·r '. F10:l6, JDm'r ftIB&2t.B1L -\II:IIJ\, II :1 VOL XII. No. 152. UNIVEBSrfY OF OmCAGO, FRIDAY, JrtA Y 29, 1914.WOMEN TO MEET TODAY COfI'ERENCE BASEBAIl_TInE � AT SlAIEAmendments to the coustltutfon of Louis, This is one of the largsct Promptly at !J tonight the leaders Juno 5. In former years tho sing hasthe W. A. A. will be voted on today squads that baa ever competed for will begiu the grand march of the Iu., been kuowui as the Interfraternityat a lIl('Ouug of the association at 1:30 t.:hic.ugo ill an open moot, and Iudi., terclass 1101'. The four uudergraduute sing, and has been pa.rtlicipated in byill Lexington gymnasium. Every mem- cates that Director Stagg is I,Ulokiug elasses will be grouped in wiu� be- fraternitles only. This year severalber of the organization has been urged u strong effort to capture the cham- hind their Ieaders: Harvey Harris an.l other men's organizations and theto cast a vote for tho new eoustatu- pionship, Sprinters, hurdlers ant! Helene Pollak for the Seniors, Stan- women will take part.tion to -make it the unanimous oxpres; quarter milers left last night for �e wood Baumgartner and Ruth Allen "Although we will appear but once,"sion of the women. preliminaries will be hehl today. The for the Juniors, Lewis Fulks nnd Use said Miss Agnes Wayum.Jl yesterda.y,The basis of membership forms the balnnce of the team will Ieave tonight Spindler for the Sophomores, and "we will sing several well,known songsgreatest tieparture from tthe old plan, at 9:15. .Jack A�"3.r and Mnrc."raret Monroe for and we want the help of all the wom-According to the new ooustibltioll, the l.lOWoUtl Stanford will be represented the Freshmen, en of the University. Ruth Agar is inassociation shall be open to: by a strong squad and Northwestern Green will be thu predominating ehargo, and Wle will have a rehearsal1. Aeth.e membership: 'Vomen who has entered 96Von men. Sta.u!onl ill color in the decorations. Long stre3.m- this }'ritley at 1�:l5 in Kent. Pleasehave obtained tOO points for athletic reputed to have one of the stroub�b"\; ors from the running track to 3. .Iap- come, all of you, and bring yourmerit; teams on the coast in years, The Cali- anese parasol above the floor will voices with you."2. AR8c�iaoo membersbop: All wom- forma school is '\\".ell balanced and give the apearanec of a huge tout. ---��---en registered in the University who strong in every event. They are .lapaneso lanterns and shaded arc ENTRIES FOB LOW� lini. He �s far more �ftfective �.are nat activo members of the associa- equipped with a pole vaulter with a lamps witl give u subdued light. The JUNIOR CONTBST KUST Gunkel in the earlier Dlino�Cm ..tion; record of tweh1e feet eight inehes.and north end of the gymnaaium will be BE IN TODAY AT NOOoN3. Hor..nrary membership: University also a miler who runs close to 4::20. arranged wit.h chairs and rugs for thefaeulty and Alumnae. North\\"e8tern has entered Osborne in patrons aud �tronesses. The gYlllua-Active members shall have voting the half and qua.rter\ Kraft and Trax- sium "\\i11 be prepared this afteruooupower, while honorary and associate ler in the distanCes, Ja.JJlCS in. the high by tho members m the decorationmembers wUI have neither the ballot jump, Warrick in the broad jump, and committee.nor the r:gllt to holtl ofti�. Hotchkin in the qu.arter. Mi88lOUri, Expect :Most SuccefSfol Hop.To Bave New Director. Ames, NebrlUlka, Iowa., Kansas and "Everything is reruly}" sa.id ChairA �onling geCreta.ry will be added Drake are also entered. man Harris yestertlay. "An a.ttend-tO'the list ()C�iei�,..ho_shall l:tav:e. c .. ,_ .��lM.veS.,:�,,.' .:��, ,__ ,ance of 150 couples is already a.ssu:red'L._-d. So era! and 1 believe that �t least fift� morea. place on the Ad'ri.80ry uvcw i\" Bar:a.neik and Knight· in the sprints,chn.nl'es in the time of meetings art) tickets will be soltl before 9 tonight. ---....., Ward and Whiting in the hurclles, and Hlli"11 for- JUNIORS \\b:LL HOLDcontemll1.,o.ted in the constibltion.. An The 1914 01) shou d ee pSt! ..� Cornwall in the quarter were the men FINAL LUNOaOON OF,annual meeting will be held the sec- who left ye&tlerday. Stegeman, w;ho mer a.f£airs." YBAB TODAY IN CAF.