\ .-.� - .. -t.J..,. .. _. ., it. ,tly iUarlldn1JlIIVEB8rrY OF OHIOAGO. T1JB8DAY, KA.Y 26 1914.BARTLElT SnIDEr« PLAYWRIGHTSGymna!ium will be Made Over AND lefORS SCORE HIT Chicago Meet& Bcilennakers AtInto Regioo of Gaiety for Hop C decl H --W·tn Dr I Lafayette in First of Pair ofrow ouse. eases a- I... .f ,..-_..:.._:_&_-_.:..-Novel Decorations Have Been matic:Club Productions-Pre- Games That Will Decide Co&o ::: :.. �.::!_�Planned sent Genuine Merit of a Ierence Championship Wiill n.........a- Co �.Higb Order. rRQ:IUC nYoc&tionFIRST ENTRIES ARE INFOR INTERSCIIOLAmCTODAY.JUDior cd1e8e dIapel eurctaes.women, 10: 15. Kaa4eLLamda '1'&11 Do, 10:15, 0 'be&-..h.Y. W. C. L. �p depan.z!:entpicnic, 3:30, J'� park beach.BotaD1cal dub, ':30, BotaD7 13.Student Vol1aIIIIer' BuId, 1:15, La-inlt1DD 16. ••0la.sBI0al dub, 8:15, :t.aI.DPon 15.·rOM.ORBO� •Senior edl_ aDd edlege or Com­merce aD4 hlJrdnftIft.U01l dLa!'e:IG:I5, ........College of JId1u:MtoIl dIapeI, 10:15,BID_OIlS .... 21'-J'llldor 1IM1l� c:IIIb, ':15, B),.er'8DD �•B1ISIII1l ledare, ':30 Bazper IDL��.a.�orDr'J�.ma .. c. t a�TRANSFORMSanta ROsa, Califomia is InitialEntrant With Three StarPerformenWILL STAGE GAME FOR CROWD Color effects. in subdued shades ofgreen, and Japanese furnhlhiugtJ ofvurious sorts "ill be used in the HOPES REVIVED DR. IIJMO FRANCIE OFHARVARD TO BE ORATORTITLESEnING OF SKETCHES PERFECI'�age, and is the author of numuou.a.standard works. Iwmediate·ly .f�1Ow.­ing Dr. Francke's atldress, the SelikN1lwill receive their degrees,Chairman J ohu Burtt of the Jnter-seholastic Commission, announced yes- scheme of decoratdons for the Inter­terday that the first entrics for tbe class Hop, }'ritlay' night in Bartlett. cenreeeaee Base;n s� Pet. SENIOR EXEiCISES ON JUNE •234453553(By Martin D. Steven)'rhe Dnuuatle dub is t'olllillg into IJlinois .........• 6Chicago ......•.. 6WisconsinIndiana .. , ,.. 4Purdue '" 4Ohio ..........•. 2Minllcsota . ... . . . 3Northwestern 3I'owa •.....••.• .••• 1 .250 German Literature," at the Ooavea­tion exercises on June 9. Dr. han.c.k,a·is universally known for his reaearcllwork in the fieW of the German ku-5 .rso.666 Dr. Kuno Francke, professor of th.e.536.500 history of German culture and e�.444. tor of the Germanic mUseum a m.q..40ll vurd university, will address the .gN4-.375 -utiting class on ··The U npo,nu)arlt� �.37!> r "biggt."st school meet of the world had The b�-lI1nrulium will be transformed its 0""11, both in popular favordo will be decided this week. If Chi. On Oouvoeation day, at 11 in til.engo ean 'win both its remaining Qlorning, :.he cornerstone of Juliugumes from Purdue and Illinois, the �os�ll:waJ.d hall will be lAi'd. At thetitle will come to the Mielway for same time, while Professor Chamber-.he second successive time. luin, head of the Geology tleparbDent,Friday's Oontest :May Decide. is delivering the address fo·r the,�'Chi dIU" both h t· ogy builtling ceremonies, Prof8llSOCreugo an IDOlS ave wo I .. -t ' alth h th 0 l Hale, heael of th.e department Of. Latil,g:tml'S 0 play, oug e range . ' .-d Blua I st eel ith language Iiterature, will spea.k at. tiu.an Ue 138 a po pon game WI _Ohio State that probably will not be eornerstone exercises of the Cla_e.The off'ering opened with a farcc_ played. Illinois meets Wisconsin at building.melodrama., "Tho Last Laugh," writ- Champiagn today, whilo Chicago is CoRege day, June 8, will open wiUlten by Walter Pongue. Tho _plot i� .oppos.ing. ��d� "At- . Lafayette. _Fr�. the Flag exerc� at "�ch Geo!C.the familiar one,··of the prnciic8.I. jOke clay, Chicago and Illinois meet on Stanley -Leisure, of the··-·g��1ICers "hoist by their own petardj" the Stagg field in the deciding gBme of eleass, and Dean Boynton, will tpve.SENIOBS .AJID SOPHO�US . interesting and pleasing fact is that. tho season. If. both Illinois antI Chi, short speeches. At 2;30, the seni�PLAY� � �DAY Pongue caught in a great measure thet�ago are successful toclay Friclay'f' class exerciBes wiD. �giri. ThOse ·wtBIntercia8S 0JIampI0IUIldp wm be Ded4- clominant necessity of such a work- ednt(>st will, definitely deeicle the consist of talks, formal respo� theeel On 81aG Flei4 at 3:so--:Both continual complications, leatling to :l ('hamionship. presenta.tion of the elaSs gilt., and t¥-r� Are 8tzonJt. smashing climax. It must be said thnt d�livery of the Senior oration, �Ll'fty Baumgartner appears to beSeniors and Sophomores will p�ay the skoteh did not show power in ele favorite for slab work totlay as it is antI history. From 9 to 11, Hu:.�oft their postponed game for the lD_ tail; but the main structure was there hall will be throw-n open for t�e Ccm.-.tl�rcl889 baaebaU championship thi!4 unlikely t.hat Coach Page will care tot .... rnoon. The game l'S scheduled on -that is far more than one sees in th(.' .. b' .l:_.... IIn·ak up the wIDDlng com maLI&Ut'IStaga field at 3:30 and both DUln3.gers most InLoretl offort of the averagt· ..,... Th that :tppearetl against the Boilermak·want all their m.en"" be out. e 8tutlent playwright.grune is th result of a challengo to ers. Dcl-' .Tarelien wns a.t: thirel base fortho Scniol'8 by the Sophomores, after The acting was ndequnto for thl' tho fil'8t time this year; Kixmillerthe latter bad defeated �e Juniors. skpteh. Louise Miek, the ono woman m:ltle his initial appearance in the in- A1umn� day will he one of tb" feat-Manager Fitzpa.tric� of tho fourth-. th t: bIt I a.b b .fi .