I m -I· ··1:!1 Is:� j t f at -g . : armm �_::-:�Vol XII. !roo In. 11NIV'IlB8ftY OF CHIOAGO. ftlUBSDAY. KAY 14. 1914.Fat Round to be Played byMay 2S-Have Siqles andDoubles MatchesVOTE AGAIMST NEW MEMBERS from tho student body, elimination of 'INSERT PAGE PAID FORAdvert lsing; sufTkient to cover the('ost of the page to be inserted in theWoman's etlition of the Maroon, haspower of mental justness, the powerof criticism, standard of seleetioI4, ere­ntive vision, wisdom and philosophy,not in the modern and pedantic, butin the bracing, significance of theterm. He comes to acquaint himselfwith tho problems of the fold, as itnow is, and to catch a ,-i.'lion of th('·world as it ought to be.'COUNCIL ,APPOI:InS FOURNEW' KBN TO HONOR COURT Women's Edition Wdl Contain LiveNews As Well � Personal HilsOn Campus Peoplethc uarruw tfvccialist frow the [acuity, WILL INITIATE NEXT TUESDAY Otp ,. ,BRA WINGS IABE' FOR' .WOULD REMEDy COLLEGE' BLACIFRIARS ELECTFliAltRNltY TENNIs Writer in Century Magazine Says FOURTEEN lORE lENAim is Not to Give "The Super- - .ficial Polish of A Useless Culture" Eleven Freshmen Selected in Sec-. oncl Group-Pradically PerfectLJecti(ln of the Intellectually inert Attendance is Requisiteund tho hunuwizing of knowledge are been secured, aeeording to Alta Fish_h I .1 h .. lul f th 1 te Vaughan Gunnell, who had a minor-"u CH an .... tIC lOU es or e u r; suggested remedies for the regenera- er, the business manager. The paperfraternit.v tennis touruameut wcre do- l)art in "'I'he Studt.'ut SUj,e.-ior,'· audtion of thc American college, in uu will not be eight pages, as it was lasteh.1 .. d uuou at the Intcrfraternit\.· couu- thirteen uieu from the churus were'" s: J nrf icle on "What is Wrong With the year, since literary quality is the aim.eil meefiue vesterdav, There :will be G I elected by the Blaekfrtar» yesterday, .. '" -0 J J Collcfl'c:" bv H. C. 'oodartl in t re TI dit h to bli ht:> J afternoon in Cobb l:!A. Of the men re e I ors ope pu IS someLoth tlingles and doubles matches. No )'luy issue uf the Century Magazine. new stories about phases of campusith th V't fre hmau chosen, four are aouhomores and elev-man on er er e W'Sl Y or s .... "'rhe student does nolt CODle to eo], s: life which escaped the regular staff"I. _.11 ed 00 oil freshmen. Much stress WUtI Iuid onsquade "\\ill u� iiU.OW to com�. lege to uequire the superficial polish The progress On new buildings will be.T .1 f . I d dou attendance and promptness of the .he first rounu 0 smg es an .of a useless. culture," Mr. Goddard r reported, as well as the usal mosseo'-rbles lD,ust be' played by May 25. Thesays, "nor to be transfonncd into one men, ered story on the Woman's gymnasium.The new members will be Iulfiatedmore crack·brained, petifoggingj re.. The proposed fountain in HutchinsonTuesday at 6 at the Hotel La Salle.senreher, nor to heap up a pile of in- court and the new Green houses to beInvitations have been .sent to old.Delta. formation. He wishes to attain the erected at 59th street and MlaZylandFriars, and a record crowd is expected.avenue will be written up.Abbott Murray has requested all mem"bers of the order to return the infor- More verses and limericks on per-marion cards which were sent to them sons and places of the campus havebeen called for by the editor. A boxJI1A8iJ.,�a Nu vs. Sigma. Chi.Alpha. Tau Omega. V80 Phi K:q.pa.Psi. • Add 0la11se to Point � Begard-Kappa Sigma va. Betia Theta Pi.. in BeslpatioD trom CMBce-Wa. ...Alpka. �lta. .Plai .:vs.....D.'!lta .upsilon .. :.:,. .�. __ ._--- - - -.�:"";"'" .:-:=- "�TDelta. Kappa Epsilon va. Phi Delta .'. !;lam KDh 8p8ab.Theta. _.-Delta Sigma Phi V80 willner of Delta Four new members of the HonorKappa Epsilon-Phi Delta Th:eta mateh. commission, who· ·will· serve from theWhetll�=i��� Lincoln beginuing of the AutumD· qua.rter tilllaoasee and Beta Phi should be admit- the next election, were appoiuted by�. to the Interfraternity council was t.he Undergraduate eouncil lut night.diseussed. Owing to a �tiou in the Mary MaeDonald was apiointed to rep­eonstitution which req� that no resent the Junior class �orie Fay�'. h the Sopho�o--· and Robert Loeb andnew organization be adm!tted to t e .-'(!oundl until it has been active at the Graham Asher, the Freshman.Be._ At the m�ting of the eouneil, aUniversity at least two years, !loaPhi was temporarily refused admis· Dew clause W28 added to the pointaion. A preliminary ,-ote on the quos- system, whereby any person eledecltion of M(ling Washington and LiD- to offiee receives the number of pointsb of that offiee �til the end of his �­eoln hou.'lCS to the eouncil was lost ycupation of said position, if he reosigns or not. This clanse will be en·forced by the bureau of records.Willia.D't Kuh, '11, spoke to the eoun­t'il r�arding the eounsellor system.1I� r�ommended that eounsellOnJ ben��ignefl to the Freshmen the first (layof sehool. The system. was agitatedfinlt by the clue of '11.schedule follows:Sburles.Sigma Chi vs, Delta Phi.Delta Kappa Epsilon V80 PhiTheta.Phi Kappa Sib."Dla , .. s, Sigma. Alpha.Epsilon.PBi UllI:silon vs. Delta Tau Delta.Phi (iulll.lllA Delta V8. Delta Upsilon.Kappa Sigma V8. Chi Psi..Delta Sigma. Phi vs. Beta Theta l>i.Phi Kal�pa Psi vs. Sigma Nu.Alpha 'lau Omega ys. winner of PhiKappa. J·si·Sigma Nu match.Douw..Sigma Alpha h'psilfJn VB Psi Upsilon.Delta Tau Delta va. Chi Psi ..Phi Gamma Delta '-80 Phi Kapa. Sig-a narrow margin.JBC.N JUS)[ INl'fiA'm8UHBBN SECORD YBABMBH ifO .3KBBBSJDP �MahmL-�·· ·00 .......... :GOrPS.