.uroonVol XII. No. 113. UlfIVBBaIft 0 .. OBIOAGO. SA'rUBDAY, APBIL 4, 1914. PBIOB n9B.G.n."CONFERENCE GYlIEETIN BARTIm TONIGHTWrestlen,Fencel'S and GymnasbWill Compete for WesternTitle-Cbicago is Strong in Mandel APRJL 'MONTI-ILY DEAN SIQU, �_AT IEETING FRIDAYTO INTEREST STUDENTS BDJJNm AND 'DODSONMeet Tomorrow Afternoon to Plan FIGHT FOR· _lGOfor Edd) uctures-First Talk.0 •Scheduled for Tuesday Night Ruab' Medical FacUlty Mea to, Diacuu· Propo.ed. UDiOJ1Wilh'Univeriity of '1Dia_ ISSUECurrent Number of Literary Maga­zine Comes Out With Article ODGeologist·s Religion and Several Coaference 011 Legal aad�Poelns and Stories Philosoph,. WiIllWd' COD-yentioa in ChicqoHt'pre!«.'ntath-es of the Y. M. C. A. ....;,_ That the study of geology tends to____eummissions and other eampus orgaui- _,_ ALREADY PLEDGED break down one's b-:lief in religion. -GIVE D,'UVERVETERANS FINISH COMPETITION zlltious will meet in Harper MIl to- Rush at least in the religion of one's fath; Inn FRIDAY ]OGHT. 8trong oppoaition to unitingmorruw at 4:30 to make preparattcns .i. er�JlIore than any other "''''.:cllce does,f ,. t' th G medical college with the university t).1. I f Alb' 'I' S II il beWith everyt hing set for the CUll- or urousmg Interes In e eorge ". t�' i8 the stutemeut uf R?,Icri.:k Peutt ie, 'ro essor Ion n. rua ,w I .f . .. I t ""ILL' lIlt t k It lll1n018 was raised by Dean Frank Bul- .. f tJ e speakers at the opelll-nlllernve gymuastre, lC'uclllg UUt wres - 0;:: l�rWOOI .r ... t t y ee ures nex wee. . . '14! Jr an article entitle.} .. ·.. ·he R;- one 0 J __)• .1' BIt I I . 'J I th t ,. E·1.1 'II . ill!!s of Rush and Dean J. M. DotliiUn me t'ug f th C nferenc o n T.�,·'.ll!g lIlC'et tuduy In art et , tie utest J!J 1'U",SI , e a ..ur. uuy WI arrrve.. -. , . li.Jun l.f a Geologist,' 111 the issue of e 1 0 e 0 e �a-h U" J fIt" PI '11 06 the Metbcal department of the Una- .1 So 'I Phifoso hy' the weatreport s gh'o t 0 uivezsity teams :111 re ore t re mee 109 IS over. ans W! 1'):\.' Literary Monthly, !' .bllshed ves- anu cia I ..... P In. .. . \'el'Sity at a speeial meeting of th\! f h L h F . laevcellent chalice to finish at the top L·C' nuule to interest every student In terday, Peattle ere-Ilta his faith ant] 100m 0 t e aw se 001 next rll yin each divisiou, Wr�tlers frum Iowa, the talks 011 "Student Problems of �::�I me�=:��::�lty ��:�tnjgh;o:!t::: ;!vr.!"o»( ;!llion of 'life to :Ij;.i !.uo\\"!t,;I'ge The session wHI be joint .with 'jtheHliuois nud Xebrusku urzived yester- :\[UII\' Lnnds,' the first of which will of geologienl facts. lIe finds the pres- Western P�ilusop�cal assoeiat,i�t!tJ�', and Xebraska sent u single gym- be �i\"('n tomorrow night at H at the speeches were made for and ,against tht."enee of Go'" in each roek crystal, He Friday's program follows:t I' S th 'It, h n' th ill H)'II" Pnrk Baptist church. proposed action, but the majority 01 I J) f f Natur I Rightsunsr, . uu WIC W 0 .. on e -.... relates the evolution of his ideas eon- n e ensa u J. a 1 •t!i,·i,luul gym touruameut there this llr. E,ldy will speak Tuesday, Wed, the speeches were in favor of going toceruing the supernatural. . _ .. _ ' .. __ • _ Warner fit.w iuter, nesday and Friday nights at ;:30 in Illinois. "At first," he says, '·the vugu� the SOllie --\specb of the Idea of N�W'eFour ��'mnusts, who hnve been thl! in Malulel. The outcome of the meeting was the Ievely was gone from. my existence. • ..... " , .. _ .. _ ..... " John De�eY'lll:aill�t:lyS ur the University team for Students Are Appointed. rofer�ing of the matter to' the couucil, Wht"n I began to study geology, I.was Jus N�turale Rediv ivium .. ,M. B .. CoJaeQtl:e lust twu y(>ars will cODll,lcte their Willia.m Weiser, Harold Wright,DolI- ctJmposed of the deans and the heallill sttippetl of faith antI left without th� Nah:!':l} I.aw antI Internatio�al. Be-term U1 I�ollll'etition tudny_ They ur,,' uM Bean, Harry Swanson and Andrew of the departments at Rush, for fur- protection of a merciful Gotl. Thcn lations , Jesse S. ReevesCnptain Weakly, Pa.rkiusol� COllfer- Sobndt have been appointed to repre.- ther eonbiderat.ion. This body will cou- slo�ly anel kintlly, it tlawnetl upon Dl(� 1.}re .N'omcl!clature of Legal Philoeophyel:'!O Ch:Ullpioll last ::ear. Squair a11,1 St'nt different classes of the Unive.r. fer with President James of the uni-that e"er�' phenomenon was an inspir- anfl a Bricf for the Study of No-l'f,I"'rt,.. P .... kl·nson w.... a\\"nrtlell u .sit.v in the campaign. They will be In nrsit.v of Illinois and with the boarll th mosupllV' . John W Wigmore� .." &lOA ...,... :lt�on. With a greater reverence an J •• - - - • • • • -I ' k C . Ott the Y �1 C .A. office Cobb lA, everv of trustees of the Univrsity of Chic&" Tl L' '1 l' I t' f R I 'c!mujur C for' liS wor. aptaln u- . - - • , ob-. Diy boyhood know,I was again brought Ie rurma .e a lun 0 u e ,anSen of the fcucing team also com- ,13y to explain to students thego, before makIng a final report to thl!to my knees in the worship of the Discrption ... __ . _. Albert, Koeourek1.I('tes bis competition. jects and values of the lectures. faculty. Eterna:l." The Criterion of Disl'retion_Hoffer Looks for Victory. WU! Be Bnterta1Ded., Dr. Billings announced that $500,000 l Praises Oscar WUd� •. , _ �. J. W. Hud80nMr E,ltlv will be the guest of honor . rat('oat'll Hoffcr believes that the strllq- -... has already ooen prollUsed toward th� H.An appreciation of �ar Wiltlc" The Er,i'4temologic Basis of Gene,t a Unner to be gIven by the drst 0000 'd f . 