/. . -- - _ .. - . . � '-. �-�._ . __ . ,". ..."" _._'"'t�-.;./:::. _.�" :�":�rr=!·. 11-::'""lUt"�.!, �." --;---�-". ""'- ..... : "... -..::.- � "'. � '.',._-_ ..1 ·: .•. r. '.:�:'i "• f - -' '�'-:f-.nisisr-1-t,�1-�-:eIfnIl'i.�t;!-okitstier-2,Itrtie;J- :Ym'. VoL XIIL' No. 9. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, ,ftIDA Y, ocroeaa 9. 1914. Price Five CentsSEYEDB ANNUAl' '1:" ·'FlESIiIWt Floue IS TOIOGHT. COACHES AND.' CAPTAINS· 'SET DATE" FOR ·DEBATE � Taul ADSTRIlJoRCm-lO"BOOIIS"·DISTRIBOTED AfFAir·ODe .... '.With Diuet'iD'LK- SPEAl'AY' � ·.cia�·lI�D. to:'�Jtue Moiir� �-. ENT' ER' :W·ln.:. :'v-n.u·'.. ·NOE "incton-Over F1ve' 'BIuadreclI 11ek- •• trine with 'Northwestern' and llicli- .IU\p Ull.t. SoIcl-Nelchbo�"". Reo.. i•• igan in Conteai,' Sehecladecl. for (k- i �. -:.....Pftpared'OrCrowL'" . p�!t.-.:w :;�...t"�!!s*:' .. tober. :< :,D��e.. Du�l:MoD�cb'y Had. To.JoiD Hostilities· For'SeIfBench Today. SWANSON NAMED BY SOCIET�.. ! . �...:PreservatioD. '!'l11.­�l­leBt�kIe[1- It,mid!dt-,....,NB­�yis[)fryel'�.ee[r.nt: 1 \ :,J..\�'.. Tryouts fol' positions on the Univer- : SLA't.JC· SOCIl!.."TIES, POWERFUL.�t.Y debating teams will be held Fri� ; ,. i '.Director Stace Confines Pro2l'am tP.! _, October 30, instead of October AsSistant Professor of German. WhoSignal Drill and Short Dummy ; � as announced. A rally will be. Served With A�tria.. :S�ys"FortsVARSITY BAS LIGHT PRACTICENew women -will be the guests :0£the League and of upperclasS:-studeJitsat the Freshman frolic tonight .. Theaffair will start with a dinner at 5:30in Lexington; where' Dean Talbot will Scrimm.�e. I �ld 1'uesday at 4 in the court roomwelcome the' women.' . of the law�' b�'ildi�g' to -stir up' eli':' ', .J �"C" books arrived at the Y. M. C. Caryl Cody, _ president of the Cheerleader Ward will open uP' thusiasm for the teams. .r,', Austria is engaged in 'the 'pre�entA. office' yesterday afternoon and League, will be toastmistress. Mar- rooting activities for the Northwest-' Two teams. one affiimative -and wa:_r because she considers it a matterwere placed on open desks for dis- garet Green. president of tbe Meet- ern game with a massmeeting aroun8 f If serv t· . d n' t b .one negative; of three men .. each will o se -pre .. va Ion an 0 ecausetribution. Students may. obtain the ings committee. will talk- on League -the 'C' bench this morning at 10:15. ' .he, desires.more ·territoey.,. accordingbooks this morning free of charge by meetings. Charlotte' Via'll 'will sPeak Director Stagg will be. unable to ap- -be chose from the' candidates to. h ffi . C bb lSA hI' d .. , b C h P A' �sent the University at the' an- ':0 Assistant Prof:, essor Adolf.' Charlesealhng at teo Ice In 0 or on t e League Bib e Stu y, classes. pear, ut oac age. ssrstant 4.....-_at theLeague rooms and filling out an and Rosalind Keating 'wilrtalk on the Coach Paine and Captain Des Jardien ... 1 triangular contest between chi- Jon Noe. He also, declared that theinformation· blank. Copies will be relations between the' Freshman" and are scheduled to deliver' speeches. cagO� Northwestern. and Michigan. \.ustrian view is that the Pan-Slavicgiven to women at the "Frolic" to- her counsellor. The "C" bobks:'will Plans are in hand to further concen- One debate will be held at each insti- md Pan-Servian societies in Belgrade,night. be distributed at : the frolic' diiiiler as .rate the rooters Saturday in order to . , he canital f-Se . h . - t· tedtution. The debates will be held the : e capi . 0 rvra.. ave IDS igaThe seventh edition of the "C" souvenirs, from which' Ctiieago tunes lecisively 'outyell the five hundredbook is edited by Orville Miller and will be sung. At 7:30·the.wbftlel1:will Purple cheerers who are expected toFrances Peck. It contains 64 pages iorm in line for the lantern "parade. be on hand.,_ _ ,of information concerning the Uni- and thence inarch to the Harper The University band is also makingversity, besides a section for keeping quadrangle, where':ihey ,wilt' sini the preparations for. tomorrow's contest..a diary and memorandum. Amon" Alma Mater. "Entcrlaiiiitfif=Aiintie:' Director Blanchard had the whole or-the photographs are those of Presi- the play by Janet· Flann'er, will; then �nizatio'n out on the field yesterdaydent Judson. Mr. Bickham. Miss be given in Mandel�; -; '.' • ..o practice marching. Every' year. theBrown; the Harper library. and last Report Larce:'Ttcltet We.: � crack regimental bands from Illinoisyear's championship football team. F· h d d "';d 'fift' . - ti ..:,� .. "�h" and Purdue have completely outclass-.C--_":1 lve un re an y I�ets ave d Ch" ...,Includes Work of UlIIMOQ. b Id t .- 1'- - . . -•• '. d ! , lcagO s organlzatlorf '10' thed een so 0 upperc ass women all .The material of the Undergra uate 1· t ·b t d t £ 'h Th marchmg departmenL ·'The men wertU diS n u e 0 res men women. e .' . . .handbook� compiled by the n er- .. fift t· ktt . -II b 'I espeCially ragged at the Indiana gamll.:. - remaining y IC S WI e on sa e' . _ '. .graduate- council of last year. IS In-. th'L .. ' '." d ·1 12. md need some stiff dnll sessions 11• .' tn e eague rooms·' 0 ay untl . ._ .eluded an' the volume. This section 0 t' £'-'-th' la' d they are' to come near equalhng tht. ' .. n accoun . 