I <:», �Vol. DI1. No.. I. UNlVBRSITY OF CHICAGO, .: )i'R1DAY, . OCfOBER 2. 1914.FANS TO SEE EASTERN_ 'POST-GIADUATE YOU IS-TOPIC (BAPEL�AND FOOTBALl. .COOntAU �1'11JRD,I'y Dean Ancell PresicliDC Ol!cer at' 'm.'PLANNED TODAY1'1 'ID I}ft II Meetinc .of Rub MecUeal School '. ' .• ,---, ,Faculty Lut Nicht at Hotel Sher.. P .. e ADd' Des Jardieu '. Willman. Spa.k at .. �n .After An-SENTIMENT FAVOIW CHICAGO. niv� Eurciae.CAU..IS LWD· FORBOCIEY'JCDDIDATES DL CIWIBElLIN IETUINS.Ia Baek on Cuavu After Six MonthT_r in AutraUa--New; Zee"naTrip Prey_ted By European War.J1IDiaI'. CoIIep W 0IDeD Will _.u_, 'F: .. .......sophomore ' GOVERNXENT INVITES PARTY.naft. nIL. .'G...... ..... Ch.mplOn..:dip Matcbea. �C�_�.n.�.eel to Use Yale Came WithGreat SUccef ••Dr.' Rollin T. Cham1»erlin of the Whether .post-graduate .work iU�.�4T�k .Ql'i IN FOVNT..u.s.1"'1-61\10- department returned yester· .lINEUP. PRACTICALLY PICKED. ..J..ould be offered at Rush Medical -U' 't.n1� a#.IIIuae of New Gitt to the. DlYeJ1ll 7 _PLAN FOR SWIMMING TEAM!; day from hill trip with the Britistschool was the chief topic under con- C1� G.theriaa: in. Hutchln-- GeoloZ;cal IIIII«iation through Aus· :'ptain Des Janlien Will Not Play sideration at the meeting of the Rush..... Court..-WaDt W ... k in ", .. tie S,porU Ex-tralia. The trip was made at the in � .... -A1�rt ·SlatedCaculty held last night at the Hotelteadecl-Sq ..... u_ Bartlettinvitation of the Australian govern- for Center. Shennan. Several professors as- ·'1'he BmuVersary chapel exerciseTwIee • Week.nent, and was onz;nally intended toserted that the medical college did ",ill be held, water will be turll"" OR.Practice for the Junior eoll� .nelude New Zealand. The outbrealnot possess the necessary facilities In a new fountain, and the firat ffX)t-women'. hockey and basketball teaIm. )f the European war necessitated: 1 1fASS MEETING TODAYfor post-graduate study. Other fac- oall mass meeting of the year wu.lwill besin next w�cJt. AU wowen W' 'hance in the party's plans, result, at 10:35.ulty members stated that Rush fJre- cake place between 10:15 and 10:4';_ted in athletics have been. urge.. ;"g in a lengthened stay in north- Hutchin80n CoarLts ample opportunities for ad- this mornin&.to come out, whether they have hat. �astern Australia, and the total elim-eed rreseareh experimental work_ At 10:15. the. anniversary chapelany experience or not. A � at.- ination of the New Zealand exeur- (By llarry S. Gorcas.) That the medical school has already service Will be held in Mandel. It W.u.1tempt will be made by .MIss Way- sion. ''. Chicago football fans will have an established a closer connection with De the twenty-third first chapel _-man this year to get new material Although the joumey was not prr- .Ipportunity to see eastern gridiron :be University was evidenced by the ercise to be observed by the UniV4U"­into the Junior college squad. Fresh- nadiIy for reaeareh·: work, many in- ..acties in. action fot the first time fact that Dean Angell presided at the �lty. Acting Vice-President Ancellman-Sophomore games will be playeu �erHting facts were noted. Most in-.Jince Cornell met ChicaKC) in 1911, meeting. No discussion. arose as to will speak..the � part of this quarter. The "ereating of all, aeeolXling to Dr, .vhen Indiana plays on Stagg Field further proeedme toward the raising , Immediately following the chapel.advanced basketball players will not '�amberlin, were the evidences oftomorrow in the first game of tl;(. Ilf the ,1,000,000, which is required �ervice, at 10:a6, the nrst "pep �.meet until ;..,n CJIiarter. •;lacial periods. Three distinct iceseason, Coach Clarence c. Childs, .y. the. Univ�ty for the permanent ';ion" of the year will be held .about ."Hockey is one of the finest out- .1geB are plainly discemable, the first All-American guard at Yale in 1911, affiliation of Rush With ChiCago. ine new fountainIn Hutchinson court.door pmes," said Hiss ,Wayman yes- JCeUrring before the advent 'of man, will.be the mentor, who will intra- The possibility that Rush. might be �heerleader Ward will. be in CharKe .tenia,.. "and. the best autumn �r1. he second soon after �e iirst·trace& duce eastern football into the West �ome- amalgamated _ with the Uni- Jl the meeting and Pat Page, Nor­any college can offer. We had 171:, .i life"and the. thizd about..the. samt.thia..Yeal'., �ty, of Illinois oi: . Northwestem ,han Paine and Captain Des Jardicn'WOIDeD for the first practice last year, .!me .. oar cnr;a.. .• ·��:cave.:.o... .Coach Childs comes to Indiana' University' had vanished . since the are scheduled to speak. Other "LU'and we expect .:.