laily !larnnttVOl. XII. 1fO,. 156 UBIVEB8I'l'Y OF CHICAGO, fiIlJB8DAY, JlJNE 4, 1914.SENIORS DINE l1JESDA Y FOUR TEAMS CONTENDFOR TInE SATURDAYAll STAR BAIl TEAlSSELEcrED BY MAROON ONE HUNDRED EXPECfED SIX CLASSES GATHERIN REUNIONS TODAY Men Will Gather At Hyde ParkHotel After Ccnvocation-s-Pre-diet That Dinner Will be A rant Place in Coaf--.ce Meet"Ripper" Lia Between StaafonI, Illinois,Wiscon.ia aad Ch.ieacoDirector Stagg and Dean Angell toTalk At W. A. A. Dinner To­night - Willand CupsF.... t and Second ConferenceSquada P"lCked-Fmiah Sue­ceuful Seaaon in WeatRESULTS IX l"!ARRIAGBOF D01fALl> D. DELANY TODAY. piC!ked as favorites.Final DiviD1\7 adloal cJaapel, 10:65, Baraneik and KDig�t of' Chieago,Hasken aaremb17 room. Cline of, Hohman aDd )bJr-The eampus h:l8 been f!et ngog by y. w. O. L., 10:15, ill tront of Foe-ny of Illinoi8, KnUAbeD o! Wieeonsiathe announeement of the marri�c of tn". . thAfter a number of practice gnmes, A (':1st of te�year oM pupils from anll :McKee of Stanford 'appear •Donnld D. Delany, °1;;, and lliss Myr- New and retir1D� marshals aDd a14es, .1I--a 1in whic-h several pitchers were tried tho fifth grade of the Elementary I.ick of the fiel.l in the hunun:u .nlJ. 1 1 tic 1:. Sybert of Livingston, Mont.'ln:t. 2, Harper KII. B ·k d K .. : ..... tout, Des ardicn Me Shull develope- school presented ·'Wuls, The Saxon" at. two twenty. aranel aD owe-The rnarri�e, whieh WUs ce'lehrn.t<,,1 W A A. diDDer 6 � eom,-into high ('Ia.,,-'J slab arti�ts while the' tho final chapel e.xcerci.�8 of the �lt • • , , between them must annex at least teDt k 1 C I 1 f '1:0 1- at BiI1jn�R, lfontnna, on If:m·h :!1, is mons. points In the two ev .... 6- l·f rt\,,:e_o men 0 rna e goO! were 0 C nm I{'�(' 0 r�c1ucation yesterl ay mormng '" ..,..\03 "IU--.the result of n. Yellowl" ;"man.-.c' DiVini- allUDDi a89Oda.tlon. 6, Le%- U�_--I' thlrcConneli in the infieM. Later in the at )0:15. The play 11enla with the ex' "J to stay in the running, n ani In eseason Cavin nnd KixmiUer more than p('rie'l1c€'." of one of the harlly NOT'l'e- of three years' sta.n,)ing. Delaney i� a tngton CODDllcms. hurln� will m('et lla%en of Kansa ..r06C to the oceasion, men in the age of the Vi·kin�. The member of Sigrnn Alpha 'Epsiloll, :11111 Rosenwald aDd Adams priH coD- who won the hig'" hUJ'.Ues hl tile )[is-thn 0\'1:1 an.l Serpent, lie is one of t'l� tests, 8, VandelRecord of '.ream. . production WM .1 ramatiM"II by ,-hn .. siness managers of this Y{,:lr'� en!, .Jewett priu C'OD� 8, Ha.Ikdl as-Cook f Oh· State th I fifth gracle boys and girls from an old.0 10 ,was e on Y nnd Gown� and Ilbrarinn of the R{'�·· sembty room.C�ference pitcher who had P:l,Jrcol\ novel,nolds club. Mi� Sybert is the l)nl1�h· TOMORROW.batters completely at his mercy. Two 'KanIa. aDd A1dei'to Meet. tel' of E. If. Sybert of 1.h·in�tor:�:J University Bing, 7:30,extra inning games were lost to Wis-last few gamC9 he ne�er regained hisform of the previous year. BABLY 1fOB8B S'lORYfContl11f�" OD paae oileonsin that should have been vieto+ics,but werc thrown away by bad brea ks :New nnd retiriDg marshal" and ai.lM prominent Inmberman or lront:m:t.will meet with A&4W)Ciate Prof(,s""orl The young (,ollpl� win make theirRobertson in Harper MIl at 2 this horne in Chi .. agD, where Delany ",HI Alumm entertalDmeat, 9:30,, I: finish hi" hew COUI'8C. , doL No dn�es will meet Monday, 011.ftN'Ot1nt of con e p clay adi�iti"-j TtH\",day m�rning will be the lut 8ett'JIau. !'Iir.n of elasses before the final dliliai-, Dation... �(CoatiDued on Page 4) afternoon.THE DAILY MAROON, 1'BtJUDAY, ron " 191'-Tile Dail, Mar ••• GIFTSOftlclaJ Student Ne .. paper of tbe Val­yeralcy of Chlcqo.b ". CotU .. Il ..d. Ii. 0.,...II. p ..... t K ........ '� ........... .._.,LDlIIl'WG _ ..coD4� aaaU at tU\!lalcqo 1' ... c.IIlce" Chic .... IlL. MarcIl II."uI. uDtl.r A.ct of llar'cla .. lit I.allllllClUl"TlO!I &Ar, c&rrl.r: n." a' .... ; n ... a quart, 11&&11: ..... & 7""; n.1i a quarter.II:4llurl&I·.HualneM omc .. Eilla It."l·eleplauD. 1114.&, .... A.tter 1. p ....,11. a'arll "II."Brouu 1·.