!jI.I, j! 11 (I __:::�___,mo: -m, t --Iaily; ;.atnntt__�=�___,�f�.1'11, "f' '!' '·f.�VoL. XII. No. 119. 1JlfIVBB8Ift OF OBIOAOO, TUBSDAY, APBIL 14, 1914.ITEN TEAMS WJLL MEET PROFFBR HElTOEN TOOPEN lEtTURE SERESTRENUOUS ltimCEscllEDULED FOR �... J'',t: VanityWDICoDCeDtrateODlaaideBaD�PIQ;. \Vedem ElectricTeam Today To Discuss Plans t)r Galan Fisher�Paiso-Hold "Chicago in .-Japan" Dinner Thursday Night. Give Credit to M� S�deDtaWho Take EyamlnatioDaOD Subjects Diacuuedl\lerub�rll of teu of teams of call- WILL ISSUE srATEM� CONSUlS lIU.,ltifpyHonor Commi�o Make Re- BOXES" SAnnmlt:1IGBT,. '. I '-; �� I �! � :port of Work Done-Plan Pam-phlet � .Explain Natw;e Of ��..: ��,.� �Orgaruzallon Dltema n.. I'ertaia-JDeIlt of c.� CabI:1. ( The first quarterJy siatemeut of thevassers in the men's Forelg» Promo-> _LIST aUAL T'.& I" FOR "'&'J 4W! Honor ('olllmisllion will be Issued the LARGE �r.a. 'T S'& I r REPORTEDTAlE TWO ·.GAIIES SAnJRDAY tion c!&lJ1l)aigu ,,·m meet today at 4:30 .... ,.. ALa IlIA � � :aw.' .a.k latter part of the week. The repornin Harper MIL They will m 6 .�.'la II t $.) 000 f the ProfelJ8or Ludwig I1ektoen, hea.l ot wHl contain informa.tiou cOlleerllin� Consuls of the _II' •.erent �OUllt';�With but oue more week of practice filial n liS to co ee -, or "us U 1..1, ._'" the number of cases that the eommis; 0before the opening of the Conference support of Mr. Galan }'isher, the Y':. M. the department of Pathology at .uq�J rcpresellted in Chicago will. occllplbaseball lJC8SOU with Indiana, April C. A. secretary of JapaJ4 as the Uni- will .leJivCl' the first of a series of lee- sion has tried,_ will tell from which �o:tes at the ·'Intern&.tiO�iU. 'Nicht' ttA-2';, Coach Page is. planning some streu- versity mell's representative in the tures to be given by members of th" tl(.·l'artlll('nts the accused studeuts ha.ve tertai�ment Saturday iiight 'at' 8. Sm-f· 1·1 . •n Cllnieal f tulty of Rush Me·ll·cal col- come, aud what penalties have been t'·-three wome'n Wl�U be!.pa.trl'o·..,::-- __UChJIJ 8eSSiOIlIl to overcame the hundi- foreign mission Ie u, In a campwg" U J u ... _ u... - PI' 1 H imposed, . �._. .,.. .eap uf the recent cold weather. With tomorrow Tbursday and Frida,.. Iege tonight at a ill IY810 ogy 25. e the Cosmopolitan . club sUow;:, .• The pa.:;.. One of the activlttes of the Honor - Ta r--ular lineup pro"isionally selected Y. ll. C. A. eummissiou members, will speak in "Infection and Immuu;" I' '11 b th tronesses have planned ·a·U_ber c4-&ltv," b i t hi h I h I eumnnssion t us quarter W1 e e . .l·re88Ure will be brought to, bear ,,0. and Oleo. on all the teams will hold n I y, a 811 )Jee on w ie ie as ma: e. . _'. privata parties, for which.a large �r • preparation and publicattoa of:a pam # h . fl h alre 0 ;Inside ball, and a long signal practice "Chi . Japan" dinner Thurstla,,· a searching study. " an-I o. t e mam oor .._ �y_ ,been . .r.au � lCagO In -. _ phlet telling of the alms, work uwas held yesterday. Todav the Yare 6' Hutchinson cafe. All meu Tht' course of mne lectures, which" - '.. The serv.ed.u J at , In. . . . polieies of the orgauizatfon,"at'"' will meet the Western Electric who expect to attend have been asked wIll be SimIlar to those delrvered Iast'" 'rlckets for the show have �eeu sell.J ..•• • b 1 pamphlet will be inserted III the new . .", !'.L'tt'8D1 at three and will pla.y. the Edi· to rems·-.r at tbe Y •. M. C. A. offi('e, year at this time, will e open to al . 109 fast, offieers state; M",,� of' til.e- .... '. course books the "C" book, alld in. .' .. _; .t morrow Cot)b l�", before noon ...... morrow. flItudents who are interested. Medical '.. llmam floor was sold, yesterdi(y� ImJDdLo8011 team 0 • -" LV• all liternturo sent to lIlcollung an' �second Dt-4-'" -_ 'E"O'''' students will receive a full maJor's . diutelv aftef' the Bt:ats had b'�n plaee4Both the Varsity anti. the .... IIWI& ....... � ..... prospecth'e students. The publication •• .victories ill f II ('redit for attenclance on the COUfllC, .1 t eli sale In Cobb, but Manager�CoJe .....teum registered decisive "'Ir G-'-n Fi!llher is worthy 0 a.. th i. pYnectetl to give the new stuc en IJh 'd b I· '-:.� .. ..:_ ofon. � � if they pass an examInation on e -�'. ., as announce t at a arge n�Saturday's games. The regulufll tb(. support the "(jnh·ersity eommun·1 't d' d a clenr idea of the work of the COnl- , ,' .. , '0 •. .',",. th � l' th after au ,jee tJ I tie 11 liSt' , -.•• st'sts bave been kept for sale- tlDday.downed the Gun era 0)- In e _it,,- can give him," said tbe Be,·. lIr. mission, anll in this way, elmunate I 'l'h '11 b' -Id" t" It' :.;: t:' :r�. , dk th ure J l1Jrposc ot J,eeturea, •. ev "'J e so . a w�n y u'Ye aDnoon, and the scrub8 too e meas\Villis Butler at the Junior college '...any eXClls('s whi('h might be gIven by �. ":-:_.;'• 1 b . th '·The&Je lecturea," salt! a member of '. fiJ.ty ('('nb.of the .�ustin AthletIC e U In �bit d "Although, I have. persons not knowing of tbe orgallI z:t·•. b 6 t 1 seore According C ape yes er aYeI h b it the UniversIty faculty yesterday," are. . I U' 't The list of patronesses, follows:DlCirllll1g y a 0 •_ t met him personally ave ee... . . tion 10 t!e mversl y. .......ac....h P . th Varsity dillplave,l 110n delugnetl to dlustrate .the upphcatlull 601_... LIBt; of raWODe8IIeL :1to Cone age e • observillg his ",·ork. I urge e"ery m3. I To Beduce ChealloU&&. I .f f the year The illfielal, .fIre of the fundamental medIcal bran�hes . Mrs Edward Scribuer Am.;.,M ....' the best orm 0 •to in,"cst in his support or Dm su.. .' "The COUlmission also intends to reo ., .. I b like a permanent aggre- .' be t f leL to ehnclcai practice alld research,_ . h Jomes Rowland Angell, Mr.,•. M. H •. �-hlch 0011 d d-·. that the diVIdend wdl en_ 0n.. Yerail Moon of - the Memorial duce the 31110unt of cheaung In t eI'- kh ,.. 