&._ 'n._ 'L._ .._ the pur- The ru..trons and pab"onessC5 will be: _ond Tuesda.y lJl �emuor .LUI: will run the half; c.,npbell'a.nd Good" r-'I'\Nm of installing officers, and amootr �Ir. and Mrs. James R. Angell. Dean Boynton will speak. at thel"-- 'U b win �n the mile, Leisure in the half" Miss Marion Talbot. final Junior luncheon, ot the year to'ing of, the entire organization WI eStout in the t1\·" mile\ Breathed in the Mrs. Esther Pollak. tlay at 1�:45 in ltutehi.Imon cafe. Of-heltl 011 tlle second Tuesday of evcry relay, Gorgas in the high jump, Thon1.- Mr. an(1 Mrs. Frank Harris. fical'S of the class expect the a1K.iend­Mr. and M:rs.J. OmraU Bau:mga.rtner auce to reach one hundred mark. beti-quarter. as in the pole vU11.t, Boyd iD the :Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas G. Allen. uicnt Kent Syk.es wiJI preside at �hebroad jump, and Norgren and Des Jar- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J_ Fuiks. session. Announc&ments eon.eernlDgELECT BOmnDf AS BBAD tl.'en in the _�nr1. ... will lea.\"e tonight. Mr an(1 Mrs Oscar Spindler. tho beach party scheduled for ne�.O:'EI HONOR OOJlMlSSION"� '[ 1 ,r� J S A _ ... 1 A _1 __ � ee"l.,.; .. � r. an( .au 3_ • • gar. l'uesday will be �e. ....,.._ m ..� Ifto__ The meet wul .be held tmnorrow Mr. and Mrs. H. L Monroe int' will be held at 10:15 in Kent thea-Officers far Ne1't YaK.A%e v -- r.___ I. Conduct of �orning, and the _m will leave St. Large Progn.m of Dance. i,Qr,J)i£C1UI8 � �or Eighteen dances ancl four extraBOdy. I .. ouis late Saturilay night. Two re-lays are carded, the half mile anti themile raee. ChiC41go w,ill enter a bnlfm!!e team, and poesibly a mile quartetBaraneik and Knight are soreeontentl-0J"8 here. W'ard will 'lUn if his knee;tands up, and fourth position will liebetween:sn.thed and Boyd. Boy,l:however, has beeD concentrating ont.be broad jwnp, and it is pro1m.bletbet he will not ruD.. Stegeman, Corn'walL Breathed, Campbell, Goo:!will:11111 Leisure are all ,p08Sibiliti� fortbe ..ule tam. IlUmherf in honor of tho four classes STUD�S OF BOTANYwill he on the program tonight. Tht' DEPABTKB:NTS ENTBB'.rADfK£M"SD$ OF FACULfiFIELDS OF SCIBNCB AJt.BGROWING CLOSER TOGB'l"BIBBINFORIIAL 8PBBOBI:8 man-el, and cute dOW'll iDnumerabl.The HoD. Bertnnd, Bussell Gives Sec- FBA.'1'UBB J)IlOfBB OF hib. Although ullOfllly ODe of t-ond Lecture on "Worlds of physics OO8IIOPOLl'rAB' CLUB BUrest batters iD the We!It, .is Miek.·and Sen88."w. A. A. WIll VOTE TO TEAMS iN VALLEY MEET COUPLES TO DANCE ATAMEND CONSTl11JTION DirectM stagg is Going After lIisBou- ANNUAL HOP TONIGHTri Contereace title With SixteenMay Change Clause Determin­ma 8uia of Membership­Have Restricted Ballot Track AW�.8t2a.ntorcl and North-western Also Entered Leaders of Four Classes WillBegin Grand March At 9in Bartlett PBIOB I"IVB CJBJI'DSixk"Cll tr&:k athletes willBefit Chic�ro in tlro MitlBOnriConference meet. tonrorrow re.l'rc­VaJJeyat St. Pra.c;tice SongS tor All-VnivenitJ' 8iDgI·riday Ni�t .. June 5, at ..... 1I'.eet­ing this Koming in Kent. Chir-aao Meeta Illinois for Wed­ernChampioaahip inFmalGameof SeaIODODStag FJeld Toclar-.-;.. ," ": �.-FOUR IEGULAIS END CAIEERSDECORATE GYMNASIUM GREEN . WOOlen of tho University will holda mass meeting this morning :l.t 10:15in Keut theater to rehearse songs torthe University sing Fritlay nig�,l>at Page's aspirants for the Confer.enea baseball ehampi.onship will 'heup against the lllini today on �field. Chicago a.t Pl'ftJen.t is in firstplace in the Conference BtAIldiJaLleading Illinois by a sea.nt half gaale..Both teams pl'a.y their last. gune o�the yea.r, and the winDer will ha� ,&clear claim to the Conference cbam- ,pionship. Four .regulars will play their'last game for the �n totlay��lain Mann behind the bat, Norgren.onfirst, Harger in left fieh' and Libonatiin center field.Halas appears to be the logiaalchoice for too slab work' for the. 11-game, a.nd the fans look tor Di.reetoitHuff to send him to the mlOUnd. Latty.Students desiring to enter the lower B "...,...... be �.,, aum6 .,._r appea.rs to ., :& -..