lItr,r1ItidI·I (.ts,-s'fn Il-....:'"=..�':: .. " ' ,1,:,";, � ,.,' •urndn-Vol. XIII. No. 8. Price ,Five Cent.". " UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, T.BURSDA Y, ocrOBER 8. 1914.MISSMiss Mary :M�Do��ll; bead. of the O'CARROLL CULTIVATES MOSS. Mamlscripts in the. competition forUniversity Settlement, and Prc;f. Floyd He'ad Florist Will O�n New Gre.en- this ye�'s Blnckfriars' 'show must beMechem, president of the Settlement houses to University Students for lumded m by Monday, November 2, ac-board, will preside at the Settlement Chrysanthemum Display. , -eording to an anonuncement by Abbotservices Sunday at 10:45 iii Mandel. : Itlenderson yesterday. Instead of hand-The Rev. Francis Peabody, of Harvard Quarters for the housing of rare Ull' jil'l� In-one complete act and the seen-University, will deliever the ad:i0 . t . al I ts we· re fims' �_a :ano for a second, as was formerly re-expensive roPIC p an UCla'red fi .. hed ith 1 ."Settlement Work." The entire e - this week in the greenhouses between qUI , two.rus . acts ·Wl yricslection wil be given to the-. .. Univ lty Ellis and Ingleside . avenues, south of iu�d stage busmess �Ill �ve to be �ub­Settlement board. Ellis hall. Two new houses have been ll�tted. Twelve lyncs will be reawredThe Settlement fund was increased built, with ranges for the intensive eul- WIth each play..this summer by $55, earned by young tivation of cycads, ferns, palms, ami All plays must be typewntten. ThE.women who sold. re:res�ents : at many varieties of orchids. Plants for �or's name and the name of :th(.Scammons gardens dunng the engage- the houses were shipped from tropic rplay must be sent to the Blackfriarsment of the 'Coburn playerS. Jose- America. cox in the Faculty exchange in a se�·phine Rogers, chairman of the com- Th . wi} be d th arate envelope from the manu. script,. . - e new specImens un er e . . ,.J •mittee ,reports a. clear profit of $84, f H d Fl . t O'C 11 A sec- -vhich should bear no name. 1.he au-of which $55 was given to the Settle- ct�re Of teah l°ti� ti anaf1" orts thors of plays have been' asked to sa" Ion or e cu va on 0 lverw , ,. rthment and $29 to the League. wth f th f'l h bee lack Henderson, the Abbot, for ru ei. .. a gro 0 e moss ami y, as n,· .May Change Profit Divisicm. set aside in the greenhouses. A num- Information.Mrs. Luke Wilson, who is in charge ber of rock formations have been ar- Produce Play in Mandel.of the engagement of the Coburn ranged to add naturalness to their sur- The winning play will be producedplayers, urged that 65· per cent. of this roundings. A shower haa been in- .. he first week In May, in Mandel. Las.year's profits be giv� to·.the Univer- stalled to water the plants, and the �f:ar, "1.'he Student Supezior," the op·sity Settlement, under whose· auspices house has been shaded, to keep the era selected, was given iour times h.the players appeared. Last year the vegetation in a constantly cool tern- .ldandel. This year's show wiii a:dt.whole profit of $50 went io the treas- perature. �robably be given four performances.ury of the Y. W. C� L Plants in the new house were ob- Itained on expeditions by associate '�CBICAGO IN CALCUTTA"Divinity H""';; 'to Elect. Prof. Chamberlain and assistant Prof. CA�lP AIGN AWARDED PRIZE.Offleers in the �ivinity houses vriu Land, of the Botany elected at meetings next week in To Exhibit Chrysanthemums.North, . Middle Divinity and South Di- An exhibit of chrysanthemums con-vinity halls.,' �ments will be taining 200 varieties of flowers will bemade for the annual smokers, and for opened in two weeki. All Universit}joint social dair8,jn tJle<��,::- �ents . .)1rill�adlD�,.,-- ..,IESIERizED snJDENTTEIis RESULT OF GAlE Me DOWELL TO PRESIDE. ADD TWO NEW HOUSESFOR TROPICnilPLANTSHead of UDiyenlt,. SeUieaeat WillBe Chairman at MeetbaK�Dr. Pea-bod,. WiD S�ak OR SOcial Service Build New Quarters For RIdeWork. -.:iIIFloral Specimjna Import_From Equatorial Zone.Northwestern Man Under Hyp­notic Spell Predicts, EasyVictory For MaroonSaturday.HOLD lUASSMEE'(ING TOMORROW SUMMER FUND SHOWS PROFITS.Page, Paine, Des Jarmen and Other"C" l\len Will Discuss VarsityPro8pects.'Northwestern will be defeated byChicago Saturday 35 to 9 if any de­pendence can be based on informationobtained during a psychological exper­iment at Evanston. The prophecy wasuttered by R. D. Gallagher, a student,while under a hypnotic spell in Pro­fessor Walter D. Scott's class in Psy­chology.In addition to the fact that North­western will be defeated this year, theseer also disclosed the fact that Chi­cago would repeat the victory in 1915and 1916, but by smaller scores eachyear. Many of the students regardedthis information as coming from asupernatural source, while othersthought that the professor was re­sponsible for the statement, as he hadGallagher completely under his con­trol. Scott, however, disclaims anyresponsibility for the advance "dope."wm Hold Massmeeting.Pat Page, Norman Paine, CaptainDes Jardien and several other of the"C" men will be the speakers at thebig masameeting tomorrow at 10:15around the "C" bench. Coach Staggwill probably' be present to give. alittle dope about the team's conditionand Saturday's prospects.This will be' the first massmeetingof the year, as the one scheduled forlast Friday was prevented by the open·ing .chapel. exercises. CheerleaderWard, stated that he expects a crowdto come out, and is particularly anx·ious that all freshmen ... present, inorder that they m'iy learn �the Uni·versity songs and cheers. In spite 01the psychological 'premction by theNorthwestern student, uFran" thinksthat the game will be hotly foughtand that the team will need the back·ing of every student. HOT WEATIIER"CAUSES-sr�GG"'TO Dj·OPSCRDIIL\CE FRO. PilAcnCE PROGRAMYesterday's execessive heat causect have gone into it half heartedly. SatDirector Stagg to drop scrimmage tirday, however, the Varsity will 1Mtemporarily at least from his daiJ, out to roll up a big count.program, and the sweltering Vanity Paiae DriDa Freah_e;a.players were thankful for this respite, Coach Paine spent the gre.ter panAlthough the- day's work was by far of yesterday's session in teaching til€:the lightest of the year, the majority yearlings a new set of formations.of the men vo� it the most strenuous Two FreshmaD teams � throughthey have experienced. Charging .drill ' th lin d od te - SIgnals for several hours, and are pre-s .I.or e e an a m era mg· ·ared to . th V. .