"1--- ':1)·1ff�t'.• 1tQ.'''' ':JVoL XII. No. llL : i UJIIYIIBIIIft' OP OBICl&8O. ftI1JB81)AY� APBIL 2, 1914.\';,., HOBEN -.;s-WDl· PRESFJTPLAY AT AUDITORIIJIANNOUNCE SPRING SOIEDULE A beach party, several smokers WidMIOUGAN 1914 CAllY CAlIS teas, -and WI informal will be on the PLANS ARE NOT .COMPLETEDWRITE SOCIAL PROGRAM WDl LAY our BOTANYJuniOIl Select � of Class Evuts GARDENS NEAR HEREfor Quaiter-- T reaaurer Palmer., Will Return to Campus After New Uaivenity Greeahouaea toSevere llJness be Built At Cottage Groveand 58th StreetPUSH COIPlEDON OFINTERIOR·OF STAND CAMPAfGN(:·:·FORAdditions to Athletic Equipmentto beFmiahedMay2S;Will Com­plete Receat impl'Ovementa lhealel( . � .Juuior social program for the Spriug(B I te 11· Pr) quarter. The dates were decided at a _A bot .. "".1'he 8priug SchedUle. t.UCULLe .&:rO.IelSZSUr .tUll&.11 J:1uoe� \:uu ... _ y n reo egtate ess. ,�,. 44UJ garden, which i.tf to cover'D_1 ... VS uate lor aiuerlLUU1' .trow. th" I$l....... AIUl .d.l'our, .iW.1C!1., Anri! l-\iWlt l.11u meeting of the class executl\'e cow, tho euti:e block, bouuded by Cutta".Sat. APril 18" Track-Drake -" r . d at Th .1 0nuttee yester ay ternoon. e ... ues Gat Des Moines. •• ant, toUJ�ut at lS III .n..eut tueu.&.,," �!1oru» ot tJae AUw.e� t.Utt .A1iI;hlgitii ,-o"e, .lIarylaud uveuue, 58th a11l1Sat. April 25" BasebaU-Tndfana !"t v.oueu btugg will pr62Ude. ·J.·BUI UI \.uc U Ulon oper� are 011 euge fur thde for the term were placed at twenty· 5!lth streets, Is the lat�t addition to- ii,'" cents.CiI.ic:aJ[o. Ill:;.. JU�uug 01 tue pre:sent WUC,- .l'tirior1JlU.nce ill the Auultoriuw We:"- the Scienee department of the ,Cni-. .to b •. 1.1 t 1u '"' .1.. h \ .. Palmer underwent an operation for 't At t th I .1'sat. April 25, �Pennsylva.Dia. UlaU1C C:wll'algu e ne \4 on .LlU Ler. \i cago, ... aturuay nlg t, \' ll.u· versa y. presen e auu 18 oeeu.,hr." . appeudieitis. Tuesday at his home in '.1 b tm t b 'ld' ..B.elasy at Philadelph1a. C;WlI' WI. t e ..r.n:tro.&t preseutatren voted a un- it' IHeu y an apar en UI Ing au ....hes. April 28, Baaeball-Irt:bmesota. Au. Hoben entered the l'rimary race animoWl lIIUCCees, both trom. the box or 4lwanee, Ill.. and since that time has two small houses.• .1:'1 b been improving steadily. He intends:l.t ChoC3go. us a l'rogre8&ve Call1lUuate ut Iaaer .tice and trow. the critics' desk, tlu! The garden will consist of 8e"eralto return to the campus nextFri.. :JIa.y 1 BaaebaD-.Iowa at Iowa. withdrew to run, as a Jl,on-partisuu. ruanagera ut. the" play, ··A .Model," ala ., greenhouses, a botanical laboratory aDd._, . ' . week. In the -meantime class tIcketsCity. He Itl opposed by Alderman Willis U •. managrs of. the play" "A Model �\l'. 'numerous plots. The present green-, b ' .. ar&a being sold and the treasurer's duSat. Kay 2, Baaeb&lJ.-J(jnnesota. at .Nance, the Repu lican nonunee, aud ghter,", :&I'&_ �makillg ,preparati01l8 f� • ..' house accommodations do not fu11ill.... llr Ir .. th D ti " .., ties .admlnistered by the 'executiveJtUnneaDO!!s. .M(j� �,�ar-, e emocra e nonu- thel,,: Anal .ppearance Ul Chicago. ' .the needs of the dpartment, officialnee, The Municipal Voters I --"ue eommittee.Wed. !rIay 6, BaBeba.Jl.-.()hlo at Chi, � l.'he glee,.and ·mandoliD. clubs" which OhaUenge 8eDior Bai:. � say, and a more adequate arrangementea«o. has endorsed both .Mr. Nance and .Mr. will forru part of the program ��ur' will be made in the construction of. th ..H be • 41_._1_.... did tes," The Juniors yesterday decided toFrl. :May 8, BaaebaU Keio UDiver'- 0 n 88 ·oIU�. can a dsy, will huld their Jinal concert, a'l. new houses. Part of the space is toEity at CJdcuo. Mr. Hoben is a graduate of the uai- Ann Arbor today. They will leave to' draw up a formal defiance to the Sen- be devoted to a park which will beSat. JIa7 9, Ba.seba.U 'Keto UDiver'- "ersity of New Bl'WUJWick and ,.N�w. morrow for their coast trip, going, to ius, challenging the upper-class ath·laifi out along the lines of the GameldBltY at ChIcago. ton Theologieal. institution.·, He�. ,.as Glanci' lUpida }'riday .and arriving hi letes to a baseball gam�, Friday after-pl3Ybrround on the West side. A :fer-d . ed' 1901 and bee past' . . , .' 'noon May 22. Accorwng tu the textSat. Ma 9i �onh ... estern at 01 &In m , , ame , or ChKago Saturday morning. . After the '. nery will be built in realistic surroundf th 'ted churches in Waunnn of the JUUlora' challenge, the ·'teamsChicaKO. ! 0 rea UDl . r- , Mimes production; .. they. will .leave for , ings. Among other features there will'U' • th Fro 1905 tu [Hhall bar nobody "C" men profeSSion- 'Tue&. Ma,. 12, Baae'ball--Northwest- n IS., 1n e aame year. m , the coat Saturdav .night. ". bn grottc.s, dells and fens. The plan.the F· Bap- . .'" ald erooks yeovmen. or any Selllurs!' .tint. 1905 he W88 past.or of lJ'St_ �, ca -, aJ"O Include a number of in�u!'ltrialFri. May 15� Track and Baseball- tlst church in Detroit. 110. then caine_ :.��$1,700 �Daee.. "We �ope � we will �� able to forceflt)wer beds.t Cham to Chicago as aasoeiate profeMOr, spec- . th� SeIllOrs 1nto a pOSItIon where theya paigD.. ., ., .'. e . All �epartments . of. I the Senior classcannot back out of the gam�" saidSat. Kay 16, Baaebaa-Wlsconsin at ulliZlng 111 8OC1ology. �ee\that � are .begiuniDg .. aetivities ill-preparation, .'. '..Chicago. he has been.. 4eld �tary"" 0( th.,_e\��� /.