Presl.lent -ludsou wiII Ieave today:No Ulan woulc! walk off an open nt 1(1::;0 for Wushiub"ion, from whereSIVENTY TlaETS ARE ON SALE L.rielge if be stopped to think, Nei· PICK CHORUS MEN MARCil 30 Iw will go to Xew Yurko saiJillg 011 the DR. ANGEll DWVEIS ADDIESSt!Jdr would any student take the Imperator Saturday. He will be uefir!'!t step towards oblivion by C h C I f th BI kf' . 1 I . I. Joae 0 eman 0 C ae rJarl, e:·"uI�:ulIC.·' to tie orient uy llrs. ud- Cornerstones of both tlu. �cheating in exams if he realizecl vo t -r I I t d te t D}" I' I. I f B . '• es t I a:-' se ee e a Ulporary CWI sun, r, rnuers eauo' y 0 oston, and O(1)10&'y builclingll probabl. . sertous a UlO\'O he wajJ mak- f tl f h h TI I 'I G 1\1 K·l.a.· 'Jo iree lJle n or eae e aracter, re �I" �\ r, eorge � t· luuJll, who will be laic! at the June Con\·oeauoa. .�illg. The temporary gain is piti- I' ,.1 t' tl '11 I. d 1 T . a ••r mew eu III ie cast WI ue ma e e ur- :'ct as secretary. he tril' is uelllg ccrding to the I:ltatelIl"Dt. � .... ,.fullv small, the final loss is tre- In th fi t k f ttl tl I t fiR k fl' ." 1 g e rs wee 0 nex quar cr. wae e to ga u-r I :l a or t 1C DC e e - President Judson yesterday Jr.ftera ...mendous, Stop and think.' Th t} t el f . If]' . 'e cas se ee e so ar IS: er oum atron III regard to the teach- at the ninetieth Oouveeatroa, : ;.�The Honor Commission. . .eago; Legler, Wisconsin; Hamm itt , Peter-Yernon Brown, Sol Harrison, iug of medieine, the sanitatdon, and "Ln aclclition to this," Jl8icJ the p�.�inois; Bucher, Purdue. The examinations at the end of the Paul Russell. the pubfie heult h in Chiua, dcut, "f he board of trusteea ,.tia.Ia'.f40--Sanelers, Illinois; Osborne, Autumn quarter were helel untler:l Chloe-Harry Bogg, James Dyren- After arrh'ing in Paris, the presi- proved of the architects' plana tv ... ·Northwestern; aPrsons, Iowa; Hoteh- emporary Honor commission. A per- forth, David Murray. dent aud his party will travel to Ber- lela Noyes hull, and work i» Pl'��':' .'kin, Northwestern. manent commission is now a reality. Fairy Queen-Frank O'Hara, Craig lin, thence to �loS('ow, reaching the iug rapidly on the el,etail8. It � k ,�'- .880--0sbo-e Northwestern· Camp Russian cit." by Anri! 8. The next peeted tllat ground will 1.- 1._-'-":" ;i&:: .. 'AU , , Every student is expected to help tho Redmon, Stellan Windrow. r" l1'li ucva. __ .....hll, Chicago; Henderson, Illinois; commission in its efforts to prevent stopping point is Pekin, Ohina.; The this building before ·the Ii"':'''�, ��. }�red-Roland George, Franci.s Ham- .......... � .. 'Eat Purdue l' h nip from Moscow will be matle vb ter closes. The site ill to ,be.. �di .. _i"'..,. (IS onesty. ilton, Frank Selfridge. � ,.,...OUe Mile-Harvey, Wisconsin;Stout, the Trans-Siberian railroacJ, antI will MitIway, between WoodJawu. .-,L-:E\'cry stutlent is expected to report Pi H F't t' k F . -r-C1Ucago; Watson, Dlinois; Belnap, II· . P- orace 1 zpa :rIC, rancIs t!lke eleven clays. The president's ele�· ,l'ark a\·ellues." .... i -,:)iuoiL all C3Ses of cheating he sees. These Hamilton. StelJan Winelrow. tillation will be Hanicow, which he Announcement WaB, made tha$:�repc.rts should be sent to box 218, fac- D L L 1 ' -: Two Mile--White, Wisconsin; M:l' Dan,-Perry ryelen, enus unl. ",;ill rench On April 19. The investi· �'Iciato Profe�or Charles Bibot. ... v.:.- .ulty exchange, and need not be signee). • �lioll, Illinois; Goodwin, Chicago; Trax- llerg, Fr:mcis Sherwin. gation of Chinese mec.lical instruction cf thc tlepartment of J>hyfie •. " '.:'-.'.. 'If the student. has scruples against re-l�r, Northwestern. Cook-Leo Hay, Norman McLeo.l, will carry the presic1ent into Nanking, 1;f'(.'n gin·n lea\'e of absence··f_ .�_p(.'rting another, or is doubtful as toPole Vault-Thomas Chicago; Cull', I'rank Selfridge. Shanghai, antI Tien-Sing. ,)car, from April next, to carr:r 00.',' -...whether he saw actual cheating, the T:""'"m.i.JioiB; Phelps, Purdue; Schobingcr, J' H I Parker, f During the summer months, Korc.>a. illy�tigation untler the tIireeti.-;.[�.""'.Commission hopes he will speak to the ennlJlgs- enry ngwerson ._ .... tIPlllinois. Albert Pick, William Shirley. l :lJul .Japan will be yisitetl. In tl)t� Carnt'gie foundatiQn for the Ad" .....r14!rson he has observed. . 't " .Shot put-Van Gent, Wisconsin; WelJs--Dunlap Clark Gammell, lrly Autumn, a journey will be mall; 1I:c'nt of TeachinlJ. ' •Geissman, Ohio State; Norgren, Chi- Should Bot Clive Help. tu Hongkong MaintaiDs JIigh ·S��· '.. - Giving help is considered cheating Jwnes Webb. H' B Did . :rr� ., �"Caco; KP.eler, Wl8eon8ln.Prince-Dunlap Clark, Miller, Roy a.rper to e G e. 1n his addreSti oq ··ne ,P:Di�,. High jnmp - Wahl, Wisconsiu; aM much as receiving help. There iiiWilliams. Miss Naomi Donnelly, a sister of T{'clay," Dean An�1l 'stated' ;�'...;a'Sd�.raeder, Iowa; James, Northwetlt- 1;(' mO\'cment among members of the (I�e of the Uni�ersity t�8tees., "'.m I �pito of, the f�t_ that· t�e . U�". _.,:,,� ... _.- -etDja&ar,..:Dnaoia. .. ---- __ �:_.'-:-._ .f���t:y_������-�!L��. th'e_ _e� "_,"_ ����,�l� __ �!:�. pa�.�l� New !.�rk. Mls'!< l� constantly f�lng��A -")lile Belay-IlliDOd, Chicago, WI" cmination roolll,8 today, and Uaose who "Although we had �nteneled to select ',Donnclly is a clc¥ie -{rlcod of' Alr'd:ps siaililingas �finDli-isl.t-"'#�w.:-'" '.'coUl'ia, Northwestern. flo 80 'Will be a.eting only according �o ol:ly two contestants for cach part,.- .Jo<lson. She has'travele(} a great (len}'1 tllC highest quality �n ,its '�.i�''':�'::.Points Dlinois 29, Wieeonsin 2", ItP.rsonal feeling&. said Coach Coleman, .. the merits elf ha\'ing "isitetl Thibet anti other re- er!uipm�nt in the' t�n�ng :'!'