IUily !fIurnnttVoL XII. Ko. 136. UNIVBB8I'lY OF omCAGO. WEDN.c:SDAY. MAY 6. 1914. P&l0B FIVB omtftVARSITY MEET omoSTATE ON STAGG FIELD NIGHT TEAM MEMBERS TO BE 'CHURCH FORBIDS � WAR BASHFUL WOIEN FORIGUESTS AT BANQUET Dean Mathews Condemns Mexican "10 mr SORORITYCLASSHOLDTO1ntevcntion As Unchristian, inLecture-Says Plan Would Make Candidates for Membenhip WillU. S. a Highway Robber "RuaIa" Officen aDd Member.With Candy aDd F10wenPresidents of Women's Halls WillMake Merry At Exercises To­night--Plan for Various Cele- Alumni Will Entertain Basket-b ti ball, Baseball and Track Menra Ions at Annual DinnerDes Jardien is Slated to PitchaDd Should Have LittleTrouble With BuckeyesWoun-u iu sen'rnl hu lls .will celebrate Jntervent ion or war iu Mexico wasPAGE IEEPS UNEUP MAcr ·Cla:,;s �ight·· w.ith iuformal exercises INVITE SENIORS TO AFFAIR ICOIHlclllUetl by Dean Mathews as con- "MODEST VIOLETS" IS MEANINGtonight. The resideuts of both Foster trury to the splrtt of the Christian -Ohio State will be the attraction on und Greenwood have prepared l,ro- .\lcmbers of the \. ar:,;ity basketball, [church, in a lecture on "The Church Bashful women on the campus needStagg fiel,1 t .. �.: at 3:�O_ The Buck- grams for outertuinmeuts ru ,I.., hal�_ Lw;ch.ll and t " "k teams and the �n�-lln�d the Nutiou' last night in Malld.el.l�o longe� co�de� themsel\'�s outeastseyes come to Chicago With a record or I The Foster women will begin their versrty 1J:1I111 Will be guests of the U III HUI address was the last o.f a serses ... rom Ulllve.l'8lty life. Mu Veta, other­one game lost and ODe eredited to the, exure iscs at diuuer. The womcu of the versf.ty ulu m n] at a stug banquet on of four given weekly this quarter by wise known as ".Modest ViolebJ," is thevie tory side of the percentage colulllil'!fnur elusses will murch downstairs to '.Alumui day, JUlie (i, ill Hutchinson !Dr. Henderson and Dr. Mathews on refuge to which all shy girls may flee.�h Pa�o expects to send Des oJ:lr'!the tables in groups of classes, sing- IcollJmolUl. 'fhe tlinnc� will be a joiut ·The .Motlern Church.' Mu Veta, the latest organization to bedien t.o the box, an.d Sho�ty shou�d �::. :ing their individuul class songs. .-\.111 (clebra.tio� ��. tI�e Cillcag� alulIJn.i c"ub "Tho church must do it.'4 best to step formed on the campus, is a sororitynex his fourth strulght Couference v '--I ' ,I.· I. t each and the lj nlvcrsitv alumni ussoe iut.ion. It and prevent tho Amerlcuu peon le stablished to lend a hand to t im id• • Will wear cap� auu gO\\ us, uu .. .• s:tory. Richmond, Trn.utma.u, Fnb; or. ill h . its 0\\-'1 ·olor-the 'Platcs will be set for 300. from bccomiue Christian highway- members of. the milder sex.,. . ,. , group w a, 0 1 '. CI . . �. . 'J'. •Cook will � ork for the Buckey es,. bl -k tho juuiors blue: the Provislunal arrangeuu-nts for the 1tCll ., said Dean Mathews m referrmg Candidates who Wish to become -ae-18cmors, ac; " i 'Page expects to use the same lineup I red ant! tho freshmen banquet, a program of cabaret anti I 0 tho llcxicall situation. He said that ive members of Mu Veta will "rush".. . . sop IOlllorcs, " '. •"3galllst Ohio tha.t has been seen In the I vaudeville stunts, were malic at a com-Il\' t akimr tho property of others for th.e sororlty instead. of being rushed,. 'greon• " • 0 • I . .previous games, The team has worked 'f.� t irrht tho Fo .. tcr women will mitteo mcctwg of members of the our own good we would be no better "mnen who are anXIous to become.I ... ter 01110 " I I'together better this season than inUt> grouped at class tables at meals. alumni organizations last F'riday at 'I han any higbwayman, pledged �ill. send violets �an(lY •. �ntlyeaI'H, and both fieltling and batting Greenwood to Serenade. l the Hotel La Salle. Ernest E, Quau- Aid to Feminist ![ovemeDlll. other tlehc9Cles to.the soronty offll'lalshave boon above the average. The ill' R('sitlcnts of Grecnwootl ball will trcll, '04, is chairman of thc commit· Dr. .Mathews discussed tho connee- and showe� attentions on the m.embersfjeM espccia.lly has disl)laye(l brilliant1 b v class night exc.rdscs to- tce on arraIlgements. If successful, tion of tho church with the femjnist of the socIety.. . h � sO 0 ser 0. I . , Start Oppoaltton Societyform, anti has glvcn the pltc ers ex- . "I t �[mbers of thc \'arious clas!:;(,'S the alumlll plnn to make an annual 1l0\'cmcnt and other progressive pohtr _. • ,, B h t thO d 19 I. - e. I . Unafflha� women who 800Tn thecClltlOnal support. 