WILL SERVE AT CONVOCATIONHead M'.arshal.Prank H. O·Hara.Marshals.'Star�wood Bau mgartll cr.F'redezick Byerly.George W. Cottiugham.Paul Raymond Des Jartlieu.Harry S. Gorgas.Snmuel KapJan.Edward Retieker.Kent A Sykp�.F'rnne is T. Ward.Samuel "rCHR.Aides.Ruth Allen.Katharine Biggins.Caryl �()(]y.IIillla lfa(>CJintock.Katllerine Covert,Phyllis Fav.Gmr-o Elizaheth Rotehk;s�.Mnr.v MaR Donald.Ellith Noel Smith.Jr.-ne Tuft�.Frank O'Hara was named headmarshal of tile Unin'rsity for ]914.]!'iin an otricial nnnoun(>ement ln�t nightfrom the presillent's ofTic('. Ten ml'JI.nnuOB BBAOK PABft' m t laily ilarnnn w. & A. DJ1QIBI&,I, I!'OIIOBBOW,._,____.._Vol' XII. No. 155. UNIVEBSrrY OF CmCAGO. WEDNESDAY, .TUNB 3, 1914.TO HOLD OUTDOOR SING MARSHALS AND AIDESSignet Club, Classes, Baird and CHOSEN FOR 1914-15 DentonBlackfriar Choruses Will Give -- INumben At Musical in Hutchin- Frank O'Hara is Head Marshal;Co rt T - _) y Eleven Mea and Ten Womenson u 1_loo_a_ Are Appointedal�o give several other pieces. Tltl'Fourtl'('J) men wcre awarclccl theSignl't eJub will give a Maypole (lanceofficial C. Th('y are Captain llanJl,. . f th h tm were e}u)Ren marshal�, anll t('n womenWith the as..custance 0 e orc es ••.Cnptain·EIec't Gray, Norgren, Colej . :If� mcles. They will serV'e at Conyoca... . Sophomores WIll hold a mass meet� . 'McConnell, Bohoon, KlxnlllJer, Ca\"ln,. I'!. K th te t hon next ", .. eek. The ejections are- on• IIlg toclay at 10:1<> ID ent ea r o. .Baumgo�ner, Des .larchen, Shull, IIar- Pri t d a bruns of 9<'holnrshlp anel c3paeitygor, I.ibonati and Stliins. rchears� the. class �!I-�.:-.- --� � Pr:9· 'for le-:t11e-rship - � • -- -.'- grams -'Will be ,listributed containing •The, regulars who will � lost too I ih numbers to be given at the sing. The new hend marshal, Frank O'IIa·next yen.r·s team nre Captain llann, e. b' t t m, is retiring presielent of the Dr:!-Other pamphlets wlll e given. ou acatcher; �orgren, fil'l1t bnse; Hargor,. 'Ott LeWl·s matic club and a member of Blnck.•• t.he BlDg by the comnu ee.left fielii. and Libonati, center field. friars. tho hosts of pretty coeds who wereFuiks will play. Stanwood B�"'nrtner is a Plem- passing the tIoor of the hall. At 10:30her of tho Varsity baseball, basketbal1 Sparks called for three Hereshey nutand football warns. He was cla.'Jstreasurer in his Sophomore yenr, anllis a member of Skull antI Crescent an(lTron Mask.Prominent in Activities. RECEIVES ANNUAL FREE AFFDJATION OF RUSH­ANO CHICAGO PROBABLESparks Waits WatchfulOutside Cap and Gown Office --for Eight Hours Attended bv Medical School Faculty .DecideaJ Against UDioa With UDi-Relays of F reslunen yenlty of Dljnoja"The musical organizations will beth('ro in loree, and if the stullentsthe ('()-opernte a9 they shoulll there is noWomen dressed to represont Frellerick Byerly was busines man 'When two men appeared w;ith a dlesirfl ero Address AsaodatiOD at �reason why it will not he the most • -,�ymbo)jc figures of dawn, noon-tim{', ager of tho 1914 Cap anel Gown, nn,l t4() URUrp his pJace. The arrh°al of the tlon Of i'roP.Id'"'Cit, BauD, er-' uul .I11 �u(>cc�!"ful sing ever given."the south wind, owers, dew tlrops,sun_Pro«ram far mn.t. i� a member of Blackfriars. S. A. E. freshmen put a stop to any � to WiDDcn.beams :mc! tho moonlight, gave dan('c� George Cottingham is managing attack on the p�rt of the neweomers.The program follows: ,1 {'{litor-elect of the Daily Maroon. One o·clock and Sparks arose from Professor �_,,,_ will be, th, e ----�-.,"Grieliron Glille.," by RmrJanl """-&6 .,.��Paul Des .rarclien h� ne-xt yenr'li cnp· his chair. For twenty-nine minutel' at the annun;l diDJIer of the W. A. A..tain of the Varsity football te:un, anel he stood as a soJdier by the door and 'tomorrow at 6 in Lexington comm'oo ..a member of Three Quarters club,Skull tlren-a cliek, anel tho door openetl. He "WiU talk: on "Womeu and Athlet.nnd Crescent, nna Jron Mask. The book was handell oV("r and Den·, ic&·· Ot�r speakers on the programHarry Gorgas is athletie,s cclitor of ton went smiling away to pt some are Dean �II. repreeeDting tb.Ule Daily lfaroon, treasurer of thc hrneh. faculties; Dean Linn, Miat lCt.r ••R('ynolils ('luh. ana a mOO1bt>r of th(' Best WatchCul W.aiUng. and Miss Wayman. Margaret RIIUI'�,,�.. kethan nnel tmek te.nms. He hp- When intenoieW't'f1 by a reporter will be t0a8tmi8tr�.,gtJerite Swawite. The women·s tih'c Ri�net club. lcngs to Skull and Cresc('nt anfl Tron Spark!" snit! that he ha(l not cut n C"Ja� Trophies in basketball. bU<"u.n,club gn,oe songs betIWeen tho d31WC "Bright College YeanI'· anfl "Campu!'