m t· Daily marnutt----------------------- ... -VoJ. XII. No. 150. !'BIOB·FIVB 0IDIft1J1UVBBSIft OF CBICAGO. WEDNESDAY. KAY ZI. 1914MUSICAL CLUBS ELEcr WIll FORGET CARES ATHot w.oo.ther, coming cxWUinu.t.iOllS,ami otlwr eares will ).)e forgotten atthe In,tere� Hop �'rit1ay night. '1'1u:spromise hat5 boon made by the COllI.­mittoo in cha.r&:o to all th� who willattend. Tho chairmen declare theyhave eompleted all plans with the pur·pose in view of making the dance acrowning c1.im.a.x to a highly successful ynar.Over 150 couples have signifiedtheir intention of being present at thoti�-. anti, at the rate of Increaseeach day, Chairman Harria expeeta toapproximate, if not to aWain, tho desired 200 couples. He reports that.are not as prompt in paying for the:UP BASBBALL S'BRllBS tickets as they are in buying them,FOB COLLEGB � fifty per cent being delinquent stilJPaym.ent may be made to any memberof the Hop committees, or through box!i3, Faculty exchange.Want OI"hestra. of Twenty.The orhestra will be located in thomiddle of the west side of Bartlett,siDl.ilar to the arrangement at theProm. Tho Dlusicians will be cutl.,hidden from \·iew by a screen of f.and flowers. The exact size of the or·C'he.<4m h:¥t not; been doeidel1. .but.it is the de8ire of the committee' tohavo twenty pieces. ;""Pe are planning i to make thedance just what the lname implies, a. Grorg. B�ee� t.be .�� ��lit .. : cla�ec��_� the cl�and"bs:.a.ll:ttO.orary eritie, and the otrreers of the e�, 8&ld Barns yesterday. "ItDanish-Ameri.ean assoeiation, will be wIll be a crowni.Dg event to a Lithe guesfs of honor at a luneheon to .vear.'·flay at .12:45 at the Quadrangle elub.An informal reception will be held OJ BOGG ELBCTBD BEAD OFthe club _ll)Oreh preeed:ing the dinnelProfe880t':Tuft_, president of the elub' � COUNcnDean AngeU, Professar& Manly, Cut.ting, Nitze and Michelson will b·amon� the oth:ers who will have scabat the head of the table..W'()men who b"e not filM card� (or1'0 ... Vapa1lli.t.4 LItUIr. the Soc-ial Ccnst18 hn'·e boon urgeel toPror....,r Babeoek wiD read an un· register at. on ("c. Doon Tn.lbot i� ("or""'lhJi..�hed Jetter by CatlleriDe de Medr tlu(".t:ing tho invmtiJ.,"Rtion. R('.mlJt.." williei, and on "Xenoph()D'fl Cornrade� if not. I� annooneed until aU ha"e regis·Arm!\" at a �ting of tile PbiloJOI!i'1 reTel1. O�MN �unmon.", Wlill bo �en.) �ieotv toD.ight at S. at the home I t.() th� ",no have not �stered b,of lb. ar-o.., 5�18 Dunk ... ave. Friday monUDg. .SENIORS THE INTER­eLm CHAMPIONSHIP Choose LoUesgard as Praident ofCombined Organizabons--NewBusiness Manager Plans T riF toPanama Expositi:>nDemoralized Sophomores ThrowGame Away in F.... t TwoInninp and Lose 13-5WILUAMs EFFECIlVE IN BOX Holger LoUesgard was chosen presl­tlent 0( the Unh·cl'8ity Glee a.nd Man­dolin clubs for the �t year at theannual dinner of the club last nightat the Hyde a.rk hoteL LeQ Hay waselected business manager. Harold T.Moore, secretary, and Francis Hamil­ton lender of the Glee dub .. The Iead.;er of the M8Jl.(lolin club and assistantmanager of the Glee club will be se­lected at a special meeting next yoo.r.Hay qualified for business managerin a tryout in connection with thejoint concert with the Beloit clubs,April 11. He is now eommuniea.tingwith Passenger Agent Busser of theSanta Fe with regard to a trip to thePanama.-Paci.fie Expopsition next}>iling up a eommanding lead in thefill't inning, the Senior baseball teandowned tho Sophomores decisively 01.Stagg fiwel yesterday by a 13·5 score.Tho Sophomores presented a dUII,,­izeel front throughout the game, e\"o:'�man on the town contributing to thecolumn of errors. The Seniors hit thtball hard, and gave Williams fair support in the field. Unleat the Presb­men advance cla.ims, the Seniors po:;'sees the undisputed class champion.ship.Led by Fitzpatriek, the Seniors apparently got on tb.