'\"\\I 1(fItIi(, r"I11I'f\I! --laily ilarnnl1VOL XII. Ho. lS8. U1IIVI:B8lTY OF CHICAGO. SAftBDAY, .TUlm 6, 1914.ReYDOlcla Club is SpollSOr ForDancing Claues- To � UnderMias Dudley'. SupervisionCAUFORNIA SQUADS CRIPPLED FIELD IS FASTEST IN HISTORYllU TEACH IAXIXETO UNIVERSITY lEN NAME ALUMNI OFFICERS m DEDICATE NEW 'EXPECT CONFERENCE RECORDSReturns of Mail Ballot Will be BUILDINGS TUESDAYBIG MEET��:;:!:�:-; PnofeuorsCbamberlinandHale! TO GO TODAY INStag Dinner to be Speakers At Laying- of Comer.tonesSTUDENTS ANXIOUS TO LEARN RECEIVE GRADUATES MONDAY Wisconsin, Stanford and Chicago Illinois ia Favorite to Cap�Have Outside Chance to Take Western TJtIe-QaaIify Threerll'St Place From Illini Men in Quarter MiIe_Iteturus of the elections of Alumniassoeiut.flou officers for the c:olll.illgyear will 00 anuouueed at the businessIll'--"t.'ting of the associu.tion today at 10ill the Alwnni office, Ellis 11. TheA daueiug class, open to aU well atthe Univeraity, ,,·m be held u.t the be ...grnniug of the Autwlln quarter under vote has been taken b)., mail durin&:the ausI,iees of the Reynolds club. Tho the past week. A new eoust itufiou,class will meet once every two weeks, which provides for several radicalaud will be couducted under the per- chauges in the orgnnizatlon's policy,80llal supervision of Miss Gertrude will be voted on at the nleeting this Individu,;a Fa.vorites for ConferenceEvents Tocla.y, Picked by TheDaily Ka.roon.100-yard dush-c-Barunuik, Chicago;Knight, Chicago; Ciine,Coloraclo; Hoh­ILU.JI, Hlinois,220 yard dash-c-Baraneik, Chicago;Knudson, Wisconsin; Applegate, Puz,due: Knight, Chicago.4do- yard run-Sanders. Illinois;Cline, Cok>ratlo; East, Purdue; Btege­man, Chicago.8S0-yartl run-Osborne, Northwest­ern; .Bonnett, Stanford; Henderson, Ll- Results of the preliminaries in thequarter mile of the Big Nine C�nfer­enee Meet, held yester�lay,· showed thelllinois athletes to be in the pink ttlcondition, and if the rest of CoachGill's men come through 88 his miel.Uedistance men have, the title should ra;tu-n to Champaign. lllinois qualified·three men in the quarter, while COlO­r, GO, Ci!ir_ago. WisconslD, Purdue audStanforcl will be represented by on"rna r caeh, Owing to the scratehbcof a lalre number ot: half milers, noprellminaries in this event were "'Un.440 Preliminaries:Dudley, ill8tructor In womeu's gymnas- morning;tics. TIle Brazilian maxixe, the Ar- W �lUen of the graduating class willgcntino tango, and rul vurlattous of L� cntrtained at the annual breakfastthe hesitution will be taught. of the Alumnae club today atDean Angell has backed the proposi.: l l ; j5 in Lexington. The charge willarraugelllt·nts for the class. n1eet at 1. Iinoisj Parsons, Iowa..One mile run-Wilson, Stanford; J;oir� heat-Won by C}·nEl, Colorado;Fleming, Colorado; Campbell, Chicago; :O':lndprs, l;Jlinois. se � md , Stegeman,II· ..� go thl·rll· W:Il�aDl" 'Wiac:ontliD,\Vright, I mors,, '.':. .. a, ,Two-mile run-..'\Iason Illinoia;White, . fourth.Wisconsin; Stout, Chicago; Perry,W"Ul..: Second heatL-.Won by East, Purdue;eonsin, Henderson, lllinois, second; Chase,Pole vnult=-Culp, Illinois; Phelps,· Stanford, third; Hardt, Illinoia,1burth.Purdue] Thomas, Chicago; Krohn,' '1'0 Be 0'ftI&teBt JI'eet;.__Stanforcl.. _. _ : __ . Today.'. meet promises to _- be ��- ._.. "Broad· ju:m�oague� Dlinois; Boyd:, ,most successful In the history 'of 'tileChicago; Husted, Dlinois; Warrick,: Conference. The ha.rd rain yeaterdaTNorthwestern.! settled the traek firmly, and it had &High jump-Wahl, Wisconsin; Har- 'chance to take out throughout thevey, Oberlin; -Iames, Northwestern,! afternoon. .Timmy and his assistaDta,Gorgas, Chicago. i �nforeed l y a steam roller, W'pI'kecI120-yard high hur(lles; Murray,StaIl- ! on the oval nU day, and eompara&ivelyford; Ward, Chicago; Hazen, Kansas; :fast times resulted in the quarter,McKeown, Illinois. : which coultl undoubtedly have bee_220 yard low hurdles-Murray, Stan- : gr�lY' eut d�wn had the leadenlford; ",. ard, Chicago; &Ocker, Pur.: eared to pc..h themselves. The tab­clue; Norton, Stanford. ioirs for the jumps were also proteeteclShot put-Van Gent, Wisconsin;!b eanvu and should present an ideal, y. ,Bedeau, Stanford; Geisman, Ohio: appearance.State; Thatcher, Missouri. The new (lressing rooms undenaestltDiscus throWJ-Bingham, Denver; the eonerete staude, will be u.secI fotThn.t�hcr, Mis .. �ouri; Des Jardien, Chi- 'the first time today, and the V�cago; Butt, Illinois. 