,'4-."'j .��, }�.-'1-1 >',1 .� "t i,')t��- . .;.t,".i).1l'H ..-.).l �111 �,�"'J��,.'\l,.r�}1'·1f�i' .«runt1VoL XllL No. 6. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 'fUESDA Y. OCTOBER 6.. 1914. This lasue Freewn FDl VACANCIES DIREtTOR STAGG GIVES TEAM EASYa! �OT����� PRAtTlCE ·AFTER INDIANA VlefORY.Co.mdl ADd Two To HODOr' TO PUNISH DEFIANT FlESHMiN TWO NEW GREENHOUSESBUILT FOR BOTANISTSNew Men Who Fora:et GrMll CalKtWill Be Ducked in Fountain--ThrteQuarters l\len on Vhrilance Com- New Qwuten Will Contain Ex.poor condition and above all. the or - mittee. lenaive CoUection of Trop-fense was exeerably slow and inetri- cal And Rare Planta.Declaring himself well-satisfied cient. Who will get the first bath? ---with the form displayed by the team Chicago took the jump at the start Any freshman desiring to attain JJIitPLAi"S Ak� .... ·HOM EQUATOR,Will Reserve Otria Hours to Bear in Saturday's walk-away contest a� ' .. , after rive minutes of play, led this distinction will find it compara-Studeats' Opinions On AU UBi- against Indiana, Director Stagg re- by r. 7-0 SCOl"C, Gray g(.linf' over for averait7 Hairs. warded the Varsity b ystaging one of touchdown and Schafer kicking goal.the lightest practice sessions of the Although completely outclassed, In- th 1issued yesterday by e upperc assOne member of the Undergraduate season, An easy signal drill, follow- diana managed to keep Chicago from counsellor committee is to appear 01.Council and two members of the eel by a dummy scrimmage against scoring during the remainder of the Two new greelmouses have been&- the campus tomorrow or thereafterthe Freshmen occupied the greater half, but after R�sell's SO-yard run added to the resourses of the Botanywearing any sort of headgear otherpart of the afternoon.. for a touchdown in the opening min- department. The additional space,.. than the regulation green cap.Despite North estern' rather . will be devoted to the extensive col-w s m- ute of the second period, they sue- After 'tomorrow, say the commis-elections are to fill vacancies caused definite showing against Lake Forest cumbed entirely and the re-st of the Q lb '11 b .ection of torpical plants' and othersion, the Three uarters c WI '.bv 1NU>;gnations d £'_=1 to f WI·ta a 7-0 'Vl·ctory th "Old M ". rare material. Such plants as cycads," ... ..._ . an Allures e- ,e an !S game was a precession, authorized force full yto lay hold, 01tum to the University. mindful C:f the f�t that the' Purple After keeping his regulars in un- and seize any freshman not wearing ferns, palms, arid orchids will be keptA junior man will be elected to the always plays its best against Chica- til the &'8Ine was c1i!lc11t.d. Director Lie verdant head decoration. The £il the ne wrange, One of the work-council to succeed Kent Tenney, who go. For the past two seasons Chica- Stagg began shooting '·.n substitutes f roms has been set aside as a studentvictims will be led to the new ounis not in residence this quarter. Thi; � has gone into the Northwestern during the uecor« huli. In all twen- lain in Hutchins�n court, where the; ."eception parlor, and will be furnish-election will bring the membership oj game confident of winning by a large ty-one players were vscd. Director h I' ed within two weeks._, '" c; U will be deposited among t e coo m�the council up to the full quota. 0' score, only to be held each time to a Stagg's opening \fsp·:�yed numerous bubbles of the stream. : A liverwort house has been con-ten where it will remain until th'- close game.' Director StSagg is look- p )�siLilities, ulthOllC'h Indtana d:�� }'ind Use for Fountain. .structed by Head Florist O'Carroll .. l class elections, when the choice of p. ing for the same thing to occur Sat- r.ot afford severe eo-npefitlon, Th-" UWe believe in making the fountah All plants in the new house werefreshm, an president will increase the urday, and will send the team on the l kfi ld . • 11 I d II gathered by Professor Land of the'�c e especia y & lrWf' we 0, useful as well as beautiful," said Tc<total 'to eleven. The membership af- field ex�c!jng a hard