�r ..... .aeement.., Be. ft;�. ,ill �... "'e_ Pr��l1dent Sykes �esterday. If we Professor Coulter has had the_ .�de:t.. ...' -- -- �"- - ....- et tlae_ ._- �L caDlea ia mind fol'· •. '.,, __ dI ..... 4 ............ _:r_ . ., Bit: my N" .... � ,r4l1mmiJe:" •. a. l 1I� � �. -'-�:.' .:_, - - .'- t --.. -" ·:--�-.:"1 C�, g., , ·,.v-r�r- w- .Madison. . Be hu,� �v. ia. ,�,� ).ih- , ,.,,�, : �' i ve, pal: certainly expect .. to ,make them eat �� ber !Jf, !e� The, pruject has been. • I I." . .; !: .1700 lA,elal!- duea:for the year. Th dirt.'" <:are!ully mapped out ancr diseusaed bySat. Kay 23, '1DcIt aDd Bueball- Ing beach_ ODt:�.Soatla.8ic1e... 1IlOIl- ..... "coUectecl in._,da,; aDd a .He also ·foUllCled;·lI7cJe�JL.,Cater. ., -J .. -. ".; ,...• Other .Tumor athletes reiterated his nlembers of the Botany depart�ent.Pnrdae at CJd.caco. '. ". '... "'�, half. boa the.eu.ti1'e membership' ,of t' t' f de1i Yester lay it was approved by Mr.Tues.' IIq 26, Bue� at In its -report, tIae .• ",!,�jpMI'/:V.r3 the elaa of 4IiO..&udenta. ., seD Imen s 0 ance.. •LaI'�-tte. league aid, in; put, -"Be • -,';;aaa of. : '.. The quarter'� program of social events WaIlace Heekman, business manager_v . .,. ' 'PlaDa for a- � m .... orial have d t d _.. d b th f th U· 'tFri. IIq 29--Ba8ebaB--D)lnOls at strong charaetel'.i.�Je ,ADCl�·_tive; an .. . .. was a op e J-.-..er ay y e execu· 0 e IllVers1 y.Ch1�o. eft'eetive publi�,..,_k.( ·,ADd. a..'�igor· threateJI.ed to �pt the Senior law tive committee as follows: "We have secured the right uf �sy-. . c� Bv a ball_ of 91 to 27 the ..... _ G.-I_'I � f th all d' '11 beg' t',Sat. June S, �Weltem CoD- ous exponent of the\�prin' . '" .. .. --- Of .-,-Y� 0 e ey: an WI In. opera 10�. 1 ... : eIaIa voted. do ... · the motion to gave April 14. Class �eeting. :u. early this year 'as pOSSIble," 8&ldterence Keel; at 0Jaka&D. C:1�t H be hu deelared himaeIf "n a .eJua:·gift -this ;Ye&rI"·l'eIt8nting the April 24. Smoker, AJpha Delta Phi Mr. Ht.ockman yesterday. A fenee sim.-'l'hura. .TUDe 11. AJmDal "C" BaDquet r. 0 n.•. . } attitude of 'tlie .Kiehipn .. DailY, ,which .. Har to the one stirroundiug' Sca�monat Commcma. b"or of the elimination of Dational . . Be' I" _ouse.1:_' "pal I ta' th was pus� ihe. proeJ(:t., Illor c ass· April 28. Luneheon·, attend Minnr. C(.urt will enelo� the gardens. ThePri. .June 12, In_-Claa � and p�y. uaas 1D III1IJUe1 e ee oDS, ,e es in the- otlher dePartments will lea"eVanlty..Al1mm1 BuebaIL addition of a welfare. departmen� ,to '. "th '. "sota. game en masse.Ch'" ... _1__ e1ue. gifts u usualj, e engtneers are lla.", 3. Tea and musieale.8 t. 'W'1IDe 'I. _ .. .-.-_...... ... 1 11' Jeago. govenaaeu,. a ....._r 1ICl'U- ... a.. .-. .&.au_ � I. .- • ...' .' c(�J)eding money" for a loan fund E I hterscholasti Meet. tIDy of publie expeaditares,. the 1m· "• Sigma Alpha psi 00. ous(' 1'lBS'l' PLABB FOR .nrr..m-c •• .'. f' . � scholar,ship, an4 the .. LIterature �, �Ia.v 12. Class meetin'g. 'pro"ement of Paaapor1iation acilltle5' '.' SCHOLASTIC � IIAD ....d . .eecl tile �"" f tb . dents hsve 8U8beribed money for- an M 15 D .,With the eompletion uf thc Sprinl; ala: 18 op.po 6 __ &010 � ell810n �th : � all-eampu8 bulletin boarll, to be built .. a,. • anee..',. �_.r.' W., . May 29. LuD�heon; attend IllinOls TenDia 'l'01ll'DalQeDt WDl BegIn ,Ouathletic schedule and the inaugurationL erDl&DIalLC oar years 1 � in the center �f. th� eampu8.o� strenuous outdoor track and base- be ree .. .. game en mas.w. Day EarUer aDd Five Places WW}.� 1 C Hales, '00 the BepubUean All Senior men � . now earrylng May 30. Women's party. CcuDt tor Points.ball work this week, Director Stagg ili �r �. aid . the 31st dass taDes, in .. keepiag with Michigan J -I Beach partvpushing the work of finishing the in· Il('m�nee � �;:' th M '. tradition. Each' depart�eDt ehooses • une • •• Ilir('Ctor Stagg and his assistantsterior of the grandstand. The COli' �ar� was, e 0 .'1.e UDt ita. OWII c:ane' with' &1 particular eolor NAPOLBON COLLBCTION ha"e already begun to prepare for th.tracts recently let provide for ibJ coni' ("pal Voters l-eue. Be IS IlUd to -WILL BB OPBB' ·DAlLY Thirtt.-enth Annual Intel'3Cholasticpletion by May 25. _.tlaat it will be "unusull7 CJUliled by experieuee, and .. ape._ ALL 8I'&1lfG QUAB'l'BB mnet, to be held .June 13. Two im_J10SSible to utilize the new dressing judgmftlt, �g aDd c�ter to W�, 4Wetea. ,.ortant features ha\"e becn a.lde.1 an.&.rooms for the Conference meet aDd the rt'preBeDt tlaia ward." Thirtv ... ;..... Be. bool,. i.neluding in· ,During �he Spring quarter, Ap.ril. 1'" �- ...,.. preparations are being made to getIuterseholaati.. .:t p' • Toledo,' Cleveland Chi· to JUDe 1_. 1914, the room contalDln� .'- n'B8JIMA. ftI.A"I"B-D '10 8N u oDS ID"• out In th(' near future, lette", to news.-�atrn. Q-.nnaw Bay City and Detroit tbe NapoleoD Collection, presente.1 to d preparatory school!' throua•�. � OO�B 1\-' ....... , h U' . b � A W papers an a._ y�.:. .w.r ... _' ... have aDawereci', ;;avitalioDS to take t e nlvennty y .-rs. nna .The plans for the U8e of the space .._..., _.. .. Ph I '11 be 1'1 except out the country ad"crtil'ing the meet..._. pa_ I'. 'lIie";".'. llllDUal interseho- . E' ps, WI upen • al y,lhmeath the concrete ataDd provide u .... -, U' Inquiries have been reeci\"ecL fro ....Dramat" Sunday, from 2:30 to 5::10. .nl�for addition8 to the preeent athletic lIemben of tile FreMa_ Ie Jutie meet. .h flfhools as far away as California, ancl..... _ tr-.ll_ Ball ,. .....