I,I\\II Mil Y Z 3 181.X'BIGBBOBBOOD PICNIC. m t lIatly· tlurnnnLEXINGTON A'r 4:30 PUBDVB DAY'I'OJIOBBOW.._- ---------.-Voi. XII. No. 147. UlUVBB8I'rY OF OBIOAGO, FBlDAY, KA.Y 22, 1914.GIVE EIGHTEEN DANCES PLAN LAST REHEARSAL."FOR THREE NEW PLAYSComweD and Benson Elected I Spectators.Business M�ers and. Gif. Eighteen dances and four extras willford PlumeLitenuy Editor, be on the program of the Jntere lasa- IIIOP. The' extras \\ill be in honor of TWENTY-TWO TO BE INITIATEDBOOK WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEJ{ the four undergraduate c�. The-- unuouncement was made by Chairman Casts in tho three one.net plays toErJlt.�t Cavin and James Tufts were Harris, of the Hop cObUnittee, yester- be given by the Dramatic club tomor-el,;'Ct..ell managing editora of the l!t];; duy. row will hold their final rehearsals atCap and Gown at a meeting of the The programs will have maroon ('0'"- 7:15 tonight in the Reynolds clubAnnuul stn1l' yesterday. Max Cornwellt'r�, with gold borders, and in the een- theater, The skits will be presentedand Paschal Benson were made busi- ter an engraved reprocluction of thoness mnnagers, and Gifford Plume, lit- University seal in gold. The in..udeerarv editor . .Asoociate editors will not ·11 contain the dance orderitheJ pages WIbe elected until next wook. Jist of patrons and patronesses, andCavin has boon active us an asso., the various committees.date editor this ye&l\. in charge of theSpeetators will be admitted to the full members and four us associates,organization d ivisl on. lie is a mens running track, and in accordance wi� at the annual initiation dinner tomor­ber of Kappa Slgma, Iron Mu.�k andthe custom set at the Prom, 'an ad· row at 6:15 in Hutchinson cafe. ThoScore club, and is on the Varsity base mission fee of twenty-five eents will initiates are chosen from the casts ofball team, Tufts has supervised tIIObe charged. Tickets will be on sale infaculty .lopnrtment of the book this Ba.rtlett corridor the nighU of thoyear. lIe is a member of Beta Thetadance,Pi. Cornwell and Benson have been Aceording to Chairman Harris theworking in the business department letters sent out to the alwnni havethe entire year. The former is a mem- brought many replies. "A large num­ber of Psi Upsilon, and tho latter ofher of alumni is assured," he said. "0=Phi Gamma. Delta, Plume is a memothe letters sent out, more than a. fourt. All· t· " Theher of Score club, and Sigma p 1:1 hnve brought baek subsenp wns.Epsilon. undergraduates have been urged tosend in their 8ubseriptions as 800n aspossible.easv time with the Varsity yesterd:ty,wQ('Ik.d'C and oerwhelmed Squair and McNeal"Although hampered by ma�y I -by a brilliant baffling attaek that aI_d· th year We will pub- T'ficulties urlDg e '. lowed the Chicago men no ehance. :ieu.al.• the hIstory of Ilish tho hest ann 10• • fust CalifOl'Diaaa. were not pushC'J. ·t " .... ;d ' .... n.!llnng Edl-, DB G B S�"''D� TO PBEACBthe lInn·ersl;Y, -- J,U_. throughout the matches and capturl'H -. • • ... ,D .. __. bt. "Many new Itor Lyman last mg• 1 -11 Hery set by a decisive ScI)re. Murr,lY wWDfrect Sunday Services-Is 'Well-d . terc."ting matena '\n•featur� an In" anll Hahn are by far the most bTlI-be inc1utll"(l in the book.linnt collegiate players ever seen onthe University eourts. Murray ili Dr. George Blu.ck Stewart, pn-sitIelltrankea number four in California, theof the Auburn Tll'eolvgical �minui-y,antI profCJ$SOr of i>rncti('al Theology,mcn abol"o . him being McLaughlin,Rnnely and Long, aU of whom hal'Onch;el"oo intenational fame as tenni�experts.)(urrny, the light-haired whirlwin.l. J'1IDfors to Hold. Beaeh Party.wa� tho flCn8&tion of 1I1e day, an.l hi�,'nniors will hoM----------------------------iI Wednesday, .June 3.CAYIN AND 11JFTS TOIIllillGE 1915 IIDRIAL Interdaa Hop '� WUl IDc1ud.e1DlUlft lll111U Four Bxtza NumbeD in Honor ofaa.ee - Ad!!!it.OUt Next Week.Leland Stanfordf8 net stars had anThe Cap and Gown is scheduled toappear on tho eampus next week. T�ebook will contain 544 pages, and Willbe featured by colored heads, a buffborder on every page and an unsu.a.llylarge number of cuts. The proof ofthe book, except the advertisements,has been read, and half the forms• 4o�1· Advertising proof is beingpnn""". .read by the business managers thiS Murray aDd Balm Have Easy fimeWilth OhfcaCo aDd 'rake �Set.FRESHMEN WILL GIVEST11lft8 AT Sl[()x.::a INTHE ALPHA. DEL'r HOUSEFre�hlllclI will hold a smoker to_night at 8 in the Alpha Delta Phihouse, at Ellis avenue a.nd Sixtiethstreet. A program of vaudeville �tunt:Jhas ben preparoo by the men on thesocial cOIllmittee. Refreshments will bed Frank Schlabach and Richanlserve.Ruh will di�tributo the last of the191; class pipes at the smoker.DLLS OF KEM'1"8 BABLY DAYSProfessor SUel2ia Is Speaker at Kent� _dngProCessor .JIIJius Stieglitz"Early Days in K�nt" at last night·sml'eting of the Kent Cemicnl s()('iety.lIarolti A.lams was toastmn..qter,an.l theother �peakers were Edmund Humph.rey, Merrill lIurt, AgnC8 Fay llorgall,anti James Senior.The society will hold an open moot­ing in Kent theater next Tbu�.lnynight, when Chief Chemlo¢ TOU1'.:IJin oft.ho Jllinois Stool company, will givean i1ItI�trnted lecture on the steel in­dustry. The lectnre is saitl to heprnetic-ally the �l1ivnlf'nt. of n tripthrongh the t"ompany's plant. MURRAY AND HAlL'i.Leland Stanford Net Stars.