(C • .3 thi� qlJnrt�r and therefore coulel afforct hOt"kf''Y anct 6-nn,· -1'11 be 't ,fiJ:Ul'es. F.,·('n Song" ••.•...•.. BJaekfiar C"hon1!� ontlOe .. on pnge 4) � .... " preaen ('. titto st:lY out to get an annual. NornLnn play"rs in thitll yeer·s t'ompetjt j.'n ..��W�Q��I�����T��_� Pnine who WOn tho free annual JR."I'. One hunelreel plates ha,'o �n retlPrT�cI_1SRiI=�m�BulletiD ,Yl'o.r, wa.... saiel t.o be the I'I1'OSt patient. for the dinner. aaorcling to the ('hi;.�;; � lSI! ������� ..TODAY. waiter, hut from the opinions of 8eV· man of tht' finanoo committee. Tict_Pinal Senior college and colleg'l of eral men who �..."'" Snarks wl'athl'r ('f8 are on !'ale in LeuingtonJ' gynaa,,'Commer:e and Adn:inistration-roDAY.After rising from his frieudly bed atmidllight and standing iu frout of the OUTLOOK FOR IIIWOff ._.�Cal) UUIl Gl¥\'·'u otri(.·e for eight long, Negotiations with Illinois have �n.weary hours, Deuton S.l'n.r� wus tinUl·stopped by the trustees of Rush )(ed�·Iy rewarded for his labors by being cal college, and Rush will not go tol'rt.'.�eut(.·d with a fTl"e cupy of the 1914 the downstate school, 88 the r�t �CUI) :11111 Gown. Because of hiN grima meeting of the medic8J. faculty heldclctcrlllination and continued patience, last night at the Sherman hotelSlmrkN was giveJI a full morocco vol­All possible efforts will be made �1'un I e, instead of U hulf morocco book, Dr. Frank Billings, dean of Rush, towhich was previously anouuuced as .obtain the $1,300,000 required for at.the peize, filiation with the University of' Ch.!�-Saturday morning Denton read theeago, before the time limit, -�aunouueemeut of tho prize in the M� 31. Over $500,000 have been pr�isedroon, and Immediately decided to try by wealthy Chicagoans towara �.for the honors, as he was not inclined the million dollars.to ask his father for any more 'ftin"at this period of industrial depression.Hu rose at ]2:01 sharp yesterdaywas decidedly in favor of aJfilia�ioDmorning and prepared for the battle. .with Chicago. The general opinioiaHis paraphernalia consisted of a tea •. ' ; '. :was tha:t a union Wlth the Umveraqchair, a "poly con" text book, and two " Id It· h ...;_;.'�'of Dliool8 woo resu In t e enw_c.h3m sa. nclwichcs. Promptly at seven { .•. L_ ed' .hool'-, .... of pollhes mto tuc m leal Be. ,�o clock he took hiS posItion 10 front Th h' h t �--'l __management.. e Ig s anUA£C U'IJof the Cap anel Gown office in Ellis.f Ch' _1_' •the aculty at leagO wae IUBU glveaTwo S. A. E. freshmen �re detailed88 a reason for a6iliation w;itb �to work in shifts in order to aid in " ,�,.�University.keeping Sparks as comfortable as pos- Pavor �o.Sentiment at the meeting last nigh'sible.-- -----------GRAY WIU CAPTAIN1914 VARSITY TEAMUuiveraity airs and spee.ia] numbershy the \'ariou.� campu» musleul or-Dean Angel! and several �,,::,of tJie'Uni�'ersity�eD� de�attendea tbe meeting. Most or '�!medical profr.ssors who had previou81y;favored an amalgamation of R�with Dlino.::: switebed to the o��point of vi, w. TIre suggestion, ��at an early taeulty meeting" to th.e1rect that ,!msh should join N �bars and some chewing gu:m;, which western, will not be aded upon.was immediatel ypurehased by his a.tttendantB. Sparks was still pondering scrAGG WlJ.L 8PB&X A"J!over the text book at noon, but at ANNlJAL W. A. L, DJ:lQ1Ba]2:30 he sh<m"ed signs ot uneasinessWon't !"aU for Sirena.At 8 o'clock Denton announced that.he wns in the best of condition andwould keep his position in spite ofCLASS OF 1913 WILLISSUB ANMUAL PAPER exerdses, 10:15, MandeLAT BBHUNlON TOIIORRO\\� Pinal college of Education10:15. Emmons Blaine 214. chapei d�ht hours of rough �aiJing, Denton Rium.i!t ('ntitl<'fl to thC' wa.t('hful waitingchapi'_, .'hmr.pion!lhill. EIGHT ftAJIs 1'0 RUNIN SBIII·I'INAL BAOBaTODAY ON ftAOG �,the Jl�<'nnt.F1N3, GOLDING AlfDCHAPMAN WIN PRIZESIN SPBAXIliG, CONTEST.:,"11 t.11(' :mnunl!t w('r(' pa�fl ont :l�6. Hutchin· (n�t, n� po��ihl(', Th .. mnnng('rs ho.,·(',,;11 ha'"e four pagel" C"ontaining jlc· son court.counts of tho achie\'ement� of the:It(�r yesterdo.y afternoon. .Tohn Chnp' \"ariot1s members of thl" cJa�.., a Ii�t, ofman rt'eci\"cel the thircl prize. A!t ar�t1lt of the tie Fine and GoMing willeli\'iele the .IlIUm of tlIe first ancl �l'con.1pri?