� nerves of thol tyoungor oppononts, and every mu Iwho got his hantJa on t:.he ball in tfirst inning dropped or throw it awayThe Seniors rushed seven runs acrosethe plato in tho openinlt session, gath.ering a number of solid hits. In thtsecond inning the Sophomores wertstill up ill the air, and the fourth yeuimen collected four runs. After thesetwo disastrous seesions, the seeonuyear players steadied and pkyedconsistent Jr8me.Williams Effective in Box.WillianLS pitched an effective gameand was never in danger. He kel .tho hits anal runs weD seattered, andhis batkors �a\"o him fair support. The:3opllOmores tltaged a belated rally intho lust inning with two out, whichnott.oo three runs. Kennedy and Mat-. thews played fMt ball for the victora,-while' Ooo� &ad 'Donahoe "displaybdgood work for the Sophomores.8eore by innings:Seniors 7 4 0 0 2 0 0-1:;Sophomor�s . . . • . • 1 0 1 0 0 0 3- !)Battories-Seniors: Williams andA{urray: Sophomores: Moulton, Mat·thows, Harper and :MerriU. tlpring.JUNIOB WOllEN EVBHJunior women took an unespeete­vietorv from the Seniors MoDtlay Ir,the s�cond game in the championshiJbaseball series, by the score of 29 ttl15. Bya batting rally in the seeoudinning,the Juniors made fourteen runs.The final game in the series will btplayed. tomorrow at 4 :15 in Lexingtolvard. LettcsrB 'WIiU be presented a.t�pread foDowinl!' the eontat.--.-DR. BBANDBS WILL :&IIGUEft OF QU'ADB.AlrGLBCLUB; PLAlf BBOBPfiONLAKBDA TAU' RHO wtlLLINITIATE NDfB TONIGIn'Great Secrecy Surrounds Acts Of Bee:.Haired Fra.temitJ"-Water wm ' .WILL BXJIIBI'1' WOBK OFBe VIIIICL SCHOOL OF BDU'OAUON� .ALL ftII8 WBBKLnmbela. Tau Rho, the exclusive fra­ternity of red haired. students of theeampu�, will initiate nine men into thlorder tonight a� S:15 in the Reynoltl.club. Despite tho geereey surrouDlli.tho plans fOT the eeremony. tho name�of seven of the neophytes hn.vc 1K'e1len,Tnetl. They aro Harry Fishor!Bruee M:u1.i.n, Philbrick Jackson, Gra.h3lJl Asher, James SeDers, Eugene WBIiamS anel Dunlap Clark.Details of the torture to be ena.ctel·are 8eIru()ulou.sly kept seeret, but ,taken for grantctl that the nooph;ytewill havo a livelier time than at thoBlackffriar peTformanee. On that. oc'casion, the men waited for more thn �an hour in a box in Mandel for a cerc·mony that. novel' took place. It i:prcclietecl tbat bec'aUBO of the heat 01the wcather-and the heads-waterwill play an important part in the cor_ernony. An exhibition of W'Ork done in theenh'ersity elemental")i school, high8('hool, and college of Education, willopen this aiteJ'DOOn in EmmoB8 Blaine·Hlf) anll 404. It .n be eontinuc._l un­til }'riday night. The exhibit eom'pritlcs all branehes of work c-.arriee:on in the three instit.Qtions. Visitors,,-ill be aclmittA!d during the three claysmitt also Thunday and Friday nightsuntil 10:30.I:'3L'rA SlGK&Univent_ De ...... An Honond �•• Uoaal 1'Dtmd_.. . WIlJaId Atkiu, Benjamin Bills, Har·ry Bil. Harry Roeenberg. and RalphRwanson were eJected members of Del·ta SigJQ.a Rho. the national honoraryclehating fraternity, Friday night. Themen �re members of the Unive.,.itv.febating tea.IM t.hia�. BarT an�'Powen, the other Vanity debate",.were elected lut year.The initiation wu heM at thp. Cit'("lub, and __ .tteDded by DIaIIY (le_haters of former years. The foDow·ins: officors were eleded: Charles Mc.:.Elroy, '06, prmclent; A. L. 1I0pkim­'On, vieo prflSiclent; .JORe 'V. Hoover,'1111, �ret.ary-trea...q,ror: W. E. Atkil'll'·14 editor: H. A. Roeenberg, '}". hi!l­torian.cmCAGO WOIlBlf HOPETO BOLD BBOOBD FOBGBM'BV A AftBlfDAJroI:Chif'ago women hope again to ha\'ethe lnrg\!st tlelegn.tion at the Centra:�tUllont Conferenco at; Williams Bay,August :!;; to Septomber 4. Thirty-nineWomon nlrcn1ly hnvo mgned up. Sixthou�"'nlt WOlJ1:Cn from michUo-wcstemoollelott'8 gather for tho conCOTCn� eachyen� anel Chicago has ("omristcntly hnllthe Inrg<"St ro}.rescntation averagingabout fifty women. The committee isurging thnt rescrYations COT tho eampbe mado at once. To Pl&T "Ad.