, •••••••• "\. i� ... • .... '.. ,r "1P&l0B FIVB 0BlftSNEFF LEADS ,·SWIMMERS WIlL CAMPAIGN FOR': '._. ,'ORIENT MlSsIONDjL 'Elected Captain of 1915 Team­.Chicago Has Successful Season. -Score 22 Points in Conlerence Y. M. C. A. to Start MovementMeet . .. This Month. to Support'Mr.. Galan F.ber in I JapanSAY CHICAGO IS BACOAiu)·"BEGIN REHEARSALS TOIiOiROW �Ioycl Neff was unanimously electedcaptain of the 1015 swimlUillg team atan election followillg the Conference A campaign for $:!,OOO fo�' the �'�P-Chorus trvo t f "Th 8t·1 t f 'I.'• JUS, or ' e uuea meet, He is a member of Delta Kappa port 0 ';_WLr. Galan F'ishur, head. of tJa.Superior," this year's Blackfriar show, Ellsilon was ': .. member of the Fresh- Y. :M. C; A.' ,vork" in J:ip��, 'Will" b.will, he ht�ld' ihi's zlfteriJoon' at 2 and man swimming team of Hll l,nntl swam organized this week by the Pn;wotiua'tonight in the Renoldj·s 'dub at 1. on th� Yarsity tank team for two committee of tho Y. M. C. -A.. . The"The tryouts will be conducted' by years. purpose of this campaigu,' which' wil"Ccacb Coleman and will consist of 'With hI' Ir . be held during the' third we':';'k' . of th"";;.,, t e c cellon of Nell, the swim- U .. ," -siJople ,·oeal teSts. . Daneiii,�' abilit"·· . 1 . ..' month, is to fnrther the" ·Ch·rl·";tl·;"�·iZl'�·U"1l, "• . .. . , . .. . . D J' nung team Clle ell the most successful ., <-U&Auranul�lc. �alent and geuera� .fitncss for 8e�n in' years. Chicago finished a work in the orient, and eSI)Ccially . � "the requirements of the play will' be I hi Jap' an. At 'present Ch-IC'f1'-'O ·1· .. · .sald t·o·.' .e nse t ird in the Conference meet at - .. --eonsidered also. All men' who are un- b f th' 1 ". .,. ...' Evanston, March 20. Northwestern, by e one 0 e row: arge ulll\·ersitiaaLle. to be present at '2 shoultfreport . • th I . whose men' are not eng .. g;"'."1 'l'n' IJ�''':wlDDlng e re ay III a hair breadth " reu ..,._.at. 7... , . . ... finish nosed out Illinois for the title dt'finite missionary' project •."The ehorue f�r, t�i�. Ye&r will be by one point. The team scores were, Mr •. Galan Fisher; the repre.sentati,y"much larger than usual, and eonse- Northwcstern 29, Illinois 28, Chieag« chosen by the Promotion' committee, Uqu.ently more. men. �i .. �. n�ed;' 22, Wist"onsin 6. tho Xational Y. At C.' A.' secretary 'in'said Manager Henderson yesterday. . .b tl JqjUII� He was: graduated from ·the.. .' Parker, a relay man, will e l��:We w�t at. least seventy-flve men in 'h '11 universitv of California 'in 1895, an·l·. . only man of this yeaf·tj team W 0 WI - •�his year's chorus. But," i� or(ler' to took his A. 1\[. ()e!..ri'ee at Harviird�'" ,not he eligible next year, and Coach �maintain this large chorus we are not ,. . '. . .. t I h '. "hlte believe that ltis stars are (,:lpa-gomg, 0 re ax t e attendance rules· .. ' . ," . , " ". .... ' ble of further lle\"elopment.. Pa\"lieekApril 26, Sunday smoker. for tbey are th� iJnportant factor be- N 11' ."1 R .1 ' . •. . ..... . e , auu cumon the heavv pointApril 28, Tuesday, .Women'., party. cnuse .()f tho short tune we will have . ". W "'Foreign missions c('rtninly" d,o�"6 to rehe .. ..:,;..,. b"fo"r� ·t·h....p.. r..;.:luetl·on ."'f wd Inn1crs. :tof thIS year s squacl ha.ve alll\[ay � Wednesday, tea. -...., ... ... '" uu v not sounll like a diri·.iergorig· or 'one-.. . . �ve opec this sea.Clon ana shoul11 beMay 13, WedD8day� dinner hi Com· th� show." sten, llluRk to most of' us," shiel' Cor':''stronger than e'''er next ycni�Chicago dcfeated two Illinois Ath- mons cafe followed by a sing. qet ,OJDl Credit._ Pa: � TaJ[ m' nelius Teninga, c'hairina'n of the "("oin":' -"letie club tcams in the two milc relav l\fay 21, Thursday, 12:45. luncheon. Gymnasium crewt, will be .. gi�en th� . �. es. even" Pot;ts. lB!ittce ycsterelay, "�ut it 'ought to' be' "• • I'" _. . Pn\lleek score(l ele\ en pomts In the h· f . . ... .. t "f" ....