Director Stagg . Watchea ScriiD­maae But Leavea - ,ACbye·Duties to Pat p.g�.THOUSAND REPORT YESTERDAY President Harry .t?ratt Judson ane OTHER BALLS NEARLY READY A vespers service Sunday, daily,_ LI�E-.UP, IS .�pm SlUP.&lIrs. Judson sailed yesterday from teas this week, and the annual Fresh-.Fraternitiea SupeDd RushinG' While Sev�ral -!-or 1 is U_.lI_ Coach . Pi_I.:':'" -;;- FlU' f• Yokahama, according to inforrn�tion .&rUII mprovemeD aaAUC man Frolic on October 9, is the pro- es: guug.w.eJl roQl .&r.&8U 0ColllUlellor S,stem Is Started- Durin th S Li.-l..t • ... -terial" c.o:_ Vreceived at the President's office. 'lhc g e ummer- 5&& mng gram ot meetings arran&ed for the .w.a Aor � acant� Books Out Tomorrow. St·k Sa Libparty will proceed to Honolulu,thence rl es rper rary. Lenefit of new WOl:!eD b)· the Y. Sao, Francisco, and wilr-be on the C L. Th Leagu will also .Freshmen now .entering the Uni- Material progress has been made �, • e e co-oper- (By.Harry S. Gor�as.j_campus about October 20.' d 'te 'th th ew v. om throuO'h thversity will meet this mornina at uring the summer months on three -a WI e n � en • e _Foz: .1:he, first time since the o.1fieial• Prepnratlons have been made to U ., __ a 'fPnPW"lasS eo .. ",aellor system.8:30' in MaadeL Attendance at this' new niv�ty buildings, the How-.; r-:- .. "� . . cia! practice seaso opened Direotlormeetin&,. welcome th�_ President and )Irs, J ud- ard Taylor Ricketts building for the ._. IIias Geraldine Brown, secretary o� Stagg "Yi8S. abJ,e to be- 1m' hane andson by the Hawaiian alumni organi- D_ ..... _ the Leap will weI me th e .FoUowin.,. the meeting ,which UCM;M:�iology d�t, the JulhMI' . e, co e n W take p8rt in 'the cOachi.·ng yes.terda,... �o zation at Honolulu, and the Pacific lL t th pers .. Lex -. -will be aoiiven over to general in- Rosenwald Geoloy,y building and the ·· ••·1. men a.. e ves � m - The Old' Man' is still bothered eon-o· Coast Alumni association at San � S da t 4 Co ttees f .- - . ." . .. .struct.ions to the fl'eshmen� J rezis- Classics building. Several minor Im-l • on un y a ,. mmr 0, siderably by sciatic rbeumatiini. and, .·-0· Francisco, The party will be in Ha- .Lea will serv tea in thetration will begm' in Mandel. provements have also been made on . . gue e was content to rest in a motor cyclewaii about October 9 and in San ' .__ 1.. afte' thisFreshmen entering the Arts, Liter- the CaDl!lUS,' gue rooms e�' moon car; while Pat Page .-. continued to - :.: ..ature and Science d�ment will . Francisco about October 15. A1tho�gh work on the new build- :. :��. 2�30 19 ij. � dinner � take active charge' of'. the registered by their respective Coast M� J;»1an Welcome. ing which will house the' Bacteriol- . �I! .4P'd � play WIth a �� The VarsitY sqttads.·enpied··in· thedeaDa in alphabetical groups in Man- ExtellBive plaua have "'- made ogy c!e�ent W1UI not bej1PWi unu1 i�' in Mandel will be th� Usual half-hour- scrimmage- and-latertid. Freshmen matriculating into for the entertainment of :rre�ident after �� t!na ot P.t� �P!ing' �, .; s.Of thls year's ��lic. . did some stationarY . work, apinst··.the; college of Commerce and Ad. Judson by the Pacific Coast alumni. it is rapi(U,y neJU'l,'ng completion, The '. � W�, More e:ounsellors. ',the' freshmen;' who usde Indiana�tion Will registei- with Dean Professor David Barrows of the Uni- building Uti �tDIlted. on �llis avenue, . .... �,chairman of the up- ;plays. - ..�. "'�l ,in Cobb 1l. �culants versity of CaliforniA ie aetinJ �i- between F«'ty:�t\ �d Fifty- IM"� �uneeUor . committee,. � .. A �ft field and the sultry weatherwith 24 or 'more m.,. -.; of advanced dent of the coast ass�tion in' the eighth street, Just north ot the Psy- assigned· � freshmen to u�per cl�� '�mbined to lOb the men of the cus­stanclng (will register with .�an abSence of Benj&mm t �eeler. � cbology bullcUnff. It II ot one-story students. �e has �es� upper; tomary ginger displayed in workoutsLovett in Cobb 98; lessors �uston, KrehbIel, Binthal,: brick �OJl, IJmJlar In alJM!&l':' class wo�e� who ha� not � 8E � thus far, and the Old Man wasJ :�](ore than a thousand returning ,and, Burlinpm� of �'8tanf!J� an�' to ElUII haU. The wol'k is be- signed frea!l!nen to leave then- n&11l� greeted by the most .discou:��,�';f��l:··i�students were registered In the col. Juruor Un1V�lty, Chicago. 