� Games"•• A'h�rtising games" win be playe,lat t.he �. publieity departmcnt.fotlay at 3:30. Every women has beenin,-ited.BeturDa from NOTa 8c:OULDean MathewR I"Cturned t()(lay fromAn-atlia uni,·en.ity. Wo}f"i1le, �ovaScotia., whoro he cleliverec1 the hn("("n'la.l1re� acldreM at the COD\·oeationex�rt!i8l!S.J1IDion eaa Beada �..Junio", will hoM • �h pal't�·Th1lJ'Sclay, JUDe ", iD. .1aeboa park. NEW PLANS FOR MEET CmCAGO MEETS DJ.INIBOP, LEADERS DECLARE I Interscholastic <:::mission Makes FOR CONFERENCE TITLE-- I Changes in Programs tor Prep£spect to Approsimate Two Hun- and "Chicago" �lgh�Hold WiDa Victory Over Purdue Ya-ched Couples-Few Have Paid lv.lassmeetmg lomorrow tenlay aDcll�oia is. De-for T"deb Yet feated by WIKOIUID"CROWNING EViNT OF 1 EAR" llatlical. changes were wade in. theprogram for Prep night and ··Chieaeo" BOILERMAIERSAIlEDOWNED7-S1l1gut a.t the 11ll4CrttCllolastic, June 12auu 1;''' by the (.;onull.i.l:l8ion &t a spe·cial meetrug ill tile lWynoltls c.l.ub JJI,!rtnight. Bverything of an a.thletic n.a.ture has boon out out oi tlw prognuu1"riday ill order to keep the minc.1s ofthe nieu ott the meet, :songH and CllVl"Us hita will 00 presented by tl!-e �k·rrrars; the Dramatic club wtill put ona Mkit, and other olever sketches havebeen arranged.Sa.turt..Lu.y night will be entirely ell'voted to atluutic:J. 'the pro�rra.Jl1 �al'urday will be presented in Harpercourt instead of in M:antlel as in pre- Yestenb.7's Scores.vious years. 'I'his will enable' a much Wisconsin, 5; IlJinois, 2.larger crowd than usual to take part' Chicago, 7; Purdue, 5. .A mass.meeting will be held tomor-. For the second .sueeessive time the:.row a.t 10:15 around the ··C'· bench .LOI final lllinois,Ohieago game on Stagg:,the illinois ga.me and the Interseholaa field will �rmine the Oonterenc.,tic. Coach Page and his pla.yers ".1- baseball champioDBhip. Coaeh Page'.talk, and Director Sta.hrg and t;hnirmaJ athletes continued ·their winning streak·yesterday, and defeated P.u.rdue 7...51.f ohn Burtt will present the latest feat- while Illinois broke 1Jll recorda. and re-.url'S for the Interscholastic. .The Interscholastic lobs will be on eeived its seeond s�ght be8iting, 10&;:.".sale JUIlO 3, and arc the best that have ing to the Badgers 5-2. ClW!ago m.eet�.ever been put out for the high school JUin?is Friday on St:amt field in themeet. 'I'he fobs are a brass C with "In- cruC1� co� of �he aeason.terscholastic, l�H4:" engraved in me. tnChlOOgO .Jumped Intlo· the, l� at th,.. .r.oon letering. They will sell for twel 'tS rt. agruDllt. Pur��.. sconng .t�'h' five cents runs 10 the second 10Dlng and .four IIl:-• . . tho third. Des Jardien .W'88 in the box"GIVE CONCERT OF SIX:NUJIBBRS for six innings and allbwetl four ru�llaumgartner replaced him in the 1IeV-.Sc-..hool of l'.du.Ca.tion Student to Pre_ enth and held the Boilerma.k.ers to asent· :Musical Program. �i��w score.. Hea.\-y hitting by �afre· •. ·men was responsible for the .. Vie' . ,;' ,t�e w�nners ga�ering thi�ll/: hitS to .�rdue's seven.' Loose f"J..8ldilig tiy' t..�.Boilermakers in erucial momenta Wi".'also a deciding farlor. Captain. 01i-'Jlhant was in .St. L� takin� 'I. •tran�e examinations for West Pointa�d his ab8eD.ee erinDled 'the ·te�. 'IDiDaU is Defeated.JJlinois received its third tlefea· 0.'the BOOBon at the hands of Wi8('!"0.8;1Iby a 5·2 .score. The .Badgers we' .:vvorwhelmed by the lowly Purple l­Ilar, .but came baek ill great sha�TUWOIS has been defea.tecl by W.hJ.. 011'dn, Indiana anrl Chic.-ago •. whilt. " .I!O has lost twiee to Wiseonsin" .. uelon� to Ohio State. Both tea.ms pl.,.th6lr last· gar.Je of the 8eC.f"on linda,..·Box �coro.·Chi(":lJ!o. it. II. '-. A. 2. .I.ioon:ui, c. f. .....•.. � 2 2 0 6�[cConnell, s. s. •••••• 0 1 1Norgren lb •••••.•• _.. 0 1 12 (�Mann, c. ............•• 1 2 9 n IlGraY'. r. f. . ... _ . . . . . •. 1 1 0 0 ()Des Jartlien. p •. 