---:- . .,..---iiBisJaiftK'��8tDi, ... ,.....wel,.� .���.o�8 .. e�.e� ....... _L':_ . �rus duri�ls. AU.can.. . . no gootl t mg or us to get ou 0 our' ;.time_ Campbell, Stout, Leisure an.l !if! 2� S_�Daa�L.._�ker� did&t; .. for--the ebOrua"1laav;�'; ��i: Coafe1"en�-:-m�,;.-lIe-:-{oo��·�-,th(.'" pro'\"iiieinrrsm- an'crer(f::L1'�'''in-oUn;eh����-�tegt"man made up the team and' �ad �y 26,' Tuesday... 4, .. pienic iD .Jack- cd; to atteDd their "physical, Culture f(.rty .. yard sWlm, winn.lng .from Wood an intcrest for the 'problems 'existioc.J.ttl :t.� I .• 'son ......Ir ",' • 'Jf :N'orth""'Q8tern by SIX lDChe;l. Ht�. h t' '1 . t "I·r . 'T· .. · .... '·1 ' .. , .1 e "llueu ty wlDnlng. Campbcll "�.", v � ". -_', elaSaes· until,the'-seleetion, of. tIle.claor· .., ''In t e !l U« en 1 e m ... apan, an. ak th I ad h - JUDe .2 . Tueec1a"" __ ...... at 8i-- AI �o took tho 15C yard back stroke I :t .' . h f h'" 1'1 _. �'"'''' Itoo e e at t e start, and 'Stege- _ .' "�' .�.J a- - us.! whieh'·will·probably be. JQado .. to--" .•. ." , (leeper synipat y or t e wor C 1D gen-• 'I_.-£. b 'L. th . pha -.:0-"10...... -. • 'h treaklng the eXlStlng record, an'} ral' "Be·) .' hit.' t ... fI . '1' th' L ...ma� runmng &aD", ro .. e e tape --' �t""'... . I atl t. .• .' . e. Sl( os We oug.. 0 c .ua atwenty yards in front of his nearest Ju.u,e S, K __, eJu. day. 'Le.''';'b ·hlb.;' "l'oi '.IMax· E�eiow,.· . '16, I wound up by �lDg. fourth plaCe 1n II other nnhoemit. ies in .. pep. B. a.rvard;·eompetitor. The time of eaeh man for .,. ." ......... ' .. _ , ...... tbe 100 yard P."l� Redmon antI. Neff Yale' ariu"Pelinsylvania . ha'''e "'yeatlyhis half mile was Campbell �:59 2:5, �omOAX' ...,... WJIaL . (W..� � .. ';) . (CoDtbnJed on page 2) budgets of "this nature' "running" Oyer' '.Stout !!:Ol 1-5, Leisure 2:03 1.5,Stcge- GIVB OUJIBDY BAftBDA"I' $15,000:' Miebigan'''t'ontributes $5,000'man 2:01 1-5. am) 'Oberlin $4,000. We 'ought' at'I�B'" ",�C b II S S -,- '", T" A'ftftA· .. at AJIdi·� ft__ 1 11· °t Iamp c, tout, tegeman. and ...� �T� - t(l equal the women of o�r Dl\"P.rSl T,' ,Goo(lwin appear the'most likely can-··BeIIerre BakcIIIt" �. for Obi- ''''h� han:' jl'_ott fini�hel) :t slI('rc:::sfol 'diJates fortlut foor mile team. 'Ail of ' .- . ·ea&D:Mad"llt& ('umpaigIl' for tlieir eriterprise;""-aoCACO THIRD IN "ON FERENCE .' SCliiors' wili elect a' 't�e'a�urer at a., speeinl . meeting' Friday' 'at' 10':15 inCobb: 12A. .' The Dew·· treasurer willAecortlillg to Director Stagg's latt>�t ����. the .plaee of, John Perlee, wh?plans, th.ree and possibly four, reIn,. "ill not be in residence during theteauis Will be �cnt to compete in tlw· te' sl,rJ ng quar r,Drake meet at Des Moines on April' TI' '. ' . ,; .I�. The four mile team, which ,vii) .' 10. �,�l��. ;w�;men �i:ll: �olu. �n Ap·rll Fool party tomorrow at 4 in. Fosterhall. Sunda.y· ·tlu! ciass' \viII . hold aopc(l. '. I I, 'I. The Social program follows:'The 0Ia8a Oalendar.His hen·lquarters' are in Tokio, one' of' ..the biggest stu'llcut' ('enters in 'Jai;!lu': .Get 'Away from Provincia.!iSnL··'(:ompete at Pennsylvania a week lateragainst Oxford, Princeton and Peun­sylvauin, is a certainty, while the balfmile team also has gootl' prospects.The mile and the two mile te3.l11S :11'­pear to be bnndieapped by a lack ofeaudidntes, but Director Stagg nn­nouuced that they would go to DesMoines. if. fair teams could be devel- tea, and Thursday, April 9, the first\'!ns�, �tlnc"can ..01., the quarter will beheld in Hutchinson eafe, Miss AgnesWayman and Mr. Dignan of the Press,"ill' speak '(ui ·tl1:e'· alumni organiza·rions,'I'he t\\ o-milo team achieved it� fi r."Itvictory in the A. A. U. meet in COn­neefion with the Sportsman's club ('ar_nil·nl Thursday at the Coliseum. Threeof the men on this team will, howc\"cr,be drafted into the four mile teamleaving Leisure tllO only a'''ailnble \"ct:eran unlcss the men are able to dOll­blo up and run both rnecs.Win from I. A. o. . April ;5j' 'SUD day; 4 to 6, tea._ April .9" Thunday, .. 