��. � ,�� .Chicago 30, Northwestern 12, Porelno "The Honor commission has been the men who entered the competition mote parts. Samuel �arper, SOn of the fers, and in tlae ch!lraeter o�;.�'.� �of, Iowa 5, Ohio State 3. meeting regularly every week, anti were SO nearly equal that We exteDdetl latt> President Harper, who has resiel i and women which it· sen�lI ��b.: ""� .There is not a single event in the slmetimes oftener," said Lawrence the number. The final choice will be cd in Russia for scveral years, will reprcsentatives. '.IudOol' CoDference in which 1irst pla.e(l l[::.cGregor, one of the Sophomore class made during the course of the first meet thc eompany at the Russian fron- "We have in cQDnection "".i:t�. �.:'can be picked to & certainty, an·l rtprescnt3tivC8 yesterday. "We have we-ek of rehearsal. The result will de· tier, and act as a guiele anel inter- prsent curriculum dis�i��tly, �.­combiuecI with the faet that the largo had to try several cases. The faculty pend largely on how th� men learn ',reter. agc.·el Rpeeialization," said .,J;)r.,,�Ht and classieR field that has e'\'er iN ab�olute)y behind us in this work." their parts during the Spring V8C:1- "The trip will be a long anll inter "We helic"e that .such. S�!��jz�!!,competed will be on deck Saturday a' 'ro I8Bae BepoR. tioO:" esting one," said Pr�ie1ent .J\1Ilson be concluded in a ��n��r; to � ..,E\"&D8ton, experts look for the meet lo The conlmission will issue a quarter":' The chorus tryouts will bc helt! ,ye.<;tertiay.· ·'If we arc able to com- rifice nothing of the cultu�" Y1Il� .break all records for stellar perform· S March 30 at 2, in the Reynolc1s club. flete the report ahead of our sehetl· 1IIIosceUy l-uliar to the, �l,d,.er.. ,.f ......"Iy report early in the pring. r-- - -ance&. Eight conference universitie� _ ule, wc will probahly travcl furtbf'r uf curri('ula. Ou� college of ��.have entered teams,' Indiana being the GIVE BBYBOLDS 0L1JB ., UAJIIlJAftON SCHP.pULB. t into t.he int�rior of China, gi\'ing spe· :mc! Administration is' the � •. :.,�.only eehooi' not repreaeutecl. Minneso- �BIIAL FRIDAY IIIGHr 8:15 �lass�,. Wednesday at 9:15 to cial attention to the 0le1 city of Hong· "ious embodiment of oor belief � �ta aDd Ohio State, competiDg for thl! 12:15. kong. r expect ,to return to the c.-am- regard.tnt time, are dark hones, bnt are Will Be Lut Mair UDder Presalt 9:15 classes, Thursday at 9:15 to pus by October, sailing Yia thc Pat"ifh'opeeted. to count heavily. AcImiD.IstI'aUoD - U- IIDtdIiDBoD 12:15. ::ne1 Honolulu.'"� 'ficketa on Bale. JIIIIl for DPdDC 10:15 elasses, Friday at 9:15 to ::Mrs. .Judson is Better.The athletic department announce· I Thc Ia."t Reynolds club informal of 12:15. llr.!i.' .Ju(lson, who was unable tl')'�ay that seventy .tickets for till' the quarter will be held Friday uight. 11:45 dasscs, Wednesday at 2:00 to attend the Con"ocation reception Mon·CoafereJlee will be on ale, today in Hutchlnson hall wiil be used for dan .. - '5:00. clay night, on aecount of a slight ilLBanlett.. Never siDce the institution ir,g as well as tile iiJlnt floor of the 1 :30 classes, Thursday at 2:00 to �'��, wa� reported to be much bette;­of the Iadoor' CcmfereBee has the Pat club. The University authorities ha"e 5:00. yesterday. She will follow Dr. JUIIteD gymDasium beea able to aecommo- jnltt gi"en tlleir COI188Dt for the u.�� 2:30 classes, �riclaY' .at 2:00 to 5:00. son, meeting him in Ncw York Sat·a.te the cro.d tIaai baa tumed, out. of HU,tehinson hall for all regular JIed1c School.. urday.cad hundreds of people have been dnb danecs in the future. The lil¢ of Anato�1' 19, Wecbae8cla1' 9:15t.fIled away. The price of the tickets cbaperon� is as fonows: 12:15. CLUB OFFICBBS CABBY Oft:. one doU·-. Mi- 11-- Wood roDman. . .d ALL BLBC'l'ION PROIIIBE8• - .... -" Anatomy 10, Wednes ay at 9:15 toIt is impossible to pick wit1a any Miss Mary Louise Abemethy. 12:15.(lepee of aecuraey the probable point Mrs. Mary Kern. Hi�tology (make up examination),winners in the big meet, and the Mr. anel Mrs. E. E. QuantrelJ. We-lncsclay at �:OO to 5:00Daily Maroon'. _eetion ha� llr. and Mrs. Phillip Schuyler Allen. Pathology 1 Wetlnesclay at 9:15 tobeen based eDtirely OR past perform- lIr. and Mrs. Harry Augufttus Bige· 12:45. The.' final permil'."ion from the TJni-aile .. ' My one of the four men low. l'hy"iology 19, Thllrsclay at 9:15 to \'e�ity authorities to u�c Hutchinsonpi�ked for plaees in the fifty yarll Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Miller. 12:15. hall for Reynoltil' duJ, ,lan .. � I:arrie-c r(Jnglll�' milJway of his cou,,"." Id-- .... ma" finish in arst nnIIition, but llr. and )In. Harold G. Moulton. 1 h I Th I C) 00 to out to the In."t Iletnil the platform 011 Thirt�··�ix !'tu.lcnts w:ere .".,._..r._ 'J r--- 'at () ogy 2R, . ur�1 ay at _:beeause BaraIIcik has twite tied the TIlt.. will be the last soeial function �:OO. "'hi('h laMt. year'14 ofTi("(�r� were eh·d .. d hClDor�. Threo men, Milton ';l)"'41.'"lUI. on! l'n the 81'-" thl·· yeal' ""· .. ·en un ler &""0 dl·-tl·on of the pres.. Ir.�t �nrin"'. The retirinfY aelmini�tra- Ifnnkt>, Roltt'rt AcI"-· Te"-, ....,worMi. ree .A"" '" ",I � e "'. • ""'., Di�edion, .'rie):,y at 2:00 to 5:00. l' e � _._ .