GBlfEVA DINNBB., 5:30, m .t laily .arann B1JTCBIN8O. OAI'B.LEXINGTON OOIDlON8. 8BlfIOB LVlWIIBOlr, 1,-- ---------_.VOL XII. .0. 146. • PBIOB I"IVB OBBftU1IIVBB8rrY OF CBICAGO. THURSDAY, KAY 21. 1914.NAME BOARD FOR UNIO� V ARSm TENNIS TEAM I LOWER CLASSES TO LEAD BOLDS THAT PROSPERm.------MEETS STANFORD TODAY Will Take Prominent Part in In- IS A SOCIAL PRODUcrterclass Hop - Declare -Jimmy'Twohig Has Invented Unique Dean SmaU DiacuaIeS Gracla-Cooling System tio .. of Capital in May Jour-nal of Sociology.PROGRAM FOR SENIORelm DAY ARRANGEDCouncil PIaDa for June Eighth":'"Amendment Made to Clausein Point System. Appoint Undergraduate Represen­tative and F acuIty Members onChristian Organization - Radi- IDter-collegiate Titles Are atcal Changes are Made in Ccnsti Stake in Matches Played ODunion at Meeting University Courts at 3-Radical changes ",'ere made ill the BALLPLAYERS REST FOR A DAY U more important part in this year's PLAY IS SOCIOLOGICAL AGENTTh f COUlfU·tutl·on of the "hritftiall uuiou, the Jntercluss Hop than they have ill prc�e progralU or cJ� day, J uue S, v. t· t th h I f U· itv vious vears, The Senior leaders haveW'ws arranged by tho Undergraduate t;"�"U.lllza rou at e C8.l 0 mversi • ( hi J. � IC:lgO will have an ollportulllty to UIlUOUllCOO that n.t. HC)lUe period duriue Private property is progresslvely &eouuci], at itI:J regular meetdug yester- rt.>ligiotUs affairs, at the l�t meeting. I. ....e rum the Inter-colleginta tennis cham- the mureh tho two lower classes will SOCIuJ. endowment, uecording to Deanl!U.Y afternoon, 'rho Senior poet and Alterationll were made in the 1Il01U_•. pionship of the W(.'st, anti possibly of 1 ...... 1 the dancers, Tl,: .. WI·a giv .... the Albioll W. Sma.U, head of the depart-bership liKt, and new ou-Jcers were ",-,,4 - U • .,. &ll:t ...eleete... l, Dean Shailer Math.e\\� was tho United States, if tho Via.rNity is first and second year studeuts a chance m.ent of Sociology, in t�e May number'elected chainnan, and Pred Merrifieltl, able to llcf'oo.t tho Lelaud Stanford to take a more aet.ive part in the af- of the American Journal of Sociology,team today, Thc Californians ha,'c a Issued yesterday by the Press. Deauviee-chnirmau, The secretary and fair, and it is declared disperse auytreasurer wiU be chosen at the next clear title to the ehampioushlp of ideas of selfishness on the Imrt of the Small tren.ts capital UDder three heads,the far W1(>8t, and ill UIC llidille W{.�t local capital, management capital, alltlu l'pere Iassmen,have already defeated Colorado, l\Ii�·hunorian hu ve not yet been elected,but they will be chosen at tho Iuueh­eon today at 1 in the Commons cafe.The cOIIII,ll'tc program for June H foLItnVl:I:9 :30 _................. Flag Baising10:00 • � •. , Senior class pln.y11 :30 Junior ...senior baseball game1:00 .:: •.. " .'. . .• Class day luncheon:!:30 •.••.... ;.... CIW:lb day exercisesAdtlrClSH by class president ..•. RudyMu.ttheW8.Presentalt.ion of hammer •. '" Rolli 11Harger.Acce"tallce of hnm.mer.... GeoffreyLcviD80D..Preseutution of cap and gown.Samh�llompsoD..Accel,t.ancc of cap and gown.MaryMacDonald.l)rUtJeutu.tion of Senior bench .. 1Ior_ace }'itzpa.trick.Aceeptam�e of Senior bench .. HugoSwan.Class poem.CWS history.Class oration -.• Ernest ReichnmllPrettebtation of � gift ••. " •. EarlShilt4n.:Acceptance of class gift .. Preshleni, w.'Omen Will � Geneva. Oonfer­of the University •. vau 1_· en... �. en.ce at � DIIlea;a- wru.The rule providing for the continu- lD8pect Ycbs�.uce of the poiJrta of an office until Life at the � �p at Lakethe expiration of the term of the of-Geneva will be the subject of talksCALL FOR CHEER LEADERSlice, whether the officer resigns or not,was amended to allow. exemptionwhere BaJ't.isfa.etOTy. grounds are shownto tho council.A finnl call for candidates for thl'position of assistant cheer wasmade by the council. Final tlJ"Uutswill Itt' h('11i at the Punlue ami Illi·nois� Two men will be eleetellfrom the Sophomore �lass after theIllinois �e.CRBAn: NEW, DBPABftiIE.NTwrrH � ... AS H3ADAaistant Profesaor � taDd Dr.JIein£m:m1 WiU Make Up Facultyof New BraDch.A ncw department, to be known a�the clrpartment of Hygiene and Bac­teriology, bas just been crea.tetl by tilt'bOlLI'll of Trustees, and ProfCMor Elrwin Oakes of the Bad-eriology flepnrt­ment� hu been made chainnan. As·"i stan t Prof'�o" Norman lI:u-leodKanis and Dr. Paul Gustav Heine­mnnn will he �iatecl with the newwork.The CO\l� in bacteriology wereformerly incilHle,1 in the clCjln.rtmcntof Pathology ancl Bat1eriology, wbichnow bec'om� the II�rtment of Path­dogy, with nr. LUlh·ig Ifektoen ��h�ad. The purpm�e of' the new organt­".sUon is to �h·e �r('a.ter \1nity of all­ministration, �cl nllow more ('mpha,­"i" � h� Jrlvcn to the fnlhjCC't of hy·giene in all its a.'