laiiy ilarDDnVOL XII. No. 160.RECORD-BREAlING USTFOR �HOLASTIC UKIVEBSr.rY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, .J'U'NB 10, 1914.President .Judson Se!1ds CabieJa'&l11 (ifW�}J WiahiDg from OhiDa. to- - - GndDa.ttng 200 'AftEND LlJNCBEONWARD TO CAPTAIN TEAM CORNERSTONE LAYINGEXERCISES ARE HELD VICTORS DR.lUNO FRANCIESPEAKS AT NlNETY­FIRST CONVOCATIONWOMAN FiNALStar Hurdler is Elected to Lead191:> Track �uad Ye5lerday­'I en ·'C' Men Will be Avall- Heads of Departments Give Ad­dresses at Dedication of Clasa­ia and Geology Halls Sixty-four Attend Dinner, WhileMen Can Gather Only Forty-sixSing Class Songs on .'C .•Bench. lfaryard Profeuor ComparesCharacteriatics of GermanaDd American Peoples­Describes LiteraturelWIl was ueciueu uu the nrst lJaliVl.l;utJ Ies for the '!'1!:. tl eut h AllllU.U h aru hus beeu a member of the teaiu lmiltlillg' and J ulius Roseuwuld hurlLJt"n-choJ�tlc .Ueet cL,seu la::;t 1I1·..;.H" hi' •- rur two years, uuu thl� season was tue were elt yesterday moruurg, Cereuio-huh a l'ecoru,urcaklllti !.I:>t ul COllllli!tl' ' Lwi I 'f Iduruiustny ill the hurdles. He ulso run nres startec wit I a prueessrou 0 otOI':-I. l"i\'l� huuured au.l tWCU1\'_:lJO\: la' '1 I I .1J th� dashes, �llU was a member of thc UJHl .newly al'polJltel wars IU s auuurviuuu! eut ries wen! r\'CC1\,CU i.ol11 half'mile relay team that broke the aides, thc Universlry band, members 01OUc Luudred uud 1ittcclli acauemic:; un r worlu's record at St. Louis. the Geology and Aucicnt IUJI b'll ages1,1 t 1 o rutory schools. '�he Lutcrschc c- Warll came from Uuiverslty High, departments, the dedicnt.ion speakers,ast ie Cunuuisaiuu lias I&;UUc fT' f h U' it I' fwhere he starred OU the ehumpionship and 0 iccrs 0 t e mversi y. ro es ,arruugeurents to cure t'or the reeuru- T I ' Itrack team. He has been prouiineut iu sor F'rauk Bigelow arbel laid t ICI.,rctlking crowd, and the scheduh, oi University nefivit.ies, being a member cornerstone of the Classics building.eLtt'rtaiulllellt provided LUIJ bceu !lrO- .. 1' ' 'I. "1 I' H- of the Blaekfziars, Irou Mask aud Owl :u ter an invoeutton uy '-' u11' am elluouuced the best ever, and Serpent. lIc is a University mar; derson, and introductory statement b,Y.?l'cl,lIlillary matches ill the tennis I I 'be f P U A' ". 'I t .. , U 1 till',� lUl alll a mem r 0 si psHon. ctlJlg Ice'prcslI en .lulge, aUIt(>uru;ulleut will ue l'hyeu tOllay.• Ten "C" mCn will be availablc for rcc(lr,ling of the artides placcll in thl'Se""i1ty'�;ix clltries lIa\'(� ueeu reeeh',;ti, next year's track team, amI everything uox.'1 ... 1 the large number makes it nece�' .. oints to the most successful seasolll in Professor Hale, hcnd of the tlepart.sar� for the first lIlatchf.� to be tillish�'! The mcn ho �Il bc b"ck ". rn, t f L t' I t I tl x'r' ,ycars. •• 'L ruen 0 a ln, COlliI' c et le e e CIS�:-to,lay. Prominent 31110Ilg the elltrit'� , hWard, Knight, BarD.llcik, StcgcllU1n, at the Classics buililing' ,nt an all-!Iro the Weber brotht!r� of Harvar.l Campbell, GOOtlwin, Stout, BOyll, Gor- .Iress. He rcfcrred to thc Ficltl Col'school, wlao ure thc fa\"orite� in Loth�as :mtl Des .Tarllien. Norgrcn, Lcisure> umhian muscum as an architecturaldoubles anti singles. nuu TholllU8 will be logt by gradua· mouumcnt commenullorating theFrida,. Is Prep Ni!:ht. tiouthat nil prl'pn.rations for Prep Jli�11t ELEOT KA.C MD·I AN TOon f'ri.lay ha.1 bccn coml)lctetl, anll an BEAD ASSOCIATION OF has in these same years been silcntlyexteusi\'e I:JCrie:l of cutertainmellb1 DOCTORS OF PBlLOSOPHY Iri�illg untler the shadow of the White. {Jrovidetl •. Tickets .. mav.:,. be obtruuell ./. � •. � __ - -. - �li:-irii-�ae3nrranr-was "'cleetc.l City," he, &"1itl. - ··llcrc,.,in,�tbis city ot(rom Illcmhcrs of the Interscholastic 'TI r"s,' lent of th A""""""I'atl· f Doc, the opcu mi1lll aud gcuerous heart, inCommission or at 1\(r. llerriam·s office. ,� I e .,� on 0ters of Philosophy at the nl'nth an- thil:l cit"" of tirerunerg aud l'lanller�, illThe l)ro�rrnlll includes I,resentation of � J.uual .linner yestcrday in thc- Quadran· this city where the pube of AmericallgJc club. Professor Herbert E. Slaught life beab full auti I:Itrong, it shouhla number of song anti chorus hits fromthe �lackfriar show, a skit by theDramatic club, numbers by the Olel' '\tas re·elected secretary. The newly_ {,roper."(,ledetl officers of last year's executive Pa.rt of "Cit,- Gra,.."club, "tf". \·tte ·11 th Quoting the l,assatrc from the � hna.At'signmcnts of the high school mcn ('('mml c WI sen-e on e new COffi- I:>nlatle .mittee. Dean Angen O"!lYe a short :lAl, linter, ·�Thc City Gray that ne'er shallto fraternity houscs will be bOOThe heallquarters of the 11r('�s. Seventy-fivc were present. ,lie," l'rofcssor Hale saitl tbat theThul"Sllny. Grny City laati risen, stone on stone,with unl,arulleti steauineIJs. ··TheCharles F. Grimes, 'Vestern inter- uightly lanterns of the contractor ha\'ecollcgiate golf champion, WOn the Uni· been CIllCllchcl1 us rarely Us the gates,'ersity clmmpion8bil' yc�ter,lay from IIf the temple of Janus werc elosell, inbe followell Satur,lny, nil II �"'('ntcrs Haymond Daly, 4 up anll :� to 1'hlY· time of pcacc, in nome," be saill. "W'"an(l blnnket� \\;11 he presentell to theVarsity athletes. Lawrence Whitin�will al�o gh·c an illustrn�ll talk onthe Uni\'(�rsity.Five Hundred. and Twenty-sixIndividual Entries are Re­ceived- Tennis MatchesStart MondayFRIDAY TO Bf: l'KtP NIGHlChairman Burt announce.1 yesterllnyCommissiun will be in the Reynohll'>club, 3Iltl all entrants will be reeeh-elethere. 