• "in tile Patten gym be is given tho call. ent a.1ministration. tion haM Ru .. c�leel in acl,ling many im· J.'rank 'MartinetaJ� Webs.fer" �War4 Pa�te ID IbIrdlea. OPeD IDIII0DU7 Fund. pro"cmentl' to tho .. Iuh. Among tht> ,"c!rctf'll to Phi Beta Kappa. �Pablllll U. of � Tho more importnnt thin� arcompli!'h(.',l «lc('tecl to Sigma Xi arc: �larol� 8��Ward of Chicago, al80 because of Christian AMOeiation at Dart·Ollr! • I d ·f·-..2" • 1 eluring the pal'lt ycal' art': :1,"el ."Ilam�.. William Harl- : �,...lis stellar work this year, is gi\"en IIICla an ven I� ugurcs l88Ue' m('nth is conduding a tampaign to �" -h U· • f ". h 1. The inl'ltallation or an entil'ely JJo,,-:.r.' fl� ·Pn�. Minnie R,.� Oet-tnt p1�e in the arixty yard hurene!'. at t e nlvennty 0 .-lnne80ta It 0"" rni�e 'und" for the support of a mil" T• I • h n('w !'yl'tcm or keeping nr('ountl', in· rn�n, Carl Danforth )filler, l.'red.'. ....LePer of Wisconsin is praetically 38 an Increue over ut year In t e num- "ionary in Turkey. Thi!l i8 the fir.,t .� _ f _... d &- d' '__ ..2 t h �.,hl.ling the placing of all t .. he Jllll'�ha."'-1 B ..'\"ron "lnmmer, )I aMI Lewis. 11._. y_' '"_pel. ' Sanders of' DUnois has 1teen �r· 0 ""II eII_· 1 .... -.'" OIl aeeoun, y .. ar t at Dartmouth ha.� attemptccl to �f d Ii . 1.0 d ). _ mg (or the Reyno)el!' �Illh In th(' ba'Hl� ,ian Tnnl"C.'·" St�nhen Sa-en.. t. VWI._�'h�ing ftC'or� ecmrlMently this 0 e leleney." e lDquen_ are re raise a fund of this kind, and botl: I' .� .-.rd-..2 h· • . 'th of tho Jlllr�ha."ing agent of the Uni fI.'-lln "''' ... ·Ianel White, W.lter Tie......_eo � t IS year In compan80n WI BJ'Aduates and undergraduates aro he- ,.r iI.P_121 last year. iq IIl'Jrod to contribute to the cau�. (Continued on Page 2, ---;CoDtiiniea OD .... I.) .....!lnrultuVol %II. Ko. 108. U1IIn'BB8IJY OF OBIOAClO, WEDNESDAY, JiABCH 18, 1914-I PBlOB�.�SeIectioD 01 Probable PointTaken ill m. IDdoor MeetBaaed OD Put Work LEAVES THIS MORNING PRESIDENT TFJlS OF. ," .. ,President and Mrs. Judson Will Sail BUILDING ·O�.From New York Salurday- , -..' 'J'Miss Donnelly Will Join Party Aaaociate �feuor Mum..GiWaLeave of Abaeace to WadiFor Cam.·FOuIid�tia.DAlY DROON PUISCONFERENCE WINNERS HAVE PERMANENT BODY FRIAR COACH MAlESTEMPORARY SELEt1IONHonor Commission Will Try Casesof Cheating in Coming Exams·_ .Will 15Sue Reports lD Spring Names Three For Each PartWith Fmal ChOice AfterF.... t Week'. RehearsalOoDference WiDDer'sP1cked by ftIE DAILY KABOON.eo yard, Chieag»:Murray, Illinois; Knight Chieagu;Hammitt. Dlinois.eo yard high hurdles--Warcl, Chi,UDd.ergra.cIua&e Pro�· . i-"A well organized unde�department,·' he contiued,' .�� ... : ..(t� very �jgh '\"8lue to the �.and professional schools, but �,. �might .well come when the U�'!',niefwouM tinfl it &ch'isable to i��"!tJl •. �(trder to presen'e & desira�Je �among its several dh·isions. ,�� �.;.yersjty has always followed tb.�·.�of pro"iding cleans for a ve� ,cl_IlCrsonal supen'isioD of the �diyi.'"fltnelent. This poliey We not oulf. �r�t to eontinue, but we are no" ....I�rimcllting "'ith the plan by wlQo" �stuelent passes aU four ycan uud� \ ...guidance of the MmO dean, i ... �4 #II·jng tl'nDsferred U beretofo,e, :'�('n(.' flrnn to a second at IOID8 .....Permission to Use tile CommODS forDances CoIIIletes PlaUorm ofReforms..... _, ,,�.,. 'i,! ':-,,�,�I... w.CeUlq .....II. S. aeqa... P ,w :L7aaa.. ,alJllllCall"J'IO.N &&TD.., can1.r: 11.50 .. ,ear; 11. .. a Qaarter157 ID&II: lI.tO a ,ear: U.26 a Quarter. •:I:41torial·BuaJae. OfDce. ZIlla U.T.IQboDe IUd • ., 100. After 10 D ID.Ibd. Park Uti.CHECKING UP.Gl1'at business firms take Inventorlesat regular Intervals; and so should weat college. Our time comes at the en']or each quarter; and such a time Is-,: LOW at hand. Last Christmas, tile� .. feeling was abroad that this was a��at year-a year in which many fineI things were started, and with promise·i··of _more to come. How much of this:.. has been realized? Anu much is still.: �,'; ..c:'.'� ... ftIB DAILY MAJtMB. WBDNZSDAY. KABOB 18. 1914.11. Postage stamps are now sold, out invoking the consideration which12. "Eat.�"· have been added to the student (·fl'orts are supposed to demand,smoker programs. At the time, it seemed the best thill�13. The President's reception was to do--criticise the Orchestra eutirely,1::l(le the biggest social event of the on its merits--for no amount of con­year on tile University calendar. "Th(' sideratlon and charity (this is not in-SUccess of last year's administration tended to convey the idea that the Or­Is due to the team work of the Exec- ehestra is leaning on "charity") car.ufive council, together with the en- support a student organization perm a­thusiastle co-operation of the vnrious Ill'ntly, Ultimately, the orchestra mustcl)nnnittees of the club members, �1ll1 lh"c or die, according to its worth as aalso of the club membership," said n1usicn.l organization pure and simple;President Parkinson yester<1ay. "The ntHl so, in furtherance of the desire toofficers have been heartily supportd in se� interest in music grow, does it not.U!eir efl'orts to make this a year of s( em Sfitting to treat the Orchestra onprogr('..8S. Too much can not be sa.itl of that basis from the start?-The Editortbe etTident work of Manager Engli�h. SPEARS ON HONOR SYS'ftll\fand his assistants, There are, how·ever, many improvements that need to Kiss Pollak �elJs Indiana Students ofbf' mudo :1bout the club, and the per· New Movement.�{iss Helene Pollak �ddresse<l ngathering of students at the Univer­�ity of Indiana last week on the sub·T It e D ail., Mar 0 0 D CLUB OFFIODS CABBY Oft C .... aaicatio ....... ...._ M .. .._. ., 1M .,...... ALL ELECTION PBOIIISE8 Eelitor of The Daily Maroon:·IIW ., � (Continued from page L) Sir:-Your critic W&8 undoubtedly... u....a _onalD... u�Pt -...s.,. ... d "cry discriminating from a profession-�. ....... tb. Aut1UDII. WlDtv aDd veraity, with daily Inveatorles of 1 . t f' . hi .