12:45,. luncheonin Commons cafe.April 12, Sunday, smoker. ' ' \ ",April 11,. �idaL ; cot�li�� �� �ey�nolds elub._.:..:..- -.,,-_.._.. " _CCACB' �JV'� .HOl:DS BALL ..PRACTICE .OUfi)C,!)BS D�:r:.y... I #� DAILY IrABocN, 1'tJl:8DAY, KAacu 31, 1914.Dail, MarOOD ----�-.-------� --: -'-z=... Bulletin Technology, will be to a large extent: included among the boob uvaitublefor over-night or Sunclny circulation.Director of University Libraries.-------r _-_'fUlJAYChoir service, 10, Mandel.JUnior college chapel. men aDd WODl- Brief Campus Newsen, 10: 15, Mandel. -=====::::::::;;::;;;,....::::::;..;:;::;:::;:::====?=..3;::::=:;:=�U d d 5 To Return in Kay-.-\�-soc.·iah' Pro-�ew. Editor 11 orgra 11.lte councn, 10:1, CobbAtlalftJce EdItor 12A, and 1:30, Harper MIO. rt'''�()r David Allan Rober'tsou, who isB .... u. 1I.aacu Elack!riar chorus tryouts, 2, Bey.ElateN4 .. MCODd-c:lau IIl&lI at the nerds c.1ub.CIllcaao PMtGmce. Chic_Co. ilL. Karch 11.11." 1Ia4er Act ot �&I'cJl .. 1171. �lJt'Jltlillg two months abroad, will re;turn tluring the tirMt week iu llay.�Ir. Robertsou has been journt'�'in;!through Italy and Sieily. The words "UNDER STATESUPERVISION" over the door ofa Bank are a beacon light to guide allI who seek the best security in theirBanking connections.811B8C&lr.rJON &ArEa.87 canter: 11." & ,ear; 11.01 a quaMer.D7 ID&II: II." & , .. r; 11.16 a quarter.�tOlial-B1aaIIl'" omce. E111a u.TeJe.hoae IUd • ., '00. After 10 P IlL1b4e Park 'i.I.IIuoea Pre." 1511 Cottace Gro.. AveDU.REPORTERS ELECTED.Announc�ment Is Uluuu of tlte elee­tion of Earle .Boudy aud BeruardNcwruan as reporters onMaroon staJf. the Dail.YLET'S GET ACQUAINTED.. ,;.. ',..,'� !....](lafin�.Y. JI. C. A. Commissions to Meet.If('mbers of the Grnlluatc, Law.Medic and Divinity �cho()l Y. ll. C. A.ec,mmissions have l)('Cn reqlle�tctl toattend a dinner from 6 to !, tonlClrrownight in Hutehin�on cafe. l(o�al :"_1112'f'!igious problems of Shltlent life w,llb(' discu�s�l, a.nd the finnl plans for)lr. Edely's '\"isit will he malIc. Th ...Senior, Junior, Sophomore antl FrC'�h·n:en eommissions will mcC't Thll�l1:lynight from 6to 8 in Hnt('hin�on cafefor a simHar di.seumon.�.,J _, Communication.Interfraternity CoUDdl Meets-Tilt·To Miss "Undergraduate .. · .. Interfrateruity council will JIlt'l't to­fb,· at 1 :30 in the Reynolds vlub, Pro­po�efl rn�hillg rules ,,"ill h(' t1i!«'\I��(,'1.\ \,",lOse was heaueu Sell Song Books 'roday__Subse ribcr«for the University SOllg hook Jlla�' �l'- Your STATE Bank is as colossal asthe largest Bank in the city wJ�enmeasured by the standards whichgovern ST A'rE Banks.'Out of It."),,'I1:1t �-()U stated last quarter in till' cure their copies: today and tomorrowlvt t er ,'-hidl was prilltl',J ill the lla_ f'rorn 10:15 to 10:45 in Cub), ball. Theroou conies rieht home to tilt' br.oks will be placed 011 sale at tb'_'Lt::Ie:'UC, for .your l'xl'l'ril'llt:e is cX:ld:.,- Press Thursday morning.\> hat thL'�- aim to vliurinute Iu the cast.'Begin now b)'Banking relationSTATE Bank. establishing yourwith your nearestSafe Deposit Vaults3 Per Cent IDte rest On SavingsS A F 1: . KEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE P.