latly ilarnnnVoL XII. No. 136. 1JRIVBB8rrY OF ClIIOAGO. ftlUBSDAY, KAY 7, 1914.Jh'}igioult dogmatism ia extolled, as Senior and Junior women's baseballBUCKEYES JUT HARD IN FIFtH �mwlying a positive demand of the hu- THREE HUNDRED ATIEND TALK teams have been pieked, The lineups, EVENT OPENS OUTDOOR SEASONmuu mind, by Professor Lucius Hop' nunouueed yesterday, follow :Chicago \\� no mateh for Cook, kins Miller of Princeton university in Huerta. is the coust itut iouaj presi- Seniorsr Martland p.; Lenderman, Cj Director Stagg's track athletes ar6Ohio's stur aol'itball pitcher, yesterday. the current number of The Biblical dent of lIexicq. and should be left Llewellyn, Ib; Beall, 2b; Riggs, 3b; out to capture the deciding meet ofand tho Buckeyes ruined the title World, issued yesterday by the Press. alone to conduct tho affairs of hill Rhodes, S. s.; Pfeiffer, r, f.; Mick, c. the yeflr with' Northwestern Saturc1a7holder's perfect record with a 6,1 de- "What is needed is not the elimina· country, according to Assoclute Pru, f.: Hotchkiss, I f.; Shambaugh, Swa' on Stagg fi�d. Chicago took th" fUiRfeat, Cook breezed the entire dun of dogma, but Its simplificatiou," fessor Starr. Mr. Starr spoke ou the wite and Kitch, substitutes. indoor meet in Bartlett by an ovw­easily, and faltered but once, when he he says, "and also a provieion for a present crisis in Mexico before 300 Juniors: Brosseit, I'; Walter, C; Mae· whelming score, but the Purple wo .. apermitted Mann to .8lIla.s.h a clean home continual revivification through the students in Harper MIl yesterday af- Clintock, Ib ; Saxen, 2b; Allen, 3b; close meet in Patton gym by takingrun with none out in the seventh In- adaptation of its statement to advaue- ternoon, He said he believes that there Burke, 88,; Regent, r. f.; Stucliffe, c. f; the final event, the relay. Saturday'sning, Des .Tn.rdicn allowed his oPPO- iI.g knowledge. If a body of religion· will be a war in. Mexico, but that Appel, I. f; Sharp, Bradley and Dodge, event will mark the opening of thenents only Mix hits, but three of them Ists should unite on tho simple basis there is no real eause for it. substitutes. outdoor track season at Chicago. Theeame in the fifth, one belng a home run of their belief in God, the universal "'rhe Mexicans were justified in not Seniors Are VetenDs. track meet will begin at 1 :30, and willand another a double, and were re- Futher, that basis would be a dogmat- wanting Lind," said Professor Starr, These teams wiD practice daily in he followetl by a baseball game with.sponsibfe for five tallies. Ie basis. Let 118, therefore, for purely "but they received him with alIre' preparation for the Junior-8enior sen the Chinese University of Hawaii atTho superb showing of Cook, pitch- practical reasons, put forth an Intellee- spect and listened to his demands, ies to determine the championship of 2 hi." flrrt- Conference game, was the tal account of the process by which Their answers, as diplomatic favors,lthe University, L3.St year tbe Senior Except by watching the work of thesensation of the day. He relied en- a modern JD.8.!), with full recognition of were far better than the demands of team defeated the Juniors by scores of men at Pennsylvania, Director Staggtil't'ly 011 his spit ball, whicb, accord the results of science and of historical the United Statesi representative. If 31 to 7 and 41 to 11_ This year's Seu- has had no chance of observing whating to Umpire Jaek Pickett, had at criticism, ma.y defend his faith in the President Wilson bad recognized Huer- Ior team is composed almost entirely his men can do in outdoor competition.least a ten-Inch drop on it. Cook divinity of Jesus. ta, it would have aided the develop of veterans, but the juniors say they Although several members of the teamfanned tWl'h'e men, whiffing Norgren MDst Have Some. �viett.oJL. ment of peace and order in Mexico." I have a good chance to defeat them. bave been a1flicted witb minor injurein the eigbth with two men On bases, "We have a life to live In the midst, BeeaIlIa lIistake I ies during the }>Osts week, TrainerThis was pra.etically Chicago's only of a world that is partly, but only Professor Stan pointed out that the lONE HUNDlmID DOLLABS .Tohnson reports that every athletehst t' I " t' es f the U 'ted St t' IS OFFERED FOR BEST .ehance to produce a su an la num- partly, intelligible to us, eon mu interferenee 0 Dl a os In will be in the best of condifion Satur-ber of tallies. MaUeY. a Chicago Fed- !pr. Miller. "In order to live that life the financial affairs in Mexico, added MOTION PICTURE PLAYday.eral League scout, ",ho was in the most e1Iectively it Is neceua.ry to have to the attempt to eut off Huerto from One hundred dollars has been offered Orner's Purple team defeated Lakegrant] stand, declared that Cook wns some conviction regarding the why of supplies, led to uneasy conditions, andas a prize for the best motion picture Forest overwhelmingly in a dual meetODe of tbc best pitcbers be had 8�n it all, the whence- and_�e, !'.!1!�.��r� .