--senior contest in public speaking m,U8tl f'· t hoi a.lth h Des Ji�: •. '. . ,.rs c ol(!e, oug lllin¥en mayrebritlter with the dean of the Smuor pitch at some period of the game.colleges before noon toda.y. Ali co� Baumgartner haa had more experience,tcstants w�ll meet toda.y � 10:1& ).D. and should stand up onder fire betarKent th�r, where A.ssocla.te Pr�- .than his opponent.sor Clark 'will explain the deta.il'a ofthe contest. .r:rhe preliminairies willbo held Tuesday at 4: in Kent. r IPROVIDE FOR NEW DIRECTOR-n:wDloncl Bohnen was eleewl prcsitle;t -of the Honor eomm.isSion for: n?:ottvear at. a mcctinJr of tho commlSSlot-estertl:I,". Irene, Tufta. was elcet�.l�iee.:pr';.i«lent; Lawrenee MaeGre�orcase �rcta.rY; Robert Loeb, reeorlht·�ee;etan". 'and Ruth M,a.Dierre. trea ..·JUr�er. Un;lt�r the roleS reently adop�t.tht' p�:hlent and viec-prft\itlent 1\\"1.11serve from Febru,ary to June of thet�last year as a.tIvistory,no1fvo�in� mel:.bers. to help t.ho neW eom11USS1on 1getting established.The election OIl new membeJ'l'f to h'('h<k"Cn from thO Sophomore da.lull 0'1:will be hNtl a't the time of tho lin·(lergradu:,to ('()Uncil elections nextFehnuu'Y. They will hoM otrir.o fo"two y('�1'9. A pamphlet eonta.inin� !hrneW' con.t¢itutlon of tho comml��lOl'ancl a definition of dishonesty will 1ready for distribution by tho enllnext· week. ----+---OAP ABD GOWN WILL BEom '.r1J'B8I)AY KOBNINGBcUto1'S ClaIm 19101 Book WDl StI11t3SSAll Fonner � AJ§Jo­dates '1'04&)". ('ommittee yestiCrday announced thatntltlitions woolcl be IDo3cle to the regn­lrlr menu of refreshments.Onlookers, who wish to wn.teh theclaneers from the rail of the runningtrack, -will not be ehn.rgctl a.tbnission.The a.nnoun('emcnt was m:t.tle by chair­man Harris yesterday.SAYS lVtAB � JVSfiiUDDr. Fcm. Speaks OIl Jlrican conU'O­� at OIaapeL There is littia to ehoQse �:Bradley and MIa.nn behin.d tb8 ,. bM.. .1",·i�t.ions were sent out yesterdayfor a dinner to be given to f�tymembers of the BoItany department bystudents Wednesday night in. Huteh·inson cafe. Impromptu speeches willbe made by Profe880r· CoulW'r, A.ssoei­ate Professor Cowb and other f�ultymen Novel placo ea.rUs will be di.tribuwcl at the table. Follow:ing thellinner, stereopticon views of recentfield trips will bc thrown OD a aereen. BG'th are aggressive players, � _ '�."playing their thin! year of �.,..,.baU. Chicago's infield looks � Oilpaper, in spite of the Iioea' of Cole.Th.ere is no first l)ueman in the Coa�ferenee the equal of 1'l0rgreD, i .... 'uy: .of the tJepaztmeata of the. game-': nau.-. �of IDiDoia, is & promising �: but.·is inexperieneed. .Slip, Cog'tlall � � .....ond, mDat be given the edge o� '�'vin or Kixmiller of Chicago. Cogod.:a:,:made three of IUiDoiB' fou�.� hitsagainst Chicago ('n May 15,. aDd �eepted a number of �ensa:�0n&! field·ing chances. McConnell and �uIsIa at·shortstop are abou.t on a par�.,.Botkmen are erratie at times, and aft �strong hitters. DM Jardiea. on . thirdis m.uch st�nger tbaa Morrell of fin-.nois. As & fielder and batter be 0"cla8Bes his OPPODeall.Both Chicago and Illinois have�t rong- outfields. Captain Phelpa of.IlliDois is probably the bes; outfiel1lf.!'in the Conferenee. He UJ & apeecIThf' non. Bertrantl Ru..,�ll tliseus.�cllthe mnth('matio."ll ,,"peet of the 1lrob-War with Mexico eannot be justi" )enty "The WorM of Physi(',s ancl thefietl a,e.cording tp the 8ta.tcmen� of WorM of Sci enee' , yester«)ay in Hal'Profc."SOr � at Dh;nity ehapel per. ",Mathcmnt.ieal logic i� useful inv�icrtlR,y. Dr. Foster said thero ('oultl nanny fieltt�·· Mi«l Profe�"or R\I�·eJl'1)0 no excuse for a war whieh ha.." "nn,i in the 'worM of "hy�i('� anll lWnl'('politie.s for its purpoM', anti saict that. ''"e hayo to oon�iller three proh)crn!'\-­host.ilities w.ere ti1Gely to result from IHlm('ly, the ('.on."truction of pcI'm anN:Th.o 1914 Cnp an«l GoWn will he Ili�l'lOn� ... t.ionnl newsp.... pcr headlino.<l anll a thinJ:I', sillJ:lc spn.cc, and I'in:::-I(' ti··trihut.ect next TUMulay Dlm'ning, ac· )ittle unofficial gos.<lip. "Th(' I'<,pnration between the field oreorflinlr to n stntemcnt of the eclit.on Jlhi)o�oJlhy :anll tJaooe of m.."lth�nl:lt;Ye1'tt"r«lay. The :a.nnual wil� cont..-Un r,.... nnll phy�i('s is J:J'8Alunlly l�"cnin�" 1lf'page8 of infoT1llation, l)lctllrcs. n.ncl �'��l'!!iS�SS I\II"' __ lillll__ -�� �nj.l, ··:\n.1 Ulcrc i� no .1ollht. thnt mort-comedy. ancl will contain writ«!-u� or BaUelin attention "''ill ho pRill to their interre·- all 1Tni\"'t�rsity Ollta.ni7.atiOn.<l a.