-�UM• iadtol)umqaahcon ..field.L 00-lCingIe inte of)wtsL:quetsive-stu-; ex-t!!dto�d-year. Irularating'eeks.ebate$Uon)nroe;s.!lleticbusi­;ment� dol­every�rsity/ UN!VERSITY O'F CHICAGO, OCTOBER L 1914.UPPERCLASSMEN WIUMEET TODAY IN lENT FRESHMEN MEET TONIGHTSpeeches will be made tonight atthe annual freshman stag receptionat 7 ::;0 in Mandel by Associate Pro­lessor Robertson. Mr. Merrifield,Sam Wells and Pat Page. Upper-TO HOLD FIRST PEP SESSION.Pat Page, Norman �aine, Ves Jal"·dien and Other Vamt)' Men \t urSpeak at l'lass lleeting Tomorrow--Stagg 'lla)" Attend. Freahmen Ac:lviaen Gather ,�Diacuu Pouibilities'of NewTELL CHAIUPIONSHIP HOPES. Counaellor Movement..\fR. l\fERRIFIELU WILl.. SPEAK.--Will Distribute 2500 "C" Books, Con-taining Many New Features,at Y. M. C. A. Office..... RESENT SATIRE ONUNIVERSITY LIFE INFRESIlMAN FROLIC PLA \:A satire on University life will be!..1,·en at the Freshman Frolic playl"riday' night, Octiber 9 in MandelJanet Flanner, the writer of last'ye�s production, will coach theplayers. The cast will be chosen to­day. Free tickets will be distrib­uted among Freshmen women at theLeague room in Lexington nextThree new freshmen clubs fOl week.cation orator.. His subject was "Le­·galism."GRANT LOANS TO STUDE�quired at all classes tomorrow, a penalty of four cuts being given for anSums Fro. au. of· 1914 FuncI Two Recitals WiD Be Given-Tickets.. _, .-m· t lutly :!Iarnnu IAttendance Requiftd Tomorrow.All instructors will be in ,their:!assrooms for consul�on with stu­clents today. Attendance will be re-For the Maroon rGivea to Applicants. CONCERT SCHEDULE IS READYAre on Sale.Eight Tuesday afternoon concert:>by the ('l1icago Symphony orchestrahave been announced for the comingseason by the University Orchestralassociation. A violin recital by L�- Today .t 10:15.Vol. XIIL No. 2. This IUne Freewomen win make their debut withthe beginning of the' Autumn quar­ter. The organization of these so·cieties follo�s the splitting up of Ka­lailu, the old honor society: Thenewly founded clubs, which will at­tempt to forward the social activitiesof freshmen women, will be known as absence.Blue Bottles, Yellow Jacket and Black Vnder ..... da.te Couneil to Meet.Bonnets. The rushing season will The Undergraduate council willcontinue during the following two hold itS first meeting Tuesday af.weeks. After every freshman .10:15 in Cobb 6A.woman has attended the parties of _each society she will be allowed tovoice her preference of the variousorganizations, and her choice will begiven thorough consideration.Masquers to Elect Wednesday.Election of officers will be held atthe first meeting of Maaqers, the Ju­nior College Women's Dramatic club,Wednesd&y at 3:30 in Lexington 14.Arrangements for the quarterly try­outs, which are set for October 15,wm be made and the year's program"Planned. SCHAFER'S TOE NETS �SOLE SCORE OF DAYPUT UP SNAPPY SCRUllIA(i.E.Coach Stalt' Altain Direct. Prac­tice and K.eepa .Veterans onSide Linea.-- ----------THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLADDED TO UNIVERSITYBuildiq In Vicinity 0( CampuaTo be Erected Soon. CoatTo Be Over $100,000SEllINARY INDEPENDENT. University students will be givena chance to show their (fhicago spirittomorrow morning when the 1914football season will be opened witha snappy mass meeting. At 10:1�Francis Ward will have all the mem- class men as well, as Freshmen, have (By Harry S. Gorcraa.)'Freshmen counsellors, together •hers of the Varsity and the coaches been invited. Refreshments will be That Sch-4"_-'s toe will be replied;th . .. with all upperclassmen, will meet to- iUt:..[' .at the "C" bench to give err opn.- served in Hutchinson commons after . th Idav at 10:15 in Kent theater, to dis- upon to produce scores 10 e il-ion about the game with Iudiaui, .T th ntertainment. _�... . e ediana game Saturday was evideneeacuss ways and means 10 connection fjSaturday. Will Welcome Freshmen. by the result. 'of yesterday's scrim-Pat Page, Norman PBlne and Cap- with the new upperetass counsellor h.'movement. Mr. Fred Merrifield will The purpose of t IS meetmg, ac-mage. Two VarsitY teams -battledtain Des Jardien will be the princi- ..... 1 to Mr Bickham secretary of ..address the gathering, telling of the COnung .,up and down the field for three quar-pal speakers of the pep' session, bu th Y 1\1 C A is to acquaint theProgress the counsellor system has e . . . ., ters of an hour, neither team being'Jt is planned to call u.pon all of thenew men with the customs, traditionsmade to date and of the possibilities able to cross the other's line. The"C" men for a few words. Director and history of the University, and .