·; Bolidy .. -p. • •• � : •. � /-::1IGdt&Hatcher ..• '� ... 'I'e- :��L1.�'Vl�:.Mast, (Captain)� •. ' 'lb � � .'. �"!.1;·�;j'i � .Matthews .....••.•• ···2b .• ; •• :!'. }·!t:r�.Newman •..• �/� .•.•. '811. .� .";-'l�L,�t··ShRft"er •• , ..•.••.• :3b • .; ••. � :' •• �"' .....Kuli •.....• �.;�, •. ·lf ..... :·.��::;,·;P ..... ·BirdsaJl ..••. _ • •. ef. . . .- .;·"!l' �.>All as.c;ignments for the paper·which Swanson ..... '-�I ••. rI. _ �: ... ;: J·':T�.�� .Uml>ire: . KeDDiecJlL- ... .: .......Hiram .K'6IlicGtt,' ·"13;t-.iIt ... �W ....-_to umpire t.he.�';;� hft:'j..'�:"�·prejudi�ed ···ai�.ii.:·" ii.��;��:on the· ata1f:. ()f ��·cev;.uIa< �ir: ...well � on '�e ��y. ... ��� jj�<"".'�n heard .�._d� .. ;�.� .. � .'_'eome:m--��-�;······ .----� --. . wGiia8D·"iO�.�"" .. ,- ........ � ••• ' .• _' •. _ ...... 'so, t.. ". ,. Dorothy· Lhnr�Yn·,iftlPnP-t\tttai·Qualifying rounds will be run of! game ·to�,,�e�����7�����l'Friday. in the University golf. e�am� Maroou;' which. Will:)e� �,�pionship. The play will be in three the men· are:OIt tIt8 ba!t:fiel4. .� ,;, ; Inquiries" e·o��:':tIl.��'_·��IIf�flights, and prizes will be .awarded. �othe Cap� . ";"d' ��;.�.- ¥.:. D..• "_t,.. �_.�... "'!':the wi� ·of each flight� �l:l. thqse - uv ...who ean not play on �day .. may p�y tueaaa.y�.'�;��·��·��.�·(their round Saturday,. if they. �n.- . tiy. a )(�� ��i; 1!�'::.���T.enni9�ion of the eom'mittee.. �hicb iBg tll�..JaC.boD·�:�·�I""and rooo· D.·"··Wiiiej�1ru;,;:�",n-.;;.·'..���ts of Stevenson, Grimes .. - :a� buijdiag'be��.�..sfrom an eaeloaed·� .Q4:s.a ......ly the eub ·j_i1a.&F�·;·· U.'!,.�.tbr h the· ah'n..�· .. �d �. __ •oug ..- - . ... ,...... . .. " ..• - , .Qap an.d GOW�" praiUal,.. -g2YDe. P!aTN�.� ...This" report·· did·' �'.: pl�.: -..;-._the M&roon eaiiip; hc)����' ."�� .... �Daily. sb1r .... ·.. bM� '.sn;�.�"".'mally 10r the· put;tWci�· � ......pJ'a("tiee. wi!!" �. ·.�1�·-.�.�·.�:" �\.the Phi PBi JrI'OOade,.· rieR .� ... , ,1faLroon team will 1iD� up·�qu_� ....ed squad' from· the' �teriut7: . ,.. AdmiaiOD·· to ,·the ... ,_. •. wiII , ....fred" said Jt.u..get Bh�.· �;.i" .c.if'end· Gown �; �_d·-- . .il:·1Iitfdents wlio: wish ·to .ILV� ·e"'��."",oriee' of tlaelr' eoU.:·�� '�,.:�to be preseirt· at···.be .;"181':"ASK VI8I'IOB8 �� _.i/�_Y:'.':.-.' .'New Oeotoa . ....,. .... 01* 171 -. �nlYe � .::Iij .]1�,�_t.Z(w.< a 00:. BaD em ! Mcmbt-rs of the ·lIii��itt· � •• '����m��aIi!I'!"' ".' bec.-n rt'quf'8ted by :d.e"·G�- d� .TnflAVroc-rot not. to '-isit. ·t'lie . ·.eW'; � �tllil.1ing at thia. time. n. pre8eD""tago or the f)1Iildi'Dg- oper..uo ... ili·'-O}\'C!I clanger to .wton{ .• id�,-tWrnrt"!llCn�o interfeftti' wltla; .:_:.� .wII.avnue. I'SpriDg �c, S, r__ Ball lawn Thi" requnt does' .. " :apply �.�",TOMORROW. members oft too" 'Of·'i..;eetiOil.Graduate beath RI'tY .• :45. t.mt AntomRtie rivetitlg col � .. 'eo'"fI'om LemIdoD �D. .' lamns aird· � ·.nl1:·.·beIJ'ir���.·· /C0sm01)o'ltan dDb. 8:15, lit t��Cl"--· ,·n t" tid_ wID lie ....,denN! Of JIJss Far 5751 Vatf6IilltT �.. nov ...,..'ava1lt!. mfwed to lite· 80atIL e_ of�;hnc1·BepGlcls dUb lDt'onul 8:30, Bq� ir.g to avoid the .0iM.Dold: cI1lb.last week.The men elected yesterday follow: for such contributions has been placedThird Seven. in the League room.Howard CopleyBernard Newman7Jarion Da vidsoaG£or�e Antlerma..lJohn Slifer.. \.Jthur Tening�Chauncey SeotttFourth BevanLucius Hilton·Loui8 Blachly�·---�=�-�;��i-"'�"·-��·�-Harold HuIsDonald HopsFrancia BroomelL8OPHOJlOBBS DBFBAT FlWSH were given out yesterday at a meetingI of tho staff in Ellis a.re due M,ondayl morning. Reporters for the e(litionhave been asked to appear Monllay .at9:15._. __ -field of mcn who can be counted on asflark horses in the first flight • .Am.on�those who ha'-e alrcady planned toTOPLAY·.O�·-:- ., .. =- lD.ft:a:ss--nr-.�6.lII'=":" _. JSHIP GOLF. 'l'01JB.NAlIBlft' '-'IMAROON ,LAYS PIlI PSI""-�.Final arrangement..:for .�.,;.� .struggle betWeeIl .the. JWIT .and Cap and aow."-.����­� made. The battle :will .. �._.!lon.d�· at 2:30 ,on Itha·.em .. "...... .()l the. Phi K�· PIli "oqH�"'.�'.. .'. � ..and Bondy.,�: lmrl. :I.O'! ��. Ifet·· n)·.with Ha�her �d .. �"..,·r�·Moritz and·-Lymu.··1riU.� .�11P ...Cap .and·�Go·'fI.·�..:. .Th� foUo1ri.Dg·.liliftpt.ha�.�nounecd:The following men were initiatedinto Iron )(ask, the .Junior society,last night at 6· at the Hyde ParkholAI:Paschal BensonRiehard BoydDan RrownFred BurekyErnest. CavinEdwin ColeRalph DaviaLewis FaibRiehartl MatthewsRobert MeConnellLawrcnee YaeG�orCraig Redmonl'au1 RussellGeorge Sba6erLaurens ShullDenton Sparks.PLAlf Blft'BB'fADKBH'rFOB 8PBI1m !'BOLIOOK F08'fBB HALL LAWNGames antt dRnee� ha."e been plnnT,et�for the Sprinsr: frolid this aftcrnoQnat 3 on tho lawn in :ront o! Foster.The party, whieh is the first froliethat hu ever been given in tt·c sllrinr1.y the Y. W. c. � will be- ma(tc an.nnaal aft'air. The 80eial departmcntof the League is in eharste of the en­tertainment. 'fO HOLD FIBft BOlJftI'OB ftIB 1J1UVBB8ftYWBBftIDU 0B;AIIPI01I8IIIP- .Preliminary boots for t�e .wrestli�Jtehalnpionship of the UnIverSity ":111start this afternoon at. .:45. The WID'ners of theee matches wiD enter thefinals tomorrow when the ehampion­ships in gymnas'ties and fencing willalso be run 011. Coach Netherton hasbeen working with the men all season,and ho prediets elO8e fightinsr: in e,-er�'ovent.The e1d7ies are dh-ided into fivcdasscs,aceortlinsr: to their wcigbt. The�·are a..'1 follows: 125 lb. elass: Satt, J)a.