�1 :\(') ... _R1I .-II;----.,:��i�I\S�· lntions in tho fut.ure." Profe��ortivities. , TODAY. �Ioore pr�i.lecl at t,he meet.ing.Every � will ba\�c II. hnfl' hor.ler8 nOY'Clty in the mn.koop of tho nnD1''<Tb(' athletie M3f19 will 1>0 ('Jolorccl. Thebook will bn.'\� R.n nnnsual amou nt ofpict� and �ial foatur� will hcnumerous in the ·'Ra.p Md POllnfl" �('(" ..tioo. AMOciate eiliton for next yoorwill be elected today. IntertraterD1V nI.&n. 2:30, StUJrfield.,CJJiea20-11UDD1a � � 3:30,StagJr fI ....� Bop, Baztlftt !J1IID&Sium.TOMORROW. Mrs. Owens AddresSes Y. W. C. L.�Irl'. Owen� ga\"" nn nlMrc�1' on"Woman's PIn('o in Politic�" y(,l'ter,l:ay�t t.hc weekly m('et.iD.Jr of the U>�le.Mil'� Rarrit't Vittum wn... lInnble toI �peak on account of the iIlncss of :.DeccatIoa _. Vldnnl_ 1IoUda7.' friend. Inforfiml speechel'l by officers ancl,.,�at1uatinJ: stutlents featured the pro'J:rnm of tho Cosmopolitan club fam­,,'cll dinner in HutchilL"On last nighi �Paul Chinnappn,Goollte Colema�nkWeakl�4� Mr. Bic_kham, Mr. Merrifieltl�nll C. L_ Tnn spoke of their imp�l4ion� of the \\"'ork of the organizn.tion,anll new ofl'i('ors olltlinecl the work forn('xt year. .. .. rn.nk Wom.kly hact ehnrJ:'of till' afl'ajr, and Willif\Jll Weiser pre­�'It('d. work in the Cbieago g:a.mee .... ..been up to the standArd, Both Libo­nati aDtl Phelps llead tbe batting I�.'.!lolly Gray in right field b.. til.edh-e o,"er McRobie. Dolly IUts 0"",=100 and is the surec; fielder 'OD til.,team. Harger aDtl Arbuekle ill leftfiel«l are both abo'\'e the &\"erage.UDeap.Chiengo. IlliDOis.Mann, capt., e. .. ..••.. Bnidle1'Baumgartner __ .. p. .., .,' '" _ .. HSI •• 'Norgren. '" .,.... Ib ••.... '••.• ' ... '"Cavin '•.•. , ••..••• 2b ••.••••• CoIdallDee Jardien, ....•• 3b ••••.• KoneUM�CoDnen .....• .. ••••••.. , ... �" .!.'H.rger ••••...•••• If, •••• �.' A�Lihon.ti . ',.. •• •• ct. PIIeap.Gray,_ '".. rf. . ' .. ,,:,' ���.UD1Yen1� n..a WID ...._.. .The last � .. eetilag of tlte U.l�'"c""ity dames will be MId Saturday aI�ternOOD at 3 i. LtaiapD.MUSICAL SOOIB'lIB8AND S'l'UDBK'r BODYWILL GlVB LAB'1' SIHO�h ... d(' ... l orgnnimtions and the RtU_I)ent holly will Rive nnmbcr� at the)nst U'lh'('�ity l'ing WCfln�lny fro"1 :30 to 6 in Jl11.khinMn court. Tb�hn.nll '\\'ill playa preJl1.le nt 4::l0. :an«1will :l('compnny �e 9tl1l\cnt!' in poptr'lnr TTnive�ity airs. The Signet clubwill gh·e a m�le dance.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, K&Y 29, 1914.The Dail, Mar •••6c per line. No a�\'ertiaementa reoJ'ubll&bed morolnp. except 8aada7 aDd'Iunday. during the AutulDD. WIDteI' &Del eeived for Jt"88 than 25c . .All d' ... ·edSprloc 'Iu.rte.... b1 The DalIJ' Marooo advertisements must be »a.id ba ad •• taa.ot1lclal Student New.paper of tIM UaI­... el'&1 t1 of Chlcqo.b W. CotUq ....H. K. Goraa.B. P. M •• , 11 ...&&IaIeMea ....B ...............Luler.d _ ..c:oad-e.... aaaIl at &beCblcaao poetomee. Cblea.o. IlL � lLIto.. und .. r Ace of "arcb L lITL�l1l18('&IPTIOM &'&'1''''I:I� carrier: 12." a ,.ear: II." a caaart ....111 mall: .... 0 • ,. .. r: 11.25 • ca"arwr.Edltorlal·Su.ln... Omce. BlUe U.T.,I.phoufO Yh1.a� 10.. Aft.r 11 D IlL1I,.1f. Park .1 ••.!lurotJu Press, :;:;11 Cottage Gro ... e A ......A �BN·YEA& OLD PBOPBECY.Ql1otjog from tho Daily Maroon ofApril 21, 1904:"l'llC BuilUin� eonnnission, which isto consider plans for the new Women'sbuilllin:.:s, and which met for tho firsttimt.' last week, is to hold regularml"CtiJJ�r:s lluring tho Spring quarter.. . Every woman in the Univer­:,;ity should take a vital interest in thenew buildings, Possibly the buildingswill Hot be erected while tho presentstudent body is in residence but, as[Jr. llarper' remarked in his opening:LddrcsM to the commission, 'They arenot buildings for next year, or ther(':u after, but for the next ten, theIIt'Xt fifty years.'"'rruJy, President· Harper was a pro­phet. Ten years from the time hellIa.l� this remarlil architects are \\'IOrk.i III! 011 detailed plans for Ida NoyesHall. l'ractioally a decade since thehlt.'a was put in the hands of a eom­m!ssion, it is being WIOl'ked into shape.\\ e wonder whether the trouble eamebe�au.