-\i{KCONVENIENTPrayer Service Today-The eurl�­morning prayer serv-ice of thl' Div lnitvschool will be held fhis morning at �it> Haskell 26 • O�n Saturday t:nninJ.:S6% Beal. Estate First Mortgages for S:llc G�';"HYDE PARK STATE BANKCO�N"D Oft 53� ST. & LA'- - - '-nsOFFl0EB8 DIRECTOJOHX A.. CARROLL. �ROBERT F. CU:td)'lL�GS. Vlce--Preeldmt_\1_ A.. HARllO:O;. AMlataat OUb�r.The cast follows: Facile PrincepsNo beverage C:1n approcch-e has ever even challengedthe suoremacy of Coc:1-Cola. It st3nd� fi�t.. ,!hedrink that will refresh and deliJ:!bt you Wlt� Its distinc­th'e and delicioU!# flavor-its wor:.derfultharst-quench-ing quality.•Delicious- Refre�hlDg. Thirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO" Wbcnn-nAtlaDta, Ga.yn1I _ an An_Iblnk of Coca-CoiaTom .••••• _ •••• ', ••• _ Alice KitchellDick __ •••• __ •••••• ,.... Lucy WellsPhil .•..••• _ . . . • . . .. Esther HelfrichHenrv . ....•• •• •• llargaret llaeDonnll� f· llinnie Goldmanr(\ cssor •• _." ...•Kith' .••........•.. llartha BarkerSnll): _ ••••• , .• _ •••..• _ Ruth SheehyAlice Boekwell ......•.......... - .Hotel CumberlandPrances _., _ • _ ••••••Aunt Jo;icanor : .• _ .. Edith llenllelsohallni«l .•.•••. "" • . •• •• lIarian SpaebEli nor ])oty NEW YORKBroadway at _ 8�N�ar SOUl Street SaInra7 Station and53rd Street EIented."Broadway'" can &om GrandC�ntra1 Depot.Seventh A veall� Can from PeDDSJI­.ania Static-."Err m' .. COL£.O •• ANB.ADQUARTBRB rOR oo£L.O. M.N8PBClAl� RATes rnR COLUO. ,.......Ten Minutes· Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STTMSON. MANAGERnF-A IJQtJ A RTF-RR IP\;R calCAQONew. Modern and FireproofRooms with Bath. S2.SO and up.NEFF LBADS 8WJMMl!BS,(Continued. from pace 1)Bold � Service Friday..A �ong �ervie(' in K .. nt will l,eat lQ:lu in Kent hy the women ofthe Y. W. C. L. Both men nntl wornen huve been in\'ite«l to this �rvir. .. ,aUfl a�k('ll to bring eopi� of new Uni·wrsit.y �ong book with them. -------�-.-.---------- ... -.,. e.'*�adrasCOLLARSGranton-nuule of a finequality self striped l\lndrns.A collar tha.t has the charac­ter and individuality thatalwnys uccompany correctsty les. 1] for f!5cCLt:F.TT, PE41'1Onl" &, �,IIfC., TROT, N. Y.JI(/k("Tlf 01 ABIlO'" SlUR ...... .lilt HOTEL Of' AMfRICAN IDEALSHOTEL POWHATANWA3H'".OTO"., D.C.a..t Loeated H.telln Wuhlnetaa-11.". and Ab.olutel7 �•... bed. Z1CImt.ZUBOPJ:All' JI'raAlIf.:aoom., detached bath......IL5O, up.Jk»oDl8, private bath.-.so, __ up.Write lor Sonenir Booklet "8" .itb ....�Cliffo���.................CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSvance.ofl�trntc the }lrinci}ll� of s:llesman·ship to othcf":(. Chas. Scribners S011:O,6(1� S. Dearborn S1. •WANTED-A numhcr of students to(10 ollt�ille �lImlllcr work. Earningslimite.1 ollly hy your own efforts."·orth in\·,·:-ti�atillg. Get bu�y. A(l·(h('l<� H. l. G"lvill, Scrihber 1I0u�c,}�\·nn�to", 11l!4. �============�==�==�:-�C·WIaat c.llete Ec&t.a 'DUak-- fiWin 21-16 Game in Lexington Gym- cnasium on March 20.Humane nature does not thrive-itSenior .�oll'·J!l' women WOIl their doea not develop properly Wlleea itthlrd hm:ketlmU g:lIl1C f'rum the Juuior has a sufficient. amount rof eJaxation.women hy the svore of :! 1.16, Mnrch Wise men realize that an hour or mor�:.!U, ill Lexingtun. The Hlle-up: u! each day given over to care-free illSoniorN. Juniors. tluJgence ill idlene88 makes them mol'4tForwards. l'fricient during the hours in wldcnDorothv Lh·wcll�·I1 ... · .. · Will:L Sultzer they 'Workt; . -,] reue Tnvlor..\11110 .l"IlI1t':-I •••••••••• •Center.Cnrlll'lia Beul! .. Ituth S:lllllbl'rg, Capt.�Inrg:lrl·t LunderGuards.Phoebe Clo,·,·r, e:, pt lort·III·'· BruIH(>�'Lorene Kitch Etlu-l Plauugun:'\!1Il('" �fi.l!er.I�a.�kt:tl': Llewellyn fI, Sulzer :�, Tn�·· -Iown all nece88al'ily wise They areupt to take an overdose of the tonicwhich wise men use to keep theirenergies from go'ing stale.I t is a fine thing for a group of men!or 4. to sit around at meal time rela.xingFree throws: Lll·wt.