� d' Beulah 1I. Garrard will be in c argeequipment that will plaee Chicago 88C' dab will P","Dt ..,. ... ___..e " lIie.""8 . -:-� eqna 18. pnr-. . . . . th .. re is e"ery reason to helie"e that•• the;r aeeoDd play of tJae 7e8Z at " tcr. tieiDg oat of 'd""*-" aDd the ,athletes of the f'Xblblta, whu·h ('onSL.. t malDlvor I .. otond to no other amvermty iD the . _ •. ..,, l' b _.... _.1 II' 1 � the reeor,1 entry list ... ' year'.morrow ia Greawood WI. Eleve. ....t· .·r ant taste of real (l pictUres, u_ m'lrua Ions, or. e .cuuntry. The BOUth end of the granc) are 6 ... • Ing. I'. h' d t' lat· to m .... t will be surpa�'4C41.'n Ita ia b _.. A vel tm 11 nnd ot er aeora 10� re Ing .stand will (ontain three &qUuIl eourt.", womell WI ve pan. tee__, competition. no ty year WIN I d th N pol '. . I The prelimionrif'14 in the tenOl.( •• lIy equippel, Jaeker rooma and show- which is beiag eoaebed b7 8arab ).lui· be the formatioll' of, aD aU-.Freala team, .l apo eon ahn e � Db eothOlc Jpe"t(H· thnrnnment will "f';rin \V.lnel4.I:\\" •• Jun4Jh 'd f til I b. Th la hed Ie f . h� gamn Aecftls to t 0 room If' y . e e e'·n or .e� for "i:'titing teams, aDd a room thnt roy t e Prell eDt 0 e e a e to pya se, u ;" 0 elg.f II 19, in�tca.l of on Thu�Ja," a� hereto·fal::l1 reheanal will be .eld at 2:30 to John LanD- & former Vanity play in the east tower 0 arper. .will he ul'Cfl a.s a temporary Va",it�· , .... f(�re. The incr":Il4ing eotry list. makesh .. a.lquarters in the faD and 'Trin�. clay in the League l'OOID. ef, and recently with Philadelphia, Wau' 8tact-ta as 0I$aDengers. thh" impf'ratil'(' in orll('r to nih theOther f"atures here are a Btaek room The cast for tlae play follows: will roach the you�rs. The year· lTni\"er.tity men who nre willing tG tc,urnament oft' l4ati�fa('tority. FoT' thea phYRil'inns room, bat'hs aDIl toilet� 'rom •.•••••••••• ,.... Alice Kite.e11 ling players wiU. op� t'he Vantity work for lIiss Marlon Drak�. Pr,l Ol"8t tim� in an opf'n mf'ct .h·c plal'e.a Jonnging room and an apartmcnt t() Dick •••••••••••• '....... Laq- We� ill all the pradice ti,�ts. grnsive candidate for alclerman in th.> in ("'ery r.,'ent win h(' awnr ..... 1 poinb.h<. n�d. for Vanity ehallt t. .. lk8 anff Phil ••••• .,. ••••••••• EstJaer Beltrieh. .Tate.. WIa •• 11'''" fiflllt ward, have been ask.,.l to ('om' .·i�t pla('e ('ounts fh'e point-l', 1'("(!0n.Iconmltations. Henry •••• ,.... )larpret )laeDolaaJ.l Th aI ill.ter-e. las basketball munieato with Roy Baldrillge, 6 �ort.h [nnr, thi�d, three fonrth two 8n.l fiftb• Professor •••••• �. •• )li.aie OoldaaD e. anDU'. .' '. .,The hlg feature of the north enff of.' •• edule has � �Ioeed by the win· MIChlgaD avenue, or With the Manon one. Ce"ch Stallg b«-IiM'('l' that thi� i.th ta..'l '11 be h Kitty ••••••••••••••. JIartb Barker.J .L· --ke 'eadquarten at 2222 Inclinn" , . ....,.�ry t..-f"an- of th ... �i7.(' and .. Ia .. ,.f· s n,. WI t e raequet �onrt, B 81t Ill' ltiDg of the trophy by �he �Ilio" It ""1'. ' --.' "'- lie..... "f�r which lfr. Harold lfeCormi .. k ga"c Sally •••••• ,........• alia ee '1team. The SeDior E._gineen, three aven1le. No pay jilt given for the work of the entry Ii!'t .. Cup!' that nrc aWRTII·t('n thonMnd dollars. This will he th� Fr.lnces ••••• •.•• •• •• Aliee BoekwelJtim. the iDtra'manl t'. i.ampioDti w�re which consists of watehin. JC Rnll Chal'j (:d to all pla('e winn(,r8 will all'O heAqnt Eleuor •• :&titil-lInde1eohu ' ..'J' 6_· th fi__' I, ..'I h h' h '11 t.._(ioly featnre that wiD not he eom.. ••••• I'UDnf'rB-Up ia t'he el ... aeries. e"�n� vo'-'C1'8 In e I'l''' war. on ,"r�er. an,. t e m('('t w If' WI ,_-----------------. MaId •••••••• r........ Kanaa Spat"h .elcdioD day. The helpertl will be in· un.ler Oirec'tor SbJCg'l'I pel'l'Onal, 110',,,"Ii.lIed .. ,... 4.) ,Waiter. . •• •• •• • ..•• •• Eli.. Dot)' (CoatiaMcl o. pap I.) 8tnIetN i. t�ir duties MondRY night pen-il'ion, will pro\"e a reeor.l breaker.Is Coul"s Idea...ContiDued OD pa,te 4.,,.,, '"fiDE DAILY MABOON. THUBaDAY. APBIL 2. 1914..D ail,Seniors Have Party--Seuior worn-Maroon We Could Give You More Tobacco,But Not The Same Grade.• Brief ea.. .. News�- ...J)u11etm�.:...... ...._ Ne. p"" � ... v ......... � a.-... '.1UUAl.D1vinity school chapel, 10:15, Has· 4,';j wiU gh'c a l' arty in Foster hull thisafternoon at 3:30 .• �C!.:. :l.bs�mb.ly room.� IDOf'Illnc.. ueept 8allda,. alld• �. .� tbe AutamDo WllltH' andbrt.. Q .. rt..... bJ' Tb. Dall,. Maroon.... .&.l�t::l S 11t..a, 11.1:15, Oobb OR •\\' onicus U.lC\) csuu rcueaesai, -l:�1I, -Iolln cluh will meet tonight ut .: 15 ill.oL.t.cJlc;;' 1.awcr.t ln- Hifchcuck dub rooms, �1t.'IIIIJ\·I'::-Mandolin C:ub to Meet:-Th,-, ,:\1:111.. w. C.&U .. II ••a. 8. Gorca'L ..... , 'New. EditorAtbJ�U.. EditorBallDe.. .aDagt'r ..,OUl,:,Uon ciub, 7:aO, .Bel1ie!d ,159. II:IH' bl"�u asked to brillg their iustru­�';J.Ucr women s par�;y, �:au, l·ost(;.(' Hi'-'lItS. The club unnouuees t hut it i:-;i n 11t',-'.1 of u tl'llist.ICAtanc1 .. MCoDd-cla.. mall at tbeCbJCaaO Poetolllce. Cblcaco. III.. )iarcb U.1 .... _d ... .Act of Marcb Ie 11'11. .b.L4.11(io�in dub, 'i :15, Hitlhcock.Women to RchC3ne-The----�-- \\'UIIWII'�'8VBsc:IUPTION IlATE8.., carrI.r: ta." a ,._r: 11.00 a qu_rlel.IS, mall: IS.OO a year; 11.:5 a QUUI_'r ..IIid1lOrlal-BWlIDU. OlUce. ElU. U.TelapbOD. �hlWIl)' 100. Arter 10 p m1174. Park nn. AI.,CEP'l' 1 ��'J,: � -'.