\(K'Cts.8ea1on aft LaDc1leoD 'I'�.• ·11 I-t a da.'U\ �t anll aScnlon W1 e "', .' .. -historian at. their claM luncheon tlC)�l:'!:,'at 1 in Hu�hin801l cafe. Pr�dentMattheW3 win report the conclition ofthe t!laM reonion,and win announce thpprogrnm '(ir c1.R.'� day. n.>an AnJreUwill he the guftrt. of honor. meeting.'fen studenta ",ere- appointed by Ad·iug President An�ll as members ofthe Christia.n union executive board.TCIl people interested in caml)lUl ae­tivities, and nine faculty memberswere appointed to the board.Und.ergradDate BepreseDtatioD.The undergraduate men and womenappointed by Dean Angell are: MaxF. Cornwell, Margaret Green, HenryP. Tellney, Marquis E. Shu.1Jt;uck, WillF. Lyon, Irene Tufts,Paul D('6 .Tarcliell,Louise Mick, William H. Wei8er ancl}o;\'nngeline Stenhouse. sour! and Hllnois with case. TIl(>matches "ill begin at :t, at II I wif l II(1·)a,Y(\I1 on the courts iu the hollow.Thero will be two singles and ono lit ....bles match,Murray anti If.:lhn, the Stanfororepresentatives.arrived at the Unive:Nity ye�terllay, anll n;re being entertninetl at variouM fraternity houS(>Murray holds the inter-collegiate ch�.piomlhip of CnJifornin, alul also hasc'�ern.l minor cha.mpi onsh ips. He i:Jeft handoo, and h:1S a most tliffh·ulK('n·e. He is fast, anll is one of Stt&.ll·LIFE OF S'UIDIX& CAKP TO fonI's best men. Mahn "'as the rul'-BE THBKB OF ADDRESSES ner-up for the intercollegiate cham Freshmen and sopholU.Oretf will playova.OIT..oAJIPUB WOIlBlf '1'0BB GUBftB A2 PIOlUOOF lfBIGBBOBHOOD CLUBAD o� women have been iUl·vitNt to the annual pienic of th('Neighborhood dubs Friday from 4::1,)to ; in .Taebon park. Each picnit"kerwill (t1mi.�b her own lonclt and ba..�_k('t� will be excban�. Strawberryl('monade will be 8ef'Vec1 hy the eltlbl"to their guests, and o1d·fashioncllJrn.1Jl(� will be played. Forty womenhn'·(' alreacly 8ignec1 up fo� the piC'nit"�whi('h win be the l ..... t Neighborhoo<tpnrty of tile quarter. The �n willmf'et at 4:30 in the N�gh.borhoOfI.Tune 1. pion ship of Californiri anel is conK,,1erell one of the best 1)1aye-rs in th('nat('_ - Both men are over sL"I[ feet anllhave extraorclinary reaches.Play ftrouIhout Ea�. urged finance capital, and holds that in t.>achease, the productivity of the ca.pitddepends upon social relatlons; audchar tbe dependence inereuses a.:,o tile-University women have beento Invite outside men, if thcy do notgo with students, Cards ha'-e beenplaced On the bulletin boards, iu theRevnolds club, in Bartlett, and in the owner becomes f:lrthc·r sepnru ted f 10m•f f ... 1 �� who in- the activity ill which hi� eapi ial is e;.-It:lU8, or names 0 .,.IoUt ents•tend to be present. Tiekets will be £Ilged.SNit these persons. Tickets may alsc '-The luw aMSUDlCS, :LUd uuti] ree eut­be seeurCtI by leaving a communication ly, business theolJ� has tt:.kCIl it asin box ]il, Faculty exchange. .:.clf·eviclcr.4·' Proft.�"or�Jim.mY is Inventor. ··that. whatever romains., n._ ter set tHugIt has been rumored that the gym with market sUPI,ly :lUll tl('o1l1allll 011Ilnsium will be (·oolell by a. ret.'cntly in-l the year's transaction, rellrescllw thu,"euted eooling Ilevice. The cooling personal contributions of the llI:lnagc­syst.em is the w-ork of James TWOhig; ment-e:lpitalists... 011 the l"outrury,tho I."are-taker of Stagg flaM. When �hnt surplus really r<'presents UlC ulna­askecl to confirm the rumor 1nBt night, teurish pro"isionality of our tli�tribu·lire Twohig admitted that he WUt' tive system:'working on a deviee1 but woulcl s:L) � S:ystem is ArttfkiaLno· more than that. -'it �oulll . main:taiT:- "We-must keep calling att�ntion,'"·a wmperature of sixty degrees th� he says, ··to the· fad that we arenight of the dance. not arguing tha.1a· finance capital iswrong. W.e .are pointing out tuat it isartificial. The simple f�t that it isartificial kccps the question eternallyStanford has matches scheclulell wittSOPHOMGBES TAltB LBADIN INTEB-CLASS ooN'l'3ftf.'1'0 J)iIeUSB C1mrch Doetrines.A""i!'Utnt Prof('1'.�r A m('I" will �p(':t k1.rfore tht' R�1iJri011!" EltnC'ntion C'\lIhtonight at 7:30 in Un..�k('1J :\. ... ��mh"·room on the (l()('trincl" of th(' J)i�('ip­l('s' eht1rch, in reln.tion to eh11�h 11n-it)".Dramatic ClUb WID Meet 'l'e-by.ThE' Dramn.ti� e4uh wi11 me('t tOlh�'nt 10:15 in Cohh 12A. -Defeat Juniors 7-1 and Head Leacue Open whether the artificial elements-Seniors Forfeit to F'n!IlbmeD in in the a.rra.Ugemen1l .corresl'ontl withSecond Game.. a rerath'ely belate41 or a rel:lti"elY:tAl- Itby women at the annual Geneva clin- Wisconsin, Yale, Huvarcl, Amherlitner totlay BIt 5:30 in Lexington eom- and Cornell. The men plan to entelmons. The speake", will be women" the national championship at N('wportwho attended die convention last sum- anI] will return to Chicago for themer. KiM G�e Coulter will gi"e nn western championship tourney.aclclres.CI from a graduate's viewpoint. Squair ancl lI:wNeal will r(>pr�'l1� v� 8.ege of MOl·ial inteUgcllc(':'Sonhomores illcrooKecI their .iL "-No stunts or tableaux, suell 118 have Chicago, anll Dr. Recti hcli<w� th:-t1 J.' The' article �cks the �y�t"1lI 01' iu_• I· tllc interclass w�tcr basketball senesheen on the prog:ram. Aor pre«"< lUI! tbey have a n('ven chant'(> to win fro:!' heritances and argues that it i� u:'!lccl'11 be· ._ . ht h "nq, terlln_v, Ilefea.'jllg the .JuniOTS in aGent"-a dinnel'B� l\'!l given ""wg , the weslem expe1'lts. Squair i� t f J" upon the equity which exi.:;tc.l ccn:.ur-I . 