laily fIIarnnn..... .,,_VoL XII. .0. 161. tnnVEB8ITY OF CHICAGO, FB.lDAY, JVNB 5, 1914.TRIAlS IN HALF ANDQUARTER COME TODAY Director Stagg Believes Sentimentof Conference Universities is Op­posed to Pending Resolution TeD JUDion Are Amoq no..That Favors Large Institutions Selected _ N........ OfMen ia Laqred-- - ... �.-- -�SCHOOLS A_G_AINST RULE HONORARY FRATDtmY ..TAlES THIRTY-THREE"GRADS·· ID.L HOLD UNIVERSITYSING TONIGHT AT 7:30SENIORS BEATTake 1913 Baseball Team IntoCamp by 13 to 10 Score--Alum­ni of Various Classes Hold Re- Both Men and Women Will beunion Dinners Represented-Have Enter-tainment in MandelFourteenth ADnuai WesternTrack aacI Field Meet OpensOn Stagg Field At 4Heavy hitting and superior team According to Director Stagg thework won :L fwst Indoor baseball gume FOUl WILL .r� Pl.. DCAUFORNIA ARRIVES CRIPPLED RECEIVE MONDAY FOR GUESTS p neral seutimeut of the Big Nine uni- aua-u y.. -.for the �eJliortJ over the class of 1913 veraitfes is against the proposed reeo-yesterday in Sleepy hollow, Thc score 'IIa eurupus ..... a whol will I •. , reu Thlrty..oDe men. and twelve.. -:omenJ�' 0 r- _,. 6 �.I;" iut iou, limitillg athletes to one sport,100-Yard Dash-C. A. Blain, Chiea- was 13 to 10. Paine began pitching resented at tho University .siug to- we-re elected to Phi Beta Ka,pp. .. a�S - as it is to be put forward by Profes..go, 1903; W. May, Illinois, 190 • TIme, fur tho alumni, but was soou knocked cight at ; :30 in Hutchinson court. In'Cl9 4 5 sor Goodenough of tho University of. _.,_o.,_·yPar.1 Dnph-.'rclll·e Hahn, Miell. cut of the box •. Kuh wus substituted, case of rain, tho sing will be held illu ....,.lI. .. - Hlinois, The resolution limits athletesi"_'1Il1p 1903. Time, :21 3-5. :lIHI succeeded in holding the Seniors :\[aIHlcl. This is tile third year thatChi tv participation in one branch of ma-.1.... 44'y� Y.w:d �un�Ira Davenport, 1·w eleven hits. Matthcws ana Harris the sing has been WI institution ateago, 1910. Tiille, :-18 4-5. jor athlefles during the year. The�.. "SSO_ Yard Run-Ira. Davenport, Chi ,'ollll'ose,l the Senior battery. the U'nivereity, but in former years itspor ts i ne Iudod football, baseball,.. ' cZ4:� I1HO. Time, 1 :56 2·5. . )(embl'nI of theetass of '13 held their has becn kuowu a:s the InterfraternityOlle.Milo Run-Baker, Oberlin, 1910. track and swimming •.fir:-t rcunion after the game last night sing. and fraternities only have taken ... tions.Time, 4:20 4-5. By many of tho alumnj represenlI! II:· M'l }'" M •.. If Oberlin ill Hutchinson cafe. Brief talks were part, In the list given bel�w, thoee ill.., .J,.'f'to 1 e wun- etea , , tatives the resolution. is regarded as_a .;.. .. � ]9.2.··. Ti�, .:� .4-5... . �h·(·il hy former class officers. Grad; .Amollg the organizations represent - eta. I are uncJ.ergraduate8 who· �v •. '.. l:!O-Yurd 11i"h . Hurc.lles-Nicl}ol:;oll: . direct attack aimed at Conference uni- _.4. . c untes ill '99 held a reunion dinner at �,l tonight �-ill be all the undergrad- twenty-seven majors of eollege' .tau.u.';'- . 'lliaw;url, 11J1:!. Time, :15 1·5. . verslties with sma.ll undergraduate!!!!U-�ard Low 11urdles-Poagu(.' till' City dub at 6:30, and the Alumni uato nationaf" and Icca I frateruit.ies, ing, which been compl�ted .... ith',ouit'S by the larger 'sehools, In�Wit;(�ousin 1HOi:; Pleteher.Notre Dame, of '0,1 gave a banquet at the College tho Mell':; Gleo club and the women ot an :I,,'erage of five honor point.a. or herr9 '1,.' ". I - . • speaking of the proposed resohrtion,.. 1 10. 11110, :_'t ,_OJ. I b f II .1 b th t art t b I h. Th . el ...... II will· be,#, • hl c' u, 0 oweu y a C1l er pya the Univeraitv, Tho Gleo clu wi 1 ter, eae ose In -..- ·Shotj)ut-Rnlph Bose, �c rgan, "Director Stagg said:-"19W: i)i:.ta.nee, 4; feet 1'4 Ineh, tho Blackstone, Tho class of '09 held sing "Bright College Yeu.ra" from this graduated this qua.ner. The lut:f�"Such a rule would be without pre-J'. DiHCU:l Throw-J. U. GarreUs, .Midi. n reunion at the Quadrangle club. ' BI k.f - h . t afte tl nsuned will r�ve( doetora' d.eF". .0 f r:: 8 . year s ae raur s ow JUt; iU. r L cedent in the country, and there i�_.. gau, 1110;', Distance, 14 ect 2 OJ· In. Di� Al1lDlDi M:eet. . th f t 't h f" - hed Thl: summa eum laude, at the Convooatioll.High .Jum�W. }'ren�� Kansas, Jlill rn efDl y as InlS .• absolutl'ly 110 valid re�on that couldIHIO. JIt'i!!ht, 6 feet 5·8 lDch. Dil"iuity school alumni met at a. Ilin_ Glee club mCIl wiU collect in the cell' exercises Tuesday.� 1911. favor its adoption. A short time agoBrOOAl .j ump-Allen California. Ill'r ill Lexington, and afterw'ard at- ter of the court m.arching. Each fra- there appear-.1 an artl'cle l'n the -n...:ly. Cla8B LDistance, :!3 feet 1 inch. """ � AndPole \"t.ul---'ohn Gold, 1913. Hcight tt'l .. lecl a "social" in Haskell. Mem- tcrnity will give two of three of it� JIlini which commented on and ap- ����ett.eraoll.12 feet 8 1-4 inches. bers of the faculty gave brief ad- songs and a Chicago song. No spe:ciai pl'ared to analyze Chicago's success iL Elmer NeW1D&Jl BOnRneTrials in tho half and quartel" mile clr('tlt\Cs. effects will be permitted this year by :1thletics, wheon handicapped by a small I..eatier Reynold �t.A _I ,U t the Interfraternity council. stu�lellt bOtly. The' article el";med that �:� F-!:�.._.will 0ltCu thc }'ourteenth nnuU-& "es - KENNETH KAONBAL TO -- .... ,...:UUJ.The sing will be followed by an en- h M' I h : __ .1 th T__ II '" Gern Conference Track lIcct today 011 CAPrAIlr � VABSITY t e • I( way coac os �peeial.l..ifoOCU in e ::�h i'OO":kin.IOBL, 4 ·tertainment in Mandel to which all cleYelonment of a smnll group of all- .LLUlK:Stftf1'g fil-Id Thc. trinl� will bcglD at , � � IN 1915 �. Bertha. ::M.oma Parker:- :aIumni have becn invited. Pietures of •following a' mooting of the coaches and around a��etes .