8lu�� iq done by tho 'l'hompeon .. Starrett in the LeaiU� room. with !diss BroWD� scrimmage of the .year ... :�,..-t�t;.o"' i':���.,.. .' are co-operating with Protossor Bar ..... , .. FreaJunen 'women who have not -:.:w-", <, ' ��..:;r,t..�1leae.s-7ef:tertay�. The congesti�n in roWs in :- '.' '" . � co��y.· . . . ... <'.. ' I teams seesawed u�h�d:�. do�:·����·'·;; "',.. thel .. .noming �. 80 areat that no the Presi:s!:: for the;Wel�:e � The building has been named � been· � counsellors are � field, and onlyonee'�: "'score rea-,� .. ,��__ � .�;;�,:� � ��t. fo� z.n!�- 'th� arrive. Mrs. Ju�n bel .. }l?nor of ,the lata Howard Taylor requested �Y,�� CQIDBli.ttee �:po r.' sonably probable. ,��():ward the and.In&' consultation' WJtli . the "de&M ".A��'Presiden' . Ricketts, who was a professor in the at the �e Boom m gto. of the period Schafer worked the ball.after 10 o'dock. Reaistration waG e, t and Mrs.. Judson department of bac+�';oL..tIIO'V at thb w� Miss ,Brown WI� be.. at, h�� t:n:the,JDilldleiof.the ..�:'_:>:'� u. .", \. ..:., �,_,.. .. ' . will remam OD the c:oast da tw .... �, �- dealt an d_ --·tIl eOmDd�;.Jofj{·� -.�"'4.'";:"'.:':f '�'r ... '., • ,., ••: ::-:. ':'''�''IUlti( ' _th� �7 ,.- ':d"-' "._._ ''':-:;-:-..r,- !....��r-.. '>�- -UniversitJ' .. ._.IIa....�co in- ----__,-��-. �- :---. . _. " :"f''''plunges,-and a .moment later .'" .. �• .• �OOII. . . :11 � qaen:p� � They 1910, ww'e enpaecl in a study 01 perclass studeate to ,welcome new �uccessfuLfo� pass .. by. Schafer.. Tenty-five hundred copies of the L-nve here �t October 20. typhWJ fevv. women. I L to Whiting netted twenty yarda.· Qn-i9�� "en � will be ready for dis- Roaeawald JIaU � Sooa. � ,quarterback play _ �ug� ce:l�.tn"bution to freshmen and other stu..; The Thompaon-starrett Company COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TO MEET� �pcbil�. �.ade fifteen .m�re anddents tomorrow morning at the Y •• NSTALL NEW STACKS has also rushed the' work on the . -,. ! ��;sm::umed �ugh,to the t&Jl-II. 0. .A.. o1Ilce in Cow, 16 A and at IN HARPER; SHELVES new Roeenwald Geology building. JI •• ben wm ()rpDize Toda7�UDiJ :y8rd'\ine.. On the next pl�y,. ho�-the Y. W� ,0. L. rooms in Lexing- FOR 500.000 VOLUMES. The building is .eXPeCted to be com- 'yenity Iapl'OV�.�b Boo ... �· ;,,:,Gouw�, p�yin� half, fum-ton. In addition to the 81DJ1D1&l'Y of pleted by November. L The setting . . ; b1ed�.and_ th� � w�� �ver. Hun�University traditions,' history and for the seismograph is now com- . - . :-��: ingto� ��y. kicked �� �e.the diary, �e book ·contams. the UD- Steel book � to 'accommodate pleted but the iDstzument will not. .Members of the Cos�oPO:=e: 1'A: goaIljnt:, ar.d _��.. �t neIther �aL.. dergraduate handbook of student ac- 250,000 volumes have been .erected. be put· in (place unW the building wIll mee� �f at .2.30 mTh firs�'�' ��� .'.tivities, prepared under the direction ., h been • to oreamze for the year. e. Coaches PickiD� Lineu.!).of the Un,,:II. __ duate �unci1 many m the maddle basement of Harpel! as turned 0Ter to the Um- __ I .... meeting will be. beld Friday, . ..... , .--.A5&-" "" • _--:-� versity by the contradors. "'-a""'" "\ After, a we� �f OffiCIal prac�ctIInew' featureS. in all there 'are 125 dunng the �er. The additional W " ' -, , at 8 in the dub rooms when Profes- ;the coaches are' making a definiteftIl_ of _,d:·_.,..matter and ill:as- shelf space afforded by. this co. nstruc- ork o� �.e�. � \luildiD.g has&or �:Iliiken will address the club, 1 ' • • • . ••__ &lIOfII"&U&o --d...d..n .. etlort � arrive at a rei-ollar l:ineu�_6:cms. tion �l raiSe_ �e. c:a�M+V o. f. the 6- p:� :r.P. Y!4f IIIDce wO WOca. on. '!be dub �ms' iii Ellis ball werew-aw . --- .. � th �ti pi ted. Th·vv With four positions in the line to fillMen ,and wo� ap�lass coun- brar;v to 500� 'Vt)luJn�' AU ()f � e, �Q 'WaI com e e redelmated :and improved during the �c;l-�o'in the �fiei� �� coache.sellors will be on hand this morn- boob have � � into the two �rk of settmg the atone Is now go- summer. . An' indiiect lighting system are having a difficult task w�ing to help theIi- freshmen register- basemElllt 'oo�, pel the now 4Il'- IDg aheM. bas been installect and the walls are out the' ,mass of. candi�ies.