� Quner.. b,. Tbe D&l17 IiI&I'OOD "'" a porn or view In IS comments 111stcek and checking of sales against the your issue of the 14th on the concertSe •• EdItor cash register. .given by the University of Chleago• __ 2. A new system of indirect light- o-:chestra, but he surel ... • did "dam itB __ er "ClnalaUo er ill� in the reading room. with faint praise."3. A new drinking water system, I know that I am one of manyKDlen4 at MCOAd-clut ID&1l at ua.. Qlcaao P�ce. Cblcaco. IlL. Kucb II. with refrigerator plant and circulating ot the auditors who could not assent1.... 1Uadv Act of IIarah .. UTI. pUIIIP and fountains in basement au" to hill statement tbat "with drill a 1111011 the second floor. II more firm esprit de corps" the or-4, Installation of eight new ward- ehestru "should become an organizn-rolJt's ill the billiard room. tiun of which Chicago llIay well be5. An official seal has been adopt proud," We are proud of it now an-IMuoea p ..... 1111 Cottac. Oro •• AnAU.. 1 1 .1 b 1 .l" am npproveu Y t ie Unlversity au- grat.efnl that 'our student body eon,thorities. tains :1 group of young l)cople Tl'atl�'G. WitJlio tbe next week a library and interested to give serious study t.1of 1,000 books will be installed on the the performance of music, and to l,rt."shelves in the south room of tbe second S('ot a form of entertainmeut of a llif­floor. fereut type from much of that which1. The Reynolds club dances have is popular ill our community.been placed on an elevated plane and Yours truly, Marion Talbot.ore now a.luong the most dignified so- Note-The criticism of the Orehes-cial functions of the University. tra story was Intended to convey the8. Bootblack and extra barber em- idea that the Orchestra is well on till'!,loyed, way to becoming a creditable music .. 19. Lavatory Instnlled for pin boys. organization, entirely apart from any10. United States mail box Installed, .. student organization" idea, and with-to be realized, before we disperse for _. the summe.r-many of us never to re-��nrn? Probably little more will bedone; spring is the play time of theeollege year. Winter has gone, and_ irith, it much of the energy, the push,:.the ambition, which go into move­;�cnt&· �o'. In. all . probability, the�fA.h.teY;_Am·ents so far when cast up,will give a fair ate of what maybf!' set down on the credit side of therieeount .for this year, Perhaps the�eate:tt outstanding achievement isthe Honor commission. The body hn.c;"b4ten launohed, and has tried cases;it� influence is being felt slowly. The� po�nt. sYStem is slowly swinging its1. -cUmbrous machinery into action, n.ll�soon will begin to exert an active in­:fJuellce on college life,· And probablyt11e ··most· striking event so far is the't sonnel of the Council-elect insures an-eJioiee of a Senior gift, We have qUI. '. . t 1 other successful year for the club."thlnking of ornament and ex emasPlendor, and have begun to extend nre8l helping hand to our fellow stu- ·DAILY MAROON PICKS.--.... 'f tation ofden,fs who need it-a roam eS•]le .;•• h' h os far to sJIen('e<''0_ <-ge spIrIt w IC go .. 'erHit!s of college life. Stul1ent a.ctn 1-, - Old or-tIes have had a great year. fgsnizations have felt tIle breath 0. -. - . ganization"life and new spirit; new or.have' been launhed and are taking..... :_,. h' k' d The onetheir -place among t elr�at'-biot is' the Interfraternity conn·cit.; .�at body has been shaken upand' preached at-and still it drag"all)ng' :with one of t.he greatest p�Ob­lems _. 'of our college life-rushIng.Pr�ideni Leonard has a great cha�ce.. - I . slackInglJo'W-when everything e se lS .ood solution.up, . he can put across a g ,. aJ:d Istand out as having done some-: rp nnd mnrthing gt'eat--or he can s J , "1- tile reeord of the year. Is it too mnc.1h• to comp,to e%pCCt in asking 1m eago, if Goodwin is able to run. Thom-. ' did rcc_2croSs :and round out a splen .' tbe fa,"orite in this event. Osborne,_. -... H can do It, Iford �f achievementr c the t'pecd demon of the Northwesternhe will. But take it all in all, the t-('am, will probably rescn'e his,t ne--e\"enveal' has been a grea 0 strength for the half. Osborne appears.. t to be elone, Ph 1 f C 1. thongh little more IS ap ns of Chicago, e ps 0 Purdue" u pI th'n� settle •Next quarter, we ("an et I eO't and Sehobinger of Illinois, all have- down.n bit., anel whilc we are �� I, records o,-er tweh'c fcet in thc \'ault.. I e in Chl('a�o. n�_l.. .'1 Seh 1 '1 fi 1ce,-elop somethIng e s ,'a ... l anu r3.C( cr tlC( for ntt pace. . t kes theWhcn the soft spring all' a· la�t year in the high jurnl', anll Vant .... '" out of thl'ngs--hen the \'eh'ety G .. I t k fi .. I . th h t."Lie .. �n .. a so 00 rs .. p ace In e S 0. � throbl,ing11Ights �mothe1" the ener�.. The Illinois quartet appears thc pickun(le1" el�tric lights, in the effort to in the r<!lay, with Chicago nnll Wis-.. 't t' ns at Chica�')bl:ild up great Insh u 10 • f'l)osin ('Io�c rivals,-r.he� these things comc to pn."s, weCftn take a hand at eleveloping an en·joyable lifo at Chicago, We rapgi,'e Bt1"e�gth to WO .1evelopmcnt of nlife which i� not n rush from Cohb tothe 4"lnh tlnd hnck to Harper-a lif('in which c\'"cry minnte is not finedwith conflicting interrsts in stu ,li es,activitie�, Chicago instit.ution�, th.