'fhe usual program of the l,reo>entation of the cups and bal1ner� willCap �nd Gown Makes ChanRS..Tam('s Tufts an,1 Gifforll ,'tumc willI.e mnn:�ring etlitorlt of next year'senp nnll Gown; Erncst Cavin, ·literaryellitor, anel lL"lx COl'nwell anl1 Pa�(,:11Rf'n14oll. hnl4in('ss managers. Cavin W:l"ori�inall�· appointed m.nn�ing ellitor.Imt hall to resign on account of thepoint �y�t('m. Plumc was to }mve he('tllih'rary Ctlitol'.,\J,I .. CommmUcatioD.A Word to tile AnnuLTo thf' Eclitol':Upon p('nl8.:11 of the Cap anel Gownthi14 �·enr We finll an ahnormnUy J:Teatn1lmht�r of typographical anll oth('rerror14 whil'h we feel ('onfillent wOl1Mnot ha,'(' rel4ult('11 if greater cnre hallh('('n taken with ('Ilitinsr anll in proof­ren,linJ!. Honl(' mil4tak�, of course,nrc llna,·oill:a,hlC'. hut thcre were toomnny Ulil4 y('nr to o\'crlook. " ..c thinkit il4 unn('c'Cl'l!>'.'lry to lmint 011t the mis,take�, :1� ,"Oil have hearll enongh ahontthem hy this time.The l,r('Jlf'r thinlt-the thin:! whichnll other puhlications Ilo-wollM h� topuhlish :m "Errata" shcM anl1 mail toenC'h Mnh�uihcl'. 'Ve feet howf"'el'.th:at, thi� wonJel he too expensive a hl1l'_clen 140 late. :,"11 hence t:lke thiM mC'an14or rOrf'�tnmng the l'�l1rren('e n�xt�'Nlr of what Mf'em14 ('nl'e1e1414 work lwplacin'" thiM Wl'ittf'n memol':an.lllm o�,·onr files for the 1J."c of next YNtr'S�tafF.The UndCl'gn.c1uate Council. Crimc9 played, a consi:4tcnt gnnlt', �o- Itcllieat" to":,y a builtling which is tt.illg out in bogcy anti heing thrce up cJlshrille the qualities of Grt�ck alltl,�n thc turn. lIau,r:,ice Hell('r 'Won the Homa.n litNature in thc life of thehonor in the s�ontl flight, Ilefent-in,; (;ni"crsity. ]low .lill this vcry 111011-H('nry, Jngwerson in the finals, 3 up ern city come to hnve such uuilllings::1Iul 2 to way. Ueller malIc his "-n�· nccau:(C our civilizatioll is that of LU'into the last· round by' winning from rOlle, anll not that of China anti In'(;oollman, while Ingwerson flefeatell liia.'"R(.'h!l. ., ··\\'c of thc dn�sil's also \'uJue hreallth1����W�,M�lOIiS!' ••• �.� •• B_ •• ��_1e gtla�t's. Wc juin in prayer that �OI1lCBaDetin other ('it.izcn may he th(����:'il��m,,*,��.���m�&�����!�S�SS,� :';"(.'1' cf a hume for tlle lIodt�rn 1 .. :111'TODAY.Exn.mina.tions of 8:15 ela� 9:15.Examinatloas of 11:45 claSses, 2-TOMORROW.Examinations of 9:15 classes. 9:15.EDmina.tlons of 1:30 classes, 2-ofC'" d1Dner, 6:30, HutebiDBon han.FRIDAY.ExamiDatfollS Of 10:45 drJJBeS. 9:15.:::xam1DattoDs Of 2:30 c1as8es, 2-'<Prep Dig)lt" celetn.Uou, Mnndclh�� ,SATURDAY.Md.rfculation aDd regfstra.tfon of in- nllllte�" wn� Ilc!ivereel hy ProfcM!lol',comfnlt 8tadat8. (�h:unherl:ain, h(':a.1 of thf' tlC'p:a,rtmC'nt'I'lIe tldrt.eeatJa &ml'Ul Interscho!a�'ltic meet, 1:45, 8taIor fltlcl. or G ('oJ ogy. ,--------------------------------------------------Intencholastio JdgJrt eumses. 8, llIDtc:JdmMJa CIIIIII\, Iauie Next )' Oil.1'ral.'ds \\' uru, '.lOl, \\ us etecteu cal"Lalli ul rue lJ uiversrty track lcWD. lort ue .J;.J<J seusou yestcruuy, '.l0C e'��' HALE AND CHAMBERUN SPEAK Se niur women ended their collegecareer last ni�ht by "puttiug oneover" Oil the HlH meu, Bixty-fourwomen J,!atherell for the last dinner be­fore brL'aking up, whrle ouly forty'sixmen filet for a s�ag dinner at the HydePark hotelAfter the meal the womcn. marchedaround the earnpus, singing in front. ofthc women's halls and Harper. Sev­enty strong; they invaded the "C"bench. sang' Chicago and, class songs,anti shouted "V:otes for women." Pare,well haudshnkes all around ended theGrimes Is Golf Champion.Summer StDdeDts Mast Regfstsr.Shlllent:. in re8ielence Iluring theSummer quarter havc been ask ell 'toreJrister before Monelay,.Tnn-e 15. Gratl·,nat('s will resrister in; Cohb ]2A. Cane',-'. �tullents in Cobb lOA, anel Seniol'8..Tunior� anet unelassified stuc1ents" hiEllis ha1]. Dedieut.iou exercises of the Classics 643 STUDENTS ON PlATFORMW orld's Fair, which was a "fleetillg The ninety-firSt eonvoeation washetd' yesterday afternoon in Hutchin­son court. Six hundred and forty­three students met in Bartlett gymna_sium and marched to the court, wherethey received degrees and titles. Lcdby Mr. James A. Field, the marshal ofthe University, the candidates aseend-Mead Hea.ds lIIIf.Ont.1riy. ed the platform. to the strains of theHenry l\leatl, '15, was elected editor "Grand March," played by the Univer­in chicf of tho Literary Monthly at' a sity band. ,Follawing� .. - the, studentsmceting of the staff yesterday. 'carne t�e members of, tile ',acuity, theofficial guests of the��UDiverSity. thetrustees, Chaplain _ Hen'dersoD, Aetingthc llil1tlle West. I look forward to a Vice-Presi<lent A�ll ;�d", :Professortime when as a rcsult of this academic Francke, the Convoeation ·orator.instruction allel propaganda, 'German Dr. Francke' of Harvard' deliveredIiternt\lr� will h�vc ceased to be· un- the Com-oeation address on "Th�. Un-popular In AmerIca.".. popUlarity of German Li�rature.'