laily ilIarnnuUHIVEBSrrY OF OBIOAGO, ftlUBSDAY. �:;;:, 1914.VoL XII. No.' 1l6.' P&IOE FIVE OENTSPI ...... BOoE. To. FRIARS HAVE 19 SONGS STUDENTS .ARE OFFEREDGIYE'OPENiNG TAIl Louis Fuic:.. Composes Fourteen PRIZES IN ECONOIICSw : �,: Musical Nwnbers in Score ofedem PhiloeOl)tiicaI.Auocia- "Student Superior" _ Coach Profeaor.• I..... blin Hu Chargetioa w.u Meet TIaia Mftl'ftmcr--_ ColemanCommendsChorusSpirit of Distribution of Hart, 9:30 ill Law. Building ner and Marx Awards'.... .,;. .... , .. ,\ <; ;FOIIIER DIRECTOR WILL SPEAK MATHEMA TICJANS MEET COUNCD. ASIS CLUBSTO HANDLE VISITORSChicago Section of American Sxi-ely Will Gather at Univenity rUM --S- tie �• • .-0 ow arGOn ugges on �orT omorrow-Protessor Wl!czYllfki Entertaining High School Menis Chairman of Division for Conference ContestsThe joint HUiOIl of the WesternPhiloaophieaJ. aaaoc:iation and the Con­ference on Legal and Social Philoso,. phy will be held in the Law sehooltomorrow. Meetings will be held at9:30 and at 2:30. Dr • .John Dewey,former head of the sehool of Eduea_ ° verture,Prelogue,1.2.BlisB Will Be Speaker •3. Are There Two Neophytes?4. W" Thank You. left in the hands of a committee head- Professor Bliss and A_ R. �ch\\'eitzcred by Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, will be the speakers from the Univer­and eonsisfing of Professor J. R. sit" at tomorrow's sessions, Mr. Bliss'Clark of Columbus university, Profes- tuik, in the afternooll, will be, ".\sor, Henry'" C_ Adams of the univer- .... t Svmmetri al M t . ., '-l to.� .. .1,,0 0 011 ymmc rre a nees, our-s.ty of Mlcnlgan, Mr. Horace Whlte of 1 . P f W't kuri ay mornlDg ro essor I ezyn8 1:'-tew York city, and Professor Edwin .1 W L H t '11 ad Innu • • ar WI re papers, alii..... Gay of Harvard university. Papers. b ft th '11 I. I'I:'" t 0:1 ernoon ere WI uC' rseusshould he turned in to Professor 0 b P f 'V D M 10'''11. tltons y ro essor • . ae.w..1 an,Laughlin on or bpforo June I, 1915. IP f F t R M It 1 Al ro essor ores ay ou on an, .Subjects Are Sugpstod. R. Schweitzer.The following subjects have been]3. Rumor. Universities and colleges having }'r:hlay, June 5-Uuivcr:>ity Sillg.suggested by the committee in eharge. k14. Big Bass Drum. representatives among the spca. cers Saturday, Juue 6-Coufcrcllcc 'I'rack� 0 competitor is confined to these tOJ"15. Foot.ball Song.. are Lndiana, Hlinois, South Dakota, l\{eetj Alumnae Day.6 8i l\!S, but he must secure approval for. _.11 V-b-...I- "-L! L.:-. --��r.�--·-·r --.,,'" - .. ----..,......_l_�.o_<...!�.B���-." .- .�_ .. ----. - _. _ _-. �P&0l'80n--eVDegtt;-.l.n7 .. _v.;-·:o.u&elD- ---rona:",. dUUe 8-�0 classes: C�l·17. Nymph and Satyr. his topic before submitting his work_ gan, Missouri, Cincinnati, Purdue. Iege Da;.' ,'l'he suggestions include:18. Gricliron Glide. Sattirtla�:. .Julle 1l-1ut\!rsch"h.stic_.19. Closing Chorus.. 1. A .Local Study of the Immigra RELIGIONS 01" BABLY I P ... an for lllterscho:..asuc.ti<:n Problem. BOKAN PBOPLBS LEDSale � ... � I The council dwelt, at c ousrueraule-.- 2.. A stlldy of the Protocol in the TO 0BBIS"fiAN BE.Lrn·'.l'he BI'�t sale for the show will be- N dl Trad I d t Ieugth on plans for the lJa.c1".:H:!."._ u:,a-.·n ' e.; ndav. Apn-I 20. from 10'15 to .. ee e· e n US rye Individualism in the late Roman re- but at the close ot t!.c JII�l!dl'o·· 4-• .m... _;, I • 3. The Economic Validity of the . J' 1 h 0 1� iD the box office in the Mandel cor- S. I T public and the ear y empire pavec ncuncd t at no action lall lI�el. l.!n.;:.l,rider, Mail reservations will be re- l:g ePri ax.M _ t the way for Christianity, according tc pending the collection lit more H'_va-eeived at the Blaekfriars box in the • Ce aln eDance. Professor Clifford Herschel Moore, of ulatioll concerning mcn UhhCr l:"""."-5. Reciprocity and Retaliation in dd before theWOBJ[ I'aculty exchange. Boxes will be soH Iiaryard, in an a ress eratioll. Defiuite aUUOUliCCllH:la v .. � .... \!Fcreign Trade. C::tssieal club last night in lIutchin- Interscbol�tic (Jrgaui .....u;.i(.ll \\ •• s ::..:,6. Ship Subsidies by Inclireetion.I �on l»rofessor Moore said that the for next Wc,lllcsuay en:lliug.1. The Development of Trade with·' •b li . th d" t H lJ. 11Bomans were e evers In e nee Tiger's cad an,1 urpsl.:uur,! w.Latin America..$1 re\'elations of God to man, anti that be asked by the council tu ta.iiC cilargoUD4eqra4uate JIq Win ,000. h' f Ch . t' .t 0 f . 1That the' study of heredity and eu- "The thirty men in the chorus arc beforc t e time 0 rls lanl ). ot the sCl"eral 111 orlllal 'SlII�S l"�U' .. c.Onlv undergtadnates will be allov.- _ I.' .. I .... I they hall been Impulluvely reachlllg for this quarter_ They Will uc a.:;.,c.lgenies will serve 88 a higher incenth'e ceoRaln y • fino bunch of ft�I- (, .. 