1 I �me hv a; to 1 tlCore. A1-ill an e«ort to make simplidty ani Wisconsin st .... te champion, anll ,,-m' one-su et b--· • ies ago in the hanu.l.., Ilb\,:: c.f a loolh k _�- I' �o • 1. ,'!I(;,wh tho \\innerK were helll to h�pont8Jl.flity t e ('yn,"""" ,u-eon lng. runner-\1p for the Conferent"c title 1 .... s1 ... rli&l a parent to a son wL..u \. uai.llior--, h' _ '.Io�.·(' tlCore in .tho fir�t half, th('y star,·Leona Coons the gene._ c airman. year. With Green, he hohl� the Gon , ., malh' continue to use that tooL It. illU• h alwnytl cil out in the SOC 0111 I with a rush. a.Ut. •·1ChiC'ago'tt del� on as •. '-('ren('e Iloublf."S title.... MaeNc.'\1 is 3 argllecl 1.hat no such cquity-the abl·.h c n 1·11 a few minute� hall cin("hcd the con· fhecn the Ia�t at .. e summ('r 0 -.sophomore, and haR m�.lc n rCll1ltatior ity of the heir to 1lSe the capital ot.(('re-n('e. Fifty reprHCn!ati\"es hn"(' in tho last tWo HE' i� reg:Lrlh'll test... he alh'ancement of 8Oeiety-exists inhren the aV'era�, but the number of'n..CI one of the most promi�ing of fl,(' P.'\vli('ek tlCorell the most pointBf·f�� the nr('scnt system, which pennits the. to h� thc 8Oconll ye.'\r men, 11roppin� a Ie, .1'-f1t·}ega.te8 this year prollU8eS �'ounger plnyer� in the W('St. All trn. goal ancl a free throw through the transfer to a blood relath'e of a giantlnrgPT than UM8.1, from the list of nis elassM will be exC'U�ell thi! aCtt'r- net. Burckcy ancl GOOT�e seo�l tho fndory or a railroad SYA:<" 1. ·gnea un other two ba...'\kcts for the WlOnen.women who have reac. y 81 ... noon in order to give th(' pln�'('1"I' :1Dixon made the only BCore fM �e Ju· Play fa Valaabie del..., ",11 have an opporf C'hanee to see the mahrh('R. niorM h�' m."lkin� a free throw In the J. S. Gillin,. of the Unh'crsity oftunity to inspect the YerkCl' Ob�·a Baseball Players Best. (':nly part of the game. Wisconsin, oontribu� an artido ontory, at Willia.IM Bay, on Lake G('n- The Seniors were sehedulecl to meet. .. 11- Cooch Page g3'·e th(> Val"l'ity hnll tho frt'tihmen in the second contest 01 ··The Sociology of Rec-reatlOn. 0p1a.YC1"S a clay of rest y�tprflay, nft('r the Ilny, but failccl to show up. Tb� urges that play, onoe regar,lcti as :angame was forfeitccl to the !reshm.en evil neeeesarily incident to chiMhoo.ltIle A�nn.otlR Wi�on!\in trip, anel :t Md thil; victory puts them In secondtE'am t"omposccl of 8Cru� ancl t"OOd,(':" place in the standin�. . and youth, is no. r�ognjzell :1.." 3-defeated the Common�alth 1-�I1ison SC'ore of Sophomore-.Juwo� �me: builders of intelleetun.l proc�l'C's anllSophs (7). JunlOl'8 (1). '. hi' . q\1ickt(':tm, 5_0. Spike Shun hurl('.! goocl P I. k ..•••••••.• , •• Lvman 3 stimul"I' to rig t c ec-1�IOn..",nv Ice . • . . Su:lcl"th t'!1! t ofban and '"''' well hru-kell 11p. JIa�cr. l[urc1oek ..••...••••••••••• . '" thinkin� nntl prOll('r �I JU, .menBoyl.. Pa,:re anci McConnell 1�ll in th(' 8hirley, Whitin� ....•••••••.•• Mo;,ar! '-nlucs.hl·ttl·""'. Stn'nuotls nrnC'tic(' il' !'C'hrlt- FlOOfl ....•• •.....•.••.•..••Dixon ··The nh,"",iC'al nplanation of 1.1:ty,"f"o' .' Rc.lrnon ••••••..•• • • • • • • • • .' Juled for �oday. , Burckey, George , .. JoonMn s."lying thnt it work� oft' �Irpl\l� oner-Bn. .. k(>t�: Pavlicek Bul'C'key. George.Cf'. ,�, does not cxplain matt('nc;· �ay� the. Frre throwl\: Pn.vliC'e� Dixon. Time r.Jof halv('�, ; minutes. author, Lahor ('ertainly workl( ofT Rur·,�_� ",. Illus ener"'.,·:' Th(, �'ch4)le1!i(':ll (,XJlh-������1 t. 1$ f'Oo� Bulletin nntion i� that pIny iK mot""11 in tho�(M , ,$����"lI! �i." emotions, anll we play to �tir our emo-TUOA Y. t.jons. This, howm·er, Ilo� not ex·DlviD1ty scbooI cJaapel. 10:15" H:-r hnllst the maU('r. The l\(\!.·iolo�iC':'-lkell a98eDlb� rool0'� LaiD....... 14. aide most be taken into t"on�ill�ra.t.i(' .......Y. W. C..- .." 5..,D I .' . ,BeUpou BdUeatiOD clUb, 1:30. Bas G:Jm� rroll\1cc the em1)tionnl cqll1':\:.keU UlelDb17 nom.... l�t!" o!' :>..nC"i�nt C'omhntl" anti �n,:'e-I!emor l1mdl.eou.. 1. BatchtllBOD n"'·1 anh'. of mOl'�rn bnrhCt"'I(�, re"1\"al�so:::hC:-:= :;!:, �C=I: �pl"(';'" orgi�, anll P«'�,.tio,",.park.. ·'Furth(,mlor<' I,lay pTOl'u("� the (':'(_'rOlrORBOW .CosmopoUtan clab, 8, BDta 18. (CoDtiued on pnge 4)rooms.JIorHa to ..... t. �Rudolph lIoritz 1nl8 eleeted y�t(,l"'day 10 lIpMk fo� the usoeiat� at th� . �'I",.t:t,.. tI) 'l'MtTlts Players.All Fre8hJlllen wi�hing to tTV �o"• Junior eo11- t!losing eRrt'iSC8 on , .. h 1 t r('4II�-�..... I ein�� nt1m�rnl� an tenna" " .ou I I"" '1· t('r with Dr. RE'ccl or Mr. 