game. ff d th t � Botany department on recent equa-o ense, an e :: e i rerence was 11n- .Hyerly, of the commission, yesterdayStazo£ is CheerfuL II d. G d R 11 torial excursions. The new quartersusua y go raj an usse '"}i":;:-eshmen who do not obey th(On commenting on the result of.starred on the cjfense, both havine . . contain a number of rock foundations,�LCU'.r; green cap edict will all be grven ',Saturday's contest, Director Stagg little trouble in r kirtinz the ends for d zrrunged ill precipices. In addition,.:. baptism, To these freshmen an t�, A ,senior woman and a sophomore' said: "Chicago displayed unusually long gains. }t"100d sl- owed �,,�.r! other students the fountain will thu: Mr. O'Carroll has Installed a foun-man will be named for the honor satisfactory fonn for an opening rorm on line r ucks, while Shafer become not only. a beautiful decora tain w�ch can beadjusted to a hea .. 'ycommission.. The womab will succeed game. l'-umbling, always.80 notice- played a 1.'!,�,d" s. teo,ad-,7 game. rth 'I... t I shower or a fine spray, accordl.ig' toJ tion fo e campus, eu a monumcn 'MarY McDona1d� who has resiglied, able in the first contel:Jts. was almost .he needs of the Ilverwortcs, 'I'o simu-Dinner Iii' Lexington Commons Will to University traditions as 'well)' :and the man will succeed Graham entirely absent. The only two eases � ulate as nearly as-possible the natur-,Aaher, who fa. DOt in residence this that occurred were by Flood. and Be Followed By Pre&entation of Dr. Henderson -, To Give Talk.' al environment of the 'plants. the- ��_��-'��R_.'_'�_�� :��.�����.���� "�&=�=t�==,=g:,�A;u���_, ,�. :�����disb��, ':;A";definite time' for the repIaI' men played-with a snap th2t was es- yersity'chaplain, ·will.!J� on"Th( a constant cool 'temperature. .Chorus members for the Freshmanmeet-; .. - of the -_.:....., --:n also be """';aUv en-..:.... and displa..ied �'--"-'s Re-aious,· Proble:ras" at . Cycads have been .planted in' the..... . QIUDQI WUI ..--.., � .. U&& , ..,. �rolic which Will be held Friday irlght r � e-- - 'Iconsidered at tile, meetinc this mom- plent Yo!. ftcht. Of - coune Indian.'F a freshman men's vesper servi��· largest greenhoUse, an· dare attaining, 3.t 5 iii �n' commons, � ,ing. The eomIdl,· -·will at once begin showing was 'extremely poor, and the_�.-.J_ D_teen ranged by the Y. M. C. � for;- �ormous propO,rtiODS.,' Furth, er shim-, hosen yat�y. �YCU wom� 1"work on its pro"':"."", of activities fo game could not be c:alled a test for. 'cb' The list .. n . day, at " in � �l»ly ,roo", ·.ments ,of s, peciblens from this family.-- .'. : 'were oseD- ..LO ows:the �aa. �ce hours will be kept to the �ann�, but taken from a Chica-_ -"1_=_"'IJ' taw Bel Da I Alb The service will be the �t, oL � :of seed plants are expected in' the•• .' '-'U&UC yO., en :w ey, h Id t th U· -ty !}..ear. any, mnestioDS and c riticisms go ataDcIpoiDt ·It was deCIdedly en- Fisher; Mlirguet Hess, E1linor Doty, kind to �,. e a e DlWrsI • i 'near future from Professor C. J.whim atudel(ts�' to ofrer. comoaging." Rosa BBiery, Dorothy Dorsey�''lneo --- ....... -.--. - i Chamberlam of tJie Botany depart-'Griftith, Alice Rockwell, IIartha Bar- Weleome ::;even,y-Five SlutientL:l:er, <Habel· ·Hicks, Ruth Sheehy. 'Mis Brown� seeretary of �he Y- W·Corene Cowdrey,' Margaret Sammis ed Id dFlorence - Carroll, Elsa Freeman, and C. I ... , welcom 0 an new memoUice 'MeElin. Rehearsals are beirig hers of the League at tla. V es�lmrprises, and only furthered the �leld daily under the, direction of service' Sunday in ··Lexintt<)i&. �ven­previ�UB ''p�dions of football �- Janet Flanner, the author'of the play. ty-five freshmen' and :. up_pGr-el�:Tickets· for the Frolic have beenpert&. Minnesota displayed a green put on sale at the desk in the LeagUe rounsellors" attended both the servi�team, but Showed,that Williams �- t"OOm for fifty cent& Freshman WIll and the tea that followed, in tli<sesses first class material by a � be� admitted free. The Frolic will be- League room.