1 to compete for the prizes of }1vn 1 G 1 H t _.1t I k . h' . C (lut towar( s ()( • e rat'.:\! thc gratl- to constitute a l,crmallclIt cUlumi.tcof:r right conduc� than the' fear o{ ows to wor Wit,' said oach Co"�- $200, but aDyone_, whethcr he h�,s. T lIal trcn,! toward tho hleals of the to work with llr. Stcwa:t in arraug-f�i�, is the main point of W. r man yesterday. •• hey are rapidly clc- a Unh'ersity degree or not, may con}.08ter's article on sex education in th .. "'elopiDg iDto shape, and show the cn- Christian religion, from the time .of ing dates anti promotiug the sillgs.. te�t . for the oth�r pri� If, in theth" individualism of early Rome, with Investigate Lunch Roam.April Dumber of the Sehool Bevie\\"� thnsiamn that is bound to make th� (JplDlon of the JUdges a paper sub-I ' jt� influcnce upon the growth, first of Results of an investigation iuto tilewhich W.88 iBSUed by the UDiversity p fly a great success. n mitted jn the uudergradunte e1a.",s is .d I t f th .C h C I . 0 St<Jieism an . a er 0 e various w(,man's lunch room,lllatic by �hc counPres yesterday. •• oac 0 emaD is a very compet('nt better than the papers submitted In '.,., -d ,. H d af eastern eults of ratlonahsm and mys- cil, showctI that t he III ndl rOOlll is hc'. "The first aim of MX inatruction is man, IJ&l ..... aDager en er80D, h!r tile other class, the award in thc otherth h raeti "H h - I . tidsnij nntil the Christian religion ing handle,1 ns well ru; j� l,ossiblc inJ:�eaaril1' . to ....,,;_ about aD open e c 01118 p ce. e as game· eJ:lS8 wiJ) be given the undergraduate.-.� suppJantc41 them as an outgrow'..b of VIC\\" or cconomic COlllHllcmti,,:lli. Theminde4 it' po88lDle, • reverent atti· th� confidence of every man in the Inzes may·be split up if it is thought ..d ho h h ; the rehglOus mo,'ement of all the C\!IL ilavestigation showcl.l that the llum;;ertude t.oward .. aDd .otherhood in east an crus, 110 t at t ey are :.IJ better dinributioD can be secured in. " _I... L h' " tunes of Rome s llommatlon. Profe�' 'l�ing th� lun('h room from .Iay to ,I:IYpl:aee of tile traditioll8l aeereey an,1 ""- lID. that way. The olicial bulletin con- u,. Pre . t f. . sor Henry n. 3C!ott, prest( ent 0 fluctu:th .. '8 greatly.vqlgarity," aeeording to 1Ir. Foster.· . - t&.ins the following statemeDt: . I l·ntrodu"e.l D. .... . GAIlE wrrB' BDIBOX the Classlca club, " , 1"."A teacher who euDot do this should . "Competiton are adviaed that thc . CROLL WILL OAPrAIN'd _I.;_" 'rB.AJI J8 OAKOBLT.J!D.....-- _.. h Id be th h I Moore. 1915 F.''''''�G ",'rW"""o Dv--a. StUule8 S ou oroug , eXpr�"4Cl ...;;,oa",,&.n' ""�"Vocational pidallee ill laigla school. PLA.Y II1rrLBR'8 'l'ODAY in good English, aDd although notKEPOR'l'S "ALL �. A�will rault in aoeial _vi. through' Iimiteil as to length, they should not -OSCOW. -�- 18Ymt'rday's ball game 3C!hedulecl ded Th h II ... , &" __ ,,;:;.,n.a. Frederi(.'k Croll, a. veh'r:tll of tWitgt'tting individual. into oeeupations . . '. .' bt" needlessly expo • ey s ou \Blf BOU'l'B '1'0 PBKIN...L .... aA., di With th., CommOllwealth Edison team, '1.._ I'n-rlbed with an assumed name, ycnrs' expericll(,c on the foil te:lm,for which -87 are .. --.., aeeor ng .. �- ....1Vns eaDeelled beeause of the frl(rl I will lead the l!lJ5 fc'n"illJ! :o'ljmltl. .\1·to .. -Statement made b1' F. K. Kiles : • �. If,r which set of prizes they are sub_ The following t'ablegram from Prc:;'of DeKalb higla .ehool, ia &Il article ",?Dda that swept over the � aI'S11�' mitte,l, and accompanied by a �a1�11 irien� Ji1cl�on was receh'ecl Iatc y(>st ... o though Captain O"O"C'II. whn tt"'�elltitled "Voeational Guidance in High diamond. Coaeh .page �a.." an.xlOUl" to en"elupe, gh'ing the real namc an,1 !l,l- Iln�' aftcrnoon: !'I""on'! i'lac� in the COl1f"n'lh'''' meet.. rl:l1' the game If �lbJe, 10 or(l"r f h . N 0 thi� �'f':1r, will I.e lC'r.'lt tit th,' t\':IIIO,&hool" "Finall1'," sa,.. Mr. Mil� , ,tr('l'ts 0 t e competitor. .I. 0 raper J:i MOlWOW, April 8, 1 P. l(..'voeational direction will bring th.! �o take. advantage of e"ery opportlln- eligihle whieh shall ha"e bt-cn printe.1 Arnt'tt, Unh0t'n\ity of Chi("a;,!(l. tlwrc i� a fair nudc'lIs l"ft. Thrf'C. . Ity to Improve the team work but bl' hed . It)' I tl ' 11�\·mmnccl men-Arlt., :\lc:lrI :1I1r1 SW:t1I.�hool into intimate touch WIth bUZlI- .: or pu 18 10 a I.orm 0 (II'<" o� IC .AJI ,,'cll.neM ideals, busiaea aDd buiness gn'·e up hope early In the mornIng. If idf'ntity of the author before thc' Juctson. I rt:lDnin to �"pport Croll.. the weather permits, the Varsity wiU o.-ard -haD have L_n mn-te. If tIl" :r 1 1 f '( t 1 .! _,hIt is :1 gOOlI foil man :l�1'! pr.w('," "OJ �, ,. Dr. ttc �on e t. .� Ol'eOW \"('� Crl,a, : .IMfJt the Batler Bros. team toflay on.... m ...... tl·tor I'S an undergr .... luate, the •. h T a'be" . 01' I:, !'IC'n:mtion in thc ,1I1l'1illJ! !'!word (�n'nt.VI ,.- - for Pekin "Ia t e ran "-;:,,1 nan r:H I . 'tile atJaJetie .eld. -led envelope -hould "'ont' thc . '11 k J t �t the Sport!'lmen � ('luh (':}fll1nlt at"'-A ..... aln ro:ul. The tnp WI ta e .e e,'en c :l�'!'1 .Three games are 3C!h�luled for the f th I·n .... l·tutl·on· h' h h .I the Co1i�um, takinJ! fir!'