( ltarnnn . � \.' •• �.. PC •. Vol' XIU. No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, . WEDNESDAY, OcroBER 7. 1914. .. ...'.�. Price Fl •• Qat.. .� . . '"t IIIGHBOlUIOOD CLUBS: PIESEIIT IlAmE AT ROUe."0 I:IIft'D' BOLD LAN'l'iiiN" PROCESSION. PIC11JRES WAIt TIMES.' ml..aTAIN TODAY IN GERMAN BORDERSTo Deliver- AdCheue. at· UDiYer.aity OD :�£1tec.w.e P_er"Novembe� 18,19 and'20 ..SWIMMING PRACTICE BEGINS. EX.PRESiDENt-; fAFrQL: GIVE; LECllJRESLarcest Squad in History of l:1niver­&ity '11�JM)rta to Coach· White­Place Hopes in Captain Ne. aDdPavlicek.lJniyenity Wo.en Will Giv. Paris­iall, InterpretatiYe aDd a"ekal Mr. Harveyl of History � Depart •DaDCeI At FrealuDaD< Atf�Dean ment; Gives Viewpoint ofTalbot Is S.!)eaker-. � . I_ eop e Throughout A squad of twenty-seven men re-. OF}'CAMPUS STUDENTS INVITED EmpireIsabel lrIacMurray. and Marearet' ported for first practice for the Var-Two H.....tr.d Wom�1l Attead Firat Munroe will dance the Maxin, and sity swimming team yesterday, Till. �hica&o Trip ls Firat W .. i .... ·TOIII'. <-1ab L1ID<:heon Yesterday in VirJPnja Tilns and Lillian Bissel will TROOPS TO FIGHT TO THE END Dumber, which is the lar&eat in ih� Sin"" Former ,EXeculiv. Left·LeDDJrton Com_' give an interpretative SOIl& dance in German OJ)iniOIl Is That War Is JJe. history of the University, contairui a White '.HoWie. :the Freshman frolic Friday night. fensive-Hold RazinE of Louyaba nucleus of nine men from last year's . �Mrs. H. E. Slaught, Mrs. Phillip These women will take part in the Excusable. squad. With the addition of the Ex-Pesid'!llt . William· HOwaN· Tilft ..Schuyler Allen, Mrs. Gordon Bliss Frolic show, "Entertaining Aunti.... freshman numeral winners pf last will deliver a seriesof lec�'ai th.and Mn. Robert M. Lovett will fo""; During the intermission, Hilda lIIac- Germany's unification and the feel- season and a few new men, it'is pro- University durinll: the fan: ·qaaztar.an inlonnal receiving line at the re- Clintoc:k• Katherine �I'own, Elizabeth ing that the nation had been forced bable that Coach White will develop He will &iv� his mst address \Yew.;...ception given by the Neighborhood MacC�ntoc:k an� Nadine Hall will ap- into a defensive war will prolong the a conference title contending team, day night, November 18. and will-lee"clubs today from 3:30 until 6:00 .in' pear m a elass,eal dance. struggle against the allies until the. Captain Neff and Pavlicek, winners tore the succeeding Thun;d"y and'Fri­the- Neighborhood rooms. The League Dean Ta�bot will s� at the din- bitter end, according to Mr. Andrew of major 'e's in this sport last yeat· day afternoons. His - subject will behas given up its tea in order that at �er preceding the Frolic play in Lex- E. Harvey of the History depart- are both back. Shirley, and Redmon "The E�ecutive Power," He will .de­the new women may have an oppor- lD�on commons. Members of the ment.. Hr. Harvey was in German) are two others who are expected:to velop differe�t phases of the aubjedtunity to meet the Neighborhood advisory board of the League will at the time of the beginning of the repeat their sucesses of last spring. in each lecture: . .clnb's new Advisory board, which give brief talks and Margaret Green, war, and did not get away to tho Meine, a new man, is COUBted on to While in: the cay Mr. Taf� will bewas chosen during the susmer. Mrs. Charlotte Viall and Rosalind Keating United States until recently. strengthen the team greatly HE: the guest of honor at" a dinner byDavid Allan Robertson will serve on' .will weleome the new women.· Caryl Mr. Harvey said that the Germar. has a record of 20:3 in the 40 yarn 'the Chicago Commercial club. H.the board. -.... Cody will act as toastmistress. : Songs people believed that the Austro- dash, Olson, Hoffman, Gray, Wak�. will be the -principal'ipeaker at sev-In order to make it easy for the and cheers. will be pen durin& the Servian war could be localized in th, field, Nidkiff, Gardner, Ingerwerson, eral other meetings." Final arrange-women now on the campus to reeog- dinner.' first place, but that Russia's aggres- Selfrige, Burckey, Cohen, Gendreau, ments for his· lectures. and entertain-raise the reception committee, which WiD Use �apu�-, ·Lantems. sive acts had necessitated her fight- Murdock, Parker; and, ·Tohnan are ment· at �e University will not beWill consist of the club officers and After the dinner- . the . .women will �ng. �e greatest bitterness in the other promising candidates. made- until President Judson returnsthree women '\PP"inted from each march abou�. the quaodrauglea .c:any. empire was directed against Grea: Chanees Are Brio:hL from hi. ti4>·to 9hin":club, the committee members will ing Japanese lanterns, befo� :enter- Britain, after her entrance into th "The squad is b,1 far the largest Is· First 'Weste� Tri!) •.wear yellow sashes. Nina O'Neill, ing M�del where the play will IK conflict, he said. He told of the rea 1 have ever had charge of at tliiE. .. Mr. Taft· is -now a professor and .chainnan of the Publicity committee, given. Tickets for the play :and din- sons for the burning of Louvah University", said Coach White," anc lecturer in the Yale University law .has planned an entertainment bi ner have been placed on sale in the which were accepted in Germany. I look forward to one of OUl: best sch�L He has given . lectures -onwhich all women will became ae- League. room.