�e �e :Women failed to heed thel',htorlal ailinonition of 'the Mamonby not showing enough interast to in�II.uce the· construction of the builUhIg.I. robably not-judging from the In,�l::.te.nt demand tha:t Lexington be mit.JI!a.ted, abated, otherwise made innoeuous, TJle d�Iay probably is due too�o. of �e Inexplicable turns in ad­nllnIstrative affairs w.h:ieh occur so of-ten whe� a great, str.u.etura, whethe�eO�lmcrCJ:ll or educational_is bel ..,bui lt almOl!l!l over night, as' th �plete� Un�\'ersity. IS e connBUN::FB.ATI:&NzTy RACES TODAYTeams in I"ena- � to Competein Reia,. PreIimina:rie&Prf'liminaries ;;-U;e Interfraternityrelay ehampionship will be run o1f at2:30 today. Pat Page will aet as start.cr. The first two teams in each of thefour divisions will qualify. for thesemi·finals next �k.The teams ha.ve been grouped a.�fO))OWB:First Division: Beta. Theta Pi, PhiKappa Sigma, Chi Psi, Delte Ta.u.Second Dh'ision: Sigma. Nu, Delt.-.,Kuppa Epsilon, Alpha Delta Phi, Kappn Sigma.Third Di"ision: Phi Delta Theta, AI.pha Tnu Omega, Delta Sigma Phi,8ig-­ma Chi.Fourth Division: Psi Upsilon, DeltaTpsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilonl PhiGnmrna Delta, Phi. Kappa. Psi.POSTPONE cONl'EamroBTENNIs CHAKPION'SBIPSlIIAi'CBBS Uln'IL TODAYn.n in caused the postponemenj oftho preliminaries in tho Conferencetennis tournament to be held at 1.1811-ilion �·�t('r.lay. It is prohable thatjf tho conn... are in eondifion todaythat. the matches 'WiU �t a rt 1,bis morn.ing and tho finals wiD he run oft' to­morrow. Soven eonfernco uni\"t�,",itiesand two out.,irJe colleges are reprCftnUeil in the tournament. Sqnnir an.l lfe·X"al nre the Chicago players,Women Attend Olnb Pfenic.'Women in tho Homo F...eonomi("s an.lHOl1�f'hold Art8 dub heM a beachparty yesterc1:ay in .Ta.e.k90n parle. The("luh committ� for next year win bennnollncef] Yooday.8ne11 nnt} HnU!hinBOn haUs g-a.vea !"moker In... t evcneing. They put ona �tnnt �anf't} 'the "SneU-IDtihykooMovie Co.' in eight spasms. CLASSIFIEDAI_lil11lIII'Svance.TO BENT-Large. cool room, eleetrielight, large closet, comfortably fur­nished, suitable for one or two women,in refined home: walking distance toU. of C.; 3rd fflat, 1345 E3st 6!!d St.Midway ssra,MASTERS' AND DOCTORS' Th(.'sisaccurately typewritten, }O cents perpaJ:t\ called for and delivered. PhoneDrexel 6460 after 6:30 P. M.GARRICK TIII';A T1';P�Kitty Gordonin "Pretty rs, Smith." Tickets, se;curing reduced rates, lIlay be obtuir edat Doily Maroon office.Our newest Four Button Model made In a mostattractive manner for summerwear. White Flan­nel Trousers $5 and up; Straw Hats of the newestdesign, $3, $4 and $5., READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMElts <if SaopO*I."""'e a Hene_ee18 • 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARDCldcaaoSerge With a ReputationThe high quality andlow price of "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize. 'It's the greatest valuewe know --- rich, fine,e x a ctl y right. Veryspecial at $25.00Nicoll the TailorW= Jarrems�SonsClark and Adams Streets. Chicago..'Universal Repair Jlfg.Co., 1608 Oablaplace. Phone Mid. 6842. We repairstoves, bicycles, etc. Refinish and up-heIster' furniture. Plastering andchimney cement; earpentering and,�:.hinet work a speeraltj , Est. fur­nished, F. De Geer, Pr�p. Very soon "The" Girl is going toleave the University for her SummerVacation. Why not arrange with the,-- ----------------------------------------------------- JUST A MOMENT, lENBOHANN°N-FLORALOO-th_ 8eDCl a bcMlquet of :wa. ta;:wn.�;g.'tlcnrws to meet her at tile tn1D. Atutetal aII4 deUc&te fanweD off __me.$100.00 Cash Prize LOW PBIOB8.8WU'fSUBB SBBVIOB.fjTHOMAS A. EDISON, IDe., offer$100.00 for the best motion picturescenario submitted by a atudent inany department of this UniYeJsily. iBOHANNONf -FLORALOO- II � 57 But Koaroe 8tneLPlaOlle8 'Rautfctpla 1799, 8696.. ,fIln addition, all scenarios suitableto the requirement. of the C0m­pany wiD be purcbuecl and paidfor immediately upon acceptance. COVVHEVMen'. Furnl.hlngStraw Hats, A''''e'ic U.4elwe., fie.BILLIARD BALLThe College Prize Contest Dept.THOMAS A. mlSON, lac. �2IZ8 DECATUR AVENUEBEDFORD PAR. ... Y. •..I,(t,t·:.ftm DAILY 'hRMil. FBmAY •• MAY 29, 191'-............... - .. - .. -.-.----- - -.