0 e rge crow ex-tells of the different organizations ont d h N' hb h d ' .1ppearance put up by the down-statt.. . . . d .lec e , t e elg or 00 rooms are h .I' .the campus, their actiVities an . pur- . . ... ' '..J.d' t > ." �: d h sc 00 s.. .. d' h' .)elng prepare • o"accomom ate t ose ••poses, fraternity regulations. an at -bl t' .t t"'L' t; Team Baa Licht ,DrilL - ..' .ma eo. ge sea s' In" exmg on 0 ..lebCs. .. ,. . G--.I-�-.I' "·n"b'- d n ·account of· the_ contlDued· ho\. .' h' • 1 commons. J1II.rs. �_'I:U WI ca b \ .' . -' . . -Other. fcature� •. ar� _ � _ ISton� '.1 iUo.cbtahle�of� -,' .��_,��pirec.�o� ��"� co.D1ple!e­sketch of'the Unlversdy.'pomtera,fOl' - '. - d f " th . _. - 'il --- -m-l)C ,ly-.�-:-scrllllJQ;j&ge.;from-lUs.dad)new studellts. t a' diagram of. the I)ee� ar;;�g�bO-o:-- a��' �. � '.�.:.w '. lpraeticc, sessions. The greater' pariLeaftol.� organization, Conference ath- .nht e 'lellgd I' r 00 �Jdooms. ,_ ,thse.)f yesterday's' drill- Was devoted te;&.. 'II 0 WI C Iver au resses In e i .' -. . \letic records, songs, and yells. :oJ - hOO h d'� ,_ mr'Qa'-' th lectunng' and working plays out t(lThe "C" books are published an- l elg,. b�' OOt rOoth��' �._ a,:� the :per(ection. Although' ·the team ha�'_.a h t d ts .iame su Jec s as e sPealtcrs 18 e lb" - ...' '. . f h .-nually and presentll:U to t e s u en ... Goods' " '.' d" ·11:' '" l' ;not een given any 0 t e compb,.11.. C A__ h Y W C A commons. JllLrs.. pee \ WI r we..- : d f • h ·11 b . d .by the Y • ..In. • -,� t e . • . ••• h Ruth Th' '.. cate ormatlons t at WI e use Irthe Christian l.hIio .... and the neigh": .:�mll ebt et netw ,WtO��n. T ... ,-' :� :llater games, Stagg daily. spends houl'!" � NI e cas mlS ress, .a..uUISC _I� f - •.boring chnrches. . .} '1'1 k th ; T � �. ti-" :per ecUng· the working of. 'slmpl,.. , . Nl spea on c .L...'I:i&p� mee ngs, b ks' d' . .MEN'TRY OUT ' . uc an end runs. Every man 011SIXTEEN •3YSTEM OF _-NUMiiEIir'NG l . the team has his particular 'duty anlSixteen new men appeared at the MEN' �D""TES AGIT''''TI' O'N .»Osition in every play. �nd the .. ,si�a!�� oft. drills' are . continued' 'until DirectorGlee club'tryouts yesterday aftemOOI& Stagg is satisfied that the men exe.at 3:30 in the Reynolds club. theater. MinDnota · Ipdia.a 'FaiJII �o Lao. cute the formations faultlessly.Mr. Francis A.. Mackay � thE: bel Foot PI&7- For 1Iae-' 1 Coutchie's long run and touchdowllcandidates in their work, and c:oached It .,' Sueda� in the Indiana game was due simpl)the older members of til eclub. to the fact that every man on tht�eam did exactly what Was expecteoof him. ' Every player had his ap:­pointed man to' get 'and keep oUt r ofthe play .. As a result Coutchie was'ble: to pierce the entire Hoosierteam with seeming ease.-May Shift Lineup •: Tt:... fact, that the competition forregular places is daily b�coming morc'severe was made apparent. Two 0:the regulars who started last week'scontest and who had been thought tohave their po'sitions nailed down werem the second team yesterday. CaP­tain Des Jardien is taking daily work­:>uts with the first team, but it isdoubtful whether he will start the�me. If possible, Stagg' wisl1es tosave him, but he may be in the open­:ng lineup."Red" Paine put two Freshmenteams through a stiff scrimmage whilc"he Varsity was receiving its dailylectur�. The men used Northwesternplays entirely and some good openfield tactics resulted. The yearlings"Iso participated in a dummy scrim­mage with the Varsity, illustrating thePurplc formations. The two y�a'r1ingteams put up an especially good brandof football, the work of Parker, inparticular, attracting attention. Theformer Morgan Park' athlete was usedat fullbadc, and from open formationshowed his ability to handle the for­ward pa�s by twice capturing' a longthrow from his quarterback and run­nin, 6fty yard. for a touchdown.May Be\ Secured By FdIiq InBIaU af· Y., M. C. A. Officeor League.' WOMEN TO MAKE 'SPEECH&;MANY' PICTURES·' INCLUDEDHistori�at; Sketeh of the Universityand Pointers for FreshmenAre Features.Agitation' among' Western Comer-FRESHMEN GIVEN TWO .�ee -universities coDeel'DinC' the Dum..WEEKS' GRACE BEFORE bering of members of the· VarsityDONNING GREEN CAPS football teams may aasume�':mtereat-. �, Freshmen will not be compelled towear green caps until October 19.This decision was mad� at a meetingof the Tbree-qUarters club yesterdaymoming. The extra time is allowedin order to Permit the fraternities ttfinish their pledging. Committees tocare for the daily "stunts" in whicl:the freshmen will be the perfonnerswere also appointed at the meeting. ing proportions, If the present 'sftua­tiOD continues. At· present 'some=oadles have adopted the systemNhile others have simply icnored � it)D the plea, that it provides' ail op­�rtunity for other teains" to profitby being better able to distinguishheir opponents in the defense ofcpen fonnations. .'Last year at 'a meeting� 'ot Corife"r­ence foo�1I authori�es-.:there -;wa.c;'lpparently a gentlemen's agreementmade that each team would have itc;players numbered. This was to be forWRITES ON PLATO'S WORKS.An analysis of Plato's works, illus-trating their unity of thought is pre­sented in Prof�r Paul Sborey·sartieJe on "Plato's Laws and . theunity of PJato'. TJIOUght: which &J..pears in the Cktober number of the benefit of � the ,spectators. wh�would be materially benefited in'heir efforts to distinguish individual�layers. Director Stagg was theonly mentor to adopt Ute system las'Mollie Carroll will speak on th('League Bihle Study cl�sscs and H�d­wig Rrosseit on the relations bctweenthe Frc5hman and h�� counsellor ..Mr. Goodspeed and Mr. Merrifieldwilt be the gue5ts of honor at theN�ghborhood room table.Ten cents admission wilt be chargedfor the play in Mandel at 7:.30.