• Ii. Ii.. ..Vl'ar men will nae p�tical1 tho same an e cas.., was a so u eo y sor CI.fi('ltl at. short. � Ca.vin or McCon- urea of the nal t:XHC,sos_ .lU-"ew IL.. .."11'noup tha't -- .vl·'-on·ou·s Drr!l.in.st. thp in hcr part, alII I so struck the tnu..':i. ·1 1 N . buaiDtwS meetiDIP of the Alumni a .......... '" ..... - nell will be on 8e("01'lt 7 aDe orgrer. 0Juniors..- This win inelude W.llham� note. Some details might haVe heel.on fi�t. Tho ontfieltl appears to be ciatiod. Jone 6, 8.t 10, the �011 the mound with Kennedy catching. intpro'\'ed in the work of the other$- . will ......:t .. er at a breakfast in �hltlloulton and FCJISter will be tho bat- (nirly settletl with Gray, LibonClti and 6-tt.ry far the secoDd yeaz men. for instnnce, Henry Shull appnreiltl� Harger. toD. At 4:30, the elass of 'II .. ulThe full liDeup will be: coult1 not seem bewihiered when claim· 'I10lc1 a reunion in the Reynolels elab.Se • Two Victories Sat1lr'dq.Sophomores. morse (>'11 as a lover by the strange woman The day will close with an AlUJDJlil-'oster, c !la.ttheWB, 88. Pllrclue tlay resuJt('el in two (I eeisi\"('�I""'llto.. ....... Fit.-....riek, 2b. who hatl invadetl his aJlarunent at :;. , dinner anti eDtertain�nt in Hutdrla..,l � &_ ... or- victories for Chicago. The BoilennakIf atthows, ss. lfarri1I, 3b. A. M. lIo was expostula.t!ory to :� .<on cafc."IT_--ed ('r traek team \\'1lS taken into camp b:.George, b. .DD&&&a y, e. clegree; Lut that was all. This is till'ComwelD, If. Bellm, Ib n 69-48 l-lCorc, anel the ball team won E'RITTI4NT PftCBDfGDonahoe, Ib Beiehmau, II. only flaw in his work; thc rest w:a.f h�L3. The truck meet was one 0 t e OF LBVI .. a_a Ga--Da,\'is, 3b Williams, p. all that could be desired. In the S:\'I1'" _"aD --rf .... d rf fast('�t tlual ntrain. on Stagg ficlAl in -B ... ·'W _"_'OOL ---Plume,. .&III.urra�. WRY,. Francis Sherwin, as tho··wrongc.. �- -. -- .n.a.n_Ru.�ll, el, Goocbnan, d.Subs. Sa.ba. husbantl," showed the degree of wrat).Martin. Davidso11 Hurwliz,EroW'll, Moore CoIemaD,into a region of soft lights and orieu­t al deeorat ions,beeu recci ved, The first team to enterwas the Santa Rosa high school squadfrom Californla, Three all aroundn1('11 have been entered, and Ca1ifor·nia funs expect them to repeat thofeat (If the Azuza. team tlWO years ago-,ami curry away the championship ban­ncr. Bay City Eastern High of BayCity, l\liclLigauj Momence, Ill.; FortSmith, Arkansas and Francis Parkerhigh �('1IOo1 of Chicago have also sentin early entries.Dirce tur Stagg will add a disfinct­Ive feature to tllis year's m.eet, whenhe will �t.nge a football game betweenthe enudidates for next year's squallon the duy of the moot. This gamewill put a climax to the spring train;ing sea s son, Over thirty men havebeen working' out regularly under Di­rector St:1b"g'tJ tutolngc. Lust year'sehaml.ionship team will go tllroughformations for the �fit of tho In­tersehola."tiu· crOwa.The CommillBion at present is con­eentrating on the eff'ort to have evoryChicago man stay over for the meeton June 13. If the moot is to be asuccess, tho high scbool men must besuitably entertained, and this canonly bo nceompaishetl by tho unitecleffort of e\'cry undergraduate. Amassmecting will be held Thurstlay at10:1:; at the C Beneh, at wltieb timeBurtt will outlino further plans. Aseries of those mootings will he h('ll\anti campus (loclgers will be ghoenout. There will be a, .special meetingof the Commission today at 7:)5 it'lthe Reynolds Club. Long green streamers from the run­ning track will eouneet, with ;L "up­nueso parasol above the floo". gi�' ill;':the appearance of a huge tent. Thisreature "ill eliminate the emptinessof tho gymnasium, so apparent at form­er danees, according to members orthe Hop committees. Green will bethe predominating color. Japaneselnnterns will be �ng in festoonsalong the running trn.ek. These will behung with electric bulbs, and alongwith, the shaded are lamps will gi\'ethe light for the dance.BaD« BIackfriaZ'S' Cuta.iD.The north end of tho gymnasium willehaira andbe arranged with rugs,divans for the patrons and patroness­es. At the south end of the floor willbe hung the drop from "The StudentSuperior," P'9��� ��!. and thentljncent buildings. nndill real merit. At least, so aile whoatt e mled the three one-uct plays giveuiu the Reynolds club theater Iastnight must coneludo; for thc theaterWas jammed with the "S. R.O:' signout long before the start, and almostas many were turned away during theevening as saw the performances.Anti arfistdeally-c-the offering COil.sisted of three pluylets,written by students, acted and produced by stu­dents, When to that triology is addc.l CI):tl"i1 Page w,ill lend his baseballteam to Purdue today for a final ef·flirt at the Cunf'erenee championship.Chit':lgo's vic�ory over Purdue Batnr­t1:1Y, and Illinois' defeat by Indianaplaced the two teams on a practicallye\"�11 foot.in� and the fight for the ticomment that illl every way-s-book---+-'rOAft BBftAIH ON 'BJIPmE DAYForty CitldDB,-u;d. Union lack.Celebrate at Bx.ases.Forty British subjcets oh..