·t'88. 5i111 Cottage Groye An'..:, A WELOOME AOBIEVEJrtENT.The opeu l�aer of thc Glee club onthe whole is as fine au 6X::.llll'le of ad­miuistrati ve 1.01i(.")" :!S could be de­sired, Tho Idea of cmkiug no frank:::-tateUll"ut uf ajm::l aUll purpose� isU! c t111l1lll'ntla.b Ie. When we knowwhat the Glce ciub intcuo� to do, wethl'U ea:l say wh:!t support it descrves-aud whcu we consider what thoseilitclltiun::l all', as eXI)r�etl inOI)l"1l letter, we can say nt once,�Ilpport should be IlI.O�t hearty.Glt't' lolult intends to serve the Univer­sity in a big way; nud 3It. onee makes:1 big gain in support, because the sup­Jlort it ueed� in such sen-ice is notthat \\·hich 6Xpr�s itself in pay.ments :it box offiee� but is ruther thesupport which simply gi\-es the club:J. chalitOc to tlo what it says it is readyto tlo--pl'O\·iue musie, spirit, anu"pepper" for University gatherings,alltl gO(l4l,stirring musiei-something al­waylJ of huge Yalue in a Universityhrathering, for the effects in arousing:lpirit anu enthusiasm., and- becaUSe ofthe sheer pleasure a.fforel�l. aU thosel'reseut. The support ofeoncp.Tt� become inciuental--beeau.sethe Glee club no longer makes one ortwo concerts its big program for theyenr. So much for the gain made bythe Glee club in adopting SO useful afielU to fill The gain of the Univer--hnrrf'n witt.icimns.DB.AKA'l'IOS lIBU Y'EAB.The Dramatic club, unller the l('."\tl.cMlhip of Pranei� Sherwin, ha", a �plen.,licl heritngo upon whi�h to buBelol"rank O'ITnra took oYer the len,lershipln�t yen l' after the club hai l09t pres.tige by a policy of attempting tMm1lch, anel, by 80tting a sane sta.nelarelof af'hie,·ement, more than regaineeltho lOAf. ground. The RUeeeq of the GLEE CLUB OUTLINES POLICYtlu.'thatThe Iu order to come in closer. touchwith the fueulty, our patrons, anu thestudent Lody in ;!eucru� we havedoomed it athoisu.l>le to write this openletter OUtJillillJ: the uims and puliciesof the University of Vhiea&:o Glee undlIuuooliu dub for the comiu&: year,The Uuiversity of Vhicago Glee andMUllclolill clubs ha\'e recently cou­solidated under the sinule title of theUniversitv of Chic:4:o Glee and ,Mun­tlotin dub. 'fhe compoaite club is 01'­J:anizeu undr a written hv-Iuws recently druitoo und. 'ulOI)tej. This i.� the first time thatthe Glee club has had : .. def'iuite andeoncrete footinL! from which to work.and upon this basis we hope and iu­tend to builtl UJl an organization whichwill reflect credit Upon the Uuiversitv.and UIIOU the ludividuul members COIll­·1)osiuL! it. The (Olub. for thl' na�t year.will he run in a strictly business-likemnnner. lll'lubership '\\;11 be on thehasis of IIlNit. faithfulness antI bart!work. Any member. old or new, whotloes not exhibit the n�nry terltlen­tOies which are cOlulucivo to tbe bestinterests of the club. '\\;11 be automat­il'nll" retiretl to the "wniting list.':mtl -an alternate. who bn.s bee� fnit�·ful. ,,-ill bo ael,"anl�ed to fill IllS 1�"·tion as a regular member.· In thl:·nmnner wo h01)o to keep tse personnel(If the dub lim.itetl to those wb? b:�vothe best interest of the Or!!nDlzatlO1:at heart. It is indeed time that.0Gh.'e club slwultl rulSume a more pronll·nellt pln.ce in the rnnks of our Unin·.sity organizations; as has been the e�­perience of other Glee clubs undersimilar schemes of organiza.tion amImanagement. and we hOPe to mnke itworth any IImn's time nnd effort here,nlso. 1t is -the intention of the mnn·aL!oment to Eelect from the prsonnelBy Leo 8. Bay.The Acldre8s Boo� itsl'ubllabe4 mornlnp. elI:c:t"pt 8UAdQ aDd Va.lDe.w.uuday, durlq the AutumD. Winter aDd An O»en LetterSlll'lue I)uartera. b" The Dati" Maroon 1'0 the Editur ;.taa. of the club, aud carefully train, a maloquartet which shull have its own Indi­vidual roptertoire, and which �hull beu vuilublo at uuy cum pus fuuctiouswhere the need fur such a. body itJ felt.W e feel that there is a need here for;a well-truiued mUle quurt�t at fune­t ions, where it is impraetlable to bringthe whole Gle� club. It Is our du,uud priYileJ:o us a musical orgauiu_tiou to minister to this need, andthcrcforc us a Glee dub We Iuteud tohold t heuiselves ill rcadluesa to be ofserv icc ill uuy way tbat Iies within theseol)e of our ability •. Wo desire thattho Univeraity and tho student botl\Iool .. upon U!I as "yuur" Glce club. an.lto cousider us at your scnoice on anvoecasiou where our presence is (It.