(Continued on page' foarf--"C!assical Philology." The ex,POsi­tion also refutes the al"!!'Uments ofthe critics who condemn the laws ofPlato.CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MEET.The �"ristian Science society willgive a reception Tuesday afternoonfrom .. to 8 in Lexmaton 16. , .....Are ImpreE'oable.'lLUer part of January. 'edition in the Slavic provinces of theThe subject for this year's argu- lual monarchy.mat is: "Resolved: That the Mon- "Austria believes that the assassin-ition of the' Austrian crown .princeree .doetrine, as' interpreted and ap­plied by the Uni�d States, should beabandoned as a !J,art of our .foreign.':lOlicy." Bibliographies may be foundm the bulletin board in Harper. Full,aJ.ticulars of .the contest .may· be. ob·'':ained froin Mr. Moulton, . who Will'lgain coach the, teams this seaso�Delta Sicma Rho .El�ts.Delta Sigma Rho, the honorary de­':'ating . fraternity, met yesterday in'the -court room of the law building:H� -.R�se��r�, w�, ',elected Becre­.. ..;y.:·of _the.·o�tion.to. fill a.�::­'.��, :arid fi�e: n;�':':' me�berS - :we�'ldmitted from other schooIs.' The':'lew men.were Hoover 'of BeloiL Web­:ter:of George Washington,' King and'�uc8s . of' Knox, and Cart of 1llinols ., The sOciety will :meet every Thurs­Iay:at 10:15 in the coUrt room-of·the:..aw\ building. - .U:nCKER-' AND' MISS ,BARE:., ApPOINTED TO 'V ACANCIEF Ulf. ' his consort at Sarajevo wereilarined .by the agents of the Pan-;e�ian organization in Belgrade,":aid Mr. 'von' Noe. "A large number.f the members of these societiesvere. officers i� the Seman ,army'md government officials, and it is un-.ioubtedly true that.· they secured,heir bombs and; ammunition from the3erVian arsenals.", Slavic -soCieties Powerfu1�, u'rhe Slavic sOCietieS 'are . at , the', .....• I.. • � '" • '"lresent .time: stron�r than the .. g9V_-1�e�i': itself,;'--: ���tiri1�_: M� vci� .-,oe� They· are held:in great respectby'he 'gc)vemment 'and" no step is taken,y the' irripe�al officers -'�'hich is not-;anctioned by: them. - Consequently itcan :noi. b.? .said. Wiih. �y d� ofeert8.inty- . that the � action ,which led,up � the present - �nflict· was . really'the ;policy of the eovemmcnt. In ad':''I,itio� .to this�' the. full' .sire�gth ofRussia was behind the Servian so­�ieties. The Se;rianS' had bee� �obi-ABnril VoteS S15 to. University.Baul- �Room i� HarPer wm Be 'izing their army and had, during theOpen Today. "')revious year, seCured.-a-loan of onemillion franes frOrit tlie - Fren('!l. gov-Edward Reticker was appointed "mment to corttin1:1e'the work, of ex-,re�terday by the Undergraduate coun' �ending �lroadS tow�ll'(1 the �rman:if as Junior representative on. th( ,nd 'Austrian froritie�"�ouncil in place of Kent Tenney, whc "Emperor Franz', JO�'Ph, ·th�reforeis not in residence. Helen Hare ;wa.s ' . .' ,;:hosen one of the Senior members took ' this' rlep �:d1iring hiS"' ow ,Ii fe-')f the Honor commission, vice llai-)·· �fme in order to �t 7ftt� fuji beitef}t of'MacDonald, �ho resigned beeau� 'o! the feelin� that would .resul� fl'()� .l •. ;>ther activities. .. taking the .lea�. . He; �orc ��:a� a:1Y.Thc Counell d-ecided to approp�t-t one else� i�;,responsible' for tJ�c ur:ifbl$15 for use by the l71.i\'ersity b�nd, .. .'.' . - :' "'.:: •.,n ptlrchasing new music. The ,b:a�d way In whl.ch Austnn -ha7 0., :'('� 1.-.has i stated that, owing to lac1("of to the ·tir .. cOnti�y" to tr.c "!:c:-:c"!�iunds. 'it has not been able to pu .. : 't!tat have been receiVed !rom Londc{n 'chase' the music for a number of the' ana� Petrograd that the SlaVic elC-:'Chicago songs. menliio'the dual moi13r�hy nave inPreliminary plans were made fot:· . , ..' ,,',the class elections. which will bc held m,any' cases upriSen and ·s�:p�rt�d.as soon as reports can he receive'd their brothers or the SOuth a��i E��t,from, the Bureau of Records.: "[h,e I bave"-received reportS tha� aU" fac­Council decidcd to ;ldmit a"nporter tions �"ave. been loyal. 'In som� in­from' The Daily Maroon '.at its sese slanees .even· the' emperor's �la,;csions.. regiments have won &Teat honorSome memher of the Council will bein Harper �f 10 this morning from when fighting the Slavs, 'of Russia."10:15 to II :45 to c()nsult with any Mr. von Noe said that .the. ca)ll­student who has any matter to' bring pslign i�- ('aste� Galicia is now' pure ,to the attention of that hotly. ly defensn-e.· Przemysl, the fortressSPEAK ON HONOR COMMISSION. in in' e1lstcrn Galicis which is.' now... surrounded 'by the Russian army. isUppel'dass .members of the Honor in\prepable, ae��ing to Mr ... von.commission will address English Noe. The German and Austrian lin'ecI�' today :lnd Monday morning. now extending from east PrussiaThey will �xplain the purpose' 'of the south through Russian Polan_d to .�ra- .commission and will distribute pamph- cnw' :and southeasterly tOward Prze-" "lets explaining the . work of the body., �Con�nu�. orr ;� �� .. � - - - ,- - --I .TBi: BAIL Y MAROO�... �Bail, .ar •• ·•Publlabed IDOnllDp. anpt a.IQ ...1IoIUIQ. 4Dl'1Dc the ... at ............8IdIIa qaarten. b7 Tbe DaIl7 �IIId. 