'JI;'..., .. Bi.-lQ- .......... t � worked we an IS. 1 �'r, - , " 1 �le SID, . ..Inrs. ......... J.A.. 6". , .... _.gutlOn a presenf t'o al 1)1:1'" 1)e3n SluUler Mathe,,-s has 8ubmlttet b<Jtitute for Infectious Diseases, will l!niversity by changlDg the phy81ea EmmoDS Blaine; Mra.·' J_ph' �.'.'I d flaahes 0 sensa In. .. d t . . . h d d' h est . •_ '. . • �p ayeConnel Cole and N 0lllr... the foUowiDg stale .. ent .n regar 0 .Ieliv.er tho D.eIt addret18 Th>unday. 3t eondit.on •. w�c. len to ...?� y.!lIrs. P.....y H. ;Boy';�", .1Iio. N�" __&haeD, Mc I,e1 v r Ia So the work for Mr. FioIlor. •.. :; on "Hvdrophobl":i_ Beeen�",�)1�'!!t!!'.1'. An�A'_t��_� �o to eIiinina� rtf_n, :1II�£i .. W.,(lIIJiI;;;4;ii;"liiOL-'_• -� p,"�d ,�, _� _ .?e_ p. Y,,._ .:._ldeaL of :JIIIT.=�,lIJIiyer- '" tOoQr··:itnowfedp-oi�m-..,:' On erowded exaau .. !'on rClQlD ... and .arcWilbert r.e.ier Carr, _ .k. : ��-_-.,-�_'l'ij � feat. oity .h�d be that of .. �. �nd April 21, Dr,. E. C. Booenow, of tho I .. �n ... on the ,part of .• nstructorsCbamberlin, .M .... Charloa :,....iai ..One of the moat encouragtllg Jf thilJ sen'lce- should Dot be limIted. )lemorla' institute, w111 speak on "The wl!1ch tempts. 8�ude�. to cheat.ImlUd Mrs. William �,-.ey'_;' � K-Illes �f the game. w�. the . work �l to any inte� or p�e. Tho Relation of and Lesion Produced by_ "The comml881�� wIll �wJlYs. workJoreston Da.rgaIl,_::Mrs. Charl_�. �rib-Des Jardien in the bo�. �orty W ben thing whieh Amenc� _�iv.- the Streptcoeei with Special Reforen�� to keep the defiDl.tlon of thshoncsty 3SIr.el Eaton, Mrs. WiUi .. :-.Le,!i8, £ikeD_be used a� a chauge pltehe� from n0: iliza.tion pel.eases � �he Klenti1le to �ndoearditl8 and .Rheumatism." tlt!inetl by the IDS��uc�rs last fallberry, Miss S�ir)e� .Farrt M_�: Le�.oil, and WIll prob�ly. play In the o:i'J spirit. and the rellgton of Jesus. TMs tallt will be aecompaniet! by speC' �fore the 8tutle�ts, ,�� �n� of theB. Fisher, Mra. Horace. S�!cer ��field when not pltehll1g, .�. that� We ought to send both together imens to illustrate the topi(' ullcler tli:l- nlembers yesterday.. Thl.s will pre- Mrs .. Thomas 'Vakefie�tl �ood8peed,'battin!: �rengllh -y be ut.bzed. �D'I &rOOnd� •. world. Ono way of .nseion. "Occupational Di .. ""!"', .. ill �·l·nt •• y exc�se of .�noraaee of whatMrs. Ch... Richmond. iIende,:",",-; Mrs..T ....lien .hsplayed plenty of speed.... doing this .. for ... _hers of be the lIUbj .. t dlscu ....1 by Dr. AIi,e .s nnd what •• not ,1.sbon08ty.. .Tames Parker HaU.. M",-. .J!"'"J'b' 'II.his delivery had the Gunthers guantI the Univeraity to �me the rc:- Hamilton, of the :llllnols ('ommission. "The commission .i.s . �ot e.onfi,�ln: Hayes, lfiss Ru�el Apes. ��is,l[n.ing thronghout the game. He sponsit.ility of SUPJh»rtlag a mallon industrial dleeases, on April 29. ·t8 work to the University alon6, h ..Wnlln�e Heekman Mrs. C. �UJ�f)()D H.r-.Banmgurtner held their opponents to of spirit killdred � our own. Iteprap. KeD Will Talk. c:(,ntinu�Il. "So,-em! of the membet7. rik, 1[n.. �lwarel w. -. Bin�!� "u.three hits. will be grea._ t .good fortune for DS or the organizat.ion haTe, spoken. Dorothea Hygen, Mrs. C._rl. ,F•.. HutJa..'b Dr. E. E. ]ronB, of the Ruch depart-The outfield is Ilot displaying ns to be aepreaented in Japan y n�mblies of hIgh sehool ,stutlents IQ ir: Mrs. W"llbur. S. JaekmaDl. lira.._ gth might be ex- sueh. ._.·ve man as Mr. luent of Medieine, will be the speakcr sehoolq that send many of' their gr:ltl ., . . _.' ,.y. __D1u�h battillg swen : as - represen ... l ,for .�pril 30. His 'subjeet will be "The 'M. W. Jernegan, Mrs. Atkl,nsoD � __pened, the trio gathering but two of Fisher. (Siped), - Relation of Ba.eteria to Clinieal .Metli. u3tes to Chieago. Helene pon� abcl I' .Cn..:eago·s eight hits.. Gray and Bnnm· SIaailer Xathews.. S _ N . .1 th' spoke at the UniTel'8ity of Inlliana in fColltillllecl' ... paRe I.) .,�,th 'U' cJne." •• tUdles on areoslS anu elr. ..L at at " - __.... iated He JDann clis- . Fchmary t!oneernlng ".lIe sy emprtner ne6-'_ .. a_ .. . Belations to Certain Clillieal and Path . .'I w k behind the BLABO........ ..- .&.&V'.n. Chi�ago." SE.NlOBS GIVE L�O.p,1.yed ""m. c ever or. :ir.UQi _-:rsBIIOB n.AYlI �logi.aI Problems� wiD be .1i .. u .... 1 . ·Df iiu'lUliDiaOlr- �kt and showed that his throwlllg arm_ bi' Dr. Evarts Graham, of the depart. Beason for Beereq1 .. ' � _ �..; �"':�. _1 red. He matle :I ... The eommiflsion has been sc"ere:-'has entire y z:eeove .J'oaepJdDe aur WIll � � _&� ment ot Surgery, on May 5. Dr. R...• I fl" . d bee t XIaa WQIDUI' aII4 111'. .))IDa ..�taeular eatch of a high foul at:1 V&caIIt:_ :,_.. � T. Woodyatt, of the Sprague Memorial erlta�lsec 0 ate It II' sal, ause 0�a1k for Al1mml, at �t. see�y �on("eming itR work.· In an_"riti<!al momen _,._ .= .... , institute, will lectur.e on May ]2, 0"1 'l'odQ.swer to the coritid81D8 the memberR-tio bve been & :subject to be announeecl at a future.. 1.. th ..• I th otElaborate .,....,.,.. - . nate .... 3t e �Omm1t!RnOn .lee 8 .._ 1 f I I.,..&L_ -----. bab for tile pla,18 dste. On .May 29, Dr. H. F. Helmholl.: J)inerent p anR or e a8tI ftDn�- - made b,. - ... � e.., . I" '11 too mueh �1'e('y if' better than too'11 be r 'u�1 At 1\ Senio� luv.h.,.,..aBQUBS'r .... v __ �.