&:\ .... "", \.iHORUS Gh'e dull will rehearse this uf'i cruoouMEN, IN l:'�L-ili� TRY.OU'l'� at, ��:::lI ill tho lJit ... hell tower studio.(_'!HC"CS l'It:lh'.l that the IIll'ctill:! is illl":cc(Jud Try(.ut lor PLaces B.csalts lh !Iurtaut.Sc.ec..tiOll of Mally-Need Mo�II&I'oea Pnu. 'ill COlt ... Urovt= AVt:DU,- M,.,\ny Rent Textbooks-'I',-'xtlHlol,,,:1l:1�' bo rented from the _'\lllIllIlUt� 10:li\library, Il:arpt'r �I:!.j, for :';,j l'l'Il;S :1WHAT ARE THE FACTS? 'Ju:t1ilil·.1 lUIA recent connuuuie at ion has cuuse- tJilJ j�iaddl'jal' c!wrlls ,II llll: tryulll:- '!,Iart,-'r. The ofTice is upen 1'1'0111 11.some comment, by sayilig that it W,I:' ,Id.l durillg the last t \\U uays. .,lul\.: t,:. :!.difficult for the writer to get uc- u.uy L .. , :lo1l1e.l later. Cast t ryou c«quainted, A second uote, of t lre S:UIIL' W,'l'c h\,1.1 frUII! ; tu 10 last c\'cuiug,'1 I 1 .il·rg-r:l.itl:ltc couue il will meet tumortenor, laid SOIllC of the blame at the \\ hell Cuach Culcuiau 1':.1. l'. a 1:111.'I '11 I. J' . 1 .1 t hi row at 1:.!:4:; iu Cobb I:.!A.1 IC t.ryout.s WI ue 1111:-; leu 11:; C,'CIl, Connell Session Tomorrow-TIll' I.' II .door of the League cabiuct, cl:lilUill�taat the "central orguuizut.iou" is l'af­tiS} in selectlng wouieu for thu posi­nons of honor and. responsiLility illwc.mcn's activities. Now, to t he aver- ill�.The nu-n who ha ve passed« hurns t ry outs follu,\\':Anduruian, Relit, Beut ley, Drnmatic Club lIIIak� Pi:ws-Plaa�ill t.l«- for this quarter's plays will lie .li3·t'lI�sl'.1 at a mel'tillg of the Drnma t.icBludll�' dnb tUIDorrow at 10:1;; iu Cobb !Ill.age museuliuj, mind, such au Iudic t . Hlazer, J:lll'gce, Buwlr, Bl'edill, Broomt.h t'll., "'ry·.I'I, '�olllt'-", '·.Corllwcll, D:l\·i.l· .Leavitt is Speaker-A�soci:.tte Pro.men l!(.'cms rat er absurd ou its facc. .D_ "_Men familiar with couditions ill gell' ::;(.)1, l1CH:I.el', Elkillgt'OIl, Guuell, �lan- f�ssor }'. M. Lt.'avitt spoke' 011 "l,uhls-1 t· ·t··1 S(JU, 11 ill,crt, fliltOIl, 1101)8, llu)s, HUIl- t::-i:ll Etlucatiou" at thc colJege of j<�.l':era nc 1\'1 les, anu those bdollgi IIg .('%clusively to the gentry of the cam. tcr, lllgel':-;oll, J�illg, LiL\HeIlCe, �Ii. ucation chapel yesterlluy IDoruiug.:r,ult sueh as Blackfria.r::l, kllow that a:-: (,!�!le], �rlln!ol·l., �e\\,lIlan. Paille, l'ar- Chi Rho Sigma Pledge-Chi Rhoa rule, it is hard enough to secur.' a 11-" k(�r) Pid,., Hi.lgeway, Hogcrsoll, UY:lII,v_ Sigllla all110unccs the ple.)�illg of Hor·{'ne at all for a gh'en })Iacc much lc's.':'i Scott, Slif\'r, SlIIith, Tcniu�:l, Welc'h,(t'n!"c L. Petersen of Davellport, 10W:l.t{' have n. choice alUollg cantlidatt'� \\,i !!c't t. W i Icy, W illi:lIn!5.fairly equal in qualificatious-the only ��t the c)lOrus tryouts �'c:-;teCl!:I)'� thesituation where favoritism call be a nlt'll were groupecl iuto .li\'isiolL'�, :ll'­factor. No--unless merit is not a c'or-lint:: to size. Th£' SL'C'Oll'! rchl'arsa1qualifi,!ations for offices in the WOIII_ will he heltl at :!::10 to.la�· in the Re."­en's acthities (in which case tllt� 111:1.18 cluh theater. Ahout twenty :"lucky" favorite who gets the Lerth i:, nHJre mell aTe neetletl to fill the chor­really the loser), it is iuconcei\'ubh' us�s.!n.voritism plays a gre�t part in se_le�tions-unless iudeetl,we coucetle thatthe aver3ge of ability, jevotioll, alii Ienergy is much higher amoug tIt\:women of the campus than the mell.That seems' too Dluch for mortal lU:11Ito concede. But probably, lUere lUau ics to be gh'cu during lIext week w.lIcan find in his own experieuce somc- Lt· heM ill the Hy,lo Park Ballti:.>t:Chllrcll Sunday at S. .An inform: ••thing very like the original complaiut,which has started the discussiou. }'Ol' bathcrillb of the religious workers willa pel'8On of shy nature, getting ac b(; heM ou :Monday at -l :30 to ; :30 illquainted. on' the campw is utterly in!- Lexington. llr . .Edtly will speak. Thepossible for at least a ycar or two. �el!ollli amI thirt! lcctur� will be heldThe rule among Freshmen is, " Every. at ; :30 Tuesday and W c,lnestlay night•:1'. 1l1 .... '1·1el ll.·tll. llr. Eddy will speak Wi�eon�in·s baseball squad recch'('IIone toot his OWn horn," and the moJ. .I.' .. uh '• .0 womcn of the lilliversity at 4:30 if�� first s�t back when Rule, the lca..l·est person W 0 refuses to toot, simply. . 'l'!!Urstla"-, ant! to the me,n at .:30. His itlg backstop eandiclate, was force.l out18 19nored. Such a person goe� .1�'L_ h i.r.s.'t "'lublic lecture will be Fritla, Y o( �er\'j(!e for some time hy a foul til'uuoug a. long process, making all I.• _ 'h 1.'I·:!llt .. t ':.'30. lIe will holt! a confer· which' injurell Ilis throwing hand.acquwn""nce. ere and there, ripeuing �. ... •one or two int.o frient!shil):J and l'nce with all foreign borz;i membersof the Unl·versl·t,,·, Satu.. r,day, Anril 11, :\lichigan's Varsity Freshman ha."C·through them making other acquaillt " .1-at 10 in Cobb 12",\. His f;rewell atltlrcss hall team has brilliant prospects. Overances. Perhaps, by this process, the.t ... tile rcli2i(,us workcrs will be rri\'(�n onl! hundred prospective canflillatci\}>('giDlllllg of the Senior year will see OJ� �.ant-wered the first call.the person enjoying a normal acquaint- �t 3.ance. And as a corollary of the })ro' The Annual Circus at Purclne prom-c(:l!I:J, such a person has little or no Distribute Soph Class Cards.ise� to be the largest ever heM. Th('cl..ancc to break into stut)ent activi· Treasurer Carl. Weinman will dis-DlfOna.gement is having a hard tjme 011ties. l'reshmen must be prominent lIy trilJutc Sllring quarter class c�ds at a taining enough tent room to provitlrthe "seIf.horn_tooting proces:J" if they 1 .. ,�ct!ng of the SOl)homore socml com· for all of the shows that are hein;tare to stand any chance in the cla.... :- illittee toclay at 10: 15 in COhb. 