�iret�oIt i� by this policy of uettve and eou­struet ivo servh-o thut W('· hope to iur­JlrO\'t� our standard and gtalltliu£":L11l011:.! tho Uuiveraity orguniznt.ionsand to ju.stify our exh4tcuec as an or.;,:-ulliz:ltioltupon the ba!4i� of real mer it,The prospects of a trip for thi� lOOIlillt! year arc most bright. 'fhe trip cou_tClllJllatcd i� to tho Pa.cific co�t. wincl·in,:! up at the Paurutl3 exposition aoSan Prancisco. Thi� trip of itself oughtto furnish sufficieut incenti\pe for eou·sistent work during the ensuin� yenroTho tryouts for tho clubs will beheM cnrly in the fall anu. whilo Wtwill need a fe,,- men. it will not beworth nUJ'one's time to "come out" un.lcss Ire intenus to "stick" and "make.:rood." Our constitution and by·lawswill be stringently enforceu, and inth(' future, the Glee club will be formen who nre not afrniel or work. andto pu�h the orJr3nization to whichtlley belollg. Membership will beawarded only to those who haye earn·etl it throU£!h sbeer merit. We haveprospects for the brightest year of OU·history before us. nnd in this beliefwe solicit you support and co·opem�OllYours for a better Glee club,Leo S. Hay. Manager.Oom� for Jewett Prize. ,Kent Chemical Society Keets· Today.Wl"iting anll pr()(lucing-nn(l with th.­luge numher a\·aiJahle, mnny flelight·tul afternoon an (1 evening in\"itntionaffairs wouM he po��ihle. The prnc·"'arfl whi�h the pr('�ent ofrieer� (':111work. hnileling npon the fonnelntion ofachie"('m('nt ana �011nil policy leftrecord j� in the bands of the dub for them by the outgoing n(lmini�trntion.Final eontests for the :MiJo P . .Jew- Kent Chemicnl society meeting to-ett prize in Bible realling will be heM day nt 7:30 in Kent. I. A. Tougalin,tonight atl 8 in Haskell as�embly chemist for the Illinois Steel compa.n�·;room. Four dh-in.ity stuuents '\\;llcom- will talk On th "Iron anel Steel In·pete for the prize of fifty llollars. (In s try, " illustrateu. This will beequal to a trip through the steel plant,Profe8SOl" Price to Address Club. .0 •0� anu IS the mooting that was to haveProfessor Ira. M. PrlOO of the Sem·1 l..__ h ld"r 98 All - -._ol t�"'\:'n e .l.uay _ _ are lnYl"", \)itics elepartmenQ will lecture on "The .t d·a ten.Sumerian Ruler of Galash" at a meet·ing of the Semitic club tomorrow at 8 Can't Keep Juniors Avta¥.sity cOoJIUIlu!lity is even greater. The. in Haskell 26. PaiJure of the �ocial (�ommittee toGlee (Olub no longer win rehearse all provide nutomobiles to carry themyear for one or two con�rts-,;t "";11 I 1·1:ti f t l' lau els� ."... tie ae lU on 0 eyen grea e r.nver to Woodeel islanll in .lackson l)arkgh'e to the community the benefits of The obvious development is in the line cliu not pren'nt forty juniors from at.its 'Work, W'ben e'\"er the eOmJDunitv h rt I ·tt b t� of more sop ays, wrl en y sou. I' tending the, c]as� bench party yester.tlcsires. We cm.n .be sure of goocl sing· dents, and presenteu more or less m- clny_ A boat ritle on the lngoon an(l a Iing at any general gathering now; .formally. Tho club could well be eli, hasebnll game were among the f�iVi.1that is to say. We are sure of Inrge(l-at least the associate mem.' tics. _thing that will "break the iee," aro� s�ip-ancl inelu(le the minor dramatic�pirit, and start things going. Take it organizations. In.8o cloing, it shoultl:In tot!ether this mO"e on the part of be perfedly dear that the absorptionthe Glee club is a far henlthier reac· I)f the smaller clubs <loes not mean Ition to follow the outhurst of 11emoc· elimination. The assoeiate membership ��;'�c�p�e�r�li�n�e�_�.