�d then useW. _�. _' .'_ Al�endeL.H..mll&aJ3c'_'.:-=�,.. -. --.... ..-_, ->0' " -.. _··· .... -·'I-ot--:-l/lI '·-KeaJleth ')faeNea1, '16"was eleeted the Cbit'Q.bJl():.Minnesota. footbali' gaJIU:!' as a nucleus for every team. It is 0Iaa n',�nlanager� of 'the ont'ercnce .J..O _ a ,.' Percival Bailey.teams en!1t."! by Profcssor A. G. Smyth cnptain of Chieago's 1915 Varsity ten- this year, �d of the 1906 and 191� needless to say . that such a poliey Cora Ma.rgu.erite BWa..of Iowa at 2. According to thc' wmru nis team yesterday. MacNeal with Olympic meets will' be shown. Tickets "'ould not only be impossib18 but en- Holly Reed Berin�custom, ".0 trl'als in the dashes or field Squrur, the eaptain of this years team, lor the entertainment wIll be giv"l1 tirely impracticaL The re80lu�on that Law:a Emma Brodbeek.h 'h . h Reginald Saxon will be held, the heats i.D the Cfl ptured the Conference ehampionship out at t e fraterDlty ouses tODlg t, is to bo introduced Saturday, at the Mabel De La the doubles and reaclled the semi- and may be sooured at the sing also. meeting of the faculty representatives Bernice Charlotte Eddy.Howard EDiLfinals in the singles tournament. Squair Persons in charge predict that Mandel rr.ight be construed by some 88 a polit- John l...shbel Greene.who won the singles title, grad.nates will be filled. ical move by reason of ita closely foL Willinm. .Hym,en Kwzin.t his year. '!'he Beception Monda,.. I�wing the article in the D.liDi.". . ::ar..rgaret Rhodes.P � K F k th C 'I .-. Ro.mer Cleveland Samn.nftThis was MacNeal's first �eason on rOJ.essor uno mne e, e on· Conference Stla.tistIcs P.reft .. -.I .a.-v-,.. :ao--" Mazy Ejf"Je Shaiahau,th.thp Varsity team and he giv«!s promise ,-oeation orator; Mr. and Mrs, Juliu� Statistics carefully prepared.J:·J b' .Lillian Ceei1e sWawite.of developing into one of the best Rosenwald, and Mr. and Mrs. Androw Univcrsity alumni show that Dli.·noi8, Hendrik Jan Gyabert Van AndelViCltor Lucas in the Conference. With, the MacLeiHh wi!!_. be the guests of honO! together with Wiseonsiia: 'and Minnes&- lfilton Theodore Ha.nke.Ileparture of Stellwagon of Minnesota at the Con"ocation reception Monda)' ta, would be given an immense ad. I' I·Frank Martindale Webster.:HId Snnoir MacNeal shoul<l take thc night from 9 to 11 in Hutchinson hail. th" Co��" aJ>. 8amma Cam liMde."1- '-;antnge ovcr C remainIng ,J�J.�r- 'George &Dith Blyan.0 ... Francke ,is. professor of The His..l:nCC universities were the proposed . EdW'al'd Maria lIarve1' ..tory of Genuan Culture, and curator rule to go through. A prominent aldin- . ,.,�renee .Anna lIeCoimiak_t he next few da:ys. or the GermaCiic museum, at Harvar�l ,I 1_ .1 _ .. d '-If nnnru� ." ... eodore CalVin. Pfue.. .nus UCCl4lreu y..",,�r ay:: '7� U'TtIIt"". ".-D· B Y .. �. ..'--- .... ---� [ \!nh'crsity. Mr. Rosenwald is a trustee. bl b f ral . � .- � 1VB.ftB8Y. W: O. L. 8eDion Give FaieweIl. of., .the Un!.J'.- r:sitv, and the donor oi. has trou e ceause 0 seve,.' .,� .'.��_ --.� • ..._. . ...,,: J. devoting too mueh time to aitflletiea . � . vv.IaUIIiVB P&O£lii&&oa ..Arline Brow.n and Cbar10tte Vial1 (\�waltl h�, the eorner Htone. of J,�-r."._f II· h f ..... _ . the difficulty should be mfJC-'by a lQ: tf9._, ....,._.. ,,-- 'DI-. ... �.... _�:l\"e are� apeee es or...ue' senior 'hich '11 'b I 'd T sd . VVM._ ............ �-... --.. .. �-.a&W,!. WI e al ue ay mommg. cal roling, but there is DO re� wby a-.r_ .... of.n:l'mters of the League at nn outclooJ: .Mr. MacLc. ish is the first viee-pr"' .. i- .;.: ...... - ".',�-,... &CII\., ·to 0Idei&0 ....... to.......,. �lJ(·h a manifestly unfair role shQQ.W-meeting yesterday in front of �tcr, .,'-, . - Del'cdbe 0GIIeD..,lent of the board of trustees. 1.H1 foisted on the other Western UBi-Ruth Allen gave a response for the Dean and AIrs. Angell win head the '.('.n-itic�:'iuniors. Margaret Rhodes presidetl.Present Conterence Becords.the ann.ual meeting of the U niverait1chapter yesterday afternoon.. Manystudenta prominent in eampua �tivi­ties are among the list of those chO�Dby the society. Forty membera of tJa.local chapter were prOleDt at the elee_dashes be i ng run tomorrow afternoon.The wmnl custom of Conference of­fieiDls in previous years has been torun four hea.ts in the quarter, with thefin't Ullti second in each raee qualify·ing for thc final, and three hcats inthe hn.lf ; n which the first three menqualify· for the final m.-ent. If thefieltl tomorrow is large, it is probablethat ttis custom' ,,;11 be' followed. butConference title next year. The ten'if the l'ntries narroW down a smallernis emblems will be award� withinnumber c.f heats will be run.c3.1ifonda Team Arrives.The cr=ppled unh'el'8it yof Califor­nia tean!, under the leadcrshil' OfCoach C!: istie put in a b('lntecl np­pt"Drn.D('C late yesterday. Throngh in­j.uies and other KCidents, the team.has been redueecl to five men. Stan­ton, who, experts believe, lroUltl hav('(!aptured the hun«lred in the En.�ternConference, has torn a tend()n anc) willbe out.. McFie, a high junIper with arceord of eix feet, su1Fered a similarinjnry, and Nichols, who won the pol(!vault and high jump in the En.'IterlimeeU will he ineligible for Sahlrl1ny'�mM.-t. n� he il'l a freshman. Th�c �hrt'Cmen have returnecl to Californin, 1(':",,­in,:r a nnd('n� of five mcn.A1thon�h California haa h('('n rnt(',1n... a fn\'orite f()r Conference 11Onor�. Alumni entstalDment, 9:30, 8ti1ggit iR probale thnt the t"rippl('ll l'lqnncl field.""ill be nnahle to N'ptllre morc thnn n TOMORROW.Alumni UIIOClation buslDe8!l meet-flo?en point�. Cooliclge nnll Wylie intng, 10, EWa lL Preflentation of the hnm.mer t.o thf'the hammer, appenr to be the piC'.k of Al1Ul11lU 'breakfast. 