­"is, Hyre; under 135: Dragstadt, Gentdecat\- Fisher. Rankin and Armstrontun.tcr 145: Tcning&, Knipsehild, Ma­hannah Edgeworth; under 158: Sayre,Hr.m, IInrdt, Loeb. Gordon, Rantlan,Pattcrson, A�, Foster, Ullman, Rus­sell; under 175: O'Connolt Hart, MacH·son. Kennedy. Scbafer, Fisher, A�ker:above 1i5: Manun, J�kson, Gravcs,SherI ow, Alberts, Hardinger and Rell·monoChOOlll '1'1..-. ... ome.a.Halger Lollesgard was eJeeted prcf"iGaeauwoocl IDlUUIII 1Iem� flent of Tiger's Head at the annualGreenwood hall beld a formal initia· �Jcetion Tocsday night. Harold T.. - I Moore 'W'a8 cbosen seereta.ry_treasurerUOD of Dew members Tuesday night. for the ensuiDg year. A'l' WA%BB B.ASB:'BTBALL'rUe OVertime Game 117 Gre&t BaDy­Pavlicek StaD in Fast Game.Sophomores defeated the Freshmenin sn ov�:1ime contMlt in the first ofthe series of i11lOOJf class water basket­ball lr.llDes yesterday by a 4: to 2 score.At the end of the regul'a.r time theseore was tied at two all. and 26 see·Gnds later Pavlieek-aropped his secon(lbasket through the .net, giving the vic­tory t.o the second year men.Both teams played clever ban� al­though they resorted. to roughness attimes. but the SoiJhomores w:ere thebetter at team wor� and kept the ballin the end of the taDk the Jtl'eater partof the time. Pavlicek was the starfor the winners seorinsr: both of thcirbaskets. Gendreau made the yeal"­linn' only score.The next stame in the series will beplayed on Wednesday, !lay 20, w�t.hthe Juniors and Sophomores as oppo­nents. The 8enio1'9 and Fre�hmenwill also meet on tho same afternoon.Score of Fre8hmen-80phMDore sr:ame:Sophomores. Freshmen.Pa,-licek . . . . • . .. e. . _. • .• TempletonOlson. • . • • . . • • . •• r.f. . .... ' GendeanSaunders ..•.... _ I.f. • .1' ", ••• W"bcelerShirley ..••. , . . .. l.g. •..... Shc-rlowWhiting ••..••. ,' r.g. .' ... ". ClarkRedmon .. ,..... 2. .•••••• ...• CohnBukets: Pavlieek 2, Gendreau.Time of halvC8, lM""cn minutes_ . A grcnt ·!ea.l of interest. is . �i.ngtaken by the golfers of the University.Paul Hunter, who is one of the best,.1n.ycrs in 1l1e W'est, has entered.Other star entri(>S are Charles Grimes,western intert!ollegiate ehampion, andR::.ymond Daly, the winner of· tbe Uni·"('rsity championship last year.Besides these stars, there is a large('ompt'to a.rc Wa.rtl, Huntert Grimes,Daly, Mc-Donalc1 Horton, Taylor,Whit­ing, Donahoe, Gooclman, Ste,'enson.Tngwerson, Kennctly and Willard.Domestic Orprdqt$oD to BIect.Oft'it'c� of the Home F..eonomie.� andUouf'C'hold Art... t'luh wiU he elt'dcdtomorrow from 9:1:; to 3:30 in theT.C:lJrlle room of" the f'C'hool of F.I41uea-CHIOAGO IIAKBS OLBAHaWiiBP OF 'l'BNNIS Ire�Varsity Takes Every IIateh from T,-kForest Team YestJaI'da¥--Squ'lirStars. tion.CbiC!81Z0 IIl.atlc n eloon l"t\"CCfl of t.hctcnni� tonrnn.mcnt with I .. nkc- For('�tye1¢erday aftemoon� flcfNl-tinl! t.J-1>North Si.ler!' in hot.h the .10nhlc� anll�inl:l� C'onte:-r� Tbi� match wn� ar­ranJre(l as a prnt'tiC'e C'011t('!lt. fllr tl-rVanity players before the Confcrent'c94'''".11110..The resnlts:�""ni1" .leff'ated Thayer, 6-2, 6-1.YeNcil defeated Karrnkf'r, 6·2. 6-2",C'he) .1f'fcatC-fl Milrov. 7-5. 62.Tolman dercated Moffett, 6-3, 3-6�6-4.Squair and MC!N .. il defca�d TbRYCTand lfilmy. 4·6, U, 6-2.lfi�hel and P1um(' df"f'(''lt.('fl Moffettand Carrigan, 6-4, &-1, 6-2. DiviDlty 8fhora aDd dlapt'!.. 10:15.If:or.k4''� :u:semliy nom.Y. w. O. L.. 10:15. LesID$D 1'­"n(lu.,t,. Jrir.tJop ci1lb. 8. 110m. ofProfNSOl' lfe1...au� 6609 WOCMUa�ftIE DAlLY KABOOH. !'BtJBSJ)A Y. KA't' 14. 191(The D ail, MarOOD college songs. The eommitttees ill IIcharge of the details are hard ut :work, •and every graduate student who watl,I;'�CommDDicatioD.�PROFILE,utrut-d .-ere. C�IU.�-.. ... .,�bl1shed Dlornlngs, except 8unda7 and .'cInrd .. ... � "I goM leIULMopdll7, dlJrlng tbe Autumn, Winter andSprlne I)uarte.... by The Dally Maroonetatr. �'o the Editor:b .•• Cnttlqu. New. Editor J 11 reply to tho couununieafiou sign,a. 8. Qu�' AUaleUa ........ P •• allll B aaacer t'ti by ".Iullior" iu yesterduy's Dail�'EDI .... d .. MCoDd-c1.. mall at the lla.rOOll, I would Iikc to make the foLClalca.., "oatoalc .. Clalcaao. llL. Karcla 11. lowiue eonnueuts :1101, ad", Act or Marcb I, llTl. �Pirst, I um qui1'c sure �but I huve.VBaM:.B1P'rION &ATD. the best interests (If our nthletles uudiSJ carrl.r: 11.'0 & ,ear; 11.00 a quarte r.ISJ mall: n.oo a ,ear: U,:l1 • QUart",r t ho honor of the l"lIi\'ersit�· at heart,"110"." UwalDe .. 0111«. EIlI..,:t •.::� .. s;!'.��. ,:�:."�� 100. After 141 P ID Sl't'Olltl. It is Ill�' duty to Sol'n'e theOfttclal Student Ne ... spaper of tb�Teralty of Chlcas:o.Now that we ha\'e Ijuudl't1 ,)un.d\"t�� social lift' of the University. Like hUII_weakness. Suppose we regard our' t ho past three �'e:lrs has been set for,selves as others aetuulty see us, rather wartl into the mit ld le of the training. than as We would wish them to see u� sc'nson fur Spring nthletjt�tI, antl it has-just for a. minute. It may he :1 ther('forl' become an issue as to wheth­rather wholesome variant. Have yon t.'r the shulent shouM participate ine\'(�r heard of tho man who aAlmireti ell(' or the other.hill' wife trem.endously hl'(!ause she Fully a month before the BL:1.