• �_nal drill nstituted th nI· p gIve e annty a OIoUl. argu-. co. e 0 Y VIgoroUS ment in the next scrimmage. PaineexercISeS of the 8e8810n. al d ted- . rti' f th tim .�_• • 80 evo apo ono e e""LOAN BOOKS UNDER NEW PLAN. Dtelrector fStath"vaIdiuabd In°tim� h°alwlever: an elementary drill in tackling, diving,was any 0 e e e oted 1. .. --:__ d falling th ballto practice and delivered a lecture of C'_'6,u16 an on, e .EnClish Stadeats Bonow eo.plete Set an hour's duration to the entire Vara- Coaeh "Bed" Paine's peppery fresh-for Entire Quarter., ity squad. The "Old Man" went over man team put up the best exhibition ofall the plays that he has given out football Seen this year on Stagg field,thus far, and proceeded to analyze and h� the Varsity to a 6-0 score !hthem from every angle. Practicall) a half hour scrimmage Tuesday. Al­every regular came in for his share of �ough forced to remain �on the defens­rebuke, and if a highly concentrated lVe after .the first ten mmu� of play,brand of lecturing can do anything th� yearlings gave the Varmty all theytowards polishinc '!J Chicago's of. could �e, and twice hel� t�e Ma­fense, the team shOUld display mao roon eleven. for f�r downs lDSlde thechine-like. work of the most perfect �ve � line. �tor' Stagg con-calibre Saturday. . tmued his prepara�ons for the North-Catchiac aDd Kicldnc DrilL w�m contest by sending tbe' teamWh'l h' 1" _ ...... � h • through a long scrimmage and signalIe 18 me pa.n;"h ...-.:u C argmg d -11early in the session Stagg sent the r;,; V .ty and Fresh battledbackfield men through a kickin« dirll nde dal'Sl tL _ fi Id" menthirtyCo t ·-h· and tarti· up a own De e .lor overnee caM; Ing s ng In re-. be' th. • ki k aI • � 1 mmutes lore e only score resultedcelVlng a c .so came In or a arge on a long forward pass. Urged on byshare of attentIon. The last part of P t D..._ and Red P . h h·the afternoon's practice was devoted ·a a. �c ame,. � 0, w ent b . k' I d·n F th fi t the battle became too excltmg, occas-? a. ns sIgna n. o� .e rs ionaly took a hand in the scrimmagetIme In years Stagg has at hIS dIsposal th I th I· h Id thh V • d .' emse ves, e year mgs e eTHREE �UARTERS CLUB t ree arslty teams, an every candl- h . V 't t . t h. . I . eaVler arsl y eam m grea s ape.COM�IITI'EE WILL PLAN date receIves h� fu I share of actIve Director Stagg sent practically his reg-STUNTS THIS MORNING work and coachmg. ular line into the game, but kept threeAccording to all reports, Dire<-toT of the first string backfield men on thE:Stunts for Three Quarters club Stagg will send his team on the field side line�.Satunlay under ordeJ1l to roll up as Score One will be discussed today at the large a score as possible. The Purple For the first ten minutes the Fresh-meeting of the arrangements com- have held Chicago to a low score for men assumed the offensive and evenmittee at 10:15 in Cobb 12A. James the past three years and are begin- threatened to score. However, theyni�g to believe .that they have some- were finally worn down by their heav­thmg on the MIdway teams. At any ier opponents an� settled down to fightrate it is true that they play their to prevent a score under the shadowbest game against Chicago. In .late of their own goal posts. Twice theyears Stagg's men have regarded theNorthwestern contest as • joke andA new system of providing booksfor students taking English 46 hasbeen intrOduced by the library officialsand members of the English depart­ment. A' complete set of books thatare to be read during the quarter iagiven to each student who deposits $3,which amount is returned if all thevolumes are returned in good condi·tion at the end of the quarter. Theset may be purchased at a nominalcost if the person desires to keep the�.The new system will enable thestudent to use the books whenever hedesires without the necessity of goingto the library. It is also hoped thatit will arouse a desire in the stultentto possess his own library.Brednin, Dunlap Clark, Richard Gam­ble, Norman Mc Leod, Henry Mc Far­land, Bernard Newman, FrederickRidgeway and Wiriam Templetonare the committee. (CoDtiaecl OD pac. 4) event of the day.fLAYS MUST BE IN NOVEMBER Z. R S •. WAS BOUND, TOENTER wAil SAYS'WEntries in Blacklriars CompetitionAre Due Shortly-Show8 to Consistof Two Complete Aets and 'Twelve Head Of Latin �parbneDtLyrics. Blame. UDitecl States ForTO GIVE FOUR PERFORMANCES. ,INot Protecting Righta.TELLS OF SITUATION ABROAD.n�ribes DiJlicuJties of Securing P ......,orts.-Pictures Military Adiriti8sin France and Belcjum.The .United States was morally..Iound to declare war on Germany assoon as German forces crossed theJeli!Pan frontier, according to Prof..\' Illiam Gardner Hale, yesterday. Th..J nited States, as one of the powers;igiUng the treaty at the last Hague. ,.eace conference, he said, is bound bythe conventions to respect the inviola­.ility of neutral territory, the bom­oardment of unfortified towns, and the,·laciJlf: of contact bombs without noti­. .!'