��·etl h�'pi-ro day IDBt. night at a. (hnner IIIHutehiDson cafe. Professor �nnerpft.l'iclcd as toastmaster, and edizeu!'of BritiBh eolonies gave spccchC8.Professor S. J, Cue re8pontlecl to rtoast to tho University given by J. II.Billings. Professor ThOO(wro .G.Sonr08 responded for England, lll�;Lot-ko for Ireland, Mr. &atheringtonfor Canada, Paul CheDappa. for I nd inMr. Gamo for New Zealand, l\[r. Gokitor SinJItDporc, Chang Lok Tau forHongkong and Daniel 1Ia..",tings tl,Jamai e a., Mrs. Leroy H. Staft"ord sanl!Ikweral British son� during the even·init·Seniors to Hold PleDic Today.Seniors wiJI hoM a, beach party tnday at 4 in ,T�kson park, south oftbo German building. Thirty men nt·tenclo�l the cln.� smoker Suntlay afternoon n.t tho Alpha Delta Phi hOtll'll'.Leape Depu1ment to Picnic.Women in the Membership. depart·meDt of t.ho Leaguo will hold 3 beaehparty this afternoon in Jaebon pnrk_They will 1ca\"8 a.t 3:30 from theIA.lagUc room.J'uDlor WOIIIeD to Hold Party..Junior women will hold 3n informnlpRrty tOOay from 4 to 6 at the homeof KAthorino Sprochne, at 5&09 Bb('k·stoDe avenu .. acting, and staging-tho production.presented genuine merit of a delight.fully high oreler-thero call be nogainsaying tho bet that the Dramaticclub is attaining tho real merit that it�houhl have.Oatches Dominant Necessity.\"oeation. reception, . at "hich Dl'.Franeke, Mr. and Mrs. �Ju1ius R�wald, and lIr. �nd Mrs. Antlrelf �){aeleish will be th� guest:l .of h�nor..- yenr8. Exocptionnl marks Were madein ppradically every eveut. Barancik The brilliant prlrhiog of Levi, tileOtlO would expect in tho heatl of :, broke tho t.... pc in the huntlretl in 101-5, former Charleston unh·er.sity hurter,family, if his boy ha�l been Nlmnkel\ nlthough a number of watehe.<t caught lfOIl the Law nine & bartl_fought �.by the school principal-not nt'ariy 'I1im in :10 fla.t. lie re�l in the from the lledieal Rehool S_tur,'.'enough for a man who.<ro wifo hat: I.twO'twenty in :22. Camphell f.ool\ morning on Stagg fie-Lt. The )(ed1eheen &tolen from him. The other par ...",the mile in the f3.",t timo of 4 :26. The team led letl the barristers until thewere carried atlequately for the suc"ql1nrter was won by LantHs of Purtbl(>in :aO 4-!), nntl Stegeman took th('half in �:Ol 2-5. Stout ",»n the 2-mUl'"ArC'hie O'Connor: 11 ('ro," hy ROot- n.. tbin 9:;'8. PhM['S of nlrllue won eerick Pcattie, was :\. tril1mlth for th(' f Gpole ,'ault at tw('}\-c ret anti worgn'Tlramatic cluh. It wns a l·lay wTit t.ook tho hi,::h jump at five (eet ele"(>rten by a stuttcnt for �tlltlt'nt pro.hw- inC'h('�. Boytl won tho hroatl jumption, thntt nft'orelecl n real �it.uatioll! "'ith a l(\'"lp of 22 f('Ct 7 inehes.and one requiring Jlrofe��iollal tal .... 1tfor proper pr�nt:Ltion. Two fnl��c('�s of the pi�e. !lbctb inning, 4 to 3. A timt>ly batti .. «spurt in the sixth l)1)t the Law teaIIIon top and won ttle game 5 to -I. l..evinntl Gei�ter for the La"",,, and Carpen­ter anll Xiehols for the Doeton weI'ethe batteriC8.Trimnph Cor Club.Besulta in Fratenllty '1'eDDIa.Ryerly, Alppha Ilelta Phi, (lefea.ted�tf'Jlhenson, Si(1l1\& Chi; and SickJe,Aigma Nu, lost to Taylor, Phi KapraPsi, in the Interfraternity tenni8�n.·glf'l'I 8n.t.onlay. In the doubles B,-er-1�· anti McLaughlin, Alpha Deb Phi,lo"t to Baldwin uel Tolman, Del a Up­silon.P,mlue'� ('ight erro� were hU'gel�t(,l-'pon!'ihle for Chi('ago-H on�nvbelm·notc>s only oe�urrc(l in the courl'O of• ing geore, nlthough PDge'� team oothithe playlet. Sol lTarri�on, nlit th,'"tho Boilennn.ker',. 9·a. B:mmg:utnelfather, had shown a �"e for his 8()D;hnt when he hearcl of his tl('>a.t.h, h('.:l('(,mect to take it almo.qt ca... ily, n� Hhowetl goo.l fonn in the hox, an.l 1m!'reinforced hy Chie:t4to'!' hnrtl hittin�NorgTen anfl Kixmmer ma.cle two ofthe lon� hits seen on St�gg fieltl.(CoDtinued OD ... I)The D ail,providillg a .sitnati4\11 a little contrary JIWJl �CllOOL TEACHER and priu­to tilt' p!'�·t·h. leg.'" of till' situation. cipal desires room and board in ex'TIll' same was true of t he work of change for tutorship in highschool sub­�l:tr;::Il"l't 1-""lItOI1 in this situation. jeet s, Address R. C .•'., 1519 E. 60thHer ln t er out ),urst. of grief s".'lIle,1 us �t., or Employuient Bureau.though 1"I'llh'mbt.'reu as hclofl:,!illg iu WANTED- Typewrit.ing, pieeework;tI", ad. Ot ln-rw ise, "\"')'�'Oll" Ili,l thesis, term papers, ote., neatly type-"'1.1'_'II.li.!�y. 1-'1:1111.·'·... 1"'( I., a� �ll"s. wrttton in good form. Tel. H. P. 2�H;).O·Clllillor. Bntl"l' �1:Lrtill ll." till' ·'gooJ· FOR RENT-}'inely furnished apart­f'o r-not h i ug "�Oll. alld "!'I'l'l'iaUy Fred. meut of 6 rooms, \Vithin w:llkillJ!distance of University,a.dults only. Fullorick B�'l'I'l�', :t .... tile m iuer, cOllie to descr ipt.ion in Housing Department11I·,'ak t he :-ad Iln\\s� ca rrie-I their parts Telephone Midway 3985.without all :IIII'an'lIt false 1I0t� any- l\.IASTERS' A...'