'Neth('rtoll.THE DAILY KABOON,1'HU1t.SDAY. KAT 21, 1Q1'-Marooni blame the Upper ClaBe Counaelolr for Iall the faults in the system, and �h'e iher credit for her faithful efforU. "couasei tor the Freshman. Counselor.To the Luiwr: IStraw Hats Ap-" on Oamnnal'ubUl'ollt-d morutugs, un'lIt t;unda1 and Tho larger part of criticUiUl LUlU _ r- IMunda.l-. Ilurln;.: the Autumn. WIDter aDd Impruvcrucut iu our Upper (.;�� COWl- Harvey Harris und Rudy M.utthl'\\'"l�Sprl� quarters, by 'fh� Dally Maroun ::,'-'1v" �\':;lA'U' lw.� bveu urree teu toward ure leading the field in the early in.j.taa, 11,,: ul,i,cl' da,:,.:; c ouusvlor llel"scl.t. J.ia�----------------- . u 1 uy tllat tue troduct.iou of Ntr ... w hats. The two he- Ib w. t�o'U�Ila. A"::�= �:! ���;�;c�i O;��I":�stc: �U"e o:� lJart due 100'S appeared yesterday with brightH. � Gurp"B.alDU. MaDlLger tv tile poiut 01 view oj. UiC .t resluneu, 1,:UUUIl.'!S decorated with flaring rib.S. P. 1\11&_::':-__________ autl tLat :.uwc il1Jl'1"U\ euicut wight be£111.., .. ,1 u .. eoad-c:la.. maU Mat b ':.. �li .... t:h'u u,' a.u c.lJ.un to euucate thaI. bons, aud immediately lK-cnlUe ,,'UIIPUS�bt(' .. o I'oatomc¥. Cblc:acOj 1�i11 arc '1IO,"'t (It' ;'lCW: l'cnuiL a. CUUU.::>cJ01· oa: Idols,l'"�. ulltJ .. r Act ot lIIarcb,· r--- -- ------1\\0 yc.u·�· ... ·xi'cricllcO tu couuueut ull-u BaK:&1l"'l'IOS BAT D., 0 & YOlar; n.OO a Quarte,. i Ius L1�jICI�t. O'D"IP' It.:.F �ERGA.RmN157 carr .r.. $I:=� a Quart"r. 1 Iiuve ucithcr the opportuu.ity, time, TELLS W � v: -.&on.., .67 Illall: 11.00 a ,.ear. .� :t�llorl.I.HualDe .. C:Hllce. ::��·r 10 0 Ul. r.or JllUUl.'Y tv cute,· 'c",)" rutty luto lut! Miss Temple Declaz'es Institution Be_T"I."l;ul'. Ktd.a, IOU.':'Ul:l.U awl "cuHc�o ucuvrty ' �i.tlc oi Jonas in u-c ...... _ 1'l_..I_ -"_._--.I bes,l,.G" I'arll' "I'.L l::"'''' "�3 UI"�"Lui, Cl.s1l,)· lilC • .1 aiu uue ul t C \\ "LI\.· Di1rerent Systems.!'.!:I:·,IOU I'ress. :-.:"01 1 CullU;';C til'O\'t! A\·,'. ill;': oud\.�rOlll1tl, not, :l. college Icuuer •• \c\·-.;rtllclc�, 1 am proud 01 wy Lilli­\ crsn y ; 1 waut to uo c\"eryU,lU� JTHE OLD ORDER CHAL�GETH. vau to make It tho Ot.'.st l.,JIl\ .. • • .sl&y 111Ouce agail!. it is t iuio to uote au- tit" Iuud, 'I'heref'ore, 1 becunie a coun-other step toward real Ul.'lIIt:t·r::,·y �clor.the {;l1i\·ersity. This t iure rt, rs.. t he _\1 v lir:.t F'rcsluuau was a �id I'rorul"t.'"Org:Ulization, or l'er�al'S abllli�on, a city Li;,:h school, who knew ut.ueof KnJa.ilu. Tho step 1S a most salu-alJout L uJ.\·cr�iLy. life, !Jut Lad not!lrv o Ill'. To the thiIJ�iug per�ull. Hicu\l.s here_ :::'ue was 1neutlJy, UUI:Kaiailu always was a mystery-th�t 1 :t.l-1Wl· rcset"\" co. iu her wa.uncr. 1 tliJis Kalailu as it has becll, not as Itl.'\ crylhiu;.: 1 coultl to make her �'11_m�. ha\c been iu.wndetl to There tr:�UI:C iuto l_;ll.i.\"er�ity life halJl'Y. :::. •• ,wa; neithcr sell�e nor reason in an or- was attracti vc a.uo. wade her way ea�­g:tllization among .Freshruau J_!irl� that ih-_ Ab ;6IJon a::;:;he lUao.c acqu:.Uut­senc.l no purp(no\C, savo lIt'rhal' a�l:e::; aJllOllJ,! tho worc prominent Uui­Olle Ubl·t'ul to the clubs; aui to coJ1l- ""'I's,ty WOUlCU, sho 1urgot that �IH'plete the mystery, "honor" . was. at- laad eycr known wo.tru.'h�d to membership. So, take J.t �a.ll 1 J·cao. witll a �Ulllo tho ailiuouitiouiu :til, the post mortems Illay ulkc ,;,11 iu a recent cOWJllunic:Ltiou. frow tllt.'a rather joyous tone. But tho !JIg- ul'l,crcla:ss counselor conllnittce, .. j) ••point is not th�,-t Ka.lailu has gone, Hot urop your .Freshman after the fil" NAME FOtJB, SENIORS TOstrictly; the passin� of the old orth�r week." 1 had been lluito cfrcctualJy REPRESENT CLASS WITHis of interest rather as �1. symptom of liruI'Jlt.'tl a.l ter tho first week. ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONth(> spirit that i� sweep1ng o�·er. the .liy next }'rcshman carefully seau.University, brea.thin� a new �fe m:o I Hed a ",-'Ccnt Cap aud Gown. Una.blc Helene Pollak, Lynne Sullh'an, ROll·�ome orh-ranization.s, and blas!111� otb to find my J!icture or a mention of eril,k Pcttie .and Ernest Reichmaners. This spirit that has left Its touch me, sho uccitleo. 1 wu.s llot not a!Jle to WNO recently appointed to representul,on Kalailu has been called Dcmflt'�a �t.:trt lacr ou a successful career; so sho tIl(' "r .. �scnt Senior class in the Uni­cy; but it is more fund:unell.tal. 'Vh�h� paio. no attention to my lettcr, !Jut versity alumni as..