!t pla.·(, o,'('r '\.. nnme 0 e lJIo In w IC c III of contiDuouS trave.The' Hiteheoek AnDual, which win week encl. Friday the Logan Squart"!' t d' .. Inrge field. l( .. all ha� �ho'Wn ('X<'cIlN'If.8 � ,"Ing.go to prea today, is dedieated to MJ'8. lIiQ be taken 011, and Saturday aftC't"_ • PIau �_ aDd 'l'rIpJ-A pro�am of,form nnct :'�f's.",h°t'nf's!'l :-It foil rh�',0 ... Hitcheoek. The book will eon· nOOD the Guntlaen, another fa�t 1'emi- WJIl � SoDa Books. tMl� and walking trip� WR-"' plannc(t :,,,"1 uniter Con .. h )lillf'r'� in�:'"'('tionbin photograph' and biographies of pro tMm, wiD play the first string Song books will be di!l'tribted to �uh- for the Spring quarter ftt n m"'etirlJ! he 8houM pr<,\"e a �tron;r m:1n. Swanevery member of the Iaall &lid numer- .mell. The eeeond team will meMo tlw eeribers tomorrow and Tu�lay frnm 1of the Southwest Neighborhoo.l clnJ, halll exhihited �on!'li,t('rnhlc aH!i1y 'With'us origiaal stori_ UHf poeas. lAud. tea. i. the morning. jJC:15 to 10:·15 in Cobb. jyc!I'terday afternoon in Lexington. in,(' clueHng �worct.s. Convention.6. Bri,ht College Years.7. Heroes of the Pigskin.S. Coach Pip.tioD, will speak at the morning BeM­sion on "Some .Aapeets of the Idea ofNature," and Professor Small on '"TheNature of Soeial BuIes-' in the after- 9. An E"augelical Football Coach.10. HUDlming Song.11. Why Doesn't SoJDebody HazcMe? diseont inuo this func tiou. Dat cs . fo:'II'IiI' tile other- year-cud fuue t.iuns \H'rC an­nouuced Us follows:}'ri,lny, Mny :.!11-llltcrd:lss hop.Thursday, June -1_\\r. A. A. Lauquet:noon., i 12. Fairy Chorus Finale.Act.. n,. ··The Advancement; of Philosophle�u�mllence" will be the topic of around table diaeuaaion at the Univer;. alty elub tomorrow Dight,· following\ __ r•• �_��Hb�:·oi)he2CoDfeQUJceI' - . Professor ·Ernst Freund of the Law, athool will talk OIl '-Legislative andAdministrative Discretion" at the Sat­urday morning session at the Cityclub. . Boeeoe Pound will speak on�'Bule and DUeretioD in the Adminis­tration of .Justiee." Each speech willbe followed by • diKussion.II·,(� I\; BUGBlOOSfor $9, and seats on the main floor� UZie m.ti 8daoo1 Sex � for $1 and $1.50. Balcony seats ",·mbig. aacl V&:a.uoul GufdaDce. seD for fifty cents to $1.Pru. for Chorua.FAIR !a'"UCLEUS LEFTiI'e(\Ii!-rUB DAlLY II.AJt,OON. TBtnUmAY, JAlIVAJr.Y 9, 19U.-== RELIGION SUltVIVEa �ES�: OF SCIEBCE, CLADIS EDD1.c=========-==-�'=====�=====The New TariD---makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suitforS30which .���������������\vould have . cost , ..ou $35 under the Tbree leaSOnSWbnoashoaldEatattheMenstommoDSYd. ff 1st. Good Food Properl), Caoked.01 tart 211d. Cleeuliness aur Jv.atto. Jll�({ct tt.e Kit<hEU---other prices in lrd. A Minimum Price far 81th Qualit7 Faodproportion nail Umlk, ..., up Car.terla at lAmebN · 11 h T·l IlInner A l.ararte MUSIC � IDleO teal or .-----� ...... Ne·.1 ....... ., ............ ewe.p.Tile D a i I J Mar 0 0 D �: ====B=un===etiD=·==:=.·l'O.oA�Divinity chaPel, 10:15, Baakell as- Denies Any Real DUfennce-Will Ad­dress Meetings of Ken and W:om .en 'roda:r... � _orallap. hDc1a� _4 sen! bly room.II�. avla. tb. AU"'ID", WIDter aDd:r.::- ClII.U'ten. bJ Tb. Dan, IlUOOD \Vesteru Philosophical association,c 30 ,." Dee la riuu tlla" there ure 110 1'UIII\:I_tI: and �:30, Law west. �mental ui1l"crl'lIl'l'S In't \\ veu r ,'II�iolillle •• £41&01' Eddy lecture to women, -1:30, :Man-B.��-:�"�!:; del. und science, :\lr. L,l-ly ull,lrcssl'd 1,IIU,;_ students iu his tlCCOUU l,ut,lic lee tur-,Eddy lecture to men, '/,30, Mandel.&Dten4 .. MCO&ld-c:lua lDan at lb. Education club, 7:30, Belfield 15R 1.11 "The Challenge of HUlIl'St Doubt ,'c.... Poetealce. Cblcaso. m, �arcb n,1 .... _4_ Act of .ll.arcb .. 1111, l'l:--t I�igbt in Malldd. 1I0 .!l'fill"·'MAROON DEFIES CAP AND GOWN faith us :1 sl'il'lItifil' veuturo iu :ld;",I.und said tha.t thc n�uo:--ti,' is nut uhh'alJBlCalI'TlON BATa.., canter: 'L5t a � .. r: 11.00 a Quartel.Ib aaall: 'LtO a , .. r; n.n a Quarter. Reporters Challeuge Annual Boo.rd to h) tl,�t proposit ions of rl'ligioll. To'layJ:41tortal-BualDe.. Oltlce, Elil. u,.::�� ,":t:,wa, 100. Aft.r 10 p m. Game of Basebt\1l. �lr. Edll�" will speak 011 "\\·1I111:1II·'L'Iuee iu Ucligiou," at a WHUU'lI'oS IIW,'jThl..' cxecut iv e st ufl' of thc 1J:lil�" .\t:�,e h u r- il:� at. -t ::w ill �alllll't aud 1111 • 'I'll"Fight for Character," at a IIll'lI'S IIll'.'�:III I ill� at ;::�O. Dean Elii�ahl'th Wallan'roou hus issued thc rollowiug""�e to the stair of the C,111Gowu; will }ll'e�j,le at thc first nu-ct i ug , :w!,.\\ c, the members of the .staJr or the.After all, liie is as we take it. \\,,� llirt'ctor �ta�g at the l>l'CIIU.1.lla!ly '\!aroou, UO hereby d1uUcgc t u-, "'fllcre is no dilrcrt'IH�l' hct wevu s,·j·COLLEGE LIFE. D.The View Point.