- - more tIW.... l1straw. also pxuved te: be of, grea' with an enYinhle :reputation, and the committee :report. issued at . the last 'men will also be eaJled upon .),Oar.,iiEvery woman who 1ikes ath· .. tereat to ti.":party.,. doosiers (with a veteran team) look :a.wty meeting in June. There was. .' The big bass drum and ,the �..,. -: , _Mti .. oaPt to come oat." . Dr, Chamberlin has now _ted .... 10Cor great :results. Childs playeO. apparently no adverse sentiment to- aecoutrements of a m8SB meetinr: willChampionship games between the o#wdied every contiDent and sea· VA.half back on his prep school team for ward a union with �icago.. ..An op- �. 'on hand. Assistant CheerleaderJunior aDd SeaJ.. college teama wili .ne earth ·with the eu'IPtion �!. ,t1lLseven years, bat at Yade waa uaed in timiatie attitude eonceming the rais·. S!atthe� will help in ·the p-_.c;be plaied tbia falL Practice will be- .... � rez;'!DL .lle .iIaa compte..,.. the.. Jine- H&-� cua<d on the i� of the mi1lio.n _was preValent. iDES- .. _...�. Fa � lint part of next week. Fol'-. _wo_�pL"'OlIlI'Pli8 � ancl>� ·.iln Yale team and _uh_"!",,,�- " -Aft •• -1iIeetiDs'�_-.- ... ��JMr-1aBcl·�r08�ve 'pIay .. -:- � ...... ":.:��,, .. 1.....:, ' #__ .".0..:_- .... � �"':""'_"'-:'iiiiiiL�--'''', ERMON8' tk turned on in,:tlie new. -foun�. '."'�''":h.:'::' __..:;�-:.:; ���.. ..._._ =- :�--th ·AmeriCa".·'y� -. ..�_1.. thlete of SERIES O� .8'. ..' th 'gift �_ . the Universi ....� to • ...-. - - ,·4 ....... '- _- _-. : .. ; Childs is also a. ...-.. a'ON'SCHOOL.OY.WAR -othich IS. e �. _... ..'�Wayman... - .� - -.. _.- .. _.. 4Dd.-a.balf.. ,He . .Jeft--the·-UDWenit)- .!Onsiderable repUtation. In 1911 he.___ of Mr. Charles. r;.; Hutchinson, a.. -EXteDd S ........ Wed. ..t the ... of the Spripr; ;yuarter, _nade the trip to LOndOn with the In- .The Rev. Mr. ·Charles w,·Gi1k;, nlember of the bOard of trusUieS. ..Ihrbamin& wiU be made .• braaeh PnC diJeet to Loadon, and Iron. ternatiIiul., � "team, winDing p8st0r of the Hyde Park Ba� The fOmitiiin lias· ereete<J in the. oeD- 'of .:,._'. athleti� on tile .� ..hen ..with' ......... �tion ofpoints ill ,the hamnwr ·throw· � ebareh, and fonnerly head of Hi�- �� Of the· court Ia8t "",nth.f�' With hockey. � an� .nembua 01 the Royal, British Geo- Cambridg1!' and ·OXford. ' In 1912 h� eGck: Ball, will deliver the: � of a !� if jPIana for steaai ... � .0.Jlcal auocIatinn,.Jo:y way of thewas 1Ieleeted to 1lO to -the Olympie .;,nes 01 1_, entitled. "In ,the , .• .. _ ..tic:JPation in 'the aport an cai'l'ied .iueS � � Perth. The � then .gameS at stockhOlm where he aga!n �ScboOl of War," SuDday. niaht at 8. mREE QUAr.TERS::MEN TO .1. ,tJuiouch. .1IIDbera of SeDlar. aDd Ja- .oroiaed the .atbem part of the COD- competed in the hammer t1mnr. _ at the Baptist church on FIftj-tiixtb i MEET MONDAY IN COD _ .lliOl' c:olleae-teaiD8 may be-a� .Jnent,· �Jt� �o� a � at � he. tool: third.place in'his event and street and Woodlawn avenue. "The .-0)" ��:th. �� ; ;. �. :: ofi tIUt ; .... ;cltiaa.: ne. .A� latre' he 'broke the Frendi and Gel-- Christian Attitude Toward W� ,will d.mmittee . WiD . Be A!)!)Oint'" � ..A � � -<a.!'� �. '!rill C:O""! �ftrnment ··_ted. un1imito:Q inan reeorcls in _the .81IDIe._t. Last be the topic for. Sunday's sermon. ".e Sa_t ·Stl!Dts Cor the.ean..oat fw � � � -sat; � on ..n r8llroads � lbe del": year. he WIllI bead .,.,..,)a .at Wooster six following adcIressi.s, to be given . didates to ��rf_urday . mo� and�. ��.l -:� �... tioi1. A �leeture "was given ev� College .Ohio. on consecu�ve Sunday. nights at 8BooB in Bartlett baa already,:'.Jffien- �vening for the m� �� �al ReI7 _ 'Powerfial' Attaek. wJ1l be "In Times �{Peace Preparepoded in ·LexiqtOn�-ijiilnUfum:2'.l'he AmctionS � much in -evidenCC'. Indiana is expeeted to show a mas--: for War," "Successful Strategy,"women � will � divided �to. �, The' deputation' left·, Si�ey Scp- si�e, well�rganized attaclt· built fOl "The Higher Products of. War,'7_d' permanent. senior and ?nnior :embf!r '18, . arriving, in Victoria the·power rather than speed. With a .'If�rale in Warfare," "The Power uteams organised for frequent compe- �wenty�igbtb. Owing' to the p�- veteran t..;.a field composed of plug· Endure,"';'d "'The Christi:m Ch�I­titloa. _The pndiec will be c:al'riel! M><e ·of Geim80i wU.iIii.tis in the reg- ging rather than hri1Iiant. speedy 'enge. •.on reewarly in. Bartlett until a tank ular parths, th� .�er was foreed players, Childs should be able tcin Ida Noyea hall is available. to deviate from .the � .route. �d build up a heavy maehine that wnI.. il:1( CAS',' "'OR .'.l(OL1� rLA 1.