· " ::'"\, ,. =-: � 1dM'eat of North Dakota. The Badgers gin at 5 with a dinner in Lexington. commons, at ·which Dean Talbot, Misswith a .n\ui1ber of veterans in th:E: Brown, secretary of the LeINroelineup, Wily defeated La�n� in a Caryl Cody, Margaret Green" and.� p���-�d J�� has a bif =n��e:etin&I��e':;task before him if he is to produce a "Entertaining Auntie," 'at 8 in Man­ehampionship machine. Northwest- del. An admission price of ten centS'Win he charged at ;the door, Iforern's showing was indef"mite, and lit- women who did not.attend the dinner.'Ue is known of her strength. Illinois(Ammj'aion Today. (By Barr,. S. Gor�as.)COUNCIL STAR'TiFALL ROUTINE.l·lo,,·er Show to Be H$d in Near Fu­tively simple if he follow. directions. ture--}t'lorist Grows HugeAll he must do, according to the edict Lemon.Honor commission will be chosen ata bleeting of the former organizatio ....today at 10:15 in Cobb 6A. Th ..ter the council elections in February·is· fourteen.'. ".. Name Memben of Commisaion.ment, who is now, in Cuba.Plan Chysanthemum Display.Plans an: being made by" Mr.O�c8rroll' 'fo-' r8 chrysanthemum dis-,BULLETIN The results of last· week's -gam65T..... in the West furnished no partienIirChapel, unior colle� women, 10:15,MandeL play. 'The' exhibit will contain twoUndercraduate co�c:il, 10:15, Cobb,tSAr hundred carieties of' flowers. whichwi!! bt: open to all students of the-University." " ... ,'A lEmion ·plant, produeing fruitwhich now' DleasureS fourteen inches� 'SophoHlore' Y ... C. A. coMmission,10:16. Cobb 9A..BroWl'�:�. 10.�5. Cobb 12B.Neiahborhood dub luncheon, 12:45,',LeDnctoD- tea-I'OODI-CandidateS for Glee dub, Reynoldsc:lab. 3:30. .Muqaen, 8:30, LainatoD, 14.auistiaD Sc:ienc:e 8oeleq, '1:65,Lex-In&t;onl'-DtriDity omitory, reeeption, 8, Has-kell 1'1.BiteJacoek house meeting, 10, Hitch To Vote, On Ruhin. Rules.. iProposed. amendmenta_t o� ... � '�n clrilumfercnce, is one 'of tl�e-grec:'.-ing rules will be discu£sed at a meet, house 'rarities..' Tlie 'seCd ,(or theing of the interfraternity eouncil to,day at 2:ao in the Reynolda club. 1.Ipropooition :will' be submitted t<.change the rules so as to permi:.dances at halls' withiA a mile of th�,eampus. growth 'was imported from.' S.) .. :th..America. '---+---'""--DELTA SICMA'·RHO TO· , '<,. ASSIST IN'ARRANGING ", ":'FOR ANNUAL ·DEBAT�HaDS Norana is I.preville.Bans Norgren, freshman footballstar, who waS severely injured dur­ing scrimmage Friday, is able to beabout the � again.. His i�wm probably keep him out of foot·ban for the season.ran away from Christian BrotherrCollege by a 37- score. c.. c. usualhhas a strong eleven. and ',Li...--t yea�­captured the ehampionship of St.Louis. Zup,Pke bas a speedy teamthat should prove a dancerous cbam­pionship· contender. hrdue also dis­played ehampionship possibilitic'!,while Iowa bad no chance to show Muquers To Elect Today. The chi�'go chapter of Delta Sig-Masquers will, elect officers to; ma Rho will bold its 'fi�t Il�eetin�morrow at 3:�0 in Lexington 14 �u�ay �� !.0.:15 in, the ·��I ,sch�lAfter the election, the material, foi court room. Regular ,meetings wilthe year's work will be chosm, an� be heid until after· th� �ru:;ity. debate��he arrangemeds for the quarterl): with. Michigan and Northwestern.tryouts eompletcd. i The' society will assist ih�, coach inpreparing, 'for the tryouts and the1'lcl,aughlin's Condi(i:». Seriou.. . debate by stimulating interest amongDavid Mc Laughlin, 16, W!\8 still in' the undergraduates ·and by arranginga very serious condition last night; the details of the contests. DclwlfcLaurrhlin broke seTe:-al vertebrar,TeIHlTO ....a.apel, Senior college and the col·lap of Commen:e and Administra·u., 10:15, Mandel. College of Edu­C'&tlon, 10:16; Emmons Blaine hall.1'-Neighborhood club, 3:30, Lexing-ton Commons.. Issue CaD for Wrestlers.Mr. Netherton, cNch wrestling,has isseud a call for all candidatesstrength or wE'almess.Indiana is DiA!,!'Ointment. (or the Varsity and Freshman wrest-Indiana·s much' touted eaStern style ling teams. The classes win startof play failed utterly to materiali:;e todday at 5 in the northeast room ofSaturday, and Cbicago had no di l- Bartlett basement.!lenIty in winnir.