·I1YII .• � Taylor 2. into a state where nothing mattera,but to idle away afternoons and even-HOLD CHORUS TRYOUTS ingc doing things which are ill nbTmS AFTERNON AT 2sense worth while, is deplorable folly.lien who have grown into such habitswill sooner or later find their energiesanti i-::lrl" Uowlhy, '11, were the sue- dogged hepelessly beyond repair.t t'�st'lll c:tlllli.latcs ill the music eompe; E"ery coUe,e man baa tlme on his Itit ion whi,·1t closed �larcb :!u. Of the h%!nds until be ands a legitimate place I,'1 ,!:'lliks wrote uiue,sixteeu IlUIIl Jl'rSThe to depoBit the aurplul. Callege acth'-IIIBowlbv five a 1111 Endow. two. ities are the salvation of a large num-I'roloJ.!;w W:L" eomposcd by Fulks ali'] l-er, while the theater, settlement .Bllwllty, :11111 it has been dcclnred far work and '.:arious other things fill up:11'0\·(' the :Lvcr:1J!C of the nsnal college the spare hours of others. Of course,t'ollli.· oJ,.om music. The music will bea large part refuses to do �nythingI'la�·l·11 over at the tlrst rehearsal to1,'11t waste time. Tbe �ep in thi!5morrow, :11111 work 011 the ,·hurus pro· �roup should catch hold of a goodlo;.:ne will ht·J.!in irnml�lli:ltt'ly. habit with a firm grip. One suggestionI +--- is an occasional trip to the Unh·ersity.I Will Give Four Inform:Lls� 1 library. If a man spent four yearsI Informnls (In ,April -1 nnd 14, a�l in eollege and went away with only�Lw !;, and 2f1, will form the social-mo llefifinite aequistion-an appreeia-Il'n.,�rnm of tho Renol.ly� club for thistion of the riebue88 to be found iuquarter. The prru-t icc of using thegood reading-his time would be farComm()n.� :11111 the scr-oud f'loor of thefrom wasted.(.luh for tlallC'iJig. Innuguratcd at theGraduates have been heard to boastlnst informal, will be "ontinucd this<!uarter.. BEST JUmOBSExecutive Committee to Meet..Iunior clnss acth·iti(>� for the springqunrter will be discussed at a meetingl,f the exeeut ive committee nt 3:30 to­morrow in Cobb llB. Arrangementswill also be made for han,mng thecluties of the treasurcr's office during5«: pcr line. No ad"erUsementa reo the absenee of Merwyn Palmer classeeived for less than 25e. All classifiedtreasurer, who is ill at his home inadvertisements must be paid In ad- Kcwanca.President Arrives in France. "}'ilii Ejusdem Almae laIatris," (Sonlll IWANTED-Pour stu,lcnts having hadBe M h h beeA cahll'gram reccivcll S:lturtlny at or the Same 10Yed ot er) as n .11snll'S cxpericncc, to travel (luring Pr. T .1 thtile pr�i,lcnt's office stntes that Dr. ll,roved by eBldent -,nuson as e .!._!==:.==.sunlllwr montlls. .llust be a.ble to clem· ,� .• Ju.lson anel his pnrty arrivetl safely Reynol«ls elub motto. Dean Boynton -;' . ..__f h I 'llb .,- •••••• -- •• -- ••••••• ---.-.in Cherhourg On }'ri,I:LY aftcr a plea,,' i� the auther 0 t e motto. t WI eH!lt ,·oynge. From tile }'rench scnport carved in the Reynolds dub shield ont':C' I'resiclent plnnnc,l to go to Paris, th� north outside wall of the elub.WA.'T.rED-A bright, pushing collcge t!lcnee �e Berlin. The seal with the motto will be l!utman-to sell accillent insurance to on all book plates and llltationary �of1. • I 0111 ...•• Uncalled for Mail. rhe "lub. A go'd wa6-h fob of thf'L'usiIWs..