�all.the .harde! to r�tor.o orller pla.y submitted,to-the TbolD88�A. �Ili Snturtlay, but Chicago appe:u"ft to havefor some time, and was of maJor things. The fa.eta of existence give tbere. He stated tba.t the recall ofSOil moving pietUl"e company before the better balanced squad, and sbouldleague. ealiber, us elues which We may follow up, far American citizens, who were living in Deeember 1. Each scenario aeeepted win by a. .�all margin.; The hammerOh1caco Held to 'rhree mts., enough to establlsh reaaonable hy�o- Meneo, was a serious mistake on the will be paid for at once, and tbe hun I throw is tb� only event in which theChit"8g0 could gather but three hIts, theses, or fait¥, by means of whIch part of President Wilson. dred dollars will be given as an addi- Varsity is not represented by stars,two singles being credited to Harger we eau govern our a.etions, hOldi�g �ast "President Wilson is a great m31\" tional bonus. The award will be made but Stagg bas several dark horses toand McConnell, while MannPs smD�h the more firmly as experien� J�ttfieS said tbe speaker, "bnt evidently. not January 11, 1915� Full parliculars of enter in this event.resulted in Chicago's lone tally. Ohioour faith; discarding or modifylDg u: great enough to handle tbe M�xlc�n the contest ean be obtained from the Ha� Strong Dash )[en.was the first to score. In the fourth experience eompels us tbus to cbarge. situation. IDs poliey in meddhng lD Edison company, in New York city. Chicago has a string of (lash menWarflc reached first on Norgren's cr· the affairs in that country is raw." that can only be rh-aled in the ""estror. Graft' sacrifieed him to second SBBIBNAJ)B A]1'GBLL1 DEAN 8hou14 Have BecaUecl Lind. WILL PLAy INDOOR BALLnEST by 1l1inois' fast bunch. Baraneik,witb a perfect bunt. While Saylor TALBO'r .AlQ) JIBS. HABPBB. "The Tampico incident is not worthy IN DAlLY ANNUAL co: Knigbt and .Breathed appear to be cap-was striking- out, Warfle went to - of causing a war," he continuetl. "On('Bumored � � Palmer of Cap able of taking three places from thothird on a pused ball_ Mix got a life Women Ce1ebrMe CluB Night � Pro-could not expect the Mexicans to sllh- and Gown Team Has B1recl Purple sprinters. Barancik and Knightat fi114t on Norgren's second error and ceasioIl AIoaD4 Oampaa In. CaPSmit to tbe demands of the Unitell Professional Coach. are both running close to :10, andWarfle 1W!0rad. UI4 GowDa.d F t States in eonnection with that af'l Breathed is rounding into splendidh Residcnts of �reenwood an oS,ther f";r �dent Wilson �hO'll.:J ha"� h :�1.. B 'kThe fifth inning saw t e catD.S-. ht. -..b>rday WI _. &""��a '" U Jlldoor ball will be pla.yed by t e sbape. Boyd will run W�I aranClcclebrated cl888 nlg J �- b '{ ,trope'. Robison, the first man up sin· \ recalled .lohn Lind when tel' eXlc�,,'� Maroon antI Cap anll Gown players in and Knight in the two_twenty. Theseinformal exeftises in the halls, anI � ,gled (·IC'3nly. ::Mi:Conncll had a. ehance, th refnsed bis plans, and lct the Me�" their anllual struggle on May 18. Ru- men were on Chicago's balf mile re-, joint proeesslon around e ("amllUS. • 1to double np Robison and Brlckcs on ad t can government pursuc ds own po' l!olnh Moritz is slated to pitt"h for the lay that conquered the Illini by twentyOn their mareh they «ave seren es a• " a' • Ithe lntter'� sharp bou nil er, but fum·f ...... A"._)I D 1 Mrs. liar. ICY. Cap and Gown, antI Earle Bondy wd yarlls at the Drake gaJDes� and ther.. t hc home 0 � n�..,a a ( . • .nobled u.nII hoth men wcro Rafe. Cook" D Talhot Be declared tha.t nftcr the .1(':1th IIf boM the box for the Maroon. Harry ean make tho distance in about : ......per cnding wltb songs to can. •, b . '",alkell, filling the ba.�. Wn.fle caml'1..__ f th ther halls. Madero the l("Ading mcmber of bl!o\ was to pitch for the Dally, ut Ward should be an ea� WIDner In. ' ' d h' b fl all(l to the mcm�.J:t 0 eo' I ,.,T at' .• h J fup In thc pInch anti holate a Ig y. hall .......... ......t at eabinet automatically in ncrorl1:lDee truck work will pre,'ent. cnt n C' the hIgh hurdles, w ere ames 0• Women In both s apr-"'" • I ' ., .to left fiellI that Harger was Just un· •. �.... n anll with tbe constitution !'tcppe" in�o th,. linl"l1nS follow: Northwestern w1)l be hl� only oppo·. tlinner lut mght, weanng WIC ('Il •.• · I ' •.�hl .. to reach a.nd whIch went for two• 'I' r nnsition of nre.sidcnt. Thi� m('ml,rr DaiI'" Maroon: Bontly, l' ; lIateher, npnt. EI1t1ie Thomas ma.y be u�1 in,. own of their appropnate e R� co () - 1.······ , .., q T 'bRJIICS, Robl!'on and BrIckcs both �or' g. h J' blue' the held the otri("e fOlr thirty_fi,-e mlnllt('�. c' Ma�t. Ib; BJrllsall� _b; Newman! tbis e'·ent. Warl1 8houltl rcpeat in tb.h tho Semors, red; t e. unlor!', •I ' 'I .eel. Gruf, Ohio's star all·arounll at -'I tb Fl't'8hm"n when resigning Gen0ral Hl1('m. a� �<! ShafTer 3b, S\\'Rnson, r. f.; ., at' low hnrles Dn(l McLaughlin anll Wh�t., " Sonhomo�, yelow; e .. '" . , ,.