· . �r. Harvey went to Nuremberg t. seasons. Nearly every one of tbt question of.constitutional law at sev­quainted.: After this· reception, the CLUB' TO GIVE TlIREI!: :PLA ys. do research work in history last sum- eandidatea has had some experien�. eral univeraities in the East. . TheelubS -.will meet ·sepaiately. -.'rb1! <_Y: .-f��::�-� _�� • .".!!� �� �ort July 2 ... before and this fact will aid greatI) visit to the Vniversity -will be hisTbaDksgiving fete, for which plans Draaatie ..:-Sodety .: wm- Gi���' One 'and went from there. to Nuremberg. in prep8rlng the .men . fo� 'the eon- firSt Western. trip sfnee he left' theare already under way, will· be the ..PIay EIch_Cblarter. . . .At that time Anstria had just served ferenee meets". Wliite HoJ..... .only other party at which. the clubs ._ her ultimatum on Servia. and . the The . inter class water basketballwill �te this quarter. Every woman The Dramatic\club '!ill. give a p� Austrian reserves then' in German) schedule has been annoURced 'and �who'.lives off the campus has been each·quarter in'Mandel hall this y�. � beiq recalled for service. Tl¥= prize, whose nature has not'yet bee�invited. It'ormerly the cluJJ pve one . produe- GerJnaq' �timent was very strong� made public, will be awarded toTwo HDDdred Attend LDDcbeon. tion in Kandel hall in the winter and pro-Austrian, and the returnint members of the-winning ¥am- Th� Acting Vi�President· Angell :wiUTwo hundred women attended the several minor plays ba the-Re�olds AU8tri� w� .loudly cheered at � schedule is as follows. i SPeai:' at the. fNshm8n; Y. M. C •. .A... Neighborhood luncheon in Lexington club theater.� The first .,pla� will�.be railway stations. Wednesday, Nov. 11, Seniors � luncb�n .�y �t 12:45. in the- Butc:h-Commons yesterday. Mrs. Slaugbt, given in November. Tryouts for th" II Wanted to Localize War. ! It'reshmen, Juniors VB Sophomores.! inson commons. . Tickets 'may be' ob-Mrs. Lovett and Mrs. Allen were the club will be held_ Tu�y, I"'__.L. __ "01. A � at first expected to • tained_ at .th. e Y. ... I/'"t. ... '�41:_ •.:..,.1� �� ... v localize th Wednesday, Nov .. 18. Seniors v& a&. '"'" Ao � UIrhostesses. The' suceess of this first Associate: meQlbers. are chosen b'y e war, after Austria's .' . �bb 'or at. tlte .door. . The '.lwdeod_"'-d _1�_...I· note,' Mr. Harvey "'Yn1ained. La.L_L· Sophmores, Freshmel!, VB. JuniOl'8. i· 'attempt to give the older Neighbor- competition __ are �--..eu -1I!'.ler 1 is being giv:en. under ·the. 'aUSpices ofhood women a chance to meet tb"" . to the mobilization of Russia and an � Wednesday, Dec. 2. Seniors V8 JUll-.. membership afteto they ha� taken the �ph9more cominission.Dew: .NeighbOrhoOd women may lead part in. o� OJ �e plajs. Fi-eshmeh favorable reception of the chancel- iors, Freshmen VB Sophomores.to making this lUncheon a permanent are eligible for the tryouts. ' lor's note asking explanations from Wednesday. Dec. 9.· Seniors vi'· WIC;0NSIN STUDENTS . 'feature, according to the Neighbor- the �an government, impelled the Sophomores, Freshmen vs Juniers. }'IGBT CITIZ�S INhood women. This'is the first at. ENGLISH. 1 �ES ., i Germans to take warlike measures. Tuesday, -Dee. 15 Seniors vs' Fresh· CLASH AT' MADISON.t$lpt that has been made to _......... WI " �e Germans entered their mobiliza�_.. .. -� LL � ADDRESSED .out a suggestion by Dean Talbot, for BY BQNOR, COMMISSION. tion· with all factions and partieS (Col1tiued on �ge fJ U�.vemty of :W�nsin atudentaUDited, Mr. Harvey said. Operations attempted to throw.a ton boy intowere begun with the single idea that NU PI SIGMA MAKES �e Mendota Monday night, mistak- '. 'it was to be a defensive and not an . STATEMENT QF 'PURPOSE inC him for a freshman Without ..offensive war. � of this view,they expected Italy's sUpport. Tb� presellt membe�p of Nu pi "green �.' A ,street fight followed bl-The Germans were finn in theb Sigma desireS .to state its purpOse: whi� � 300 studentS" battled with aDequal number of citizens for twoopinion that the neutrality of Bel. "The obj� �f. Uris' organization shallgium had not been violated. German be. to promo� the best interests of hours.' The' ,�ty , fil"e' departmentofftcials and dispatches charged that the Univers�ty of .Chicago, especial� ::n: ',st1"eams of water into u..the French had. crossed the &lgian Uni�rsity of Chicago women, byborder on scouting expeditions