• • .t ia �D. of the Sprague .l.U.e"ona IOl'tltute, WI. • t i\'in mort' '\\"1 'I� .. .,- a_a_. - ... - to be gtvea toIlorrow .. . ... I" . R I_ httle. The purpose In. DO g g at lC)....... 5 t-..Jav in Hutc-hin80B �.f..KBBP OoP .__ • ..�... • beeII eOll8tr1lete'>J explain "Preventlve .nee leane III e .. :t- "S VII �- .. � -""'uYUUL deL TIle 8MM1'7 ..I D i!lform3tion is to protect the penton!' '1he Yale plan of meeting\- the. S-A � v. - _..:� )( __1.._" Fieler... lioD to Infant!y anel, ChiltlhOOt :. i'. 1 "_by Sew C .... .-& � who are triecl and 8entenee.l, as P") t"; d ixth and tenth year·.after gr.4-• students to --� taniUed 1.7 Ihmuel .�berg, �l'O of the SJlra�lIt! . h k th th t._.!' of D_r,. '.Far from requestin, TIle e___ were . h lidty mig t rna e em e a .... �,. .uation anll tlJerea.fter at eve. rear i •.U· ·t is· , iDlititute, will �10I'e the seri� Wit nnnll serioul'llv affecot their fu.'.. _ ..keep off the � the IllvenP. :Y. ae.ultz aIH1 eo.,.DY. .talk on "Urinarv ToxiC'ity" on lln� ricli�nlo .' tf.rva1s, .Dd the 1I.�hlgan .plan .of ho"'�•• villl & nu..wer o. IIigDa paaate.l, The· part of Pelieite ia "La Loterie2G - . ture. �l,,-� immediately preeed�q and fol.a"kinK them to walk oa the grass. In de- FraDefott" wiD be takea b1' J� •PBOI'B8SOB JIBRBILL lowing. the gra,luating cla� will M'ib efforts to beautify the. ea.pus, the p.ine Starr. PIl1'Dis Fa,. wu fOftN �, for lIem�p �oday.. AND JIB. 8CIIOBLL WILL presented.Uninl'Bity is laying espeelal .tress on to ftSiga the role, owillS to aervou Candidates for assod:1te rn('mher:411l1' ADDBB88' PBILOLOGI8I'8 "There are only two ela!18 l�n�heo ••it! grass plots, "laieh have been b�akdoW1l. ..eanal. .aTe �en in the Dramati� dah will r('('ite 1'(."to be heM this quart�r," .. Naitl .Presi-... r .... 1 by "'udenb uling beaten patl •• h.ld every alglt for tke last t •• I ... tion. from well-bown pl.y. he foro' J>rof.....,r Elmer T. M.rrill of.'::::. dent Matthew.. "an.1 it i�.· i.mportaa"anoss the lawns. The student8 ha"c w("Clt� AeeOl'ding to the e�hes the the faeulty ju,lgeR toela:-' at :!2 in K,'nt Ih... tin (lepartm�nt. wiD �a� ?n that :111 mcmhcl"l' he at el�h o�e. At�n a8kel) either to keep to the ee-cnt ... rta�nment promi8e8 to be ttie tiig_ theater. Those who pa�!' the te�t �CI' Ex('('ntion of a Y�I VlTgl� Rnel �'th� Inn�heon tOllay no one 1I� te.rment walks or to stroll aroancl on thegC!lt Su�ct"tlS tJae FreDell club ·has eTcr clay will tr,. out ht'fore the rn('mh,'� Rannl lfarringc" at the meeting of milRling elaM, for the afflli; ",ill !'t,,"grass, and not on the paths. had. o� the ("Inb at the �e hour tornor- the PhilologlC"al l'IOC'iety .tomorrow atJ,ro1'lptly at J2:.f.';, antI ��d:�. littleSeveral hundred dollara have �n Cart 'MiDer win act as head p�pert� row. Three minuteft will he allo\\"{",l � Ilt tht' home of AMOC'late Pofn.�or"'ter 1:30. The �ond. 11!ne�eo.n wiDBpent in ftlling ap bare 8p&t!etI antI tn ,man, witll 0e9rp A.dena .. nel ::w� for Neh I'ftitation. Wilkin!'. :.624 DorC'ht'1'ter nenne. l\�r.-, t-c hrltt the latter pari 0;' 'May; wh_.planting grus eeed. r�nt!e MaeGregor .. a�b. � Gnd1Iate ...., to Speak. s.-ho.-l1 of the F�nt!h department, WillDean Angell "ill speak.'" "Y· h - or -wrellee WIn be .... at· a-lit on C4Geor_ Chapman and the .0:" 1 IL'--._L.",I' er - ._ ., lIabeUe Spe1TY, a grndnate 1'tntlcn\ t.4• . La... :..... f th Qullttro-I Agne1l Wayman, ''',. a�.", .I'�"._.. ---- Boo'- '1'ht. 1IDndDC· M by Sa_ane Fisher, Elizabet. 811«. Tt:l1lan nco_ tinl ... ,,, 0 e ...... 0- '11 '. b' f af!d�-- -- - It win Bpeak at a meetin� of the .Tumor I' ·,::nnn. ", WI In' C. r;� .Song books wiD be sold to !m�ri�" eT, Alta Fislier, Jlargaret Ha�Ot", Jlatht!'1llatit!al elub tomorrow in R.Y'lc�r.to." ; III the lanell�n, t'sr�"��2'. t�f'. alft .. -em tod.y at 10:15 In Cebb. TillS ".11 and Bel .. Bi.kett&..A�' mI01l 37 .t 4:30. She will talk •• CId. __ Pied",. in" renni .... in connecti.'_' ."it. � ...be the last ehant!e for AblIeribers whl) The patrou and patroD� j..".e TIleory of a One-to.Two corn:>-,Chi Rho Si�a announ�� the ple,lg' in ata'Od.tion. A �opy ;of .. the Unlv..have failetl to get t.eir eopies to ott-I ",,*11" _ .... I) .pond •• ee_.' ing of lrarian Miller of Chit'ago. ;.ity magazine will be .t en", rl ...taiD the ..I r.f1 : (� .\!.;; �·rMarOOD ftD) DAILY IIABOOH. �Y. APBIL·l., 1916 ••SOMETHING NEW.. BuUetin Camp .. New.TODAY. Junior. Claaa 'W1U! Meet.Junior coJ1ege chape;1. women, 10:15. Junior� will m«.>et today at 10:'15 tJ,� _onalDp. uc:.pt ..... � _4 MandeL plan for the dinner and Dlodllg pie.,- . - -�. evtaa th. Aut.mD., WI.ter &Dd Divinitv association electionsI 10:15, turo p:lrty to be held Thursday ui;.:ht.�. 41.......... b, Tb. Dall:r IiarooD "HaskcUl 26.5 ••• EdI&or Junior � meetin�, 10:15. Kent May Secure Course Books No ....B.:::::a;.:: t.lJ.cater. Courso books and cards coutuiniug. Mrs. Lyndon receives tor League. the grnclt.� for the Winter quarter areEiaC.-.4 .. -.coDd-claM ID&ll at the 3 30 5 n 57 7 i -.I+- l' .1' t .,. I t I}> f� c... Cblcqo. m, . Karcb 11. : to :0>0. 3 Un versi ...J a.venue. It. lug urs rrbute- a t 10 sureau 011." Aet of II&Nb I. 1.TL Green ... ood tea, 4 to 6, Greenwood Iteeords, They lll�y be secured todayMJB8CJUrrIOM a&TIl& hall. nnd tomorrow froUl 8::;0 to 12::W, un-t_ earrt.: ILit a :rear: 11.00 a Quart.r. Botanical dub, 4:30, Botany 13. f'rom :.! to � mid aft.er that ut the. n'�_It:r "'1: "" .. a :rear: ILU a Quarter.1I41&e1ial-B ...... OJrlce., ElUa U. Women's Glee club rehearsal, 4::�O. ulnr ofTi('e hours.�l"'" IUd.a:r 100. Aft.r 10 p !D.:� hilt 61... Mitchcll Tower.Dail,.......... N ............ ., ....... .. .. CIaIeap. -,_----- ...... �II. S. a.qa......... Ii "CHICAGO" SUITCASE LABELSIIICOAT OF ARMS STATIONERYIi University Of Chicago Press;11 5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE.III and Roem 106 EmmoDl· Blaine Hail I" �===��=====�===:o��===���==.I;.. ....Hektoen le<.ture, 5, Physiology 25.Freshmen women will 11l� eutcrt niuedBiological club, 7:45, Hutchinsonat teu Thursduj- from 3 to -1::;0 ill theEntertain Fresbmen Women.: ............. inl Cot las. Gro ... A ... DueA SCHOOL FOB WBlTERS? cafe.Romance club, 7:-15, Lexington 2.Semitic club, 8 Haske! 26.·J'Ol1�..)1UWW •The EDglish language, for most of�, ill a "\'�hicle for the expressiun of The man who at this late hour has not made preparations for hisEaster apparel will appreciate the unusual service offered by the Men·sO. H. Shop. where are round �nlythe finest of ready-lor-cervice cloth­ing. tailored and designed especial­y to meet the demands of thediscriminative young man,League mom by members of the up­l'('rcl:L"'� anti membership committees.All eJlterillg women have ber-n. '.� F' t(· come, especially those who hnve liCIttlur iueas, or some of us, it is m.r- Senior college and (.;ollege of Com- hce n nssigued councillors.t�l from which things of beauty merce and Ad.luinistration chape1,10:15,are built. Thut is, in everyday terms, M3.ndel... �l�h is good for 'two .thiugs--OlU', College of Educa.tion chapel, 10:15,':. � enable- us to ten other pe(ll'lc whut £mmons .Bla.ine 214.Sophomore women, 10:15,.e .want ehem to know uud to leurn• ter.- from tbem what We want to know- . 3Masquers, 3:30, Lexington •�(l the. other, as sOlllcthi!lg with . Freshman Dramatic club,, , "'·�ch works. of art that is, Iiternture, Greenwood hall.... .: a� created, At present, tho llUrl,o ... e Oppenheimer lecture,d Junior ::J!Ibthema.tical: ... � an :work of our English department. . :.. :.:le"an�· toward the latter; it ends :0:. -.,. m�ke .·U8 critics, lit�ruteurs, rather...... �t�a� ordinary, ;veryuay writers. The; ". '�'ork . i� the department harcUy touch�s W�men to Practice for�.Sophomore women will meet tomorrow nt 10:15 in Kent theater to I'r:ll'-Kent thea- t ice class songs. The 19lG women hoM3:30, a cnfeterla luncheon Priduy at 1:!:-I;;ir. Lexington commons.Ask Students to get Credentia.1s.There are a largo number of not iees4, HarPer M11en the Senior and Junior racks con­club, 4:15, By- tailling requests for students to se,cure their advanced standing ereden,trnls nt tho Examiners office.crson 37 •Pen club 6, Hutch.inSOn.French ·club, 8, Mandel.Philological club, 8, home of Asso­ciate. Professor WUlkinS, 5624 Dorches_ Will Speak On Hittites."The Hittites, Archaeology :mcl Rc-ill .. most common use we ha\"e for ti,e ter a.venl!e. ligion" will be discus..<;etl by Dr. Luck-E Senior cla.ss· luncheon, 12:45, Hutch- eubill nt the Semitic club meeting to-nglisb language-the expression (Oiinr-On cafe.c\!r ideas in' letters, articles, and tht!�e. Th� only place in which such Communication.work is gi\'eJi is English 1, 3! anu to ·"I&e edillir .. .",' n:ap"'�i"'fJ lor t1�. ...to· some extent 4. "re .. "d luwe. CumlAuraicCJtWU .... IN!, .�. The bigher courses lean more an!l .ia_d .. III( nWfltICe 01 uo04 (GUlLlllore to the literary and critical view­}I<.int--and what writing is don�,, .. tt:Jlds to 'be novel and short-story writ· To the Editor:·;.:.ing. :Now this is well enough, if tho Beeau�e of the Calcutta. dinner, gi\"- To Talk on the Lay of LanvaL; .. sole aim of the departDlent is to turn �11 in the past two years, the ann:lal The Romanre club will meet tonight. ' ont literary critics. But most of us UI{'mber;s�ip dinner of the League hn:·· at 7:45 in Lexington 2. A.�oeiatc_ aYe: not going into that work, ancl only been sut'rified. Therefore it has bee;: Professor Cross will talk on "Celtie.._, a few e,'en have aspirations toward "cry difficult to plaee before the IlIcm- Sources of the Lay of Lan,'nl," ancl_" ab.tborsbip (wbether the work of the hers thl' entire work of the League. "Dr. Cipriani will 4liscuss "P!"ycholo�i­_; depiDt�ent would help us in our nm' }'or this reason there i� to be a SI)- c..."ll Tests of Moc1ern Langungc lleth­e bitioo� is. questionable.) . Why can· culled friendship dinner on Fritla)', ods."'\"uot work be provided. in· aclelition to. the 24th. This dinner will gi\'C an op-I • I t ELABORATE PB.BPPABA.TIONS.: ,the- . required courses, which woulcl rortunity, not only of 'knowmg w laUlleh 'us to' write u. decent business gilOO work thc League has been eloill�. -letter? . Or a coherent, straightfor. but of mccting 01.1 aoel new friencl�,ward eorreet term paper? �Iost of US On this occnsion thc new .:Jepartment­eannot do that now, ns the experience al systt'm of the League will hc in­of the average student who goes into r.ugurated ,a syste� which enlarge:;llewspa�r or 3(h-ertising work pro,'cs tile scope of League· "'ork nnel makeswell eno�gh. And most of us would bc it possiblo for eycry nwmher to lan\'�glad to bave such work, for while \\'� tlefinito interests in some hranch "f. app1'eeiate .Cl,1}tu.re and liternture we t!le work. This will he eXl'lainclI in. •must neverthelcss earn moncy, if even tomorrow·s Maroon. ,'for �otbing else than to buy books Tho whole ncw system is in entirewhieh we are taught to criticise ana i:�eping with the rapicl growth of t.h\)enjoy. "E'\'en the Feshman, llttc a� .hC University. The IJc�uo is makingis .... qu .. ;nted with his own h('�t 10- tremendous effort-s to t:lkc care of the-- .. k I be trJn, YI'$. Alice M. Schroeter,lli� Jo:li�-:te·'�;;', l·f· he c .... mes tlired from hi�h immengc amount of wor t 1:1t ("an&"=''"'' " ahcth Wallaee :lOcl llrs. llm'Y R. Wil_�'h·001, welcomes the Jm,("ti('al natut(' .lone among thc women. nmrth.of }�.gliBh 1, free as it i� from. the In ortlcr to makc this a �u .... C'�s, why ----------------dUSty rhetoric, anfl hiJ:!h-f1�wn liter' not all pull together? TIll�rc arC' so fcwary c'eritiri�in" an(1 "�t.tJdy·' ",llicll t:mes in tllis Uniycr�ity wht'n we ('a� The New TariH--­formed tbe hulk ot hi!' hi�h �I('hool nll meet with a common honcl of fcc, F tl"t i .... C!l'\' •fYEngli8h \,"ork. rom lIl'1. I . • .