�N�u�a�d�\'�e�r�ti�ose�n�le�n�ta��r�e.racy, nnd shakeup of student organi· shoolel not be held in the bn.ckgrountl� '�P.h't'IJ for 1f>8S than :!5eo AD c:laaIIed7.ations and life, than flippant eyni_ awaiting emergenco from oblivion advertisements must be paid til ad­('iml, or '\"itriolie com�1fJnt that seal'S through partieipation in some play. It �ance.:Inll pa.",s� on. leaving the objcd of could he provitlefl a broafl fieM an 11the comment e'\"en worse than before. amplc opportunity for '\\'"()rk, by a eli. LOST-A sma)), Mack seal purse, eon·h.-�nu�e of the ael11ell wounel. It wili '\")S10n into groups-a playwriting tnining m'oney ancl jewelry. Fin(ler�er\·e to mitipte the efl"�t of the reo group, a group, nnd an net- I kindly return article to Ma.roon office,ct'nt unhenlthy manife�tation9 of a ing and pJ'O(lucing woup, with the I Ellis 12, and receive liberal reward.morhid �pirit which ha'\"e gainc(l pub- lines betw-een loosely Mawn in such a LOST-Chi Psi fraternity badge, oulidt.y lately and pro\"e that the new f hi th t . te 11 I oftM on a an nS��la eou e R II c:unpus. Pin(ler plca..",o return tospirit that is growing in unflergraclq his attention easily from one to the �'aroon office X222. Rowarll.nte life iR prOflueth·e of more than other. The member:s of the cluh th('nwouM finll their fieM in helpin th(' TO. nY.:NT-Large. cool room, eleetrieg hght, Jarge closct, comrort:lhl�' fur-nl'8Oeiates flel·clop their work, occn· nishell. suitablc for onc 01' two womcn'l�ional1y taking up the hurflen of thl'1 in refinell 'lome: walking f1i�t:ln .. e toel°fti It k fl 0 r 1 l"rt"et IT. or C.: :Jr(l fflnt., ]:;45 F�st 62el St. �r I(,U W'Or, nn J.r111f Ing nn, (I -�J1clwny S.1)73. jing the affairs of the whole orgn,ni;>:n· -- �_ 0 ':,f""STERS' A1\"D J)OCTC�S' Thesis Ihon. The pr()llur,.tlOn� of pl:'lYR ('on111 tIt Ott ]0 t• a('cur:l e '!o. ypewrr �n. cen s perh fli\"iclCfl between tbe grot1p�. for Jl:'l�� cnl1e(1 for nml (If'Jivereel. PhoneDrexel 64fiO after fi::;O P. M.tie(' thu. .. gaineel '\'muM insur(' a spl('n­illp..& W88 presaged by the r�eption ae.. fliel Jluhlic proeluetion, when th(' ('luh Universal Repair Kfg. Co.,l508 Cab!e('orelcel the autumn playw., proved its pr�entefl one. This is the ielen} toovalue in the !m�eM of '-The Yon.cerOcnf'ration," and triumphe� in the!'mf'eess of the Spring plaYl'. Now tbis CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSFOR Rl';NT-Fineho fnrnishe,l a.partoment. or fi room� Within wn.lkinl'lJist:lllCO of Unh-c�ity,:Hlults only. Fun11('�("Tiption in Jrol1�in!!' DepartmelltTf'lephone lIMwnv a!,(,o Phone Mitl. 6S42. We repairstoves, bi('ye1es, etc. R('finish :m.l up­holster furniture; eemcnt work, ear·p('ntering nnel ("ahinot work a �ial·ty. Est. furnishell. F. Dc Ot.'er, prop. CONVOCATIONNEW VIEW BOOKCHICAGO SONG BOOKSOUVENIR SPOONSCOAT OF ARMS JEWELRY"e" PENNANTS AND PILLOWSThe University of Chicago Press5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE ..aDd Room 106 EmmoDs Blaine HailTHESMOOTHESTTOBACOOA ChC:CKMA TE to your smo1etk.t hites and burnsl Velvet-theselected tcoder middle Id·-aged in theleaf over two years-producing a mc.llownesstbaloaIy the measured pace of tir.:c can encompass.A ftav« and smoothness t-cme:ldously good.Pipe smoking wi!h V Jw'ct is a revdatioo­proving that lime oo1y can m:";c tobac:co wbaawe wouIJ �l have�::."Your Mover-F.nIneZ .. IDIS \'_;1 Atddcalas..r_�����l!r;IN OLUS ... oabid •• !-.irt aad• 1IDIIenIrawwa ant oae cument. This mC3ns that the shirtc:m't work out of the trouscrr., that there are no shirt bils to bunchin IC3t. that the dr.awers ",t:1Y '(I�" to say nothing of the comfnrtand economy of s:aving a g:mnent. OLUS is coot cut-open.all the way down-closcd cTOtC"h. dosed hac!;. See ilIustr.ation.For rol'. 'enIU and £eu wnr. ore rrcnmmend,� 'prri:1 .Iudlt'd ""II.r OW5 wltbftplar or .bon.� Estra si,t'S for ,"cn ull or �:;t DCn. All eIIln fabrics.I. _n daiCIII. hlcladlac ,iI:..-$I..50 to $10.00.OWS � PAJAMAS '(If J01lnrlnr. ,"rin:: .not rnm'nnable slefop.,..aIe Oil ,lie ume principle •• 010U5 Slail"'t.� nlto clmN .... cIoIed CR*b.No ..... to ..... _co.e 100M. $ to ,... ..... ,_OWs. Booklet _ ..........PIIILUPS·JOIGS CO .. AIT,.....,,_ II,. ...... " It. Y.D.3P1'. 