--and it will be a jOyOUli aet.ivitv. So ouly cligible meu aut! to conduct them-- sulv es us gcutlclUcu 011 the Iield, Eachit is with college life. It all �lcl'c'n,ls, .. staff to allpulllt a III:lU to act a� :1on how we look at it-whetht>r life ;S member of the arr:uagl'lIll'nt cOlluuit-a weary grind or a round of riotous t ee, which shall dee ide tho dut.e :lIHIplensure-e-even though we ,10 ident i the otridals_ Loser to 1m)" for a. din­cally the same thing�, Take studies ncr at one of the Ieadiug down tow nn.stuuruuts one week after the fruy,as an example, 'Ye can regard h�s-l"laless auswered in three days, wesons in one of two ways, \Vbcn Sl·j._�lltC.' The great Ieurlcrs of :--1'iClll'l':.rc believers in GOII, fur t lu-y h;I\'I'i'I'UIHI that faith iu (:0.1 bast lu-m a basis for all n'alit�"_ �i\'l'"k,lIUWthnt there is a God because Hc IIll'l'tsthe demand for cause, order, }lurposl'of conscience, religion and thought,"Dean �mnIl presided at the meetingIast night, He said that tbp. nu ..'Ctill�,'WI� c('llsi,ler that the challeuge is 110t ue­were not to convince anyone of Ilog--open tbo book, We can sa.r� "'Vdl. 1 ,�el)tl'd, aUlI that the Ca.p auu GOWli ilia-tic \"it�wS but were to answer t1H�must do this," at the snme time tbirth- lackl:l courago to mcet our worth�' c1t!�ire of students for answers to theiring how much more we wouM enjoy tenm." tc>ligious problems. After the meeting,something else_ Our les!;on is a hard J ... ast year the Maroon �tntr humiliat- i:'lteresteu students belcl ,an iniorm:l1ed the Cap anu Gowu staff in a fiercc ftn�k; we grintl at it, our minc1s con- g::thcring to (liscuss l,luns or furthcfJnflict' in the park. When the 8UU� cring Ule religious movemcnt in tlll't_nually slip away and llUye to be set on the bloouy fiel� the cubs of tlll' !J ni vcrsi ty.hrought back; and our reaction at tll(' allllual staff were compelleu to liftend is, "Well, that's aone. Now for thcir masters from tlle grounu anllsome fun." Or we can take the same C3rry them to the water fountain. Tho,'_ Cap and Gown men recovcred in al�on from another point of VIew.week aud led their victors to the- When we open· a book, we can think "}. I t_ Stntes restaurant "Iere a • p easauof ourselves as dipping into a great time was had by all." Announce New Courses.Dea11 CalUwell of, the Uuiversitycollege, alluo�nces the following adlli­tiollal courses for ·the Spriug quarter:History '81, General American Hi'i­tory, 1�Ol-IS;7, Tuesdays anu Thut:sday�, 4:1:>·6:15, Professor Doud; Geo-OFFICERS graphy 6; Meteorology, TuesuaYd,fountain of pleasure, gazing ul)on :1,JH"rspective of human effort, amazingin its extent, fascinating in its reve­lations. Studies become wonderful Hea�: 4:15_6:1:>, Assi�tant l)rofessor Tower;Mrs. Ethel Renwick' McDowell ""- 'Political Science 1) Government auJ� of Otf� Ci�i7.enship in the United States, Sat­pleu:iures, when considered in this :Mrs. Ethel Renwick llcDowell, 'O�. urday�, 11_1, Mr. Bramhall; Mathclight. We can become fascinated hy heads the ticket which the nominatillt,; lI.I.utics 4, Synoptic Review of Secon.ithem_ And then, when we come to loo!� committee of the Cbicago Alumnat: nr)- 'Mathematics, Tuesdays, 4:15-6: l;i,back on our college worlU we dub will present at the annual meet- llr. Reeve; Education 41, The Sebool�will no longer do so with a tiuge ing, April 18. The meeting will be (J:: Franco and England, llontlays,oi regret, a. feeling that after nIl, our heM at the home of lliss Shirley Farr. 4:15-6:15, Professor Butler. The cou�cstudies were simply hurdles we leap�·l '04, 5757 University avenue. il! the Schools of Germany, announl�e.;over, obstacles We got around�om\}- The nominating committee has ta'k for Saturdays during the Spring quar-Ithing wo are glad to leavo behind, ·lSen a referendum ,'ote of the members t(,T. will not be' given. An additionaiBort of a dark railway tunnel. ,Ve will by Dlail amI its slate is l)3sell on tIle fee of one dollar will be charged fO�H."Colleet our classes with the' same results of this referenllus. The full n-gistration after Monday. A chang.pleasure We have when we re\-iew tht.! �}ate follows: f�1I> of one dollar will be charged {.) ....c\ents of a. womlerful tril', a splendi,l Presiclent--Mrs. Irvin T_ McDowell, dtange of registration after Mon(\ay.,·aeation. We will, think of some sub- '02.jcct-and recollect the wonuerfull�- Viee-President-IIazel Stillman, 'l�. 'WE ][ARB CLO'lBBS A"f $18 "UPir .. tercsting things we discovered. We T r - GwenclolillSeeretary- reasure.will remember how joyfully we found '11• James, .a Dew idea, 'magnificent in the breadth Members at Large-Gertrullc Fi�h,of ita apn.. liea.tion, in"nirin'" in the D· k - n ex'l"-r 0 '12, l:mma Ie e • .,o, of its possibilities. Does all this.ound chimerical, high-flown, "up in MIDNIGHT sPECIAL.the clouds?" Probably it lloe�; but 1912 CLASS PAP.3&,try the experiment. Xext time �'Ou 'rO BB IS8UBD SOONItudy, l.tefore opening a book, say t,o -.. f tIle '·l'"l·O·) edition·· of thl"j'Qurself, hI am going to have some '-upy or _. -,{un fintling out a few··- .!