into prom_oting college. activities and by<?ennany and that as a result Franc:� developing a' broad-minded. unpreju­and not Gennany had been the ag. diced, frank attitude towards thosegressor. things which affect the. welfare of th�Exeased Loavain Inddent. University as a whole". ."The people believed that the Lou· Ruth Allen-ain incident had not been a wanton'\('t," IIr. Harvey said. "They thoughtit was fully justified by the cowardh'acts of civilians in Louvain. The Ge�.mans claimed that after the occU­pation of the city by their troops apremeditated attack was ,Ianned' byBelgian' citizens, to be started simul­taneously' with a sortie from Ant­werp by Belgian troops. The Gennanofficers and privates were peaeefuJly(c.tIn .. _ .... �) .' _-_-. � Slauaht..Mn. Allen, Mn.. BU .. and Mn. Lovett to Re­ceive Women."ANGELL: WILL SPEAK,AT Y. M. C. A.- LUNCHEON.TODAY IN HUTCHINSON...-:"(Col1tiued on page 4). Honor commission members willaddress the' English 1 elasses �week. The freShmen will 'be i�c­ted in the work of the organizationand �II be given pamphlets tellingthe ideals the ccmmission is trying to__ 1: __�.'•• nTODAY.ChapeJ, Senior colleee and the col·lege ot Commerce and Administra·tion, 10:15. MandeLThe eollege of Education, 10:15Emmons Blaine 214.Hygiene lectures for freshmenmen 9:80, Kent, 2:80 Cobb 11B, wo­men, 9:80, Mandel, 2:80. Cobb 12A.Freshman Y. M. C. A. luncheon.12:45, Hutcltinson care.Masquers meet, 8 :80, Green hall.Neighborhoorl club, 8:80, LexingtonCommons. RENDERSON- TO SPEAKAT FRESHMAN VESPERSERVICE IN HARPER. "'MESHMAN Ph�NA.Lill:GIE�""F. CLASSES TO .START TODAY AT 9:SO.Personal hy�ene lectures for:fresh-Religious ,problems which meet th('f�shmen will be discussed by Dr.Henderson at a freshman vesper seravice Sunday at 4 in the Harper assem­bly room. This meetinc is under theauspices of the Sophomore Y. M. C.A. commission. Margaret AngueraCaryl Cody men, attendance at which is required,will begin today. Freshman men wUlmeet at 9:15 in Kent theater and at2:30 in Cobb 11B. Freshman womenwill meoet' in ltlandel and at 2:30 inCobb 12A. After this· week the. leet­ure� wilt be held Tuesdays at 9:15and 2:30.l..eona CoonsPhyllis FayDorothy. Llew:ellynMarY l\facDoriald-Tomorro1f.C. and A Freshman meeting, 10:15:Cobb 12 A.League meeting, 10:15, Lexington1�. Co and A. Fresh_en To Meet.H. D. Kitson of the Psychologydepartment will address the fresh­men of the College of Commerce andAdmistration tomorrow at 10:15 inCobb 12A. AtteDdaDce is required. his SpbonDorothy StrachanIrene TuftsHettie Louise l\lickHelen RickettsEdith Smith ._-Muq�en Qianp Roo ...l\lasqers will -meet to-day at 3:80in the .parlors of Green hall. Insteadof � Lexington 14, as was previoua17planned.Leagu'! cabinet meeting, 2:30 Lex­ingtc;n committee room.Undergraduate council meeting, 4,Harper I[ 10.\,��-- _., iCamnus Activities.Director Stagg rewarded the Var-Til. B.il, •• r •••·. - .The perfection of detail that dis:tinguishesJERREM'S TAILORINGassures you of clothes that are bothsmart and individual.Cam b rid g e Grays, very· Dew &ond V8I'J.speclal at $30.00�bA�h»A- TAILOR�� For Young Men! i rubllahed momtDp. ezeept • ...., aDd1I000dQ. durlDc the AatDlDD. Wlatw aD..priac quart.,..; bl The D&l� IIaNuiIIItd.: ,� j, I Q. W. Cotdnchaa llauaiq EditorQ. K.. ..... N .... Editorta. A. BlrdaaIl ania. P. Matthew. • ...... JlaaapnF. R. Kuh Didat editor; Be ... icker... a·a. SwauoD. da7 "toN; S. l.»enahoe, ath1eda editor. Three Stores:25 E. Jackson Blvd, 7 N. LaSalle St.'71 E. -Monroe St.I,*.rdate editors, 'Earl Bcm.dJ, a-­. mann Deutsch, Alta Fisher Samuelkplu, Nicholas LeDtz,Benuri N.,.-­:m;m.t\ ICD&enCI .. eec:oa4-c1.. ...sa a' ta.c.ae..o PaM.See. ClaJeqo. DL ...... III .... _hr .Act et Mania L lITL to preu") we are Dot quite s,"e tnOl. .. SUMMARY OF REet-NT817118CaIPl'lOM 1lAna. �Ul" information ia correst. We have CAMPUS AClIVINIES.$2 a JUr, U paid before OctoItel seea a pnof OD four �a of type,20; by carrier, $2.50 a 1e&1'j ,1 a .. hich p�mi&e& &ometinu� u.day or to­... aerter; by mail, $a a year; ,� a�. morrow or tte I.ut w�k t<. become Preliminary tryouts for the Gleeto.J: i'he J)ai"� Mazoon for today-or is it club will be held today ....,wtorial-business office, Ellia 12.· �Telephone Midway 800. ye&terday! Hold Glee Club Tryouts.IlarooD I"rea. 5511 Cottap Oro.. A .... Anyway, as far as most of the sub-· : scribers are concerned we have missed dty for their stellar exhibition 01ClJ1 Issue. And the worst part about Saturday by giving the men light.it is that it is not the subscribers practice lion day.whe are victims (though how they Au edict issued by upperclassmen�u Pi Sigma yesterday c:ame ou, passed tne day without a glimpse at. states that all Freshmen neglectingof the snell in which it has alwaya. Jae well-known and well-reviled sheet to wear green caps will receive e:kept itself. After months of hammer- is beyond our ken), but us. WE are forcible bath in the new fountain i:iDe by campus editors; and after In- the goat in thi& unfortunate occur- Hutchinson court.tense argument both in and outside renee. Work on two new greenhouseof the society, it has at last stateo &meone had the nerve to tell us next to Ellis hall is nearing' com­ita purpose and its pres.t member- yesterday that our story of a broken pletion. The new house will eontai.