(Continued on page 3) Cuta of Original Skib by Ora. Imalic Club Members Prepare .for Appearancetomorrow night at 8:30. The authors,Frank O'Hara, Boderick P(."U.ttie andWalter Poague, are coaching theirplays.Eighteen persons will be initiated asthe autumn plays, "The Younger Gen­eratioDt." in the winter' quarter, andthe three original plays tomorrownigh�. A member of the fneulty willaddress the initiates.New Kembel's of Clnb.The list of new members follows:Frederick Byerly, Kathleen Colpitts,Genevieve Edmonds, Phyllis Fay, SolHarrison, Bliss Halling, Treva Mat­David McLaughlin, Mabelthews,O'Connor, Charles Oppenheim, FrancesPeek:. Walter Poague, WiDiam. Roe,Laurenee Satisbury, Iris Spoon, COflricSpohm, Orrin Wolf and Harold Wright.The pledged associate members, AlfredEddy Calton Foster, Bruce Martin andHugo Swan.President O'Hara will, within thenext week, appoint a eommittee to re­vise the club constitution during theand to report next fall. Of!summer,fleers for next year will be electedwithi� the n6S:t two weeks.known Re1igio1l8 Educa.tor.will be the Unh-ersity llre.achcr Sun·tjay morning in Mandel. The Uc\".Dr. S:.ewart is president of the Penn­�yl\"ania Chautauqua 8S6ocintion, andis at the heacl of tho Pennsyh-anin. I-:n­Ilea\"or union. He is a trustee of Wil_�on eollegc, antI a tIirector anti mem­ber of tho Religious Education S0-ciety.Dr. Stewnrt was born in Columbu�tOhio, in 185-1. He attended Princetonunh'ersity, where he reeei\"t�el hisbachelor's anel master·s d�C8. lietook up post-gractuatc 'Work at Wash­i�n and Jeffe1'8On uni\"ersity. ]nIf;9, he was ortlaine'll to the Presby­t.erinn mini�try. lie actCtl M pastor ofthe Cal,oary church, antI later oC th('Market Square church, in Harri!'lmrg,Fa. lie ac-eeptt."tl the pr�illene'Y oCthe Auhurn Theolog;eal !'lCmina.ry ill1599.The Rev. Dr. S!�wart is a reJtular�ontributor to the re1igiou� prC'!\.q. I�e i:author of "'Centennial l[cmorJ:l.l�··Lifo of .Je�u�, (or .Tnniol"R:' :,"11 otherwork!' of a !'imilar nAturc.party ALUMNI TO GIVE STUNTS PURDUE TEAlS WILLm.T VARSm SQUADSgram of Cabazet NaJDbera at Bu.-qUet �une 6--J.1mit Besern.tlou toTomorrow is Gold and Black Day300.on Stagg FJeld-BoiIermakenHave Strong AggregatioDaStars of old Blockfriar shows willgi ve numbers from the produetions,and graduates and former students MAlIAN HAS BALANCED TEAllwill stage a program of cabaret andvuudevilh, stunts at the annual ban- Tomorrow will be Purdue day Oilquet of tho Universlty alumni assoela, Stagg field. Chicago will meet th.tion Saturllight night, June 6, in Com_ Boilermakers in. the finu.l dual trackmons, The dinner '\\ill follow the moot of the 'year at 2, ant! the hard­Conference track moot. The University hitting Boilermaker baseball team will1100n on Stagg field. The' University oppose the Varsity after tho meet. Theband will play numbers eluring the Purdue track team. has improveddinner and the program afterward. greatly since the indoor season, under;The Varsity basketball, baseba.ll and the coaching of Mahan, while the balltrack teams will be guests at the din- team, although not a prominent eon­ner, Senior men have been Invited, tender lor the championship, is a futiand will receive a special rwte of one aggregation.dollar for reservations. Tickets forOoaeb Stagg will break all preeL:others will cost $1.50. The plates willdents May 30'. when he will take _be limited to 300, and tickets print- full team of track a.thlel.ies to the Mia­ed up to this number. After 300 a.p: :iuul'i Valley Conference meet a.t at.plications are received. by the alumm Louis. Leland Stanford's traek teamcommit'tee, no more win be honored. will compete here on Its way to theAdmission will be by ticket only. Western Conference moot at Chie8broQuantreu Mana.ges Banquet. Juue (; and Northwestern is planningh . ,Ernest E. Quantrell, ex-'06, is e D.l.r- to send a full 'f,eam.. Competition wiUman of the alumni cQD1.lDittee 10 t· be keener in the Missouri Valley meetS· andcharge of the banquet. emorthu.n for several years, and some futgraduate men a.nd former students marks should result. Missouri" Ka.o;­have been asked to get tickets f� sas, .Iowa, Ames and Drake will behim at his office in the Rookerqy build represented by. strong teams,inir' Pardue on Nort.II.KD '!Tip.WOl!RN WILL PLAy SBOONDG.AKB OF SBR-JBS JI,OlfDAYM:a.rtJand and Regent to Pitch for Ri­Val �eams---Tunion Have JIc)p8Of VIctoQ". The Boilermakers met the strongWisconsin team yesterday, and pla.yNorthwestern today. Purdue lacks &string of experienced! pitchers, butwon handily from !neliana last �k.McPartland, Bruckman, Kistler and.Benson have been pitching fair ballbut lack experience. Captain Olipha.nt,the versatfle Purdue leader, �s play­ing eenter field i� a sensational man­nel\ and TIsner behintl the bat is ratedas one of the best men in the Confer-.Tunior and Senior college womenwill play the second game of. ihechampionship series in. basebaU. Mon-, at 4·15 on Lexington field. The(lay .S.�niors won the first game from th�Jr;rlior team hy � cIOAe score. The first:u:.d seeond year women are workinghnrel in preparation for the ganm,:!ncl they deeln.re that !hey will �v�their opponent.� a .lrubhing in !\ton·e1ny's eonteMt. The lineups:.. JunIors.SeUlor�. RegentM:utlanI1. . . . . . .. p. . w . iter (CaptlLcnderman. . . ... c. ,aI '·.l· t.>ekI I 11l"1I . Ib .. ...� a�'V 10. ,.,,,·c w • ••• • • • • •BurkaHenll ('al't) .. 0, 2b •... Ane�. D:}:�;:l\iJ.rJ,.� •• ••••• •.• • 3b ••••••• B· •• L-?:trOSS�1HhNle.s. . . • . . .• .. s.q. ..••••Snxerg·",·a."'lt('! ••••• 0._. rf. . ..