� 'Plana for the . establish- no liahts were ahowD at night. � give any line in the West troUble. Inmeat of �e sport ,will be �en up Chamberlin returned. b.n. .Vic:ton.a !.he De Pauw game both of Indiana's .iokl Chona '1'17_18 lor .. &tertalu-with women athletic coaehes by the with Sir Oldham, of Cambridge .Um- scoreS were obtained by straight in, AlIDtie" ',1aia Aftenaoon.W01BeD who are po'hfnC the move- venrity, stopping a day. at tile Uni- football, 'and the heavy Boosie-.meDt.. .versity of J(innetlO� Yesterday backs tore through their o�b;was spent in showing Sir . Oldham line for bie pins.WANT RUSHING RULES about the campus. • Captain "Mic:key" EreI.art and hisAllENDBD TO PERIIIT • brother Archie are starring· in theDANCES NEAR CAMPUS .�_'\CULTY MEMBERS TALK blf back positions. ArclUe being theTO FRaBMEN AT STAt only new man in the backfield. ScottWellll Stepheuo-;-;;" BohRen Gin ar.d Williams are both experiencedStadenta' Vie". on Activities lull ba('ks. while Whitaker· at quar-• f ()qudzatloDs. cr has had a year's experience. Wor-'iey, Winter, Krauce, Dice and Red­Short talks by members of the fa,:non arc al� experienced and heavyulty and .prominent students feature: � linemen.the annual Y. M. C. A. freshmen st:l:. Lineup 8ftm. Certain.held in Mandel last night. Among Director Stagg stopped the scrim-civen within a mile of the campus. the speakers were Mr. Robertson,mage sessions yesterday, and the twoMr. Merrifield, Dr. Burton, Pat Page, Varsity teams went through a longSamuel Wells, Cowan Stephenson signal drill. The Old Man h.. ap­and Raymond Bohnen. Wells spoke parently definitely selected his firston the advantages of the Reynolds team and it is safe to predict theclub, Stepheucm on the work of the lineup for the openi!,g COlltest.Undergraduate eGaJIeiI and Bohnenon the Hoaor �OII. :Three .Quarte� �Ju� m�n Wm .��Monday at 10:15 in ·Cobb· 12A � � .�ccl: a committee \\hich' will submit �;l� outline at some future mccti::�of the stunts to be performed d!lri::!:the Autum� quarter. The new ca��didates for membership' Will 'be .IT ·tttirough the fi�. �t set. for the' .l..b; the SOJ»homores. befo� Octob�r19. �_:Under the constitution adopted byu.e club last year, each fraternity ia.erftltled � enter four candidates. Themembers are selected on the basis ofI'e!gOlarity. of attendance, and ge�­eral merit, forty-two �ing finallychosen. Of this number two � Be­letted from each fraternity and toromplete the stiIlUl�tcd r.:c�b�� sewernl are taken from the remaining­appli('ants regardless of their fratc-­nitv affiliations. Performances n-c1i�ited to the Quadrangles and t!':e10�15-10:45 period three times a"'Ellter\aining Aunl.:ie7' is the titi\."f the two act 'playlet by Janet· Flan­ner, ex 16, which will be the featun.of the Freshmen Frolic l''riday, Oc­tober 9, in Mandel. '.the setting 0)the play is on the campus and th�songs will feature ··local hits."'fry-outS for places 011 the cho;-.::..will' be held today at 3 in Lexingtu ..14. }'jfteen wo: len will be necdeufor the dances and songs. The fol­lowing women have been asked to reoport today at 3:30 for places on thf'cast: Isabel MacM�rry,. Margaret w��usual interest haS been ma":.Green, Dorothy DaVIS, Hilda �Iac- rested by the old Three Quarters m�"lClintock, Margaret �onroe, Leonain the work to be given the frer"-Coons and Gertrude 0 Medra.men candidates," said President Ja"�Ordtestra WillReorganize.' ! A�r yesterday. "We are goin� �.,Reorganization of the University i i�h'oduce a new set or stunts tl�.orchestra wilJ �. held today at 4. in, t f'!ln and eXTM'C1: to have a very st:c­the bar!d' room of Mitcllel Tower. I cessful year.". ' , J.The interfraternity council willmeet Tuesday at 2:30 in the Rey­nolds club to discuss changes in therushing rules. A "roposal will besu'ttmitted that the rule calling fora change in the rule that prohibitsany amusement except moving pic-'tore shows to allow dances to beDlYialt,. School to Elect.George aaandler, Charles Lee andWilliam IUgeD are members of thenominating eommittee for the semi­annual Di.Inity election Wednesday,Oetober 13, In Rate! assembly room. (Conti.wed oa Pap, f)T.�e O.ail, M.r ••••••••••• _ .l-.bllahed morlllDp .... � adUOIldQ. dsarllalr tb. .A.atuaa. � ...• .,rlq fJuartera. bl Tbe DIII7 �8t�G. W. CuttiDCh ...Q. L iIaa ...� A. BirdaaIl n.ndIL P. Matthew. BMI._ ......F. R. Kuh Dipt editor: E. Bedekerand B. R. Sw ,. edlton: J. J.Donahoe, .thled« .AModate editors, Earl '.�;-�mann Deutsch, Alta Fisher·�Kaplan, Nicholas LeDtz,llenulzd IM .. -aim.Editorial-business office, Ellis 12-�elephone Mia·.,y 800.Friday. October 2. 