11:15, Lennl- da�" of U))a, G�ofFrey Le\"in�on,th� field, and sboulct be good for �yenton eOllllDOD& I Presentation of tho cnp anll gownor eigltt point.s in thi� c"ent, Pre1l1..A11D1lDae of � tt.ePart- to cla..,.. of 1!H5, Sarnh Elizahethj� � fair 11Ordlf"r, but lfllrrny of St:-.n- mont, 1. Emmou aain"! lunch�. I is rf"gardCfl M A fa!'ter mnn'l CoDtereuce tndt lIleBtt 1, 8�;'" Rc�ponse for the <-L"llfR of )!)}:;, MarvRmtlway in tbe hroAd jump i� nl!'to n fie!d. - Ring lrn(''di()('rc performer, while �fn.ker who I Pre8ent."\tion of thc Senior b('nf'h to__ j AlU1lUlf dlImer, 8 � com. I(Continued froat page 3.) mOIlS. , (Continued on Page 4lrccpption line, which will be compo8c(i Chicngo ha� approximately 504 stu­,lent..-; on which to draw, to 513 forTowa, 580 for Indiana., 835 for North­western, 913 for Purdue, 1,258 for The lint of � of artielea oaher i�preasioD8 .of college life, -writteafor the Cbi�ago Evening American byMabel De La Mater, '14, appeared 1'-­terdAY· Her first article deals wlUi.tlte "CoIlege Professor."··The �ol1ege profeaor of tbe utintje8t, . the sort who, having loet hi. �brel!a in the library, retarDs to hwiDtit up in tbe (!ud i�x under ·U" taupa.�i," 8he !'qlys. In bi� pI&ee sia.mabstitutes a professor of" moat p� ..ti�aI sort. The awe inspiring, vi. Oil· '"r�' sort of ir.�ruetor i8 not at all .pal­Jing. she NI'y!'.Tn summing np her impl'CtllliOb' ofthe C! haraeteri8tic facultY' member .Ki.De I.a AI at('r ("oncludee, .fIt i. t�e bar­lIen of my "ong that his dofjeienri�lire l'!.,ly ��nt"ihle for thol'le that����� __ �.�" =,=St:t'lr; •• ;f thc b'llests of honor and membert;laDetia : of the faeulty. Friends of the UnimlS! ..... � __ -a�'�· "ersit�� tho fBallty and tho stuclentTODAY.Gradute WCIIIIeIl" club, 6 to 8, meet Lo�ly bave been boat JaIldlD& J'ack8on puk. The progrnm for thc SpringfollowsUnlvenit,- slD& 7:30, BntcbJnsou Ohio St.... te, 1,261 for Minnesota., 1,421finals for Illinois, nnd 1,926 for Wiseon."in,Th('�c figures w... re obtainecl. through�aroful st.mly of the most reeent �ata·logues. 11linoi� has only !'ix knOWT(':1l'l� of athletes (!ompeting in tw('�port1C, whil(' at Chicago, Norgren MflcC!:t't.Semit1e dub, 8, HaskeU 26-Athletic � pictures. 9:30 Kan·deL Ko�, Colleg� Day.9:30-Flag exercisc8.IO:�enior clW\b play.1:00--Senior lunchton, lIut�hin�oll.6: a fe. nf'� .T:'I1'I1i('n eompete in foW' hrn.ncbC'2:30-CI:ls� oxcr('iMC�, SC'lIior hCllclJ. of �port; St('�mnn. Shull ancl Bn.nmAcl.lrcss hy thl' pr('sic�ent of the ('1:1..'1:0; J:':trtnC'r in t.hrf'c branches, ancl Boy,lof l!lH, Rudy Hole lfatthC1W!4. RrC'athC'cl, Gor�", 1\(('Connell, Gray�Jln.rk!'t. Whiting nnd Stains in twobranches.Po"" for the 1914 intef'li'('hola"ti. exit"t in tile I'ystem of bi«hfJll'· ectva.have bt'en pla.t!e.l on snle in the Rey· tion as a whol� The (!AUe i. tartllernol"� cluh. The Ilpmgn is a ('ft"'Nt to M'ek, Ilrd lies ira fOn!C8 far ....hra!"s "C�" with '·19).1 fnte�hola."tic·· beneficent aineete &lid 1i..eIti .. ' t'aaenamel�l in red. the Dlaliped college prot..... "THE DAlLY MAROON, nIDAY, J'UlITB 5, 1914.year. Reeently I found my classmates t'!nm, will act as judges. The chiet-Miss Sarah Saunder and Augusta pllrpO!'e of the mcct is to cnable Co�hSwawite--studying at Sargeant School Hoffer to look over the material from(icc,.1 in coming to Jlar\'arel that(·:l�ion:l.ll_v, unt. i.n .Arb:olln, or in lIong r ...... t .... lucator anti dil,lomat Ancire\\' 0 ...1 PhY-I'--1 Culture, but they have which next �en."oIJ·s gy1nna�tic �quael- g...... '" "'\'CIY stutlent is cager for study, and 0 CU&NOll;!, or (Ill (Jlyhourn :1\"('nue, �e of n. Wbite. }'ar abo"e Lake CaYll{.,"a, at. Ole lihraries of the university I returned to Chicaao. wilt he ('ho_!4C_n_. --41---II� who have heen away from the Uni- ullOn tho "';...J. bill. stands Cornell lIni·h hie tl'on an. Thu!', ruter having spent a year at T.a...-nS �Cf'" WINS ��u , a"c ne\'er care any con,' rsa ov.. � � ... �\·('r�it.\· for m:m'" "enr�, \\,oul.1 moot R "C-I·t"·,· anel na I .. t-_·1 lIl)()n tho tower Cnmhn·elg .. I have beeome a loyal 80n fit CO .... -ESTJ � • .,. " ..... .,..uvu1.hat the librarian had to go and stop '. MILO JEWS]!... ,n ...r.�:l1 fri�nll-rcal h('('all�o h". too. e)f the 11·I,r"r"·. I coultl pone the twin.k, of Har\· c) "'et my Alma lIater i� ..,nft�1l"O BEADING.." - J, """it. I h:l.l rull Mympnthy to Miss Get· , � . IN �� ... v.._.)\'lnws :111,1 love14 tho oM memoricM. ling of lights in the ciista,n('c as tlw faire!'t an.l clcarest to me. I shall try fi . oft,Y14 when I WUs in Chicago. There are .Tam(,M .1I('��. won the rl4t prizeWh.\· not .10 it.? It S('CIIIM too :--imnle a ""cning twilirrht CO\'ers f'enU'" til(' to be her worthy 80n and stri"e to J J t+j' . P.> e.; I w('l\'e men lu'rc from the Unh'ersity fifty tlotlnrM in tho "Milo '. • ewc �Hin� to rC'flnire f'omm('nt. \'all(',· helow. 1t is s .... id that "PllIt' r('n('h the O'oal of m v!umiration. Ir kill" "f Cloicago. With all kinds of honors, ... ,,�... r('a.lill� f'ont('�t in a.� ('I nl-!!(,IIl' y.Tingi Georgo Ka.",.. i. T 11\'all('e Appel ,,;)) gr:uluato from Law room ln�t ni�ht. Arthur " :ln�C!I,�hool thi� yeal"\ anci Paul Karsten an.1 Hold 07JDllASttc Meet. .Tam('s I.ively, Kiyo.�hi Ynhe an.17.ullt7.t'n Zee will graduate frOm the Freshmen gymnut& ,will meet this .TanH's O. I�Ul were the other Con·c·nlh';!