- 34-0. The Hoosie-:sunder the tue1age of Childs, t!le BreWftsoD Club To ElecLformer Vale star, bad been expected Officers for the year will be elected,to display im� form over 1:t.St at the first meeting of the BrownsOT:Season. but (aned utterly to come up Club today at 10:15 in Cobb 12B.�-: the atandard of a hi� school An Catholic men and women, especi·�m. ""e line failed to cbarze, the ally freshman, have· been invited to� wu weak. the men were ia i the meetiDc. .•Sigma Rho men from other chapter�in his SJ)ine last AUglJ3t wt..ctl Ite dovp a� eligible for membership in thein shallow water at the fbuth Sbon-. local 'lha.Pter.Country Club.. ()pera Star GHIIl of Honor.cyrena Van Gordon 0 fthe Chica­ao-Hailadelphia Grand Opera Com­pany, was pest of honor at the in­formal reeePtion aDd mulcale givenby Masieal. Director S-. to fiftyUnift1'lllii stiideiiia aDd their friends� yattenOoe ia, 'JliteWl --_.__Butler' Has Bible Class.---+----OWer $500 For Pri.� .. ArJ�jggetf and Myers t�"ba.o COIn­pany have offered a pri_ of $501 tothe college man' writang u.. Hilt -ad­vertisement publif:hed. Univ�rsity men' haTe been in'\;tcdto 'joi� a- Bible· clasS undcr Prof.Nathan el Butler. The class 'willmeet ·�'1indays at 10, at the HydE'Park Baptist- church •J......\ .TIlE DAn Y MAROO�, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6. ItlL• &ieekinc information, a means otThe D a ,I J M. r 0 ••ubtaninc it. We amDit that this isIJfttc1al StudeDt Newspaper of tM WaI- (rankly a question of administrationyeralt.Y of Chl�o. to be threshed out by the heads Ol.l"ubUshed moralnp. except 8ancJQ uuJ the University, but the fact should be\londQ. durlDc tbe Aut umD. Winter &Dd brought home to these executives=nc quartera. bl Tbe Dall, lIarooathat students need and want adviceon what courses to pick, that theyl\Ian=: �:: sincerely want to get what is bestG. W. CottinghamG. K. ShafferC. A. Birdsall andR. P. Matthews Business Mana�.rsF. R. Kuh ni�ht editor; E. Reticker:Uld H. R. Swanson. day editors; J. J.Donahoe, athletics editor.Associate ;mtors, Earl Bondy, Her­mann Deutsch, Alta Fisher SamuelIaplan, Nicholas Lentz,Bernard New­man.�Dl.l'ecl .. ..cond-ela_ mall at t ...Clalcap Poelollle.. Chleaco. Ill.. Marcia 11tlOl. aDder Act of Marcil .. tI'ls.8VWI(;BU"TION &AT ...$2 a year, if paid before October20; by carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 aquarter; by mail, $3 a year; $1.25 aquarter.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12.Telephone Midway 800.urOOD l·ress. 5511 Cottag� Groye Ay ...Tuesday, October 5. 1914.SEEKING ADVICE.Registration in nearly all of theundergraduate colleges is effected un­der most disadvantageous circum­atances. Each dean has to registerthree hundred students, all in theshort time of six hours. This systemallows the student something liketwo minutes in which to consult withIris executive in' regard to his workfor a quarter, one-twelftb of his col­lege career. Either the student musthave his course outilned before at­tempting to register' or he has todecide the really momentous questionon the spur of the moment.That the student who picks hiscourses in two minutes is taking thegreatest possible chances of choosingexactly the wrong thing is obvioua.That the student who has picked hiscourses previously may make as bad:1 mistake is not hard to conceive.Many undergraduates have perfect­ly definite ideas of what work the)"want to take each quarter. Otter.;however a little discussion witlldeans and instructors would givethem different ideas of what theywanted possibly, ideas in � con­fonnity with that' will be beneficialfor them. ther students depend fortheir selection on decidedly halfbaked ideas of what is best for them,or what they think they believe to. be good for them, and on casual in­:ormation their fellows give whicht.hem about courses and instructors.As long as the courses picked bythese two types of students conformin a general way to the vehy generalwork required for graduation, theclean signs the registration card wi�­out a question.hwhichw OonhwhyT vGGG •• - SOf course these students can