I ,�I!IIi'I ,I( :.. ,\ I;i • lIaily ilarllllt1 ...... ,VeL XII. No. 1M. UNIVERSrrY OF OmOAGO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1914. PBIOB PIVB � .... "BIG NINE MEETS DRAWSCOLLEGIATE INTERESTGEOIGE SIIAFFER,NEWS EDI.TPI; �", 'oj wi_'WILL GIVE FETE TODAY CONVOCATION PROGRAM CAP AND GOWN IS HERE DAD.Y MAR� :Louise Mia to Read Prologue At IS ANNOUNCED TODAY WIll be Gi"en Out This Aft�rnoon NEXT YEAR'S OFfICERS'Women· s Celebration in Scam- - I in Ellis---First Penon in Linemon Gardens-- Dance of Crescent Program Starts Thursday and Gets Free Copy1\1 F tu Continues for One Week-000 ea :.._ Intencholaatic SaturdayConfereDCe Track aDd FJeld Con­testa Saturday Will be Centerof Attraction in Country Promptly at 5:30 yesterday after- G. W. Cottingham is M ......Editor; c. A. BirdaaU aad R. P. ( r •Mathews, Busineu Mauaaennoon a huge truck IMt 750 auuuah, atLouise l\lick wilJ read the "Pro- .... 'ESDTEAll TAKES MISSOURI TITLE .au AY IS CONVOCATION DAY the offico in EJlis 14, 16 be distzibutedlell'�ue" at the Spring fete �his after-to the students today. The doors ofIutereolleglute Interest through JlOOII at 5 in Scammon gardens, aStll The program of graduation exer- the offico "ill opell this afternoon atout the country will be centered UII n ml Kenwood, The ,,"orCIM were writ. «ises, indueliug Couvoeation day, will 1:30, und books will be given out asStagg fieltl., where Big Nine athletes tt'll by l\Ln.r�ruerite S\\"awite and thl! opeu Thursday with uluuini reunions, fast 3S the subsczibers present theiraud track men throughout. the \\'l·�t music hy l\{iriaur. Wh.alin. Bleachers MOlltluy'M events are the most numer- reel'iI,ts or cash,are urrivlng' daily for the Coufcrencc with a !reuting eupacity of 1,000 IU1\-o out!. and the program will end with till' Former editors, presell!tl managers,meet Saturday. Leland S1aufortl an-t been erected in the gardens, Tic'kd:-t Couvoeat.iou recept ion in Hlltchil�"OIl. and promiueut jountaJiMts of the cam-Colorado with well baluuced teums.nr- 1I1:IY be secured at tho office ill Lex- Couvoeatlo dav 'II .n u'01 WI open WIth the pus declare that tho 191-1 Ca.p andrived yesterday, aud took tJleir first ingf on gymnasium_ la\'ing of eoruer st I f J • .1" R� • 0 I(,S 0 t IU� us- Gown surpasses all previous annuals.workout on the field. Jimmy Twohig One hundred and fiilty women will enwald hull and the Cla�sil'S buileliug, There are 544 I'agcs of ma.teriall eov-and his helpers arc makillg bit,. 111·l'I.'· take part in tbe dances, which will Saturllu,-- "'1·11 .,, 11'11 tl tl· t tlto 01 ell Ie ur een l erlng every a.cth-ity on tho campusaratious for the meet, unci . Director symbolize a.day in Sprillg. MiK.� Stil,'s annual lutl'fScJwi:lstic 111 ..... t Oil LOt E has...... Ct agg make up the volume, aeh pageSt.tl{."g is planning to make it the most will gh'c the dance . of the eresecut f'icld; a. buff border and the athletic headspretentious affair ill tho country this 1110011, followed by the- dance of the George Cottingham, '15, waa eleei�4" �wUllaging . editor; George Sha«er. '16;"news editor; Carl Birdsall, '16, . a�4� �Uichard MtdithewB, '16, buaiD.eea .....agers of the Daily Maroon for �8s1:'=­year, at a meeting of the board' . � . �Directors la� night. Otber oi6���: �'t ��chosen un:Frederic.k Kuh, '17, night ed.it��Edward Retiekar, '17, .and' ir�",Swanson, '11, tlay editors. ,,,' ..••John Donahoo, '16, athletic editOr•... Herman Deutsch, '09; Earle �; ...'17; Alta Fisher, '16; Bernard: N��. �IC;an, '17; Wendell Dixon, '17, �"_Nicholas Lentz, associate edi1.GriJ .n" _ ..• .-.;; > J .. "'�y�ari Alice McElid report� •... �::;Hatcher; '16, will retain his POaitiOD:� ... :-.associate editor,The progran, Is as follows: -ire made of two colored plates. TheThursda,y.At G:OO-·AJunllli I"(�ullioll"'--'!)-l, '9!l'04, 'O!'. '1::_l Cottingham baa served on tb8 . lIa-.roon as reporter, associate ·ediior·;�4(!news editor. He is a memebr' of .... .., . . � . .Chi Psi fraterni1ly. Sh.a1fer hae becai"':reporter and an assoeiate .edito��·: JM':;'is an associate editor of the· � -....l: ..Gown and a· member. of. phi.���.;-Theta ,aod .JrOll· ��i1���:'Swanson and .Do��h� have ';v�i -: .. ;,_..' #.. ����:I:Lelanll Stanfortl,were in the organization of the oPftpetJn.nd in making less rigid requirement .. ·The control :of the paper is Veftted in Ii·boar(l of cUredors, eomprising aU ·tll. -reporters this. year •.Harry Gorbras, athleties editor tJUa· ..y�ar, resigL,. .. l his position b�·. o( :otber eampu� aetivitie8.. DonahOo '.