�()('iation8 .. They wiI1it is perfectly true that mfiuenbal camo O\-Cr to the Uni\'cr�ty anu asked Sf,rVe with the pr�nt Senior c1a.�<\ of­students are really devel�}li?g Wlla.t fora counselor, hoping to uraw a bet- ricers, aJlll "ill hold office for ell(might I.H· termed a.n altrUIstic st.rl·:lk. for a. counselor, 11ol-'ing to uraw a oetr )>y aro tle\'elopin� it from .somethlDtr :LIly that m.y third, whom 1 ::;;_:�;._------------­even deeper. The keynote of the IJc\-er ha\'o seen yet, caDle to the Dlcct­movement seems to be that students iug place 1 suggested looked we 0"1.',are &1eveloping a sense for real val�(':-;. alltl decided I wouldn't do.n. determination to �et somet1n�lg 'l'he following experience was toldworth while in return when t.11('_�· ,. me: AUotiJcr counselor telephoned her,'est tl,eir time and eneq ... 'T- :m. �11l1c- ..::'n!shman, who was not at home. Her Ipcnllenc tha,t refuses to 110 trailltlOn:ll mother, upon hearing the messagl',thint! lwC'.'!use it nl\\--:!ys has l)ecn s:tid, ·'E will not need your as-je1on(>. Tho "boo-hoo" �ccrecy of class sistance. She has plcnty of friends at!'loci(>ties ha.<\ melted liko snowt1akcs the Uniersivty who will help her. Youin a 1>L"lst furnace,when (>:\.-posetl to thl need )lot trouble yourself what."01 I!"pirit: empty "honors," useless ana e\·er." And the girl in question, evenlau�ha.hle'tions of a.ll !"orts, nrt' uftt'r she came to college and learnc.l..going. hcenuse there is no V ALU� in the slJirit of the movement, never I'them. They exist as survivals of times tried to rcctify the mistake.gone hy-times when they might have 1 110 not offer any .solution to this'been useful, but which in pa.,,�ing. have prohlem. lntleed I do not sec one now. Itnk('n with tlM-m all exeU.l"e for mwh l'erhnps its something that can only l,e(·onlluet. This is all 3.<\ it shou1<l be: remedit'll nfter the new women have\,,"0 hail joyously e\"ery such aetion ns heen at the University ·long enoll;.!"h tilthat. t.ak('n by Kalailu: "W'e cheer nn�- learn our spirit. However, do notrovolt a;minst the' 01<1. musty. outworn ---- - ---------......;;..---------------('ml)ty praetiees whi('h still pre'-�il.lInt whiC'h l'lllOui<1 he swept out Wltllthe ntller cl(>hris of bY·t!one (lays, Howfflr will this dl:tn�(> �o? It is h:ml to!":l�-; jucl:ring_ hy a.U the nn:llo�' (\�lmman exp('rienee. it -will !!O too f�'.­l)('.fore it s('ttles (lown into a state ofnormal l1�ftlln('!'<\' hut we lmve noty('t r('achNl t�l:lt 'r,oint. Until th('n.:11] hnil to tIle n('w idea! l\rra"hn .• e mOTe ('xn.mpl('s liko th(> cl('ath offh(, 01.1 Kalailu!D ail,The Communication.otilclal �tud(,Dt :\eWt;I)8llt'r or tb�1't'rslty of Chka:.:o. Unl.The modern -kineler�ten is not anisolated Instttution, but is essentiallypart of tho prtmary grades, aecordinzto tJI(' statement of MiM Alice TNI1-plo, director of Kindergartens at theschuol of Education, at the college ofEducntion chapel yesterday morning Iat. 10:1:'. .Tn eOlltr:�tin� the old kintler�arf.(>11with the new, Miss T(>mple tol.1 howFrol'hl'l's oM SYstem of games hnll lIe­\'l�lupell iuto a- tendeu('y toward thl'instruction of outtloor play. Iusteallor ImYing a s('t curriculum of !..":tmol'�a� Frol\hel prescribed for the GennanehiItlren. l\lis� Templo d('(_·.lar(>c1 thattill' proJ_!Tl's.."h·o syste mof t.raining:lllapts tIll' pla�' to tho 11eMires of thl'dliltl.-PROFILE-Scarf slide �and lock. fiOn�l&ceQ.BL!"VNITED SHUa'·. COUAJt co. ntOY' N.'Y.Learn to Dante CorreetlyGenuine Arge.ntine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, danced and taught byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat. evenings at 43d at. & Oalumet Av JTERESA S. DOLANA PER� QU:!STIOl'T.'l'ho Athl('tie"nt. 1J .. �. 1.r111(' rM'ipicnt. of �om(' critil·i�nl .• 1;�",�·h- nnll inllirQ(>tl\"-t.he ('onflu('t of' tlwt�nlli� (,Ollrt� h�in:;!' :'I ('a�(' in -point.Thf' root of t.he erit.if'ism m:l'- 0,. rr n'n(\t he :L S('n�ih1c on ('--tIJ:l.t. is, h('l'ti.ll"thl" flOiTlt. if th(' Toot is tlil" fe'''';'111:lt th(' Ath1l" f1('l'nrtml"nt !'"l-n-'pro\'irle fnC'iliti('!" for :!('n('rnl nth1<-!:f'x(,T('i!"(, h\" �t1Hl('nt� {!('n(,T:llh·. ,.1"1'l"rtin('nt 'rtll('�qtlon lq t'hi!'t-WO�11'1 tl-·sfl,.l('ntq hI" �:-a.tisfi(,11 if fll(, At1111"':",l('1':111m('nt �h(l1l1tl t:J.k(' th('m rat tnr>irwor,l. nhn.nllon th,. llU�(' ('�pf'n�(' of i»t('rC'ol1('gi:-a.t(' ('(lntl" .. t.�. nn.l ,l(,,·(\t(' it"mOTIf'\" :mll f'n(,T�- to pT(wi.lin!! th('!'('fN'iliti('� � lOll'fl1�- Il"Tn:ln,l('.l? T'roh. :nhl" Tlot· ('lc;" th(',- ";n111,l 1':1,'1" hf'l'n I�ati"fif',l with th" '01.1 :\rrar .. 