� allli profl.'S�lonn men J , 'J M;Un('laime,1 Utail is hciuCT helcl at tht' b • mad f allGooll ,·ottll,ellsation to the right Il:lrty. e dub seal is now elng e orw. C. l'owell, li5 W. Jackson Blvd. fnculty exchango ior the following former :lnd preMlnt elub otrieera_ The['�rsons: John BrOtlheacl, Ruth PeytoIa, nalDe of the o«ice alLd the holder willROOM TO LET--t;:!43 Woodlawll a\"o.!. I) C te 'I.' • Gollen C E(;, . nrpen r, :r • .:.... I.,.. be engraved OIl the baek of euh.ht fait; light an,1 south exposure; King, C. G. P. I-\:lIs(·hkc, X •• J. llallet.elcctric :ulll tnoclcrn r03sonable, a. 7· L. C. llcL:un, H. 11. �lnurer, Davitlroom flat; no chihlren; 3 adults in lf�·nll, II. 11: Plum, L. II. Robin�on: NIWI .1 tIae CeDetesnncl Dr. Turncr_ -=-=======e=====-=�::::FI"E �NICB. WOMEN(Continuc� page I.'Ca!1 for Contributions.Data Cor "Thc Cooler,'· thc Snell haHannual, shoulcl he suhmittcll to the c,li·ttJrs in Snell fI witl:in the Ill'xt week.The cclitors announce thnt ··The CooI­('r" will not go to tIle prin!cr� until allSnell hall men hnve �cnt in the re'quire,I informntion.1I1bTI&&'im�·B� SbW.iJtital -4.-- _IF YOU ARE LeOKING FOR REALHOME COOKING_TRY_.fUHL'S LUNCH ROOM1325 E. 55th Street. Tel '08S.Betwoon XiJnbark and Eenwood.SuL�ribe for The Daily llaroon. 'remlis Men to Report.lfcn re�i�tl'rl'.l fur tnnnhc, Physic:.lCulture !i;" nrt� fC'fJllirt'.1 to r('port to«Iny at eith('r :; or ;; on tlln �'mnnsiumfloor. Work in the �ym will he keptup l1nHI the tenni� (,O\lrt� nrc in or,ler.It is expCf't�l thnt the fin�t. .. onrt.� willbe TC3Aly in a week.A rooking .. lnl"g for hoy� hns hcen!'tartc(l at the KalL'lns AgriC'ulture ("01kge. Some callege men spend aD hour orwore of each day in idleneu, somesspend coDBiclerable more,· but iAneither case CaD these men be letthat they never entered tlle libraaryonce during four years. They thinkthe record one to be proud of. True,they took their dearees, but, after all,a degree means just as much as a per­son ehooses, A sheepskin is not thf'only sign of a college education.'Daily PennsylvanianThe 1914 Alumni committee of Cor­nell haa begun .dive work towar(l�raiRing a $150,000 suMeription IlR th�gift ot the elua of 1914 to the Cor·ll('lIian Couneil, whi�h b a collectinft:to �onecting ageney of Cornell unh·en·ity •.• The money goes to pay the gen,crnl nnh'eMlity expenRell. Cast y('ar'l'('1a..�8 ra.i�(l $124,590.Thirty_five men baye r�n.lecl tothe �all of the Ineliana football ,lirec't01" for in.loor football practice. Thet'nndi(lates will be taught the M"iene('o! the different playw by (liagram8 ona bla�kboard.A paper maehe hOl'Be of 2,500 de·tuehable parts has jullt been purehasedhy the university of Maine for URe inthe veterinary eeienee department, TO THOSE WHO DO NOTKNOW WHO WE AREI We carry the finest ready­I, III to-wear clothing in Chicago]II and we maintain Chicago'sj1,1 finest cloth-I ing ande r d asheryhab-shop.WestrictlyyOU11gstore.Suits and$25.00 Overcoatsand upOgilvie & Heneage18 & 20 E. Jackson. Blvd.Entire Second FloorVVanted At Oncefad ... at die UmeniIJ to (G.e ia II:d illnslilale Gilt'Special OUe ..to CclIege MenHERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors·:-:1545 East53ni StreetOpen :£veDlDp aDd SundQ lIomlD&.creJeplaCIIM B. P. 10S7...�HICAGCi).$2PJ,,"0UP--�----' -_._----_._-. _--------. ---' -- -_' .;. --THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO:"I• ��. / ,..I \ ..tOe·, FaDTwoe ,� 0mKe lIDSAREAL timber-topPertLis Vd.vet! It has hung from, :tLetimbers of the warehouse for ovettwo years, This is to get rid ofthe Jeaf harshness-only tUne andpatience can annihilate the "bile"in to.bacco, V dvet is perfect �a flavor delightfully good-superblysmooth. It's only by comparison. thatVelvet is the smoothest.�.�ar.Opportunity! .: : .. :,. Are �youGettingStyles'-Fancy. � ...To Pay?- .- .... - � "". -_,' - _ ... -�-� � ""1r/:£t-:-�'\'. ,�- .�.. ,,:,._ ,\ ',. '. \ .... .::� 'I - '"Acc�pt. this as an jDvit.atiCJ; "to�,�i8if Qti.r.�.'�hopWe SOlICIt ..,the p�jvilegi�. J.US�r_ I_Q�ROwyou our Sprmg Styles. _ �:_:-����'. ': -. '\. railored young men's clothing' �tha.t_ are In­dIVIdual creations. The values found here arethe talk. of rour collcge - inquire about us._- 'Dockstader '& Rexf()rd.