8' . .gIl' for t he gymnastic titlc will be be- .1 t. bl' it entlowment of $1,30 , require or is contrihuted by Alexan(ler Kaun, Rulf!�, . , .. , ... _. Da.vld. weD801lJl(1 second cabInets and the pu u! y.. _:6.�.-- .. - - -t�ve('J1 Chicago, lIlinois anll Wisconsin. a. . union with Chicago. He stated. that '16. __ The.:.. arlicle._Js...� .. JL-.disc.uasion --of The�furtll- Criterion in-',&,me- Reee.....:- k t comnlltt�e of the Y. W. C. L. MontI."! '.. -. ·b:.....;.� tha--.. -th - i -. _ .. _ .. _ -..... D -'Cr.ptuill 'Veakly w1l1 ma e a s rong .• _'... _ .•. _ .. _.___ �_'.. .''U'" there'''UI-�'''''-'''''' m.,T .. eo _ <'- Wih1!)'s works, with laullatory re- SuprPlJle l:uurt eClsl�ns.. .: '� .--- '. ---- .. �- ·�-II· . a f) In LexlDgton -CommoD& ..IUn. '. ·U be raised .' 0' F 'i. S .......bitl (or thc all around Donors. � 1Il01:i. _ Dl&1nder of the sum WI oln marks about his life. Dorothy Lle,,- ,. _'. __... __ . . . �A . �rapl,canJ to have a slight au\'antDge in Flcmil'g, 3 returned ml8S10nary fromthe �ifi.ed time. Union with Illinois, II I 'Th 1. he Na.ture of Soeial Rules. .•, . _ . 'I I Intlia anll Miss Raymond the student -r--_ th lit' .. llyn writes a short story ca et .e. S alltht" (cnclIlg tllvl810n, but wIlla"'!, , he declared, IDlght mean at po leS Dumb." in which she brings the ques , __ ... , ..•..••• � .•. Albion W. II! ., , . s �retary for the Union of the Centrnl . 'I d· ,Rtifr comretltlon when they meet Ch�- t. would enter mto the sehoo an men tion of capital and labor before the I Boscoa Pomul to ......Cf&!.to·s swortl mcn. Little is known of Field eommitt�e of .the Y. W. C. A., would be appointed through political !'eader, in narrative form. The ehar- An infc,rmal dinner will be giV8&tll� abilitics of the wrestlers. Intliana will also be entertained.. pl1ll. New equipment he stated to be Reier of Sharkey in Verni Blaekett's the ass�iat..ion Friday night at :>'ua�'h· h I T�e Committee of 100 and the eahl-bit I whether R J 'hns a st�ong team, w Ie recent y com' . _ a so 11 e v necessary, U8. sketeh, "The Endless Rouml," is tIrawn l:nil'crsity club by members from Noi-thneb: will meet at 3:30 Monday With •Ch- t.I)leted a trip in the East. .., c(.mes tQ ICagO or no to offer a glimpse· of the life of n westt'rn 3n(1 the University. The iopi.Mr F..ddv to plan for publicity for hIS____� kid.. '.' Was JfaI'PeZ''' � tramp. of the round table discussion ·wiU-:'beGJ']IIJ18B1ica: Ic-tures.Dean D�son emphasized . Dr. BiU- Three poem�.' a sonnet, "Dream- "The .\tlvancement of PhilosOp1aic.Side Horse-Illinois: Sweeny, Bu- SOPHCIIIOBBS PL&J( DAKOB ing's remarks and dwelt 00. t�e fac&. Ships," by Raymond A. Antlerson, Jurisprudence."eher, Fischer; Chicago: Smith, Squair, AND PIOBIe � quAB� that it was &I"ays Presid�Dt' �arper's "The Oriole" by Augusta Swawite anll The Saturlla�- prog1llm will be heJeIWeakly, Parkinson, Nelson. Wisconsin,.". d��e· that -R�-· and . the University ··The OM Story" by Dorothea W"�h- at the City dub at 9_ Professor 'ROI-Garling, Replinger, Richardson. Nt) Four DoIlan Dddt in. � Be- shouler be" Wiiie(L }"urne; ('omplete the fi('tlon in this i�- coe I'ounel of Han'ard will speak �, ••brnska: Southwick, Harkson, Drewing, ported.-8ix WJa SeD. CIaIB Dr. Be\'an. of t�e Rush faculty back- 31le. "Rule anll Discretion in the Act mill-Picrc:e. . � ed the proposition of, going to Illinois V � BAS'BBAT I SQUAD istrat.ion of .Justice," Professor FreundHorizontal Bar-Illinoi!l: Kam, Nil-An informal dan('e, a picnic, a tea for three reasons.· He declared tbat. \JIBJrrS LOCAL TBAJiB !flO DAY on '·!.egi�lnth'e anel Administnit�nnsen, FiHehcr. Chieago: Parkinson,and a smoker, form the Sophomore so- thE' teacbing of medidne should be a.. Disc-retion," antI C. H.' Crownhart _RObertson, Weakly, Gray, Laval, Wis-phomore 8O�ial calendar- for the quar· state fundio'n; that the time is no\\" Coa� � 8eDds Keu A.piust JI.edi- "Tlre Wisconsin Industrial r"omm'ia,.cunKin, Ga.rling, Replinger, McLaren, tu announced at a class meeting Y':'S- ripe for a big state m'eClical School in cal CoDep %eam � Chicago �i.,"_" nL�ussions will be le(1 byXt:braKk:., Southwiclq,. Harkson, Drow- ' 'II" . , R' h I,· om T,-.I---. ...... - p. 'r B W F" D 11 J-- ..tertlav in Kent theater. The tea 1U Illinois; and that us eoo \,l acc -. -..-- .enry aU. atcs, . • Of Co. _ ••irlg, Pierce. Indiana: Beeler. be h;hl Sunday, May 3, at some fm- pJiRh mueh �ore with a field whose P. Hall, :1nel Arnolll B. Hall.Pn I) I Ba---Dlinois Kamm Nil Conch Page's Varsity baseball squnll .ra e .or- : , ... 'tcrnity house, and the -dance' will l� seope �ould be broadened through con- Tho p,xeeuth'e com�ittee of the Con·sen Bucher Chicago: Parkinsin,Rob . '. . "ill oppose two loeal teams tottay in J De b'·,.. given in the Beynolcla. el�b in the neciion with a Rate univeraaty. ference is composed of. wey,� If'-Cl'ts, Wet\kley, Gray, Holhngsworth. near future. Definite dates and pla('t"s B.a BIuJaIh to otr.. the outsicle games of the sCMon. Oneman; Jnmes K Crp,i�hton. George. W.Wjscohsin�: Garling, Rep�nger, :Me· will be set by the l!IOCial eomittee at Se\.eral' sPeaken aaeerted that Bush sq'la(1 will meet, the Physi�ians an·1 Kirt"hw:.y, William D. Lewis,· � .. ",Cr·r('n. Nebraska· O--thw· .. k Hark- ..' SnftNlnns team In the mornmg, anll a.. - • gVQ --,n meeting nen week. hu enough to ofl'er the Un1\'erslty 01 ·e-- Pnund ,fnmcs H. TuftB anll Morris Ie.sl'n, Drewing, Pierce. Indiana: Ere- A deficit of four dollars in the Chieago without the $1,3000;000 -.!n- ��on(l bunch will taek.le the Chi(':tgo C(,h;.n:hnrt. -. _ Telepho�es in the afternoon.trt"uory \VaS reported. Fre"enck Bur- dowment, that ita hIgh standing L't a_.Jo'lying Rings-Illinois: Buck, Nil· • ...' , Rnlhant ball eannot be expected !to �OB P'A'D_ ...- ,"A_cky, Carl Wei ..... , Ralph Cornwell, medieal 8Chool, Ita wonderfol ebnleal. _ . .aa.&.n0 __ .&g .&&"I �sen, Bue�bel:. Chicago: Parkinson, Rob·. . t . . I early In the season, and It IS probahle, , Roth Manlerre, Dorothy DaVIS an( facilities, and the quality of ItS gnu -.erts, 'Ve:tkly, Hollingsworth, Da'·IS." - . C I '11 II the class be Ir..' t . I that both games Will be rnb,;ed, eospe-•. _ , . ",,_arJone oon ey_ Wi Be uates, shf)Old a lRlulClen In( oee-. . . .'�ISCO. nSIll: Garhng, Rephnger, Mc. k .. _ tho ............ r 1_-at· ·th Ch' elally If the cold weather continues. -0 Bold �--. '__ta _. 2.SO· �• _ tit" e_ 18 '4- _, • .ent for ama-&_ 10D WI leago.. 4 6 uut& .... I- - • ,kron ... Nebra."ka: Southwick, Hark-.. f I' - 1 r'k I The teams wlll be made up from the Ilule Cut TeD Chona .....The opportunities or e Inl('a wo. '8('n, bt-el\'ing, Pierce. BBF ftlBGLl'IZ. JI&OOY, b • h • tal.. Ch'l f(lllowing 8CJuad: Catehers: Manh,'. are the Pres ytenan _pI I -_Ttlmhlit.s:-Illinois: Orr, Brunkow, AlO) 8O'jR .'MUD WILLdrens' Memorial hospital, Home for Harger; pitchers: Baum�rtnC'r, (,,'er�', Final tryouts for the minor pam I.Ru('her. Chi«:lll;o: La\'&1, Parkinson, SP.BAK '1.% OOli'DftOlf h Ce I F KixmilJer, Shull, Des .Jarllien and th .. c."�. t of "The Stullent Superior"Crippled Chil(lren and t e ntn ree I ,"' ..Wcnkl�-, Da\'is, Curtis. In(1ian:t: • I 6te,·en..�on; 6"'t hR8Cmen: :Sorgrcn. will be heM at 2:30 to' I n.\- in the R�y.'II J Fonr members of the ChemIstry c e- ciiPpensary •.IOmI)s�n ones, KraW'C. Nebrn!"ka: h I De!. Jar(ti�n antI lleConncll; infichl- 1.'01.1 ... cllih th .... t ... r. X.'·one of the part"nnrtment will (lelh.-er speeches at t � Dr. Billings has rCC'cntly return('( , ., v-<, "�outhwick, Jlarkson, Drewing, Piercc_ ,. el'S Leon a rtl Bohnen Crwin Geor ... C'fortv_ninth meeting of the American '10m a prolonged 8tay in Europe, anti' , ,.. po •Werl- filled h,-Wiscol1�in: RepJinger, Garling, lft�-· U d . C·n"in f h McConnell, Willartl anll Cole; olltfielcls: "",e r ... hears ... ls-Chcmical lIOeiety .-uon ay In I...· the meeting was ealled or t e pur· \oJ' " .,Claren, Haack" }"l1rgott. N f ·11 I.ibonati, HarfPer, Grny Stain� Tol I IT Inati, Ohio. Professor J. U. e WI WMt8e of di8eolllJing the prC8ent Ritll:l �",I ,f'nllcr�f'n a soClub 8l\'inging-11Iinois: Orr. W1S_ r' and Hopp .tfllk on "The Chemistry of Enzymic lioll with the dean. OYer one hun- man. in thc ChOrllR.C'clm"lin: Rcplingcr. Chicago, Squar. IWrestllu: Action," Professor Stieglitz on ··Mole dred m�n, nearly the entire RUI'h tnc· cro �dciz.. KetlaodiR llelllben. .E��ht chonLOJ men were ,leelared ia-125 Ihs.-Indiana: lIeinzer, Wall, C'l1lar Rco&rrangemnts of H�bd�ne!"" ulty, were prnent. 'II'K. Ma,! C. CurtiR, college SCC're-1 ehg.lhle hy the cleanft yestertlay, reoWi'... 'Professor McCoy on "Contn utlon to t"'ry of the Cin('innati hran�h of the' I dnC-lng the total nomber of me. _ toWil1iam�. Nebraska: Pascnle '" __ H__ JIodI IIeet. -• .•the Kr.owledge of t.he Actinium Ber· --- -y W C A will � to tbe Metho- tl.irt\'-two. Forty nrc nt"etlcll. • .Thereec.!1Sin: Schmitt. Minn�ota: Linlh�itoR" anfl Dr. Schlesinger Oil ·'Solo- University ruling botlies will m�t di� �t"';'be� of the LNgne Tu"",ln'" are �ln�('lII (or four mcn of small.etAt·man, Antlcrson.· Iowa: Hyman. tin�s of Some Formatett and of lIy- tollay in Harper M28 �t .the (ollowJngat 4 in Lesington 3. The ohjec't C:f: orf', :1nll "ix Inrgcr men. CudidatMChieago, Davis.J l' clrogen Chloride in Fonnic Ade"" hoonl: �rd of AclmulIS10ns 9� �r.1 CIt tht" mt"eting iR to �t.. ,blish a. ("on' }'a'-e �n a I''k e.l to rt'port ·at 2:30]3;; Ih�.-J1linois: Sc hrOCll cr. nl1fl'. n r Stud t Orga ·ations, PobbutlOns •N Gnn7.. nUMnS' the absen«!e of the8e me� r. 0 f!.n. • nl. 0 nec-tion between eollt"ge students al'.1 :;\fonflny in !\{ftnflcl han.. .nn: :\ryer�, Fostcr. 'ebraska:jII .. r'kins will act as head of the ChClll- and Exhibitions, 10, and the boartlft ofJthe mil1t4ionary boards of the Metho-j .. , am greatly diftappolnte.l," ,.aiel(CoDtiDOed on pap 4.) I istry departmeDt. .... .JDDior ad SeDior eolleges, 11..I::tt lallft"UA: C (Collti.Ded 0:1 .,... I.)WILL BB FILL3D crODAT•1.'0nC'h Colemall after'last night. Maaagt'rreportf"1t ten '-lWaneicafiB DAILY JIABOON, 8.�1'UBDAY, APBlL 4, 1914b. w. c.auapa..... hqas........ Uninnity religious sentce. 11,11an­dftl.Talk on Princeton, 11, Harper IDLConference IJ'JD meet, 7:30. Bantett.11 ........ 1'� ....B ............. MOl\"DAY.Junior college chapel, men,lea.... .. MCOA4-au. aaa1I at ua. llandoLc--.. ......... CIdcap. w.. MucIa 11.1 .... ....,. .6-CIt 01 .II&nJa .. 1''lL ON KSN'8 COllrlKONS I (Is Def1c1t tor UDiversity-sLast nacal YearA Ioss of over $l,HOO was sustuiuedby t he lIcu·s· (.;omJUoul:S duriug thefiscal year just closed, TIll' Greeu­wood counnous W� maiutuiued at ahISS of $6116. The surplus der] ved froll'thl' Lexiugtou lunchroom was so great10:15, hcwever, that a net credit of morethun $11OU wag reported for the year.ConneU point SJ'Slem committee. Owing to the Income received f'roru10:30, Harper 1110.There W:IS au Increase in )"l'cl'il'ts fromConcert procram recital. 4:15, Man It' . 1 I"'"- stu, eu Ii 111 resu euee at tIC '-' urversit y...... Pre.. 1111 CO" ••• Oro" • .0\,,, ...... t!l-l. l-ut this was otrSl"t by :1 decrease iu .Bota.nlcal club, 4:30, Botany 13. receipts 011 account of the eurt aitmeutPIlyslca club, 4:30, BJ'I'BOD 32. .of work iu the Uuivcrsity Exteusiou.. Zoological clnb, 4:30, Zoology 2-1. lectu.. re department.New Testament club, 8, Haskell 12- The percentage from iuvcst ed f'uudsof The Daily MarooUL published five TUF.sDAY h:L'i grown from 3:t percent iu Hlo;j L,times per week at Chicago, Hliuois, .Junior college chapel, women .. 10:15. ij!i. percent, while tbe amount of moueyrequired by the Act of Augu�t 24, Jf.:mdeL received from llr. Rockefeller has .Il·"1912. Chicago SymphonY orchestra con. creased iu the game pcrio\1 f'rom 2-1llanagiu¥ Editor, Martin D. Stevers, cert, 4:15, MandeL pereeut to 1 percent. Be e uuse of tlal'lChiearo, Ill; Business Manager, Bur- Freshma.u. dramatic pla,y .:31\, grt'ater number of buil.lings 011 thedette Mast, (''hicag� Ill.; Publisher, Greenwood biaU. C'10lpU�, nu increased expenditure isE. C. Babcock, Chicago, ID� Eddy lecture, 7:30, Jr,andel. reported for their malnteuunce,Published by the student. of the Christian ScieDCe society, 7:15, Lex-University of Chicago. I.nJtton 14. GiVe BOWIe party in Michigan.Average number of copies of each The old aud new mmbers of the YIssue of this publication sold or dis; ''''. C. L. cabinet are giving a wed;tzibuted, through the mails or other- : Campus News : end hose party at Union Pier, llidliwi!le, to paid subscribers during the =====:C::====-====-==3a.six months preceding the date of this.statement, 1 .. 000.hope not; we of the proletariat would PIlysI.dsts Will lleet-At the Ph�'"be thankful for a chance to enjoy in deft cluh meeting Montlay at 4:30 !Dour crude way, the sheer beauty I)f Rye�on 32, Walter 'Whiting will di�­the gard�n, though probably we couM cu�s ··The Absorption of Light inadd nothing to science by our pres_ :Space," and Leonarcl Loeb will talkeJlc�. We will promise not to pick th\? on "The Atom-Ions of the Chemien!flowers, uproot the ferns, or disturb Elements."the acquisition uf scIentific learnin�.if we are given the prh·i1ege. Harvard. JIaD to 'l'alk--Professor'Cliiforfl of Harvarcl unh·ersity wi11TKB CALL TO BAftLB. talk on uIndividu1l1ism "in Religion inRoy Ba1dridg� '11, has sounded the the Roman Worl.!" at the Cla�i{'nltrumpet; and now the legions of Uni· elub dinner Weelne�dky at 6:30 invel'8ity men will go down to battle. HutchinRon. cafe.Yea, down to the depths of iniquity­tor so is the First ward characterizeJ. 'l'alb OD SermoDS-Ch�!el l(cCownThese bl'3'·e warriors will fight witb- will talk on "Sermon" in the New Tes·out recompense, save tbe reward \)f tflmp.nt and Contemporary Lit�"'ture" •doing a great civic duty-for is it not at the New. Testament Club meetinJ,t •••••••••••• _.a \"irtue to o,·erwhelm the eoborts of lJoJIClav at 8 in Haskell 12.the Bathhouse, and bring that great •lord to defeat? WID .eet cn..-Dean Shailer �ra·S t'riou sly, Unh·ersity Olen here have t.hews will {'ondud hiH hible ClRl\.� :l�a ('huge to show real eourab"C in "ot- ul'ual tomorrow morning. In th� ar·iDg tor the right. Probably their �f temoon he will leetur� at tho Dnh'''!"­i(lrtJ will not result in the vidory of "it�· of Illinois.Mi!'l:l Drake-perh8� !'Iueh a result -0 ....... __& ��� "o���!'Isoeint�would be unfortunate; hut e"erv hl"w D' . . 1 1k th I 1· ) . Prnfr.,",or Ca� of the . I\'anlty Sf" 100stJ'lJ� at 0 Of gmg IOlIl'Ie vot.,. •overy re.luetion in .. he numher of will "peak at, the Stu.lent 'oll1nteerh:mcl meetinJ! :\lon.la1 at 1 :30 in lA'x­"fJcatera" who .manage to exerril'e thf'hlgtun H.81JB11Ca1nlOM &A%D.., eanier: '1.11 a :r : 'LII a callan.,.II:r .all, ,LII a :r : U.Zi • callaner.1Id1&erSal·Bu1aae OIDce. Billa U.or..... 1114 •• , .... .o\,ftar II P IlLarde Putt 61 ••• Student volunteer band, 1 :30,lllgton 14.. 8TATEJIBNT or THE OWNERsmP,JlANGEJf.ENT, cmcOLATION,ETC ..Will Produce (lrisf,Dal Pbys......;Thrceoriginal plays will be produced by theB. P. Mast,B. M Dramatdc club this quarter. No 1,1:,,·wnness anagcr. .Sworn to and subscribed before me contest will be held this year.this 30th clay of March, 1914. Henry Score Club Gives Dance-Score elubL. Strock, Notary Public. (My com- will give the first dance of the quarmission e.xpires March ;, 1917.) ., � ter today at 2:30 at Rosalie hall, Sill.and Harper.ftIB BOTANY GAh.DESS. :Meet. Monday KorDing-The poin!The only trouble with those gartlenll, system �coii;mittee of tbe Und�rgra.�­Is that they will not be here soon uate council will meet Monday atenough. With the 80ft days of spring 10:30 in Harper MI0. The coun�i1 will3t hand, what will be finer than a so- meet hereafter on Wednestlay �ight�journ amongst the won.ders of· plaut at 7 in Harper MlO. .life, there to be displayecl with 80 __Iavish a hand? But the promise of a �o D1scuss l"ish-"The Reaction o!"fenc� seems ominous;, perhaps tbe::e I'.ishes to Temperature" will be eli=­beauties will be reversd for those who cussed by Morris Wells at tbe Zoo!·will look on them only with coldly sei- ogi�al club meeting Monc1ay at 4:30 if)entific: glances, while they discuss the Zo)ology 24.plants in Learned Latin terms. Let usfl'Auchise, i. a gain for ch'ie mornlity,effieiency, and economy. In the In"t. nland!' of �lean dti:r.cnRhir. Th�ro j"lDA),oralty campaign, when Unh'craity a erying need; nn.l th� men or the'men turned out on behalf of Professor t!nivel'8itv-the fcllow" who ha,·c t.ht'lIeniam, there waH real excitement in tim .. an� "houlel ha\"e the int�rC8t­the Fint. Whether this is an ad.l�.l are th� on� who "houM takc hoMineentive, depends on how husky a ahove all othen. Lali't timc the Uni­maD i� and his thirst for adventure. 'V('�ity managf!d to rcdu{'e the Fi .... tBut for those who e&l'e to go the work ward vot� mor .. n�arly to it.4J legitimateiteelt will be a great reward. Anel size than e\"er before in the hi"toryilleideDtal1y, it win shoW' that Univer· ot the C!ity. Can we hope for a 1'Cp4'­-tT DIU are DOt iDcWrerut to the dc· titiOll of Jamory? u,.!,iitioll:tl oudowmeuts, :UI iucreu,... e ofLex- �·HUOO exlsts for the eut ire ye:lr .AJVi'U?ROWCOLLARSmartly expresses the besti!l Collar styles. 2for25c.':Iuett. Peabocy c,. Co.. lnc.. Maken.. �1IR HO'IEL or AM�ICAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWAanINOTON. D.C. A SHOPOF CHARACTERCatering st ric t l y toyoung men and offeringonly the finest of ready­to-wear clothing and hab­erdashery.INDIVIDUALITYIn leady-tO-Wear ClothesHere youw ill fin "d ')(ready-to-wear� ........... w""'__'.���� RAlW.:aoo.., � "'u........ pmate ... :_.so. -.00 up.-.so, -.00 up.Writ .... s....;, a...Jet "B" trit ........ Clfford M. J..ewia,.JIAlIJAGEIL. •1914 SpriDg FabricsAre DifferealThe ne\v effects inB I u e s, Grays andGreens-including RichTartans-are here.We're showingterns you'll not seeelsewhere.New'Tariff Values.$25, $30, $35,aud upwards for suit or overcoatNicoll the TailorW!! Jerremtl SonsClark aDd Adams Streets, Ch1cago. garments, tail­all the nicety ofpriced customtailored work, and with a dis-� ..tinctiveness in sty le not to befound elsewhere. Prices arelower than you would expectfor apparel of such 'unusualworth.Snits and Overcoats $25.00 ana U,lOgilvie & Heneage18 & 20 E. Jackson Blvd.Occupying the Entire Second FloorThe Brand atthe Iii Round Up" isllBull"The � of t� West long ago discovered in"Bull" Durhaoi tobacco "the M31tingS" of the most saI­is.IJJintl cigarettes in theworld-tbc: kind they rolled forthemselves with their own hands, to suit their own� from tIli.... � mellow tobacco.That homely Western term, "the Makings" basbecome the most famous smoke-pht':' ..t;e in the world.Today""" of men of all classes and �tioDs­but of the' same c1ea�ut, r.1C!nig Iype- find the samesu� satisfaction in the fresh, hand-made cigarettesthey roll from. GENUINE"BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(Enoarl/rtr 1-. ............. Itt ed �-)TIlere is a � aroma to "Bull" Durham that aDmen like. It is prOduced by a secret J>1:OCeSS known<!Illy to the makers of "Bull"Arltf�FREE Durham. Itisdeliciouslyfra-=:�� �nt and adds one or moreen�yab1e qualities to this su­perb tobacco.F R E E An IIlasrrad Booklet,� how " "RollYoarOwa, "ada Aootofc:il�pepers,_in bach be maiJed,.fne., to any eddress inU. S. on �aI � Address "BaIl"Darbam, Darbam, N. c.. Room 1210.TH8 AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANYpat-CLASSIFIEDDYElTlSEIUNI'S .� WABD mGe 8WDIIIDIGBJlRLBJIB H �AlIE IIBNChicago Complete. IIoat 81Icc...rvl5c: per line. No acherti8ementa re- Schedule in Yean--PaYlicek Scorea Dr. William Lawrence of Colgueeeived for le88 than 25e. AD c'u,u'ed " 1-2 Polnta. university will preach Sunday at 11 inadvertisementa mast be »aid til &4- F." ht h bee ded MandeL He wu for twenty years tho.. lg men ave n reeommenby (.o .... h Wh'te t . th . pllator of the second B8ptiat church of, � I 0 recen'e e JDlnor .' . .Th . h . ChIcago. and It was .mainly due to him.SAL'rICSU'AV W .. -- swimming "C's", ese elg t havo . . .��.. .ft.A' ... �-A live youug {" t th ff _1_ t.hI' th' ua e 0 ICla.us of e UwversityIlIUU to tIIJJicit orders for quick sell- eeen picked frow ose sWlwmers whoth ��.. . were able to meet the eonwtioDB ofscored points in e WVO:;WJ ag&ln�tConfereuce teams. Pavlleek Neff Ly- 11r. Joh& D. Rockefeller before thelli8 B d G _.1_ Sh'· I '01 fcuuding of tho University. Aftern e mun, oUUJllan, II ey, -. • .sou lUll 1 Parker are the receivers of h.'aVlng Chicago, Mr. Lawrence wlisthu letters. rastor of the East Orange church, E8.StFOR �ENT-�y month or season, Chicugo completed the moat sueeess- Orange New Jersey_ Ywcal directortents III a lillie grove ovcrlookin.r f I ," £ Stevens will give anorgau recital st• • ., U ti\\ uuuuug seUQU or many ye8111.Laku lllchJgrw. Double compartment; 'rbc uieu started out with two de- 11):45.eereened ; furnished. Address 'Box 55 f t t th h d "".Lakeside Micbiguu. ' va ti a e an s of .L,orthw.,.teru, JOHN GREENE BLBC'!'BD. , but succeeded in capturing the remain, SENIOR �WANTED-}'our students having had ialg dual meets decisively, Wiscontlinsail'S experience, to travel during :lIltl Hliuois falliug before the prowesssummer mouths. Must be able to dem- of Couch White's men. The team .6.n- -Iohn Greene was elected treasurer ofonstrute t he prluciples of salesman- Ished seeoud iu the record of dual the Senior elass at a meeting yester­ship to others, Chas, Scribners SOU3, meets with Conference teams, and took c!uy in Cobb. Beports were read from6(18 S. Dearborn St. third place in the Couference meet at the soelal and class "ift cOJnlDitq,es.I-;,':tntitou, elosely preaslng the Ieaders, Cllairman Shilton of the Gift commit­WANTED-A bright, pushing college Pavlicek and Neff were the Individ- tee gave an outline of the plaus forman-e-to sell accident insurance to " ib. . unl stars, although all of the men put ulstrl uting the class seholarshlp fuud,UURllICgs aud professional men only. U .d 116 B ... '. forth their best efforts. Pavlicek .lnr. an .l.U.rs. oynton, MISS Dlcker-Gooll cOIllPcnsatlon to die right party. '.1 U' •.. scored lrigh for the Beatson counting �m anu .LUlSS Langley wdl be chaper-W. C. Powell, 1.5 W. Jackson Bh'd. - '14 1-2 points during the schedule. He CI!es at a tea tomorrow at 3 at theWANTED-A number of stullenta to br(.ke the Couference record in the Alpha Tau Omega house, 923 East 60thdo outsicle summer work. Earnings olle hundred and fifty lard back street. The Seniors voted to accel'tlimited ollly by your own efforts. stroke, and tied the record in the for. tile Junior chaUenge to a' batJobaUWorth investigating. Get busy_ Ad- ty yard dash. Neff, who haa been gruno to bo bolll earl)' in May.drSR H. 1_ Geh'in, Scribbler House, elected n�xt year·s captain, scored 57 VE t ll'� . A . OLUN"lEBB BAND GIVBvnnH on, Ut. .[Nants. ecordlDg to Coach White,bdh ot these men deserve grea.t credit KANY STUNTS BEFOBBf rth' k ." GUB8'1'S LAST lUGHTCI ear wor In tlConng more poIntstlmn have been scored by Chicago men StUIlls by natives and returnetl mis-(or many years. .sion:\ries were the features of tho Stu-The total number of points seorell uent Volunteer party last uight_. Ttl,!during the season by each man follow: blind entertained 150 delegates to the}'a\'licek • • ', __ •..••• _..... 74 1-2 KnUBas City convention and theirl\�tI _ ••• _. _ ••••••••• __ •••• _..... 5! f!i!��� . ���� _JM»a� J�tlia, .the::-Phil-­Lyman •..•.. _ •••••.•• , ••••.. _ •.• _ • 16 ]irines, Persia, and };gypt were repr'!­R(',lmon ••••••••••••• _ •••••• _... 15 feutl'el (.n the pro�ram. Tlie numbel"JGoodman ..• _ .• , •.••••••••.. " • • • • • 13 OUNlibH�d of naUollU .il .. ilic, feat:J ofShirley ..••• _ •••••••••• ' •••••• _ • • • � ID.,Jc� anel portrayals f)f na!i'."e c'l'l-Olson • 2 1-2 t(\m� oLel costumes_Parker •• _ • __ ••••• ••••••• _ 2 1-2Total number of points �ored by uocaUed f. KaU.the Chicn.ao team in all meets, 191 1-2. There is unclaimed mail at the fae-flVe'q aIdrt.; tt'. the '-aTot.al number of points scored by .tlty exchange for the following per-ol'ponents, 241 1-2. s�ns: M_ Aldrich, L_ Angle, E_ Aanelr: ..'l'bo �Tniversity of Chicago swim- 88on_ T. Bailey, J. H. Bramhall, .J_ E.mer!:' scored forty.foUr per cent of all Bahlus ••J. G. Carters, H_ Clark, M.Ear I 11 W i I son l)(tsttibk points i.n the season's ached. }'. Crow, M� C. Doyer, C_ E. Gehl�ult., and fifty-tw'o per cent of all pos- I'. E. Guyer, A_ Bedor, W. 'p- JonC2C,eiltle points against Cooference teams. Nama Lathe, A_ Holte, J. H_ lIarriM.Coach White's men cO:llpleted their B. Hagel\. E. L. Joyce, F_ D_ .Jackson,water basketball season with a recor,l P- S_ Kneishaw, F. M. Lange, C. n.Com Exchange National Bank of three games won and three pmes Lindeblad, D. D. Lucy, M:. R· Meyers,IN.t. Wisconsin and the Hamilton E_ lfather, B- G- McCain, F_ B. l\lil.dub were the victims, the latter fall- ler, Bl"nj_ Nelson, J. S. Neffsinger, II.Capital ..... _ . __ •. __ • •• 13,000.000.00 ing ill two contests. Of the games ll. Severn" W. A. Swim, 0_ J_ Thatcherlos. NorthwC$tern took two and IUi- E. C· Tempi .. J- Starmer, L_ N_ Ne-Sarplua . _ .. • •• 5,000,000.00 I:ois olle. Chicago finished the Beason tarnith. 11. Slater, W_ L. Wright, R.UDdlvlded Prolog........ 1,000,00.00 in third plaee in this division. Weisman and I. C. Webster.Chom" llaster Moore, yesterday, ··be-• CO:U\8e the quality of this year's show·lesen-os better support from the stu- Beta Phi Gina 8moker�The Chicn.dent body. I want to aee at -'least ge. alnrn.ni chapter of the Beta Phiten more men oat next Monday at fraternity held a smoker at the homp,2:30 in the Reynolds club. l)t the local chapter last night-"PI3n" are going ahead rapidly totthe pro.luctions of the show on May Postpono I'wtc:mnance-"The Col­I, �, 8. l4.nd 9," Mid Manger Hen- Jege Bill," which was to ha"e been.1('r80n, yesterday. "The poster will beROOM r(,:l'�y for fli8tribution within the nextten days, anel the contracts for theYaDC8.illg speciulty awolIg buainess eoueerns.Li berul eununisslou. Sample outfit<l,ol'ket size) furnished free, .Addretlzl�1'hc (�lIailt.Y Shop. Prankfin, Ind.SB·IRTSne material being woven tooar order.,.ou ue a.und ofexclus1ve patterns aDd coloringsin all grades from $1.50 up. Lookfor the purple baDd. ac:::roa theDeck of!:ark ofnoY'S BE8'r PBODUC'l'THEOrl'lCBB&ER:'<lEST A. RAJlJlILL. PnIik1eDt.CHARLES L. BtrreHL"QOJr Vlee-Prea..:JIAU!IICEY �. BLAIR. vb-�"_LD. A. 1I0ULTON. Vlc:e-�,. C. SAlIlIO!llS. Vtoe-PnUIeDl.J'RA!IIK W. sJln&. SeencaI7.SDW ARD F, SCBOE.'IECK. ..... CUbl.,J. EDWARD JlA.A8. � CUIaIer.JAliES G. W AKEJI'ltCLD • ..__ CUId ••LEWIS B. GARY, .... t_ �_SWAN'S LUNat1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Replu DaiIJucI Saada, DiBer, Zic UpSUBSCRmE FOBTHE DAILY IlABOONA n t'h� 4".ampu ..... DB.SPRING' STYLES ARE HEREof 2'JIe Yer7 aplrtt of 8pdDc IIu bee captured in the woD4erf1l1 CCJlcwfnnour DeW fabdal DOW on cU8p1&,..GneDa 110ft 1D tone. often bl� 1Dto bro1rJl8. promiae to be v-amut Wa 8PdD&. -,fte III&IQ' DeW llha4ea of tafJJ'8 and blues will also pl.eue men of taste.Pliable. 110ft mated&1a that lend themselves to the correct dOle lIttIDC5\7le8, are in � demand�o faabion tile Dew IIDUC 8.ttiDg clothes requires the utmost IIIdlL80 tile Jerrema wa,. of taUodDg these Dew smart stJ1es appeal mon� t.h&D fIY_ to men who seek to be both individual and 8ID&R1il their dreIIII.w. iDYite �oa to .. the gnatcUspla� of· the correct Dew �ePdDc materi&1s at &D7 of our .. tIIree ac;:-n.oB FOB VOUNG IIElJ .-rBBBB ftORB8: 7 N. La. Salle St. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 E Monroe st.. •..... - - - �-GIVE TEA TOMORBOW Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near 50tb Street Subway StatiOD andS3rd Street Elevated.."Broadwa"- cars from GrandCentral Depot. .IleYbtb A vemae ear. from PeDD871-vuUa Stadoa.. II.PT BY .I. OOLL.O.IIAN!'.ADOU.l.RT.BB 'OR OOLUG • .".NBP.Ol.l.L RAT.B FOR OOLUO. 'l'.AJlBTeb Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatrestI,4RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERBBADQ17ARTBRS n;a CHICAGONew, Modem and FireproofRooma with Bath. $2.50 and up.T .. T·raiDIng onemeaus den� yonrself many r1easant things- It nefti'bus out -Cola. The leading athletes and ball­players in the country endorse it. In training quarteJSor on the field they drink it for the refreshment andbenefit they hue found it contains.Delicious - Ref"reshingThirst- QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO�Atlanta, Ga. Wbaana. J'CIG _ aa ArrowtJWak 01 Coca-CoIaFraterall7 Jewell'7wa'lIer 0 ....Cell... !lonIU .. E.lHt.sed SlaUo.eQWeddl • .r 1.1'11 •• 10 ••CalU.s ear..BROCHONENGRAVING COI'YIPA NYII G. TURNERPresident 1.1 •• lIen BalI.l ..llIlroB PAIWB Dr 0AftWILL BB I'ILLBD 'I'ODAY Will Speak dda 1I.ondDc._\nllrew S. West, dean of the grad­uate BChool at Princeton unh'ersity,Yo'!II speak on ··Curriculnm and Preeeo·t<.orial Instruction at Prin�eton" inHarper MIl, this morning at 11.(Continued froID pap I.,------------------------------�HICAGCD.I,resente.l by the FrC:4hman Dramaticclub y�stet',lay has heen postpol1�1tilt Tuesolny at 4:30 in Greenwood hnn8f"�!'I('ry anel costumes wwill be let a8,won aft we ha\-e redeved aU the biel... PIli Delt Pleilges llau.-Phi DeltaOnly one thing �an pre\"Cnt the .'ow Theta announcoeft the plellging of Wi 1-frGm being a great 8UCCeM, and t.at i8 linm Wallace Miller of Chicago.lack of material for the chorus. �eryeH,;hlc man in eollege should c_it1erit his duty to come out. The Unh'cnity of lllinoiR hasehallt<-am len\"eft for the Sooth next week.The team will take a trip through Ala­bama and Georgia anel meet many fit�tc:�. tea"'�. The Ulini expeet to be infine. �one1ition by the time the confer­eace 8M8OIl o�('oarh Omer of NorthwetJteTD willtake two teams to the Drake rela". at� :\foinel', April 18. A mile aDd atwo mile team wiD be eDtered." �HE DAILY MABOON, SA-ruBDAY, APB.IL 4. 1914.THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOFaD TwoOm.cellUAREALtimher-topPertLis Vel.vetl It bas bung from thetimbers 0( the warehouse for overtwo years. This is to get rid ofthe leaf baelmess-only time andpatience can annihilate the "bite" in to.bacco. V dvet is perfect mellowuess­a Savor delightfully good-superblysmooth. Ifs only by comparison thatV civet is the smoothest.�,.tt�a,;-" Are YouGetting.-. StylesYouFancyAt the PriceYou WishTo Pay?Accept this as an invitation to visit our ShODWe solicit the privilege JUST TO SHO"Vyou our Spring Styles.Tailored young men's clothing that are in­dividual creations. The values found here arethe talk of your college - inquire about us.Dockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St. No 63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.IN THE GREAT N. Y. SUCCESSTHf: THIEFROYAL THEATRE�. II. c. A. COlllmissiou to �e�"_- (.Owiug to the fact that Uulph Halla.ton, ehuirmun of the Freshuiuu Y. �LC. A. euuuuisaiun will not L,,' iu resr­deuce this quarter, t he vonunissio •.will elect a Ut'W l"iluirulull at u uree ,ing 1I,,'xt w eek. ..Mux ..Milll'r n nd Han:t"W:lIL-:OII were uppoiutvd to urruuge �.Il'l'hlt'\_, dute w ith 'I'ed �Il'n·l.'r for ue x,1':&11. RIA Play Pulsating Every Moment With EmotionNIGHTLY AT 7:30 and 9:15. MAT - TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30Issue Classica! J(;uruaJs-The AI" ilissue (If the Clussieul .luurnnl and the_\ pdl il'�'Hlt.' of tilt.' t.!llarh'I·I�· .1 ouruut 1I.CJ:t�sical Philolu;!�· 11:1\'(.' 1''''t.'1l i�"m"'dI,.,' till' Flli\·t.'rsit,Y of Vhi":I:':o Press. I A u:';;:;UM->PAVLOWAI RUf:£Il.J.,.· BALL3TI Symphony Crchestra."Mossier Clothes" Enjoys CO:�l)Jn�r:�t:�� ;�Jl:: World'sthe Young. Meo's 1- -.------Patronage GARRICK3. H. �CTHERNHOSSLER co.19 Jackson Blvd., EastDtans Speak at Michigan-Deanllar:o;haU returned yesterday fro III AUIiArbor where he spoke 011 "Se houls ofCouunerce uud Univcraity Jdeuls ofJ�·lucatioll·' before the �lidligal.Schoolmnstera' dub at its anuua l d"t'tion, Director Charle» Hubbard of till'school uf Education, :'::l\'t.' all uddressU!I ··Th", Itecoustructed High �dlll()I:· Finest Clothes for MenAnd Younc :MenEng'.isb Professor to Lecture-l'r�­fr-ssor .1. Hul't.' .Moulton uf llalldlC�­tc", 1-:111;1:""1, one of the Il'a,liug �e\\I'r-stnment scholurs, und Professorli,'n:-�e l\liligan of Edinburgh w nlevture :11111 preach ,luring the :-;UIlIIIW:Cll�artt.'r. It is a fact that we se.lllm 0 r e you n g men sfine clothes than an}"other establishment. -I�-If I \Vere K: ng, H:unlct,Lord Dl!!lt:rca.dy.'This trade is tIlebasis of our greettrade.I t is becausewe sell clothesthat art diffirenrThese clothesare the repro­d uctions of gar­ments as made by Shantz ofNew York and Dunn of Bos­ton.They're priced no higherthan the ordinary kind. Priceranges from $20 to $50.Special Values· at $25.E very Size to the Largest COHAN'S tJi\r.N�Another Coil;, il �. Harris Triumph.Geo. M.. l,;"h •• 1 s 1\1,:, stery FarceSEVEN KEYS 'tv BALDPATE"1..\ U(; II�, 'I'll HI LI.S, �I ELULJltA ...'\lA.Y. M. C. A. :Men Go Slumming-lInllhouse :11111 the near vh-Ini ty will hev isited h�' the Y . .ll. C. A. flehl t r i]l' artv Snturday. The party will leaveat H from Cobb hall. �lurcluis �hattuck will conduct the trip. ILLINOISPostpone Dinner-The Tiger·:'! Heud-Iinner, .. eherluled for Weduesday, h:l�been postponed until April 21. DONALD B RIA NHis G�� atest Musical ComedyTri uiu ph, in"THE MARRL>\GE MARKET"Christian Scientists :Meet-The Chr istinn Science society testimonial meet­iug will he held Tuesday at 7:45 ir,Lexington 14. All members of tIlt'University have been invited. .. ------------pO�£RSHenry Miller Presents a New Comed7DADDY LeNG LEGSwith Ruth ChattertonCONFERENCE GYM MEETIN BARTLETT TONIGH':l MOSSLER CO. COR�Jack LalL's New Pia,.HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHanry Kolker(Continued from page 1) 19 Jackson Blvd.-EastBetweea State ad W.1auIaWade. \Visconsin: Knott. ,Minnesota.llonaghan. Iowa: Gran, Hemmingson.Chicago, Sayre.145 Ihs.-lliinois: Cutler. Indiana:Gllnthcr. Wiseonsin- Roth, Garst.Minnesota: Berg, Blum. Iowa: Hob­bett, Dounetly, Cockshoot.Chicago, Mahannah.158 Il.s.-Indiana: Demmon. Nehra.�·ka, Balis. \Visconsin: Freeman, Car:t�!". .llinnesota, Little. Iowa: GiIli­lard.Chicago, Hardt.175 lbs.-lliinois, Cummins. Lndiana;Zaring. Wilder, Peckinpaugh. Nebraska, Kruse. Wisconsin: llartin. .lli,,­nesota, Malvolmson. Iowa, Barron.Over ,175 Ibs.-Intliana, Davis. N('braska, Scbink. Wiseonsin: Schmidt.Ru�k.Chicago, Madison.FeneII12.Foil�nlinois: Schrueeht, GrifTir.,\':,n Natter. Wisconsin, Knuh�en.Chicago: Foils, Ottosen. Duelin� STUDEBAKERADELEA Comic Operetta.F'rom the French of Paul Herveand .lean Briquet,New Yo·k·s Sensa.tionad :MusicalSucc�The tuDe all Chicago IsWh13t.liDg.Woodlawn& Savings TrustBank1204 Eo 63d 8tnet, _0JdcapTHE FACULTY "THB ft'UDBlftSof ..UNIVERSrrY OF OBICAOOWILL PIRD IIITmS BAMlt ALL 'rJIBFACILIDBS OF A DOWB1'OWH BAlIK.. FINE ARTSIRISH PLAYEBS:Matinees Thurs. and Sat."PRUNELLA"princessMost Powerful DramaIn Fifty Yean.THB LUBESA VDfGB AOOOUlft'8UNlCHECKmG AOOO1Jlft8Are We!CODIe aDd Appreciated.RESOUBOBS $2,000, 000. OLYMPICRupert liu�heg· ComedyEXCUSB ME'With the Peer of ComediansWILLIS P. SWEATNAM�"or,l, Arlt.Broaflsworcl�T11inois, Griffin. Wi�_ MANDC,-LIN CLUB 18r�;nRjn, Knutsen.Dueling Sworc1 - JlIinois, 8I,}rnl('f,ht"�is .. on"in, Knutl'cn. P�EPARING FOB .JOIN'fCONCERT WI'1'H BELOIT�tn'nll',I!:-; rc·hcarsals for the joint1",IIrcrts flf the Chicago anll BeloitWant Help or University Men. glc(' :11111 IIl:1llllolin clubs at Or('hest.rr,M('n who are willing to nrt us hnll, April 17. have been startell h�·, .. atehers ancl dtnllengers for �Iis· the Unh't�rsit�· mandolin eluh. Th,!Marion Drake, Progressi\"e canlli,lntf' f·h:h m('t in llitC'h('ock at 7 last nightfor altlennan in t.he fir�t warll, ha\"f' mHt will mcet in the Reynolds club :Itheem asked to commuuicate with Ro�- 3 t�tny. A ('('110 anf) a flute han'Dnlclridge, 6 North llichignn nvcnll(', jllst heen allll('11 to the dub, nnll it i14or with the Marion Drake hcaclql1ar- nnW' clel'4irecl to �ceure the seni('cs oftHS at 2222 Indiana avenue. A me'" - a J:tlitar, to fill a vacant'y left by th(:hlg will be heM )[ontlay night at. gra,lun1ion of William Lyman. Tnl'which instnletions will be gin'n and ('(.l,�titfltion of the elub has bf�nprecincts assignec.l to tho volllnteer�. d:allgt'tl� limiting it to ten mcmbenJ. LASALLE'fango·FIlled Soq-Oomed,­"SEP'l'EJIBEB MORN"With Daft LewIaA�ERICAN 1111"10IlALLRTTBSr,R1Bl-; FOR TIfE DAILY MAROON. Fun. Makers SUPremeKOLB " DILL