0 nen n If'.n ·vc stunt� afte... whleh the cuture of tho banquet. �al for�l'S. "It must get IW>re Inh rt Cit 1 WI gl .,'V�-- W�'h S ......... 1r • ' f idea of joining the bashful. sisters'McConnell at so, 0 e a secont,l' .·n unite to serenaUe the other �ent u.L � I ou('h With tho creatIve forces 0 80-1'an(l Norgren on first, appear to be in C usst'S, "Ihall Presid�nt Vincent of Minnesota will: it,tv- it ought to co-operate with thc �crowd," have formetl a club which• • • • 'f, om('n S s.. , • , las b� named "The J C Soeiety" byno danger. of losing thClr po.'utlOns III .'probably bo a speaker at the dlDner'l cminist l�atlers allt1 the movement for I " .tdE' Dear future_ Two of the outfit'lol URGES COMBINATION IQuartettes of oIel-timc singers, gr3.llu- conomie justice," he said. Ithe .Mu �eta s.lsters._ Af�r a prolongetll)ositions sccm to be settled. Gray in OF CO�� �g:LLEGE lfites of the first ycars of the Uniyer� I In thc course of his 8lhlress Dean land (tetalled In\"estigat�on by a 2\130-right field anll Harger in left nre. fix- SOH, Isity in the carly ninetics, will give ,�[:!.thows saitl he was proud of the fact {OO� .reporter,. U:e �eanlng o� ,th� op-tures. Stains apparently has the Jump• Compnctness In thheOO:o���s !:��:I�: some of thc old college., songs,_ �tl �hnt ����-Rr«:d?�����:�n._ t}l!1�oS.lti,�� ���.!�.s tItle was (h��' eretl.on LibQnati at present, anil,will reo Indt�eleIICm!"'!.!::!;��nHed-gbY'HenrY "�"-i'�·the 'earlyf;Blackfriar come: hurches\ an(l said that from them, J'ealous C&ta .1.8 the name gnen thetil . b ' an co ege IS recom I' - opposition. dub by the members of lIu:.nain in centerfield for e time mng. E. Brown in an article on "Tho Reor- dies will sing the song hits of e:wh 'Would como the means for I"estormg 1"1Ohio Bas Sluggers. Jrani7..ation of the American Public Ishow_ tho church to its proper sphere of in-I'V" "ta,. .High School" �n the current issue of I f I In contradieti()n to the "shyness" ofOral and Cherry are Ohio's he�,'y IThe School Review, publishetl yester- Senior men\ graduates and aU orm- fiuance. 'the M. V. sisters, the "J. C:' sororityh'tters and may give Del! Jarthen'day by the University Press. The er students, have been urged to send"'TES FO- I '1 1I , I . f ' f'. ASK CANDIDa.'_ members have aet up 88 & stant artbl R' hmond will be the first ,wnter states that tho our ,ears 0 in reservatIons for pln.ees. Acceptances SBNIOB SQHOI A'RS'RTPS I .' .._u� e: IC" defeatctl Pur_jhigh 8Ch�.1 trainin�. ct1;D' bc. shortenctllwill bo filetl by S. Edwin Earle, '11, at � FILE APPLICATIONS Ithe dISregard of conventlonallty. Th�lrchOIce III the box, ha\ Ing by combmlDg' courses gn'en III colleges 'd..n initiation. ri� 8Q it.is- reported, lD-due 9-2. Coach St. John has a record nn(l prcparatory institutions. If"13 Plymouth clUrt. The lOner WI Can(lhla.tes for tho Senior eollep'c I I d be f 8--- which- . $150 h In.rsbi ' port· cal cue & Dum r 0 .... Ll.UO arefor turning out fast teams, but It IS WILL EXPLAIN WORK C(·st •• nd Graduate 8C 0 ps III I I l al I ed to test th ttl f thek I . Economy to be awarded at the June e cu at e me e 0not probable that the Buc eyes can OF ELEANOR CLUBS .. O:PEN 'OlaVEB.Slfi convocation. have been asked to apply I neophytes-stunts which will not beargive Chicago much trouble at the FOB omCAGO WbMEN1WILLOOLF TOllBN� MONDAY Ito Associate Professor Wri�ht bef�c!r�petitioD.championship pace Page's team is :Miss Bartlott will speakc on tho --- .Saturday. Entrants for Mathema.tlcsi .work of the "Eleanor clubs" tomorrow Title of University Golf Cham'Dit:. eellola.rships ha"e been requestcd to SC:PUOKo&BS MB1r.r I"B.OSHI b 't I' t· to Professorat the Lcague meeting at 10:15 in L('x- . Hinges on P.