2b .•••• 1 2 0 n ..Harger, J. f. •..•....•• 1 2 0 5 0Cavin. 3b •.••..••..•• 2 2 1 I 0Baumgartner, p. 0 0 0 0 0Kixmiller, 2b ...•..•• 0 0 I 2 0Pct. ..700.6fJ'I.64&.600 .."'.'" ..�.31&.250StandingConference Baseballw.ChIcaIo •.•••••• 7IJ11Dois ..••••• 0·.. 6Wisconsin 6ID.d1ana • • • • • • • • 4:pUrdue •• '........ • 4:NoRhwestm'n •••• 4:Ohio .•.•. _ ••.••••. 2MInnesota. • • • • • • 3Iowa •••••.•••••• 1 L.y ocal sol�s, .numbe� by. a doubh:quartotte and .. pian� selections-' will, bt"on the program at a concert of schoolof Etlucation students today at 10:15in Belfield 204. Six numbers will bt·gi ,·en. The program follows:1. "Gray Days," ......•..• JohnsouG�rtrude Cole and· Mr. C�n.2. "Who Is Sylvia?" .•...•• Seh.ubertGertrude Cole.Piano solo, ··Mazurka No.1,"Chopin. MiS8 Gertrude von AkinSmith.BU:l Belay Prel:fm:inaries �d .. _ After_.... � 3.BOoB- Bight Will Be Picked toBun in FfDals.Harry Bogg was elected president·Ira Russ, ,"ice'president: Douglas Ball'treasurer: E\'erett Rogerson, corre·Rpontling . secretary. and Fred Croll rlcording SOCl'etlBory, at the Int.erfr�1elnity eouneil mooting yesterday in theReynolds club.J'roIiminaries iD the Interfraternit·reJay �ha.mpionship will be run hel"o"the Illi��� baseball gallle Friday. TIifrat.ermtl�s ha\'e boon rlivitletl illtfour dh'isioll8, and the first tW() t('n�in ooeh division will qualify for JI'finals. };a(oh runner w"m hantl� 8ti�k to tho man running after hil.lJ'J8teael of tapppin� him. It was tic.cit led to alloW' meD who have Won the'numerals in tennis to compete in tl:Tnterfraternity tennis matches. .T�e dh'isions for tho TOlay:FJrst-Beta Thota Pi, Phi Kapp'Sigma Chi P� Delta Tau J>e.lta. .. &-eon d-Sigma No, Delta Kappa81� Alpha Delta Phi.Third-Phi Delta Theta, Alpha TnOmega., Delta Sigma Phi.. Fourth-Psi Upsilon, Delt ... , l;l�iIOl:Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Gammn Del.t.a, Phi Kappa PaL •-�------'1'0 GIVE GOLD' WA!'OBFOBS !'O OFFIOBBS OFCLUB SINCE FOUNDINGSolid goM '\VatA'h c..lharml' henrjn� r,,.rodnet.ions of tho Reynoltls club motoO anti cont-of·nnns ha\'c been I!ivcnto t.""l'nty prment ntH I former olTif'cr:of the dub. Fobs engrn\"(�l with tlname and year of tho owner will bepresenteel to all officers of thu cluld�e iu foundi�. 4. ··Snow· Flakes" ..........•• COwellDouble quartette.5. (a) "Traum durch die Danunerung"•••••••••••••••••••• StlraU88(b) ··Morgen" .......• Straus.J. Beach Cragun.ft. ··Undcr a T()�ltlstool" ..•• ConantDouble Quartette."'PEN CLUB T.IBRt\BYTO M: ;wM'BBBS '''kBSTBBDAYV.;iTBOUT ANY CBBBIlOlnWit-hout ceroDlony,the BeynolcJa clublibrary was C,J!'l."I,,,.. .'.• :.c�, each contai.nin� foar shelves ofhooks, were nlUm... Ow ••••lIIemberH. No books may be taken fro.tho libnu-y, and �tuuylng w 1U hull. .. "permittee' in the room. Many men vi......It�l tho norw dopartment of the dAbyesterday • 7 13 27 J.C 1})grdue. R. H. p. A. E.George, s. s. ........•• 1 2 1 6 0Wp.a\·er, r. f. 0 0 1 0 0Pinn, 2b •••••••••••••• 1 1 5 2 0IT sner, c. ...•..•.••..•• 0 0 7 0 IKin?.er, 3b ... . . . . . .• 1 0 2 :!Standish I. f. . . . . . • .. 0 1 1 0 0Weber, lb. ••..•••••••• 0 0 loonWaltel\ c. f •......... ,. 1 0 0 0 0MtPartland, p. 1 2 0 3 0To Give Adclress on War •Professor Foster will address Divia·ity stuelonls on ·'\Var" at tnc CIa,. ......exercises tc>morrow at 10:15 iD. Has­kell a.."'Sombly room.S. A. B. WIDs Doubles MateJa.Plume and Spark..., Sigma Alpha Epsilon. defeat�1 Hunter and XanullPsi Upsilon, 7_5 6-3, in' the interfnt'tC'rnity tennis tloubles y�rday.,�������a.� .. """""".Ihll.�hn 5 627 13 SScore by inniDIfS:Chieago 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1-7Purdue . . . • . ..• 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1---$�����������!��� .......... �T' tll,\'Senior col1egl) and cdlege or CollI.merce and Administration w!'(;10:15, Kandel. -College of Educa.tion chapel, 10:15En'mons Blaine 214-Jt1I1f,.", Mntbematfcal dub, �:15. B,erBOn 37.R1l89On lecture, �:30 Halper JIll.Pbilologfca.l 8Oclety. 