&hip. The purpose is. what nearlY linotype (right now we hear some- a. special room for liverworts. am'everyone s�po&:d it to be; the mem- one asking "Any Maroon out to- will shelter many rare, tn-I�ica!bership waS already knOWD pretty wwt") sounded "fisJly". If we were plants. The head florist, Mr. o'Car-Wednesday, October 7, f9lLNV PI SIG.&lA., I· ;• fr· :I:; I eenerally, as the initiate8 wearpins. The enthusiasm aroused 1aat.pring had begun to die out, and it isprobable the society might have gone'through the whole year withoutmany noticing that it had made nostatement,That it has at last made thfs' state­ment reflects two-fold credit on theorganization. In the first pIaa itmows. that the members, evidentlymeaning all the time t9 do what theycoDBiderec:t right, did not allow them­RIves to be swayed by the sudden.... ve of public disappro .... of Ita at­titude. Then, calmly and without anyexterior force pushing them to it,they deeided that the best thIDa todo would be to come out with aD an­�oUDcement. The Maroon has alwaysfought for this statement, tNt itwants to commend the far sightednessof the women in going at thU matterCalmly and .lowly.That the statemeut � JUJtIabqr,is. Dot suprising, for what· the�ety stands for ia aD indelnite8Omething, which C8Il be creat orlittle as each year's �P de­cides. This is beside the question Dow.Let The Maroon (for the ant time.perhaps) say a word of praiae for theMDIor women's societv. not the aforementioned goat, we roll is planning a crysanthemum ex­would side with him-the editorial hibit to be held within two weeks.mind ia always ready to seize its jPen An informal dance on October Ifwill open the program of the Reyr>olds club for the Autumn quarter... , or typewriter to "slam" someone.Hut we recommend a visit the print­inc shop by all who doubt our in- A smoker on October 30, i��·:·:c".la·dances on November 13 and 7, anitegrity. We are thinking seriously ofa fonnal dance December 11, I�:organising Y. M. C. A. trips to th�. .. . constitute the. remainder o! thhallowed spot-probably as mterest- sehed I I ial ti· . Thsen U e .1 or SOC! ac Vlties. rinc and, certainly as dirty, a place 'club library will open by Novembe!.. the alumS of the city. 5.We are Dot �g to justify our- Owing to the disablement of theselves-that �ere in�ssible. We rtfaroon press, yesterday's issue wasare aimply mournfully pleading fo� delayed.clemency on the part of our mucb­antagonized much-provoked subscrib­era. Spare us this time-and we'll-Bu� we are not sure. Maybe wedi�·t miss the 'issue!. t !;. ! D�BRECKENRIDGE'WILL BEGIN LECTURES» ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS.A series of three lectures on sock'problems and their solution will LCoauaUDicatioD. given under the auspices of the Scia! Service committee of the Y. V,'C. L. on October 8, 15 and 22 at 4 ::!�in Lexington 14. Dean Breaenridg.will talk on c:Problems of the Soci:She Doean·t Subscribe.To the Editor:A freshman was asked to subscribefor The Maroon. "Oh,'. she said. "M";upperclass counsellor gave me a ti� Worker in Chicago" on October !"not to subscni»e. She said she got it On October 15 Miss Breckenridge wi::tree all last year and I could do it speak on �ethods of Treatin� Th-:too; she- just. took it from Lexington." . Problems, Dr. H�derson WIll gon.Ia tIda th • ·i which th ] an address on a subject yet to be a!e 5pln e uppen: ass nounced, o� October 22.womell wish � inoculate in the .enter- 6 _iDe freshmen! Is this the condition The Rev. Dr. Francis Greenw()()(�of oar morals, despite the honor sen- Peabody deJi\""ered the sennon at tho.THE LAST SAD � timellt! It &emS a despicable thing peace services "in Mandel Sunday.The expected, anticipated, Ione- that anyone in the University could "The Conversion of the Fightin�awaited event has happened. The mate • practice of cheating herself Sipirt" was the subject of his talk.Maroon has missed an iaaue. For and the defrauded owner of The in which he sta� that It was notover two years the editon have Maroon .he took; but how much the problem of our age to destro�·awakened each mominc (when they worse it is to recommend the "r8ctic� the passion for fighting but to directdidn.t stay up all the previous night to others. the very ones whom we the spirit into channels for the bct­with the sheet) with premonitions .hOpe most to influence. and on WhOS�: tcrmcnt of mankind.