� whielr are for a thr�qun.rtA!ranel two-quarter flChoJanhip, re!'pcct· Itust .. '* t. Loaus 'l'oda,..h·f'ly. Chapm,.n will receive a (,m'· I �tl1flf'n� '�f'siring loans forSummf'r qna.rtcr most apply ntqunrtl'r !'c-hoJarship. Prf'l"illent."s office before 12 t()Clav. fngton c:ommcms.I BoaenwaJ.d and Acbms prize eon­tests, 8, KaudeL::: I .Tewet1. prize contest, 8, Haskd.l. as­semblY room.TO�IORnow.F ' Cnp :lnfl Gown to pl1J'Clm!Ce thf'm im_iDa1 Dlvlnit,. echool cha.pe� 10:45,lJa.!kell :!!SeD1bl,. room. mf'l1iat.('I�·. n� tire �l1Jlply il" limitel)t he engagements anet marriage!', ancl :lnfl i� going fn..-.t ..I -- Th ..... I. DlViDlt7 alumni association. 6, I,e%.gf'nera n� n�. 0 paper Jl" ,.itt',1 hy Hiram Kennicott..Will You Be nrgt'll fho� ,,·ho wnnt. eOJli� of th(' Psi t.�p.�ilnn, Sigma Alpha Ep:"il()a,llelta Tau Hella, Chi PI'i, Delta. K.n.ppaEJl�iLon, K:>ppa Sigma. Phi KnppaSigma and Ot-Jta Sigma Phi will �B,in the 8emi finals tor the Jnterlro.t.e�.A� �on a� th(' I}oors \V('rf' open('""Th(' Thirta'n," the p"bJication of Interscholastic JJre2.: committee,1:30, 'on;.! lin('!! of �tl\ll('nt� (orm('II in F.lli�thc I·l:t�� of 1!)]�, ,,;11 nj)l�r nt, Un,' Bartlett business oft"fce.Xn1hon Jo'ine and Roy Goll1in;: til'.1reunion clinner tclm(. ... row- nigllt. It Ur.ivers!ty sing, 4:30 tofor first 1,1ace in t.he Jow('r l'l('Jlior puklie- �peaking c-ont�t heM in Kent thc·Star Rightfielder is Selected A.Leader by BaseballMen YeaterdayAWARD FOURTEENC'S TO SQUAD�:lIli:'o::Jtiolls will eourpzise the I)rog-rrunLauriston Grny "16 wa... (.'lec-tecl eap- of the Iast. outdoor sing todny f'romtaiu of the YaTMity bnseball team fur :; to (j ill Hutchinson C'.ourt. The fourthe l!lJ.t sea... on yester.luy, The of-I'ln��('s will assemble separately t oficinl teum pit'ture was taken aUII the �ill;': their Individual class sOllg� und"C'· awarded to fourteen members of . . .will eombiue for the Uuiverstty mrs,the squad. Pour rt·J..'·ulars wiII be lost The seniors will gnther near �litc.llellto uext year's tonm, lC:lving n strong Tower, the juniors near �1u.1I11cl. thonucleus, sophomores southeast and the fresh-Dolly Gray has played regufarly innu-n southwest of Botany,rigbt fit'III for two years. lie has lICIt Rowland George will 1 call themissed a minute of u Conf'erenec game Blnckfrinr chorus in "The GricIironduring this t ime, Ill' iH Olle of the Gfide" for the first number. "Brightstrongest batters 011 the team, hittiu;!" Coll('ge Years" and "The Campus Evenover .::00. Grny has been reJ..rarclccl :isSong" ",ill also be given by thoone of t lit' surest fielders ill the COli· ehorus Iater, The chorus men willferenee t his year. Dolly hns I'la�·l'.1 mr-et on tire east sic1e of the court withreJ..rul:a.rl.,· at left half hack on the tIle Oleo club.Varsity footbnll team for two years. Ma.tt.heWB to Lead Songs.He iH n member of Delta Tau DI'Jt:l�Rudy Matthews will ).ead the_ stu-Skull nllt! Crescent and the Order of -donts in Unh'ersity songs, The baudwill assist in these numbers. It willt he I rOn :\f ask.Award Fourteen C'S.GIVE D.�CBS OF FLOWERS, "Everything that cow (1 be done byDAWN, llOON, mwJ AND SUN tho committee to make the sing a.�uccess has been consiclerCfl," saie1Women Present Chorus Figures Sym- Chairman Lenus Lunelberg yesterclay.bolizlng ··SpJrit of .J'UDe" atSpri,Iu( Festival.at the pageant of ··the Spirit of .June,"at the Spring fcs:h'al yesterllay illSenmnJOll gardens. A crowcl of �fI:) flcoJ1:!e anll B1at'kfriar chonts.Signet dub."'Va\"e tire Flag," "Plunge Throughthe Line," and "For Chic-ago AlmaMater" by the band.�aw tlw ballet figtll'eS ancl popllhrdances.The ide represented a spring 11ayfrom the break of light in the ICorn·ing to the comjng of the moon. Loui:H' Son� hy the undergnlfluate cJas.,,('�.ITliek deli'\'erect a prologue by M:u·· �fareh by the band.Modern clan('e steps were iIlnlitrat�d "�lnYJlOJe Dant"e" with or('lrt'!"tra ns-in flpedal ct�es by Signet c-Iub mem- si!'ting •••..... , ...•.•.