1914. THE DAILY l\IAK90�' BUDAY ... OCTOBER z. 191L·BOOKSSpecial UniversityNole· Books, Ciymnasiu'm Suils, Batsand Ball� .for the new Racquets,Squash and Handball Courtsma', be purchased at theUniversity of Chicago PressFoulJlain Pens,5750 fLLIS AVfNUEand Room 106 fmmons Blaine HallMembers of Faculty and StudentsReturn From War Zone AfterExperiencinc Difficulties.A Freshman's Theme. Several instructors and students inA freshman will turn in a theme the University had their tours inthis ruorning which was written by Europe cut short thls summer be­a senior. The theme is written to cause of the war. M.ost of them haveprove to the English faculty that this returned home after encounteringcertain freshman has. the ability tc. many difficUlties and having many in-811118Call'TION .. or ...� a year, if paid before October20; by carrier. ,2.50 . a yeat; � a a •• • •••• _ 0 _ • _ ••• _ ••quarter; by mail, $3.a·year;·�.25 aqaarier. CHICAGO PROFESSORS I ----------- ....UNDERGO HARDSHIPS! N' S·' I will0, It. t.not leak-anJdit's always.clean.PAmifRFOUNTAIN PENteresting experien�_Franck L. Senoell, an Instructor in'the French department, was trav­eling 'in France when the conflictbroke out, and he enlisted in' theforty-sixth regiment as a lieutenant.From latest reports he was at thefront of the allies' Iine.Professor Nitze. head of the - Ro-''manee department, has sailed withhis family. from Holland on theNoordam, bound for New York.. Dr.Niue has been tourin� in AuStria­Hungary. Professor Shorey, head ofthe department of. Greek, �. re- .turned from Berlin, where be was vis­itlng when the war broke out.Associate Professor J. M. P. Smithof the Divinity school, had planneda nine months' tour in En�land, butwas foreed to discontinue his project.Prof� Mechem of the law school.. still in GerinaDy.. Aasodate Professor Tower of thedepartment of Zoology and MissW"mne, Who is in charge of the Geo­logy h"biary, were a:ow in the zone ofHave-'-an the freshmen men been battle and elrJ)erienced hardships in�und to see our old friend and ton- escaping. J. C. M. Haz.ure�, associate.orial· �St, .Doe Bratfish, who di: diredor of the University libraries,recta the' activities of the Reynold.� visited the Scandinavian countries,club basement "1 but abandoned his plans of visitins;any other part of the continent whenHeadline from the Ohio State Lan- he 'leamed of the progress of thetem: "U,perclassmen sigh for ad-v8.n� course.n country helped to make a record-I tnreaking' registration during the pastwar. IIHenry Mead, editor of the Chicagc summer quarter. 'rne total numberI I • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • . . • • 1329 E. 57th St. BlackstoDe 132 I Iregistered, on July a in the Graduatt. 1329 E. 57th St. Blackstone 1325 , ILiterary monthly, will not return to It) 1PROFESSOR COULTER �cLcols of Arts, l.iterature an",I I (ODe eo. ... to-.· eato.er) (One Coupon to • wto.er IIschool this quarter, as he is employed. 'WlLL PARTICIPATE 'IN �ien{'e was 726 men and �1 women �.�.. �.BOTANICAL PROGRAM in the Berlin office of the Chicago · I I • IDaily News. Harry Hansen, 'OS, is a total of 1.147; in the SeJ:lior an4 J�. I t I·�fessOr�ulter, head of the de- also worldag for the Daily News h. nior colleges 1,249 men "and 94� II Ipartment of Botany, has been inviteci the field of war. Ilr. Hansen was women. In the professional schoolsI I Ito trib t to th .- I • E hi h there was a total of 1..246. The reg- • I •con u e e Pl"OlTUll In ce· traveling JD urope on IS one� _ • _ •••••••••• __ •••• _ •••••• eI\ ebration of the twenty-fifth anni· moon when the C'Onftict started. istration for the entire University •ft�����ri �� �e��� ����fu����l� ��1_---------,------------------Garden\as a municipal institution it Berlin and was going to be shot M women, a ��tal of 3,294. The regis- DO YOUR BANKING IN H. YDE PARKst. Louis. Eminent botanical scien- a spy, when a party of Americam tration f(..1' the Second term, whichtisfs have been invited for the cele- resCued him from his terrible posi- bcgan on July 23, increased this-to- ··H-------n--- ...... AT sTHE B:U:d ':�:UO:��':'7s: :.:. :!:-:: :'=�na i�m::! ;::', :!�=:y' �h:.:m!:: o�: :: YD E iARK mE ANKMANY TICKETS SOLD FOR GAME which his family had made in order to COJQN." orr &3 II!!' ST. & LAKE AVE���to�����fu���m�����fu���---�---------------------�Bolden of St1ldent �au to B.Ye Hub city, and the Gennan autbon- jng- Yale. Harvard, Le1and, Stanford,SPedal Bleachen. ties suspected him of acquiring 'TextlS, Manitoba and Saakalcbewanknowledge for hostile powers. At- One special train of two hundred Tbree Reasons "Il, JOU should [at at tbtMen's £OmmODSfred Eddy � also cQtured, but In'adnate studcnl.c; came from Texasfreed later. Other southern state� had large del­Ruth Agar, Ruth Morse and Har- egation&riet TathnI, all of last year's c�=-:;!:·_were in Europe before the war !. i1 the News of the Campus instarted, and enc:ountered difticultic5Ia .ecmIq ......-.e for Americ:a.11\ii...... --------------------------------------------���,.