&.a.y Next Week on '.SU ml app Ica IOns I IX WA%BB.BASKt�:i l�ton ]:1. The Eleanor clubs l\"'e:"e Jackson Park Co'CDC. ISlau�ht hefore Montl.ay, :May 11, a,nll.. '--'I ountlc(l by M.i.�� Ina Law Robert,'wr I -, . candiaates for ChemIstry 8Chola.rsh.ip� 2'eama Opea" � lkdeB-OverChicago: a1 a., ...-.oeiations for young women with_ At a mcctin� of men, lIltereste.tl .111 tf) Profcssoh llcCoy before 1Iontla.y, � __ ave 8t&D.ed. Up forlleCollnell s. s. 0 It homcs in Chic�o. Severn I rnj, 20lf )'cstertlay. a commltt�e conslStJ1l� ?thy lR Game:J With Coach White..H er I f. 't 1 . . . of Joshua Stevenson. chaIrman; Ray-, --allt , • Ter.n y womcn arc (OJnJ!' SOCIal scrvlce. t! Cha I G .'. :mCHIGAN UN10N IS Sophomores will ,liDe UP �nst tbbNolltren, lb. at the "arious clubs in thc city. Inlon� Daly ank r cs rlmest \\f·l� CONDUCTING CAMPAIGN Freshmen in the tirst inte�clas8 \\"m�rlfann, c. UPllOlDted to ma e arrangemcn s 01. •,G f � the UllivenJity champiom�hip toumn- FOR LIFB KBMBBRS �ketbal1 game, today at �.aO. ThIS• ray. r. 3' DISCUSSES EFF.r.OTS OF 'mcnt. This tourney will bc run off in • -- 1,,!,lll be the opemDg pme of t�e JU:' ..Bohnen; b. DRUGS WHEN USED , h ... Its f th qual' (By 'Western College Press.) JDterclass water _kethall senes atDes Jardien, p. ON WOllrlEN PATIENTS t 0 remdUlnhmJ: �IX wctac k °th Ct·'1 -1' Thc Michigan Union i� contluctinJ! the University Gamee are to be play.Cole C)b tc ... an t e Willner es 0 I .. eo, � I'f b • ._ .• - • --. T.. f h . another cnmpal�n Jor I e mem el"l\ � eaeh ,Vednesday from now until theStains. c. f. X nn·o:.is resuitilll! from the alln: in 1'1 nll·erslty �ol c :unplon: h I l ! nmonl! members of the senior cla.... !'1 .. : end of the quarter: Each class willOhio State: :i trati(," of «.>hlotoform to ,,'omcn in. The cC?nn�lltteo has decllletl to ,0 t Evcry �enior will be approachetl. By meet every other cia.. and the teamsBli88y c. f .• Capt. 'f1.'lit·!lt.c hc:.alth, was compare,l to the t'le quahfymg rounds at Jackson 1 arka paT'ment of fiity floUars in five an· lia"jng the lt1'e8telllt percent8lte of vic.Grant or Mix, 2b. I ffccts of -:tller ,b�' Dr, }o;\"arts Graham.lcm Mont�a� _at .3 o'cl�k., .All members Jmal.·in�tanment�,any student may be- tories will play for the championshi,).Graf. r. f. nstructor III climcal surstery at Ru�h'lof tho lJnnerslty aro eh�lble to eni�r ('orne a member. During the time of I Coach White desires to consult theCherry. Jb. I 11 hil't lccturo on obstctri('s at ;; ye {,' ,and an .entranco fce of twenty- \ e l;a"mcnt the�· will he known as par- membcrs of the class teams in ortlerl'eters or Hess. 3b.. (;:ty in PhysiololrY 25. Dr. Gral.:!11 ,c;�.nts will bc charJ.!cd. The :ourn�lllelit t.i;ipate 'life ·mt'm\)('l"l\. antI entitlcd to that a time for practice may be ar.Morrisey. L f. �:1Vc Ilcmonstrntions with se'·�rnl :-:'cc- :�n be r�n off on a 8Cr�tc bafsis .alillt all privjJe1!p.� of the elnb. Thc annual mnwed He believes that the men ,,:ithtl It f h· ., . ,wIll cOlUnst of threo fh�hts 0 el� It. "11 h h 11 ,r '!".Saylor. s. .. ' mcns. 10 resu SOlS own cXI,en·, . rf· ('If'<<:llOn of the unIon WI e e ( .i.Uay a httle praetice may develolt •II , .. ntR. One hundred students attended ,nlen each. Tho cl�ht best qua 1 Icr� lC d t' 1 f th V ·t· tl'ickere • .... he lecture. :.will play in the first fliJ:ht. which WII • IlOO nla erla or e anu l wn- �rUichmond, Trautman, ',detemlinc thc ,,·inner of thc cham I KrB. Goodspeecl WD! Pour. ba:t'ketball team. next ,treason: ? t rCook or Fritz, .P'. , WILt. ASK EVERY SENIOR ; Jliollship. Pri�es \\;11 also be awarllcll �rr!'