· DtWmg. Fraternity rushin£ has been nmgement is � to ln� the New F_taba Placed. '.being retinted. ':Box 'benehes- bave Jardi,. ·.eD is temporu'ily' out O.f. the1Bc:i ey f tb drculatl d During the last week the new' d th "deS f th .suspended for the day in order that f' en 0 e on epart- fountain presented to the University been built aroun· e S1 ? C game, �d" it is. dou�tful w�ether �•.the work of the co1lD8e1l0r system .ment to a great extent. Two new . room and a book-c:ase built m the 1rill be able to get iii the Indianaelevators are DOW In the _n_ � by Charles L HU�D .has been _11_ -...._1..: ns 'L-:ve '-a... donated· - . -. . .' . ,IDIlY be 1IDbinderecL Upperclassme!' ---"""" O.L - w___ �o .IIA . � . contest. Albert and Redmon are thewbo !lave not been assigned, fresh- construction, one In each tower. (CoDtiUed 011 page 4'�:-'" to the dub by Mrs.,C. ;a..Goodspeed, fo�ost candidates for his job. �-mne ha� � asked to report to the bert is the best new lineman' on UteY. II. c.' A. ofIice. . . .... �. field, but may be needed at tackle.ROUTINE OF REGISTRATtON Redmon is displaying more' speedthml he llas shown' at any . timc"'�dmay be usecL .. � :.McConnell and Stegeman apPC3tto be the. pick of the C"3Ddidates forthe two vacant guard positions, _ a(­though anyone of a number of melthas a chanc!'. Haniin"�!" ��� Jack--�')!: arc figl:ting for the place oppo;.sitJr Spike Shull. Huntington is dis­playing signs of steady improve­ment and should clinch an end.Sparks, Whiting and Kixmiller are .-�putting up a stiff battle for theother end.'. Probable Baek8eld Picked. '.. -Pete Russel is sure to . start at '';,ffl'amr, his r.t!arcm: t-ompctitoT � . .:;ing Knipchild, �ho' disPlayed' i:OOd , •. -form in yesieMa�'� �mm� -. � , '::�backfiel�' candidates h!,v�"��� ��-� - ... _ .ZSd(CODtSneci _ .... 40., ... �._,.�/'// .,.I I�� ,: , , ('.'! .; .,..-.' .VoL XIIL No. 1. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SEPTEMBER ,.SO, 1914.� TO lED IN jlESIDEMT LEAVES YOIOIiAllA RUSH WORI ON HAU.. -.IlANDEL THIS MORNING !l�mbers of Dr. Judson Party Left NAMED FOR RICIEmJApanese Port YestcrJay on Horan,...ward Voya&e-To Stop 06' at Hon-olulu. New SuildiDa Dedicated to Pro.feuor Who Died WhileI'LAN RECEPTION ON COAST Stucbinc Typhus Fever.WiD RePter with Deana Fol­lowiaa GeDerai WtructioDin Mua Meetiq. ASK FOR MORE COUNSELLORS.LEAGUE PLANS FO�. 'FRESHMEN OLD MAN -sEEs SQUD . �·WORK FOR FIRST.' �:.V .. pen Senic:e. Daily Te:as and An­Dual Frolic Scheduled for Week'sW.lcome to New Womea in theUDivenit7.PoeitioDL ... 'The men c:ounsellors bave beenaaked to eDhaDce the. sale of th�green cape, which wiD be worn b)freshmen qain this year. The ca�wD1 be placed OD sale next week bySkull and CresceDt.ALPHA BELT, pi\i GAM.PHI BELT ANB SIGl\IACBI TAKE NEW ROUSES. �� .. � ..--;.Below Is dven the order of !'eRmtra'ion for tile COIlveaieace of "deIlta ia aD depart_enla. 'l1uoag:,­oat the entire ;Yeai' The Daily M • ....,on will be at tile 8eI'ric:e of every Yea wiD lind it of uut assi.t"nee i. pininc aD the Jle\7S of the lTnivenlty, ... ia keepiac iD to'" wit. aD dwtae!a of studeDt life.Copin of the Daily MU'OOIl wiil be i�aed to at ... ta at tile .-ce. Roo- 12, mis haD. for the Dest fewdays. After that It wm be delivered by �arrier to IAabseriben.Ord« of Recistratioa.All entering freshmen meet �t 8::10 in cOlTidor of Mandel hall.Graduate Schools of Art, Liternture and Science-Today and tomorrow, 9-12, 2-4. Cobb 6A_Divinity school-rroday and tomorrow. 9-12. 2·5, Haskell 10.Law school-Today and tomorrow, 9-12, 2-t. Law.Medical school-Today and tomon"Ow, 9-12, Botany.Returning students in the colleges-Today, 2-4; tomorrow, 8:30-12, 2�.Colleges of Arts and Literaturet-Ncw matriculants with 24 or more majors ad,oanced standin!r, Dc�n, .ovett, Cobb 9 B; men, A to K, Dcan Boynton, Cobb 108; L to Z, Dean Linn, Cobb 108; women, A to K,Dean Miller, Cobb UBi L to Z, Dean Wan ace, Cobb 118.College of Science, Dean Gale, Cobb !S8.College of Commel'c:e and Administration, Dean Karsba11, Cobb 6&College of Education, Dean Parker, Emmons Blaine 100.Undusified �t&-Men, DeaD Lovett, Cobb 9B; womea, Dean Talbot, Cobb· 98.Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta The­ta, Phi Gamma Delta and Si£l11a Chiha�e moved f:hcir fraternity housesto new locations. Alpha Delt haspurchaaed the bouse at 5747 Univer­sity avenue, and Phi Gamma Deltahave moved into the bouse vacatedby Alpha Delt, at 976 East 60thstreet.. Phi Delta Theta took thefonner hi Gam house at 935 East60th street. Sigma a.i has takentile house at 5828 Woodlawn avenue. I1r\.1 �I C::..e . .. ".'.� ,... 1--- .• _�_._.-- -.,.,.. -'_;r __ ,.--- __ THE DAILY MAROON, SEPTDIImB at. .ltlL,T • • D • ii, II. r � ��, Ci1Maao � • laic, ��ty in"'� city,_____ -----_ �.�-I � !.� can�� his life hereUIOIIIIl ..... , ......... ., - v..; � JJWCh .what he wishes. You�t7 � Okqtt. .L -. .. �'''af�the �. of. 1918 haveyour ebance DOW-YOU are fl'ee to.. =:W4artDa�A= = = make.or mar your career.. � ....... qaanen.._� ,.� � IIarOGD -'O-.�! �_ are shaking hands with�. the freshmen, we would like to sayG. W. COtila..... 11 ..... y_ "hello" to the other members of the.. L ..... - .. __. Ne •• EdItOr "lJriivcDity who have come back.� A..·1IIrUaIl ad . . " ... -..' _ .., .• _. - - ., ---en W�, _�-e" RIll .._. e can't help but thank the Up-F� 8." KaIa·.Pi tiditor'; B. 8etIcbr perclass Counsellor committee for the� ,� .. ' : �. l. • '. '. .aM B. R. S ....... uj e.liten; I. I. Doost it gave ua in the letter sent toDoDahoe athletic:a- editor. . the collDHllors: "Advise your fresh-tMcM:i&te"'eartOis, <£iii -SOncf-: -Her- men to subscribe to The Daily l\In-.... ·Deutath; Alta "<Fishe�·.�uel roon." We �� with these senti­!:_lan,liicbolU Lentz� lIeW'; . menta' entirely. It � never too earlyto join the rank. ot that progressive• ,.�..;-.. � �_ :bOdy of students which has already&IM,;, ...... J� ... ��. - <>, begun to help the &,ood cause along.:··.u�·�$2 a year, If �paid· before October An .20; bi carrier. f2.5O a year; ,1 • eastern professor has wntten'luarter; by inail, � a�year; 'l� a ·a book entitled "Why Worry?" but!1vkter. . ; he' eVidently knew nothing of the im-Editorial-business office, Eub '12. pending mustaehe contest.!el!pone Midway �. .• ''''* �� 6:tll CotUp U�y. 4T�w .... ellCiay,· 'sep�m� 38;'. i9�i."· NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL. BEGINS ACTIVE WORK The bigideathat chas taken -�:.all the leaksmear outof fountainpens.$Z, $2.50, $3, $4.$5 up •FOR SALE BYWoodsworth sBook Store1311 East 57th StreetTWO BLOCKS £AST or TOWERUniversity Books,New and Second Hand andSupplies at the Lowest Priceof fine white Oxford, with awell-made, good-fitting softcollar and soft cuflsattached.It's the cm7.e ofthe Campus.Ask your haberdasher .2.00CollegeSHIRTin the DClmitorics. If yeu ale a ofTHE VARSITY TAILORthe Coupon below entit1t:� you too n eFree Pressing of Suit or Overcoat. We c:8Il and deliver twice dailyATl'ACR THIS COUPONto sait or overcoat to be press­ed ;ud leave with your janitorNa.e •......••.•.•.•.••••..•..Address •••••••••••••••••••••PresJIed, Cleansed, Repaired.He.arks .WELCOMESThe �� deab:- � lay a word.' ,j.. '" .• - , . -of � ,relcome to the infant oftile ulamnity, taae ciM. of i�l8. We.., .� � to haft � � and bopeJ.OV � wD1 � � � �I ._,_,.� � .. )au .� � of the... wIdc:b "ft ... W .... ,.,... • . .,. �.._. r 1�", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.1129 Eo 57th St. Blackstone 1325(Oae Coa)JOll to •. customer) RETAIN THIS COUPON M:tlo � _.",\ •'-. __ .� . i .. ,."ELEVATOR-SAVE 110.. "To the StudeDts of the U. of C.That' •. why you lave .$10 paying $15Lhere forGuaranteed ,$25 Garments.t If ),0. caD d.p)icat. t .... lIarmoDta .l .. w •• r. for I ... t.aDI M 0 NIi·OE <CL·O T ii'is mooS·HO PELMER E. MARDEN, President.. 3rd Floo. .North American Buildin,f & N. w. COlt. STATE AND MONROE aT.»OPEN SATURD�Y NI�HTUNTIL 10 O'CLOCK_ �� _o_ .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••..;. ...... -. {-........... . - , - r . .,"! ;. I . •Every time you pay$25 for a suit or Bal­macan, you lose $10,because you pay $10for nothing. Come tothis third floor shop,and for$You'O �et precisely the. same' fall�arments for whi�h the other. �toresask $25. They have to tack on thatextra $10 to pay for thei.r enormousrents, om�e fofce. floor walkers an�deJivf'ry service. etc .. and its th�t ex­tra $10 which makes your price $25.If we had those expenses we wouldhave to asck 525 too--but we've cutthem out. That's why you save $10paying $15 here for EUaranteed_ $25a:arments.. To Those Stud;ents Who LoveGood Chocolate. .CONFECTIONStHere are' Delightfully Del i c i 0 u sMorsels-made to melt in the mouth-perfect all the time-loved by allwho try them. :WILBURBUDS. .The BUDS are crudely imitated,but the WILBUR WAY cannot beduplicated •. ·Be Sure that you getWil_'�'s ChoColate BudsAt all Confectioners and Druggistsin your neighborhood.H. O. WILQUR' & SONSInc. PhDadelphia, Pa. ..