- �-., continue work in the course, possiblyto be ,promoted to a higher course.The freshman is pledged to the Be­nior's .·fraternity_Last night the president of th(honor commission spoke before thPentering freshmen. At this meetingemphasis was . laid on _the high ideals'for which Chicago stands.. .._It is hard to believe -.that � fresh-man is beginning his career in thepniversity with such a bold attemptto deeejve his instructors. But it isBinr barder to imagine a senior stoop­btg to such an action.t IIi, .� .I;i �! � There will .� masa meetiD&around _the fountain. in' HU�Lcourt this morning after the Com·�;;morative chapel exercises.. Threeis no law to force freshmen to at·tend, but no one who goes will Ie­.ret; it. It'iS great tan to sing au·cago so�gs· and shout Chicago' cheers.Th�· new students. who attend to­day :will. surely get a little ·of . thEChicago. "pepper."� ..'f:� .'.' .. A heavy sale of tickets for the In­diana game tomorrow was reportedyesterday by the business ofBce inBartlett gymnasium. 'I1le tickets onale at the Spauldine oftIc:e dcnm�are going fast, aDd 160 8eUOD tieketboob have already been .old to -­deIIts. 1Ian,. applkatlou for' .-is�""�""'nd�"""" Youwi11under­stand whywhen 'weexplain theLucky Curve.'�8-Ctl�This pen willmake a friendof you _forlife - it's. awinnerlThe bigideathat S....bas taken theall the leak8P1�outo((oantampeDS.IZ,' $2.50, $3, $1,$5 u) •.FOR··SALE BYWoOd_worth 8. 'Book .. Store'1311 East 57th· street'. TW 0 BLOCKS EAST 0 ... TOWQ,; ,... <University, Books, .New and Second .Hand andSupplies ·at tbe Lowesl' Price.slJl\l.M�ll lU!A:ilis·iRA'j·IOJ.'i. . EXC�J.)S ALL KECOR�fotal �umber 0.1 :students Reacaea3500 .Luark-South Sends' •LarKe DeleKation.Students from all parts ofTHE DAILY MAROON "SPEED UP!"to 60 minatea cualaoarby taking the "grind"v7' oat of typarJriting I.,,/ AND...a.! For here at"last is the master./ machine that makes it easy for any ste�g�rapher to tum out MORE letters with LES�effort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays I"Just tum the knob" and get the "personal touch"that fits YOURSELF I Write With the fast, Royal roUer­trip escapement-the Mart oflhe typewriter runs without effort.Built for uBig Busineau and itaGreat Army o� Expert OperatorsThese new features of the Royal add to the sensitivefingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-styletypewriter su�peed!The speed with � behind it-the all-day speed of.the expert typist in. the day's work. Errorle33 speedis the kind of speed that counts.. Commonsense baapUDCtured the illusiOn Of the other kind.Get tlae Fact.! .SeDci for the "RoYal_ . -.. � -,100man" and ask for •.. -- .. -- .... --� ..... --.� .. -NonCE TO NEW ·MENin the DonLitories� If 'yeu are.�ot. a customer of• -.- .. & _ .......TH� ·.�··VARSITY TAIL.ORtQ.e.·Coupon�beIow entitles y o u to one.Free PreSsing of Suit _or OvercoatWe caD and deliver twice dailyATI'ACB THIS COUPON RETAIN THIS COUPONIt pays for one preasiDCwhen ,.011 settle ,.01lr biD withthe Vanit,. Tailor, either .tto Hit or overcoat to be preas­ed and leaYe with ,.01lr judtorN •• e ...•.••.•.......•.......•AcIcIraa ••• _ •• __ • _ • _ •••••••••Prused, Cleaued, Repaired.Re.arb ..........•.•.... _ ..... HOP or with Y01lr janitor.1st. Goocl Food Prop.rl,. Cooked.2nd. Cleaaliaeu our Mctto. 11Jlpect tl1e Kitclten3rd. A Miai_um Price for HI, h Qualit7 FoodCia. B' .... ' •• lie ., ... f .. f,rIa at lAnIehDIDlift' A LaCufe IlUSlC Come .., - .. -�,:.- ......... _:'; .. A .' ... _ ..... i -_ ::.::.:-..:. _- .TIIE .l)Al,LY .'ROON. nIDAY. ocroBER 2. tilL-. --'--.� .,Self - Fi_llng' '"�[ountaln PeNON·LEAKABLE .Dip�PI"VSS:·.�Start.' ,WrIt. ftC)� .'ThafLAII, -. . �·$2�;"";A_I$·��,;;P� .. . '... At all Good �THE CONKLIN PEN.Fe. co.... " " COLt-.EGE .-'�- .. t .. ,,,... ECoo:...: .. ' �.: ..... ; . .. �.: ...Established 1897�egulationTrack Shirt, Running Pants,' Shoes,GymCONSISTING OF. Supporters, Hose.Official . �C' Pins and Buttons 2Sc-Pennants, Pillows, ":J ':,= ... :' ",,;'.-t ....ATHLETICGOODS'. .Outfits$2..50 SFri��al·." .......Emblemsof .•• ".. : ..... -1331 East 57th Street 2 Blocks EaSt � of . the Tower--------------------------Will We!eome i"'reshmen Women. SiVERAL ALUM.NI ACt,;EPT' .A welcome to all freshmen �men : 'l»OSITIONS 'A� t,;uA�aES -will be given at the Vesper servj'ce _�day at "in Lexin�n rooms.. No�cftu; Fitzpatrick and· Va,iwilakAIiss Geraldine Brown will s� All - '�e :No\i.· BancUiuc' Teama-MUl7upperclass co�ors .,have .been .