\"D DOCTORS' Thesiswlu-rc. 011 t he w ho le e\"l')"Ytllle vf the accurately typewritten, 10 cents perpa::l\ called for and delivered. Phonefour dtl:l('uts--pla.y, book, act.lng Drexel 6460 after 6:30 P. M.:lIltl pro.Iuct ionc..ono uf the th ree dc·To Spoak On Volunteer Mov�e!ltDr. A. W. Hit(·hcoek, secretary ofthe .<\merican boar.l of commi�sionersfor foreign lIlission� will speak at amceot.ing of thc Stullent VolunteerBana toaay at 7:15 in Lexington 14.If e will �peak on "The Policy of theAmerican Boara and Its Relation toMar 0 0 D STUDENT PLAYWRIGHTSAND ACTOR SCORE BITottlclal �t udent NewlSp:tl)t'r ot the Unl.\".'r6It)' ot Chlcaao, (Coutiuuod from page 1)l·ublh.lH.'I1 uiorntugs, ('Xl'l'l'l �lIIulay anll\louda),. durlu:: the Autumn. Wloter aodSprloJ: quarters, by Tile Uully Maroonatafr. lit' l'lIllh'ulpl:L:(�" the supposed heroismof his SOil. 0110 would ha\'c thoughtit wus a n,·ighbor·s boy. The Iiueswer ... somewhnt to blame for this, inb w. Cold.eb ••lI. S. Gore."L P. II •• , �ew. EditorAtblt'tiee IEcllt.rB •• lDua lIaaqerElltere4 a. ..coud·cla.. mllll at lb.Cblca.o po.tomc .. , ChIC.Co. III .. Alareb 11.1101. un4 .. r Act of tatareb I. lin.tiVU8CJUPT10N R.\TU.8) carrier: 1%:50 • yeOlr; 11.WI • QUllrte,8, mall: 'S.OO a )'(!lAor; n.::!> Il �Ullltt:r.Edltorlal·Bu.lnua Otrlcf'. �llIa ::4.T .. ltrpbon. !l.Jldw&7 luO. Aft.r 10 p mtbd. Park 41 ...\181"000 I·rt'�. :J�,l1 Cull a:;" liro\"e AVt·THE DRAMATIC CLUB PLAYS,!� . T'lu- Drumut ie dub :,!:IY,' t hroo play­lets last Suturdav eYenill:,! that madean olTerillg of j\�!'t what one shouldexpect of a fir'st-e ln .... s colh'gc dramaticdub. The plays were written by students, n nd produced without all at­ten.,pt at professionul l'IaIJOr:ltioll-;lIlllthe," malic the success :,;Ul·1I a policy• lc-:,;�'rye�. Tho program was exact lywhat a college (lr�alli:l.atioll shoultl (If·fer-a. presentation of suhjects whichl�au bc well deyelopell by �tut1l'nt :1\:­thors, allli well prescntell by stUlh'lItactors. It could h:lye bcen bettcl,Evcn the iaults which :L dose criti:·.with .. tlowntown stallthtrds·' ill hi�milul and the professionul tlctcrlllilla'tion not to praise except in the faint­est tenl.S mi,:!ht dctect, were really virtues. Wbat werc those faults? .Asketchy development in tho plot �ttimt.'s-a lack of the polished effect 111tho acting at crucial 1II0ments--ma.kl·up tho sum and t<?tal of defects. Alulthe\' were virt.ucs cOllsitlt.'rilll! the cir·cun"lstances-- for 'whilo thcy CoOn].!have been eliminated by more clo:-:l'application on the part of author a 11':nctors, they should not be eliminatell.To ha"e eliminated them, would han'b('en to breathe a spirit of professionalism into the entire work that woultlhave been dcciaeclly out of place in ::coU('go production .••¥ they were, the. plays were thorou�l:w-.enjoyabl('. -!' :"UI�they commanded a(hled sympathy becauso they "Were frankly tbe work ofstudents, without revealing an att"lllp�to rench wha.t is unattmnable for :tstudent who tloes not choose to Ill'come a. professional playwright or :lCtor while in collel!e. This policy. a"typified by the results in the plaY:I.·!fis the weatest triumph of all for th(club. It is refreshing to see an orgal]ization that docs not attempt to Ii \'1up to the professional standarlls.--tl!:!:.«loes not sacrifice all genuine stu,h'lI:interests in an attempt to product'!«)mething which is to be expectell nfa student produotion: and it is apolicy which might well be a..lopte.lby every club on the campus. Let liSgive our avocations a.ll tile time allllattention they <1eserve as avocations-­and let us cca..<;e making them in real­ity our vocations. Let us ndopt forourselves an.l for our organizationstho whole.Qome policy that direde'!the Dramatic club in its Sprjl1� l,l:l.\": "Ile (·'''ICt'rlle,). Universal Repair JUg.Co., 1508 Cableuu-nt s, was :L dee idvd credit to every- place. Phone Mid. 6842. We repairCLASSIFIEDDRlTISEMtNI'S5c per line. .No ad�ert.i&euaellu r ..eeived for le88 than 25c. .All c' .... 'edadvertisement. must be p&I4 ID ad·vance.true stoves, bicycles, etc, Refinish end lin .The S:III1C is most ellll'h:lticaJJy J ...".J.\'t helst('r furniture. Plastering and(If lo'rauk O'U:tr:L'S charm.iugHOlllctOWII Gates,'· which closetlprogr-.ulI. A little incident_lIot autlfur·Scarf slide �and lock�Yolunteers." .. �Catholic Clubs to Give Pa<ty. �fil.a..!:1!The Brownson club will ho1«l n.bea('h p."\.rty tomorrow in Jackson lJNIT£D SH1U·. CX)D.Nt m. ·IItO�(M.�park •......ItIt��ItIUtU'�It •..IUIt�,C!Iv JUST .�ThMe'�MG�1 T � M�Ni ery soon Ir IS' gOIng toi leave the University for her SummerI Vacation. Why not arrange with theII BOHANN0NIe ·FLORALOO·I�...'�I"'.-I. By phone, or other\vise, and havethem send a bouquet of her favor­i te flowers to meet her at the train.A tasteful and delicate farewelloffering.LOW PRICES SWIFrSURE SERVICE57 East Monroe St. Phones Randolph 1799,6696,J.,��,� ����� .thoroughly workcd out--ser\"oo as a'�l'lIter about wWch the author anu thcactors ue\"eloped a sketch tbat caughtthe soft charm of a warm moonlightnigllt in JUlie in a little country town.That is the tlominant effect--an ell­tmllcing cross section of life, almo�ti.lyllic in character-the roughncss ofthe country swain� the cruden'C'Ss ofthe Yillage coquette wiped out, thet.radition:11 nai\'etc and joy of liferetajned. AutllOr :1.1111 actors sh.:lre thccrellit for this c1Ted. Alul strangethough it may seem to those whohave seen Reynolds club "sc('nery·'before, the setting �f tile Sk.etcll was-in its �ay� � �rfcct as Ute protrucrtion. In fact, the Dramatic club madedeci«1clly tho best showing, witbits scenery, an thlngs eonsidere.l. Inevery way, the e\"enjng wa..o; a triumphfor the organization.�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­'presses the fashionSforf!5cCLUETT, PEABODY &CO .. bfc. Makera thl' t1limncy cement; carptmtew:-ing,�:.ltinet work a speclnlt,). Est.ver.Y 'Ii�hed. F. De Geer, Pr",p.Serge With a ReputationThe high Quality andlow price of "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greate&twe know --- rich,e x a ctl y right.special at $25.00 valuefine,VeryNicoll the TailorW!! Jarremfl·.SonsClark and Adams streets. Chicqo..JPROFILE� Turn Your Shirt TailsInto DrawersWhat Good Are SIUrt Tails ADywa,?IN OLUS the outside shirt and underdrawersare one garment. This means that the shirtcan't work out of the trousers, tlut the'!l: t tail c:m't bunch in leat, that the '-id�\vers "stay put." to say nothinz of�/ ,Ithe comfort and economy of sav- . " 'jj (ing a garment, OLlIS is coat ,/ .. ' . / r.:� �cut, opens all the way down �.:" . �=-closed crotch, dosed back. I \Sec ilIustr:ltio� $1.50 to $.10. ��.. \ �OLUS��PAS� -.� \jf�r lounging, resting and com- '\ . >Iortablesleep, Made on the same /:" ,principle as OLUS Shirts- coat •cut, closed back, closed crotch.No Slri:!gs to tighten or comeloose. $1.50 to $8.50.For gc�f, tennis and field wear, werecommend the specW atbched collarOLUS with �Iar or short slct"·cs.Extra sizes for very ta!l or stout men.U.. ,... .... _ OI.IJS. IJoelIet e::J ........"!lDJJPS-Jom COnANT, !::Ian• /)q!_ 1199 Broed .. y, r:ew TenDEPT. C. Remember! If itisn't cut;.coat. it i�IJ'tTHESMOOTHEST·TOa'5ACCOlearn to Dante CorrectlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as dan c e d and tau g h t byMaurice and Castl�.(AlllembUea Sat. eveniDp at 43d. SL" Calumet AVJTERESA S. DOLAN(Fourt.h "ice preSi(lent Internationnl A!'lso"i:l_tion )[al'tcr of DancinJt): mcmher of Chi(':';':olJan('inlt llastcr's .AsI'ociation.8tu(lio: 5361 Cottage Grove Av. Phone IT. P. 4N;:!Private lessons by appointment.JIaBs Gin "old 8mobI' ftund.a,., , lDter'Class Committees to Meet.Snell and Jlitt-hC!oek will hoM a .Tho rn�rd:L.� �Iop Jluhlicity com_jt')int smoker Thursday night at 9. A mltt�. �h:urmen :111 meet to,lny at,".ried program hy SneD residents Willi ]0:1;, In CA)hh �bo put on liMIt i� the Snell club Bitcllcock Gives Informal.ro:o"l8. The men will then adjOW"ll to njtA-hc()('k hOll� �\"c nn infonnalHitchcock. J Saturday �ight in the hnll club rooms.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The Fellows Who Don't Wear ClothesHare 110 Use for the Rogers {:, May Clothes Shop,· but---You'll ftDd aU the other feJlows m&Id.Dg .�., lines for thisD1OI'e they save. Azq feUow likes to go '"up'._ espec1aJ.!y whendoinc it-have more lett-to "gO up" on. shop. The more they get here of tha � � uecI tIM. the going brings the prices dmrn. ADd tba IIIan wtao anSaY! There are more "mW1OD-iQ-the� men dOlWD on the old campus-than there arc millioDa.ires-&Dd you.know ita. Of course-a fellow baa to look richt-...and the more he learns the better he wants to look-but where desires andimpulses are more plentif .. than c:asb.-you Bflmply have to make the the dollar do some of tbe work.The Bogers " Jf.ay Co. Shop is a real friend to a fanow just when he needs it. We're in business to m.a.ko moD8Y�but we dontt want all YOIl have. We�e tJ.gured it out th:J.t U We can seU clothes to the fellows in the University far lessthan they pay for them elsewhere-wc'll sell more c!otb.es to more of them. Do you get tha� Steve?' You'U. make monwoney by c� here than you 1ri11 by �oing aDJ'Wherc A!se 'aM paying more-and while wa1! not ma.ke as m�cll oJf ofyou--aa the other. stares do-.,..e will make more ot! of an of you than the other swres-who want aD from each of you.You'll see here the VfIry clothes yOl1 want-d1othes made especially for us, and under 0'J:r own SllperrislOI1.....ani. Uyou get them here-your friends will. tJIink you paid more for them. That's why some fellows-who like to wur high-pricedthings a.re coming here. The clothes look "high priced"--a.nd cost little-see?ADd then if you want a $30 'Ralrnara-3J'l----tho most use.fuI coat ever built-you can come here-give us $20 aDdkeep the other ten in your pocket. Sure�you caD use it for sometbi.ng else. We dontt W3.Dt it.One doJ.la.r aDd a half here ta.kes back a $2.50 shirt--aDd that's pretty good work for a doUa.r and a half. Isntt it?It d�'t' pa.y to wear hosi� less tb2.n 50 cents-and it doesntt pay to pay more thaD 25 cents for themeither. Come here-and see them-a.ll sIJk-----.aDd J[U3.l'aDteeci for 25 -=cnts..BEBB ABE THE BEASONS WHY YOU SAVE:12th floor ahoP.Bent 80 smaJl-tbat·... pay it wit.A your postage stamps.Ot.har �ven·t been able to find. any!.As J'OU £0 up here-the prices come down.As the pdces decrease-your saviDgs Increase.If J'01I &l'8 staying away because Y01l dontt balieve Youdon't you come up aDd find out? �t·s au. -.