\ull lliclnight Snecial the annual llUhhc:l-h I { le)l" i� noW in-th ..meaD. what you say; feel it in you:. let tjon of tee al:lS 0 • -, ," '_I I ' ' , I f th ublisher Haymonll Hal\',it Sink Into your mlDu-t ll� II \�a. hUIll s 0 e p , ,. • •, 'th' the next. month.:fhell go after the les�on. Try to �c'.! It Will appear WI III. ' , h s been Postltonellthe interesting thlh�no matter The pu1,llcahon awhat the lesson he the'\' arc it,- the inneslS of ballel .'ar"'�, whonmy ,. • ' I fthere. And you will :sec tbat all these IJ:l� c"ol1('dell most of the matcraa orrose-colored ideas about stullie� arc the (',lition. The Iluhlic;ltion of tht'abr.clutely correct, fountle,l on harll fi�t, i��IC of the paper la�t year wa�'t (,lOessful anel mClllher� of t11«'facts, and standibg the test of YOllr (j11l e S\I ",. •,'" h much interest in tlm�e":perienr.e. Anyone wil enJOY stu, le� c·la�� ha,·e sownif he .-ill but try this method. lie yea.r's edition.---_._---need spend fh-e or ten minutes gettingthe rigbt point of view into }lis minll,aDd perhaps an occasional momcTl�fneheDing it when it get� worn. A nJRCOD the point of "iew will l)ccome set.'tled, ua the fortunate pol'scs."or willhave foulta a wonderful new joy ineon.p life. A luge stock of Woolensalwan on band.Ladies· G3I1Dents Remodeled.Cleaning. D7tdngJulius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 East Fifty_Fifth Str-et.1 tate willeIndiana has opcne{ a 1',cnmpnign for a neW gymnasium. F�rtYone counties have complete(} orgnn17,."\­tion!' to seeure petitions to be pre·!'('nted to the Legislature. The presentgymnMium is a small old fashionedbuHeling that is entirely inadequate. There are Long Hours Ahead of Ii ou, But Don'tForget. Sweet Tips, The Great Rest Producer.FOR EASTER ,IThe man who at this late hour has not made preparations for hisEaster apparel will appreciate the unusual servicc offcred by the Men's0, H. Shop. where arc found onlythe fincst of ready-(or<cf\'ice cloth­ing. tailored and dc� igt!cd especial­ly to meet \1:e demands of thediscriminativc young man.....� .• - - �. '0 ••Men's O. H. ShopReady-(or-sen·ice apparel (or aUoccasions, Om stytcs h:\\"e been ,pro­nounced aulhcrit::.'�\e. P ric e smuch lower than you would expect_Suits and Overcoats$25.00 and UpA very notable displayof spring haberdasheryis offered for your selec­tion . III qttIOgHvie & Heneage'MEN'S FINE CLO'.rIIINU AND HABERDASHERY18 & 20 E. Jackson Bh'd. Chicago.Occupying the Entire Second Floor:Phone Ihrri8�n 673�TmSr,R1BE FOR THE' DAIL'\" MAROON. \.'..............-. __ - -I ADVOCATES LONG., LB88IONS I1IUft.._&,.-II .... - &II ..J!& ....... :_1-11-:!' au'-'Juqe ...... I D.IIm_ •&)'8 PupUa ofi;Wc acboot. Arc-A Bell 0ptbIda =-Not Under sufticient SUperriaiOD I'J'ho Syracuse POlit of recent dattoWe print the following letter notlID- _ contains tbe following item:bc.-eauae we wiah. to convey thepression that 8ueh letters to us are A plea to have the public school insessiou from 8 o'clock in the morning_________________ 'Urwnary eeeureaees in our daiJ�uutil ::; o'clock in the afternoon, withWANTBD-Many IStudents are mak rc.utine, but. because such commuuica,a moderntn allowance of time torillg $5U a week ISdling tho Chautdu· liows are 80 exceedingly rare that wequu Desk, ,A number of students from look UllOll them almOtit all euriusities, CLASSIFIEDDVEI1&JBTS5e per line. No acbertiMmenta ....ceived for leu than 2Sc. All c' ......adyutiMmenta _m be »aI4 bl ad-YUce.h.m-h, was made by Supertlntendeut(,f schools J.'. D. Boynton of Ithaca, intbe Univeraity of Chicago are selllug with a real uews value, We are kicked:.11 address before the Clean City Movethem 1I0W. We will employ a few at, in\-eighed agaiutit, critici:SCli so.neut this afternoon. Many of tile.horc m�� aud WOOlen for summer much, that a of this sort geuu- l,lc:-ellt school SYlJtCDlS Mr. BoyntOllwork, Cull uud see our fielt! managllr, iuely astoundal us. Th� writer I)ays he::Ucl'ketl as archaic. lie said: "Withlir. Buxton, at the New Drexel llote!, .,keal .... h� n�wtl, the b4:out-�\"eu UtI.'the present short, sessious the ehil-IIhlOUl ::. Phone Hyde Park 3;39. udvertteemeuts, '.lhe blessed 0l,tilllisll1. '�1l110t lie well cnough supervised• :f it all ticklelS our sense of htowor su dllrillg :tll the time his parents are atv-urk, Ju It hueu, if he slides dowu hillFOR R�--Two single roome: :aU, ll·uch that We cauuot resiet l,riutiil��couvenieueesj men preferred. llu. '.t. Kiud lrieud, if they were aU ill",:H. Buff, !iSO:! llarylant.!. a\·enuc.. fir:il j):ays ball iu the street,� l'U, t1.i.. college newspaper busiues..apurtmeut. '1'e I Midway ;599. would be one loui beuutirul rouiuuce.'J'he letter followal:BOARD-Two meals per day, $2.50per week. Mrs. Leckie, 5;017 Drexel- WAB'rBD-A nnmber of atudenta todo outside Bummer work. Earningslimited only by your 0W1l effortsWortb investigating. Get busy. Ad The chief objection to the prescJadrss H. L Gelnn, Seribbler House, conditions which one hears freely exEvaMton, Dis. . pressed at registration time are: (1 !certain groups are too large, (2) UppClclassmen are not allowed enough fre'�dom in the intelligent pursuit of thl.major subject, (3) too few courses arcopen to underclassmen, (4) the ·'all·\ ;'501"''' does not give the student, e�­peeiaUy the junior or senior, the help­iul suggestions whieh a professor inthe l�den�8 major department mightavenue,SALESMAN WANTRD-A live youngman to IJOlicit orders for quick selling specialty among business eoneems.Liberal COIllUllIJSlon. Sample outfit(pocket size) furnished free. Addr .ss,'l'he Qunilty Shop, Franklin, Ind. 