• 'If'te, Mmuhell a tCITlfie fly o� er L,· •.r&d ._ t , ts hlank tht" next lcadinfP membcr W:1� mn,1e Ithc�8 c f.' DonahOO, 1. f. Ing WIll put up • hard fight for thef r�n and the g nILo.e s Ut en , •... ...' . ,T!lOnati's hcad to the eenter field enee g ,table anll in prMlident. ProfC$or Starr ",tat('(l thd. Cap anll Gown: Moritz., p.; Lyman. J't.'maining plares. Thayer, �orthw�t·good for four ba.qes. Shorty ("ollcdcll Thcy were grouped at a ,• ' 't' easily to be treen tha.t 1I\1C'rt.:l il' . Rhett lb' Delany, 2b: Plumc, ss; ern's b�t man in thi� f"� .. n� took tbe .th promenade over the camptI 3C' 1 IS ,"" ". .hinu!C'lf an(l the next two mcn wcre e, Inot a URtrper, u ,:rencmllly !l\Upp�(,'" Palmer, :�bj Cornwell, 1. f.; Lenn, t·. race in the in the Lake Forest meet1 h 1 1.- 1 ("ordlng to elasses. I .. f .q'"rC'tir«-,I, hut the (amagc al 1A.""\.·n tone.. h •. c heen 1 nf: president at"0()l'(1ing to t.h(' tC'rTll!l f' Clark. r. f. 'In the slow tlme 0 .-'."Class night" exerCL� 8. .I I . . .., ,'thIbDB Gets Homer. II b th two halilt (or (h'c of the conl'ltitution. ne pr:u�e,1 th(', George Lyman IS enl1tain of e a,,- Osborne III Middle DlstaDc&heM nnnU8 y y e I • '( 'II" t th(' ,RtntT �f:lnn wn. .. the fi114t up in thc Ilevel head which h(' ",nill Hu('rta h�!' mml mcn. while .' a. .. t w, I" 0 Captain Osbornc, Northwestern.�C"-l'nth, an,l ho caught a fa�t han yea11'. kept durin� aU the trouhlC'. ':\lraroon tOM."CJ14. .·rom Iatc r .. ports� l'''inh'�! liJ,!ht, mu�·t. 00 ('one('11ed thedennly on tho n� anll it soRr�o MISS BAB'fL"Bft WILL I ltan:lJ:«-r Palm('r� of the C:J�' an,l GO�T: quarter mi).e Boyd and Br('athed will.. _..-n'D'D. ON W10Blt 01' OB.ADUA'l'B WOM:BN TO t('.am hal' hirC'tl a prot'e�14lOnal 1'0:1\ 11 ihoth prC'�q him harlb and are counted(Contittcd on pagc 4) � ... v__7 .... """ o��a AT I-rBB "BLBAl(OB CLUBS" �... .E�"'''''''_ to whip hi14 m«-n into 14hnl1e, l.pon to :11:Il('X thc rcmainin� plac�.CLUB KBBTING TCDA\" • IUotf'hkin of the Purple. pla('e,l fourthJIBIr� :: A�8BJIlOB 1 �fi ... Floren •• Bartlett, a membe. ofAnnnal eledion of omeer. for II" � '8 ir'ti.i • 7' in the quarte. at tho , • .100. Conf ....TEA IN I'OS'lEB. TCDAY Ithe exC('uth-e �ommitte.e of 'Ithc �tl�"o, Grullunte Women's duh will he hel_1 at • S"!'�� e��,�:.� 'ente, Rnll haA " chaneC' in thi� c,-ent.,. t' of Eleanor clubI', W1 I ou IDC ::: 'rnnA y Ibut Bo".l anll Breathel' are both ("ap'- .('1:1 Ion.. It" mt"Cting todnv at 4:�O in Lt'�in�h.n I .Senior men anI' womcn will he tho work of the orgamzatlon to. ay a15. Mise Fran;i8 Swain the ontJ.!(lir� Divinity y-bool chapel. 10:15, 1I:'�_. "hie of beating him. Osho�e. andthe (t . F ]0 1:;' the League room The first I 'kell ?�ebl:v room.5, ... __ _ 1.1 'ICamnhf'll rh'al e'aptains, will meet ing1:e!iIU at a. tca 18 a. crnoon III � :' In• ., pl'Cftill('nt "'ill pr�i,lc. The nomin:tt· Y. W_ C, L., 10:1 ��D,., .. on 'S, • ,- •.tel', "LoIHlon Bri(lge is Fa1tin� Down:" ('lub wu founded In, 1898 by Ml� �:: ing eomn:ittee will rt"("ommellll a li�t of Graduat.e \\bmeu's club. 5. Lc�D r I tho hnlf mil(', Cnmphell won from the"Ring Arolln(l a Rosic," anll othcr kobcmon, to PTovlde a home.:J'late· t:'TI In..., I �'f�Ttl-w�tern 1(' .. ,1H' thL" winter i_D theat . Cb'("tlfPo anll CanH\( ". 8eD1or tea, 4 to 6. Foster b:1.. I • h h t' s� ---.-mes will he playc(l in the opcn ("Ollrt, : young women one In I -e , 'onh' ra("c in whle' t cy me. .egem_I'll" I h been Comm1 Meet. TOMORROW. W '.Y:lrd in front of the four womr!l'� .:ine'41 that time B�X .othen _ a� InteftlaIB Bop tteea h:l� ll('('n nlnning a!" (a"t as Camp�nhnlLCf. Ruth Agar is ("hairman of the R(lded. The aaoeiatiOD mRlnta1Dl' r. All Int.erelaBS Hop ("()mmitt� wiH. '''lbe 8t1Ul8Il\ SUPerior," 8:15 , !or..committee on arrangements. i"nmmer ("uop at Lake Geneva. meet today at 10:15 in Cobb 12A. IJ1aade1.Professor Miller of Princeton, Writ­ing in Biblical World, Says itSupplies Positive Demand of SaY. Huerta is ConstitutionalHuman Mind President of Mexico, andWilson Policy is WrongNECESSARY NO REAL CAUSE FORWAR, DECLARES· STAIR Misses Martland and LendermanAre Senior Battery - MissesBrosseit and Walter Work. for Vanity Has Great CbaDce toLower Classes Take Decjdjn8 Dual MeetFrom PurpleSaturda,.I WOMEN'S TEAMS PICKFD TRAeI TEAl IS OUT TODEFEAT NORTHWtmRNCHICAGO DOnED BY01fi0'S Sfn PITCHER DOGMATISM., Cook Holda Vanity to ThreeHits and FaDS Twelve­Mann Gets Homer(Contiued OD paJe .)2'BB DAU,Y IIABOON, THt1B8DAY, KAY 7, 191'-The Daily MarooDl"ubllslwd U1ornlDI."S, except SODda, and "Th" Student Superior" was, DB a!\tuDela,.. ,Iurln;: tilt> Autumn, Winter and B1:1ekfriar show must be, Do high jiru�1H'IDa: quarters, by Tile Dull,. MaroonItair. :tlill .'"l't it W:IS the l''xl,n'ssion in a.lightmauuer of St.· r ious Iine of thought.... w •• · .. Illqll.. � ..... EditorII. S. .il)rca" Athl.U- Edlter A» a hi;,:h jillx tho uratter was ueees- u-ldress at tho Uudergruduute couuci.B. P. !