gathered inremote rural districts which have beenneglected by the foreign connoisseurs.The prints show the dress of the ja­panese women, the homes, and thescenery of the country.One of the largest and most uniqueprints is "Yoslitora," a battle scene.This picture is a vivid portrayal ofthe naval defense of the Japaneseagainst a foreign invader.New Boob for Hitchcock.Chess Club Meets Today.A complete set of Tolstoi and a fewvolumes of Fielding and Smolletthave been added to the Hitchcockl�hra ry hy gift.Plans for a tournament will be dis­cussed at a meeting of the Chess clubtoday at i in the Reynolds cluh. Cthe-:dectre]lifepullea(�favreaonuntedtmeto I1tobumThedttrade)YOICon'i"n4IDOiaI.;", . fjpoiaROOJ------1TIP1he3soea$]S]NHetvi,VIMl.....Thre. ClubDir'.THE DAILY MARO O·N , THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1914....I,. Glau HumiJon, SOc onJ 90cFREE Send u. 2 cents in stamps for post­age and we will mail you a souvenirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoiat m-tbc United Statn. Addrrsa. 'THE AKERICAN TOBACCO COKPANYRoom lZIJ U1 plfth AftD1Ie New YorkOur Leading Athletes... willa other faIIIOIII Americusia Praisiq Tuedo Tohac:coOUR world-famous athletes­who triumphed for America atthe Olympic Games in Stockholm-are among the thousands whodeclare that Tuxedo is not only ex­tremely enjoyable, but beneficial.FamousAmericansin everywalkoflife-doctors, lawyers, actors, sin �ers,public speakers, statesmen, businessleaders-smoke and endorseI�....Tuxedo grew rapidly in publicfavor, and without advertisingreached the stupendous total of fiftyor sixty million packages a year. Notuntil the past few months could Tux­edo keep up with the demand. Nowincreased facilities permit every manto smoke this best of tobaccos.Tuxedo is fine, ripened Burleytobacco of the highest grade-ageduntil thoroughly mild and mellow.Then treated by the famous' 'Tux­edo Process," that removes the lasttrace of "bite" and develops all thedelicious Burleyfragrance and flavor.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERECon".ni_t 5 F_ .,.... liD. 10inner-lined with C witlaaoW lett.... C_.. ... �f papa' � .. fitpocJr ..-- . )lARTI� SHERIDAN•• T uxcJo is a JIron, carJwltla me. 1 aJme all athletu10 sliel( UJ T undo. II i. liteone IDbDcco Ihal UJiU J,Jpthem, Ic«p Ihcm ", trim,prn;cnl them from ,Din,',tale.· 1iucJo leDd,-hurnonc.'·{If7-:::4..GASTON STROBINO•• Tu:uJo u IIac tobaccofO"'heDt"'�te. II new:rburtsmywinJ, DnJDlr.oa�stemlium.l7 neBeS. Tuxed%r me ."�JA�lIATT McGRATH•• No _/Jde need /em 10� a much a lac UNJnb,if lac usa Traecio. 1,'. ageneral bJp to tnIJI man. A,.qui 0/ TaeJ. po" neallife into �"'MMt��Teresa S. DolanDANCING ACADEMYCor: 40th St. Ind Cottall Grove Avenue".PIII."" Oa""_. Muale HanVice-Pres. International A88n. Yastel"8 of Dancing. 'Member DancingKasten Assn. Grnduate Vernon Ca8Ue School of Dancing, New York......................................... � .•1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness Our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.ani. A Minimum Price for High Quality Food.. Club Breakfast, 15c up.Dinner A La Carte MUSIC Cafeteria at LunchCome In.SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY MAROONAll the Campus News Debating prospects are unusuallybright this year, according to CoachMoulton. Two veterans, RalphSwanson and Harry Rosenberg, arein residence this quarter and severalnew men are out for places. How­ever, llr. lloulton desires that it bedefinitely understood that no posi­tions have been assigned and every­body has an equal chance to secure aplace on one of the teams ."Last year three old men were outfor the. teams," said Coach Moultonyesterday, "and only one secured aposition on a team. Those who aregoing to tryout should begin prepa­ration at once, in order that all mayhave the same amount of time to getready for the first tryouts."Preliminary tryouts will be heldOctober 30. Twelve men. will bepicked for the finals, at which sixregular men and two alternates willbe chosen to form the two Varsityteams. All students desiring to try­out for the teams must hand in theirnames to Mr. Moulton before October27.DEBATING PROSPECTSBRIGHT, SAYS COACHTwo Veterans Out for Places-Moul­ton Says All Candidates HaveEqual Chance •DISCUSS PLANS FOR PLAYDramatic Club Will Meet to MakeArrangements for ProductionPlans for the Dramatic club playfor the Autumn quarter will be dis­'cussed and a business manager elect­ed at a meeting of the club Fridaymorning at 10:15 in Cobb 12 A. Theproduction will probably be given innan del.Tryouts for membership