•..•...Pfeiffer .....••• cf, .•.. 1 •• '•••• �ha)Shambaugh .... '.. If. ...••...C r.resKitch ...•.....•• subs. ••.•.. 01'1;Hotchkiss •• • ••••••• '... • •• Sute 1 eMUst List Convocation Guests.Canelidates for dcgrees and: tideshave been asked to file the names ofthose to whom inviL'l.tions nre to belolent, at tho Prcsitlent's ofrica.. Ea.eh1· 1 t .... 1·11 'l.._ allow�l ten invita·('nnl I. a;·e.. 11C•"11 extra. to he SC('ure.1 a.t t"Ol4ttions, ..;.rice. an.ca.The Boilermaker t"""'k ''f'':lm is &(Contiued OD page 41STUDENTS IN' BorAlfYDEPARTJIENT � LEAVBFOB �DAY '.rBDPStudenbl in Physiographie �ologrwill leave the Englewoocl station dli.morning for a botany trip to StarvedBoek. They will .spencl three clays OIlthe fielll trip, returning Mouday.Tweonty-five men a.nd women will eom­pose tho party, which will be unctel'the direction of Assistant ProfesBOl'Cowles anti lIr. Fuller, of the �ologydepartment. They will make d�ed('xamination of the plant8 of theStan·eel Roek region. Topograpbi.mnp� will be llS00.(JAMES AND SONGS �BNLIVEN PICNIO OFNEIGHBORHOOD CLUBS������ B II •:: u etin OM-fn!'hiontl games anti songs have�������..... ��fi����n�=����mi·... "'"',', ....' .. " ....... ,'''''hc>en plannetl for the Neighobrh�lTOTlAV...Iuh pi"llie toola.y at 4:30 in .Jat"kMnNeirhbcrhood dubs, pi� 4:30,pnrk. Tl1� \TUmen will cXt'hange lunchfrom Lex1Dgton.Cosmopolitan club. S. BDis 18. l'&5krt,., anel t� t'lUb9 will scn'e !rtrnw·, TO�(ORROW. hl'I'TY I(\mona.le. The pit'nic-kers willmN't in T,exington anel Ien.ye in abo.ly. All ofr· .. :unJ)\L� women haveOJoemist17 r..llolanbiP enmfnNfoa.'l, Kent theater.GentIan 8Cbol,rabip eDDIl1Ja.'�on .C'-obb 16B. "wen inyitee1..Romance 1� l'ChoJ.lnldp eum·fnation, 9, Cobb 1GB. I lE...qtn As"ropbJ'lleal J'0IIIlII'I!.Chic:llto·Pardae track meet- 1:30, 1 The A�trophyl'icRl .Tonrnal for MayS� cr.r: field.h rCbicago-Pnrdue baebaD ...., 3:45, 1f::� i�"lued y�terday by t 8 res!..Slap ftIId.rIlE DAILY JlABOON, FRIDAY, HAY 22, 1914.����������� ...The D a i I y Mar 0 0 D Brief Campus Newsotilclal Student Newspaper of tbf' UDI. C&.��������������TPralt,. of Chtcazo,l'uhlh.b,·fl morutags, t'Xl't'lIt SundQ aDdMondar. flurlng tbe Autumn. Wlnt�r andSpring ,)uart('I'S. by' The Hall,. lloroonatafr... W. COltJDar ....B. 8. Ger •• ,.. P ••• "1 �.w. EdJlOl'Atlalf'tI ..sltorS •• la ••• 1I c ....EDt.,..d ... ..coDd·cla.. mall at theChlc • .,o PO.loftlC!e. Cblc .. o. IlL. Kareh 11.1101. uod .. r Act of lIarcJ1 I. 1171.bl:UscaIPTION RATES.a, carrl.r: 11.&0 a ,.ear: 11.00 a quart.r.Il, mall: 13.00 • ,ear; 11.%& • quarter.EditorIal. Ru.lne.. Omce. Em. %4.Tel.phon.. MId •• ,. 100. Aft.r 10 p m.,.d. Park .11t. .Ifnroon I'I'�. !i;)11 Cottnl:e Gro\"e ATt'. To Hold. Schalazship Examinations:Exan:illatiolls for scholarships ill RO'IJlIaJll'l' 1:lJIgual!l'�. German null Chem:Istry will be held tomorrow at 9. Theextuniuut.ions ill He'III:IUl'l' an-I Germauwill be ill Cobb HiB. :111<1 those illChl'lIIistr,y iu Kent lubornrury.Associate Prot�:::or Wii.lett SpeaksAssoc iute I'rof"ssor Willl'!t of thl'!'l'Jllitil'S Ikpa.rtlll('ut. �l'okl' 011 the t,Hl'­iI', ""'hnt. the Disl'ip!l'.-; Chul'dl Tl':t.,h­I'S Its CltiltlrPII, with H.·g-ard to Chu�dl I1;lIit�oj" nt a 1Il1""till:,! of t h, Helig-iu'i�� IEtlul':Itioll club last nijrht ill lI:l�k,'lI.A TARDY TRIBUTE.] S it t.oo late to wish Nelson l'\ or- Prej:u-e Honor Co:n.mission Pa!!!phlet.gren the best of good fort.ullc ill hisnew position with the- Clli\'ersity or'Utah? We of Chicago will lose a ster­ling DIan :11111 a splendid nthlcte.wherert:,}, g'aill� a l'1t'a.r-hea'll'll,dc\'er, com;pet ent g('llt.lt·JIlan to lead lu-r SOlis tovictory on tho athletic flcld, Norg rcnhas always stood for the best in nth­Je tics, hot h in his infhlelH'e nn.l ill hisOW:I f'onllud. No one 11r(':UII� of asso:cia.ting his name "ith ,1irty t avt.ie s,save ns fo(': the only nssoe int.ion withhis work 011 the atlI1t'til' f'iel.l hns h"('11 A pamphlet ('olltaillillg' till' rev ised('oll�tituti(lll (If till' 1101101' l'olltllli:'-",iolli:11111 a def init ion of IIi�holll·st.Y is 1I0Wbeillg prepared lt�: the cOJllluission for.Iistr ibut.ion :unOllg the studen t.",. TIll' Jhooklet will 1,1..' ready w it h in a wl'l,k. IOffer Prize for Best Essay.Gruduate students will be gi\'ell :L.,II:llIl·e to I'OJlll'et'l' 1'01' a prize of $:!rw,"If ere.I for till' hl'St e:-:,.",ay 011 :1 subject,"I>lIelll'tl"" with mun le ipul �()\'erll_1II1'lIt. Tho eompet.it ion will be direct-]'It>rfpd subnrd innt ion to llisr·ipliIH· nnd l·d It)' the Nnt.ioun l �Iullil'ipal Ll·:t:.,rtW.the interests of the tenm-c-wonderf'ul n nd will be restricted t.o graduate stu­dents. Essays must. be filed with thea.hjlit�· in three major sport s-s-n nd nnunr-onquernbla spirit thnt, has never League by September 15.fi:lc:�e,1 when confronted by the most Sophomores Cook Wicnewurst Supper.l'ifty sophomores played "Crack theWhip" and "1 Got ]t" at! the classbl'ndl party at .Iackscn pn.rk lnst night.,�rl'mhers of the Glee dub letl in �on�s inllll the party cooketl a l'lIPIl('r of c.Ii­hle� at the eX}l('ILSe of the dnss trcns·fli!"JI('nrtenin:;! odds. Ana when to theseqll�lities nre added his personnlity-i­mo.1('�t, c1eYotcfl, nnd sinc('re-tr1l1y.NOT�en is :\. son of whom Chic:tgo mn�'W'('ll l)f� prolla. �ray ho mean ns mllcllto tanh :1.'" he bn.s to n�nntl 1.N·ome nf;ef'Ontl genius of atl.1('ti('s :ts hns hi<: \try.tutor on the Midway!GRIMES MAK'::S LOW SCOREIN QUALIFYING ROUND Club Will Elect Toni�ht.The Cosmol'olitnn club will hoM itsJlI1l1lul election of ofTh'ers tonight atS in Ellis 18. All ml'lIIhers ba\'e beenTMes Honors in First Play for Uni- asketl to he pres(�nt, as the mee!jngversity Golf Championship Yester- "ill be the l:u;t rc:"rtlla.r one of th�day in Jackson Park. year. The f:trewell dinner will behe].1 Thurstlny in Hutchinson.Charlcs Grirn� brought in low scorein the qualifying round for the Un i-'\'ersity golf championship yesterday. P&�PABE EXERcISES l'ORGrimes playell a fast game, going out ENTERTAINING PREP MENin thirty 1h'e, which is five Jess tbanInterschciLastic Athl t.es Will Bebogy. lIe had a string of eight fours eand a three. Coming in ou the last .. Guests at Progra.