· He��t � cablerg:rUD. compared the characteristics of theActlD� Vlcc-Preslllcnt Angell 8t�tedl :l.\-erajte American with the -traits ofthat a. ca,blegram. had been "re�elved the average German. He explainetl thefrom Prcsulent Jutbon, who IS In the essential differences in tastes of thei?terior vf <?hina. Hearty eongratula.. two peoples." .tll?IlS �n(1 WIshes for a sncc�ful ter-, GermaDs Are Slo ....mmabon to the final exercll�es., were "Perh�ps the most funtlamentaL orthc contents of Dr. Judson's message. al I ..ft"T � hu .drcd and· fift t d ts, lIh I J �y e ementary, rll c�enw be-� 0 n,. y s u en: tween the Ge-rman anfl Amencan tem·members of the. flse�tty and t�ee_. 'per may' be expresse«1 by the' 'Word?tt��ltletl t�e"JJ,�lvcr�J1ty l�cheo��,..l .. ..slAw.ness..._ .... ill .'D�lLClce .. "ToIn Hutchinson commons .P'IofC8S0" ., -,. -' ---. .�--,� -:- --:._; ,�:...;..,-.,.F k ..... _ J li R·' Id' d' ('.all a person slow 101 thIS �ountry ,ranc e,�. u us osenwa, an to 1 bo hA t' V' P ',1 t An Ii t ffeems sprpaf a ut t em %tn at...,os·c lllg ICe- resluen ge 'were uhf "'.... 1 t hIe ....I I d f th tabl t' h' h th p ere 0 . nee ope ssncss. , ,om·t 10 lea 0 e e, a w IC � ·th fJ· th tl t 1trllstees were scateu� Marshals antI pnr,: WI. ,liS e. reyercn ! S '1"t y'd '1 tabl t th th feehnars hkl V, to be aro�e41 III a Ger·m es oecuplel a e a e sou b' ,side of the hnlI. m�n . rea.o;� ,V �he words lan� undA d S�"'_1 .. _ ... � '0'. {elerhch: 17 '�C'rlbed over a rehglous or'. w� '-U.UI&AI.i:WI,&p .u,ODOrS.. patriotic h\"l tn.Fltty-clght honors for excellence in f f'· . t h· h I A '.Junior college work were awarded. �renee 0 hmpo .0 w IC t le merl-Honorable mention for excellence� iv ('an an�l G(''!''l'·.a.n mmels,natu�llY' "'0 k I Il'n t th rt·fi'·t ot am! l)erhar: the most conspleuous ex-.e r eat sr 0 e ce I ca elf 1 ff f h' nrth('O collc�e of Educatioll was gi\"�n to 3mp e 0 L � e �t.o t IS e 1 ercncethe followinsr stutlents: l.6poll natul. I ha�lts IS thc German re-BC'ssie Little Bleakly, Nellie Char- gnrd for :l.�.horlty anti the AW�I lC3,IlI tt "'lrt'I' ... ·Iha"f F b N' • '11�l1ke of it. 1, venly bel1eve tb ... t It0, e \" s. L • ";'l ae or ess, anc, " 'L' fA'Hill McNeal Amy Ma" 'Yb' n' 1\1 t IS ImpossIl,lc or an mencan to un-• , c IS er as, I to d til f I' I' h IPansy Eli.?.abeth 'Varner. . (ers n 0 ee Ings � .U' a luya'rh' te h I .... h·1 . th 'So' • verlll;lu S1.6I..J\;'Ct t:".",·tams towarll thelr en ,sc 0 a... ps In, e J nlor I ,collc>gel4 'wcrc' awar�lc,I for' excell�Ac(, statc al1ll Ils at.LA."."J.,- . thc work of the .Junior colleges. ';'�P"'u_ � -- .... �smaI:i.Joseph Le,"in ret'eived the politicn! LlDcoln ailit HI::nnarck. tb� ""V jtreatscicncc pri7.c. I cl,rcselltall, �S 01 American and ucr'Thc Bnehelor'� 11ewee was cohfcrrc.,l man politic:.:1 life in the nlcteeMh cen·with honors on fifty nine. ,,1IrV'. \\ cr,· then comparell by Dr.AmUlunce Gradua.te Scholar:hips. F,raDcke •• :' �i��oln, in everY.,.llOr,,' ufHonors for (�xt�dlenC'c in partit'ntal' IllS belllg'!, �Id the �peakerJ I� a son.icJ\artmcnts of tile Senior Colh�g. � of th� .people! an ,advocate ot eOb.lIluDwt'te aw:mlt't1 to f(,rty'sc,'en Hhule:t"� I m�n, and an'lueal type of the beh" ,.In.:1n.l �choblrshill4J in the Gralln',L�(' .stlllCtH of the masses •. Blsmarck� \\ Ith,.11001 ... 1'111 ex(!�I]C'nce in the wo:-k hi .:\'�ry �ulIJe beat of �IS, heart, II> tn"� he 8"ill(>r. ('ollel!( � W3':! I t� clnvalnc. Vassal. o� b�S lIullCranl. ., ... :t­till' f .,JOWill:": �t:I.I"hb: t�r. He IS t�e In'\·�nc�ble ,�haDlplou of"·llIrc'�.·c I; ,,' .. eft. 11 "lh· Be''!".)f!t� tile monarchical prinCIple.P:lIll HiC'kf'l. Eur.','{ "'( rfi: Frecl""!t�k )JeDloera�y and 8ociu.lism as they'Hiatt, :MaT�llr('t Hhu:ill!l. Ahr�;Hl1n :11f' gaininr;t ground in Germany ,.creHor,·it7.. Am�· Kelty, 'William Kurzln, ttil'leu�.!cl by l'r?f�r. Francke. '·.lie�:]<;liimhcth lfillcr, Kenncth Monr()('. nmn t�emoeracy IS still. In the maklug,R('rthn Ri�g. H(,mer Sampson" Eli7.a' he salll ··and the �rt1san. classC8, tbel,eth Shel'cr. LoiM Whitnev. lracl�llCoplc, are lncreaslIlg in im_Elected to Stgmi. XI. portance."Stnl1('nts elcf't('11 to mcmben.hip in �ric:aus �-Pot!=esaed. ,�iltma Xi w('to announC'el1 as follo-m4: pr.}o rancke .Ie�rlbed thc AmencanJ�ernarll Brown, Charle14 C�rl�'I(' t1('C':1h'ltu� of' conlluc� as somethinJ,: to(:hll'�-, )':ar�· Loui� }'�ter, l(f'yel' bc �urn!?e.1 up' In t�e ,,"orlls "selt'JtO�(;rIlJl:. Gnlln. ":arle Kenncth Hallock, :.t�l4810n. 110 II�rlbed the GerlllansWillinm L('Rov II art. Berthn }O;,Ii'�' ns whimsical.�1:lrtili. W('IlII�1l Z('rbe lliller, Ter('nl'� lie t1r('''� the sante contrnst in theT!1Ct1l :t�' Qllirkf'. '�nl;('t S('YIl101ll' S!I1it.h, writinJrs of the nations, hut Ih�cl;'rell( hi ;'.h I '1I(,llr\" Y('atoll, that "G�rman literary pro,lu('tiou of1'1 HI' hun'l�("1 alul lliJH'�,··fou'" .14'_ the pa�t ]00 ycars arc ,,"holrsom., inU"('('�� of hal·helor of .\rt�. ·Philosoph,· thought 311.1 deel' feelinr;t, anll cOI'lainanel Science ha'·e hcen Jlh·('n out :l�' �mnrinJ,! itllaJtinatj,"e anll !'pir�,ualtht' l·lIh·C'r�it�· IllltinJ,! the pa14t a('n· trensurf'� ror all humnnit".",1C'!J1iC' �'('nr, n("('or,ling t,l an announ('('-' .. 