8, home of Dr.Gronow. 5718 Dorchesta" annue.TOlI.ORROW.DivtDity schOOl cha.pd. 10:15. Ba.':ken 8a<!mb17 room.Y. W. C. L., 10:15. LaiDgtoD 14.Russell lecture, �:30. Harper JIlLCC8llJoPOJitaD c:bIb, 6:15, IIu1ddD8oIlcale. Foreign Educator WIll Speak.The lion. &rtranel R"�lJ of Quo.hri'lge unh'ersit�p, Englbntl, wiD lee_tnrr. tOtlny anti tomorrow at 4:30 iD.flarper Ml1 on "Thf'l World of PhysielantI the WIorlcl of Sen�e.'· Today h.will I'pt'ak on ··PhiloMtphkal .Mpcd.aof th� ProbJOOl,·' anel tomorrow 011··If:athemati<"al AtqlC("ts of the Prob­J�m ••URGB WOIRN TO FILL0111' CAB.D8 FOB SOCIAL0DB118 BY WBBK..mmWomen JI.lq 1'ennfs Kateh ....Ro�1i� Amory rlf'lt.-at.ed Lori,,�Klt.f'h. 6-1 and 6-2, I .. illan 81nt,'W'iwrlr.'enff'cl F.1i7.a.�th Tantly 6-:1 Itnrl R_:?:In.l Corne-lia Beall won from R",fthf'lFoote (.... 2 antl 6-:1. in the �('''.l 1O.ln«lof women's tennis yesterday.THE DAILY MAROON, \VBDNESDAY, MAY gff, 191'The D ail y IJ tit t t ttl L ttL IUtltlU�ltI.II!JPIMIUe�"'_'_.Mar 0 0 D �����������Brief Campus News,�"�Ii Very soon " The" Girl is going toi leave the University for her SummerI Vacation. Why not arrange with thei By phone, or otherwise. and have� them send a bouquet of her favorite� I! l1�wcrs to meet her a.t the tzain. A%rC � tasteful and delicate farewell offcr_Standish-a New: I inct.ARROW;COLLAR ifor Summer l:iAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly cx- ,.presses the fashion :'I'!Bfor fJ5c �CL17I1:TT.I'EABODY 4:CO .. lBc. lIakcn ,�I'.�.'��.�����'�"--"""""""""""�c 'Nidal �tudt'ut NewsiUlIH.'r of tb� Un I.T.'rslty ot Chlca::o.l·uhllt.;hl'd morn lugs, I'XC.'(lt I SUDtloy alia\londay. during t he Autumn. Winter "lidSprluJ: quarters, by The Dnlly llnroull.taJr.to w, ColUngba.U. 1'. (iurca ..IS. P. lIa.l ��WI I::dltorAtbl�tl(". EdlturlJDII1Dt'" MaD&«erEllt.r .. 4 _ •• con�-c1... ma.lI at tb.�blclI.o Poatoft1Ct!. CbICIlICO. Ill.. Marcb 111.UOII. lAnd .. r Act of �arcb I. lin.blilSHCIUI·TION Rl\TIUi.ts, c:arrler: 12.110 Ii year: u.nl) • QUllrter.tJ7 mall: 13.0U • )· .. :H; 11.::!. Ii QUdrl",r.'-;dl!o'lal-lJu.1D�" (Jlflce. &111. a.T .. I .. "boll.. Yldway IIUU. Afl.r 10 D m.. ,d.. "a,1I. ""11.i . REAL EDUCATION.Echoes of a not a IIY· field trip toStarved Rock over the week end gin':L1l Intcrestimr :;limpse into educat ioi.as it should be. Thoro was 0110 1jnlt"hell the process of acquiring knowl­l'll::l' was uceompauied with the prop'.'remot iou-c-that of pleasure. As wehear of the I!l0riou:J times gatlwri n;spevimens in the shadv vnlleva t h�'furtive "dip" ill the Pool bel�,," t h«wuterf'alls, the ;:::ood t.imes recit ing i IIIl,ro\'i�"tl POl'IllS and plays, the l,!l'JlII'illt! comradeship between instruct or:-tlltl PUIliI-we caunot resist tho temptnt-ion to contrast the picture with t.l«usual method of studying Botany i iSOUIO stu1T�· corner of the Bo tanvhuiltling-. Would it not be possible t·,.breathe some of the same spirit il!t.our studies generally We cannot 0"(1intel tho fields amid picturesque �I�rrOllnt1ings, with swimming holes nearfor all our courses: retorts dOll't gr,)'on husJICS. nor is Phenyl'one'lliazoami.Jlo-i-I'llt�'ri(' :Iciel ethyl ester to br�rotten from the town pwnp; but atIt':1.<;t, wo coulel get tho spirit Ula"�'r('athctl the joy into the Botany tripIf onl�- wo woulc1_ All that is requirt"for sudl a. rt'Sult is the two_fol.l .1('termination on tIl(' part of instnlctora'lll .stuIIent to hrintr ahout UIO elesire.'rf'.�nlt .. �Ircfu.ly we Iln.