� -_._---Ne� LocationMELVIN H. SYKES,Photographer16 -20 North Wabash Ave.Stevens BuildingCHORDWINNER OF THE MEMORIAL INSTITutE DAGUEBIE MEDALSPECIAL RATES TO U. OF C. STUDENTSPERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN. - -:-'�:-the primary factor ill lJ Ol \ �y' ut."States have their statutory codes and ,,£&at a proper "evotlun tu ti"lltl,Y "'�"'lll iries ha\'e the' , .allr mUD.1eJp codes. sueeeed our present wanto... diasiuxm-Wh1.' cannot a universrt )'k' ' ,I J I. rsr y I e ours !'atlon of taDle aDd eDergy 10. Ul&lttI,i.I have a code of its own? The ansWf)!' ;...:.t1vitie::s alltl SUt:&&'1 dl\'el'blUll. J:M:dLI is--it can. \Ve can have a stUdent iLiD, the UUpuk ...... ,' v- auud m(..ral·C ... dc hl'rC as well as any other iDsti- l.e.iDg, we have Ir&e" Lu '...... _� ..... '" lW .. eft makes & lot of di1I'enrnce wIlGre you buy your SUmmer Clothes.. HUll, be it govermentnl or education- practical meaDS whereby the' .&.�u" .... »Hen Y01l can"'t go "W!'OJI&. You can travel in the best groo=ed I .I al,in character. In fact, there is adis-l&Fpetite for study might lIe� ,w;ae ... e�COIDp;LD7 a.t anq taslWma.ble JJJaee, and tell mtisficd tha. tyour clothes I' tJ,·llc.·t ne.ccl for sush a code here. The W.s have suggeated � the f�u.& .. y was.... absoilutdy correct in fl'V«Y detaiL Our styles and fabri-::sI U 1II\"(.'rslty needs a code to delDe its they should avail tJaeJUelv_.. th.appeal esped.al:1y to YOUX'G IIBN. - ,===�=============================�=============== aUitud���iliti�� ts �������e���u�tt���itM laws. It needs a code to define by oj(eriD& awards _d prizee tMour standard of ethics in the ordinary at.taiDJll6eDta in the leld ot .ebolar­business of thc dayand modes of pro- ship. We have suggested to the ".i­ccduro in new Tcnture. \'usity adJD.iDiatratioD that the .taad·An interesting example of this need ard 'of the facolt.,. migbt be rai8ed b1C':llJlc to our attention yestertla,. when prOViding a chaDDel lor atudeat COID-. . . plaints regardiDg faculty meabef' ..a certnin group of mdlvdoals under; •We have aoggested that a eertai. fat'.­took to revive claneing after basket·, ulty med, particularly iD the CollepIllill �alllcs under a .y�tem of proper of Letten aDd Seieuee, .hoald ..vhnperonnge, There W&8 no mode by (lver tbeir cbiekeli-heartedneD ia til.I'roc't'(',lurc wap out. The students. f L 8 b:l�lgnment 0 wor.. ue DleaR ..... 1i,1 IHlt krow where to go, to whom tu I • I b I' d, "'ou d eertaiD,. e p III BOIIle egree:lI'I,h' for I'ermh(�ion, in who."C hanels . I • t i tb.•, to) sllmu ate greater Intern DI t he power of (,oll�ent lay, nor in fA("t "ork of the class.room.,:l1l:·thil1;! nbout it. lIaw many stu_ But We realize -that, as 10Dg .. tJa.d"IIt-; know what the University Sen -ounrer attraction� eODtiDue in fu.l. :1tl' is. how it is organized, how it con· 8wn��. tbe maiD show will Dot attrae:'I .hld� its J,lIsill(,S:oI. Wt' feel sure that the ('rowcls or the interest that it -te-! "� :I .'ocl(, c'OIlI,1 ill' very useful In ea�� :M:f\.�. Therefore We propoBe to ,,,b·I, of tlds kill'l. We l'tartetl to name a joet these, �ondary fadon iD oDive ...f('w "th"r IIS(,� to wlai('h it couM ho! ity life to a probably paiDful bu�}'ut. hut th('�' a.ro too numerou!'l to naur.h nee,led operatioD. Fint f)f,,"«'Iltion. Th" f: .... t rcmain� that ther .. these to take plRee OIl tile operatiDIJil'l a nl'",1 for a. ('ocle. Can the An table will be tile 8O-ealled outeid.Unh·cfl'1ity Counc-i1 meet But!h a nee.l? Rdivities.Minnesota Daily Outside aeth'itiea are of three vaJie.ties. gGOO, bad .ad indiJrereDt. Thegood in aolDe eues Deed to be 001-8tuII"nt� Too BU81 Itered up and in JW)me cues to beA('('orcling to r('port" Pre!litlent Wil- �orrelated with elan·room work. TIl.!"On nUl'llclc,1 church reg1�larly during h!ld ought to be put out of bUllla..,the fir�t yt':lr as pr�ic1ent; but, IIf and the iDdifrereDt migbt u well becoursc, stu,lent" are too bUllY· made to travel u.. ... e road.(1" � OI!D5 II �TARRBEST A Code. Xlae Mezs btepDuring the .put �eek Wu have ·bee.trying to empracize tll" U&C\ \'�,,�U8 reeonizeu] that ::k:hutarMliip :IIKADIBON AND WABASH What College Editon Thiak== mlKPORTED HOKBSPUN AND ENGLISH FLANNELSUIMIWER SUITS AT 525.00TIle It)'lea Wustra.ted are &!1 mad. With skeleton coa t :.nd silkBIen. l1D1Dg. The �_ Skelton lined, have sil1t ba:k!l,and are cut athletic. '1'he matenala are ImPOrted Ho:nespnn andEDRlilla I'lamleIs.