-if hi of the movement. Mr. Bickham, sec- only score that resulted came when \0Stagg will also be present IS . to welcome the Freshmen. The re- .to . retary of the Y. M. C. A., will be Schafer successfully booted the ballhealth continues Improve.the meeti d '11 Iigious life of the University will bebetween th" e bars from' the twenty-ard tated th t h Present at e meetmg, an WI en-Cheerleader W s a e discussed by Mr. Merrifield and Dr.expects all University men to come ron such men as are willing to take five yard' line on' a place. kick.Ie. Coulter,. Director Stagg's presence on theand back up the team for another up the worCoach Page will speak on the Ath- •.-'--- • nshi Ev Want More:.CounseUors. 1 field azaln spurred the men, and the'conference enampio p. ery- letic department and Sam Wells wil eo-thing in the way of noise will be au- "The greatest handicap to the sue- speak for the Reynolds club. Ray- improved weather conditions resulted.dible, including the big drum and cess of the movement so far,.' said mond Bohnen, president of the Honor in a better brand of scrimmage thanseveral members of the University Mr. Bickham yesterday, "is the lack commission, and Cowan Stephenson displayed yesterday. Captain Des.band. ,,�" thinks that the In- of a sufficient number of 11pperclass will also talk. University yells and .lardien was out in a . suit for the firstdiana game will be hard fought, and counsellors. Every upperclassman songs will be led by Francis Ward. time in a week,' but confined his ex- .isserted that the better the send off should feel it his, duty to do what he ercise to jogging up and down theJiven to the team, the better the can to make the members of the in- ELEVEN IN PHI BETA KAPPA. side lines. Dolly Gray was excused'hances of victory. coming class feel at home on the .Mildred Lender and Pauline Levi Win to take an examination that will de- ."blIorty" does not know whether he campus, and to render the routine of Freshman Prize. term-ine his eligibility. Spike Shull,will be able to play in the game Sat- their first few days at the Univer- Pete Russell and Earl Huntington, theurday, but he does know somethinJr 3ity as simple as possible for them. : Eleven .studenta were. elected to the remaining veterans, were kept ��t afabout the way. th�_team..,�,worJm.tg. We hope to .well-the I'8DkS of;.,the �Univenity.chapter of:-,Phi Beta J{ap- the:'sCrlmmage to"take no' Chancea' 0-"and h� is ready to give some of this advisors considerably at the meeting pa at the close .of the Su�er qu.ar:- Injuries, Flood, the leading candi-.information to the loyal supporters. tomorrow." ter. �he studeil� named were. E�iz- date for full tack, is curing a char­Page will be there With his usUal The work of the counsellors was ,abetll Ayres, I)onilld Breed, !d� Lee .ley horse and remained .ont of actiondope. "Red" Paine will make his mueh in evidence 'yesterday. To fa- 'Brown, Bernice Clark,' Myrtle Davis, as did John Albert, first aub� .first appearance as a coach. cilitate matters,. all frBterD.ity ruah:" ¥atilda Eichorn, Pattie Hilsman, �nter.i�g was suspended for the day, and May Patterson, Paul Skorupinski andthe new men were guide· tt their re- Seal Thompson.spective plaees of registration, Shows· ! Joseph Warrne Madden was electedabout the campus, and materially to the Chicago chapter of_ the Orderaided in going through the various of the Coif on nomination by the fac­.tails attend&nt upon entrance to the alty of the Law school. The LillianUniversity. Gertrude 'Selz scholarsh" for theDiatribdte "C" Books. .freshman woman with the highestTwentY-five hundred "C" books WIll standing for the first year's work wasappear on. the cauwus today. They awarded jointly to Milred Lender andare much larger than those pub- Pauline Levi. Their marks were thelished in previous years. and will same.contain many of the new' feat"ureR A total of 263 degrees and titlesdecided upon by the' Undergraduau- were awarded at the Convocation or.council last spring. They may' be August 28. Roscoe Pound, Cartel'obtained by application at the Y. M. professor of Jurisprudence in theC. A.· office in Cobb 15A. Harvard Law school, was the Convo-Undergraduate students in need ofmoney for their tuition and otherUniversity expenses will have accessto the undel'K1'&duatc loan fund ofthe class of 1914, according to an an-TodalF. IlfJuncement yesterday. AplieationsRegistration, 8:30 to 12; 2 to <1 ,for loans will be received by DeanClasses meet for consultation; a';- Boynton, Dcah Wallace, or Williamtendance not required. Lyman, '14. The money will be lentUpper class Counsellors, 10:15, in amounts not to exceed fifty dollarsKcnt theawr. in anyone quarter, and an interestOrchestra rehearsal 4, Mitchell ra� of four per cent will be charged.