\11l.t B.alDe .. lI&1l&ffer �Iril." but lightly uud iucourpletely 'l'h f---- ----------- meeting last night. e :::;I,ring ete,I::nt.f�(t aa .econ.l-cla.. mall at tb. touched, VIHlergraduate life at our whlch h:I.'J been one of the leudiug UI1-Cblc." •• o "oetoftlc., Cblcaco, III.. Marcb II.1.01. UI,,"·r .Act of liIarcb a. 1171. l'lIi\'l·r:-;it.y hus beeu accused of Ioose, _.w • f hdergraduute :.ururl:J 0 t e year, wasll"!:'S of org:lIli;r.a.t iou und of a luck of!' CBH(.,'BIPTION KATES. abolished at u. recent llwetiug of th«it, u·rl.r: U.60 a year; 11.00 a quarter. se nt iureut und trudit ion. 1 UIU not sun'eouue il. Professor Ml.'Oll of the .Il"U, DlI,t:: 13.00 a ".ar; '1.25 a QUllrt ... r. t'I:lt tr:Hiitioll has a place in U' Ulli·Oil ruis-':dltOrl.I-HuaIDua Olflc e, EIU. U. l,artUH.'llt of l,biJosol'hy, �Jloke ... �T ..'llIe M'oJ_a)' IUU. Att.r 10 p m. '·I'I'�it.\. hilt till' hu- k of sentiment,fb�e 1'0 .. II 4.11. iI�o funds for the V niveraity set t.le-:1111 !"III"t', i� a ,It'plorable fault. "Thl' ment, Conunif.tees were appoiuted tlJCutta;,:.. Gro\'e A \'1'. �t lldt'!lt Superior" luughed at the Im- couaider the two matters,l'"l·tnlleo of athletics, anti showed the The council passed resolutious thuukIU'_'k oi :ll'lu'l'd:tti'ull uf :III,ythill:': f'iue, 'f' lleatlill:': Hurpsiehord, 19l'r'� au"View e .! ill the light ur our tl'st- Vo 1I0t. t.hink that 1 ull.Il're�tillwte tilt' �kulJ mill Crescent fur t hei r work ilthat 01' • ..:0'·1· ... • .. ll·· .. ·t--t'ur et h icul "011_ v ahu- of nt h lvt ivs. L tn ke 11l�' hat ufT t" I P"..... ... u ... ...... .._.. ... tiistriLutillg tIe ue\\' u III ver srty :->011 ..duct, c(J!!L-ge moraLity t:lkl's Oil :L .lif- a uum who t':I:1 pitt'h a uo hit J,:allle, buuk s, Dorothy Llewellyn, Lou I'a�'u,1'l'l"('lIt :1�I'l·l·t. The c ust ournry charge,; :!!Id I 1101'0 the day will never l'OUU' :I1I1L -John Greene were given speei:1l::g:tiust "oIIt'ge mell-riotous Ii \' iug. l'X' wI1t'1l We tlon't chl'l'r thl, athldic 11l':'o rt'":lgallt:tl, ::HwL Lish Ilt.'s''';, :11111 thl'likl', :IS lu:-.tily ns possible. llaterial for tbe hawl hook of theL .• I - I'tl' l' I' But the I,it.)" of it a.ll is thnt the1:.::." e :'l1:&..Iy�eu Jll':L • I erl'llt I;': h.- sh:tlcnt activities, whidl is to list rul"'l'al;e riotous Ji"iJJg-whl'rein is tile illl el1lll·r�rnt1ua.te is ru;hameu ?f I'l':lllty, (.'xplain the work of the "ariou� or�alllllur:IHt�'? There arc t1l'strncti \'t' Sltt'i:t1 :11 .. 1 tll:tt he f:urly has :� repulsion forh'_"ltiolls on the campus, i:i rt.':lAly 1'01'�·:I:-;h·s 1.1' mouey aIHI CliNgy; the so· i;l(,:l�. Certain org-.lJlizatiolls ha\'e :11-l:riutillg, and work will be start('tl :I:C"II",I. l,n�ith'o illluwr:llit.,· i:-l I'athl'l' l'I'a.l�- IHlt themseln."S on rec.()rtl as tak·t t' I t.. Lsoun as a con rac IS c.slight in coml'arison. The fietiull ,'�. il:g this attitude, aD.I again :In.1 againathlet� tl' ��====:=============Utilela! �tudeDt �t>\"sl'nllt'r or the Unl.verslty or Chil'n::o.lJu roou l'rl'2>�, j:; 11COLLEGE MORALITY. CommwUcatioD.Satire in "Student Superior."I'o the Editor:··�t:liIlCti Ilature" is :->l'ell to :IlUOUllt t" tl.c stll.icnt recognizes thelit tit.'. A naturo is .. cally "stained" the utter exclusion of the man'I,· "11,1 ,,·tll·I"'III,' ,,'11."11 J't Le"ellll"� t'III·Ilks. 'Ttn f"'ct, tho l.oet or thinker, is)1.1.01':1.1 ... ,... ..... .... ... ....� ..:-vei:lly less cfficient. 'J'hi...; C:ln resultfrom either diminished physieal "igor(h.y IIU lue3ns a ncccssury rl'�ult. 01'"I!igh lift·," unless it Le too high ortoo l'rotr:l.Ctell,) loss of mental cnergy(Hot pl'l'Jllaucut unless uuder C 0111 li­tiolls alrt'ady set forth) aUtl a (necl':;:;:Lrily) distorted I.oint of view. This-­:1l:'iJc from the gr�ss physical all.1 mell­tal cfl'echi which often :lr� :!. n'sult, bllt110t nel'essarily so-is a great dallger,l,ut not :l llcc\.'.s.. ... ary olle. Thc t!au�cl·lies in the forwatiou of hallits ,·.hi<.:ltnre coutiuue.I pust the tillle when lie\\,impressions (mental) are casily for1ll­eu. This is tho real "stain"-thishranding of the milltl with a habitualrt"'uction which is not mentally or so­ci:-alJy healthy. Extravagnm'e, l)cr sc,mny ho charged off 011 the account UII­uer tW"o heads-direct loss of money,mill a habit of using Dloney wastefullyill the future. SnoLbisbnCSg us chip­rling social efficiency, is an obviousfn.d ·.r. But these charges-grave as There are notices on the Senior rackthey may be, anu supported n.s they in Cobb for tho following persons:b inst .... lwes--are far 'llaud Abernath", Gernltlyne 1I0.lges,may be y many .. '"from the great immorality of colll·ge Ethel K('rns, Ruth Pretz, .Julia .Jorter,lJl(:ll. .A:i set fortb, they nre not lleccs- Louis Sutherland, lliriam Taylor, Dor·s:-Jily permam·nt in their effect--ill othea Taylor anI] Ethel '"andenberger.most cases, the effects wear off without .Junior rack: Eelna V. Brnnu, JessieI h M. Co:c.. Ellen W. (.;:unI.bell, Clara E.kaving traces ot ler t an memories:and many college stu(lents never nrco[.en to such cbarges. Rut most collrg(' students are opt'n to the great illlmorality-greater than hi�h lif" cx'travagance, and snohhishne�t( ('om­bined-the great immorality of not'l:'ill� their opportunity. Tnke it onthe bald dollars anu cents hasis� :111:1'.'IT' for four �'rar� for ('adl fI"(,. TIll'":t..."k th�'�lf-ha"n T Io('l'n worth it:'Ha "c I gotten value? A III 1 I'r('l':l