'Q. w. CottlD&hul M .... 1iac Bdltor•• It. ..... N ... :E.litor.. .A. BIrUaIl ....B.-r. Jrlatthe.. ""ai_ IIaupnF. &� .. Dipt editor: E. Beticker.......• ,..........4Q edlton: J. J... Moe. ...........1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.All of our best quality, in their 2nd. Cleanliness aur M atto. Inspect the Kitchenproper colors, with colored emblems.. 3rd. A Miaimum Price far HI{ h Quality Food _Either a�(lrtment, for limited Clu" Breakfast 15e up �areff'rla a. IAiDeh. DiDDer .&LaCane MtJSIC rome ..'�JI�t2 '"a -,.ar, if paid before 0ct0bp-10: .,'.-wiw, $2.50 a 1ear; $1 a.-ner; 1Jt.:mail, $3 a year; $1.25 •�. of m the Western Amateur and the' FOR RENT-FURNISHED APART­National Open Championship. and itrnent. Six rooms, thoroughly mod-em and handsomely furnished; 808East 51st. Tel. Oakland 2725.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12-TWphone Midway 800. seems as i! only his puttnig kept himfrom being o� leading golfer. NextIIarooa � 5511 CoUap Qron ...... year En�land will find our repre-BULLETIN. sentatives more formilable than ever FOR RENT-ONE LARGE, FRONT. before, for or younger trolfers areroom with three windows: $12 perdeveloping, and with a little experi- month. Also one single room, lightIenee will be the leaders of the world. and warm; $6 per month. Boardoptional. House phone: Midway2168.lluiimeeting, 10:15. "CIt benc:h.• Freshman frolic, dinner, 5:30, 'Lex- --Hotchkiss Recl)�clineton; �laYt 7:30, Mand�l 'CLASSIFIWi'DlrIuomc club, 7:30, Hitchcock par- - a:,.,TomoROW. ADVERTISEMENTSMeea.. of University ruliDc STUDENTS REBATE TICKETS TO� I "One Girl in a M;��vn," at LaSalle5e per liD.. No advertisements re-cei'YecJ for leu than 25c. All c:la8aUle4 Theater may. be had at InformationFootball, Chicago VB. Northwestern, Desk in Cobb Hall or at Maroon of-� must be paid ID ad·3, Stagg §elcL fice.University Dames' society, 3:30, QIICLLexIqton 14. ""!T!!!!WeO�LAR�!!!!G�E�O�UT�S�ID�E�R�O�O�-M�S-�-� CORNER OF 56TH AND ELLISPrices very reasonable; electric Ave., Lincoln Restaurant. TryA BROAD-MINDED COUNCIL. light; telepbone 5652 Maryland our 20 cent dinner. $3.25 meal tic-ave.; second floor. Call Midway ket for $3.00. Willian Lieblich.5794.Some membes- of the UDdercradu­ate council will be in the Coaadl The University of Michigan foot­chamber, Harper M 10, this mOl'lliDc LOST-Black case marked with in- ball team will be given a real tryoutfrom 10:15 to 11:45." Any madcnt wbo itial B, containin� nose-glasses; this week when it meets VanderbUt.baa any crievance or wanta any �ked on inside �th name .. EI- l' '._'.;_.' ___.,;. __ ....._ __points esplained, or who ia ill doubt .' mer Cae and Co.; return to 16 Fos- THKU QUARTERS CLUB.. to procedUre in an,. matter illter halL MEN' wna, .APPEAR ONwbich the CoUDcil call help him, may__ 16. ·th· _ .... ti;. • CAMPUS ocrOBER'22CO�" WI. n ... a_ n ID penoII LOb-r-A Sigma' Xi key probably onthia time. Sach a c:oumltatioD woaIdbe far more eIIeenve than a writteD 57 street between Drexel and Man- Three quarters club jpledges willcommmdcation could poaibly be. del halL Return to E. M. Burwish, make their first appearance on theTbia action OD the part of the CoaD- 5739 Drexel avenue. Finder will be campus Thursday, October 22. Thiscil ia iDdiqlbve of the poliq which suitably rewarded. was. decided at the meeting of the ar-.it promises to any oat this year-daat of beiDc a traly repre8eIltative. FOR RENT-ONE LARGE, FRONT nmgement committee yesterday.bI'oad-miDdcd comu:il of the aDder.. room with three windows: $12 per Henry McFarland,. Dunlap Clark· and�te atudeDta. The admiajOD of month. Also one single room, light Frederick Ridgeway will arrange the• 1IarooD. reporter' to the meetiDp. and warm: $6 per month, Board stunts every Tuesday; Francis Town-�,.-. tatio!° o�e:.�� another mud- optional House phone: Midway ley, .William Templeton, and Richard2168. G�mble will direct on Thursday, andGall ill 191' Sopb. Y. M. C. A. Men Meet. Nonnan McLeod, Bernard Newman,and John Agar will have charge onJerome Travers, six times amateurcluunpion of the United States. thisI� 108t his title to �cis Ouimet..... teur champion of FraDee Dad for-� open champion of this eo1IDtry. STENOGRAPmCWORK AT HOME'IIda . �c:tory � OuImet .. the or in ofBce or residence. Very rea­�mier player of the c:ountry, an hon- -sonoble rates.' Appli�t not a stu­.. 'held for 80 lone by Trners. The 'dent, at present call Local 109 orjouq Massaehusetta plfer'. victory Normal 602. Miss Foute. •,_... DO fluke, for'bis entire year in LOST . A RAILROAD TICKET.plf baa been marked b yc:oasistent Made in favor of James Sweet.work, aDd his victory at EkwaDok FiDcler please return to Bureau ofwu • fittiDa' climax. Kany younc Information, Cobb hall. Reward to..,lfen, hitherto UDheud of and with finder._JW)IIItatioaa to make. this IeUOIl .... FOR IlENT-TWO"'"NEWLY-FURN-toDiIhed the seasoned ftleranL PIn,- ilbed rooms; all modern conve!l-Up Carter, the Pawlinc eaptaln wu iencea; prices reasonable. InquireCIae wiDDer of JDaDY toarnamenta, at &618 Drexel Ave., Flat 3.ehIef amone them being the large,iJmtation, aerateh tournament at the POR SALE-SMITH PREMIERNational eoarae, CODIIidered the most typewriter, No.4, with case; A1dUIIeaIt c:oarae on_ tIIk lide of the At- eonditloD; reasonable. Call 58011anUe. RecfDal4- LewII and JIax MU71and, Apt. 1, Saturday or.antcm abro p1aJed brDllant lOll the Sunda,.. Phone Mid. 7599.latter wIJmfDc a, Greenwieh fnvita- ·DEBATES-All U. of C. studentstlGD, one of the mMt formldabl� should read the varsity debates on time, sent post,paid for 50 cents andIeIdi of the Eat. Of coane the fal1� IDDimum Wate, Recall, Federal five stamps to cover shipping costs.are of addt EnDs to materialise In IneoltpOration, and Ineome Tax. $1 Write us for pri� before placin�" eF"�wu tJae We disappointment. a eopy. At the Pn!a, or Woodorth'� orders for f�lt novelties of all kincu.tor tile brJIIIaDt a.Ieqoa Iau it hl Book Store.bIm, 1Rit ..... to taD dowa before _. .of lGwr ea1ibre t1au Idm. ROOKS-Two outside rooms, 5662,..,.. ..