=.Js June 12 and13 in Mandel.nine, he dill not play such consistentgolf, but succeeded iu making a bogey Visitillg high school athletes will�M� .The first rounll of the tournament' hc cntertaine.1 .luring Interscholastic. 1 I 1 .1 ff t k All wcek I,v I,rogrnms .Frillay anti Satur·wll ;0 p a\'(�. 0 ncx wee '. •1 •b f" 1 1 b f F' .Iay .• Junc I:! alld 13, in llanllel. Themate les must e llliS lel e ore ti-n 'l t t 1Iumbers qll the I>rogr.un were an'd:t�·, )'fay !!;'. Sixteen ml'lI WI 1 s ar1l0Ulwe.1 last lIigllt hy Chairman Burtt,the play, and will be tliyitll'11 into twoJ • of the ] IIh'.rsc hol:lstic commis.."ion.flights of eight men each. T Ie Will_ner of the first flight will he thl' Uni. !-'ridny, lIay I!!, will be known a...... f 11101 f .}, "l'rep �ight." The high sl-hool mcn,,-ersity golf champIOn or ;.�. ':'L\ '11 I·C .-r11ests of thc t:niYcr:-;il"- illprize will aL-;o be aw:t.Tllc.1 to tlte will_ \'I U "" , .;'I n I-I .. t tl'e followillefY l,rf')('rrnm ofD('T of the second flight. .\ a Ie., �eSl'ore jn tile C)ualifyill;! round:Out In TotalGrjm('� .. � 41 7t1.......... o\)Donahoe ........ 3S 41 79Stevellson 4i) 4n soDaJy ............ ,J:! ::!I SIWilJar.1 ·10 .JI SlJ\lcl)oll:J1tl ::!l ,J:.! 81Wil('�' ........ -. ,':; 01:; !lOTemI1leton ·Hi .J(j !l:!Sl"confl Fli�ht.lJdl{'r .... ".... 4f)Goodman 4f) ·1"Whiting ........ fil i'itColeman .. ...... i'i1 i'i:;Rohm .... '.... fit; ;')(j ,'xereiscs: Expression in Men's ClothesSOME doubting 'Thomases find ple�s�r� in thestatement---if not in the bellef---that It IS ImpOSSI­ble to put taste or H expression" into clothes thatare ready to wear, Inasmuch as all· 0 progress is amatter of education, it would afford us ex-treme satisfaction if these gentlemen wouldvisit The Hub at their leisure and learn howfar trom the truth they really are. As a mat­ter of fact, the real expression in clothes issecured-not by the method of making-­but by the men who make them. And thelines we handle are chosen from thosetailors who have become famous in alJ cir­cles for quality.Take for Example Our $30, $35,$40 and $45 SuitsComparisons are odious-sometimes--­yet in order to make our point we wouldenjoy having you see these lines and placethem in contrast with the last suit youbought at $65 or $70. That is the verydefinite way of finding out whether ourassertions are truthful. You must under­stand that the woolens from which these suits are made comefrom such concerns as Martin & Son of Hudderslield, Eng­land. They are the foremost figures in the woolen worldand their name is synor \ :'·ous with cla!os. The suits are silklined and half-lined--the workmanship is ab�olutely bevondreproach and the cut and fit most modern and entirely up tothe standard you rna}' ha lie set.Golf A complete line of Golfers' Norfolk Suits, separate knick­ers, golfing trousers, golf dubs, golf bags and all golfparaphernalia. ·TllqHIlB<6___.--...--WCMEN J!UST FINISHPE3LIMINARY HATCHESIN TENNIs BY MONDAY�Iate'hes in thc (i�t rounel of the,,"omen's tennis tourney mu�t be play·e.1 ofT hefore Monelay. The finals must)'e eon r:etell before the annual W. A.1. lllustrntc,l lecture on track A. h:lIlfjUt't, .June 4 nt 6, nceor(ling to:Ithletes, hy Cond. �(onilaw of thc :m nnncJl1neement Y(>gtt'rdny. Dorothyl-lIi\'('rsity high school. Grc�' Ilefeated lIa.y Flower 6.", :;-6,o rrc�ent.a.tion of the hanncr to th� :111,1 (;.a, :lIld EJizabeth Tan,ly elefeat-Outing ClothesAttention is called to our very line line of Outing andSurnm\:r Suits for men and young men. The great� ,·arietypos�ible in sillc suib, linen suits, tub !;uits, crashes, homespuns,alpacas, llannels and every other known outdoor fabric.N. E . Comer State aDd .Jackson"('�t .1('I'oraef·11 fra:crnity hotl�e.". l'5oo�r:-; hy the Glee ·cluh. •F a�lll� PrincepsNo beftragc cau :lppro�ch-h::.s ever evcn challenged.!f the supremacy of Cot.::;.·Cola. It stands first. Thedrink that ",:11 rc!rc.: h ::.nd dcli!!ht you with its distinc·tift and deliciou:. Ca°l(r-its \"/ondcrfd thirst�uench.iDg quality.Deliclou.£ - Re{'reshingThrst .. QuenchingTHE COCA.COLA CO,,"Atlanta, Ca. WMnM't'rTOII!l<'e an AnowII,in",,' Coca.Cola('.1 �:lIl(,y �1i116r 1 6, 9·; and 6_], intlle ('Io�('�t matcllel' of th(' pr('liminary, III ttl .'·\·l·tl •• n IT-UIIIl. �·(':-;t.er,lay.'to us ra I'. ('amplls \·It�\\·:-;, _ ...1.'dIlI'P J,y :-;0111(, :thllllnu�. Pif·tlll'l't4 tnk·"'I ill tht• ('ollf('rnc�e trnc'k.Ililll' fi will he �hown.1'11(' program of the ('x('J'('is('s 8atur·In1 1. l'n'lwllt':Lt.ioo of cU)'s10:; hll'llIs to }tla,'e-winncrs in the high111 sf'llOol meet.D' ) t f' , 1 0 1'110 Grilliron (ili.le. anll otherJngwcrson •..... II no lOIS I -. ,Horton •....... Di.1 not finisll �"flg hil� from "The Stuc)cnt Superior:'Barry ;.. Dit] no!, finish � .. .