obtainadvice if they will seek it. Deans an:in their offices at - times other thar.those designated for registration.Imagine, however, what time each ofthe six deans would have for hisother work if all, or even a reason­:lble proportien, Of the studentsdecided to consult with him sometirr.cnear the opening of the quarter! Th('�tudents can consult with instruction�-but instructors are formidable tcthe undergraduate, particularly when<;urrounded by their families, and itis often impossible to see them else-where. .It can hardly be contested that ad­vice should be given if it is wanted.Do II\)t necessarily fo� advice down� he throats of students who have no- . ·tmaYrtesire for it (though, thIS pom. advocated with an imposing az:ay>e• to the lDIud:>f evidence) but to givec. � for them.A Lost Opportunity.After today, the sale of seasonbooks for the concerts and recitals tobe given in Mandel this winter, willbe opened to the public of the neigh­borhood, who will be glad of thechance to buy them. These booksgive admission to six concerts by theChicago Symphony ochestra and tworecitals. 1'hey aIZe offered at rateslower than those charged for the of­ferings down ·�wn. The Orchestralassociation is anxious to sell as manyof these books to students as possiblebut will have to offer the extra booksto outsiders, as the tickets must besold now to ensure enough money topay for the concerts. In the past.students have suddenly waked upalong in January to find that theyare very desirous of hearing the con­certs, but can not secure admission.There is no reason to urge the cul­tural values of these concerts. Thiris simply a word to warn. the studentsof what J7,lay be a l�st' opportunityafter today. The bigidea thathas taken s.op.th.all the I.aksmear outof CO\IJltampeDS.IZ� $2.50� $31 $4 •.$5 up.FOR SALE BYWoodsworth sBook. Store I1311 East 57th Street· ,TWO BLOCKS EAST or TOWER 'IUniversity Books, -New and Second Hand and .:Supplies at the Lowest PriceC and A Freshman Meet.11 WI-IIActing Vice-President Angespeak to me new matriculants in theJunior college division of the collegeof Commerce . and Adminstration to-.nA. His b Comday at 10:15 in Cobb 1� su -jed will be "Mental Habits and Meth­ods of Study". Attendance is re­quired. MAROON ADS�KJ.NG RESULTS· _ .....•...•........ __ .TAKE "EL£VATOR-SAVElloEvery� •. of C. Man cansave Ten DollarsIsn't it. worth whiletaking the elevatorto get a guaranteed. $25 Suit· or Balmacaanfor$How many of you fellows readthe !\Iaroon. al1� how many thinkthat S10 !s worth Sayin21. Come up-here and te!! �.8 ifyou've seen this adeertisement-e­make �15 get a �25 snappy suitor Balmat'aan-and keep thatextra StO-which oth�r storestack on for a biE rent.THE ........ - -_ _ .MONROE CLOTHES .. 'SHOPCapital •••••.•••••••••. $3,000,000.0£Surplll8 ••.•••••• ••••• 5,000,000.00Undivided profits •••••• 1,500,000.00Confusion of Valaes. . " .OFFICERS.···· -A'·N··. D:.' ·:�1.N·. :·E···;-W· \ re' '0'yO' :().. - ·'·K·,'SErnest·A.. HamilL Pres. 'j '- •. - .': -_.-:' .'" '. .ro the Editor:- Charles L. Hutehinsen, Vice-Pres. ... .' � ;'. . . '" ". '."'.. . .., . ..' , -In the October issue of The Little Chauncey J. Blair. Vice-Pres.. ,. -. =: .. _ .. ::. -..•- th a letter signed D. A� Moultop •. Vice-Pres,;ReVIew ere appears. '. n� c. :;;:unmons. • "i�Prc.s."Gaudeamus", that haas 'a direct ap- Frank W� ·S!:.if .... sec.'. -��pp.al to ns undergraduates. . Express- .J •.; Edwarj �vc;. Casi::l·�,.. his _..I_:-ti n . for the : magaz- James .G -. Wakefield, Ass't �er.IDg �A 0 LewisE, Gary� Ass't ·Cashier •.me's militant campaign for revalua- Edward F. Schoeneck, Ass't· Cashier.tion of values in our life, comparing; DIRECI'ORS.··· .',it to "a Zeppelin hurling bombs Into . 'Char� H. W��r¥�:w!;�r�-the enemY-s-strongholds", the writer &U:�, �:j� .�ter, Wa� 1311.E •. 