--can save n.cro-your doubt is making you lose money. Why.ROGERS_t'1 MAY. _CLOTHES SHOPREPUBLIC BUILDING209 South State Street•••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ••• d- •••• --.-.---- ••• -._ •••••••••••••••••PROPOSED CONSTITOTION FORTHE DAlLY MAROON. work for the quarter, and which shallbe in the hands of the managing edi­tor hy the tW)&lfth day after the(Continued from l,age 1) of. tho quarter. The yearly repc;shall be prepared in as final a fonn :'1fifty per cent shall go to the bosiuesa possible for: the annual meeting of � thedepartment, and fifty per cent to tue I b�orel of direetors, It shall � flle�.editorial department. The fifty per 'nth the .n�l�..oeleeted managlng �thcent going to the business department tor. when It 18 In compl�te form, whwb Ishall be divided per Dbrreemcnt made' t'haJl be by October I of the samewith the consent. of the DlanDbring etll-1 year,tor. T� fifty per eent going to the 6. �ttJementa shall be made quar-editorial department shall be divide« torI,." In � far � the finances of the Ias follow:s: Twenty per cent to the p�per admit (whi�h shall be deter­managing editor, fifteen per cent, r- ruined by �e bU:UJle88 manager &11111the news editor, and the remaining tb� managmg editor), and shall ,befifteen per cent to be divided by til:" pnid by the fifteenth of the followmgmanaging editor] provided, that not. m«!,nth; at the close of the quarter.more than five per cent of it llIay 1)\ •• The q.uarWy and annnal repo�vided between tho managing elhif..1 ?f the businesa manager, a.f!-er rec:en'­and tho news editor. Tho board of 109 the O. K. of the managtng editor,direetors shall bo informed of thi� shull be auelited by the Universitydistributiee, The maDBglng editor auditor, if he 80 desires.shall provido tor the distzibutron 01 AztIc1e VIE.bonuses, etc. Every member of til, 1. AAlI residuary power not indi-board of directors must receive 80m\ eated, are vested in the board of di;per cent of the net profits. reetors,. "3. Expen.se:t incurred by the edi- 2. This eo�tubon shall he k(.'plltorial department of the paper, whet- ?n filo in the BUreau of Ree�)T(ls anelapproved by the managing editor,shal, �n the Maroon oftiee, and shall bebe taken from the gross profits of the lpetl to the pa.ble.paper; expenses incurred. by tho busi- 3, Amendmnte to the constitutionn(.'S8 tle�ent in the operation 01 may be o�ned at any meeting of thethe paper upon approva.l of the hoard, o� di�tors &11(1 shall be v ot"et Ibueinesa manager and the DlartaginJ! o� Wlthln one lreek alter being sub­editor" shall be taken .from the gro�'4 mltted. The pen!IOB submitting anprofits of tho paper; other espcnees, am('n,f1lD1Ont shall eaU for a specinlwhich .shall include the gathering 0: mooting of the board to consider hisad\'ertiscments, ahall be paid from tho amC'ncbn.ent,. both �or eonsideration,fifty I"-!r cent going to the business tie- and for votmg on It. A two-thirell1partment upon approval. by tho LU�I_ vote of tho board shall be neeessaryness manager; or, if unapproved, shall for �mcn�mcnt. The a.menf1ment� shallbo paid by the person inonrring them, be filed In the bureu of reeoeds andCo!"mission on ad,-:crtising shall be shall mlpel'8ede aU pr��ioU8 agree--paul out of the grOss profits of tilt.. mcnts. .paper, it being untlerstoo.I tha.t ad ofT How of �itorial polif'Y?vertiaing pcl'8onally 80liei�d by tn.. ,� ne!er a rubnrg in the prc9Cnt Con-bll1line8S DIaDagel' shall receivo no l'�1 �nho�,al1 amendment. .. must he puh-eommillllion. h!4hod In the columns of the Daily" Losses _L_n L_ di 'd.-.1 . Mnroon.•• DII&U. uv VI "'-' In pro-portion to the I'ee;eiptB.5. The bnsinC1!118 man�r shall makea monthly report to the managing ellitor of the C%pe1l8es and receipts forthe month, this report to be in tIhands of the managing editor by thou-nth day of the following month. lieshaU mako a quarterly report to themanaging editor which ahal1 cover his Sclrultn WrI_ Book of Vena.A new \'ohun8 of venia by AJII80eiateProfC'A",or Martin Sehut,ze illl announcedhy the Laurentian ppublisheMi of Chi­cago, Tho eoUeel.ion is calM "SonW'nnel ,l'oom�.;" Prof�r Sehut7.c hn.",pre\'Jon�ly made 8e�eJ'8l C"oDltribution�to ,F.n�h�h �onJe, bUt beRt known wnrkhelDg ·'Hero and LEaDder." THESE PARIS GARTERS have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea has never beforebeen carried out for any University.The value is excellent; you get the full worthof your moneyin Garter quality plus the Univer-sity colors and design. Price, 25c the pair. .Every pair of PARIS GARTERS ISguaranteed to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. DICK1302 E. 63rd St.reet.Near Kimbark Avenue.SPECIAL VALUf···SO Dozen Soft Cuff Shirts, Silll Boscm .r.dCuff, a $2.00 value, $1.50.The New Soft Co))ar, made like the La Salle, 15c'; 2 for 25cJast Arrived, LONDON, aDd New ("lin (C(I! (c p"" ....c__..-OUf newest Four Button Model made In a mostattractive manner for summer wear, White Flan­nel Trousers $5 and up; Straw Hats of the newestdesign, $3, $4 and $5.