. }O;,lJ!ar .J. G00I1�pee(1 wiIJ pour .thl�y. men, haVing already, slgmfiet�Tryouts for the poslt.O)n of chCt,r., TO JOIN ALUMNI BC:i>V,to the winers of tho secontl an,1 thirll fit the "eekl\" �a s:h·en by the Y. W. th-:;r Int�ntJ:n �o �nter ug�m"s=t Ali:'It.atler will be continuCtI at the PlIrriul. fJis:bt.", C. L.' tOtla�. at :I in Lexin'itton 3. All u� �r::ra UB e lU e nl\·cntl)' HIand Indiana �mes. Untlergra.clutc COlin· i!:bt Are on Committ.c,·, Headed by All who �,"ish to entcr must han,l women in .the Unh·cl"l\ity have . bC('l ,ehglblc to play._ ... _cil will choose two assistant cheerleatl- Lloyd LeDuc. to Canvass Gradu.. th('ir IJames to any of the aho"c ("om-' '!'n-itr.ll. T£XAN BDI2'OR VI8Iftfi f J atin� Class. ll1ittee. As �oon a� tho qunlifying CAJIP'UB' lAYS JlAROONcrs ly the I"l\t 0 • une.... '..... .. n'" ,?11�11 is. fini�he.d. the entries will. Ill' ����,�§ M·"'''''. ,�L� �... BDftoRTALS ABE GOODL\ cr, ,("nlOr" III he se('n l'er!'lIlIl"I,,\ r,1\ Hlc,1 mto fh;:ht.s, anti the flr�t:' Bulletin : 'LAY TABLB'f IN HABPBB·S DESK. �- a. ffi"lJIht'.r of the com�littec. on I ollll,i will h{, plny('(l off the l:,tt,('f ��,"'�������������������� George Wythe, one of tho cc1itor� of-, f.,11l111i1 �l'soeJr.tl{ln. nl' mh;r. l'lllp t1'lrJn� I �rt of Jll'Xt week, TOIlA Y The Daily Tcxan, at Austin. 'ft.;�:.s,Mix Bronze Plate to Commemorat�'1 '.IC tl_'11 11:1." ca IIp:tWIl wllll'h was st:! .�- . . h .� I� Lata President. co i 11 d oUeg of Co�· 'tr3!J n ,'untor on t e ("ampu..� y�,-,,=rl ny.Use -J - (-I �'('l"t(')liay: An ('{Turt, will be � tIe !-!ICmGl'...N IS PLANNING ... cn or co ege an c � lie is returninst from the Si�ma Delta.-.. 1,1.,' tit,· t'om" 1tt�c to break all pren.l;t JEANN:O D'ARC :PAGEANT. mcrce and Administration chapc· fraternity eon,'ention at Ann Arhor.A bronze name platc ",'as mlal,1 Y('�:'I'):'("OJ'i� for :�·'w Jr.l'luhe"!o\" HUNDREDS TAKE PART 0'15 !land I Ho ("alle(l at the Maroon office, anllter,la'" in the tlcsk of Dean Math ... m� "'I'hc cla�s h:l� h('('n ,li\"i,h'cl anll a ., e.. I h h h I �- ' 1.J trr ba ban !!Ie I nl' t at e 3.l ��n an mtcr('�t�cin the Divinity tlcpartmcntal ouICCS. did!'ioll :ll't.�i�netl to ('a("l1 m('mit('r of I Ilv Wf'l'Itcrn Collc;!e I'rt'sl4) C!tlc:!go'()hfo Smte 8C �:t, 1'CHtler or the ,Iaily for 8C'\"ernl Y(':\I"(.16 commommomtc thc fact. t.hat the I Itf' ("orr..mitt('('." �aill ('hairmnll Ltoy,l l-:1:1ho;ntt' plans are, ulltier ,\"a�' for �:30, Sta�g tfeld. IIn,t much admin-tl the type of e(lit..;r·desk hatl been usc,1 .by Presltlcnt lla�- 1 �nllC yc�terlln'y. "The member� of 'i�l(� .J(,flnll(' ,rAre I'nJ.!e:lnt. of the rni'l �'30 IIarp4!T M11. I 0111 i� Tlri •. t!l!.per durin�, the fourteen y�ar� o! 11I� I, he d�R� ("an help 1l� hy �ub�rrihi.nl!. "cr!lity of :"li('his:an to he h('l,1 latc �t.:trr lecture. . • ----.--aclmini8tration. The plate IS SIX mcht'� Jl1mc,hatcly. Althol1;:h every �(,ll1or I hi� month. Se\"cral hnnllre,l !'('.): CcHege of Edrr."'.Uon cbapel. 10:15.j Ora4uate OIab.to IIeet.by nine. It is fixCtI in th� �ight hand l'1rilJ joill the a."qocin.cion before the aTf' to takt' l!art. Th(' � .. cne. r('pTe- T.",nnns BlaJne 2U., The Graduate Women's club willcomer of the detlk. A slmllar plate ·Con,·o(�ation, we arc tryinl! to :ret all, cntin� a m(',lincnli ("it.l'!f'I. i� to hf' M:!tl!eIrn.tfc:l� dub. 4:15. R,.erson 37 hoM the annual meetin� tomorrow atwill he lai(l in �he high armed chnj. j 1 no�· hc!ore the e�eitem('nt of Co�. '$�t Ill' on F('rry fie1cl. rhe lea.ling TOMORROW. 5:30. at the' ho� of MT'8. Hallam •. Au�1 hy the pretndent. "Ot�atlOn time ma.k('s them ne;:Ic("t It J'oi('. tll:!t of thc �Inicl of Orlean:o;. i!'l 'Jl1('nt� �up'Pf'r will follow the meetlllst.The inscription on the plate rcatl� as ntil the }a�t mom('n!... lobe .p1a:rf'cl hy lfirinm Jlllhlmr.l Divinity r.ebool (ba� 10:15. �8_11 . .folloWl': Ru,ly �.aUhew� Ehsnheth Sh(,Ter. cnu�ht('r of F.th('rt lTnhhartl. ken usmebl.v room. ��eId 'l'aIta at '1' ..."This desk Walt used by WiI1inr )fjrinm Rnl,l,,·in •• Juliette Ames. L,'-' Y. W. C, L., 10:15, Lexincton 14. )'r. Mf'rrlfleJd mAfle a !"hort talk ntRn.iney Harper. first prC5ident of the, lnll WeM. Sj,lnf'Y Callell, Ralph Crt'r-I fcor� Club to Dance. 1 Graduate W»men's club. 5, Lcxfn r the tea gil'en. YCl'terday in Grecnwoo!lUnivel'tlity of Chicago, from 189:! to J1.