r('olto �ve ,·aluo t() the worl.l? H:l� thi� lookeel upon us a "que('r fish." A m:lllmny :;!o int.o a footh:lll g:lme or a COil('('rt. hut if the �t.u.lents look .IOWIIunon the stuilent who goes to t.he con­e;'rt insteatl of a J!am(' as not hein� �kyal per!'lon, the�� arc exposinJ,: th .. •ufll1ergrnduntc hoay to laughter.Is it tIle athlete who is llOnor{'.lYnle? Surely, he is properly carrietltlle shoulders of his ne1mirers. But :ItYale they now (10 nna nlways will re.,-('re the writer of "Yale, l{othcr oflfen."This c()mmnnication is Wl'itten 1w­(,:lllse not a �w men come. from theBlnckfriar perCorman('e wiUt sl1l'h ADVISES BEIN8TAlJ"EJD:lftOF THE SPBING FEarIV ALWilllam Scott Bond, W, reUs OoUD�Fete ShoUld Be ODe of Oonvoca...tion Events.WilHam Scott Boud, '�j, adv ised therevival of the Spriug festh'ul iu al.who Campus News..Invite Alumnae to Join.Tho Boston hranch of the associatiunl�! Collegiate Alumnae 11ns issueel :n·iu\'itatiol1 to women graduutes of the·t J!i\'crsity, li,'iug in the yicinity 0:R.�ton, to join the society. A rplic:atiuJlS for membership mny be sent in:It CI:lra 'V. Barnes, 191 Trenton street,on East Boston.Seniors Accept Sophomore 0 hallcn�e.Seniors have nceeptecl the challellJ!t'issueel by the Sophomores for a basl"ball gamo on Stagg. fiole} the first timl'the Varsity is away.Women in Le� Give Dinner.Women in the Gralluate uepartmt!ut!!ross rnis('on('eption �s to ('ntire1y .iu�·-.. ,of the Lcague will give a picnict;f�' thc �:ltire.I-er today at the home of llrs.Roderick Pentti�.Inm 6132 Ellis aycnue. TRADE MARKa&Non-$100.00 Cash PrizetjTHOMAS A. mlSON, Inc., offer$100.00 for the best motion picturescenario submitted by a student inany department of this In addition, all scenarios suitableto the requirements of the Com­pany wiD be purchased and paidfor immediately upon ac!:eptance., Enter DOW-write Thomas A. Edison, address below for further particulars.:The College Prize Contest Dept.® THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc. ®'2826 DECATUR AVENUEBEDFORD PARK. N. Y..................... _ .....SELECT YOUR PANAMA NOWWHILE STOCK IS AT ITS BESTsur­lin! '. - - 'HOME- -OFREDMANE�W SHIRTSS ANDCOLLARSPhone H. P. 5160NOTICES ON BAOKS IN Sophomores Not to Have·Dance.OOBB HALL YET ro BE frho Sophomore uance, scheclule forCLAIMED BY STl1D�S Saturday, has been calleel off.Callaway, l[ary W. Dooels, Frances R.Fletcher, ::Mario L. Gernhart, A. W_Hill, Atla lIneister, H. �. lngwerson,P. 'v .. J�k:mll, E. T •• Johnson, A. 1-:.Jurist, A F. KemrotlJ!h, A. B· KingR. 'V. Knip.�('hild, �J. Kocherspergt'r,Hn.rry Linfield, J. E· Lec, .Jas. l[.lld[onnell, PaUl .T. �lcKenncy, DC:l�W. Murtin, Carolyn 1>. !\ante�, Geo, H.A. Pete�ol� lIarri:"ollA. Spencer.----+----localize it on the campus. The r"i­\-ersity hns tieel up Corty milliun .101. Oklltln, llollieI:us in its plant anll work. .A�!-!Il!ll(' Rea antl lla.rythat only one·twentieth i� the part�et :L�itle for un,ler�ra.luatt'�-n.n ak::-HTt!ly small fiJ,!ure-that. i�, two hlil·lien dollars. Take a jZra.lnating ('1a�"A ta� finy was h�lel "'ri,ln�' :It 1.('·or fonr hundre.l, :1.nll paT('el it 011': l:llltl in nf.l('r to rai.... e a fun.1 of twnfi,·c tholl�'ln.l (loJ1ars IHIS )1('1'11 t i.·d thflll�nn.1 fiollnrs to :,wn.l :t trn('k l'C'}undPI' ('i;:ht. men to the '\'('stern C(llIf('l'·(II<"I' m('d (In St.�J! fid.1 .Tnne G,Athletics BrevitiesFor the first time in fh-(, �'(':lrs llIi·in"e�tment J:h'cn me ('ool1;,!h more ',,,is is in .lan�cr of 10�inJ: :t elual traekthan I would ha,'o gott('n f']"('whNe'. meet. Gill's st .. 'lrg meet Wiscon�in Sat,earning my living, to make it worth 'lfIl:ly� an(l a('('orcling to the elope s('t."'hHc? Probably, yon will rin.l thnt f'nrtJI hy the Daily mini, the Bn.l�(,T�you "ave been guilty of l"om� immor· �tanel a goo<1 chanee to make np fornlity, thoug", �eording to thr f'nlllo� pn�t .1cfcat�. Illinois will he haneli.t('st�" of t"e Snnday �"001 tra('hrr ('�pp('d by the 10l".... of H:lrlcy P.utt,h:tf'k "orne, you a�e t"o mo�t mornl nnll Cc.nfcrcnce ch:lmr-ion in the (liSC':I.'(,nrrljZbt of "uman bcin�. Think ;f, who '\':l.� foree.l to l{'a,'C thc nnh'(.'rsityover. because of an attack of illne��. Dfsc:uss Theory in 'R,eaJigm"The Whole and Part Relation in.\T.alyticaJ. Realism" will be the topic·(iiscussed by Mr. Sehw.eit7.(,T at � met't­i.lg' of the Philosophi(,31 club tonightat ':.lO in Harper lD2... 1NESMOOnfEST T08ACCOr\FT ill the mooD)' nigLt with pipe and Vehd\..F .:.....-·s enjoyment enough for :lOme 01 ...Vchet rd.a:u===6e hest leal iD this � toI.ccaWiiUbJ Iamg ill Lis warehouses for o� 2 �meIo� process DpossaDIe to counterfeit-cJlq tIDe.IiaIe IJy fitde. caD c:Lauge the leaf-eliminate ILe ...... (joa cal it bitel). EftrY puff of Vehd'" .,..2 JeaIS 10 pocbe .......-it·.aooCL. .r".