('. nel'lielCl' th�e, there nre E. nttemoon at four in Ba.rtlett in tho tc�tnnt� lTe�s rewl two pa�s."J:e� fromL. Rcaf'h, G. C. Dorl'lcy, C. K. Horwit7., final tournament of the year to de.. tht! Xew Te'St.... ment. an,1 the Sixt�· •inIT. If. SnmpMOn n. V. Seward, E. D· t('rmine the C!hampionfllhip of the sixth Jl-"'n.lm.ten="m:tJl� .T. E· Towne :lY .. l C. A. Towne. yearling squa(l. A gold m�al donatef) --------l'Iigncrs of the Declaration of Tnclc· SenIor Play Cast to Rehearse.W(' hn"o plannec) n. ,linner to Pro· by tho Val'8ity squad, will be awardt',)roOn,l('n('(\, who hRAI ht-en graclunt(',lff'l"!'or At,W'�I, hut it was �o late that to the man who �res the most points.Crom that in."titution, anfl severalw(' �nl1t.1 not ha"c it. So thc Chieagt>(.ther J:rQ(luat� who ha"e left jmpr�men at. Jlanar() wjIJ meet early nextupon the Ameriean history. At Anna-The Daily Commuicatio .. I polis, as I entered tbe Memorial ehap-a•el, wbl're the remains' of John PaulTo the Editor: Je.ncs are kept, I felt as if I came to0t11clal Student Newspaper of the UDJ.Lnrslty of Chic8l:0. Just ten days frOOI now I shall ee the tchriue of patriotism in paying myebr.lte the first auuiversary of my reverenee to the memory of the illUSIl'ublh.b •. -d morulngs, except 8uDda, ud . f tl University of t rious hero. At , .. e .... POI'ut as I .. toodMuuday, durlll;: the Autumn, WIDter aDd gruduatlOn row. Ie.... 1 .. " DSI'rlog ')lIllrlerS, by '1'lll� Vall, Marooo Chicago. 1 reecived a letter from Hi- at the ('ntr:uu.'e of tho chapel whieh.t_a.ram Kennicutt iu whie h he tells 010 stands UpOIl tile hill like a Gothicto w. CotUDgb.. :5... ....... about the first reuuiou dinner of IV13 eastle I could 1I0t but feel deepest in.U. l'L . Gor.... .� .....B. P. Ma.t . B ....... JIaaapr alumni to be held in Hutchinsou c:ue �piration, These noble tradlrlons will�cll.r,,01 .. _«uod-c.... 1IL&11 at uae next Thursduy. I all! sorry I cannot 110 doubt :,_ri\·t.' grl'at Inspiratiou &lIU in-Cblc •• o PoatuCllc.. Cblea.o. IlL. Mareb II.f' 111111. uDd .. r Act of lIarcb .. Ina. come, for I UJU in tbe midst of mu f'luenco to tho students who stutl�"Mar.o.tJV�('IUYrION &ATa.ti7 ,·.rrler:· U.,o a ,.e.r; U.OO a Quarter.!i7 mllll: n.ou a ,ear: 'l.n a Quarter.':o1llurl.I-Dualnea Otrlce. ElU. %&.T"lotpbooe 111.1 •• , 100. After I. D lID.fty". I'.rll 41111, t' xamiuations,Yesterday I weut to see Vullee Ap· '\"ht.'n I went to VU�Har,it was earlyI I 1·\· ... uccross tho street, and . .}.Il' W 10 I c". in tbt.� fall, lenves wero turlllng intotulk ,.1 about our Universit,,· aud I ,r\\ e iU eu J �oltlc'n eolor, :UIII t re as sa r campus&11 .... ><. III I'rt·IIN. :;:;11 CottnJ;f' Groye Ayp. beuutif'ul .'II·.I\'·u�·. Appel wil] be 1' -,..wua nt its best, The nssistaut ueanPRODUCnlG ATHLETES. gra.!uated f'rom HaT\'!U'd. Jaw school, of women took me to the hall where�r:tll:' a tilllO we huve heard the and he will return to Chicago by the the two vases were k�l't, which hade r it ie ism that the. At hlot ie departureut filteenth. beon sent by tho -Iupanese governmeuteouters its dfllrw ullOU producing J Iike Illy Alma Mater. I can see her about thirty.five yeurs agu,l1l4 a tokensk i lled ut hlctes, Wc ask, Why not' stantling Ul)OI1 the llhlway green, and of npprec intion to the college author­Is it not, a n'�lIlar departurout of the her Gothic towers soariug' into the sky. it ies for their kindness to the gi:-Isrlli\'('l'�ity? Tho Chemistry depart- When 1 recall the four years of Illy sent by the gov('rnment. She told meJllI'lIt tnr::� ou r chemlsts, tbe . f\1%\.�hc.. Chicago Iife, I think of the kindnesses that our :\[iss M:'ra Reynolds was n.' I ··;· ; t' '.tl I t'·· u' of ru�· teachers uu.l' I can see :_-r."(111."te of tho ('()llege. Ilere ".""DlenIIi �!', leg \ l'par ·lIlt'lI lila. Ie U:1. lCla. s-- .; ..::.. .•, '"\, h�;not the Athlt,tit' \It.�lmrtJIIl·nt uth� tl:o �elluine �nDJile of President Judsouare supreme, nnel J felt very bashful/', ;.,� llc' �IIII)(!arS in his class of lutern:}.- I 1letrs? It. is 110 ansW('r to !-lay that this ... wht.'n I ",as eneoulltcre. )y "'onlen on. J' I h tiollul law, I l'nn hcar tbe ringingis I:OOt a PII\'sieru Culturt' schoo;':::'t e, ,. • -n)� . of Profcssor IIcnd.orson as h"pr·pf(:�i"lIal. eoal'llt�Sht.'}.lo� De ._''''i.. �." r-. Ie; r ._,"'" l)n.o� in ch'ZL:l)ol; 1 can �'6 ProfcssorTrh':' ' p.l'�·No"""en--pro\'e.t at it r- _:.� , �.I, -. ,.:,'tar;,� like Jupanese Sensei, c.lisclUlsiugis." It is :1" questionahle :mSWer to say!fh:lt tId!" �h(Jultl 1I0t he :1' Physical Cui· dIe .M.cxicu.n que::;tion; 1 can :;cc lJcan• w _" .'J.urshall gi\'Jng his couuscl to thotute �;('hool� to the limite.l extent that-. ,.:Student.. and 1 00ll hear.Mr. �tuggit is� �rcn who can c'oal-h other young -.., dmrm to the beauty of the Welles.111(,U . to play a gootl clean g:uu� ruM :-peaking UI)OI1 th� .. t,;" bench to arow;o Icy campu�. But it was not the tbing�uthusiasm for b�lJaU gU.l1l,cs. '.fh�much to t� iutcrt.'!-It :lIltl plNumrc of iml'res�e.l me most. Bccnnse her namecoll",,_rt., !itt', allel kl'el' ali,·c the "red: .,weet mcm.ories of my t;hicugo day::. i� flenr to the beart of every stuoont,\. ill n,n'e"' fude away, though theblo�" uf t.he nation, that is all too' Of cf the Lllh'ersity of Chicago�tht.' meeru-""L" f worM's current glides by. a.l:1}'t to L.! lost in thl':-;c elay� 0 steam' ;Iry of Miss Alico Freemau 1; mer. h ted 1 left Cbicugo lust August to attentS . .la>::tt-.t :IP:L1·tllll'ntl-!, eledrlC en. gavo mo tbe strongest ImpressIon.1· .t I I I' omcn dIe �J:hird lllternutionul cOllgrc:;s 01 unnu the w-ll of the chapel l'S pln_ .....ImolLQI.II\,S, :, e el' loncs, 1)0 IcelV , r- � ._...u..• �udeuts heM at Cornell Wlivenu.ty .. .it:wd c,tlll'r f:l('iliti('S for s:lving the ne a base relief, a.nd below it were in-.�c:s:<ity of taking carc of one's seli. "as tbe first time the congress "'us �ribcd these word:J:h "chi in this countr"·, aod the next coo-f .They <:crt{l.illl:· l'outrihutt, as moc, J "Hero rest the asbcs 0 Alleefrom what tll"y .ha\·e I�arnctl in col- �tel)S will 00 heill. in .Moutevitlco, Uru-}'reema.n Palmer in the heartsk��::� mally. others who ha\?c spont bU:.ty. Tbere wue delegates fromof the_ college_ shc 10vc�.fO��'Y�'�ll':> - i;1 a general eourse. It is ,hirty·four .na.tioi�, u.nd it was vcry lS5[)-l!.lO�."hy no means a foregone conclusion .hterosting to mctt the university stu- My strongest impression at Yaleth:l"t tho Athletic elepartment has no .1<.