&.� � ..... __ ...... lIarJIaDd Aft., eleetrie light and3IH. ............. ,�-.-- .....The 8Opbmore Y. M. C. A. eommis- Friday. Each of the other memberssion Wlll meet today at 10:15 in thE' of the club will be assigned 'to a groupY. M. C. A. otBce. by President Apr. '5(OR YOUR DE N 5lleautilal CoIlep PellD&Dta..YALE' and HARVAR�Each tin. x 21 in.;- - PRINCETON, CORNELl.MICHIGAN,Each '1 in. x 21 in."-PENNANTS, Size 12s3O--lAny Leading Colleges ofYour Selection.·1IjI1iIiII� The ee. Novelty Co.2456 Bittner Street,DQton, Obio. ��SPEED UP!"to· 60 mmutea an /aoar� by taking the '�grind"v7 .' out 01 typewriting I . 4�/ AND.mIe! For here at last is the mastermachine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to turn out MORE letters with LE�effort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal Master-Model "10" speeds up the. day'swork and sets the pace that pays I ."Just turn the knob" and get the "personal touch"that fits YOURSELF I Write with the fast, Royal roller­trip escapement-tlae· hearI 0/ the typewriter rum without effort.Built lor uBig Bruinessu and itsGreat Army 01 Expert Operators� new features of the Royal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter subtracts-.peeJ !'!be speed with brains behind it-the all-MY speed ofthe expert typist in the day's work. Errorlel3 speedis the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense baspuDICtUred the DltisioD of the other kind.Get tlae Fad. !SeDd fOr the "Royal· Price' $100man"!'aDd uk for aDaIiONSTRATION.: -=-II.iIil��al!�Or � _ direct PJ ��.. -.. -,-.��:��.·ts: ., , .cbme, _ •• B.".rSawice. ,. aDd· bookof __ on ToaelaT�&8e-iotJ,..��· ...c.THE CONKLIN PENMFG. CO.1:._OLE DO •. � u.s.A. JastDip.antiPress! � .i"Three Reasons \\:bY1OU "htuld Eat at the Me ]'S Commo[ s \ '\. ..),uDO YOUR BANKING IN HYDE PARKAT THE --------�-----------HYDE PARK STATE BANK \ l �.)'CO""'NK" orr 83'!.P ST. & LAKE AVE" I\�" .l . ,t\1. . ,)�\ l 1.)1"I . ,�. - ...... _":' ': i:. .. �' 'nDrDAitT--�N;._.!� �iia' � l11L .- ..,n ....... 1. 2". .. , ."' I,..-_ ... _IIiiIIi -� ...�.: .-..._ ...·IIIi· ... -��- TBlRTY·nft .. IDN:·AIlB, iD3ti'wneta, are' neec.ed: mandoliD"e _-=- __-_' ..ESTABLISHED .... A '_' .' � •• , • i . troT FOB CROSS COUN1'R�. banjo, guitar, mando-cello, mande-�-'('. -- .i .base, harp, flute, .violincelJo, ukulele'. '.�.' '_�/ _. ' ....�� . '. ":-, '.. '. - f;oadl .uptbod,.· fa eo .... t 1'IIat and drums. The musicians will ac-� i .� 'Squad ·lIu Bridat Prw- company the Glee club to Madison and·Pecta-Vete..... Back. will give a concert on the eve of thefootball came.A. squad. -of' thirtjr-five men, thelarcest" 'in 'aeve'ral y"'� baa reported .to CoaCh Liptbody ()f the..University DEBATE-J'U8t published--:-"The Min-cross-cOuntry team.' Mr. Lichtbody . imum Wage," as given by the Cbi·Sta� thAt every 'effort is being made ugo debating teams against Michiganto bring Chicago up from last place .. � _' " .., ."th _I a Sl·tion ... �. and, No�hwe8terD" $1 a copy. At thoIn e colUerence run, po �_ . '.has been occupied by her for the laSt ITeu, or. Woodworth's Book Store.two years. All eandidates are ga1nsr l'ull of 'pointe, vim and fire.at the work of preliminary trainingwith a .irit that speaks well for (ther Chicago debates.. their prospects, according to �� � �==�::;:::::::==�� __Chicago has not won a conferen�. cross c�untry run since 1905. �year there were more than fifty menout fo� positions on the squad andCoach Lightbody thinks that thereshould be at . least that number thisyear, if anything is to be accomplish- 'ed. H� professed being pleased• •• ••••• _ •• with the class of material that hasreported, which includes Campbell.Stout and Goodwin.The men will be divided into twosquads on' Monday, when the workwill begin in earnest. The game offox and hound will be introduced intothe training ·,and the course followedwill lead through the parks. Mr..Lightbody declared that the division The BU D S are crudely imitated, .of the squad will .enable the training but the WILBUR WAY cannot be'to 'progress more rapidly, as the fast-er 'men will be enabled to keep up a. duplicated. Be Sure' that you ge_t__swifter tJ)8Ce than they can DOW, -Wllbur's II ChOCOlate . Buds.with all of the runners in one bunch.At all Confectioner� and: Druggists:'-.WHAT EDITORS THINK in your neighborhood. .: ,.'.:. :Feels Cause Troub!e. .Financially, orPmzed baseball re- H. 0., WILBU. R .�&�. : SONS ..ceived a serious set-back this season.. _ '. ....'. �n, NeW-York and St. ,Lo� .were . Inc. . Phila�elphia,,' p��,the -;;� yclubs to make moneyinthe. " ... .: . .National and this �as due only to , •. --.-----.�-.-- .. -.--.-.��.-�.. .'