-tower. Five hundred dollars for the loanY. M. C. A. stag, 7:30, Mandel. fund was tumed over to the Univcr-Toaorrow. s;ty by the Seniors of last year. AAttendance required at classes. I SID of $300 was pledged at the classFootball mass meeting, 10:15, �C" I luncheon June 8, the'largest ccmtn"bll-Bench. .I tion' being twenty-five dollars. ,\I __ •BULLETIN Associate Professor Robertson, 1\11'.Merrifield, Pae� and Wells. WiUII:lke :Short Speeches at Stae in Sophomore Back. Decides Scrim-Ilande!. mage with Succeaafull PlaceEND WITH CHEERS AND SONGS. Kick� from_ 2S-Yard_Linei After the' scrimmap Directw�ta" gave . tl.e squad a curtain l�·ture. Speed. );;ilI· .be the \V�tc4wor4.of the team fO,r the first. few eames,�d according to _ custom .Sta,� wiJ.J.rely almcst. �ntjreJ.y upon sim,pl,plays, depending solely upon condi­tion and �d . to produce ���Practically th�,entit:e ��nti�n of �.c6aches has .been. directed �w:a.rdproducing a strong offense, and .. &11 a�sult it is safe ,t.o S!1y that both .In­diana and. Chi�go will display com­p:u-atively weak defensive abilitySaturday. Several. of the regulerlinemen have beer, out of the galT"and the vacant positions will not bedefinitely filled until the season iswell under way. It is probable thatbOth teams will score and the c:oachoa . �'-RF�RGANIZA TlON OFORCHESTRA WILL BEEFFECTED AT MEETINGA f'!.:l1 rco:-��::!::�.!:c� c� t�:c Uni­�crsity orUlcstra �'ill be effected atbert Spaulding on December 15 and .he business meeting to be held to­a song recital by Emilio De Gorgona, :�'orrow at 4 in Mitchell tower. Nc\vFebruary 16, will also be given. The ')fficers will be chosen to fill the Ya­first concert will be Tucsclay, October cancies in jprcsieient's and businr.::s26, at 4 in Mandel hall. manager's positions. Alfred Peters.Seven hundred season tickets have elected presieient at the last businC'-:8already been sold, a large per cent Of meeting held during the Spri:.tt.them going to students. Thc thre� "luarter, is not in residence this qll!' .• _hunclred remaining tickets will b' ter, while the vacancy in the bud­held at reducecl prices for Unh·en;it�· TH�SS r.,anager's pos;tion is caused l·vstudents until October 6. Ticket.� the �signati�n of Wmi� Wei�,"''''.may be secured at the Orchestral ac;· .'\ conductor fOT the coming year w:1lsociation's offtce in Cobb 16A. • �1� be chosen.1'0 Ofl'er Course in l\Iinis.�y, SocialService, Religious Education andForeign Missions.Plans for the union of the ChicagoTheological seminary with the Uni­versity of Chicago were' brought toa successful termination without onedissenting vote, during the Summerquarter.The Chicago Theological seminaryis one of the largest educational in­stitutions belonging to the Congre­gational church. Dr. Ozora S. Da­vis is president of the school. Amongthe members of the faculty are Pro­fessors Graham Taylor, ProfessorFrank G. Ward and Professor C. A,Beckv.ith.Will Move to llidway Site.Under the new relations with theUniversity the seminary will be in­dependently controlled by its trus­tees. The school will move from itspresent location at North Ashlandboulevard and Union park to somesite along the Midway. Several hun­dred thousand dollars will be ex­pended in the construction of newbuildings. The affiliation is a biJrstep toward making Chicago thelar£est . center 'ot tJieoloiieal . edl!c8-tion in the world. Projects to mergewith several other schools in thenear 'future are under consideration.The. new school will have five dis­tinct courses of study: Preparationfor the ministry, social service, relig­ious education, foreign missions andspecialized courses leading to highdegrees. 'The trustees are seeki�� to raise.a fund of $4P,OOO to carry throughthe arrangement.:FOUND NEW FRESHMANSOCIETIES'TO TAKEPLACE OF FORMER CLUBTHE nsnr �AR�ON, OCTOBER L 191L Jj..Bail, •• J! ••• 41117ISMCIUftIOJtt �� a year, if paid before October%0; by carrier. �50 a year; $1 aql1arte.r; by mail, $3 a ye&Z'; $1.25 aQ�.-------------------Editorial-business office, Ellis 12. at your faith does not, of necessity,Telephone Midway 800. condemn it. Remember that, in• IOUD l·rea. :;:»11 Cot� Oro.... AYe. many cases, you have the prece-WedntlllCla,., Septeaher so, 19U. dents of centuries behind you. DoEvery year every college editor in- overwhelm you. Weigh everythingdulgea in two or three articles of you hear, and do nut be too quick toadvice to freshmen. The material give up your former beliefs, in mat­covered each year is pretty much the ters reliaious, political, social."It should be remembered thatmodem methods of efficiency, whichare l"eTolutionizing many public andprivate activities, are based on theelimination of waste, and that themen only once, and the subject ma�. f II· th. . most expensive waste 0 a IS eter 18 as new to them as it ever waswaste 1 ti "Pres'd t J ds• c:lass. ,. me. - 1 en u on.to any preVIous i=-It is very easy to say, you oucht! We have hit upon th� solution.