1t is for the te:tC'hN';_ of G('� ,1:\nTnf'n'!', :at the e:Xf'rf'il'-l'!4 ,·('ster,h,·, litt'rnt,urf' in the unh'en.ities anel coILTh('re Wel'C 309 title14 of A���intf' 1'0:1 1f'S!cs thl'mll!hout this country to t pen(e.rr('II in the ,·cnr ]!l13 to 1!114. tn til�' the eye!' of Americans to thc "as: •• n(1C'.;;.;,.:at(' �(''h�ols lOS mallt .. n.· flcr;trf'(,s 8(llicl trf'aSlll'e8 contaln�1 in the !'. )re·WN(' Ili�trihl.t('.1. O�hf'r IHplom .. � h0118C or German litenry prOlluet' 'In,''�h'f'n ont :arf' :;4 .1('1%r""" of Ph. D .• ,:� he C'onC'luciel1. ··They are Iloins.! thisof :.Y •. Tl.. :Ui ('o1)e2'(' 0'· f;lll1f':'It!n"j1tf.rk of .. nlhr'ht.enment now with I�on·titJC:14 .. :;;; �':a,�tf'r of Ar�!I 11C'ltrC'f'q 1': '.hf' S_ri;'10n" �l1cC'eS'9 if! the yn!,·er;it· ?f1)1\ :,,:h' �hool. 12 Rnf'hf'lor of Tl,,' �n- (."'''''''0 :,".1 Ilel' sistel' Instatutlor1 IDi·" (;{ 1!T'�14. 'S Tloctors of Divinity :\n.1 (Co .__ ..17 U:Jf'llelol'B of Law. '. ntl_ OD par. 4)evening..."Beta. Wins Doubles. .Beta Theta Pi captured the, doublesin J nterfruternity tennis yesterday de­fl'atin� Phi Galllm� Delta.,"ision of eh"ijization along the lake.""Anothcr and morc lasting vil:lio11ui' ellueatioll," so'lill the orator, ··Phys­iC:l, ('hclllistry anll gcology, as taughtill the Uni\'er�ity, are as truly cultnral nl'; (;rcck, l .. atin, G�rman, or phil·o�opl,y. "'c are all of one si�tcrhOi,.I,!'nt dnsl'lienl stu!ly has � .. tWin si:-ltc!'who is h()mcle:-:�the )IOtlern Jan'�1t:lgC'� tll'l'art,JJlt'lit. Anll a pnrt of th,l:I'tay('r i!'4 that for hoth our :-akt's, he1nny not, IIII:J! l'oJl(�t· ... l his ll:mlC:'Procec.d to Geolo::y Hall."Aftc>r the C'1a.-;l'Iiel4 huiltlin;,: (.'x('r('j�I·�,tIlC proc.·ndon mO"cII to lhl, half'rabctlstructllt(' of the n('w GeoJo�.y huil.linlt,�-h('re lire .Julin!' RoMcnvn)t1, the Iionorf)f the hnlt, laill the ('orner �tol1C' .. Th('lContinued OD Page 4):,-rIlE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, ruNE 10, 1914.Mar •••Three R�DS WIIJ 1011 should at th,len's CommonsI st. Good Food Pl'oper.,. Cooked.2nd. Cleaaliaess our Motto. Inspect the Kite h( nlrd. A Miaimum Price for 8lah QueJit7 FoodI Cld' lkeakfast lie .. Cafeteria at LaDebnlDoeI' A. LaCarte BUSIC ColDe lD.�MlfPennsytania Avenue. i11th and H StreetsTo seekers or • lJotd wbef'eluxurioul quarters 1Ra1 be R­cured w!left charm _tid con-ceniii atmolPh�re f���andwhere excellence 0 isparamOllftt, tbe Hot�1 PowhatanoftTS Jut sacb induc:a.eata..... with detHW _hftIaT lie olttalaed at 1100aDd � Rooaas with ,ma.�""...p-SO, . .,.00 at ..��a::-Write for b001rld with JUp. �'CLJPPORD M. LEWIS."- Man3,crI .Tlae Oail, CLA5-SlflEDutllrli�lt\tNTh&D elemeDtary I"eeognition of this fact •. 8tudent &etivit.iea 0'''8 bee. ques­tioned, eritieiB&d, praised or blamed,aeeordiDg to their teDdeDcies iD devel;opiDg reallJ" uaeful tJoelal traits anduftlcla1 Studeat N ... papel' of tIM uaa..... '7 of tea('Ill'r, tutors Germanpoints of vie"-. Courses have been (Grummur, Iit err.ture, Gothic uud scieucommeDted on.-ap&riDgly because of tific German}, ;j7J;! llurylund ave,limited kDo\\'leUg�tor their presents- ''ft'll'phollc ·lO�q.u ". • tioD or laek of presentation--of th is&&. b. "U'P' eC'rt' TO U.E�'J'-A Ji ve room upurtmeut,....... MI value, Mistakf'ls have beeD made, of('omplt'h·ly f'ur nlshed with all 1lI0d-&How"tML _ � course; but they have been honest,:::..-.:..�-� � u:;'L &a. and 80 DOW forgiveness ig craved for Nil conveniences. Coommunicatu withh h·J • d I l\lr�, Lightfoot, u(l:!i Ellis avenue, �r.l...,�... � t e error, w I e ID u gence is asked:: '::::-::.:-:' ;�.&.t"-: :':'�' for the purpol5C. Perhaps it may huv« _�_.J_J:_lr_t_lll_c_n_t. _!::::���� "!:.' � ."" .... seemed & mistake to have adopted th'�"" , ..·ubJ1&bed monUDp. ezcep& • ...., ....\loUWl,y. durlq .A.utWILD. waa_ &IMIbpriu¥ Ijuarten. bJ Tile Ual17 �.taJLpoliey of sineere, honese. critidslll; but'Ult""" l·r.aa. �:;ll Cuttapl Ul'OY. .A.Y" the Maroon felt that such a policy -PROFILEaloDe would seJ"\'e to create and main­tain the proper valua etandard, It isSo it is with the college Dewspaper the aineere hoPe of the outgoingeditor ; he haa lW, brief three ot board that the time will come when'i'reparation, bursts Into glory in hitS e\"erythiDg fro'll1 a Symphony concertSenior year--aDd then passes into to a Freshman Dramatics evening canoblivion. This coJawm today repr& bE' �ritieised COlDpeteDtly by a studentseuts his "l�t words," hie "dying critic. Perhaps it was a mistake togreeting," as, prodded by the merciless banish the- usual "rah-eah" argumentcertainty of the Commencement cere- of "get out and support the team,"monies, he .is launched OD th� troubled _bstitutiDg therefor the idea of "goseas of Iife, Theae last words, then, if you like; we think you will like tohan: a peculiar sigDi1icanee. The) go." But the Maroon did so, feelin�represena his laSt attempt to clinch the that in nrgiDg SUeh support no iojus­points he has sought during the year tice would be done, and what sUPJX>rtto drive home iD the �ds of his 'Would be aroused would be honest,readera; they represent his 1inal .t- sineere, aDd cause no after regretstempt to leave somethiDg worth wiille when ,matured reason should turn Itsbehind him, some distiDct cODtributioD light OD memories of college the thought and life of his student Perhaps it was a mistake to start a Iassociates. And 80 in the present case; eampaigu of diSCussing studeDlt organi­for the Maroon haa heeD attempting zatiODa of an 8Orts, without beingto bring a message to the atudBDta of ready to give exhatl8tive treatment tothe l:oiversity of Chieago throughout the 8Ubjeet--the Maroon feels that itthe year--not completely ·and exactlY W1UI; but the stnrt w:lS made, andformulated in PriDt Wore, beeaU8e the upon that the llaroon asks judgment,whole message has been evolved dur- radler than' on the basis of actualiog thc year from the partic� as value. Perhaps it was a blunder tothey have been worked outj but toda, attempt a geDuiDe ne'MI policy. appor­it is ,now or Dever, aud�!