-nts of these different nations of tho,,'as its genuine coJlege spirit amonglJu�iness making atbletes into better world. 1 have never had any mor�dlC stUdents. 1 hu.u beard much aboUt.atlalett.'�, Friar Stolz anel Kaplan to .1ltJpiring ex},eriences than tbose I budLhe courtc�y 01 �ulo studen� &Ild sothe ('olltrary Ilotwithstaluling. at Ithaca..tar � my OlJtJCr\,aa;wn WCl.l�, J. O�It w-as at Washington that, for thelicvc it was e�uggcn .. ,tcd. .1iere, 1.01'first time during tbe eastern tour, 1lhu .tirst tilllC, 1 :saw tiJe �l'u.ciuus diu·met 3n alumnus of the Uni\'ersity ofI ng J.a1I, (lr 1. .. 10 cumwuns, 1111l.'\1 '-�'''1J,.:hic",ro: Ho was Mr. Eddy lI.a.thews,-.:0 dvmcthing tlhoe UIIC UWllSalltS :sLUucnus.Jl!ost 1")ca:-;:"lIt. Stutlents from abnost nr .... lu·ng·-n "'orresponuent of the.. � LU ...As j sat at thc table 1 noticed. thatc\'ery ot her college are c:lreful to wear Christian Science Monitor. lie tohldie oll!y Ullllg that thc lJ ui\'ersity 01a Jittle "olle'ge elllblem on the coat me of many interesting experiences tChicugo jackctS was thc table cloth a1:1;'1.'1. \\,IIY C'ouM Ii"t ,,� .10 the �e? ,,,bile he W38' at the University, ancl...dlc 111ltcilillson eOIlUIlOIIS. Alter ba\'_...\11 ill('xl'clI:-ii"e "C" hutton,- or pin, t.hat he W3.8 the editor of thc lIaroonillg diuell in allllost all dining halls 01\\,0.111.1 )l't pt'ople know that we arc t!,t'ir hie'ydes.I went to Wellesll'Y before the fire,:1JIf] saw the ColJ('ge hnn with all thereli(,s anel trailitiun!l cOllllcct('(1 witht hat institution. Tho roUing hills,:111.1 beautiful lakc a«1e1 conl:JiuerableTHE "C" BU'J.'TON.':,\\'l' 1':111 .10 a little thin� tbis\ sum­II CI' tllat will he most effectivc andf:'lm (. 'hi\':lgo--solllething most of u.sart! rat her prouu to ha\'e known--antl: , .. '-, I�11I�s I'L""�.1!n��ityt':l�t4�tlT inthe nai�'h of th: IHihlie·. The suggest­i\'t\ powI'r of some little thing like that.., .i� ('II(,ilIl.OUS; anyone will testify totl.::t. \\ lat'n ill a !'TOW, I whcre he . 'I his senior year.During my tour in the East, I visit­etLo more than Uwenty_fi\'e colleges aneluui:ve�iti� ,idcluding Ann�polis andWest Point; and three leading worn·en'a eoUcgUi:-Bryn Mawr. Vassar anJ\\·;Ueslcy. 1 have tricd to learn all 1 dIe uni\'cr:;itics .1 "jsltcd, 1 lhink ours,HIS tltc Ollly one that ha:s DO tabledoth, and 1 felt that thc great Ulli­\,ert;ity !ike our own couJd alford. to:;1I1'1,ly tahle cloths.\\ itb these iml,ressiolJs, 1 came tothe 1Il0l)t ancient unh'ersity in Ameri­eyulcl .from theee "jsils, and 1 will nowen, and seat of cuJturo in America,Il:ls heclI seeing "r�" "ll's," and tell you a few of my impressions atto .Irillk at its fountain true Ameri-"W'�," he :spots a lone "C" button .• iift'erent eolleges. At Cornell 1 wasAt fir�. I wuld not bet.,'all �l,irit. --..'_"d "n're' the t·u:.;fom well established, impJ'CSSO(l with tho splendid coUegt· h f N w,;tJIlIC a.c�ustomed to t e ways 0 elastill"'. from "ear to "'ear,in tbe course JJiI'rl't ...... 1 her '·---·tl·ful campus The bl'" J J .. , ., _.u I.A:� • }o;nglande� but now :Ul1 thoroug y(If time the're \\�ou"l he "C" buttons on �pirit of thfl unh'ersity centcredacclimated here. One thing 1 first nO"·Ji!'I,I:JY all oYcr the country�nel oc- around the noble eharacter of theyears ngo, whon a Japane� �tate�man"il'litccl here, he said to DT Sdmnn:11l:Fnclaimctl notif'Cl'I nrc on the Cohh'''You ought to produce a great poet.T:t('k {or the fonowihJ:: S .• T. Allie, here." I felt poetic inlqliration.F.. n. Ahrnlinm, n .. T. MoTl'l(" A. Ogu�.At the unj\'ersity of Penn�yh'nnin INotices Are Left On 1ta.cka• T. Rosenherlr, Annn C1n�'hou�h, :Miriam,,,n." gTt'.atly in!'piTec1 when I MWth(\ Houston eJub tho namcs ofRyrnc, .T('nni� Wi1Jj:un!'.Kelly Luncheon for Seniors.Kelty women wilt entert. ... in for th('�enior� in th� halt with n.: lun�heonTn('�clny. Frienf1s or memheTS of thehonse will 00 in,·itec1. -'We asked a salesman in a tobaccoshop the other day how Fatimasales were coming on."Oh Swimmingly"It was only a few years ago thatwe placed the first of these splen­did cigarettes in the college towns-now there isn't a store in thecountry that doesn't sell them.In a marvelously short time theyhave become the biggest sellingcigarette in America! Which allgoes to prove that pure, choicetobacco is what we are all afteranyway IPlain package-qu�ljty all in thetobacco which suits you all right!1r"t.fSno}tJoCmc:c:CL20foY15�•.���. '.� '""'IN OUJS the oataide shirt and •.I 1IJIderdI'awen are ODe garmecL "This mC::!ls t�t the shutc:m't work out of the trousers, th3t there are no :-Lrt t:llls to bunchin Ie:lt that the drawers .. ttly put," to 5:1y not!::ng of the comfonand �nomy of a g:trmcnt. OLU'S is coot .cut-oJ?CDIall the "�1 down--closed crotch, closed b:lcl.;. See dlustr.ltlon.FCIf' 1'I1f. �1Iie anti field wnr. _ rf'C'Of1llMntll� 1pt'ri::1 :a�:�� ('Ollar O���bftnIar 01' � � E:ttra ,,; ..... fur "en' ull or lloUl 1Cll';). AU eb1n --I. __ !laic-. IDd..uD� ailu-$I.&O ID $10.00.OWS .....e.c. PAJAMAS for loundnL rnth: liM ('OlDforubie .te.p.Male o. die _ principle :as OI.US Sbil"'''--cnat ('Uf. c!osed a-Jc. � CI1*Ia.... .............. or Iooee. $1.50 ID $8.50.'. A.k � 41 ..... few OWs. BooIdet 011 I'eQ1MIt.I'IIIIJlPS..JOI COIIPAIIT. IIabn DrJI6 I J99 �, If. T.Baaemberl It it isn't cut-coat, it isn't OLlJS.DBft.o.Tho ca .... �t of the Senior play, "ThoOld Mil);" ",ill hoM n. (ull r('henr�:tlParkin90D Weakly and Robem of .'