• Signet clnhbeM'. Miss Stiles of the Physical Clll· "e" Stancb for Cht'ri�h .. fI COt1�"ture c1epartment ga,'o tho danee of' th(' Alma �rn.ter.erelW('nt moon a... the final number uf---- .. ---- nity relay C'hampionl'hip tooay at :; OB8tall'J: fi('lcl. The teams will he dh·id.Dr. Pfei1fer AddresBeB BotaDfst&Tlr. Wanl}a lray Pfeiffer ga'04" an " 4"11 'into h"o eli"i"ion" of four team.!'lu!'trntell It'etnTC on ··&tanhr.ins: ir eac-h. Th,� fin.t two team8 in �e.Porto Rico'· at f.hc final meetinJ: of fii\'i!llion wjJl qualify for the fin.l� tothe Rota,n,' C"lub III Ror:any 1� yeMcro tIla�' nftrr';oon. bt- helel Monelay, June 8, at 10:�O.There?THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. JlJlr.t: S. 1914.CONVOCATION GIFTSw= �tlrrem.tI.Sons0Jam uad Adams Stneta. �o.T beD a i I J Mar 0 • D • - _.! Should Appq for 8choIanh1PLTen Years Aeo Today' ApplicatioD.8 for the Henry Strongotilclal Student Nn'spaper of the UDI- _ The Dail,. )(arGon of June 3. 1904. scholarships should be fiJ,et! at theTenlt,. of Cblcqo. -------- President's office before August 1.The first elet'tionK to membership.in Hold F1Dal Exercises Today.Final chapel exercises of the Seniorcolleges aut! the College of Commerceand Aelllliuhdra.tioll will be held todayut 10:15 ill Mandel. •l'ublll;b� morolnJ. .... except 8uoda,. and BI kf· ld"onday. durin;: tbe Autumn, WIDter aDd the ae rtDl'R were he yt'Stprday.Sprlne 'Iuartt'n. by Tbe DallJ' Maroon 'Men are t'lec·h'el to tll(� alr('ady fnmous.ta4'. opera club in groups of seven, Theb ". Co'U"."II. I!L. u.,..�.. P. II •• ' � ••• B.u. annual initiation banquet will be held.............aaala .... Wednesclny nt tit .. , 1Iot('1 Del Prado . Council 'W!Ul Meet Tomorrow.The fluul lIlt"eting of the Undergradeuate (,OHIICil will be held tomorrow at;:30 in Harper 1\111. Officers will beelected for uext year.Bobertsons W:ill Be "At Home.":\fr. and l\1rs. Robertson will be nthome to the residents of I1itehcocknext Su nduy f'roui ·1 to 6 in the hal!Iibrary,l'tJlIaiC&lPTION &AT ...ttl .:arrl.r: IZ •• O & '''1'; 11.0. & QII&I".'"!II mall: 11.00 & '''1'; 11.%5 a Qllarler.Edltorlal-till.IDna omce. KUla 2'­T4lepboD. Mlel •• , '00. After 1. D IlL•• ". I·arll ••••. The pr('elietion of the hil!h place thel""niver8it�· of Chit'a�o will occupyamong' the wortd's iDfrtHution� ofl .. nrninl! wns mnde �·�tf'r(lay bv Dr.Uarouu l'rl"tIII. 5�1l L'ott8&;t' Gro"e A"... If. '1'. Ro'·r�· of �a.mhTiel�e tlni,"rr8it�­nft e r he hall mndo ,. visit throtlgl1 theSOMETHiNG NEW AT I..A1rr.I t seems that we are for anotherwaYe of Cranism in public opinion (as'·rcill'ctt',l'· in the newspapers) con­c:rllil1g l·ollege and University educa­t1Ol1. But this time the wave is i�terest.ing, rather than a bore. It haatho authorship mark of "A SeniorWho Is Not Sorry to Leave," and�Cl'lU::S to center UpOIl two elements-­one, tho fa.ilure of the University tobe worth while, and second, the fail­ure of the students to realize the realvalues of University life. &ide fromth� merits of the argument, the rum'philosophy has a new note that is reofreshingly new. The broad outlinesof such reaction are to be expected.All tho conditions for the birth of atypical skeptical philosophy are here.Wo havo awakened from the tradi­tional idea of college life at Chicago,alit! in eonsequenees everything in stu­dent life and ideas has become moreor less uusetaled, Prom this condition,or less unsettled. From this conditiontwo reaefions always follow, just asthey uru followin� now; One is anattempt, born of the enthusiasm of thonew freedom, which sets to �rk ere,atiug an ideal system-"chnstisingthe. spirit," as the aforesaid joyfulSemor characterizes it· this is theii�hl oc(�upied by the b�bbored Conn­ell. The other is a alcepticism, which:;ees tho old values vanUihin1!. and usu.ally accepts the pessimistio positiontl1at �thinJ: new ean be eTea.tecl andso l�hs at the attempts of th� en­��WJlnsts:--a Sort of colle,:re V oltair,e SeDlor haa set up this atJtitudebut has been refreshingly truthful inac�nowledging the real reason for afaIlure to attempt constructive workin snyin� that it is too JIlnch troubltSo far, well and good; Senior has runtrue Ito fonu, eut the traditionalcapers and is winning the traditiona:applause, including liberal space in"Lord DitLmore's" sheets- But herpcor:nes the new note, that marks thephIlosophy as really original. Insteadof bringing down the curtain with afinale. comJlOSed of "Cui bono," theRubruyat, and a