�.�.': " ·ti" . I ,.�""A-..wbd ullcl"'r him aU year in the :At.� .I�tics depart ment.Cc!Dpet;lUoD CIa-.'Carl Bir(!.:!,\U, '16, a.nd· ·Rieha.rctJ(�: .thews, '16, , ere eleeted jointj)WIi�'l�a:.anagers_ 'l'he. eo�petitiOn :� .. : eo"';'"ductetl on a basis of ad.vertisi�g � ::in by the i.wa mcn, and th�' re8IIllt8::':were almost w:ithilJ five cent:s of eaelotber. BirdEalI is a. Du;m�er ·of PIll·:..Kappa Psi, :!.nd MattheWll ot Psi, 11p=.:. .silon, Skull:Llld Cr_ent an� . Ir�Maak. The tbrtiee of ·cireulatiGD � ..ager will be h&Ddled· by the t,." � ..t he corridor of �bb.service ness managers.The consitution W'U ameIlded, a ... _.will be published as revised in au' eoarl,.KoDda7.9:30--Fla.g exercises. FOUR BN'TBR SCBIPrUB.BREADING conmrr· FOBKILO ITBWE!!'!' PB.IZB is,c;ue of the Maroon. The ·chief ·elaa�� ._10:OO-Senior cIa&! pla.y.• (Contiued on page 4) Four �ontestan�" for tbe Milo P.11:3O-Jenio� senior haseball game,Next year's Conference t(l1.lrnn:ment Jewett pri7..c in Bible reading ha\'t�will in all probability b(" heM at llin- Stagg field.l'nterl'el tho trials Tlwrs4lay night ut Sh G ph th on1..... 1 :OO-Senior luncbbon, lIutchinson. T 'nesotn, as teo era are e J in Jla..�]U>ll a.�CliCmbly room. ho WID'2:3C-Cla.."S exereise.'l, Senior bench, b' f ft" l' If tuat·Pnh·ersity intending to put in a. hielncr will be 3wn-releel $50. Entrant. .. in � Ie 0 I('en, DJU 18 He -perpe 1"1'.f Allclresl4 by the presitlent of the cln.."� The boarel holels aR tru.stt'e-� fOr· ·th. _(or the play. Chi('ago's prosperln or !hc ('011ll'ctition must be juni()l'S inof 1914. Ruc1y Dole l(atth�·�. 1T' ." bl'next sea.�on are none too brigbt" be- 'h n"'t hoot pos�ing Ief'," nl\"ersl:y pu 1(".Pn!sentation of t1le h:niuner to thf' t e 1"II1I.y sc . ,..... _('nn!lO thi" is Squair'" la.. .. t. y'�ar- Dr. th:m 27 anll more than 18 mnjors "f(']n� of 1915, <koff'��· L.!yinson.P�a:t.ntion of the t:np 3nel Gownt;o class of 1915, Sar:1b Jo:lizahethThompson.Rc�pon� (or the ('l"l�s or Hl1;;, l':1r�·King Mn('I)onnM.Present.'ltion of the 8t>nior lI('n('h tilt.ho cln.."8 of 1915, 1I0rn('e Ch:1rlt'S }o'it7.· ereclit.Re('iI, however, ha!IW some pmmiRinJtmntl'rinl 8mo� the fr('!'hm('n p1nyer�.nnd ('oxpcets to be Dhle to ele\'('lop �om('(lnl' to fill Squair's p1�e. Cnncliclat(lS for tlegreetl should .� .. ,I����,,���==�i3l_C IaI_.III_P at the PrCl!'ietent'" ofri� today:� toi.·'InUetia : morrow between 10 ancl 1'1 and 3' to " 'PHI BETA KAPPA WILLELBC'1' OFFIODS ANDINl'1'IA.TE NEOPHftBS ..���tl�lS1�!�_�il$$$S�$It1I,r� tilir'to get tick('b\ for the Con\'Ot!aLion __TODAY.Dramatic club e:�oD, 10:15, Cobb ..,rcil'e8, accor(1i� to an announesD_'1?.A. by Associat" Prof�fM)r Rohl'rt80� i�"Lower Senior Public spepldD� COD- terday.WILL CHA8B GlWASBDPIG AS 8'nJlft A-rSBlUOB CIBCU8 PARTY\1,I The Rcta of thc 11linoi1-l clmptcr 1)1the I'hi Beta Kappa national honor, . h t' I 11 l' f l,atri('k.S�lety Will olt It" annun (.'O.(!e IOn (), test, -I, Kent theater.H Re"ponsc for thc dAAq of 191;, .,ofFicers Thul'Bllay at 4:30 in nrl'cr S('nio1'8 wiD give a "Cireu Party" Botan1ca1 club, 4:30, Bot!t.D7 13.'."0 F t t fi A -.:0. IInn-o Swa.n •.m"". rom twenty to wen y \"e totlay at 2 at the Sigma Ipha r.JM'l· ,.. TOllORROW. )lean Sm:lll will cteli�'er the,: eOll!t". Cln8S poem, BIi�'l Olof lInllinJr.eDntlidMes for the honor will be:' Ion hoo�(', 5817 Monroe avenue. Cin'n� Final Senior conep uul caIleg� of menrement ad,lresB at Iowa. S�::��, .C1R�" lIistory, Dorothea. W'n�hhnrn(',initin.tcd. Tho prescnt oirieers arc: �tnnt� haVe heeD planned by the �o· Oommerce ,ud Adm1n:tattatIoa d.apa: Il"ge on June 11. Prof�. A��.�.I '11 C1n.�' omtion, }:rnl'St Rol)('rt.�f! oJPr()f�or Eliakim Ho."tings l'oort'� cial ('ommittee. l'en in the (! a."!4 W1 aerds.; 1(':15, KaDdeL Mathews, of the tlepart.me� Ph�� .0:" ..Reirhmann. Ipr('sident; AMistant Prof��r So- ha\'"e a. greuect pig (!hM6. Pop-C"or�, FInal coDege of BduaUon dlapel, gy. will gi\'e an .. t.tt.s on tile:; � ,• •• • ' I ad '11 h Presentation of cl:l."� gift, EnrlC'AL_pronlsba Breckinndge, VI�e pre�lllcnt� r('d·hotB and red emon. C WI ('. 10:15. Emmons BlaiDe 214. oec:!,don untler the auspi ..... of ,...,__anel A��in.to Profcs.