�'ing IJ(;UtraI shipping. Prof. Hale re­.ently returned from the war scene.'As soon as Germany had violated one.of these conventions," said Prof. Hale,'w� were morally bound to declare it.1 hestil« act and declare war, or look.ipon these contracts signed by us and.he European : powers as mere paper.3y :mvading Belgian territory, and inater acts, Germany did violate theseconventions,i If Germany Wins."President Wilson has said tht at.he i end of the· war he will .ask the)�e conference. to investigate�ha�ges' of the violation of these 'con­.erence," "But," .Dr. Hale continued,'if : Germany wins in, . the struggle,.vhat chance will. there be of sccur:ing.i f�r hearing,?" ": .,:Prof. Hale declared that· the bozn-:·)animent of Rheims and the destiu�­don! of Louvain were ruthless and.vanton acts. He asserted ·that noth­.ng' �t the Belgiails did in Louvain ':ould have justified the GeniulnS inlestroying · treasures and thelib�ry. The destruction of the houseshe thought may, .have been justifiable.R�1D8 :Bombardment Unncessar,.�Dr. Hale disci-edited the artatem�tsthat' the bOinbardment of the cathe-.dral 'at Rheims had been necessarY be­.!8use the ,'cathedrai Wa& in the lineof German gulis. He said that it sOtOwered -above the other buildings inthe citY that� it was Unbelievable thatAlum� members of the League Geniuin marksmanship· had heen 80who· attended the conference included bad that it was struck by mistake..Geraldine Brown, Hazel Hoff, Helen He asserted that Austria's note toGunsaulus, and Catherine Slaught. 3ervia inust be looked upon as a pro­'Ijte ("'"hicago .delegation included vocation for the:war.Helen Beddy, Mary Allen, Charlotte "Austria's brutal note to 'Servia, "! hemd, ,"can 'only be looked upon�as, anViall, �lIinor Doty, Frances Scott, act provocative' of war. No. chAne.Margaret Grobben, BlanChe Apple, .vas given Servia to comply with ,theLouise Stenhouse, Bessie StenhouSe, lemands and still retain her natiolwEvangeline Stenhouse, Marion Cole. honor. Germany undoubtedly, was' be­Margaret Brady, Ethel Russel, Elean- hind: Austria in this' move. and· wasRilling to as -.. m�.ans' of prO­or Hunter; Margaret Hess, Alta Fish- ducing a gene'ral European war. Thiser, Edith Smith, Agnes ShariP, Doro-' was indicated by the German state-:.thy Llewellyn, Katherine Hattendorf: ment in the white book that. Germanywould sup�rf Austria in whatevercourse Austria took.",German,. Prepared.Prof. Hale asserted that France. didnot mobilize until after the declara.­tion of war, while Germany had been ,preparing for some time. He calledattention' to the fact that Germany de­clared war on France on August 3 and,on August 4, crossed into Luxemburg.As soon as France �a1ized that a warinevitable, all the political factions inFrance, including the Socialists, uniteato defend their country."Prices have not risen, in Franeesince the war started,", said Dr; Hale."People have been able to buy producein many ca&e3, since the war began, ata ·price lower than before the war.Money ,was not scan:e, but at times it 'was often hard to get money of largeJniversit,. Women Also Carry OhHonors In The Annual "Stuntbay'" Events.The c'Chicago in Calcutta" cam­paign was awarded .first pnze in -themisSionary exhi�it at the annual Y ... W. C. A. conference held at LaklGeneva from August 25 to September.6. }t'orty ,colleges and univers�tie&were represented at the confere�ce ..Apes �harp was head of the ChicaglJele,tion.Chicago women carried off' 1irs�honors in the annual "stuDt day"events. Dorothy LI�wellyn won thediving contett. Louise Mick, a�as a suffragette, led the delegationwith songs and limericks in the main.Elsie Johns. and Lois Drake.W. A. A. WILL HOLD RECEPTION.WOIDe-n Will Reeei.e Handboob .tSocial Aft'air Wednesday.The annual W. A. A. reception willbe held Wednesday at �:30 in Lexlng.ton 14. W. A. A. handbooks will �distributed to freshman women atthat time. The book is edited by Heler­Leonard, '14, who was on the advisoty'>oard last year. New amendments t('the constitution a(i;,pted in June will'le included. ".,Elsie Johns has �n appointedpress representative on the board.Lora Walters is chairman of black.board. publicity. Posters by CoreneCowdery and· Helen Leonard· w111 beposted both in Lexington and in allwomen'. halIa.THE BAIL Y )IAROO�# TRVRSDA Y. OCTOBER a. tit&.Daily Mar •••TheOUlclal Btndent ::S�"·8paper of tbt V ....'reralt,. of ;'hlca.KQ.l"ublh.bed morntngs, except 8...., aIIdMODday, durin� tile AutuDlD, WlDter aIIdSpriDg '1 uurtera, by 'rbe Dall, Karooa.taJr.G. W. Cottingham l\lanaging EditorG. K. Shaffer News EditorC. A. Birdsall andR. P. Matthews Business ManagersF. R. Kuh nieht editor; E. Retickerand H. R. Swanson, day editors; J. J.Donahoe, athletics editor.Associate editors, Earl Bondy, B ....mann Deutsch, Alta Fisher SamuelKaplan, Nicholas Lentz,Bemard llew­man.lI.ul.r .. u _ •• conll-c.", ID&U al 1MCblcalro Po.tome.. Chlc.Co. IlL. II&reIa II.1101. un�er Act of Marcb .. lITLsUnSCRIPTION BAT ...$2 a year, if paid before October20; by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 aquarter; by mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a(luaner. would not be hurt maierially, while theEditorial-business office, Ellis 12. paper would be.Telephone Midway 800. For this consideration, and not De-cause The Maroon believes the Coun­Maroun h.:'SlI. ;';'11 Cottag� GroTe "' ..... cil needs to be watched, The Maroonadvocates having a reporter at themeetings of the Undergraduate COUh-REPORTI�G COUNCIL l\IEETINCS. cil.Last spring a motion was intro- PURDUE SHOWS PROMISEduced before the Undergraduate coun-cil providing for the presence of aMaroon reporter a;' each meeting of l\len PreparinE For Wisconsin Afterthe Council. The motion was lost. The Defeating Wabash-Eckersall Today.C. and A. freshman meeting, 10:15,Cobb.League "information" meeting,10 :15, Lexington 14.Divinity school chapel, 10:15, Has­kell assembly.Maroon staff luncheon, 12 :45, Hutch­. OF CHAMPIONSmp TEAM inson commons,League cabinet meeting, 2:30, Lex­ington committee room.Glee club, 3 :30, Reynolds club.Claims Boilermakers Strong. 