'lOB. planned..,l(�tions. The same holds true in the Presitlcnt Burcky has callcd a classS()I,homore class. And whcn our he- Il!eeting at 10: 15 tomorrow, in 'Kcnt,16n'd Undergraduate Cou1l1�iL 1Ialll(,� t.o \'ole 011 propositions for thc quar'�ommittees, it is thesc sclf_nPl'oillt- tc,r's :-;ocial program.cd. self'lautlatory, aulcmati.· Illt"g' .?si U Has �Psi Upsilull all'M'uuces the pledging of DOlla'" K.Ahder�ou .of Cbieago.Athletics Brevities ..Spring football practiee Legan atl',mluo yesterllay uutler Coach Andy!am. BDDY WILL .SPEAK Smi�h;. Sixty·two canlliclates haveON sTUi>ENT PRo,BLEMs ;j�llec( �p' for thc spring work, an.lSUNDAY NIGHT AT 8 Purllne rooters are lookillg for won,tl�'rful . !'L'9uits on the gricliron in tht� Whether you drink it to q'acnch thirst-for refresh­ment-for pure pleasure in its cl::iciousness Coca-Colascores goal. It satisfies you in a mann�r and with acompleteness possible to no other beverage.Delicious-R.efreshingThirst-QuenchingTHE C�CA-COLA co.,AtIaDta. Ga. WJacDna,.na_ .. �IbiAk of Cao-CoIa::;Cl'- f:!!I�Coaeh Mahan, Purdue's new trackc(J:tc}l, rec�ntly took charge of theohhloor squad. A number of impro\·t.'­mcnts have been matle on Stuart fielcl.TI!e prospects of a successful team aretl:ought to be the brightest in year:4.�HlCAGG).SPRING STYLES ARE HEREDiscuss Moral Problems. The very spirit of Spring has been captured ill the wonderful colodDaor our new fabrics now on display.Greens soft in tone. often blen&.;.t into Lrowns. promise to be v..-,smart this SPriD��he many new shades of neys and blnes will also please men of taste.Pliable, soft materials that lend themselves to the correct c::Io8e AtUngbtYles. are in I:1'eat demand..To fashion the new snug fitting cloU:es requires the utmost IIdlLPlans for an atlclition to the Varsity1 .... �t hon�e at Wisconsin havc hccn So the Jerrenls way of tailoring these new smart styles appeal .....I Th C 1· aI to ,,"tr'ongly than ever to men w�o seek to lle both .illdl·viduft1 and ---�omp etect. , ear. In s expcC't ..... --in their dress.l1:n'o one of the fin('st training quar·tc� in the country. The acl.lition wm W� invite you to see the greatdisPlay of the comet new �Spring materials at any of ourthree stores,TAJJ,Olt FOR YOUNO- MENTHR�E STORES: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E J a..ck r. on mvd. 71 E JIoDroe knpl:ones who aro always al"r'(Jl'nted from the t .. ·o The U",lcrl!mcluntc Y •. M. C. A.I·o",- ",.!'It ahout twent.,,·fh·e hnnclrr,l clo11ar�.r .. lower da:o;�('�.,,:i�:'iioll� will meet tonight at G ill It will. make ��ihlc thc lat1n�hing orAn·l when the mOllest, one Ilnt·s 1"�"'fIle I'�"Jlul·c·him;on ('afe for a ,lisctlssion of six �he1Js at one time.known in his or her .Junior �'I'ar, what: 1.0 mornl :l1ld rcligious proh)cms ofjs 1be reaction of the nfore�:li,J c '''''11- llinnesota will hoM a noviee trac�k'1- Ob h h 1 tll'� Lnin'r:-it."· (·ommunity. At thl'Cl �., , e asn't c one nn�·thill� in.l � t tl All men who 1m\"('(jralluatf' c.:olllmi�sion dinnC'r last. night mu!t "a tlr ay.college." It is somewhnt c:l.:-;ii·r toO h .1 k k '1)1) ... But.)er anll llr. Bi('khnm spokc. nC\'cr won .onors In rnc wor WIbreak jnto other activities, wll('r(, th" I,., eligible to competc. Co�h Fmnkcompetitive metho<\ rathcr than tlH' thinks tllat hy fhi!' mcct he wi11 11 ...1 t· .. f h t h MlMt:S WILL PRESENT . .e ec Ive, IS In orce; u e'·cn erc, ahle to ohtaln a hne on �omc '·alu�.modesty shrinks from the coM antl PLA_YAT AUDITORIUM �.lc f h'� .I. material or t 0 � a�lty toam.stem Berutiny of the juage�, This i!'tlae true modus operandi in "1':<:_duding" good people from �tll' ------------------------------------------------------------------.------FratenllJ' .Jf!'Wf'tl'JI ...... er GfH)d!'Cnn .. �" Xn .... III ... F.mbo,,�ed S&aUo.e17WetldlDIr lui""' ••cam .. ea..(Continuc,1 from p:lge one) BROCHONENGRAVING COMPA NY�ong boob will he (lifrt,rihl1te,l toI1U bs�ribcrs for the In.''t time toclny :.tto:]!) in Cobb. The puhlic !'.... le willoren tomolTow at the Pre!'s, Wooll·worth's aDd Kern's. WB80BIBB rOB 'nIB DAILY MAROO.If O. TURNERPr('�ic1('nt r..8 •• lIen •• IN",dent ae�vities. Don't hlam� the ).:1\'(.' hecn dimme.l l,y the los� of Trap·Leagoe cabinet-lAY it np to tllC Cli£'lh:l�Cn, :'l v('tcrnn gnarll, who W3."ftcmlti� in a bashful stntlcnt in J!'cUin:r f�.rr.f',l to )(,:1\"c thc' nnh'er�ity hcca1J�eacquainted. of low scholarship., i1ICLASSIFIED S- t d tADVERTlSEIItNfS D en Views 01 Plays 01· the Week STANDISHPnmo1!a. deI's a little that the very gods shouldSet to over-Insistent strains of mu. be On his aide, too. That is, one won·. ders in a poetic fantasy, although the:,ole thl� over-sweet story of Prunella, ·t...: . h� be tabl'u ua .. on DLlg.. aeeep e 111 aUI!U how she wu enticed. into th� modern realistic drama.WANTED-I,'our studcuts having had worlcJ oy Plerrot, tinkJes its way to.1' f .b 1.... Pierrot L1inda himaelf unable to for-sales cxperieuce, to travel uurmg 11\'01' at 1 e .I." 1� Arts theater. 