'squad will be traDsterred to it. DewHammer throwr--Coolidge, Califor-: quarters. The .v.isltiDg teams will "nia; Wylie, California.; Fournier, :Min· 'located ill the visitorr'. quarter •. UD-Ilesota.; Berry, Lake Forest. 'demeath the staJias.An infcrmal eensus recently t.n ken :Members of the class o� 1911 willby offic('r:; of the ReynOlds club show' celebrate their triennial reunion with 4.ed that several hundred men were a daneo this afternoon at 4:30 in theanxious to learn the new dances, and Reynolds elub,would gr:1..�p any opportunity o1J'cret)to D-C't]uirc modern steps.Wells is Enthusiaatic.. A pamphlet which is. being distrio­u ted by the Alumni assooeiation refe�Tho elnsses will probably be held into the dinner and entertainment for�lett. �ym�asi� .. The ml�ic .�lcl_t.]�o _��� -r- _?!_�e'��ni __���t_��_-� )�Jl18truction WIll be pald for ol'T .ho IT utchinson commons as CIa real sLag,ReynolrlN club. Preeielent Wells of the I 1 f . d f gaI!LTV ofa rove 0 musIC an un; n _�, Reynolds club is enthusiastic about the cabaret stars, at which all speechesidea of instituting the men's class. will be barred and the lid will be off.""W:e expect to remedy the incorrectdaneing a; the University, which hasenough interest."from th� Prcsillent·s oO'ice .Iuring thopa�t wt'f'k, nnll Unh·cn.ity authoritit':-;('XJ�t lIut('hinl'lon ('Ollft to he cruwlI­cll. Dr. f'rnncke, pro({'!'l.,'OOr of the hi�-met with so much adverse criticism,"said Wells. "Tho class should be agreat success, if the students take be there. Sensations will be sprung;the searehlight will -be thrown witll­out regard; administzative secrets willhe bared; and the inner workings ofMANY A::'TEND SING IN'things generally wiD he aired."au.rCBlHBOlr QU'ADB.A.NGLE COD'·ocation sermon Sunday at 11 inMandel. The sermon will be, in part,t& farewell atlclrress to the graduatingSIng \\� Followed by A11U1lDi "I(ov_1e" Show in Man'W InterestingPictures Are - Shcnm. John F. Moulds, '07, the Univcrsity class, and will contain advice to the.. ral ",h81·rm", n of t.!Je seniors on their conduct during theircashIer IS gene '" nAlumni festiVities. E. E. QuantrcJl, hu�ine8S and professional days. The'05, is chairman of the Men·s dinner; ('oll"ocation prayer service and theHelen T. Sunny, 08, of the alomrac procession will prece(le Dr. Heneler­hreakfnst; Albert W. Sherer, '04, "f Mcn·s talk.tho pUblicity and finanee committe·�; The Con,·oeation reception will beAlfred C. KeUy,- '13, of the arrnnge· h('lel Monday night from 9 to 11 inS1UIlJJlflr Scbed11lee Are lien.'F '17 ' Houhinson hall. Professor Kuno ._ __monts committee; Alvin • .o.&_I&er,h lul for the Summer : By re880n of paR penOrm&De�1 M 1 'Irs. Timo 8C ec as.th I d d rt ent re Frnncke of Han·are, r. ane ... .f CL--DIli_ i8'08, of e e us, aD epa m .qnarter mny he obtained at the In- Coach Gill'. team rom. _�_1Inl·on", ., Charles F. XeDDed.v, '04, of the A nclrew Ma.eLei�b, aDd l\fr. and l\f�bb, rated as a lnaieal favorite for the Bic�formntion office in Co • -e.Conference meet and �mo\·ies." 1Ienry hUns 'Rosenwald 'Will be the guests 'Nine title. Stanford, Chicago aDdn. Sulcer, '06, was ehair,nan of tll'- "f honor. A lunt"heon ancl mechtingh 01 fl • Balletia : Wisconsin appea.r next in line for honel�nh·ersity Bing committee. th� Doc-tors' a.,"OCiation will e c. •ora. The California team haa beeDT"�.lny nt l!? at the Quadrangle elnb. TODAY. ('rippled by the loss of Stanton, Me-Short 8p('eeh� will he made nncl the Alumni aasoc1atlon 'basIDe-. meet-J.o"jo and Niehols, three of their IAIrntnt'w mt'mhers intrOfhleC(1. lng, 10, EWa 1LIJOint "inne�, and it i. hard to �A1n_4IA breakf,tUlfo 11:15, LaiDg·Many InVitations Distributed. o.&U&_ -..,how the deeimated squad will be ableJnvitations for the COn\·ocation ton c:ommon&to pile up a winning total. Se\.eralha,: ... ..,,, .U.tri"utr,1 i" large num".'" A!1IDl..... or Kbulequten dIJput-of tbo StaDfor.1 men are .Iao ill poor,ment of School or BducatfoD, !1IDch;fshape, notably Bonnett in the hal.eon, 1, EmmOIl9 Blalne.