\ :;kit, tty the Dramatic duh. Scarf lidDrn:winW' for the 8('l'on.1 ronnll: 4. Exhihition of swingi�g Jightc.l and iock t=]'h1!l nigllt. Grim.,.____Tcmplet.on. non,,· I In,H,,n .1"b. hy AI •• Sq"",r. t .hoe·Wiley, Ste",en."on·lfcDonnM, D:tl��' \ :;. P�esntation of "C" blankets to I I � lBPiW'II .2 a-ond flitrht: Hel1cr·narr�, I J:rnlluahn� nthleteR.. lIOn ra.rsJ ar ... � ... ;,.. I ',...'1 Horton WhitinJ:r-Jnwer�on, fi. Pr('<mt ..'ltion of "C" sweaters to a.:.wt.,.., , ..,�Hno,.man-,I ' lJNtTED SfllU'. 0JI.I.Aa. Q). 'I1tOV·KY.R h nlCmllcr� of all 1!l1� 14 Var!uty teams. •Coleman- 0 m onem· -PROFILE-1 PRESIDEN'l' JUDSON 18 tl'e to a,.Jlllilli.!'tl'T a �r.holars1tip funllONE OF SOHOLABSHIP whif'h i� hcin� rnisctl runong ,,"mlthyDI8'lBIB1J'1'IlfG BOA&» men of th(' c·ity. :O;llperintcnllcnt Tobinex�tl' to It:!\'e a fUll,1 sufficicnt toh('lp (ifty grallunt('s of Cook ('ountyhigh schools through ('ol1egc.President .Juelson, Prcsi']ent lIarrir.of Northwestern, Mrs. Ella. }'agg" Young, snpcrintenllent of ChicagoR(!hool�, MIl :<Edwar,1 .J. Tobin, countyI superintendent of schools for Cookcounty bn'-c been named on a COIDlnit· 8unscnlRE FORTnE DAILY MAltOON\(' ,f ",Restaurant andTea RoomMAIN FLOOR (E"1:Ile"e) SHOPS BUILDING11 NORTH WABASfI AVENUE(Opposite Ste'Dens' New .. f:J.�,\Miss JANET BUCHANANMr. KENNITH McKENZIE'Miss Buchanan is a graduate of U n i versi tyHigh School and is well known in the Universitycircles. Her dancing IS quaint, pretty and exceed­ingly refined. The Furlana, Half-and-Half and theGavotte are the latest and most beautiful of all themodern dances, and the interpretations given byMiss Buchanan and Mr. McKenzie are extremelyclever. The dances on the balcony are very pop­ular and are well attended by the young peopleeach afternoon. "The music is good and the teaservice is dainty." The balcony can be reserved anyafternoon for special parties. .We Do: Not Serve Intoxicating LiquorsBreakfastLuncheonFrench PastryCandy AfternoonTeaDinner(A 1. C.rt� or T ."I� d-Hotc)OUR ENGUSH BALCONYIII I.'1. H everybcdy coulc! do just what everybodyelse could, there wou:d be noth!na' doingin the Stadium! 0 Pennsyvuuian cumpetition is a proo(il!g aign.. COllgte158 is taking a newthat some of the IU e 11 ure reullizilll; IIl'tlse 011 life, the Ethics club is nowt:wir dulllauce., in the third yeur of its existl'UCt.', uudDaily Penusylvuuiuu vnrlous quusi-Ilterary sue iet ies arei!ouritihiug. But the aaect u smallproporfiou of the uudergratluatteaUHI supervlsiou, the CUUMe of proeras- No letul important to a man than body and till' monotony of the tablet iuatiou, so common to the college writing ad reading is conversation. is all thut remains to the rest.Ill�ln? Do his surroundings make it Jt is Important to be ablle to spell and Corncll Duily SUIltilt' cagiest thing for a college man write correctly - ill fact, any otherto suy-"Well, I enu do that tonier- mental condition is dis graceful to a The Misses J)emosthen88ruw,,_,oOh, thnt can be done any 0101 college graduate-s-and the scope of �lcn are ju,lged successful 8!learkeratime. There's no hurry." cue's reading is surely a great indio beeause of forceable l)ersou:dities,pow-When does the trouble start and cator of one's edueation, But it is by erful voices, uud vigorous, originalwhy is the fault allowed to expand cW'ual eenversatlou that most of the thinkiJlg. Women oratore are applaud­uut il it reaches u point where eorree- judgeDlents and appraisals of tho ed for gruce, persuasion und beaut)"t ion is ubsulut ely necessury, but not world are made. As the geutlemnu of diction. 'I'he two staudurds do DoteUMY to bring about? Getting to eclas- �"llom we quoted copiously yesterday Jit well into OIW system of jUIIgemets,ses late, failing to keep other engage, iH the discussion of reading, says! I {(,t you euuot balance vigor againstments promptly, anti a score of other "Conversation is an art ill which a gracl" power :ag:ainst persuusion orshiftless net ious are in the experience Ulan has all mankind for competi- beauty uguiust dept, Y ou cannotof nearly all freshmen, And this ex- measure eleet riv ity by the quart ortors," and, as Montuigne hus wr it teu,perience is in most cases repeat e-I I . 1..1 milk by the k ilowutt •.. t IS good to ruo unu polrsh ourlurtne the Il""xt threa vears that fol- Tho attempt to employ thcso doublet � ",. ... 01'" • brain agalust that of others,' u:ow. So it is important that we watch st:lJIIlar.ls has been u failure ill theNearl�' every man that goes to col ned improve our conversation ns past. The 1,11':tsaug persuusi veness of. f the Misscs Dcmost heues was not madelege realizes the Importance 0 par, .mueh as possible.. . II t' ifi N I fOI platform battles with tho sternerticil,atlllg 111 co ege ae 1\'1 res ... ear Y The greatest field of improvementI· t Sl·X. The cout.inous def'ent. of UlO fem-e v eryono iutends to do somet ling-a in eouversntiou at Cornell is iu thef. . ,0 iuiue aspirants has resulto.I ill dis;least attempt to do somcthing-be ore choica of the subjects of IbSCU�SIUll.he (1I'r"tluate�.. TIle four ... rears ahead Th ,. f . 1"1' 0 "our:lgcnll�llt fur tho vuuquished andl:> .. '" J ere IS III ormation, aul tty, WIt,. I chucrlu for t he victors,of the freshman who lines up for the and humor to burn among the under It:>I. • I .As a solut iou to thc prohlem, whyopening night poster scrap look like a graduates; but It most sedulous y lIet ha\"(� :L womcn's contest? We10llg stretch. It isn't untill he has kl'pt untler cover. Where the prop- l::l.