'FOR BENT-By month or season,tents in a pine gro"e overlookin •Lnke Michigan. Double compartment:sereened; furnished. Address Box 55,Lakeside, Michigan.WANTED-Four students having hadsales experience, to havel duringsummer months. Must be able to demoonstrate the prinCiples of salesman.8hip to others. Chas. Scribners Sona,6(18 S. Dearborn St.WANTED-A bright, pushing collegeman-to sell accident insurance tobUftiness and professional men only.Good compensation to the right party.W. C. Powell, '175 W. JaeUon Blvd.SillRTSne material beIDa 1m_ tooar emler, JOg an ..... ofexcl1Ulln P&ttenaa aDd coladupIn all and. tram $1.60 up. Lookfor the P1UP)e baDI acna uaeDeCk Of enI7 8Iddai W. tilemark ofEarl" WilsODMAK'RBS OP BBDIIAX OOLLAJUI•.. IIOI'a. OFAMDICM IDEALS �HOm PONIiATAN".... .. -0."" D.c.. Buiteuzorg, Java.Ellitor The Daily Illini,U IIi \'cr2lity of llliuoUt.lDear Sir:-1u the Ulili!:!t of erIt i­l"iISWS and fault..fiutliug t'rorn stu­deuts who never tried to eouducta college paper, kindly accept afew words of praise frow au old­time member of the llliui �taJI.The lllinis that reach me here areread and re read, not only by my­self, but by half tbe Americantourists who "isit this place. Thenews is interesting and just thekind that an alumnus wants tohear; the Scout ealumn is unusal­ly entertaining; the advertise­ments are ingenious. Better yet,there is a spirit of cheerfulness, ofcptimiB� of real Illinois loyaltyin the lIlini that makes an alum·nus prouder of his Alma Mater,and which must make for higherideals in tbe students body. Toparaphrase an eastern proverb-­may your subllCription list nevergrow laM.Very trub- yours,lL A:' Gleason, '01.aive.l'be fact that most of the criticismcomes' from the serious man or womauat the University tends to prove that"l. gri",·anee against the present 8YS­tl!IB is not vi:sionary.Daily Kansan or walks on(I,., grass he is arrest cd. We have ac lass of juveuile ofTclllierM who breuk• ity ordiuuuees because they do Dol!IOW what else to do duriug their-.pare nnnneuts,"The boy should be ut school from� u'clock iu the morning until:; o'clocki II the uf'turnoou six days a week, Hiselders put that t irue into work und so I: hould, he I do not suy he shoulddlitly Latin and algebra all that t ime.lle should have physical culture, man-ual training, and aesthefie culture aswell, '" e make no effort to meet the«hauged eondifions occasioned bylife in the cities. Iu the early New: .r.gland tlays the children Iearned�"I)Y reading; writing, arithmetic, spel­iillg, UJ.d graDllllar. Now we cxpectthe t�bihlren to study many other suh­j •.• ·ts, hut allow them 110 additionaltime �o deyote to the extra work."TACK AND BFFlCENCYRESULTS OF WOBJt ONCOLLEGE NEWSPAP.msThe vnlue of working on a c'ollege Inewspnpcr is emphasized in the follow-Ihlg editorial from the Cornell DailySun;SODle day the university DJay givecourses in how to gct. the mostwork done best in the shortesttime, in how to write about com_mon cveryday things in simplereadable style, in how to meet allkinds of peoplie and how to developtact in tbe inner workings of theUni\'ersity, in untlergrnduate nctiv­itil's and in journalism. Until thenthe work will be elective, will beconfined to th� freshman year andthe first two months of the sopho­more year, and will be found in alump in competition for the Sun.SWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Replar DailyBed1IctIoD bl ....,. B1Idpt of !::t. n:__ 20 UpeIIIIS 8toJII AlltaUaD for Jlen'a and Sauday UlDDer, C p... BallaTHECom Exchange National Bankef CIaIfoap.Capital $3.000,000.00,Due to the agitation throughout tl.-!st:de demandiDg reductions in thl"budget of approriations, plans fornew men's dormitories ha'-e beenabtlndonf't\ at the Unive�ity orWig·eonsin. The instituiioD was at th'!poiDt of gettiDg the new men's hall�after �ft.mpaigning for them for y\!ar",but the d�ulation of petitions thouJ:hout the state items for buihling ex­penges in the list of appropriat.ion�for the university.Amonlrter suffrage pageant will h ..he1d hy tbe UDivenity of Wiscon�i':Eufrragco league aDd the Dane county8utr�o league on Ma:v 2. Unh-er�i�yW6men wi11 abead the parade.Delta Kappa Epeilon won the annnnlinterfraternity bowliDg tonrnamentboll Delta Taa Delta Jut Friday. ................C;orplua •••.