� InA-b -gnem how popular \\,oulel h(' :l Now is thc time. �Iake an "fTort tocoone of1'crinJr to olel('r �t.uclC'nt� :-all goo, Each class t.ry n,ncl ha\'e till' mo�th' ( t t' I-":;�"er�' fYirl mak�opportunity to If'arn �om('t 1nJ! 0 ('o,.n- rel.reRen a n·cs. Aa - pomercial valne-a. cour�c in It'ttl'r-wrlt- it hcr ant.y to seo that on(' (lr mnn·iDg; a con�ultation C'01lTl'C r.crhal'!4 for girl� attcnel the first. (ric'ncl�hip clinn('"tbo� 'writing term pnpC'rs, snmf' rf':ll given at tile Uniyersity of ChiC'ago.work in newspaper ",riting, anfl th� Ruth Agar.llkfl. Sneh work might. wen he put O�lWlll Dlustrate Biology Lecture.a level wit" the literary Rnd l'.ritil''11R ,,'m spc:.k hefor('.I' Dr. F.. C, o�cno'"Btli4ifltl' whit'h 1I0W form an ('x .. 1I�"'{'tho Biologi .. al ("llIl. tonight at 7: t:i�tlvity· of t"e graf1nAt� a:rul "PIlI·r· in Hutchinson cafe on "The Tntcr·re·�lus "r'k in the i1f1\Rrlmf'nt, ''I'hf'rf'lations nf tme Vario"!' St,rf'p�O("("i nn.lflit DO rea80ll apPRrent ",hi .. h mn1<�sthe Le�ions Proflll('eel hy Their lot.r:l­this' flitpoMible; we haYe tllC� nwn onn'nous Tnjection." In 1'0nnCl'tion wit.htlle· faeulty., th.ere j� little '1"�tion tbc lecture, there ",ill he n. f1emon!'trR'ti.at tlle !ltlul�nt." wonlfl �"1'1'0rt. th,.ti<.n of gr�" and micro�opic Spcf+f(f5-wby DO' . then? The Friendship Dinner. Jli�ht at 8 in Hnskcl1. IWiD Post Club Delinquents,Notices of delinquency in payhlJ! .I:eynolcb club ducs have heen sentout. A list .�f members with unpaiclclu('s will be posted at thc enll of this",,-,ck.KADE FOB !'BENCH PLAYS(Continued fr.,m page I., .heen announccd as follows: Mr. an(1llr:!. Bion J. Arnoltl, Mrs. Fred W.Bentley, llr. and Mrs. Fredcrick A. Ogilvie & HeneageFOR EASTERMen's O. H. ShopReady-for-service apparel for 'alloccasions. Our styles ha\c been pro­nounced authoritative. P ric e smuch lower than you would expect.Suits and Overcoats$25.00 and UpA very notable displayof spring haberdasheryis offered for you r selec­tion .�s FINE CLO'1'BDlQ AND HABERDASli:L!RY18 & 20 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago .Occupying the Entire Second FloorPhoD8 Damson 673Come ..Three Reasons WbJ ,- 'sbouId Eat at the Men's Commons1st. �ood F�od Properl,. Cooked.Zad. Cleaaliaeu our Motto. luspect tlle·Kit(llen3rd. A MiIIimum Price for Hllh Quality FoodClub Breakfast lie at Cafeleria at lAmebIJIDoer A LaCuteRrO\\'n, llrs. nussell S. Clark, llr. ancl�lis� Shirlcy }'arzl, Mr. Ernst Frennc!,�Ir. Charlcs R. Holden, Mr. Charles L .lflltchir.soD, Mr. and llrs. E. II,�roore, llr. ancl �lrs. William A. Nit.f.�.lh-s. William ll. Shirlcy, Mrs .. AcleleR Starrett, Dr. anel Mrs. S. C. Stan-makes it possiblefor �us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould haveyou $35 underold tariff- .. -other prices incosttheproportionNicoll the Tailor Facile PrincepsNo bnenge can approach-has ever even challengedthe supremacy of Coca-Cola. It stands first. Thedrink that will refresh and delight you with its distinc­tive and delicious Oavor-its wonderful thirst-quencb.ing quality. •Dellcious- Re€reshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA·COLA co�Adaata, Ca. Wbennn.,.,.._ all Arrnw, (bink of CocaoCoiaBIll DAILY .'WOO1I.. ftMI)Ay, A.PJUr, 14, 1914.·'P •CLUB BBBB''''.Uuiversity of Chicago, which Is pat­rr-uized -Iargely by the fuetulty of thanug specialty among busiu� eoueerus.Liberal commission. :Sample outut(pocket bize) furu.Uihed rree, Addr .M:S,'l'he Quailty Shop, }'ranklin, Ind. pieees will aeeompany Lon Paynel1i� ":::;hlney lIomer ballads."Seat Bale RePOrted Heavy.The lillie of tickets at Orchel4tra institution. The co operative systemFOB BBN'I'--By: month or season, ball is reported to be heavy. The sale in that same nelgnborhood now makestents in a pine grove ov(.t"}ookinc; at the Uulversity was opened yester u further advance through the ,11."Lake Michigan. Double eompartment ; ,Ia\' in Cobb and will continue through vision ot ceeupants of fraternity hous­sereened; furnished. Address Box 55, out the remainder of the week. 'K�- l'Il to combine for tho purchase of supLakeside. Michigan. dlange tickets can be redeemed at the :'lies.office in Cobb. The mangement an- --Tht!ro are seventeen fraternities,uouuced yesterday that a. reduction of with 750 members, eaeh fraternitytw"nty Jive cents will be made on each electing its steward from its OWn roseonstrate the principles of salesman- ticket bought by any University or- ter, 'l'he eombined monthly expendi­.hip to others. Chas. Scribners Sons, glmization in blocks of fifteen or more ture 'has been close to $7,500, each or-608 S_ Dearborn St. .The iist of patrons and pa.troneSSt'S �1\nization buying separately. It isi!!�uetl by Manager Selfridge yester- the expectation that the establishmentWAN%BD-A bright, pushing colleg� (l�l\' includes: Mr. Charles L. Hutehin- of Do eo.operative buying c.lepartment::man-to sell accident insurance to -1 H S i4'+o Mr Harold. .