� S ...... ".. Chicago and \v'i8Consin are both darkConteTmlce track meet, � _.l:orses, and either team may sprIng afield.surnrisc by ,10wniDg Dlinois.AlUJDDi dinner and entert.ainment. 6, J'fChiengo dt'penels on the work 0�utchfnson cat.. I'Rarnndk and Knight in the duhes,TOMORROW.___. 10:30, nO-o.1 War.t in the hurcn� aDd theM_ConVc-�ation � D"!�:n.� "lhrper 1111. 'hr� m�n mom �re fifteen poilltsConvocaUon �oas .....ace, 11. in tlu'ir ev�nb if Stagg's team. is to}le C'onl"i.lp.re.l in the mnning. Ho'W­l\[ande1.n:.an or l11inoi!', hu alread1' bMWDBnrnncoik in the century this year�ad'Three thoU8and people attended thethird am;ual University sing lastrJght in Hutchinson quadrangle. Eachfraterility and university house H:lngtwo man. bing songs, and one song int.ho qDa!rangle. Contrary to the cus­tom of past years, the organizationssang in the order of their establishnlent, the fraternities establish�d firstt.t the Unh·ersity singing last.The sing was followed by the Alum·ni ·'movio" show in :Mandel hall Pic·fur('s "'ere sbown of the ]!l06 anet 1 nosOlympic games, and ot the variouscampns views. Of most interest werothe pictures of the Worlel·s }o'airgrollncl�, �howing the location of thefnir huilclings on thc present ('nmp"".A two-reel college .lrama, wi tIl a "vil­lain,'· conclude.l the program. D3lftOM' SPAaD OOIlBSO'D'r BVBR' IX DBALtlmwrrB CAP A.1Q) GOWN"lIar.1 luck" expres.� the terribll'D!j�(ortuno whi('h stru�k DC'ntoll�park!c after he wait�(t all morning1"lIcselny to get a free copy of the Cn ..nnll (1own. Sparks rec-eh·c.l a $1 an-nun), nn.l went home with the impr('�· Ion. of Gcrm:tn culture, nn.l ('lIratot'"sion t.hnt the had made a net profit of of ·thc Germanic mll�nm nt Jlnrvnrrl.$.1 for tho morning's labor. Whenwi11 �pc:t_k on "The tinpo)lulnrity ofahout to write his name in the hook, Gt'rmnn I.itemturc." Dr. Frnnrke hn�Tickets for t�·ersity luncheon he diseo\"ered that he had lost his fonn· het'n ('onnedccl with JIan.nrfl (orTn('!l()ay wiD be distribDWI to .an,li·1 lain pen while standing in rront of the thirty y ..... an.1 i. n f.llow of th."(latt's for degrees during tho formation Cap an.l Gown ofFiee. The pen \r.1�.. \merit"nn A�"\Ilcmy of Arts nn.) S(,I.or the procession Sunday in thc eorri'- ,,·orth $-1, wit.h the TCm1lt that �n., �n('� as ,,"�n as a member of thedor of Mandel. Tmnees and memhers ton worked eIght boul"R for n()thmg., �hilosophienl l"()("iety o( America, an.lof the fn.eulty will attend the Junch· Sneh cheap labor will not appeal heart· !iJy to the waiter'. ..ioa. :TICKETS TO Lt1lroBEOM'i'UBSDAY ABB TO BEGIVBlf OU'l TOKOUOWl\fONT>AY.Class eserdses, 9:30-2:30.Convoea.tloo reception, 9, Hutdaln- 'Coatinad .. p._. .,(Con tiDed on page 4)'1"BE DAILY KAUOO�. SA'rUB.DAY. J1J1IB a. 1914.The 0 • i 1 J Mar 0 • • BOYlm):H'Utildal Student New.paper of tIM Viti- Flag Ezea::Uea WUl Ope OoJlep"enlt,. of Cblcqo. Da;v JIoD4a;v-Glve 8eD1or P1a� aDdl'ublb;hl"d morulnl.... e:r.(.'ept 8uadQ aDCl Elect B'andJloJDe Students.Uouda,.. durlog the Autumn. WlDter &adtiprl� IJuarters. b,. Tbe DatI,. MarOOD.taJr. l>4!UoU Boynton will !Start the uctivi­tit�1I of CoU�e uuy .M.outlay, �y an B.C-au!::: = eouut of what tne rueulty will remea»•• .auu ....... oer about the c}u�lJ ot 1914. George------------------------------------------b w. Co"lq�II. :i. UOraa1.. p. au'_ � Ol _ _�"u,,-� � aL a.a."'6 " .L'u-LulL"... \.:aU�o. .a.u.. ..,ca ......... II,"".' 4�L � MaI"..a& .... , .. Leisure, '14, will then tell the tiiguifi­eunce of the raitSiug of the flag, pre_Mala""" l'n:a.¥, :';'11 (;uLUI�� UruYe AY,,- dictin� the ruture of the graduatiugn.en and women.'rhe Senior cl� play, written byCollq,;c lUe as it i� lln-d 1U rubletwo Blackf riar authors, will be gi\'cnaliu �l.vry, ��ra.ug iuto beiug ou tueat 10 on the same moruiug. 'l'he proCUU1PUS rust urgut; Cares ot 4!xawiua.. duetiou will be stnged in the Rey­\lOU, \\ oaicg O\'CI' the gUll1Jncr, gaduc� uolds club theater, instead of Iu Man­ever parted iricud.bh11'>-Uil were tor- tiel, a!! in previous years, 'l'he euarae­g" t.t eu 111 the oue a.1J�orbiug love 01Ler� of the play \\ III ue the \'ariOllsChicago, our Almu Mater. ,t'rom belh::lth the Ieuuterus came iraterniticg &"UiltlilJgs 0.1 we C:uall'�. Houor:s 10;'­Lhe uuuergruuuure ruuoor basebutl tiUc+-: uUllg iuus, .tiuhiliiug their F'resu- "ill b., ueerueu at 11:30, wheu themuu year next, wcc.k.