\"(' hn.1 grnpill!.l'for t�m� Illenl in fa"lllty dinIlers anl�the hl,<'-hut WIly 11.ot j.!"o to the III;_!:(':11 ronclusion, and cnrry the spirit outaU tllO day' ann overy clay? It' won).""ma!co e"erything much easicr-a.nel illcill('utaJIy, :moro thorough. For in.st:lnee, it is not a wi1<1 hazard to t:l!"in sa.yin� that probably the BotanyI("�rned 1n tho littlo week-end trip willstt(' k l�t,1 er tha.n the results of a.whole qllnrtcr to work in a hot lab.At. :lll (,'-('nt�. it seems a pleasantwarJll-w("'a.t.her clream-tltis picture ofwonll wldlo eelncation imparted pain.les!'lh·.Annual ?len Guests of Maroon.. �remhers of tho Cap and Gown Ims('·hnll t(':1ln "-ill he g-uc."Its of the Ma_roon tenm at a. clinner tonight at 6:311:It tllo St.nto·s R<'Staurant. Tho flirmeris the re-"1Ilt of the Annual's "ictorym'er the )raroon in tIle l)a11 trrun(' l:l�')lonc1ay_ ����,������������F. B. Evans Back on Oampu&.Franklin B. Ecans, '15, a.rrived onthe C:UlI})IIS Y('!tterda�·, after an ab­sence of t.wo quarters spent at Stet­�t'n univvrsitv, De Land, Florida,-----..----St>ttlcmcnt Worker to TaUt.'I'ltl' h":ld r�iclt'llt of the Northwest­ern uui versi t.v sl'l t It'lIl('nt,Miss HarrtetYittum, "ill'spe"ak on "City Prisons"J,C'fOI'l' the 1.0:1';""11(' tomorrow 30t 10:15ill Lexi ngton 14. CLASSIFIEDOVEllTfiEID�5c per Iiue. �o ad�ertilleluenca r.eeived for less than �5e. All ct ..... ..,advertisements must be paid tD ad-"alu:e.}'OR SALE-.A steamer trunk. ApplyK Johnstone, 6035 Ellis avenue, Tel.Mitlway ] .j()_TQ RENT-Large. cool room, electriclight, large closet, comfortably fur­nislu .. xl, suitahle for one or two women,in refined homo; walking distance toU. of C.; 3rd fflat, 1:H5 East 62d St.l\Iitlway S5i3.'V ANTED-Four Iive, young men foran excellent selling proposition; togi\'e whole or part t.ime, Good commis­sion, as can be show-n to every man,Call at the Majestic, ze F..ast 12th St.,near Michigan avenue,HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER and prin-cipal desires room and board in exchange for tutorship in highschool sub­jects. Address R. C. F., 1519 E. 60thSt., or Employment Bureau.MASTERS' A..."'\'D DOCTORS' Thesisaccurately typewritten. 10 cents perpagC\ called. for and delivered, PhoneDrexel 6460 after 6:30 P. M.Serge With a ReputationThe high Quality andlow price of' "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatertwe know --- rich,e x a ctl y right.special at $25.00 �·aluefine,VeryNicoll the Tailor- W!!FJtJrremff.Sons �Clark and Adams stneta. Chlc:aJ(o�'-PROFILE- A NEW NOTE ON EDUCA TION­for Young MenYour College can supply only a part of youreducation and training for your life's work-­the big, wIde world must suPP'Y the balance.A necessary part of every young man's edu-­cation is a study of the True Value of CorrectDress, the Economy of wearing only GoodMaterials Well Made. Another timely study isthe economy of Proper Care of the Clothes.In these departments, we feel Qualified toteach you much of value-+to your present satis­faction and your lasting profit.We have been successfully teaching these things toUniversity Students for Eighteen Years. We cater espe­cially to this patronage, and, being conventiently located,enjoy the larger share of it.If we are not serving ,ou, we would like to makeyour acquaintance."Ask 'he fellows about us."HERZKA BROTHERS1545 East 53rd StreetI .Tuat; four daora -. of 1. c. Station.•.nn. ���To Close Buildings Saturday..A 11 ):! hnratoril'!'O and departmvntnll i hrn rios wi ll h., «losed Sa.t.ur,la.�- illobsorvnnco (If �h'lIlorja1 lLn y. The mainn':t,lill;.!' roolll of Harper \\,jll be opento tho pull i«. hut th(' st.:lck rooms willlit' t'1�t'd. TIlt' f1�� will be at half­ltt:L"t to l·t,lllIlWlIIora1c the death oftho union �oldi('r� tlurin� tho civilEyltibit Bronze Cups.Four hroll7.(. cups, to be awarded thew innors of t11(' Interfraternity tennis�i,,:!It's :t!1,1 doubles, the Trrterf'rater­n it�' t.rne k meet, :m-a the Interfrater­nity busebn ll championship were,,1:w('e1 011 �xllibition 30t the Reynolds1·1 n JJ vosterdnv.Four in Kent Tennis Finals.�nllli-filln.ll' in t.h� Kent t.{'nnis tour.ll:llllent w+ll I." play-ef! this week. Cohn.f'alw(,U.All:t.m_<; and �ror�n will com­ncto,Sixty Attend League Parties_Sixt.