0. Bemem-r Itit.i�n't cut-coa� it isn't OLUSoSUBSCRIBE FOR TilE DAILY MAROON J wigi,thhuho1:0th:eo'or,mewIhat(,lhaheth,heAm('01bt>no('1"cCR:\J1<Sh"eS]thhaeqthnilnllsU8hth,atlannutotoTHE If STATE Is In the Name, Safety Is In the BIIIkJourneys - 3.Com Exchange National Bank Li ttl e., aas.p.6,000,000.00'fhe I) ower house was built in } 902',1.000,00.00 ami has been Improved twice since �\lilltl Margery l1ddll'I', former headthen, representlug at present an Iu- of the League, who is now Y. ll. C. A.vestment of about $445,000. The buihl- secretary iu Calcutta, told of her lOX'CapitalRurplua ............ 13,000,000.00..............Undivided Prollta .OJl'll'ICERS.p;R:O:�ST A. HAlUULL. Prul4.nt.CILU( LES 1.. HUTCHL�SON Vlc:e-Prea.�1U.t':SCET J, BLAIR. Vlc;Pruld_LD. A 1I0ULTON. Vlce_Pruldent,1 C. ::1A.MlIONS. V�-PrH14ent..'RA.'K W, SlUTH. Sf'cr&laey.EDW.'RD p', SCHOENECK. Aut. Cuhl ...J. EDWARD )!AAS, A .. t. Caahlf'r. .JAl4I!'S G, WAKEFIELD. A .. t, Caabter.LEWIS II:. GARY. A .. t, Caabler.DIRECTORS.Chal1HH WackerifarUn A R)'ez"aOnEdward B ButlerObHrI_ H. HulbllrdC;lI' enee BuckiDchamB""'�tn caro.-nt ... Clyde 1I. OurEolwln G. ForelD&»Watson E. BlairEd.ard A, Shed4Fr�erlck W, C"wb,1CnI... ... II &rnD1111Serge With a ReputationThe high quality andlow price of "N i co 11Standard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatestwe know --- rich,e x act I y right.special at $25.00 valuefine,VeryNicoll the Tailorw= Jerrem.�-.SoIlSClark and Adams Streets. Oh1cago,REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.TlIB NEW SPRING arnEEarl � Wilson.M .\KERS 0 .. 'Troy'. But Prodad�oIWDUDicatioD.To tllc Editor'rhe ac"lrc� .. book i� l)robably one ofthe ),t"rcatc..... eOllvieucc:; the stullenthas provillell for him, an,l it is almo�tequally ,",llu: ,I"� Ie to 14tu,lent or�ani7�1-tions. But it bas one strikin.: ,Iefeet,unci thnt i� �:. c omitlsion of telt�l)honcnumbers. A�:t i� now, often heforc astuclent c:m i.:lel.hone either anothershlllen� or an inst.ruetor. ho must callth� University information office. TheaUen,lnnt tllfee nm�t leave his work,ans,,'er the phone, an ,1 hunt up the)lUmber in the carll re::ister. The co� the Ktuclent is fh-e coents; the co�tto the Unh'ersitv is not inappr('dahl,'_Yesterel"lY, 1 was obliltCd to talk�Ul a Miss B, __ ., whose ac1clr�8 is':I\'en :L" Droxcl square. I lookedthroUJ;th tho B .... }f't in tho phone hook.hut nono mat('h('(l up with the nclclresshook. Conseqnently J W1l." ohlig('el toO$:0 to Drex('l squnre, where J founclthat .I:a.."t {nll lIhc hael heen li\'in� with(,011111ns th('r('. of a elifT('rent nam<'. In:ct�r to �'Icl 'h('r .. I hnet to wnlk aI-M, a mIl" to h('r new n(telr�q. Jf,Wh h?n sh" hacl mntriC'ula.t('(I, she ('ou'"a, e hael th "'0 '•t . . c " tlSIn S number r('l!'II In the n.ctclr('sq hook J h Itlu\\'e pl 1 I • s on •h�r 'n IOn.-. t lis nnmhf'r. 1Mrn('fl herth e""Tnllnth('l'. ar .. l f:11k(',l with h('r. ('re. ho �"l"inf!' th"f'n th,.... h 0 m(' wonlc1 ha,-('"m:lll n 11�t' ollrs nncl a, half. At,:I ,'C'r". I I I lonn1 (' t 1 .1"0111,1 in"1 1 'h' �. tIe lTnh-('rsih-" til C t I� ltrm f h -br� in it-l" nrxt 'c11 0 Tl onr nl1m·not extra''''nJrnnt � ( � hook, nnc1 it isC'rrnf'{'c1 ,-nln; �o��c1.14a:v thnt the flft:v lW'r (,f'nt__ -+- E R. .T.RtrnsCRTBE FOR'PJIB DAILy IIABoowAll the Campus News. THE POWBB PLAlft KISS JlELCEi3B WRITES OFLOVB FOB. CALCUTTA WOliXI'onner League Secretazy Tells ot"'icrk With Indian GirlS- As_soda.tton,a.bleiug was desigued byfl'lll'r'll engiueer.There are twenty Pl'l iCIII'l' aud Impression iu a recentlet.ter to Y. M. C. A. lIIeme!Jcrs. III herboilers iu the letter, clutcel Mun:h :!5� lliss lit.'lcherplaur, but more thau sixteen arc rare- KUy.N;:I�' used at oue timc. They furnish "JUKt fi\"t� months ago toclay 1 ar­heut f'or :111 the University buildillb"N, rived In Calcutta, und wha.�, tull.huppy:111.1 hut wuter aud steam for tho en- mouths they havo !Jl'CU:'J:illl'S iu tlal> :l�ljoinillg rOODl. At pres- "Calcutta is a bcuut lfu] city! WhenI'llt tho "0'..11 used amounts to about was in Bombay H few weeks ago forthirt.