'Undergraduate council, 4, Harper MLAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. 7.- 10.Purdue started off fast and gave League meeting, 5 :30, Lexington 14Tomorrow.great promise of developing into aMassmeeting, 10 :15, CCC" bench.championship contender in their first of the season against Wabash Football, Chicago vs. Northwestern,�ollege. Captain O'Brien at half anr' 3, Stagg field.Blocker at tackle were the stars of Meetings of the Univen.·'" rulingthe contest. The Boilermakers did bodies.not use anything but straight playsseemed no particular reason why a re­porter should attend, when the Coun­cil could give out a written report ofwhat business it transacted; second.that the presence of such a reporterwould prevent members from -contin­uing the practice of frank and open. discussion of every matter before theCouncil.Therefore, The Maroon in the puthas had to depend upon the Council'sown publicity agent for news of the with the exception of a couple of ameetings. Often the reports turned in few passes which were good for sub­by this agent have been meager, bard Btantial gains. All of the men finish­to ready.Insufficient, The reports have eel the game without injury and arebeen sent in at any hour convenient to now: preparing for the Wisconsinthe Council member, causing The Ma-roon office force much worry and aDl[- game a week- from Baturday.iety. before the news was received. According to Walter Eckersall, .... ------------�Sometimes the reports were not turnedin at all-and no explanation glv�News concerning Council businesscontinued to appear in The Maroonwith erroneous statements, with im­portant facts left out, with unimpcn­tant matters stressed. Little morecould be expected from second hand. information. Members of the lastCouncil admit that the system fonowedlast year was a failure.The Maroon proposes that theCouncil take up the subjeet again at LEcruRE ON SOCIAL SERviCE.its meeting this afternoon. The Ma-roon would desire to have a reporter Miss Breekemidce and Dr. Hendersonattend the Council meeting each week WiD Diaeass Settl�meDt Work.-and will guarantee to furnish one ofthe very best reporters on its staff. It .An explanation of social service windocs not seck this concession from 'the form the basis of three talks to Uni­�uncil because it believes that body ve�t>: women, the first �f the. SeriesIS attempting to defraud the stu- beginning today at 4 :30 m. Lexingtondents a�d, under cover of secrecy, blce, 14. �t Dean Brec!enridge winfrom Its contingency the business speak this aftemoon on Problems ofwhich it is doing. Practically every- Social Workers in Chicago!' Nextone has confidence in the Undergraeu- Thurada� she will speak on :MetilOOS'ate council, and no one thinks that its of.Treating These Problems. On Oc­dealings are dishonest. tober 22, Dr. Henderson wm concludeThe reasons why the Council woUlcr the aeries with an address on someobject to having the public at its aocial topic.;nectings are apparent. Each CouDell A tea will be given on October 29meeting is really an executive session for students attending the course of ... 1where pcrsonalitics are discussed' lectures. Representatives of the _where men are chosen or rejected fo; principal se�lements in the Cit>: ,,?ll �------------ ....:lifferent positions and the "ann !It tell the particular needs of their In-;laving the genera'l University public stitutions.. Arrangements will the� behear these private discussions is fairly �e for settlement work by U mver­obvious, But this objection should not Slty women.J.pply to a Maroon reporter. �..! l\IRS. FLINT--TO--PO"'-U-R--would go there with the understand- AT PARTY GIVEN that certain things he heard were PUBLIUTY COMMITTE:-{.lot for repetition (and anyone who has: lad several years experience in report- Associate Prof. Flint will pour at a'ng-even on a college llaily- realizes tea to be given by the Publicity com­.he importance of not telling every- mittee of the Y. W. C. L. next Thurs­.hing' he knows), and would be able to day in the League rooms. The tea is�et the news of what actually ee- being given to raise funds for silver­:urred. His sense of news values and ware for future League dinners. 'i:"en.iis knowledge of what the r.tudents cents admission to the affair will be.vanted would enable him to do this charged. Elsa Freeman will have'ictter than a Council member c:ould. charge of the program, which will C01'l-7'hen he could write his story with the sist of several musical numbers and ,a;:acts' gained first hand. He would soon recitation. Helen Perry �d J�phine-ut his own throat if he did other than Starr,,111 manage the dlstnDutlon of• lay the game square aud tlle Co1mdl refreabment&.Thursday. October 8. 