-.. to do this, and you ought not te do When we are proudly smoking ourthat, and i�. is also just as easy to :C"lass pP no one takes WI for aL� the word and J:� di� it. .freshman. 'The upperclassmen may lordly pro- 2..claim hla right to poInt out the pathof virtue, and the U.'.V member of th�University �y sa at:roD&ly main­taJn his riaJit to do as h. pi ....Nevertheleas, The Maroon. desiresto take advimtap of ita ��­ative and to offer ita word of aclrice.. 'WBI'Illna- Stop, look, Uaten, before PAUL HARPER )IARRIES�, and,_ above all, do not beUefteverytbui� .you hear.TJaare are man), chances for mia­� in college. Here you are com­� to chOON entindy for your­MIf, to pick friends. associations,method of life, everythin& eenaeetedwith your dail), beine, and fortunateill h. who makes no serious mistake.But the chances of error may beminimized if the treahmaD keeps his Seven members of the Universityfaculties are among the speakers en­Were we the only real, sure- gaged by the University Lecture as-enough, green, :freshmen who ever sociation to deliver lectures during 41..came to tile University? No one l the present season. At the Northyesterday momblg looked anywhere side center, the Fullerton avenueDeUly as scared as we know we did, Presbyterian church, a series of lec-tures will be given by Professor R.G. Moulton of the department ofGeneral Literature on "Ancient GreekMISS ISABEL VINCENT Tragedies for Modem Readers,"· byAssistant Professor Read of the His­tory department on "The· HistoricalDevelopment of Franee," by Ass0-elate Professor Cowles of the Botanydepartment on "Our Native Land-Paul V. Harper, "13, son of the late scapes and .Their Meaning," and byPresident Harper, was married to Professor Schevill on "The }laking ofMiss Isabel Vincent of Mineapolis at .Modem Germany."Montreal August 31. The bride is Associate Professor Clark of ththe daughter of former Professor Public Speaking department will de­.7ea and ears open, and does not try Vincent, now president of the Uni- liver lectures on "The Wagnenanto .nap up anything too quickly. versity of lIinnesota. Opera Poems," and Professor F. R.Friends will come; there is no hurry. The wedding was originallf set f01' lloulton on "Other Worlds ThanCampus honors may be souPt; but Aupat 29, to take place in lIinneap- Ours" at the West End Women's club,there - is time to look over the field 'olia, but .Miss Vincent was touring in "Our Natural Resorccs: Their Eco­before eoing into this extra-eurrieu- Europe and did not return until two nomic Significance," will be discussedlum work. The trite phrase, look be- days later. Mr. and Mrs. Harper by Professor Goode of the Geographyfore you I�, probably baa no will reside in Chicaco. department at the Scoville institute.a-reater significance than as a guide Rufua B. Rogers, '11, was married Othe-r �ers announced by the as-to treahmen. to Miss Wilhelmina Manierre of Chi· sociation for the coming Winter areDON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING.' cago on June 16. "Bunny" was prom- Miss Jane Addams of Hull House,IEntrance into the University opens inent ill athletics and class activities Lady Gregory !,f Ireland, Mr. charles Inc. Philadelphia, Pa.a new life to the class of 1918 and during his career in eolleze, Zueblin of Boston, Mr. Frankto many of its members gives an in- Other marriages which took place r Speaight of London, Ilr. Karlton I"'. • • _. • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • - • - - - • •ai�ht into a new and strange field of during the summer were as follows: I Hackett of the Chicago Evening Post,thought. Many of you will meet and Professor I. B. Stoughton Hol- j Tb R ' bien's "ODonsjconoclastic doctrines for the first Edith Schartz, '97, to Mr. Hamliton born of Oxford University. Copies I ree ea_s WbJ lOU should Eat ate "time, will have pet bobbies in ways Rogers of Rhode Island; Herbert of the thirteenth annual announce- .1st. Good Food Prop.rl" Cooked.of thinking acofl'ed at, and will have Abernethy, '99, to Miss Ruth Nichols ment arc ready for distribution at 2nd. Cleaalia.sa our Motto. Inlpect the Kitchenradical and unusual