�ndiDgly. at � apace _cordiDg to Dews value,the risk of philosophizing pr�turely, rather .than traditional value iD cam·of hetrayiDg immaturity � thought, pU8 stalld� of the organizations af- 1204 Eo 6Sd Stnet_ 0JdcapThis Bankwelcomes your account, largeor small. with the assurancetbat the desire to render youprompt, efi'icient, courteoussen-ice is of paramount f.m_portance to its 01ficers andDirectors.:,;.NEAREST BANKTO THE UNlVEBSITYWe Pay 3% on 8avines AccountsWoodlawn& Savings TrustBankor con:fusing ideas beeanse of IDCClW­plete working out here is the messagtl.The great fUhdameDtai value of coUqeis social in Dat�ven in its m&.ttiJulivid\lalistic results; and this �alutility is the test of college values. Itis a test that iDcludes the persoDal'Values; beeaUSe society Is iDterested iDdevelopiDg persoDal ability, ollly asthat ability is useful to aoeiety. ADd the campus wiD Ih'e a.nd grO'W, nDtitit is the test by wbicla we value our- It brings about the day ,,·hen Wc han.'seh'es; because, ulllees we beeome ex .a euJtured, BaDe student body, happyJicrt "secoDd story meD," "poker play. iD wort and happy in play, enjoyillgthe real thiDgs of life, appreciatingfordiDIl the De1VS; but the M:tToonfelt that this would develop a better Itest of nIne. The 14a�oon fra.nkly THEadmita many blnDders; and probablv Corn Exchange National Ban"would acknowledge mauy more dId ., Cbleap.some person choose to briDg them to Capita.) .....•. __ •. _Dotice. But the Maroon hopes tha t �urplU8this ideal which has been sought tobreathe into its poliey and the life o� undivided Profits $3.000,,000,00.00.,'� ,OFFICERS.ER:>O:EST A. H.\1I11l1.1 ... Pre-.ldent.CIIARJ.ES Ih HI!TCIII,:IiSO:o>l Vlce-I-'rea':HAU:o>lCEY J. BLAIR. VI�PrealdeDt.·D A lto� 1.TO:o>l. Vi,·e-Prf'.JIldent.1 C. SA lUI O,:liS. VJCe-Pre.ldeDL..·RA,:I;K \\'. SlIlTH. Sf'crelar),.EI·W.\ nIt F. SCIIOP.:o>lECK. A •• t. Ca.hl ...J I':"WAI(O YlAA$. ASSI. C •• hitrIA\II£S t,i, \\,\.':":1""11':1.0, ANl. C."hl_I_EWI� E OAltY. A_I. ('.aabler.,;:ers," "faro b& "lkers," or BomeODe witl.similar abilities, our lives and whatthey bring to U8 will depeDd upon whatwe do for society-with th., e«eet8 good eouraea and earDest effort, unt,stiD retainiDg the old joys of boybo.· Iand girlhood-.the .poDtaDeous wito.c­joy that is the only kitHI DIRE4�TQHS·h .. rl�sH \\ ... Cluor'farlln A R),t'non.J;(lwaroi n Htlf I .. r-:.harl,., II H IIlhurf'!·.ar�nc" 'hwk",Kt .•• ,.�t_" .. t·"tn '�""I"'·"T�. c..:l)'de- 1I. CarrF..lwln G, J.·orema.W"!!IIftn ERial"F.'h •• �d A. S,tMt4�·r·.I .. rtl'lI W Crn.b)10": .... -... • " .... mtl.,)). worth- fee�iDg. ADd if the Maroon thi:lof our fellow meD, ia our OWD 88lf-re�pect. TeaelaiDg us tJaie great lessoD year haa BUeeeeded iD contributing illb the, fuJldameDtal parpoee' of eollege the slightest to this ideal in the heartsof th_ ............ heeD its reatler�euu('ation. We �y eeoDomie. tohUlL a seDse ot value in the buaiDas &lid iIf' "","iilg the ideal upou thol'W,--s;.._ after, for invrt.-,ovement anllworld; we �dy' matbematiea, .mou, -... -r.-language, in ordeL tIaa&. we get &... tia_i_on to succeediDg geDeration!'�Y th�ea, 1i-.1-.t will theof social unity, aDd COille to Ieata tlat .., "�u,men of all ealliDga aad all DatiOllB, � )larooD be thaDkful; for whateverworkiDg, eouaeioualy or uDcouacioaaly, ma1' be said agaiDst it, win be ac_tow-ard tile cOllllaft- .... __ .a.z.:..&a.I bowledged freely, offset as it will bc1'1- by the knowledge that the .Maroonour eo� .... is & suceea. 01' afailure, aceordiug to whether We learn .. dODe 80IIIethiDg good for feUo\\this Ics50D or DOt. It is more impon studeDt and fellow maD. And withnnt than aD)' speci1ic knowledge we tltat, the outgoiDg, the fading,. till'could get; for what good will tbe In. puaiag, llaroon yielcls the typc\vritt·rest trainiDg iD geology do the man and the desk, and the dusty oM officeselling boDds, as compared witb an ele. to 8UCee!J80J'8, with the hope that th(·�'mentary tM!DBe of social v_'ue that will will enjoy as frieDdly co-operation, ;&Jo'eDable him to vote 'W'i3ely 8lld live deep Bympathy, as indulgent apprecin­usefully? The w.ole editorial policy tion OD the pert of all, studentlJ, faf'­of the !larooD thie year h .. beea d�. ulty and alumni, as has been the lot ofreeted toward briDglDW out thb pat tbiB year's c(litnr. And. !to, farewcll­common eleme.' ID every1biD, and may God give you all the bc..