••••.••••••• 5,000,000.00Undivided Profits ..••...• 1.000,00.00OFFICERS.F.R:'I:EST A. " ,,)nnl.1 •. r�"I"�nt.("HARI.E� I� IIl·TClIl:'1:S0S. '·It'�-f're.:OR" tT:'I:CET J, Bl.A lR. VI� Prnldf'1lt,tl, A )t01�l.TO:S. Vlt'e_Prt1Ildent.'1 C SA)UIO:SS. VIee·PrHldent."'RA:'I:K \y, S)I1TH_ Sf'CTe:III'J.EIlW J\ no 'F. SCIIOE�ECK. Am. C .. b'"J EDWARD )fAAS. A"'t. CuM..,.,J A "Ii'� G, 'W A KE'FIEl.D. A !lilt, ea"h' .. ,tlEWIS E. GARY. A .. t. caahlflll".1\1 RECTORS,"'arle"H Wacaer'tArUn A Ryn-.onF.d .... rd B Butlet'Char1" H_ HalbareJC:arenoe BackJnlrbamB_Jnda 0U'paIUW Cl,.4e )I, carTEd ... lnG, �m ..Wa\80n B_ Blah'Edwar4 A. _eMJI'ftoderte* W, �I:neIIl A- ....-u uniform writinz,The same pen will last for years of service, The gold pensin Waterman's Ideals are smooth and of any character yourhand requires. The Spoon Feed gives an even and accurateflow of ink and prevents flooding •Sold Everywhere by the Best DealersL. E. w aterman Company, 113 Croadway, New York·LD�Q]�O I ����I.e College FriendshipsMake college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a friendworth knowing and having aU the 'Way through fromFreshman to Senior year. It will fill your college dayswith pleasure, health and benefit.Delicioos-Re .... eshingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA �O.' 'Atlanta. Ga. WbrDcftr •JVIl tee aJl Anuwthink of Coca-CoiaESTA8USHED i818EY"­--_- Our Represetative, lIB. WALltEB. will be at theHOTEL LA SALLEApril 23rd, �-1th and 25th.With Spring Styles in ready-made Garmentsfor Dress or Sporting Wearl'umishiDJaI, Bats and S hoe So�HICA •••........... _._-_ .. - .. _ .. __ .VVanted At OnceEach .aD al tile Uaiftnity to came i. aad mftSticate 0.(Special Ollerto Ccllege MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rd Street'J'e1ephoDe B. P. 1037. OpeD Even1DP aD4 Sunday MomS ....... _ .THE DAILY KABOON, i'H'U1UmAY, J'ANUAJt.Y 9, 1914.'--------:---- - -----ABIG throw in the tobaccoworld that has openedthe eyes of pipe smokers;Velvet-the selected middleleaf tobacco-two years ofwarehouse aging-exchangiflgLaalmess for mildness-maturuig-mellowing. The developmentci the good flavor and the smooth.mess. minus the ingredient that- bites I" It takes all of two yearsto do it I Are you ready for it)At. an dealers-��Veloet. ���,.1t.�l& THESMOOTHEsrTOBACOOFull TwoOanceTins�---------------- .. -------.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at stth Street.Hear 50tD Street Subway Station and53rd Street Elevated.."Broadway" cars from �randCentral Depot.Seventh A ftIIIIe Can from Pennql­ftDia StadOll.KIIPT BY ... COLLBO. Jl..A YB .... DOUARTIIR8 FOR COLLB. JlIIYBPIIOIAL lUTlI8 FOR OOLL.O. T .... JlBTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA.RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERSPRING STYLES ARE HERE1'he very spirit of Spring has been captured in the wonderful colorirutaof our new fabrics noW' on display.Greens soft in tone. often blendinJ;t into browns. promise to be verymu.rt this aprbur.1'he many ncW' shades of greys and blUes will also please men of taste. .Pliable, soft materials that lend themselves to the correct close fitting� are in great demand.1'0 fashion the neW' snug fitting clothes requires the utmost skilL80 the .Jarema way of tailoring these neW' smart styles appeal moreatz'ODCl7 than ever to men w�o seek to be both tndividWll and smartfD their dress.We invite you to see the greatdUplay of the correct new �SprfDg materials at any of ourthree stores.'rAILOR FOR -."OUNG MENftlBBE S'1'ORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E Jackson B!vd. 71 E Monroe St. Ponpone-------�-------------GARRIC�Brief Campus News----- THEATREROYAL63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.No'W A western Jlelodramic Farce.NIGHTL Y AT 7:30 and 9:15MAT - TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30 '� WBBE, The BlUe MouseCollege Ball," to be presetned u�' menbers of tho F'reshmun Drumut ie (,lui.,has 1.)('t'll postponed to April l;j at�::W, ill (}n'l'IlW(lOt! b:1I1., PreaentaThe Cowboy and The Thiefl\leet for WaJking Trip-Till' South":!st :'\cighuorhood club will meet inLc xing t ou 3 tomorrow for a wulkius;trip ill .lueksou park at :� ::10,Announce Receiving Line-VeallTalbot, Dean \\'aJlal'c and �liss BrownwHI be in the receiviug liue at �1J's,Lyudou's receptlou Tuesduy f'roru :::::0 PURDUE SHOW PlANNEDto 5:30 at her home ;ij;{j l·niYl'rsit." AmusementL:. venue, Caryl Cody, president (If t lu­Ll'U;"'1IC, aud Iris Spohn and .1 uliaihltlge of the soe ia l cunuult tee, willalso receive. Boilermaker Comic Opera Club A UDITORIU�WIll Stage "What Happened m P A V LOW AVemce" Next Wcek-Announ�e RU�H._l'4' BALL:::TBand Prom Symphony Crchestra,CODlp:my of W 01 the World·.Greatest Dancersl.eth Langley, head of Grl't.