1914.Iii 010 reasons advanced by individual mem­bers for this action were that theresports writer. for the Chicago Tribune,Pardue will�. be a serious contenderf� the co�ce championship.The former Maroon star has greatrespect for Coach Smith's ability asa coach and expects that with theseven veterans in the lineup theBoilermakers will present a strongersquad than that which met Chicagolast year. BULLETIN.Mrs. Slaught to Receive.Mrs. H. E. Slaught will enterta!::graduate women at her home, 5548Kenwood avenue, today from 3:00 un­til 5 :00. All the graduate women atthe University are invited to attend.Qullity·andSatisfactioncombined mues clearTHE REASON WHYSPALDINGSare out6tters to championswhose implements must beinvariably rightThe Spalding Trade Mark repre­sents years of leadership n themanufacture of athletic equipmentWrite 'for a Free 'Illustrated CatalogueA. G. SPAIDIXG .' BROS.28 S. Walla.1a An" CWca.,mWoodlawn Trust6 Savings BankWoodlawn Avenue andSixly- Third StreetNe"arest Bank to 'heUniversityNew Sluden.s are cordiaHrInriled to atai' l'.(rr!d,,:our Comple't Banting Co,;·veniences.�ubseribe for The Dail7 Karoo • "SPEED UP!"to 60 minutes an laoar6y taking the .cgrind"v7 oat 01 typewriting I/ AND amiIe! For here at last is the mastermachine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum out MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal MEter-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays I"Just tum the knob" and get the "posonal touch"that fits YOURSELF I Write with the fast, Royal roller­Uip escapement-tiae hetuI 0/ the typewriter runs without effort.Built for ��Big Ba.meuu and itaGreaf Army 01 Expert OperatorsThese new features of the Royal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter .subtracts-.peecI !The speed with brains behind it-the all-dsly soeed ofthe expert typist in the day's work.. Errorle:s3 speedis the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense haspuuctured �e illusion of the other kincLGet ,� Facta !SeDd for the -Royal Price $100maD" aDd uk for •DSMONSTRATlOII.Or write _ direct_ oar onr bIo-chure,_u "" aDd bookof __ GO TCMRA.,For Better WorkAnd . More of ItWatennan's Ideal increases comfort,labor, saves time and Iasts for years. The wonderfullittle Spoon Feed makes it write on and on without"flood or famine" so long as the hand guides it.Iridium tipped gold nibs to suit every hand. Regular,Safety and Self-Filling 'Types,Sold Everywhere by the Best DealersL. E. Waterm ... Compaoy, 173 Broadway, New YorkTbreeReasoDS 'U.)' )'OU "511001. t-at at the Men's ComllloDSlit. Good Food Properl" Cooked.2nd. Cleaaliaesl our Matto: InsJ:ect the RifclEn. 3nI. A MiaiIDum Price for HI, h Qualit" FoodCia' Break,.. lSe up {"af4'Ceria af I.nnc-hDbuIer A LaCu1e MUSIC Come In� -- - , •ROOT'ERS' HATS·MAROON& WHITE 50c ;.!� \FRESHMEN CAPSi'THE UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO PRESS5751 ELUS A VI. ROOM 6, EMMONS BLAINE HALL•;. Ii� \: �: •••• '; lITIIB DAIL T IIAROON, TllVRSI)AY,. 0Ci'0lIER 8, 1914.The bigidea that Stopa�taken theall the leaksmear outof fountaln�,12, $2.50� $3, u,$5 up ...FOR· SALE BY' ,W oodsworth sBook Store1311 East 57th StreetTWO BLOCKS EAST or TOWEllUniversity Books,New and Second Hand andSupplies at the Lowest PricePURDUE BAS ANNU.A� PARA� . THECl)m Exchanle, National Bank.,,� ,!STdU�"£D ....ELECf OFiCERS OFMASQUERS AT FIRSTMEETING YESTERDAY.a... Ceftaoa,. Ia Feat1lre of Gam.With Wabash. Capital ••••.• ., .••••••• � $3,000,000.00Surplus ........• ..•.• 5,000,080.00UndiYided profits • � • .... 1,500,000.00OFFICERS.Ernest A.' Hamill, Pres. .Charles' L. Hutchinson, Vice-Pres.Chauncey J. Blair. Yice-Pres.1). A. Moulton. Vice-Pres.H. C. ::;ummolls. • "iee-Prcs,Frank W. S!:.it1'. Sec. :J. Edward Mar&!"c:;. CW;j!:t·:-.James G. Wakefield, Ass't Cashier.Lewis E. Gary, ASs't Cashier.Edward F. Schoeneck, Ass't Cashier.DIRECTORS.Charles H. Wacker, Martin A. Ry­erson, Chauncey J. Blair, Edward B.Butler, Benjamin �arpenter, Wat­�n It'. Blair, Charles L. Hutchinson,Charles H. Hulburd, Clyde M. Carr,Edwin G. Foreman, Edward A. Shedd,Ernest A. HamillFort-in Exchang�Letters of Credit.Cable Transfers.Hew YORK.. LAF A YETrE, IND., October 8.-Afeature of the Purdue-Wabash galMwas the annual parade of the UPI>e!'elassmen which preceded the contest.The seniors appeared in their cordu­roys for the first time this year andUte juniors wore their class hats forthe initial time. The parade was ledby the Purdue band. The classes tookreserved seats in the grandstand. Theseniors wore derbies, and according tocustom, tossed them in the air afterthe first touchdown. All the hats weredestroyed.The Northwest Indiana Conferenceof the Methodist church has voted toappointed a student pastor to PurdueUniversity. This is a part of the planof the Methodist churches to attend tothe. pastoral wants of the Methodiststudents of all state universities andhas been under consideration for anumber of years.Our representative, Mr. Walker will be at theHOTEL LA SALLEto-day, to-morrow, and Saturday with Falland Winter Styles inSUITS A-nd OVERCOATSSPORTING And MOTOR GARMENTS,ENGLISH HABERDASHERY,HATS, SHOESNewport Branch220 BELI.EVUE AVE .Boston Branch. 49 TREMONT ST,SECOND HANDAND NEW BOOKS Esther Homer was reelected presi­dent of Masquers at the opening meet­ing of the dramatic club yesteroa)in Green Hall. Other officers arePauline Levi, secretary, and Trev8Mathews, treasurer. The club madearrangements for a play which will bepresented at the annual Thanksgivingeve spread of the Neighborhood clubsin Lexington gymnasium. The play;which is to be a sketch of colonial lifewill be written by Esther Homer anoPauline Levi Masquer try-outs Wilibe held Wednesday, October 21, inLexington 14. A list of plays fromwhich selections will be made has �1Iposted in Lexington. All women wit};less than eighteen majors are eligiblefor membership i n the club. Planshave been begun for -the quarterh,C f Ar Masquer play which will be presentedU. of C. Stationery, oat 0 ms immediately preceding the Cbristmw. -- ,. - .'.. .. ,,-, ": holidays.Stationery, U.of C. TabletsLAW, COLLEGE, MEDIC�LWoodworth's Book Store. 