(and not the conventional �e" sIIoulden will lie the responsibility of i "The fi�hting spirit is instinctive ir­ones at that) that the paper would perpetuatin� our efforts to build up, man and therefore cannot be elimin­Dot appear "on the street". The a morale among the studends which 1 ated", said Dr. Peabody. "It should b"IQ8PeD8e was harrowing, and gradu- will lOme day make the Honor com-I the desire of every man to fight forally wore out the nerves of two man- mission unnecessary. the strenghtening of the brotherhocx'aginc editors. Dorothy Llewellyn. of man and for a higher standard ofBut it has fallen to the lot of the Jiving".third to witness the falfillmeDt of the .Dr. Peabody read the proclamatioTlJftdIction made by fIftJTI meinber of is..cmed by the President for a day ofthe atd when he tnt li&hted the MAROON ADS peace prayers. Songs of � wert'-preaent equipment. Now, walt. We BRING RESULTS Sllng by the University choir. Actinr.. be wrcmc. AI,.. write this Vice-President Angen assisted i·'(,... .... llloaW _,., -- ... -' conducting the services.t;�! ,, ; �'SPEED UP!'�to 60 minutu an Iaoar6y taking the "grind"v7. out 01 typewriting I'�/ AND amiIe! For here at last is the mastermachinethat makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum cut MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays!"Just turn the knob" and get the "petSOnal toueh ".�t fits YOURSELF r Write with the fast, Royal roller­ttip escapement-the heart 0/ the typewriler TUns Without effortBailt lor UBig Business" and itaGreat Anny 01 Expert Operators. These new features of the Royal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one .vital thing that the old-styletypewriter subtracts-6peeu!'Ibe speed with brains behind it-the all-day speed ofthe expert typist in the day's work. Enorl� speedis the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense haspuDCtured the illusion of the other kind.Get tlae Facta!8eDcI for the "Royal Pric. $100 I'''.;man" aDd ask for • ,;,DEMONSTRATION.Or write 1111 directcJmre._cc S.U.r.s...ice. "aDd bookof fKta DD ToacASECOND HANDAND NEW BOOKSLAW, COLLEGE, MEDICALWoodworth's Book Store'1311 E. 57th St., near Kimbark Ave.U. of C. Stationery, Coat of ArmsStationery, U.of C. TabletsYou wantA GOOD MAROONfrom the at art, . ao doea the StaffHelp them by Subscribingat onceJ)�s�ve.�rms ,\\I -1---� IS.BONKLINMF,C;.C�;.�EDo.o.aa,------------------------_.Hotel ,CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 5tth Street.Near SOtb Street Subway StatiOIl and53nI Street Elnated."'BroadwaY- can from GrandCentral Depo�Sneath A ftIlUe Cara from Pennayl­ftDia StadOLI!.PT BY -' OOLua. JlANS • .i.DOUAB1'.as 'OB COLUO. JI.N'P.OIAL 1U1'.S POB OOLua. 1' .... JI.ren Minutes· Waik to Thirty Theatre.'IAaRRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERBIlA9QUART1DB8 niB CHICAGO:New. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. $2.50 and up._._ .. _--_._---------------. ..:.You win $500 IIby' writing the best' �Fatima ad.We believe the CoUege MaD wbosmokesPatima ought to be able to write a goodPatima ad. He knows &om experiencethat Fatima is of satisfyiDg eseeltenee--that for its superlative quality it ismoderately priced. He of all Fntima1IDOken, ahoald be able to .. rite ofPatima c:oaviDciDgly.So we arego{..gto pay Ssoo to the studentwho prepares aDd aeods to us the bestori8ioal advertisement (or Fatima Ciga­rettes before JUDO 1. 1915., ."THK TURKISH BLEMD CIGARETTGPatronize MarooD Advertisers\ MAROON ADSBRING IlESULTrCOLLEGE �ATHLETIC. . ",,_ - ..GOODSSPECIAL TIES" ., .Eatabli.ahed. 1897.-�!Regulation Gym OutfitsCONSISTING OFTrack Shirt, Running Pants, Shoes,Supporters, Hose. '. $2.50 Sfr1��alOfficial �C' Pins and Buttons 2Sc, ,..r ;Pillows; Fobs,. EmblemsPennants,,1331 'East 57th Street 2 Blocks East of the TowerGIVE SHORT TALKS TO WOMEN ' What College;' Editors Think sub hd�me- Head-liners. scramb� with its accompaniments oftrickery, jealousy ina hard feelings,all for the sake of havin£, some oftheir ch�pter. members on the mem-Explain Leape Work To Freshmen. At Y. W. C. L. Meetinx. ,,'Of the useless .organizations iil omuniversity, the. Yellow Helmets andI Two minute talks by Caryl Cody 'the Monastics, familiarly known as bership, role, in the Badger, of 'seei-and members of the y. W. C. L. ·the "Tin Hats" and the "Monks" res- etieS�that inaulge' in practices thateabinet will be llriftll to the Freshman. they. do 'Dot tolerate' in their own.. spectively. are among the head-liners- ..,women at the first League meeting of Originating probabiy in .a worthy de- 'ledges.. 'the quarter, ThUl'Bday at 10:15 in. en_ t bri .