(·kfrinrmJ1de such a t;ignal success of her life procludion, I put np :t notil"e to the l'f,in marrying him? In inure than onc fet't that no one who trninetl for tht'regard; thats' our' attitudel· We arevery prou� of our Alma Mater, be- Blnckfriar show wouM be consielerecl acauSt, ,she-bas the good ta..�te to han' .�ancliuate for tile track te:Lm. This put'.' " ' , ,us for her cherished sons anti tluugh- the i�sne squnrely hefore the stuelent,tNS. At the same time, ueep in ourh8art.� We soo a. goou JUauy points we :lDcl ga"e lIim the opportunity tl'ale inclinetl to' regard as blemishes. dlOose l,etween them.Ho\\': mUIIY"_'of her offerings-for in­stance, have we graspeu--OI'I)()rtuni,ti� that not onlv. knocked at our it is not gootl for Ule .lis(·ipline of till'UOors, hut hung a;ound and waitetl. for athletic teams to allow a tli\,ision ofus? This does not mean that we ha\'enot taken advu.nwge of the uun\erous int('rests. No stuclent �honlel J!h'e t114'"culturo" cours� our curril'uluUl otTen;_:that is, not ex.a.ctly. To cite but oueexample, it meaus that iu:;tcati uf rca�jzing tllc . ..faet: that.'\"'o_,are,lP.cat-C!.tI.J.l�:l lar�c city" allll tlmt We must atlal''' cnl'!es. if this' were clone. tile stuelent!"" oursl'h-es to this spedal clI\'il'OlUucllta.condition wei shaku our collective wouM soon be intro1l1)le witll the'.head, and mourn our dissimilarity ttl ·If'nns." . institUit.ion� 1Iot so 10c.:ltecl. In�tead o.'rejoh:ing ill 'the fact' that few univcr­�iti'1s ha\'c offered to, them the l�ra_ ()f the stullents wns forhielelen l)y hi,'matiu. litCl;arYt, artistic anli mUSIl�al �Ull'f'nts to compete in athleti('s thi ..atl\"antage:J which the Chicago stutlentmight enjoy, we weep bccau�e n,nstudent has "pcp" enough to palDt Im·�,,;-:. , class llumeral� on the :;iielcs of MitdleLtow�r, or �ullicicllt "college spirit" toi:r' " lealL a cow into Harper library. It i:-oDot c\'cn uecessary that we rejoice illthe condition which Ulakl� us tlitl'erent• ' froUl the college which is loc-atetl 'in :1tOWn :eomllosetl of three �eIlernl �torc:,',. 'one icc cn�am parlor, onc }ivery st.:� of conforming to ('ertnin nt1� of eli!"·• ".:' ble-!or'.nage, one h3.bercl�bcry �bop,an,i c-iplinf'. T, hM'('I :t theory'-anel this i�'.;t.' ",two "rcsitl(,llce streets." By no meansneed we giyc thanks tbat wo are not r.ot me:lIlt ns a "slnm" nt the Black," ' "as such colleges, but it docs seem tbat friars--that. wearing clrel'!� or Ih'in;:-. '. we might n'3lize tbe fact that we arc in :m atmo�h('re whi .. h is ess('ntinn�'•. :', .lifferent. all(l guicle .o·ur�.el'\'es ac(�ortl,Jn�ly. As a matter of _fact. ,any stu­etent who visits the' Art institute. ex'�ept wh('11 'there i� !lOme special siele­show attraction in the shaltO of a Cu·, . b�st el.:hibit, is apt to COIIIO uncler tht'dou,!' (as a recent cornmunication put tion is not the winning of a particu­it) 01' being regareled,as a "queer fish:8tullents of the {jni\'cr�ity may be allmitteel at all times free of, charge tl,'. the j-'ielel mu�eum. Off hantl. we slloulel'&; ,: flay that not on�half of one per cent"" '. uke ac.lvantaJ:e of this. Xu-we mU8t'. "follow, dlQ beatcn pnth. a\'oiel heina:, '::"qttet'r, lament tile nh�nce of t'ollegc'.' nf till' el('('ieling gnmo :\I1cl won a ba..�·'\: �I�irit an.t cullege tra�lition-"'e must\"'apo, such tra,litions wht>rc\'er pOoc�'1ihlt!, hall ('hampionship, hut I ha\'e nen�r,,:ill II where, .one jumps throtl�h a gnp in rCJ!'rette,' the adion., ·�thc 'fence, We must. follow. 8he('I' it,wol('�\" .. lothin�-. .. IH'<'1' :l-'1hamed of_, ()ur sh(.ephOO4l-wc }'oint our woolly• noses at the moon, aUempt to lu:isU(' Graduate Beach Party.�our fleoeee, anll try 'to hark. In r('nlity Ttl the Eelitor:,tile �bance' to lise the Crerar librnr�·..Il!!,l a. thrcc,month�' ;':r:lllfl 0l'('ra �,'a' Xum('rons itlquiri('s have come :::0;1(-,',,(in. ato "'orth a clo7.('n 811I1da�' 1'llJlple. ing wht'f1 the n('xt "I--"'Tnclllnte t.e:L·· W:I�'blents' full of h37.(,cl frt':oI1111I(,1l nntl n I!""ing- to he heM, nnel in re�pon�e t.,cOllI,le of ,eleekJe-ed;,:('" ,'01um('s of l'5i-'wn:;h tal('�. Rut "'c h:t\"t� alrl'acl�' l"cr'lI this .npl'arent clemancl. a heach p!lrt�'tronlO of, tho' flock juml' throu�h t 11(' hn� hl'e'n nrrallge,l for all grnelua�eg� -�tll1lcnts •.Tho.'1e grn.cluate st\11lent� who arc not.several distinctly eounneudutury patson-thecbue k for our successful solu­treu of the dune iug problem, our honorcourt, our athletic prowcss, uud :&11 therest" suppose WlO draw back this vattiRg hallel., double it iuto :L fist, nulltake a hnsk.)1l. mau's-size swing at ouri•••.• .!' •.•••eo: .....';.... - .:� .... ':'·,';To Sblg at Beach PartY Tomorrow., .Songs, both of the "olcl_fnshion(',I" :!skeel peTl'lonally, hut who wi�h to :'It·find college varicty. will ho sung at tt'llcl tlJi� h(':l('h party, nrO r�qll�tt',lt�e Gra.luate beach pa.rty tomorrow to m('f't at I�exington tomori-01f, Fromnftt'rnoon. ,Tbe pnrty ",ill IC:l\'e l.,(\x, t,here the party will �o to the 'JaC'k�f)nhtgton ball at 4:.J.!) anrl go to .In .. k.Oo&OIl Park hen('h, lrouth of the Gcrma!'lrark beaeh,south of the German hllil,I, ll1liJc1in�. ..to "enjoy life" for three hours CW1 beassured of a big time.The price of tho SU}lpcr will h�twenty-flve cents. COUll', and not omytet your money'« worth, but get b�­tcr ucquaiuted with tLc people youshould kuow,$100.00 Cash PrizetjTHOMAS A. EDISON, Inc., offer$100.00 for the beat motion picturescenario aubmitted by a student inany department of this University.: �tj In addition, all scenarios sUitable'to the requirements of the Com­pany wiD be purchased and paidfor immediately upon ac!:eptance.tj Enter DOW-write Thomas A. Edison, Inc.at address below for further particulars.The College Prize Contest Dept.® THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc. ®2826 DECATUR AVENUEBEDFORD PARK. N. Y.The Kind of Tobacco You Smoke in Your Dreams! ..Por the Commi ttees,K. Francl'S Scott,Jay B. Allen.athletic lutcrests of the l"ui\'C·rsity. Ih:1\'l' no allt:l�Ollislll to the Hlnr-kfr-iaror:,:ani.z:ltioll. It luis it� place in the The Vlrtue of Riotous Living.'1'0 the Editor ;Permit me a word of comment IHIthe ol'iniolls expressed in your recent"::Uol'ality SJl�U1."·; If Collel!l' Mor­ality cuu not he fairly judgell by thesingl� standard of eiguret slllokiug,ueit her should it be jutlgeu in so furW4 it hns refereuee to 'tho personalIi ves of Iudi viduals, solely ou the;!l'Oun,1 of its soeiul etTect. You uppenrto ruake this your sole t:riteriou whenyou write: "Whatever is hurtful to uuindividua], is hurtful to society, be­cause of the crip,)liu� CtTl't't on oneunit of muterial (human bcill�s) bywhich society conducts its work." JIu­man beings ure more thun materialand iudlviduals are 1I0t merelv toolsof tIle social mintl. Suciet,)· iooks toits leatlel's for guidance, autl it is the:;tron� ineli\'hlual whidl is esscllti:u tothe forlllillg of a social milul, howe\'crmuch the character of ilUli\'hlu� mayI,e, the protluct of environment. (ir:IIIl'in:! your promise of a constant renwel­eJin� of social standards, it i's never­theless true of �iety as We fiml ittotlay tlmt Ule s()('ial efficiency of a.nyiutlivi,lual tll\l,entls upon his moral in­tt'gl'ity :IS an ilHli\'itlua.l. We ha\'e not)'t\t rcacllell the point where the "boun­der" is resl'ectetl by the commuu.ity :t.�uf l,«!ual worth with the lllan of deanan,l souer life.Perlml's you ,lid ,not intenel t') hetaken �criously in yOlUr al'IH11', ,t dt'­i'ellso of libertinism, but it seelliS it;lUI! it-a 1 autl Ullnl."Cl.-ss.'lry to questiontho immorality of riotous Ih'in� aspart of an argument in tlefen-se of n."sellso of social re�ponsibility" n." a�afc �rtlide to ethical conlluet. For,judgeel on this very li(n'ularll of sOl'inlotriciency, the cOlleluct of the "highli\'er" must be comletnlll'lCl. If it hl'imlllOral to neglect the opportunities of�nillinl! I�ulture ant! knowJedge whileill colJe�e, surely it is also immoral tojeopareliso or tlinlinish one's ability toprofit by tile CUlture aIltl utilize thekncm'ledS!c thus ;..raineel. \Vaiving, forthe moment, tbe, debatable questionsof fact, as to tile t1cgr�� of clissipati-on�'h!eb constitutes tlestrnf!th'e '·high"h\'lng. 3n,1 35 to the necessity of itsbeing followed by damaging results­if tlissipatioll hinelers one;'s mentalanel physical efficiency in the leasttlcgree, tbis Ios.�, however smnlL. is :"waste of social Ilynamie. The pursuitof l)len... ure as nn enel in it.'4elf. evenfor EJlieuMls cUct not incluele the he­stial au,l soclelen gratifit'ation of thef1esh whiell. in sexual inelulcrence antiintoxiC'ation or J:IUl:,.tony ar; the elis_t.incti�'e virtues of JUgh. living, anllen�n If there werA no longer nn\' \':�in ennoblinJ!' icleals and the power antipoiso which come from moral i nteS!" t Yof c'haraeter, surp.ly the ··stain" or �nnt1lro whi('h has been h�mircll(�l h'lust and intemperanco is more tim:"demonstrated by ,the finelings of motl-ern biology anel ps)'e·holoso·.Evcn a.part from any religious doc­trines of reward ancl punishment, orthe compelling oxa.mple of at )e:L�tolle character in history. :lrc we toahmulon the Pln.toni .. stanelarcl of Vir·tue n... t hat which or�ani7.� the cle­ments of tbe soul into an aetive :m,lhnrmoniou." unity, or the further ,10-man,l of Aristotle for a true sense ofPro))()rtion? For Aristotle the moral­ity of an �t consists in itK relation tothe whole system of life of whiC'h itforms n part. Are W'e to hcli('v(' t.l .•.cxtra\'n.gancc and riotous Ih'inl! areconsistent with the he�t inteT�:.K ofthe ral'C nR a whole. or conc1uC'h'e tothr. hiJ!'hest icleal.. ancl intc>l!rit.\· ("character? A, W. C. ,-- -':,,::;,.. ... ':.,.-. .. '-------- ----------------------Jerrems TailoringMeans clothes that give youindividual good style.Prices $30.00 to $60.00 •• •· J ·i••••••,"•• •••• "!, b1.I,ing. ,Dinner will be pr('p:'lr(',l at Sf'''·('ral oonfi�. All srr:Jrluatc stncl('nt�bav.e . been im·ited... :. oIrt·d� of others, I ;,:r{'atty elljoy its :tII'1;11:11 p r oduet.ions.Third. The Blat·kfrial' product.ionsrequire the most l'xat.·-:jng pr:L4·til"e,:LIII!of necessit y nre not beue fieiul in thecll'\'elopment of 1!0Ocl athletes.Fourth. The Blnekf'eiur show dur ingFifth. It i!� mnllifestl�· plain tJmtnmount of time l'('qnir("cl for pal1U('i­pation in botll tho RJa .. kfrinr �llO'"'Hill athletics. Tn tIlt' lIl!ljority ofSixth.�pring: nnel in th(' o'thf'r .. a�, the stu'I�ent hM not he('n ('onforming to t,lll'rules of training, anel. if there wer('no other rea.'IOns, ('oulel not, inncss to the oth('T m('mber� oftt'nm� be allow-ccl to participate . fair,th('Asille from the neees�it�·effiminate, elo� not put iron in th ..bl OCHI , ancl is not ('on(lu .. i\'e to gooelathletic�Y.:i�,h. In my juclgment, the queslar contest, however great mny he 0\11'elesire, but one which is funclamentalto our athletic systl'm. Years ago itwouM ha\'c been e:t..'1ier to ha\'e letsli,t«' a breach of discipline on the ('\'('A. A. Stagg..... ------- ----------------------n�irl� the "ents," there will hert'�l1:ation pi('ni� nmn�('ml'nts, SOr.l" I"goofl, old fn..