\'CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMIN1S... ��� � .Professor Harper Dies AbroadProf�r r�bert Francis Harperof the (:eJWtment of Semitic lan­�ages a:ld literfature, a brother ofthe late President William RaineyHarper, died suddenly in LondonIt pays for one pressingwhen you settle your bill withthe Varsity Tailor, either atshop or with your janitor.1329 Eo S�th St. Blackstone 132'(One Coupon to a customer)� August 6. A memorial service will !)c per line. No advertisement. re­be held in his honor sometime dur- eeh·ed for leas than 25c. AD d· .. • ..adnrtilemeDti mat .... paid .. ad-ing the autumn quarter.lJPPERCLASS COUNS�9�: •••• ) :;._. - "';_1. '_I':l�.r.. ..... ;. Plan Campaip to Welcome New"1'he �0���� �m!d, . 'Women at The University-Dis­under-si.zed-ap� OD th� .���� . ..: trib�t� ':rags '&�ring� t.h�. first Ci&y., of 'the .y-�we�g . ·�i'!.th� � .�����, "1 AN· hb rhood G· I R. ,It�d'-�trugc�g ��� � �t� ��� �m a. erg 0 m,to the bursting point. A �,,�. 01 Ye�lo� �gs �ng this sloganaelt-eonAdent, unfeeling �p.;zri�� �� �Il the. campus yesterday."-'" - ...... _ � ,_",'4 •• _ I d took I ith thmeet him. see his disco'l'nfibJ,",!, .�,!� �. _. I. a p ace WI e upper-i r-------------.Jta� �o -8y�pthy f�;.luin��:�� .� ��o� system and other]. . �. te '=�. to' • :':_._ '.._"_ "'.':;_,<' �:�e 'i.n··' ..z1Yl>:."'• .i... � plana for making new women atlmmau.aa Q � � .LU.' .�:u:-' . _., . .able. ��th�Ps h�.�ds��·�;.���� �oD1e .: �t the University. ThisDe&8 of hiS oftense-beiDc.a .�-: �pup f�� members marks theJban-b vi��'�� � �.� (q'st :ac1iviW,·.of the Neighorhoodto y f' .. ..:. .-. ll:� '-'s' ;.: ... _'��. .r": (!lqb!f council under th. e reorganiza-C1lS JIUi 0 \oI&e co �- �� «:�- �. . . '"..hips, as mtin&' .�' oP.-· ;' '�� tio� .effected last spring: .benCh.. . Havin&" beeJ:l ��. ��2i9.0�� p� for .an aggresstve �aIgn1,. lrelco�� by .tbe � ��, -l?-e. to )lelp Dew .• off-campus �o�en .to;' .of __ .1: ... _ .""1-1. ·th' bec:ome established at the UruversltYjbaa a year. UD� s_� .�. � ..' '. e. . . .; ao..a.omoreL �ell i& were laid - at a beach P¢Y of ththe �upenor .. �. . .j council at Jackson park Saturday.vaditioD.. !It is PJeuant .. to .. remember �that; lira. H.. E. Slau�bt �fd Mthrs. Pl· ba.'.. '. . �.., ADen, patronesses 0 e c u s,there hU.D8YB· been ally U&. .' ., !r •. �.", ,'.,. .. , -.,_ .-• • . .• _66 __ ;'&'__" ..' ebperoned the party.childisI. . by-play ",�"-1lJIOIl; ---,.'. . .. . '. m .. 1._ .... A _ fre8h;. Three dalra for �e new women ARROWti1mce at Chicap.. --. � - -..;....:.:.... bee': . - •ged I ext eek .... .. ' '" .. � _ ,,__ �I ua.. n arran -,-or n w .'1D8Il )aay •. 'beeD. &lJoWed to coma .... ,- - " 1. ,... . •... . . ...., . . " � .' ..: Th .. patronneaea of, the clubs, Mrs.10. without anyone p&JDIC aD,-' ., .Bliu 1Ira.' R. 14. Lo tt M-ceutiOn - to· ·them.· 'lfnteriq 'the. UDi; G. �, .ve, rs... • . ..•• . , . ," __ ...1.+ and lira. Allen, will addressVeftttj· bas.. � � atrictl�<. lnJai-; ;;:;"���i ).io�daY at 10:15.M88 pro��OD.�.·� appl� for a; '!'be clubs will attend' teas in Lexing-p»eition- aoWn·tOwn. �. " _ . _ ..- . _, �...r·' .,. 1.' d. . ton Tu�y_ �� W��y.. � Ie" 'of the �OmaD. �i : A m� of the'council to com-� �e�" painted � �t. �. �t pl.u· ��b of' details for.4tf the mell, but it � �'b�� ,�,. the. three ��� baa been called¥!l�. �,��.�:.�e:for,Fri�.�����&' ai 10:15 in the"'!�. of ��. ����. ��, N�ri.wod rOoma by the presi­� � .. � we �o�_d .� _��� dell$, Elsie.i�· Nina. O�eill will CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., be.�_ � � �ecl. �. ;� lift • tea for the publicity com- lla�o/ARRowCoLLns,TROY,N.Y.DeW .�� � ,��_� �� .. � �d Dlittee October 9...· .of � � .pl�rAa a,.� •.••• _ __ •••••Alt the �np� ��o� BJB- ." .. � .. _-- +. " .•• ', ... -. .�� �Tiu. �sY� NOnCE TO NEW � MEN�rited oat .