�nt('r an,l Lloyd L('DlIc arc on the R<-ore rlnll 'Will hoM 'In' informal �fny 'J11 Jfl. ', hAll by the Flnanee department of the1900." eommittcp.. l:J at Rosalic ball Philosophical club, 7:30, Harper 1112 LQallUe.,traveling.Lineups for TOday.\I2'BB DAILY KABOON,WBDNBSDAY, IL\.Y 6, 1914.The Daily MarooD(Jftlclal Student !\eWailluper or the . UDI.1'ersity of Chll'a::o.l"ubllslu>d mornlngs, t>Xl'('llt SUDda, andMonday. clurln;: the Autumn, WIDter aDdSprill4: 'luarters. by 'rhe Dally MarooDataa.t. w. t·otUDlrb ••U. K. t'urp1a. P. Na.,"OIl8CBIPTIOS BATES.It, carrier: '%.60 a ,.ear; $1.00 a quarter.�J' Dlala: 11.00 a ,.ear; $1.%6 a quarter..:dlturhd·Bu.IDe.. omee, Ell.. Zt.B;d·�.���':te .:"1:' .a7 100. Atter 10 D m.Give Numbers from Sonlt Bcok.Xllmh('r� from the n(''\\'' Uni\'('T�it:,'son::! hook w('r(' T('hf':lr�('ll at a mn<':'"'·(,l't('r,ln�· in )ranll('}'" in pr('par:ttionfor th� ollt,looT �inc� lnte in the (lunr·t(,T. One hlln,lrf'.l wom('n w('ro pre�ent.Th� Women'!" Glee ('l11h nnel the hnn,lwill a..�sist nt tho 011t11001' sinS! nextTllf'!'.lay.Addresses PhilO8Opblciil Club.)rr. S('hwcit7.eT win �pNl.k on "Th('\\1101e nn.l Pnrt Relntion in Annl:vtL�n.l R('nli�m" at n. m('f�tinc of the Phil·�ophi('nl ('lnh tomo1'1'OW nt 7:30 irJlarr.cr 12. CommWlicatioD:THESE PARIS GARTERS .have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea has never beforebeen carried out for any University.The value is excellent; you get the full worthof your money in Garter quality plus the Univer­sity colors and design. Price, 25c the pair.Every pair of PARIS GARTERS ISguaranteed ,to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. DICK1302 E. 63rd Street.Near Kimbark Avenue.regular 35c Silk Hose 25c pair.Crepe Union Suits $1.00Track Shirts 50c.Just arrived, LONDON a NewCoDar, A. DICK Corliss Coon IiJoin Alumni .Association.To the ��litor:A��� �= of\\;:�:it�l'!��li�!:�:t ��n ��l�r:n� ::l�����B •• IDe ........ er t;OJJ subsc r ipt.lous will see each senior----- ---------- JlersoualJy . .Each senior cun help theEnte'"d ... econd·cl... mall at tbe class make a record ill the numuer ,.Cblt'a." J·oatomce. Cblcaco. III .. lIIarcb 11.1101. u"d .. r Act of Marcb a. 1IT1. suhscr-lpt iuns oulajlll',l from any cla:.:--Ly joiuiu:.: lIOW.Vo not put it ofl'. It makes it iliondif'f icult for tho couunittee, and nowis the time to do it. Seuiors, your l" •opernt iou will be uppree.iated,'l'h" counnittee members arc: Hut!:.1JuruulJ I'r -- Mutthe\\'�. Elisubeth Sherer, lIirb .. ..____ �_.tiH_',_.• Jdll Cothl�� GroYe AYe. Baldwin, Juliette Ames, Lyman Weld.THE ESSEN�r ... 'D A or.... Sidney Cadwell nall'h Carpenter aut!�O�TY. Lloyd L,t'Oul'. Lloyd LeDuc.Jt is :L truism to say that et hics is1,'·rp,·tu:t1J�· uuset t led, Tht·re are 110settled et lrie a] llrillcil'lcs of l'oll,lud;lor ',\'h:lt is perfect ly morn] ill Olle age.is ah�uh!h'I�- immor:&.1 ill :lllOther-oreven in the same gt'lll·ratioll. conductis moral ill one situatlon, a;1I1 immor:,1 in auutber. But there is one settled1,rjUl�i!t1t', which forms the fUllci:.lII1Cllt­:11 guide to ethical l'oll,luct; and thati-.: this-Ethil'al conduct is that con­due .... which, :IS :111 averuge or nominul,Is most coudue ivo to the best iut erestsof the race as a whole. This rule ern­braces not only couduer through whichone individual comes directly in con­tact with society in his nctions-as forInstance, in the ethical rule againstlying-but npplies equally well to till'individunl in conduct in which he hhn ,self is primarily interested, such nsethicnl ,li('ta against hatred, envy, etc.