-.or Frnnd� W:1Y·jl'l('TYffl. After the pRrty, women wiH I �_. . I U!:ivenity ring, 4:30 to 6, BUtddD-� honorary s�holuUe f.raMDity o� . ��;l�a�n�(I�S�h�e�p�R�rd���n�'����rcta�.���.������l('�a�y�e���o�r�th�e�s�pn�·�n;g�F�ete�.�.����������'C�jO�n�t�i�t1���el�0�n�P�n�Jr���4�'�����S�0�u�e�o�urL���������������K�appa���P�h�i�•.�������������.When The Interscholastic?•ISTHE DAILY �rAnOON, 'l'UESDAY. JtJNE 2. 191 •.The D ail, Mar •••To the Editor:<tttklaJ Student Ne ... paper ot tbe Val-"'eralt7 of ChlCAlto. Losbut FriendsTo the Editor:l'ubJh,hl'd bJorulnCR. except 8unda7 ud 1 ,,"'Outler how mauy of us appreciateMuuday. durlDJ: tbe AutuDio. WID�r aod a really and truly good frieDd, or howSJlrlOK 'Juartel'al, b7 The o.JJ, Maroonat.a. Qft('u we stop uud ask ourselves, "Am Dean Shaill'r ll:IUll'W� will sll4.':t.k att. w. C.atl....... J gil'iug that fril'llIl jUtot the best tllt�rc tho f'iual ])iduit,r school ehupol l"xeli_- K ••• Ea&ewH. !4. 0...... A�.... ill in me?" }'ril�u,�ip"" are far tOo sa- ciscs Thur�I:a�' at ]1): 15 in Haskell as'a. P. - •• , a ............. vred for human b('iugs to mould, Wheu s('mbly room •.t.Ul.r.Q - • .c:ODd-aa.. aa11 at eMCblc •• o Poeroah .... Cbleaao. Ill.. � II, we have exchanged and shared with••••• and"r Aet of MarcJa I. I.TLtiCllII(:&lPrION lIAr... volviuu eoustuney, Ioyalty and faith "The Cooler," till' 811('11 hull nnuual,as, �.rrl.r: '2.'. a ,. .. r; '1.0 •• Qaart.r. h '"e, lLIall: .LOO • ,...,.; '1.26 • Qaarter. I'll eaeh other, tI'''11 We shall have will be dist.ributcd to suhsc.·ribcrs utICdllOrlal·BuaJDeM Oi!lce,. BJu. It. ",.; iiI.I.. :;�e��.�� .. :�.a" .... After 1. P _. frientlshil)S worth while. "'J,�" I u. .. k, tho nnuua l dinner to }I(. held Thursday•• _ f' d hi often rend ered ni!!lit at 1';:::O:\t Bl·.-!;_·S (.:Jf.�, H::rtl_1·04'1J "r�. :;:;11 COU�e Gro ... e A ...... are rrenus I}lS so �powerless by t he kllOWledgc of some- street nnd Greenwood nvenue.one else? Can w� then forever remem­ber to say sometb inj; worth whileabout our fri<'lllb, or sn.y nothing? ItiM ttl(' g0041 that we say that counts.rather than the ('viL that wo keep fromsaying, It i.." <,:lSY to gain 80 friendcompared to losing one, The loss of &dear fri('nel is like the sear after a se,\'ere wound, It ma.y never heal.Freshman,A WORD 1'0 SENIORS.One by 000 tlll� cares of college lifeare uroJ)Jlillg from the shoulders of thoscuiors. Lust }o'riduy, Captain "Stuf­ty" llaull and his eoherts ended thcirwork for .tho ,y6:l�-anu \\'Illile they didnot will the title, ue\'ertheLess, We areproud of them, They fought a clean.strong fight, and thut is enough forany man. That � night, HarveyHttrris MtllJIPCd out In the "blaze of c··ommgD'calioa.e�h other the best there is in U8, In-glory: that ends his active work for ANNOUNCE PBOVISIONS FORt11e year . ._ TO,l:lY the Maroon an-are eliding, and there is more time for Mauu.qeripts for the 1915 Bla.ekfriarl.·{'!mentillg' . the frie-nclships tha.t have play contest must be in by NovemberDluele tho four years so precious, for 1. Authors may keep in touch withmaking finn tho tiC's tohat will eon· Abbot Henderson., 5528 Indiana ave.t iuue tt' Lind us to Chicago. May nue, during the summer.e"cry Nl'uior seize this opporiuuity- The plays must be definite plots,one anel all. M:any of us h:l\'t! not had with 8()Dle underlying menning, a.c­time or opportunity to get a.cquainted ('Ording to a statement of officers yes.with all our classma.tes before--but terday. Plays dealing with �ts ofnow, when 'We have the 1.ime, We walll campus life win be a.eeeptable, al.to muke tlJ) for our a.pparont neglect though the Friars will not a�tempt toof the past ("UI years. E\'Cry scniOl regulate the 81lbjcct matter.tlesir�s to he ucqu:linted with c\'ery Pla.ys must be typewritten, ha.vo tw'other mcmber of 1914 before .June 9, complete aets. One sooting is desirCtlThis Dlcans that we attend the senior for both acts, althollgh a drop may befunctions-the eountry fair at the S. used. A scenario of both acts mu.c;tA. E. house today-the elass day ex_ n.eeompany the play.erci�es-a.ncl all the men absolutelyshould be present wben the elass GlVl: BURLESQUES A'r!<honts ofT the last skyrooket as an UD- ANNUAL SPBlNG B.BVBLsWeiser BeIdps llaucenldp·William \Veiser re�igneel yester.layas husiness manager of the Unh'enity Pla7 FInt Bo1md.. An llr. Reuben Myron Strong, in�tn1(�.. orehe�tra for tho eonung year.'n \..- tor in th� ri";.'1.rlment of 7. .... ,logy, wn�'el4'('tion to fill the vacancy W1 lieh- defeated by E. Wa1'7.