�k-ODe 0UDCc k� 5 cents convement for d�tte smokersSUBSCRIBE FOR TIlE DAILY MAROON- - -_ --�---- �Standish-a NewCAORROWLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionB,forUcCWRTT, PEABODY a co ..........ftIB: DAD.Y ,VA"",., 2!ltJB.SDAY, KAY 7, 1116.CLASSIFIED I .DYEI'I'fi� Student Views on Plays #01 the Week"anee. BecIda G&bler.6c per JiDe. No achertieemeuta re­eeived for leu thaD 26c. All cleatoedadyertUemenu moat be paid 1D ad- in th" tJiJricult curtuiu wheu �bc pus,sionately cried out over Mrtl. Elvsted's"Hedda Gabler," which is to run for h�a.cJ.. "1 think I must burn yuur hairT the entire month at The Little theater, olr, aft�r alL"LO:-;T-A Phi Delta heta fraternity. . . .. 18 grven a most excellent preseutatiou. In the hlg seene with Loevborg I .... r1'111, M:n' 5, at the School of Eduea.-. K·. b k h l F· ,I ' To be sure, one is a little wearied at a P peal to "do it beautifully" rangtton or rm ar al "IDuer return. .. .first by a purnng flow of Aunt Julia'tI empty, and the "I am burning yourto Box 42, Faeultv Exchange at the., many speeches, partly bec8.1l8e of im- child" fuifed to fl·a,t·h. tit e • neeessnrv&�hool of Edueut ion, Dud receive rc- . . 1· b ..putieuce to see Hedda, IlO doubt. The piteh or exa tatrou to 0 COIl\·IIICIIII:.moment Hedda arrives on the stage we Once she attained a moment of realVNIJ,.;nWOOD TY"1-;WRIT"�R in first are fasciuated, Mme. Borgoy Hammer, tragic pathos wheu she turned frmn6 North frOID the National theater of Chrhttia- 'l'esmall elated at the hope of imm i;II:', who plays the part, is a vivid if uent ftLth�rltootl, and through hit tennot :L complete Hedda, lips cried, "Oh, it Is killing me, it isAX F.:'-:CYCLOPJoa)JA BRITTANICA. Jf she did not fill you with the ('011_ killing me, ull this." Tlw whisperedpublrshed by Werner; hus the new viet ion of Hedda's charm and her ea- euuversatiou with Judge Brack withiuAm�ticnn supplement. PhOne Midwuyward.jI clUl"li eundif iou, for $:1:;.Hall, 1_2 or ;--8 p. m.l'ahility to enamor three such dlssimi- arm's reach of ber husband's ubsorbelInr gentlemen as the fatuous professor, figure was admirably managed. TheFOR REN'r-Tbrco large light rooms, the gay judge and the inspired Loev- ,lust speech froUl behind the eurtuinshorg, as Nazimova might have done- was however, unneeessarily 10u1I.sillgle or as a suite; prices reason-h I h neither did she outrage your sense of The remalnder of the cast was fith',1able. 1015 E. 54t place. ) onefitness hy writhing anti attitudinizing. by Mllurice' Browne's l' I ayers, he him-Always Maclame Hammer conveyed self playing the part of George Tes_DEBATE-J'ust published-"The Min- the impression of sanity in contrast man. Beeause he did it so admirably,imum Wage," as given by the Chi- to the hectie sensationalism into which I "'38 pained wben he lapsed into al­eago debafing teams against Miehigan a less balanced actress would have most gross carica.ture onCe or twice,and Northwestern. $1 a copy. At the been tempted. Almost always she It is a hard role to play, pedantle,Press, or 'Voodworth's Book Store. made use of a eareful cumulative meth- fussy, sweet-natured professor, because}'ull of points, 'vim and fire. Also od which grew Daturally into a scene Ibsen himself barely escapes earleatureother Chicago debates. of emotional power. Taken all in an. in the portraying of him. Mr. Browllf!-d duri her interpretation was a thoughtful made him a bit too old and gray all 11,STUDENTS-Make $6 per ay urmg _.and eonsistent performance. doddering, Our OWn Tesmans, at t'hir- Ivacation. Pleasant work. Tntroduc- . . .., lIaclame Hammer began in a low- ty-threa can still walk upngh�, andlng Searlc s Concentrated, Non-alcho- . . .h 1- F f' tone--Hedda was a little peevish,more even retain some vestIge of pristineo IC Iavors and Per umes In TubesS SO,.' Al h 1· E than a little bored, quite cODBCious of comeliness. There were momenta whenaves in on co 0 ie xtraeu..T ki W . . her colossal blunder in a marrying the Mr. Browne's byplay was perfeet-e.thea og country by storm. flte quick •. unsuspecting, plodding professor. Sbe parting gesture with his slipper eneas-ly for territory. General Sales Com- .was erafty and very subtle in drawing ed hands, the absent-minded proees-out simple Thea Elvsted, and some- sional and recessional with the armfulUniversal Repair JUg.Co., 1508 Cable bow, quietly, without the least hint of of books. In fact, his flutter of move-plaee, Phone Mid. 6S42. We repair pyroteehnies, "tbe actress suggested the ment often relieved the tension of the.toves, bicycles, etc. Refinish nnd up- j -ver of jealou.a.y in lIedda's heart, as action.helster furniture. Plastering and sbo learned ot Eilert .boevbo�s retor_ � Our Winifred Cutting, who dill soebimney cement; carpentering anti mat.ion. But the ourtain with its sym- well in Joy and other dramatic clubca�binet work a specialt.y. Est. fur- bolic mention of the ill-fated pistols ventures, was the Thea Elvstoo. Shenished. F. De Geer, Prop. fell meaningless upon the audience. hns gained much assurance of t.ouchThe second aet was th.e most admir- since those days and gave a sympa-13�2.Hyde Park 5992.pany, Dept. "C." Anderson, Ind.THE a.hlo of the whole pi� in as faz as tbetie interpretation of a simple an.lCom Exchange National Bank Madame Hammer's work. was con- charming woman made strong by faith� a.s.p. euned. and a great purpose. Against the moreCapital ••••• • • • • • • • 13,000.000.00 The '\"aried demand upon the actress' heroie proportions of Madame Ham_8arplll8 000 000.00 powers was everywhere adequately mer she had a little difficulty ill bol.l-. . .. .