viewpoints forced of st. Paul; Erwin W. Roessler, '01, the association's office in Cobb 16A. 3I'd. A Miaimum Price for Hlgb Qualiq Foodupon you. to Mias Nellie Lloyd of New York; y. w. C. L. Gives Tea for Freshmen. CIa. BrtaUasi lie.. Cafeteria a& LmlellThe immediate tendency will be to Edward HelL,;;, '07, to Miss Grace Members of the Y. W. C. L. have DbIDer .ALaCaIte IIUSIC COllIe ..destroy faith In all your old doc- Hartman of Chicago; Ralpb Souers, invited all Freshmen women to at-trines. You will feel that you haft '13, to Mias Helen Aiken of Flagstaff,' tend the tea to be held this after-always been foUCJWinc bUDd17 in the Arb. I noon at 2 in Lexington. Uppercl�wrong JPAth, that aD of JOUI' ideas I counsellors have been asked to bnniiad thoee of yoar fathen aad moth- S. Edwin Earle, '09, will be married I �"lr Freshmen, and retuming stu-� an &DUquated. Pwft....7 to ]lisa Elsie Chatterton Saturday, dents of an classes have been in�ted... ia SpriqIeId, DL I to attend the gathering.jl-Ubllahe4 1DGnliQp. ucept ....., ...MoocJQ. cJurlq tbt AataaJa. wtat. ...aprloc Iluarten. b, Tbe IMIl7 ���. W. CottJnCham Muaalba& EditorQ. It. ihd.. Men JWltor� .A..·BlrdaaIl aDdBe P. Matthewa RaudDMe MauceraF. R. Xu nlallt editor; B. Bedck ..aDd B� R. Sw ....... da1 edit8n; J. J.DonahOe athletics editor..A.uoGiate editors, Earl BoDdy, Bel'- .'mann Deatach, Alta Fisher Samuel .JWLplaD, Nichou. LeIltz,Bemard )lew­.all. ..AS IS CUSTOMARY.same as in former years, and theseasoned' colleeian, doubtless, is ter­ribly bored when the new yearbrinp forth its crop of "Do's" and"Do Not's." But freshmen are fresh-tjiff� w��SPEED UP!"to 60 minute. an Iaoar ,� by taking tile "grind"V:7 out 01 typewriting I,/ AND anile! For here at last is the master./ machine that makes it easy for any stenog­rapher to tum out MORE letters with LESSeffort in the ordinary working day. The newRoyal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day'swork and sets the pace that pays!" Just. tum the knob" and get the "pe�onal touch"that fits YOURSELF! Write w.th the fast, Royal roller­trip escapement-the "earl 0/ the typewriter Tum Without effortBuilt for uBig Business" and itsGreat Army of Expert OperatonThese new features of the Royal add to the sensitive .fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style. .typewriter subtracts-speecl! J;The speed with brains behind it�the all-day speed of Ithe expert typist in the day's work. Enoi1CS$ speedis the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense baspunctured the illusion of the other kind. •Get tile Fact. ![j=I'.. ..!._:•. �II.' .t[J�C -__ ..'�I •Uc A "sheepskin" don't always. show the brains a man'sgot, but his brains may11 Show the value of his"sheepskin." Advertis­e in' alone can't maken quality an' popularity,U tiut VELVET'S qualityC does give us somethin'11 to advertise. ��U VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, is Ken­tucky's BUTle� Je Luxe with that aged-In-the-wood mei­lowness. lOc tins and 5c metal-lined bags.C ��(tr. C.[b., ---------.,.,------., [] r: __ sc:J L,-.:opc .. ' .. - � �$125i.,C�ROY.A.L TYPEWRITER COMP AN v;280 E. Monroe St., Chicago, Wesley A. Stanzer, !\(Jtr.__ . .Eut do not believe ev� youhear. Just because some one laughsnot let this sudden change into an en­tirely new atmosphere of thoughtNORMAN-the newARRowCOLLAl}Fw�s4Ouett. Peahodv&CaInc."MalttrsFACULTY MEMBERS WILLDELIVER MANY LECfURESUnh'ersity Lecture Association toHave Busy Season-Several Out­side Speakers Are Engaged.To Th9se Students Who LoveCereaoa,. .. .Performed in MontrealLate iD' Aa ... t-8everal OtherMarria� Take Place. Good ChocolateCONFECTIONSHere are Delightfully Del i c i 0 u SMorsels-made to melt in the mouth-perfect all the time-loved by allwho try them. :WIL'BURBUDSThe BUDS are crudely imitated,but the WILBUR WAY cannot beduplicated. Be Sure that you 'getWilbur's Chocolate BudsAt all Confectioners and Druggistsin your neighborhood. :H. O. WR.BUR & SONSAil the News of the Campus inTHE DAILY MAROON -•THE DAILY MAROON, OCTOBER L 1114.. �'''' .. " ...... ..;,;: .. ,. -.�"First Aid"for the StudentEvery 'Varsity man orwoman needs and shouldhave the very best equip­ment in school supplies. Oneof the most efficient labor­saving and time-saving neces­sities for the student body isSelf- FillingFountain PenNON·lEAKABLEA dip in the nearest inkwell (in classor anywhere), one simple pressure ofthe thumb on the "Crescent-Filler",and the Conklin fills itself in fourseconds. Cleans itself, too, at sametime and absolutely will not leak.Loot for the "Crescent-F'iller"-it pre­vents the Conklin from rolling offthe desk. All sizes .and styles of bothpoint and holder.