�tmakes up eoUege life. Demoeraey-the lIleuure of life and joy that can hegreat .pirit that we )lave beea crOpiDg obtained iD oar brief momeDt of eter.afte.1. aad are taint),. &lIFoaohi.,., i. Dit,. ApiD, good-bye. The National"Makings"Enough "Bull" DurhamTobacco is sold in a year tomake approximately 12 hiJlioncigaret- -1- about the samenumber as all brands ofready-made cigarettes in thiscountry comhineJ­and the sales aresteadily grouJing.One thing that hasalways been heartilyappreciated about"Bull" Durham isits unique" deliciousaroma. This specialand individual fra­grance IS produced by an exclusiveprocess known only to the makers ofDurham. You recognize it in an instant.can get it in no other tobacco... GENUINEBULL DURHAMSMOKlN� TOBACCO(Enough lor lorty lumJ.maJe cigardla in eaclz 5 r Jack)Get a 5-cent sack at the nearest dealer's today-"roll your own"-and enjoy the most satisfyingluxury in the world. Sold wherever good tobaccois sold-and you canalways get it fresh.An Illustrated Book le I . F R E EshOWID� how tn·· RollYour Own. "and 0 Book of '_'Igarelt� papers,Wilt both be lIIiltied./rce. to :111\' address mU. Sa on postal request. Addrus" BuU­Ilurham. Duch:,",. �. C .• I�oom 1210.mE AMERtC/,N '7C�/,CCO COMPANY.� - ......Whether JOII driDk it to quench thirst-for refresh­mad-for pare pleasure in its deliciousness Coca-Colascores pi. It satisfies JOII in a mannel' aDd with accapldeDess poaihle to DO other benrage.DeUcious-RefreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA co.�A�d_II' .., c............. '- ..•. '''-E c: .A.CO_. ",uni .........�HICA.G.r:. '1 Cotta�o Grove A venuo. Phone EnJ[lewood M2.1PATRONIZE MAROON AD\·ERTISERSL1HE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 10, 1914 •............ -_ _--- .. __ ._--- .How About That Summer Suit?Come ·'up" and give these new arrivals the "Once Over/'Hildreth Basket Weaves. Blackstone Tartans.Waldorf Homespuns.and the much favoredHenley Tweeds.English Models with patch pockets, quar­ter lined, silk sleeves and athletic vests.W e also have a corking goodline of Raincoats and Balmacaans ..CQDcerning HaberdasheryEverything from hosiery to collars.Silk shirts our specialty.Remember this:---I"When you go up the price comes down."ROGERS· 6 MAY CLOTHES SHOPSUITE 1204 - 5209· South State Street(Comer (:J State and Adams)Serge With a Reputation Prominent Seniors 25 Years BenteThe high quality andlow price of UN i co 11Standard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatestwe know --- rich,e x a ctl y right.special at $25.00 (As Mili:..=! BalC:win Sees Them)1i1l::U'l' Pitcpat eiek, ..:\ physlcul wree k from tryinC to k(�('jllthe -Iunior women off the Scniorbc:�_h.I',:tahlil'hill;! an honor eourt nt the 1111_per inl vuivorsitv, Chinn.Still ha.� the habit of Laughing, whichshe ccntrnetc-I ill her college .IOIYS.IThe wifc of a wealfhv bond broker,hut rloes her hWII mnr ket ing,Workin� out n scene, and makillg morc Ifn:.s than Bclnsvo ever dreamed of.The fl·nym.nn 011 the rlver of De',.moernrv.l'rl'sifh'nt. ;.C thc Perlec P:wkin;! C'OIll'l'an�'. lie h::s .1il-won're.1 a s�'stt'mnf utiJizinc the pig·14 !HIUl'al for nu­tomohilo horns,E.litor of the Atlant i« :'.loI:t1lh·.�larrit'.1. nnd hrin).!inc up �e\'(�'ral ..ttil_1clrt'n without. nnv trnecs of .lis·dllline. •Pradi(,jllfY Ln w ;� R('aUlc.The> owner of n c'oupl(� of banks.valueImc,Very Hllhe Uchm.T':...-t •.. y Sherer.K II ar.t. Htol7..Nicoll the Tailorwe JtJ�mtl.SonsClark aud Adam. 8tnet.8. ChleaJto,Dr-rot hen ""n.,,hhnrD.1Ic'I,,"(' Pollak,'.TWENTY-FIVE mGR GRAD!:AGGRESSIVE COLLEGE MEN WlTl1A PERSONALITY AND PUSH:eVER 21 YL'::ARS OLD. No expert, r.f'f',rl!l' Lcisur«,JI:t rvev lIa rrts.ence nec�. CALLING ON DEAL· CO:\I:\luxr(,ATIO�,; ore (If i1" :I' ,·ofl!I'!isl:J1H·I.t m�l�! Iii,!'ERS, � towns with Trade Journal 1'0 t he J-;tHlto�. i o'l or .In'�n's "f:l,l(' in the Jj;.:llt. ofl'roposlUon. Very a.ttractive, beC.U:lSC AII�' one even slightly interested ill . '�Im"!l '!".' i �·t II� .�·.·t l-mi: t')subr.cribcTS arc enabled to meet any thc l'It.u.lcnt�·life of this University -n rt h, Ar;;, I" t ,t('nw�·r.:.· I", :\otrPrico quotocl by Jrulil order honses on must he .-� oi t�e 8tron� wave (If j, ('Ihl('nti. II .:.·;I)o,·rnt.if'. ,·;·.t.... liot 1"an yuUde. Henfs a real opportunit� ''''nICl(·r:\.tic feoling which iM �Wt�('l;i'l� its 1("'.'1 so ,10('� hurnn n it y, �o !"I'� ;:..;to travel. Make $15 claJly and h:\vc it. Xo doubt that (fflin� is n pnlutnrYI 'herf' nro ('In�s('s of �m'i('t�' th·:., willYour monq every nf!!ht. 'l'erritory ""1'. In time, however, it must J:ivc lit" C'\'i.lf'nr('s of t hern , AIl�' nttl'mpt totor on17 25 men, so act quick. UniVt>T' wa,�· to. n .reaMio�� �he he.J.."i"llih�: Ollll.TNlk lin" n thf''1e'r� Wi,lI on':­stty Sales Company, Iowa City, Iowa. which I�. In (�t.,lIIch�etl In the letter c-,pr\,(' to form otl1erM st.ronzor nnr] 1l10rCfrom COlln�enor in the llaroon of �'ay �!"'t'f', Our ft:-nC'�l(' (or .lrmocra",· r.·I.OST-Toclay, nn em'('lopo C"ontninihJ! . 1 1) •. . lik' h •. " : . ..1 • •h 1 1 h 11 . , ....: . . 