�. �Ii With-·th�WOnM.a . th&t the �� ha� �t ..... �Co .. �to � '���D'9i � ���ltotbe�' - .' � '.No- b.Pr .. ck,:a:'the fl:eshmUl ente:"tile tJDiftnity either u· '����s..�e';. or .. a n"ec�ected �f�". ."�' .. '(".. ��e comes in, �, �� for,� ���.111� ��.� ��'�7.�u�maa, �ho .�nducts· mD)� the dreaded mazes of recla­�Cm, shows him. the ro�, aDdtriea to make his entrUce . intO �little �orlci ·o-:"� of the happi� m�m�ta of his life.And, incidentally, the name of this FURNISHED FLAT FOR SALE-institution is the University of Chi- Three room flat, 5425 CottageQgo, not Chicago university. Grove ave.- � . .,.��� �� .. �.•I. 751360 .-" ._-,TBB DAILY JUJIOON. BBPlmiBBR. at •.• tt."First Aid",for the Student ..- .. --. �. They know us-you willbecome acquainted withus eventually, don't wait.. -,. -,\\ask your upper classmen aboutDockstader -& SandbergEvery 'Varsity man orwoman needs and shouldhave the very best equip­ment in school supplies. Oneof the most efficient Iabor-: :.saving and time-saving neces-sities for the student body isseu-rnu-«Fonntain)NON-LEAKABLEA dip in the nearest inkwell (in classor anywhere), one simple pressure ofthe thumb 'on the "Crescent-Filler",and the Conklin fills itself in fourSeconds. Cleans itself, too, at sametime and absolutely will not leak.Look for the "Crescent-Filler"-it pre­vents the Conklin from rolling offthe desk. AU sizesand styles of bothpoint and hclder.$2.50, $3, $4, $5and up, at all lead­ing dealers.The Con�in Pen Mfg .•Co.TOLEDO, OHIO .come 10 now..� 816 Republic BuildingCORNER STATE And ADAMS STREETS-The Abo�e Model-.BLUES, STRI�ES, And MIXTURES.. $.25.0.0 .----------------------���--.�---.----.�COMPEnnON. FOR ·MAROONPLACES BEGINS TODAYCompetition for positions on tht. We believe the College Man 'Who smokessia1f of The Daily Maroon begins Fatima ought to be sble to write n good. , Fatima ad. He knows from experiencetoday, wi� the start of the eolleg, that Fatima is of satisfying excellence. year. Places OIl both the edito, A. -that for its l11p!=rlative quality it isI .�.. . moderately priced! He of all. Fatimnand business departments· of the pa- lIDOIten, shoald be - able to. write of� are o�. to �y .. undergraduau. Fatima or �o�,b�t s� opPortu- . Sowearepingtopey'$500totbestudr,ntnities are �iered to'>�� -TItI. =:.m-::�td:'rtF;;!eC=��ta, o� �'�;�����n.,�. � de- . _ ftttca.beforoJune 1. 19l.5. S.�efactatllattennined p�ly .��n � m�t bash, a_�--....f • ..,_D-- .... ...-wwotefortWs$SOO L�:r help J'OII....,---- --." �c: '# ---.- . ..,<1�ofPureTobacco.The amount of time. devOted to.L. .. 'l'here ant DO restrldions. whatever:. DO strings of any !.:k."t.,��wa:-.&Iework, wruinan� �,.,�� .�ilii.. IdDd 011 this ofrer. other than this-every contestant The TuBi� Tobutoased ... 1D'IIIt be •. �rly enrolled studeut in an American :.�!;:='�,:,�are taken into consideration In the . CoIJese. We· ... nt a stwent-DOt a profes>ional ad :I ".albl. SunSOWl. CanDaproblo�ion of the cPdidate.. �viow. writer-to beDefit from this oUcr. �i=T�too:1("'''eblqec .. 'l1uee pomiDeDt b1lliDess men. whose D8IDeS wiD. be sdllJt� '''caa-ca& CJ� Iaexperience in .ne�� work is ·.�o.i � later. will act ssjudges. . �� PK�1Iat DO fi� Is ased tMan�_ $Sforeveryadpuh1iahed . IAF�.Promotion is from �fU�". ���r. $SOO for the. heat aile aubmiitecl 1.j��.a:...J\:!' -z:to reporter, thence to associate edi- TIle ... will � Ilwardt'd June I. Thoea'Whotryto�rn this 'TLe7 lIN ._1IeDl5. ln themc::antlme.IIODu�ofthe $:iOOahouldn:m�m"erthattor, and, 1inally, to an executive po-_ eda sabmiUecl will be pubhsbc:d .. tbe -':pre:nc te-t of anv. advertise.e.clIlDCIDtbIIlC'OlIe�PQ:'Ik-ation..... melJt IS its r1lm.r- �r_ Whethersition. Ability in the busines depart- qetbcrwltbtbena�Qndphoto- l'0ura\) cc:!."h.a..:. of only ten 'Words.l1'aDboftbewriler-provldc.-d the -or rena to a thonsnnd-it sboalcl .ment is rewarded in a similar maa- wnlel'.,...1) alYC J)t'I1DissiDD tor be In��tmr.'. truLh(ul. eoneme-.81Ieb pabiit'litlOft. : Ir.:r-lt �Iould c1\"e to t�le reader __ .....ncr. Each executive office receiv� ForC'aCb.d8Dpab1ishedwewm t::e baJinl' hmn:ire. To wntePlY tbe.nm U. Bu� tbe publi 80rh 1IdftTU:X"rnetlts. thatfinancial remuneration in proportion fttionnr.nyadm�tnotbetAkm willllL� the tt:st of per1'or .