'h�n fi('1,1. �T('pnir(',1 nn.l l':1intl".l-:ln,l thf"- ""0111.1.hnyl" ('on,1('m"('(1 n� ('�tT:1\':1!!nnt w�,,!,,:t}>f' ... r('l·tion nf fh(' T1('". f'(I""T"t(' "hh.l'nl('n fhl" t'rit,if'q "nol nfT. prohnhh"th",' win T('n1i",. tlJ�t :'1ft,.,. nl1. H:('It tlllcti(' (1('pn.rim('nt 11n� h"'''nf'h('m jU!IIt ahout ",,'hrat: thf'�·�nt. (Fomt:1 \'ice presielent International Assoda_tioJl )Ia�tcr of Dancing): member of ChieagvlJarl(' i IIg �I nster's Association.Htuclio: ;j:liil Cottnge Gro\'e Av. Phone H. P. 6S!i�Pri\'ate lessons by appointment.�-.--._._. __ .G. __ . __ .. _ ....ESTABUSHED 1818Our Rcprcsctative, MIt. WA LItER, WiD be at theHOTEL LA SALLECIu'bf: to Give Beach Party.BroWJl!llon ,.]nh will �i\"op:a.1'fy n('xt W oon('."day inT·:lTk. JUNE 3RD, 4TH, 5'1'H and 6'l'HWith Fla.nnels for TOWn and Oountry Summer Furnlshinzs, Straw andPanama H:lts, RtU',sia Oalf' and BUCkskin Shoes, 'l'ra.veling Kits.Boston Brandl� ]·H) Tremont StI'eet,Newport Branch, 200 Bellevue Avenue.Vfn""PTIt tI' Addn>Fs O}lf" C1T:'I"'11�.&"�Pr('�ifl('nt Vint'('nf n( th(' T·nh-(,T"it,,:of )JinTlI'�ot:l. will (If'lh-(,T t.h,. t!"T':I.l'1:'1-:tir,n :1fl.1r('�� M. th4' llnin'r�it\" of Oh;o:('omm('nrem('nt ('x('r,.i!'U' ... Tlln� 17. I • ••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••• G NEW IN SWEAT3RS'soME'fBlN, kuit in e'�lnar :111'\-your coUege colors ele��""tljo'r elr�'l't.around the bottom in ar ar� whitt� :IIlll T'1\!\'1�' .}'OT instance-If YO�lTh colo ISe Nn\'!l']O \tllf1krs. rlll� I�, ter Wit purp J.. '. • . t \ .. '..... ·lute swea I IIl'('·IlI11!� .-.. ..el' Sweaten Olll-'�" . ,qnite the last wor 1111 flnsl1 oIl the (':l!lltl':'<will make a rea , ...<J'"s' k r "'liJl�t:Jldn!!h'., B ell Navajo. II:l t' �--:. .• ..... t theIn\l�trateel-:-ma.n 8 ra eyA sweater that. \\" ii, 01 lit 1..knit of tluck. warm yarni 1 t l' llric("l. . 1colleee course. 1\ 01 ('ra �"'t to ('1'111'111"1:1 \\ It IY/omeJl's Knit Sport c�atg'hl'l�l\n ('on t r:l"� i 1I�present styles. l\.Ia(le Wti�h for wonl('n'� ,,·\':tr. _�olor-a very -pretty s y eBradley Knittinii ComnanyDELAVAN, WIS.THESMOOTHEST.TOBACCO� �mores � have asmok ..r -.. kDo� of Velvet-thepeatest of tobacco Ieaf-the oldendays method of curing by aging-2 years of hanging in thewUeLouse UDder �ed: c.onditions-a perfect seasoning-ameIIowioatLat �� every vestige of leaf harshness-a sw�GlOOth Lvor of tobacco that cbalIenges the best smoke Y(lUeRr rDCed. wet bum hot-am·t bitel Smolce it as often as� it is aIway.J tLe I8IDe de&ahtfal pipdul-V c:lvet-anooth.T odq « � tilDe JOG say-at aDdeaIea..��ar.tocFuDTwoOaDceTuaa�HleAGCi).Phone Englcwooll 8423r,!;11 Cottnge Grove Avenue,"The on the Dollar---is... � � .EagleChica-go, Chica-go, Chica-go, Cio-Cio-Chica-go, Chica-go, Chic.-Cio!a Rare Bird"When the fellows at college want suppliesthey go to Rogers & May's Clothes ShopBECAUSEAS ftIJBY 00 UP, 1"HB PRICE OOM:&S DOWN.You Fellows-know the value of a dollar-just as well as other '<humans" do-and youknow that where you can get the most for your dollars-the most of what you most have­that's where you'll send those dollars.YOTJ'LL GET HEREYoung �en's Clothes)fADI-; uNDER OUR OWN SUPJo�UVJSION. BUT YOU DON'T JJAYjo; 'f0 PAY THE PRICES WIUCH THE OTHERSTORES ASK FOR TIIE s .. um L'L.A8S OF GOODS.·Here's Why You Save.It ,.ou come up to our twelfth floor sb.oP-aDd see it.c; size-y('ull see that our rent is so smaJl that we can foreetit-and our other expenses are tri1linJt. We don't add a cent to the actual (.a�. of the goods for expenses. We don't have todo it. Of CObDC. the big stores 1rith theLr MIlts � to a $100,OOO-and tl1eir $10,000 beyers-.a.nd. window tri!:�v.scO::.'"ting fortunes every ,.ear-bave to "get the money" to pay these 6PC!w;es.They tack an a:tza cbarge on to evaryt.bbut the,. sell--:- no matter whetl:er you buy a collar or an overcoat.But we add nothiDg--aud you spend nothing for nothin..� here. That·s why some fellows save hundreds of dollar.;during the year buying their dlothes. their shirta. their coUars ,hoSiery and !1eckwea.r here.- REPUBLic 'BUiLDlNG209 South State Street IIi...................••..•......... (; _ _ _------ - .=:-., The prices---well, $20 is our regular price for the kind you always thought cost $30-and those English Balmecaans-c-the kind that make a fellow feel at home everywhere. They'rehere at $lO-for the $20kinds-and at $20 for the $30 coats.We know JUSt what college lite is-we've been there. Have gone straight, through-from freshma.n to the sheePBldn--and we know_by experieDoe Just how a bird-tb.e eagle en the dollar is.For f.nstanc8. when it comes to shirtB-a doillar and a half will procure here the very same valu.e wh1ch in othftrshops cost you $2 and even $2.50. and. $I. will buy a sta.nda.rd $1.50 value.Regular SOc hoa1817-the silk k:i.nda--4ha.t brin.E 50c everyWhere ·-and arc b'Uarnnteed for 6 months-will cost yOU here only 25cROGERS 6 MAY CLOTHES SHOP.. _-----_._-._ ... _--_ .. --_.Hotel Cumberland'Women in the school of Educationwill bo given pradtical lessons in cook­ing at a fOOlI demenstrarion tomorrowafternoon in Emmons Blaine 38S. Mi�'4Grace llooci instructor of Home }:Con­omies, will Illu ..strate the preparationof both a simple and elaborate meal.A fish will be boned and planked, andcombination salad will be made, TheMis8 Norton, an Indian Y. W. C • .