�" ::(,"Iiance Their Locatio ... ": •.urged to bring their freshmen. . Tea ." ',- .. ..will be served after the meeting�; .SeveraLalumni have � accepted' posi-ti()D8 as coacheS in other institu'tionafor the present season. . The men whoare starting their first year's eOach':ing' are Nelson Norgren, '14, univer­sity· of' Utah; . C!larles Molander, !t4_,LaGrange high school; JoJm VrU­wink, .: ex-'I4, Louisville ManuaiTraining School, 'and HonLc.;'·Fii�-··patrick, ct A�legheny College,' Mead-ville, �a. _Among those who have ch:m�their positions durin� the summer areArthur Badenoch. who is at the I�le­wood, Cal., .high school; J. F. Mac­Lear at �e John Marshall highsc.bool; Charles Firth, at the Alleaacademy in Bryan, Texas; TaomasKelly, at the Missouri School ofMines, Rollo, Mo.; Charles Russell,at the New Mexico College of Agri­culture and Mechanic Arts; norac:eWhiteside, at Earlham College, Rich­mend, Ind.; Walter Steffen, at theCarnegie' . Institute, Pittsburg.. FOR SA£B-FiiiNiSHED FLAT, 3 Gruat Hoxie Leave of Absence. .; rooms; steam iprice, $50; rent, '16. Dr. Robert F. Hoxie, asseeiate pro­Phone Midway 72&. 5425 Cottqe fessor in' the department of Politi�Grove Ave. Economy, has been granted a 'year's. _ lea�e of absence. to work in co-oper-TWO-ROOM MODERN FLAT-ALL' ation with the Federal Industrial re-Teresa ·S. DolanDANCING ACADEMYc... 40tIa 51. ... Celtqe er..e Aft.F--'F 0IIl� "Ie ....Monday Evening, Class �ly, 8:15-1i:15'Saturday Evening, Advanced Class, 8: ISto 9;00 Reception, 9:00-12:00Thursday Evening, Advanced Class, 8:15to 9:00. Reception' 9:00-12:00 ., ·1.PRIVATE LESSONS anytime by ar:pointmeDt. $2.00 halfhour. 3 lessons, $5.00. Monday night da!s, Modem DaDC�.� houn instruetion, $1.00 each at door or in advance, 6 les:OD�tor $500. Two or more in family, 6 (esmns for $4.00 each,Thursday and Saturday night Rec�plions, 50c each, $1.00 per'couple. Wardrobe Free. • .SP��IAL RATES for Private Clas."es; formed anytime. 1\nadditional charge for advanced cia'S Instruction. 'HALL MAY BE RENTED lor Dar1ces, Enk;tainm.:nts,etc., at reasonable rates. Sealing capacity, 600. Pay u; a'visit, you will be pl eased.TERESA S. DOLAN' TELEPHONEKenwood 6147V_Pn.id-I'_'_'_' A-a..ioa MatlIn of o..a.. Me.1.a D_ciD. Meakn A. . i' .. Cnd.ee VtnIOII c..de Sc'_' of o..a... NeW YoR '� -.- .Patronize laroon Advertisers CLASSIFiEDDYIIl1&lltMS'..fie .per 1iu.. No ad��g ft-cei ... ecl tw '- tIWa· 25c. 'An '!=i ...ad�g_ ...QDC8.conveniences and light; men pre- lations committee, connected with theferred; �nable; one room for bureau of labor. Dr. 'Hoxle's partie­tWo men; one single room. Mrs. ular subject will be "The Relation ofFrank Wragg, 6519 Kimbark Ave. Scientific Management to Labor."WANTED-A NUMBER OF UNI­versity men to spend spare timeseDing coliege posters to students.Telephone Hyde Part 63&7 between7 P. II. and 9:30 P. II.CHURCH UNION OFFERSPRIZES TO STUDENTSFOR ESSAYS ON PEACEThree prizes, one' of $500, one of�OO, and one of $200 kave been of­fered by the church Peace Union fOl, • he t�rec best essays on internationa'.�e�('� by students of the theological<;('�·ir.aries in the United States. Tenr.rizes of $100 each will also be giver.for the best compositions by churc1�members between twenty and thirtyyears of age. AU essays must be inby' January 1, 19m. Full particularFconcerning these prizes, as well aslitera�re to be used in the prepara­tion of the essays may be 8eCUred byaddressing ReT. Frederick Lynch,secretary of the Union, 70 Fifthavenue. New York aty. . Dr. Reed to I;xamine ?Ien.All freshmen, and upperclassmedwas the second of a series of tear entering the University for the firstgiven by the League for new stu- time must report to Dr. Reed in Bart·dents, and will be followed by other lett Jl:Y1llnasium and arrantre (or aphysical examination. The cxaml­nations "";11 begin today.�h.an CaBS OD Sale.,Freshman caps will be !placed onsale today at the University press.The sale will be conducted' by -theSkull and Crescent and the upperclasscounsellors. The caps this year havea maroon and white lining so thatthey can be reversed and worn at thegames as a.icaeo caps.Fift,. Women Attend Tea. .Fifty women attended the tea yes·terday in Lexington for npperclasscounsellors and their freshmen. : l:i:..teas each afternoon next week.---+----Band Holds Reheal'8a1.Forty-five men reported to Direc- Christian Scientists Wi!! 1''' "'f't.tor Blanchard in Mitchell tower yes- The Christian Science sode'·r wntterday for positions on the Unh·er· meet Tuesday nildlt at 7:45 h Lex­�ty band. Twenty o( the men arc ington 14.members of last year's organization,I._-_-_-.--. ---------­while the others are largel)" fresh- MhROON An!'BitiNG RESULTS;.cC· "'�, J?A1L y .. �JlOON._ . �4 J •. f)CI'QBER.� l11LBy Bup B. Law.