��at city, a�d social life. We canIf"R.rn to take time in which to wallea}JOut - and. just enjoy the fee1-121' of �� pali,!e, without bothering j('ct of "The Honor System." MissCOlf.FERENCB WINNEBS Pollack was ehosen a member of th')Honor commission at the eleetionsh<-ltl February 6, and has been identi­year in the quarter, anel seems to be fied with the Honor System work forto be unbeatable in the ha.lf, because several years.of his familia.rity with the track. East, In speaking of the honor sentimentouMoor Conference champion in this at Chieago Miss Pollak related its hi .. ·event last, year; Henderson of Dlinois, tory and spoke of the rules underand Campbell.of Chicago, are all eapa- which the commission is now working.ble of ma.kirig him break the record She said_ that the Honor commissionto win, Harvey of Wisconsin is a new ll('ped to get. the results that have beenman, but has beaten White, the win· secured �t WiUiams college, wher�ncr of the mile last year, and is gil'en tIle commission has not met for eight£rst place, Stout of Chicago, Watson years bcc-,a1lSe no eases of cheatingof Illinois, and Belnap of the Ornn� 'have arisen. She urged the student."and Blue all . first elass men. of the university of Indiana at leastWhite the veteran, will have stiff tf' give the system a triaLtompetition in the two-mile from Maoson of lllinois and Goodwin of Chi-(Continued from page 1)l'lDd Pocketbook - A pocketbookc"'iedntly belonging to Carroll Mar­Guis, has heeD f('und, and may be seeCGrec) by applying at the Daily Ma-Woodlawn& Savings TrustBank12M B. 634 8tredt 0JdcaC0ftIB FAOVLfi aftIB B'rUDmrra01*UlfIVEB8I'1'Y OF CHICAGOWJLLFUmIlf'IBIS BARE ALL 'rBBFACILI'DBS OF A DOWK'I'OWH> think of Ol1r work-wc can learntc sit ahout with our frienels, an.itnl1c. on nny crazy mtbjcet--jnst fOTthe sheer joy of thinking extrnva"SAvmoB AOOO1Jlft8....CBBCKJKG ACCOU1ft'8Are Wlloame .... Appnda'"Aantly, flreaming great elrcam!', buiM·ing air-castles, And, como to thinkot" it, thnt. will be an ac'hie,'cment­IW�rhaps the grcatest, whcn ('ominggt'nerat!oD!I look over the dusty rce·ords in which the doings of our dayaDd ,.ear are set dOWD. Who kD01f!l'? BBBOVB0B8 12,000, 000. IIUIIUIIUllIllllDllIlIIllIlllIlllIIlIlIllllllllllUlllWllllillllllIUllUUlllllnIIHlmBit�The N�tionaB l:�"Makings" �Enough "Bull" Durham"Tobacco is sold in a year tomake approximately 12 billioncigarer - J - about the samenumber as all brands ofready-made cigarettes in thiscountry combineJ­and the sales aresteadily groUJing.One thing that hasalways beenheartilyapprecia ted about"Bull" Durham isits unique, delicious,-::...-.,.:..of "Bull ,.You(Enough lor fOTly hand-made c" tarcllcs iii cccll.5 � .�ack)Get a 5-cent sack at the nc.rrcsr dealer's today�"rol� your own "-and enjoy i he most satisfyingluxurym the world. Sold wherever rrood tobaccoIS ��()1c! -- d i�'d you canal,,!"vs (, ," :l- f ..... /,....... � �.J'" ' � 1 J I L...; •�hO\lt't1I: I. .W I . "I-?',!l FR EEYour()\\": . ··;i!·'�.1 I�. " ,I; 01, ·'V,."e"," p:lpcrs.WI)IIK.:h I ;,� fL.:, ,.,:. ,', c, '.l :III\, .-.ddrt'�s 1nU.�. ()n I "q.,: !'''-1'-;' ,I At.!dr.'�s·· Bull"'Uurh:JIIl, OLl.! 1:" �" C, I�oom 1210.THE ,,'.:-:2iC . -,' 70n,\C('o CO:,\!P,\NY11111111111111111111\1 ill !;� iii II!! j 1IIIIIilililililllllllllnllllllliF acn�� PrincepsNo beverage can a;'r,;-O:1ch-has e'lrer even challengedthe supremacy of C. ca-Cola. It stands first. Thedrink that will rdrc:;�l and <1cl:�bt you with its distinc­tive and delicious fl:n-')r-its wonderful thirst-quench­ing quality •DelicicU3 - RefreshingThirst <W QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA CO"A!inctn, Ga. WllennctYOlI we an An" ... Ihlnkof Coc::a-Coia• __ ••••• � ••••• __ a ••• __ ••Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBroadway at stth Sueet.Near SOth Street Subway Station andS3rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Sneath Avenue Can from Pennsyl­ftIda Stadoa.KEPT BY A OOT.1.BaB JlANB.ADQL'ARTBRS FOR COT.I.Ba. J,.'S8P.ClAL RATER ,.'OR 001.1 •• 0. T.AJl8Ten Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHARRY P. STIMSON. MANAGERRRADQUARTF.1tS F\iR CHICAGONew. Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath. S2.� and up.SUB8CBIBB FOR 'nIB DAILY KA..ROO.'.MEET RESTS ON RELAYftIB DAU.Y •• 1IOQW, WBD!Iti1)AY, KAJtCII II,. 1914.Llttlle Bock, Ark. The t'uufer�JI(,'c III�Ct. wiU bl'giu "'ri· t iure hc.� made. ljJlin�rsjty c.'olle:!,'oI:I,Y af'ternoon when the prellmiuuries which has Iuc reuse.I tii) per c.'cut ill:FLAT TO B.�NT-Furllishctl, light, ;;ill tIll' plunge, 40 anti 100 yard swims, tI;rf�c years and is now almost at the ,rOODI". J. B, Merry, !;iO�b Drexe:.. I II" :!t:() yard breast stroke and 1;;(1 thousaud mark, eoust.itutus unot lu-r i.,.0.0 2nd !Iut. Midway 4473 • .'",,,,1 I",,·k stroke will b. run 011". Tbe Hghly i m portnn� .. b�"" �.f "n� . w"rk;TWO NOTE BOOKS, left in Walker. Jiu:t1s ill these events, as well as in ill which the Univeraity HI stTI\'lIl/.: to Ithird f'loor. Name 011 books. }'illd,'r t he 220, 44U, aud the relay race will mnke itself useful to that purt iuu ofplease return to lla.roon office. I:t! 11l'1cl iu the eveulng, it!' consfltueuey in Chiengo, CSl'ed:!IlySays RelaY' Will Decide Meet. teachers in tho public schools, whoConch Wllite in speaking of the for one reason or another are unabledlllnces of the Chicago team, said: to attend the regular U ni versity.. It must be admitted that Northwest-EBESHCLASSIFIEDUVllTlSEIUNI'S According to Present ProspectsConference Swimming Title LiesBetween Northwestern and Chi,cago-Former a Slight Favorite5e per line. No ad�ertisementa rooeeived for less than 2Se. All c:la.asi1ledadvertisements must be paid in ad·YaDCe.Althougb the results of the Confer­Cllet! ,lu:aJ meottJ iudica.te that North.\\ .. -steru has the cwl for first place intho VOllferl'uco swimmiug' meet Prl­ci:ty ut Jo;\'UUlttou, Vhit'ugo wiIJ I'ut upa �tiU' fi�ht for fi rst honors. Thework of the Claicugo men has illll'ro\'�t!