�hionea·' bonfires anel1 Scarf sllde !p8Ceand lock fion�fIiOPfiIlars� II1WItI • .AIMntw\JNITED SHlIa II COU.AIt. CX). TItOY' K"Y. A 8Jl('c>inl�·of oun.�AILOB FOB VOUNG IIEB'l'BBEI: STORES: 7 B. La Salle St. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 E Konroe St.Dree Reasons Wby lOU should Eat at thfMen's CO.DlOD1st. Good Food Properl" Cooked.lad. Cleauliness aUl' Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rd. A Miaimam Price for His h Qualit7 FoCHt••• Rrnlfast l.5e ... ('afetfrla at L.llehI,.... A LaCarie IIUSIC Come IIIftIII n.ur.y .A1lOOJt !'JImt.I!)A 'Y, KAT 14, 1914.CLASSIFIED STUDENTS-Make $6 per day duriugU.,.,D'IIIC!� vaeatfou, Pleasant work. IDtrodue-.Iia.�...uil'." iug Searle's Concentrated, NOD·aleho·5e per line. No athertisementa re: bolic Plavors BI:ul Perfu�es ill Tubeseeived for lea thaD 25e. AU elY'Uled Sa ves 80'70 on Alcohobe Extraeu.adYertiaementa muat be p&td III &4- Taking country �y storm. Write quick.ly for territory. General Sales Com·•� .i CommgnicatiM.No Teaafa Court&.To the Editor:Tb(, writer of thig wtter is an en·thusiastic lover of aJl athletic sporta,He belleves himself to be a fair-mind-ed person, and ig cousclous of no ani:DlOSity toward the department of Ath_pany, Dept. "C." Anderson, IDd.lJNI."mWOOD TYPEWRITER in first �DEBATE-Just pubbshed-"The Min- letles 01' anyone eonnected therewith.6 NorthclaMS condition, for $35.1Inl1, 1_2 or 7·S p, m.•Our Opening S�e!Begins May 12, 1914We cordially· invite the U niversity ladi�s to our grandopening sale at 863 E. G3rd streei:, during the next �eek.Our opening sale price is reduced enough to offer youthe best chance of purchasing. We are the largestJapanese st.Jre and the only one to have your purchasingsatisfaction in this location. Weare located at your walk­ing distance after supper. Instt:ad of going do�n towncome riu·ht down to our store and save your time and�oney. 0 We call your keen attention to our price list.$U.OO SILK BAND-BB.AIDED KDlONOS . $7.50$12.00 SILlt HAND_BRAlDED MANDAIUN' COAD $6.50�a 50 SILK HAND-BRAIDED HOUSE J'ACKB'l'S. . $2.75$.!.( 0 SILK CREPE KIKONo SViOc.�.co COTTON CR3PE HAND-EMBBOIDEBED...• KDIONOS $1.75�!"' ff) COTTON CREPE PRIN'l' XIKONOS $1.00�. �5 Cotton Crepe Rand-Embroidered Hoase .Jackets $1.00�Jippon Dry Goods Store.F. De Geer, Prop,to Box 42, Faculty Exchange at the ui!-:hf'ci.&.hool of Edueat ion, aud receive reo ----S-U-B-S-C-'R-I-B-E--F-O-R-­Ii·... ,ward. TH E DAlLY MAROON •..... -._------_._--_ .. _. __ .Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK.� Broadway at s.tth Street.Near 50th Street Subway Station aDdS3rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.SeftDth A venue Can from Pennql­yaJda Stad ..JrIlI·T BY ... OOLL.a. JlANB.ADOUART.R8 paR COLL.a. JI.NBP.ClAL I:A TIl8 FOR OOLua. 7'.AJlBTen Mint;tes· Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERHBADQU.\RTF.R8 "'iR CHICAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms .. ith Bath, S2.SO and upJ •... -------------_. __ . __ ....•lKPOBTBBS Al-.TJ> WEO.J·ESALJ!R.S863 BAft 8IX'rY _'l'BIBD �.TELEPHONE HYDB PABK 9'10(.Just 0rte the �eDI 'fteater)................ - .ESTAeu�HED 18141I• Our Repreaetative_ 1m. WA LEER, w18 be at theHOTEL LA SALLE1Ia,. 13� Uth, 15th and ISth.Wftll Spring and Sammer Styles in:Read7 Made Oarm8lltllfor Dress or Sporting Wear� Bats and Shoe ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It 70n want to be right up 1D Style.see the fabrics we offer at the pricesf eighteen doUan aDd uP. and be. thoronghl7 convlDced that this is head·. uarters for stupendous values andorrect taUorlDg.'QUas CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1289 Ba8t 55th sueet.MAROON ADS�t(II'4G RESULTS That's the idea of thisNew Men's ShopLow rent cuts the profitto just one-half.Imported English Bal­macaans$lO to $20. Manyof them are the new knit­ted novelties.Bates Street Shirts, Silkand Madras, $1.00 to $4.75.Imported Neckwear,SOcand $1.00, worth double.Silk Hose Guaranteedfor Six M 0 n t h s, 2Sc.They're SOc everywhere.Hirsch Wick wire and LSystem Clothes.We are satisfying someof the best dressers in Chi­cago and will soon con­vince you that we have"Better than usual valuesat better than usual prices."WHEN YOU GO' UPTHE PRICE COIIES OOWN�G NBW IN SWBA'r"3BS'so1 ftly knit in .. onar nne!-your .. ollege colors e eNa"a]o bortler effect.nronn.' l.he lJottom 'n �o� a�� whit .. ancl pu' pl� •For in:itance-lf VO�h cu le Navajo borders. ThIs IS.. \\ llite sweater Wit p rpI ftom('thinl! thaI..-.. I· Sweater.om-"Q"itc tbe last wort InI flash on the eampO!'.will make a reaDELAVAN. WIS.�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor-SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionl.for�CLUETT. PEABODyaCO .. 1ac:. • ....imum Wage," as giveu by the Chi- The following ineideut is related s.ok...eago debuting teams against Miehigan ly in the Interests of a democratic ad­W ANTI-;D-Six men with some ex- and Northwestern. $1 a copy. At the ministration of athletics for the bene­perleuce in salesmanship. to act as Press, or Woodworth's Book Storc. (it of thc entire stluclcnt body, No at­resident agents for mo\"ing picture Full of points, vina aud fire. Also tempt is made to locate the blame, butfihn udvert isemetus, The work wlul uther Chicngo elobates,.:'\. it is hoped that when thc matter il'lU t f til ir tim 1I0W an.l -- . broueht to the a!tentioll of the Ilt'a"oee py par 0 e e ..' Universnl Repair JUg.Co., 1508 Cable �all in tho futuru, Cull nt the Univer; of the department, he will tnke sh'l'!'I. t 1 0 30 )'!:lCf'. PI!one Mid. 6842. We .