• •• .. •• 6., met- in the scene with Judge Brack, in ing her oWD-but there ean be no tli�-UDdiYided Profits •••••••• 1.000,00.00 the 'tempting and eonquest of her old credit in that. The rest of the ('astlover, the reclaimed Eilert, and even experieDced the same difficulty.OI'J'ICERS.ER.'lEST A... BA KKILL. PfteI4ent.CHARLES .L. BUTCHL'lSON. VIee-Prea.=at1r.'rlCET �. BLAIR. VIce-Pr.kl_LD. A, )lOULTON, Vlee-Prelld.nL"I. C. SA"':I.(ONS. Vtce-PrealdeaLJ'RA...'>K W. SKITH. Secret&r7.ICDWARO r. SCBOENECK. A __ Caahl_.�. EDWARD KAAB. A_. Cub 1ft.�AJlICS G. WAKEFIELD, A ... ca.b1 __LEWIS E_ GARY .... t. Call1ier. Inten:Ji181 Commlsslon to Meet.II What CoUegeEditonniakll The Interelass eommissioD will meet�The PoID� B7Btem? today at 7:30 in the Reynolds club.\\T h d.i )fe-moors of all committees must hee ear stant rumblings of the ". present.�tabh8hment of an obnoxiOUs ·"point··1 's�8tcm for campus activities • .A.'·point" � _olJystcm is eonsidered necessary simply It J'Ou want to be right up in Style,he('nuse tho individual is' foolharJ) .. the fabrics we offer at the pricesc,:ough to join anything and every- f eighteen doBars aDd up, and betloiDg that eomes his way and beeau� thcmm� coDVlDced that this Is head­the campus organizations' are weak uarten for atupeDdoas values andcr.ough to specialize on a particular correct taIlorIDg.type of penoDWe are firmly convinced that theclIrrection of our over-organizati.,t.1!lIes not lie in a "point" system. .:\Ittnn should be allowed to participat,�in caml,u8 aetivities according to hiMinciividual abilty. Human ability ean·liC.t bo standardized with any amount, o! cxactn� or fairness. One particu­lar student might do the work o( (ourother particular fttUdents.". e :my let I'tnelents usc a little('c'mmon se�RC an(1 above all ell'e lett.he organi?:ltion stick to a particulnr�rvice. Mit'higan DailyDIRJ:CT()R8.ClaaltftH W.cbr Cl,.d. K. carrIIan1A A Rp'nGD Ed.ID G. lI'oremaa� B BlItl« Wat.8OD 11:. Blairc:aus.. H. HulbDrd ICdwareJ A. SheeNCJarenee Ruck� W. en.bJ'R-II&""tn c.n.a,... a... A. a.-wThe New TariH---.TuHas C00llerTHE UNIVERSITY TAILORREDMAN 1289 East, 55tJa Street.makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould have costyou $35 under theTo Hold Inter-Roue SInoker. old tariffPhlD8 are being made for an inter-,(l(,rmitory 81Iloker between Hitehc�k ---otherand Snell, to be held in the near fu·tun-. J...conard Loeb is beaet of the en­t4'rtainmcnt eommittee.2 For 25 Cents.Earl 1\ Wilson . .prIces InproportionNicoll the TailorMAKERS OFTn,'. Best Pnnct Tbree Reasons WIIJ 1- Moald FM at the leo's Commons1st. Good Food Properl7 Cccked.2nd. Cleanliaess cur :Matta. Inspect ttoe Kitchen..... ' lrd. A Minimum Price for Hlah Quality FoodW= J«rlem." SolIS Clab Breakfast 1.5e .. Cafeteria at I,onch� aDd AdamI ...... OJdca&o. DIDMr .& I.c.te .VSlC Come IDSUBSCRmE FOBTHE DAILY )(ABOON ObIb 1Df0ftDal is ...,. 15-Tho noxt Reynold. elub informal willbe given Frida,., )(a1' 15 •." - ....- ... WHEN YOU GO UPTHE PRICE COMES DOWNThat's the idea of thisNew Men's ShopLew rent cuts the profitto just one-half.Imported English Bal­macaans$lO to $20. Manyof them are the new knit­ted novelties.Bates Street Shirts, Silkand Madras, $1.00 to $4.75.Imported Neckwear,50cand $1.00, worth double.Silk Hose Guaran teedfor Six M on t h s, 2Sc.They're SOc everyw here.Hirsch Wick wire and LSystem Clothes.We are satisfying someof the best dressers in Chi­c�go and will soon con­VInce you that we have"Better than usual valuesat better than usual prices."Rogers & May Clothes Shop1204 Republic Bldg.,209 So. State at theBorEL LA. 8ALLBKaT 1� 14th. 15th and 16tJJ..With Spring and SamIIler St71es in Beady IIade Garmentsfor Dress or �rUng Wear� Bats and Shoes.�.J-I.", . , ..,, .�- Learn to Dante CorrectlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, danced and taught byMaurice and Castle.(Asscmbllcs S:lt. evenings at "3d St. & Calumet Av)TERESA S. DOLAN(Fourth '-icc pr('�idcnt Int('rnntionnl As�o.·i:l_tion )Ia�ter of' llancinJ!): mcmbcr of Chie�:JJ:olJanc-ins: .AJn!"t('r·� As!"ociation.Stuelio: 5:hjl Coltnge Gro,-c A,·. Phon(' H. P.6S:;!:Prh·nlc l�sson� by appointm4'nt.-----------------------------------------------'l"BB DAILY MAROO. ftlUBSDAY, KAY 'l. 19U.ANOTHER NEW O. 11 B. CREATIONThis time it's a one button Sac Suit. Givesone the much desired high waist line, vest is madelower than before with soft rolling lapels. Wellworth inspecting before you make your selection.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMEli's � SHOPO* ...-vie &: He�ea..eeBRADLEY KNIT WEAR',r(, .illll!'.' r:lte a p:lrtic'tJlarly :'I'orty Hratl!,'�· St�'le··-t I:p ;>\:1\':",0 �hnkc'r. :-\aTl!c.' :ll' tht' fOrll!c.'r Br:ldlp\'�h:ti,C'r. pxc"'i't that it 1I:ls a. :X:" :Ijo I.ortlc'r Oil tl;ec'fll!ar :':':' :110111101 til(' 1'°110111. If �'Oll \\':tllt a l'wc.'atc.'ra 11tt � •• ,h.lTf'r,,"t -:t:-<k �'C)llr ,h':""r to :-;ho\\, \·.,n :l Br:I'!':?' ;>\:1 \':1.10 l'h:a kN. �I :101 .. ill ru:lIl." c'c,lor ('c;IIlI,i 1m t iCIIls..""I:r ,I.':ll"r .'allTlllt :'lIl'l'ly ."011, w .. will �('Ilcl tllC1.:llll'·� of d.''r!