�' tuns a clay, but; in winter the tho student. committee IIIcl'ting 1�· l'lOnSlllnption runs up us hi�h :1." LClIlph'tl to t'l1\'Y tho Bombay residentsuinvt.y or one hundred tons, One does their sea viows, for OUe cloes miss ... thenot SI'e :L picturesquo erowd of half- ocean in Calcutta. But our Hooghlynnk od stokers, sho\'eling coal like .1C'- r iver is beaut ifu! aud. interctltilll! awlmons, hut instead there is a bi� funnel so nuvigable thut right here near ussh:tl'l'cl hopper ahove each boiler, and We see some of the P. uml O. uurl City:t quiet little steam plunger near the Line steamers at anchor. Alld 1 real­Ilco r, l\lceh:mically this plunger iy think Caku;t;ta if,:)clf, with its 10\'0'pushes a handful of coal into a nar., ly big trees, and little pn rks everyrow trough in tho mouth of the fur. fe'\\" blocks, is really more beautifulII:II'C, and then slhles back for an- than Bombay. Anyway, it's beautifulntlll'r load. An endless chain of bue- enough, and I 10"e it all. Whether Ik,�t� runs ahove tli�' hoppers filling am out baying a restful, quiet drivethem as the coal st,illes ,loW'n through or on the Strand roud by the rlver,the tubes to the feeder. The process where everybody dr ives out, late illis not Vf!!ry impreSsive, but during the in the afternoon, quite a la the LakeIflst �'l'n.r some 13,650 tons of coal 'Were Shore drive or Hyde Park' or down insent into t.he furnaces in this simple some of the crowded, narrow dirtywny. streets of our humble neighborhood,There are four dynamos in the en. where we frequently have to take towhich this current is put are widely not enter into our work at home whichvnried, since in one building it may be we h�\'e to do here. The greutest probelLq('cl for ",nniRIr';'&-p1Iinti..f:.i'� .. ; ..Ga., lem,. for me at least, is the. girls them.·in nned.her for striking the hour on the soh"es. These IndinIr girls arc shy('himes. 3lId retiring, and so polite that thoughBesi(les the great, humming dyna. you know som.ctimes their point ofmos, amI the carefully polished en- \'iew' musfl be quite different fromginl's that drive them, in the engine yours, yan eaDnot �rct any expressionroom there arc tho gauges, the air of opinion-only complete acquiesc­comprcs.<;or and the switch boarc1_ The ence with e\'eything you say. I justclinL'4 of the ga»g08 move \\'lith tho long for the chance to know a f� ofclock, anll on each a quivering pointer them well, inst�l of touching supcr_rrcorcls the day's work in reel. Over ficially about 200 e"ery ",e(llk, a.'4 I elohchinll the immense lIy wheel of th� now.".lohn O. Rocket�ine room, the engine driving tho larg)est one developing 700 horse power.If nil were run at one time, enoughcurrent would be generated to lightfifteen small villages. The uses tomillclle (lynamo stanels the swit<'hPennsyhania AYemJe.11th and H StftetaTo sedms or • IIote1 "heTeluxuriolJ' qaarters ma,. be �cur�. ,,� charm and CG..'­Rcnial atmosphn'e fmail, andwhere cxccl1�� 0 � i.paramount, the Hotcl Po"hatanoften just ncb lncIaca:acuts.Rooms witb detached bat!arna,. be obtainecJ at 11.$0. IZ 00and u.p.! Rooms witll J!riftt.�th, �"SO, 13.00 - ...�,.:uk!.t:.'='�Write for boo.ld with map.CLIFPORD •. LEWIS.)Ianaaer . the street to get around a stolid eowwho has planted herself broadsideacross tho sidewalk, the 0111 city appeals to me.There are many hart! things that do'·1 elo not feol I have been here long�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionBfor f!Gt:CLUETT, PEABODY .