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMElts � SHOP.Og"il:vie • Hen.e_ge18 • 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARDChic-eoI l;ROPOSED CONSTITUTIONFOR THE DAILY MAROON-e-d; provided, under no condition shullAxttd8 L0 0 , I vided that, under no conditiolls "hullThe. name of this organuatlon aha! he serve for more t hnn two years, Il obe the Daily Maroon. It shall be an shall be a member of the oboanl uf :Ii­uniDeorporated body, and allbe c��· recto�s, and l�hnJ� lbol thtlrd tra!rlkl·lllgtra t 6_ made for it shall maue man 111 tho el Itorra I epar men 0 ieree s, e .... , _.1" 1 Iitin the name of the man�ing �ltor or shall be one or m�>re • ny 01 lours. I·th b 0DetJ8 manager. The Dally �h�- quirelll(,lIts for which :LlIII appoiutuu-ute �blished by the staff of the to which Jlositioll are tho sumo ns for��y Maroon .shall be, a 8t.ude�t night (,lli.tor. Thc.·y l'Ihnll be r:LlIk,·.1 :l.NI ne\\'tipa.per of the Unh'erslty of Chi- fourth. fifth, etc.'." nu-mbers of th� CIU,c�o. tori:Ll dl'll:lrtlllellt. when uppoiured.Artide U. Tll"y shull serve for UIIO �'ffir or uul-Thts Daily M.aroon shall be o,,:ned til t�leir SI1CC('Sl'Iorl4 shall. bo elected;and operated by the board of ilin.�- prov ided that, lllll�"r 110 circumstuucestor WI trustees for the entire Uui- shall they serve fur 11I0ro than two, 8,'t" m'th a n'ght to aU"" pro fib � yea.rs,�, There may he any numberversi ,. '" , Ii \ ' .1!.... ,. of Dl-socmto ('. rtors, .. u nssoe iute eur-'WA .. lUg. 1 f U '2. 'l'he board of directors shall COI�- tor must bo :, 1ll(,111 'l'r 0 the , !II ver-sist of the managing editor, tIw busr- sit.y, must h:"·I: SII.ltt. :It It':L''� . twouess ma.nager the news editoat. the.. quarters in rt·sldl·IWI.' III the U ruver­night. editor, 'and the day editors, J, sit yo ..:\s:mciute c.·ditor:i sha ll he ap­The board shall meet regularly once a poiuted h�· the m.·wly·dc.·,·h.·.1 numng.,year between .May 15 and June 15, t4.1 ing editor. ,A�s(wi:Lt', c.·llitors Ilt:l�: beelect officers for tho cowing year, auu known lIy t it.les oth"r thun that of as­to hear the annual repo� or ol1u:ers. sociute e.titor, sllt'h a� WUIlI4.'II·� editor.The board shaJl meet BIt. any tune t.!ur· athletics ".litor dc, A .. �st,..jatc editor ...ing the Maroon year on cull of thp shall 1I0t ht\ mom hc.·rl'l of the board ofmanaging editor, or upon request, 01 directors. 6, .A reporter �lIllst h�':Othree members. At tlWt meeting any spent ut leust on e quarter III the U n1-business may be trawsaeted. -L blA veraity, and huvo wo rked un the pa­da)S before the time set by the man- pc.'r at leuxt si x weeks, The reportersagwg editor for the annual meeting, shall shall be :'PPOilltl'cl Ily the man­notices shall be sent in writing to a,u agillJ.: t·.litor, 011 the rccommcntiationmembers or the board by tue secre- of the news eu it.or, 011 the reeorumen­tary. 'l'be managing editor shull lit.: of tho news edit or, 7, Allpresident. of the board, the news eiu officers uppoint ed Ity till' Illanagingtor, secretary, and the business DUll, ecl�tor sh?ll bc rt'llIo\":Lble lIy tho man­afer, uea,surer. All other me&l1bers o. ubrmg (,lhtor,loxcC')'t that he cannot re­the board �l be appointed by Ul\. mo,'e any JUt'IULer of tho board of di-wana,ging editor. rectors witbout :L 1Il:1jority vote of th'".Arttcte m. onuro bourd, �- bxcl'uti\"e cmtor ..L The w.or.k 01 the paper shall Le sh:�ll 1J0t Le, l�On�tedl'll \\'i�la :�ny otherdh'ided into two separate and dlSUUC' Clucago UIl1H.rslt-.r publacn.tlOllS, rOodepartments the editorial and tuo- quirillg Dlore than f(lur hour�· work abWlineas.. �'he managing editor shnL we..'Ck, �ntl S!I:�ll lIut bo cOllue..:ted "ithbe head of the edltorlDJ. l1epar..m�n, any d:uly (.;hic:l�o )':&(ll'r:l, 1\ 0 personand the bu.sineas ma.nager head of tot. on tho papcr shall be connccted "ithbmsiness department. ·.1·h� ma.naginb any Chicago tl:Lily paper without tboeditor and the bwUnesa manlLb"Ol' �_ COllsent ()f tbe lllalUlgillJ.: editor.ox"rciBd a veto po,,·er against ea.c1. Article V.other in bu.ainess IWLtters coneerDlub 1. Tho business manager shall be �both departments, such sa prinuul; lltudcnt in SOlllo llepartruent of th"etc. The editorial department sha&. University (south side). lIe shall b�be dUb, divided into tWo departments, nominat.ecl ty t.he ollt,-�oillg businessthe news and the feature departmenL. mallnger, anh, i.' 1"0 has the support ofThe �s editor shall be acting heau the retiring m:u::t;.:iug etUtor alBo,shnllof the news depa.rtm.ent, and the man· bo dcclarl..... ci''i!tCII. Tho terms 0'agiDg editor, acting head of tJle le-..... competition slmll bo .ll'Citlcd upon byure department. ;-So Other exeeutive-� the manuging e,litur, :ulIl the b�nCS8in the new.s deputment shall be till manager.. alH1 shall bo aunounced �night editor anl1 the da.y edlto�. tho board of clirectors ulld to th'" Um-.A.rtiIde IV. ycrsit:y public through the columns of1. The managing cdtior shall be:1 the lJuily ll:Lrooll. 