1'1n')n� r U'y IS C t., n,,':II! mInus ono of n ('1111cl'� flit ilt' nUNr ••• er )en( 1'. pro n ) V :tt. �I"I! prJ Iday night. Rcturn to 59, Foster hall. ! plenllid" of WOTiI8worr�I'S poe:ll. Til:! to ... ntch �unJ,ennls. l�r�shmar •• REPUBLIC BUILDINGIN OLUS the oabicle aIairt aacI- wwleaclr .... are ODe prmeDt.This means that th� shirt cUl't workoutofthctfoUsen, thattl1Creare no shirt tails to bunch in leat, that the dr.lwcrs "stay put,"to s;'Y nothing of the comfort and economy of saving a g:mncnt.OLUS is coat cut, opeDI all tho �"I down--closed crotch,dosed back. Sec ilIustr.aboD.For golf tennis and field wear, we recommend the specialattached collar OLUS with repbr or abort sleeves. Extr:a sizeafor .ery tall or stout meIl. All Ihirt fabrics, in mwt dC8igDs.induding sHb-tIJlO Ie ,10.00.OLUS _. »1 • pAJAIIAS for __ "� .. ., ... �fOn:IbIe ...Made (til tbe _ prhldple _ OLUS aiftI - t'DII m. c:c.N '-a. � �No .......... �_� ......AIk,... ....... ,_OLUS. _ .........PIIILIJPS..JOIE a.PAII....... 1 ...... ., ... r..'fll., �tron�.f:lir 8\\"('.1(' from the North� '\UUtIltV'»���·�"'."""ltat3t��,p"�"����p"�:)t���au'e�_a,. j l�Il,l. tlu' �e·ot. :wtl thf' swnrtby':I t: I (; fl'!' 1,-:c ",. "\ ,," th.',- 1111rn."l with tllf' glow of:'1 TJ'h . � Ithe X('w W'orltl for thf' fr('('.}om� e Ita_r·d:-on I'!JEe Ii :... ,' the'.,- (,:llIIe to sef'k.... .. •• j ..... ·1 WJilj1�fi..qe :i:ll ,...! 1'1,,',- turnl'll tlldr �t('ps farTh ij ; to t hI' lIro:l.l. frf'(, plainse Song Hit in 1: I W('!'t,I It; .\ ".1 the"- (,' ns w(,:I.ry ('hilelren� :: -11 to tl· b t... WI come a mo ICr s rens.i The Student Superio! §:. �:II ;; ,:a � II Because of continuous Demands for sin- � ii gIe copies of this song, the Blackfria:r� � := have put on sale a limited number at t1"1e � ;� �.§ �... J:,:::a �s �.. �i The Press Lyon (:s He�ly �:a �.= i�:i For 25 cents per cqp�jI �a na �:a Copies will be on sale at the 1$ �:a � ,! INTERSCHOLASTIC VAUDEVILLE � :i MANDEL HALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 12 ! ia � Ia �,r �.1:'. �I��·..atr..ItJ'�-"��III!"� •..It •.a! ... � ..�:!)!r...�,._v.z-� .. �l'-"'..J:l't :�)�:"'.top-notche:r TIm DAILY :MAROON, WEDNESDAY. JVJr3 10, 191�THE OOB.HBB.8TOlIB LAYING � that J wus wastillg 11Iy tiwe, ami bc-BXBBCI8E8 ABE HELD sides, lily uncle's 111011CY. NOlle of myVISION(Contillued frOID page 1) eourses had stired mejuot allY touche-Itht' hidden t'prillg of 11IY soul, 1 r.'_1914 CLASS POB)[.(By BUss caer lIaJl.iDg.)Here hv t he lnln nd wntcrs,hv '�:lhlrt' l.lest,)11'11 ;':\.1111' to huil.l :L l·ityGar.ll'lIl of the \\"t,'st. richly "It is my prh'i1l'ge to speak 011 be , belled wheu OUl' of lily iust ruc t io rshalf of thol4C who hu.,-c enjoyed for cOUli'l�lled lUe to memoria» for flnulin the UUlU.'" Yl'urtl the discipliuary value of examinution the titll'H of nhout sixtyhopes deterred,' said the speaker, ''It plays, which I never rend :111,1 never'I'lu« f'ou .. ht t he i r fij.!ht with the it; said thut there are cosnpeusat ious Intend to read.·U".i "')1 all. t hcy fought with for those who wuit, Well, 'We hUH' But today 1 feci the breeze of :l.w i nd nud \\"a"f', .I waited. We are now ready for the new world; I have l'lWlIgl'l[ Illy ut t i-Bllt � !it'ir strllgj.!:I,' ... !!U"e t rem eour-:I!_!I' :11101 t IU'i r labors mucic them compeuaatlons, \\'Iile Wc IU1\'e waited tude towurds thl• IT IIi versity. hu vebrave. W(' hU"e learned more of our ueetlt;.'. come iuto eoutuct. with :ll\':1 who 1"1\'"\n,l t lu-v s:li,I, Let us build a l·it�· FoUDdecl on Sand. nccurul,lishl·.1 something ill iife :'ull. that' is �-o!ln;!. and clean, anti Professor Chnmberfin expln.illcll the who, h�- force of their J.NsClII:dityst ronz founelntio anti st ruvtur f th I '11 11.,':t.' III ft "I' 1111' f,','1 1 ... t t er, n u-I hi;.!�l'r.Tb:l� lu-r ... �"lIs :-111111 1." 1I1l'II or re-I, nco e HII.-r."l hlood, with fn it h und the illg. 11(' said that the hall was found- nnd clt'l:lIIl'r. Sl1l11l'timt'� I nm af'rn id,jo.,· of �Oll;!. cII on :L cushion of saud ten fl'f't dee!', J .Ji.1 uot Iistvn to thoir wel] f'ormu­Put 10, with t ln- 1!"!lerntioIlM erune whlvh had been pushcd in place by luted theortes or loetures ; yet I S:L'Vl'PClplt' of str:mg"I'. f:lr birth, the glacier thnt dug the bed of Lake 011 their faces �hillill:! :1 light of COII-Fr('J1l t he e rowdv-l marts of Europe,:11111 the limits of the eartll: �lil!higan thousands of yeara :lgo. v ict iou, which thrt·\\' liJ!ht ill Illy HWItThe artil'lt.'s placed inl the corner; �(\1I1. They tnught lilt' th:Lt r am :Ir.TI,,' -Iow from t h» wrongs of Russia, stOUt'S of the "uil.lill�s Wl'rC as f'o] ent if y with illfillitt, pCls��ihiliti,'s. if It 11" Pole from his land oppressel,Th .. (;('rlll:1n from war's mad ravage, lows: Copies of th� Daily lI:troon alit I only apply myself to .1t·'·I·lop t lu-m,�h" Gnpl f'rum t ho f:tmille's pest ; city papers for -June 9; copics of the nml with n spark of thnt sCllIl<'thin;.rUnfveraity- of Chicago l\laguzille for w hh-h mn kes us .Ji,·ille in till' SI'IIS0the pnst three mQnths, progralJls of tlmt. .T('sus wns Ili\"ill('. r rl':llize tn.ln,rthe cornerstone layillg exerciscs, l'OIl' tltnt 1 alii all ill.lh·i.llI:tt tI{·�tilll·,l tovocation prograrll8, spriug fiuals (all a pL'lce ill tIl(' wllrl.l. lint for JII�'gramK, copies of the Cal) nllil Gown OWII plf'a ... ure nn.l �:ltisfaA'tioll. hut forfor l!H:l and 1914, copies of the Alum. thnt of 111�· n('i::hhor�. 