�.tollill1lifYUaatihtandsanyiJdter �.t�ewrit('rmnst be- �Oto its importance. C'banc'e to win tbetW._haD the IiCTeln theprodact be Iaads that are DOt pa wrttinc aboat.The newspaper training available ""'�.:4-B'c4\ Cc21Z F"afthA ..... NewY.. ��through work on The Maroon is gen-erally conceded to be highly efficient.Members of the sta1r command en­trance to professional journalistic cir­cles alon� with men from the metro­po!i�::n dailiea, Work on the Maroonttl a te�cflcial means of becomin� ae­qu:n:-:tC'f1 with the campus, and aU•• ,,,, f'n:ity aetlvitics, Anyone who isIn: I'':"r�t('d fn tr)ing out for a posi-t,,"n. or :my one who desires to ae­QUi:'",. a knowlccl:rc of newspaper workhas been invited to report at the Ma­roon office, Ellis 12, between 10:15and 10:45 in the morning, or at 2 inthe afternoon.Candidates for Editorial and Busi­ness Departments Have BeenurPct .to Report..-On� roacb"'"aDd it:,fill"d J TRADEMARKReg.U.S.Pat. Off.THE CONKLIN PENMfC. co.TOLE D090. U.S.A.Postpone Faculty Dinner.Arranpments for the annual fac­ulty dinner held early in the autumnquarter have been poStponed. pend­ing the return to the campus of Pres-ideut ladooL1� � �1MAROON ADSBRING REStILTI . You win $500 �\\by · writing the best t �Fatima ad.TilE. TURKlSB BLI.HD·C:IOARETTE.�·Graduates and undergraduates mayI submit plays.' All scenarios and re­i quests for further particulars should, be sent to the Thomas A. Edison Co.,Student playwrights have been in- Inc., the College Prize Contest de-vited to compc«: for � prize Of. $100 partment, 2826 Decatur avenue, Bed­for the best motion picture play sub-] f. d P k N Ymitted to the Thomas A. Edison I or ar..I.. .eompany. before. December 1. It' �d- ---..._--dition to the prize $35 Will be paM GeorgE' Is II! With Diphtheria._for acceptable single reel scenarios, Rowland George is ill at his �!Mand $75 for two-reel plays. No. with diJ:htheria and win be una�le toplays dealing with successful crime� I attend the Unive�jty this quarter� .It .woman's suft'-- or any controver i is probable that his illness �11 .� .... �-_- I . � the· ,sial subjects will be considered. 1 him out of athletics or year..'IRM OF}'ERS SI69 .'ORBEST MOTION PICTUREBY CHICAGO STUDENT.2an• ( THE DAlLY MAROON, SEPTDIBER at, 1914.OLD MAN SE.Il8 SQUADwon FOR FIRST, TIME We�re showing Fabricsyou won't see elsewhereThere is practically no end to thevariety of weaves and patterns hereready to choose from, Harria Worat­ecla and serges, and the new Vicker­man Twilla. Fabrics having distinc­tion and embodying all that is newand good for the present season.The psrfection of detail that dis­tinguishes JERREMS' TAILOR­IN G assures you of clothes that areboth smart and individual.ANNOUN'CfMfNT (CoDtiDued from page 1)ty well sifted out, and a regular triohas been practically picked. Floodappears certain . to work at fullbackwith Dolly Gray at left half andWalter Schaefer opposite him.The freshmen squad is beginningI to take shape, and a bun h of fif­t teen candidates al\PCared today. A.II fast backfi. eld has already shown UI' Iwith Hans' Norgren in his brother'«. .position at right half, Craig, a for-I mer Exeter academy man, at full, �! and Brem of Hyde Park at left half. Cam b rid g e G raJ S, very Dew and, Pershing of Hyde Park is working very special at $25.00! at quarter. In the line Hawk and! Boal of Hyde Park, Harper of U. TAILOR' Three Stores: 7 N. LaSalle St.'I High and Brodie of Wichita are For Y Gung Men 2S E. JacDon Blvd, 71 E. Monroe St.! showing up well.t Hoosiers Plan Big Trip •, .- .. _ _-_._-_._ .. -• Indiana is making great prap-•I' =!��sa:;r !::::;afo ::ela�::�.reports over five hundred rootersI are expected to make, the flip. Aspecial train over the Monon willI leave Friday morning at 11 fromBloomington, reaching Chicago atB A S S f T T & B A S S f T T 'five. The special will retum Satur-day at midnight. Two theater par­ties have been arranged by' HoosierMEN'S SHOP ! 1.aIUmni. .:.,2tb Fl R bli Bid Phone Wabash 30761'1 ���P �f Y�tRenU)E �8, ScHrimtim�.1 oor epu •c g, d St t) .v "llhng. . . . . . .. . .. .. un "�",,n209 S. STATE ST., (Cor. Adams an a eI '\\tl1ite � R. T ••.... Jacksonl\'tcConndl R. ,G. • ••••• KabaT!Redmon ....•...•.• c. .. . .... Albert�i�hp.r L. G ••.• Ste2e�.•••••••••••.•••••. ··-··---1 Shlll1 ..