\"C women's :ltJlletic� :Lnli 'Women·s,� .II WlaatCoUegeEditonl1Uak1lss rI It MThief of Tim.Is the freedom of theunlverelty eu.,vironmeut, the luck of proper restraintCollc�e fellows wi!} remember tlle first appear­ance of Fatima Cigarettes ill the college townsa few years oo(.·k-you spontaneously realized111ut here W:lS a smoke some better than theothers. And today, the bi��cst selling cignrettein Amerlca l The purl', good. choice tobacco int�le plain Fatima P�!("k:l�e surely curries weight'WIth the smokers of } .. merlca, (omit the col­lege yen). MDistinctiveTyIndividual-_f�CGARETfES rf,ach the begining of the end-in It·rns are foibles of the worM. the new, .hunmti.os. Wily not womell's oratory?tI.e spring of his senior year-that he things in science, engineering, :llll!. A llni\"t'r�it�· or:ltoril'al contest {"rJ{'alizes his mistake. And then he art, l\[exicd the high cost of lh'ill!!, W(.men wonl.1 �oi\'e c\'cry real probh'lllI feels sarry that he "has been holding a�cl espeeially �ni\'ersitoY lJ�atters: I in tho situntion. It ,vuu1cl gh'e ur:i-l.ack until it is too late. mIght be the tOpiCS of thS"US�lon .Il n'rsit�o \\"lIlIlell :s. fair opl'lIrtunityy f,,:-Scarcely three 1I1O:':!:; of the col- the table or arount! the fire, the tall,. I'I:atform :-:UCtOC��, Ull opportullitylege year remains. A summing up by ·ir;stea(l, centers on girls, or at prt·�t·llT, ,· .. flit'h tht'�o ,10 not 1'0��l'SS totlay ine,ocry freshman woult! show that on the snow. In a univNsit.,o "Olll- ccmpetition with experit.ncoo men.many of them haYe still to mnke their muntity where cOQversation l'Ihoul.1 IIl'I It wouM I,lace the present contestsinitial bow to the eo�lege eommunitty. at its best it seems to be at fl In�\'lupon a fnir basil'l of jutl;,!emcnt with.The number of candltlates that have ebb. 'oat iml'os:;ihlc t.omparisons.answerc(1 thc second call for The Once in awhile there nrc ellt'Ollrng- l[i(Ohigan Daily�HICAGa.-- --------------- - -_._-------._-_ .. __ ._-- _ .. _ .. -._---_._ .Ardmore· Strle ClothesMade in Chicago byALSt:HIJLER . & DREYERDistioc;Uve lodels lor Young lenSee the Rex Models in both single and double breasted styles. Made in New Blue Hemp and Flannels.1.4 Silk C�Je, SleeVES 8nd Vest Back,Patch Pocket, Soft Front and ShouldersBEING FEATURED BYDockstader & Rexfordat the p.pular price .1 $25Suite 816 REPUBLIC BUILDING.................... -- -.ftIB DAILY 1lAJt00lf nmAY, KAY 22. 19i4 .: �� ------- �THESE PARIS GARTERS have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea has never beforebeen carried out for any. University.The value is excellent; you get 'the full worthof your money in Garter quality plus the Univer­sity colors and design. Price, 25c the pair.Every pair of. PARIS GARTERS ISguaranteed to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. D I C.K1302 E. 63rd Street.Near Kimbark Avenue.SPECIAL VALUf···50 Dozen Soft Cuff Shirts, Silk Bosom andCuff, a $2.00 value, $1.50.The New Soft CoI1ar, made like the La Salle, 15c; 2 for 25cJust" Arrived, LONDON, and New Corliss Coon CollarJust tour doors west of I. c. sta.tioD. It NIT EXPIITS DUUT VARSITYOpen Sund=,.v B""nl.'T1:··�: ='nd Sunday Mornings. It (C t' d f 1)�1t�_""''''���� )llIU. on mue rom page.work- brought rouiills- of applause fromthe lnrge gallery_ He took Squrur ir�eamp easily winning, 63 and 6·2. TheChicago player ' was completely at sea, Iand could not handle }furray's canonball serve. Time after time Squairwould return the ball outside of thecourt, and Murray hat! no llifficultyin acing the weak r�rns he made.. I:McNcal was no match at all for Hahn inml was quickly overwhelmed in two;love sets. IChi('ago put up n better fight in the ',lon"I(,8, nlthough the Californinlll4 hall :no clifficultv in winn.ing in �trnightsets, Squai; was plainly ofT hi� WlDl(', !but McNeal showed better form 1JwIl ih' ,li�pJa.y�) in the singles maehes. !The Stnnfor.l men played ea."Hy, nml :took th� first two sets, 6·3, r,.... Chi· i('n.go displayed the semblnnce of � rnl- IJ�' in the thircl l4ct nnll. fOl1�ht tho IJ!flmes to four all. At this pomt. l(nr·T3Y and Hahn openCfI up with some I,lashing work,nnc1 ran out the two fol-lowing game!' with t'i�ht, stmig.ht I:-,oint..ct.Squair and M('Nenl left for .Minnt'.,n.poli.4I lrurt night, where the�' Will mor-t IfteJJfagon an.l Mng.-e the strong Go- Ipler pair, today.Summarie5:Murray (Iefea.t.cc) squnir, {):;_ 6·2.Hahn defeated M('Neal, 6·0. 6·0."Murray 3n.1 Hahn cl('(('at",1 �qtl:1ir·nnd McNeal, 6·3, 6·", 6.4.-meet Class Da,. officersDorothcn. 'Vnshhurnc was ('l('�t(',J('Ia."s historian, llirinm Rnlclwin, pro­phet, and Bli,," Hnlling, JlOt't� r-t theSenior ('Ia&", luncheon yest�rclay inIf,:, .. hinson cafe.Last Day for Sorial Census.Women wiJI he gin·n � l:l�t. ('hnnf'cto fill ont the regis!rnt,ion f'nr,ls fort l .. t" {rom 10:4:;t.he !'!OC!ial census oc ••••t.o 2:30 in Lexingt.on 3. F.,·ery ,,"omnnhas heen n�.1 to fin out one of tho('Mil!'!, in order to mRl�c the in\"estign·tion a tmeeess.Learn to Dance CorreeOyGenuine Argentine, Tango, IMaxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as danced and taught byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat. eveningB at 43d st. & Calumet AVJTERESA S. DOLAN(Fourth "icc presideut Iuternatiouul AtlHOd:l.tiou )l:lstcr of Dnueing l : member of ChicuJ,!o1>:1111' i lie :;\1 :ll'tcr's Association.Studio: �:ltil Cottage Grove Av. Phone II. P. G�!j::Prlvute lessons by appointment.