-\.worker, who ha.." just returnee} from.Calcutta, spoke to the first and secondcabinets of the League ye8t("l'(}ay.lli�'4Norton hn.... been AA'\O("iatec1 with l(i�,\lJargery Me}("her. DiBc1uJBes Kathem&Ucal &abject."Points of lni1cdion of a Plane THESE PARIS GARTERS have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea has never beforebeen carried out for any University.The value is excellent; you get the full worthof your money in Garter quaHty plus the Univer­sity colors and design. Price, 25c the pair.Every pair of PARIS GARTERS ISguaranteed to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. DICKSPECIAl. VALUE···SO Dozen Soft Cuff Shirts, Silk Bosom andCuff, a $2.00 flalue, $1.50.The New Soft Collar, made like the La Salle, lSc; 2 for 25cJust Arrived, LONDON, ad New Corliss CGOD CollarNEW YORKBr\)8dwq at 5ftb Street.Near som Street Subway Station aDcI53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCeatral Depot.Seftath A vemae Can from Pe1lDS71-YaaIa Statloa.IlBP'l' BY � COLUO. "AliB&.tllClf.- FOR COLLao. U.NlJP.UJAI. RAT.S FOil ooL,..O. T.AJlBfen �.llutes' Walk to Thirty TheaueaHAlRR'V P. STIMSON. MANAGER ,.. I :BRAIJQUAaTBIUI I'\ia CHICAGO�cw, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. ta.SO and up... -_ _.-----_ _- .. ,WILL GIVB PaAOftCAL ---== -LB880NS Dr OOOJDNG : c..pU I!ew. : .TO 'UlfIVq8I'1'Y wnllm -=�2pe�ak�U�8odal=====::.:Sen1ce=======. =-=�=...=== - il(iss Merrill, head resident of Cha .. soHouse, and Mi. Croonberghas, usisLant 8uperintendento of tho United Charitie� gave short. talks at the Socialservice tea in Lexington yesterday.".Mrs. MiJlikan poured, aml HelenCarnes had charge of the program.demonstration is under the al1�l'iel'� Cubic Curve" was the subject discuss,of the Household Arts &onomics clob. ell by Professor Dickson at .a of the Mathematical club yCl'rter·(iay in Ryenoa 37.JIisB MOnon A� Y. w. o. L.Hoben to A"*- Bible ScJaoJanAssoriate Professor Allen Hobenwill addr�8 membcl"8 of the ChicagoExteMion 888Odation ot the DailyVncation Bible �hoo) at its Sprin�meeting Saturda.y at 3 in lIukcU. I: 'Inm DAlLY MAB.OON, �AY, KAY 21, 191'-18 Be 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARDClUcaeo. Our newest Four Button Model made In a mostattractive manner for summer wear. This style inflannels of blue and grayand striped patterns.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMElts � SHOPOgil:vi.e Be Hen.ea.t:e.; .. eitemeut which c� oft the reserve 5e per line. -�o--ad;erti�e.nentB re­that gevu.ratelS men from each other, eeived tor leu than 25e. All dB-u'edI t is a powerful agency of lMH:i'dization, advertisement� �ust be paid tD ad·und hi needed \'ery\ m.uch in the "&Dee.WANT }:D-- T,YJ)Cwriting, piecework ;Other a.rticleti in the current i8HUe thesis, terni papers, etc •• neatly tn',-"of the journal of Sociology are "The writtt.,u ill gootl form. Tt'l. II. 1'. :!S�I:;.Huh';' by Paul L. VObrt of Miwlli uui- FOR RENT-}'i\'o-roolll house. purlor,versify, ".A&siwiliation in tho Phifip- dinina: room. kitcheu, two boo rooms,pint'S" h�' Albert E. Jenks of the uui- bathroom uud l'lt -e tric li�hts. furuished$35 per month. )Irs. Lyman Wuyt,Pentwater, Mieb,HOLDS ftlAlf PB08PBBrrYIS A 800IAL PBODUarlContinued trow page 1)church.",AI'similation of the American Indian"tty j-'uYo-ite A. .M.(!Kenzie, of OhioState unlverslty, "FunctiolUlL Indus­tri:t.l Ut·latioWlhillS and the \\' age\'l�rsity of .Minnesota, "The EugenicEutheuie Relation iu Child W.,"by William L� Dealey of Cla.rk un i­versity, und "1-�fft. .... '\tt of GeographieConditions Upon Social Rectifies," Ly CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMINI'S}'OR UEN1'-}'illl'1y furnished apurt-ment of 6 rooms. Within wa.lkiul:distance of Uuiverslty.udults ouly, Pulldeserlptlou in llOIlSilll! »t'partllll'lIt,Tell'l,honc Midway 3985.FO'uND--Pllr�c': Iuqu ir« uf �lrN.H':lll"hh'r li10·1 Elli.s a·'-"Ulle'. Ph'!Ii\)�'i'h\';��' �Ji4.Hllnois.I':elwarcl C. Ha�'('S of the university of Universal Repair Mig.Co., 1508 CableMEDICS AND LA\VI SCHOOLNINES ".00 10ft IN GAMEWill Play for Professional SchoolOhampioD8htp Satnrd,aJ'----1Uval Oap­ta.iDs Are Oontldent .Any conceit which the law schoolnine may have acquiroo after the de­. cisi\'e victory over Northwestern Sut­urduy will be removed by a painlessoperation in the LaW'-Metlic ga.m.e Sat·urduy at 1*:30. on Stagg field, necord.,ing to the statement of Captain Nieh­ols of the Physicians' team.Tho Medics praetdced for the firt4ttime yesterday. Lack of team w, •.was evident, and the doctors will meeton Staga: field again today in the hopeof polishing oft' the rough ec1a:etJ. Fr.i­day will be a (lay of regt for hodteams,�I��bers of the L:Lw school reamare confident of overwhelmlun the.Medic squad, ··We proved our trueability last Saturtlay." said CaJlt:lhScofield of the Law team.. ··W (.pect to outdo last week's efforts, the doctors feel their pulses,"ne LlDeup8::Medics. LaWs.