. t()(lay at ] :30 In the Reynol(ls clubthis year's ('A)nlerenee ehampion!'hip"L_eater.Capital took fifth plaee in the high jump inthe Eastern meet, will compete in thehigh jump and broad jump. Davia ofColorado college, a high jumper, work·ed out on Stagg field yesterday.HaU aDd Quarter 1'04 .. ,..THECom Exchange National Bank.,� TRIALs IN HALF A!fDQlJB.Anm 'OOKB -rGDAY(Continued from page 1)13,000,000.006,000,000.001.000,00.00'1urplu .••..•.•.•••Undivided Pro4ts ••••.•••OrFICBR8.ER;\' P;ST A. HA )f"'ILL. PNelcJeDt.CHAltLES L. HUTCHLNSON. Vlee-Pna.:H.A�NCEY J. BLAIR. Vlc.PrHI4eoLD. A MOULTON. Vlee_PrMldent.'I. C 8A"'1I0="'S. Vice-PrHJdeDL_4'JlA:-lK \V. SlUTH. S.ereta.,..EDW.'RD 1". SCHOENECK. Aut. CuhlH'J. El>WARD lIAAS. A_t. Cuhltr..rAliU G. WAKEFIELD. A_t. CUbt.,..I&WIS II:. GARY. Aut. CUb I ... CLASSIFIEDAD"ERTISEMENl'�ae per 11u6. -.N� �lj-;e-;tiBeWe-;b reeeived lor less tbau �5c. All cJastdftodadvertisements Plwrt be pald t.D ad·vance.TWENTY-FIV'E mGH GRADEAGGRESSIVE COLLEGE MEN WITHDirector Stagg is not relying U})O!1 A PERSONALITY AND PUSH:the Chicago performers in the half eVER 21 Y,.3A.B.S OLD. No experl_and quarter to pick up many points ence neccs.<jl.ey'. CALLING ON DEAL­l-ut hOI.eN that the severe competition EBS, sma.11 towns with Trade Journalw ill resulf in the points being equally proposition.. Very attractive. becuaseIli"i"('I( umong a nu.mber of teams. subscribers are eD:Lblod to meet anyCorllwall, Chicago'S best man in theprice quoted b,. mail. order ho1lSe8 onan yarticle. Here·s.. real opportunityto traveL Hake $15 daily aDd haveDIRECTORS.CtI ..... ."H Wacker Cly4. ll. carrJlartJD A RyenoD E4wln G. ForemAltICdwarJ B Butlet" W&t8QD E. BlairOIart_ H. Hulburd Edward A. ShecYC:aren� Bueklncbam Jl'nder1ck W. CroebJ'g".-Jmfn CuoeDter JI:irIw« A, HAlnlDtIl quarter, is inexperienced, and has lit­tltl chance against his older opponents.Xext year, however, he ea.n be reliedyour money every Di�ht. TerritoryUIICIJi to be a serious eouteuder, Breath_Serge With a Reputation for onl,. 25 men, so act quick. Univercd IlIny u180 be used in the quarter.andsity Sales Companw, Iowa. Cit,., Iowa.�tt'gc'mall and Leisure will run theI'llif mile,The high quality andlow price of �'NicollStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatestwe know --- rich,e x a c t I y right.special at $25.00 (,:Lsil�' today, but is hardly the C(}W11 in a sensational play, "Pantheu." Di;of Bonuet of Stanford. Osbor�e of reet from ten weeks at Booth theater,:\"ortl,,�·Cstern, and- Henderson Of "nu Now York. Coupons giving rebatesnois, who 'are �e fuvozites" in the on all performances may be obtainedh:df •• ' ..." at the Maroon office.A nether phase has been aAldc4- totill' iueet by the showing of Purdue ill LOST-A small, black seal purse" con-the" Ja"ianu, -!Jtate moot recently. Pur. taining money nnd jewelry. Pinderdll'e hua a reeord for springing surpris- kindly return nrtie1e to Maroon office,Ellis 12, and receive liberal reward.Stegt;Juan should'. qualify G.AB.B.Icx THEATEB.-..Olga Petrovavaluefine,VeryNicoll the TailorW= -'3�rremtfSonsClark and Adams Streets. Chicago. t'!', ns witnessed-'hy the work of Eastill tho outdoor-Conrerenea lut yea!a!I��_of Sehmiedel in the �le';n theTI11100r Conference. Copinin PhelpS ofI 'urdue set .. :r�rd of 12 feet �-3' inches-. •• 1 ••_ -'• ".ill tho })ole, vault, and this- perfoMn_nuco, following close on his mark ofJ:? feet in the Chicago meet makeshim n. strong favorite for -first hon,ors, En...q; captured tho quarter mileill :;:0 ::.5, and Bancker took the lIur-11IC'R ensily in cOJbporatively fast ti'me.Entries: for the half - and quartert� t�lay •. � __ '�_,'� _�440 Yard RIm. ,- Clin�. Ireland, Le Cron. CarlSon. C�l.orndor Chase. Bonnett Wolcott Le­lawl Stanford; WaDac� Indiana·; Cis_enn, Elswiek, Davis. Henderson, Kan.�n��: Hutsell, Y_ee., Porter ButJerMi�"lonri; Coith, Kansas A. 'C.; Zum:\\;nkel, Scott, Nebraska; Stahl, Oy.Ip.r �(\nt1enhall, Drake; Stanton, Cali­fornm: Henehan. Birder. Welsh NoLr(, Dame; Rhind,Dean Maplesde�,LakeF.� rt',�t,; Bailey. 000; Osborne, )loteh­kl' Northwestern; Bierman, Rbbert­�(Jn. Minnesota: Briggs, Brawn Jonesf'('rt:IlBon. Ohio State; Cornwell: m�ge:m:ln. Rre3thefl. Chicago; Williams,Bns..!lett. 1\[atthew&.( Merrill Wi8(!onsin.�all�lcr8. Rart- HeuderSor:, GoeJitz. n:hl!fll�: Ea..Clt, AppelJ.,rate, Landis Camp­h('lI. Purdue: Parsons, Rock' MortLmom, Iowa. ' ,880 Yard Jbm.. . _Carlson. Warner FJeml·ntp n_'1 d".R tt w· ' ...... '-'U ora 0,oune '. 1)80n, Edwards. --Leland�t:Ulfor(l; WaJIaoo, Indiana· Creigh_to,�. -, Pi-:ke, K�8&8;. Murphy, :M�lfJ:i:'OUM: ,Watson.,;Flske. Kansas;M,ur­flh�·. Ma�ee. Missouri; Wataon, 8te�I'_enl't. Scott, Drake; Plant, BartholomewN otl'e Dame; :MapJesden, Lake ForeSt;lrneAuley, Cummin,r, Coo: Osbonie.Kraft, Northwestern; Lindberg. Mont_l!C';Olcry. \VaUaee Minnesota: 'RrnwnCarrol •. Phillips, Ferguson, Ohio �tate �St(';!,eman, Lei8U1'ey Chica�; Brel'lnn_hnn. Ha,,·ey, Merrill, Wiseon!lin: Hen.tlcl"l4On. Sanders, Tapping, Rapp. JIli�noi�; 1-:rult. Schmodell Mann. Camphell,Purdue; Parsons, Bowen. Tyler, Iow�...,._--ISSU;_;: A.NN11AL 8lmLL "'COOLBR'IItIIII Pennsylania _ AftlUle.11th and H Strecta.,ITo seekers of • hotd where)pxurioo. quarters may be Ie­cured. where charm .nd con­� aenial atmosphere rmail, andI where ucellcuc:e 0 HnJCe kIparamouat. the Rotel Powhatan,o.en jast sacb indllCaMllta.Jtooma with detadled bath-mq be obtaiaed at ".so. IZ 00���Ii'�I� ::t..prift,fJer1:* r:r._..,.:tr..::::. -='�Write for bookld witb map. ! /CLIPPORD M. J.BWIs. _'- Mauser.f - - ,Universal Repair JUg. Co., 1508 CablepI o.c ('. 