-uppcrel�eu .. lWiorg auu �CUlOlII will meet Iuwho arc giugiug their farewell, toereepy 11011ow.C\, _'ythillg dear ill the Uuh-ersity-a;ra�·-hca,leti men, come back to renew vatium; have lJeeu m.a.tle for the Sell.­tht' juys aud loveg of their youth. The Oue Iiuuured aud twenty-five rc:scr·.lor luuchcon at 1:!:30 in Hutchiw;oubaIlll, the stirring Chicago songs-the haU. .Mauy uovel features are prom-loyal throng of �tudents auti frienUs-- 1.l;cd by President Rudy Matthews.. forall unitetl ill oue grand song for Chi- the luucheou. Vo� will be takeu ouCS!;'l. There was the true joy of col·l{gc life. We of Chicago have nothluntctl the fine edge of the pleasure()('('ruliou',l by such a gathering by the best looking woman. the Seniorwho will marry first, the handsomestman, aed the man who will m.ake th�Liggegt success. At 2:30 all membersconstant indulgence in the pleasure_ 01 the grudWlting class will gatherAIIII w!:t'n w� do forget all else in the around the Senior bench to participateellthusi:�::1Jl of the occa.sion,we can do so in the cla.ss exercises.. The program,,;th thc knowledge that the rest of for the festivities follows:our tiUll' has beeu spent well. We have Address by the president of the classwOl'kctl. we have accomplished, all of of 1914, Rudy Dole Matthej\\"s_us, tluri ng the past year; and we can Presentation of the hammer to thewcll atl'ul'd to devote an evening to the class of 1915, Rollin Nelson Harger.10\'0 of Chicago_ That is the best W'a.y Response for the class of 1915; Geof_-wurk, ul"complishment, enjoyment frey .Levinson.\\'he�' the strife and thc labor is over; Presentation of the cap and gownaud \hat is the way we live at Chi- :0 clasa of 1915, "Sarah ElizabethThompson.Response for the class of 1915, MaryA W':'B.D FROX THE ALUKNI. King MacDonald.'1 his occasion brings to undergradu- Presentation of the Senior bench toates uut-ther splendid result of their the class of 1915, Horace Charles Fiu­colil.'ge life_ 'I'he alumni who have patriek.lived as we do, and who know the Chi- Response for the class of 1915r. J.c:-.go Jif�ave a. mighty word of Hugo Swan.cheer. They know that undergr8du� Class poem, Bliss 010f Halling.ates of the University of Chicago have Class History, Dorothea Washburn.not �pcnt four years in idleness; they Class oration, Ernest Roberlknow that the Chicago student leads Reichmann.a clean useful life_ And 90 they- can Presentation of class gift, Earlesay to us that we have need of no fear Shilton.of the worM ahead;; beea� we havt> Response on behalf of the Univer-learned to meet difficultis and conquer �rty, Dean J� Rowland Angell.Class song.them; �e are fit to face the world,because while we do not know the d6 "Alma Mater.'"tails of the strife in which We willtake part, we are not afraid-beeausewe know We can learn. The life worth­while, the life 80 pleasant, that weha\-e )etl here has fitted us instead of FOftBR .JUlnOBS GIVEFABBWBLL PAB'rY �GBADUA.'rIRG JlBllBEBBFoster juniors entertained for theSeniors of the hall with a dinnerThursday night. Miss Reynolds pre­sented eaeb senior with a cup anllbaueer, in aeeordaoee with a hou:;etradition Foster songs were sung tlur­ing the dinner, and repre8Cntatives ofl�en,ling the usual remarks about the eaeh dass ga'·e farewell speeches toIlonor in itself being a reward more the Seniors. Lydia Quinlan spoke Corfor persistent grinding than original the Juniors, Regis La.,·ey for the SOI)h:,thinking. Such remarks are a bit. out om orcs, LilJian Bissel for the fresh­of place; hecause it is absolutely im_ men anel Mary Bronough for the gr:vl­material whether Phi Beta Kappa uates. Helena Burgess responded for�t:Ullls for the sublimatel1 essence of tho seniors. Ruth Garlanelt �tec1 "lei"grin"," or brilJiant intellectual neh· to:t!o'tmistress."unfittell" us, for the life to come.PBI BftA KAPPA.We are glad to congratulate the)ar�e number who were elected to PhiBeta Kappa; and we refrain from ap- SETTLEMENT FINANCIAL REPORTA state-ment of the iueome and ex- ror fue] •••• • ••.•.••••••••peuditures of the University Settle- Repair anti renovation ••••••ment was Issued yesterday from the GUll anti c)t.