�ki, a l{«,dif'nlheM within a lRCk. The 01"e �"J'8.li'h1flent, 6-:l. 6.a, in the first rounel ofwin nppear for the Jut time this year. al be th(" fn�l1lty +rnni! tOlJin:lI;lPnt yr!"terat the Spring daueing f8tl\' tAoJPvrn toony at 5 at Scammon gareten!t.. claynounces elecrious that release two moref'rorn their reeponslbltlrtes, The Black­friar Ieaders have been taking it easyfnr a couple of weeks. Aud So it goes--e\·(.'r�·where the ('arcs of collego LifeeTcrhrra,lu!lte or�ization at the dinnertIle e"cuing of Con\'oeat..ion. An.other thing to remember�ryone intile class shOUld be a member of theAlumni assoeiation. The eost is. mighty little-rulfl the return is great,Membership, aDd the Magazine, editedh�' cnl� We 'w'ere wont to regard as afire·brt'athing ogre in our freshmandays, but whom we kno'w better now,antI will ha\ie on OUR siele as alumni-what more eould ODe get for a clo1-lar an.l a. half? This is the strongesttie Wl' could get-nine lh·e, pepperyJS�lleS of tho liagaziDe, with all thecharacteristie Linnian. fire playingo\:er everything on the eaml'U� from.. ho weightieMt a<bninistrative a1I'airs,clown to the peeeadillos of the ThreeQuarters club--it will be almost likeactual re8idenco, and a \'isit to tho,Ie: .. n. The l[agazine will be good foreveryono, when' he is bucking theworlel, nnll finding the going ratherrough- -nnd it will renew tho joys andtlelight!' that ha,'o made Chieago sodoor to aU of us. Then, when We ha\'('attemled the parties and arranged forthe lrngazine, antI s:l.i,1 0.11 the fare­'wll�. Wc may leavo with the feelingtl:at We �till }ta\'O :;omcthing to hintlu. .. to tho University an,1 to t.he da. .. s.And that will be a mighty comfort,nlong nbout millnight of June 9. CON1'E8'l' FOR FB.IAB. PLAYS1915 Productions Must Have DefinitePlot. aDd Be SUbmitted byNovam'ber :nrstOF P,RN CL'UB JDmmBB.SThree burlesques, �'Loehinvar," "TheAlphabet of Love," and "Ten Bar·rooms in One Night, U presented by a('ast eomposed of Dorothea. W··a.shburn,Dorothy WiJJiston, Roderi('k1 Pca.'ttie,Bliss Halling and Herman Deut.qeh,featured the program of th� annualSpring Ben-Is, Saturday night in thcC-ommons cafe. Miss Talbot, llissMacCleod and Frank O"Haro. gavohum()rous reneling&. and Frank W ('hster entertainoc1. with! pinnol�l(,�.Twelve eouples attende.l the elinner,which was chaperoned by l{i� Tnlhotanet Mrs. George Mead"BAB.BBft CLABE A1J'rHOROF BOOK OH IIODBBHBUBOPBAH DB.AJIA'rICSB� H. Clark, ex"12, is the au,thor of a book reeently pUbJishcel hyHenry Holt '" company, entitlea "Tht"Continental Drn.ma of Todny-Outline�for its Study." The book ('onsi�t.� ofsuggestions, que8tion� hiogrnphies :lIlelbibliographies for the stuely of 1"O11l(,of the more important plnys of Ih�cllStrinet�rg. Tolstoy, Rost:lIlel, Rri('ux.anet many other mOflern y.;nropenn t1ra.·matics of the pre�nt Ilny. The nnt.hurstates tha.t ho plans to follnw t 11f'present volume with a study of Rrit.·ish and Americian etrnma.tists. 1- Interfrateluit7 'remUs Besulta.! III t be Juterfrateruity tennis singlesyesterday, Hunter, Psi UJl-��ilou, ue·feated Hodge, I'hi K:q)I)3. Si�'l11U, :'.6:10-8, and 6·1.Dean Mathews Speaks at Chapel Jerrems TailoringMeans clothes that give youinidvidual good style.Prices $30.00 to $60.00 -Distribute Sne!J. ADnu!'.L.Pennsylvania Avenue.18th and H StreetsTo seckttS or � botel whereluxurious quarters IJ'.ay be K'cured •. where charm and con­genial atmosphere yrcvaiJ, &n.dwhere excellen� 0 Sc:rYJce I"paramount. the Hotel Powhat:moRen just sach inducements.RoorDa with detached bathmay be obtained at ,r.50. S2 00and up.:. R.ooms with privatebath, p.50. $3.00 aDd up.���.�f\"\'"Write for booklet with m3p.CLIFPORD II. LEWIS,Manager ..-PROFILECLASSIFIEDADWilTISEMENTSac per line. l\o athertisementa r ..'chetl (or leNt than 25c. All claBIIUledt.rlvertisemelJts must be pa1cl tD ad,vance.TO RENT-Large.. eool room, electriclight, large closet, comfortably fur·nished, suitable for one or two women,in refined home: walking distance toU. of C.; 3rd fflat, 1345 East 62d St.lIic1 \l'ny S573.lIASTERS' AND DOCTORS' Thesisaecurately typewritten, 10 eents perpn� called for aDd delivered. PhoneDrexel 6460 after 6:30 P. M.FOR Rf;NT-FiDely furni�hell apart·ment of 6 room� Within walkingflistnn('o of University,ndult.s only. Full,l��f'l'ipt ion in HOll�in� J)e.,urtDlclit ITrl('pllonc MietwaT 3985.l'On Qt�'CK 8Al .. E--l.ot., 100 foot}frolltn�c on Gr('('n h:t�", t'nh'('r!4ity Irow, EJ,I,ria.m, \\"iN(�(lII�·ill. Appl�'· X Y'I'":;, llnroon ofTi�c.I.OST- .Prohnhly on trnnis COtlrt�,Thllrliltlny, Mny 28, �oltl gold cuft' link.Ple:t�c return to rOOm 19, Press builel·iTlJr. Rewnrc1.Universal Repair Mfg. Co., 1508 cab�eplnf'r. Pholle If ifl. 6842. \V c rrpnirsto"(,�, l,if'�'f'lc!", ctf'. R('fini�h nnfl tip'hol�tf'r furniturc; cem('nt W'Ork, enr'pf'ntrriTl;,!' :tnfl ('al,inM. work n "pecial·ty. F.