/.:j·c.':ltly durillg the IUlSt few weeks, :ISdIU""" jll the meet with the lIumi1toll1'1"", nu.I they ma.y spring a surpriso;!lItf �'I:':t, out the Purple, Third andf'unrt h !,I:H'e� are gi ven to ] llluois :111"'Yisl'tlllSill in tile urder named.UNPOLISHEDB ICE15 LBS. FOB $1.00.Buy cl1rect from the grower and g\}t70U food at 1irst cost. Will ship youprepaid 15 Ibs. of unpolished rice, til.,best food obtainable, upon receipt 01SUO.PRAIRIE RICE PLAN'l'ATION,W ANTED-A furnishecl flut or housefor May and Juu-e; by a memberd Rush lIedical faculty. D. Heaney,Hyele Park 2712......_&ELIABLE DRESSKAXEB will makeEaster gowns or other spring sew­ing. Prices reasonable. Quick serviceall now. Midway 18;7.WANTED-Few capable college menor women for outside Summer worlc.Liberal guarantee, but earnings lim­ited only by your own efforts. $500 to$1000 possible for your vacation. Atl·dress Lock Box 309, Chicago, TIL and 'l.'itua.40 yard swim: Ne1f, 'Pavlicek ,:1 II t IVarzewl:Jki.150 yard back: Pavlicek anel Shirley.220 yard swiur: Goodulan Xefr au-II'avlieek,440 yard swam: Goodznuu Ncff.Relay: Olsen, I'arker, }'a\'licek, Xeffand Warzewski. We've Made Tobacco for 61 Years, Now Will You Try Sweet TipsTHE UNIVEBSITY TODAY(Continued from page 4.)renssurlng, We flud them ul'l,oiutoflto uendemie :1IItl scientific postM of tlwn.cst important klnd iu eorupet itiullwith rul'll truined abroud and elsew'u'rl' 111 this country.The Press aud the librades repruseutother elements of itulispl'lIsul,lestr;:'ugth in our org:allizatioll UpOIlwhich extended connueut eanuot at, thisus its representatives.At Oncecourses.vr n has the best chance of taking the Taking all things into consldoruthm,meet, because they bave defeated us it is clear that tho Unlverslty is to .in both of the dual meets this year. day facing new problems which have'I'};o men, however, hava shown great �ro\lln out of its past history, but thatimprovement lately, and I would not it is standing as firmly as it eyer didJ. greatly surprised to Bee them come for the highest quality in its men, inr-ut on top, In any event, I think that its equipment, in the training whichthe relny race will be the decisive fac· it gives, and in the eharneter of thetor, and the winner of this race wi1J men and women which it 8('n(18 forthI'OB BBN'r-Large front room ofhouse· 81litab1e for one or two la·, -."'-')dies. Board optional; reasonable. a, a_:Blackstone aloe. Tel. 2168.WA!\"TED -Three woung men gratIn·ates for permanent position. Acldres.qBr�ket_ Telephone Main 628. 11(; this year's champion."Tho plungc must be conceded to:'olcDonald of Dlinois, being consist-l·nHy the best plunger in the Confer­once. Second place is given toThompson of Dlinois, although he maynot swim because of eligibility trOUIh'�. In'- tllflt case, seC�nd pl�e : wouldg-c to Redmon of Chicago, with NeffnIHl Lyman taking third and fourth.PaYlicek of Chicago, Wood of North·wf�tern, Neff of Chicago, and Nelsonof Northwestern, are expected to fin·ish in tho above order in the forty.N,'cr i� considered the favorite for t��" ne hun.}red yard swim with Wood ofX orthwc5tern pushing him hard. IfP:,,'licek enters this event it is thoughtthat he will be able to capture third,with Nelson of Northw�tern folIowiog him.Taylor of Wisconsin is the best oft he two hundred yard breast 8tl'Ok�lIlf'n, with Ennis and Scholes of thetI .... rple, and Hickox of Wisconsin fol·lowing him in the order named. Not·withstanding the fad that Schole!:..Ideated Pavlicek in the baek strokein the tiual meets, the Chicago swim­:'101' must be given the edge over hisPurplo opponent, because of recentperformances. Taylor of the Badgers,::n(1 Whitehead of Northwestern, arekoketl upon a8 tho probable winnen.of the other two places.Northwestern, represented by Woofli_� the favorite in the two· twenty, with:-';eff of Chicago, Griffin of the JIIini,::nd Steuer the Cardinal swimmer, fol·I(twing him o,'er the line_ It is thougl.tthat the four.forty will end in the!'nme orfler, ex�ept that Steuer an II(iriffin may change places •Tnking the abo"e outlook into con­�itlerntion, Chicago )eads the PurplelIatat,o� hy one point, anel it will (10l,pnd on the relay to «1ccide the win·:-('1'. The North shore men nre the b·"orite� for t.hi� race, but the Chicago!<v,'immcrs are experted to push them1mr(1 ,,·ith a J>O!'."'ible cha.nce to win."�'·('ryf.hing will depend on the condi·fio'1 of the m.,n that night.'1'he OJatcago BIlt:rtes An:Plunge: Redmon, Lyman and NefF.]00 yard mm: Neff, Olsen and Pav·WANTED-A former Chicago machas splendid opportunity for' stu­dents 'working their way through col_lege who have eXperience and abilityin salesmanship. I absolutely guarao.tee a dollar an hour to able men. Writl''for particulars to Grip Bow Co., Omn·ha, Neb.ft1JD�Tutoring in German anaFrench by a German lady, a grad·uate of German and American Uni·versities, 5733 Maryland ave. Tol.Hyde Park 4094..'rBB LUBB� 'rBB PBI1f0B88Exchange tickets for the abovt:play giving 50 eente rebate, may b�obtaiDeci at ·tbe otriee of TIt. MarootlTHECom Exchange National Banktil aa-................... P,,000,000.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..UDdlvtded Profits _ .'...... 1,000,00.0001'TJCERS.ICRmcsT A. HAXloIILL. PrMI4ent.CHARLES L. RUTCHL"'fSON, VICt-Pr'ea,caAUNCET 3. BLAIR. VIce-�l4ft1LD. A. MOULTON, Vlee-Pr.ldent.•. C. SAKlIONS. Vtoe-Pnsk1ent.Jl'RA...�K W. SMITH. 8eeretU'7.aDWARD P. SCHOENECK. A_. CUbt ...�. EDWARD KAA8. A_. CUIIltr,�.ura O. WAKEFIeLD • .u.t.. 0Ub1".LSWI8 &. OARY ... t. CUIb ....DDlBC"roRa.�B Wader CJ�" II. can-JIaIUa A R�D 1:4"ln O. JI'oremuUwvd B Bat1ft' lV_cae &. BlairGIIaIW B. RaIhrc1 &twuc A. .....CSennee �nelrtn"m �clr W, ��a-a.sD � ........ BamaW ESTABLISHED 1818�/ucfJJi?�����l'nt",mrn� Fliing "'olhJ.BROADWAY COR. "TWENTY-SECOND ST.N�W YORK.PRESIDENT TELLS OFBUILDING OPERA.'1'IONS(Continued from page 3.>Whitney, Forbes Bagley Wiley.Degrees with Honors.The bachelor's degree was conferredwith honor upon Lester Aronberg,Emanuel Bernard Fink, Frances AlmaGoodhue, Elizabeth Wilbelmina MilJer,Oscar Frederick Ruseh and Helen}'redericks Van Liew. Honorable men·tion for excellent work in the Juniort'olleges was awarded to Raymotl Ar·thur Anderson, Louise A "ery, HelenAlma Ca.rnes, Helen Cora Deu8.'t, Flor,enco Gridley Knight, Bernard Noel,Rnd Hubert Conover Smith.Honors for excellence in clepart·menta of the Senior colleges wereawarded to the following: DorotheaHelen Andersen, German; Lester A r­e,nherg, Chemistry and Physics; Eman­uel BerDard Fink, fhy�iology antIPathology; Frances Alma Goollhue,lIistory and Sociology; Ethel Yay Hil·liard, English;. Jacob Robert Knntor,:Philosophy and Psychology; ElizaoothWilhelmina Miller, Homo Economi(��;Isidore A. Rahens, Physiology antl An·ahlmy.,When Ihe On4uates Live.or the men and women who wer',�E;raduated yester(lay, twent,y-eight ar�Chicagoans; eight reside in oth'!rrarts of nlinois, fonr in Infliann. fourin Tp.xas, four in KaD!�"'.'1, fonr i"lIichignn, thr� in Town, t\\'o in Olli,)two in lrn8sa�hll�tb two in lfinn('�otn, two in Utah, n,II.1 (;Ilo each in Xpw I.TeJ'8ey, Penn!'lyh-ania. nn,l 'Vi!(('on�i n.IAmong the foreigner!' r('C'('ivin� ,1("1grees, one is from China, on� fron.I.1:1),nn, one from Tnr'key� nn.1 Ollp from ICnn:1l1a.-------._____- '-----------------------------------Mrs. Shaller Ma\hews to Give Tea. Ilf� Shailer llathews 'Will giw � Itpa. TbllJ'8(lay at :1::10 at hf'r hom.-� 5i:lft IWoof)lnwn aV4'nue, to whi�h .all Hni I,·.-�ity 'Wom.-n ha"e Jw.en IIlntf'.l. :'orr. IAllan Ifohen, aM('rmanic f':m.lit1ate fortil., Sixth wartl, will he pr�nt_ Our Represetative, MR. WA LKER, be at theHOTEL LA SALLEMarch 4th, 5th, 6th a.nd 7th.With Spring Styles in ready·made Garmentsfor Dress or Sporting WearFurnishings. Hats :md S hoe s.§§Is'WantedEach maD at the UBi-nrsity to ccme ia 2lid jlll"fsligale out'Special Offerto College MenHERZKA BROTHERS:- : Tailors :-:1545 EastE3rd StreetOpen EventnJts and Sun nay .o�Telephone H. P. 1037.._---------------------.- ..XUmber-The lfnr(·h---, JiCCL nmber of the Botanieoal Gazette wn�200 �rd breut arake: Goodman inaed b,. Ute Prea yesterday. �HICAG •• •,,'.•• J" �'......�. -.:.", ADlal.l·t,.THE;UNIVERSITYTQDA YA UDITORIUI\4Made By Dean James R. AngellNinetieth Convocation Yesterday AtSpeech WEBBB AlID FIBLD8Beat Beata $1.Nora Ba7ea GearpBebuawith Bury Olarke aDd OoIDpaQGeo. W. Konroe Doro� 1J'07.and Fifth 0t.h8nThe inner life of the University tep,D units of high school credits-twois uiueh affected by the mere number of more than we originally required-andi�� students, During the past decade not only 110, but he must now attai«the Uulversity of Chicago has in- in high school a mark eouslderablyt:1 eased its attendance by about higher than that required for gradua·.(.ighty-eight per cent. The growth in fion, in order to be allowed to matr ie­the undergraduate division has been ulate with us at all. No student mayeonsiderably more rapid than that in come to us with any conditioned work.tho graduate divisions. Shouh] this Tho S!1mc. high quality of attainmentrate of Increase be continued, the Uni- iN denmuded of him after he COUll'S toversity in 1920 would huve approxi., us. lI�tdy passing his course will not GARRICKThe Unanimous Verdict ofHappy First N1Chten, theGreatest or aD Winter Gar_den Revues,'PASSING SHOW OF 1913America owes it to the collegeyouth today that we areenthusiastic sportsmen!A few years ago we evolved :1 hi�b­quality cigarette-s-of purest andmost choice tobaeco.und every eel­lege man knows that the answer"-:IS a wonderful populnrlty, Tec1:.:rmore Fatima Ci�:lrcttcs are soldin the United States than anyother cigarette lAnything in America that !S mostworthy always wins!Plain package - qunlity all b thetobacco-twenty ci��:l!,et!('::!c�tp1!'t��:::��an_11!fIi allow him to graduate. He must pnssthem with something to spare in th{' eOlIAN'S GlANDway of high attainment, otherwise bl'presently finds himself dropped from Another Cohan & Harria Triumph.the institution.The requirements for grnduatlou ill Geo. 114. Cohan's Mystery J"arcethe college nre also much more flexiblethan in 1892. A student is IIl'M fur "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATB'·at least one solid yenr of specintiz»: L.\n;J�, 'fll�ILL::;, MELODRAllA;,tion in one subject, and at Ienst twothirtls of a year of spee ial'izat iuu i�another. In addifiou to this, Ill' isheld for a certain amount of work inmat ely three times as many under­.;;ratluatps as graduates; i. e., 5,500 un­dergraduates, 1,80� graduates. Thisstatement disrgards the students inthe professional schools. In view ofthe setrled policy of the Univeraity tomaintain small classes for the iustrue­tion of undergraduate students, suchan increase of undegraduates as isthus foreshadowed involves the ser-i­cus problem of enlarging the staff ofinstruction to meet the increasedneeds, a problem which is very seriousif the present high ealiber of the ILLINOISeach of the great divisiuns of know 1 DONALD BRIANmembers of the staff is to be main- edge reprsented by the sciences, mnth-His GJ'..;atest :Musical Oo�tained. ematies, the modern languages.and t beA well organized undergraduate Ill' bistorical and soelal scien e es, inchnlpartment is an asset of very high illg' philosophy. The intent of thl­value to the graduate and profession- curriculum is to send the student outal schools, but the time might well with a substanfial mastery or one .ncome .when the University would find two fields whieh be mny himselfit advisable actively to nntervene in choose, combined with a rensonnhlvorder to preserve a desirable balanee knowledge of the more important 11i- pOWERSCIGARF.TrES20fo1-J5¢ Triumph, in"THE MABBIAOE JIABJDlr'U'IlOllg its several divisions. visions of learning.The seeia] side of the problem is The passage from the prnet ice (II Henry Miller �sents a New 00IDIdJnot without significance. It is quite ]892 to the practice of toduy is r('pt.'