$2.so. $3. $4, $5and up, at all lead­ing dealers.The Conklin Pen Mfg. Co.. TOLEOO •. OHlO . _ODe Toa�b--"aDd it�filled! TRADEMARKReg.U.S.Pat. Off.·THE CONKUN PENMFG. co.TOLE DO.O. u.s.A.MAROON ADSBRING RESULTr FRESHMENask your upper classmen aboutDockstader .& Sand.�rgThey know us-you' willbecome acquainted withus eventually, don't ·wait.come In now.i).�816 Repu�lic· BuildingCORNER STATE And ADAMS STREETSThe Above Model--BLUES, STRIPES, And MIXTURES $25.00------------------------�----�-==�CLASSIFIED I MACHINE DF ELEVEN MENUVEIlTISEMENTS PURDUE. Ani THIS YEAR�============.� Editor of Exponent Outlines Situa- . 'l:he line this year will be exccp­tionally strong.. Stinchfield andTurner are veterans at the extremesand both appear to be better than.ever. Blocker, who played a tackle-Iast year and won a name for him­.� self for the. battle .which he madeJiy Myron R. Bone. against tbc�iiant Eutler in. the Wis-·(Editor-in-Chief. Purdue' Exponent)· consiu .game, �has been �hifted to aLayfayette, Ind., Sept. 30.-As foot- guard P9�ltion... Borum and Cecil,ball practice progresses a� Purdue j':1niors,. are holdi::.=r down the tacl.lesthe one thing that is very evident is at present, I!oth;uoe husky men and�t "Andy" Smith is building up a: good �ghters. .. Ucner, left tackle ofTWO-ROOM MODERN FLAT-ALL machine of eleven men, well balancesf last. season � lest by graduation •.eonvenienees and light; .men. pre- and equally stl'QDg on offense. and Routh, .picked,· · .. .)r all-Conferenceferred; reasonable; one room for defense. The loss of Oliphant and guard by Eekerrall and named bytwo men; one single room .. Mrs. Glossop from last year's team is ...: Walter Camp, 3!;;: the .best guard inFrank Wragg, 6519 Kimbark A. vee se-yere blow, but there is an abuud-I th�. \." est,. is. Weighin�. close. to 190__ ance of good material at the dis- pounds this fall and IS .plaYlllg hisW �D-A NUMBER OF �I-, posal of the coaches, and the students usual strong, heady game,v�ty men to spend spare tIme" body is optimistic over the proSP,;;_\.w TIle center position is being fi.ie,!selhng college posters to students. for an unusuall ful by Dishon :who was tried t dT y success season .r" '. a enu,elephone Hyde Park 6347 between Coach S ·th tated . tad .. Ic, center and in ill b kti 117 P II and 9.30 P II Dl1 8 recently that .. . e ac e (•• . •• in Oliphant Purdue had lost thhty last ycar. He is big and fast andLIGHTBODY WILL COACH TEAM. per cent of her offense and in Gloss- seems to ·be the logical Successor toop thirty per cent' of her defense.' Gloscop, who is this year assista-i;Middle Dist:mce Star Wall � In contrast to last year's team. coach of the linemen. Captain "Irish"<:rosa iIf"_ ._ CL.--� • 0.. ••• O'I;· .. . h ."",0 .. " �uau. dividuals, the coaches are buildine- j rion, wClg ing near the 195-poundl.". mark" altemachine--a fighting :machine-with •. IS mating between the h�I:-all parts equally capable of takinl5 b�,� and full-back posts. G��tcare of the work they are called up- things � expected of him this fall.on to do, in which each man will be Van Aken, star of last year's Fresh-one-elcventb of the fighting force man cleven, is sure of a place in theTh - • backfield. He ise squad (\f fifty-five candidates f.' a very fast man,has been divided into four teams and aUIl' heavy, and a good open field. . .runner: It·scnmlnage is held every afternoon ". • IS a tos&-up for the re-on Stuart field A large' part of th nlaJDmg backfieJd positions betweentim . be. e Pu13, Applegate ft:_ .... _..£e IS mg devoted to the ki ki .' , uuon, �.., Finnd .L C ng Eldndge and Ab n AJ 'six of last year's cross country men. an Wle running back of punts. It ed re. I are expcri-was· th· d enc and capable mAmonJ1; those who are e�ted to be . m IS epartment last season en.mni"�aVR on the Varsity this year that the Boilermakers were weakest. .a� Captain �tout, Goodwin, Teninga, :n the Chicago games, alone, 274 Construction Office �Ioves.M�rr111. Colwell and Newcomb. Stout lards were lost on exchange of The office of the Thompson-Star-and Goodwin were two of the best I punts.. Pultz, a formcr :Miami Uni- rett Construction Company h" h. vers·t ta· h ' w IClong distance men in the conference I y S r IS showing up especially as been situated in a shedIast y�ar. w�lI, while Captain O'Brien and' Ro.ccnwald hall until now, wil�e:The c18SS under Coach Nichols wilJ i DIXon,.. a sophomol'\!, are doing good "moved into the first floor of th•• • work . . e newaim to proVide a means of outdoor I �n puntmg. Dixon' is also a Geology building before the end ofexercise for untlergraduates who do d:;:P-kleker of some ability. In tht.. this week. Thc ,Present office willnot desil'P the indoor work. Each 0 er departments of t�e game t�e be removed from the campus.man wJ11 be dealt with separately players are showing that they haveand wm have to run only a distaneo mMteftd the rudimQnts, and so the!mitable to his eonditi01l. )fany men· wort .of the c:aac:hes is well mapped •. �nn.qrnTnF. FORlIave already signed up for tile e1aa. oat.