�t. furni�hee1. F. Dc Gl-,'rr, prop. A Specialyof ours�'l'AILOB FOB YOu.a IIBJI'l"BR"SE noRD: 7 N, La 8&11. at. 25 E J'acbon Blvd. '11 E IIouroe 8t.IeS'hwe81Three Reasons Wb7 ,- should Eat at &belen's ComBloDS1st. Good Food Properl7 Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchenlrd. A Minimum Price for Hlth Quality FoodClub Breakfast lSe up Cafeteria at I.lunehDIDDI�r A LaCarte .liSle Come InTHESMOOTHEST ..TOBACCOA CHECKMATE :0 your smobthat biteS and bums. Velvet--tLeselected tender middle Id'-Clged in theleaf ems two YealS producingamelloWDellthdoaIy the measured Pace 01 lime can m;:.--A 8a� P.Dd pooofbness tremeodocsly IP"ipe smoking with Velvet is a �proviag that lime ooIy can make tob.a:o widwe would .II hue it awooda."YoarMcm:"· -.Make Your Summer Vacationone of Profit as well as PleasureI' .fAcrOIY RE'RESENTATIVESIF � waat to paJ' aD or �of Dat rear... con.. expeaaes"write ,,� one. for our aduslveproposiUon. BOil'';: or In aome ot.ber dtJ'.YOUR CHOICE is pn.cUcaDyup to �Write todq far 1'aIl partieu­Ian about oar coUq. men ...propositloD; living ap, homeand addraB, and cIUI wD1 helpR"a�. Act pIGIIIpGJ. 110 I'"caD give J'OIl til. taTltw'7 J'01IdLde. IIIIIII'l'he work Is In� aDdpleasaD.t-..UIe I'8IIIJI,II8r&tOD at...traetiYe u::! til. opPGItwd.tJ' P.8lap as tile JIWi. abOitJ'.WBBi'RBB YOU WORK A'I!The Frantz Premier Coinpany�__ _ - . - -_ ftb DAILY iiAROO�, ftB8i)AY, 3Uh 2, 1914-�����3���������������������������I OL Ails SO}f08 di m1BB� OPBlr AlB SDfGBa: d OpeDa��homonaW1UIold Il.eetiDc 't(7, Practfec IIDskallftuI1ben. Ten Years Ario ToJaY'1'be Dail7 Kanon of .TUDe 2, 19C-l.Pour hundred t'lltri(,� have lx ... -u re­ceived for the thir.1 auuual Lnterschol­astle meet to bc held June 11 Oil �lar"llowbers of U;;; r:;; clCIS8eS aud tb,� :-hull ii(·hl. Athletl'S from eight .lifTer'v IIious University. musica! orgauiza- ent states hu '"C entered,t j""1- will make up th e program of th� Tb e basebafl team won itK fourthiast outdoor sing of ttc Y"'IU, to hi.' !oItruit,:bt victory from \\rit;t'(lIlKiu yes­hplU tomoe-ow frolQ 4:30 to «; iu Hut eh- terday, Stilliuun, t h e , Vur:-;ity pitdlf�r,I, Insou t urt, �b. clUHS will be as- hurle .. l a grl'ut t,:UJlI(\ and Iueldeutulty2'(,lllhl('ll, tl'getho, nu-t will dug their made four bits a homer, �� two'ba�j..!c.�r .•f 1 �'I:a,� �u:::!!:l. aud two siug les,'rhe b:uu! will staJot the program with Acquatic festivitics will be held Iu� ::t l,rl�III.!(., &t 4::10. The �ing prOf�r will the swimming pool of Bartlett to-• � '·(';.:iu at 5. Rudy Ma.tthew!' will the» morrow night. Act'orlling to thC'llro-Standzsh-a New Ie:..! tIll; ��tudent&'in a �u.mbC'r of })OP' �rnm arranged for the formal openingARROW � "ulur Uu iversrty airs. Row laud George of the new pool, dash races, egg race�, :1 nml thl.' Hln.ckfriar chorus will follow cnndlo races, Iivo duck raees, undC 0 L LA R ' with tile hits of "The 8tu.lent Sup e-r- other interesting events will be hell1., ior," The Signet club witl give a lIny- Bt'ginning today, professlonal color.fi S: pole .1UlU'o, with the aseistauce of tho (�1 walters will be employed in the'Or ummer ore h e 'St ra, ; Commons, Tho change is the resu'lt ofAn ultra smart style i Sophomores wi'll meet today at }0:15 the scarcity of competent student, as-hi h I in 1(c.'nt theater to r('('eh·e copies of sistants, which has hind e-re.l the man'W IC correct y ex-I th(' t'I:L'4S song'll for the sing. A com- :lj..!('ment of tJw Commons during thepresses the fashion IIlittt'e has arrangecl songs and cheers past ,Ypnr.S for 1!6c I'::p".·i:dly for the aft'llir. A mass meet-CLUETT. PEABODY &CO .. hfc. lIuenl _ iug of the women who "ill parficipateSerge With a Reputation ill thc ali ,- U!,i\'t'rsity sinS! Prlday nt Unclaimed mail is at, HIC' Faculty;:::0 iu Hutehinsoj, court win be held l'xchango for rthe followiug persons:following the Sophomore meeting. MtN. Abbott, M_ ArlifT, K .J. Blekknik,The high QU,a,Iit¥ and 'Profeasor'�e Is. SlMaker. 