<:0 .. -' liMen The TIME The PLACE and Tbe· BANKResources. $1.000,000.003% on Savings 6'10 on Real Estate Mortgageshoarll, with its "Voltmeters anel am- enough to ha\'e much to report. I C-.."lnml'tcr:4 ancl a multituele of switeh�, only say how glad I a.m t() be in Cal·So <>:lrefully has the work beon ('nUn, and to sec how sJJloDllidly ourplannc'el that a force of sixteen men j� a.qs()(·iation enn be ae1aptccl 1() meetsufficient to take entiro charge of the the nceels of girls anc1 women in thisplnnt. grcat city. llnrgery llelcllCr"LOST - .Probably on tennis eourts,Thnrsday, May 28, sold �ld cuff link.Plc�c return to room 19, Press build·ing. Reward. ACcoUllts of P.BOFESSORS and STUD�S invited.OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS.HYDE PARKSTATE BANK ;,.COF4NEA OF e3� ST. & LAKE AVE. (The corner, near I. C. DepoL)J'OH� A.. CARROLL. Pre.1dflK. ROUERT 'F. CU:H)fr�Gs. V'-"�klftlt.M. A.. BARlIo.."l • .J Oash�r.College men make Bradley Sweaters-·-men who know how a college man' -; sweaterought to be made. This is why col !ege meneverywhere find that no other swe;1 ter is soperfectly suited to their needs---so warm, socomfortabJe, so well· fitting, and so becoming.We illustrate :1 partic'ularly sporty Bradleystyle-the Na.vajo Sha­ker. Same as th� formerBradley �haker, excepttha� it has � Nava on the collar �ndaround the bottom. Jfyou want a sweater alittle differen� yourdtlller to show you aBradley Navajo Shaker.Made in mt'.llY colorcombinations. If yourdealer canl10tyou we will sendnames of ewerswill.Brad1ey Knitting Co.Dt\!a.van, Wis.•THE DAILY MABOO�, ftlUBSDAY, JU1IB " 191'-�����--�-�-�-.��-���������������������---• __ • __ • •• ••• _ • _ .1 SIX AS8OOIA.ft BDrI'OBS ALL ftAB BALL naJI8 'ROSENWALD AND ADAJUOHOSEN BY CAP AND GOWN 8ELl:CTBD BY IIABOON OO!ftESTS TO BE HELDJardien.The exeeufive board of the 1915 for first :11111 second plaees. Aclmissiolllllinois 3 .. Ohicago 4, pitc:her DesCan and Gown will be composed or will he free,I' Jard1en.Ernest Cavin :1n�1 .Tam� Tuf'ts, manag- Wisconsin 3, Chicago 2, pitcherin� cditorst GifTorcl Plume, literary BalUDgU'tner, U innings.eelitor: Paschal Benson and Ralph Wise 5onsI.n , 0hJcag0 4, pitcher Des will be .listrihute.l nt the auuuul .lin_- - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - • - - - -. Cornwell, business managers, Jardien, Baumgartner, 10 f ...... �_�� ner of the houst' t.uniJ!ht at. Ht.'(·k·:iStudents d('�irinJ: to obtain copies Pardue 3, Chi�go 8, pitcher 5all!!t- cafe, (i:;r.l street and Greenwood nve,of the 1!114 book 11:1'\"(' been urged to gartner, Des JU'dien.purchase them Immediately, atl the Purdue 5, Chicago 7 pit!-her Des Jar_�nJlplY' i� limit('«l and tho MIl' hns diem., Baumgartner.Lcen Inr�('. Persons who have not Dllnofs 4, Ohicago 3, pit�her &um-subser lbed mny obtain copi� in (lc.l.)· gartner, Des Jardian..fI,rI'I'I�,: ESTA8USHED 1818Our Represetative, MIt. WALKER, will be at theHOTEL LA SALLE.JUNE 3RD, 4TH, 5TH and 6THWith Flannels for Town :md OountTy Summer Fumishin!!s, Straw andPanama Hats, B.ussb Oalf and Buckskin Shoes, Traveling Kits.Boston Braneh, 1-19 Tremont Street,Newport Branch, 200 Bellevue AvenUe.College FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friendworth knowing and having all the 'Way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It will fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and benefit.Delicious-RefreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA .co.,AtLuata. Ga. WbmnerJ'OII ICC aD AnowIhiDk of Coca..colaJerrems TailoringMeans clothes that give youinidvidual good style.Prices $30.00 to $60.00A Spccinlyof ours,. ...t �'t�LOK FU� VOUNG KENTHREE STORES: 7 N. La SaUe St. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 E :Monroe St..�.. -�,'v"�HICAGO.CSll Cottage Grove Avenue. Phone Enslewo�l R42.1 f::ix ns�(.ci:Jtt, (,llitor.N have been elet·t­ell by the Cup and Gown to serve nexth out throughout the seasoa.year's �tnfl'. .10N('ph Cohen will ave. Scores f« 1914..('ll:Jr�e of the orgnnizatlons dlvislon ;.To�eph Levin, fneult�p: Dunlap Clark,afhlet.ies ; Cnrl Cropp, fraternittestG('orJ:c Grny, 1\f('llieal school; GeorgeJudien.Iowa 0, OhiCNQ 8, pitcher Des Jaz_d1en.IN GOLF OHAMPION'SBIP by the Undergraduate council at itsfiun! meeting tonight at ;:30 in Hnr­Winner of Toda.y's K�tch Between per Ml).Grimes and WJ1,ie wm lIleet DblyOoben, Levin, Clark. Cropp, Oray andAnderson of Boob�e.Antl('rmnn, elrnmnti('oR. All �ix menhave worked on the this year.Severnl other nssociates win be electcel nt tho h('l!inning of the Autumnquarter.