- t· I i I . We. inight .mention the Skull aad0&&'" 0 nng ,prommen upper-c ass-: . ..Lexington 14 "What League Work Is" men on 8. social basis, they hav� I Crescent and several other-· SOCIetieswill be explained to the women by since degenerated ·and de� fulas. being of a somw� .si�1ar na­the speakers. A cabinet meeting will from; their origiJ).al objed TIley bve ture. All Of. these Orgamzati� �V8be held tomorrow at 2:80 in the com- become generally knoWn as:·�'j ni·place in, the life of � umVersl�.mittee room, to discuss general societies, and not entirely withOUt1� They .should, be. demed all ofti�aILeague' bosiness. reason. They have club- rooms in: recognition; they.:sh�uld be denied-rhe-- freshmen women have DOW which "booze" is �ed.' It is', bu� the righ� to have space in the Badgercome in contact with the League 'that all of the members d� not drink.'. and mention in the Badger .sum­through the Froli!=, the daily teas 'We are informed that 'much pqp �; maries;- they sheuld be denied .th.an� the Sunday Vesper services:' said 'consumed in their quarte� , Bu�· the right to'iPublicity in the Daily �­Mi� Brown, secretary of the Y. W. very fact that drinking is one of din� and all oUter student publica,.e. L. y�y. -We are anxious to their activities is sufficient to con- tions. Then fraternities would nohave them attend the first regular de th stud t --zatj lon;�r', 'fight to haVe their c:hapter•.• mn em as en orgam. ons. '-e- •meeting and disc:crRr what the organ- And ·t IS f'ih • act· -ti I represented ,on the membershiP rol.izati • that L. __ L.. all th _� 1 one 0 ell' IV! es. �or I' . ldties.:n 18 � ose tK,,&n- "drunks" have -"been seen to em� of th.� �etie& They wou -::from their rooms. For some of the lose thell' gnp upon �deDt bodymembers. the drinkinc feattire ap- �ly dle Out.pears to 'have ch8nEer from a mere .'The univerSity, by alloWing 811cllincidental to the main attraction.' org:miza�ons, to exist, is (placing itaAs to .the . membership. A portion oci8.1 saiadion upon drinking amOUCof it still ap� to be chosen from 'sbzdents; it is permitti�g students toamong prominent men in the stud�t Waste. their time �pon societies thatbody,possibly out of respect to tradi- have �otbing to recommend th�m; ittion but more probabiy for the pur- is ,allowing· abs1p'd dissension andpose of lending a god name to the -wrangling to d�lop among �upssocieties. M8n�T � of these members of 8tud�ts. .'Let Is begin .our attacknever become active in the organiza- upon over-organizatio nby eliminat­tions, some never even pay their in- 'ing these head-liners.had an easy time. its victories over, W· • CardinalDe Pauw and Case being of the over- itiation fee or attend any of the . - IsconSln •meetings. But the bulk of the mem-bership is the product of an annualwrangle between the fraternities.While membership in these societiesis not restricted to fr-t�mity men.each fraternity tries to get as manyas possible of its members into them.The fraternities have fanen victim tothe nonsensical notion· that theirstanding is judged partly by thenumber of men th�t they have �these societies. Hence, the annualThe Purdue �Dent is offeringgreat inducements to the students to.atm.d the Purdue-Chieago footballgame in Oetober U All students whosell ten subac:riptions to the Exponent.wm be liven a railroad ticket to Chi-. Yost is worJdnc bard to aet themen In shape for this game as hercoJllized in the Vanderbilt team astrong foe. So tar, Michigan haswhelming variety. M(_,'" Hoob Arrive Tomorrow.u(.,'" books are expected to be atthe Y. M. C. A. offiee tomorrow.Illinois held a tremendous meetingFriday night before the team startedIts season against the Christian'Brothers Collece. Over 2500 werepresent to cheer Coach Zupp'ke'ssquad. Should Direct Spirit Into BetterChannel-. Preacher .AaeIU­Read WiI80Il � •• tfon.Fred 0_ Watson was elected captain,the University of Minnesota croacountry team at a mee�n�· held lastSaturdaY.••I!!!n�k�t:,':":?�.�'�'��·��e�...�'t�=m��)!!�' !_*��,.!!.!e='II!':t;�n!':!:!tr!!:!,�=���������T�_,�;;w�DAlLY. MAR, r.s.��T_�.�_.·��,R �.,l_�_U. : t.,F rFJI{ER;c" Z--- .H_ ...... _-o_ _!I!! - - III III, PI� W .. �Jl·1UlES. ,.Ask to see � Berlin I 'Co�:�=���JIRt... .. �- ---- ....... ----waiking about a� streets 3lld sittin6.n the' cafes Wl&I"I'Iled when ·the tW"attacks were made. Under eover o,the builclinp and from &.ehind trees.w� unarmed and, surprised GerIJUU..;oldiers were fired upon. Many, 01the ',9�rs were killed while sittin�in, c:8.fes and restaurants. For thU.�! del and uncalled-for act the de3uuction of the whole city with il�alu&bie art treasures and librar) .wi� the one exception, of the Hote.de! Ville, WWi carried out:''Whel'e-vel' Mr. Harvcy came in co.�ad:-, with the tiel'lUau OlU .. ..a!S B ••people, he said that he found ave. 0oitter 'attitudc toward li.l.-eat. ,u.t1ULj he feeling toward Russia was 0 •."i contempt, toward l' .l.u...ce :.w11 .1)_.�'UIU, ol.e 01 �Yhl�:.a. .. ht!t.1� ,e::.e,·, ..lIut .toward .i!:ugi&.l.ad there was a b •..er hatred. l:.l1g1al1d must oe ove.. orne and humiliated abov e all other ...ne Geru� fc!!.Arresh,d As Sus:)eCt.While ill �uremberg, Mr. Harvc..lad, a brush with the German polic­.zhieh nearly landed him in the cit... ail. - 'He had' been cariying" on "hi..esearch work at the governme .... JUilding among' the archives of tl.!mP;erial government without, a pasport. At the outbreak of the war t�.