'fhe Loa.rd of di-­student in. 1:JOIIl8 tu.pu.rtment of the r�ctors shall lmvo the power of in­university (south ::.. .. �." who has �peD\. quiring if the l,cn:on rt-commendcc.l byseven qu&l'lLers in ftaluence at the uni, the bWline�s IlI:Ulager and the Illanag­veraity, and who has worked at leBl:ll ing Ctlitor h:lS lind Ul' to the termafive quarters on the Daily ..Maroou. lle laid down. If the bulliness Dlunagershall be nominated by the out�roing declares tba t he has, he shall bo de­editor, and ah.all be elected by a ma' dared electetl hy the board. If not,jority vote of the entire board of ill· reasons �hall bo gi\"en, and the boardrectors. In case thd nomina.tion 01 of elircctont �ha.ll vote upon these rca.­the out-going managing ed.i.1lOr dOCb son�. If a majority vote in fa'·or ofnot receive a Jll8ijority ,,'ote of the en- the reasons tho man shall be declaredtire board of direetora, members 01 elected. If tbe ,"ole goes against thothe board m.ay nominate men for th.. r('ason� a vote l'Iball be taken on thopositiOD of IlUUlging editor, and tnt> proposed bu:-;illcs:I ma.n:lger and ifone of tIa.eee reeei"IDg • t1ro_tbirt..l� there is only ono disscnting vote, hovote of tlI.e ezWre board shall be de- shall be dl--elured ulcetd. In case ofelared eleeted. The managing editor moro than ono clis:;enting vote, thoshall be preeident. of the board of di- Dl,eeting shall he thrown open for 110UI­rectors aIld ahall have a vote on all ination. A voto �ha.ll be takcn on thomattera. He aha.ll _rv.e for one year, men nominatecl, and tho one roceivi .. ,!or until hia SUccessor ia elected; pru· a majority of tho whole board shallvidod that, und.er no eondition� sua" Le decl:lretl 01 c..-ctcd. 2. The busim·.s:SI he flerve for more than two years. lle.. manager shall bo tren:;urer of thoI, may exereiae & veto over the aU\'ct Loard of ilirt'Ctors :Lnd shall be allow­tialDg. 2. The n8WB editor shall be ed a ,·ow. Ho shall Lo tho hoo.d ofa student in SOllIe departme� of the the business dCl)artment') except when!University (south side), who bas spcm the paper in general is involvoo, when.not Ja,s than three quarters in tht: he and the managing cdtitor shall ex­University, aad. haa worked on tbe erc� a veto over cnch other. Abu •.Maroon for u I-. three quarters, tho managing editor may exerci�� :'He sball be nominated by the out. ,octo over the advcrtising. Ho sballgoing m� editor, aDd shall be serve onc year, or until bis SUCCC:;liOrelected by • majority vote of the en. is cl('ctcd; provided that, at no tilllntire board of directors. In C880 the sball ho serve for more than two yearsDoDlination of the managing editor 1:- anel six months (calel111ar yenr).Rot approved, members of the booru 3. The bu�iness manager may havomay n�inate for the position 01 as many a..,... istant business n1:1n:I;:news c.bbon. and the person receh'ing as he chooe.'4 to appoint, C-X('cpt thata tw�thirds vote aha1I be declared ea.ch one must be a student in 'hI!elect.cd. The newB editor shall be ace. University. 110 shall arrallJ.!o t I,.!retary of the board of directors and terms of competition, with the .·1111-sball have a, v� In the tem�rur. sent' of tho managing editor,.�nee or disability of the managing 4. Thcre shall also be a circlllatiulIeditor, he �.ll &88UJJIe his funcUon. manager who shall be n MtuclCllt III-eept that he caa not eall a meeting tho Unh'ersity (south si.le). lie :,ha!lof the board exeept 00: the request of be appointe.l by tho newly clcetell lIu:;·three members, iDcluding himseilf. lie iness manager, with tho eon:-;cllt ofshall sen-� for ODe yeaz or until hh the ncwly?clcetcd managin;:: eclitor, lie8Uee8B80r IS eAected; providing that. may appoint a."Sistants in his cl(,(""l.rt­under no eonditiOll8 aIaall he een-e for mcnt, and shall arrango for tbe tonusm�re than two � 3. The night of competition with tho consent of tboeditor sball be • student in 80Ine cle. business manager.P;Vtme- of tile University (ftOUtJ A%tlc1e VI.SIde), wbo hu worked on the 1Iaroon 1. Eneh hoard of diree'tor8 shall 1.0for. U I� three qa&I'terB. He shall liahle for tho dobts of tho paper. ,:.. ap,poln� b7 t.e y-elect.ecl 2. Of tho nct profits of oaeh year,.. editor Md MaII e for• .. r-r ....• .w, .. ; ia _L cCoIlU ... ec1 on pace 3)I;' You Need A Silk ShirtFor The Spring Prom.BUY ONE OF JAPAN3SE SILlt--JUSTRECEIVED FROM JAPAN ATNippon Dry-Goods Store•·863 EAST SIXTY_THIRD STREl:T.(Just Opposite the Drexel Theater)TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 970We lJave your size (Sizes 14-16)SHIRTS WORTH $5 AND UP AT S2. 75 •.(Look at Our Patterns TODAY-WEDNESDAYAlso Ladies' Imported Ximnos-Sllk and Cotton Cr�:-1$1-1,00 SILK HAND EMBROIDER.::D ,."., S7503.00 COTTON CREPE .••.••.•••..••••.... :' . .,.�2,00 COTTON CREPE PRINT ,:.,........ $1.00!Jerrems TailoringlVIeans clothes that gIve youinidvidual good style.Prices $30.00 to $60.00A SI'Ni:11yof ours�AILOR Ton YOUNG MENTHREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E Jackson B!vd, 71 E Monroe at.Iliree leaSODS ,,'hy you �IIClUld "�aC at thtMen's Commons1st. Good Feed PIC J:uJ)' Cooked.2.d. Cleel!Jimesl cur Iv. atto. In�J:Ed the Kitchen3rd. A Miaim1JDl Price fer lih t: Quality Foodaa'Brtakf88t IDe... C"afffnia at LaDell...... ALaCu1e B1JSIC c.ae I. REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.rHB BBW' SPBIHG ftYLBEarl tl WilsonMAKERS OFTroy'. Best Prodad