••..••••.•• L. T� ••• Ha...m"srerSnarks L. E. . Kikn1l11el'B 0 0 K S Knipcbild ....•.... Q. B. u ••. Gordoni Lea .....••.•••..• R. H. • •.••• A�. i Gowens •••••• : ••• F. B •••••••• AkarI RUSH WORK ON HALLNAMED FOR ,RICKET'I'SWEwish to announcethe arrival of ourFALL LINE OFSUITSOvercoatsandHaberdasheryi,,,iI!• Our clothes are madefrom Imp 0 r ted andDomestic Fabrics, andbuilt with the soft Eng­lish lines that are now sopopular.Let us prove to youthe truth of our slogan,"\Vhen You go upThe Price goes down"Saturday Evening, Advanced Class. 8:15,to 9:00 Reception, 9:00-12:00Thursday Evening, Advanced Class, 8: 15to 9:00. Reception 9:00-12:00PRIVATE LESSONS anytime by ar:pointmenl, $2.00 halfhour. 3 lessons, $5.00. Monday night class, Mcdcrn Dances,,3 hours instruction, $),00 each at door or in advance, 6 lesM)osior $5.00. Two or more in family, 6 les!om! for $4.00 each.Thursday and Saturday night R eceptions, 50c each, $1.00 percouple. Wardrobe Free. .SPECIAL RATES for Private CL"ls; es; foril ed ar.ytime. Noadditioral chearge for advanced class lnstru: Lon.HALL MAY BE RENTE.D lor Dances. Entertainments,etc., at reasonable rates. Seating capecity, 600. Pay OJ avisit, you wiJ� be pleased, .TERESA S. DOLAN Ke"'n�::3°6147"'!Y-ICe-Pmidru �I Aaac=..ica Ne.. cf Ducirp M( .. �r Carcu & tl8(kn A..cia&X.c..daIe v ..... c..Ie Sckd d C.ciq. "c._ Yaal:FouMain 'Pens, Special University. Note Books, Ciymnasium Suits, Batsand Balls for the new Racquets, set in the center of HutchiruonSquash aDd Hand, ball Courts 1 sunken court. It is DOW ready fort.�e turning on of the water., may be,.pu,clJa�ed at the. I The board walk from'the women's, balls to' University avenue along theU· . ., f ell · P 'AS i north wan of Beecher· hall baa been Cap and Gown WiD Move. ADD SPORTS TO CURRICULUMR.VerS. , 0 lCa go r'l(;, 5 ! replaced by a new eonerete walk. Cap .... d Gown editOis&;;;i busJ- To Pia,. Jlaadi;jJUHI � •I' , h-During the summer � bolt. of ness managers are planning tu move Gran . geta ID.. 5750 fLLIS AVfNUf �lightning struck the southwest cor- their headuazters in Ellis hall from' ds�arts..d D 06 f Bt· H-II .: ner of the Harper hDrBry at its room 12 to room 17. The new office • Two new sports win be added toan Room f �mons aIDe G! highest point, :removing .the oma- will be much bqer thaD the old �e University athletic caniculwn••• - - •• - - • - •• � •••••• - • - - • __ I mental crest of the soutli� comer quarters, and � make it PO�DIe to WIth the completion of the sqaahof the west tower.' The pleee has take pic:tmes m the office this year. and racquet courts under the con-P tr· I on Advertisers Jr.. been rep1ac:ed with a new pieee of Work on the 1915 annual will begin crete stand on the athletic field.l ODlZe aro . the same design. October 15. !he work on the courts has been fin-IShed with the exception of placingof the Jines. The courts Will be inreadiness for ;play at the middle' ofthe quarter. Severall handball couttswill be opened in the new stands.At the start the games of racquetand squash will be played exclusive­ly by the faculty and graduate stu­dents, on account of the areat ex­peJlse of the game. It is PlaJmed toopen the courts to the undergrad­uates before tbe end of the year.Handball �iU become a· regularbranch of phYsical culture..(CoDtinued from page 1)Issue Athletica TIcket Books.Season ticket books for athleticcontests are now on sale at the busi­ness office of the athletic departmentin Bartlett. The books cost five dol­lars and will contain tickets for everyathletic contest at the Universitythis year.SECOND HAND BOOKSWe carry a Complete Line of University Booksboth New and Second, Hand, andSTUDENT SUPPUESU. of C. Engraved Stationery, U. of C. Tablets, Typewriting Supp6es,'Leather Note Books, Parker, Waterman and Conklin Pens,Drawing Materials WiD Hold Debate Tr1oata.Tryouts for the Varsity debatingteams will be held in three weeks.The SUbject for this year's debatewill be concerned with the questionof the abandonment of the Monroedoctrine.WOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1311 East 57th StreetNear Kimbark Ave. Two short blocks East of Tower and GymnasiumOP ENE. v E rx (S FIRST TWO WEEKSCOLLEGE n DOKSLAW' BOOKS MEDICAL BOOKS 1I01ow"pl,J!(21t:1'WttcI;ntClIIe""e"ogtlnVA/