finel slap at the ribtheory of female evolution as otherskeptics ha\'e done &inee Voltaire, theauthor of the new criticism says·this-­"It is so funny to see those studentsworkin� at they know n� what. ButI am tired of laughing; so I am goingto go and do some really useful worlout in t.he big world." We pause !woneler where she coald find a moreu�'Cful work than helpinJt those sam·stuelenb, Who now are groping in thec1nrk, ··chastising the spirit," to finelthe light_ And that is why the TIl'l"-hpticism has 8Ometh� on Craniam-it raises a real question.LO�T-A small, black seal purse, con·taining mOoney anel jewclry. Finderkindly return articlc to :\I�roon office,Ellis 12, and reech·c liberal rewaI'd.hni1elings and nround the campus.TbP sales of t11� Call and Gown have�ti1l in('rrn�rel. and the business mnn­n�('r� nnnonnced toclflY that fho hookwiil he takf.n ofT sale Tuesllay.Tb(\ Conference meet tomorrow willhe the grt":l;+('st %It.hletie meet the"r�t h:-.ct ever hnd the ehanco of wit­ne�ing. The pi(';k of western atlllM('swill stru�le fol' honors and T('('OTel�.1\fiehigan and C},i(':tgo are the fnT'OT'ite�, and a hot bntfle is expected toensue between the l'iT'al tea.m.s. REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.Owl and Serpent Initiates.OWl and Serpent, the Senior society,initiatell the following 1915 men In..c;tnight at the lTnh·ersity club: Stan­wood Baumgartner Raymond Bohnen,-Iohn Burtt, Freelerick Bye;ly, GeorgeCottingham, Frecleriek Croll, DonaldDelany, Paul Des .Tarmen, Hurry GOI'­I!8S, J .. n.uriston Gray. .Tohn Henderson.Holger Loll('�gnrcl, George Lyman,Frnnk O'Hara, ThomM Ryan Frank THE NEW SPRING STYLEEarl tl WilsonMAKERS OFTroy'. Best ProdudKent�e1fTillge, .ToshuaJj (( !,' t .Brip.f Campu!; News�������,�����Pupils Will Give Pla,.."Wu1s, the Saxon," an ancientSa.xon play, will be presenteel by thefifth grade of tbe Elementary schoolat the final College of Eelueationclaapel exercises toelay at 10:15 inEmmons Blaine 214_ Pennsylvania Avenue.18th and H StreetsTo seekers or � botel _hereluxurious quarters may be se­cured. where charm and con·genial atmospbere prevail, and_here exccllcn� of sttYJeC: illparamount. tbe Ho�c! Po_bat:l.noilers just sucb indUCClJlc:nts.Room. ..nth detached batbmay be obtaiucd at S1.50. $2 00and u'p! Rooms with pri-nte�� �.50� S3.00 aDd up.�-=�.�.fr'1."Write for booklet _itb map. .CLIPPORD II. LEWIS.ManagcrHold ·ofewett Contest Tomorrow.Final eontests for· the Milo P •• Jew­ett prizc in Bible reading will he iteMtomorrow at 8 in the Hnskell a.��mbl:rroom.. Four elh.-inity f;tuc1en� will("ompete.FraneeCJ Houston WlDS CbamPionsbi�.PranC'� Hottf;ton won the wom('!n·rtennis eha.mpionship from Doroth�­Uewpll:rn y-esterdny. 6-1. 7 -5. �Ii�:·, ,1('!W'el1�-n hn� heM th(> ('up fOT h·-r.'·N'",. Tb(> C'11ll will �omp thr Pf'Tmnnent 1lO8Srs.Qion of th(> player whowin� it tl,r(>(> stJC'ce8.."iT'e t.im�. ·ein'.J for le� tban 2!)r..mnRt hf' paid til ad·Press Decon.t.ea WIndows.The Press retail store has decorateelth(' front di�lay winc10ws with ol.iCa.p and Gowns, Maroons, Blackfrinr:l0r.� anfl other Press publications foreon'·oeation and alumni week. raneeJUmcRS WILL HOLDBEACH PABfi �DAYON WOODED ISLANDWant Stanford Names.Alumni and former stuflents of1.lClanfl Stanford unive",ity ha'-e beenreqne8ted to send their names to E. A.lleJczel', a21 We.<Jt .Tackson boolc,-ar,1.A latlneh ride around the Jac}u,onPark lagoon wiU feature the Juniorl.rae h party toclay on Wooclefl islanelin .1Uf'k�n Park_ The class will meetjn (ront of Harpel' after th� Sing anel1!O o"er to Jacnon Park in automo·bilf's. All members of the e1a.Q� ow�ing automobiles have been rcquesteflto hnve thorn in front of Harper at!j::!O. Refreshments ,,-m he pro,·i.lel11,y the women. LOST-Chi Psi fraternity bndg(', on('am ptJ s. Fincler pl�a..�o return to:\f aroon office X222. Rew�(1.TO RJo;NT-Large. cool room, electrielight, Inrge el08et, comfortnhlv (ur-,nisheel. suitable for one or two ';omen,in refineel home: w:llkinl! elistnn�e to �U. of C.; arel fflat, 1:l45 East 62d st.1mehrny S5i3.. ':"fASTERS' AND nOCTORS' Thesis Iaccurately typewritten. 