�epait to eertaln whether the eompluint issity em .. loymeut, uur,e:m Oc ay nt _: . wu.. t(l\"t'�. !li('�·(·J(,8, etc·. Itefinjsh �ntl np· h l·ff·usjt, aut! if so, to re.ne4l�· t e c I 1-LOST-A Phi Delta Thetn fraternity hellltc'r furniture. Plastering ant)- eulty,pin, M:1y 5, at the School of };dUC:L (�.f)illlnl!y (�f'lIIent: carJ)entp.�illg. andLast S�tlny, nfter the tellnisfion or Kimbark hall Pinder return c:�"illt,t work a spt'eialt.y. I-�st. fur-u.. courts were rolled, some of t hem werein splendid condition for U8("; otherswere still too wet. The :a.ttell.lallt re­fused to assign any courts to the wait­ing players, deelarlng that he actedunder ortlers.· Buch orders were nrbi­trarily gi\"en for all courts, withoutdiscriminating between those thatwere dry and those that were not, andthey were gi,·eri by someone in all of­fico instead of ono who had per.lon!llknowledge of the courts. At last somematches were schelluled, but not.her at­tenda.nt came ami removed the I�etsjust before the track meet. ostensiblvbecause of wet courts. In view of thefnet that they had teen used for .1.)1hour the suspicion arose tl.at the ne­trcn •was taken to "encourage" at­tendanee at the meet. Bueh eornpul­sory methods are �t likely to. Inereasestudent support of Intereollegiate nth-Ieties, .Other :1ccounts might be gn-en ofhiJ!:...handeJ metho<ls rel!artlinJ! the useof the tennis courts.· She author beJie\"es "the Athletic tlepartment wn�malle for thr. stuc1ent. anc1 not th.e st11-cleJ.t for rthe Athletic c1cp:ntment.'·1 his rrindple is ono thnt others .aswell as Athletic departmcnt� nrc Ill­c .. irietl to forget:· If· this letter has<:ben unju:.tt oh has inci)rrectly repre­sented the faets, the writer woul.l liketo be corrected 'through these columns.Tenni� Plnver . Rogers & May Clothes Shop1204 Republic Bldg.�209 So. State St.81JBSCRIBE FOB THE DAILY MAItOON.t'BB DA.D.Y JIAB,OOR.�Y, MAY' 14. 1914........................... _ .ARE YOU READY BOYS?Now, then, altogether:Go, go,. Chica - go--to Herzka Bros. for your new "Spring Scenery!"That's where they all go!We specialize in Tailoring for Young Men, andcater particulary to University Patronage.And we get the lion's share of it, too-our Con­venient Location, plus our exceptionally Satis­factory Service does the trick.We can please you. 'Ve treat you right. We'vebeen at it right here for 18 years. Ask your fellowstudents about us. This is the place.The weather is ripe--our patterns are nifty--andwe give you the latest word in design and classyfit.. Let nothing stop you now.Make a hit with yourself---and the co-eds--in a suitof our making. "You'" come back again_"Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings,HERZKA BROTHERS:-: T ail 0 rs :-:1545 East 53rd StreetTwo doors west of I. c. StationLearn to Dance CorreetlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as dan c e d and tau g h t byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat. evenings at 43d St. & Calumet AVJTERESA S. DOLAN(Fourth vice president International As!'ot�i:J_tion )i:lster of Dancing): member of Chi(�at:0Dandl:%! ::\fnster's Association,St..lllio: 5:t61 Cotta�e Gro,'c Av. Pbonc II. P. ')�.;;�Private lessons by appointment. Pennsylunia Avenue.18th and H StreetsTo � or � hotel whereluxurioas quarteT'S may he' se­cured. where charm and con­genial atmosphere yrevail, andwhere excellence 0 SerYICe illparamo&lnt. the Hotel Powhatanoilers just such iDducaaeats.Rooms with detached bathma,. be obtaiued at SUO. SZ 00and � Rooms with priYa_�th, �50, S3.00 aacl up.��t.:J:.��Write for booklet with map. .CLIFPORD II. LEWIS.)'Sanaicr.tHESMOOntEST T08ACCOr\FT in the moony night with pipe and Velftt\J- �·s enjoyment enough for some of us.Velvet toba� &nest leaf m this great tobacm� iD �wueboases b om: 2 �.J:dowing process IIDpossibie to COUD�eit-oDly time.little by little, caD � the led-dimiDare the harsh­Dell (J!>U caD it bitel). Every puff d Velvet labs owa2 years to � DO wao.dct it·a soOcl._. REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.THE!.� SPRINGEarl'& Wilson�(A K EI\� 0J0'Troy'l Best Prodad0.. CIGDCC � 5 cenb-convenient for ci�tte smokers Lecture on Homecraft '1'ocIa¥.A lecturo on "Uomccraft" will begiven t()(lay at "' in the Leaguc roomat the mooting of dlc Campfire guard·1nn8 an'" leaders of the Eight Wecbdub. The mcctings wi)) be t!ontinuccle"cry day for a week in preparationfor p:l"OtlpS which t!niY�T"-lty womf'n(':"(p<'Ct to orgnni7.c this summcr.RB80aIBB 1'0. 'nIB DAILY IIA&OO. WUtett to � liIoDday.A!u�ociate Prof�8S0r Will�tt willgive au illwu-ated open Iecture ou"Egypt to Jerusalem by Desert," uu,der tho aus P ict.� of tho Semitic duOMouday night at 8 in lIubll 888eW'1.ly roOlR.JIn. 80ans at OoanMilor � ....Mrs. T. G. Soares poured at the teagiveu yetJtcrday by the UpperclassCounsellor department of tho League.�1..."W"ly one huntlrod women ha.\"�agreed to act. 88 eeunsellore of enter­lUg women in the Autumn quarter.. WiD Observe Bobemtan ·Night.Th� CotmWpolitan club will hold"Boheuiiuu night" toulOrro\\1 at � attho hum" of Miss Shirley Farr,l.l�xillgtou avenue. 