.. :Boston's meteot:ic ri e from last to. .' ..first, thwarting the Giants in the S E··· CO N D. ' H A. .N Dfight for 'their fourth consecutive pen-nant, The Cards made a gallant show·Dig and Huggins deserves much AN D. N··E' W't . B" .0", 0." K··S··.praise, but his 'men wer etoo inex-perienced 'to stand the strain. Th(Phillies, usually so serypy, were.�-�----.�e:..�- .. �-�----- .. --.� �ked by the inroads of the Fedsand the Chicago Cubs showed or..yft�es . I)f their old time skill ThePirates and Dodgers, although aheavy.�tting tca:n, neVer rose above 1311 E. 57th ·,S,"t.• , near K. imba rk Ave.-'sixth place, and Cincinnati's one manwas Charlie Hezzog, its manager.The American lea!.!1le was' thesame monotonous pradice of havinrthe Athletics trample on the otheJseven clubs. Only Boston sho�any fight, and that too late.The Federal lea!11e accomplishedmore than their fondest supporterrhad hoped for. Chicago, Baltimore,and Buffalo made 'money, and Indian- ••••• _. __ � • • _ •••••apolis and Brooklyn came out abouteven. The fight for the pennant wasclose, with Chicago just nosing outIndianapolis. The Feda claim thatthey have signed for next season,Walter Johnson, Charley Dooin, HansLobert Sherwood and Lee Magee,Ivy ,wingo, and Sasey Dolan. If thisill true, orpnized aseball will haveits hands full making both ends meet.Fans want to see the best, and withsuch starS as the above mentioned,along with Chase. I"'ord, J:o'alkenbergand Tinker who are already "out­laws," the Federal league seemsbound to succeed-Hotchkiss Record.=ICW YORK.Our representative, Mr. Walker will be at the'HOTEL LA SALLE .to-day, and to-morrow, with Falland Winter Styles inSUITS And OVERCOATSSPORTING And MOTOR GARMENTS,.ENGLISH HABERDASHERY,HATS, SHOESBoston Branch·49 TREMON·t ST, Newport Branch '220 BELLEVUE AVE.Teresa S. DolanDANCING ACADEMYCaner 40tIa 51. ... Cottqe GroYe AYe.r---'7 Oak'_' ..........Monday Evening, Class �nly, 8:i5-11:15Saturday E venisg, Ad�anced Class, 8: 15to 9:00 Reception, 9:00-12::00Thursday Evening, Advanced CI�ss, 8: 15to 9:00. Reception 9:00-12:00PRIVATE LESSONS anytime by aFpoiotment, $2.00 balihour. 3 lessons, $5.00. Monday night class, Modem Dances,3 hours instruction, $1.00 each at door or in· advance, 6 leao"DSior $500. Two or more ill fam�y, � fe.oo.. for $4.00 each.··Thunday and Saturday night Receptions. SOc each, $1:00· percouple. Wardrobe Free. .SPECIAL . RATES for Private Claa�; formed anytime.' No.dditiOl'al charge for advanced class Instruction.HALL MAY BE RENTED for Dances, EntertaiDlJleDts,ete., at rea!�nable. rates, . S( aling capacity, 600. Pay u- a"isit, you wilr be pleased. .. .,TERESA S DOLAN' TELEPHONE• ' Kenwood "6147Vice-PnIidIM .......... A.aac:iaaia. M.-.. cf o..a.. Ma.ber o..a.. M.eaa �c..d. v .... Cude Scbcol cf � � York,The perfection of detail . that dis-tinguishes " .J��REM'S T �LORINGassures- you of" clothes that .. are bothsman and individual. .' '.C •• 'ridge GRJS, very Dew ud 'errspedal at $30.00.�AA�hHA-. TAILOR '.�� For Young MenThree Stores: 7 N. LaSalle St.25 E. fJacbon Bhd, 71 E: MODI'Oe St.You W'antA GOOD MAROONfrom the start, so does the StaftHelp them by Subscribingat oncePatronize laroon Adverti$ers , � ,. ;.' •• .,J I'.�·'"-,' .,. ",' - - _..�• ) 'r ..- ..:: .," � .. , .. : .-�., .. -';_;';_-"';;'• ,. o· .........." ....... ' ;.��aeh.To Those Students' Who "L'�yeGood 'ChocolateCONFECTIONSHere are- Delightfully Del i c i 0 U SMorsels-made to melt in the rno .ith-perfect all the time-+Ioved by �Uwho try them. :.'WjlLBURBUDSLAW, COLLE(;E, MEDICAL. .Woodworth's Book 'StoreTwo .l.t 'blocks u.st ai Tower alld C:J�t.Si1:1DU. of C. Stationery,· Coat of Arms·Stationery, U.of C.' Tablets·BOOKS5750 ELLIS AVENUEand Room 1H Einmons Blaine' Hall'Fountain Pens, SpeCial .UniversityNote Books, Gymnasium �su;'s, .'Bats�nd Balls for the new Racquets,Squash and Handball Courts'mar be purchased af the ' "University of Chicago· PressMANDOLIN CLUB REHEARSES..The Mando1i�Wl1l hold its first'reheanal today at 3:30 in the Rey-DOJeII dub. Players of the following • __ - _ • __ __ •••.. ', ·.11�,�_ ,I,.A.UftIDA 10.., ft.--' _, -�'W.u-;.JqM ,oil .�.::_: � �M�'" �� �Y.�.·rt'l'- '<A� �<------ - --.. ----- ,-�-----• -ftiW.-il-�·P.UiOll- of Italy, SYSTEM OF-·NlJKUBlNC··, =r=:', 'DbK- .. !tBl:wajaCKitU �I'RD���-"'"Jir>�;' Moe Aid" that' the pq»1e : MEN Ci&ATEs:'AGlTAflO!\ ; 'HONORARY DOCTOR'S. �B : .r». c. tic) OlVE SERIES OF�. �p�tiJ: ill'favOr of 'entering (Continued_'fo� pace one) --. -- '�.-' PARTIES NEXT WBEK-- BroWD UDiveni17 Pl'etlmta .' of(Cont:bmecl ttoal ' ... 1) lido the, �t cOnftict. but Italian -'uri' be' in :Cbicqo .Di'riDi� 8chOor-:wab".. '.' .__ � �dOm�'Waa tl')inc in every way,year, the men. w_ .11&' n� rs. t ;;. �.al2UDiYeriit1.'I'.'�"myal 18 continually beiDa n-eto� �l�· to . iemain neutral. He as the last game of tile &eason, apms ,. � . 'by German army corpL' .aerted thai the provinces now under Wisconsin.'" . Profes�or Shailu 'M�the'ws, d�n' ofForta Aft' IaprepaNe. .:tb _:_'ty fAt' d This season, however, It was gen. .- tbe Divinity ichool,' 'will receive the• aove4V£6&&£ 0 us na, an '. •"1 do not thiDk that tM !blleiaJt .. , .... r.-a.. bad" I -'-"b Itali erally understood that aU teams honorary degree-of 'doctor 'of 'Divan-anD¥ will be' able to �.� throuch w�..... "iii' ... �e4t&.J een 'tuatian'I' would be sinularly numbered.' In';' ity' Thursday ai:t� one hundred. andtbia line" said lIr. 