1 l':trrr�' :LW:IYinlantl.of t.he ni dircdory, cOllies of the Litcrar,r from m�' l'ourSI'� tht.''n thnt. ma.n ismouthly, yearly rel)(j)'ts of the Uui\"cr. not the ;!o:ll or (',' .. llliion, Yf't. it i�sHy, copies of the annunl regi�ter. gooll to know UI:!t we nr" ah1e� to o,'er­c('l)ies of scientific journals Imblishe.1 coml' our hnrulie'nps nn.l hi' u!(�fulby the PresH,list.'i of the (actulty mem_ link� in th(' clmin· of hllm:ulit�-. Thi�hers, time scheelules, the coat of urms rr.n.l, T JUl."" h>':lrn('ll. is nnt e:u�y toof the Unh'ersity anll se"eral other trn'-('). It i� stn'wn with 1II�'1n�· ston('�,articles of minor interest. "'hii'll WOllltl Il't. m{, stl1l11h)(. w.'re I toContain Rosenwald Letters. i wnlk it nlollf' frlllll IlOW on. "'ithout nnTho box placed in the cornon.toll(, (",nmplc nnel 'witll()l1t the coll"�e sJliritof Roscnwalel hall contains the two To !'Ittlely two ImJIIlre.l p:tg('s ofletters by :Mr. R�nwnltl to the Uni. AmeriC'an Histor�' i� nnt. a .lllty. "11lmversity, ono nnnouncing tho ·gift to T r('n�l hnw m('n throlll!h nll th(' a�('sthe institution of the money for tilt' ho\"e JI'.l tll('ir ('o""tr�- to ,-irtory antIGeology buii«ling, and the other ae- glory',th:'11 T :"" '·w� .. r to fintl out whyC()mpn.n�;ng tho check for the built). thl'Y :J.t·,·olllpl;�::l :".'.·h trl�mellcloll� rc_ingot A beneelietion by Professor HeJJL sultt«, Bn.l whnt It'.l th('m to make(16rson closed the detlication exercises. nearly superhllm:lD snf'Tifit�f's. Lin-The geology building will be com coln'� biography not onl�' taught IIH'pleted before the Classic structure !he constitutional .liffieultiell of tIlt)}. fl,1 Gael :lntl Latin C:Ime here in nnel will be immediately opened for sIn \"f'ry qustioll, hut my �oul went toriC'he�t amity. occupation. him, who Haill allli thought in a crisi:i:)f ('n ('ame from the ori('nt's limits. let us hn,-o fait h thnt right gives:In,1 the of the Sea..1(; ight, an.1 i rt tJ. is f:lith let us to the.\ I'" In. Chirnt!o r(,('l,i\'f'el tllem. anel!!:1'-,' tllf'm n. w('le'ome her('.F.:r �hl' S�\\" thc" w('r(, of the r('el,rt'd 1110011. nnel' thl' f:lith of thepione('r.c\ no! thl'll. in the Y(':trs tha.t follow­".1, :It 11:1wn of' another clay,TJJt':'{' ros(, th(' w:Ills nnel the towers:lnd Toofs of :t Cit�· Gray..\JIIl it� h"jl�1('rs !'Iaill. Let us builtll','ro n Cit\- for e\"(�rmore,'\-",·r .. JlIl'n m:l\' ('orne for learning:ultl fillc1 their wea.lth of lore..\ ".1 1o, from the hom('s of the' bum­loll:'_ :at the dnwn of the strange,r.('W clny,c:' me .1('w anel Pole anti German anc18\\"('.lt'. to the City Grny.Thl'.'· ("nme with a strnn::re. new "is.inn. to do ns well ns to know.AIl.l they elrenmf't} loni! elrenms offrienllshin :1Oel lmrneel with theXew Worlel"s glo,,·. CommDDicatioD. CIIII .Iare .10 our .tuty.III 011 tlll'irs is th,. lo"c of Chicngo, aniJ! th('irs h('r jo,' :lnel fenr,For tlu'irs is th ... hJoo.l of the frcsh­uwn. :10.1 the f:lith of the pioneer. A Junior Who fa G!acl to Betmn I wish to be of service to my fel-'1'0 the Editor: lowmen. I nlll striving to filltl theAt' I am re"iewing for exa.minations I>eace nnd the light "Which is re�wr\-ecl1 wonder what college· has done for to those who honestly seek it. 1 :UllInc. Perhaps these thoughts are re, well aware thnt I hn\"o not reache;llen�eel after luning read llabel De my aim, hut I hOlle to come nearer itT.allater's critism, they are cluring my Senior yenr with the helpthe natural reaction of ten weeks of of my instructors. Therefore I amh:ml work. I do not know antl I (10 glntl that the waUs of the "City Grny"not care to account for them. But I will emhrnce me again next year, ntlll:lm certain. of this: with very mixed thnt again J will walk in the shnlle offeclingH I enter upon my Senior' year;' �rit('hell tower.r "r" hft'"(' thl',· lm"('ll their mother,JON!' fill('.1 111';- ]iff' with lii!ht,1,0. 1l('''- !"ll(' hrootls npon them in thew�tf'hl's of the nij!ht.Xnw :IS w(' 1(,:I'-e her hOMm, go fromH,,, Cit,· Grn,·.J,':J" to t""�11s of 0('1':10, (':\('h on r nm lmrry that it will be the Jast one.To be honest, last !q)ring, precisely lfnrgaret Nehl('r....... 'k" "'f' "(,T hl'f'i!'lons with us. tak.. at this time, I was dissapointetl an!! Englfsh Journal Is Out."',, '.oT lm-(' :l.Ilel r.nre: r�:J.(ly to throw e"erything o,·erboard. The .Junc number of the Englil'lhT··r- �h"n"!'1 our Ilrl:' nrc ber I felt thnt I had Dot pine.l anything, .Tournnl wa..'i is�ued by the Press yell-flrf'nms, fll\\"n�'� om'r prnycr h�r t('relny.Jlrn�"er.Woodworth's Book Store1311 E. 57th StreetNear Kimbal'k Ave.Graduation GiftsAGENTS TAKE NOTICE; The well1known Sime Seed Com Dryer whichW:1 s sold last y� at $1.50 w1ll seDt'1il': year at $1.00, capacity 200 ears.'i'his reduced price makes it retail atene-bill the pri� of any other dryeren tl:e m..,rket per capacity. '1'his is a.urCl.ctical necessity that farmers buy;n half and dozen lots. Good for $50i V"cckly fn Northern corn growing ter­I ritorY. Sam�e !'I:'lling outfit tree.i ry�vcstigate quick. Farmers' Spedalq1; Co., Iowa. City, Iowa. EARN ENOUGHI M'CNEY THIS SUJDIER SO '1'JlA'l'i YOU WO'N'T HAVE TO OALL ONI DAD OR �8H DISBBS 1GX'1'I: YEAR. YOU OAN DO rr WI'1'IIl'mS PBOPOSI'l'Icm. Books, Foontain Pens and StationeryUniversity 1111 Paper, Engravedand a New Coat of Arms DesignII.-----------------1�.---�.� .-�---��------------------------------------