-for whatever is hurtful to an indi.,vidual is hurtful to society, because ofthe crippling effect on one unit of ma­terial (human beinus) l,y which societyconducts its work. This principle, then.is a safe guido to ethical eomluet-c--audit may he summed up in the phrase,A sense of social responsj hif ity, Thistest gives consistent results in everysrtunt ion, and reconciles npnrently Ilia­metri('al1y opposed examples of ethicalconduct, And it has it.'J pertinent ap­plication to college life, fitting intothc background of conllitions peculiart� collegl', nne1 developing a useful sys_tem of ethics ndapted to conditions,just as it may develop nn entirely differt'ut system when fitted to othcr cir­cumstances. By grasping this one greatprinciple, anyone can frame his mornlCOile to fit IlifTerent situations-for thomoral code docs chnnge, in differentsitu:ttions fully as much as nath'C C08-tnme when wo travel from one coun­try to another. For instn.ncc--lying isprobably far more ethicnl in Ilen.lingwith a savnge who "W11nts liquor thatlit wouM be in discussing the samequestion with n. college 5tul1ent. The�:t\'n.ge 01' semi-savnge, is the one per·son, perhaplt. upon whom it is ethicnlto perpetrate the u�mnl line of luril1pictures which form the stock in tralleof the ordinary tcmpcmnee lecturer.Anel perh.nps best of an, the te�twould sp,rve to search out the genuinl'­JlC�� of ethi('n.l preachment!' of nllsort�. sepnrating the ('hnrlatnn, an,l�f'n!lation monceT from tho :!!incer('"Worker for s<H'inl gooe1-for � man (':tnbe ju(lge<l hy his con!'ciolt� or ltn('on­!'t'l01l!' :tpprM'intion of thi� prin('ipl('.:ts it �ho'\\"s in hi!' bigotry or l:>('k of it. I'lac ."tllI' .. H'" ,.n",vaaiW. fur .,.... �"re .. " 1Nt".. Vcna."aioe&iCIN.......Nile" .. ... ft'Uetace 01 11004 fe1U6.anY. M. C. A. Ccmmission Will Elect.The F'reshuiun Y. -'I. C. A. commis­sion will elect a cha.irmun tomorrow :t,HI: 15 iu the Y. lI. C. A. office. E\'cr�'member has beeu requested to attend.Illinois Shuts Out Purdue.llli nois shut out the Purdue ballteam yesterday at Chuurpuign by a ;.(1score. From the present outlook of theCoull'n'lIce rnve, t his makes Chicagoawl Hliuni» tho foremost contendersfor the title. '01LCampus Divines Ente.rta.ln.Iust.ructors and students of the Di­vinity School have been inv iterl to :rer-cpt ion given by thc off_campus stu­dents tomorrow at 8 in Haskell Vi. �ll:'sic and a special entertainment havebeen scheduled for tho program.Have Twenty Pipes Left.Twenty F'reshmen class pipes are"till a vnilnble, Subscrijrtions for thesemust he paid before Fr-iday to RichardKuh Or Frank Schlabach,The New TariH---. makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould have costyou $3S'nod�r theold tariff-v-other prices 10 It you want to be right up in StyleproportionNicoll the TailorJulius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1289 East 55th Street.[I!O the fabrics we offer at the price'r eighteen dollnrs and up, and b.t :lcroughly conVinced that this is heae"uarters for stupendous values(orrect tailoring.W= J�rrem� SonsC):a-rk llnd Adams Streets. Chicago."Do I remember the stories thatJim Wheeler used to tell at coDep-when we all got around in a nng­and lit up our Fatima Cigarettes­weill should say yes! H� Ha! Anddo you know I have never founda cigarette, since, that pl� mea.� well as Fatimns-mighty goodsmokes. "Jt·s just this·sort of s.'1tisfnction that has IMdeFatimns the biggest selling cigarette in thiscountry I Plain looking package-but inside,twenty of the best..fl.!!!ftCIGARETrES'r':t:>1:�� Irulividuar '20 for-I"�- College FriendshipsMake college life worth ."hile. Coca-Cola is a friendworth ImowiDg aDd huiDg all the way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It will fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and beDefit.Delicious-R.efreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA �o.,AdII .... Ga. Wbnner,,"_aDA�.IllU 01 Coca-CoiaLearn to Dante CorrectlyGenuine Argentine, Tango�Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as dan c e d and tau g h t byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat.. evenings at 43d 8t. " Calumet Av)·TERESA 8. DOLAN(Fonrtll ,"ice pre!'i,)cnt J nternntionnl A!4sof'ia_tion )r:l�tcr of Dancing): member of Chi(::I;':ol>n.nrins,r l':t�tcr's .Afl!'4ociation.Studio: 5:161 Cottngc Grovc Av. Phone II. P. G�.;::Prh'nte lessons by appointment..