'nD Moe. -rIl. were 1M. 0 Tones () cause a SI ondiana Chicago's first Conference 'op- fiftieth anniversary of .the �oundation" •"• which would. result in the former ally. 'rth 1 . ..... �-A Wl·th of. Brown university, at Providence.f, rti1l� d Cracow '1a&t-= t neve e ess aHt"'"-- ... '6 •,0 anaD..,. � , of Austria becoming belligerent. ponen ,'., intm�nt of ,�b.ode Island. De� Mathews willUrall7 ad �cialb" UDpftllrD8ble .• raJ. out numbers to the dfua� .. lldcJress the national convention of theand with the 1arp force of � ,Sa.1� It..,. Will,St.1 Neu� . many spectators. � caused con- ,Church of the Disciples toniaht in women.wbe) are now eooPeratina With . the "1 doubt w'hetber Italy will enter siderable comment in city new&'p&�rs A,Dnta. Georgia. Dean Mathews re- ' 'Invitations to one party of each ofAQ8triana at that point it 'u UDbe-, the war," he aiel uHer de�ds' of ad�erse to Coach Childs' spOrtsDllLD:- �ciY�d his A. ,B.' and A� 'M. degrees the clubs will be mailed �o everylieveable that the �.' foree. will; AU5ttia in recard to the placmg of ship. No (:xplanation, however, �3.S at �I� own Alma Mater_: �ol�� �ol- freEhman woman, the beginning of•• c:oDtad bombs ill the Adriatic with-,. b th Hoosier coach. lege In 1884 and 1887, ana �as givenbreak thro�h. The sltuatio� JD the .:... given y e �.' . ' an honorary -D; ,D. 'degree .In 1901 at next week.' The prospective memberWest ia practically the,.me.' Ger- out due notice t. 0 n�tral ShlPP1D� Dr. Williams of ��n�esc:>�. the �- ,Colby. In 1908 Oberlin college also will be e)l'�ted to attend all threemany is on the defenaive and'baa the .haH been complied With, thus abo. variable reactionary 1D Western feot- $9nferred the D. D. degree upon him. If the affairs, and then name the so-strO� French and &I&ian' folta to isbiny • eausua' belli." ball circles, also has refused. to adopt lJe! became- .. Associate' Professor', of �iety which appeals to her most.fall back on before she will be forced Mr .. von Noe was sent by Governor the number system, He contends that Ne* !es�ment :!��.tory ��d. I�-ter- An attempt will be made to placeto use the lo'rta &D'd stro ..... na";'-1 �e' as the Illinois delegate to the too great an advantage is offered the PChr�tlon l�d1�1899at thhe bUD1v�rs�ty. of. h . t' t... 'UA """'_.,Jd id .a. u:ago, an In e ecame Junior each woman m t e orgamz:l Ion mosdefenses on the Bhine.'- "l believe th .. peKe' conferenee ·at Mackinac island opposing team, an proVI es as_ dean of the Divinity school. He was -ongenial to her tastes.Allies win finally come to th con- on. July 22 and 23 which celebrated substitute the stationing of a num�r made Professor I or Systematiccluaion that to attempt aDY IODRer to the one hundred' years of peace be- of men in front of the stands with ,th�logy in 1906,�nd"in '1906 became l�ARYL CODY CONDUCTSreach Germany would be futile and tw� the U�ted States and England. megaphones, who will keep. tbe crowd pro!ess'or of Histoncal '�nd, �?�- FIRST GATHERING OFthat a peace will be aereed upon He is a member of the Society for informed of 'the various plays. If parative 'Theology. In 1908 he wa:,. LEAGUE IN ..LEXINGTONIllitable to an aides. the Promotion of Progressive Ideas, th C· ference coaches care to push choseD dean of the Divinity school.o er on.'. . Dean Mathews was editor of ·'The C I Cody led the first League"The question of whether this will primarily a peace society whose the matter they may force Wllbams Wond Today" from 1903 to 1911. He aeyneeting of the year yesterday morn­be the last great war J. hiPly cOn- headquarters are in Paris, and has into adopting the number system, is now at the head of "The Biblical·tnweisial. That Wm all depend on' 'Written a number of pamphlets for just as he was forced into adopting WorJd," a:'monthly pubticatlon� H, ng at 10:15 in Lexington hall. Thethe atti�de which the: 'Qatlona--take 'this Organization .. He is also-a mem- the forward 'pass and other 'innova- is pr:esidc;,nt:of the Western Eco'iu)niic Jubject of' the speakers was "Infor-. sodity and of the Federal council 01 nation." Ruth Prosser, Helen Carnes,when they pther at: the: conrereJice ber, of the Chiea� commission for tions of the new game. the. churches of Christ in America. r -- K h Margaret Grobbento draw up the final t7eaty. As thE' the peace centennial celebration in Coach Murphy has sent. in the fol- J.A."Vna u ns,"general publie opinion depends On :1915. lowing list of numbe� players: '1 MEAD, '15, REPRESENTS Agnes Sharp, Louise Mick and Juliathe .attitude of the ln�dua� It ·.i. Wu In Active Servi�e. HeDly,2 Gray, 3 Whittle, 4 'Thomas, ':.' : DAILY �EWS IN BERLIN. Dodge were among the speakers. One«Sential that we should not J .. t our Be"ore cOIJU·ng �.. o this country and 5 Tanger' 6 Bradley 7 Schoomaker 8 ,; ,� �undred and fifty- women were pres-._-�, .'. '. , Cltucalo Student'Secures Position' as ent.personal oplnl�ns Interfere with the becoming • naturalized citizen, Mr. Stromberg, 9 Iddings, 10 Ellis. 11; . - Foreip War� Correspondent; ,prospecta of peace. It is highly prob- von Nde was in the active service of Varnadore, 12 Barts, 13 Dewit. 14' Holda Important Office:able that the present war would not the AUstrian army for one year and Strader, 15 Wilson, 16 Hi£htower; 17have occurred if French -bitterneSs in the reserve' force for nine years. Williams, 18 Kral, 19 Patterson, 20 :H�nry Mead, '15. is head of The Harry Hage;;;;;-;lected p�dentth I ' ' .. �ly News correspondence office in 'f th h ed' I yester-ovez: e 08S of;Alaaee-Loriabae had WhiI.