10 cents pel'flngf\ cnJleel for and delh·ered. PhoneDrexel 6460 after 6:30 P. M.FOR nEXT-Finely (urnishecl Apart·ment. of fl room� Within walkin�(1istnneo of Unh·er8ity,a.dlllt9 only. Fu)),1�('riftt.ion in lloll�in� DepnrtmentTf'lcpllOne Miclwnv 3!1S5.FOR QGICK SAI .... ::.......Lot, ]00 footrrontn�c on Grren hay, Univer!'ityroW', f�l'hria.m, Wisconsin. Apply X Y·'3, M nroon ofTif".e.Seqe \fdh a RepalaliODThe high Quality andlow price of "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatest valuewe know -- rich, fine,e x a ctl y right. Veryspecial at $25.00Nicoll the TailorArmenians W.ll1 Oive Concert.A rrneninn ROloist8, pinni!Ctl" .anil vir,.Jjni�ts win ghoe number!' at the "Ar·menion Concen" Saturday night at �at Bll�h Tomple, ClaTk 8t1'�t and Chi·cn,:!'o aT'enue. The eoneen i!'l �onilue1eelby th� Chicago branch of the Arnl"_nian Student9' AMOCiation o� A",cri�n.thf' l,rocecd!' to be turned into theStudent's Fund. NEW VIEW BOOKCHICAGO SONG BOOKSOUVENIR SPOONSCOAT OF ARMS JEWELRY"c" PENNANTS AND PILLOWSThe University of Chicago Press5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE.and Room 106 Emmons Blaine Hail��·n· ti. .. � �IS mctLveiV "'Individual""T e asked a salesman in a tobaccoshop the other day how Fatimasales were coming on."Oh Swimmingly"It was only a few years ago thatwe placed the first of these splen­did cigarettes in the college towns-DOW there isn't a store in thecountry that doesn't sell them.In a marvelously short time theyhave become the biggest sellingcigarette in America! Which �goes to prove that pure, choi�tobacco is what we are all afteranyway! ,� -. •Plain package---qu�lity all in thetobacco which suits yo.u all right!{�j;. .. ", atIN OUJS the oatIide ahld .............. are ODe pmMIDt. This me:ms that the aJPrtcm� work out of the trousers, that there are no shin t2i1. to buncbin se:at, that the drawen "'bY put," to say nothing of the comfortand economy of saving a g:tTr.lent. OLUS is c�t cut-OJ,?CD.all the way down-cJoscd crotch, closed back. See illustration.For coif. ten'" and kid 'IIT2I'. we I't"(OOIIMIId tbe IJII'Ci�J r.'ldd cnllar OW! wit ..renIar or ilion ,Ieefts. [r.ra ai7" for .. � ull Of Ifact ""'CD. All _In fabria.I. Dan deli,... blCllII!ia� sil:..s-$I.50 eo $10.00..OWS eee-pleco PAJAMAS fnt' lnanll� �In: aM � �,._ o. tbe ame prird� n OJ.US 5bi""� ("lIt. cloecd a.a. c:IcIeN �,.. ..... to .... 01' co.. 100M. $1.10 to .....A.k:roar d ...... for OW5- '-Iet - .........PIIILIJPS..JOIE COIIPAJIT, 1Iabn"_ II" ..... .,. It. T.D:3P1'. O. Beman..,., It it. isn't CUt..coa�.it i8n'l OLliS.:;511 Cott:lp Grove AveDlIe. .eRICA •••Phone EDglewoocl M23...................................... - .-The Fellows Who Don't Wear Clothes,I Have no Use-for the Rogers & May Clothes Shop, but-«You'll find all the other fellows making "Bee" lines for this shop. The morethey get here of things they need-s-the more they save. Any fellow likes to go"up"---especialJy when the going brings the prices down. And the men who aredoing 'it---have more left=to "go up" 00.ROGERS 6 MAY CLOTHES SHOP� - .Say! There are more "million-in-the-air" men down on the old campus-than there are millionaires-and youlenow it. Of course-r-a fellow has. to look right-and the more he learns the better he wants to look-but wheredesires and impulses are moreplentilul than cash-you simply have to make the dollar do some of the work-- ... ,;>The R�gers & May Co, Shop is a realfriend to a fellow just when he needs it. We're in the business tomake money-but we don't want all you have. We've 6gured it out that if we can sell clothes to the fellowsin the University for less than they pay for them elsewhere-we'll sell more clothes to more of them. Do youget that Steve? You'll make more money by coming here than you will by going anywhere else and payingmore-and while we'll not make as much off of you-as the other stores do-we will make more off of all ofyou than the other stores-who want all from each of you.You'll see here the very clothes you want-clothes made especially for us, and under our own supervision­and if you gd them here-your friends will. thinle you paid more for them. That's why some fellows-wholike to wear high-priced things are coming here. The clothes look "high priced"-and cost little-see?And then if you want a $30.00 Balraacaan=-the most useful coat ever built=-ycu can come here---give us $20.00-andIteep the other ten in your pocket, Sure!