in theclub will be held before faculty judgesTuesday at 3 in Kent theater. Candi­dates for parts can obtain applicationblanks from Francis Sherwin. Thosewho qualify in the first tryout will ap­pear before the club on the followingday, while successful candidates willbe elected to associate membership.Offer Prizes for Art Work.Prizes for the best art productionsby American college women for thePanama exposition next year havebeen offered by the national Y. W.C. A. Any member of the associa­tion is eligible for the contest. Thelisted vroductions includ� a shortstory, a drama, both music and wordsof a song pertaining to domestic art,and a photograph and complete ward­robe. The prizes range from $15 to$150. All University women who areinterested have been asked to see Ag­nes Sharp in the League rooms.Issue Cabinet Calendar.Second cabinet women, under thedirection of Dorothy Edwards, havecompleted their calendar. The pub­lication begins October I, where thefirst cabinet's calendar leaves off, andconsists of the favorite quotations ofmembers of the second cabinet. Eachwoman has contributed quotations forone week. The calendars may be or­dered from any member of the sec­ond cabinet, and will cost thirty-fivecents.BLACKFRIARS EXPECTTEN PLAYS WILL BEENTERED IN CONTESTSix plays have been completed forthe Blackfriars' play contest, accord­ing to an announcement mace yes­terday by Abbot John Henderson.The plays must be submitted on No­vember 2, when it is expected that tenplays will be ready for the judges.Manuscripts must be submitted un­signed to the Blackfriars throughtheir box at Faculty exchange. Thename of the author should be enclosedin a separate envelope.Will Speak on Charities.Dean Breckenridge will speak on"How Organized Charity Is Meet­ing Social Problems in Chicago," to­day at 4:30 in the League rooms. . The perfection of detail that dis­tinguishesJERREM'S TAILORINGassures you of clothes that are bothsmart and individual.Cambridge Gray., very new and 'Yeryspecial at $30.00Subscribe forTHE DAIL Y MAROONWillett Will Address Club.Associate Professor Herbert L.Willett will be the chief speaker at ameeting of the Sunday Afternoon clubof the Evanston Y. M. C. A. Sundayin the Association building, 1639 Or­rington avenue, Evanston .Classified �ds.Five cents per line. No advertise­ments received for less than 25 cents.All classified advertisements must bepaid in advance.LOST-AN ALPHA KAPPA DEL­ta fraternity pin Friday night infront of Foster Hall. Return thereand receive reward.STUDENT'S REBATE TICKETSto "One Girl in a Million," at LaSalle Theater may be had at In­formation Desk in Cobb Hall or atMaroon office.CORNER OF 56TH AND ELLISA vc., Lincoln Restaurant. Try our20 cent dinner. $j.25 meal ticketfor $3.00. William Lieblich.FOR RENT-ONE LARGE FRONTroom with three windows; $12 permonth. Also one .single room,light and warm, $6 per month.Board optional. House phone, Mid-.way 2168.STENOGRAPHIC WORK AThome or in office or residence. Veryreasonable rates. Applicant not astudent, at present call Local 109or Normal 602. Miss Fonte.FOR RENT-TWO NEWLY FUR­nished rooms; all modern conven­iences; prices reasonable. Inquireat 5618 Drexel Ave., Flat 3.FOR SALE-SMITH PREMIERtypewriter, No.4, with case; Alcondition; reasonable. Call 5801Maryland, Apt. I, Saturday orSunday. Phone Mid. 7599.DEBATES-All U. of C. Studentsshould read the varsity debates onMinimum Wage, Recall, FederalI ncorpora tion, and I ncome Tax, $1a copy. At the Press, or Wood­worth's Book Store.�================�--ITAILORFor Young MenThree Stores;25 E. Jadaon Blvd. 7 N. LaSalle St.71 E. Monroe srLOST-A RAILROAD TICKET. 2456 Bittner St.Made in favor of James Sweet.Finder please return to Bureau ofI nformation, Cobb Hall. Rewardto finder.FOR. RENT-ONE LARGE frontroom with three windows, $12 permonth. Also one single room, lightand warm, $6 per month. Boardoptional. House ; 5759 DorchesterAve.STEKOGRA PH rc WORKMonday Evening, Class only, 8:15-11 :15Saturday Evening, Advanced Class, 8:15to 9:00. Reception, 9:00-12:00.Thursday Evening, Advanced Class, 8:15to 9 :00. Reception, 9 :00-12 :00.PRIVATE LESSONS anytime by appointment, $2.00 half­hour. 3 lessons, $5.00. Monday night class, Modern Dances,3 hours instruction, $1.00 each at door or in advance, 6 les­sons for $5.00. Two or more in family, � lessons for $4.00each. Thursday and Saturday night Receptions, 50c each,$1.00 per couple. Wardrobe Free.SPECIAL RATES for Private Classes; formed anytime.No additional charge for advanced class instruction.HALL MAY BE RENTED for Dances, Entertainments,ete., at