-e,tricity - ••••••office of tht.' Unlversity aaditcr. The Telephone .• .• . .. , . '132.68445.3;465.i-l150.uU�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex-­presses the fashionSfor95cCLUETT. PEABODY & CO .. be. MakersPennsylvania � Avenue.'18th and H_ Streets'_," - ', 'To secken or a hold wherebuurioo. quartet'S ma,. be se­cured. where chanD and �" i aenial atmosphere ,mail, aJI!!I where excellence 0 aernc:c �paramO\Ult. the Bold Powhatanoilers jut sach iDclacaacatLIlooma '_ with' detacbecI bathIIIQ' be obtaiuccI at ".so. h 00'aDd a.P.! __ Rooms with_ .,ma.���I_�ucJ�A"'_�"""""_""'�Cas �'�"'--r/Write for booJcJet with map.'CLIPPORD M. LBWJs.'--: Manager.f - - •REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.THE NEW SPBING S"rYLBEarl Il WilsonMAKERS OJ!'Troy'. Beat ProductDECIDE CHAKPLONBIIIP KON'DAY}1rofits for the eudiug fiscal year were Jusurauee •• •• ..,. 't. • • • • • • • l50.;::!$::!04. Paving Gr08s ave, and taxes 1;9.65Pollowlng is the budget: Kindergarten •••••• _. ..•. .• ;39.00IDcome. Boy's work •.• _ .• • •.••••••• ', 1,099.16Nurses' work •••••••••••••• 1,032.43From Settlemnt League •. 1 •• $1,760.00 SumlDer playground •• __ '.... 60.00Sunday collection in Mandel 1,645.62Sctt.lement dance •. - •. _.. .• '162.42 $9.511.19BlackfriafS •• • •••••.. - .•. '. • 200.00 S 1 eon •• 12urp U8 •• •• • e , •••• __ •••••• oj>""V'tFaeulty subserfpfion 80;.15 The benefit performance of theGifts from other friends_ .. _ 330; 91, . Irish players realized $414.72, and en-Room Rent ••, •• : •. - . . • • 550.93 abled the Settlement Board to closeBcnefib .. Ul.28 the fiscal year with a surplus. Forthe last six years the St'ttlement has$9,715.91 clnsed it� a.fT'a.irs with a tlcfil"it.Expenditures. During the year the heirs of the C�-Por admiuistration waries alul tate of Clarence Buck ingham donatedexpenses - -. _ • -- • - - - __ $2�511.38 to the Settlement till' three lots of theFor entertninmauj __ . __ .. _ .• - 41.80 8t>ttJt'lIlf'nt huilclin,r, valued at $2,000.Janitor and cleaning t'xpenscs 1,891.21 G. H. l\Iea�l. Treasurer.CONVOCATION GIFTSNEW VIEW BOOKCHICAGO SONG BOOKSOUVENIR SPOONSCOAT OF ARMS JEWELRY··e" PENNANTS AND PILLOWSThe University of Chicago Press5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE.and Room 106 Emmons Blaine HailWe BuyUniversity Text BooksLaw Books-Medical BooksCollege Text BooksWoodworth's Book Store130 E. 51th StreetNear Kimbark Ave.CIIlCAe ••5511 cottage Grove Avenue. Phone EDglewooc1 suaSeqe lfA a I_tiel This BankThe high quality andPsi u. and P211 Pst Battle for Ban low price of "N i coliTit1e--Run Belay FiDUs. Standard" Serge do notTwo Interfraternity chaml)ionl4hips harmonize.will he de('illed Monda\" morning onStngg field. Pl4i Upsil�n antI Phi Kap-' 0 It's the greatest valueJta l':si will meet for the baseball I we know - rich, fine,t�h:t.lnpionl4hip, :tn(l Delta Kappa Ep- e X act I y right. Very�ilon, K:tppa. Sigma, Pl4i Upsilon and special at $2500Alpha T:m Omega will run in the re- •Nicoll the Tailori�\"ement. So long as the real. naturtJcf the honor conferred is understooclby e'-eTyone, that is all that is ncees_l":lTy. We know what it is her&-..:l Beginning next year freshman at In�· finals.('eTt.'\.in avemge, and a high one, in ::\finnesota will be requiTed to attend a. Ilean Linn win umpire the ha.-.eballRtUf1i�. Anf} so we can congratulate COUTsc of lectures on hygiene an(l g:UllC. The batteries \\;ll be Moultontho� who ha'\"e won the distint!t.ion the use of the library as one of the nnll Schaft'er for Phi Pl4i, Dnel Bln.rk­Upon hn,·ing atta.ined that average- r('quiremenb for a degr-cc. President hUTn an,1 Manlm for Psi U. The gameand upon whatever else We may know Vineent will give a few lactuTes to will start at 9:30 an(1 at. its eonclutrionthat th('y have flone in their 8CholM- the ilM"Oming freshmen in eonm-etion t.hf' rf'lay race win be run ofr. Coachwith the course. Page ""ill net as Rtarter.tic activity. welcomeII J'01Il' accaant, IMPor smaD. with tile u.ruu:e�t tile deIlre to ftD.der ""prom� � ooarteoueemce is of panmoant 1m..portaDce to ita omc.. aD4Dtrectma.NB.ABBft BAldt� 'nIB umv:BB8ft'YWe Pa� 3% on 8&� AccoantaWooclIawn Trust• Savings Bank J -8UB8CRIBE FOBTHE DAlLY JIABOON. I�iJ(I" ....FOUR BU�rON'Displaying FiveMost