1n &suuuuer mouths. liust 06 able to demo kind of ouckwooc.ls poetry that Jimp!toustrute the pr inciples of salesman- oftl!U aud rhymes now aud then toship to ut her's, Chus. ScrilUlers Bous, n.hl to the roulautic Illuaiou, we IearuGIIS 8. Dearborn St. with Iuberlous over elaboration a siutvIe enough story. Prunella, under the seeks refuge at the foot of the 8tatueWANTED -.,A Ilri�ht, l'ushiug college l:;ui.lunct- of her three maiden nuuts-s- of Cupid, and there, when the t"omali-til sell al'ci.lcnt iusuruuce tu f IJ t h t al!,dm, Prude, and Prh'&CY, is being lila y mel.', e vows an e ern eou-raisetl within a garden of high and staru-y, even at the price of life.furlllul hcdges. The opportune chatter Au unsustained mystici8m undor three gardners and u garden boy ·'llt·dic" vagueness of idea. alternated,WANTED-- A uum""r oC students to (tnlll:wtidtlm is nothing if not Iuvlsh] hi the preseutatlon of the story, witlldo IIl1t:-:i.lc sununcr work. Earning» rt'\"'all'l thl.' faet that her mother met a tlite l,hiJosophy of sophistfeation,limited (lilly ".r your own cft'orts. love and the world at the hands of t·off.)lriseol }Irincipally of wise oldWorth illn·�ti:.::ttilJg. Get busy, Ad· tbt� sculptor who entered the garden 8�\\'S. SOUle few fragile bits liketht,�� 11. r. (:t'[\'in, Scribber House, to muke the statue of Cupid which Cupid's song of Iove., Plerrot's sere-. E\':IIl�tlllJ, Ills. I'ItutlllN at one end of it. !lad", und his story of the world outXuw, at the dawn of Prunella's life, sille are used again till their delieaeyTHE l'il.'rrot aud hi!l baud of mummers, aIHI eharm vanishes through the iusis-Corn Exchange National Bank puslIiug along the highroad break. in tent repitition of their faults.., C1a� from the outer world once more. De- 1,'l1e most beautiful thing in the playtil,ite the high hedges, the strong gate, is the bit of pantomime at the end of�q.OOO,OOO.OO the aunts, the gardners, two maidser- the fi.rst act when the curtain drous on Wlletella W�.., r IUUl � �:roof'.vauts and the gardn boy, all of whom the garden boy rhasing butwrllie'J. a.8JuML ZJiS'IUlt....•.•..•••• 5,000,000.00 h h zvaoPZAJI n.&lI:'rem.ain entirely passi\'e throug out t e An altogether charming person is the c1etacJae4 baa.. •Undivided Profits........ 1,000,00.00 wiM 'And disturbing revelry of the gar.len boy 88 done by master Albert pztyate ba� f2.OO up.nmllllners, Pierrot suceeeds in luring James. It is wholesomely human, -.so, __ up.the maiden away with the help of tha which can not be said of most of tht' .rit.flrs...ir8oMJet··8 .. 1ritll ....at,atllc of Cupid, who becomes animate p;t!C'c. Mr. Luke Martin as the head 'It OifIoni Me LewItI.in ortler to assure the doubting child garc1ener was pleasing, and Mr. Regi- •••••••:IU.X••••G.a.••••••••thut lo\'e is worth while. naM Barlow as Pierrot's wily andI n my most poetic frame of mind 1 mc�cepary servan� 8carAlnpl did thecannot conceive of a statue of Cupid best actlng in tbp plpy. Mis. Mar­dant would consider such selfish love guerite ClarkI who played Prunella,aM Pierrot's worth coming alive for, simpered artUieially through her sim­out I can well believe that, however plicity role, but did better after sheeffected, some such miracle would be haa been touched by the world.necessary to make an audience a.eeept Despite its pretty-prettin�, itsPierrot.'s success calmly. He is J8P- fairy story ending, and ita poeticresentccl with unlimited se�i;;- -a'iiCrr8DciiDon:all warranted to make anualimitecl wealth at his command, dif!nees comfortabl�ne leaves itboth of ",hich he uees for his own eel· with the sense of enervation that itsfitlh ends exclusively, and one won' funtlamental ariiGel811ty COlllpeUa.Three le.SIDS "IIJ 3 , ...... Eat at tile len's Commons1st. Good Food Properl), Cealed.2ad. CleaaliDess our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen3rt!. A Miaimum Price for Htf h Qualit7 Fooda •• Breakfast lie .. Caret.rla at I ,un�hDluerALaCarie5e ,per line. No achertisewents re­eeived tor less than 200. All d .... 0ecladvertisements must be p&1d III ad-YUce.get th" simple maid he lett 80 care­Iessly, }'illed with the memory of thepast, he has wandered back with hi'Jband in the hope of finding her. Shebusi IIl·S.� :lII,1 professiuual men only.Goo.I 1'(lIl1pt'lIl:'atiuli to the rigbt }1%1I'ty.w. e. h,wdJ, liii W. Jackt;oll Bh·u..,--Capita)SurplusOFFlCERS.ER:-':EST A. HAlUULL. PrHIdent.CHARLES L. HUreHL�SOS. Vice-Pre&.CHAU!l:CEY J, BLAIR. VIce-PreeI4ftlLD. A )lOULTOS. Vlce-Praldent.B, C_ SAlIlIO:-':S. Vtc:e-PrHl4eDLII'RA:-':K W. SlIITH. Secret&l'7.EDWARD F, SeHOESECK, Aat. C!aabl ...�. EDWARD lIAAS, A_t. CUblf'l".�AlIES O. W AKEFI,ELD, .u.t. OUbt ...LEWIS Eo GARY. A_t. Cubl ...DIR&CTORS.QauieeB Wacker Cl,.4e M. carrKartin A Ryenon E4wln G. 1.I'ore.ma.&4ward B Butler Wat80n B. Blalr0Iarl_ H. HUlburd .E4war4.A. &beeNCannee Buc:klncham Fftdw1ck W. Cra.b�BeDlJmln C&rpeDl- ErDe.c.A.. aa.....wNOTICEDear 81r:-Spring clo�ea are the ueu th1D& toWDk about. De Hew Pauema anhere and th� FiDe. 