------- -----------------------Not All "Smart Dressers "Are Smart PeopleYou will find that the really smart man never failsto look carefully to his grooming. IThere is an affinity between Good Clothes WelJWorn and the habit of Getting On in the World, which,is hard to define. but which is established as firmly as!"the law of the Medes and Persians." IFor worthy and dependable Counsel on Clothes, goto recognized masters in the craft. We have been cater­ing to Student Patronage for eighteen years -- our loca­tion is convenient, and we will treat you right.Being well dressed means Economy rather than.extravagance. U Ask the fellows about us." •.:-: Ta i lors :-:1545 East 53rd StreetHERZKA BROTHERSSimplicity-Tlae Secret of OLUS SUperiorityT" E fint layer of comfort is your uuderwecr. 'It's:aD unbroken.smooth-setting Jayec if it" ar, Olu. 1..oose-Fattiaa Coat CatUnion Suit with closed bade and �rm:mently closed crotch.protecting the hody at every l)()int. Only one thickness of dothanywhere, Made in sixteen plain and fancy woven fabrics, :aboplain and mesh knitted, PrIce $1.00 1o $3.00.OLUS one-piece PAJAMA i.i made on the same prin­ciple ali the OLUS Union Suit-e-coat cut, dosed crotch,closed back, ana only one layer of material ..., where.lW;ing one-piece. there is no workinlr-ap. alidiaa-dowa annoy­ancc-e-no stnng nursance because OLUS I'AJAMAS have DOatrings to tighten or come 100M!. Price. $1.50 10 $8.50.When you tn:y Underwear or p� think of OLUS, iMiaton OLVS at your dealer,To Dc.I�v:"Wi!J!:t�:!.::� ows.ne Girard CompaD1. M.�en Dept. 348 ......,. llewT ..DEPT. C. Remember! If it.i�ll·t cut-coat, it isn·t OL'VS.Fratenlt7 Jewell7l.eatller Oood. E 8&&Ue.'17W � .. tIe ••cam.. CUt.con� Wonlll"BROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NYII. G. TURNERPresidentL-_ " Enough "Bull" Dur­ham is sold in a yearto roll approximately• 32,000.000 ciga­�everyday.·'Bull" Our· ��:����� ....... �ham is distin- �guished from aDother tobaccos bya wonderful. sweet,mellow paoor andfra!lrance� irresistibly attractive andsarisfving, No other tobacco prod­uct c�n have this "Bull" Durhamflavor and fraRrance. They are produced by agenerations-old process known only to the manu­facturers of "Bull" Durham.Ever.Y_ visitor who approaches Durham, N. C ..where "Bull" Durham is manufactured. is impressedwith this deli�htful, distinctive fragrance that envelopesthe whole City. There is nothing else like it in the ,whole world.GENUINE:-BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(En0a61a For Iorf7 A·lIIItI .. au eipreft_ ill ..cia S·cenf .ad)Enough I. Bull" Durham is sold in a year to makeapproximately 12 BILLION cigarettes-as many as allbrands of ready-made cigarettes in this country com­hincJ- and the sales are steadily growing. Proof thatmillions of smokers prefer the cigarettes they roll forthemselves from "Bull" Durham, to any ready-madekind.Get a sack of .. Bull" todayand "roll your own" for com­plete, healthful enjoyment andlasting Mltuladion.Atkf".� FRElfbook of t>o�'3rDilheDch Sc s.;Ick.An illustrated Booklet, show­ing correct way to •• RollYour Own" Cigarettes, end Book of ciga­rene papers, will both be mailed to you. free..nywherein U.S.on postal request. Address"Bull" Durham. Durham, N. C. .THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO\fPANYIlliRl IDtlllillllllllUUliiolillim_IIOIIIUlllllllnOnnlUlHlfllllllnnnSUBSCRIBE }'OU Tim DAILY lL\ROO�rIlE DAILY J4AB,OOK. !'JUDAY, KA.Y 22, 191'-18 • 20 E. ..IACKSON BOULEVARDChic-eoOUf newest Four Button Model made in a mostattractive manner for summer wear. This style inflannels of blue and gray and striped patterns.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMEltS�SROPOg'il:vie & He .... e-ee"I'oj2 For 2S Cents.THE NEW SPBING �o,:�; You Need A Silk ShirtFtr The Spring Prom.B11Y ONE OF JAPAN3SE SILK-JUSTRECEIVED FROM JAPAN ATNippon Dry Goods' Store•I.f.I 863 EAST SIXTY_THIRD STREBT.(Just Opposite the Drexel Theater)TELEPHONE HYDE PARX 970We have your size (Sizes 14-16)SHIRTS WOR'l'H $5 AND 'UP AT $2.75.(Look at Our Patterns TODAY-WEDNESDAYAlso Ladies' Imported XimnoS-SUk and Cotton CIT:::;L- ..... r;.;._;;.....;;:;;:;....-""_..... $14.00 SILK HAND EMBROIDERED _..... $7.50'3.00 CO'l'TON CREPE ••••••••••. _ • • • • . . •. C:l.r:"ij ,• 2.00 COTTON CBEPE 1'RIN'r .••.•.•.•••• $LOO i REDMANJerrems TailoringMeans clothes that give youinidvidual good style.�\��,����. Prices $30.00 to $60.00at 4EH wIIIIJI IIPennsylvanb Ayenue.11th and H StreetsTo seekn-s or • hotel whereluxuriOIJ' quarten 1U1 be se­cured w1lere charm ."d con·geni� atmosphere ymail, andwberc uc:cl1m� 0 IUYaCe isparamo"nt, tbe Ilote) Powhatano&ns just IGCh IndDCaIIeDb.Jtootu with detacW batllma,. 1M obtamect at .r.so. tz 00and a..P..! Rootu witIa ,mac.�tII, �50, tI." ad ...C!'* ':n:ttIiJ!::'-==-�Write for booklet willi map.CLIPPORD •• LEWIS.)lanalC".TAILOR ,03 VOUNU MENTHRBE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 E Monroe 8t. 8pepcial � Made to Fint YearStudents &t DiDDer Last Nieht inLez:lDaton. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS:)C per Iiue. No ati\'.,rt�eutB re­eeived for leM tban 25c. All classi1le4A speetal appeal to tr�en WODl­ advertisements must be paid til ad-Times at Lake Genva," Kather'in« Ct,- FOn RF.NT-}'i\"(�·r()(lm house. parlor,vert on "Frienwwi,lA" Ruth Presser 011 diniul! room. k.itclu- II, two boo-rooms,bathroom nnd ")"I·t ril' 1il!ht�. furuished"Freshman Sensations" and Hedwig $35 per month. Mrs. Lym:'..11 Wayt,Brosseit on "Anticipations.'P Rutll Pentwater, Mich.Beticker, '12, gave some "Geneva Re- F()'liXD- _ Purse, 1 tlflll i re' of Mrs.fleetions" from tbe point of view of �}·:ta;.!htl'r. (illq Ellis :t\·"Il11". Phonean alumna. Fifteen other women who �lil!'