­impossible to allow the undergraduate !'ented in a eurrieulnm whh-h w­student body to continue its present adopted in 19uI;, and which const itutv­tropical rate of growth without mak- a very real transition from the ri�illing adequate provision for the social ity of the early curriculum to the .. Ins,life of students under the new eondi- tidty of that of today. Our present COR .... ·.tiens. Our own student organizations curriculum is conceived in terms ofare at present d�ing excellent work in the student, rather than in terms ofnanking the University a profitable subject matter, and it Iays emphasisjlaee for students to live and the 1:· i· upon intensive application to one ,)1"".;�-:-sity bas itself carried out any m .. as- more lines of work with high qualityurcs '}'·Rigned to secure the same cn,i I. \)f achievement as_ an absolute siue QU:1T"nE'so measures, a1thou�h reasonahly non both for entrance and for gainill�!satisfactory under present conclition:l cur degrees, STU D EBA.KER .n.ay pro'\"e quite inadequQ.t.e with t1.c We have in connection with thrIarge Inerease of students which W� present curriculum distinctly encour­IQU&t apparently expC\!t.. agec.l professional specialization. W l'The TJ�,iv(' °ty has always follow believe that sneh specialization cal:eel tIle PI)1i('y of l;!l)yiding deans !or a 'be concluded in a manner to sncrifi("f'very e10::40 :peT!oo:,: .. l supervision of tile nothing of the cultural values supin.Iividual �-ludent.. This policy we 11C.t p�pedly peculiar to the older form!' of FINE AR .....only expert to (,' ntinu£ hnt we :,';"1' l'larrieula. Our college of Commer ... "n')\\. (\,.! ,"!1 �nle.,ting with a plan 1).\. nnd Aclministration is the most oh·whic11 a l"tu":(:nt l,asses ftD four ye ... � vions embodiment of our belief in thi:olunncr the p �ot rce of the same ,lean rC'�tea.l ,)f s- ... Jig transf ::rod. a!l 11\;· \' - Our professional schools are amongtofore from one dean to a second at the most valuahle of our assets, lwtsome point rougbly midway, of hi� befaausc of the highly scholarl�·course. . "-ork carried 011, but also becall�(,The University has during its hil'l- of the general seriousness of pUrplliolf' princesstory had three distint"t sets of canrri- ,,"hich they bring to our &ea,lemie .1;.�ula with corresponding entrance re- mosphere, and for the broadening of(Illirements. The earliest entrance rC" �nr appreciation of the general fie'"qniremenfa were eonC!eived largely in of practieal endeavor. The Dh-init�·terms of the older New England caol- �hool, the caollege of Education, thelege cnrricula, and calif'() for A number lonw school ancl the Mec.lial courses:.ll OL Vl\4PICof defintely 8pCCifled topiC!s in whicah «!e<ler,-c cor,Hal recognition. iu the"'('l..atin and mathemAtics figured ,·ery respeet& ROBERTlars;ely. The college cnrri�nlnm ha�.l Most significant of all nre in many DADDY LONG LBOSOpportunity! with Rnth Chatterton_____ -----------------Are YouGettingStyles 1m. LYB RA'RDDIaIn Sir ArIlt1lr Ocmaa DQWa'l'hrilUDg ... PIa7"nIB SPBOKLBJ) BAlmYouFancy IB.I8HAt the Price-You WishTo Pay?Accept. this as an. invitation to visit our shopWe solICIt the pTlvilege JUST TO SHOWyou our Spring Styles.Tailored young men's clothing that are in­dividual creations. The \'alues found here arethe talk� of your college - inquire about us. BILLIA.�.'1pon theBe reqnuiremel'\ts wa.'I quiterigid AS the demands ma.le onthe stu.lent in the first two yean ofhis �oll�e COUTSC. The last two yf'ar�Tr<:rmitte.t consi.lernhle freellom "fel�t.ion. Un,ler our present require­ments A "tu,lent is not oblige.l to pur�',e any part.i�t1lar suhject in the!lC'hoob «"xc cpt English, but he is reoquired to "pend a ,1efinite amonnt oftime on sueh subjeds AS the scahoolanthorities And he himself may deter­Mineo He must in this way de'\"ote ntlem t"ree yea1'8 to one subject, thatmay be, for example, LAtin or mathc­maties or Freneh, and he muM �n.l'\t lea.'It two years on another in .. 1.11-tion to the three years of work inEDllialt. AD told, h. JDUt preHBt If- "·ay!' the gra.luate sehool�, which COl­hotly in m�t charaderistie form ,le,""­H.lD to scholarship an.l the disco\"er�·of truth, whieh may fairly well h(�saill to ('onst,itute the inner princil'l .. �of the �riritunl life of the Uni\"er�i�y.'I'he r("Cor.l of these schools, juflgell hyI'II!�- gtAn.lar.l which can apply, is emi­nently ,�re.litAhle. Only one other in-8titution enrolls a larger number ofstudents in its graduate diloision. The,-ital an,l wi.le-spread int�rcst in rc8eareh is c,-i.lencC'ft by tlle nnmero\l�,·aluable publications of the memlt('r�of the faculty end of our D�tor9 ofPhilosophy. The reeords _ of the lat­t('r, after they leave us are nlso mO!4t LASALLE1'ango-FUJe4 ",-Oa •• _Dockstader & RexfordSuite 816 Republic Bldg.State and Adams St. "8BPI'BMBBa .,....Witla Daft IMII8A�ERICAN=-ran IIaba 8Qa ••EOLB • DILL"PBOK 0' Plmn:a.llulcal� __SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY MARooNo •,.• J