� ...• �. l.. �. THE DAJJ·V JUROONL __ . __ . __..5e per line. No achertiaementa reeeived tor lea thaD 25c... .All cl .... OedadyeRi8eDleQu mUti be paid til .... Attention.tion at Boilermakers' Camp­PuntinE and Kickin& GetaFOR SALE-FURNISHED FLA� .. 3rooms; steam ;pri�, fSO; rent, $16.Phone Midway 723. 6425 CottageGrove Ave.James Lightbody, former Chicagomiddle distanee star, will act aseross country coach this faIL Hewill have full charge of the regularteam as Coach Nichols of last year'ssquad will direct a class of men whoare out for the sport but are noteandldates for the Varsity team.Pro� for Lightbody's squadam good as he will have a nucleus of- -� \THE D .. ULY MAROON, OCToan Ii iliL .�==������:'4n g ... _,'. .. 'S . '_'._y" -�'-.- _' _-_._,-_.,�. • • • • • • ill -- • •. SIG�L\ (;BI L�l1, IN MAlats. ilOLJ) EXEIlCl�E TOMOBROW. SCHAFER'S TOE NETSTAKE 'ELEVATOR--3. AVE '10 Holda Firat Place ill FrateniuJ SOLE SCORE OF DAYScholarship for SPriIlc Quarte!r- DeaD AllaH! WiD Speak at AJui.l.NOT ICE! To .� the .: StiideID of the 'U. of C. ChaPte� Better Recorda of Fall v.raary Chapel Pro ......aDd Wmter Terms.in the spring.The most noticeable changes of thequarter were those of Si�a Al haEpsilon, Phi Delta Theta', and :etaTheta Pi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon rosefrom sixteenth to third, and Phi Deltadvanced from eighteenth to twelfth.while Beta dropped from thil'1l toI sixteenth. ' 'Ranking of Chapters.The ranking of the fraternities andI the grade J»oint averap per' majortaken follow:l-Sigrna Chi •.•............ 3.1072-Phi Kappa SiPla .•..•.... 3.1023-Alpha Tau Omega •••.•.... 2.824-Chi Psi ••.•..•.•.•.••.•.. 2.795-Delta Upsilon .••.•••••...• 2.766-Beta Phi .•..•.•••.••..••. 2.707-Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2.65I............................. 8-Alpha Delta Phi .•...•..•. 2.46, .. i 'I 9-Sigma Nu ••.•.•.•..••.••. 2.447'- ••••••••• - •••• -- •• ------- IO�Delta Sigma Phi 2.443HO"'el Cumbe.'an·"'d 1.11 Ka�pa Sigma •·••· 2.36• I I 'I 12 Phi Delta Theta 2.25tlEW YORK 13-·Delta Ka* Epsilon .•.•.. 2.17Br�dway at 54th Street. 14-Psi Upsilon •••.••••..•.•. 2.16Near SOUl Street Su1nn7 Statioa aDd 15-Phi Gamma Delta •••.•• '.•• 2..1153rd Street Eleftted.. IS-Beta Theta Pi � 2.05"Broadway" cars from GraDd 17-�i Kappa Psi � ••••.•••... 1.76Central Depot. IS-Delta Tau Delta .•. '..••.•. 1.68Seventh A venae ear. from Peanql- The reeords of the Bouae., follow:vama Static-. I-Washington Bouse ••.••••. 3.57KBPT BY A OOL£.(I •• AII I 2-Lincoln Bouse ..•••••••••. 3.26B.ADQUARTlIRB FOR OOLUQ ••• N I' .SPROIAL RATBB FOB COLUQ. nA.. I ADEeU Back OD Campa.,Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatreaHA.RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGER I' Acting Vice-President Aneell isHEADQUAltTER8 1'\;8 CHICAGO ".. , ; back on the campus after a ftCatiOD,New, Modern and Fireproof '�' i in the Adirondacb. He will 'be inRooms with Bath. $2.50 and up t I his rooms today in the president'st ••••••• - •••••••••••••••••••___ • - - - - - __ •• se. ... .. _ofD_ce. _. _ ___. .----�-- --�.--Every time you pay$�5 for a suit or Bal-.macan, you lose $10,becaus� you pay $10for nothing. Come tothis third floor shop,and forY.a'll Eet precisely the same fall�arments for which the other storesask $25. They have to tack on thatextra $10 to pay for their enormousrent., otlice force. floor walkers anddelivery service. etc .. and its that ex­tra $10 ,which makes your price $25.It we had those expenses we wouldhaYe to uk $25 too-but we've cutthem out. IThat'. why you save $10 paying $15 here forGuaranteed' $25 Garments.If you can duplicat. tJa ... aanlle." .I .. wllere for Ie.. tIlan$25 replarl,. com. h.ck aad pt ,.onr mone,..MONROE CLOTHES SHOPELMER E. MARDEN, President3rd Floor North American BuildinsrN. w. c� STATE �D MONROE ST..iOPEN SATURDAY NIGHT:UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK ---.The ,'twenty-second aniveraary will not be surprised if Indiana scoresHOUSES sErlfiGH more than once.A VERAGES. chapel exercise of, the Univeraary- will be held tomorrow at 10:16 in Hie Yearling Squad.Sigma Chi led the fratern't' . 