reasonable rates. Seating capacity, 600. Pay us avisit, you will be pleased. .TERESA S. DOLAN Ke��:�d06147home, or in your office or residence.Applicant not now a student. CallLocal 109 or Normal 602. MissFonte,TWO LADIES CAN HAVE Abeautiful front room near Univer­sity of Chicago. Exellent table op­tional, $6 per week. 5748 Dorches­ter Ave.FOR RENT-LARGE FRONTroom, first floor. Also front roomwith alcove, second floor, for light NORMAN-the newARRowCOLLAl}��.Ouett.Fbhodv&CaInc.'lWurs5 FOR YOUR DEN 5·Beautiful College PennantsYALE AND HARVARDEach 9 in. x 24 in.PRINCETON, CORNELL,MICHIGANEach 7 in. x 21 in .4-PENNANTS, Size 12x3().......4Any Leading Colleges ofYour SelectionAll of our best quality, in theirproper colors, with colored emblems.ATUNIVERSITY MEN WANTED­Several first-class clothing andhaberdashery firms want snappymen as student representatives.Generous commissions, agreeablework. Apply at Maroon office.Either assortment, for limited time,sent postpaid for 50 cents and fivestamps to cover shipping costs.Write us for prices before placingorders for felt novelties of all kinds.THE GEM NOVELTY CO.DA YTON, OHIOSatisfactioncombined makes clearTHE REASON WHYSPALDINGSare outfitters to championswhose implements must beinvariably rightThe Spalding Trade Mark rep­resents years of leadership inthe manufacture of athleticequipment.\Vrite for a FreeIllustrated CatalogueA. G. SPALDING & BRos.28 S. Wabash Ave., Chica,o, m,housekeeping. 5701 Drexel avenue.THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15.1914.1 UPHOLDS ENGLISH· STANDthe wrist was fractured.. Coach Hawley has four strong can­didates for his position in Denio,Tr ipplet, Jacobson, and Wilson. Heis working his team hard this weekand the charging machine and "buck­ing strap,' designed to teach thehacks to cut in and pick out holes,have been in constant use. CHICAGO WILL OPPOSEPROPOSED SPORT RUL�(Continued-Irom page 1)number of men gain places on all,teams to the exclusion of other can­didates who should be given �chance, but this is not true at Chicago.It is seldom that students here parti­cipate in more than two branches ofathfctic». I f other institutions havetrouble in this line they should makea ruling that would affect them lo­cally. There should be no Confer:'ence ruling.""[ sec no reason why we should bein favor of any movement toward theestablishment of the two sport re­st riction," said Dean Small. "Ofcourse there may he athletes who. ifthey keep in training the year round,ruay be harmed either physically orscholastically, but this is a matter towhich each separate institution shouldattend. \Ve prohibit some men fromengaging in any athletics, and if wesaw that it was harmful for any par­ticular student to take part in morethan one or two branches we wouldprevent him from doing so. It is a.matter which should be dealt with 10";"'ally by each institution."PRAISES IDEALS OF HOMEculpability of England on account ofinterfering in this way with affairs inthe Balkans can not therefore bedoubted. If she had acted in a wayco nforminj, to the rules of moralityof nations there would be no war atthe present time. It is rather hard ontltl' present day Englishman, but it isa fact and therefore unescapable." 1\IISS MELCHER IS MOVEDhe said, was contrary to all the rulesof war."Lt is impossible to come to anydefinite conclusions on man v of thephases of this war until it is over,"said Mr. Terry. "A great many thingswill not be settled for probably onehundred years to come. On this ac­count it is not advisable to say allthat might be said, \\"e should re­serve our judgment until all the factsare in.". Professor Terry Says Englancl WasJustified in Using the Violatioft ofBe1gium·s Neutrality as a CasusBellLProf. Coulter Advises Fresmnen toMaintain Parents' Belief.That freshmen should not disre­gard ideals developed in their homes'was 'the advice of Prof. Coulter at thefreshman Y. 1'1. C. A. luncheon yes­terday. Dr. Coulter advised freshmento maintain home beliefs as a basisfor future work.A committee of nine freshmen waschosen to promote interest in theweekly luncheons. The members ofthe committee are Roy Messner, R.H. Dunlap, William Reid, Henry Tor-'rell, David Wittmer, Oliver Malcom-.some, A. R. Bowden, Judson Tyley,r.nd Norris Bakke. The freshman'Y. M. C. A. commission will be elect­ed later in the Quarter.