('orrillor mornings, nnd subserthers ir.Ellis 14.TO PLAY SEMI-FINALSfor Title. (Continued lrom page 1) TONIGHT IN KANDELWillard Atkins, George Peak nudIsidor Tuml�owKky will Wilt est f')r theJulius Rosenwald prize in oratory to­night at 8 in M:ulIlt'l. The winner willreceive one hundred ,lolh� and thesecond man, fifty dollars. The Ploreuce-James Adams contest in art.lstie read-Indt:ma. 0, Ohicago 1, pitch .. DesJa.rdiaD. ing will be held in coujunefion withtho fur thl' Rosenwn .. lMinnesota. 2, Chicago 5, pitcher DesI'rh�(' •. Tho followjllg students huvein critical situatious. Chicago'lJ greatel:Jt victory was over Illinois a.t Cham·paigu Lc!orc the big iuter�holWtticcrowd. Chicago did not suB'er a shut·for this coutest.;Milkewih'h, llargnrl't F "euton, Murgnr-et Bernhard, Colleen Brown, nml .In­Mlnnesota. 2, Ohicag'o 6, pitcher Shull scph Augustus. Prize« of soventy-flvoOhio State 6, Oh1cago 1, pitcher Desand 'tw"llt�'-fh·l' .lollars will be gil'en"Cco�cr" to Be cut �.t Dinner.Thl' "Coolor,' the su-n hn.ll unnunl,�PROFlLE,Total: Opponents 33, Ohica-�o 49.OOUDdl Dectss ToniJ[ht.Officers for 1914-1915 will be electedScarf slide spaceand lock froe�t&@�\JN1TED SHIRT Ir COUAJr. co. 'J1tOY N.y.The last meeting of the Y. W. c. L.Grimes, Daly and Wylic nrc l('lft in '\ViIl be held today (l·t 10: 15 on thothe play for the Uni'\"crsity Golf Cham- lawn in front of Foster hall. Gradu­pionship, while Goodman, Heller, In Doting members of the cabinet will�en;on nnd Rehm will compete for spAak..the honors in the seeond flight, M th"re�lt of the preliminnry mn.t�he.." plny­pd dnring the pnst wookw The mnjor·ity of the matcheR were ('lose, e�tr:lholes being n('�es.qary Ul dct"ide manyof thQm.(;rimes will meet 'Vyh .. today in thcsemUina1s tc ded,l� tll(' opponentfl o�Dnly for tile t"ha.mpinn"hip games. The"restem Intercollegiate Chnmpionlooks to be the fa'\"orite hy reason nfhis consistant playing. If he wins 3-hot contest is expected in the' finals,as Druy won the Uni'\"ersity champion­ship last year, anll is out to repeat hisperformanee. Heller i� matehf"llng-ninst Goodman. nnd R('hmTn::wersoll in the semi f�i;n]� of�"ond fli�bt.The result of the matches:Champiom�bip :a:1ight.Grimes elefea.tctl T('mplcton by '.lef:luU.W�'li,� (lefeateel Don:1..loe 1 up in 201.01-A,.$I�\' n::(;n defeatcd licHl'i.ruel 1 up.r.·nly Cll"fate.l Willa'!'·. 7 up 6.8emi·fin.,\lsn:tl�· e�c feafed 8tcw"!n�(l1l 4 up 2.Seeonel flia:ht.I1eller clefcnted Barry 3 up 2.Gooclmn.n elefen.tcll Horton 7 up 6.Jf!J:w('�on defefentc(l Whiting by,leCnult.Rf'hm .1C'f('ntecl Coleman 1 up::: TXAJIS CG� IFOR TI'l'LE SATURDAY(Continued from pnge 1)----.- --- ---�nllri meet., llurr:IY anI I Norton ofSt.-wrnrll, McKown of lIIinoi14, Legler''If Wisl·oll14in nlill Bnncker of J"ur,luefur premier honnTl4.. �'urrny of Stan­ford hns a r('('otll of unller :2-1 4: 5 forthe low�, wllile thc rC14t of the1n'!J> arc prn(·ti(·nlly n!4 fn..�. If thew('atht�r i14 gonel Sntnrllny, the hun·.1re,1 �holl1cl he nm in :09 4·5, anll theConference marks in the tc'wo-tw-entyn nil thc hurdles shoulll be equalell.• ------------------------- - ._--�-�-----.--- .. --� .. �.-----.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBr\)lldway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Street Subwa� StatiOD aad531'd Street Elentecl."BroadwaY- can from GtandCentral AftIlae Cara from 1'eaDqI.ftIIIaStatt..,K.PT BY � OOLU6. II�"B.ADQUAB,..U nJB OOLU6. 111111I:lP.OIAL 1lA,. •• '0. OOLU6. ,..�.Ten MiDates· Waik to TbirtyThcatraHARRY P. STIllSON. IIANAGERBRADQUART11B8 niB CHICAGONew, lIodem and FireproofRooms with Bath. 12.50 uut up.---------------------_ .............. di� .. �_19 Very soon uThe" Girl is going toleave the University for her SummerVacation. Why not arrange with thelBOHANN°N I·FLORALCO· IIBy phone, or otherwise, and have�them Bend a bouquet 01 her favor1te�nowers to meet her at the tn.ln. AWtuteful and deUcate farewen oft'er_1bur.JUST A MOMENT, MENLOW PBIOBS.BOHANNON• ·FLORALCO·1 • 57 East MoDrOe Street.Phones Randolph 1799, 6696.• It I