1'III'ne Mill. 6842. We repairstoves, bicy£'lc:t, etc. Refinish and, Ul'·holster furr.i; are; cement work, cnr·pentering :11::1 cabinet work a special·ty. Est. furnished. F. De Geer, prop.v.AB.81'1'Y BASEBALL �DBFBA.'r8 CABSON PIBlEPage Holds OpPonents �p1ess andChicago Avenges Pnvioas Defeatby 7-3 Score.Coa�h Page's hall players obtainedrc,'enl!'t! over the Carson Pirie nine Dean Talbot '1'. of Women's Orldn­"hi�h .lcrNlt('ll th(,Dl tl�h,i\'l'ly nt till'al Occupauon of HaD.tJ('�illllinl!' or tho �a�on, hy winning(rom the ('Iothi('� YCl(h!r,lny n.fternoon LOST-Chi Psi fraternity badge, 011campus. Finder please return toMaroon office X222. Reward.TO BENT-La.rg� cool room, electriclight, large closet, comfortably fur­nished, suitable fol' one or two women,in refined home: walking' distance toU. of C.; 3rd ffIat, 1345 East 62d St.Mltlway 5573.FOR RENT-Finely furnished apart-ment of 6 rooms, Within walkin�distance of University,adults only. Fullcle�eJ'iption in Housing' Depnr trneutTelephone Midwav 3985.AGENTS TAKE NOTICE; The wellknawn Sim.e Seed Corn Dryer whichwas sold last ,.. at $1.50 will senthis :reaz' at $1.00, capacity 200 rednced price makes it retail atonc-halt the price of 8DJ' other dryeron the m.uket per capacity. This is apractical necessity that fanners buyin half and dozen lots. 'Good for $50wecldy in Northern corn groWing ter_ritory. Sample relling outfit free.Investigate quick. Famters' Specta!tyCo., Iowa. City, Iowa. EARN ENOUGHMC'NBY THIS SUJDI:EB. SO THATYOU WO� HAVE 'l'O CALL ONDAD OR \\f\.SH DISHES NEXTYl:AR. YOU CAN DO IT WITH1'HIS PROPOSITION. 'Notices on SeDlar Rack.I There are notices on the Senior col·lege rack, in Cobb for the foUowing,�omen: Ruth Agar, .June Adams. MiT­i:lm Baltlwin, Edna Bell, Louise Buell,Mnry Byrne,Arline Brown,Phoebe Clo-'-C'r, Fioren('e D('nniston, B('rnicc 1-;,111)"Annie Foley., Jd3 Hintz, lrn,hcl DeJ ... 'l lfnter, Mary 1\[onahan, Helen Phil­!ip�. Helene PoUnk, Della PntterMn.F.1i7.:J.beth Sherer, .Tessie Ri('e, GolllicThnycr, Ethel R()S('nheim, DorothyWhitney ancl .J('nnie WiJIiam�Offic('rs of the South('ast N('i;:hhor'nt'an Tnlbot, hea(i of Snell hall hoo,1 ('Iuhs will he ('I ('('t .. ,1 tOtln), ntTo Elect NeighborhOod Officerss to 3. Pn;re twirl('ll for the VarMit�· "Idle it "'as a wom('n's clonnitory, 10: 15 in the XeiJ!hhorhooll r()o1l1 . Thenn.1 hnll ltiR opponcntl'l h('lrle�"I thr01IJ!h c'olltrill1ltes an article in the animnl ofTi<'e of pr(,!4illcnt will h� fil1�1 (,IIout th� ('onteMt. 1\f('Conn('l1, 8hull nn.l "('ooh'r iS�lIecl yesterday. The hookon n('('ount. of tll� rcriJ!nntion (If Cnr�'1Kixmiller WNe the hittinJ! stnrl( for ,�0Ilt1'liuR thirty pages of Wl'itings an,l COt'�', th(' 3('tinl!' pf('�i.ll'nt.tho winne",. ThiR wns the In."lt, J!nm(' �kt,tchl'� hy P:Ult ancl pn>scnt Snellof the R('n.�n� anel wa."I l'l('he.ncll that 1'(,!'illentR, It h, (l('(licatccl to DeanConch Page might get a line on Mmo Gnle, the hall counselor.materinl for his Rl1mmer ha.�hnll tc:un. The hi .. tory of the haJI a... a resi- il�yno)t1s club library wcre given .10-SeOfe hy innings Ilen('e for women is told from it. .. eon- nations (rom the rcc('iptlC of theRln('kChi�ago ..••.• 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 3:x:--c; 1<\trudion in ]893. Donald ColweU isCa.TSons •.....•• 0 00 0 0 1 0 1 ]-1 (:.litoT of tho 8ta1r, Erich de Fries isnatteries: Chi('ago, Page antl Mnnn: :t��i8t:lt editor, Paul LaR08e, buines. ..Cnr.«ln Pi ric--: Hart, Martin and man�ger and Carl Dragstedt aMistantLoW' Lusincss 1IUUIa«er. The tInh-('rsity Set.tlement n'l.l thofrinr pr()(lndions this year. Ac('or,lingfA a Rt.'ltem('nt macle y('�terllay theSettlement ha."I l'('('('ivCiI $200 anll tho('Iuh libmry $100 from the profits otthe "Student Superior." The National"Makings"Enough "Bull" DurhamTobacco is sold in a year tomakeapproximately 12 hillioncigarer -; - about the samenumber as all brands ofready -made cigarettes in thiscountry comhined-­and the sales aresteadily grOUJing.One thing that hasalwaysbeenheartdyappreciated about"Bull" Durham isits unique, deliciousaroma. This specialand individual fra­grance IS produced by an exclusiveprocess known only to the makers of "Bull"Durham. You recognize it in an instant. Youcan get it in no other tobacco... GENUINEBULL DURHAMSMOKlN'G TOBACCO .(Enough for forty hand-made cigarelle3 in each 5c �ck)Get a 5-cent sack at the nearest dealer's today-" roll your own "-and enjoy the mosi :Jtlmfyingluxury in the world. Sold wherever good tobaccois sold-and you canalways get it /re3k.An Illesrrared Booklet. FR E Eshowio� how tn" RollY ourOwo.":md a Book or ':lga�rre papers.'WIll both be to any addn:ss.nU. So on postal reqeest. Addiess "Bul'"Durham. Durham, N. Co, Room 1210.ntE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYWe BuyUniversity Text BooksLaw Books-Medical BooksCollege Text BooksWoodworth's BookStore130 E. 57th StreetNear KimbUk Ave.Facil� PrincepsNo bcTer.lge can apl.roach-has enr neD challeDaeclthe suprmoacy of Coca-Ccla. It stands fint. Tbedrink that wi!l rc£r('� h :'.lld delistht '\":)u with its distiDC­live and delicious f..:.\"or-it3 wondc:ful thint-q.aach­ing quality.DeUcioc!j - Ref're.hIDgThirs(;-Quenchlagnm COCA-COLA co�.AIJaDea, Ca. wa--r,... .... A ....�"'�L__� __ s..:" TJIB DAILY MABooN, FRIDAY, JVlIB 5, 1914.Sporting Goods� '" OUR�sp�rting.goods dep�rt- ,_ � {'--i-\ ment IS rapidly becoming i_), �I �� �. the center of attraction for ,/ � �� , ",1 Wall lovers of the various M... ",__)',.l� branches of sports. you will #r.----< - �� find here a complete line of {" �� tennis. golf. fishing. boating. I �� photography and baseball "\:. �jI! supplies. and- you may pur- � ��, chase with the assurance that __ ._zP,Lch�every article bears a stamp of quality and value thatcan only be backed by an institution as great asThe Hub.Of Special Iriterest TomorrowTmnas.. SWJKMING •Lakeside Tennis Rackets, extra All Wool Bathing Suits 2 piecegoou quality ash frame, good gut bi , sk:t" I th handl 9::: or com Ination with Irt, blues rm�lllg, ea er e, ae,.Others up to $10.00. and white, blun and red, or grayDry Tennis Court Markers, ex- and white, Sizes 34 to 46, $2.50,tra heavy painted red, speeial, 85e All Worsted Bathing Suits, 2Double Court Marking Tapes, piece. sleeveless or quarter�ular $3.00 values, special Batur- 11 th 1_ had . 