( Continued from page 1)sit'ion here holds infinitely more ofopportunity than anyone person isequal to!"Work Highly Regarded.":\j iss :\1 clchcr, no doubt, wrote youof t hc request of the Student depart':'JIIl·IlL :\lauras is in a very had wayfor a student secretary, and as therewas c nly one in I ndia, they decidedto transfer that one from Calcutta to:\la(iras for one year. Miss Melcher,therefore. lcit. us last night and wecannot possibly have anyone beforeXovember. This is a very great dis­appointment to me., :\liss Melchermade friends very easily, and I doubtif anyone in Calcutta ever made forherself a larjrer place in so short atime."All the members of the Generalcommittee liked Miss Melcher very,very much, and she won ot her peo­ple to help in the student work whohad not hitherto been interested. Shewas loved by the Indian �irls in theschools. and was a very delightedmember of our secretarial life. Hertransfer has been a great blow to me.Calcutta so much needs every influ­ence we can bring to bear upon it,that it is really hard for me to be re­conciled to the change."You ask me to tell you Quitefrankly about Miss Melcher and herwork and I think the above will an­swer your Question. She is capable,tactful, and winsome. So far as Iknow every person with whom shehad any business relationships enjoy­ed her. She seems to call out thebest ir; everybody slie meets and alsoto be able to get other people to work.She has an ideal personality to bewith students, whether European,Eurasian or Indian."Women Elect Cragun Director.J. Beach Cragun, director of theUniversity ochestra, was chosen di­rector of the \Vomen's Glee club atthe first meeting of the organizationyesterday. Dates for Glee club try­outs will be announced soon.England was fully justified in de.claring war on Germany on theground that the neutrality of Belgiumhad been violated, accordinc to Prof.Benjamin Terry of the History de­partment. �Germany's claim thatFrench troops on the southernboundary of Belgium contemplated"'amarch through Belgium toward Ger­many is, he said, nothing but a blind ..It was made only for the purpose ofcovering up the hostile move of Ger­many, he asserted."History will look upon the viola­tion of the neutrality of Belgium byGermany as the crime of the cen­turies," said Mr. Terry. "England'sdeclaration of war on the ground thatGermany had broken a contract whichthese two countries had entered intotan iii no way be taken as a mere pre­text. She was merely forcing thecountry, which had been a party toa contract with her, to live up to herword.Cites Contract Violation."If you enter into a contract withanother person, you expect him tolive up to the agreement. Anyonewith a sense of honor would do so.But in this case, when the honor ofa nation is at stake, we find one ofthe high contracting parties losing allsense of responsibility."But there is one point where Eng­land is culpable. In 1877 Russia de­feated Turkey at Plevne and exactedfrom her a treaty which provided fortheextension of Russia's territory andinfluence toward the Mediterranean.But England was not satisfied withthis conclusion of the war."The Powers of Europe met in Ber­lin and under the guidance of Eng­land caused the treaty of Berlin tobe drawn up. This took away a greatamount of tht territory that had beengiven to Russia by Turkey. Somewas granted almost complete auto­)lomy. Other sections were placed)Jrider a Turkish protectorate.Balkan War Avoidable.I "If this treaty had not been nego­tiated. the recent Balkan war wouldnot have . occurred. There wouldhave been no cause' for dispute be­tween the Balkan nations and Turkey,because under the first treaty madebetween Russia and Turkey the latterwould not have controlled any terri­tory in the Balkans. And, as a re­sult, the war among the Balkans na­tions. which was even more terriblethan the one which preceded it, wouldnot have resulted."But the fact that the cause for thepresent war would have been remov­ed is of even greater importance. The Neither the German nor the Er!�­!ish people were desirous of enteringthe war, according to �lr. Terry. Themilitary officials of Germany hadbeen zoadcd to such a point that they USE GHOST BALL INPRACTICE YESTERDAYMathews Gets Doctorate Today.Dean Shailer Mathews wilt - receive':the degree of Doctor v! Divinity atthe hundred and fiftieth anniversaryof the founding of Brown Universityat Providence, R. I., today. The titlewill be his third honorary degree. Hewill return from the east tomorrow orSaturday.knew that war must come sooner orlater.