• • &011, Mr. Char, es • 19' ... ...,. purchasing wholesale and paymg cash,bU8lness and p�ofesslonal �en only. McCormick, Mr. Wallace Heckman, will result in the sp.ving of severalGood compensation to the r�ght party. Professor T. C. hamberlin, Miss Mar- hundred dollars monthly.W. C. Powell 175 W. JackSon Blvd. . Pr f James ., ion Talbott, AssoeULte 0 essor "The University song has a hne toUD1versal B.epa.tr JUe.Co .. 1508 Cable Weber Linn, Professor Bobert M. Lov- the effect that life is more than loro.place, Phone Mid. 6842. We repair ett, Mr. Trevor Annetf� Jrofess�r Jas. Undergrnduate activities outsitle thestoves. bicycles, etc. Refinish and ull' R. Angell, Professor R. D. Sali..�b�ry, curriculum are frequently quite as in­helater furniture. Plastering and Dr. Charles N. Bacon, Mr. 'V �lbam teresting to the public as are morechimney cement; carpentering and 'Scott Bond, Mr. Seth Scott Bishop, strictly scholastic endeavors, and ful�eubinet work a specialty. Est. fur- Mr. Edward L. Burchard, Mr. John C. ly as instructive to the students them­nished. F. De Goer, Prop. Burc;hard; Mr. Oliver J. Bushnell, Mr. selvos. The co-operative commiss!l1'YS. Morgan Bushnell,· Mr. W. E. Carr, will help the Midway boys to get aMr. George W. Childs, Mr. Kent C. grip on 'life' and its adualities."COm Exchange National Bank Chiltttt Mr·...Leater C. Childs., Mr. Rob-.. rt w. Child�, Mr. Ira J. Couch, Mr. �lQ: UJaVEB8lTYOttis M. Dauchy, Mr. Samuel B. KUSIOAL on WEEKCapital •••••••••••••••• p,000,000.00 Dauehy, Mr. Gerard A. Williams, Mr.8aQlU &,000,000.00 W � Strong Mr. Robert H. Harrison, Program r0da7 sa Oaucelecl to AlloW'•••••••••••• •••• M� • .l �eorge ;. Holme� Mr. Tracy R-· Fnach PJa)" Bebeanal in JlaDdel.VDdtYi4ed Pntitll •••••••• 1,000,00..00 K lse M JohnHolmes, Mr. Fenton e y, r. The University musical, sclleduletlR. Montgomery, Mr. E. F. Norcr0s:4 for today at 4:30 in Mandel has beenRaJ h OtisMr. J. B. Noreross" Mr. p. ' po!'tponecl until next Tuestlay at 4:3:1,M!" C. S. Pellet, Mr. p. F. Pettibone, in order to allow the use of the stagellr. Robert J. Pettibone, Dr. J. Petti-fOJ a rehearsal of the French dubbone, Dr. G. S. T. Savage, Mr. Henry plays. Musical Director Stevens sa,i(l�pra!,'l1e Shedd, Mr ames M. Sheran, \'esterday that owing to the difficul­lIr. J. H. SmaleJ, llr. Harold O. ;i,!s of the French club in securingTounsend and lIr. Henry M. Hyde. pla�es for rehearsing the use of Manc.iel will be gh'en for its final practicemom .J..VCh[O.I,� SSlXOa:t .1_ ....uoooo TIIA\ 8'IQSltOO oWlO,1 •sBVtBlnY-FIVB PBBSER'TAT lJlIfIVBBSftY DAJIBSWAN%BD-Four studcnts having hadsales experience, to travel during8Ummer months. Must be able to demoOn'JCSB&.THE• DIJlSC"lQB&.aaut-B WacUr Cl)'4e II.. CUr.IIuaa .. Il7'ftOD Echran 0. ........� B Uguc W&YOD &. BaIrcaus- lI. Hallnl ..d BdwuC .......ClMeDceU ... 'nnpem � W. cn.It7.. Jm'n � ...... A.. aa-aa. . (Contillued from page 1)osTHE TEA BOUSEI,,II1 kinll, Mrs Edwn. Oak.as Jordan" Mrs.C. H. Judd, Mrs. Frederick C. Koch,.Mrs. Gordon. J. Laing, Mns. W. J. O. Seventy-1iv� persons were present atLand, Miss Mary J. Lanier, Mrs. C· a musieal given Saturday afternoonDmBBa &:--, R. Latham, lira. J. Lawrence Laugh- in Lexington by the Unh'ersity of1111 B. "" _.. Puk 2016 lin Mrs. Kurt Lav .. Mrs. F. M. Lea- Chieago Dames club. Mrs.. Biekell antiftnI ClIMe 8enIee "i:t lIrs. Frank B. Lillie, Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Doubt were hoetess.. The progr:unc. �inn, Mrs. Julian W. Mack, Mrs. cODsisted of vocal and piano selectionsDa. SBAD.'BB IIA'fBBWB Andrew MacLeiala, Mrs. Albert P. hy Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. St."\f·'l'ALKS OK "'1'BB OIIUBCB Matthew--Mrs. Shailer Mathews, Mrs. forti, lin. Hanee, Mis,S Masie Hi1l,ABD 'I'BB JXDIVJDVAL" .., 'U LIMlIerbert N. McCoy, Mrs. Cbarles.Eo Miss lIazel Howell . .m.18S 0 a &.4."',Dean Shailer :Mathews will leeture M.erriam, Mrs. Elmer Truesdell Merrill, Mias Hill and Misa Parrett.0:1 "The Church and the Individual" Mrs. Fred Merrifield, Mrs. R. A. Mi'- cITY PBB88 BUUAUu»�ight in Mandel hall at 8. This lee· Jikaa, Mrs. Frank J. MiDer,_ Mrs. PUft BBPOB'l'EB ONture is the first of a series of weekly George W. Myers, Mrs. FerdlnaDll 0AIIP1J8; IS BXPE8Il11ENTdieeuasions on the "Twentieth Century &hc"il1, lIrs. Gerald B. Smith, Mrs.Church" to be ginn by Dr. :Mathew" Amos Alonso Stagg, Mrs. James W. A ne'" reporter h� been. a'�:le'l toand ProfCSBOr Henderson. These tlis· Thompson, Miss Marion Talbot, Mrs. tho nun·ber repre!'�nt1Dg Chl('aeo an,IcussioDs are given under the auspic.-m James IIRytten Tufts, Mrs. A. H. Tol· Ulliversity publieatlons on the cam'I man, ,... - Herbert L. Willett. I'�u�. The City Press hureau i� tho e most(If the Univcrsicy Christian Union ani ..;YJ ....recent organia1iion to enter thiS partthe council of lIyde Park ehurches. Dr. OoWl_ Sa Speabr 'ro4al'-� o! the eity. The increasing im.,ort.Co I ·n dell\'crmae. Cl1lb Blect:a CHrleen. eiatc Professor w es WIRn�c of the Uni\'cr1'ity as a newsElias ('.ordon was elected temporary the fourth of a Beries of lectures. onconter 1S given 88 the cau!le of thopresident and Charles Pavlieek, seere- "The International PhytOgeographlC�1 rt."w publicity agent. The new hurtmntary of the Chess elub at a meeting Exeunion of 1913" before tbe BotanlilC an experiment, but, it was state.l.held' Friday in the Reynolds dub. A ea1 dub tbi!t aftemOOll at 4:30 in �t- it' will probaly be eontinuetl.pl'rm:a.nent � ()f o«ieers will be ebos· any ]3. ''South Califomia and _\"?