3.4day, $!!.25. a. 0 poputar s �es, SIZes 't toBa.eket Presses, made of hard 4G, $3,50.maple, polished, regular $1.00 val. Combination colors in Rubberuo, special, 75e. Ba.thing Caps, 50s. 6:30--InterscholaBtie dinner, Hutch-. GOLFERS.Hub Special Golf Clubs, highgrade wood or iron, large variety,$1.�5 values specisaJ!y priced 95c..-\11 of our bi�h grade GolfBa�'Si. all styles and sizes, slightlysolled, values up to $7.00, whilethey last, priced specially at $3.98.Golf Balls, Diamond: Chip andB:LLy White. special at 35e each;dozen, $4.30.Other sporting goods items, equally interestingadvertised in daily newspapers today.Come in tomorrow and take a look at themost wonderful line of suits you'veever seen---for men and young meo, in.. .20eluding blue serges. II •TIIE.HuBHenry C.Lytton 6 Sons WILL HOLD UlIIVBJUlftIY ] :45-Thirteenth annual Jnterschol-8IHG NBIGIft A� 7:30 utic meet, Stagg field.(Continued from p8&e 1)Inson,the class of 1915, Horace Cha.rletJ }'itz.patrie k, 8:00-Chicago night. Harper court,RCSI'ODBe for the e18&'1 of 191!iC, J. �olDOlr'ftnr, .AlumDJ. Day.lIugo Swan.Class poem, Bliss 010f Halling.Clasa History, Dorothea Washburn,Class oration, Ernest RobertReichmann. I:OO--Luncheon of alumnae of Kin­PresentatioD of class gift, EarleShilton. dergarten department of the col-�T.AJ.LOB FO. YOUNG IIElITHREE STORES: 7 N. La SaIl. at. 25 E .Jackson Blvd. 71 B IIonroe St. l!a.nners, Trophies aDdGiven At "'� A. A. DiJaner; Fa.caJ­ty Membeh Speak. lO:OO--Business meeting ofAlumoi asseciafiou, Ellis 11.11: 15-.Alumnae breakfast.tOIl. Lexiug-le�e of B{lucation, Emmons Blaine.R"·l.4pODSe on behalf of the Univer-Nil�', Dean Jallles Rowland Augell. 1 :OO-('onferencc meet. Stagg ficM.Class BOng. 4:30-Rcunion of cluss or UH1, Ucy_hAlma Mater.'· nolds club.9:00 to 11:00--Con\'ocation reeep- 6:0O--Alumni dinner and eutertuln;tion, Hutchinson.'I'ueacIa.7. Convocation Day, ment, Hutchinson.SUnda7.PLAYERS C'N WO:MB!f>aTBAJrIS BECEIVE AW.AB.DS ;:15, 8:15 and 9:15, elasses meet. 10:30-Con\'ocatioll prayer service,1] :OO--Lnying of cornerstones of Harper MB.Julius Rosenwald ball and the Class- 10:45-The procession.ies huiltling. ) 1 :OO--Con\'ocutiull religions �(·rdc.�112:00_Luuebeon,_ and meeting of-Mandel.the Doctors' �iation, QU:lAlrangleclub. -------------3:0l)._The ninety·first Convocafiou. -- •I -- T�:u��::��ourt. - PRO FILE-The Convocation aiillr�s hyDr. Kuno Francke. of Harvan],The eonferring of degrees,of the women's houses, thequadrangle.Jerrems TailoringMeans clothes that give youindividual good style.,,,, .. -' �Prices $30.00 to $60.00 The reeession,5:00 to 7:0O-.'Reeet,tion by members�.6:30-�'0" dinner, HutchinsonmODS. Scarf slide �aceand lock fron1eom-i l&.@:�I \JNITSD SHlla'. mtl.Alt co. 'I1UJV"N.�a _ .. _s=;Friday. JUDe 12.8:00--''Prep'' night, Manelel.Saturday. JUne 13.-------- .... -------�------."otel CumberlandNEW YORKBroad .. at 54da Street.Near $OtII Street SaInrq Station ...53Ill Street EInate4."Broad .. � can &om GraadCeatraJ Depot.Seventh A'ftIIDe Can &om PeaDa,l­... StatIa&K.n .y � 00£140 •• �rrB.�DOU�R7'.RB roa COLUO. • ••BP.Cl.tL ll.f." •• rOil COLUfI. D�.�en lliautd Waik to 'l'hirty TbeatraHA.RRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERIlUDQUAIlTIDUI I\ia CHICAGONew, Modem aDd PirepI'oof t, ,��Rooms with Bath. 12.50 aDd gp..A �p('dnlyof oura ..:\S water trickled through the roof - •• - - - - - - • � - - - - ... - -•. - e'. e ••• isi •of Lexington at the W. A. A. dinner 'N J I % I ....... iN1_....L I ,tid �W. han a beautltal DfIW J.iDe of im·ported goods; a lal'P choice of m­lDOIlu-embroklencl crepe aDd Iilk atwpedal opealug prices. Come and 8::1'oar chfD.a:ware, aDd aD aorta of .Tat» IiJUST A. MOMENT, MINVery soon "The" Girl is going toleave the University for her SummerVacation. Why not arrange with theBOHANN°N II··fLORALCO·-By phone, or otIlerwiae, and !lavellIlan Bend a bouquet of her favorite 'l'lcnren to meet her at the ualn.. Atutef1d and delicate fareweD ofl'er_IDe.lost night, Dean .A.ngell expressed thehOPe that there need be no more ofthe moist occasions in the halL He�a"e the greeting from the faeulty at.the annual dinner.Dean Linn discussed the topie "Why.Arc Girls?" and Agnes Fay Morgan,.�ItMF""""'U""�""'�"1• '0;; gave a description of the W. A. A.• four years ago. Dr. Coulter spoke onI ",,"omen and Athletics."I .A wnrds of trophies ant1 ban�ersk. f a: w('re macle to the winning teams byWhen you're 100 log or some-= ){i1(14 ))u.Uey anel Miss Wayman.thing and you don"t know where i illlidh� Am('s, Ruth Morse, Phoebeyou can get it for the money you � Clo\'('r, Cornelia Beall, Margaret Riggsd·· �want to spen ,VISIt .t :ii:.l J.iJii:l1l S\\"r,wit-e were given "C':� f(ih� for four years of competition onNippon n....Goods Store.t Oil" of the temnl4. Thirteen pins were"I.�.. J,:i\'l'n tn hn!oldlall players. nine to bas,IKPOBTBBS AHD WHOL::SALERS'� kethall play('�, allll sixteen to hockey863 BAft SIXn_'.rBIBD S'l'IUlET. "I' :.l:lyers(Just OpposIte the DnDl Theater)TBLEPBONB HYDE PABK 970 I Lim('rieks :tn.1 p:trof1i� were gi"en .,�• on I)('rson� pre�cnt. The women joinetl LOW PBI0E8. 1�I ht-artily in �in�ing, ""nere Oh where �I ;,th�:'l=:=' __ . BOHANN0N ::u:_u:: �I. �e�m���� ���"� __�_�_�� � __ � �I �,"'i'"ill be the subjeet of di8Cu.�ion at the· • PIIoDea BaII40ipJa 1799. 6696.! ••••• _. __ • �,�r ::.:'. : "'I"tt.§:-t�pn·r .i meeting of the Semitic dub in llas_ "I kell tonight at 8. a....... _--------- ..J--ZI'J•••••• 1-a• ..w----_ .. _�te;IL" .11the\j'fII,,�'I,j �\}