57th St., near"KimN.,rk ·Av�.asks· Will your battle cry not be son }'. Blair. Charles L. Hutehin.son,•A....... h � yo Charles H. Hulburd, Clyde 11.' Carr,echoed by young .lUUenca, woo FAwin G. Foreman .. Edward A. Shedd,the first time hear a free unmereen- Ernest A. Hamill· .arized word T W"111 your courageous Forein Exchange.gospel not stir thl! h� of college rc:=-.;:._,er.::men and women, those who have notyet been completely � bytheir vocational guides; cOllege mel'and women, who. in other countrieshave always been the torch-beare�,the advance-guard and martyrs inthe fights for truth and ideals! WillThe LiWe Review not succeed illaeatmg a �c UDcl StlIna epoch T"In an editorial comment on this letterthe monthly gravely remarks. A fargreater danger than philistinizationseems to us to lie in that hystericalconfusion of values which caUses our�ollege students to see small thin�as bing ones and to let the big onesslip by."To me the question seems to be ofvital importance. May I sugged thatAll of our best quality, . in theirthat The Maroon invite our colleagues proper colors, with colored emblems.to express their views on the point? Either assortment, for limitedExchange National Ban .... � . ELMER .E. ·MARDEN, President3: d Floo North American E'uilclingr r ... w. COR. S'IAT£ AND 110 ... 0£ STSOPEN SATuRDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK.SECOND HANDAlms90YOOR�N5_�_�_S_ta_t_kn_.E_�y_'_.·U_y.�_f_.C_._l_·a_bl_et_8_Beaatifal �e Pemaant&.YA� -... .BARVAR�I PRINCETON, CORNELl.MICHIGAN,Each 7 iD. x 21 iD. ..4-PENNANTS, Size 12x38-1Any Leadin� CoUeps ofYoar Selection. 'Building Ready by November 1.Rosen,wald hall will be ready foroccupation by November 1, accordingto an announcement yesterd8y by theThomson-StalTett Compa:r:lY, whicbis in charge of the building con­struction. Rapid progress has beenmade lately in finishing off the inte­rior of the structure. Window pane$and doors are completed and will �installed next week. tim�, sent posq,aid for 50 cents andfive stamps to cover shipping costs.Write us for prices before placinlorders for felt novelties of all. kintU.The GelD NOTeity Q,.2456 Bittner Street,Dayton, Ohio. Woodworth's Book ·StoteU� of C· � .� (• .' ... t a I j c J: Ely �. ( a t of------_._. _-- We inten4._'. ,.-., .. to keep thiS� ..... '"-.. . .��:l the r.."lst satisfactol,Writkg im. :.!ment in tJ:ae.. w�rld. Mp.d.- � a wide range. of sizes, 'pk:"l or mounted,wi:!! �o�,-f ' :;ns to suit every. ... � .. '-. Try them.at� . your dealers�rountainf.�nL E. Waterman cOmpany, 173·B.r�:1dway,· New York. , Patronize Maroon Advertisers';I i..:,., �.' I I': ':, : l,: � '1"'" hue. No' ad�eniaemeDu 1'. Kelly Hall Entertains..�:�-:. <:���� for leu Uiau t5c. AU claaI·... Kelly hall entertained its newresi- �Caryl Cody Is Speaker.�;3� ���'- ..... be paid ba ... dents last night wiih':'a beach party in Caryl Cody and other memcers of__ �!.� ackSon Park. .' J the League cabinet will be the speak-. ", .. .:- . '-7 . ersat a 'League:meeting Thursday a�-- - FOR ,RENT::�!9 .��y-p�� � _:, .:. ' '. :,. __ oJ :_". I- ·10.15�i�·iexingtoJ("14�' .--' -. .;.:iah� rooms; an moCiern conven- ARR{; ... -' �,..:ienees; prices reasonable. Inquire O� II Green Entertains l�ew Residents.��}� _ r� �18 Drexel Av�, }"lat, 3.. : ", ..:, ... �. ." ., YY , Green, .house entertained its new.... '�"'_' . '. S' H· ..· R',,', .-,: �de��.:·:I�' night �ith a launch� �L�,�,:��,No.lII�th P� '. '1 - TS I party in Jackson Park. New women, � -�-- 'f ira �e h�u,' and up�lass conusel-1/ ���#n�ition; ��nable. Call �� "arc in everyStjlc 8tiia:ble '�01'S will' be guests at a tea Wednes-{} ,\�ar,y�and. Apt. .1. Saturday 0)" for city or country, frolic day.:: � : :,Sunday. • Phone MId. 7599. .functi Th I,...:- .: .�. .-._ ,or ncnon, e co ors, .: An�1I To Address FlfthDlan.J � �,' :.p�A1'E��_I�. Y�j ��{F· .. �dents ,at�:o.f�t, the styles'lmait. •. -�cting Vi�President- �gel1 willI ,8�ould read the' varsIty debates or: and nght-the patterns speak at the first freshma.'"l luncheon.inimum Wage.· Recall, .F��raf correct-insist on the : tomorrow at 12:45 in H,·t("hi�son)��r.poration. and Income Tax., $1 label ....... � .. �,': ':� ." '� '. :,���o�,-: '�� �ee�!1g will be gi...-en�cc�y. At the Press.pr Wood�'� ':' .• ,': ",_. :'�':i. ': ',,_ �., ,�', _. ,�d�·p'e�auf.r:)c�� 6f thr- �"\�" ..... " .. ,,,Boo� Store. '. . .- . -.. -$1.50 tifiiJ up" ." y.'