(Special CorrefJ,POndent.)'fhj� .ts an - e�rt diagnosis ofWisconsin 'fOotbau prospects, ofwhich I know nothing, But at that,I'm as well stocked with B�d&er"dope" as the average prognosticator,I so here irC>eS: • -In the first place, no one has solvedthe riddle of Wisconsin's PMSpects asyet. From Coach Bill Juneau dowrsto "George," the commander-in-chief po.itions. .Flood will be Pierce'. sue- women.of the Camp Randall shower baths, ceasor at full A short aipal drill. II tha CLAUJS COUNSELLORthe Cardinal "experts" are still IS a t is in store for the Varsitytoda d Coach S SYSTEM WILL BRINGguessing. Guesses range from the y; an tacc is makinC it.' th GREATER DEllOCRACYgloomiest predictions of disaster to a pomt to eive e men a 8licht reo:predi t· f . spite from the strenuous work that M, r, ,Merrifield spoke to the coun-IC Ions 0 a sure championship.The lineup for the opening' game baa been in order the fint ten days sellors concerning the new counsellorof practice. '. K d .with Lawrence on Saturday is the system m ent yester ay mormng,I first uncertainty that presents itself. CONFERENCE TEA�fS TO ··In four years," said Mr. Merrifield,Only three veterans are fixtures .. and HOLD CROSS COUNTRY "the freshmen who have been undereight positions are open, with the RUN AT LAFAYETTE the influence of the upperclass coun-veterans and the youngsters battling sellers will be the most efficient classmerrily for the privilege of being on LafaYette, Ind., Oct. I-Purdue the University has ever turned out.the firing line in the first battle. University will be the scene of this The system will create a greaterCaptain "Tubby" Keeler at guard, year's annual conference crols coun- iriendship among the classes, and willHuck at tackle and Bellows at quar- try run. The date of the meet is No- raise the University standard of de­ter 'are the certainhes. Three posi- vember 21, the same day as the Pur- . nocraey .", Several new �len signedtions, a guard,' an end and fullback, due-Indiana football game. It is up as counsellors.must be filled by newcomers, and on planned to bave the run finish on -------fRYOUTS FOR PLACESthe showing of these rookies the sue- Stuart Field just before the start 01 'ON DEBATING TEAMScess of the, season binges. ' �h� game. Purdue finished fifth last.At center Tom Kennedy, Who gave year, but despite the loss of three 01Shorty Des Jardien a lusty brand, of the � men the prosPects are good Tryouts for positions on the debat­competition last fall, is f�il1g � for a ISUccessful·team. 90ach Temp]€ ing teams will be held Friday, Octo­competition to hold his job. "�lie" has a :'large squad of promising ma- her 23, the place to be determinedMucks, 260 pound member of the (last ,�al out each evening. The Nichol later. The subject is "Resolved, thatAmerican Olympic team, is usint, his cup, donated by Athletic Director the Monroe Doctrine, as interpretedbeef to good advantage, and may _ ap- Hugh: Nichol, will be' colJ9M!ted fOJ and applied by the United StateSI pear � the regular center, There'is Octo. 31. ihould be abandoned as a' part ofalso a �ssibmty' that "the :big fel- Th� pivotal position ia well fortl- c.ur foreign policy," Bibliographieslow \\:;11 be used at r.mrd, 'opposite lied, with Buck Bellows, the toe an,. will be given on the Harper bulle­Captain Keeler, as Sehnddt, of 'the iat, in excellent form. Taylor, whose tins. Full pa.-tic!-,lars :nay be ob-191::; reserves, hanDy seems to be JUa- work � aub-quarter lut year was tained from Professor H. G. Moul-tifying his_selection as zeguiL. 'gua!-d the �naation of the last few eames, ton.in the early scrimmages. Opposite will :probably be abi.tted to half; ,\nLUKE.� TO WELCOMECub Buck ,popul�y known u '·B�t- where he Will contest with Cum- FOREIGN STUDENTS TOler the Second," Paul )fc:Maater" a minp, a veteran, Weimer, a aeeond COSMOPOLITAN CLUB200 p'ound sub on last year'. tea:in. edition of Shorty Ber::er, and Smithis the favorite, with half a d�Rn and Byer., . two of the ,ahiftiest, Professor Milliken will w!!lcomeI ne�comers conteatin& for the place. apeedieat, hall bacb that haft aracect the new members of the CoatDopoli­WIth Buck and McMaster at the the camp for 80JDe tlme... tan club at its first regular Sessiontackles, the Badgers aeem well f�r- Mate your 'own .,leu for full back. tonight at 8 in .t;llis 18, SeveralI tified in this position. Ole lIo1l'et. who ahould be holding members of the fa�ult)·. will be pres-, Eddie Sta�, with a year of ex- down thi8 job, hu deserted and cnt and refreshments will be aerved.perience, is sure_ of a place at �nd, joined &e pidiroD forees at Penn- All foreign students, in the Universitybut the other �� presents the big- syl�a, where early reports indi- have been invited to attend by thegest problem that the coaches ,face. c:ate -�iJaeJ8 .�e .w .. of.