(Continued from page 1)War Was Inevitable.,"War was inevitable as long asmilitarism existed in Europe," saidMr. Terry. "Germany had built upher great navy and a wonderful armywith only one purpose in view, thefinal subjugation of England., Theyfirmly believed that at some futuretime Germany must clash with Eng­laad."If a family of men are brought upto be prize fighters they will seize thefirst chance they get to fight. This isexactly the course with Germany. For.Iorty years all that she has been con-cerned with is the development of hermighty military machine. And, at thefirst chance, she took advantage of it."But if militarism is ended withthis war all the suffering and losses. that have resulted will not have beenin vain. However, if the nations arenot able to come to a lasting agree­ment there is no doubt but what an­other war will follow."England Involved Japan.England was the controlling factorin the negotiations that caused Japanto enter the war, according to Mr.Terry. She probably asked her allyin the Orient to come io her help, hesaid."The treaty between England andJapan provided that each countrywould be the protector of the inter­ests of her ally in the field in whichshe was best able to give aid. Eng­land was therefore the protector of.the interests of Japan in Europe andJapan likewise 'was to support Eng­land in the Orient. England un­doubtedly called upon Japan underthe terms of that agreement to pro­tect her interests."The destruction of Louvain by theGermans because a few irresponsibleshad fired upon the troops of theKaiser is not justified, according toMr. Terry. The innocent people ofthat city should not have been forcedto suffer on account of the action ofa few hoodlums, he asserted.Discussed Cruelty Charges.In regard to the charges of crueltiesagainst the Germans, Mr. Terry stat­ed that he had received informationfrom a responsible source that Etig-'Iish soldiers had been taken into hos­pitals with their hands cut off. This, Page Barron, who holds the Confer-cnce heavyweight wrestling cham­pionship, was the star of the -Hawk­eye line, and his absence will serious­ly handicap Coach Haw ley. Barrouturned his wrist in the Cornell gameand was taken out, but later returnedto his old position. An X-ray exam­ination Tuesday revealed the fact thatDean Talbot Presides at Central Or­ganization Gathering Today.t i.. ,� !I!II'1 VolcoNal(DEDisC.A­tenCOllme­hotbertheThNEW DORMITORIES ATCORNELL WILL HOUSEALL UNDERGRADUATES.Ithaca, N. Y., October 13-\\rorkhas commenced on an elaborate sys­tem of residential halls which whencompleted will provide accommoda­tions for the entire undergraduatebody of Cornell University. The newdornitories, which will cover an area.equivalent to two city blocks, will beof old English collegiate style, con­structed of rough gray stone. and builtaround large courts. The beginningof the work on the new buildings wasmade possible by an anonymous giftof $150,000. REPRESENTATIVES TO MEET.Organize New Scout Class. Dean Talbot will preside at a meet-ing of representatives of all women'sI organizations on the campus today at4:30, in Lexington 15. The purposeof the meeting, according to Dean-Talbot, is to decide upon the forma­tion of an administrative board whichwill have charge of women's socialaffairs on the campus.The plan for the central organiza­tion is to include representation ofthe women of the faculties, of the va­rious women's activities, and of thephases of University life in whichmen and women participate jointly.Purposes suggested for the Dew ce­�nization are the formation of awell-balanced social calendar and thedevelopment of plans for the admin­istration of Ida Noyes hall. '·\1 •li;i !II flI '�I �I I\ ' �IIr ' tI Itr,t.i'/'II,.{1\!. , woofthe:torimbe­Dcth:asactio:exphpoin,A1EMr. L. L. McDonald, associate sec­retary of the Chicago Boy Scoutcouncil, completed arrangements fora Boy Scoutmasters' training classyesterday in the Y. M. C. A. office.Twenty men registered for the classand the first lesson will be given at4:30 Wednesday in Cobb 12 A. Theclasses will meet every Wednesdaythroughout the quarter. :\1iotiltlliz�"US(.-Dr. Speer Will Preach.The Rev. Dr. Robert G. Speer, ofNew York city, will be the Universitypreacher Sunday at 11- in ��andel Dr.Speer is a member of the Presbyter­ian Board of Missions in New York.CERTAIN business men have confidence enough in thestudents at the U. of C. to spend real money in advertis­ing in the Daily Maroon. The Maroon depends upon thereceipts from this advertising for over three-fourths of itsrunning expenses, therefore these business men make it pos­sible for you to have a student newspaper. Is it then, toomuch to ask that you patronize these firms, knowing thatthey are worthy of your patronage?YOU PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS TRANSICnONS BY DElLING WITH MAROON IDVERnSERS