·uwoo(1 hall.W:l'J the speaker nt the Collegl' of Ed (By Intercollegiate Pres.",.,Lafayette, I ud iaaa, April �J>ur'duc'� third annual buud prollleuaueGivo Women Councillors _ Tell und dance will be held lIuy 1 iu theFreshmen women who hu ve just en- l.lemorbl gymnasium, The affair Isinformal, and is ODe of the leadiuetcred the Uuiversity, were given Cp' ,..,I I. I fuuctions at the uDiver�itv. 'rhe duncej-erctnss councitlors yesterday uy t ie J ..... will COllie duriue circus week Ier.uncillor committee of the League. 0 , uu. fcOJllbincd with other fe t' ,'t' 'IIIi there are ally entcring stuJeuts who'" S 1\ lIes, WIhave not reported, they hnvo been aid In makmg the three Jays the bestask ell to eommunicnte with Ruth II! the school year. Many out_of-to\\,11Prosser, chairman of t he commit tee, gue.sts will be present, and the eventor with 'Miss Brown ill the League is expected to surpass all former(1 ances,uvntlon chapel yesterday morning,II. SG'i'HERN-J�-If I Were K:ng, IIamlet,3.Lord Duudrcady,---- - _.--- ---- ----COHAN'S GRANi)Another Oohau &. Harris Triumph.Geo, 114. Col!;4u's l\Iystery Farce··SEVEN KEYS 'L'V aALDPATB"LAUGHS, TlIHJLL�, ,\1'hc Harlequin club will presentAttendance is Urged-All members \\.. t H '.. 'Ia apenea In Venice" April 1-1(if the Cosmopolitan club have bC�1I 1,; and 18, in Lafayette. The advaac�urged to attend the business �lICetill1! t ie ket, snlo has been large, and tilt!in the club room tomorrow at S. managers are confident that the clubHave Unclaimed Notices-Thcre will perform to full hOUSCH. Tho coveruro unclaimed notices ou the Senior plates of the score snd the costumesrne k for the following persons: D, 11, have been made by Chil"ago firms, alltlBurke, W. R. Erickson M. W. -Jncobs, are being delivcred. There will beF. R. Liddil, and C. Pleteher Tuylor. several complete changes of costumes.Junior rack: 'V. H. Chambers, liard:. for both men and "women," the latterL" '1 A W Hifl, Andrew Iverson especially having garmenb of the vervc.1:; I(�r, ' ., •Gregory L. Paine and Edward Studer, latest design and pattern. One of the-- features will be the pictnresqne scene.-Will Discuss Normal School-Pr(�si· of a sextet of gondoliers in nath·e rai-l1cmt Waldo of the Western State nor- mant, ' school, Kalamazoo, �liehigan, wil] Give 8ac:recl Coaeert.speak on "Thc Buitding of the N ormn 1T Pu .., , he rdue V�per chou prescllte(1Sehool" before the EducatIonal du.,. ht' B If' Id 1"9 a sacred lecture-coneert in Fowler halltomorrow Dlg In e Ie -. . T •uesday Dlght. The subject was "TheSeven Last Words of Christ," and theprogrlUll consisted of a short lectureon each of the seven. words by DeanC(lulter, followed by appropriate nlli'�ic by the choir. The funds are use.Jt\) meet the cxp8D8eS of the fortnight.J;. "espcr services and for training thechoit. ILLINOISComing, April 13, Easter Suncl.JOHN DREW,In a Doubb BillTH;: T"iRANNY CF TE..UtSTHE WILLPOVVERSRemy lWller Presents a NeW' Com�DADDY LeNa LEGSwith Ruth ChattertonCOR�'.Jack LaJt's New Pl:1.7HELP WANTEDA. Clean Comed7 Drama wtUlJIeDry Kolker"James" to Leave th,!janitor of EIIi� hall, who is lIeM higitin the esteem of the staffs of tJlf·Daily lIaroon and the Cap and Go\\- n. STUDEBAKERADELEA Comic OperettaFrom the 'PreIlch of ,Paul Herveand .lenn Briquet.New YO,k's Scnsa.tion.a.d KusIcaISuccess-The tune all Chicago Is�.hM resigned his position, and is pr(.'·paring to move to Canada. He will!:mnn�e n. hotel IIcar "'innipcg in conllf'Ction with his brother.Sue Badgra AIm1uii tor BiD.lIaclison, Wi&., April S.-An amnsirg and yet aerioua aft'air haa arisen:It the university of Wiaeou.sin eon.(:('rning the payments of debts in_('t.rrell by the 1914 Badger, the yearhe ok of the institution.:.' The Randallt'(.mpany, Who did 8OID.e work for then'I'1lm), i� suing the Badger board for$:!,:?;';',(l2. The questiOD whieh hasarisen iR whether the board, the editor:11:.1 hUl'Iiness manager or the entire1,1; l'CS (If ]914 i. responsible for thedeht. f;le,'cn of the fitty members or� 'It' ho:trll hR\'C aeeured a lawyet totnke ('hargo of the ease, which willr'l ohnht�· not come up untU next fall. o LVl\,4PICRupert liu�hes' ComedyEXCUSE MEWith the Peer of ComediansWILLIS P. SWEATNAlItFINE ARTSIRISH PLAYEB8Matinees Thun. aDd sat."PRUNELLA"princess-rBE N. Y. PRINCESS PLAYEB8Holbrook DUnn, DirectorIn Five Great Play HitsEachPertormance.�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashionSfor�cC!..U�TT. PE4\nODY &; co .. ll:c:. lIakcn Coulter Speab at Chapel.Pro(e�l'!or Coulter addressed the�('ni(lr college chapel yesterday in�rnnclcl uncI urged the students to'::lntage of thc !IIJllendid opportunitil'S offered thili! wee1C, and later byrooted "penkcrs to consider tho great:'C'Jigious problcms of life. He statedthat tho problem of the ehureh andreJigion hnd to be f�ed lqUarely byevery T('al man and student, and thattho present opportunities to learnr('al tMlthl'! of life !'hould Dot be over.looked. LASALLEKovfDc PicturesTHE DRUG TmUlORAIMERICAN JI1J8IC-ALLPan Jlaken SupremeKOLB & DILLOfPBCK 0' PICKLES"'" I,tlef�tln...eD11thHIwitf'lfo:thJo'i:oru.•PiVI6e:lit... �c.poldoiDto