�>'� \,�Suite 816 .ReptiblTc-Bfdlii �_ � ;:�j-"". 1'1State and Adal11s St� .:, < \. '?. .... . _..... \�.'. "� _' •• I •• _." ... � ....... "'. ... _. ,. . '...... �Jf'\.' _.. .. . �"'"8UBSCRIBE FOR THE D�n;�.: ;MA�N;_-��'�-'�-:__--:- -. --- . CQAOli:'ftA"�'lV�:, � ... :":.- --' OK ·BBLAY Ql1ART�T£'rl,·or\l· ·t·f O:U�:'· Kni;':h't;·· w'lio - hudbeen counted' ui',oii'''for' u.' 'lif:'a4;(; in' til,·a:,,'sh \\·:ls"L ..oalt'1l 'll�" ihdl'l'i; i'il the 'pre­HDllntO-il��' Did, BoY,l rau ':i' uciiutifulbic;i.' ih,,·tht:·· titiiirft.'t;· aiid .. ' fiilishell a�liOtl' tJlihl· hi'bitel ·'Siludt.-rs" of "Tlliuois:Itlcl Sehle yow Wiscon�iu. Iu 'tbe milt'(j:llllpht'U' ·ofttar .leac1ing -unti] the homet4tretcb,- 'WM" just . beaten- out by�dlllti.�tl:ll . of"'Purclu�, .. who' 'had" uotF.RESUMAN_SOmOMOREDEBATE .. WILL .. BE . .HELD . No ROYAL' THEATRE63rd & COTT·AGE GROVE AVE.NICHOLS STOCK CO.IN THE GREAT N. ¥. SUCCESST H 1-: T H�I E FW Play Pulsating Every Moment With EmotionNIGHTL Y AT 1:30 and 9:15MAT - TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00. . IPRIC�S 10 - 20.- 30Tho Unlversity alumni are also ill•• J •••• ON ,mmA�t APRIL 10the aldermanic race. Enrl Cruyto n'Fr("sl��:ln . 3ilCCsoilboillor�' win meet Hales, '(l0, hll8 received the Repul.li­il� . t'h� '!i!�'�u:ij' ii;ter�ln'�s' clelmtt' Fri.l:.y call nomination from the :Ust wnr.l.�i�ht, 'Ap�il- io� iii" 'Ilnrper . ·nR.�('mbly lIe is opposed by Alclermnn Bergt.n.ro�� .. The"firsi"ye.�r team"is' com})o�c{l Jnrob Allen Walker, '13, is running :ll'of ])o'��ld Bean�' Siunj-'t' Ec1\y:"rtb niHl � Repuhlican in the twcnty fir�t w:�r.1.P��e�� D�kc, an,l"iile' sCcoJitl'j:ear team anll is oppoSl'cl by Hugo Krau�e, theo! Rutlolph Moritz, Edwarll" 'Reticker Progr�ssi\'e nominec.:in'.l Josep}i"Hiraeb'_' Tho subj�t· fordiScussion"is ''Resol�cd: that the fell- RAINY WEA'l'HBR FAILSbeen -thoegb ill·-th· TUlllling�- Stont Wll�ott!'gt'n�ml('cl·in·th('· two· milc-nnd WRN IIOLD MEETING FOB HOBEN Amasemeots.nnl�' Rhl�·to .. ,,�otiMo ·fourth place.. TH'UBSDAY NIGHT IN KEN'l' =��=�������� .... ��.. ' Score . 'in' 'I"ield" EventILTbollt:ts. wlio 'll:tlt' lf�ii' counted :\ Coach Stagg to Preside-University AUDITORIUl\4Alumni An Bnnning tor Aldermen;'llrt.· "';'illlil�r-iii . tJit'-lio1e" vault; nf'terin Other WudB.rT(;£trilig l'T�'\'(>11 'Nix" iii' ht�:iiitiful style,f�iil'(;.l":lt ·t\';·�h;c (C"l�t" :,11.1' '\'i\� 'lwi,it'll A 1lI('('ting will be 1)(').1 On behalf "f1;.," Kerr' Ot'"WL�Olisiu 'Ull'a &hollill�('r Assoe lnto Professor Alluu Hoben. van­'d' I11i'atOiM� "G·o;rga.�· - ariil - J:iiii(,8 of didate. for alderman from tilt' .sixthX'i)rth":l>stcru' u-a for "�l�eou.l· i'lla(�o ill ward, Thursday night at 8 ill KentHie' high' 'juiilP" at 'SIX- feet." 'Wahl of theater. CO:U'h Stagg will presl-Ie, amiW;j�(·()il�ili el�ir�l NIx' ·f�(.t h\�() "inches Professor McLaughlin and Dean SIII:t1l011 }liS' 'thlrcl" tii:'l,' �t:iblrsliii·lg '3- new will be the speakers,f't'f'orcl. -Norgren fnile.l·.to"pln.t·(,' in thc' Assoc'iate Professor 1IoL(,11 i� run­�lt.,t. h�··:\"stT"n:k"of"h:trd"lu("k�" On his uing' ns a non part isan cuudidute illInst ··tri-al··h(" macle"a' . 'rut lor· ·rort�·-()ne opnoxit ion to the present alderman,fC'Pt· thnt -would rhave ' -Innded: ·St>(·ollcl Dr. Willis O. 'Xnnce, who is the U ...lfl:t("(\';h:t,l he' 'not" been- . pulled . out. of publican nominee, ·Mr. Hoben 11:1-';tho ;,.illg ... ·hy' the; "fllomentnlll .. ·of·· his been connected with the -Iuvenil •• Pr •• ,!bro\v: ";., .. ,·.ei al, �" - .,,". tective lengue and has been prominent. .. in the fight for mort" and better play­grounds for ehildren,eTitl" gO"e'rit�cnt' �houl(t"own" an',\ con,t.ror· th�'" felepltone "an(1" . telegraphliri(.s:'·· "Art1iilr' . Hanll�eh',' '17,. :mclM:i'itiit Ho'rrcn, -'16��',,"iI1' 'net :L9 aJt�r·n·�t'es:."" -, ..... -'. . .... ...1 ••. , ', •. _ , ,.SHIRTS'. The. matelial .