--you can use it for something else. We don't want it.One dollar and a half here talees back a $2.50 shirt-and thafs pretty good worle for a dollar and a half. Isn"t it�It dosen't pay to wear hosiery--worth less than 50 cents--and it dosen't pay to pay more than 25 cents for them either.Come here---and see them---atl sillt---and guaranteed for 25 cents.Here are the reasons why you save:12th floor shop.Rent so small-that we pay it with your postage stamps.Other expenses-Haven't been able to find any!As you go up here-the price comes down.As the prices decrease-s-your savings increase.If you are staying away because you don't believe you can save here-yourdoubt is making you lose money. . Why don't you come up and find out?That's all.REPUBLIC BUILDING209 South State Street JTHE DAILY :MAROON� WBMn:DAT. J'Utf'.B S. IOU.eou.euieat poacb. 5 F_, 'r._ tm. 10in'!er-'ineJ with C with ;;.d lett..... C_.It e-paouf s-per c:arnd to fit pocketIn Glau HumiJon. sOt: and 90eFREE Send us 2 cents in stamps for post­age and we will mail you a lOuvenirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the United States. AddressTHE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYRoom 1209 III Fifth Avenue New YorkT eeUp! SmokeUp!A S satisfying as the sounding� smack of the perfect drive, isthe open-air relish of the perfectsmoke-Tuxedo. Both go together,too. When you grab your bag andstart for the links, grab up your tinof Tuxedo and take it along."Follow through" the snappy after­noon with Tuxedo. Put Tuxedoin your pipe and you will "put" thebest. And at "the nineteenth hole"rest up and relax with a good, solidsmoke of Tuxedo. That's the ad­vice of good golfers everywhere.Tuxedo positively cannot hit�noteven if you smoke pipeful afterpipeful, as many as you can crowdinto a day or a week.Tuxedo is made of only the finest,choicest, selected leaves of perfectlyaged Burley tobacco. It is made bythe original "Tuxedo Process"which removes every trace of bite andsting and develops all the wonderfulmildness, fragrance and flavor of theBurley Leaf in a way that no otherbrand of tobacco has ever success­fully imitated.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREf'tI·�.i !I J. J. McDERMOTTNatioDal O�D ChamploD.1911 to 1913··Pi#)e Smol(/n, ,iou.JJeJ pletlMUe 10 a golfe¥'UJben lhe pipe h filled UJlt},T U%eM. Tuxedo pro"ld�more i(een enjoyment titanany othe, lohacco I I(noUJ."I?�ALEX CAMPBELLCOUDtry Club.BrookllDe. Mass."I am alUJags ,lad 1o� a good UJOTtl for T wc­eM lobacco. Constant useof it only KI'f)eS to mal(e ilhelter lilt.eJ. Ib fragranl.MJOIhing jlaoor makes il tilecJ.oice of many golfen •..Oft�ALEX ROSSNatloaal ()peu Champloa.1907.says:··T meJo. cool antl miltl.U axnIlally tIte � tMtMIIls/ies. Many ofmgf�golfers agree IDiIla me in gI».­int pref� 10 Tuxedo."� c ,.f2"It,i>� KAB.8JIATB .um AIDESOBOSBN FOB 1914-15TO GIVE ·ATBLEftO IIO'l"ION'PIOT1JBB8 A"r SING FBIDAY Woodlawn& Savings Trus.tBankOlympic Games aDd FootbUi SeeDeETo Be Shown Aft. Inter- (COlltiUU8d from VUG� 1,fraternity Kns1ca!. Mask_ ISamul'l Kaplan is one of the co IAt.hlet ie moviug pictures will be authors of "The Studeut Superior," a Ishown }'ri,lll�' uight at 9::W In Mall' member of the Blackfri&rs, and au as­del m� the closing f�turc of the an- sociate etIiwr on the Maroon and thouual Uuivcrsrty Min!!. Several reels, Literary Mouthly.tll'picting the Olsnple games at Edward Reticker is president of theStockholm in 1912, in �\\"hich three F'envlbles, aud IU1 executive editor 011Yn.rsit�· men particlpnted, and the in. uoxt �·(>nr·s Maroon staft'.ternntioll:ll gtlllll'S in 1908 in London, Kent Sykes is prt'.:-·icleut of thc .TUIl·" ... ill he thrown on the screen. ior C·IUKS and presideut of Pen dub..A cluematograph of the champlon- Ill' is a member of Iron MtlSk.t'llip Chicug'o·lfinnesota football game Frm ... is ""art! is n. member' of thothis full will :U:40 be exhibited. Fort:,' Yanit�· track team, Three Quarter�!'It('roopticon views of former Chieag« club und Irou Mask, and is. :l.'tsi�I':lut 120.& E. 6Scl Street. Ohlc:aco"rHE FAOULft &THE 8TUDEJrrSof theUNIVEBSIft OF OHIOAGOWILL FIND INTBI8 BANK ALL filEFACILITIES OF A DOWNTOWN BANK.SAV�GS AOOOUNTSandCHEOKING AOOOUNTSAre Welcome and Appreciate".RE�OUROt:S $2.000. 