1\[r. Cartlstedt, F. R. Clark, C. Chrlst ie,I of N 0 II F E. Cbiderton\ F. Dulah, F. A. Dow,OW pnce 1 C I Professor Price will speak on "Th�S d d" S d C 1-;.... toll, 'V. Elk, C. Farseth, .J. F. Gu-tan ar erge 0 not Sumer-inn Ru�r Gudea. at Lagash' at .·k C A H 1 A H ki JI nc, .' • alllmil, nna aki, . s.harmonize. I the meeting of the Semitic club Frillay M M M 'tl d S 'r Iather, . 111 an ,F. . ,n urra�',:1t S ill mlskell 26.It's the greatest value __ E. Norllgaarcl, F. lr. Parkp-r, I •. Taylor,we know --- rich fine AddresBes Botanical C'lnb. .T. SchlJeiele� K •. Taylor anti W. II.I · h t 'V 'I' Dr. 'V nnda May Pfeiffer, of the cleo Traum.e X a.c t y rIg. ery purtment of Botany, wtill give a talkspeCIal at $25.00 I on "Botanizing in Porto Rico" at aN · 11 h T ·1 -- ,meeting of the Botanical eluti tOllayleO teal or at 4::10 in Botany 13.RUBSCRmE FORW!!J�rrelllEf'.So._c:Jlayk and Adam. 8tref!t:s. Chle;uo . hbl1e Jouma.l of Philology.The �Iny number of the .lournal .... fMOllern Philology has bp.cn issue.l bythe Pres� as an "English Section." "Iti.� tbe first number in which all areticles are ,_t!ev:���d to r�rch in only _oue lal'l�l1age or Jitp.ra.ture_'.I'BB DAILY JIAlU)OBAll the Campus News. Simpli�-the Secretof OLUS SuperiorityTHE first layer of comfort isyour tmderwear. It's an un­broken, smooth-� layer if it-,an oms I..ooae-FittiDe Coal Cv- tUnion Suit with dosed back anctpermanently closed crotch, protect­:ng the body at every point. OnlyODe thickness of clothanywhere. Made in six­teen plain and fancy .... OY-DEPT. O. ::Remember! It it isn't CIlt.coa.t, it isn't OLliS_eRICA•••5511 Cottage Grove Avenue. Phone Englewnod 8423...... ���.�-���- .... - .... -- ..... ------------�--------�-- .. ----.---�FRISCO LINES TO TfXASSouih, DO YOUSoutheast LIVEor Southwest?When you plan your trip home; be sure and take advani·age of C. &---E. I.-Frisco serVice. You \ViII find the.C. & E. 1.­Frisco the quickest and shortest route to practically all pointsin, the south, southeast and southwest.The c. & E. I. "Dixie Flyer Route" through scenic southland is the most pop­ular route to the southeast. The C. & E. I.-Frisco to Texas and southwest through the picturesqueOzarks is the most dir�ct lin� to Texas and the Gulf Coa�t points.Be IIII'e aDd b1l7 JOUr tlcbt8 ..saC. & E. I. to ST. LOUISfliBROB VIAAND ftEB soomwlift.-All tile famous o. " B. L COllftDl ... � double «aek, rock baDaat, block sipa1s and up_to_date cUnin� car service.Frisco fea.tmes iDclude the far ou !'red IIarnJ' Dlnbut Oar Senice.� trains leave on collY_ant schedule from Deu'bom and Polk Streta, Chicago. All trains stop a� 47th Street and Englewood for tho con­venience of South Side Patrons.If d"";" oar oourt.!oas TIcket Selling force wiU be glad to - anAl'aaen2er Deponment, •108 WEST ADAJIS S'l'REE'l', CHICAGO. '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Write to-dq for fUll lDtorma�oD relUdlng O •• B I -hi8co 8t11'Vfec.detalla of 70V kip.3. P. GOVU, GeIleral AgeD\,-FRISCO, .. ' � /"--././":--• .t. - t 3 - 'f•YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE«=-Yeaieat po. c •• 5 F � "'10inner-lined _it. C willa ..... .......... C• •1 e-;woaf JIIIIper C8'YecI to rat pocketIn a-. IIrDniIIorw. 60c GIld 90cFREE Send U. 2 c:eob in stamps for post­. age and we will mail· you a souvenirtin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the United States. AddressTHE AKERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYRoom l.209 Ul Pifth AftInIe New YorkTobacco That is GoodFor Your NervesTUXEDO actually soot/us thenerves. It is just mild enough tokeep your nervous system in poise,your muscles in tone. Unlike othertobaccos, Tuxedo burns cool and sloui.There cannot be a speck of irrita­tion in a pound of Tuxedo ..Great singers smoke Tuxedo justbefore a performance. Public speak­ers testifyasto its soothing influence.Doctors recommend it to smokerswhose throats are delicate. JOEL HILLMANproprietor" Hauvey's"WashiD&1oD,D. c.•• T uzeJo U 41 ,ood. "'Itole­aome lobacco. with 41 mild­nas and fragrance all itsown. It tulth many Je,,�to my pipe ,Jecuure .."cJ!-t�L.S.BROWNGen. Airent of tbe SouthernRailway at WashlDlrton.. T wceJo htU ,aineJ anJmaintaineJ 41 hi,h rqxr/alionfor superiority. I" coolnat.mildnas. tmd ,enuinuooth­ing quaiilies are unrloalleJ •••�PHILIP R. GOODWINthemustrator··There·,,%est and ent»ItT­agemenf In oery pll'C!ful 0/T uzeJo. TIte MDedesi. mo.sf��/�.