� DAlLY VAWM)", ntlDAY, . MAY 20,191"- -- .- - - -- '- ------- ----.������ - .Where Are YouGoingWhen School Closes?If anywhere west, besure you make most of thetrip, and let the BurR.. .,,, .. take you there.You've a lot of things to think of when geHing ready, generall, a lot more than youhave time for. Why Bot save yourself time and trouble and let one of our trsve! ex­perts make all transportation arrangements for you? If you can't conveniently comein, call up Ratldolph ll11 or Auto. 589-860. Just say where ,ou_ want 10 go and whenand he will gl�d�y make res ervations and send you tictets..-- ., - • __ • _. _.� •••• _ -••••••• ca • __ •••• _._A. J. PURL, General Agent, Passenger. Deparlment, 141 South Clark Street, I BurlingtonII RouteB u di n �to n·:�:,:Route .) .'.-AFTER 61 YEARS or- MANUFACTURING wE­OFFER . THE FINEST or TOBACCO. ) II What CoUegeEditonThiakIlI� � lr MUnbiased Education�������11����� __ 1D' ••• __ •• _ ._ ••• •• ca_ .of progressives would be as visioua n« •••••••••••••• __ ••••••• __ ••ESTABUSHED 1818'rhc conservatives of the faculty arcgruduates of eastern universities, say":111 art.iele in the Washington Alum­I nus, while the progressives were ed�­cated in the West. Hardly a studenttakes work in the colleges of arts :In,lI sciences wit�out noticing these taettl.IA course in economics under Dr.• Threresa AbMabon will probably givethe studerrt a different view than then; me subject taught hy, KaY.'. Georgl\1. -Ianes, for. one is the gracluate o;\\'hshingtou and Wil:K'onsin, the othet"f Dartmouth,However, this diversity of "iew­point is an exellent thing. We a:-�::�trl� the university composed entirely Oar BepraetaUye, JIlL WA LXER, will be at the -BOfta. LA SALLE.nnm 3RD, 4TH, 5TH and 6TH.,tII FlaDDeIs tor-TOWn ad Coantly Summer Fumfshin_ps, Straw aD4Panama Hata, Busta Calf and Buckskin Shoes, Traveling Kits.Boston Branch, 149 Tremont Street,Newport Branch, 200 Benevue Avenue.th� universrty eomposed entirely or:It:lJlllpatters. A university ed.eatio:.should not. he a :4taincll gln24S througl.w hi-h the student lSCCS cvcry.L�I.�:11 l'Orllill�!Y discolored ; it should be>crystal louse, 1 fOlic instructor's I(/fT�f't by another's whi .. h is tinge.with conservatism. Two views heldby sur-h a large body of thinking pc',pic must both have a great manyarguments in their fa vor, We of th.:university should be permitfed to heaiboth nnd draw our own conclusion!'.Certain newspapers reeently at,tacked the conservative element ir.(A.�cml)lir.s Sat. evenings at 43d St. &: Calumet AVJ the faculty very strongly, A8 a matT ERE S A S. DOL AN' tc::" of fad, the university i1 to heI !·"urlll ,·jl·l� pr('!-j,!(,llt Jntcrnnttonnt A��i:l_ ('on;rratulated that it has I'omc su("l­:; .. , :! :l�: :'1' IIf ,Il:lfl('ing):. nu-mber of Chlcago nu-n, 1'0 thot the �tntlcnt ('an look at­, ;.111 I!';: .', ::I:-tf'r � A��or.:ttlon. each subject from various viewpoints�,adio: :::;,:1 (ol!:I;,!c (;rllvc A,-, 1'110110 II. P. GSa:! and thus obtain an unbaised educationPrivate lessons by appointment, University of Washington DailyLearn to Dan£e CorreetlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as danced and taught byMaurice and Castle. Training TimemeaDS dent:� yourself many pleasant things. It neftrbars oat -Cola. The leading athletes and ball­plaJftS in the country endorse it. In training quartersor on the field they drink it for the refreshment aDdbaefit they �ft found it contains.Delicious-RefreshingThlrat-Quenching IIII. . ... � DUL� MAROON, PBmAY, M.A.T it, 1914. -... .-�. _ .. -- __ The Classy looking menin your college depend on-I us for their clothes. ..- .-Dockstader & RexfordII � �----�-rII Suite 816 REPUBLIC BUILDING. Chic8g0..J1JlUOB OOLLMll WIOJIBII.DBFB&� �B ft1AJI. 23_9HeaY7 BlttiD& UI4 CJoo4 � Be­apoDltbie f. V1ctlaq. LetbenAwarded at 8preU...... "..",. 18 8peUer.lIr. Nel80ll LobdeU, lay missionary,gave a lecture on the religious eondl­tion of the people of the orient and theKrea.t e haDges that are noW' ta.kingp1&<'e in the far West, at a m.eetiD£ ofthe Ryder dh'inity hOUJte student8 yes·terday. M..r. Lobdell has been a'mis·sionary of the Universalist ehureb iL.Iapen for tile put eight yean.ILLINOIS CENTRAL Junior WOlDen overwhelmed the Ben­ior baseball nine yesterdaY' by theseore of 23 to 9, in the tiDal ga.me forthe Unh'ersity �b.