000.nthlet.ic �tar� prominent alumni, and cheerleader,8anllll�1 •'Veils is prt'sicl('nt of t heRe�"Il(.ltls e luh, He is a member ofSkull and Crescent :uIII Iron ll:l�k.familiar seenes about th(' campus will«om-Iude the l·nt('rWiIlJll('nt.Fraternities Give Songs.The The aides art' Ruth AII,·n •• Iun iorfraternities will gi\·e theirclass representut ive iu the l'lIt1e'r­marching songs :LS they walk clownl!rwlu:lte r-ouue il ; Caryl Ct"I�·. l'rt'�i­the steps to tho center of the Hutch,dent of the Y. W. C. I..: Knt her invInson court. Tnside the court they Covert was (·lns... secretary ill lu-rwill give a song', and sing another as Sophomore year, and is. promiueut.they file out. After the frnter nit.ies"in the Lt.·a".rue; Phyllis Fny, :1. IIIt'III'appearance tIle women of the Uni·ber of the Dramut ic club nnd �i;.!lIl·t. Scarf slide �t'�\"l·rsity will give their songs. �r--club ; Grat'e Hotchkiss, an Omt·t·r (If and lock fior.�FoUdWing the fraternity sing, and the Neighborhood dulls, :L tn;;;. riAthe airs by the women n11 students worker in the Le�"'le, nml a furllll'r<> m';o.lJnMd�� 0... 1 ",r�.AnIni::g�"�will join in a general sing. The follow- � I �6 '1j CL6 �nssoelate editor of 1he If:troClu: ll:lr�'1Ma('Donnlel, ehairmnn of the Fet e e-ntu­mittee ; Irene TuftM, .Juui(lr member uf Ithe Student, Honor eourmisaior; :111.1 i3. "Cheer, Boys, Cheer." K h B'at erine i�gllJs, nn officer of4. "Wnl""e the Flng of 0:.1 Chicago," League; HillIn. Ma(·Cliutock.E.lith Smith.ing songs will be given:1. "Fight for Victory,"2. "He's a Grand OM Stagg."tilt' Pre� OOIr!lJittc� Win Meet.5. "Hello, Bello."6. "Hero's to the lla.o Who Wears a nn.l i TIl(' Interscholust ie pr('ss commit.tee\\ ill IIlt't·t t04i:W :at 1::W in the Bartll'tt! "Il�i lit'!'.." offit'e:'C., ,.--------------------------- ._--7. "1893."8. "The March of the llnroons."9. "Por the Yarsity."---+---DRAKATIC CLUB ELEOT�SlIERVQN TO PRESmENCY �-�------------.-.--------.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBr..-dway at 54th Street.Nnr 50th Street Subway Station and53n1 Street Eleftted."Bro.dway" can from GrandCentral DepotSeftDtb A 'ftD1Ie Cars from Pennsyl·yam. StatfQILKiln Rl" � COM,20B IIANR.AnOUARTIlRR Fall cor.I.RnB It,."\8PIlCIAI. IlATIlR FOR COLuall TIIAMBTen Minutes- Waik to Thirty TheatresRAiRRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERR1I:ADQUARTEIUJ W\ia CHICAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. 12.so and up.Oommittee Is Appointed to BeviseOonstitutU#n During Summer­Will Repeat Short Plays.Francis .T. Sber"\\;n w-as elect'CClpresielent of the Dramatic club for1914·1!l1:; nt a Illooting yesterclny.Harry Bogg wns elee1cel business 1ll3n·ager antI Margaret Fenton secretary.The new ofTiC"'inls will take office im­mf'lliatcly.A ('om;mittee wn.� appointeel to re­vise the club wnstitUlt:ion cluring thesummer anel r('port in the fnll. Thememher8 of the ('onunittee are ns foIrlowq: }'rnnk O'Hara, chairman,Harry Bogg, Loui..� llick, M.argaretFenton, Fre<1eriok Byerly :mcl FrnndsSher"\\;n.Frank O'Hnm's one·aet plat. "AtHom('�t()l\\"n GatMJ," recently given ntthe club's spring perfonnancl'" will bepresentefl the In..'¢ part of .Tune at theCalumet high school. "'The La... tLaugh," by Walter Poague, will begiven in Manelel Fritlay, .June 12, aspnrt of th.e progrnm for the entertain·m('nt of the higb �hool nthleteJl. .---.---.-�-�.-------- ... -.-----IJUST A MOMINT, MfNV ery soon 66 The" Girl is going toleave the University for her SummerVacation. Why not arrange with theSWD'1'SURE SEaVICE.BOHANN°N I,·fLORALOO·�By phone, or otIlenri8e, and bavelthem send a bouquet of her favorite�flowers to meet her at the train. AItastef'nl aDd delicate farewell oft'er_fDC[.ROSENWALD AlfD ADAIIBOON'1'B8'1'S 1'0 !B BBLDIN KANDEL '1'OII.O&BOWThr('c �:uel('nt!" will eont�t ror tho.TlIJill� Ros('nwnJ.l pri7.e in (mbli .. ·l"pe:tking n.n.1 th'(, for the Florence.Tam('� Aelam!' l\ri7.(' in nrti�tic r('n�linJrtomorrOl," at. S in lr :Lnele). Pri:r.e... of$100 nnel $50 will he Jlh'('TI for fir!'t·:In.l �(' .. on,l pln('('� in tbe Ro�enwn'".. on test nnel $;:; nn.l $2:; for pla..es inthe ,h,lnms eont('st. Aelmission will befrca. LOW PBIOBS.Bo HAN N0N 57 East Monroe Street.• FLORAL ro · Phon .. Bauclaiph 1'1l19, 6698. J.. JWU ...... msac 2: a a!ItItitIItifMltl'.lCitititititWAit�Compete for SneD OJLamplODlhip.Anflrew WiJr('ln.nel will play Lei"terWi11inml' for t.he t�nni.... duunpio"l')t;·or 8n('11 toclny :Lt 9:20 on tbe C"011rt!l�(llltb of Snell. =11