'ftq-re ftQ uaJ. indoor track meet. This year,Mr. Lewis Omer, director of athletics,invited these sehools to come to themoderate in Price, too. Northwestern gymnasium and the iii'The senior who is looking forwardCome In and see them who �ou caD.tf) the festivities of senior week as a�Yoan, vitntion was accepted.It is an unusual opportunity fortl:cse men to acquaint themselves withN orthwestem, and appreciate thespl('ndid equipment for the fnll physLning of a life·long enjoyment of thRt) ('al AlB well as sebolastic development.. h' . tb • forc:r,ml,amons IP, IS e senIor 'Ve hope it may be the means ofwhom the tlass finance eammittee is bringing some of them here as stuhaving regard. dents. .U any rate Mr. Omer is de-The1h-e·dollar assessment which has serving of eredit tor this enterprise.Daily Northwesterncelebration, not of the close of a fouryen", of profitable companionshipwith his fellowmen, bnt as the begin·l1li Bu' ,,� 8IneI.Telephone J4id1n� 9525. eu�tflmarily been demanded from themembers of each graduating class hashitherto been devoted exelusively to � BUDdnd DCIIDaZ8 III FiDeIIfinancing the various events which (By IntercoUegiat Press)-make of seDior week a season of fare· Evall8toD, DI., April I.-Accordingwells and godapeed.& The commi«ee 1(. the Northweatern university librar­this year has decided to include in the ian the students of that institutionbenefits of seDior week UBe88meDt a plaid one hundred dollars during theY<"8r's membership in the Alumni Aa- last year in finea on overdue books.sociation and a year's subscription to 33,568 volumes circulated during thethe ··Californio AlulllDi Weekly." The veal".:assessment will DOt only provide a Will 8tIIft Bo, 8cGat ClULmeans of leading the fourth year men A Boy Seoot muters' training cIL"'",aral women to a memorable close of will be held this quarter, if ten mentheir experienee but will weI' them regilrter for it. At present only fourat on�o into that greater otricial body men hal"e entered. Regist.ration eanwhi�h makes coUeg9 life extend to be made in Mr. Bickham's office.Woodlawn TrustIt SaviDgs Bank1204 B. 634 Street. 0Idcapfill: FAC'ULft •THG 8'1'1JDBB'rBoUIle1JHIVEBS1'rY OF OBIOAOOWILL FIND m.,ms BANK ALL ftIBFACILI'1'IES OF A DO"'J.'OWll BAlIK. t.be limits of a lifetime.A strong alumni spirit is such an IIIehipD JIaa ta Speaker.important a..�t of the university anll I'resident D. B. Waldo of the West·tlte encouragement Which is that em Re8en-e state normal school atttlJirit whieh is being gil-en by the Knlamuoo, Michigan, will give a talk!"('nior finance eommittee makes a on "Tho Building of the NormalHJ:len,li(1 eontrlbution On the part of Sehool" at the Edueational elub meet.the ]914 elMS of a permanent uDi. icg tonight at 7:30 in Belfield ]59.,-cl'8ity loyalty. Daily CalifonU&IISA VIliOS ACOOUlft'BaDdCHECKING AOC01Jlft'8Are Welcome and Appreciated.PIau are being fOl1lUllated at Min-SUBSCRmE FORTnR DA TLY MAROONAll th. eampu ..... For ten years the Chieago High ne1'Ota for aD intramural basketballSehools Athletic U80eiation has been toumament. Teams from every eol·gl)ing to Bartlett gymnasium at tile lege and elass in the Univenity willUnh-crsity of Chicago to hold ita &lin· be en,tered.I Smartlyexpresseo the bestID colbr styles. 2 for 2Sc.0... P�.1 t, Ca.# L'lC. MaIrusF . �.. HOTEL or AMERICAN ID�HOTEL POWHATANWA:SHII'IOTON. D.C_ thatUP_DSflIIDaarsafERYleEHEARDOP THE ... A8-7''''� J[JI!P THATPIT 8 EVERTLOCK-DIDn)u EVER BE..utSWAN'S LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Regular Dailyaad SDDday Diabel', 20e UpESTA8U5HED 1818BOrEL LA. SALLEApril 23rd, �4th and 2St;h.With SpriDg S�lea in readY'made Garmentsfor Dress or Sporting WearFamlahlD� Bats and S hoe SoMUSIC .0;:- A. MASTERIf 0 DEL OF ATYPEWRITER'"Tblnk of A I.L ofthe t'oDlblnf'd ad.'l'antoc:eM of Sf:'"·ERAL typrwrltt'rlt708 baye seen.('one.n t rat e d InONE atandardmoeblneJTh� Royal h.ndl�"I' .. r r .. � (I)' .. \' .. r,-1."""'0 runn orCCII � r .. leu r­r .... pund .. nC"�11 lid d.w" C"lord,,'riUnK and {'on­d.·I1 ....... UUJiIl'; I ... •"Id..,. - - ,,-ithll .. l IIljin::I� "IIi,U'daJ Ill·taC"hm"lIt'" ... ndd�.s;t"' ,-_t tu Ih ..h-IH"WrIC .. r. Thlilkur Ihl" --:and ,-uuwill hoyt· a fairlyKINKI Id_ flI til ..�11".t .. r·�lud .. 1 01thc Royal."RO'-,\I.T\'I·t;\\,RITt;R (:0.lur_51« ..... ;\Ionnw SC_.CbieaLu. Ill.be at theCome inTHE DAILY KABOON, '1'JItm81)AY, .APBlL 2, 1914.----- _- -------------THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOFaD TwoOuucelmsAREALtimber-toppertLis VeJ.vet I I t has hung from thetimbers of the warehouse for overtwo years. This is to get rid ofthe leaf harshness-only time andpatience can annihilate the --bite" in 10-bacco, Velvet is perfect mellowness­a flavor delightfully good-superblysmooth. It" s only by comparison thatV dvet is the smoothestOpportunity!Are YouGettingStylesYouFancyAt the PriceYou WishTo Pay?Acc(pt. this 2S an inyitatioll to ,'i�it 0 ur �hopWe sohclt the pri"ilege JUST TO SI-IOWyou our Sprin� Styles.. �ailored young men's clothing that are in­dIvIdual creation!'. The "allles found here arethe talk of your college --- inquire about us.Dockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St.'_ .. _. SUBSCRIBE r'on TI! I·: DAil.Y �fAROON. Improvements on Field.At l'r."Scut the steam utters Ul1l11,lulIILers ure just eomplet iug thenwork, :LIllI the lighting �Jl'ill'li1 wiU h.lilli�hc" shortly. Tho couc rcte work isl;t'arly done, and the eu rpeut ers urewlnkillg on tho purt.it ious. Jimmy 'I'w»hig uud hig assistuuts have also iu , WILL PRESEN'.r TWO COMEDIESstalled a uuuiber of hnprovements on -the uthlet ie Ileld recently, The higl, .April 15 Set for P1ays by Members ofjUllll,i1lg. pole vault.iug und brund French Club.jlllllpiug huve been moved to the ex, --tn'lIIc north CllII of UlC field, just ill Twu comedies wi1.1 be presented hy:-:i.ic tho track. The take'oll's han meml-ers of thc F'reuch dub _t.'ri,lay,l.eeu built of ciuders aud rolled until April };"), iu ll:ullh·1. 