1311 E. 57� St., near Kimbark Ave.To Those Students LoveGood Chocolate'CONFECTIONS: .... You'll' EnjoyPOPULAR D.EC1'IIICITY .....WORLD'. ADVAIICEAa�II1r&Uratif&g'�Monthl"Mago.ziMPorCtar­iwgtAeProgi ...........oJ'tM IWorlcI2bcfqHere areDelightfully D e l i c io usMorsels-made .. to melt in the mouth-perfect all the time+-loved by allwho try them. : : :" : : .. : : :WILBURBUDSThe BU D S are crudely imitated,-but the WILBUR WAY cannot beduplicated. Be Sure that you getWObur's Chocolate BudsAt all Confectioners and Druggistsin your neighborhood. ::H. O. wn..BUR & SONSInc. Philadelphia., P ..� .. -.- ... -.- .. -.-.- .. - .....You want(A GOOD MAROON PoPulAR ElEcTRICITY: WORLD'S ADVAIICE'Sea CowGet It Todq FrOID YoarNew .......fro ... the start, so does the StaRHelp them by Subscribingat once SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY JlAROON. 5(OR YOOR DE N 5Beautiful CoI1e&e PeDDaDts.YALE and HARVAR�,Each 9in. x 24 in.PRINCETON, CORNEL�.. MlCHIGAN,Each 7 in. x 21 in.4-PENNANTS, Size 12x30-4Any Leading Colleges ofYour Selection.All of our best quality, in theirproper colors, with colored emblems.Either assortment, for limitedtime, sent postpaid for 50 cents andfive stamps to cover shipping costs.Write us for prices before placinvorders for felt novelties of, all kinas,"be Gem Novelty Co.2456 Bittner Street,Dayton, Ohio.�e ,per line. No ad�ertisementa re-"eiv�d for lea than 25e. All daseifled..ctvert1sementa mWlt be paid 1D ad·&Dee.FOR RENT-TWO .NEWLY-PURN­ished. r()OIDS; ,all, modern conven­iences; prices reasonable. Inquire,at 5�18 Drexel Ave., J..'lat 3.FOR SA�SMITH PREMIERtypewriter, No.4" with case; Alcondition; reasonable. Call, 580), Maryland, Apt. . ,I, Saturday or�day. Phone }lid. 7599.DEBATES-All U. of C. "studentsshould read the varsity debates onMinimum Wage, Recall, FederalIncozporation, and Income Tax. $1a copy. At the Press, or Woodorth'sBook Store.!{OOMS-Two outside rooms, 565�Maryland Ave., electric ligU andtile floor.!"o�"r:":_A Sigma Xi. key probably ·OJl57 street betwce •• Drexel �::;J l',b' -del hall. Return to E. 1\1., Burwish,5739 Drexel avenue. Finder will besuitably rewarded.FOR RENT-�NE ��RGE� FRONTroom with three windows: $12 permonth. Also one. single room, lightand 'warm: $6 per month. 'B')ardeptiona], House phone: Mic!\r.lY2168-Soph. Y. M. C. A. �Ien l'�t.The sopbmore Y. M. C. A. commis­sion will meet today at 10:15 in th.Y. M. C. A. office.c;TENOGRAPHIC WORK AT HOMEor in office or residence. Very rea­sonoble rates. AI.plicant not a stu­dent, at present call Local 109 orNormal 602. Miss Foute.LOST A RAILROAD TICKET.Made in favor of James Sweet.Finder please return to Bureau ofInfonnation, Cobb ball. Rewani tofinder.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS... � �- ..... "'_ ----_ - --- ........ _• WEEKL Y CONCERTS WILL _BEGIN TUESDAY, OCT. 20.. .. _"""i¥L' .. :l: ....... __ •Undt!l'5tand me rightly,.pleace. P� Ii "W'l" BOlDIn TO�-'sonally, 1 am no more mterested m U. � lIal 'unuwhat the purpose of Nu Pi Sip is raJIIIEID WAR """'Y W---than I am in the probable snowfall in r.n I r.J\ M I �,To the Editor! ' Patagonia in ,1937. Nor would I witt-, It fa IlOt often that' I 'am as deeply ingly hurt the feelings of this societydisappointed m a Maroon editorial as by wresting from them secret of theirVarsity, on runs by Coutchi. and I wuln �ur opinion of yesterday, re- membership. The POint that does in­Schafer and bucks by Acker, worked lative to the "statement of purpose" terest me is that it should be possible denominations/ changed. I observecb N Pi S· I ha I th fed·' tat· f one woman w' ho was unable to buy' Regular weekly concerts by The Cnr-the ball within the five yard line. At y u 19IDa. ve a ways ra er or so pronounc a marures Ion 0this point the Freshmen spurred by admired the Maroon's editorial policy the outworn "boo-hoe" spirit to llour- what she wanted, because the grocer �ago Symphony Orchestra will begin(perhaps because in most instances it ish on the campus of a University could not cha� a franc piece. ,ruesda�, October 20, in Mandel. Th�srapid fire commands from Pat and Bed agreed so nearly with my own views). i which has always prided itself on its WHIm R&D Tral.... 'S the sixth season of concerts by thisrallied, and the Varsity met a stone It was therefore a distinct shock to me' liberal and progressive spirit. This, I '. t· I ad lition to the orto that di N beli h bee h . d tak b "Owm· g to the fact that very nea:-... · )rganlZ8 Ion. n ( -wall defense. The Varsity was unable see you we� commen 109 u ieve, as n t e attitu e en y .. h distanee In f Pi Sigma fOl'--Well, let us look at the The Maroon in the past, as was quite all the men in France have been sen: I chestral series the management an-to gam t e necessary tance In rour matter dicrna&Sl·onately, and see just proper, inasmuch as this was the attl·- 'ital b Albe t Spalding-y to the front, the women have been en- nounces a reci y r ,downa and the ball went over. Both what this most commendable action tude of the large maJ·orit"· of the stu- h A·· 1· . t D' 01 _� in almost all work formerly t e young merican VIO lOIS , on e-times the Freshmen immediately actually is. dent body. I am very sorry to see this 5A6� b Ekicked out of danger and the IIlarCh : Statement of Purpose: "The object atti�ude so signaliy !!hanged .. Nor Can done by men. Women have even ru11 cembcr 15, and a song recital y m-f his .. h 11 be I think that you seriously believe that the trains. Women were uut on the ilio De Gogorza, on February 16.'Was resumed. The only score occured 0 t orgaruzation s a to pro- r. th I· . mote the best interests of the Uni- the