-o-n in two weeks. The· first round in nat' wi! be the region di8eu�. Dr. PostpoDe CoaDdl JI� •the ebea tournament f<-r tbe Univer· Cowles wiD illustl'ate his talk with The interfrate�ity eooncil mec:tm�• h •n bl·p WI·U be plavcd at .. stereoptiean views whieh he gathered IICheduled for tbu, a(temoon, baR beeInty e amplo s .,• It.1a tile Be,..01_ dlIb. on Jail western trip Jut 81I1DDler. � .. atU Dest weeIlUSIOAL ON SATURDAYen LVBOBBOB U-1:SO SPRING STYLES ARE HERE11BKoaroek.--- .. ----------- .. -�.----.Hotel CumberlandNEW'YORKBroadway at 54th Street.N�ar 50Ul Street Subway StatiOD aDd53rd Street Elevated."BroadwaT' cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh Avenue Can from Pennsyl­vania Stadou.KBl� BY A COLL.G. IIA.\'B.ADQUARTBRB POR COLL.G. MENBPBCIAL RATBB FOR COLUG. rBAY"Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA,RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERHEADQUARTERS �;R CHICAGONew, Modem and Firepr-oofROoms with Bath, $2.50 and up.01'1'e U. of Pauou u4 � 'Stewards· A8Iod&tioD 18 Pra.taecl byfor .Joint Concert I"rIdq Nlcht lot BecOrcl-H.wald in BditodaL 2'he Vf1q spirtt of &pdq Jau bee ca.ptued in the WOD4Idal coIcwIDDof our new fabrics DOW on dJ8pla)".Orchestra Ball. Greens soft in tone. often blenciiDa Into bro... promUe to .. YIQee pel' lW.,. lit., -"�.,rUMl&U!ur.. re- Prices of meats and foods were smart tbia 8IlriwLcen4tU fur , .... thaD �6c. All clM-Hled Daily rehearsals are being held by compared at a meeting of fraternity 'l"he maD7 new shades of uep and blues wtlJ. &1110 please men of tute.Pliable. soft matertaIa that 1eD4 themMlva to the correct dMe atttncadyentMlDeDta mut be »U4 ill ad· the Men's Glee club for the coacert to trtewartls yesterday afternoon in the 6t71ea. are in Il'Ut demand."1WWo be given Friday at 8:15 at Orchestra Reynolds club. Owing to the small To fDShioD tile new snug IttlDg clothes reqUires the utmost IIdJ1.hall in ct'njunction with the Beloit attendance, DO definite steps were So the .Terrema 11'&7 of tailoring these new IID&I't IIt;:Jles appeal manW.AF'l'ED--.Any Unh'enity woman ('olll'ge Glee club. The final rehearsal taken toward the adoption of a buy- strongly than ever to men who seek to be both individual and Io1D&Rwho wants to learn more of th� will be held Thursday afternoon ·.t ing schedule, Committees to Investt- In their clreIS.HOlUe Chautauqua Work fur thi� IIUIll_ Orchestra hall in order to get the men gate wholesale prices will 1,,0 an- We invite �ou to tee the creatmer will nU.'Ct },Lr. Buxton at Lexiug- "c'cu�toJJled to the large pipe orgau, nouneed at a meetiug next week. df8pla)" of the correct new �ton Hal! at 10:15 A. ',M., TucK"ay, or Tho Beloit dub is working fully UK In regard to tho proposition of co- :g.:;._tcrials at &D7 of ourphone Hyde Park 3;:m. hard, according to reporters, to make 0l.t>rative buying by fraternities, the �B FOB TOtJJlG JIE1I8ALBSJIAN WA.N%.sD-A live young the eouvert a success, Record.Herald printed tho following TBBEE 8'1'OBB8: 1 N. La Salle St. 25 B .Jackson Blvd.Tbe lfnntlolin club with a flue awl c(litoriul yesterday:WIlD to solicit crders for quick sell(·(.-110 u(lc.letl to the present, number of "There is a prosperous eo-operatlveill gJoc..>ery store ill Hyde Park, near the.-.------.--------------��,SHIRTSThe material being woven toour order. 7011 are assured ofexclusive patterns and c:ol0rfug9in all grades from $1.50 up. Lookfor the purple band across theneck of ever:r sblrt; it's theI91'k ofTROY'S BEST PRODUCTEarl tl WilsonMABERS OF BEDKAN COLLABSPenDSylania Avenue.11th m4 H StreebTo secftn or • 1:otd' _hneIpxurioas quarters �J' be M­cuncl, -heft charm aTld c0n­genial .tn:osp�re prnailr an�w"ere eattllCD� of IIUYJCe Uparamount. the HOld PowbatanOtrers jast sat' iadacaa�u.Jlooaas wltb � bathmay be obtahled at .r.se. � 00alld � Itocnu witla .,.....�th, �SO� lUI." ...�"f1""""�fIo!::''='�Write '01' boolld wit" map.CLIFFORD •. LEWIS.)Iana,cl' thida,....flIeDlianafERYlCEHI!a.&DOP THB -JIAS..,..� J[RP 'I'IIA'"PIT 8 B ......L.O C K - DIDYOU EVE. BBAaO::!'• 0 D B L 0 .. .&TYPEWRlTBR'-rll •• k .f ALL .,UJ. eo.II .......y •• ta� .r SEY·EIU.L I7»eWl'lten� ..eoace. Ira , •• Sa(l.ll B ........•• c ..... 1TIM! 807aI ........p.r'eetb" �.�. f__ .,c ••• r .......r •••••• e •••... ea...-W'I'Iu.. c......... BUllae ...... -- ... �.IIIIICte � aI-1IIddIeId" Ie ...•• ,,. c..a·1e ...I7pewdter. 'I'IIIaIl...... ---�wW ...... ,.....,....... ., ...�JlMd ..'1M &.7aL"aOYALT"PKWIUTKIl co.....III B. ........aa-.,.. ...- ...... -"',.. .....r;c .A.C:O�". wu.'"�IIICA•••-... � . .., .',1'JIB DAILY VABOOH, �DAY, APJUL 14. 1914.THEATREAT A_ � STRENUOUS PBA�o.ESCBBDULED FOR TEAM 1 ROYALQuestion.SherlockHolmesWouldState"ThisSpaceProclaimsthe Ad fora Clothes Shop!"You Are ADetective onthe ClothesIn\/::�FoJlow up this clew and visit our shop beforepurchasing your Spring wardrobe-+the addressprinted before is the end of the trail which youhave been pursuing for years-clothes youdesire at the price you wish to pay.Dockstader & Rexford­Suite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOThree men on basesand no one out IThat· s the thrill youget in Velvet tobac­co. Did you ever6Il yout pipe withtobacco that hasbeen aged in the leaftwo years� PerhapsDot in these rapid'days-if you want toknow the meaningof -true mellownessand a rich, smoothflavor ask yourdealer for 'VelveL ".,.;.'\ .. I_ 801IIIOaIBE I'OB TIlE DAILY IIA&OO..... (CoJltiaueci from pace 1)Box Score.Chicago. 1(. H. P. A. Jo;lIcConul'll, s, s, . u 1 J (ICole, 21.. • ••••••••..•.• 1 u 1 .. ILibouati, r, f. . 0 U 1 U I)Xorgrt'n, lb. . 1 2 11 1 0Gray, c. f , 1 1 2 U 0)1:11111, c. . ......••.••.• 0 !i 0 UDes Jur,liel\. p. . 1 I U nH:trger, 1. f. . 0 U I U JI r.olwtl, 31.. • •.