�- WOIll()n ntt.cncleel bC':wh parti('s!!"il""f'n ll)" nWIll hC'n;ltip and pub1icit�· 11e­nnrt.mC'lIts f)f th(' L('aguo yesterday ir.T:tclH�on park_To Us'!! Promenade at' Dance_Thl"' R('�-nolI1s rll1h roof promennelewill he opf'ne.l :1t th" club informal�:tt.lIr.la.,- . niJ!'llt. .Tapanc...c;o lanternswill he u!'f'll ns t.h� flocorntions.Men's Choir to Entertain Women.Tllc Jll("'n's rhoir will entertain the".rOIllt'H·S (;1("'0 f'lub and choir with :'lr&.llIw_b rielt' nt. .Tn.ck�on park tomorrow.The "omen will mO('f; at 4:30 in l\rr�te""('ns' �tu.lio in Mitchell tower forr .. 1H�ar!":ll. :>.m1. "\Tin go. from thero t.rtIlt" p:1rk nt ;;:�O for a pic.nic ;U';me-r.Thl"' pnrt,- win n�-oot sou:th of the Gor­m:w lnriltlintr_�in� Colle�e Airs at Part;y.Class son� and ('onego airs wert'snne' at t.ho .Tunior womeJIs p3orh' ,-('s­t('r.la�- nfternoon at the home of Kath­:·rine Rproehule_ Forty attende(l thefT'n.-aLT.To Play Games at Picnic.nro\\'n�on dub members Wilt pIn'"e'nme� nnel sin!! sone's at a beaeh pa.'!yto,ln�- at fl. in .Tackson park. The pic­t!i('kl"'r� ,,-ill .1Ile�t in front of LexingtonJUST A MOMENT,· MENLOW PRICES.SWIFTSURE SERVICE.57 East Monroe StTeet.Phones Randolph 1799, 6696. BOHANN°N-FLORALOO" Learn to Dance CorrectlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe. ·Hesitation lValtz, etc.as danced and taught byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat. evenings at 43:1 St. at Calumet AVJTERESA S. DOLAN(Fourth "ice pre�it.1ent In: t'rlmtionnl Associ:l_tion "lIaster of Ihlllcingl: lIIt.'llIher of Chicn�ol>ancinll Master's .ASKOCj:tt :"", •_S.!uc1��: 5:IGl.. Cottage Gr�)\:t! ': \. Pholle II. P_ fiS!i!!Private lessons by apl'uintmcnt.Biff! BeDg!!Competition is the spice of life!The first Fatima Cigarettes were 1Jisttncrive{ysold in college towns-bifF-bangl IndMduarEverybody delighted I TodaymoreFatimas are sold in America than:my other cigarettes-all becausethey are pure, good, choice tobacco.Ilnd better than some othersDifF--bang I quality counts'Plam package-quality Gil in the tobacco.��,,� a.cWater BadtetbaD oua.. 1'odq.Sophomores will meet the Senion.an(1 the Fl'eslimen will oppoee the .J 1lnion in the inter...ct1ue water basket·baD � today. '!'he Sophomorefl areleading in the raM for the title, 31lflprt"ftent a strong Iront. The Seniorswill play their ftJ'llt � �. andCoac-h White looks lar them to put. 1IJa stron&, fight. seven CoJDPete tor ScholanhiDs.Seven ('andidatel!l took the Swift8<'.bo1a.rship oxamination in politicalscience YC8terday. Tho winners willbe announced within two weeks.Postpone Fres1u:Dan Dance Frfcf!!:,.The Frc!\hmnn dance, flehednleel (0:'Friday aftornoon in Bn.rtJctt has 114'('npostponed bet-ause of a conroet. "oi th&he dce�ra.tinJt W'Ork in the amnasiwDJ •Restaurant and .Tea RoomMAIN FLOOR (E"1:!l."e) SHOPS BUILDING17 NORTH WABASI-I AVENlJEMISS EVAN BURROWS FONTAINE.Miss Evan Burrows Fontaine,the decorative society dancerwho has danced at Asbury Park, Newport,PalmBeach andWashington, and will appear before Chicago's social400, is of French descent and her mother was the daugh­ter of Judge Charles L. Evans, prominent judge of Texas,and was one.otthereigning bellesof the south. Her fatherwas Winston Spootiswoode Fontaine, a descendant of along line of Virginia aristocracy, being a great grandsonof Patrick Henry and boasting such names as GeneralRobert Lee, Governor Spootiswood, Martha Dandridge(later Mrs. George Washington), the Winstons and Ayletts.In one of Miss Fontaine's dances she wears the original.buckles of one of Patrick Henry's shoes. She will appearat Delvies in the following dances: The Poppy Dance, TheGeisia Girl, The Shadow of Nekotross and the Pizzicato.. . STARTING JUNE FIRSTWe Do Not Serve Intoxicating LiquorsBreakfastLuncheonFrench PastryCandy AfternoonTeaDinner(A t:- Carte or Table <I'Hote)_ .... �-----.'