- e.in the reServeS, be was sub- Grassette, 22 Rogers, 23 �nee�rg�.. 1 e sop omore m Ie c assBertin, taking the�.place of Raymond chbeen. replaced by an attitude of resiao- j-� to call at any time to take part er, 24 Piszostowski. "·ay. Maurice Critchlow was osen.. .:.;" Eo". Swing, who left for the Belgiannatic:m- Russia wou.kf"not have dat�lt lit fhe- military manuvers. He was Chicago!s men are numbered &h �ider when tbe. war broke out. 'lice-president and L. Robbins wasto enter the present war if abe had a lieutenant· in' the' eigbth hussars of follows: Mead's .position is" considered one, of �Jected �ecretary and treasurer.Dot ,been InD'e of 'the RtPPOrt ';-of light :eavaIry 'and during his active 1 Des Jardien. 2 Gray, 3 'Hunting, thel most importalit offices ,in thecor- :\rthur Bristow, George Gray' and� service ad: JDaJiouvers was aid-de- 4 Shull, 5 Russell, 6 &Parim� ';' S��.:: rq�ondence field., -Imm�diatelyl after '. Villiam Butler "were named on the"Bu., t I do believe, that<,1D cue. of ._�'ft to ·the division general. He man, 8 Coutchie, 9 Acker, 10 Whit- ,tbf ��os,�' of th.e �Pri .. g'!quarter"d:Mead cxecutiv� committee.·Roger lr:t: Chois-,--""" . .' " wet to 'Germany to. sl�dy 'an was 'd Mthe �ctor:v of the AllienaaDd�eon';' Was 'present at many of the largest mg, 11 McConnell, 12. �te, �!� ,t�veling' in 'Muuicli'when-the mobili- 'Jar,' J. ltunder, Miss ,]feye,rs an •seqoent fxpamioJl of·lluaJa Lnr.ud � DWlouvers of the dual mon;" Schafer, 14 Albert, 15 JacksOn, 16 zatiOia of. troops �s begun. He went Sweet will compose th�� honor cOm­the driatfe and Blaek 8eU. that· the arehy lIIld-saw the 'V8Y in' which-the �, 17 Redmon, 18 Kixmiller, 19 to.Berlm'and��there -tOok up the"work mission. 'dea.il'ft of die c:sar for � territory 'eimiD&Ddbig ofIkers laid their plans Hardinger, 20 Knipscbild, 21 Gon- of The Daily News office.' - ., .-. -,--, .,--,.--,will eventually d1'2w him intO .'War and 'worktd their 'atrategy. He has wens, 22_ Flood, 23 PatterSon, �24 Harry Hansen,' '09; a Daily 'New� Dean Talbot T.!ks to' Womell.·th Encland. "... . cotresP�)Ddent in Ber1�n. was �ith.... 1 R�.i. baa'been es- been quoted as an authority on Au�- T-:out, 25 Lee, Foster, 27 Fisher;,28 the Ge..;.... .. ·n· a'rm'y on the 'Belm�n' and.. 11 __ - three ..u_.-..= .&.�...I ._ D-' Dean Talbot :pve instructions forpan� m uua;wOlUl. MlWilni triaD military afl'airs. KendaU,30 Gordon, 31 Hart, 32 Edge- Fr;';n�b frontier for two. weeks J'US\th Adriati d B' __ L .,. - "'egistration to womed "voters livinge. . e an � 8ea8..toward '. worth. I afte,r the declari,tion '0. f War.- He wa�u-r_ . d In.l.- d.a.--."l -..wwL 'DO"'" BUSINESS MEETING in the women's' haUs, ' at_ a meetin� of�II:� ah ....... an ""W.nI lIon- ",U.. �. imprisoned 'and carned back' from thtgola. In· the East. they were driven The annual business meeting of the PEN CLUB WILL ELECT. firing line and into Germany· because the womer. y�terday in ·G.-r-t.n halLbaCk by Japan and iB c:Ue of eeeUr- Christian Science society will be held he w:as suspected as a spy •.ing territory in the South after the Thursday at four-thirty in Cobb 12A. NelV members will be elected to the HOLD DRAMATIC TRY�UTS.war ,the ft8t )JCHIIMBiona of EDcIand Pen �lub at the � _ dinner of the"in India would probably be the ned quarter Wednesday at 6:15 in Hutch- Tryouts for the �tie elub willobjeetive of the Czar. 'l'hla Ia only a inson cafe. Plans Wl11 also be dis- be held ......_ ......., i>etober 20. Candi-IlAROON ADS &U�ebnjeeture. but it is .�t what BRING RESULTS cussed concerning the quarterly Iila- dates will be � to �v'e' extractsRussia would be liable to do It 8Ue- guine which the club is �lanning to from eiertain playa which may be lie-cessfol nOW. publish. ,cared from PresIdent Sherwin. -I, Black Bonnet, Yellow Jacket andBlue Bottle 'the reo�,nized freshmansocieties, 'will giv� a series of rush­ing.: partj�, for fTeshman women next 'week. The first set of parties will begiven .October 16, a�d the ot�ers onOc;tober 21, and 23. The societies rep­re�ni the reorr,anization of Kalailu,the old honor society for' f1'eshmenI,\:111 HAGER IS 1\IEDIC PREf:;IDENT.WILL START BOY SCOUT CLASS.iI,(iI University men interested in. be­coming Boy Scout �asters have beenrequested to register in the Y. M. C­A. office. 'rhe class will be organizednext . week and will be limited tothirty' members.• ,t •• _IT'S A F "A� C-� -T-= c� �':,'..that the' �oney paid into 1�he Maro�n' by,: students covers less than one­fourth of ,i"ts running expenses. The busineSs men who use our' columnsmake. it possible to publi�h The Maroon and are therefore helping to boostyou� Interests by the active support' which' they 'contribute to your 'paper.They deserve a responsive interest on, your - part, which you cannot betterexpress thaD' by dropping into their places of busine.ss.�· .� The slight ·effortrequired- to tell the proprietor that you saw his "advertising .iil . The Maroonwill bring'the increased attention of a pleased advertiser and at the sametime 'make I)Ossible a lar�er and better Matoon-� JIYou wiU boost Chicago activities by patronizing Maroon Advertisers.I.t •I.",. .- t\.,•i \OfI ,JI �"t"f! ., p...� .), .l'\( II '.'J \�\l , \,�,,'rr:}