'I'he pla�'� urutl:t'.v are iu excellent eoud it.iuu. '1'l.t· ··L:L Lotcrie Jc Fruuefurt " uud ··}.:Il';t� huve been tllled with sun-I, a J,:rcat I�:lt:lillc des Dames;" Thc eust s 1'ul_'J'h�ec tmttiug enges huve been buit ll:U-Ill1is� Dorothy I'hilbr i« k:�t. tho north cud of thc field against I�o�ctto Ruth �Ianil'rnthO) I:uncrctc wall. Coach l':lgC has a Amuuda ...•..••.•.... Oliv« �lartillsquad of nearly thirty out fur thc Vur l-erine Murgllfl't lit's ...�it�· team, Including e lev eu veteruns La Bataille des Dames.Thl' yearling squad i� growing r:llli,lI� Heurl William �hirlt'�Daily games between picked Yar�it� S •• ltlier ...•.•. " .. 1 •• , •• _ • Leslie Parkerteams will be in order for the .uext _\ssistant Professor Sehocll is coachtwo woks. Coach Page has half a ing the players. 1\[asOIl Lawrence,dozen pltchers working out, the htrJ,: I It.' U11 usher, will have as nssistnnt sest number in years, and all take their Euzanne F'isher, :Miriam Baldwin, Altaturns on the slab for a fow innings Fisher, Elizabeth 8her('r :111.1 !\tnr·Ihumgartuer, Kixmiller, Clcary, Shull, baret Hancoek. Alhnission will 11('Des Jartlien antl Stevenson have been l,y invitation.ruSH COIIPLETION OFD1"1'EBIOR OF STAND-.--(Continued froID paee 1)pleted anti ready for usc h �. the lu- Iof M:l�·. In this Ik'l·tion t lu-re will h.tlvo huudball courts anti muru lue kr-tr('OIllS, showers a ud tuilets.illlpn,' .. emeut over tho black .lirt formcrly used, which eaked uud hall to hlspaded eueh Jay.:1 lit I at. present numbers over twentyIive, J:lt.·k Boyle is conching thFreshman and reports a l'wmil!fillg (Ift·::JHlhlates.working regularly. As yet none (If ROYAL THEATRENo 63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.IN THE GREAT N. Y. SUCCESSTHt: THIEFWA Play' Pulsating Every Moment With EmotionNIGHTLY AT 7:30 and 9:15MAT· TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30Fun Makers SupremeKOLB " DILL"PECK 0' PICKLBS"Musical Eomed7 BlMAmusements.A UDITORIUlWPAVLOWAltUSSIJU'4' BALL'::TSymphOl:Y Crcbcstra.CI):UP:lUY of (;0 of the World'sGreatest Dancerslow: GARRICKLa. Loterie cie Frankfort.1·\·lit·ite Phyllis F:IY 3. H. SCTHERN-I� -If I Were King, Hamlet.Lord Dundrcady.•---- - ---- ----COHAN'S titiANOLeonie Corene �()Wllt'r.'"Couutesso .• •.. .loscphinl· HuJ,:t'r�Gustave •.•..•........ Ce.lric St rulun!\lollt Richard ....•• Rnchard Gamhl« Another Colaan .i.: Harris Triumph.Gco. M, (;ul:.,u·b Mystery FarceSEVEN KEY� 'h, BALDPATE'1.,\ Fl; us, ruu: i.r.s, �I ELOIJRAMA.ILLINOISDONALD BRIANHis G:.atcst Musical Comed7Triumph, in"TIlE MARRIAGE �------_._---------POVVERSHenry Miller Prrsents a New Comecl7DADDY LCNG LEGSwith Ruth Chattertontho ('anlli,13tes haye reco\,crctl their SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAPROGRAM FOR TlJESDAYAFT.ERNOON ANNOUNOED":ttting f'yes, but Coneb Page cxl'eet�the long <laily sessions in thc cagcs toT('melly this shortly.1914 Spring FabricsAre Different The program for the concert to hp�iv('n Tnestlny at 4 in llan.lel by theCI:icngo Symphony orchestra is as {oI­lo\\'�; ------ ---------O"cnure to "The Bartere.l Britle" CORrrJack LnlL's New PJ.a�HELP WANTEDA Clean Comedy Drama withHenry Kolkereffects in -, _.'-'- _ ..... -......... Smetan'lSymphony No.5, E llinor.and "From the New Worltl," Opus 95Rich ... - -. .. .. .. .. .. . .... . . .. .. D"orakThe newB 1 u e s, GraysGreens-includingTartans-are here.We're showingterns you'll not seeelsewhere.New Tariff Values.$25, $30, $35,and 1q)WaI'ds for suit or overcoatNicoll the Tailorpat-W!! Jarrems' SonsClark and Adams stnets, ChicagoSHIRTSThe material being woven toour order,),ou are assured ofC'.x<.l1lS1ve patterns and coloringsin all grades from $1.50 up. Lookfor the purple band across theneck of every shirt; it's the!:Uk ornoy·S BES'l' PRODUC'l'Earl tl WilsonKAKEB8 OF REDKAH COLLABS A.lngio-AlIegro molto.l .. arJ:o.Scher7.o.Allf'gro con fnoeo.Two I,egl!uds from the''''Kaleynla,'' Opus 22 STUDEBAKERADELEA Comic OperettaFrom the Prcllch of Paul Hervea11.L .T"an Eriquct.New Yo·:t's Sensa.tionad MusicalSucc�Tbe tune all Chicago IsWhi3tling....• _ .Sibeli�ls1. "The Swan of TOllnela."TT. "r.emmenkaincn Turns Rome·wardB."S('lf'eUo,,� from Seenes de Rallet,OP11!'1 ;'2, • • • • • • . • • • • • • • GlazollnowPn� fl' Action.�(>h�rzino.Vnlse.PolonaiRe. FINE ARTSIRISH PLAYERSMntinees Thurs. aDd Sat."PRUNELLA."princessMost Powerfal DramaIn Fifty Yean,THE LURECCont.innP.c1 from page 1) o LV 1\11 PICRupert liu�bes' ComedyEXCUSE :MEWith the Peer of ComediansWILLIS P. SWEATNAMworle i�. of ('onrse being finan(,f'41 h�­tll ... Unin'rsity."To Be Lugest In Country.('OI11I11"ia i!l the only ot'her nnh· .....!'oit�· in the ('ol1ntry w'hie''h poSfi'f'��� :1i!nr.lf'n T('� ... mh1ing the one un,ler ('on'�i.l('rntion. T'hf' lTnh·crsity garllen wi111·� the lnrge�t college plot in tile ITn,it(',l �tnt�. The lahorntory will heI'mplde in e\"f'ry respeet.At pTrl'lent not.lIing is flef'initdy ,1e·r:f1e,1 ahont tile finanrial plln."C of t.'heprI)Jlo�it.ion.. TIle CMt bas not hCf'n{><>tim!ltcfl, anf1 no lanflM"arc garflnnrhn"l l)('('n l"C1Cf't('f1. A meeting will hI'... �timnte(l nnfl no land�npc gtlTflcnereisions will be made. LASALLE- '1'ango-F1lled Soq-OoDl�'<SEPTEMBER MOBN"With Daft LewIa I:i\It. .J