&JnpioDBhip. Superio:'batting and hits at opportune momeat8, and ee\'era! ruD.Ding eatches bythe Junior fielders, kept the loweretnss nine in the lead throughout t.WU1 DtatztbDe PampJlletB. pale.Pamphlets �OILtaining suggestions Beniers, JUDlors.tor the org'aniza.tion of EiKht-Week Louderman ....•• e .•••• Walter(Capt)V ncaiion clubs will be gh'en out to- J.lt"we)lyn..... 1 b ...... .. Burke.lay at 10:15 at Mias Brn-n's desk ill Shambauuh , 2b .......•.. Allen.Lexington. All University women ""ho l,iJrJ,:'!! •. •••••.•• 3b .•••...••• 'U!vyspend their SUID.Jl1.eI'B in the country, " Rhodee. •••.. .. •• 88. •••••• Brosseitsome sDlall toW'll. and who are int» Beall •..•......•• p. . ...•••. Regentested in the elube, hav,e been asked to Pfeiffer ••••.•.• cf ••. , .1 " Sharphand in applieations. HotebkiSK.. .. ..... rf. . SaxerS""awite •...••.. If. • • • • • • •• AppelWomen to Beheuae for Fete. ?liek ...•... N' .,. " subs, Collin!'. AllamsWomt"n in the dances of the Sprin:,! SutcliffefeRti\'al wiD. rehearse parts tocmy at Nine .Juniors received ltbeir W. A.4 in Lexington gymnasium. A. letters at a lfProo.tl after the J.,rn:mo-• Yl'lfterclay. The pla�'('r'K nrc Laura 'Val-BoTntoD fa G� of Bonor. • ters, lIed.wi� BI'08St."it, Beulah Burke,Dean Boynton will � the guest of A��(>s ShfLll •• Pauline Levi, Mnry AI.honor at the last -Junior luncheon of 1t"11 llilclrecl A]'(K'l. l%uo Saxer nnllthe year today at 12:45 in Hutchinson .r('�nnl'ttt- 'D.urcnt.. Seniors wh� re-�fo .. ""-,..• eeived letters are Dorothy l�le"''1I'Uyq.MDst Play �eDDfs Jfa.t.hea. lfnrgarct Rbocles, }O�lln. Luodermann,Mnrl!Drct Ri�K, }O;ffin Shnmbnuuh,All matches in th.- tournament be, Cornelia BenU, Rhoda Pfeiffer and Lil;tween the 14ulonts anti faculty of the linn ��witco.Mt"(lical school must. e played beforewhose comprehensive, complete and convenienttrain service between the following points', andmodern, luxuriously furnished all-steel equipment. insure you a most comfortable and safe journey.Chicago and Springfield and st. Louia.Ohieago( and �Is and New 0!1eans,Chicago and Bfmdngbam and J'ac ksonville. Fla..�o and 0m.alIIa,. Sioux City and SiOllX Falls.Chicago and MlDneapoUs and St. Paul.Chicago and Hot Springs, Ark. Will Hold Bebeanal.For fares, reservations, etc., .addressR. J. Carmichael, D. P. A. 76 W. Adams SL, CenL 6270, Auto 64472' Dean JIa,rshall Leans.Dean Marsball le(t yesterilay fo� athree months" trip to South �Dlenc:"wbere he will Inspect the leachnJr UDl_A tlreM rehearsal of all those taking of A • an edv('rsities with a. grooup morte upart in the Spring festi� will be be!tl ·(.�tors. lie will return. t.o the campusMonday at 4 in Lexington gymn..uum. on .4.ugust 1. _ c \thing and you don't know where Iyou can get it for the money you Iwant to spend, visit 'I.�---------.---.-.------.- .. ---.--.-��.-. iPPOD DtyGoeds Store-DIPOBDBB AND WBOL'SSALBBS863 !:Aft 81X'1'Y _'.rHIBD BTBBft.(.Just Opposite the DnDl ft __ )'rBLEPHOtm HYDE PARK 970We have a beaIltitIll new 1iDe of im­ported goods; a large choice of Kl­monaa--embro1dend crepe aDd silk atftPedal opening Jdces. Come and S:aI'our duna1rUe, aDd a:t sorta of .Jap'anese novelties.THESE PARIS GARTERS have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea hal never beforebeen carried out for any University.The value is exceUent; you get the fuU worthof your moneyin Garte r quality plus the Univer­sity colors and design. Price, 25c the pair.Every pair of PARIS GARTERS IS,guaranteed to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. DICK1302 E. 63rd Street.Near Kimbark Avenue.TWO SPECIALS fOR TnlS WfEKSILK AIm LDmX B1IlB'l'B, 13.00 VALUE, ,. ....•..•.•••••. $1.85DIPO.mm OBBPB 811IBft.. $2.00 VALUE, $1.50WB BAVB ft: OOBLDB COO.lIfBW SOFT COLLAR, 15c:, 2 J'OB 25cJlA.DB L1KB THB LONDO •• Biff! Bang!!Competition is the spice of lifelThe first Fatima Cigarettes were �sold in collegetowns-biff-bangl /ndiPftluarEverybodydelightedl TodaymoreFatimas are sold in America thanany other cigarettes-all becausel hey are pure.good.choice tobacco.r.nd better than some otherslliu.-bang I quality counts'PlaID packqe-quality aU in the tobacm.�.. '-« •fl.TI!IlC5AIEITES II))rIIJ,.