� A.llE TIIURSDA Y FOR officIals there' advised him to seeu.W EEKL Y lUEETINGS OF one at the American consul's officCOUNCIL IN HARPER. His work that day was not finish,before the consul's office was dOB(,That night the (act was learned, a-he was arrested and taken �o t'soliee station as a suspect.At the station. the officer in char:1e�d� Mr. Harvey's passpo'The ., instructor replied that very fE'. "m�cans who had �ne al-rond th·9UmJner, or any other time,. ·had s� passpOrt&.' The o� was n�nvinced and woUld: not allow hi".0 &0' nee ·evenc whe:l,' other means !�nc' his--nationality' were ,'lan4: �r. h�_ was freed, after ,l­. den�ty\ was teamed.T,ro'" days ·later. an �c:eJ; aga';arrested' him, ,and' ; took him !o t�;tatiOL But-'this .time:he had ),It is a new fQwr .. button sackbuilt with a soft, nigh roll and isproving to be ODe of the most. popular models for the Fall andWinter Seasons.EVER Y·THING· in ·Men'sWeating Apparel t%<:ept hats andshoes.Remeeaber that "when yougo up the �ricc comes 'down," -so"drop up" to our little .twelfthfloor shop and let us have the,pleasure of �owilli, you.what wehave to offer8a-s'self· ,& 8asselfMEN'S SHOP1_ _ _ _ . _�����=:�b:::d;;reetlWoodlawn Trus"& S.V;lI,. Ia.t.Wool,. .. A ..... · .adSixty- TIJir4 S,,",Neares' BaH, te;:":,UlJlrersilyNew' S'u.�s, are. �o,._,;larited ·'0 arail r"_selw-s._our Complcfr' BaDtIlIg , ; �.relliences. .'Z8 S. ...... Aft"Quauty'and:SatisladfoDcombined' makes 'dearTHE REASON 'WHY' ,:,SPALDINGS ','. . �.are outJitten to" cbampioDlwhose implements· 'mast' 'beinvariably right"The SpaldiDI' Trade Mark repre­aenta yean of leadership .D themanufacture of athletic equipmentWrite f(Jr a :FrttIllustrated CatalogueA. G. SPALDIIIG 1:' BIOS.Carr ObtaiIUI New P_tioia.Frederick W. Carr, ex-'09, foi'merlyeditor of the Gary Tribune. fa DOW'in the city as Chicago correspondentof The Christian Science Monltor.DiriDit,. Halla WiD EIeet.AutwnD' quarter offtcen for theDivinity, hall. will be eleeted at�meet:ings fa the cWrerent �. darlqthe eomfnl' week.' SeldOM, o� ,,�,-.secretaary aDd treasUftI'. �d . �t9r�be"" C' LASSlrlED. illllllllllENTSFuture meetings of the council wil.hereafter be held ThurSdays at 4 iI.the council chamber in Harper, according to the decision 'made at cmeeting yesterday. The successors �_. I';nary .Mc Donald who resigned froiThe Univ�ty �f� Michigan foot- tho. Honor commission 'and Ke��l' team will be gtftID a real tryout tenney, :''sophomore . m",mber of th{thia week when it meets Vanderbilt. council who is not in residence"thiJ., quarter will be chosen 'at the meet:l..k tiM. No ,achertleemente r.. ing 'Thursday. A list of candid&�� ,tHD th. AU clauUled for these two vacancies was pre�CORNER OF· 56TH AND ELLISAve., Lincoln Re_:.taurant. Tr}'�ur 20 cent dinner � $3.25 meal tic­ket for $3.00. willi8n Lieblich.T III _at be paid In ad Purdue... opened its �ross, ,'countz)season Friday when a squad, of sixty:FOll 'RENT':"TWO' NEWLY-FURN- eight men. made. their preliminBr)''-iahed rooms; all modem conven- run over the course., . ieneea; pricea reasonable. Inquireoat 0618 DreXel' Ave., Flat 3. l\1r& Slau£ht To Entertain. !>aSsport. The same,'omcers' who h:,Mrs. Slaught will entertain for we). tlUestioned him on. the previous 0tile loor.LOST-A Sigma Xi key probably 011&7 atrect between Drexel and Man­del hall. Return to E. M. Burwish.6739 Drexel avenue. Finder will besuitably rewarded. scries; with the exception of melI"'OK RENT-ONE L.4.RGE, FRONT out of residcnce during the Autumlroom with three windows: $12 per Quarter. Thc natatorium will be remonth. Also one single room, light servcd for the frcshman swimmer'and� warm: $6 per month. Board four aftcrnoons a weck from .. t:optional. House phone: Midway 4 :30, and for the Varsity five timc:2168. a week, from 4:30 to 5:15. No othe'swimmers will be allowed to en�thc tank during thcse hours.Th@ aophmore Y., M. C. A. commis-sion will meet today at 10:15 in thpY. M. C. A. offtce..POll "�MITH PREMIER men graduate students with a tea:tO; asion were there, and he was eonf:�; .tJpewriter, No.4, with case; Al .morrow at 4 at her, home, 5548! Ken· -lU!ntly 'releaSed. On .both occasio:eoadition; reuonabJe. 'Call 580] wood av�ue. ' �e Germans were very polite and a'Maryland, AJ»t. 1, Saturday OJ ';WBJMI�G PRACTICE BEGINS -,ologized to him for Cleir cor-duct.Sunday. Phone Mid. 7599. (Cor.tinued fom page one) I Saw- Belaian Atrocitiamen, Juniors vs Sophomores. In regard to 'the a�ties charge"'DEBATES-All U. of C. students to the" Belcians by the Genna,.mould read the varsity debates on Wednesday,' Dec. 16.