Popular of OurModelsOgilvie at He:n.eage18 • 20 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDChicaeoI�,ONE BUTTON. MEII'sTWO BUTTON THREE BUTTONSHOPTHE DAILY �ABOON, 8A.ftBD&Y, J1JlIB 8, 191"AGGRESSIVE COLLEGE MEN WITH Nor is his conclusion in any way re_ Thcre is a. sententiousness, an �pi.A PERSONALITY AND PUSH: markable. It ean be snmm.ed up in ImUDmatic flavor about Mr. Lee's Ktylf'OVER 21 YI3ABS OLD. No experf._ one emphatic exclaimation. "We will that sh�uld make the hook invaluable�_ per line. No ad�ertisemefltR re ence Dec�. CALLING ON' DEAL- be good!" It is his method which is as propaganda. "Goodness is a by,cerved for leBA than 25e. All classUIed ER8, sma.11 towns with '1'rade Journal individual. product of efficiency."-"Machinery isa.dv�rtisements mnfrt be paid in ad· nwonposition. V,.:rYr attra.ctlve, becuase The thor ee most salient "thift"!>" in the subeonseious mind of the world."-r"" -J .�" Ward will Lc Ul) against. stiJf com..VaD(,e. subscribers are enabled to meet ......... tllis pre�nt world of our are the "Courage is a pr()(!ess."'-".\l1 the vir-�petition in the ll .. ru1e8. Murray andprj ftft�� 'h- _fth -- ho n C .:J th ,.,_ 1"" h' d the tues are hungers."-A vice is the fail·ce ... ""'� ... .7 � u&u.er uses 0 row", e ,",cOWl S .1U8(! Ines, an ........ orton of Stani"orl1, Hazen of Kansas,GARRICK TBEATEB--Ol..... Petrov:! -""'de. 'D'-'8 a _1 o�""'ty Crowd's God, and in these terms the ure of deaire.'L-'Toleratinn is revcr_f.,,- .7-- �v &- I'PV .... �.o\l(.Keown of Jllinois, and Bancker 0Jerreml TailoringMeans clothes that give youindividual good style."Prices $30.00 to $60.00A SpecialyofCMU1lI' �TAlLOB FOB YuUJIIO KENTHREE STORES: 1 N. La Salle at. 25 E Ja ..Jcson Blvd. 11 E Monroe at.' __ -l1l<I--------,When you're looking for some-ithing and you don't know wherelyou can get it for the money you�lit want to spend, visit' i• I� NiPP0!ro�G=:!!::·1!I£ 863 EAS'1" SIXTY_"1'BIB.D STBEE'I'.I (Just Opposite the DI'eDI. "l'hea.ter).: '1'ELEPBONE HYDE PABX 970II We have a beautiful new line of im-ported. goods; a large c:holce of Xi­mona.s---«Dbrofdered crepe and silk atI · =:==aDc:a::� I....Jt______TWENTY-FIVE mGB GRADECLASSIFIEDDYDTISIllENTSin a sensational play, "Panthea." Di­rect from ren weeks at Booth theater,N cw York. Coupons giving rebateson all pcrformances may be obtainetlat the Maroon office. MAKE WORm FBBL A'r HoKEAttempt to be Made to Make Womenfrom Other CoDe. to Feel SoBOOK NEWSAn attempt to make women fflJ.nCrowds by Gera1d Stanley Lee. Double- be�utiful." But I DWst find room to other colleges feel "at home" a.t ChiA':l'day , Page and C�. $1.25 Det;. gh-e ycu a glimp� of his attitude go ""ill be the aim of the Ul)perclu."1lTbere is something about "Crowds" toward maehinee. Unlike Ruskin his Counscllor department at the opeuiugwhich "gt'ts" you in spite of yourself. soul does not grow siek in the eon- of the Fall Quarter. The plan ill toYou may Rinilc at its childlikeness. and templafiou of machinery and the plaee concentrate on Women coming with ad •.turn away bored at its obvious Insis- it lias come to hold in our life. Be vaueed 8tanding \\�ho have been lefttence upon simplicity, but you finel Iooks behind the outward show of cut of under�'1'I1iluate aetivities here­yourself ('arri('Cl away by the some- things, and Bees the eventual freedom tufore, Several general l�rticg willthing vltnl in its me�,-its pnssion- for mankind that lit's in the power of be given, and group teas for the wooate earnestness, Mr" Lee says in his machinery, only awuiting the time men frou; certain Kt.'ctiong of thefirst �hap�r: When We shall be ripe for it. A won. country."The one thing that My one can derful vision this is, and it becomes a "Blucbottle," "YcUO\V Jacket" andclaim for this book is that one man's 9(\arin:: bit of prophetic eloquence in "Black Bonnet;' the new divitJionll oflife has been saved with it. It is the the nuthor'a words. Kalailu, will \'ie with each other in.record of one man's fighting up "So I have Been the machines go rushing nlowbenJ of the frc14ll1o:1n." th .. ..1. h Like class during the lir�t thrcc weeks.through story niter story of crowd9 swmglDg r0""t"u t e world. '-h ls.Iik J>IWI8 for "jo'reshllll&.u week" will iuand of crowds' machines to the great :U(' ange ,h e elemoDf�, they mount up _chnle thc usual round of teas, eul-�tN'1 and iron floor on the top of the our desires on the mountains. 