'l'wenty-four freshmen reported forsaholarship for the Spn' I lea lU �fandeL Acting Vice-President Angell th I uad f thI di n& quarter, will be the speaker. practice, e argest sq 0 eaccor ng to figures prepared by the The first public exercise of the year. Red Pains is actively engaeedBureau of Recorda. The chaPter had in recruiting a large yearling squad,a record of 3.107 O'I"Qde po'ts University was held at a chapel as- . h..... I and spent the morning comenng us-. per rna- sembly Odober 1, 1892, in Cobb hall,. jor, or an averap ali h I ky freshmen in Mandel and enrolling: than B. Phi r � t y better. which was then unfinished. SinceI nappa Sl&ma was a th 't has bee th them. The yearlings are beingverv dose seCond -ith en 1 n e custom of the drilled in the complicated plays that. , WI a iTade five- University annually to bold a chapelthousandths of a point less than Si _ it is believed Indiana will show Sat-rna Chi. g service to observe the anniversary. urday. Two full teams ran throughI In a year the Sigma Chi h the first day of each Autumn quarter. signals yesterday and displayed theI d I C apter Following the chapel service waterI rna e a �id advance to Ii t new plays to the Varsity in a station-. ' irs plaee will be turned on in the foutain infrom sixteenth on the list. I th' ary drill., . n e the center of Hutchinson court whichI winter they were ninth. Most of the Line-up of Yesterday's Scrimmage.� t " has been presented to the Universityrra ern.lhcs bettered their �ords of Sparks .........•. R. E. . ...•. F-osterI the Wmter quarter in the S. by Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson, a mem- White ..•...•.... R. T .••••• Jackson, pnng ber of the board of trustees. Traut ....•.•...•. R. G. .. McConnellaverages, Alpha Tau Omep, with. Redmon .....•.••.. c. . HardingerI practically the same record that won Hart ..........•.. L. G Stegemanfirst place in the winter, was third Dr. Peabocl1 tG Be Preacher. Fisher L. T WhitingEdgeworth .•.•... L. E. . .. KixmillerThe Rev. Francis Peabody D.D., of Gordon .......••• Q. B .... Knipschildof Harvard UniversIty will preach Coutehie .•.•.••. L. H. B. •• GouwensSunday in Mandel. Services will Lee ••••••••••••• R. H. B. . .... AgarAcker ......•.... F. B. . •.••. Schaferopen at 10:45 with an organ recital Goal from placement: Schafer.by Musical Director Stevens. Officials: Harris and Bickham.---<tGym C!asses Start Today.(Ccatinued from pale 1)Continue Rf!gistratioD Today.,Registration of returning and en­tenng students will continue todayfrom 8:80 to 12 and from 2 to 4. Re­�ing students and new men andwomen will register at the sametime. Gymnasium classes for all menexcept freshmen will start today.All men registered must report to­day in order to avoid cuts. ,Theclasses for freshmen and upperclass­men just entering the University willstart two weeks from today., I....... -.-- .. -.-- .. -�.-- .. -NOTICE TO NEW MENin the Dormitori�s. If yeo are not a custcmer ofTHE VARSITY TAILORthe Coupon below entitles you to oneFree Pressing of Suit or OvercoatWe call and deliver twice dailyATl'ACB TBIS COUPONto .alt or OYeftOat to be prea­� ad leav. with your janitorNa.e •••••••••.••.••• ' •••••••••! Addresa •••••••••••••••••••••Pressed, ClNDSed. Repaired.Remarks ••••••••••••••••••••••• RETAIN THIS COUPONIt pa1B for one pressiDawheD 100 settle your biD withthe Varsity Tailor, either .tabop or with your jaDitor.1329 E. 57th St. BlackatoDe 132(ODe CoUPOD to a customer)�1329 E. 57th St. Blaebtoae 1325�--�)- - .........•......... - �- •...........LAW BOOKS COLl.EGE BOOKS 5 FOR YOUR DEN 5MEDICAl. BOOKS All of our best quality, in theirproper colors, with colored emblems.Either assortment, for limitedtime, sent postpaid for 50 cents andfive stamps to cover shipping costs.Write us for prices before placinaorders for felt novelties of all kiM�The Gem Novelty Co.2456 Bittner Street,DaytoII,Ohio.SECOND HAND AND NEW BOOKS Beautiful Colle&e PelllWlts.YALE aDd HARVARD,Each 9in. It 24 iD.WOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE PRINCETON, OORNEL4MICHIGAN,Each 7 iD. It 21 ia.1311 East 57th Street. Near Kimbark Ave.Two abort blocks East of Tower and Gymnasium "-PENNANTS, Size 12x3O-CAny LeadiDg Colleges ofYour Seledion.U. of C. Stationery, Coat of Arms Stationery, U. of C. Tablets. .Largest Book Store on the South Side............. _ .............................•.......... ,r , CAlI fw..fWOIWiJjter4tol8D�tenJD&lintcJD&lthead"mC4"dooter.: » � aDJWOJaDdyea)eliCJUIIM:;,:'* pa...;. � . � ...... ' � �w.Iof "f���th1'JDiOl_ .. �AouturdBOOpotWOIaDdtealtiti4OD iin]F1DeJwill.011melllVA'nIDeeDole!rusISU1-1aclanytun!ciftGWillnomann10et4J