statement by the socieyt that "the street cleaning force, and I have neve) Because of the demand for seats per-m e c osmg mmutes of play, when versl·ty of Chicago," etc. Clear, Isn't I obj ect of this organization shall b'!, to.G rd h ., ard seen, in all the times I have been in sons wishing to attend should makeo on s ot a rorw pass into a it? Lucid, too. But if you, or anyone I pro�ote the best 1l,1,�l"ests of the Unl- -bunch of players on the fifteen yard else not connecteU directly with the versity of Chicago. l� a fra�k avowal PFis, the streets in such an admtrabt, their reservations early at the office ofline. The ball hit a Varsity player, re- organization, can get from this state- �o aband,�n that childish and lmm��re condition.",_ the University Orchestral associationbounded zainst, y lin d finall ment even the faintest notion of what secrecy attitude which the maJonty Prof. Hale was in Paris from July in Cobb 8 A. Season tickets sell :Lor. ao�� a ear g .an, " y the real PRrpose of Nu Pi Sigma is, of students (and beret.ofore. The Ma- 1 to A t 31 th d bef til $32:': $525 d $725shot mto Whitmg's hands. - Red ease, I'll swallow your next edition your roon) have found so objectionable, ugus, e ay ore e . o, .• , an ..ily annexed the remaining distance tor press, and your linotype at a' gulp. OBSERVER� government was moved to Bordeauxthe winning score. Why it's like asking a man what busi- When the war broke out the French RE,'ERSES MERCY DECISION.Pai used tw full te • t ness he's in and receiving the enlight- GLEE CLUB PLANS TRIPS; authorities required that all foreignersame 0 ams agams e·ru·ng, reply "Oh I'm trying to make a REHEARSALS BEGIN TODA"" get Identitication papers from thehth V . Th h I Ii d " A Appellate Court Favors" Dean Talbote araity, e woe year ng aqua living." I Freb nl own consu s and then from the nch and Rebukes present num era 0 y a fe'w more And what has the editorial mind to �Ien Will Go to Madison With Football police. Prof. Hale waited ten hours inthan two elevens, and the coaches are offer in regard to this "statement ofon the lookout for more material. In purpose 1" Why, heaven. save the Team and South at Christmas. a line that extended the three ftighupast years the first year squad has mark, you calmly t<!p off this r�mark- of stairs to the American consul'sable "statement" WIth the placid sen- Two trips, and possibly a third, to office and far down the street outside:\lsually numbered close to :rony men. tence that "the purpose I·S what nearlv d th had ··1 . hJ California next spring are included in an en a simi ar Walt at t eKahn and Brelos at ends, Parker at eve�one supposed it to be." Now as 'I Id ke I tile program of the Glee club activities police office for his passports.full back, Marum, Hawk and Boal in near y as cou rna e It out "nearlythe line and Pershing in the backfield every one'� supposed th!s purpose to be announced yesterday by Manager Hay. Volunteers as Nurse.•. ' the creation and mamtenance of a The club will accompany the football While in Paris he volunteered tostarred m the scrimmange, special sublimated caste, which' con- team to Madison on October 30 and give his services as a nurse. He at-Nort, hwestem Improves. siderecI itself J·ust a bit too sacred to te ded hI' f thwill give a joint concert with the ,Wis- n a Be 00 ror nurses or reeAlthough Northwestern di.3 not show be mentioned with irreverent familiar- 'ks d i ded h d f hU ity by the hoi polloi. This may not consin club the night before the game. wee an mten at teen 0 t atanything approaching championship have been the purpose. I do not know. A f.out.hern trip during the Christmas time to go to Neuilly where a hospital In reversing the decision, the courtclass against Lake Forest Saturday, But that is what "nearly everyone vacation is also planned. The first re- had been established by Americans for ha�d�l down an opi�ion rebuk!ng theC-oach Murphy's men may be relied up- supposed it to be." be we then to he arsal of the club will be held today those who needed aid. .His plans late) plrunbff_ for attempting to Ul2lKe cap-infer that this was implied in the ital of th 'pubr ·ty whi h h d beenon to play their best game of the sea- statement that Nu Pi Sigma had dedi- at 2 :2(; in the Reynolds club. were changed and he was assigned tc ,I Ie. ICI c ason against Chicago. Saturday's game cated herself to the best interests of The club was reorganized last year do work in a high school building. But attached to the case.showed Murphy the vital weaknesses her Alma Mater 1 under the direction of President Lolles- before this could be put in order tcand he will put his team through a -Further, you say that this action re- gard and Manager Hay. Francis A. Care for the sick he was forced tc FORl\IER HURLER FORstrenuous week in a last effort to erad- flects twD-fold credit upon the organi- Mackay, director of music at the apin change his plans and returr MAROON NINE SHUTSicate them. Poor tackling is one of mtion because, first, when everyone Church of the Redeemer, has been en- hoine., OUT NEW YORK TEAl'1. was clamonng to have them do thethe mam faults of the Purple players, right thing (yes and The :Maroon gaged as director. Mr. Mackay di- On t!i� return Prof. Hale went from::.nd the Lake Forest backs often go� amongst th� ('lam�rers), they refused rected the preliminary tryouts of the Paris to Havre by niil, and the usuala'Y'ay for long gains. Murphy Is ,for- to do it; and secondly, because, when club yesterday. four-hour trip took ten hours. Ther(tulia t ir. having all his men in good they did finally d.ecide to bare the "The club's reorganization is n�w were many soldiers on the train andiJhOl�e. Now that Captain �htower �r:;dt!,��� ��r ���r;.!ipa::!