\'a�' S1 H.attended the convention last summer,} h (i ,:\1 ASTERS' .:\::\"1) 1l0CTOHS' 'flu'sisgave short speee res on w nt ,('n('\":1. nvcurutcly typcwrit tcn. 10 C'I'llb� permeant to them. paJ:<'t ca lle.l fur n ml .1dh",rt·a. PhoneDrexel ti·HjO n f't r-r ti:::O P. xr.eo to go to the sum;mer conference atWilliams Bay ""'DB made lut night atthe annual Geneva dinner in Lexing­ton I·ODlDlOns. Frientbhip, a vital rtllligioll, and a dynamie force whichwould carry the delegates through thoyear, were emphasized as ad nu:t:.a:!l'='of a summer at Geneva,Ruth Sager spoke onApply fOlr' Strong ScllcU%ships.Applica.tions for the Henry Stzollgscholarships must be m.ade before Au­gust 1, according to an announcementfrom the President's ofl'ice yesterday.PURDUE n:AK WILLx:m:T VABSITY SQUADS(Contiued on page 4)well-balaneed aggregation as evideue­eel by the overwhelming defeat of In­diana Saturday. Applegate, East andLandis are the mainstays in the dash­es and middle distances and will he al­ternated. Ea.'lt took the ba.lf mile illthe Confereneo last year. Applegnteis a powerful runner, and bUM beenshowing well in the outdoor season.Landis sprang a sensation in the in­door ChieagolPurdue meet by takingthe quarter mile in ,fast time.Buckner in the hurdlles, is rated as WANTKD-- TYPo"'ritintr, pleceworkjthesis, term papers, etc •• neatly type­wriU('Il in gOOoI f'ortn. Tel, H. P. :.!SH5.FOI: nE:,\T-}'inl'l�" Iurnishod :ll'art-ment of G rooms, Within w:Llkingdistance of U'ni vers.it v.adults 011"'. Full.]t·s,·ril'tioil in lItlll�ill� Dt'pal�tlllcllt.Tl'lcl,houe Midwnv :HIS5.Serge With a ReplltationThe high quality andlow price of "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatestwe know --- rich,e x act I y right.special at $25.00 '�valuefine,VeryNicoll the TailorW!!! Jerrems' SonSClark and ,-,d:tJlUI Streets. Chicago.THECorn Exchange National Bankof C'hlrup.the fa.,test man in. the ConferenceCapitalover the low sticks, and will give ,Vnrela hani race, He is also fast over the qnrplus $3,000,000.005,000,000.00o"-FICEIlS,F.n:-':E�T A rt,\ \1 xrrt.t ... Pr ... :dent.CIlARt.F.� t. III·TCHI:-':�():.-ol. VIce-Pre&..;-nAt·:-':C'EY J ULAIH. VJc:e-PrMI4eaLD A 1I0UI.TO�. Vlce_Prf'.Jdent.1. C. SA111lO�S. Vlc:e-Pl'HldenL_I'RA..�K \V. SMITH. Secreotary.EDW.'RD F. SCHOE�ECK. A .. t. Clubl ••J. EDWARD lIAAS. Aut. Caahiff'.JAlIES G. W AKEFIEI .. D. AMt.. C&*t .... LEWIS E. GA RY. Aat. caabler.high hurdles, and has been strong ill undivided Profits _....... 1,000,00.00tbis event all seaso>. Sehmiedel to.,kthe mile I11n in thr- :ntloor onferencrthis year, beating Campbell by thre«yards. Phelps � been. goG4I fornearly tweh-e feet in the vault, andAldrich has put the shot oyer f�rtyfeet. Stahl, a new man in the hi�hjump, and Waddell are both good Jler-formers. DIRECTORS.Char1esH Wacker Cly�e M. C&IT.Hartin A Ryerson E<!wl n G. ForemuEdward B Butl.r Watson E. BlaJrCIsarI_ H. Hulburd Edward A. 8IletNClantnee BucklnKham Fr(-derlck W. ero.b7a-tmtn C&l'D#nter Emnt A, HammJlI�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionSforfJ5cCLuETT. PEABODY ct co .. J.c. lIaba 1,. j1I\)•BIltIfe&100 yard dash-Purdue: Applega.te,F� Landis. �cl�bus'h.: Chieaf,'!'O:B"ran�ik, Knight, Y:ard,Boyd, Breath.-eel .One mile rull.�:1rdlle: Eddy. fkh-fi .. c1e1.LaPorle. Taylor; Chi�: camP­hf!tll. Leisure. {,olwell. GoodWlIl. Chap·mrn NfiWeomb. Stout, Stegeman.2!?0 '·"rd clL.. h.:.......Purd�:' Applegate-,F.A .. ' • LandiI', Roodebus'h; Chien�:Baran('ik. Knig'ht, 'Ward, Boyd,Breatb-. Mf��''"]20 yarcl' hig'h: 'huTdleft - �Td.ueIiF.iiffii1ii�ii�i:=BfifiiImrrr� l\an('k .. r. Pye, 8tinehfield;' CJnen;o:W":rd. Hurwitz. Tho1llll1l. MeLanC!lllln.Quarter mUe run-Pardue:, Apple­crate Ea....t. Landis RooelebUM, F..dcly:Chi�: Bovd. Breatb,ed, Stegeman,JA.;tmre 'Ret!kwith. ComweUTwo ;"11e run-Pnrdue: &bmif'd,:lTavlor KliJl')el. CaTte1". Porn(llTOY; Clu­('�(): CJlmphen, Good,",,· Chapman.N,.�omh. S+oot. CoI1n!'11.220 ynd low burellel'--Pnrdnn:BRlIekeT', Fye. 8tint"'hfielel. Oli'rbant:Chi('n�: Ward. Boyd. Rreathod,Thom·1''" ,r .. T,nm"blin. Gutwi11ig.llalf mile mD-Purdue: F..a.od. J".. 1.1v"'nnn. S ... hmiPftel: Chi�suro: Cnmll1H�n, i!"llr1 G�lwin. St.out. Stt'gcman.R kwitb. COM1well. Hart.Pole '·Rnlt-Purdue: PheITlR. Stnll1.Albert: ($;"nSfo: TbomR�BroW1ly'M'oorr.l>o"'OfY'. HeUer.Pntti"Sf t"� ]S·lh. If'llot: Pnr,lut':Ra.n('ker. Rilf'''oll. Aldrlt"b· CIIi('�:Df'c .T".�diell. N01"'l[Ten Sparks.'Ron"i,," l1i"," jumll:_Pnr,loc:�t.in('llfje1d. St.:tb1. Wadd�l: ct-;"'''.P'o:lfnrwi+,7. n� .Tarm en , Cox, GOTitn�·T,,"nf'V. RmW'D.TliF<C'ncf th��w-Pnn1n�: ApnlcrrAt��;'_ll,,". AMrl('l1: Chi�o: � .TRrdi(',,"Xt' ... t'r?'"n. �"1'�k,.. llmwn. lfnntinpton.'ArnAel .inyn""'_Pl1Tdne: Phe1�. 'Ri .. 1,·00. f'inn: Cbiea�: Ward, Boyel, Hor·witz, TJaomu.Earll1 Wilson:MAKERS OFTroy'. Beat Prodad �IJIIree leasons Wh1100 �h(mrd Fat at .heMen's £OmmODS �1st. Good Food Proper)� Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness cur Matta. 1Ilsrect the Kitchenlrd. A Miaimum Price fer Hb h Quality Food �ICIa. Breakfast tSe up ('areCfria at liOD�b �BIDDer A I..aCarte MUSIC Come tr. I I!!!!���������!!!I (� I- - --... ----j __ l