5;5; PROFESSOB s. A. lAJIBBW;u.L O� I.eCl'UBB 011OEOBGB BOG:cB8 OUBltPrufU'sor JUllll'S .\11on Jaml's ';'Northwestern universlry, will prc:l •. mtN�W matcrial on Geor:e Rogers Clarkat a wt;otWg of the Graduate lIi�1(,rydub at the homo of )'JcfCtisor A. C.Me Laughlin, 5609 W c odluwn avenue,toulght at 8. Professor James is nmember of tho Amerirnn Historh-nlassuiatiou, and tho nuthcr of several :hooks on American !ti�lory. In lHllhe ,"cHted "The LOUt'rN und Papers ,ItGeorge Roa;:ers Clark."Henderson to Conduct Chapel.Dr. Vhurl� R. Hendersou will Iendthe Div iuity chapel service toduy atIll: 15.To TtiJt on ChIld Protection.Allen Hobeu today at 10: 15 at the rt-g;ular 'I'hursday met¥ling of tho League. WILL APPOINT BBUNIONCOIDU'.rft1B AT SENIORCLASS MEETING FRIDAYA committee to provide f'or thl' 1!1l5reuniou (If' the c'Jal's will hl' :lppoiHl�J.at the Sc'uior elass uH,('tiu:,! tumorrC1Wat 10:1;; in eo},h l:!A. Ch:airlll:llJ lhr{1M "·ri:,!ht of t he t·Jns� dny cOlllmittet',will report the plnlls f'or tht' ('Xt'rt"ist·.:Iwhich will be held )Itlntlay, .Tulle S.P. nllollUl'l'mcnt will nlso be made =n,r(':':·.inl to the atltlr(.'�� hooks.-----+ .. -_. __ -"Child Protee't'iou" will be the sub- ALPHA. DELTS DEFt3ATjcct of a talk by �ociate l"rufl...-SSOI SlGMA. NU !TINE ANDENTER SEMI..rINALSllr. Hoben is familiar with eb ild wel.the .Ju\"enile Protective association.Greenwood House to Entr.nainration.Applica.tions Are Due 'rocl.a.7.Applications for the Florence JamesAdams prizc in artistit! reading mustbe given to Ass�iate Professor Clark:box 163, Faculty exchange, before noontoclay_Serge \fdh a RepalalionThe high quality andlow price of "N i coliStandard" Serge do notharmonize.It's the greatest valuewe know -- rich, fine,e x a ctl y right. Veryspecial at $25.00Nicoll the Tailorwe JOExemtl.SonsChaTk aDd Adalaa 8tnIet8. CJdeap.----- -----------THECom Excha.nge National Ban"., cw.p.Captta) ... __ •.••••••••• 13,000,000.00�nrpl'U ......•••••••••• &,000,000.00"ndlvtd�d Proftts•••••••• 1,000,00.00OIl'l'lCBU..P.R�II:" A IIAlnIlLL. PfttII4hDt.CIIAR1.ES I .. "'rreHL�80N. VI��.�HAtT!'fMI!T J BLAIR. V1�Prwh1 ...D A 110!'I.TO!'f. Vlc:e-Prald.nt.1 C SA�')fO�!'. Vloe-Prteld .......'RA �K W_ S)flTH. hc:Nt • ..,..�nw A Rn .. "r.ROENICCK. A_. C!Mb1.J EnWAnn ltAAS. A .. CUbIf'r."AWE!' G. WAKcneLD. A-. oa.IaW.LEWI. J: GARY. �t. CUIl_. Alphn Deltn Phi qunlifi('tl for thofare work through his conneefiou witll semi-finalM in t11(' Tntl'rf'ra+.'rnity base­ball MerieM by tlef ... at.ing Rij..'1l\..'l. Nu,\"('sterclav nft('rllool'\ hy the score oti2 to 9.· Th(' gatn(' wns fl'ature(l byGreenwood. house bas invited all numerous errors, Two phenomenalmembers of the University to a. te: cate11es h�· P.y('rly WI'rl' t h ... �':t'Il�'ltionnext Tuesday from", to 6. of the C'.onflit·t. A.lplJ:l. Delt 1,J:IYs the,,-inner of the AII.I.:l. Tnu Onlt'gn.-PsiGiVCB Lecture on VoilcaDoes. Up�ilon �a.me tomorrow, and the win-Miss Boberf instructor in Geogrul,b) ncr of thil" will compete agninst theat tho college of Ellucation,' gave ar. vietor in the Phi Psi·D('k(' match. TheIllustrated lecture on volcanoes yes- finalR will be plny('.l off this week,terday at 10:15 at the school of Edu- .. ---DEAN TALBOT TELLSPLANS FOR WOMEN'SBUILDING AT CHAPr-.Dcan Talbot clCtiCribed thc plans forthe new Wonl.3.n's builtlillir at Se�iorcollego chapel yCdtertIay. In spcaltinJ(of undergnuluatc :w:i\·ities. Dean Tal­bot charn.cterizctl tho studeut body asbeing democratic. having initiative,and havinlr a J:ootl social uude�n(l­ing. Letitia. Jo'yfTe spokc COllcernlDJt th�census of women's activitics.ILUCB LEAGUE MEN WILLSUPPORT BVANS'rON LAWSChicago Team. Is Confident of Over'wheim.iJut Nodhwestem BK­riaten.Allans Jcnsen, who reccntly trietlout for the Philadelphia Americanleague teal1\: will be the hurler for theNorthwestern ln.w men in the battle tobe staged. Saturday morning _ 10:1500. Sta,.:g ficld, bctwccn tho Evan­ston and Midw-ay ninC8. Arthur Hoff­man, formcrly star third baseman forthc Cubs, will Vlay Icft ficld_ Severalel"btwhilc members of the Thrce "1"league will occupy tll0 Northwcsterninfield. .Three semi-pro caliber mcn havobecn adclCd to the Chicago lineup.Geister who caught for thc Napervilleteanl a' year ago, will be behind thobat t:;aturday. Browdcr, of Butlcr col­iegc, and Stryker, who played first.base 00. the Nebraska championshipsquad of 1912, will fill infield poei­tiol18.Captain Scofield, of the Chicago bar·risters' nine, is confident of winningSaturday"s fight, in spite of thc '·et·crans announced 88 maio.stays of theNorthwestcrn team. "If wc don't sbut.that E,·anston bunch out coml,letely\"said Seoficlcl "wc will comc ,·cry cI()�eto it. In fuel. tho only thing wbichean prevcnt us from winning hy nlarge !reorc is hnd weather."The lincupp�,a.� annount!ecl ycsterdny,will he:Chicago La.ws. Northwestern LnwR.Browder ....•... 8.s. . •.• . • . GutzdlScofield •••.... ,.. 2b ••.. GlaclMtoncStryker Ib •••.•••..• WiloBell ..•••• ,. • . . •• 3b ..... AekcrburgBoyle ••.•.. '. . • . •• c. ••..•• ChapmnnLe"i, Reichman .. p. •••••••• JcnsenOeo .• ......•.•• If. ••.... IIoft"mnnDaly ..• _ .• ' • . . .. rf. •.•• TowlulrowSWaDBOn . . • • . • •. d. .... Whiteside1917 WOIDeIl to Give'!' ..Fr�hmnn women will give a tca.toclny at 3:30 in Lexington. •..• ••• •••J:/ I••• II•'.• t .•, ,\'\