�'--- ..... '-t •••EceA.c:oe". "'�. . ,".. _'"�HICA •••:i511 Cottage Grove Avenue. Phono Englewood 8423Restaurant andTea RoomMAIN FLOOR (E't:!Jelze) SHOPS BUILDING17 NORTH WABASfI AVENUE(Opposite Steoens' Ne'D) St-.,._p\Candy DepartmentW e have lately enlarged our candy department and weare putting out a grade of candy that will maintain thesame high standard as our French Pastries, a reputation ofwhich we are justly proud. Our Double Whipped CreamChocolates and Chocolate Puddings are specialties that canbe found only at Delvies. Our "Bon Voyage Boxes" arecombinations of our celebrated Pastries, Cakes and Candies.These are great for automobile trips, or as gifts. Theseboxes are put up in true Delviesstyle and appeal to boththe eye and the palate. A box of candy from Delvies isthe highest compliment a young man can pay to a youngladie's taste in candies. The name Delvies is synonimouswith quality. Special attention is paid to orders recievedby telephone.We make prompt deliveries to any part of the city, orexpress packages to any point in the United States.We Do Not Serve Intoxicating LiquorsfDinner(A 1;1 Carte ,,0' TaMe d'Hote)BreakfastLuncheonFrench PastryCandy AfternoonTeaOUR ENGLISH BALCONYftIB DAILY JlABOON WBDlfB8DAY, KAY 6, 1914.ANOTHER NEW O. 11 B. CREATIONThis time it's a one button Sac Suit. Givesone the much desired high waist line, vest is madelower than before with soft rolling lapels. Wellworth inspecting before you make your selection.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UP.MElts � Saopogt_""_et at Hen.e ... ge, .., .18 • 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARDChic-eoThe Men Who Put TheFun Into Your Daily LifeWITS well sharpened and mindsin good humor. The man whohas these generally knows what heis talking about. Read the testimoni­als on this page. Here are some ofthe greatest cartoonists in the coun­try. They all smoke and endorseThev wouldn't smoke Tuxedo ifIt didn-'t kcl'p their minds alert andcheerful all day long, day in and dayout. A tobacco that can do thatstands in a class by itself.Tuxeoo is made of the very hj(J'h­est gr;!de of choice, mellow, sw�etK(.·ntllCky Burley leaf-treated bvthe original "Tuxedo Process ,-,which removes the sting so tha� itwnllot hile your tongue -granulat­ed 50 that it smokes freely and uni­formly-packed 40 pipefuls to thelOe tin.Tuxedo deserves everything thath:lscver heen s:lid cf it-and to proveit Tuxe:'do sells by the millions uponmillions of tins annually.YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERECoa.efti,.nt poach. 5 Famous srr-a tn.. 10in'!er.lin.J with C with.old lettmnw. Cmoisture.proof p.per CW'W'cd tof"1t pocketIn Clan Hrmtid ... SOc InHI 90cFREE �nd u!\ 2 cen.ts in �t;amps for post­a�e ;an(1 we w.1I m:ul you asounnirlin of TUXEDO tobacco to anypoint in the Unitt'd Statt'S. AddressTHE AliERICAN TOBACCO CO)JP.\�yRoom J2IDg III Fiftb Avenue New York -����������2�1�_·1Brief Campus News������'$.:�����w-�>"������ Ilia"lC Dinner Down Town.�I c Ii of t)I(.' .luuior Law class met at:� ,Iilllle" ut tho Bustuu Oyster lWUSIJIust lIi�ht. Af'terwurds tbe studl'llts(;1�,:ul,it,t1 :L row of seats at tho Palaeotheater. THE FACULTY &THE STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWILL FIND INTWS BANK ALL THEFACILITIES OF A DO\\'NTOWN BAN�Woodlawn& Savings TrustBank120-1 E. 6Sd Street, ChlCAIO -LUllde Attends Convention.Edill� H. Lunde, '14. representedthe lul.':11 chuptcr of Alpha Tuu OIllC:':�Ltit till' ,.i;.:bth unuual Province eoucluv.f tho fraternity. Saturday, ut Aunr ltor, .\1 ichiJ,:an.Hoxie to Ta.lk at Michig:m...I 'l"Uf,·:-o�or Itobert. E. Hoxie, of the(h'Bart IllClIt of l'olitil·u.l Economy, will�I"'ak :It the uuivcrsity of Michi:'::lIl)1:1\' j� a nd 14, on "Ueyolutionary VI!'illlli:<III" :w,l "Trude Union Progre:-is." SAVINGS ACCOUNTSandCHECKING ACCOUNTSAre Welcome and Appreciated,M<lsquers Will Select Play.Till' :\la"lIucrs \\;)1 select, their sprint."I:l\�. :lIId pick the cast at u. meet i II�to"·:1\· �Lt ::::';0 in Lexingtou H. EveryUII'IIl·hl'r )1:lS beeu urue.l to he J,n·:'H'II. RESOURCES s��.noo. 000.CLASSIFIED. ADVEKHSEMl:NTSl:"ctc Committees Meet Today.C1wirlllt'lI of the e luss eonunit tees f.)rthe '�I::Idr:LII;.:le lcte Frida�·. will meet-tuv ur 1 :1:; ill the Le:L;!uo room. to d is.,l·U�S "I:IIIS 1'01' tho occasion.Board and Cabinet WllJ. Meet. :�:I:''' ,·ollditinll, 1"'1" �:;.;. ;'Li :\orthThe Ad\"i:-;ory board of the Leaguewill nrcct with the lir�t cnhiuet today Jlall, L:.! UI" j -", "i p. III.at :::;:0 ill Lexiugt ou :t After the.meet iru; the wuureu who at temIed the A:": ,·::-;I:Yt'LO!'EI)I.