< \\'110 will.College men mueBndle, Sweaters--menhow who knowa college 18 • 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARDChicaeoPennsylvania Avenue,18th and H StreetsTo S«ken of a hotel whereluxurioQS quarten may be se·cured. whnc charm and con­genial atmosphere prevail, andwhere exceJlen� of 5�e i�paramoynt, the Hotel Powhabnoffers just sach inducaJICDts.Rooms 'WIth detaehed bathmay lie obtaiued at S1.50, S2 00and UP.! Rooms with private�tb, �.50, S3.00 aad tip.c!.'* f:r:r-w�'� ��=-�Write for booklet with map.CLIFFORD M. LEWIS.)Ianagcr�PROFILE-Scarf slide spaceand lock fror..�ft9irceP.�lJN1TED SH1a'. COI.I.AIL co. 'I1tOY KYoBradley Knittin!i CC!nnanyDELAVAN.'s s w e a terought to be made.This is why collegerr.e n everywherefind that no othersweater is so per­fectly suited totheir nee d s---sowarm, so comfort_ah�e, so well· fit-· ting and so bc­comin<T�-SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY lLAROON. 'l'BAOE ft:AJI IS on '!'OI.OHICAGO DOWNED BYDEFBA�ORTHWE8'rERN OlU<V8. 8'1'AR PHOllliB(Coutinued from page 1) (Coutiuued from page 1)--------all yeur, :1.1111 iu practice has a record Il·ft f'iel.], and rolled to the fence.of 1 :�!t :!-�. He should better that ltallu rode hOlUO oU it eaaily, l�ugoccusiderubly Saturday, and. dopeeters rushed his reserves iuto the game illJ.:i\·e him an excellent chance to win the final Inuings, Cuv iu batted. forfrom both bis competitors. Cole in the seventh, but his best wasfl sharp I!roulltlcr. Lefty Baumgartue-Brief Campa News broke iuto his first Conference game�����=E������ of the .n'ar whcll he hut ted for Cuviu- ��Deltho Club Has Pledge. :n tbe uiut h, but (,(111111 not produce thoD Ith h needed bit.e 0 announces t e pled.�iug oi�r:Lrgut'rit.e Prime of o- u k Park, ] II. Box Score.Chicago, R. 11. P. A. E.Get 81U1lJDer Schedules Soon.. MCCOlIIll'lI, s, s ..... ,. 0Time schedules f� tho SUDIDler H311!er 1. f ..••.. ,'.. 0"uarter muy be obtaiued at the Iu- ! Norgrcn, 1 h. ..',...... 0f'ormut iuu office iu Cobb by May IS. Munu, c. .. . ..... ,... 1 1 1 31 1 0015 01 6 00 1n II 7'0 e '10 0 00 2Grny, r, f. ,.',.,...... III'oster Contributes to l!4:1gaZwe. Del" .1:u·.lit'lI. 1' •.• '... II 0Prof�ssor Geol"J.:c Buruum l-'�ter has I Bohucu, ::h. .. ",."., U 0un arricle on "linn and Supermuu" ill 1 Libonut.i, c. f. .. , .. ,,' t) ()"" April number of The Little lCl', \eol(.', :!1,' .... ,.. , , 0 0view, now on sale a.t thc J>rl'ss. Lll,\\,.I'.·:I\·ill. :!h " .,., , .. II () 0 t)ellyu Jones uud WilIhllU L. (·h'.nl·I'�',lxn:"IJII�:artll.'r .' () o 0 u 0feature writers for the Chic:lgo En'II' __ - - -ing Post, also have (·(llltrihutt... l. TlllI 1 :::!7 Hi :�Ohio �1:ltl', I:. 11. P. A. )�.Anderson, is devoted to Iitvrut urey dru- "·:Irlll'. r. f', •. , .... , ..• ) 1 I) U 01 000f) () ·l 1ooooo11113, music and art ..I Gmt' c· f, , ...Elect Freshman Y. M. C. A. Ohair=:!an. 8:t�'10r, s. s , II"I' "I 0A chairman for the freshmau y. :\1. .' IX. -, ., ., •. ', .• ,'C A "'U 1 I l I ,nt' Lilli:!. J I. ., .... ".. I)• • comnussron WI ie e e,·tCt tOI ny .'at 10:15 in the Y . .:\1. C. A. office. Robison, I. f .... ,., .. 0 0 nII I:! 02 2 0., 0 0II 12 1o 1 2Divinity Students Hold Reception. P('tl'r�. ::1.Br!e kes, I'. n1Faculty and students in the Divinity Cook, p ...department will be entertnined tonightat S' ;n Haskell 1� at a rt'l'eption h�'the oft'-eampus students. G G �i 12 2xP.attl',1 for C'avil: in ninth.HOllie runs: ::\1 a II II. Graf', Two basehit: ,,':lrfll", n:I!"I·,. on halls: (ItT DesDr. Eusehke Lectures.Dr. Charles G. Kuschke lectured I'll.Tnr.lit'n 1. (1fT �ook n, P:L�sc.l bnll:".A Group-theoretic Geuernlrzntror, of�rllnn. St nu-k ont : l,y lll'.� .Iurdien 4,th� Euer.Fermat Theorem in the Thehy Cook 1:!. �:t)·dfil·" hits: Harger,'�ry of Numbers" at a meeting of theGrafMathematical club yesterday, ----+-----SPRING STYLES ARE HERE'l'he very spirit of Spring bas been captured in the wl"ndcrful colorlnDof our new fabrics now on display.Greens soft in tone. often blendinll tnto browns. promise to be verysmart this sprlJut.The many new shades of �ys and blurs will ;l�gO please men of taste.PlIable, soft materials that lend themselves to thc correct close Att1D1&tyles. an 1D creat demand.To fashion the new snug fitting clothes requires tile utmost skDLSo tile J'errems way of taUoring these new smart styles appeal morestzonglJ' than ever to men who seek to be both individual and smaztIn their �We IDvlte YOU to see the greatdisplay of the correct DewSpring materials at any of ourtIIree BtGnLcr.A.ILOB FOB Y01Jl(O KEN'l'HREB ftORBS: 7 N. La Salle at. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 E Monroe lit..Prono.ted Perfed by Our Patr( 8S --VOl.1o2 omooCucutriwithfieluthoteresODeCODlJStaalfresltere-CI!,'D.tiStIlftakeeveitart]�itlmattheShOIweswillahoupothein .sho1berathmath.tbidoonM:n,asVI�.:MF4seofUw8BiI1wClRlmBalt1Nela: