OUROOIIS GOOD FOR ARRANGE�DY MEETlNG'PlClIENFORl..-. HOBENSUP�TERSMEETIBARROWs,'WlLrm.L·VItTORY IN GYM MEET Deans Angell and Small and Direc- PARTS IN FRIAIl'SHOW: Hear . �te Professor Disc� AND. WOOD· .APPOJNiEotor Stagg Will Preside at Re- . Platf� m Race for Couocil at_ligious Mass Mretings Owing Windrow, Brown, �adIa, M� Last Night-300 Are Are Made Full Profesaon--Si&Hoi) Week. George and SeIfridp Are P.reaenL A.lOdate Profeuoi'abipa ere-Chosen for Cut. ated by UniVersity •..lUter two montb' tour of western Urging higher standards of soclalt. A. COBEW NAIlED REFEREE uni versit.ies, Mr. George Sherwood NEED FEW MORE QletROS lID justince, and particularly better pro- --... Eddy, general seeretary of the Y. M. visions for tho iwmigraut and the in. ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR $U'*Chil'ugo's gynlnWfts, fencers and C. A., lor Asia., arrived in Chicago Pive major pa;;:-: the cast of the mate �f institutiontl of eorreefiou,'" rest lers had their last. .strcnuou�.) esterday frow the University of Win· "Student t)uperior' were 1illed by Assoeiate Professor Allan Hoben ad- Promot ions in thC! faculty ef ,th.·pruc tice :WlRliOIlS yesterday ill preparu, I_cpeg, to conduct a aeries of religious CU3ch Coleman latlt last night, nfteJ Itressed an; all�ence of men and wo- Uuiversity, which have just been : ....t.ion for the Conference meet in Hurt. rallies at the University. He was nu�t the wen had given all their lines ii.l men last night. lD Kent theater in be- nouneed, Include three profes:sonhip.Iet t tumorrow, Coach Hoffer repeated Ly religious and sociological workers the second tryouts for places.' Tht�e ��f, of �i� indepen�ent eaudidaey for and six associate profeStiorshipa.· Til.bi .. opfimistie predictions for his gym of the city, among, them Mr. Bickham. competed for each part. ..Manag�t alderman In the Sixth .waru. Other newly elected professors are Harla.Q··)Lteunl suying that, unless soma uuex- .Mr. Elldy will give five addresses ou Henderson announced that one minQr i,eak�rs were Dean Shade� Mathew.s, Barrows, Georgraphy; Ernest J. Wil.·pected misfortune. occurs at the lust "Student Problems in Many Lands." purt had abo been filled, and that �ofessor A. C. M.acLaugWlD, AHI:IOCI- ezynekl Mathematics; and Franc.. �mlnute, thc men will eapture the title lIIeet In JIoq -Week nineteen songs, probably the eutlre ate Professcr Martin &hultze and Mr. :W ood, Germanic Phililigy.. The D.'"The meeting during Holy week ill 1_- f h . h la h If'. W. Bramhall of the Faculties and .by a. smull nlar!,riil. No definite pre· w numuer 0 C cruses In t e p y, al '. assoeiate professors are Percy·.:'JLdidions can bc made for thc fencing he held under the allspices of the Lea- been accepted by ..Musical Director 1I�. Carol D. Teller .and Mr. Wllcy Boynton, English; Elliot R. Dowlt&aC.gue and th Y M C A. All ·iet·es D h Mdls. Mr. Stagg presided, and a pa.. .or wrestling teams, ·although it is be- e • • • soc I un ana.• I f b .. Natural Seienee (college of Education);o and oruanizationa have been urged not .10 0 oy scouts served as ushers. 0 h '. 0 • • ,Iieved thut the veteran fenclIIg team 0 rhirty-Dble In Chorus ,.1.. h ,'I ed Edit F. Fhnt, English; Albert Joh�to hold social events next week in uree unur were present. . . .Ila:J more: than an even chance for flrut ' Thirty·nine men were chosen for the M Sch It .'1 ,. B hall sen, Petrology David A.. Robertloll;order to insure a large attendance. .At '.. '. r, • u ze anu .w.r. ram con- E . I'L..chorus. They were divided lllto three t ib ted ··nal tz'� Schultz' nghsh; and Wolter S. Tower • ..u.G-the firltt meeting on Sunday\ tho mis- . . . . . f1 U II:'U orlg1 poe y, .w.r. e s(' A Co belli , of Hyde Pork hi ..... h 0 •• groups conslstin(" of falnes, show gullS If· bei all . graphy, .,. • 0 sronary worker Will speiLk. before a 0 .' CJ erlOg lng an egory representmgtll,hool will be tne referee in chargc of . t' f tad ta I nud chorus men. Only four DIOre men Chicago a buxom housewife as har The following have been miLd. U-• unron mass mee lng' 0 s uen an, ·l" -tbe gYlIluastic events, Thc JUllges who II .. '1 P k h h' • th H.'I P k are needed to fill the eh�ruses, �ccor( assed bv partisian polities a little sistant professors: Albert D. Brok&*.1,) uc ar c urc es a" e. yue ar . H Tw· h·' . .\\ ill &.'tSist bim are J. Burke .of W. P. Buptist church, professor Tolman, of lng to Manager ende� . 0.8hg t t.umped old mau, under the title "Th� .Min�ralO�'Y and Economic Ge:olO�;II. S., Gco. Steffen of AustJ� H. S., the English department, will preside. 1Il�1l are needed for Va:acaDC1eB In tho Lit.tle Hump�d Old Man." All of the Rolhn T. Chumberlin, Geology; H�William Herzog of tbe � orvaerts }'rom 4:30 to 7:30 Monday, Dean fairY ch�rul, and two l�,er men for sr.eakers urged the necessity of the l!�. 6ronow, German; Carl }'. Hnth.. �Turuversin, E. C. Delaporte of Lnlle Shailer Mathews will i;'troduce HtU. the meu s eh.oru.. j,ll\.\lding of municipal elections on n tory: Arno B. Luckhardt, PhysioloO'.'l·echnical H. S., F. A.. Bornaman of Ilcnts to Mr. Eddy at an informal rt The .followlDg .men ��e �.leetcd forln(Jn.partisan basis and attacketl Altle Alice Te�nple, Kirlliergarten E'luc��OIlth(' C. A. A., G. Franklin of thc 1I)"llc CCI,tion in Lexington. Dean Angell WIll th ma.Jor parts �n. the cast.. nlan Willis O. Nance, Mr. HoLt:u':j VI' (college of Education).Y 1I C ACE S·t f . Queen of the furIes •. Stellan. WIndrow b· f . h· N' GPark:; . . • ., • . UI or 0 preside at an open meeting at 7:30 0 ponent, on the aSls 0 partUI&DS Ip. ... ew lllstructors are: �r,. w.Armour Square, and Otto Berndt. Tuesday, when Mr. Eddy will continue �{:ter •••••••...••.••••• Vernon Bro1"n At the close of the meeting Mr. Sbp.rburn, English, David �I� Steve....,Coach White Is TImer hia addre8SeL Deaa. Small will presi,lc Fred ·.. 1 •• • •• Bolalld George &hutze offered iD rerutation of the in_ English, Oliver J. Lee, AstronoPii.Chloo .••..•• , •••••• ��M ,��� �'�������������������������L �LL._G;...J�ItJIjIWlILAt....l.JIaa.�Ul�:-L:4r. Wedpepd"Y.:' ....... tiS .NI �Ndw -'"7� _:- • -.,:.:': '. - .: .�.:..,�....-.:- ;"':i."II. •commis.'1ion will refer�e the wre�tling Stagg at a men'8.�:_�. TJ:aUl1il, � •• •••••. ago n .. HeDderson, which has been widely After twenty·one years of eo�� ..P1atches, and Coach White will act as day night. lb ... Edd;y"lriU ,conduct a Ia GlftD JIb10r Bole . circulated in th ward a letter of Dr. tion with Yerkes ob�t"\·atory� �;..'timer. The judges of tho fencing sr.eeial �eeUng for .'Womea at 4:30 I'raneis Sherw� ..... picked to filfil Henderson to the secretary of the MU-!burne Wesley Burnh�. prof�o ���JUlatches will be H. P. Kraft and J. II. Thursday aftemooD, _d·his Anal �eet- th minor part of Dan. nidpal Voters League in which Dr. Practical Astronomy, will retire lr�1Il�raft of the Vorwaerta Turnverein·, ir.g will be helf:l Fri�;y m,�t at 1:30. l .... inal tryouts for the other p�es on Hcnderaon praised lb. Hoben as a maTI ac:th·c service On July 1. ¥rof��lid A. E. Sauer, and J .. W. Knox of Saturday mo�g he will direct a con·. �e cast will � ,�-at. 7:30 tonigl. while refusing to comment on his Burnham h83 had a noteworthy. c��the L A. C. VernoD Whipple of the fe.rence of all the foreip .�enta in In the Reynolds dub theater. candidacy. Mr. Mills explained the&s an astronomer. After carryin& '�IlJ A. C. will be timer. l.�niversity. After a fuewell meeting favorable attitude towwd Nance of work in a private observatory' in-; Cu-•elf t· be· mad t in nnd reeeption at 3 Saturday, he will DIBBCrOB ftAGG DRuU· the Muncipal Voters Le�e and �he �:lgo, he ,,"ns nppointetl h�ad of. theEvery or 18 lDg eo· ..' CJ . Tribune and the Chicago Dallv .,of confusion and Je lea'·e the Unlvel'8lty. sqUAD OF � IIBN ncago ..• Df'arborn observatory, �b�uent�7sure a minimumoff the meet. The W .. � V� -- News as being based on biased OPUl- biking ("harge of t.he \Vashbu�� o'bae�-Jay in running , , .1 0--'.... of a-f WOldt Ia De. ·n8 in the first iJlStance and propert) . . '.bo ·11 be h ld t tl Mr. Eddy was a member of the c a�s First - ... - ..tory at the university of W, i-. ouia.tl· g uta WI e a ae . . . . 0 ,� T II .. -wres Inh th' ht. (If '91 at Yale _nd a CI888 ma·� of voted to T_f ... 'h... I-racUce XPDJ' ihtereeta in the second. .w:r. e er ex·f t t - � -.- Jtl 1879 he was Heleeted t! oc��py .� •.north end 0 e gym, 0 e rig. .H p. k. bo" , .....:11.-.1 b Bo y_.u __ -.. plained why, he withdrew as an intle- . , "Th f· 'U be oraee It In, w . was IUU� y x· -.....- "'"" po�ition of expert ('om missioner to' t�of the entrance. .,: efnctlhng WIe while a mi88ion.� to China. After pntlent candidate to support Mr. Ho-u .J Ul� seeing on Mt. Hamilton, CaliforniaIleM on the west .sl e 0 e. gym I.."' tti.ng h'ls b ..... helor •• d__'_, '''r. &lIly Spring football p�e began in the::. : .,.," -- ....,._- ... hi� rCI,ort rCf'Ulting in �he loeati�the center, and the gymnastIc appa.r. �In:-Led in the theolomea1 departmellts enrnegt yesterday when Coach S. tagg �O'- rIr Aaa WILL -- ..-uTa L·h ,'I d I. UHI e· INM'IA _ � � ...... .&&.&Q .'If the Ick ob..�rvatory.at.us will be at the so. It enu an I n I d f dltla e:sof Princeton ,aDd -U�ion. goiag to In· put 3. arge aqua � can. t:M.OBlOl(G IN CLUBthl" center. clia 88 a audent volunteer in 1896. through a streDuous dnlL Th18 W� came to UDiverslt7 In 1893 .'GJDIBUUc 8codDg llethoda He worked in the Iildiu field for fit· thc filbt real praetice that the mec Will Blect New � For For four years he was astrOIlODS"Each man performing on an appara· h'cn yeah. and -later took charge of ha'·e hatt as yeaterday the ground ""83 LoaD FaDel wm Be CoIIRdencl :It l.ick, nnu in 1M93 he began hi. _no·tus in the gymnastic meet will be untler the work iu Clabaa,oXoz:ea, Japau an,l wet and soft calisthenics and drills ch.,..0 15 ice at the University of Chicago ' ... d 'E'--h J'udge scores on . .. f D :- I Seniors will meet. today at 1: in . h ". k O'&.._� _6_three JU ges. � th� ncar East. As aD. a88OClat\'! 0 r. signed to looseD the atUL muse os astronomer In t e .I. er os UDCrv-.ury.fif f f . . .. Cobb 12A tG elect a da."8 trea.",urera basis of teen or a per eet per· Mott In the fol'elp field he addreaed formed the main paR of the practi�e. . . The value of his astronomical h:'d th • tal f f rt . . to succeed John Perlee who IS not In .ft.noaDee, all ere :aa a to 0 0 y- meetings of nacleDt8 in tJae foreign At the beginning of tile Be8IS1on th�. '. �urehes has been recognized by·u... f ft··· d' h h I fIt _L .......... rem.leDce this quarter. Earle Shtlton,fh.c points gl,oen a maD or a per ec u.lIVersltle8 unn, t e woe 0 as men were put through a DUon .. lC .. ln�. award to him of its golu medal by .t"�Ferformaoce. . year. drill After working a ahort time at chairman of the cl .. gift committl"c, Royal .-\stronomical society of Gr.tThe judge seores on a baslS of fi\'� Mr. Edd,. was promineDt in .the re- this they liDed up and practiced inter· will SDbm�t a finalI repo� o� th� I:�nr. Isribin anu of the Lalande prize i.T,c.ints for form, five points for tlie ct'ut StudeDt Vokuateer eonvention in ft!rence and dodgiDg. The .day's work for hancU1Dg the o&n un. e Ion Adronomy by the Paris Academy 01cliftieulty of the .exercise, and fi,·e Kan_ Cit,.. He pve _vera! ad-�a.� eoncluded with a pnetiee in the :will be taken on th� c.hallenge issuell 8c:ience.points for the beauty of the combina· tlreases there at, __ iap o.f .the Chi· art of getting .round the ioterferellc'- Wednesday by the Juniors to a b:.:: Assi."t.... nt Professor Frede!fick 81 ••tion. Eaeh man performs two exer- eago delegatio. aDd urged that an atntt taelding the backs. This form or ball pme OD the. afternoon of May ....cum of the Dc(lartment of Astrollo.,. h • h p r· . t· I &'L_ U' 't f A senior tea wlll be heM at tho Al-ei:;es of hIS own e Olee OD cae ap a . lD�btu lOll as arp u WIG �Iversl y ',rnetice will be followeel for a ew - and Astro(lhysies also "has �f h t h Id be 'L.' !--!.-. • th • I· ha Tau Omega house, 923 eut 60th .atU8. Three men . rom eae eam may s ou .. ee:plllC a IIlm.uDary In e tlpys, and then when mell are In cont I· Ilil't resignation will take eft'eet, in Sep-11" entered iD each apparatus, except 4Jb.De&e or �� IelcL tion harder work will be started. etreet, Suntlay from -I to 6: The firlttt('mber. Dr. Slocum �ho baJ bHIl.. h only one man WI __ ._ "-_1_ Inncheon of the quarter wllJ be helol . \:dub SWinging w ere J �_.- � � The majority of the men ou\. wer" 12 45. th C with the \:erkes obtllCr\"atory for I"i� allowed. Plans for the visit of IIr. Ede1y anel. he f last f'OIlBOn"S f1'88bman Thu""lay at : In e ommonsyconrs will go to W�leyan unh·erai·,'• f r . r mt m n. 0 . afe MiM Agnes Wayman ancl llr. 'Tho "orcstling preliminaries anti tn� �ampsu� or re IgJOD were t l!e·Plquael ns most of the oM Vanity men (.' . � about the alumni at l(il1tlletown, Conneeticut. to be Ut."enti-finnJ!' will be held tomorrow af· ('u�l at a dlllDel of .Y. II. C. A. m�nare playi�g bucban or tloing track Dignan ":'111 fTCa lliree·tor of a new ohPlenatory to bet�rnoon nncl the finals will take plnc,� In.... t night iD Huteh�1UIOD cafe. Mr.work. Tho ,.eterans who took part in �rgaJliZ&bolls. bt:i1t by that institution.I'n th .... e�·enl·ng. 'E'--h bout is ten min Merri6eld and Mr. BIckham qoke. . R _ ll, D-Imon n f R I.� F" . u .. .-. 01,,' � .. he pmctlce were � Pr8pu'e F_ 1at8'da88 CoDtest J ro essor oucrt rancis .& ..... Y".,ute!!. If no fan is secured at the enlt Oa ." Cob. ... lJontington, anet Sparks. The remainll- Freshman aJul BOpltomore tlebate1'!l the Df'pnrtment of Semitie Langu..-·ot that time and the referee is unable. l!uclaimed notices are' Poa� on tht» er of the squad inclucletl Kentla", are preparing their constructive a1"- allcl Ljteratur� has been gh'en Ie ....to gi"e a d�ision, he may orller a�· &nior raek in Cobb ;or '.e following Gouwans, Jackson, Kniptlk!hilel, T�nt, gnments for the intramural eontm to of abl'enee by the boarll of TruatMother ten minute �ut. If th�re IttIt("rsons: D. H. Burke, W. p. Erickson, Patterson, Sherlow, &haiet, Hardl�k 00 held Friday, April 10, in Hall,�r during the present quarter to conti,.·stil1 no fall or deelslo� there Will beY. W. Jaeobs, W. L. Ke1lJl1', C. Fleteh. ere Art'. Alberb, EdgewOl'th, �Itt! �bl,. I'00III. �. W. Hoover, '08 tl41 ttl' his work on Assyrian in8Cripticniea third bout of three minutes .. In ea�eer Taylor, ud the presidents .f!f the r.nd AeKcr. Direetor Stagg � �Ia. c�e.iDI tbe teams. Rudolph M�r't�, t in tho Briti!'h l(nseum. ProfeMcwof no fall at th� end �f thc thlrcl .�t1t Masquers, Score elub, Tigers }fen". pointed beeaul'e no more c.,.dlda�� Ftlward Retieker, ancl .TO!I'eph III�oh IlTnrper ha� jt1!'t hacl two more Tol ..th4' referee WIll dehv�r a deels10nnnd the Univenit,. orelaelltra. On the hn'\"'e ("ome out. He aid th.t all. who are the lIOphomoretl that will .Iebate. t um.-s of Al'.��·rian ancl Baby�tlia.bn� laTgely on aggreaaveneM •. Th�1"e .Jnnior raek: W. B. eba.ben, A. W. ("an l'Ihoulcl avail them8elvt'!l of thIS op- The �hmaD. team is. fflmpose.1 of '.f'�t(,Tq T'uh1i!lhe,1 by the PreN. -li.­�'i1l be one man from ca�h nDlv(,1'f'atY,.HiII, Loa_tte JliDeI', Harold B. Warll T.ortnnity to learn BOmething about the Stuart Edwards, Donald Bean anll(CODti.... oa PIIp 4) I.lad II. T. W.u... .pa.. _ PeR,. »de. :ContiDDM on pap t.)latly ,.IVol XII. No. 112. tJ1fI'9'BBII1ft 01' OBIOACJO.�AY, APBIL 3, 181LCoach Hoffer Believes Men CanWin By Sm.U Marain­Announce 0fficiaIaIll'nors.".ft[E DAILY MAr-OON, .FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1914.... W.Ce&IIq'".... L UeIpS.... au&Communication.I.e Bail, .arooD BuBeliaTODAYCobb books coutniuing the marks of the12:45, Winter quarter will bl, dist rlbuted..Undergraduate ceuneu,12A.ScUior Sla.."" meeting, 10:15, Cobb from the Burenu of Ul'('ortls )(olltlay,12A. Allril ]3.!Ie •• E4Uor� II:dl&erJlaallae.. .Il .... erCOLLEG i: LIFE.Prologue. gGod-as "III:lldltl,;' goou" seems here tvIJl� defined. Lindquest, Ex.-'15. To Sing Here(Special to Daily lIarooll)Omaha, Neb., April :!-Albert Liuu·II II est, formerly of the University ofGerman Club Not to Meet-Adi,·i·I il'�: (If the German club have 1·'·:." .. ·.:Lwtt October we came here fresh, Hut there is just this difference t�>III!)or:ltil�', owillg to t he iU:lI,ilit�· of1111ed wi:h great ideas, from Seuiur tv htwceu us' .\liss Out-of-It and me: .t he oliicers to p:lrtlt'ipatc in the work.Freshman. \Ve have Iabored tu l,ut \\ .!jcre !'Ilw has given "l' und declared M('("till;;,S will lie tl'SUIIlC,1 tlurill;.! til •. 'those Ideas into c1Icct-to make them tl .. � wall that sepurated her from stu Summer quarter.i11tO Iiving, vital factors in our Jives, .Ieut :ld�\·it't.'s ,iltll,rl'gll:a1iJe, 1 hun'and ill the liUe of the l" ui vers It .. ,kcd for a crack und found it. J Will Dine Wednesday-At the T'i],tic�? Or is the trouhle with onr�l'I\'��: c;ago is unfair.Perhaps, after all, we ha\'(' hetm mil"'- r t':," point to only a few hig thing:oltaken-we 118\'c call1!ll tllt':-lC thillJ:� tllnt T h:"'e ,lun('� hut. �om('h(lw I .t.)'Work, wben in reality. U ... y w{'re "lay, f,�t'l tllat if J w('r(' to quit tomorrow,'V'c m!ly have 11(.'('11 )i\'ing tlmt j"Y"II:-; J �llouM he miss('tl. Rllt my J:(.tti"�bfe "c l,jeturctl, hut ,Ii,l'ut, :"1(',. ii. 1", i::to thi,,:.;s lms not hrou�ht me in\'ic:ause our viewpoint ha:i "('('n wmll;!. tnt illll�. J)('t.illetlly not! I am nott'n:lx.'.1 to att('nll Ilanc�. tt'a!-l� homw·1·:lrti('�. ('tf'. I CUll III nut c'all !-lix mt'llI,:: tllI'ir fir�t. nam('�. allli y('t I nm 1I0ta g;nlll'h nor y('t. h(ll'dt'�sl�' "Iai� Isi!nply r('n1i7.e tltnt �tlf'h t.hillJ::4 ar(� nntf(.� m('. The memory of the J:(lo.1 tim('sJ 1::111 he fore J came is enongh toDBOLABES CmCAOO ISB3S'1' PLACE IN WORLDFOR EDUCATING WOMENThe University wa... y,·:-;tc·rtiny .11'_c:lnred to be thc best I,lace in tlle wnrl.1for a woman to get an elhll:ation he·eaU!lc of itt. opportllniti� in clev('lo!�_ �often my c1i�nl'pnintment �ome\\'hat,inJ: tho inflh'itlual. This statcment \\'a� nT,.] my "nrions clnticl'l ()(!cupy m�'Du:de by Mi!1� Hel(' 11 nughr.�, of min.]. Rut my illf'a of' thf' �(I{'ia] hnf'k­Well�ley eollegc� who �I'0ke at the Y. �ollnll of' a eo·ccl in�titl1tion tllnt onf"" •• C. L. meeting YCl'lter,lny morninq, larars exploitc.l cveTywhf'rf', I �a.lly:Miss Huglles was introduc('11 hy 1),'fln (4 nT. will he gainf"] onl�· from ('olor('·lWallace. Selections by the Uni\'cr�ity jl'lt:PJtlemcntl' nntl our he�t �ener�.C)rebeetra and "Come Unto ll(''' hy Y4'anwhilr. my l'lympathy il'l cxten.le.llIaud Bowslow eompleted the program, to lli!(�·ot1t-of it.-l[iss Wistful. Phi Delta Announces Pledg�I'!,iContinue Exchanges-The llrn'" i",or fraternities c:OC('hanging for )ullt'hl'otlotl(�e a week will ho continuell thil'1914 SpriDg FabricsAre DifferentThe new effects inB I u e s, Grays andGreens-including RichTartans-are here."Ve're showing pat­terns you'll not secelsewhere.New Tariff Values.$25, $�O, $35,a.nd upW3l'ds lor suit or overcoatNicoll the·TailorW!! Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams Streets, Chicago. A SHOPOF CHARACTERCUe Woman's Experience_, ean1er: ,I." a 7ear; fl.VY a QUU,.'. Chicago, IlOW a wellcknowu eunv er t�, .... au 11.'" a ,ear; U.n. ,,!Mucr. 1'1.' IIIC ::;irl whu could 1I0t break in:aid1L8na&-lSUlDeM UIIICe_ AlI.lJl ,a. tenor, will �illg his first Chi(':lJ!o SOIlI.'.ltaM»AODe au" • ., ."Y. AU.r U P IlL J tuu :lIn uue vf the lUauy who eauie nvitul ut t h .. F'iue AI·ts t hvnt er I;l';;',a.ue ¥&I'1r. ..... "-La this Uuiveraity With uieurories ofIIu'oea .P ...... lUI cottac. Grove Aveo".. f::ul."a�' af'teruoou,1',1 nn-r triuuiphs, aud faill'd to mal'l:ity. .And th\! net result 01' han' hut guiued soe in l fuvor , urerely (I·'S Head Jlll'ctiug yesterday, arr:til;::. ....our eullective Iabors really Is wort l, the.; chaul'e tu be useful in college; IlIl'UtS were 1I1:1tic for :1 Ililllll'r \\'eliltL'swhile-- it constitutes a record of j lm\'c observed that a struuger a"�" ,I:l�· nt u in t he pri\,:lte ,Iilliltg rUIIII' Iundergraduate achievemeut worth)" whl'rc selduui lets out his full power, ot the commons.or any year. .A:s We look back, We l'lr fear of beiug thought rurwuru. Club Counell to Meet-Qua.lrall;.:k.C:2m allow ourselves a thrill of sutis- Pruhably fur this reusou 1 sat bad. club soe iul events for the Sl'riu� 1111:11"faction. But when We do so, there is 1'('1 a l(jllg t irue, and watched thiu;;:- t or will be planned at a meet ing ofa. little sadness with it, aftcr all. Wc gU;lIg ou, without tryillg to ram Illy till' e luh couuc il tonight.have missed something. When we \\':1.)' ill. Hut while 1 was st ill ill theeame here as freshmen, we had exalted .Iu uior clIlll'gl'\ 1 'was poiute.l out, L�'and rose- colored views of college life. Sfl III co lit.' who had k nowu me before, Dr-Itu Theta unnounces the ),Ictlgillf!'\"e pictured to ourselves an existence :IS a gOlld worker. At ouce 1 wasof Edwarll 'rholll:as \\'iuter, of FOIIII ,I"of study, in which we would get al:- tskeel to scr\'o ou n· committec. Thi,; Lae, '\'isconsin.quainted with the learniug. aut) was my st:art ill college :lCtiviticsj l "nlysteries of the worM. We thought do 1I0t say that if it hu,l not been 1'01' Make Own Beds--Rcsi,lents (Iftl:at when We left, we woulJ be th(,' recommenuation of Illy fricnd, I �(arth hall ba\'e decitletI to mal.e tlll'ilIt>arned S3.vants---:lble to discourse in- 1I.ight yet be 011 the out..'(ille. I am not own hetls on Sunday mornings tlurill�telligently On almost any topic. \V'e }'repared to mako such. a swet>pin!; tl." Spring" quarter in ortIer that EllIilthonght We were going to have a glori- statem(·nt. This, my first ta.'(k, wa� ftc janitor of the dormitory, lIlay I".ous e:xistenc{\ every moment of which hart! work, but 1 stuck and made a ··di('\'ed from duty one day a week.w(luld be throbbing with the joy of Sllccess of it. Since then, I have bC('1tliving. And now, as we look back- �ivon chance after chance to enter the Will. Continue Ten O'Clocks-lIitdl­be we seniors Or underclassmen-wherc more accessible activities here. Sonl(' ccck house will meet tuesllny night :Ithas this dream gone? Va.nished illtO s(.-calletl honors I have ne\'cr aspil'c,l !);30 in the hall library. The Tues,I;IYthin �ir-lost in the maelstrom of a�- (I-I knew well that I bad not thl' t('n o'clock will he cnntiuue,l this (Iu:tr­th"ities in wl.(ich we woro phlngetI, kind of tentIer in my till that bu�':-< h'r, but will be heh! at. tl:3u instead uf;Blaekfriars-that great, glorious in. thl.m, anti I try to be content without. ]b.stitution, which we were to enjoy !HI Now I ha\'c even alh'ance,l to the (lig' No Informal SaturdaY-Prl'siclentmuch as participants-it has turnl'lI t:ih" of a comtnitt.ce all my own. In \\' II f t}}' II I I. I• I' s" Ie "eyno 1 l:! C Uu announCe',out to be a. grim trea.dmill, in which ,sl'lecting tho members that composc t 1 th t . f I '11 I I I I'('s ('rl ay a no In orma WI Je Ie.''''e ba\·e labored, heaving a sigh of it, I have tTietl to he just, alH) ha\'(' .. :lhmla,' night. Three infornlUl tl:1lu"':'rt>lief when the show was o'·er, instea,] tlTawn girls with coll('ge reputatioll� ;�Illl an· entertainment ill Interschol:l�-of feeling much joy. Our studies? as yet unmade. tj,� week will form the quarter'� SOt.i:l�Somewhat of a weary grind, after all. What does this vcry commonplnei! progrnm.TIle intellectual pleasure of learning ('xl'erience of mille indicate in regnrtIand getting acquainted with the great to the chance a. girl has to work h('r'May Still Get Books--Persons wIlt)thbgs of the world"s wist1om-an iale s<'lf in? Does it suggest that the Un i-of Chi('ago is unfair, is Hiill hold subscription blanks for till' Catering stric t l y toyoung men and offeringonly the finest of ready­to-wear clothing and hab­erdashery.INDIVIDUALITYIn Ready-to-Wear ClothesHere you __will findready-to-wen rgarments, tail-all the nicety of\Prices arelower than you would expectfor apparel of such unusualworth.Snits and Overcoats $25.00 and UpOgilvie & Heneage18 & 20 E. Jackson Bh"d.Occupying the Entire Second FloorThe Brand atthe "Round Up" is "Bull"The cow�ys of th� West tong 3pO discovered in"Bull" Durbim tohat:CO "th� M!l�illgs" of the mr.st SGI­u/gi,,(cigarettP,Sin theworld-th� kind thet roBed forthemselviS wjth their O'Wll hands, to �t:it their owntaste from this riAF.J.melIow toh:tcco.That homely Western term, "the �Iakin[!s" hn:;bP,.,come thp, most faJll4)Ul �m.1t�-!)h�:;� J:1 the �vorld.�ay millians of men of all clas.�s ;:nd occuoa �Jons­out of the same c1ea�ut, mcm!g Iyp:!- find -t!le sameslpreme satisfaction in the fresh, hand-made cigarettesthey ron fromGENUINE":BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO(Enoap for /otfg 1wml-ratJek � In ece1. Se =cd,)There is a unique aroma to "BuIJ" Durham that allmen like. It is produced by a secret process knownonly to the make�5 of 'COull"As(./or FREE Durham. It;s deliciously fra-� �rl'GtlnJ·· grant and adds one or more.,Jlte«;ltSc;04 enjoyable qualities to this su-perb tobacco.F R E E An. JlTnsrr:ltcd Booklet,showing how to "I�ollYoarOwn,"andnRoo\ofcir.arc:tcr�?Crs,wiDbofhbe rn:tjk-.rl.Jr:�, to nny :td(:r�ss;nu. S. on �al n-.qc:-�t. Address II B;lli"Darham, Durham, N. c., Room 1210.lillllllllllllflfflf.iI BmEdStleluSOlSc'Si!f'rDctelAI1.\ElheOtFebuJ(Ii�Sf:nil:IIc:utc.:%IItiC01.',dtctillm11we�,s:tlit"n.ittlrt.eoIigt·seiJ5BIll DAmY .t1tMJl, PRtDAY, Aft1r, S, 191' .,-.._BOOK NEWS �.------""""""""--"""--------""--""'''''--------,,------------''''''------''''''�limited a natural endowment han'gone so far. But unfortunately, while STOB�� !'OT'BBBB�____ .. CLASSIS"IS'Dtheir theories sufficed for Poe and .a.� ... .& _.a. U� � �SteyemlOlI, many not unintelligent lit- IN lfBW CAP AJO) GOWN UVER'�EMm1'Sernry nspirants today arc finding' themInadequat e or whotly useless for them- A feature story on the trip taken by 5t' per line. No ad�erti:seuJenh re­s.h'cs. the llen·s Glee dub last spring to tbe eei\',-d for Ie. tban 25e. All cJaaaiftedXe,'erthel('��, whether one grant Ili14 Pacifie coast wi11 be one of the fe�- advcrU8emeD&a muat be paid til ad­theory or not, anti llr. Grabo, whose tures of the 191-1 Cap and Gown whid. , .... e.e);,PcriClwe is greater than mine, be- is now being printed by the CastleIieves in it. implicitly, the Art of th» I'Ieree printing company of Oshkosh,:FOB �-By month or season,Short Story is unquestionably the best Wisconsin. A poem b,. Assistant &1- tents in a pine grove overlookingbook of its sort on the market. I: corder Horace Spencer Fiske, ·'Ten 0' Lnke Michigan. Double eompartment.;not onlv discusses the varlous featur� CI�k from Mitchell Tower," will abo sereened; furnished. Address Box 55,of' thc •shorf story competently anu l-e featurcct. The .nnu.l has been Lakeside, Miehigan.w'!1I, hut it .. lraws for ,'ast stores of dedicated to Alonzo Keteham Parkerw'''- stu.1entsf. 'R I f AL U .,-_;'�- _ ... �Four u having hadeonerete Illustrnt.ion from the best ex- ormer eeon er 0 wae m ..,. __ .'.., ., ' 'bee d r Ales experience, to travel duringamples of the art. In one elttraordln- The l..aw sehool �bon bas nett·t d ._ Prof Ed ard Wilcox summer months. .Must be able to dem-:H-y chapter, The PS"ehology of Story ea e.., eaor wt t' lh "1 f I•'I .. L D···t t· tons Tn e e pranclp es 0 sa esman-Writing lfr. Orabo has attempted not (hnton, ant WAe IVIDt,. Bee 10D 0)• ,'''Il'!lH'c(,;!4fn1lv to tl0 for the short .Associate ProfCS80r Jame8 Wiltlm.n ship to others. Chas. Scribners Son;;,., . . ,• • 608 S. Dearborn St.,,'('rv \\'11:1t ])oc in his Philosophy docs Moncnef.for 'the efTc('t of mystery. The onl�·d:fTictllty wit.h the ('hapter is that,-:hf!n llr, Graho has �omplctely tlevel­(,).(;11 :\ �tnry for Y011, it is after a1l]\fr. (frallo's story anll no one's elsc,h r('pr('�('nts lrr, Grabo's methocl ofwork allfl perhaps many other peoplc's, ('�ted ha,'e been invited to attend. do oublhle summer work. Earningsbut �ertainly not everybo(ly's_As ]\Ir. Graho himself MYS: "we limited only by your own efrorts.1 th t ._,- trnns· A report of a feneing meet bet.ween Worth investigating. Get busy. A.I-('annot ana y7.c c mys erl", ., ,. . .(,hicago r.nd the universit,. of lltcht· .11'8t' H. I. Geh'in, Scribbler lIouse,gan appeared in the dt,. papers lut Evan!l!ton, 111&voeek. In, reality Chicago Diet the --------------lti�higa,1 A,'cnue Feneers club titt);is. timc. A meet with Michigan'\"011 M probably reMllt ill werious Con­ferenee eomplicatiOll"BEROINES OF KODEBH BBLIGONEdited by Warren DaDham Foster.Sturgis & Walton Company. $1.50 net.This complilation of ten essa,.. In­cludes hiogrul,hielJ of AnDe Hutchin·son, Susannah Wesley, Elizabeth AnnSeton, Lucretia Mott, FaDDY Crosby,Sister Dora, Hannah Whitall Smith,Prances Ridley Havergal, BamabmDougre Medhnvi, and Maud Balliug­ten Booth. Two of them, that 00Anne Butchinson and the ODe onLuerctlu llott, arc the work of Ann('Elizabeth Jenkins, a former studenthere '�'ho was much interested on lit,crary nctivities at the university.Others nrc written by William HortonFester, R. V. 'I'revel, Woooman Bradbury, Gertrude Leslle l'lumfortl, a 1111J(.1!n Clnirl� :Millot. The book, whichi� volumo 11 of the Moclern HeroineSeries, has a ehronologieal outline andnn exhnust ivo blblography and indexnpl'and.THE AnT OF TIlE STORY. byCarl H. Grabo. Churh.'S ScribDer'�SOilS.l'hil:l volume, which i:l the work 01:0..1 Instructur III the r.;ugliHh depart,.u.cut here at. t he U uiversity, must,like all bouks of ib sort, intended toteueh tho ueophito the "how" of, auart, be t akeu with n grain of :Jalt andseveral bUl:Ihell:l of praeriee, Practice.Mr. lirallo would maintain to be theonly esseut lul, for he belleves thut"writillg il:l all intelligence of the stu­clt:nt just as muy law, medicine, or anyether study,":AIoreover he believes that "it i� byImitatiou tlrst, that a writer attains amastery of his crn..ft" and many otherthin� ill which it � Dot necessarywholly to agree with him, such forexamplo as that "the fn.ct that the.story of Cindertla Is so memorablethat oue cannot easily forget any ofitt: detail is sufficient proof that it iswell constructed" that it contain»neither too much nor too little th"Ideal selection in story writing."llr. Grabe is a staunch disciple oftho Intellectunllzed art of Poe whosePhifosophy of Composition he appendsto tho lluok, and he cites as his chiefexample Stevenson, who "said trulyof himself" that few writers with soformntion wl,ich the im�nation in�ome way efrceb,-thnt whcreby �clulrnett'r real as 1ife is made to talkand ad convincingly." At that nlti·1J"Intc point this Rnd all boob of it!'BOrt fnl1 short through' no inherentfault of their OWD. Wodd'. Grea.teat 0I0thfDg Store- Jr. E. Comer Sta.te and J'a.cksouAmerica's Foremost SpringFourth l"loor. Overcoat StoreYOU'LL find that our overcoat stock has been the object of the sincereand wholehearted attention that characterizes this whole store. We'veprovided for young men who are tall, short, stout, slim or regular---we'veprovided for young men who like "extreme" styles :-as well as men who would rather stay in the moreconservative style path. Hubmacaans, the rulingfavorites of the season, are here in endless varietiesand at every price---as little as $12.75 and up to $30Chesterfields velvet collar, form-fitting- coats, kneelenght coats and knitted coats have also been given, their "due" in the way of diversity and immensity ofstocks. We're featuring, specially, Virtus and Skip­worth coats, made in London. This season we'readding to our value fame by matchless displaysof silk lined coats at $15, $20. $25, $30 and $35.Ideas College Men'Third Floor.•In ClothesYOUNG men's clothes are treated with but moderate con-sideration in most stores=-tbe idea that a young man is onlya small sized man still remains their policy • We've revolutionizedthings here-created a young men's store, vigor, vim, life and"pep" characterize our displays-they're as full of "life" and "go"as the most ardent admirer of young men's styles could desire.English, semi-English and American sacks--smart greens, blues, grays and browns inplain colors, plaids and stripes. Every manufacturer who specializes on young men's styles isrepresented. The displays begin at $15 and rise in price to $35, evidencing typical Hub values.T .. T·raiDIng une.meaDS denying yourself many pleasant thillgs. It IlCYUbars out Coea-Cola. The leading athletes aDd baD­players ill the country endorse it. 111 trUllillg quartersor 011 the field they drink it for the refreshment. aDdbenefit they ha...e foulld it contains.Delicious - R.et"reshiDgThirst-Quenchingman-to sen accitlent insuran�e toW�-A bright, pushing coUege THE COCA-COLA CO.AtIa .... Ga.llr. lleCown will read a paper onbU!l!incs... anti professional men only.the "Scrmons in the New Testament, Good ('ompensntion to the right party,an,1 Contemporary Literature"' at th�W. C. Powell, li5 W. Jackson Bh'tt.�(.'w Testament club Monday night At8 in IInskell 12. All who are inter- WAN'lED-A number of studenh, to "nt.nlt,- Jewel..,., ... ,"O' 000tl. Wedd'.1r •• 'fIt ......canlq CaM.c.newe K.n.UnBROCHONENGRAVING CO�pp NY� O. TURNERPftaideDt .11 •• lIen a .... t ..T .,,, Iia8UBSCRJRE FORTHE DAILY MAROON8U1I8CBlBB FOB THE DAILY MAROO.All til. .....pu. ae ...THE DAILY IIABOON, -l"IUDAY. APBlL S, 1914.T elk about knocking the little white pillall over the 10 acre lot-it's nothing compared with the bigdrive you college fellows made whenwe first brought out Fatima Cigarettes.It took only a minute for you toappreciate their excellence, And now,today, Fatimas are the biggest sei�illgcigarettes in America IlYe purposely put them in a plainpackage, so we could purposely putaU the quality in the tobacco..fln..1t.��exJ.@'J!f(ClGARETrE$7)13tinctlvelyIndivlduarAt theAre YouGettingStylesYouFancyPriceAccept. this r:s an. i�"itation to "i�it our shopWe sohclt .the pnnlege JUST TO SHOWyou our Sprmg Styles.. �ailored yo.ung men's clothing that are in­dIvIdual creatlOns. .The "allies found here arethe talk of your college :.-- inquire about us.SUBSCRIBE FOR TIII-: i)AJLY �(AROON. BARROWS, WILOZYNBEI ANDWOOD APPODrl'ED(Continued from page. 1.)tLj:J serles i:J IIUW aJ'l,ro:lt"hiug eumple�iol1.Canada Is RepresentedThe university of l1ullituLm -, thc uni,\ l'n,ity of Suskutehewun, Hurvurd, Lel:lll.l St a.nf'ord, 1't·x:&.", l1.hll1l.�UtUt:::-;lIlith and Yule will have rvpreseutu­tin's Oil the Summer quarter f:u'uh�t his year nC"ur,liug to a stut emeut is:<'il·.l yestvrduy, 'fht> quarter will 1Jl';.;ilt ,Julie J;;, the llouol:ly uf'ter till'• kl'ill� uf t he prvseut quarter; :1.1,,1 wil!dlol August :!S. Stu.leuts IIlU.'· ('lIlt'llit "c'r lIU JUlie l;j or at the hl��illllill�IIf the Sl,(�UlIIl term, six weeks later.lLIII'(' t huu u hund red courses ill Ell·I:"atiou will be ofTeretl this summer.Hllllt'tius of general illform:ltioll aboutt hi' comi IIg quarter :1I1Il the courses to} •• :!in·u 1Il:1�· he obtuiuc.l at the In,fOfmation office.---._--PRESIDENT JUDSON' ISSPEAKER IN B3RLINACCORDING TO REPOR'IPresident .Iudsou spoke before tillhl'rican Luncheon club in Bern'V l·olnt',solay :lccurtling to a c:lhl,� :.port received by the Chic:t:!o EX:III;'iuer,"Tbe further 1Il�. travels extend th.me re impressed 1 am that the h,·s.an'rage type of Amcr ienn one meet­al-roud retlects dist inct, credit upun botl.himself aud Uncle Sum;' said thej-rcsideut in his speech. Cyrus Curt i­of Philudelphia, Lieutnnaut, Gherur-Iinaval attache of the United States ernbassy, Arubnss:1l10r Gerard, aud Allisol,'. Armour were among those present.S'rODElft' WILL SPEAXON UNIVERSAL PEACEIN: CONTEST TONIGH'!this summer.THIB.fi ST1JDEN'.rS ABESUSP.3NDBD FOR POOR No ROYAL THEATRE63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.IN THE GREAT N: Y. SUCCESST H�: T HIE FiliA Play Pulsating Every Moment With Emotion. NIGHTL Y AT 7:30 and 9:15MAT - TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30Amusements.It is a fact that we sell - I� -m 0 r e you n g men's If I Were K'I!g, Hamlet,fi I th t h " Lord Duudready.me C 0 es an anvother establishment. .1---- - ----'This trade is flu I COHAN'S tii\MW� basis of our sr=! Another Col!;ill _\: Harris Triumph.-""""'�.111""- trade. Gco. M. Cuh;,u':; .l\I�stery ·Farce.It is because "SEVEN KE�� .'0 BALDPATE"we sell clothes L.\t;(;J1�, '1'111\11.1.::;, �:!;!.UJ)l:AMA.that are diffirenrT h es e clothesare the repro- ILLINOISductions of gar- DON A L D B R I A Nments as made by Shantz ofNew York and Dunn of Bos-I HOSSLER co. I19 Jackson Blvd., EastFinest Clothes tor MenAnd Yo� Men I"MossIer £(otbes" Enjoys IThe Young Men'sPatronageton.They're priced no higherthan' the ordinary kind. Priceranges from $20 to $50.Special Values at $25.Every Size to the LargestMOSSLER CO.19 Jac:luon Blvd.-EastBetweea State ad Wahasla A UDITORIUlWPAVLOWARUSSI.L'...l>4· BALL'::T�� UJphOllY Crchestra.Co.T!J:-;ny of (;�l of the Wor:tl'sc rcatcst Di.ncersYou WishTo Pay?Dockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St. Kujoshi Yabe of the Divinity schouiwill speak on "Unive�sal Peact." How?"ill we Lindgren oratorical contest to_night at Memorial hall, NorthwesterTlII niversity, Representat'ives from theGarrett Biblical instltute of Evanston,tllt� Lutheran Theological seminary, theChicago Theological seminary" anti thel!eCormiek Theological seminary willalso compete. Yabo entered the Uni·versity two years ago, coming fromTukushimaken Japan. He expects to"/UTLOOX IS GOOD FORb<: graduated from the Divinity school VICTORY IN GYM MEETWOBX AND DISHO� weigh in Saturday morning at lO:;W.Thirty Junior college students were The stranglehold, hammerlock, andsuspended at the close of last quarter. iuil-Xclsou are barred.The majority were discharged because Fencing Balesof poor scholarship, at Ieast twenty Each fencer meets evcry other mallin his event. There will be one manmen and women falling below the requircd standard of gralle points. eutercd from each University in everyTile remainder were dismissed for .li� . .!\ cut, Tuuches and form both counthonesty in examinations. it. the �coring, and superior form IIm�'"These figures show a ,leci.le.l i,�· .. �wing the decision in a close bout.Fl'Ovement over those i!';�t1ecl at t !I�... {:LGATE PBOFB880Bend of the Autumn qquarter," sai.l :111 WILL PBBA.CH SUNDAYofficial yesterday. "'Instane� of .li:o&· IIOBB'IBG IN KANDELhonClrty are far scarcer. 1 n contr:1�t __..;.t" the ]27 suspensions of the Autumn. Dr. William M. Lawrence of Colg:&teOI:1y thirty were reporte.l at the e1,)�''; ill.in·r:--it,:f' t.he fil'8t preacher of tl ...{",f the Winter quarter." Sl,ring quarter, will speak Sunday 'ItI' ill �(:III.ld. The Rev. Dr. Willis 11.Annual '1'0 Be Out In Three Weeks J�lItler of the Old South church in Bo'i_The Jlitchc()(>k nnnunl will he on til(' e r. :11101 til(' ne,·. Dr. 1Inrry )0' ..... ,,�(,:II1IP"!'l within thr('e week!'. All t�l" dil'k of tho }o'irst Baptist church "'material for tho hook i� now in th:� l!ontclair, New Jersey, will Le til;'h:m.l� of the celit.or!'l :mtl "'ill he �nt other preacher!' in April. In lL1Y,to the printcr!'l next week. Sllh�riI'- )lean Charles R. Brown of the Yah!tjons shoul.1 be hanelc.1 to Paul nIa.7.t.r ni"inity !'chool, Bishop WiJlinm Fras·or Rudolph Morit7.. er McDowell of Chicago anll Pro(e��o ..". A •• Jlllln�on ROM of Union Thcolog·Volunteers to GIVe Pazt¥ ... 1 !<leminaIY wiD. ipeak at the SII.Foreign stu.lent. .. will wear their na· I:·�· �('r\'ices.th'o .1r�.. at a ")liniatllre 'Vorltl inClicoago" celehration at the annunlrarty of the Sttulent Volunte('r han.Iat 8 tomorrow in J.exington. The �o·cial committee ot the Banet bn.,q nrrall;::!cd the soeial program. (Continned from pace 1)elltcrCti at each weight, The men mus;'1'0 Speak at IWaotsJ)":1n 8hail('r Mathews will n.l(lrcs:o;the stlldent." of the university of Wi·rf'i!'l on "lfilitary Idealism" Sun.l:1�·afternoon. Presideut Edmund Jam�will pre-side at the .eetiD,.I /, GAI-<R�CK..:.. H. �C'.!.IHERNlIis G:�.:ttcst Musical ComedyTril:lUllh, ill"'l'H.E MARR1AGE M.ARKET"._-----------------POVVERSH�m1" Miller ? r , scuts a Z.;'ew Comed7L(.NGDADDY LEGSwith Ruth ChattertonCOR'T'Jaclt lMl1L's New PlaTHELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry KolkerSTUDEBAKERADELEA Comic OperettaFrom tho French of Paul Hervenu-l .Icnn Driquet,New Yo·k's Sensa.tionad JlUBlcalSucccs.c;......The tune all ChIcago SaWhistJiJut.FINE ARTSTHE IRISHMatinees Thun. and Sat."PRUNELLA"princessMost POWerful DramaIn Fifty Yean.THB LURBo LVl\IIPICRupert Jiu�hes' ComedyEXCUSE MEWith the Peer of ComediansWILLIS P.· SWEA'l'NAl'tILASALLETango·FIlled Soq-Oomed7"SEPTEMBBB IIOBB·'With Daft LewItIAMERICAN JlVAICIlALLFun Makers SupremeKOLB " DILL"PECK ()t PICELBS"Musical Komed7 Blot\(t