'Ve (10world, until he has found the manhole as We will with them .• .. W� bent lIlinating in the "'ft_'�hlllan Prolie,II h h h "What we IlOI)C for most of all in.in it, and broken through and caught up our wi s t roug t e air, Wen breath of air and looked nt the fling up, with our religion with our tile lippcr("lass Counsellor movement• fl is a personal relation between thelight. The book is merely a life-pre- faith, our bodies on the clouds. W e yu]tler and younger girl," snid Uuths�rT"er-that is all, and one man's life- ren·rently and strangely, our heartsProsser, chairman of tbc I�Pl,erclllS8preserver, Perhaps the man is repre- all still and happy in the f8(!e o!Counsellor committee, "Jf a girl isBut the willillg to take :� f'reshmun she ought.sontafive, and perhaps he is Dot. At God !"all events, here it is. Anybody else This is Mr. Lee's vision.to show her SODlC of the pleasures otwho can use it is welcome to it." nah'ete of the man! He is willing tocollege Iife, We havc asked everyThis element of personality· which tnlst this ,·ision to a Utopinn type ofupperelass eounsellor to eutertnin herpermeates its' 561 pages makes ot tho an employer, whom he calls an "in-t'reshmuu ill u personal wuy the firlJt.book a huge confession of faith. Lee's �pire(l millionaire." We of 1(>88 faithaim is Dot an- unusual. one--in fad it mnst eonfeM our doubt, and yet weif; the ageless attempt to elucidate for eagerly agree that the solution of theU9 the business of life, which he syn. capital and labor problems mustthetizes in two simple quP!"tion,--4Wbat spring from a closer contact anddo We want?· 'Where are We going? understanding of the opposing groups, week."UP �CT CO,N}".&lUUiOE BECOBDS'J.'u (.au .1N BIG JlEET------ --- --- ----1� U tlu.n!;crOUs man, \JUne of ColorL.uo, h� a recoru 0.1. :o� 01,5 in. the dashWid niwot be counted on; .A1cKee of�tan.ford abo has a ehanee,Ward :..au l'ut Bival&.to traveL �e $15 claD7 aDd have anthor interpret.q our life"your money every ni�ht. Territory I h& \""e not the necessary spaee tofar only 25 men, SO act quick. Univer flhow you how }.fl'. Lee works out hissfty Sales Company, Iowa. City, Iowa.. whole scheme in terms of Crnwds,lfaehines, and God. hoW' he intend.q toWANTED-To rent a furnished dining room in fraternity house by awoman chef. Address 25X, care of IThe Daily Maroon.IfLOST-A small, bla.ck seal purse, con·taining money and jewelry. Finderkindly return article to Maroon office,Ellis 12, and receive liberal reward.LOST-Chi Psi fraternity badge, oncaDlpus. Finder please return t9lIaroon office X222. Reward.TO B�NT-Large.. eool room, electriclight, large el08et, comfortably fur·nished, suitable for ono or two womcn,in refine(1 home: waJking distance toU. of C.; 3rd fflat, 1345 East 62d St.lri<lwuy 9573... on RENT-Finc)y furlli�hecl apart'ment of 6 room&. Within walkin�distance of University,ndulte only. Full'l�eriJlt.ion in 1I0nfling Departmc"t"Telephone l\Iidway 3985. tIle Ameriran Modern Lan�'lJage('icty. Among thc books writt.en byWILL DEDICATE NEWBUILDING 'rUESDAY(Continuctl from )-I�ge 1) ence. It is the first :;OUfC-t' of courngl�for other penple."-Thetle are but afew ehosen at randiOm.. He h88 a giftfor puttin� thinp.An odd book worth :1 J"'urdue are strong men. . Chicago'.other chances to scorc appear to bein tho quarter, 101' which StegomaDqualified yesterday; in the mile, wheredip into, if' Campbell has a chance for seeond1,1 ac e, and in the two-mile WId field"'Icl the crowds be good.� nnd "be ·'Crowds.·"..AWARD N'UJIEKALS TO we.KEKU.3B.S OF YBAB.LING _.Bri_·.ef.C•.a.m.p..u�N�ew�.!IIWI_G'DINASrIO SQUAD BeI:elve far lOB. HI� c'"ents.Stout in the two-mile, will be upagainst Mason of Illinois who shouldwin handily. Tho Conference recordof 9 :42 tlhould go in this event, as Ma·son has a record of ten secODda be­neath it. .Dea Jardien. in the discusmay be able to annex a couple ofpoints, while Thomaa in the vault, andcock, who will be the guest of honorGorgas in the high jump have outsidechances. Boyd in. the broad jump, hasa record made last week that is �h'eMr. and Mrs. Robertson will be at.home to members of Hitchcock Sun­day a.fternooD. from 4 to 6. TheHoWIe m.en will be given the last op­I»ortunity to meet Mrs. Charles HitchCoach HofTer has indefinitely post·I,oned the Freshman championshil'gymnastic mect. The following yearling::! were awarded numerals: Benesh,Gcrnon, IlartseJI, Kuh, Landsell, Mas·te,ton, Olson anti Schlabaeh.Laval and Smith. of the Varsity at the informal reeeption. Mr. FieldEnglish aDd Mr. Gilkey will also be present.Co-operative attendaDee of over twelve thousancl,the capacity ot the large stand. TheOlympic custom of hoiRing the flagsbuying and raising!'I'!uac.l, were awarded the oldC for their work of this year. Theset,,'o llIen nrc the only two "eterans,\"ho will be a\"ailable ncxt year. Capt'I:.in \\'eakly, Parkinson, Roberts ant)�qllair, mainstays of this year's cham·I,ionship squad, graduate • HOld FiDaJ BebeuBIl�.. inehes better than the Conferenee ree·lfem.bcrs of the east of the Senior ord, and if he is able to come any·class pJay, "The Old Mill.- will hold! where near this, it will be hanI totheir final drea rehearsal Monday at find anyone to beat him..� in the Reynolds club. AU persons TicketS for the meet are at a pre-­taking llart must be there without fail, miu.m, and the authorities look for an:.eeordi.r.g to the manager.MISS MIT K GWH�H WINPBIZES IN COlft'BSftI)rofessor }'rancke nrc "Gemlan ItIC:lI�flf Today" and "Social }�orccs in Gcr-WiD Present Shakespearean PSa7.Student.'f in the Dramatic classes at nlnn J.iterature."the Unh'crMity high �hool will pre· Women B.eceive '1'11esday.!wnt Shakc.�pearc's "A lrielsummer,Xight's Dream," �Iontlay night in At n r('Ception by memht'1"8 of th.­Women's houses Tues,1ay from 5 to ;�":lnlhlOlI gartlcn!ol.hy invitation. AtlflliM�i{)n will he at the 'Vornen's qU:1elrang)c, hcatls ofthe hon�s will compose the r('('civinJ,:line, nn.l frappe will bc se,,'ctl. TwoJl1lntlre,1 ""Omen are cxpected to ntten'lthe a1l'air.Ruling bOllies wiJI m('et today inHarper l(28 on the following 8Chetlnlc:Board of aAmi8IJions, 9; board of Stn',lent Orga.ni7.ations, Publications anelExhibitions, ]0; boar,l .. of the ,Tuniornnd Senior cone�, 11; faculti� ofthe Graduate 8Choo)s of Arb, Litera·ture and Science, ] 1, (�ial me('t· 0uudiaDs for Loan nm4 Chosen.Dean Angen, rcprC!olcnting the (n("­tllty, an,l William I .. yman, the stullentbooy, hn\"c been placed in charge ofthe Senior Joan funll (or the ensuin�jf'nr. The (nnd, which is thc gift of'the class of '14, amounts to $550.in�). of the winDers in eaeh event, will beAtkin:-;;n thc first prizc SC'holastic standards are the two J118:in followed. (h'cr five hundred athlete�problems �eiving attention by thcTepresenting twenty·nine unh"cl'BitiesfratemitiC8 at Nebraska. The frater and colleges, are entered.Wi lIarel(If SJUO in the ,Tulius RoscDwalel con-t.n�. t- ,en orator"" ThUl'Seln."· night in Man-,� '" J I.it couneil expeycta to bring aboutel<·). heitlor TUJIlpowsky was awardetl nity council expects to bring about � Olaaea Hold. PlCDfc.tlw �('e'onel prize of $;;0. Yetta Milke·Anthropology classes taught by Ag.witch an,l Conen Brown won thc Klsa lleaenri 8Ucc:eeds 1IIa�, sociate Professor Starr, celebratetl t.hcfir!Ot ancl fleconel prizes in thc FloI'· Floroncc lIeaeoek was elected presi- close of the school year YC8tcrclayJanl ..... Aelnms contest in artistic 1 t f th O-th tN' hbo hood t 11 t 1 • �__ . . "('nee • _ ".. _ C tIn 0 0 oovu, eas • 61g r rom 0, at an lnuuur pIcnIc tnre:tcling. Awarct.. of $;5 and $50 wcre dub yostcr,my to take the pl�e of lIaskcll. A \'aried. program of stunt."nmele to thc contC!olting women. Caryl Cody who was obliged to tre- was given,Atkins spoko on "The SUfTCndecl sir-R('ntcnce," an,1 Tumpow�ky on "The FreaIuDen Are 8aJenor at Dutmou�l'ri«'c of Onr MOllern Oomforts." Ml9." .0 More P. o. en- .... As a result of p8y"Chologieal in\'�.�rn.ke,,-it.('h rN\.(l n selection from �:.k_ No PhYl'ieal Culture elasses will tigntion mAde at Dartmouth, it ha�, "Tale of Two Citi�" and .. ulSA meet next week. The swimming pool been found that the �hmen are R1I.(,n !'Ouitln'!I "Un(lcr Two in Be.rtJP,tt will be ope. during the re- perior in mental development to thoBrown {rommainder of the quarter. average maD.F1nP- .. IlIf;iJf