---ILLINOIS.......................... _ .i I�O� � b1b �m Week.. i Eidlt Enter Contests.Chief Chemist. Touz:alin, of the lUi· I Willard AtkiWJ George Peak anllnoia Steel e�y, will. speak before \ bidor Tumpowu; will contest for til"I tho Kent Chemical soe'lety • �k .Iulius Rosenwald prize in Mandel onfrom tomorrOW' inate1IAl of tom?rrow. JUUtO 4. Too followiug have elltl.rt:.'cl88 formerly plaDned by the society. for. tho Adams prize in artistic rt�Hhius: which will be held at the ttametiale: Yetta Milk('l\\;tch, Marg".t.retFenton, Margaret Bernhard, MissDrown and JQSl'ph Augustus,"... Going HOlDe? Then Why Not Via The EUib1ta Fem PhotoDrphs.Lantern slides of living ferD pro·thalli. were �xhibited by Henna.nnR. Deutseh, in his lecture on ga.metophytes befOll'e the Botaniea1 club yes­terlla.y. The pictures were sec un'. Ithrough • di&uu. system of photeeni­crography. Hygiene Clas KMta in ZoolOgy.The 1I,rgiene eL'lS.'t for Freshmunmen will meet toduv at 9:15 in 'Zoo!­o��- 24, instead of j·u Ellis.--------------------------��CENTRALwhose comprehensive, complete and convenienttrain service between the following points, andmodern, luxuriously furnished all-steel equipmentinsure you a most comfortable and safe journey.II •Chicago and SprinJdield and St. Loma.ChicagOll and Memphis and New Orleans,Chicago and Birmingham and Jac ksonville. Fla.Chica�o and Omaha., Sioux City and SioUX Falls.Chicago and MinneapOOs and St. PaulChicago and Hot Springs. Ark.F or fares, reservations, etc., addressR. J. Carmichael, D. P. A. 76 W. Adams St., CeDt. 6270, Auto 64472'.", For golf, tennis·and field wear, we. recommend the apecial attached collarOLUS with regular or short sleeves"Extra sizes for YCry tall or stout m�, Aak ,.. __ lwom's.' a..H.I- ......- . "BILUJIS-JOIIES COKPANY H_L_. ' �� 11. �. f!ew Y", .'• ca •• ••• _ ••••• _ DllF.r. O. OLtJS.-._----Oar Leading Athletes.............. A..aicus 'ia PraiIiq TuedO ToJ.a:oQUR world-famous athletes­who triumphed for America atthe Olympic Games in Stockholm-are among the thousands whodeclare that Tuxedo is not only ex­tremely enjoyable, but beneficial.Famous Americans in everywalkoflife-doctoi's,lawyers,actors, singers.public speakers, statesmen, businessleaden-smoke and endorse MARTI� SHERIDA�uTwceJo is a ,trong ccJrDlllr me. J athnse all alhlcl"10 sliel( fo T 'used», II h tb«one tobacco Ihal rDill �/pthem, kt:tfJ 'hem ftz 111m,prcol"nllhcm J rom goinl-sIa/e.· Tuxed» leath-bat2 For 25 Cents.THE NBW SPRING ftYLB none."Earl 11 Wilson'MAKERS OFTroy'. Best Prodadn. Pet/rd T.... for PIpe..Jo,...,Tuxedo grew rapidly in publicfavor, and without advertisingreached the stupendous total of fiftyor sixty million packages a year. Notuntil the past few months could Tux­edo keep up with the demand. Nowincreased facilities permit every manto smoke this best of tobaccos.Tuxedo is fine, ripened Bu rleytobacco of the highest grade-ageduntil thoroughly mild and mellow.Then treated by the famous' 'Tux­edo Process," that removes the lasttrace of "bite" and develops all thedelicious Burley fragrance and flavor.. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHEREc. _t Pewc •• 5 p_ .,....... 10I' r.li wit. C ........ �. C71 _.... .,.... .. Rt .....lit G'I.e I. Lh .. SOc .." .tIcFREE Snd us 2 call in stamp' for post·.. and we will mail,ou a IOUvmirIi. of TUXEDO tobacco to anyI point in the Uaited sana. AclclmeTilE AllBRICAN TOBACCO COMPANY",om J2DI D1 .... A� New Yorkl' GASTON STRORINO•• TuzrJo;J th« fnbaccolotflreolhldc. If ncoetlrurl,mgUJinJ, andalwa31ulcaJicJmy�. Tuzcc%rmc:·�Ji;.�Whether you drink it to quench thirst-for refresh­ment-for pure pleasure in its dl!!iciousness Coca-Colascores goal. It satisfies you in a manner and with •completeness possible to no other beverage.Delicious-RefreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA co.,Aduta,Ca. �raa.eoe - �cw.Il .. c.c:.c.Ia )lATT McGRATH"No athlete n«tl/�or fo� as much a.' he u;or.l"1/ Ite usc.s T uzeJo. /I "(I6ennallrJp 10 any man. ApilJ'e/ulo/ T raeJo pul, n: �life into me. "�hr