\ EI:ITT.\:,\IL'A,house ,,:Irty in. �lichi:.:all will hold a l 1'\I!;li�llI'd ".'. \\""·I:(·�: I!:I� till' 1I1'\\"n-uuion :;uI'pcr III Lcxiugtun COUlmOIl�. Arllt'rie'all slIl'l'll'IIII'1I1. I'!IO!II.' : .. iili·,\·ayPlay Rin� Around-tb.e..Bosie. J::'!!!.Tim l.r�l:.!r:�11 for the Sel�or t.ea to_Imorruw III Foster ball witl 1I1c1utJe FOn H 1-::\'1'---'1'1'11'1' 1: J :.!,' li�:ht rooms,kinticrj!artcJl :.!:Lnu.',li such us "rille' I .I .. '.::&rulilll� the-rosie" nml "London bri.lgc Sill;': C' 01" :IS :1 �11:,"; V I",,� reason-is t"aUillg 110\\"11." TIIi� will be the Jir:;t nlrle, 10),; I·:. .-, It It !.I:I'·I·. Phonetime unv ,·IMs has held a party ill F'o- - JI.,·dc lnrk ;;!l!;:: .ter for both lIICII and women,Invite Others to Socials. Sp�ks on "T!:cc:rc:', of Numbcrs.'�,_Forcigu-boru students and others in- Dr. Chn rle» (;. 1\ I:�' ill'I' will lcct urot(,I'('�h'Il have hcen invited to nt teml If In "A Group·tlal·orl'til· C;,'III'r:lIizatiollthe Cosmopolitan club socia ls, J!'iYclllof thc Enlt'r-I''''rlllat Tht·CII·I'!II iii tho'.'n'r.,· Sundav ill the club room, Ell ITlu.\Hr_:.- of Xu m hcrs' at a ml'l'tln:! ofIS. The IIl'Xt affair 011 the cluh nro- ,tho )I:ltlll'matil'al ,·!lIh t o-Inv :'1 ·1:15'!r:ull will he held Saturdny, May I;'. � ill Ryerson ::j. �I r. 1\1I�..JaI,e re"eh'etlEdwnrd Zihto"sky is chairmnn of the his ,Iudor's d"cr.·t' ill (;l'r:Il:IIlY before{'Iltcrtainlllcllt committee. '('Jltcrin!! thl' Plli\"l·r�i!,·.The management expects capacityhouses Friday and Saturday nightsMay 8th and 9th. Therefore do notput off purchasing your BLACK­FRIAR tickets another day.Mandel Corridor 10:15 to 2:45 DailyQuadrangle Fete Friday Night.T. A. DORGAN ("Tad")"TwceJoam·,6eftlUaleJIn $OOI/ung. rellahing quaIJ­firs. J/� milJneu Insvrr� tIpleaJOnl �. ib cooInasTmJOC('� ell chance 0/ longuebile. "I- P.&f"CtI -. - Pennsylvania Avenue.18th and H StreetsTo seeken or a hotel wbereluxurious quarteTS may be se­cum. where charm and con­genial atmOSltMre prevail, andwhere �lIen� of servsee i:Jparamount. tbc Hotd Powbabnoilers just sac:b inducements.Rooms with detached bathIDa,. be obtaiued at sr.50. $2 00aad � Rooms with pl'iYatebath, tz.50. SUO aDd up.c:,,-" '1�.:tt...:J:.��C:��·Write for booklet witb Imp.CLIFPORD •. LEWIS.M:ma�rR. L. GOLDRERGcreator of "Poolish Ques·tions," 'TaD the (iuy""/firulin TureJo tI gooJloI.ncco. lis /ragrtlTtCe antiJlac"r eTe fiM. I UK II re­gularly anti �nJMSe It ,.,1J111:1 all my /ri.:ntls •••,f.�� ..,PROFILE�Scarf slide spaceand lock fron�f&@:�lJNITED SHlU·. ClOUAIt co. 11tOV. N.Y.BUD FISHERcreator of ··Mutt aad Jeff."•• T rzzeJo Ita rltatle tI pipemy /tIOOri/e/orm 0/ mroIr:ltr6.II� coolness tnHI mild ..� pipe mroIr:lng a mJP/etmne.' •�1;J... SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY MAROON. IN OLUS the oatside .hirt andunderdrawers are ODe carmc;:�. Til::; me:tn� that the !>llirtC:::l't "'ork out of the trousers, that there :-:re no shirt t:ti!s to hunchb Sc:lt, that the <!r.twcn "st:ty put'" to sa]" not!::r.g of the comfort:!:�d economy of saving a g::rmc�t. OLt:S is co::t cut-opens:::i t!lC way down-closcd crotch. dosed be!.:. Sec illustration.For tolf. t('nllh and field 1m, . ...-e r{'('\')mr.lI�nd t�)e JJ"'Y:;.l :I::�r!l(",1 collar Ol.U5 wilhre:t:�::r or .bon sJenon. Erora .i:-('� r(Or \;�. t;.!1 or ,:.,:.t DC;.. All .birt fabrics.in ,rrun desitm. ill(lu.!iDt' .11:._$1.50 to $10.CO •OW! �e PAJAMAS fnr Joandn::, r�:i:"l:: :::.1 <'hmfnmhle .l�Ma.fe on tbe ume prlnd;:le a. OT.US Sloir .. -rn:ll (,lIf. c1�('.1 berk. closed Cfoecb.No --.. tID tiPIea or coaM 100M. $1.50 to $3.50..A.k � ..... for OWs. BooIIkt on request.PHJLLIPS..JOIES COIIPAIY, IIabn D4' C 1199 Broadway, N. Y.Remember! If is isn't coat-cut,it isn't OLIVS