� completed and we stand ready to make at: every station guaid qlightedhas vacated the pilot POSltiOIl tke doing so. Possibly, they two- good our pledge to justify our exist- While in Havre he saw l\l,OOU Belgiamfight for quarterback.lies between Wil- fold credit for this. Possibly, too, tile ence on the basis of meritorious serv- who had been thrown back from Na·Iiams and Rogers both of whom man who owes another money, which ice," said Manager Hay, yesterday. mur_worked in Saturday's game. for a 10nK' time he has .refused t\) P!1Y "We Wl'll want a few � men wh';'" D, r. Hale and his entire family, ex.deserves two-fold credIt when, d�ld- 5""" ¥Director Stagg put his three teamS mg'that after all, a debt is a debt. he are willing to work toward perfectirig eept his son, ,Gardner Hale �ho reothrough a signal drill Tuesday that � de�ates wi� himself for a good- and completing our organizatiOft. �ed in Paria'in the charity-serviCElasted until after dark. Captain Des. IYj penod o� time as to whethe!" �e Freshmen will be allowed to sing in the of· the French government, crossed tc. - should pay It, and finally pays It 10 So' .Jardien made his first -appearance Dl counterfeit -money. Possibly, too we local concertS but cannot take Ule uthamptori.: - The trip- to' SOilthamp,a regular drill and held down his po- should give two-fold credit to a �ard trips." ton - ,was· - uwde at a time when t.:,:sition at center. Shorty will be able of, aldermen . when, after refusing for chBnnel was pitrOlled by twelve Brit·to play against Northwestem, but it a long ��e tQ grant their cOl'_lStiucnts Hold Mandolin Club Tryouts. 'ish',�J:Up� He stayed in London & DISCUSSES NEW IDEALS� probable tha� Stagg will try to save :o:m�:amt�v�eb:! f:f���:, tth:; Students wishing to try out for mem':' week and then came {to 'America, leav- OF SCHOLARSHIP AThlm for the big games. In case - the fisnlly come to the front, after much bership in the Mandolin club will meet inc his family in Lond01'l. FRESHMAN LUNCHEONPurple prove unusually stubborn heSitation, and tell them that George today at 3 :30 in the Reynolds club the-I .Shorty will be placed into the strug- Washington' was the Father of our ater. The membership will be limited Univeraity Da.a to Albert will be shifted to tackle, Country and that we haye a Grand Old to ten men this year, according'to the : The UniversitY Dames society wi1-... :_ I . • d J Flq. I hope, Mr. Editor, I am not� regu ar pOSItion, an ackson Is unreasonably fearful about accepting decision of the society's officers. The hold its first meeting Saturday at 3 :3Ccounted upon to capture one of the your statement. I,think I would cheer- first public appearance of the organi- in Lexington 14. All married womercuard positions. McConnell and Stege- fully .atcept the comp��tively light zation will be with, the Wisconsin gree students and wives of students haVEman will fight it out for the remain- and· sunple tuk of wnting an elegy club on November 22. been invited t4? attend.• while suspended by my heels from the 'mg guard. "Ln: tracks on a busy Saturday noon.But my spirit fails me when I considerthe mental effort necessary to believethat Nu Pi Sigma deserves two-foldcredit for' taking this action in sucha m.umer� ,�, r � oonmnCA'nON.STAGG DROPS-GRIND ...FOR LIGKT PRAcnc£ Na PI SIc .. san,(Continued from pap 1) ,.� .. �(CODti,DUed, UUJII page 1)"Talks to Women on Hygiene. MapzUia issaed by Prea.Dr. Young gave a talk on hygiene to The Elementary School journal andthe women's sections of English 1 yes- Uae Astrophysical jOUm8J were issuedterday at 9:15 in Mandel. by the University PreSS yesterday.MAROON ADSB.RlNG RESULTS fwo Redtala lncluded in Seuon Ser:a-Seat Reaervations Should BeMade Early.The Appellate court reversed a de­cision of the Circuit court of Cookcounty yesterday in the slander suitbrought by Esther Mercy againstDean Talbot, and remanded it to theCircuit court for retrial. In the hear­ing before the Circuit court in 1912,Miss Mercy was awarded a judgmentof $2,500.Stanwood Baumgartner, former Ma­roor. hurler, who johed the Philadel­phia National league team after the:Ios& of the Conference se .. eon last3ummer, shut out the New YorkGiants in the second game of a doubleheader at New York Tuesday. Baum­gartner allowed seven hits in the seveninnings, struck out two men, and didnot allow a pass. He himself secured� single. A short time ago Baumgart­ner defcated the Cubs 3 to 2 in a gam."It Philadelphia.Acting Vice-President Angell dis­cussed scholastic ideals before fiftyyesterday in Hutchinson cafe. Thisluncheon was the first of a series ofmeetings which will : be given everyWednesday noon during the quarterunder the auspices of the Freshman Y.M. C. A. cominittee. This committeewill meet Tuesday at 10:45 in Mr_Bickham's office to plan for subsequentluncheons.that the money paid into' The Maroon by students covers less than one­fourth of its running expenses. The business men �h� use our columnsmake it possible to publish The Maroon and are therefore helping to boostyour interests by the active support which they contribute to your paper.They deserve a responsive interest on your part which you cannot betterexpress than by dropping into their places'of business. The slight effort��quired to t�ll the proprietor that you saw his advertising in The Maroonwill bringthe increased attention of a pleased advertiser and at the sametime m.k� possible a larger and better Maroon.You will boost Chicago activities by patronizing Matoon Advertisers..IT'S A FACT /.-.,.� I·····� ..-. .,� I..,�� .: 1 \ :. .1..\�'\.'