·1\f. c. A. comr::i:sion. Tickets forft·" h'!'('�eon ,,;11 tell fo. thi�y-fi cis suCh a simple. such, a clean ,... '­atioD. . :yo�, �p,yoUr' ,, �elf'- Fi�ung.Four.ta!:, PenNON.LEAKAIJLEin ink, press the '�Crescent- Filler"with your thumb and your pen .is filled and cleaned-itl: four­�12-50, $3. $4, $5 arcl rIPAt aU good dt;;Q/er::;JTHE CONKLIN Pl:;� CF:..1. CO.DO YOUR BANKING IN .-.H)DE PARK'---------- AT THE".HYDE PARK STATE.tHANK::· --. COIQN& .. gpo' 83"!!' ST�:. LAKEr"+"·.I!F>-' �i .... j'.f '� : ,. � �� ..... _ 'W: "'"r......, � :_ "C •,. : " !':. � •. � ; �.� I � � : t.! "_ . , , ..� .: ,_. 0:Tbree 'leaSODS Wby 100 should, kt:itt�'G.�fiiI!s�Co_onS: .' . "': . 1 _."f_/���1:.:=:y -: �;�< :�� .. ,lit. Good Food Properl�: C�.;:�,; � /:' ,.:\:���>'.,': .. <,2nd. Cleaalinel' oar �otto�;/i�g��tJIl�,Kit�en '.,' '; cv­lrd. A MinimUm Pri(:e'·for�HI1.;Q1i.Iit7.{Fa" :�:,� -•• ' ':. _ • .' -' • : •• I .' �" .,.- t. 1;.;. "'" - .;. ,-', ..•.. ._,.._ ... - \.. " __ • ':''''Cia. BreakfaSi 15e;D� '. " .�; t'(,,�.e��.t:1AIJIdi \ I";· -..DlnDer ALaCUie BUSIC. /.gi'�,;·':,:'.'.f��:�'���ti�.:!. •'. '�.� �S:1�·.'��/:�·:�·� �!':�.:: ��;: {'�:'-: ,".: ,;.-:::,' . «NOT JUST· STY1.E. DistiDctive . Individ�aI � Style..tit,'..� We eaterespecially tothe Particular, Sort,�Ie--. -, ' �.. ---te •. -...... : t'',_ ..... .,. That is" what-· the college "manwants-c'I'o be' different in appearance,from the ordinarythrong, What areyour ideas, oL·dt.e'�:s?�:·.·-'.- How much doyou-wish -to i;�y.r:,:":J�()me'·;.�n and' talk· . h ", ,.; � '. .- : ,,' . .It over WIt us ';'<'" '. '�:",::' "<>, • '," • - <Dockst�d�ii.·.···�·'··§.��ab�rg-816 Reput;�CijJriIiding':CORNER STATE '-Ahd:: ADAMS"ST;REETS .J.....Meet To Discqss P.rospect& Elect Medic c.:iaaH 011lce&·ai...The League �-:cabinet will :ineet Freshman medieah . students will'Ih�t' at:·2.3� lit LexgiJl��14' lri� tOin�w, al"tem�': at I, Wto �scuss pl�_:foi#the comi�.ty�. An�tomyr'29 -io"�o�ate and electclass officers.ROOMS-Two outside rooms. 5652Maryland .Ave:,; el�e light. and .b1e floor. t • _ •• � ---....;....._____;-�------=--=--- .. ---- ..'LO'8T-A Sigma Xi key' probably 01167 street between Drexel and Man­del 'hall. Retum to E. M. 'Burwish,�739 Drexel avenue. Finder will be,�jtably rewarded.Jo'OR RENT-ONE LARGE, FRONTroo� with three windows� $12 permonth. Also one single room, lightand warm: $6 per month. Boardoptional. House ):hone: Midway2168. .. ..Soph. Y. M. C. A. Men MeeLThe sophmore Y. M. C. A. commis­sion 'trill meet today at 10:16 in thpY. M. C. A. offtce. cents. ',The perfection of detaif that' dis­tinguishes ' '.., JERREM'S TAILORINGaSSliTes you pi .clothe� that are bothsma�t and individual.Cam b rl d g e 6�JS, very Dew &lId very,sped� . a� $30.00JLAA��A- TAILORt1"'� For Young MenThree StoreS: 7 N. 'LaSalle St.2S'E. Ja�D�, 71 E. MonroeSt.� .r,. ..�. ,t:• I•I •• • $ --')Ask to see the BerlinIt is a new four button sackbuilt with a soft high roll and isproving to be one of the mostpopular model. for the Fall andWinter Seasons.EVERYTHING in Men's..Wearing Apparel except hats andshoes.Remember that "when yougo up the price comes down," so'-"drop up" to our little twelfthfloor shop' ane let us have thepleasure of showing you what wehave to offerBassett & Basseff. MEN'S SHOP-1204 - 5 Republic BId .. ,Comer Adam� and State Streets 1I .. _ E:::e: z::::=NU p� SlCIU M"CBS'. hIm.illl OII"'E TO'.'. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE IlU"UBIUIL �The pzeeellt �J) of Nu Pi OPEN CWB PROGRAISigma desires 'to state ita purpose: Schedule F Reyuo1cI' C I buorhe objeet of this O�tioll shall ActiYitieaor IDduclea -Four Ube to promote the best mteresta of D __ ...J A 5--1-th U - . .._ f Chi __ :.11 aDcea.... lllU&er.e Dlftl'81 .. " 0 eago, es�yTlTESDA Y. OCTOBER I. l11LUnive�ty of Cbicap women, bypromoting ��ece activities and bydeveloping a broad-minded, unpreju­dleed, frank �ttitude towards thosethingS which affect the welfare of theUniversity aa a whole".Ruth AllenM.argaret AngueraCaryl CodyLeon� CoonsPhyU1& FayDorothy Llewellyn• Mary MacDonaldHettie Louise :MickHelen RickettsEdith Smith·Iris SphonDorothy StrachanIrene Tufts •.STENOGRAPIC WORK BY DA)or hour. at home .. or at your offic(er residence. Very reasonable rates.A�licant at present not a student.Home phone -Nonnal' 602. CaD bereached temporarily at Haskell Mu­seum,: ·.Room 11,---------------�------------------�------------���---------------COLLEGESPECIAL TIES ATHLETIC. GOODSGym Outfits, 'CONSISTlNG OFTrack Shirt, Running Pants, Shoes, ." 