••••..... U 1 :! U CIHaurngnrtuer, l. f._p. . . 1 :! a (ITutul� •..•........... ;; S:!; II 1Gunthers I:. H. P. A. 1-;t�lIigll'YI c. f. . 0 U :! U UPeterson, c. f. . (I 0 0 lIf c(1uirl', s, s, . 0 U :! .)l.'Jin·ur(l, !!IJ. • ••••••••• U 0 :! 1 4) 63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.PreaeDt.The New York Lyric Theater SuccessThe Blue MouseNIGHTLY AT 7:30 and 9:15MAT - TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30NotilCAPTAIN Amusements.ISItnumgurtner 2, off Carlo 2. Bases on }!lIn. Lnat year Campbell took secondballs; ot!' Des .Jarelien 1, (Iff Buumgnrt- i!l the half in the Indoor Conference,ner :�, off McIntosh :!, oft Carlo 1. UIU- hut eliel not compete tluring tbe out.pire: Pickett. TilllE(. 1 :25.. Chictlgo .....•.. 203 0 1 0 x-6 0Austin A. C. . .... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 ·l .)- - - - - CAMPBELLDistanceRuDDerisElected Saturday A UDITORIU�to Succeed Parker-Drake Re- P A V LOW Alay Teams Are Picked---Two RUSSU�· BALL3TMile Tearn Breaking Record ss mphOl.y Crchestra.Geiser, 1. f. . 0 U tI U _ Comp:lDY of GO of the World's.:\ uderson, lb. . U 0 -; I I) Lt'Uo,Y Campbell will leud tbe '·.nr-Chimling, 31.. • •••....•. U 0 :! U I :;;t�- truck team this III,ring. The star\,-. Kerwin, !!b·s. s, . .. _ 0 1 3 0 J middle und long distance runner wallCarlo, r. fop. . •........ U 1 1 3 0 elected yesterday by hi� teammates,Keenan c. . •.......... 1 1 J 0 U t ..l su .... coed Charles Parker, who ha�:\f(·lllto�dl, p. . 0 0 0 4 () been illl'ligible since IUtit wiuter wheuP, Kerwin, r. f. . U 0 0 0 ) bt1 guthere.l sufficient majorll to cu.- - - - - titlc his to graduation. Thirteen ath-Totals 1 3 24 11 .:! letes were selected by. Coae b Stagg �oChicago •••... 0 1 U:! 1 IJ 1 U x----"; vute on the basis of the work done inGunthers U U 1 0 0 0 U U 0-1 the indoor meets. , Another Cohan & Harris Triumph.Stolen bases: Norgren. Three base C:l!lIl'hell is u Seuior ani I a member Geo. 114. Cohan's Mystery Farcehit ; Norgren, Buumgartuer. Stru'�k or Delta Tau Delta. lie came from "SEVEN �YS TO BALDPATlrout: h) Des .Jartlien, :!; by Buumgnrt Uuh-t!rsit,,· High, where he "·a8 urum- . I 'I' AJ ... r L.\U(.' I�, IJJ:J I.I.!-', .\11·:1.00UAMner 1, by Carto 1, by lie I ntosh I. Hita: I!lent ns :1 runner, lie "·011 both thel,tl Des .larien 1, off �fclntosh 6, 'liT half and quarter in Stagg'lI meet in ILLINOISdoor season because of a displacedI toulon. lie was the largest pointwinner on the team during this year'sBatteries: Stephenson noll Hnrper ; indoor meets, He took second I'I:l:,·ein the Indoor Conference meet in themile, •Coach Rta.g� will spenc this weekCaudidates for the Senior college l',;tting the finishing touehes on thenud graduate scholarships in Matll�relav teams that will eompete ntmat ies have been asked to report to .Drake Satur.lay. Ward, Barancik,Irrofessor II. E. Siaught the departmental examiner, not later than ll:n. Kllif!ht and Boyd ·will COlDpete on the11. The examinations will he bel:1 half mile team. and Stegeman, Leisure.C:ullpbell and Stout on the two mileMay 16.team. Tn their last time tryout Snt-urday the two mile team broke theexisting Drake record, making the twomiles in 8:08. The Drake reeord iltS:IO. Stegemau proved the sensationof the tlay when running last he fin·h;11eel hi� half mile in 1:59 2·5 •. Wareland Boyd breezed a two�twenty in:23, rem3rkably fast time under theSimons and Guthman.Ask Candidates to Report.�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashion!lfor t!5c�LUIi:TT. PEAnODY "= cO .. lNc. II.lEer. (>xi!1t.ing conditions.-Brief Culp_ News--Berlin Prot__ to Lectan.I)T. "'ranz Oppenheimer of th. unh·cr­:-oity of BerJiD, will give a ledure on··Ct:o-operativc Colonization in Pales­:1I!�'. turllorrow in Harper Mll.Graduate Y ... 0. A. to Botertatn.1',,(> Gratluate Y. M. C. A eommift­sionlt will entertain the Graeluare ,,·om­.'n·� (�(lmmh�."ions at a dinner tomorrow night nt 6:30 in the prh'ate tlin·i JIg room of lIutehiusoD commonsDiVinity AnodaUOD to Bleet.1-:1"I·;10n of otrieent of the Dh·inity�dwol n!1�odatioD for the t'oming year"iH ht' IleM this morning at 10:15 illI: :,:,Ikt-1I �fi.Scor'1' Club ICeeta Thunday.S("or(' cluh ,,·m mf'Ct Thunt.lay at 2iI. t ht' n('�·nolIIM dub. The licxt rega-WE JlAKE CLOTHES AT $18 • uP Inr duh tlant'e wiJl be gh·cn April 25A large stock or Woolens n� RO�'l1ie hall.alwan on hanel.Ladies' Garments Remodeled.CleaufDg. Dyeingj Jalias CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 Eat Fifty.Fifth Street.• AJ\,tERICAN mtOMen taking h!nDis, Phymeal Col·ture !;;;, will report today betw��n 3all (1 6 nt the Midway eourts, 59th�tr('('t anft EJIi� avenue. Outdoor workwill �ontinue throug'b t'be week. - :Greatest DancersGARRICKE. H. SOTHERN- J�-It' I Were K:ug. Hamlet,Lord Duudrcady.-_-- - ------- ---COHAN'S GRA�DComing, April 13. Ea5ter Sund.JOHN DREWIn a DOUble BillTH:: TYRANNY CF TE..0\B8THE WILL----------------pO�ERSHenry Miller Presents a New Com�DADDY LONG LEGSwith Ruth Chatterton---------CORrI-Jack Lait's New PlQHELP W AN"i'EDA CleaD Comed7 Drama WithHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERA·DELEA Comic OperettaFrom the French of Paul Herveand -Iean Briquet.New Yo·k's Sensa.tionad lIuIcalSuccess-The tune all Chicago IsWh1aUiJut.FINE ARTSIRISH PLAYEBSMatinees Thun. and Sat.."PRUNELLA"princessTHE N. Y. PRINCESS PLAYEBBHolbrook Blinn, DirectorIn Five Great PIa,. HitsEach Performance.o LVl\,IPICRupert liu$;hes' ComedyEXCUSE MEWith tllc Peer of Comed1anaWILLIS P. SWEATNAIILASALLEMovtDI Picture::THE DRUG TERRORFun Makers SupremeEOLB • DILL"PECK 0' PlCKLBS"