··kQ4aJ,· ..------------�-.--��-----.-.Hotel CumberlandflEW YORKBr .. dway at 54th Street.'N�ar soUl Street Subway StatiOD aDd• 53rd Street EleYated.."Broadway" cars &om GrandCenttaJ Depot.Seventh A venue Can from Peunql­ftDia Statlc&I\EI·T BY"" OOLUa •• ""NHIIAn(,J(;ARTBRB POR OOLUa. II.N:JPF.CIlAI.J R.IT•• FOR COL�a. '1'."" ••fen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSO�. MANAGER ;" •n���:'=,,:tF�c:.:r ��� •P.:>l)ms with Bath. $2.50 and up �:Y'" 1.-----�-------------------. THE DAILY :MABOON, ftB8I)AY • .nnrB 2, 1tl'-w_ . tREDMAN2 For 25 Cents.rHE NEW SPRING STYLEEarl tl Wilson'M AKERS 010"Troy's Best ProductTHECapitalc;urplus 53.000,000.005.000,000.00Undivided Profits ••...••• 1.000,00.00OFFICERS.ER�EST A. HAlIlIILI. i"ftalchDt.CHARLES L. HUTCHL"iISO�. Ylce-Prea.=HAU�CET s. BLAIR. Vlce-PrM14_l.D. A. 1I0ULTO�, Ylce-Prelldent.1. C. SAlillrIO:'oOS. Vk:e-PrealdeDl.."RA�K W. SlIJTH. Secretal7.El>W .�RD 11'. SCHOE:'oOECK. Aat. CUbl_J. EDWARD lrIAM. A_t. Ca.hlf'l'.JA:YES G. WAKEFIELD. A ... Cubl_.LEWIS E. GARY. Aat. CUbI_.DIRBCTORS.ChartesH Wacker Clyde lI. CMrrlIarUn A Ryt'I'SOD Ed_In C; .. •m ••Ed_ard B Butlt!r Watitul' to. • .Chane. H. Hulburd Ed_aN A .:t1 • ..c14Clarence BuckinCbam Fftder1a '" '-=I\ .... �R"n&lmtn C&roo-uler 8:",,,, A ".mlnlll 'l"a.eadaJ', J1m� 9.Uuelaimed notiees are filed on the 00Dnc&ti0D DaJ-.St>tnior raok for the follolWing persons! ) 1 :OO-Laying. of cornel"8tone� ofC. K Barry, Ruth Piety, Helene Pol- Julius Bosenwald hall anti the Cluss­Ink, Ethel Boeenhcim, Louis Whitr�y it's building,al�1 -Jennie Williams. 12:00-Lunch{'01l and meeting or.Junior rack: S. J. Allie, E. D. Abra· the Doctors' association, QuadrangloIULln, B. B. Grichtel\ I. M. Levin, C. v.Merrill, H. T. Morse, E. I· Ogus, J. elub,Th· Co3:0(L.. e mnoty·fiTMt uvoention,Rosenburg and L. S. Wa1lu�. Hutehinson court.- .. --Brief £a .... NewsJ'UDJon WU! &lei 'a.cJa . .an,. .. Juniors will gh'e a beG.c.·h Jmrt�· to­m.orrrow in .J� perk. The damtwill n:':.'{·t iu front of Harper at 5 :30and lea\'e (or the Woodeod isle in JUl.t01l10bileos. ,RtoHjJon8e on behalf of tbe Ut,h·t't.Hit�", Dean Ja.ntetJ Rowland Angell.Clus song."Alma Mater."9:t)1J to 11 :OO-Con\'cx'atioll r('('('I.'tion, Hutehlnson,COoHVOCAftOH· PBOGBAJIIS AlDJOUlfOBJ) mDAY(Continu.,d trom page 1)The procession.The Convoeution address h)"Prellminnries in the Lower SeniorDr. Kuno F'raneke crt Hnrvnrd,public speaking eontesr will be held: to-the Botanical dub meetlng' tomorrow (ast miter. Irelau.l, Leetun nnd Carl­at 4:30 in Botany 134 M1ss Pfeifferson are rul gOOlI men ill the dashes,spent the- Winter quarter in the West .lumplq Pi�a Euilt.Le::gue Meets !u Front of Foster.Margaret Rhotl� and Arline Brownwill speak for the seniors at thl' IIL"tmeeting of the Y. W. C. L. Tbul"SIlD-)nt ]0:15 on 1he !a"·n in front of 'p(I�ter, Ruth Allen will give the responsefor the .Junior el888.mustnte POrto BIcan W«k.Illustrations of botanizing in PortoRieo will be shown by Dr Wanda atIndies.Last ,&em. Chapel "l"omorrow.Closing: chapel exeretses of the Sen.ior celleees and the eoltege of Com·Will Hold S� of Iutertra.te:r- �'-meree and Administration will be heldnlty Belays Wednesda.y.tomorrow at 10:15 in ManeletCorn Exchange National Ban" day at 4 in Kent theater, Foar eon-_, CIaIeap.' teP.'3.IJts will be ebosen to eompete intile finals later this week.Dean Angell will extend a greetingfrom the faeulty to the W. A. A. atthe aDnual dinner of the association,Th1lJ'8Clay at 6 in Lexington gymnas-ium. Dean Linn will give an addre$SWomen �. _. to be VIatcJft Wh.& - G· I �" I Agn FRYClaims Sptdt ChaDges Between r.o..- on" y n.ee lr s. ant esaDd Upper atuBes Delegatee to the convention of the :Morgan, '05, 'Win � for the alum-General Federation of W�. el�s naca."Aft.er the first two years in tho to last from. .June 9 to 19, will visit Seniors will r�eive the basketball.runior colleges, a spirit of ne\·er·_y_ the University, on JUDe 18. They will and boekey trophies for: winDing 'thedie" appears, a sentiment that is truly be I'fteived' by Dean Talbot and Ad· ehampionship series. The baseballChicago spirit," Raic} Mr. Fred Merri .. ing Vite_preaident AIlgell, who wiD trophy will go to tho Juniors, as a ret-field at the Final .Tunior eollege t"hapel eondu('t them about tho eampus. 