• Cameron, Carpenter p. ....•.•• LeviHuteter, Nichols.. c. ••.. GeisterKulvinsky , . . . . . .. Ib •... :: StrykerMayer. . . . . . . .. . .. 2b " .... " BeD. Volilni. . • • . • • • • . .• 3b •••••••• BoyleSheparre .. ' •. •.•. 88. • ." ••• ' Catron:ogno .. . . . . . . . . .• If. Geentler. . . . . . • • • • .. ri. . . . . Swan90DWilliams cf. ..••••.• DalyREDMANBUY ONE OF JAPAlIBSE SILK-JUSTRECEIVED FROM JAPAN AT ..�f'�.Nippon Dry Goods Store. �863 EAST SIXTY _THIRD STRE..3T.(Just Opposite the Drexel Theater)TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 970We bave your size (SiZes 1-1-16)SHIRTS WORTH $5 AND UP AT $2.75.(Look at Our Patterns TODAY-WEDNESDAYA!�..o L::uiies· Impc.rtcd KimnoS-Silk and Cotton Crr�:;$1-1.00 SILK HAND EMBROIDED"SD $7,50�.no COTTON OREPE .-........ �1.7r-2.00 COTTON OREPE PRINT .,.......... $1.00 2 For 25 Cents.Cosmopolitan Clu't WiD Elect..Cosmopolitan clu.b officers will 1"'eleeled for next year at a. meeting I-'ri­day at 8 in Ellis 18. The organi7�-.tior.will «,.Io.'(e the SOD:'on with its annual, banquet, M".l.Y 28, in Hutt-hinson e. ... fe.fiiiffiffiDiiSizmmnjTTIal AlII< _ben to -.. -Pen club nlembel'B bave been reo(Iuestecl to return the po�tals �igniry·ing their intention of attending th,'�I)ring RC\'el!' of the organization.The aft'oir will be heM May :l0 inHutchinson.Earl. WilsonMAKERS OFTroy'. Best Product ••Brief Campus News� .Fraternities Play FInt Ifeanl&Phi Delta defeated Delta(�J,silon and Psi Upsilon won fromDelta Tau Delta in singles matchetJ inthe first round of interfraternity ten­nis �·('IStl'r,lay. Both Kingles and (lou-t "If'S in tho I)reliminary Tooncl must bt>played oft' by Saturd::�;.- 'eWQi5jf ..J errems TailoringMeans clothes that give youinidvidual good style.Prices $30.00 to $60.00� Avenue,11th and H StreetsTo IteJc� or a bete1 WMreluxurious quarters may be se'cured 'WMre charm and con·g�niai atmospbere y,C'Vail, antiwheTe exccllen� 0 SC"lce i:tparamount, the JIotd PoW'habnoan. jut ncb inducements..Roome wlth detaehed bat�ma� 1M obtained at t2 00and � Rooms with printe�t1l, �50, SUO aad •. ct.,. ':r--tt:.=iFJ::.-=-�Write for booklet with map.CLIPPORD •. LEWIS.)I:ana,er Soues wm SpeAk at ChapeLProfefmOr SonT� win �k :\.t thf'Divinity .. hRpt'l n.�f'Cmbly t()(lay at1!!:�:!:!:!��!!:!������5!J.' 10:15 in HukeD...:\ �j'4'ci:ll'yo( oursTAILOR FO!: YQU!'lU Ivn�r-.;THREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E .Jac·kson Blvd. 71 E Monroe St..Dree Reasons Why yoo should I':a( at theMen's Commons I1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness cur Matta. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Minimum Price for HI, h Quality FoodClub Breakfast 1.'ie op CiiideJla at IJuncl1IMDDeI' .& l.can. MUSIC Come ID Skull and Crwcct IDitlMe&Tht- following men were initin.t�lI into Skull nncl Cr�ent I:ll4t night :attil" JJyflc Pnrk hotel: .Tohn Agar,.TollnAlbert, DunlRp Clark, Paul Donk('r..Tohn Eclgcworth, WiJ1ilt Go\\"Rn�, Nor·man Ifnrt., Don dl el Hop", Philbrick\Jnekl'on, Roy Knip8ChiM,Rit'hIUfl Kuh.Norman �1.Jec)(1, BueD PaUe1'8On,Wal·tc-r Schafer, Harry Stansbury, Willin.mTempleton, Fmn .. ilt Townley, �k"n.relc� Roy Wh�l('r and RolM-rt Wi1.lett. placv 1'!lollc �li.1. I:�I:!. We repairstoves, hie·.Y'·!t-:<, vtv. l:l'finish :'.11.1 liP-hd�h'r furniture'. l'ia:4c'rill": aud,·"iIllIlC·�· ('c'lla'lIt: '·:I'"I',·!ltc·":IIJ.: und l),1Serge With a ReputationThe high cualit y andlow price of �'l'\ i coilStandard" S:.'rge do notharmonize.valuefine,VeryI t's the greatestwe know --- ri-h.e x act I y right.special at $25.00Nicoll the TailorW!! J�rrem.s· SonsClark and Adallls Streets. Chlcasto.THECom Exchange National Bank.f Cbl_ ....OapltalClurplua $,000,000.00tJndlvlded Profits _ 1.000,00.00OP'F!C'ERS.ERXEST A. HA lUll LL. Prealdent.CHARLES I .. nuTCHL x SO�, Vlce-Prea.=UAU:-:CEY J. BI.AIR, Vlcf'-PrukJlDLD A :WO!JI.TOX, Vlce-Prraldent.1 C. SA111lO�S, Vlce·Presldent._IRA.'I;K \V. SltlTII. Secretary.EDWARD F. SCllOE�ECK, Aat. Caabi ...J. EDWARD lIAAS. Asst. Ca.I,?JA1IES G_ WAKEFIELD. A_L CUIat ••�EWIS E. GARY. Aut. Caabl ...DIRECTORS.CtUU1NH Wacker Clyde 11. Carr:Martin A Ryenon EdWin G. Forem&aICcJward B Butln Wat80n E. Blal,.a.U1_ H. Hulburd Edwar4 A. SheINOannce Bocklncbam Frederi("k W. Croeb��tn �er Bn..t" HamlDU1�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor8ummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionBforU,Q.oETT. PEABODY a co. lac. JIaIr.en