�e,P.D of6eers of the club.Half a dozen h�ki�, �rdy �pho- 01l'ense. Improve Re7DOWa a.b.mores, are in the running. with To- There you Jaave it. Billiard and pool tables. in the Rey-masek, a rangy, speedy player, l� If the coaches can, weld. a.1Ighting nolds club have been renovated, new'y favored because of his· ability to unit of the mi8ceIlaneou" USOrbnent- supplies purchased, and a] I the wood-landle the forward pass; Breeke- of raw material that 'they've been work cleansed and oileel durinK ,thenridge, sub on the 1912. champs.· blessed with. then look Out for the interim between the Summer and Au-Bucldey, "140 pounds of fight;" Radgers. If the Dew men ,fall down.Mitch tumn qu� All the overhaulingell, 1917 freshman crew tt(9- theu a repetition of last yeaTs dis- was done by employes of the dub,tain, and Hayes of last year's squad, asters is due. But 0et0Wr wiD tell.i',li;: I are also possibilities for the P1ace.' I the sto-. instead' of by the buildi� and��:'d: a# �unds department as has been the,�_ •• __ •••••• , ••• ��.��� •• _, •••••••, __ •••••, ••• _. __ ••••••••• \:1lstom.---------------------------. - .Sherman '--Was Right'I! ;,J�, n.. War h .. DOt� atrected our but·nea. and we areI .till able to 1Ilaba.tain qur low Kaleof priCN on HIGH! GRADE merchu.� diM as in the put.t;::I "Drop up" to our .� little twelfth loort:I shop and let; usahow YOU lOme Im-ported and Dom_-I tic fabrics built inthe Smut En&liahI styles which w. aresure will Dle� y��; Two thinp w.i ask you to rem�-� ber.� We carl'}' eyery- ,d .@� thing except hats (j)l. -and shoes.'Second: Our S1o-! I, ,gan:"When YOU &0- up the PRICEcomes down.1 r I BASSETT & BASSETTi,- ._ MEN�$ -SHOP .i 1204-5 Republic Bid_�� :C�t:' 'Aciam� &: State St."L�===._.==-_.. _==.-,- =._==--- .. ==-- ========''II!!!. W�re _,��showillg �Fa�ri��, " '. I .. - . - .-you wpn�t .see ,elsewhere- T.1_l_�r� js pra�ti�a._lJy-JlO .. end .to.the -'var:i_e� _of !I.ea_v�� .and ,patterns - here .ready to qh9_QseJ(o.lll" Harria Worst.ed. and serges, .and _ the .new . Vicker.�aD·T+ .. �Fa�rics.having �istinc­tlon', a�d : embodylOg---aU - that IS newand goOd. for the present season.The perfection of detail that dis­tinguis�es JE�REMS' TAILOR.IN G assures you of cloth�s that areboth smart and i�dividua1.t, � -iacyon';,'-r]:):;,_I; C •• brld, • .-GraJ$, very Dew andVI" spedlll:! $25.01I, !� ��"_. ' .....T AILOR Three Store.: 7 N. LaSaDe St.For Young Men . 25 �JacIuoa BIYd, 71 E. M6nroe St-:.':.:, ._• r'� ."",l>. #. j1311 East 57th Street. WlS(;ONSIN .PROSPEcrS FA."'CS 1'9 SEE &\8TEBlC - .,.- �R.B�D C�I1_DEPEND ON NE\V .MATEBLU. f fOOTBA1J., SA���: 'TO,'B��, JIASS �G.emiy Three Veter� Said to Be Ph. (C.o1ltiDued bola pace I, , .. �,_I �R OFF ,CA:JIPUS WOME.�.wal&lo&l» r� faculty r,presentatives, and oftlcers�pt&ill � .tardien 111 � 1M of the N�borhood clubs. will ex­Ue 011 � IIlde lilles for tile tint caru� plain the purpose of the club system...� l�", M...t.<l 4Wl1l,A1ben Wi11 be in to all o1l'-campus women, especiallyllla p1aee, at eenter. Badmon ia finn. freshmen, at a mass meeting Monday�ubatitute for this positioll. Stece- at 10:15 in Kent. A luncheon in Lex­Ulan �d KcCollD.ell will be used in inaton tea-�m at 12:30 on Tuesdaythe &'WLrd positiolUl with Spike Shull will be held for all women Interestedand .Ked JaclaIoD at tackle. 'l'he ends in the Neighborhood clubs. The fourwill be· Huntiqton ad Sparb. presidents of the club divisi�ns willPete�, RuueD will be at his old job ad as hostesses .A tea will, be heldat quarter, and Dolly Gray and Wal- Wednesday at 3:30 in the Neichbor­ter Schafer will play the half back hoOd rooms for all non-residentBadger Eleven.TO BE HELD OCT. 23.SECONP HAN·D AND NEW BOOKSWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE THECom �xchange National Banle�-�-,Capital ••.•••.••••••••• $l,oee, ooSurpl.. •.••••.•• ••••• 5, 00Undivided profits •••••• 1,$91, 00OFFICERS. .Ernest A. HamilL Pres.Near K.·mbark Ave. Charles L. Hutchinson, Vice-Pres.Chauncey J. Blair. Vice-Pres.D. A. Moulton. Vice-Pres.Two ahort blocks East of Tower and Gymnas.·um 1:. c. �U!lllllonR. '9ice-FfC.i.Frank W., S!:.ith, Sec.J. EdwarJ l'daa�q. easn:l·!".U. of C. Stationery, Coat of Arms Stationery, U. o.f C. Tablets t!r:.r:i: :a�����t��i�hier.Edward F. Schoeneclc, Ass't Cashier.DIRECTORS.--'�rgest Book Store on the South Side ���C:a��!�:�R�:Butler, Benjamin Carpenter, Wat-son I'. BJair, Charles L. Hutdlinson,LAW BOOKS. COLLEGE BOOKS MEDICAL -BOOKS Char:Jcs H. Hulburd. Clyde II. Carr,- FAiwin G. Foreman, Edward A. Shedd,.'.. 'I Ernest A. HamiD..', '. p ..... daaa�,.' �;a .,� • - " � ;:...,en:..t...•;.. �-.���...,; .. k����., ',' ;..�::,�:-, � .. ,-,�( luiwe10£04wnCoffpiolofCheout.bee.is EthewortIW'ItiOIitiolsontheDotrea1tothathedenthawillJIe},J.fie),.,�;d,·-:.t�eme�..'tpeewitOCt!��Ilee���-l8S.. stit...Atthethethe19]\'ftflrIiDl!be)