8111t of Jut w�k."s doeidin� vietory.(\.'\"t"ert'iscs yesterday in MRn.lel. "Many Pins and fobs will be pl'e8Cnt.etl to astlttlents going out of tho Unh'entity ".1"0 lJoId PrDe CJoatIIIa � number of women for exeeUenee inhave f('lt this in 1he Senior eollegea Final eoDt" for the JUlius RoBen- athletie work.anti not in the' Junior." wald pri%e in oratory aDd for the Flo-De:m Angell grccted eanlliclRtes for rente .Tames Ad ..... prize in artistie AI800IAD PBOI'B88OB.the :ls.�()('iate t,itlo with a. talk on the reading will be held Thunday at 8 in OLABK WILL AftBHDr(,:ll JlJ(,:lning of giving the title of u· YaRde-I._ Th� stu.deata will· compete SIL\.B3I8PBABB FE8'1'IVALEIGHT QUALIFY FOR FINALSPsi rpsilon, SiglD:1. Alpha Epsilon,Delta. Tau Delta, Chi Psi, Delta Kap_pa Epsilon, Kappn Sigma., Phi KappaSi�a, antI Delta Sigma Phi qualifiedfor the semi·-finals in the Interfrater'nity relay preliminaries yesterday onRtagg field. The semi-finals will berun Wednesday at 5, and the finalsMonday, June 8, at 10:3q. preeedingthe Phi r:!� PSi U championship �ball �n.mc •.The rnces in each divisiOn woreclosc. In tho second division Chi Psiqualified hy taking seeonel plaee frOm.Beta, after trailing the field for se'�­('ral lal's. Kappa Sigma took seeonc}plnce in the third flivision by a spirthy Blackett, who st.a.rteel e,'en with:m Alph� Delt runner on the last lap. 'ha1P'-don Schedule.�'-for the' Spring quartt.':will be held on. the following eehetlule:es, JUDe· 9, 1:15 to 10:15; 8:15 elasses,3:30 ela8IN"J� 8, 2 to 5; 7:15 elass­June 10, 9:15 to 12:15; 9:15 daue8.JUDe 11, 9:1:; to 12:15; 10:4.0 elassesJuno 12,. 9:15 to 12:1p;; 11:45. ew.s,.June 1� 2 to 5; 1:30 elaMOS, June 12,2 to :..ProIDoUaas .... .b7 BOM'4At a reeeut meetjng of the boartl ofTrnstees, two promotioD'B were made.Assoeiate � Albert H. Tolmanof the departmeDt of English' has beenpromoted to a full prafeeeonhip, aadAssistant Profes80r WiDialm -D. HarkiDS of the department of Chemistryhas been made an aseoeiate professor.�·od:a.t('. Rutlolph llorit7. replied for tor the' ROMnwald prize and 11\"e forthe n�!'!(){·inte� nntl Inndell the upper the Allam. awards. Admieaion .. willf·las� Conn�('lIor �ystem. bf'! frf'.Ao Th e reeession.r,:00 to ; :ClO---..R.'4·"I--.ion hy membersof the women's hnul't'!4, thequadrangle."l"huraday • .lune 11 •6:30·-"C" dinner, Hute lriusou,\VUDlt'U',sSaturday. June 13.1 :45-Thirtet>llth annual Intersehol­asf ie meet, Sbtgg rit'I,1.BIG·lONB J&3ET DBA WSCOLLBIOA"l"E INTEILEST(Cdntinuecl from page 1)Calirornin is cXJ!(."Ctc.1 to arrive inrhe next 11n�· cr two, and other team»will be here by' f'riI t.... y • Director Staggis eonsrruefing' new high JumI.ing,br08AIjumping and ItO!e ":-�ulting I.it.� in frontof the r.rallli : t� roll, :!r.tl they are beingbuilt 80 DB to 1 t' l t:e41 with the wintI.Approachell are lc; ng ("onstmetecl fromboth Dorth antI :';Cll'.th_ The tra.e� infront of the granel stanel has been wid­en�d, making room for RC'·on sprintinglanes. The system oft hoisting theflap of the winners in all eve_ willhp followetl as in the Olympie games,and the meet will probably be openedhy a paracle of the officials.ABGBLL, LlHN AlO) JIIS8FAY 'l'O ADDBB88 W. A. A.WIn Speak at A.DD1Ial DiDDer--Preaeu1t"l"rophies to Ww..-a In 0huD­PloDSllip Ccmteata.A��iatc Pn)fe88or Clark of the cle·pRrtment of Pnblie speaking, will r('p·ft8ent tho University at the confcr·Final Mate!l "l"oday. BzpIaIDa 1Id_ Of Color enee of English tcaehers, to be helel inCornelia Beall defeated Frnneel" MI'S. Christine Ladd Franklin ad. conneetion with the Shakespeare fMi·Ik'I,.'1ton ::('�h�rll:t�· in the fi'l�'�� of the dreaecl the Phy.sies dub at ib meeting val in August at Stratsford·on·A,"on.women·:4 tcnni!4 tonrnamt'n", 6-3, 9-';. yesterday in. RyenoD 32 On "Co]or England. Mr. Clark will pre8Cnt pa.­-'n�" RealI wiJI play Dorothy Llewel· From the StandPoi'ut of the PhyNcist." pel'S on the tJtudy of Shak�rC' theIyn, who ha� been champion for two teaehing of IJOetry, an" oml Englil'lhl('on�('('ntive yea"" toda.y at 3:30. If Dnmat:Ic CIab to JIect.. He wi]] also give interpretation" ofMiss '.Iewdlyr, wins, �Ile "lin he pro.. The Dramatic elllb 'WiU hold iht an. ShakfJillJpe8l'o·s "lang Lcar,YJ PhiJlip'�:"C'nteft wit.h the silver tenni!' eup, for Dual eleetiop tocla,. at 10:]5 in CoM. Umysscs," Anll Tcnnyoon's "LAunceloth:lxing own three years in s�eCS8ion. 12A. and Elain./'/