�D6. woven, .teour ()J'dflil", .. :rou,. � , .assur�. .ot,cxcl1l8lye .P&ttenls. � ... col�iD .. al1 Rad,. .�m ,$L50"uP. . Looktor .. tJa�.parpJe .�d .. � theDeck or every Shirt; .. �t�" .. the=ark otE·.·r 1· ... W i.J.·s 0 D.AKgB OF BBDKAK COLLAB8 P A'V LOW ARUESL�' BAU.�T".... ' S�I11l)hO,l1Y .Crchestra,CQ:n:pany or 60 ot tho Wor:d'sOrca test D:lllCCTSGARRICKThe Ull:llli!!;Cl.S Verdict 01H3ppy First· l'Tighters, theGreatest of all Wintcrden I!C\"1lCS.__ .:P.t\SSlNG .SlIGW OF '191" ',�----- - --------COHAN'S GIt,;N1JAnother Cohan &. Harris Triumph.Gee. 1\1, Coh;llI'� !\Ij stery Farce"SEVEN Kn1'S 1·0 B_'\LDPATB"L.\n;II�. TI!I:II.I.�. )n:LOI>RlilA.ILLINOIS.D.9.NA L D B B I AN'"Hi3 G:� atcst l\!usiCal Comcdi. Triumph, in"THE MARRIAGE �.TO STOP WORE ON TWO p��.r�.�s ..NEW CAMPUS BUILDING! Henry 'Miller Pr.scnts a New ComecIJ'_- --DADD¥---L<llfG - -'LEGS- -week.''' 'with BUlh Chatterton.' Builcling operations on both the('lassies :lntI O('()logy builclings nrer·rogressing rapi.Uy. T('n workmenI,._9._.1,4.. ·.S.,briOn. Fab-. nnd 3 piletlriver are being employ,·,l." . r I) constantly in furthering the eonstrue_.. :.iits.:: a.re.�.Dnf.�teiit �::k O!tt�:.::: �.la:7o b��:�:�:, :�.�The ''';n;:ie�"iT";; "effects in barring :leciclents, the founllntion wiUn be In.itl within three weeks. WhenB- .. I ·u ·e··s ...... Grays· .. and inten'iewed �erday, the .arebiteet-, -Gt'eens�incl uding .. ·.Rich urnl superintendent of Geology. builtlTarta·ris�.:�.::are· here�" ./., iolt s:1.i.l: "Although we reeeived a.... " ..... , ' . ." ....... "'" .... , s�rious setback on aeeount of tbe un·.. ; We-re :ShOwlng .. pat- favorable weather conditions dnringterns" 'Y;o·u� 11 .. ··not· see the past few days, we expect to be�inelsewhere.:'''· ";"" the· founclation at the end of thi"::�'; N ew.. '1�·ai:af..·V alu.es.�'.", ·"$25" $30�"$'35 ..... ,... .. ,. ., ' '.aDd upwazds Cor suit or overcoat: ..... "·Nltoit.. 'lllr tAilOlf' Cummt Isme Will Be Dlstdbuted atBD4 of Week. C�.��-- -Jack L:t1t's New PJa7HELP WANTEDA Clean Comed7 Drama wttla. HaIll'7 KolkerSTUDEBAKERADELBA Comic Operetta.From' th� }o'rt!neh of Paul Herveancl .• J�n Driquet.New Yo·k's Sensationad KusIcal'8ucc�The tune all Chicz.go Is.'Whfst.IiIut.DBLAYBD FINE ARTSPLAYEBSLlTBBABY JIOR'ftILYOn n('('oullt of delays in printing,Til... rni\'ersity Literary Monthly,",hi(·h �houlcl bavo appearccl YeSterdny, will lIot appear until the encl ofthe w('e!;, According to . the editor.Prank ll. Webster it will contain .se\'·eral �ont.rihtJtioD8 of unusual iDtere�t:an.l high liter:vy merit.In nn nrtiticle entitled :'Tbe Re·H�;on of a Geologist," ROcleriek Pent­hc ",iII ,)r(,Jw.nt the religious experi·C'J(�O of a �tn.lent, taking a point of"k"" ",hieh .lifTers trom that presente.lby �rnl)('l De 1 .. 3 Mater in ""Extra linrm·· in the Jn�t. issue of the :Monthly.An nrtide entitled "Scrvice Fonlm" byDorothy I.1ewe1lin, an(1 "A CharacterS!(cteh" hy '·cmoD. Blackett, deal wit.hthe rrobl('ms of the uncmployed. A. S.Knt'n pre19Cnts "An Appreciation of()..�nr WiMc." Three BtoriC8, by Doro­thea Washburne, .leal with three (lif­'?"ent ph:ases of one aDd the same sitt1-r.tion. There wil aJ!'O be poems hy An·¥tnma SWR.wite and John 1I0war.l)loon. mISHprincessMost Powerful DramaIn Fift7 Yean,THB LUBBo LYl\IIPICRupert liu�cs' ComedyEXCl1SB MBWith tllo Peer or ComediansWILLIS P. SWEATNAJILASALLE'1'ango·FiUed SoDa-Oomed7"SEPTEIIBBB 110....,witia Daft LewIaA 1MERICAN =tCl'nn Kakers SUpremeKOLB " DILL"P�CK 0' PICKLBS"lIaIlcal � Biot. J