'mB-'ngnru'; w_ ... ·, .'l1li O&f7.jr.. __ ....... tI.;' I • III.�= .. : .. '-"'4r .,.... , .-_ :a.ot' ......._" o.w..'. .... e«."..,," ��'l1li o.zp7:z z'Wllla }'.. ,wu��� .. : ....:L •........ = ..-- .." . a..· •• I..;�_r._ .. � ........... ''b..... ._. ............. .....__� -....... 81- ..... � .... · .....C. a: c. � •• aL.1u ' aNI, JIi.i.1331 East 57th Street 2 Blocks East of the Tower'Official 'C'· Pins and Buttons' 25cFobs� EmblemsSupporters, Hose�Pennants, Pillows,r ,( I r ,, � _ _c_.THE MAROON is your paperand we are striving to -� make it asuseful as possible. Show your ap­preciation of our efforts. and at thesame � time' protect your businesstransactiens.by .patronizing MaroonAdve�-st�, L08T-A PIli Delta neta fratenitypia, lIa,. 5, at the 8eJaool of EdueatiOD or Ximbark halL raDder returnto Box 42, Faealt,. EzC"Dge at u. ..&11001 of Edaeatioa, aDd reeei"'e reowarel.MAROON ADSJIUIfG USULTr CHAPERONES WILL RECEIVELibrar7, to OpeD ill Month With TwoThollADd Volu .. ee-lnstaU NewFunlitUft.An informal dance on October 16,'IJr which the ellt:�-e ReYllJlds club,as well 8!! utehinson eo.umona will betlJ!'t.)\\"Il open. win begin the program.. Jf the club social adivitics lor theAutumn quarter. Tenative .plans for.1 freshman-sopohomre smoker, onOctober 30. which will be the featureevent of the program, are rapidly be­.n gcompleted. On November 13 and!.7, inforr-,'j dances will be held forall members of the club. A formalaffair 011 December 11 will close theschedule of activities until the Win­ter ,!uarter.At the first Informal dance on Oc-tober 16, everyone prcsent will bentroduced to the chaperons, who will�onn a reception line at the foot· of. .he main stairs. Officers of the clubdecided to' inaugurate thi& formality�o add to the sociability of the af­:airs. Fuicks' odchestra will supply.he music for the dances.Plan .ucI.,.iUe Features.An exceptionally entertaining vau­deville bill is being planed for thelreshman-sophmore smoker. In ad­dition to the usual members, such as)oxing, wrestling, singing ,and and apie-eating contest, several uniquefeatures, at present withheld from.he public, �ll be presented."Not only will the amusement be)f a first class order," said Presideut. Sam Wells y�y, "but the re­'reshmenta, cigars and cigare� willbe the best avai1a6le. We intend to:l8ke both the dances and the .mok­en as enjoyable as possible.". Owing to the Iaek of demand for,lancing classes, the project launehedlast Spring . bas .. ' been tmPorarily''lbandoned, according to an announceIlent made by President Wells.. If:!nouP interest in the modem ,dances:s shown by the: students, thi classeswill be instituted later. in the-quarter.The club library will be opened by ,�ovem� 6 or earlier; ac:cotding'to aJtatement issued last night by theExecutive rommi� Two' thoUSL'"td<IOlumes of fiction, biographies, ..adther·readable literature will be plac­ed OD the shelves. Furniture for the.ibrary has been purchased in NewYork uncter the personal S1Jiler\ isioD)f Miss Langley, instructor in M:m­uaI Training at the Uni'rersity Ele­. nentary sehool, and wil: De installedas soon as delivered.RoberDons Recei",e S.Dday.As80ciate Prof. �d Mrs RobertsoD.and Mr, Gilkey were at hOJllf! Sunday. afternoon from" to 6 in Hitchcoeklibrary.BYline Classes BeKin.I«tures in Hygiene for all enter­ing students will begin tomorrow,J:3O sections of English 1 men willmeet in Kent theater. while womenwhose English section comes at thishour ·will pther in Mandel. Men inthe 2:30 classes of English 1 willassemble in Cobb UB, and women in.Cobb lA. Attendance at these meet- .hap is required, and will take theJpl� of Endiah classes.The Philharmonis soeiety win !'8-hearse Thonda,. at 7:30 in MandeLI