·· 'Any' 'ti� ;>ress, IIr. Harvey .stated that on h,:.Jlinimum Waae,' Recall, Federal played off or winners vs Aii':StBn.. :'ll8.y hom.e he met a Hollander wh�.' hacoz:poration, and, Income Tax. $1 Several new rules have been' m8d: .lad, at the outset of the war. beea copy. At the Preas. or Woodorth'� in respect to the members of ;tht· mti-German, said that while irBook S� swimming teams this year. To be COl. :.;ermallY he bad vi2Sited a h08pita• ROOMs.:-Two outside rooms, 5652 sidered a member of a class: � ln� there saw wounded· German:non football men must, play in eight .vhose, eyes had been gouged out b�u---Iand Ave., electric lill'ht and halves FI'fty t, .f th .---3 .,' percen ,0 e· men, �he �lgians. A Red Cross nlU'&·Cor freshmen numerals wiH be � whose hands had been cut off WJUupon the interest and ability shOWI�on the class' water basketball team'The regular Varsity water bUlte'tball team will be picked 'entirehfrom those who enter the, inter�laaSoph. Y. M. C. A. Men Meet.Wi!! Give Tea Tomorrow.The School of Education branch ofthe Y. W. C. L. win give a tea to·MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS .morrow at 3:30 in the Leaa'ue roorrof Emmons Blaine. All women in th(School of Education have beea in�ted also there.AIr. Harvey said that the cconom''.ondition or Germany wa'J excellen'rhe crops had all been harvested it;ome ases by the students of thlmiversities and in other instances h,'mall boys. The municipal gover.'lcr.ts had gained cont�l o( the (()()('�upply and had in most cases set u''naximum price laws. This resultec'n thc maintenancc o( the salilC price:uring the war that had prc\·ailc,n times of peace. The banks wertJiving money on American Ictters ofncdit at an interest rate n"� (').ubitant. IStnteu Baf!t on Ofren!K'.llr. Harvey said that hc belie,'c'<;;erman- ofIIrialdom"wu'-of ��e opiri·ion that nUe,· wi«ing a' delensil"'itnate. ... it is: 11 ... 'the eryf� : .. as ��=�g a.'.i.��hj,g �¥ir.:, . 'lbe plaD;.aid out berore the \,,'&.1.' had .called for.L rapid advance 0" .t"aris and the.. \·�lwhebnillg or the French withiDj.. few weeks. 'ihen the full strength�' the ir,�}:elial D.rl.lY' would be aimed.t f�ussia. 0 .\·in� ,to the stubborn re­sistance of the Afli,es in the west this}lan has been f.uatrated. Accordingto the testimony. of . military ,expects,\fr. Harvey said that Gennany was:aging a losirg fight while on thedefensive..�.tr. H:u,\'C'Y experienced little,:r�uble and ir.convenience on his way'lome. From Nuremberg he tookrain to Colo-rne and after remaining�crc over ni ::ht reached the Dutch�rontier after changing cars six'1)'('8. IIp went to Rotterdam andetumed to America via London and'.iverpool.En �lish Conditions Normal.In En..''1:1r.<l the only evidence thathe British empire was at war washe bills and posters calling for vol­·�t(>(>rs ard the frequent drillingamp!'. Otherwise, everything was'1ormal."The �cr.ej'nl. attitude of the Ger-ian people to .. ·.-ard the United States� one of fric:':�liness," he said. "They'r(> ('atcrir� to American s'\Pport in-very way possible and are showingo Americans returning home every'.�t of kindner-:- and aid that they can.Vith the ex('(>ption of the mobiliza­:on ·y:criC'd. t�� Gennan imperial gov­-rnment l-as been runnin� special-airs to the coast and the Holland'-ontier for t!le benefit of Ameri­-ans,"TEIGHDOHOOD CLUBSTO ENTERTAIN TODAY(C�nnti""f',l from llllge 1)�le dC\'cloprneI:t of a spirit similal­o that in the dormitories among the.ew off -campus women, withouelonopolizing too much of the new"lomen's time with .formal aJfairs.'-Nina O�Neill, chairman of the Pub­icity comm�t!ce. entertained the�lemt ers of' her committee at' a tea,t'_. her, 'homc yc::terd8y •. The com-·�ittee's »lans ,. for the corning yearvere d!scUEsed..) HOLlJ ',K .uuTS FORU ..... lVEI;�IT.Y ,DEBATINGTE.-HI ON OCTOBER 23.Tryouts for pl:lce8 on the Univer­�ty 'dcbating tc:J.:ns will be held Fri­ay, October 23. Where the competi­ion will be held has not been deter­!lined. 'l'he subject of this year's de-')ate is: "JtesolVM: that the Monroetoctrine, as apJ:1ied by the United'itates, should te abandoned as a part'f our foreign policy". The Triangu­'ar contest is hcld annually between'he institutions cf Chicago, Michigan,and .North,,·cstcrn. Each school willhave a ncgative a�d afrirmati'Ye team ,'lnd one of the debates will be held at�ach univcrsity. Bibliographies on�he subject may be found on the Har­per bullctin beard. Mr. Moulton will19ain coa�h thc teams.-- ..t---rHnEE �U.:'_RT�_;RS CLUBWILL PL.".:; SCHEDULE01-" EVi':NTS TOMORROW.Stun� ty 'i� Quarters Clubmcn thiS ycar 'ill be discussed at.hc r..cctil�g c � the arran. - gementscommIttee tOl:lOl":'OW at 10:15 in Cobbl�A. James n. ::din, Dunlap Clark,Richard (jan.hle, Norman. McLeodilerr.ard N Cwn' .... Bu 11 P ,. '� .. " e attersonJo'rcdCl ick l�idl;;�way and W·II· •.... ' I lam� emplcton a:'c (, the committee. ItIS ·planned to divide' the club intoth� Jm>ups, l. hich will conduct thedally activities cf the club by turns. , 'I.',, I